#f: snow white
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colinfirth · 5 months ago
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GREEN IS FOR VILLAINY Snow White (1937) Cinderella (1950) Sleeping Beauty (1959) One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961) The Little Mermaid (1989) The Lion King (1994) The Princess and the Frog (2009)
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ctrlzxoo · 5 months ago
ROUND 7: amongst a sea of green, is a glimpse of snow
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Bonus: happy end(?)
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dustbon · 11 months ago
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Prom 2/3
Maira was stood up at her house and arrived to the party all by herself. As we know, Alban didn't show up there either, but his brother did. Has he always been this nice? Answer: Nah. But having Dwain's company was better than being left alone at prom, that's for sure.
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webdollworld · 6 days ago
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okapiaconcolor · 1 month ago
Running after the prey
Running after the prey por Cecilie Sønsteby
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andaniellight · 5 months ago
Just found out the fairytale-like song I've been associating with the entire Snow White Must Die: Black Out's everything (about Jung-woo, Mucheon, the haunting, the revelations, etc.) is already a song for a series (Witches of East End) 😂🥲
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lmao too bad, too bad.... Moving on I guess
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blunderingbunni · 2 years ago
JUST,,,, UGH 😫
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sunflawyer · 1 year ago
Abby Fanart Friday 1: Snow White 🤎🧡
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Hiya everyone! I had an idea of making a weekly post of Abby's Fanart every friday!! I have a lot of them from my friends, and I'd love to show each one of them every week! 🌻
This was made by @/m.a.ry.l.a.nd on Instagram! Mary is my bestest friend ever 💖
I really really love Snow White, and I often associate her with Abby. Her kindness mirrors Abby's kindness as well. (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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miss-barker · 1 year ago
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The Disney Princesses ranked on who would most likely say the "F" word because I was bored.
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rosengeist · 1 year ago
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Some more sketches for my Happily Ever After Reimagined thing. This time with color pencils! And stickers!
Not too much to comment on here. Still kind of playing with concepts. I do legit like that Snow White has a purple/blue color palette, and the prince is orange/red. That being said, I’m enjoying a white/red/blue-black for her.
The prince is absolutely a ginger still. Just a lot less page-boy haircut.
I know a literal “shadow person” or…scarecrow doesn’t show up in the Filmation Snow White, but I’m still playing around with how I want yo handle the “Shadow Man”. I kind of like the earlier sketches I’ve made of him where he is way smaller and more of a trash person made of scraps.
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rumannwrites · 1 year ago
Made to Kill pt.2
A/N: Well, yikes. It’s been a while. Truth be told, I had a good amount of it done but I must of have forgotten to save because when I tried to find it, it was gone. It always happens to me. Anyways, sorry for the wait, here is the second part to ‘Made to Kill.’
Please don’t copy or translate my posts to other sites or own accounts. Thank you.
Summary: Storybrooke you are surprised to the punishment Mary Margaret gives you and Brock as the you in the Enchanted Forests tries figure out more about this dark curse the Evil Queen plan to use on everyone.
Word Count: 1,911
Warnings: Some swearing and mentions of food. Not too graphic though.
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GIF credited to the creators.
Walking down the long and quiet hallways as everyone has gone home is the only peace you find in your repetitive life. It is one of the very few reasons you like after school detention. It gives you the privacy you look and crave for. It’s a time for you to think and reflect, like what happened in Mary Margaret’s classroom.
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“So,” Mary Margaret says, sitting down at her desk across from you and Brock. “I want to hear what happened out in the hallway from both of you in your own words.”
“Easy enough.” Brock says, sitting up in the chair from his slouched position you were in before. “She attacked me.”
“Did you provoke her in any way?”
“Yes.” You answered as Brock said “No.”
You whip your head over at Brock. “Don’t paint yourself so innocent. You shoved my head into my locker door. How is that not provoking?”
He shrugs his shoulders at you. “Didn’t hurt you too much, did it? Still as messed up as you were before.”
“Brock!” Margaret scolded.
“Don’t tell me you think differently, miss.” He replied, turning his head to the teacher in front of you. “We all think it. I just have the gall to say it.”
“That is enough out of you.” She replied, her small and warm smile replaced with a stern glare. “Brock, you have detention for three days after school. You may leave.”
“Finally.” He says with a dramatic sigh, getting up and slinging his backpack over his shoulder. “See you around, L/N.”
As you hear the door click shut behind you, you look up to see Margaret already looking at you.
“Y/N,” she sighs.
Here it comes, you thought.
“I’m not going to pretend I know what is happening in your life.”
You stiffen at that, sitting up straighter in your chair. “What?” You breathe out.
“Clearly, something happened between you and Brock a long time ago that created this rivalry between you two.”
You scowl, leaning back in your chair. She doesn’t know. “Nothing happened.” You spoke. “He’s been a pain in my ass for as long as I can remember.”
“Language, Y/N.” She scolds. You sigh, looking out the window next to Margaret’s desk. “Whatever the case is, though,” she says, trying to make you look at her, “you can’t let him get under your skin. He does this because he knows you get angry faster than the usual person.”
“God, you sound just like Jason.” You mumble.
“Oh, I didn’t know you two were friends.”
“We aren’t.” You say, turning your attention back to Mary Margaret.
“Well, Y/N, I’m gonna let you off with a warning. But next time, I want you to hold back your anger. If you don’t get that under control, this cycle of yours is just gonna keep repeating.”
“That’s easier said than done, miss.” You reply looking down at your hands.
“I know.” She whispers. “I know.”
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Silently walking across the lawn of your house to the front door, you didn’t see your father’s car in the driveway. Right, you thought. He’s coming home late tonight. You didn’t really care though. It gives you more time for yourself.
As you unlocked the front door and took off your shoes, you took out your phone and texted your father when he’ll be home. Not even a minute went by when he replied.
7:30. Have dinner ready then.
You sighed, putting your phone back in your pocket and heading up to your room. At least you can get some homework done before he comes home.
But it was hard to focus. Your mind couldn’t help but fall back to the conversation with Mary Margaret. More specifically, the lack of punishment she gave you. From what you could remember, no teacher let you off with just a warning. You couldn’t help but feel wary about it.
Why did she not give me detention? Surely she would think I would have started it. What was she playing at?
Questions kept nagging at you even when making dinner for your father. You couldn’t shake them. To you, it made no sense.
Before you knew it, you heard the front door open and slam close. Not a good first sign, you thought.
“Is dinner ready?” Your father materialized in the kitchen as he asked, his shirt wrinkled and tie loose. Or a second.
“Yes sir.” You replied, setting his plate before him as he sat down. Feed him first and wait for him to let me eat, you remind yourself. As he took his first bite and swallowed, he looked up at you and nodded. You started to fill your plate before you heard him say “Ah, ah.” You looked up at him as he stared hard into your eyes, looking down at your plate and back up at you. Too much.
As you returned some food back onto the serving dish and sat down, you heard your father ask “So, how was your day?”
Short and quick answers, Y/N. “It was fine.” You replied.
“You didn’t get into any trouble today? You didn’t achieve any more detentions?” He raised a skeptical brow at you, pausing his eating.
He doesn’t know about the ‘fight.’ The school didn’t call him. “No sir.” You replied, staying cool with your eyes trained to your food. “I kept my head down like you said.”
“Hmph.” He replied. “Good.”
The rest of the dinner stayed in silence, which you both hated and liked. You were not one for idle chit chat, but you hated the silence a bit more. Feeling and hearing every sound around made your skin crawl. Your mind wandered back to Mary Margaret and, yet again, you questioned her actions. Why did she not call my father, or better yet, tell the principal who would have then called my father. It doesn’t make sense.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by the sound of your father’s chair screeching against the floor. “I’m heading to bed early tonight. Finish and clean up dinner. Then you can go to bed.”
“Yes sir.” You replied with a slight nod, finishing off the last bites of food on your plate.
And your father left for bed. No 'goodnight', no 'see you in the morning'. Just gone. You sighed, standing up from your chair and cleaning everything up.
And still, heading up to bed, you question Mary Margaret and the choices she made today for you.
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Snow and Charming had just called a meeting for everyone. Jiminy Cricket, Red Riding Hood, her grandmother, Geppetto, a couple dwarves and a couple knights as well as you, your two lieutenants, Snow and Charming sat around a big table discussing your next plan of action. Snow and Charming had just come back from seeing Rumpelstiltskin alone, something you weren't keen on them doing without you, even though he is locked up in the dungeons.
"I say we fight!" Charming stood up, slamming his hand on the table, drawing everyone's attention to him.
"Fighting is a bad idea. Giving into one's dark side never accomplishes anything." Jiminy spoke up into the little megaphone placed in front of him, the magnifying glass placed in front of him so everyone could see him better.
"And how many wars has a clear conscience won?" Charming shot back. "We need to take the Queen out before she can inflict her curse."
"Can we even trust Rumpelstiltskin?" You spoke up, leaning forward in your chair. "We've all had a run in with him and every time we listen to him, it ends poorly for us."
"I've sent my men into the forest. The animals are abuzz with the queen's plan." He replies, leaning on his forearms, eyes locked with yours. "This is going to happen unless we do something."
"There's no point." You heard Snow mumble. You look over at her, seeing her lean back against the chair, her stomach, which was once thin and flat, now rounded out to hold the baby she carries inside her. It was the first thing she said the whole meaning, giving you a wary feeling in you. Snow, for as long as you have known her, was not one to give up or think poorly, especially before she even tried. You lock eyes with your two lieutenants, Jason and Hector, who sat between you and Snow. Their eyes show the same hesitation and nervousness as yours from Snow's comment. "The future is written."
"No." Charming shook his head, eyes focused on the table. "I refuse to believe that. Good can't just lose."
"Maybe it can." Snow turned her head away from Charming, staring at one of the stained-glass windows instead.
"Snow." You whispered. Her eyes looked towards you. You can see the bags under eyes showing days of restless nights. From the baby or the curse, you didn't know. "This is exactly what the Evil Queen wants us to feel. Alone, hopeless. But it won't happen."
"Not as long as we have each other." Charming grabbed her hand and kneeled in front of Snow. "If you believe him about the curse, then you must believe him about our child. She will be the savior."
Just then the doors burst open, revealing some of Charming's knights walking through. You stood up immediately, hand landing on the hilt of your sword. ready to be drawn if needed. "What the hell is this?"
"Our only hope of saving that child." Over all the knights flew a tiny blue fairy, conveniently called Blue.
"A tree? Our fate rests on a tree?" Grumpy called from across the table. He turns back to you and Charming, a determined look on his face. "Let's get back to the fighting thing." From the corner of your eye, you see Jason smirking a little at his comment, but hiding it behind his hand, pretending to scratch his face.
"The tree is enchanted. If fashioned into a vessel, it can ward off any curse." replied Blue. Snow's face lit up with hope once again as she followed Blue fly around the table. "Geppetto, can you build such a thing?" She turned to the oldest man at the table.
The older man smiled at her. "Me and my boy, we can do it." he says, placing his hand atop the mess of curly ginger hair playing with wooden toys behind him.
Blue smiled, turning back to the Charmings. "This will work." She whispered. "We all must have faith." You looked over at Snow and Charming seeing smiles spread across their faces, their hands clasped in one another's. You feel something tough but gentle slide into your own. Looking down, you see Hector's hand holding yours, but his eyes were on the Charmings, a slight smile dancing on his lips. This moment of hope didn't last long, though, as Blue spoke up once more. "There is, however, a catch. The enchantment is indeed powerful, but all power has its limits, and this tree can protect only one."
Everyone's face in the room dropped, realizing that only Snow or Charming can use the tree and not both. Your mind raced to predict their next move. Surely, Charming would force Snow to go in, since she is pregnant with the savior, but would that even work? If Snow were to go into the wardrobe, would it even take her? She isn't one person anymore. She's carrying another one with her.
Part 3
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johnnyslittleanimalblog · 5 days ago
Arctic fox
Arctic fox by Cecilie Sønsteby Via Flickr: www.langedrag.no/english
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radarsteddybear · 2 years ago
Second graders: it’s snowing!
Me: it’s not snowing.
Second grader: then why is there white stuff falling outside the window?
Me: those are flower petals.
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2n2n · 2 years ago
do you think yashiro nene is a fujoshi
Not at all, I actually think Nene is the most utterly normal straight girl LOL. She likes otome games where you are a protag dating a dozen cute boys or whatever, and in her fantasies, all boys are pointed at her and oggling her … she is just into a harem fantasy. It's all about how hot and impressive she is--!! In a way the boys in the harem interacting is like… too complicated, for early manga Nene? It's such a straightforward want to be desirable …
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She has a more 'realistic' kind of fantasy outside of that, which she actively works towards-- where she alters her hobbies and vocations to appease a boy (and those vocations are things like learning to cook, sew, garden…)… and she ah, does deep down, understand she isn't conventionally desirable (TT__TT) so she has a submissive kind of brutal realist fantasy of, toiling or proving herself loyal to a boy through ah, subservience … (oh Nene-chan….)
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I don't even think she… perceives … much between two boys, naturally, in the way a lot of people don't jump to that kind of assumption-- like, I don't think Nene perceives the layers between Mitsuba and Kou as romantic at all, thus far, in the story? Just that Mitsuba is a friend Kou wants badly to help. (Kou being interested in her romantically would make it confusing to parse, really)
If Nene liked BL, that would be funny for Hanako to observe and psychoanalyze (I assume the typical narrative of the ~delusional degraded girl left to rot into a fujoshi would just occur to him naturally, like damn girl, you've been alone for too long; your fantasies have become too convoluted lol), but instead he's only here to comment on and observe her thirsty fantasies where 10 guys line up for her, hahaha. He sees THAT and goes, pervert, lol…. dirty thought haver... lol...
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he's charitable and pities her for wanting to be hot in a conventional way......…
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In reality I think of her gradual observing of the Yugi twins and, wishing for them to resolve what is going on between them, as something she earnestly wants for them both-- ehr, platonically, initially, you know, just normally … their story is sad, and, they are brothers, they were important to one another, Hanako feels seemingly guilt and misery about the murder, so… Nene's likely-future-interest in them healing their bond, is as straightforward and sincere as Neige wanting to heal the Ambrose twins broken relationship in AidaIro's Snow White. It'll just become so obvious and apparent both parties are still loving and wanting the other. Hanako is so ah, avoidant, and Tsukasa so mysterious, that we're softly chipping away at Nene realizing, "Tsukasa is precious to Hanako".
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Neige, in Snow White, observes the brother's sad pining for the other, and becomes straight up frustrated and yells at them about it, like, "NEITHER OF YOU HATE EACH OTHER, YOU BOTH WANT THE SAME THINGS, SO WHY IS IT LIKE THIS???" and she doesn't need any kind of interest in BL, you know? It's a sincere story, at first………
But actually that is why it's captivating to think of her organically… understanding, parsing, that there is, "more" going on under the surface…?
"Tsukasa is precious to Hanako" is step 1, not the final conclusion. And I also think that's the… point, of her and Hanako forming a romance, and all of this parallel between how avoidant and fussy he is towards Nene, and how avoidant and fussy he can be towards Tsukasa. I think, once Nene can truly understand, "Hanako loves me, but, he refuses to let himself have things he loves, because he is afraid, for some reason", she could see how he creates the same obscurity and distance between himself and Tsukasa. Hanako cannot say "I love you" directly to either of them … by having a romance with Hanako, she can directly experience the same foibles as Tsukasa.
Nene is really… interested in Hanako's emotions, fundamentally, she wants to 'know' him. She is trying to solve his behavior… her most spellbound moments are, when Hanako is distressed, upset, finally dropping his facade. I suppose I think it could gradually become apparent to her, or else, apparent all at once, that Hanako was in love with his brother, and, he doesn't know what to do about that, and, he's running from it, just like he runs from Nene over and over. Hanako never wants to confront anything. He doesn't want to talk about what Tsukasa makes him feel, or what happened between them, or why he did what he did (and does Hanako even fully understand?).
I think if you fed Nene information point blank early manga like, "hey, this guy who sexually harasses you is also a brocon", that wouldn't really be anything to her, not exciting or captivating on its own-- its not 'that kind of interest' in and of itself. But at this point, the mystique and secrets of Hanako are so DEEP and INSCRUTABLE, that she'd be grateful for any information. And at this point, "Hanako was in love with his twin brother" would would be more like, "ah… so thats why he wouldn't tell me anything, and that's why he's so secretive about him. That's a good reason. It must be confusing, even for him, to understand why he does anything, or what he wants with his brother." Literally anyone would keep that secret buried eternally.
After so long in the dark with Hanako, it'd be like a… relief, to, understand why the secrecy. Thus far, Nene has thought something like, "why doesn't he trust me?" or, "what is he so afraid of me finding out? What could be so bad, when he's already a murderer, and I already accept that? When I already accept him trying to have Aoi killed, or trying to trap me?" At that point, it's like, oh. Naruhodo. Also, of course he, can't, talk about it, he can't even talk about his FEELINGS FOR NENE, a NORMAL GIRL AND PERSON TO LIKE. Its like… I don't think considering the Yugi for Nene, is like, "hot" or "sexy" on first blush, it's more like…………….. ok, I get it, that would, cause problems, in one's life, and be difficult to cope with, and, ever talk about ………………………… its kind of not her fault then that he won't say anything, lol.
It's not like, "hot because it is two boys", it's not as if Nene has an established interest in that whatsoever-- though she has uh, an established "omg" its like its exotic to her or something, www...
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tsuchigomori confirmed for homophobic -- it's, uh, alluring because of Hanako's intoxicating complexity and depth, and, well, she's a romantic… I think the romanticism of being born together and sharing every day, and then Tsukasa sacrificing himself to save his brother, and then Hanako's sacred belonging becoming his twin, to eternally protect, is, ehr, something that begs reverence and understanding by nature.
Though, I mean. Nene loves the fantasy of multiple guys (: so... (: I think twins is a very 'happy ending' for Nene-chan ... and I think relating to Tsukasa and being so similar to him, would make her feel more secure in how and why Hanako loves her... (: and I think, getting to eventually spectate the twins earnest love, would become.....................sexy.
Its like a corruption arc in a way. This innocent straight girl who wants a normal relationship with a guy is going to be swept into this crazy twin love story. And she is gonna. LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But you know. The protagonist of the Vampire Romance Novel is rarely reading about vampire romance all day long, its more of a, "I never thought something like this would happen to me", "I never thought my life would be like this" "I didn't ask for this" .................................. you don't think you'll wind up fucking twins .......................... and you don't think you'll love it so much and you don't think you'll love to see them finally kiss and consummate a decades long unspoken taboo love affair. You don't think that will be your life but then it is your life. And the previous fantasies were pointless and nothing. Useless generic young girl fantasies. This is, The Real Stuff.
This is the transformation of Nene-chan. Into Twin Lover. It's happening to many readers every day, as well. Many fans experience the same, "I wasn't into yaoi before...." or, "I don't really like twin stuff...." "BUT, the Yugi twins........................." that is the Nene-chan experience. Suddenly the only logical conclusion is that the twins must kiss, even if you never thought you'd want that sort of thing in your life. Nene-chan surely has not thought of it before.
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wellnesscard · 1 year ago
oh hey dere hey deer
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cosmermaid · 1 year ago
I gotta keep reminding myself that my love of fantasy stems from fairy tales and stop kicking myself for being unable to get into LotR.
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