#fandom purity culture tw
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mywitchcultblr · 1 year ago
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Can people stop being a piece of shit for once? You can dislike the game, but doing this to an innocent person is just disgusting
You don't want to see it? Block the tag and don't buy the game. People are only willing to hurt weaker and smaller creator, but they're never doing this to bigger and more established creators
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glitterydragoncollective · 14 days ago
Fandoms, proshippers, antis, censorship - a rant
what makes me angry about vocal antis is majorly the fact that they’re fighting against the wrong people and the wrong cause. I understand feeling disgusted and distrusting of proshippers and not liking certain fan works but these are not things and people that actually cause widespread harm. 
I don’t think all antis are actually harassing people. I know that proshippers aren’t all saints. This isn’t even about that really, I’m talking about people most of us have minimised as just being “stupid kids”
And I know this discourse mostly happens online, but many of these “stupid kids” grow into adults, and some of these past “stupid kids” are now adults who have the power to bring that censorship or are going to be in power to cause unwanted change
For now it’s just a lot of hot air being made public, I realize that. I guess I just wanted to make a post about the future
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I want to show an example of me previously saying “antis are fighting against the wrong people and cause” with this screenshots. They obviously don’t realize or understand what they’re posting, and compare kinky fantasies wrongly with things like racism or hate speech. 
They think since both causes them to feel uncomfortable, it causes harm
However, sex positive psychologists agree that kinky fantasies about fake people and things that aren’t real, even if they’re gross, they don’t usually cause harm
Emotions, as valid as they are, they’re also not causing harm
But when someone engages with, as an example, underage fics and feels more and more tempted to do something inappropriate with someone who is under aged, then that’s obviously not a kink
it’s not just egregious to compare kinks with real world harm, it’s important to tell the difference for safety reasons too. After all, an abuser can just pretend to be against proshippers instead and this is something that happened
multiple times
And these people - they don’t understand and don’t want to understand the difference. They’re anti-kink and think anything connected to sex or sexuality is shameful - which is a direct result of not just the reappearance of religious purity culture but also the results of fandom becoming mainstream
But fandoms are just too weird and too diverse to be mainstream. This resulted in more and more people not understanding that fanworks are posted for free, because someone wanted to, or because someone wanted to share their passion, not because they want people to engage with easily digestible content that’s made for clicks or that sells
Engagement is, of course, encouraged - but vocal antis aren’t “engaging”, they’re hating. It’s hate that binds them together
And so they will twist the meanings of words or twist what is actually happening IN fandoms to spread a moral panic. They often exaggerate and lie so that more people fall for their scheme
and unfortunately - it often works. 
Victims who don’t know better end up believing that yeah, just finding someone’s fetish art accidentally or intentionally is grooming, purposely interacting with a correctly tagged piece of media they know can be triggering is grooming, it’s no longer the actions or behavior of a person who intentionally targets a child or otherwise vulnerable person to desensitize them to sex so they don’t realize they’re in a very inappropriate relationship
Historically and currently, censoring or banning “pedophilia” or “pedophiles” or cracking down on “abusers” has never actually benefitted anyone. Once we ban and censor any of it, it’ll be harder to even just talk about because we aren’t allowed to, harder to educate about because it’s forbidden and harder to go after because it gets harder to spot. 
SESTA and FOSTA aimed to protect sex workers - but it resulted in most adult oriented websites having to cease operations, sex worker exploitation harder to combat and sex workers were more and more pushed into the shadows
the NCMEC looses its funding and was forced to take down their guides to recognize and stop child trafficking because it mentioned trans victims.
The porn ban on tumblr aimed to protect children by removing child sexual abuse material - and it resulted in queer blogs getting purged instead, trans people not being able to post their post surgery pictures, discussions of safe sex, women’s sexual health and STDs were purged, sex work was banned, porn bots were not banned, white pride was promoted, violence was promoted, and actual pedophiles were and pedophilia was, and, to an extend, still is promoted
When lgbtq-phobia started to rise in the US around the early 2020’s, republicans also purged “pornographic” books - which are written by, for or about POC, are about sexual health and education, are about accepting oneself or simply show queer relationships as normal. 
And all of these things are still happening today. Censorship is a bomb that goes off - there’s no stopping it. Yet what vocal antis promote is the same authoritian regime that decides what is and isn’t harmful - and this despite claiming they’re not those kind of people. All because they’re uncomfortable that there are people who are unbothered about the ships people like unless they cause real world harm
The real world harms I’ve mentioned before can all be prevented with education - and this is something vocal antis aren’t interested in because it makes them uncomfortable, because it’s propaganda, because it nornalizes ___ and they argue in the same or similar ways as the current fascist regime in the US because that’s the environment they grew up in, this is the new normal, other people who raise alarm are just talking too much, they never want to go past their “factory settings”. 
And no, I’m not calling them fascists, they’re likely also victims of being influenced by the wrong crowd - and also because they don’t know better. Some of them do grow out of this immature behavior eventually. 
But it’s high time to finally end this discourse and fight against what’s really causing harm:
That is people with power, that is censorship, that is fascism, that’s people who get away with crimes - but not the tools they use to carry out their crimes. 
It’s okay to feel disgusted at the end of the day. It’s okay to criticize. It’s okay to say “I don’t want proshippers to interact with me”. That’s not censorship either. 
But criticism is not posting lies about people you don’t like, harassment is more than just unwanted interaction, it’s also the call to “make sure proshippers feel afraid and ashamed again” or to rally your friends into “mass reporting that bitch” and they’re someone who didn’t even know you existed in the first place
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forget-me-not-automaton · 10 months ago
Saw a TikTok the other day that was like “I think it’s ok to write fanfiction just as long as you aren’t a gooner! 😇” and just-
Alright you Hayes Code loving son of a bitch! Me personally I will continue to goon as much as I can because who the fuck else is gonna pump out all of the furry and/or cartoon and/or monster PWP? Tis’ my duty in this existence.
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montyluvsjasper · 10 months ago
So, you're saying Daenerys is a "white feminist" but social justice and virtue signaling in art is bad in the same sentence? 😂😂😂 Poor little retarded cry baby. So desperate that can't even stay consistent.
You just called an Autistic person the r SLUR in defense of a fictional character who's in story "race" is based on the aryan race... remember what those aryan's started calling themselves? Remember what they did to autistic people? But we'll let that slide this time dear.
I think show!Dany is written and adapted by hbo and D&D in a bland 2010s white feminist way that GRRM did not intend but was popular in media at the time to make money. That's my biased opinion on the way a fictional character was written in a book adaptation. I do not think Dany is a white feminist because Dany is not real.
Social justice has its place in art, but fandom is not Social Justice activism and all art does not need to be radical. No one should be judged for making art that doesn't hurt anyone. No one is required to make their art soft and a safe place.
Liking Dany, Sansa, Alicent, Cersei, Rhaenyra, Rhaenys etc. does not make you a better feminist and it doesn't "raise awareness" or make you cooler or more liberal. Art is very often fiction there for is not real and is rather inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. You're permitted to enjoy it as you personally see fit.
No one who likes Aegon, Aemond, Joffery (please remember that his actor got so much hate for playing that character he had to find a new CAREER PATH not job a CAREER PATH) or Ramsay is automatically a morally corrupt human being and this whole it's "sus" thing shows a lack of media literacy, critical thinking and large amounts of purity culture shifted into fandom, social justice or some other outlet instead properly unpacking.
This shit is all fake and for fun literally none of it matters. None of it has ever mattered. Not the shit that "happened" between Dean and Cas or Clarke and Lexa. No fandom shit is REAL. Using it to assign moral value to anything ruins the experience. This is a hobby, it's not that serious. Let people have fun and do what they want. Using FICTION to signify MORALITY is bullshit.
Virtue signaling isn't a simple issue with things that matter, why the fuck would we bring it into FICTION or a HOBBY. Right now, this fandom is doing that with actors and jeopardizing their careers not to mention how we treat each other or how we all go around antagonizing each other over a fictional succession crisis.
But I expect someone who still uses slurs in 2024 is probably too dense and self absorbed to realize any of that on their own. Have a day sweetie.
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raayllum · 2 years ago
how are you a teacher and shipping a literal child with an 18 year old💀
i'm a tutor with an honours specialization in how fiction influences and/or is influenced by reality. i also work with students across all grade levels, even into university ages/adulthood. you're bringing up talking points from plato's republic that aristotle knew was stupid 3000+ years ago. i've written papers & studied this exact same line of discourse across the western canon of like, 800 years? but have fun playing into far right bullshit and book banning that just repeats over and over again, the literal conservative puritans were having these moral panics too <;3 totally not protestant conservatism with a gay hat
& that's cause i'm not shipping a literal child with an 18 year old (which btw 18 yr olds are not magically emotionally mature fully grown adults either even if they legally are adults, i say as someone who was a teenager just four years ago). i'm shipping two characters with an age gap when they're both fully grown adults in their 20s. if you think characters are for some reason Frozen at a certain age and can never be aged up when they're from an IP property you don't own, and that authors can only explore characters at different life stages when they're characters the author owns, you inherently don't understand the transformative part of fandom / transformative fiction
like hi, was a literal minor like 4 years ago who was harassed throughout my teen years by people just like you because i shipped two (2) things with a 4 year age gap, but no i'm sure calling a 16 yr old a pedophile in the name of "protecting children" (when no one online is entitled to anyone's personal private information, nvm their history with csa) was totally worth it
if you've ever enjoyed or read literally anything adjacent to greek myth or the fucking bible, you've enjoyed texts with a whole lot of fucked up shit in it, of which age gaps are the least of their 'problems'. come back to me when you've read "wuthering heights" or some actual fucked up shit
and update bc anon came back and Really thought they were doing something: wuthering heights doesn't have an age gap at all. the two leads are the same age and are fucked up for so many other reasons. plato's republic is a philosophical musing manual on where art fits into society and how it should manifest / what its purpose is. but thank you for failing critical thinking so hard you couldn't even google something for 2 seconds to make sure your argument was sound At All
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Can I get really really uncomfortably weird for a second? I think there's something I really want to confess.
Mcyt has kinda been my biggest hyperfixation in a while and through it I've explored a lot of dead Dove type topics while in this fandom. It's the most I've looked into some darker topics like age play and I always thought I was weird and gross for it.
Last night I remembered something I had been repressing for almost 20 years apparently. I was a victim of child sa.
And now it kinda makes sense? Like that's why I was so drawn to some of these topics.
I just wanna say, I'm kinda glad they existed? Like these darker mcyt pages like void's (and nen's even though hers is gone). Just an area to explore those topics fictionally was really nice and made me feel okay for exploring.
It's been a very very long 18hours and I'm honestly I'm probably a little too high still to fully put this into words but I saw the blog while scrolling and wanted to hop in and say something.
Fandom puritan shit has to stop. Fiction is fiction guys.
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forget-me-not-automaton · 10 months ago
It’s so hard out here for the “corn” artists right now,,,, Like not only is every website in existence kicking you out, but also everyone is acting like what you choose to draw is morally bad somehow. (I even had to say the fucking vegetable because Tumblr wouldn’t show this to anyone otherwise)
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zombieplaguedoc · 3 months ago
TW: Discussion Of Possible Religious Trauma
Being indoctrinated with toxic views and thinking growing up in a cult counts as religious trauma, right? Or does that not count?
Antis pls dni, this is not aimed at you
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jrwiyuri · 2 years ago
I am not attracted to the streamers I enjoy watching I am not attracted to the streamers I enjoy watching I am not attracted to the streamers I enjoy watching I am not attracted to the streamers I enjoy watching I am not attracted to the streamers I enjoy watching I am not attracted to the streamers I enjoy watching I am not attracted to the streamers I enjoy watching I am not attracted to the streamers I enjoy watching I am not attracted to the streamers I enjoy watching I am not attracted to the streamers I enjoy watching I-
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eleventeenthealbum · 6 months ago
seejanerot -> eleventeenthealbum
Tumblr got my ass for "harassment" (screen capped someone being racist). I'm Jewish. Eleventeen is an album by Daisy Chainsaw. I like it.
Nerd blog is @halfjewharlequinn
Anthro Blog is @religiousfurryism
I have a SECRET nsft blog that can be requested by mutuals.
Please don't try to sell me things in DMs, I cannot afford any unnecessary payments, I can only spread your work/donation posts.
MAPS and "pro-para" types unwelcome. Incest lovers owe survivors everything they have. Fiction cannot cause abuse, but it can facilitate, normalize, romanticize, and eroticize it.
It happened to me. Please dni if you post sa based kinks I am very hyper vigilant and paranoid.
DNI Radqueers/Terfs/swerfs/zionists we will not like each other. die.
"Purity culture" is very real and it's not the critique or discussion of sex or kink or fandom. It's the concept that the amount sex you have or who you do/don't have it with has an inherent implication on your personhood.
I like bad horror stories, FMV, Furryism, Animal Crossing, comedy, comics (mostly transformers and DC but I also love vintage comics, Love and Rockets, things by Lynda Barry, and Archie Comics), and Twin Peaks. Formerly ran the blog @Jewishharleyquinn before they got me.
I'm a big big hater. I hate people who pay social media sites and I hate AO3. "Bi lesbian" is an oxymoron. Weebs are on thin ice.
I'm interested in court cases and nature + natural history
I want to be a fairy. I want to be a mermaid. I want to be very small.
You can ask me to tag things🩷 I use (trigger) cw except for "flashing"
Tw: csa + grooming
You might see me speak a lot on abuse fetishism online + in fandom. I was groomed online by a woman through toxic fandom, "loli" and other CSEM anime/manga, and a very twisted version of feminism and sex positivity.
It went on from ages 13-17, meeting online when I was just 12. She involved me and her foster sister. I have had a few other sexually traumatic experiences (some happening in early childhood that she connected with me on), but that was by far the longest and most twisted.
I started talking about this more when I realized others had been hurt in very similar ways.
I'm a grooming, incestous abuse, and sa survivor, these things also upset me greatly. If I interact first I apologize, please just block me. I say this because of my own negative reactions.
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writtenmisfits · 3 months ago
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Private, Mutuals Only Multimuse and Multifandom RP Blog 21+, mature and triggering content present written and loved by jax header and icon by @viscountbard
BLOG STATUS: low activity/semi-hiatus
MUSE LIST HERE (bios forthcoming)
memes - nsfw memes
the bottoms to my tops: @taleswritten
@fleshcarverfugitive, @soulswearied,
@dicethrow / @themortalitasi, @theredconqueror
@viscountbard / @roguefangs
blog roll: | geralt of rivia | jaskier pankratz | astarion ancunin | gale dekarios | | tryck | jaez'dar | emmrich volkarin | lucanis dellamorte | | john constantine | multimuse |
Basic Info Under cut
Updated 1/4/2024
Mutuals only
Don't be a dick
Mun does not equal muse.
Mun is a 40 year old elder millenial queer (they/them) with 0 tolerance for bigots and content police.
Personal/fandom blogs are welcome, I just ask you don't reblog my RP threads. Liking or commenting on them is okay. If you take anything from my headcanons, please just give me credit.
Call out and purity culture are not welcome here
Triggering content will be written, I will try to tag it the best I can. Please let me know/remind me if you need something tagged.
Triggering content will include things such as sex, drugs, violence, noncon, dubcon, incest, death, necrophilia, and mentions of CSA. This will be tagged with "tw" and the word, as with most other triggers. If something needs to be tagged for a specific trigger, let me know. I don't always remember who needs what tagged.
I do not RP any of the subject matter above with underage muses
Smut will not be under a read more unless the other writer prefers read mores, it will all be tagged nsfw or nsfw ish
SMUT IS NOT EXPECTED FOR INTERACTION. While I love writing the subject matter, I know not everyone does. I will never force it and do not expect it, especially if it's in your rules. Light spice/suggestive themes, time skips and fade-to-black are absolutely fine if that is your comfort.
Smut will NOT HAPPEN WITH UNDERAGE MUSES. Most of my muses are in their 30s or older, some in their later 20s. I will not have any of them involved with muses under 18 unless is it a purely platonic and/or familial relationship.
I do write abo/omegaverse things on this blog. I will tag such threads and content as "abo verse" for people to blacklist.
I love, love, love shipping, but I never expect a ship. However, many of my muses are very flirty and easily fall in love, and I won't change that about them. I am all for unrequited love and unreciprocated feelings in interactions, just realize it is never to try and force a ship. That being said, if you want to ship, just let me know! I'm pretty open about any and all ships, crackships, cross-ships, toxic ships, familial, platonic life partners... all of the ships.
Muses are sporadic and subject to change
My length may vary but I typically find it hard to limit myself to less than 3-4 paragraphs. I never expect length 100% of the time, but I do appreciate effort in replies and find it easier to reply to at least a paragraph or two.
Activity can be selective, please be patient and realize I write with the flow of the muse
If you have issue with me or my mains, please just block and move on. I do not support drama, I do not support legitimately harmful people, and I do not support witch hunts for written content.
If you like my writing here, you might like my solo/fanfic work over at @writtenmisfics, where you'll also find my AO3 account once I get it set up.
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thisweekinfandomhistory · 9 months ago
See ya later, pala-dudes! This week, V and Emily hit a double-header in the Voltron: Legendary Defender fandom (thanks to two requesters and V's VLD primer pal, Fran!). First, V attempts to explain what the show is about and why it launched on Netflix with a built-in fandom. And then... oh, boy. You know how our ending stinger is "well-behaved fandoms rarely make history"? Well, this fandom is VERY POORLY BEHAVED and therefore, have made history. That's for sure... Not really a TW, but just be aware that this episode is heavy on discussions of purity culture, particularly with regard to shipping age gaps.
This Week In Fandom History is a fandom-centric podcast that tells you… what happened this week in fandom history!
Follow This Week in Fandom History on Tumblr at @thisweekinfandomhistory
You can support the show via our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/thisweekinfandomhistory. 
If you have a fannish company, event, or service and would like to sponsor or partner with TWIFH, please contact us via the Tumblr link above.
Please remember to rate the show 5 stars on your listening platform of choice!
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misfit-mania-the-first · 6 months ago
TW: Mentions of pedophilia and Cannibalism
Okay I thought we were done with this because what the fuck is HAPPENING right now
Explain Proship right this minute. Except you can’t because SOMEHOW it has been twisted from meaning pro shipping to pro “they ship kids and adults together”
That’s Not What It Means. At All.
YET AGAIN. It is a ploy to sanitize fandom spaces. It is a dig from purity culture. It is that same damn thing that causes people to get harassed because they like toxic old man yaoi.
I literally had someone say “You shouldn’t read shit that has illegal stuff in it” Okay so no murder then??? No murder mystery?
Oh no, but that’s okay because its published fiction. Somehow that makes it more valid than fanfiction.
I don’t know, maybe we need to actually understand what is good and what is bad and the complexities of portrayal in media before we just start branding people as pedophiles for fictional writing.
NOT saying I ship kids and adults, because I have to put that disclaimer. But(and this is something else)just because someone ships something doesn’t mean they approve of every single action that couple takes. Just because you like a character doesn’t mean you approve of everything they do.
I’m not going to say fiction does not affect reality, because that in and of itself is far more complex than it seems. What I AM saying, is that just because I read Hannibal fanfics of eating people, doesn’t mean I will suddenly crave flesh. Just because I read about something doesn’t mean I will do it.
I am not a child. I have the cognitive understanding of myself and of the world around me to understand what is right and wrong, why an author might have included an immoral act committed by a character in any given work, and understand How Much I Can Handle.
As you can see, this has turned into more of a general discussion over fandom space, fanfiction, and purity culture in general. Didn’t mean for that when I sat down to write this but here it is. It’s not the most eloquent writing. It’s not super clean and orderly and many might misunderstand me, but I am determined to share my thoughts on this.
Anyway, good luck with life guys.
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wovenambition · 1 month ago
Tumblr media
Independent Gale Dekarios roleplay blog Highly Selective, Mutuals Only written and loved by jax
Dossier/Verses || Memes || NSFW Memes
heavily affiliated with @taleswritten
@fleshcarverfugitive, @dicethrow, @roguefangs
blog roll: | geralt of rivia | jaskier pankratz | | emmrich volkarin | lucanis dellamorte | | esha de riva | jirell laidir | shan ingellvar | | gale dekarios | astarion ancunin | tryck |
Rules Below Cut
Mutuals only
Don't be a dick
Mun does not equal muse.
Mun is a 40 year old elder millenial queer (they/them) with 0 tolerance for bigots and content police.
Personal/fandom blogs are welcome, I just ask you don't reblog my RP threads. Liking or commenting on them is okay. If you take anything from my headcanons, please just give me credit.
I run a lot of blogs so activity will be sporadic but you can always come to me on discord if we're mutuals.
Call out and purity culture are not welcome here
Triggering content will be written, I will try to tag it the best I can. Please let me know/remind me if you need something tagged.
Triggering content will include things such as sex, drugs, violence, chronic pain, toxic relationship dynamics, and death . This will be tagged with "tw" and the word, as with most other triggers. If something needs to be tagged for a specific trigger, let me know. I don't always remember who needs what tagged.
I do not RP any of the subject matter above with underage muses
Smut will not be under a read more unless the other writer prefers read mores, it will all be tagged nsfw or nsfw ish
SMUT IS NOT EXPECTED FOR INTERACTION. While I love writing the subject matter, I know not everyone does. I will never force it and do not expect it, especially if it's in your rules. Light spice/suggestive themes, time skips and fade-to-black are absolutely fine if that is your comfort.
Smut will NOT HAPPEN WITH UNDERAGE MUSES. Most of my muses are in their 30s or older, some in their later 20s. I will not have any of them involved with muses under 18 unless is it a purely platonic and/or familial relationship.
I do write abo/omegaverse things on this blog. I will tag such threads and content as "abo verse" for people to blacklist.
I love, love, love shipping, but I never expect a ship. However, many of my muses are very flirty and easily fall in love, and I won't change that about them. I am all for unrequited love and unreciprocated feelings in interactions, just realize it is never to try and force a ship. That being said, if you want to ship, just let me know! I'm pretty open about any and all ships, crackships, cross-ships, toxic ships, familial, platonic life partners... all of the ships.
Muses are sporadic and subject to change
My length may vary but I typically find it hard to limit myself to less than 3-4 paragraphs. I never expect length 100% of the time, but I do appreciate effort in replies and find it easier to reply to at least a paragraph or two.
Activity can be selective, please be patient and realize I write with the flow of the muse
If you have issue with me or my mains, please just block and move on. I do not support drama, I do not support legitimately harmful people, and I do not support witch hunts for written content
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whitehairedwitcher · 1 month ago
Tumblr media
Independent Geralt of Rivia roleplay blog Highly Selective, Mutuals Only written and loved by jax
Featuring verses in: Dragon Age: The Veilguard and Baldur's Gate 3
Dossier/Verses || Memes || NSFW Memes
heavily affiliated with @taleswritten
blog roll: | geralt of rivia | jaskier pankratz | | emmrich volkarin | lucanis dellamorte | | esha de riva | jirell laidir | shan ingellvar | | gale dekarios | astarion ancunin | tryck |
Rules Below Cut
Mutuals only
Don't be a dick
Mun does not equal muse.
Mun is a 40 year old elder millenial queer (they/them) with 0 tolerance for bigots and content police.
Personal/fandom blogs are welcome, I just ask you don't reblog my RP threads. Liking or commenting on them is okay. If you take anything from my headcanons, please just give me credit.
I run a lot of blogs so activity will be sporadic but you can always come to me on discord if we're mutuals.
Call out and purity culture are not welcome here
Triggering content will be written, I will try to tag it the best I can. Please let me know/remind me if you need something tagged.
Triggering content will include things such as sex, drugs, violence, mentions of dub/noncon, extreme and detailed gore, and death. This will be tagged with "tw" and the word, as with most other triggers. If something needs to be tagged for a specific trigger, let me know. I don't always remember who needs what tagged.
I do not RP any of the subject matter above with underage muses
Smut will not be under a read more unless the other writer prefers read mores, it will all be tagged nsfw or nsfw ish
SMUT IS NOT EXPECTED FOR INTERACTION. While I love writing the subject matter, I know not everyone does. I will never force it and do not expect it, especially if it's in your rules. Light spice/suggestive themes, time skips and fade-to-black are absolutely fine if that is your comfort.
Smut will NOT HAPPEN WITH UNDERAGE MUSES. Most of my muses are in their 30s or older, some in their later 20s. I will not have any of them involved with muses under 18 unless is it a purely platonic and/or familial relationship.
I do write abo/omegaverse things on this blog. I will tag such threads and content as "abo verse" for people to blacklist.
I love, love, love shipping, but I never expect a ship. However, many of my muses are very flirty and easily fall in love, and I won't change that about them. I am all for unrequited love and unreciprocated feelings in interactions, just realize it is never to try and force a ship. That being said, if you want to ship, just let me know! I'm pretty open about any and all ships, crackships, cross-ships, toxic ships, familial, platonic life partners... all of the ships.
Muses are sporadic and subject to change
My length may vary but I typically find it hard to limit myself to less than 3-4 paragraphs. I never expect length 100% of the time, but I do appreciate effort in replies and find it easier to reply to at least a paragraph or two.
Activity can be selective, please be patient and realize I write with the flow of the muse
If you have issue with me or my mains, please just block and move on. I do not support drama, I do not support legitimately harmful people, and I do not support witch hunts for written content
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rubyredtragedy · 1 month ago
Tumblr media
Independent Astarion Ancunin roleplay blog Highly Selective, Mutuals Only written and loved by jax
Dossier/Verses || Memes || NSFW Memes
heavily affiliated with @taleswritten
@dicethrow, @fleshcarverfugitive, @theredconqueror, @viscountbard
blog roll: | geralt of rivia | jaskier pankratz | | emmrich volkarin | lucanis dellamorte | | esha de riva | jirell laidir | shan ingellvar | | gale dekarios | astarion ancunin | tryck |
Rules Below Cut
Mutuals only
Don't be a dick
Mun does not equal muse.
Mun is a 40 year old elder millenial queer (they/them) with 0 tolerance for bigots and content police.
Personal/fandom blogs are welcome, I just ask you don't reblog my RP threads. Liking or commenting on them is okay. If you take anything from my headcanons, please just give me credit.
I run a lot of blogs so activity will be sporadic but you can always come to me on discord if we're mutuals.
Call out and purity culture are not welcome here
Triggering content will be written, I will try to tag it the best I can. Please let me know/remind me if you need something tagged.
Triggering content will include things such as sex, drugs, violence, gore, dubcon, and death. This will be tagged with "tw" and the word, as with most other triggers. If something needs to be tagged for a specific trigger, let me know. I don't always remember who needs what tagged.
I do not RP any of the subject matter above with underage muses
Smut will not be under a read more unless the other writer prefers read mores, it will all be tagged nsfw or nsfw ish
SMUT IS NOT EXPECTED FOR INTERACTION. While I love writing the subject matter, I know not everyone does. I will never force it and do not expect it, especially if it's in your rules. Light spice/suggestive themes, time skips and fade-to-black are absolutely fine if that is your comfort.
Smut will NOT HAPPEN WITH UNDERAGE MUSES. Most of my muses are in their 30s or older, some in their later 20s. I will not have any of them involved with muses under 18 unless is it a purely platonic and/or familial relationship.
I do write abo/omegaverse things on this blog. I will tag such threads and content as "abo verse" for people to blacklist.
I love, love, love shipping, but I never expect a ship. However, many of my muses are very flirty and easily fall in love, and I won't change that about them. I am all for unrequited love and unreciprocated feelings in interactions, just realize it is never to try and force a ship. That being said, if you want to ship, just let me know! I'm pretty open about any and all ships, crackships, cross-ships, toxic ships, familial, platonic life partners... all of the ships.
Muses are sporadic and subject to change
My length may vary but I typically find it hard to limit myself to less than 3-4 paragraphs. I never expect length 100% of the time, but I do appreciate effort in replies and find it easier to reply to at least a paragraph or two.
Activity can be selective, please be patient and realize I write with the flow of the muse
If you have issue with me or my mains, please just block and move on. I do not support drama, I do not support legitimately harmful people, and I do not support witch hunts for written content.
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