staycalmandhugaclone · 8 months ago
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome
Aww thank you @moonwrecked!! Apologies for taking a while to respond - life with a newborn is amazing but totally consuming lol.
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hinamie · 2 months ago
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9 / 266
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necroticghost · 8 months ago
im so fucking useless
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ruporas · 1 year ago
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can’t talk about it
[ID: Black and white comic of Vash and Wolfwood from Trigun Maximum. The comic starts with the sounds "thud, thud, click". Vash, mid-action of peeling an apple, turns to the sound, noticing who it was that entered, and says, "Oh, Wolfwood, you're back." He resumes back to his apple in the next panel as he speaks, "Where'd you go? You snuck out of bed quickly this morning..." Wolfwood's hand then enters the panel, hovering over Vash's cheek and Vash looks up as Wolfwood asks, "Can I?" Vash responds, "Not going to talk about it?" while using a hand to gently hold Wolfwood's hovering hand and presses a kiss to his inner palm.
Vash then gets up fully, setting down the knife down on the table and the apple onto a plate, He leans into Wolfwood as Wolfwood explains, "Had to meet someone. Nothing interesting to talk about." Vash kisses Wolfwood's left cheek and a hand moves to cup his other cheek while muttering, "You're being vague." Wolfwood says neutrally, "If yer really that curious, keep askin'. We  can talk about that instead of doing this." Vash leans back and responds, "Let's talk after, since... You look so tired."
The panel pans to a close up of Wolfwood's downcast eyes, bags heavy underneath his eyes. He doesn't allow Vash to sit in that moment for long though, then saying, "Yer not helping, Spikey. Being all slow with it... I could fall asleep right now." He moves his hand to start unclasping Vash's coat, starting from his collar. Vash with red cheeks, responds briskly, "Oh, shut up. I'm worried about you. I can't be worried?"
The final shot shows Wolfwood's back to the viewer while Vash's softened expression can be seen as he holds gently onto the side of Wolfwood's face and a hand firm on his waist. Wolfwood responds, "I'm fine, seriously," pausing for a moment before continuing, "Is it okay to still..?" Vash responds, "Yeah, it's okay."
The next image is a shot from later that night after the previous comic. Vash and Wolfwood are now in bed, half naked. Wolfwood's buries his face into Vash's chest, his arms wrapped around him, while Vash is petting at his hair. Vash reminds him, "Hey. You said we'd talk about it." Wolfwood pauses for a moment before piping up, "In the morning? I'm sleepy." Vash says, "Okay..."
The next two pages start from the morning after. Wolfwood is already fully awake, pulling on his outer jacket as he says to Vash, whos' still bundled in his blankets, "Breakfast is on the table. Make sure to eat it. I'm going to grab some things in town and then we're leavin'. Got it?" Vash says, "Mh." Wolfwood responds, "Good. See ya in a bit." The dialogue starts to shift into Vash's inner thoughts now, as he gets up and eats toast, thinking, "Wait. Weren't we supposed to... talk about it?" The next shot then shows him fully up, meeting Wolfwood in town. He carries a half worried expression with him while Wolfwood slides on his glasses for him. A quick panel shows Wolfwood's tired expression from the night before and quickly juxtaposes with Wolfwood in front of him who's smiling gently, the shades covering his eye bags. Wolfwood asks him, "Still not awake yet?" Vash pauses, his thoughts stirring, thinking, "Oh. I guess I was getting ahead of myself... thinking you owe me that kind of honesty." He smiles at Wolfwood and responds, "I'm awake!" His thoughts continue, "Maybe one day, you'd trust me enough to share your burdens."
The final image shows Wolfwood pulling at Vash's cheek and Vash complains, "Owwwww why..." Wolfwood quickly says, "You were thinking something stupid, right? It's all over yer face." Vash mutters, "Nooo, I wasn't..." END ID]
#vashwood#trigun#trigun maximum#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#Theyre both thoroughly exhausted tired individuals -- vash having to fight this lonely battle for over a hundred years and getting dragged#back into inevitable situation with knives after a 2 years hiatus of being a gunslinger. they both need so much Rest and comfort in this#department... .SIGHS. BUT I JUST THINK ABOUT WOLFWOOD . AND HOW... LITTLE He has existed on no man's land. how majority of his years being#alive is being used as a weapon and to kill when him at his very core is the most giving and selfless individual ever#badlands rumble inspired me a bit but i do think wolfwood gets dragged into occasional tasks from the eye of michael while on his duty of#guiding vash -- or i think that one chapter where we got to see other members of eom -- there's like a clear division within the eom too#i think.... so i figured similarly to vash but not to the same amount -- there are people that look for wolfwood too. but most of the time#it's probably wolfwood that has to look for someone else and take them out. i feel like it happens ever so occasionally.#evidentially these two don't talk enough canonically but they always know how to express things properly to affirm that they're okay#they have the worst time ever sharing burdens - can't willingly burden the other and has neeever asked for help or reprieve in their#desperate situations... vw is a huge case of right person wrong time syndrome so they just. in the time they get to spend together -- even#if romantically - they don't have enough time to heal to get over that kind of hurdle. They've just never asked for help in all the years#they've been alive -- they don't even know how to and its just aughhhsgskg#and well! they don't even need to ask! because they'll be there for each other anyway at the end of the day -- company and presence alone.#ruporas art
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fairycosmos · 2 months ago
i hate that i constantly feel like something bad is going to happen. and i hate that i am usually right
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captainbobbin · 4 months ago
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happy birthday, saix
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commander-revan · 4 months ago
This chapter was better than I could have hoped in some ways, and a little disappointing in others.
I am upset about the whole 'slowly dying' thing, but honestly I'll take it over him dying in this chapter. Touya shouldn't have survived a long time ago anyway, so I'm not buying that he's actually going to die anytime soon now. (They didn't even touch on the whole ice quirk thing.)
We finally know his favorite food (the fact that it's the same as Shoto's is killing me), and I'm not accepting that Horikoshi will kill him off before he gets to have soba with his family, minus Endeavor.
Also I really appreciate that Horikoshi didn't make Natsuo forgive Enji in any way, and that he's going no contact. Good for him.
I do wish we could have seen the family talk to Touya more, especially Rei. But maybe, hopefully, that's something we might see in the future, like in one of the light novels or something. (Hori, I'm begging, please give me a LoV focused light novel.)
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sunshinechay · 4 months ago
First it was daddy kink, then it was pet play. Then they gave us time travel and undercover twins. Then came the reincarnated lovers and mythical creatures. Now we also have omegaverse and transmigration to other bodies for a second chance at first love.
So you know they had to fit fuck or die in there somewhere. Glad to see it was from the first uncensored wuxia bl
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al-luviec · 3 months ago
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I got so insanely mad while drawing this
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+ closeup and normalness
#alek art#zane julien#previous master of ice#ninjago#lego ninjago#2024#aka the scene i wish we got in snake jaguar ...#zane is like 30 here#im mostly thinking about dr juliens perspective on this night. we have very little to go off of but he was very weirded out#random very sick old man shows up at your door and takes an “interest” in your son. he isnt even over for an entire day. with him comes col#he was striken with winter and something about him felt off. he leaves without a word. after his arrival your son begins acting weird.#then another old man arrives. asking for your son. wonder what happened there#for anything about passing on powers or losing them its always some big event... hm#i think the previous master really did need shetler. we know he was old and died shortly after the power giving. i dont know what about#zane caught his eye. i do think its very interesting that this man of few words was so obviously fascinated that dr julien noticed.#dr julien isnt the most socially aware and in the little bit he said about the previous master... he sounded concerned#imagine weirding out the weirdest man alive#i think zane caught on too. he felt eyes on him the entire night. they ate dinner with the man.. gave him shelter... but he felt he wanted#more. sometime that day he gave zane the power of ice. which effectively changed the course of his entire life. zane and dr julien hadnt a#clue what happened. 'yesterday a man arrived' so not even within a day did he see zane and decide that he was the one#thinking about how zane acting like his self now is 'strange' and was out of the ordinary. what was he like before? how do you even pass a#power down. we see people get their powers stolen and its always a spectacle and its so exhausting and so on. how did dr julien not see#anything. there was no questions? he just noticed the previous master found his son interesting and then he left ?#goddddd im insane i wanna write a fic about zane pre series
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twyrinehaze · 17 days ago
god thinking abt jimmy mouthwashing is driving me NUTS just a guy so completely swallowed up by his own insecurities and inadequacy. he spends so much time violently jealous of curly and everything he has, he assaults and bullies anya in some dim assertion of authority, he dreams of being this guy whos in charge and adored but when it comes down to it he cant even begin to measure up against curly. hes too fucking cowardly to even try to save his own crew, sending an inexperienced kid instead of taking responsibility for his own actions that got them there in the first place. he was right - the gap is so unimaginably wide between him and a leader like curly, but hes almost completely blinded to the fact that the reason for that distance falls entirely on his utter selfishness and cowardice.
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tumbly-s · 8 months ago
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Trigun body horror week day 5 — LIMBS
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anetherealpoetess · 10 days ago
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Three quotes that remind me of Halbrand x Galadriel The Becoming of Noah Shaw; Michelle Hodkin // This Raging Sea; De Elizabeth // Lord of the Butterflies; Andrea Gibson //
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generalsmemories · 8 months ago
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quirkle2 · 9 months ago
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[zombie au] tome joins the gang. her special ability: AUTISM
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bandzboy · 24 days ago
people may try to forget about the hybe boycott and keep buying merch and albums and streaming like nothing is happening but even there’s something i will always do is that i’ll be here to remind everyone that yes, there’s a boycott happening and you contributing to something bad by indirectly giving money to zionists and also making sure these groups stay overworked. so at least, i hope my posts make certain people feel guilty and think about their actions
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hollyhomburg · 4 months ago
(Cw: vent post) We reached a new level today in our discussion about me moving and leaving mostly because I got my official acceptance last night (yay, I’ll be moving to Seoul in August! I don’t know how much I want to talk about it yet so maybe don’t send me any asks about it!) I expressed very calmly to my mom that no- I don’t want to leave, but yes- I am leaving because I am not willing to tolerate the abuse from my grand parents or take a trial period living with them.
And she kept going on about how I’d wanted to move at one point (but didn’t because I realize I need more support than I would get at the time) and she’s saying that I’m being unfair and making her feel guilty- because in her mind she has no choice but to provide housing for her parents (this is not entirely true: she has 6 other siblings- two of which own more than one house that could easily provide for them.) She feels obligated to house them however since we live in the same community that they used to live in and 20 years ago they helped her buy our house- money that she has sense paid back.
But my grandfather and I but heads- he yells a lot no matter how much I tell him to stop. He has told me on several occasions that my life will be worthless if I do not have kids, that I am obligated to serve him as the patriarch of the family- tads yada yada.
I have made it clear to her many times over the years that I will not live with this man. She knows this, and is preparing a place to live for them anyways. So fine- I accepted it and about 4 months ago I started making plans for myself to leave because I knew she was going to make the choice regardless of my feelings.
It sucks, I feel very abandoned and like my feelings aren’t valued by her, but that is like- the bare minimum of the situation. Like I feel very much like I was like “please don’t do the thing , if you do this I will be hurt by it” and she’s like “but I will do the thing” and I’m like “okay, I am hurt by it” and then she has a freak out. It’s very simple.
She wants me to absolve her from her guilt about not choosing me- and not convincing one of her other siblings to take care of them. She says I’m making her feel guilty when I’m seriously not- I am just Litterally like- having feelings. I cannot absolve her from something without betraying myself and what I feel and saying things that aren’t true.
I understand the rational behind her actions and I am still hurt by them. I understand that she will not change her mind about the necessity of them moving in and I am unwilling to change my stance on my grandfather.
I was very transparent in that I forgive her for choosing her parents by default over me, reader- I even verbally said “I forgive you, I am still hurt by this, but I forgive you because I understand you view this as your only option” but she still said? I’m making her feel guilty?
Tell me why she’s saying that- like I understand why things are happening they are. but just because I’m not willing to say that her actions don’t hurt me she’s saying I’m guilt tripping her.
there’s nothing to be done about my hurt feelings other than prioritizing myself and taking myself out of the situation that she has made untenable. She keeps being all like “I don’t want you to leave.” “I don’t want to leave either but you aren’t willing to do what it will take for me to stay, I forgive you for this but I am still leaving.”
In my mind this is a totally compassionate and reasonable thing to say, but she still??? Says I’m guilt tripping her??? and then she gets angry. I’m trying to be very mature about this. I’m trying to be very thoughtful. I don’t honestly know what else to say to her or what to do.
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