#ritual work
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magickkate · 6 months ago
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Purpose: Create a protective shield around yourself or your space to ward off negative energies and harmful influences.
Black candle (for protection)
Salt (for purification and protection)
Protective herbs (such as rosemary, sage, or basil)
A small bowl of water
Protective crystal (such as black tourmaline, obsidian, or amethyst)
Incense (such as frankincense or sandalwood)
White cloth or altar cloth
Athame or wand (optional)
Cleanse Yourself: Take a cleansing bath or shower, using salt and/or protective herbs. Visualize any negative energy being washed away.
Set Up Your Space: Choose a quiet, undisturbed area for your ritual. Lay out the white cloth or altar cloth on a flat surface.
Create a Sacred Space:
Arrange Your Altar: Place the black candle in the center of the cloth. Arrange the bowl of water, salt, protective herbs, and crystals around the candle.
Light the Incense: Light the incense and let the smoke purify the space. 
Cast a Circle:
Use Your Athame or Wand: If you have an athame or wand, use it to trace a circle around your working area. If you don’t have one, you can use your finger.
Visualize: As you draw the circle, visualize a protective barrier of white light forming around you and your space.
Light the Candle:
Invoke Protection: Light the black candle and focus on the flame. Visualize it growing and creating a protective barrier around you. 
Salt and Water Blessing:
Bless the Water: Hold the bowl of water and say an incantation and blessing directed for protection.
Bless the Salt: Hold the salt and say a blessing for this specific protection intention.
Mix: Add a pinch of salt to the bowl of water. Stir it clockwise and visualize it becoming charged with protective energy.
Herb and Crystal Empowerment:
Empower the Herbs: Hold the protective herbs in your hands and visualize being protected while focusing on the intent of this work. If you have an internal conversation going on, continue an incantation through thoughts or aloud.
Empower the Crystal: Hold the protective crystal in your hands and focus your intent through the crystal allowing it to hold your energy.
Anoint Yourself and Your Space:
Anoint Yourself: Dip your finger in the salt water and touch it to your forehead, heart, and wrists.
Anoint Your Space: Sprinkle the salt water around your space, especially at doorways and windows.
Close the Circle:
Thank the Spirits: Thank any deities, spirits, or energies you called upon for their protection.
Close the Circle: Use your athame, wand, or finger to trace the circle in reverse. Visualize the protective energy being absorbed back into you.
Ground and Center:
Ground Yourself: Sit quietly for a few moments and visualize any excess energy flowing into the Earth. You can also eat something small to help ground yourself.
Dispose of the Remnants:
Dispose of the Herbs and Water: If you use herbs and salt water, dispose of them outside in a respectful manner, returning them to the Earth.
Additional Tips:
Repeat Regularly: Repeat this protection spell regularly, such as monthly or whenever you feel the need for extra protection.
Customize: Feel free to customize the spell with additional elements that resonate with you, such as using specific deities, chants, or personal symbols of protection.
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ome-magical-ramblings · 6 months ago
Earth and Gnomes.
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The Gnomes...are wonderful!
I Honestly don't know where to start this piece in a way that REALLY cover my whole experiences with gnomes and earth element in one light. There's so much that the gnomes really encompass than just the usual gnome=money or gnome=material wealth. Gnomes are more alive than we think and working with them it gives a better perspective of the consciousness in stuff we think doesn't have consciousness or a soul to begin with. EVERYTHING have that soul and awareness to it!
It's hard to really stop and say that the gnomes and earth element start and ends here, because they encompass the house, electricity ، water, comfort, attitude, places of worship, etc. What do I mean by that?
House, Electricity ، Water
The house is pretty simple idea of having a house spirit but what the gnomes provide is this buffer zone between you and the house spirit without you having to deal directly with micro-managing the house-spirit, if you're amicable with the gnomes' wisdom and ingenuity then that would lead to a more harmonious house, no? that include how the electricity, plumbing, and everything that make the house goes smoothly. A little bit goes a long way and what the gnome need is usually abnormal by our standards. That buffer zone, between us and the spirits is usually important to cover any compromise or mistakes on our parts.
Comfort, Attitude, and Place of Worship(Feng Shui?)
Coming to one's own place of worship, and even your attitude and how you feel around places...The gnomes awaken that sense of "knowing" how the place is! We all can definitely sense if something is off in a place or not but we often sometime ignore our own place and the places we are usually in. At least for me the gnomes and working with the earth elementals awaken the land, the flow, the chi, the energy going around us and make us feel how the whole place is breathing and operating. The gnomes, once we begin to work with their wisdom we start to EMBODY the place we work with and get grounded in the forces around us.
In a Rahuian(Rahu-bodiless world) we are always looking at screen ignoring our bodies and the world around us throwing ourselves into a semi-digital world. We truly start to feel that we are disconnected from the world and if we truly don't go back and touch grass then we start to lose our sense of touch with the world! I tell you, the best reason to work with gnomes is to embody your work, to embody your spiritual path, and to be attentive of the foundation that you're building. That's truly the most important lesson with gnomes. Building the foundation, being attentive, consistent in one's own practice and life. All of these aspects of work culminate to become the structure shock-absorber of other more intensive phenomena of the spiritual realm so they don't get stuck being a purely spiritual thing but grounded and manifested into the real world!
O Invisible King Who, taking the Earth for Foundation, didst hollow its depths to fill them with Thy Almighty Power. Thou Whose Name shaketh the Arches of the World! Thou who causest the Seven Metals to flow through the veins of the rocks! King of the Seven Lights! Rewarder of the subterranean Workers! Lead us into the desirable Air and into the Realm of Splendor. We watch and we labor unceasingly, we seek and we hope, by the twelve stones of the Holy City, by the buried Talismans, by the Axis of the Lodestone which passes through the center of the Earth. O Lord, O Lord, O Lord! Have pity upon those who suffer. Expand our hearts, detach and upraise our minds, enlarge our natures. O Stability and Motion! O Darkness veiled in Brilliance! O Day clothed in Night! O Master who never dost withhold the wages of Thy Workmen! O Silver Whiteness! O Golden Splendor! O Crown of Living and Melodious Diamond! Thou who wearest the Heavens on Thy Finger like a ring of Sapphire! Thou who hidest beneath the Earth in the Kingdom of Gems, the marvelous Seed of the Stars! Live, reign, and be Thou the Eternal Dispenser of the Treasures whereof Thou hast made us the Warders! Amen.
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Title: Angels with The Ramparts of Heaven Creator: Sir William Blake Richmond Date created: 1891/1904 Physical Location: St Paul's Cathedral Quire Aisle
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raining-tulips · 6 months ago
eight years into my spirituality and I finally know what they mean when people talk about raising energy.
To raise energy you must get completely out of your mind. You must get into your body, into the present moment, forget time exists. It's about getting to a place and a mindset where you're simply just doing, being, not thinking.
And it cannot be forced. For years I've tried sitting, meditating, willing energy into objects or worse, into the world in general, and found it doesn't work.
Whether you get there by dancing in the shower, by meditating, by allowing yourself to feel an emotion viscerally, it doesn't matter. It just matters that you're not thinking.
And you can literally feel it. To me it feels like a blood rush to the head, my arms will usually raise above my head on instinct, and my face smiles. It feels like a shot of b12. It tingles.
Then the energy just moves with nothing more than a thought, an impulse, a desire. It just becomes. It just is.
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wombat-witch · 27 days ago
Making Natron
With the recent heatwave and overall generally hot Australian summer upon me, I thought it would be a great time to try and make some homemade natron.
What is Natron?
It is a naturally occurring mineral found in dried out lake beds and was used greatly during ancient times, especially in Egypt.
It was used in a multitude of ways including: to soften water for washing clothes, as a mouthwash, as an antiseptic, and all the way to the mummification process (assisting in drying out the bodies).
It was used during rituals to purify the priest before the stood before the gods. It’s this reason I wanted to make some- to help me better connect to the Netjeru I work with.
How to make it:
You need equal parts table salt and bicarbonate soda, mixed together in a shallow dish. Add enough water to just cover the mix and stir well. It won’t fully devolve, but you want to make sure everything is thoroughly wet and mixed.
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Then leave the mixture in the sun or a warm spot until it completely dries out. This can take days to weeks depending on the weather.
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Once fully dry, scrape it off the dish. You can leave it as is, or crush it into a powder.
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How to use?
I plan to both give it as an offering as well as use it to purify myself before ritual work, bringing myself into a state of w’ab (𓃂 𓈗 ) or “being clean”.
To do so, I plan to add a small amount to a bowl of water and use that to wash my hands. As I wash my hands, I will state that “I am purified”.
I do NOT recommend ingesting it as it can throw off your body’s natural PH balance. Some people do use it as a mouthwash, however I don’t recommend this either as it can damage your teeth over long periods of use.
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casualwitchbitch · 2 years ago
Shadow work ALWAYS comes before ritual work. Like, it’s all very well to do a spell for anxiety, but where is that anxiety coming from? Is it straight up fear? Unresolved trauma? Is your nervous system fucked? Is it a mental disorder? Is it generalised or specific? Are your hormones all over the place? Is someone in your life just being a dick? Without doing the work to find the root cause, you can’t know where to point your ritual compass, ya know? Do the shadow work, THEN do the ritual.
Important side note: not everyone is in the right place/time to do shadow work. It can be a lot. Make sure you have the right support (professional if needed!) if you’re gonna do it. 🖤
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arcane-abomination · 2 years ago
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⚜️ Void Magick ⚜️
🌹 Void Magick 🌹 Realms of the Void 🌹The Living Void 🌹 Void Opening Ritual 🌹 Void Deities 🌹 Void Walking 🌹 The Void State
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seafoam-serenade · 7 months ago
Opening ritual/offering for a guided divination with Aphrodite 🩷🩷
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goodenoughformeee · 7 months ago
How my furina pulls went!
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Hope everyone who wanted furina or sigewinne win their 50/50 and/ or get them early!!!
I lost my 50/50 to jean when furina first came, it's just funny that I lost the 50/50 to jean AGAIN XD
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crazycatsiren · 2 years ago
Incense cones my beloved. That's all.
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ome-magical-ramblings · 6 months ago
Water, Undines, and Nymphs.
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O Vastness wherein all the Rivers of Being seek to lose themselves, which renew themselves ever in thee. O Ocean of infinite perfections!
I love the water, the sea, and all the spirits of water are amazingly beautiful but somewhat dangerous!
Working with water element and undine is an interesting work, on multiple front it is both a tricky topic to deal with because the water is the channel of communication with spirits and reflective of our own nature. If we come knocking on water's door and say this, that without respect to anything then we are asking that demanding nature to be reflected on us and the spirit themselves would be more demanding of us. Water and water spirits really reflect what put into it, it is the channel, the mirror, the fluid, and all the forces and qualities we give it, it gives it back. That's WHY the traditions have moral codes and ethical teachings to allow us to come to the spirits truthfully, honestly, and confident in them would lead them to be confident in us. If we come from a religious or a pious approach then the spirits of water will come pious and religious!
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That's the first thing people think about when they think of water, water elementals, undines, and nymphs. Of course there's more to it than just the emotional aspect but also hearing, talking, and listening about this first is better than bringing it later on. Watery emotions as most of them are the fluids that animate us, that truly are e-motions, give us that motion stirring out of spiritual fluids. The Water is that animated movement of our divine spark and without we would be dull and jaded, we can easily restrict and cause stagnation if we are not careful. Then what? the water become this toxic, stagnant, stale water full of bugs, mold, and gunky growing inside of it :( similar to the real world stagnant water, when our emotions and spiritual water become stagnant then it become a breeding ground for astral larave and toxic parasitic spirits to feed off our jaded and barely flowing water. It doesn't matter if you get worked up, loosen up because in the end where does it matter? when it reach the fruition of it. If you imagine the stuff at the "start" and the "end" of it, that's where your emotions is most important but in the middle you can let it transform and transform you alongside it. If you try to micromanage the flow of your emotion at every step of the way then you would strangle it but that doesn't mean you shouldn't start positively and choose in the end if the emotion is worth expressing outwardly or not.
River of Enlightenment and Stream.
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Sotāpanna or stream entry, a term of someone who have entered the stream of enlightenment in buddhism. It is very similar to the way traditions operate in the worlds. We can often get lost in the "it's all the same" or the over syncretism without the important thing, which mean that you have to follow through the stream, go down the stream into the ocean. You can't just say "oh they're all the same streams leading to same ocean". Walk it out, go through it, that's a motivating thing to say that despite how shallow or how thin and weak your connection to the supreme reality, to God, to guru, to Jesus, or to the divine providence you can foster it. That's the wonderful thing you have the chance no matter how far you're from Divinity to draw yourself and walk toward it and gain the blessings of it, you just have to follow that refreshing stream of water. Next week...Sylphs and Air.
Holy, oblique, who swiftly soar thro' air, Fountains and dews, and mazy streams your care: Seen and unseen, who joy with wand'rings wide And gentle course, thro' flow'ry vales to glide; With Pan exulting on the mountains height, Loud-founding, mad, whom rocks and woods delight: Nymphs od'rous, rob'd in white, whose streams exhale The breeze refreshing, and the balmy gale;
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grimiorething · 11 months ago
Io Lupercalia! Hope everyone also had a good St. Valentines day yesterday. Cross-posted this to some of my other socials. Small clip of some of my ritual work today, will be preparing a feast later tonight.
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raining-tulips · 2 years ago
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casualwitchbitch · 2 years ago
🦀 How to use crab shells in witchcraft
Use them on your altar to symbolise the element of water
Use as a candle holder or offering bowl
Use in rituals for protection, strength, resilience, tenacity, transition or independence/self sufficiency
Hang them in doorways or windows as a protective charm (you can also paint sigils on the inside of the shell)
Use small shells (or shell powder) in spells bags, bottles and amulets
Use them as a focus point for a meditation/visualisation on change, life cycles or strength
Crab shells have bacteria that can make you sick - boil them for 10 mins and clean them thoroughly with a stiff brush
Don’t be smashing crabs like a Vogon - vacated shells only, please!
If you forage them from a beach, take only one and only when needed - leave the others for nature
If you buy them, consider the ethical implications
When you forage on the beach, make an offering by litter picking as well
If you let them dry out too quickly, they will crack
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eclecticcollectics · 1 year ago
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The Witch’s Edition kits🌛🦇✨
These sweet little setups would make the perfect addition to any witch’s or warlock’s assemblage! ~With a cute collection of crystals, bones, seashells & other natural elements to add to your altar space~ and mini Tarot cards, candle, & the tiniest Spellbook to up to your ritual game~ even on the go! 📖💎🦴🪲🐚🔮🕯️
In order, with 3 photos of each, we present:
ii. VIOLA 🪻
iv. LOTUS 🪷
v. MIDNA 🌌
Every kit comes with a different colored decorative pouch, full deck of miniature Tarot cards, natural tree branch pencil, miniature Spellbook keychain, smallest heart-shaped ceramic Candle~ plus vintage-style matchbox~ a tiny Postcard with artistic mushroom illustration, along with each kit’s own unique, cherry picked assortment of gemstones & other curious items 🍒
↳ Each Witch’s Curio Kit is $107~ includes shipping costs & extra care so nothing breaks in transit 💌
$175+ value if you sourced each item individually! We wanted these to be a fun opportunity for people to add a whole new assortment of oddities to their collection in one go 🦋🌀
There are these 5 Witch’s Edition kits available total~ & we’ll be posting each one in more detail here, or you’re welcome to check them all out on our site 🙏
Thanks for looking!
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lexstellaris · 2 years ago
lol not me forgetting (and I did remind myself last week) that I should be doing the Rite of Her Sacred Fires for Hekate at the full moon tonight.
Ahh well, it gives me more time to prepare the protection magic, bc I will need some Supplies. >_>
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deathcoregoblin · 8 days ago
That full moon last night was so crazy. So much emotional energy finally understood and released.
Happy Wolf Moon 🌙
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