#eye bags vs dark circles
healthcareonlineblog · 7 months
Vanish Dark Shadows: Effortless Eye Revival!
Step into the light with unique, easy-to-follow strategies that make dark circles a thing of the past. Refresh and enliven your gaze today! 
Unveiling the Mystery of Dark Circles
Dark circles under the eyes have perplexed many, emerging as shadows that hint at our lifestyle, health, and genetics. But what lies beneath these seemingly innocuous marks? This article delves into the enigma of dark circles, shedding light on their causes, effects, and remedies. Join us as we unravel the mystery and offer insights into how you can minimize their appearance or prevent them altogether.
Understanding Dark Circles
At the core of dark circles lies a combination of factors, from genetics to lifestyle choices. Understanding these underlying causes is the first step toward effective management. Let's explore what makes our under-eye area a focal point for such concerns.
Common Causes of Dark Circles
Several factors contribute to the formation of dark circles. Lack of sleep, genetic predisposition, and lifestyle habits play significant roles. But it's not just about being tired; how these elements interact with our skin's unique characteristics can either exacerbate or mitigate the appearance of dark circles.
The Impact of Sleep on Dark Circles
It's no secret that sleep is crucial for our well-being, but its impact on dark circles is particularly pronounced. Understanding the relationship between rest and the under-eye area can illuminate ways to reduce dark circles simply by modifying our sleep habits.
 Nutrition and Dark Circles
What we eat also affects the skin around our eyes. Certain nutrients can strengthen the skin's resilience against the formation of dark circles, while deficiencies can make them more pronounced. This section will guide you through dietary choices that can help keep dark circles at bay.
Prevention and Treatment Strategies
The battle against dark circles is fought on two fronts: prevention and treatment. Understanding and implementing effective strategies can significantly diminish their appearance or even prevent them from forming in the first place. Adequate sleep, proper hydration, and a balanced diet are foundational. Incorporating specific skincare products containing vitamins C and K, retinol, and hyaluronic acid can also provide targeted support to the delicate under-eye area.
Skincare Routines for Dark Circles
A dedicated skincare routine can make a considerable difference in the appearance of dark circles. Start with a gentle, hydrating cleanser to remove impurities without stripping the skin. Follow with a serum rich in antioxidants like vitamin C to brighten the under-eye area. A moisturizer containing hyaluronic acid will hydrate and plump the skin, diminishing the shadowy effect. Finally, applying a retinol cream at night can improve skin turnover and reduce pigmentation over time. Remember, consistency is key to seeing results.
Home Remedies for Dark Circles
For those who prefer natural solutions, several home remedies have been touted for their effectiveness against dark circles. Cucumber slices, known for their hydrating and soothing properties, can reduce puffiness when placed over the eyes for 10-15 minutes. Similarly, cold tea bags, particularly green or black tea, can help tighten the skin and reduce swelling due to their caffeine content and antioxidants.
 When to See a Professional
While many cases of dark circles can be managed at home, some situations warrant professional consultation. Persistent dark circles that do not improve with lifestyle changes or topical treatments may indicate underlying health issues. Dermatologists or cosmetic surgeons can offer treatments such as laser therapy, chemical peels, or fillers to reduce the appearance of dark circles caused by pigmentation or thinning skin.
The Psychological Effects of Dark Circles
Dark circles are more than just a cosmetic concern; they can significantly impact one's self-esteem and mood. The association of dark circles with fatigue or illness can affect how individuals perceive themselves and how they are perceived by others. This can lead to a decrease in confidence and increased self-consciousness, particularly in social or professional settings.
Social Perceptions of Dark Circles
Society often equates a fresh, bright-eyed appearance with health, vitality, and readiness. Dark circles, conversely, might be misinterpreted as signs of tiredness, poor health, or lack of care. This perception can influence personal and professional interactions, affecting individuals' social life and career opportunities.
Makeup Tips for Concealing Dark Circles
Makeup can be a powerful tool in concealing dark circles and restoring confidence. A peach or orange-toned corrector can neutralize blue or purple tones under the eyes. Applying a concealer that matches your skin tone over the corrector and setting it with a light powder can ensure a smooth, long-lasting finish. Remember, the key is to blend well and build coverage gradually.
The Future of Dark Circle Treatments
The field of dermatology constantly evolves, bringing forward innovative treatments that offer new hope for those battling dark circles. Research into topical treatments with more effective absorption and longer-lasting results is ongoing. Similarly, advancements in laser technology and non-invasive procedures promise more targeted solutions with minimal downtime.
FAQ Section
Are Dark Circles Genetic?
Yes, sometimes dark circles can run in families, so if your parents or relatives have them, you might too.
Can Diet Affect the Appearance of Dark Circles?
Yes, what you eat can make a difference. Drinking enough water and eating fruits, veggies, and lean proteins can help. Eating too much salt can make dark circles worse.
How Long Does it Take for Skincare Products to Reduce Dark Circles?
It depends on the product and your skin. Using eye creams or serums with good stuff like retinol, vitamin C, and caffeine can show results in a few weeks to a couple of months if you use them regularly.
Are There Any Permanent Solutions for Dark Circles?
There's no guaranteed permanent fix, but options like fillers, laser therapy, or surgery can help a lot. You should talk to a doctor to see what's best for you.
Can Dark Circles Indicate Health Issues?
Sometimes they can. Allergies, not enough sleep, or health problems like thyroid issues or anemia might cause dark circles. If you're worried, it's good to see a doctor to check things out.
Dark circles, while common, can be managed through a combination of lifestyle changes, skincare routines, and professional treatments. Understanding the underlying causes and exploring the available solutions can help diminish their appearance, boosting confidence and well-being. Remember, the journey to brighter eyes begins with self-care and informed choices.
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theemporium · 2 years
ou maybe prompt #65 with theo 👀
65. “i guess I’ll just get off all by myself”
Your relationship with Theodore Nott was a complicated one. 
To the rest of the world, you seemed like the perfect pair if it weren’t for the fact you were always at each other’s throats. 
Since anyone could remember—professor and students alike—there has never been a time where you and Theo had ever gotten along, let alone withstanded each other’s presence for longer than five minutes at a time. 
That was until sixth year came along and something just switched. 
As it turns out, it’s a far more productive use of your time to shove your tongue down his throat to shut the boy up rather than argue with him. And it’s much easier to get you to take back your snarky little comments when he has you pressed up against the door, begging him to fuck you before your next class started. 
And that was how you found yourself in the boys’ dormitories during the Slytherins vs Gryffindor quidditch match with Theo standing a few feet away from you, leaning against the bedpost and smirking at you in a way that made you want to slap him. 
“You just gonna ogle me or what, Nott?” you snapped impatiently, your patience was already running thin from the day you had and the boy in front of you wasn’t helping. 
“I’m enjoying the view, love,” he replied with a casual shrug, eyes glimmering in amusement at the way you scoffed at his response. 
“I don’t have time for this,” you muttered and shook your head, reaching down to grab your book bag you dumped on your way in after a prickly meeting with Snaps. “You’re just wasting my time.” 
Theo’s brows furrowed together. “Where are you going?” 
“Anywhere but here,” you snapped at him as you took a step towards the door, but with quick reflexes you felt a hand around your wrist tugging you back. “Let me go, Nott.” 
“What you gonna do about it?” he hummed, the warmth of his chest pressed against his back was a comfort you didn’t like to admit you craved—especially after a day like the one you had. 
“Theo. Let me go,” you repeated once again, teeth gritted together. “You’re pissing me off and you’re not giving me what I want, so I’m gonna go find someone who will.” 
The grip on your waist tightened. 
“Say that again, love.” 
“I said, I’m going to find someone who will actually fuck me instead of giving me a headache.” 
The breath was almost knocked out of you when you felt him spin you around, barely giving you a chance to react before he pushed you back onto the bed. 
“One more time.” 
You leaned up on your elbows, staring at the boy standing at the end of the bed. His eyes dark, his lips set in a straight line and you gained some amusement at the way his fists were clenched at his side. 
“Didn’t take you as a territorial caveman, Nott,” you mused, biting down on your lower lip. “And if I can’t leave, I guess I’ll just get off by myself.” 
His jaw clenched. “You’ll be begging in minutes.” 
You raised your brows. “You wanna bet?” 
Theo leaned down, his hands circling your ankles before he tugged you towards the end of the bed, close enough so that he could hover over you with his nose brushing against yours. 
“I bet you’ll be begging for my cock like the little slut I know you are, love,” he murmured, voice soft like he was whispering sweet nothings. “And I bet you’ve fucking soaked through your panties since you stepped in here.” 
Your breath hitched and his smirk grew. 
“Wanna make a bet on what I’ll find if I stick my hand up that fucking skirt of yours, love?”
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64yrsold · 9 months
WINTERING 5. naughty vs. nice
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twelve days of christmas writing prompts by @abiiors wintering masterlist previous (4)
“Hello?” I mumbled, answering my phone in the dark. The curtains were drawn, all the lights in the house were off, and I was on my third cold-medicine induced nap of the day.
“Hey, are you sick?” Matty asked, huffing into the phone.
“Do not come here,” I said sternly, voice hoarse and tired.
“I’m just asking!” He laughed, the sound of traffic in the background of the call.
“Who told you?” I accused, rubbing my swollen eyes.
“Nobody told me anything,” he said. 
I sniffled.
“Alright, your mum, but—“
“Why are you talking to my mum,” I groaned, burying my head into my pillow. “We are not together!”
“She phoned me!” He defended, and I could see his hands high in the air. “She said you weren’t picking up your phone.”
“I’m sleeping,” I sighed, “Really, I’m fine. It’s just a cold.”
“Right,” he said, “Christ, you forgot to lock your door again.”
“Fuck, Matty—“
“It’s fine,” he cooed, and hung up the phone. I heard his clunky footsteps in the entrance, and pulled the covers over my head. It was embarrassing to have him see me like this, red-nosed and surrounded by half-finished bottles of Nyquil. 
“How are we feeling?” He asked sheepishly, stepping into my dark cave of a room.
“I’m sick,” I reminded him, muffled from under the blankets, “And you’re not allowed to look at me.”
I could hear his smile, “Alright, I won’t look.”
“You should really go,” I insisted, “I’ll make you ill. You’ll miss your plane.”
“That’s not for a while,” he replied, setting something down on my nightstand. I felt his weight on the edge of the bed. I felt like a marble circling the drain, pulled in by him.
“I might puke,” I said, and he laughed again.
“As if I’ve never seen that before.”
I peeked out from the covers, “You need to go.”
He smiled at me, a pretty shape I could barely distinguish in the dark. It seemed more like a memory.
“I brought your soup,” he pointed at a takeout bag on the nightstand.
“I don’t like soup,” I murmured. 
“You'll like this one,” he said, and grabbed the corner of my blanket, pulling it down below my chin. “Promise.”
“I should really go back to sleep,” I complained, “The cold medicine makes me all loopy.”
“Just sit up, darling,” he grumbled, then picked me up so I sat upright, my back against the headboard.
“I’m fine,” I blinked, surprised that he had grabbed me and moved me. 
He opened the container of soup, stirring it slowly, “You need to be feeling better for tomorrow, you know.”
“I know, I’m trying,” I sighed, a throb pulsing near the back of my head. I wished I could pull him into me, to sleep with my head on his chest, to let him take care of me. His thumb massaging the back of my skull.
“Are you going to your mum’s tomorrow?” He placed the soup in my hands, the steam coming off it making me feverish.
“I want to, since it’s Christmas,” I shrugged, “But it would be horrible of me to get her sick.”
“Ah, she won’t care,” he nudged the spoon into my hand.
“Right,” I rolled my eyes, “If I’m not feeling better, I’ll just stay home.”
“Home alone?” He asked, frowning, “On Christmas Day?”
“Well, hopefully I’ll just be feeling better.”
He took a deep breath, “Can you eat the fucking soup already?”
I giggled, a splitting pain cracking up my face from my laughter. I winced. I watched him pick at his cuticles, trying not to look at me. I took a few spoonfuls of the soup, looking up at him timidly.
“You don’t like it?” He hid a smile, shaking his head as he put the soup back on the nightstand.
“I’m just so nauseous,” I whined, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” he shrugged, “More for me.” He picked up the spoon, stirring the soup again.
My mouth opened, “You’re not gonna eat that, right?”
“Hm?” He grunted, then downed a spoonful.
“Matty!” I shrieked, smacking his arm. 
“What, what?” He laughed, shying away from me. 
“You’re so fucking stupid,” I covered my face with my hands, “You’re going to have this stupid cold tomorrow, and you’re going to be a baby about it, and I’m not taking care of you!”
He didn't seem bothered by the violence in my words.
“Couldn’t let you spend Christmas alone,” he mumbled, looking back to smile at me between bites.
-> next (6)
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arcane-abomination · 1 year
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⚜️ Personal ⚜️
🌹 The Path of Tenebris Luna 🌹 My Astral Body 🌹 Magickal Dictionary 🌹 Understanding My Magickal Circle 🌹ADHD & Witchcraft 🌹 Florentine 🌹
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⚜️ General Info ⚜️
🌹 What Not To Do In Witchcraft 🌹 The Truth About Grimoire vs BOS 🌹 The Harm in the “Natural Witch” Label 🌹 “Worship” vs “Work With” 🌹 Let’s Talk Otherkin 🌹 Definitions 🌹
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⚜️ Void Magick ⚜️
🌹 Void Magick 🌹 Realms of the Void 🌹The Living Void 🌹 Void Opening Ritual 🌹 Void Deities 🌹
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⚜️ Eldritch Magick ⚜️
🌹 The Basics of Eldritch Witchcraft 🌹 Yog Sothothery 🌹 Eldritch Awakening Meditative Ritual 🌹 Shub Niggurath Milk Blessing🌹How the Eldritch Gods Appear to Me 🌹Yog Sothoth Quote 🌹 Shub Niggurath 🌹 Yog Sothoth 🌹 Eldritch Sabbats🌹 The Eldritch Holy Trinity 🌹 Third Eye Empowerment 🌹 The Oath of Yog Sothoth 🌹 Eldritch Consecration Ritual 🌹 Working with Eldritch Energy & Earthly Energy in Harmony 🌹 Shub Niggurath Quote 🌹
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⚜️ Other Magick ⚜️
🌹 The Element of Darkness 🌹 The Basics of Death Magick 🌹 Working With The Moons Darkness 🌹 My Shamans Bag 🌹 Thoughtforms 101 🌹 The Unspoken Truth of Death Magick 🌹 Working with Plant Spirits in Death Magick 🌹 A Rambling on Darkness 🌹 Questions & Answers on Baneful Magick 🌹 Revenge Hex Doll 🌹 Happy House Oil 🌹 Digital Witchcraft Resources 🌹My Mini Enchantments 🌹
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🌹 People of Bigotry (poem) 🌹 Lessons of Leviathan 🌹 I’m Not Sorry 🌹 Favorite Yudho Pieces 🌹 Halloween All Year 🌹
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Buck & Eddie: 5x14 “Dumb Luck” vs. 6x15 “Death & Taxes” - Parallels
There are so many similarities between 5x14 and 6x15 with regards to Buck and Eddie including their wardrobes but the most important thing to notice is their roles have now been reversed.
In the top GIF for 5x14, Buck was on the left of the screen (Eddie’s right) but in 6x15, Eddie was on the left of the screen (Buck’s right). In those moments, the one to the right of the other one was the one who was NOT going through a traumatic experience but they were there to love, comfort, support and care for the other one.
In 5x14, Eddie had just experienced his mental breakdown in 5x13 “Fear-O-Phobia” and Buck was there to help him pick up the pieces and clean up his mess.  He took Eddie and Chris to Equine Therapy so Eddie could see Charlie again the boy they saved on the day Eddie was shot by a sniper.  Eddie’s appearance looked rough.  He had a five o’clock shadow combined with deep dark circles and bags underneath his eyes.
In 6x15, Buck died for three minutes and seventeen seconds in 6x10 “In a Flash” and Eddie was there to restart his heart (Eddie’s heart) and to tell the doctors to “Do More” when they wheeled Buck into emergency.  Buck had his own five o’clock shadow that he’s been wearing more often except for when he’s at work. He’s usually very put together but lately he looks untethered because whenever he’s not at work, he looks like he’s struggling and hanging on by a thread.  Compare Eddie’s appearance from 5x14 with Buck’s in 6x15 all the way down to their clothing and the reversal of their roles is unmistakable.
Their comments were parallels too since both of them had a difficult time figuring out who they were after their traumatic experiences along with where they were headed.  Buck said, “The truth is... I still don’t know how to act.  I am different but I feel like I have to try and be the same old Buck... mostly for the sake of everyone else” and it parallels with Eddie’s comment of “That I’m never going to feel normal again” from 5x13 after Buck asked him “What are you afraid of?”.
There is one difference that offers a little more insight into their journey.  In 5x14 they were walking towards HAPPINESS together.  After Buck recounted all the things they did to save Charlie from his mother on the day Eddie was shot he said, “But if it’s all just random then...”  and Eddie interrupted him and replied, “It’s still the right thing to do”.  Then Buck pointed to Charlie and after he explained the way Charlie lives with his aunt and uncle, Eddie said, “He looks happy”.  But in 6x15, they were standing in a cemetery in front of a grave for Marie who had recently died. Eddie said, “We’re all going to die alone” (which IS NOT TRUE FOR THEM BECAUSE THEY WERE STANDING NEXT TO EACH OTHER) and when Buck gave him a shocked look, Eddie continued with “That’s what she said to me and Hen”.  Then Buck said, “Yes and no. I-I mean she got to see all her friends and family before she went”.  Their comments illustrate how they’re lives are on the same path especially since Buck has been searching for happiness for the duration of season 6 and Eddie admitted to Pepa he didn’t want to be alone anymore in 6x14 “Performance Anxiety”.
Their lives are so intertwined that it makes sense they are the only ones who could be there for the other one. Now that Eddie’s mess has been cleaned up, it’s his turn to help Buck clean up his own mess and as the episodes continue, it looks like Buck’s mess could be stock piling to be cataclysmic in nature.  He’ll have to realize Eddie is his person and he’s the only one WHO TRULY SEES AND KNOWS HIM the same way Eddie knows Buck’s his person and he’s the only one who truly sees and knows him too.
Will Buck realize it before something else happens?  Only the showrunner(s), writers and producers know the answer to that question.
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Group D Round 2
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[image ID: the first image is of Jefferson. he is a brown and red squid wrapped around a pale blue-skinned, bearded fisherman in a yellow fishing shirt and hat. the squid is piloting the fishermen at a food serving counter. the second image is of Gruftine, a girl with pale skin, red-purple hair in a ponytail, dark circles around her eyes, and little fangs. the sides of her head are bald. around her neck is a purple choker with a black spider, and her outfit consists of a purple cloak/robe and a darker purple top and bottom that shows her stomach. she's holding a pink bag with flowers in it. the third image is of Nuch, a Thai woman with black hair pulled back, green earrings, and a red and white bandana around her neck. end ID]
He's a squid who pretends to be a human by puppeting a fisherman's corpse around with his tentacles. He speaks in a way that is very obviously trying and failing to sound human. If you go to his shop at night you can find him and offer to take him on a walk, which is required for a secret if you take him all the way to the other side of the map.
Adorable gothic vampire girl from an equally adorable vampire show!  [additional propaganda 1]
She's an icon. She's this really smart law student. She's trans. She and her ex-boyfriend are always playfully flirting with each other. She's a political activist for marriage equality. Everyone is kinda in love with her to some extent. (Not to be confused with the director/screenwriter of the show, Nuchy, who is also a trans woman)
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little-bee-draws · 2 years
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art vs artist 2022
ID: a 3x3 grid of images where the center image is a selfie of me, a white nonbinary person with brown hair, and the other images are digital character portraits from the shoulders/neck up. All art pieces are signed "L-T-Bee."
Image 1 is a sketchy bust of a blushing halfing with light brown skin, blue hair, and pupil-less brown eyes. Her hair is long and most of it is pulled back into a high ponytail, however a strand hangs down in front of her ears on both sides of her face. The strands are held by small brass bands. She also wears three brass earrings, one dangly and two cartilage, that have sun, moon, and star motifs. The lines of the drawing are deep reddish-purple. The background is white.
Image 2 is my character Cato (he/they) a firbolg with light brown skin, shown in profile. He has brown eyes and medium length light blonde hair worn down, with a section pulled into a ponytail and a small braid in front of his visible ear. They wear a grey cloak and dark green shirt underneath. Warm yellow light glows on the right side of his face as he looks softly into the distance. Behind their head a seagull with white and grey feathers spreads her wings midflight. The background is turquoise water, overlaid with a vertical yellow rectangle, behind Cato and the seagull's right wing. An unfilled yellow rectangle frames the entire picture.
Image 3 is my character, Yarrow, a purple-skinned elven woman with glowing freckles, brown eyes, and medium length brown hair that has a silver streak in it. The top section of her hair is pulled back into a ponytail while the rest blows loosely to the left. She is turned three-quarters to the left, looking that same direction, and smiling with her mouth open. She wears a light green shirt and dark purple cloak patterned with stars. A dark purple circle behind her head is wreathed in yellow light, similar to the corona of an eclipse. The exterior lines outside the circle are yellow while the rest of the exterior and interior lines are purple. The background is lavender. In the top left corner of the drawing is a palette of the colors used: warm brown/maroon, dark purple, lavender, sage green, and warm yellow.
Image 4 is a young goblin woman with green skin and lavender colored hair. She has pointed teeth, slitted yellow eyes, and large ears that stick out to the sides. She looks cheerful, with an open-mouthed smile and a blush across her cheeks. Her hair is long and straight, with asymmetrical bangs and the top section pulled into a bun adorned with green ivy leaves. Small blue flowers are also scattered throughout her hair. She wears a dark green tunic and a necklace on a braided leather cord; the pendant is half of a butterfly made from metal with purple and blue iridescence. The background is a light blue.
Image 5 is a photograph of me, a white nonbinary person with chin-length fluffy brown hair. I'm smiling at the camera with one arm raised behind my head. I wear a button down shirt with tropical print and suspenders.
Image 6 is a young elf woman with copper brown skin and blue-black hair. She is facing forward with a concerned/pained look on her face as she stares just to the right of the viewer. She has amber brown eyes. Her hair is pulled back in a french braid, the end of which trails over her left shoulder. She wears a high-collared tunic in shades of green, embellished with muted pink embroidery. The background is light green.
Image 7 is a fire genasi (she/they) with light brown skin and flaming blue hair. Their skin is ashen with bags beneath their eyes. Several pale, thin scars now mark her face and blood trickles from one nostril. Her mouth is down-turned with slightly parted lips. Their pale yellow eyes look off to the viewer's left. Her flaming hair, which clings tightly to her scalp, has blue embers trailing off it. The background is black.
Image 8 is an elderly masculine tiefling/earth genasi. He has stone gray skin and long white hair, the top section of which is pulled into a high bun while the rest hangs loose. Two short black horns point up from his forehead. He has a heavily wrinkled face, double pointed ears, and short tusks protruding from his lower lip. Clouded gray eyes with square pupils stare out from under bushy white eyebrows. He wears a high collared green shirt underneath a dark blue robe embroidered with white vines along the collar. Around his neck hangs a cord strung with beads, dried plants, and a bird skull. The background is pale blue.
Image 9 is an aquatic humanoid who resembles an axolotl. They are looking at the viewer and smiling with their mouth open and head tiled to the right. They rest the knuckles of their right hand (left side of image) on their chin. They have turquoise skin with white spots across their cheeks. Feathery red fins grow from where their ears would be and short frills where eyebrows would be. They have pink gills on their neck, and gill-like slits going up the sides of their nose. The sclera of their eyes are a dark maroon and their irises are a slightly lighter shade of maroon. The background is white. End ID.
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Night Raven College vs Royal Sword 3
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The Welcome ball
Jada wakes up in a different room that was opposite of her old one. It was warm, clean, smells like flowers and sweets, perfume and nice.
Her bed was nice and beautiful Grim was at the end of her bed eating "Your up! The guys made breakfast for us!"
He said eating a muffin "I see I'm going to take a shower and get dressed ."
"That reminds me Neige and Philip told me to give you this."
She opened a box and she gasp smiling and got dressed up
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A beautiful red dress from Neige
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Shoes from her father Ambrose
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And a beautiful necklace from Philp she smiled as she spun around in front of a big wall mirror 🪞. Grim's ribbon was pink and blue fused together "So this is what being in Royal Sword Academy!" He said happily as they went to eat breakfast.
The students saw how beautiful she looked some were speechless and blushed some turned their head blushing and whispering amongst each other.
"Jada, Grim over here!" Said Neige as he waved and more students were sitting with them. A boy with blonde hair and blue eyes sitting next to Philp and a boy who look similar to kalim and a boy with red hair.
"Hello princess your breakfast is served." Said Neige "These are my friends Rielle, Elliot, Jasim, and you met Philp." They smiled blushing.
"Hello gentlemen thanks so much for helping me yesterday 😊." She said smiling as Grim was eating his food "No problem like I said no lady should have to go through that so how's your food?" Said Jasim
"Great and I want to see what Royal Sword has to offer." She said smiling "We'll be glad and happy to show you all things that Royal Sword has to offer during the holiday season before we leave for break which everyone is doing right now." Said Neige.
Back at Night Raven College everyone was sad, angry, mad, lonely and every emotion you could think of too bad they didn't have a counselor since Jada was it she was everything to and for them.
Vil was angry at himself for not realizing that Jada was suffering and going through a hard tough time, Leona was no different he barely took naps but he often slept during the day but at night he couldn't sleep Jada would often stay at his dorm to sleep in his bed. Idia almost never leave his room as usual just as he was getting out of his room.
Kalim wasn't so happy he didn't seem like his bright happy self anymore, Azul didn't eat much and the twins were upset too poor Floyd cried wailing her name and his eyes had bags and dark circles under them, Jade hasn't taken care of his mushrooms and they die causing him to cry even more.
Riddle has been upset crying thinking about her and poor boy hardly wanted his favorite strawberry tarts he lets Ace and Deuce have them they don't eat them anymore since Jada made them with Trey and he didn't bake as much as he use to because Jada was like his partner. Cater wasn't on his magic socials anymore all he does is look at pictures and videos of him and Jada together and he cried thinking about her.
Jack would howl at the moon since he and Jada would look at it together poor thing his howl's sounding almost like cries. Everyone had this moment of realization that Jada did a lot for them and not herself so instead of feeling bad Ace got everyone together
"Are we really gonna sit here and feel sorry for ourselves?! Is this what Jada would have wanted us to do?"
"She's done everything for us keeping us from going overblot, smiling, happy, fed hell she made sure we passed class and did homework! Kalim should know she helped him get A+ and 100's on each test, exam, and homework." "Yeah she did and she went out of her way to help us with events." Said cater.
"And last year Christmas festival she worked day in and out for us now we owe her this." "Ace is right so along with the Christmas event we having going up against those pretty boys who took her we can fix her dorm!"
Said Deuce Epel got on the table "We need to bring our princess back who's with us?!" "Yeah!" Said everyone Malleus heard and smiled as he remembers dancing with Jada in the moonlight
"But what about the head master he's also gonna want to get his beloved daughter back ?"
Said Lilia "This may be his fault but that doesn't mean he should suffer for it we need his help too after all he was the one who put her and Grim in the awful place Pomefiore would have been lovely for her." Said Vil having the other glare at him "No matter what we'll get our pearl back and she'll be part of our world again!"
Said Azul. After going to the staff telling them about the plan they laid down the plan to take her from them and Vargas was going to lead "I say we take her back and show her we do care." Said Ruggie.
The plan was set. Now this ball is going to have a wild crazy 🤣
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tea-with-eleni · 7 months
This week on Curse of Strahd
The wizard gained a level of corruption and also learned where barovia stores its spellbooks. He now has +3 to con and also really likes tormenting people. Also his already-too-sharp teeth are now even sharper. It's fine.
The artificer did math to figure out how many coins he could stuff in his bag of holding.
The party legged it out of the temple. The barbarian claimed the wooden pony statue.
Simultaneously, this happened:
Ludmilla has come to the conclusion that she's been wrong for centuries: Ireena and Strahd are both cursed, they'll never be together, and Ireena will never love him. She's come to love Tatyana over the centuries too and has concluded that she's going to have to choose between Ireena and Strahd. She's chosen Strahd for a long time and gotten nowhere. So now she's going full Team Ireena.
Volenta loves Ludmilla more than she loves Strahd and will always side with Ludmilla.
Ludmilla promised Ireena that she'll never leave her alone in Ravenloft. Strahd will want her all to himself before he tries to do anything to her, so she and Volenta will do their utmost to prevent that from happening. They're still, like, super evil....but even evil has loved ones. Ireena isn't sure what to do with this knowledge.
Ludmilla was persuaded to scry on the party -- specifically, the wizard, who failed his save. The player is getting increasingly paranoid.
She learned that the wizard cut a deal with Vampyr and they've also taken gifts from at least two other vestiges. She tells Ireena, who freaks out.
Volenta is mostly curious. She loves demons, but Barovia isn't attached to the normal planes. They're cut off from the hells and the abyss. All Barovian demons (in my version of things!) come from the Amber Temple's corruption.
Ireena asks if they have a way to get back to the amber temple quickly. Ludmilla reluctantly admits that they do.
Ireena uses Volenta's already obvious interest to convince her to go help the party. She does and immediately goes to mist to keep an eye on things.
(16 stealth vs my party's abysmal passive perceptions? I made a comment about the room developing fog and my players notice nothing.)
The wizard has truesight as part of his dark gifts. He sees her and promptly starts yelling at her. Volenta helps them by trapping the arcanaloth (that they pissed off a few weeks back) inside a magic circle. It works just long enough for everyone to leg it.
The party sets up Leomund's Tiny Hut outside the temple to camp. Volenta, who knows they won't trust her as far as they can yeet her, voluntarily curls up outside the hut. The party notice she isn't dressed in her usual gold dress and horned headband -- if you ignore the red eyes and fangs, she's just in a shirt and pants. She almost looks normal.
The party seems to have accepted that they just have a vampire now.
Now things are getting interesting. The party barely knows Volenta. They know she has some magic. They know she likes demons. They know she talks a bit like if Jester from the M9 were chaotic evil. And that's it! But although she talks very similarly to Jester, that isn't what I've based her personality on. Her personality is much more like Sascha Vykos from Vampire: The Masquerade lore.
Which, uh, yikes.
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carloswilson0 · 11 months
Under Eye Filler vs. Other Options: What's Best for You in the UK?
The quest for youthful and vibrant skin has led many individuals to explore various cosmetic procedures in the United Kingdom. Among the myriad options available, under eye filler uk have gained significant popularity. This non-surgical treatment promises to reduce the appearance of dark circles, fine lines, and hollow areas under the eyes. However, it is essential to consider alternative options when deciding what's best for you. In this article, we will compare under-eye fillers with other available treatments in the UK to help you make an informed decision based on your individual needs and preferences.
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Understanding Under Eye Fillers
Under-eye fillers, or tear trough fillers, involve the injection of dermal fillers into the hollows or creases beneath the eyes. These fillers are typically composed of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that provides hydration and volume to the skin. The primary objective of under-eye fillers is to reduce the appearance of under-eye bags, dark circles, and wrinkles by filling in these depressions, thus providing a smoother and more youthful appearance.
Pros of Under Eye Fillers
Non-Surgical: One of the most significant advantages of under-eye fillers is that they are a non-surgical option. This means that individuals can achieve noticeable improvements without the risks, costs, and recovery time associated with surgical procedures.
Quick Results: Under-eye filler treatments typically yield immediate results, and there is no need to wait for a lengthy recovery period. This quick turnaround is appealing to individuals seeking instant aesthetic improvements.
Reversible: Hyaluronic acid fillers are reversible. In the event that the results are unsatisfactory or if there are any complications, a dissolving agent can be administered to reverse the effects, providing an added layer of safety.
Cons of Under Eye Fillers
Temporary: Under-eye fillers are not a permanent solution. The results typically last for several months to a year, after which further treatments are required to maintain the desired appearance.
Cost: While less expensive than surgical options, under-eye filler treatments can still be costly, especially when considering the need for maintenance and repeat procedures.
Bruising and Swelling: Some individuals may experience bruising, swelling, or redness at the injection site, although these side effects are usually temporary.
Alternative Options in the UK
Now, let's explore some alternative options available in the UK for addressing under-eye concerns.
Dermal Fillers for the Face: While under-eye fillers are specifically designed for the hollows beneath the eyes, dermal fillers for the face can provide a more comprehensive solution. These fillers can be used to address multiple areas of concern, including nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and cheeks. The advantage here is that you can achieve a harmonious and balanced facial rejuvenation.
Chemical Peels: Chemical peels involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin, which causes it to exfoliate and peel off. This treatment can improve the texture and appearance of the skin, including the under-eye area. Chemical peels are effective at reducing fine lines, pigmentation, and skin irregularities.
Laser Skin Resurfacing: Laser skin resurfacing is another non-surgical option that uses laser technology to remove damaged skin layers and stimulate collagen production. This treatment can be effective in reducing wrinkles and improving skin texture in the under-eye area.
Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery): For a more permanent solution, surgical procedures like blepharoplasty can be considered. This surgery involves the removal of excess skin, muscle, and fat from the eyelids. It can provide long-lasting results in improving the appearance of the under-eye area but comes with surgical risks and a longer recovery period.
Choosing the Right Option for You
The decision between under-eye fillers and other available options in the UK should be based on your individual needs, preferences, and circumstances. Here are some factors to consider:
Severity of Concern: The severity of your under-eye concerns can influence your choice. If you have mild concerns like fine lines, chemical peels or laser resurfacing may be sufficient. However, if you have more pronounced hollows, dermal fillers or blepharoplasty may be more appropriate.
Budget: Your budget is an essential factor. Under-eye fillers may have lower initial costs compared to surgical options, but you should also consider the need for maintenance treatments with fillers.
Recovery Time: If you prefer a quick recovery with minimal downtime, under-eye fillers or non-surgical options are the better choice. Surgical options like blepharoplasty typically have a more extended recovery period.
Long-Term vs. Temporary Results: Consider whether you want temporary results that can be adjusted or reversed (as with fillers) or if you prefer a more permanent solution (surgical options).
In the pursuit of youthful and rejuvenated under-eye skin in the UK, you have several options to choose from. Under-eye fillers offer a non-surgical, quick, and effective solution for reducing the appearance of dark circles, fine lines, and hollow areas. However, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons of under-eye fillers against alternative options such as dermal fillers, chemical peels, laser skin resurfacing, and blepharoplasty.
Ultimately, the best choice for you depends on your unique needs and circumstances. Consult with a qualified cosmetic professional who can assess your concerns and provide personalized recommendations. Keep in mind that the decision should prioritize your safety, desired results, and budget. Whether you opt for under-eye fillers or explore other alternatives, the goal is to achieve the youthful and vibrant appearance you desire while feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin.
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susu-0 · 1 year
High-End Eye Creams: La Mer vs. VIIcode
La Mer's eye cream focuses not only on dark circles but also on reducing fine lines.
My Experience: It has a lightweight texture and provides noticeable firming effects. Works well for reducing puffiness and tightening the skin. Ideal for those with sagging skin around the eyes.
Key Ingredients: 3X Concentrated Miracle Broth - antioxidant and anti-aging properties. Deep-sea giant kelp extract, yeast extract, and yeast cell lysate extract combined for enhanced antioxidant, cell regeneration, collagen production, and anti-aging benefits.
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This brand specializes solely in eye care, with a focus on oxygenation to boost eye area metabolism.
My Experience: It not only lightens dark circles and reduces under-eye bags but also does wonders for treating tear troughs! After using it, my once sunken tear troughs look fuller, and my fine lines have visibly decreased. The texture is silky smooth, not greasy at all! I really love it. The results on my skin are quite noticeable!
Key Ingredients: Rare oxygen plant extracts enhance your skin cells' ability to absorb oxygen, promoting collagen regeneration around the eyes. It also contains derivatives of Vitamin C and niacinamide, which block melanin transportation, curb melanin production, and brighten the skin around the eyes.
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fademirrored · 1 year
alpha: Inquisitor
“Considering the demon-spewing holes scattered all over the place, I want to ask you, very seriously, ‘what’s the worst that could happen?’”
Owain Deiniol Trevelyan (‘Oh’ if you’re Aneirin) Herald of Andraste. Inquisitor. Human mage.
Male. He/Him/His. Panromantic demisexual, polyamorous 13 Justinian, 9:14 Dragon. Ostwick, Freemarches. Mage; storm mage, Knight-Enchanter.
FC: Jesse Williams, loosely. Eyes: Bright, very clear green. Large. Hair: White, almost silver, very curly. Chin length by Haven, partially braided and partially shaved on the right. Skin: Dark, gold-ish undertones. Fairly smooth skin, but with calloused fingers. Height: 5'10" Build: Stocky. Broad shoulders. Not accustomed to up-close physical combat, but in good enough shape to beat someone with his staff in a pinch. Notable Details: Cheekbones you could break glass on. Pointed nose. Small scars all over his hands. Green, glowing scars gradually spreading up his left arm, getting brighter (until the arm is removed). Voice: Narrator from The Stanley Parable.
Positive Traits: Observant, clever, adaptable, and a quick learner; remembers information and picks up skills quickly, and he’s good at holding onto inane details. Tenacious, passionate, and not going to compromise when he knows he can do something better; he’s going to help or fix something if it’s in his power to do so. Sees the best in people and the world around him and considers ‘irredeemable’ something of a foreign concept; will hand out an almost endless number of second chances until someone well and truly jumps off the slippery slope to monsterhood. Negative Traits: Control freak; he likes when things are done a particular way and gets antsy when he knows that isn’t what’s happening. Horrible coping methods; tends to use Aneirin as an emotional punching bag, though he’s not really aware he’s doing this. Short-tempered and impatient, with a deficit of tact early on; diplomacy does not come naturally to him, and even once he learns the skill he doesn’t always care to use it. Bullheaded and loath to change his mind if a very good case for doing so isn’t presented to him; may ignore that very good case if it comes at the wrong time or from the wrong source. Naive, sheltered, good at denial; tends to be of the assumption he’s a much nicer, sweeter person than he is and that he knows more about the world than he does. Neutral Traits: Opinionated and very willing to be heard. Very romantic. Extrovert. Playfully sarcastic. Considers personal space optional. Optimist vs. Pessimist: Generally optimistic, though it gets a bit pyrrhic at times. Quirks: Hates when people move his stuff when he isn’t there to see them do it; has recurring intrusive thoughts that everything since the Ostwick Circle has been a dream and he’ll eventually wake up. Has several tactile stims to deal with the anxiety.
Religion: Andrastian. Initially moderately so, more devoutly so when he was declared the Herald, and then decreasingly so after he had to bury Haven. Likes: Good food. Good company. Laughter. Open spaces. The sky, stormy weather, cloudless nights. The moon and stars. A good book. Venison. Most sweets (“Ooh, cake!”). Cream-based soups. Cocoa. Mulled wine, and especially chocolate wine. Food in general; will try most things at least once he tried dragon meat on a dare once. New magic. Dislikes: People with no sense of humor. Being treated like a child. People touching or moving his things. Surprises. Other people mocking or hassling Aneirin. Confined spaces, being cooped up for too long. Most Templars. Favorite Colors: Azure. Spring green. Golden poppy. Hobbies: Fencing. Reading. Gardening. Target practice. Aimless socializing. Will try most things at least once.
Family: Nia Trevelyan (mother). Bran Trevelyan (father). Gwyneira Trevelyan (sister). Aneirin Trevelyan (twin brother). Ellis Trevelyan (brother). Steed: Moo, wild hart. Romance: Dorian. Friends: Blackwall. Cassandra. Cole. Solas. Varric.Note: Wasn’t especially fond of Sera, and flat out disliked Vivienne, though he tried to be polite. Found Iron Bull sort of intimidating. Friendship with Varric occasionally fluctuated due to finding some of his well-meaning advice a bit too pointed. *everything in this sectioncan of course be tweaked or disregarded entirely for specific threads, if you’d rather.
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molianno · 1 year
Effective Skincare vs. Ineffective Skincare, Getting it Wrong a Thousand Times is Useless
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‼️Effective Skincare
The skin's renewal cycle is generally one month. After a period of skincare, one can clearly feel the improvement in the skin, witnessing it moving in a positive direction. This includes the skin no longer feeling dry, an overall brightening of the complexion, reduction of acne, gradual fading of blemishes, and more. Truly effective skincare is about providing better care that genuinely helps the skin.
‼️Ineffective Skincare
Despite engaging in various daily skincare routines and applying various products, some people continue to struggle with various skin issues while others seem to have a radiant glow that extends beyond the screen. Some individuals don't see the desired results, and in some cases, their problems may even worsen, spreading from localized areas to the entire face.
‼️Ineffective Skincare Behaviors
🍃Using skincare products that are not suitable for your skin type: Using highly irritating products for sensitive skin, using anti-aging serums during breakout episodes, or applying nourishing creams all over the face resulting in excessive oiliness.
🍃Using conflicting skincare products: Overusing a variety of skincare products, such as combining retinol with various acids, without considering whether the goal is skin whitening or preventing allergies.
🍃Taking two years to finish a single skincare product: In theory, the toner should be sufficient to dampen the entire face, the serum is usually applied with 1-2 drops, moisturizer with an amount equivalent to a pea, and sunscreen with at least the size of a one-yuan coin.
🍃Using improper skincare techniques: Not following the correct order or steps, haphazardly applying skincare products without considering proper techniques.
🍃Inconsistent skincare routines: Treating skincare as a matter of personal mood and applying sunscreen based on weather conditions.
‼️Developing Effective Skincare Habits
✔️Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night, ensuring an adequate amount of sleep during the night.
✔️Avoid sleeping with makeup on and ensure effective makeup removal.
✔️If the skin is very dry, consider using intensive repairing face masks or eye masks, but avoid daily use.
✔️To reduce eye puffiness, apply cool cucumber slices, used chilled tea bags, or cool gel masks.
✔️Dark circles often result from oxygen deficiency, so massage the skin to improve oxygen supply.
✔️Smoking and alcohol consumption have significant effects on the skin, leading to premature aging, abnormal skin tone, and dryness.
✔️If you have combination skin, don't categorize it as a single type. Use different skincare products for different areas.
✔️Simplify your skincare routine, such as using a deeply cleansing face wash, applying a face mask once a day, and avoiding excessive layering of skincare products, as it can have counterproductive effects.
✔️Change your skincare mindset. Have a proper understanding of your own skin, reduce anxiety, stabilize the current condition, and then strive for improving skin quality.
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fantomcomics · 2 years
What’s Out This Week? 10/26
Then my teeth turned into fangs And my nails into claws And I nearly dropped the Torah When my hands turned into paws!
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Black Paradox GN - Junji Ito
Four people intent on killing themselves meet through the suicide website Black Paradox: Maruso, a nurse who despairs about the future; Taburo, a man who is tortured by his doppelganger; Pii-tan, an engineer with his own robot clone; and Baracchi, a girl who agonizes about the birthmark on her face. They wander together in search of the perfect death, fatefully opening a door that leads them to a rather bizarre destiny...
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The Return Of Chilling Adventures In Sorcery One Shot -  Eliot Rahal, Vincenzo Federici & Julius Ohta
Madam Satan escaped Hell a fugitive and hated woman by Satan and his thralls. She's now principal of Baxter high and Hell has come to Earth. With each classroom acting as a portal to the different circles in Hell, Madam Satan must recruit similar tortured souls if she has any chance of survival... all leading up to a Madam Satan and her army vs. Satan and his in this highly-anticipated follow-up to last year's hit Chilling Adventures in Sorcery!
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Nightfall Double Feature #1 -  David Andry, Maan House, & Chris Shehan 
64 PAGE DOUBLE FEATURE! Grab your popcorn and clamber into your sleeping bag for two tales of terror from the creative teams of The Autumnal, The Plot, and Resonant! The CEMETERIANS After human bones begin growing inside inanimate objects all across the globe, a renegade scientist and brilliant theologian delve into the cemeteries where the bones originated, discovering an otherworldly force tired of being buried in darkness. DENIZEN A family's cross country roadtrip goes off the map and into the unforgiving wilds of Joshua Tree National Park, when mom and wife-to-be Helene succumbs to a malevolent force tucked inside an abandoned camping trailer.
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Lovesick #1 (of 7) -  Luana Vecchio
The LOVESICK CLUB is an exclusive, subscribers-only site on the dark web that offers the best in erotic and ultra-violent entertainment. There, matriarch Domino and her fellow dominatrixes punish and torture none other than their own loyal subscribers, many of whom pay good money to meet their end by her hand in front of a large, anonymous audience.
But in the eyes of her rage-filled haters, Domino is the MOTHER DEMON, a deranged succubus who oppresses men by turning them into her slaves. For this crime against men, she must be hunted down and PUNISHED.
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Dead Mall #1 (of 4) -  Adam Cesare & David Stoll
The Penn Mills Galleria is about to be demolished. Five teens sneak into the mall to take a last look around before it's gone. However, while Penn Mills has been closed for years, the mall is far from abandoned. A night of exploration becomes a shopping spree from hell. The teens must contend with the sprawling, transformative cosmic horror of Penn Mills or be trapped forever within the Dead Mall.
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Caffeinated Hearts One-Shot -  Jonathan Hedrick & Stefano Cardoselli
Follow a beautifully tattooed barista named Amarella across four vignettes that are blended through this slice-of-life comic book set in a coffee shop with a cyberpunk backdrop. These robust tales will warm your heart like a fresh batch of java poured into your favorite morning mug. Step inside and enjoy!
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Damn Them All #1 (of 6) -  Simon Spurrier & Charlie Adlard
Following the death of Ellie's uncle, an infamous magician and occult detective, the 72 devils of the Ars Goetia are mysteriously freed from their infernal realm. It's now up to Ellie to track down each of these exiled demons and damn them right back to Hell by any means necessary... holy water, conjuration, or just her trusty, rusty claw hammer.
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Sara Lone #1 -  Erik Arnoux & David Morancho
A young woman with a rough past finds herself caught in a destructive spiral after the brutal murder of her father, the owner of a modest shrimp fishery. Leaving the hot nights of New Orleans, she returns to the countryside to take over the business on her own, despite the ambient hostility around her. She is arrested during her trip back home-a murder was committed in the strip club where she worked and everything seems to point to her. Pursued by Mafia killers, she passes from police handcuffs to the hands of the Secret Service. Just who is Joy Carruthers, stage name Sara Lone?
Whatcha snagging this week, Fantomites?
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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Group D Round 1
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[image ID: the first image is of Gerald McBoing Boing, a boy in a red cowboy outfit with a white hat and boots. he's reading off a paper into a 40s/50s style radio microphone. the second image is of Gruftine, a girl with pale skin, red-purple hair in a ponytail, dark circles around her eyes, and little fangs. the sides of her head are bald. around her neck is a purple choker with a black spider, and her outfit consists of a purple cloak/robe and a darker purple top and bottom that shows her stomach. she's holding a pink bag with flowers in it. end ID]
He's a boy who can only speak in sound effects!
Adorable gothic vampire girl from an equally adorable vampire show! 
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