#existential crisis post reveal
lavenoon · 2 years
No wonder ac y/n is confused, there's (in their mind) three separate celestial themed robots running around, surely that sort of thing is common everywhere
"Average person knows at least 1 celestial animatronic" factoid actually a statistical error. The average person knows less than 1 celestial animatronic, Y/N, who lives in a duplex with two of them and knows 3 in total, is an outlier and should not have been counted
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Character development is using other people’s failures and instead of just ha-ha reacting actually applying it to the decisions I make in my life
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Showcase 96’ (1996) #8
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inbarfink · 8 months
So one of the cool and interesting ways ‘Steven Universe’ used to try and balance being both a series of 11-minutes episodes that each have their own satisfying emotional resolution and being an overarching story with complicated character arcs that take multiple seasons to resolve is the… I’m going to call it the ‘Not Quite Right Lesson’ episodes. Episodes where a character kinda learns a Very Important Lesson… but a more careful and retrospective look at the situation shows that what they learned is not Quite the Right Thing for them. They internalized something in that adventure which just ended up causing more Emotional Troubles for themselves farther down the line.
‘The Test’ is the most classic example. 
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As a standalone thing, it’s just a sweet episode about Steven learning to accept that his caretakers are also flawed and confused and figuring this shit up as they’re going along just like he is, and then doing a nice thing for their sake.
But looking back at this episode, it is quite obviously the nadir of Steven appointing himself as the Family Therapist and repressing all of his problems so he could better help the Gems’ with theirs. Like, there have been some early warning signs for this Complex, but this episode is the one that really cemented that idea in his mind and probably the reason it took him like the Entire Rest of the Show Including a Post-Finale Season to really untangle it.
But… also, I’ve been thinking a lot about the episode right after that, ‘Future Vision’. I think it’s also a very important ‘Not Quite Right Lesson Episode’ for the character of Garnet, and to some extent, the Crystal Gems as a whole. In many ways, it is to the CGs' character arcs' what 'the Test' is to Steven's.
So in this episode, Garnet reveals to Steven the fact that she has Future Vision. She hoped that telling Steven a little bit more about herself and being honest with him will lead to a greater understanding and a greater bond between them… but it backfired. It just led Steven to become a total paranoid, terrified wreck stuck in a total existential crisis.
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And it seems like the lesson Garnet learned is that… she should’ve never taken that risk at all. That it would’ve been better for everyone if she just kept Steven ignorant of the truth forever.
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Extremely reinforced with the ending of the episode, where Garnet chooses to once again hide an uncomfortable truth (that he just came very close to dying again) from Steven, for the sake of his own ‘peace of mind’.
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So, like, the Gems were already hiding uncomfortable truths from Steven since day one. “If you could only know what we really are” and all of that. But I think… With the actual truth of Homeworld encroaching on them more and more at this point of the story arc, this would’ve been a great time for the Gems to reconsider their attitude and actually Explain to Steven What the Hell is Going On. 
But instead, I think Garnet saw the events of ‘Future Vision’ as a reinforcement of the idea that there’s just some things Steven is Better Off Not Knowing. Actually being frank with him about Homeworld and the Diamonds and the War right there and then, that would have just overwhelmed Steven with fears and worries and would’ve ended up doing nothing but hurting him. And Garnet can’t accept that possibility, not again.
And so, Garnet, alongside Amethyst and Pearl, keep all these truths from Steven as long as possible. Only revealing bits of information when they have to. For Amethyst it’s about her emotionally-evasive attitude (also, she legit doesn’t know all of that stuff herself). For Pearl it’s about how she learned to romanticize Rose’s own fucked-up obsession with secrets. For Garnet, with her usually very direct attitude and preference for the most straightforward solutions, I think it’s very much the events of ‘Future Vision’ that were still playing in her head every time she had the choice to actually Explain something to Steven and decided not to. 
But that, indeed, was Not Quite the Right Lesson. While being bluntly and directly told by Garnet all about the Many Ways He Could Die caused Steven to go into an anxiety spiral and an existential crisis for an episode - the way the Gems have been consistently secretive and evasive with Steven ended up causing him so much more emotional grief to him in the long run. As all of these secrets ended up revealed to him in the most surprising, dramatic and traumatizing way possible.
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And the secretive attitudes ended up driving a wedge between Steven and the Gems. 
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Even after they promised to be more honest with him. Because the sight of Steven crying on the roof that day is one that Garnet can easily move away from. Because Garnet’s Not Quite Right Lesson was almost as difficult for her to unlearn as Steven’s own. 
But after the big confrontation at the start of the Zoo Arc, Garnet ended up being the most upfront about the Crystal Gems’ history. Almost overeager to share what she knows about the past.
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I mean also, again, Amethyst just has less to tell and Pearl is hiding secrets for reasons beyond her control - but I think it’s also important to consider from the perspective of Garnet’s arc.
Because the fallout of the Pink Diamond Reveal is very much centered around Garnet (or, well, Ruby and Sapphire). That was the Truth that was hidden from her 'for her own good'. And at the end of the day, despite all the grief that unveiling that truth has caused
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It has also brought them, all of them, a lot closer.
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There's a reason why 'the Truth' is Garnet's Final Missing Piece in the movie. It is as central to her character arc in the series as Lesbian AngstTM grief over lost love is to Pearl.
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And still, some remnants of the Trauma of 'Future Vision' remained...
After all, even the very last episode of 'Future' was centered around the Gems once again trying to hide things from Steven (at that case, their turmoil about him leaving) for his own sake
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Even though it once again just caused Steven a whole lot of grief.
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It's maybe notable that at the end of this episode, Garnet, once again, tells Steven what's waiting for him in his Future...
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
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She just learned today who stole her baby. Let her process, goddammit!
#erda#og post#gtfo with the romantic music#leave her a few days to deal with her emotions!!!!!#they really sped this whole reveal and shoved it into three days#i get that she's already suffered for years and there's no need to torture her more but they should've started this part of the arc earlier#that way she could have at least processed some of the emotions by now and things wouldn't be so weird#don't throw her into a romance after she spent 30 years getting over the last one and the assumed death of her daughter#i'll bet you that they were thinking “him being here to make dealing with this so much easier for her will show the depth of their bond”#but um... all you're doing is making light of her grief and trauma#it's been half a day since she learned the whole truth and he's like “you should let go of this”#bestie that's sociopathic#she's legit having an existential crisis and you're doing this#he's like “you know none of this is your fault right?” and she's like “i don't know anything”#she's going to start dissociating next#BUT and i hate myself for this but there is cuteness here and i want to focus on it#his face when she's blaming herself is pure confusion and funny af#his offer to go out isn't flirting; it's just an attempt to make sure her thoughts won't be spinning in a vicious circle all night#and despite her protests she gets up on her own from the couch; he doesn't have to tug her up#i'm not crazy about the fact that she acknowledges that they barely know each other because that pretty much doesn't change before#they start sleeping together (2 days from now) but she's definitely just making excuses because she wants to be with him even in her state#and he just wants to love her and pay her attention#(although i don't know which part of her personal tragedy makes him feel like life isn't so harsh; i guess he's talking about her presence)#and he got her to admit that he soothes her which... good; she needs a lot of that#so overall this scene is 50/50 but just like everything else could have benefited from better pacing of the plot#(i thought i'd written a novel in the tags before but it can't compare to this)
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mychemicalraymance · 1 year
i started this post so short and made it into a full on tour outfit camp/fashion post accidentally
hope everyone knows that gerard’s skirt suit tie is like. literally a vintage “women’s” tie. when middle class women entered the workforce with gusto the fashion of professionalism and suits etc had an existential crisis about what to do with the ties...... like the ties of skirt/women’s suits are specifically bows and ribbons.  i can’t give any sort of statement as to why, aside from the fact of arbitrarily and subtly keeping gendered difference while “copying” men’s standard dress and attempting to move away from 60′s professional dress, which was largely the same as women’s social and public dress. anyway. the fact of choosing this tie 
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and the fact that the tie reveals itself to be a scarf only after the jacket is removed is amazing... idk. it reveals the distinction between men’s and women’s dress and how gender is forcefully adapted into all ways of life, even in movements to remove it. the same goes for the kitten heels, 
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kitten heels are another perfect camp example of gender adaptation imo. heeled and uncomfortable, explicitly gendered but “professionalized”, largely considered frumpy to a certain degree and unsexual due to their low height. translating the professional uniform of men to women’s attire was a sort of a second wave assimilation approach to gender. 
50s’/ 60′s workplace attire, which emphasized busts, hips, and waist. 
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and then the more 70′s / 80′s look of gerard’s tie and heels - boxy, “androgynous”, padded and square shoulders, adopting suit jackets and patterns
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the tour (mostly the dresses and skirts, designed outfits) has been largely 70s to me, even with the explicitly  60′s and ww II looks.
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 they’re incredibly boxy and have a “boyish” silhouette, a hallmark of women’s fashion of the 70s, considering women’s lib and the gender revolution. it’s so cool to see because part of that was a move TOWARDS androgyny, and now even the pants looks are identifiably “women’s” or androgynous.  even the sunglasses are “women’s”.  
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“women’s” sunglasses, “women’s” ties, and “women’s” specially adapted uniforms, be it nurse or office worker. all of these looks are seeded from the historical urge to de-gender and androgenize fashion, yet to our eyes it’s unmistakably “women’s” 
camp by my definition  in its purest form is the re-contextualization of needlessly gendered practices, society, and fashion, and the shifting context is used to satirize the  notion that things are “naturally” gendered and dimorphic. camp, when effective, describes the constructed nature of gender and sexuality. women’s suits DESIGNED to be "more masculine” are  by modern standards (well i mean. by modern feminist standards LOL) still obviously so far from the mark of “genderless”. it highlights the fact that gender is so insidiously woven into EVERYTHING, even  social efforts to be more egalitarian, so to speak. it makes us see the gender we quietly perform as “natural” in modern life. 
i’m not a fashion historian or anything else so if i’m wrong i’m sorry LOL. but i give such a huge fuck about gendered fashion in camp and also gerard way
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obscuretobyfox · 5 days
The recent UNDERTALE/DELTARUNE Newsletter revealed a ton of concept art for enemies, done by Splendidland! There's way too much to make individual posts on, so I'll just post all the art with notes here!
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"My friend Samanthuel (aka Splendidland) did a ton of concept art for Chapter 2! Sadly I couldn't use all of it because many of the concepts didn't end up aligning with my final vision for the game, but the designs themselves are super amazing! I'm thankful I got to use any of them.
Specifically I really wanted to use the paint enemy as a miniboss, since I thought it would be really fun mechanic.
Below were her notes on all of them! She also provided ideas on how she thought they could be used." - Toby Fox
"I was given the broad theme of "cyber world" and told to pretty much just design whatever I wanted, expecting only a handful to actually make it in. I made all of these within a couple days, just making whatever came to my mind." - Splendidland
(From here on out, all quotes are from Splendidland.)
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"01: Hacker Guy (idk what their name is), wants to discover the secrets of the world and has special abilities, though they aren't aware of them. "Hacks" by randomly smashing keys and even swinging their mouse around in the air, could keep escalating in silly ways.
02: Handsome Face...
03: When they stand over a spot that can be "hacked into", their cursor shaped head turns into a pointing finger. They don't notice this change, so it's up to you, the player, to help them."
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"04: heheh....
05: Funny Egg, their body contains a virtual pet. Can the fate of this pet be altered? Maybe not... Has an existential crisis if the pet dies, as their body is a battleground of life and death.
06 :Broken Image, their life is in ruins
07: Recycle Bin
08: Trash Fly, represents uncollected "garbage data"
09: Kiss-kiss"
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"10: Painter, would basically be like Adeleine but with crude ms paint effects, especially the airbrush."
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"11: Diskette, spins in place until talked to. "despite my looks, i am totally unable to save your progress"
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"12: some kind of "internet" thing idk
13: "Data", little icon like creatures who march onwards with unknown purpose. they take part in the festival."
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"14: Popup. hides underneath a tile and springs upwards annoyingly. touching its forehead makes it return underground temporarily. a pest."
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"15: Virus, its head sways back and forth as it tries to hover in the air."
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"16:Anti Virus, is it a cop or a doctor? maybe they see you as an enemy as you're an "outsider"?
17:Corrupted data or something"
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"18:"Cyber World", a rough vision of what a world inside a computer could look like
19:Cyber House"
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"20: Masked Dancers, they participate in the festival, each colour has a different movement pattern and dance style. very rough concept" Which one is your favorite? Mine is probably the tiny data creatures!
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seishiroses · 3 months
I love Nagi being a "I didn't sign up for this crap but fml the crap is starting to feel interesting and move me in mysterious ways" protagonist. Like:
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And while that's common with the lazy genius trope, where it actually gets super interesting is when Nagi starts to really ask himself why he is feeling this way, and what is it that he even wants:
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This panel below is really cool, not just because it definitively marks Nagi's transformation from a passive to an active character in his own story, but also art-wise I love the grey and black smoky tendrils curling around him. It creates an aura of something really dangerous, like poison gas, like he's not human (a bit like Venom in Spiderman?)
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Dark smoky auras are not new in manga but I particularly like the way Blue Lock does them. And how it uses effects like these to depict a character's overall mood or the perception they give to others. Like look at Isagi's face here he looks like he's watching a scorpion shed it's skin.
I think effects like these are especially useful for a character like Nagi since his facial expressions are designed to hide more than they reveal. But I also like that they are used sparingly. We don't see the smoky darkness or skull aura all that often, at least early on. Because unlike other characters, Nagi feels his main character energy quite inconsistently, in between a lot of very "bored/tired/it's a pain/I don't wanna" moments. So those sudden bursts of pride or determination feel all the more impactful.
I think Nagi in the current timeline needs a hard reset back to the line of questioning and soul searching we see in the panels above. He kind of is getting there (post-match conversations with Rin and Barou) but the danger is that the stakes are too high now and will not allow him all the time in the world to figure it out.
The problem is very relatable especially if you're someone who cannot settle on what to do with your life and why, while everyone around you seems to be laser focused and driven and knowing exactly what they want. And sometimes even though certain moments can stir your soul, they don't necessarily help you magically find motivation in the long term. But time is running out and you'll get left behind if you don't figure it out soon.
In moments I do feel like the slow-burn existential crisis which defines a lot of Nagi's journey is frustrating, but then I realise that shit is even more frustrating IN LIFE, and so this is actually more realistic than I thought. 😔
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tyrsvault · 10 months
Pt. 2
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Pt 3 ⬆️
Pt 1 ⬇️
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eremorte · 7 months
thronecoming heritage hall gifts (rewritten)
The Thronecoming heritage hall gifts bug me. Most of them don’t feel like a parent has gifted them. They are so uninspired for the biggest moment in their child’s life.
I’ve listed my replacements below. I’m hoping for the gifts to have a, if had-to-do-it-again-here’s-what-I’d-want vibe.
blondie lockes
OG gift: running shoes
rewritten gift: a new piece of tech that helps her with her mirror cast. A shiny new microphone or even just a cute news reporter accessory that acknowledges her unintended break from destiny (or rather extremely developed hobby/career because her story can be over in like 30 minutes) it also gives off the initial impression that blondie’s story is “just right” the way it is until.. boom! There’s a note.
That mentions that as Goldilocks has reflected on her role and how she regrets hurting the bears the ways she has* and with an extra perceptive daughter like blondie she is sure to find a worthy story (within bounds) that won’t cause baby bear to develop a complex. *insert long list of things here that blondie could comment on in her stead because the story book of legends didn’t write every worthwhile critique of the bear house and the bears despite “forgiving” her won’t let her talk to them about this* and a small comment of how she is super proud about blondie that hopefully eases some of her attention seeking behavior so she’s less of a brat later on.
cerise hood:
OG Gift: picnic basket with an electronic mirror lock.
revised gift: honestly I have no comment. This is a great gift. My only question is how recently the presents are placed in the hall seeing as how that basket spit up a whole bird leg. Maybe it has a special note of the picnic menu they have in celebration once the whole shebang is done.
o hair twins:
OG gift floating hair brushes
rewritten gift given how Rapunzel’s story is that she was locked away her whole life because her bio mom ate a magical plant while pregnant that the witch wasn’t sure of the side effects of and had to lock her away because damn sure bio parents couldn’t do anything if the witch was second guessing herself. What I think should be there are odd bits an bobs function like an Easter egg hunt of a map and post fairytale notes one what they are that Rapunzel is certain her girls can figure out because they have her plant powers (though probably diluted hence the helpful notes incase they have to solve things like their adoptive grandma ).
briar beauty
NOW FOR THE GIRL WHO INSPIRED THIS POST. Her gift makes me so angry. It is the most nothing gift of the whole bunch. You mean to tell me that a hundred year sleep doesn’t come with any regrets at all? Not one thing?
OG gift A neck pillow.
revised gift: A SCRAPBOOK. The first few pages could be filled with pictures of her family. Bonus points if they’re are people Briar wouldn’t have gotten the chance to meet but knows who they are by virtue of her mom. It hits home exactly how big her sacrifice is. Also all the storybook imagery? The intro? Imagine if there was a dark time line where we were being told everything that happen through briar who missed all of it and is trying to piece back something familiar?
either way, mental breakdown and existential crisis guaranteed.
also bonus. It’s totally merchandisable. Half the book mercy was essentially scrapbooks/concept art anyhow.
Cedar wood: revealer rays
it’s a good gift but something she wouldn’t be able to use in her story at all. They are not subtle and most everyone who knows about Cedar knows that Pinocchio didn’t mess up her eyes to the point she’d feasibly need glasses. Revised gift: letters from the blue fairy (well wishes, maybe an helpful hint or two) Gepetto and Pinocchio (things to to try (and not repeat) once she’s no longer wooden and how to lie effectively) I can’t think of a physical possession for Cedar to have. But I feel she’d appreciate these. Maybe a special cricket/donkey whistle?
duchess swan:
no gift shown but what I have in mind is a mix of briar and blondie’s gift.
a collection of letters (written on leaves and paper or something) from both her mom and her bio dad detailing the bitter sweet love in the tragedy to reassure duchess it’s not all bad. And a special pair of dancing shoes for her last night as a human. I imagine this gift would only make duchess mad.
Madeline hatter:
no gift shown and honestly idk what the mad hatter gives his daughter it’s probably perfect. An old hat that looks very normal actually? A crazy new teapot? Who knows?
raven queen:
og gift wand wishing well coin
honestly I want to know the logic behind the wand. Is it a back up battery in case apple thwarts raven through zapping away her powers somehow?
I have multiple suggestions
Something that contains directions to the true SBOL
recipe for the poison apple
something that originally belonged to someone in the Snow White family that she is proud enough to share with her daughter (raven would probably give it back).
*blondie branches out mentions how Goldilocks promised to be a better person.
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decepti-thots · 5 months
something that is very interesting rereading early MTMTE is that the comic is actually very much written with the assumption a ton of its readership are specifically pre-existing IDW comics readers, which can sometimes be difficult to remember because of the fact that a lot of people wound up coming onboard to MTMTE from outside the fandom in the end and now it has a reputation as an entry point as a result. this manifests in a couple ways throughout the first couple major arcs. one obvious one is that the Overlord stuff functionally makes it a sequel of sorts to Last Stand of the Wreckers, at a time no direct sequel was planned. but my favourite is that there's a kind of narrative trick the comic pulls with the leadup to the payoff Remain in Light gives us for Magnus.
the Magnus we get in early MTMTE is not the Magnus we get in earlier IDW comics. he's very exaggerated; where phase one Magnus is a by-the-books stickler for not so much as bending rules and someone we see struggling to maintain that sense of moral uprightness in the face of the war and the people around him being far less dedicated to staying on the straight and narrow like him, it's completely turned up to eleven in early MTMTE. phase one Magnus would not be doing endless doorframe audits, or throwing people in the literal brig for crooked badges. but this doesn't necessarily register as a change in character so much as a change in genre. MTMTE is also a dramedy with heavy emphasis on the comedy side of that in a way no other IDW comic is, and the shift in Magnus' characterisation therefore feels like 'well in THIS genre, that's what that archetype is like', rather than a diagetic shift in character. even if you come to MTMTE straight off those prior comics, it is very much a 'roll with the genre shift' thing rather than a 'hm. Magnus is acting… weird' thing. you let it go.
there are a couple indications this might not be the case early on. Rodimus especially seems to be under the impression that Magnus is acting uptight even for him, with his insistence on waving it off like 'he needs to relax, Swerve can you get him to chill on Hedonia because my guy is REAL stressed' and the like. (this makes sense- Rodimus is the person on the ship who has actually been directly interacting with Magnus regularly pre-MTMTE.) but it's not super obvious and not heavily emphasised.
which makes the eventual post-Overlord and RiL reveal, which is that Magnus has in fact been acting weird because he's having a breakdown that has largely gone unremarked upon by his shipmates, really really good. Magnus has not been doing doorframe audits because he's the comically uptight second in command acting as straight man for genre purposes; Magnus has been sending Rodimus a million memos a day and losing his shit over nothing because as someone whose entire identity as 'Magnus' is rooted in a wartime role he escaped into, he's been having an existential crisis now the war is over and he has no purpose and doesn't know what to do because he never expected to have to play that part in peacetime. the entire time the genre shift was somewhat obfuscating the fact this characterisation was a thing that is in-universe relevant, which also then reflects back on the fact Rodimus is like. hm. probably should have noticed that, now I feel like an asshole for not realising. (the scene where he and Rung discuss those unread memos, post-Overlord.)
it's a small thing, but it's a really effective misdirect for the payoff Magnus gets in RiL that reads a hell of a lot more clearly on reread and rewards that chance to revisit the early issues with that knowledge. of course that wasn't just a gag, of course he's actually slowly losing his shit slightly, he cannot go five seconds without making it clear he is Stressed As Hell. but until you get to that actual reveal, there's just enough room for the comic to let a reader assume it's, you know, we're in a comedy now, we need a hilarious straight man, and Magnus is it. it's great! all the stuff MTMTE pulls to simultaneously obfuscate the Magnus/Minimus reveal while also making it feel completely reasonable on reread is great. really good use of reader bias there.
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confusedblakex · 1 year
Soulmate AU Series: Katsuki Bakugo
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo X Reader (GN)
Summary: The day you get your soulmark, except you didn't find your soulmate the way you expected
Wordcount: 628
Warnings: Cussing (it's Bakugo)
Requested by: No one
Inspired by: This post by @dashielldeveron , this post by @haitani-trash and this post by @virtual--hug
Notes: Reader’s quirk hasn’t been decided yet, please drop suggestions in the comments and I’ll pick the one I think works the best
Last edited: 07th April 2023
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You woke up startled, your alarm catching you off guard. You’d stayed up late last night trying to wait until midnight, but you must have fallen asleep too early.
Cautiously, you looked yourself over, quickly spotting the words written on the inside of your left wrist in small, fine writing.
‘What the fuck?!’
You groaned to yourself. It definitely could have been worse, but it was also a somewhat generic phrase. You’d have to come up with a really good comeback for it, so they’d definitely know you two were soulmates… Unless you spoke first.
Wait, what if it was last words and not first words?
Deciding to leave it for now, you readied yourself for school, replying to text messages of congratulation as you were going.
You sat through classes that day as though nothing had happened. There were many people congratulating you and asking about your soulmark, but the hype calmed down as soon as they had figured out no one in the class had a matching soulmark type.
“I’m pretty sure Shinso has the first words soulmark,” Izuku offered, and while you thanked him for it, you didn’t really see the point. Fate would take it’s course, and today was only the first day.
“Sounds like something Bakugo would say,” Jiro joked with you at lunch, and you laughed with her. She wasn’t wrong.
You wouldn’t admit it out loud, but part of you was sad that your soulmate was no one in your class. Your eye has been drawn to a small few of them, and Bakugo was included. Yes, he very obviously had issues, but it was something you’d had a long time to think about. You’d liked to think he had a hidden romantic side, though that might just be you being hopeless.
Once you were back in class, you stood next to Jiro’s desk to speak with her and Tokoyami. The topics of conversation were the usual, and then the topic of your birthday on top of that.
“So…” Jiro stared.
“So?” You parroted, confused.
“Jiro and I got you a birthday gift,” Tokoyami revealed, a small smile on his face (beak?).
“Yep! We got concert tickets - for you and us, of course,” Jiro revealed, pulling three physical tickets from her bag. You noticed the pattern on them and were taken aback by the logo of your favourite music artist.
In your surprise and gratitude, you weren’t prepared to feel a smack against your rear. In a moment of uncertainty and annoyance that someone had ruined your moment, you spun around and smacked - who you expected to be Kaminari - square in the face.
It was not, in fact, Kaminari.
“What the fuck?!”
It was Bakugo. Ohhhh shit.
You didn’t take him to be the type of person to just go around smacking people’s butts. That, however, didn’t mean he didn’t deserve it still.
You were about to yell back, argue, when you were suddenly stopped by a burning sensation on your left wrist. You looked down to see your soulmark fade and disappear.
Bakugo must have felt it too, as the mark on his face was fading.
The room settled to silence and, though you were still furious, you were lost to confusion. Then it sunk in.
“You’ve got to be fucking with me…” he grumbled and proceeded to trudge over to his desk and sit down.
Conversation in the room slowly started back up, some people applauding you and others concerned for you.
“Well… I didn’t see that happening,” Tokoyami said as looked to Jiro, who looked back at him with the same look.
“Help, I think I’m having an existential crisis.” You muttered as you sank down to the floor, wishing to become a puddle.
“Are you kidding me?” Jiro groaned as she reluctantly passed the 2000 yen note to the yellow-haired boy.
“Did you really have to be so brazen about it?” She asked.
“Hey, it wasn’t simple!” Kaminari retorted, stuffing the note into his wallet,  “Getting Bakugo to stand there and then make sure no one saw? I think I did quite well,”
“Oh shi-!”
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emmitaaa4 · 8 months
Minor HOFAS spoilers ig?
The Walmart bonus chapter just leaked and good lord some people need to be for real. I'm so tired of people picking and choosing evidence.
So you're telling me that *gasp* Azriel's shadows seem to dance when he hums?? they react to sound/music?? no way. people from all sides of the fandom have been saying that for years (and use it for different arguments), and looks like ppl are still tying anything they can to feed their ship--which is fine but at least make it somewhat accurate.
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The above is the last page of the Az/Bryce/Nesta chapter, and just as a refresher, this is the oh-so controversial phrases from the Az bonus chapter:
"(...) one of his shadows went out to dance with it (gwyn's breath) before twirling back to him. like it heard some silent music." and "(...) he could have sworn a faint, beautiful singing followed him. could have sworn his shadows sang in answer."
I'm confused, which is it? Was the shadow's reaction to her breath & the singing he heard all metaphorical, thereby hinting at a mating bond between gwyn & az (as in "music between souls")? Or was it rather azriel's shadows reacting to a literal sound coming from someone who has arguably been hinted at having some voice/song-related abilities? Because if it is the first, then this new HOFAS excerpt is completely unrelated. Well unless Azriel has a mating bond with himself? pleaseee make it make sense I beg. And if the second is true, it would mean that for someone to be able of making his shadows dance, they'd have to have similar powers as him... its just gonna fuel the lightsinger theories (which btw approx 5 ppl are saying means that gWyn is eViL) so this literally changes nothing. nada. absolument rien.
Oh also.
"He says no partner right now, aka NO FUCKING ELRIEL. ELRIEL IS DEAD." (no hate to whoever posted that btw)
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He literally rushes out that answer. Idk about you guys but to me the poor man still seems internally dead over the whole mate existential crisis, which as far as we know was left with him wondering "what if the cauldron was wrong". Sidenote but if I understood correctly, this all happens 2-3 months post acosf and Bryce spends ±5 days in Prythian, so it is very likely that it is all set during Acotar 5, and that the events of HOFAS in general are happening while Az is separated from the other MC (ie. the acotar5 FMC).
Regardless of all I just said, I am going to ask people once again to be for real. cause this whole chapter Azriel keeps glaring at Nes when she is about to reveal too much info, so WHY would he be mentioning Elain (or literally anyone he cares about) to someone who he is said to be highly suspicious of? make it make sense x2
Almost forgot. Last thing.
"Azriel said that Nesta killed the King! He didn't credit Elain!"
... no? for context, this is what Az said:
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See my second point above. He told Bryce exactly what Nes did, and nothing more: she beheaded Hybern. We could speculate about what his look at Truthteller made him think of... but tbh I'll leave it to someone else cause perso I dont really see the point.
I am getting tired guys... guess who finally understands what "fandom fatigue" is.
-----quick edit-----
I don't mean to sound hypocritical by tagging ships, cause tbh i dont even wanna put acotar ship tags to this, mais bon c'est la vie et j'en peux plus. this fandom is kind of a mess. Goodnight loves ♡
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nuwildcat · 7 months
Well I thought I was going to do a one and done meta for Man Suang but it turns out that I was wrong. Let's talk about ships and metaphors team.
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Water first comes into play right in the thick of our trouble. Khem has just threatened to go to Bodisorn with the documents incriminating Chat's father. He gives Chat two days to do something and then we get this delicious angsty moment:
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Chat in full existential crisis thinking back on a conversation with his father where he tells Chat that it's good that he doesn't want to be a civil servant.
And then he says this: But you must remember my words. It is ill striving against the stream. You will be ruined.
Luckily for Chat he gets a proper application of cat before having to deal with more drama when the fireworks explode.
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Shout out to Ruang for his stellar acting when that goes down.
But that's not the last time that we hear about a stream and when we get it again, we add boats.
I really like the way they chose to reveal information at the end of the movie, cutting between different scenes to give us the whole picture of what happens to our characters after Hong's dramatic reveal and our conflict resolution.
There are two distinct conversations that bring up the stream, one with Chat and Bodisorn and the other with Chat and Khem.
Chat and Bodisorn's conversation is threaded through from start to finish at the ending scenes of the movie. Starting with Chat trying to turn over the incriminating documents.
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There's a lot to unpack in that conversation but for now let's focus on the streams/boats.
Before this conversation is resolved we get Khem saying this:
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A steamboat is made for the sea. A sailboat follows the wind. And a row boat can plough through every canal and river.
Here Khem is calling himself a rowboat. The Phrai status he has chosen to keep, turning down the offer of a title and land, is no longer a symbol of his powerlessness, but instead how he plans to leverage and change his circumstances. As a dancer at Man Suang, he is going to build his own form of power instead of having it given to him.
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Adorably Chat shoots him some serious heart eyes at this statement but our boy is more than just smitten, he's charmed how they both think so similarly.
BECAUSE HERE IS THE THING. The conversation with Bodisorn that we start the end of the movie with? It happened before Chat and Khem have this talk.
Which means that Chat has already said this:
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My father always told me that it's ill striving against the stream. But I don't think so. Now Siam has steamboats that can strike against the stream, wave, and wind, right?
And then we cut directly to credits.
To the best of our knowledge, Chat and Khem don't discuss the warning that Chat's father gives him, which means Khem's use of the boat metaphor comes naturally.
If you're wondering where the relationship that Khem and Chat have post Man Suang stems from, I would argue that this moment, this conversation is one of the key sparks that could lead to the presumably romantic feelings we are being promised in Shine.
Two men, from completely different worlds, meeting due to circumstances and despite their differences, sharing a mindset. A core understanding, that with the right position and power, you can change the world.
Whether you are a steamboat or a row boat.
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kumezyzo · 1 year
any dad!sapnap headcanons ? i feel like he’d love his little family so much :,)
ofc i do!!! so i was gonna post sweet and cute bf!sapnap headcannons cause ove gotten three anon asks about them 😭😭 but this is quite literally what has been sitting in my wips for so long 😭😭 and it was part of the angst i was talkin about not too long ago. but there is no angst in this!!😁
this is incredibly long cause its mostly pregnant!reader. um yea... sorry its not really what you asked for 😭😭😭
and this fem!afab!reader and even tho ive thought about this as streamer reader, im not gonna do it like that cause this anon didnt ask for that 😌 anyway, this is dad/dilf!sapnap
enjoy! or dont.... :) m.list
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when you first have a suspision of being pregnant, you tell bf!sapnap immediately.
"wait, you think youre pregnant?" he asks with a concerned look. you bit your lip and nodded, fidgeting with your hands.
"i know we're really young and if you think we're not ready, im okay with not keeping it. i completely get whatever you feel like doing, i just needed to tell you even before i knew for sure-"
"hey, hey," he cut you off and walked up to you, cupping your face. "relax, okay. we can figure it out when we know for sure."
bf!sapnap who holds your hand when youre waiting the three minutes after peeing on the test. both of your hearts racing but trying to keep it together for eachother.
the tension in the bathroom was cut when the timer on your phone goes off. you both jumped before laughing nervously.
bf!sapnap who immediately hugs you when you flip over the stick and the test comes out positive.
you feel your body go numb at the idea of a life growing inside of you. nick didnt know how to comfort you properly, whether you were completely devastated or happy. so he waited for your reaction.
"are you okay?" he whispered. it was almost as if you would run for the hills if he spoke at any level above something close to silence.
you nod, squeezing him tighter. completely refusing to let go of the only thing grounding you to the moment.
"what-" he takes in a deep breath. "what do you want to do."
bf!sapnap who realizes the nickname 'mama' is suddenly a lot more fitting than before. and he says it with pride.
"come here mamas..." "damn mama..." "can i get a kiss mama?" he literally becomes the 'hey mamas' meme
bf!sapnap who doesnt realize he is/will become a dilf until you're well into your pregnancy. he would just be admiring your beautiful pregnant glow, complimenting you, when you brought it to his attention.
"you look so good, mamas," he says to you dreamily as he gets up to hug you from behind. his hands going to run over your bump. "cant wait to date a milf."
you laugh and lean your head back to rest on his shoulder. "and i cant wait to date a dilf." he proceeds to have a mini existential crisis and epiphany
bf!sapnap who is completely stunned to find out you were having a baby girl. a strange sense of protection filled him as he came to accept the fact that he now had two important women in his life. and he knew if it came to it, he'd protect them with his life.
bf!sapnap who most likely wont run to the store at midnight for your cravings. but he will postmates it for you in the blink of an eye and wait with you until it gets there.
bf!sapnap who lets you have the complete decision of when to reveal your pregnancy to his viewers.
bf!sapnap who has hundreds of videos of you laying in bed, your belly proudly showing and visible baby kicks and punches stretching through your skin.
"holy shit, it looks like an alien," he says, pointing his phones camera at your seven month sized belly. you had both paused the tv in your room to admire the way your child seemed to try to break out of the confines of your body
"this feels so fucking weird," you laugh as you watch your belly with wide eyes. then you register your boyfriends words. "wait, what did you call her-"
soon dad!sapnap who cant stay still when youre going through inactive labour, just laying in the hospital bed.
bsf!dream and george that come to visit your baby and you. they cant help but admire her full head of wavy hair and green eyes.
dad!sapnap who tries to let you sleep when you two get home. when the baby wakes up at midnight, he tries to console her as fast as possible to let you sleep.
nick is standing, trying to rock her to sleep. the little girls crys resonating through the room. his heart breaking at every little gasp she took between wails.
you sat up in the bed tiredly. you looked over at your boyfriend who looked at you sympathetically. you stood up and walked over to him. you stood next to him and leaned your head on his shoulder, watching your little girl scream her little head off.
"lemme hold her," you say with a yawn. he sighs and gently passes her over to you. he set her in your arms and almost immediately she stopped crying. you sughed once you realized her eyes were wide open and looking around. "come on baby, you can go back to sleep," you whisper to her.
nick watched you with a drowsy smile. and as you were able to get your baby to go down, he realized how this was his knew life. and he was comfortable.
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it was mostly pregnant reader and thats not really what the anon asked for 😭😭 im sorry i just wanted this posted😭 if you want I'll make a pt.2 with him as an actual dad i guess? and help me come up with a name for this child please. -Nony
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sparklepocalypse · 25 days
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Thanks to @porcelainmortal, @onthewaytosomewhere, and @thesleepyskipper for today's tags! My tag is, as always, extremely open since, according to my clock, it's nearing the end of today.
If you thought I might post sentences from my upcoming @aroyallybigbangrwrb fic, Meet Me on the Other Side today, you'd be correct! Today, you get a bit of Henry having a minor existential crisis about Alex being hot in a tent in chapter 4.
It has been, Henry reflects as he removes his outer layer of clothing, an age since he’s shared close sleeping quarters with anyone else. As children, he and Pip and Bea had occupied the same nursery for a time. But Pip had aged out, and then it’d been decided that Henry and Bea had been too old to share, and that’d been that until he’d been sent away to school. Even at Eton, he’d been placed in a single room while the majority of his schoolmates had doubled up. At Oxford, he’d been assigned several rooms to himself — far more space than he’d needed — and in the Army, his tent had been better appointed than some commoners’ flats. This tent is… small. Smaller now, he thinks, than when he’d set it up as the first pink and violet and gold fingers of dusk had crept up from the horizon. Smaller now that their belongings are stowed within and night has fallen around them. Certainly smaller now that he’s settled into a bedroll, feet pointed toward the entrance, his jacket pillowed beneath his head. His shirt and trousers are folded neatly atop his rucksack, and he’s almost too warm in his drawers and undershirt beneath a blanket that smells more than a little of horse. The bedroll is comfortable, at least. Henry drums his fingertips lightly on his belly through the woolen blanket and his undershirt and wills sleep to take him. It does not. Alex crawls into the tent beside him. Henry resolutely keeps his gaze fixed on the canvas ceiling as Alex settles into the other bedroll. Alex’s chest and feet are bare, his drawers are rucked up to his knees, revealing finely muscled calves, and he’s holding a pistol. A pistol? Henry rolls to his side on the bedroll to face Alex. In the soft glow of a single lantern, Alex is terribly scrumptious, and Henry looks down at his own hand where it rests on his bedroll and asks, “You’re not planning on using that on me, I hope?” “Depends, you gonna try to murder me in my sleep?” Alex asks with a wink. It’s irritating, Henry decides, how effortlessly attractive the man is. Henry is irritated. So he murmurs, “Now that you mention it…” just to see how Alex will react. Alex snorts in amusement, and Henry feels his lips twitch up into the hint of a smile in response.
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