#everything is lost au
breyito · 2 months
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Day 4: Free Day
Everything is Lost AU
After weeks of building trust, feeding him and nursing his always present wounds from interrogation, Zuko begins to care really deeply for this slightly older boy; so powerful and yet so helpless. The almost man that greets him with a smile, even when he'd bleeding. Who is funny, and kind and treats him with soft touches and lovely words.
At the same time, the reality of the world, and how the people outside the Palace are affected by the war becomes more and more clear. It is not something he can ignore any longer.
Zuko is a Prince, he has a duty. And he loves his family.
He just also loves Aang.
After weeks trapped in this newest version of hell, Aang takes every bit of kindness he can get. Zuko is shy, stubborn, and beautifully gentle. He's starving for affection and quick to return it. So soft, with that core of steel. He's also the nephew of his sworn enemy, a favourite of the Main Royal Family. He is allowed things few others would even consider...and Aang needs that.
He grows to love Zuko. He wants to protect him from his father's cruelty and his sister's machinations and build a future together.
Aang just has to save the world first.
The first thing Zuko does to defy his family is teaching Aang how to reach his inner flame, to keep warm as the nights grow colder. Then, he gets the keys to free him from the chain on the walls while he's visiting, so Aang can keep training. He comforts the Monk when things get too difficult, feeds him when it's necessary.
He helps plan out and execute an escape for him and his friends on the Day of the Black Sun. He even manages to find him an earthbending teacher to go with them, the best in the world (who just happens to be his betrothed).
But things get difficult when they are spotted getting Appa, and Zuko stalls by fighting the guards. They manage to get on the Sky Bison and are taking off when arrows come flying. They hit Zuko.
He lets go and falls.
The red ones are Zuko's, the orange ones Aang's.
This AU won't leave me alone, I swear. And we're not even at the middle!
A couple of interesting things, just because I want to dive into them later:
-Ozai is a spy. He wants the throne so very badly he's working with King Bumi to "stop" the Fire Nation.
-Omashu is the last stronghold of the Earth Kingdom because King Bumi managed to create metalbending and reinforced everything in the city. (There's also an academy, so the weapongry doesn't work that well.)
-Ozai punishes Zuko in the same way as cannon. Iroh is furious because he did it without permission. He kicks Ozai out of the Royal Family and line of sucession and orders his arrest (Ozai manages to escape.)
-Zuko, for weeks, gives Katara more water than she ought to have, and walks her through waterbending scrolls that he found in the library (those end up packed with their supplies).
-Toph is Zuko's betrothed cause the Beigfons are not stupid. Lu Ten chose her for him, since they are both so shy and calm and quiet.
-Sokka gets assigned to the stables, since he's the only one Appa lets near (they don't kill Appa simply to avoid an Avatar State).
Feel free to ask me more! Right now those are the Main things.
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RE9 AU where the game is centered around the winters family with mia as the antagonist trying to bring back ethan and rosemary as the protagonist trying to stop her...
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yayee-pspsps · 3 months
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Trimax au where the twins live with wolfwood and livio at the orphanage.
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somegrumpynerd · 5 months
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Dust's nightmare
Dust has nightmares about fighting and killing here and there, but the ones that really stick with him are the ones that are just... memories. Things he can never have again.
What he can have though, is a distraction when he wakes up to help him settle and make sure he's not alone with his thoughts for too long
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muzzleroars · 1 year
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in the tomb of saint gabriel
(may your woes be many)
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bxnnie-bxwl · 11 months
What would happen if glamrock Bonnie met evil glamrock Bonnie
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probably jealousy on evil!bonnie's part....
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naffeclipse · 5 months
Okay hear me out.... Journey to west au. Sun being the monkey king from the book and Y/N a traveller. Y/N rescues him from under the mountain and he joins them in their travels. Moon is a demon that's terrorising a town until Y/N and Sun stop him. Moon then joins the two. Finally Eclipse is another demon that kidnaps Y/N in order to eat them but instead is so utterly charmed by them that he joins the party. Shenanigans ensue... Thoughts?
The great monkey king is indebted to a mortal but he has little qualms with escorting you on your travels as a way to give his thanks for rescuing him from underneath the mountain. His magic and strength are at your disposal. Strangely, you prefer traveling peacefully and quietly, avoiding trouble and helping those in need when the two of you come upon them. The monkey king thinks you are vulnerable and too trusting, and he decides to protect you at all costs.
The lunar demon does not take kindly to his mischievousness and destruction being wrought, but when you and the monkey king stop the mayhem he inflicts upon a small town, the lunar demon can't help but become amused and intrigued by a daring, bold mortal who is so calm in the face of dangerous, sharp teeth, red eye demon. He thinks you are naive and foolish, but he follows you and the monkey king because who else will watch over you at night? Who will keep you safe from the other toothy and red-eye demons?
It is not too long down the road of your seemingly endless travels that a problem arises. The monkey king and the lunar demon venture to the river to fetch you food and drink and while you toil, you feel the shadow of a great personage fall upon you before you are snatched away. You struggle and call for your dear, new friends, but the dark being smuggles you into his cave. He ties you up and leaves you on the floor of his home as he prepares to eat you. You, however, remain calm and speak with the great demon and learn he is the eclipse prince. The eclipse prince wants nothing more than to cook and devour you, but you convince him to allow you to serve him tea first. Pleased by the offer, the eclipse prince unties you. You serve him a tea you have used to comfort the monkey king and calm the lunar demon, and speak with the eclipse prince. The conversation continues until the pot of tea is gone and he tells you to prepare another, pot after pot until he is laughing and telling you that he has forgotten his hunger—your charm and allure have sated him. He will let you go and return you to your companions, but you invite him to join your company.
The eclipse prince is pleased to accept. He opens his cave and returns with you to the monkey king and the lunar demon. When you come upon them, they are furious and frantic. They act quickly to take you back and prepare to attack the one who carried you away before you calm them. The eclipse prince stands rather unapologetically as you explain that he is now joining the three of you. The lunar demon does not take kindly to this change and the monkey king hovers close to you, refusing to let you leave his sights while the eclipse prince seamlessly joins the camp and prepares a pot of tea for you to drink.
You continue your travels, glad to have such devoted company.
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mutatedleemon · 5 days
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Axolotl and monster Bill, but make it post-Theraprism from Lost On Earth AU
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breyito · 2 months
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Day 2: Stay close to me
AU where...everything is lost. Lu Ten never died, so Iroh took Ba Sing Se and became the Fire Lord two years later. The Northen Water Tribe has been under siege for 10 months and Omashu is the last refuge in the Earth Kingdom.
Even waking up four-five years earlier and getting some training, the Avatar is no match against the Yuyan Archers and the Dai Li. Lu Ten manages to capture him and drag him to the Palace, along with the two Watertribe savages that protected him so much.
Azula, having aided their cousin in the capture, gives the task of taking care of the Avatar's needs to Zuko, to humiliate him. Zuko accepts with his head high, expecting to find the Avatar frightening and furious.
Instead, he falls in love with Aang.
Ooooff, I have a TON of headcanons for this thing, but not a single thing written *winces*. Feel free to ask!
(and in case you were wondering....yes, Zuko, in the eventual escape, is left behind.)
This took me so damn long because I couldn't decide on few enough pictures for a single moodboard...so you get all of them! And possibly more tomorrow, for Zuko's fate!
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sweetbunpura · 28 days
Dangit. All the Returned!Yuu posts have given me an angst/fluff idea. Yuu is Leona’s baby sibling and was the only one he felt close to. Yuu wanted Leona above everyone else as a baby and for little Leona, that was enough. Leona was there when whatever creature/event took Yuu, it’s how he got his scar. It’s the thing that fully broke the prince.
When Yuu arrives during the sorting ceremony Leona smells them and some hope pulls at his heartstrings. But Yuu doesn’t have any of their original beastman traits, so Leona talks himself out of it. Slowly Yuu gains magic and starts acting more like other beastmen (stronger senses, little more predatory, lil growls). But nothing solid until Leona’s overblot. They get to see Leona’s past like in the game, but now with memories of Leona taking care of baby Yuu. Yuu recognizes a baby blanket/necklace/charm Leona had gifted them and calls it out. Before Leona can react they return to the real world. Now Yuu has ears and a tail. Leona wakes up and just stares in disbelief, wondering if it’s real.
They bond and grow closer so fast. Leona finally has his person back, and Yuu feels like they are finally whole but feel like it’s their fault Leona was so hurt. Leona wants to go back home even less (wants to hog Yuu all to himself) before Cheka appears. Yuu could help Leona communicate his ideas more to Falena and get him to show off more. Yuu 100% does not like the bird man and jabs back every time he puts Leona down. Cheka grows quickly on Yuu, but they also feel jealous of the cub cause it’s obvious Leona loves him (Yuu fighting with feeling replaced and not being able to have a childhood with their family). Yuu also has a close relationship with Ruggie and learns about the slums and other parts/people of the Sunset Savanna. Yuu may or may not get Leona to help more with the slums (also helping keep Falena from stopping them) and Leona gains the people’s favor and becomes the first prince of the lesser people.
Uh! I could just go on! Feels like it could have so much potential.
Leona with that hopeful flare in his chest, but not a scent of a lion on Yuu anywhere. Anytime he tries to smell Yuu for anything, the scent just smells burnt. He gets angry, angrier than he normally gets, and tries to ignore the idea that Yuu could be his lost baby sibling. His first glimpse that it might actually be Yuu is when he attacks Yuu and Grim in the garden after stepping on his tail, Yuu blocks it out of pure instinct.
Leona sees Yuu's pupils turn into slits before they round out and return to normal. He leaves immediately afterwards, too hurt by what just happened. After Leona's overblot, he wakes up to a lot of chatter, there's something heavy on his chest and he looks down. Yuu's looking at him with their ears flatten and tears in their eyes. They saw all of what happened and They're so sorry for what he went through after Yuu went missing.
His ndugu is finally back and Leona breaks down and holds onto Yuu. Finally, his will to live has returned to him. Yuu and Leona try to get them transferred to Savanaclaw, with some bribery. Leona's telling Yuu about everything they missed and everything that's happening.
Under Leona's help, Yuu managed to unlock their Unique Magic: Lion's Fury. While Leona's turns things into sand, Yuu's causes a fiery blaze.
Leona: Yours is just like mine. Guess we both just cause destruction-
Yuu: Not exactly. Mine can burn stuff, yeah, but it also allows for new growth.
Leona: Which mine doesn-
Yuu: What if someplace gets invaded by an invasive plant? Your sand could kill that plant in no time at all, saving vegetation and the likes.
Leona: ...I'll be honest, I never thought of that before.
Yuu being Leona's baby sibling is adorable, but not look at all the books past this moment. Leona would be pissed at Azul and would easily agree to Yuu's plan without having to force his hand. Scarabia's chapter would cause Leona to be called and get involved in it. Ignihyde now has Yuu going for both Grim AND Leona.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 232
Once more thinkin of These Series of AU/Prompts, where the Class pulls a Tiamat. Becomes Giant Hydra Dragon. But with some inspiration from @radiance1's Blob King AUs. Specifically also the dragon ones.
Now, the nine of them are admittedly far older than they once were. Far older than most of the people outside the cage they were tricked into all those years before, exhaustion seeping into their bones as their ectoplasm was siphoned away.
Yet no matter how much the GIW drains away- if they're even called as such anymore- they never run out. If anything, at least from what they've noticed, unable to do much of anything else in this pit, this tank of green and red, they seem to be making more.
Their recollection of being separate, of having separate bodies have long since slipped away in exchange for keeping memories of their families and friends long gone now. Perhaps they're in the zone, as ghosts, but perhaps not.
Days feel like both seconds and years, words falling away as their Core hums as one. Sometimes a Blob ghost manages to find its way inside- the trap designed not to stop things from getting in, but to prevent them from leaving.
They always disappear whenever the ecto is taken away, not having enough to continue holding on to a physical form. But... the blobs don't stay gone. Their own ecto brings them back, tiny forms almost mimicking their own.
It's something to distract them, something to actually do besides growl at the figures beyond the barriers around them. The blobs don't speak, don't make more than squeaks, but it's something. Almost like dozens of toddlers floating around, becoming more and more draconic in shape with every siphon.
Do their captors realize, they wonder, how they've made them all stronger than they were even before? Do they realize what they've done, creating this loop of ever-growing power?
No, Star giggled, pink and gold scales shimmering as she bobbed her head in amusement, Paulina's darker purples following.
They don't know, Wes agreed, dark amusement echoed by both Sam and Dash, fangs flashing amidst the liquid. The trap would not be able to contain them for much longer, they all knew. They could feel it, how the siphon stuttered with every run.
It wouldn't be long now. They had waited three hundred years for the chance to escape- they could wait for a few days more.
Though they won't complain about an early prison break if those alarms are anything to go by.
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cubbihue · 8 hours
So.... why'd Peri get assigned Dev as his first godchild?
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Jorgen’s usually not the one in charge of assigning godchildren. There’s an entire department that weighs and classifies potentail Godkids to the right Fairy. Although it’s on strike at the moment.
So Jorgen has to do it by hand, until the union negotiations are resolved. Turns out trying to use paperclips is very hard. Itty bitty paperclips. Big muscular biceps. Not a good combo.
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
Peri's Assignment [2/4]: [Previous] > [Next]
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naberrius · 1 month
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Made some design references of the mtt + cross as moths from my last post because mixing hyperfixations is fun.
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incorrect-mtg · 5 months
One very self-indulgent fanfic concept that I've been a BIG fan of since I was like 14 is "the big war arc of the story lasted a decade instead of a week, and somehow the main character travels back in time to prevent that." You know, the ones where the main character is extremely overpowered for the standards of canon, but they're in the bad timeline so it doesn't matter? The ones where every moment they spend in the past is fuel for the angst?
Anyways I think that a fic like that but for the Phyrexian War would fix me.
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moeblob · 8 months
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Haha, it's so funny how I am so indecisive that I go "I wanna draw my son" and then have too many ideas as to how. So here!
Take Ferdinands (and a Felix, I suppose, bc they are boyfrinds in my heart and soul).
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luuxxart · 3 months
ok so according to the prev poll it seems like you guys want me to post the pmd comic right here !! (does save me a lot of time coding a new tumblr for comic purposes and setting up CF ;w;)
so just wanted to share some parts/sketches from what I have so far
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