#falco series
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thisbluespirit · 1 year ago
17 Yuletide 2023 recs from me in The Avengers, Chalet School, Detectorists, DW:TVM, Falco, Fire & Hemlock, The Good Place, New Tricks, Our Town's Libraries, Sapphire & Steel, Shadow of the Tower, We Are A Picturesque Small Town, and Yes, Minister.
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lorenzonuti · 9 months ago
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Fujiko Mine (01).
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creamyberries-lovely · 9 months ago
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verocd · 1 year ago
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haveyouseenthisseries-poll · 3 months ago
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Original title: Escrava Isaura.
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Prelim 9/27
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From submitters :
Kuma is Japanese for bear
About Taiga : It should be noted that it's not that her name means "Tiger" but that her name sounds like the Japanese pronunciation of the English word "Tiger" and that in-universe she's nicknamed Tiger because of this.
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smallearthboundfindings · 2 years ago
More Smash victory screens, this time from all entries excluding Smash 64! Many thanks to the Smash Wiki for gathering these; feel free to use that link for blog-irrelevant characters as well.
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The one of Lucas and Claus floating is my personal favorite. It's rather bittersweet actually...
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raamitsu · 1 year ago
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nikdwings · 1 year ago
You just know these two put Fox into a lot of trouble
I'm back with the fanarts~ Hope you like it!
Trying not to go overboard with the animation, since it's suppose to loop and be simple... But it's getting difficult lol
I'm redoing the Link and Zelda ones (They were bad)
Syarfox characters © Nintendo
Young Fox, Falco & Slippy design and Nintendo High characters © Foozle (Joe Zampirri, Joseph Amaro, Nick Senny and Nicholas Breitmayer)
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Iconic Bracket - Side A - Round 2 - Match Up 3
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We love a cocky blue asshole bird
Smug tsundere bird who's not very good at masking his giant crush on Link who actually works really hard to get some recognition and is vastly misunderstood by the majority of the fandom. The fact that he has no living relatives but still fights to protect his home. Instead of requesting for a statue built in his honor or whatever after winning a tournament, he wanted a training ground (the Flight Range) for the Rito children or anyone to train so that they can become stronger. He’s only mean to Link because he thinks Link was handed his Champion title because he could wield the Master Sword, while Revali had to work his whole life just to get to where he is. Anyway, he will be missed, Hylian Pine Cones just aren't the same.
We love a cocky blue asshole bird
He seems kinda prickly but he can be a pretty cool guy
I thought he was cool in SubSpace Emissary
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jasper-the-menace · 1 year ago
No one who's well-adjusted signs a demon contract.
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blue-and-art · 2 years ago
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Did you think I hadn’t been working on Star Fox Arena art? WRONG it was on Twitter but with how Twitter is kind of falling apart I’m posting more stuff here.
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charlieconwayy · 2 years ago
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BUPKIS (2023-)
“What matters? What fucking matters? What matters here? Find it! Find it or you’re gonna die.”
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fierykitten2 · 18 days ago
Since it’s Valentine’s Day and Robert is one of a few characters I want in Smash, here’s me imagining what a Smash Valentine’s Day would be like if Robert, Ayumi, the Proto Beasts, the Neo Swords and the Mach Rider were in Smash. For the sake of this post, I’m saying the Mach Rider is female because I like that option the best
Falcon tried to get up early to make drinks for himself and Robert but failed because he’s not an early bird (unless there happens to be an F-Zero race that morning) and despite Falcon running in, Robert still beats him to the kitchen to make drinks. Falcon gets surprisingly flustered when Robert gives him his usual very strong coffee. Robert pretends to think Falcon overexerted himself by running there. Falcon is unable to get a break from the shipping from the other fighters for the rest of the day
Seemingly very few fighters actually seem to be aware of the fact it’s Valentine’s Day and those that do include one person whose birthday is Valentine’s Day (Robert), one person from the same universe as the guy whose birthday is Valentine’s Day (Falcon) and four Psychic-type Pokémon (Mewtwo and the Neo Swords). The people who always spend each morning trying to guess what colour Ayumi’s decided to dye her hair today (I’ve kinda been assuming this group consists of at least Ganondorf, Ridley, Sephiroth and Kazuya and maybe occasionally any combination of Daisy, Bowser and Pichu) make random guesses but none of them correctly guess that her hair will be pink. Robert (who joins the conversation just in time to have Ayumi referred to as his daughter in response to him asking what the conversation is about. He knows she’s not his daughter but at this point, anytime someone refers to his “daughter” he knows they’re referring to Ayumi because they happen to share a surname) does correctly guess her hair will be pink. The group trying to guess get annoyed at him for cheating because he happens to be friends with all four Psychic-types even though it’s still so early in the morning he hasn’t actually seen the four of them yet (and they’re all preparing the hall for his birthday anyway so they’ve been too busy to talk to him anyway)
Wake and Leaves spend a lot of their free time cuddling. Fire and Boulder listen to heavy metal together in private and probably smoke some of the Herba Mystica Leaves grows in their free time. Bolt and Crown just exist around each other in their free time. These are (probably) their love languages
Half of the non-humans (not including fighters that look so humanoid they would easily be mistaken for one by someone who doesn’t know much about their universe e.g. the Inklings) decide to come together and annoy the Mach Rider by pretending to flirt with her (probably led by Mewtwo). She’s not impressed and ends up being the main cause of Robert having to do surgery on his birthday
The Proto Beasts and Neo Swords (among others) decorate the hall (both for Valentine’s Day and for Robert’s birthday). Leaves leaves Wake alone (not even alone because the two of them weren’t the only ones there) for 3 seconds just to invite Falcon and Ayumi to help them out and returns to find Wake’s accidentally wrapped itself up in bunting. Mewtwo is also in the Hall decorating it and uses any chance it can get to prank the Neo Swords (it’s annoyed it’s no longer the only Psychic-type Pokémon in Smash) while Lucario keeps a very close eye on the Proto Beasts and Neo Swords (he’s very suspicious of Paradox Pokémon)
Back in the F-Zero Universe (in the least creepy-sounding way) Robert has a secret admirer who always sends him a card on his birthday (maybe also chocolates). He gets it again and realised the only person his secret admirer could be (without some multiversal travel stuff going on) is Falcon
Wake’s habit of randomly asking Leaves the definition of words/phrases with sexual connotations much to almost everyone else’s embarrassment increases (Bolt still thinks Wake is stupid for not knowing these terms)
Samus does seriously try getting the Mach Rider’s attention but at this point the Mach Rider has been bullied so much by the non-humans of Smash in a similar way she doesn’t take Samus’s attempt at flirting seriously. Also Samus’s attempts at flirting are either so forced or so unidentifiable as flirting (at least to anyone outside the Metroid Universe) that she probably wouldn’t have been taken particularly seriously by anyone anyway (I do ship Samus more seriously with Madeline by the way I just don’t see a situation where Madeline joins Smash. I also ship both Samus and the Mach Rider with Falcon but this is imagining a situation where Robert who I ship much more seriously with Falcon is also in Smash. I wouldn’t call this pairing the spares because I ship Samus and the Mach Rider anyway but I guess it does technically count as that. FalconxSamusxMachRider threesome anyone?)
Fox and Falco hang out together again and attempt to avoid the couple allegations. It’s even harder this time because of Falcon and Robert (whose machine names perfectly sum up Falco and Fox respectively so everyone assumes they’re more direct counterparts of the two of them from the F-Zero Universe or something)
Mewtwo manages to sneak some Sweet Apples and Tart Apples (evolutionary items for Applin) in and uses them on Lucario’s spikes when he’s sleeping instead of random apples
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shinymist · 1 year ago
Hi would anyone be interested in a five paragraph essay on how Luciano and Falco are narrative foils-
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