#exorcist milan
joyerisjoy · 2 months
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Tumblr was being a dumb bitch (what else is new?) so I could only screenshot what I had written in notes for this post.
Rest in peace, Avery/@informist, my amazing friend.
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seraphim-adina · 3 months
Milan yawned loudly as she walked down the halls of the palace, not really paying any mind to her surroundings as she left Sarai’s quarters.
She just needed some breakfast. She didn’t even notice she was walking right towards—
…She looked up at…
That… That face. That haircut. It almost drove her into a cheer— But she knew better. This wasn’t who she thought it was.
…But she looked a lot like her. Almost uncontrollably, Milan made a wistful smile, feeling like she was greeting… An old friend, so to speak.
Adina looked down at the small Exorcist before here.
So, this was Sarai's secret. Her little Exorcist pet.
It was almost too perfect that Adina should run into her now - Adina would know, she picked the right time and place to "accidentally" run into her.
She knew that Sarai had been hiding a secret ever since she had heard the loud crash of her roof falling in, and when she would see her very hastily brushing away Exorcist feathers every so often. She just had to know more about what the Apprentice was doing, and luckily for her, Sarai was just awful at keeping her secrets~
"Hello Exorcist," Adina began, her voice sweet, "Are you here to meet with the Council today? It's a bit early for such meetings~"
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exorcist-milan420 · 6 days
Ava ran as fast as he could to find Milan. The memories of his time as Adina's bodyguard came rushing back all at once as soon as Sadie mentioned her name. It all came back to him - the fear, the humiliation, the isolation. He knew damn well what Adina was capable of, and he knew that for all her faults, Milan didn't deserve that.
He rushed to Milan's dorm, only to find it empty. Thinking quickly, he knew that if Adina had envenomed her like she did him, Milan must've already been on her way to Adina's quarters. He ran the familiar way, and sure enough, caught her a block away from the Palace.
He calls out. He notices how dazed she looked, and his fears worsen.
HEY!! -🚬
Milan stumbled, blinking blearily against the bright light all around her. Weird, it was so bright but it felt so dark. She didn't even know why she was bothering; Adina was shit for sex but... she had a craving. So Milan did what she did best: she went for it. Even if it was a bad idea.
Fuck, she did feel awful, though. Worse than she'd been feeling. But maybe that was just normal now. Maybe she just needed to get used to always feeling like shit. Because she was shit. She was-
Milan looked up, recognizing the voice and pushing back the tears that came to her eyes. "What? You change your mind about yellin' at me some more?"
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exorcist-ava · 3 months
[Sadie] Howdy, Ava! *She takes one of the coffees out from the drink carrier she’s holding and offers it to him.* How are you feeling? Ready for this? Excited for y’all to be besties again??
*They start down the street.* Gotta say, sort of hard to believe I got Milan on board for this so easily. Of course, I had to sweeten the deal with an Americano and a chocolate chip cookie.
*The two of them arrive at Sadie and Milan’s previously agreed upon meeting place; the pickleball courts (for some reason).* Oh, and, uh… I guess it also helps that Milan doesn’t know I’m bringing you along. ANYWAY, look, there she is! Go say hi!
“Esperar, ¿qué dices-“
Ava sighs. She had taken some time to cool off since their massive fight, and started to think more about actually talking ever since she met Sadie. There was no way it would go as well as Sadie hoped, but one of them had to make an effort, right?
And plus, she wanted that apology from Milan.
“Sup,” she says to Milan, taking a sip of her coffee.
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seraphim-sarai · 4 months
After Milan had spoken with Sadie, she was feeling something a bit unexplainable— It sat in the pit of her stomach, just simmering like some kind of regret-filled slow cooker. She figured she’d sit until it went away, but found it much better to do something with herself instead of wallow.
So she went to training to try and cool off.
…Bad idea.
As she lay in her dorm’s bed now, she couldn’t recall the last time everything hurt so bad. Lute had made her run forty extra laps, one for every day she had skipped out on training— Along with that, she had to stay later than every other exorcist, doing double the sets they usually did.
And of course, Lute felt the need to beat her ass in a couple spars. Just in case the previous trials weren’t enough.
She would officially never go to training again. And in her utter defeat, she’d even forgotten someone special was coming over to ‘collect her payment…’
Which is what she had said the last time. And the last. And the last.
Sarai knocked at the door, draped again in her dark cloak. She told herself what she always told herself: that she’d get the money and go. She prayed silently that Milan quickly opened the door before anyone spotted her.
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exorcist-ray · 3 days
Milan was still aching after the big fight/make-up with Ava. She was going to self-medicate with some weed and whatever else she had in her stash, but that didn't always help. Swallowing her own pride, she decides she needs to see a professional for some help with some particularly sore muscles and lingering effects of withdrawal.
She walks wearily into the Exorcist Med Bay, knocking loudly on the door.
"Yo! There anyone here? My body feels like it's on FIRE!!"
Ray looked up and set down her pen, flipping over her paper so the text wasn't visible. She walked over to the door, opening it.
She smiles, ushering the slightly disheveled exorcist inside. Hello, how can I help you? Her eyes darted over Milan's body, trying to see what exactly was wrong.
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moreaustars · 2 months
I've been thinking about what I'd say to you all night. I've just had absolutely no words other than anger — at the universe for taking you, at Tumblr for not helping, at myself for not being able to do more. I think it was easier at first to be angry, though. Much more than being vulnerable. I've been so scared if I came on here and made an actual post that I'd say the wrong thing or I'd just start crying again.
I know you can't read this, but I hope you know wherever you are in the great beyond that you were fucking amazing. We all loved you so so so much. Fuck, dude, all we've done since we found out was cry and talk about how fantastic, how sweet, how absolutely hilarious you were.
It's still hard to believe that you're gone. I know we never got the chance to get too much closer and that's something I'll always regret, but every message and ask and reblog we've ever shared have always made me laugh so hard until my stomach hurt. Milan, The Peter Saga™, the Salad™ art. Everything you did was spectacular. You were so kind, so gentle, so inspirational. The Lutuals Discord might as well have been an Informist fan club.
We're never going to stop talking about you. You may be gone from both this world and Tumblr itself, but I'll never shut up about that one really sick butch I knew for half a year that was and will always be the coolest person I've met.
This world is fucking cruel, and the cruelest part is how little time you got to spend on it. In the few months I've known you, I never expected you to go from drawing wings to earning yours. I hope they're absolutely rad, though, and bright ass orange so you can make bird jokes about bullfinches to anyone who will listen. Fuck, dude, I hope everyone listens. And I hope you're finally able to realize how awesome and loved you were and still are.
I can't wait to see you again. I hope you're able to find peace in the meantime.
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excorcist-lute · 2 months
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You were the best angel I've ever seen Avery, I loved talking and role-playing with you, i hope to see you one day in hevan. Seeing you in my notifications always made me smile. Without you this blog wouldn't even exist, you'll forever be one of the butterflies on my arm. I'll miss you one of my first mutuals. Lutes first follower. And occasionally a cool big sibling. I'll see you in the afterlife some day. My friend, rest well.
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- @sunshinekryze ♡
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exorcist-lyra · 6 months
Yoooooo! Lana!
…It’s Lana, right? Lena? Lynn? Damnit, I don’t remember…
Anyways, Lana, you’re my FAVORITE girl in this whole CITY!!! Wanna go for ice cream during training later today with me n’ my gang? It’s on Athena’s tab. She’s like, rich or something.
-Exorcist Milan, OUT! 💥🔥
-slightly caught off guard- Uhm. It's uh. It's.. Lyra, actually. But anyway.. Milan, your offer sounds amazing but I'm not sure if "during training" is such a good idea in my current situation. I had a bit of trouble with the Head Seraphim lately and if I skip training, Lute will probably pluck me. This would be bad for my track record. After training though? I wouldn't mind.
Someone has been vibing with Commander Adam a lot lately, it seems... Lyra thinks to herself.
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ask-sera · 1 month
Hey mommy 😘
Milan… Go home.
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joyerisjoy · 3 months
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Some quick Ava stuff. Looks like someone is a bit scared of abandonment. Just a little bit.
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seraphim-adina · 2 months
She lands on Adina's balcony and bangs on the window, scrubbing at her eyes to hide her tears.
"Hey! Hey, Adina! Where you at? I-you got time for a booty call? I'm, uh, bored and feel like fuckin'."
Milan’s loud voice brought her out of her daze. She was still stuck on Lee and the last thing she said to her, wondering what it could possibly mean. Her German wasn’t as strong as she would’ve liked and she cursed herself for it.
No matter. Milan was here now. It was to time to refocus her energy.
“Oh, Milan~!” She greeted her with false warmth, “So lovely to see you~! Did you enjoy the party~?”
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exorcist-milan420 · 18 days
(Steals your drugs) - 💰
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exorcist-ava · 4 months
The exorcist halls were always buzzing with chatter, and today was no exception. Milan was sitting at her usual spot, munching on her rations and talking with her mouth full.
“Yeah, so then she was like… ‘Give it to me… Your credit card information.’ It was so fucking hot...”
Walking by, Ava couldn’t help but overhear Milan’s words. Milan seemed to be overly enthusiastic as she recounted some sort of very hot encounter. It sounded…interesting, to say the least. Cocking one of her eyebrows, Ava decided to approach her, in the hopes of getting some details. It was never too early for some gossip.
“What’s this talk about credit card information and hot chicks?” She says, blowing out smoke from her daily cigarette, “Did ya get lucky or something, hermano?”
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seraphim-sarai · 4 months
Milan sighed, flopping onto her dorm couch.
“Finally fucking done…”
Her dorm was absolutely sparkling, a bottle of absinthe and wine on the table along with crystal-clear glasses for her and Sarai.
She checked the clock on her nightstand. 5:47 PM, and Sarai was definitely the type to be early. Good thing she was dressed in something that wasn’t entirely insufferable, and even made the effort to slick her hair back a bit more than usual.
A knock at the door made her sigh and push herself up, shake the tiny bit of nervousness off, and open the door.
Sarai hoped the dark cloak she draped themself in was enough to disguise themself. It was humiliating enough that they had agreed to meeting up with Milan. The rest of Heaven certainly didn’t have to know about it.
Given all their powers, they would’ve fashioned themselves a more discreet form to sneak into the Exorcist’s dorm, if they hadn’t already been so frazzled by their argument with Timpani…and Lute…and Ava. They hardly even remembered that they were supposed to meet up with Milan, so they quickly threw on the first thing they could find and prayed no one would recognize them.
They were going to see Milan, collect the money she owed them, and leave. That should be quick and painless.
They shuddered slightly as the door clicked open.
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