#return home au
sweetbunpura · 27 days
The deuce’s sibling idea breaks my heart.
Deuce’s mom trying her best to over dote on Deuce after loosing a kid, but deuce just feels stifled so acts out. Deuce realizes his mom is just trying to be there for him and starts to feel guilty for getting all the affection that should have been his sibling’s. Finally he decides to try to be better once he gets to NRC and he finds his sibling. He got his sibling for trying to be better so now to keep them he’s got to be perfect. Their mom also now tries to over parent for the lost time. Yuu is just trying to deal with the new family and their overbearingness.
Yuu having to sit Deuce down so he'll listen to them.
Yuu: I don't want the perfect brother. I want a brother, faults and all.
Deuce: But I... I'm not a honor student, a-and I can't help you out.
Yuu, starts laughing: That's fine! You're doing your best and that's all I want, really. So stop trying to be perfect, cause you're just gonna burn yourself out, okay?
Deuce, soft smile: Okay.
They go back home for White Rabbit Fest:
Dylla, hugging Yuu: You're not leaving my sight.
Yuu: Oh boy...
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Lilia’s kid originally didn’t know how to exist around Malleus for the beginning of their relationship. Not only did neither know they had a sibling (so same thing with Silver and kind of Sebek for that), but also because he royalty and next in line.
Yuu spent a good amount of time just thinking how their dad adopted a prince, then after accepting their spot back, thinking how they are siblings with a prince.
After a while they got used to it and got used to just treating him as a little sibling. It is now not unusual for Yuu to tease Malleus or give him a noogie. They also love to mess with Malleus most when he’s trying to be regal.
Yuu, tackles Malleus to the ground: "You ate my ice cream!"
Malleus, in a headlock: "It didn't have your name on it!"
Yuu: "Who else eats Mint Pistachio?!"
They both start fighting, completely forgetting they are in the presence of other dorm members.
Lilia: "I taught you better than this, Malleus!"
Silver is rooting for Yuu while Sebek criticizes Yuu's form. Everyone in the dorm is just stunned.
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the-broken-truth · 26 days
Return Home AU: "How I Accidently Freed My Family From Servitude." By Jadyen Viper
Summary: Gaining some breathing room from his elder brother due to club activites, Jayden tells his friends and Dorm Members at Ramshackle how he accident freed the Viper Family from Servitude & made them one of the riches familes in the Land of Scalding Sands.
@sweetbunpura - A Small Gift for ya, Boss. Hope you like it!
Note: Indented Slanted Text indicates Jayden's Narration during the flashback of the story.
|During After School Clubs| - |At Ramshackle Dorm|
Darius (Handing a cup of Lemon Tea to Jayden): Here you go.
Jayden (Takes the cup with a smile): Thanks. (Takes a sip) I swear this is someone of best tea I've had all week.
Marcus (Sitting in his favorite chair with a book in one hand and the other petting Grim who is using his lap as a pillow) (Looks at Jayden with a smile): You say that as if you are a guest and not a member of Ramshackle.
Yuu (Lodging in his chair with his feet on the table): Since he spends most of his time in Scarabia, he's rarely here.
Jayden (Points his finger at Yuu with a jokingly scowl on his face that matches his tone): It's not by choice and you know that, Housewarden Yuu!
Yuu (Chuckles as he waves his hand dismissively at Jayden's words): Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I know, Small Serpent.
Darius (Taking a seat on the couch across from Jayden): I'm certain you are enjoying some time away from the overwhelming presence that's your elder brother.
Jayden: He's older than me by an HOUR. But, you are right, it's nice to have some time and space away from Jamil. (Exhales) He's just so overbearing since we got back from the Land of Scalding Sands...
Yuu (Raises an eyebrow): Just what the heck happened over there that made your brother cling to you tight than a noble grips his coin purse?
Jayden: Remember what happened during the Winter Holiday?
Marcus: Darius and I never heard what happened since he and I were with our fathers over the holidays.
Yuu: That Bastard Crow wanted me to do something, but Jay (Yuu's Nickname for Jayden) offered to do it for me and ended up running into Viper cooking with some of the other Scarabia Students.
Jayden: Jamil told me that Kalim was acting strange, turning into more of a tyrant and over-training the students, Jamil asked Grim and I for help to find out what was wrong with Kalim; but it turned out it was all a ruse. Jamil used his Unique Magic, Snake Whisper, to control Kalim into acting like that so the other dorm members would kick him out and Jamil would take his place as Housewarden.
Marcus: In other words, Jamil Viper attempted a coup. Did it have something to do with the Viper Family's Servitude that I heard about?
Jayden: Yeah...
Darius (Raises an eyebrow): How about you tell use what happened in the Land of Scalding Sands during the 3-Day Weekend?
Jayden (Exhales): Okay, get comfortable. I'll tell you how I accidently freed the Viper Family from servitude...
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[Flashback:] [First Day of the Three-Day Weekend] [Land of Scalding Sands]
Jayden: A while after Jamil's Overblot, Jamil and our parents requested that I come meet them for the 3-Day Holiday; since I had nothing better to do and I was rather curious about where I was from that I couldn't remember due to my head injury. Thus, I accepted his invitation and joined him & Kalim to the place of our origin: Land of Scalding Sands.
Jayden (Looking around him with fasination & curiosity dancing in his silver eyes): This is the Land of Scalding Sands? (Looks up in the sun's direction without looking directionly at it) True to its' name, I feel like I'm standing under the Summer Sun during mid-day back on Earth.
Jamil (Looks over at Jayden): Earth?
Jayden (Looking at Jamil): The name of the planet where I was sent to. It's a lot like Wonderland but there is no magic there.
Jamil (Raises an eyebrow): When you disappeared, you were 6 years old. Just how have you been taking care of yourself?
Jayden (Smiles): A nice couple found me and took me in. They gave me my name 'Jayden', since I couldn't remember my real name.
Jamil: I could tell you your real name...
Jayden: It's okay. I love my Earthling Name because it's who I am.
Jamil: And yet you would cast aside the name given by your parents?
Jayden: I'm not saying that, Jamil.
Jamil: Then, why don't you just use your real name? The name our parents gave you at birth?
Jayden: It's... It's complicated, Jamil. I'll explain later. (Looks over Jamil's Shoulder) Kalim is coming.
Jayden: Kalim greeted us and welcomed me 'back home' but then he told Jamil that Mr. Asim wanted to speak with him & the Viper Family regarding what to do about me since I had been missing for so long that I was declared dead. Jamil gave me 1,000 Madol and told me to explore the place I once knew as home to become familiar with it again while he went t speak to Mr. Asim and his family. I decided to walk around until I found soething rather intesting: A Bookstore.
Jayden (Standing outside a shop called 'Bizzare Bargains' - A Discount Bookstore): Hm... What an interesting name.
[Jayden opened the door and walked inside the store, taking in the sights around him: books on the shelves sorted by genre with rather unique covers before his eyes drifted to a crate of books with a sign hanging on the edge: "Bargain Books" - Under 10 Madol. Jayden raised an eyebrow, walked over the the Bargain Books Crate and started looking through it.]
Store Owner: Are you certain you wanna look through those? No one really looks through those books.
Jayden (Searching through the books): If there is anything I know about book, the most interesting books are the ones that don't have the most appeal with other people. I always love looking through discount book crates. Hm?
[Jayden's eyes landed on a small book with a crimson cover made of a soft material that was torn in multiple places and faded from time. Wrapping his hands around the fragile spine of the book, he lifted it, his eyes trained on the strange symbol in the center of the book. The strange marking made his brain itch, it looked so familiar but he couldn't make the connection as to where he had seen it before. However, one thing was certain: This book was calling to him.]
Jayden (Walks over to the counter, places the book down before looking at the Store Worker): I would like this one, please.
Store Owner (Looks at the book): That one? It's been here for so long, I was gonna throw it away since no one wanted it but I kept forgetting about it. I'm not about to charge you for that. You can have it.
Jayden: Oh. Um... Thank you. (Sees a satchel on the wall with a sale sign on it) Can I buy that satchel behind you?
Store Owner: Sure. I'm give it to you for 300 Madol.
Jayden: Deal.
Jayden: After getting the book & satchel, I got a small snack but along the way, there was a stand hosting a raffle about an abandoned estate complex; apparently someone purchased it just to give it away in a raffle as a deed of karma. I thought it would be funny so I purchased a raffle ticket and went somewhere to ready the book and the moment I opened it, a piece of paper fell out from the eroding cover. What I didn't know...that was going to be the one piece of paper that freed the Vipers.
Jayden: Huh? What's this?
[Jayden picked up the paper and gently unfolded it: It was written in a language he didn't understand with markings on the bottom that appeared to look lik signatures and stamps, but with ink instead of wax. With a raised eyebrow, Jayden looked around before he happened to find the Scalding Sand Archive. He walked inside and lookd around for someone to aid him when a man walked up to him.]
Elder Man: Good afternoon, Young Man. It's quite rare to see a young soul in these halls of history and wisdom. What can I do for you?
Jayden (Holds out the strange paper to the Elder Man): I found this paper in an old book I bought, but it's in a language I don't understand; the same with the book.
Elder Man (Takes the paper): Let's see what we have here. (Adjusting his glasses and looks over the paper) Hm. I can understand why you wuld not understand this language - This is the Ancient Language of the Land of Scalding Sands when it was first being founded. The paper this is written on over 500 years old; it's no longer in production because the trees it was made from have long since been extinct.
Jayden: Really? Can you tell me what is says?
Elder Man (Looking at it): I would need to hold to this since I would need to brush up on my Ancient Language Translation. I should have it done in a few hours and, if you want, I can take a look at the book you found this in; it could be something interesting.
[With a nod of his head, Jayden reached into his satchel and handed the book to the Elder Man who asked where he would be staying so that he would return everything with the information. With a smile, the Elder Man walked off with the paper and book while Jayden left the archives to head to Asim Estate to meet the family he was born into.]
Jayden: I will admit that meeting Jamil's Parents... My Parents...and my youngest sister, Najma, was something else; I wasn't sure how to react to them. Sure, they had my blood but they were complete strangers to me. Then, I meet Mr. Asim - Kalim's Father & Head of the Asim Family; he was...interesting. He was kind, but at the same time, he was a businessman. He informed me that process of clearing my death was underway and he was debating what to do with me since I was a Servant's Son; however, before I could say anything, a servant came in and told Mr. Asim that someone from the Archives was looking for me, Mr. Asim. and Mr. Viper... It was major news. News that would change their lives.
Mr. Asim: And you are whom?
Elder Man: Good Afternoon, Mr. Asim. I am Issac Croft and I work in the Archives. I need to speak to you about the incredible discovery this young man found. (Gesturing to Jayden)
Mr. Asim: Which is?
Issac Croft (Holds up the paper framed with a authentifcation stick on the corner): This document. (Reaches into his bag and pulls out the book) And This Journal.
Mr. Asim (Looking at the Journal): That's journal bears the Asim Family Crest. (Looks at Jayden) Where did you get your hands on that when you have never been here before?
Jayden: At a bookstore.
Issac Croft: That's not important, Ms. Asim. What is important is the contents of this contract.
Jayden: It's a contract?
Issac: Yes. From what I have depicted, this contract was an agreement between the first heads of the Asim and Viper Families over 500 years.
Mr. Asim: What contract do you speak of? I've never heard of any kind of agreement?
Issac: You may not have but the owner of this journal did. This Journal belonged to Maxius Crane, The Attendant to the First Head of the Asim Family. He documented everything, including the signing of this contract which was an agreeent between the Asim and Vipers in regards to the Viper's Servitude to the Asim Family.
Najma: A Servitude Agreement?
Mr. Viper: I never heard of anything like this.
Mr. Asim: Nor have I but I can confirm the stamp is he Asim's Original Stamp.
Mr. Viper: And I can confirm our family's stamp. What was the agreement?
Issac: This contract stated that The Vipers were to serve the Asim Family for 200 Years with compensation to the generation at the end of the timespan on the contract.
Jayden: But, didn't you tell me that contract is over 500 years old?
Issac: Correct. Meaning the Viper Family has been serving 300 years longer than the alotted time.
Mr. Asim: If that is the case, the Viper Family are owed their freedom and compensation.
Viper Family: WHAT?!
Mr. Viper: Our freedom?!
Mrs. Viper: Compensation?!
Najma: We're free?!
Ms. Asim: Mr. Viper. Mr. Croft. Follow me to my office, we need to discuss the compensation details.
[Jamil's Father, Kalim's Father, and Issac leave the office.]
Ms. Viper/Najma/Jamil: (Looks at Jayden)
Jayden:... Hey?
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Darius: Ah. So,, that is what happened.
Marcus: And people say books are useless.
Yuu: What about the estate you told us about?
Jayden: Turns out I won the Estate Raffle and the old estate became Viper Estate.
Yuu: Damn. Went for vacation a freed your family by getting a book.
Jayden: Yeah, and Jamil has been hunting me ever since...
Jamil: I wouldn't call it hunting.
Jayden (Jumps out his seat and looks at Jamil): WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!
Jamil: I've been here for 10 minutes just listen to you talk.
Jayden: You were just watching me?! You're such a stalker.
Jamil: Say what you want. Let's go, we're going back to Scarabia.
Jayden: No. I'm staying here.
Jamil: Jayden... (Tilts his head) When did I give you a choice?
Jayden::... (Makes a run for it)
Jamil: Excuse me. (Runs after him)
Yuu:... Damn.
@sweetbunpura - Thoughts, Boss?
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ew-selfish-art · 9 months
DP x DC AU: Danny desperately wants to find the explosion guy. Tim is really good at covering his tracks... he didn't account for ghosts.
The explosions make it onto TV as purported terror activity and most people haven't heard of that part of the world much less ever given a second thought to care about it. The only real reason it gets reported on has something to do with the Justice League and... Danny knows too much.
He's been in training for Clockwork's court (which he's suspicious of- feels like kingly duty bullshit- but Danny is playing along out of curiosity for now) and he's learned a lot about how the living and non-living worlds collide. That means learning about CW's usual suspects- one of which just happened to have a ton of bases around the area Danny was seeing on the news.
It didn't take long for Danny to try to piece together that whoever blew up Nanda Parbat was trying to fuck with the League of Shadows, and was doing it successfully. Less green portals in the world the better, same goes for assassins. But it gets Danny thinking... Maybe he can employ similar tactics on the GIW Bases that keep spawning on the edges of Amity Park. It would at least set them back while he and his friends navigated the help line desk to request Justice League intervention. None of them can leave Amity Park, so outreach is going to have to be creative.
So Danny figures he'll just find the guy. Call up some ghosts who were there, or er, came from there and get a profile and track him down. But the ghosts keep saying it was The Detective. Annoying!
Danny goes full conspiracy theory, gets Tucker and Sam involved, and begrudgingly asks Wes Weston his thoughts.
He hadn't expected Wes to garble out a thirty minute presentation (that had 100 more slides left to go before he cut it off) about how Batman totally trained with a cult and so did his kids. Danny kind of rolled his eyes but... hey, new avenue of searching in the Infinite Realms at least.
The ghosts confirm that Bombs is for sure not Batman's MO- But maybe his second kid would know? The second kid was already brought back to life though, so no way to easily reach him... Danny starts to realize that this might be the work of a Robin now. Wasn't the red one known for solving cold cases? (Sam provides this information- its a social faux pas to not know hero gossip at Gotham Galas- everything she's learned is against her will).
It all comes to a head when Danny goes about the hard task of opening a portal for the guy to come through at just the right time, explain the infinite realms so he doesn't panic and then describe what the fuck was going on with the GIW. It takes months, just over a full year, of random (educated guesses) portal generating- Finally, Red Robin drops into the land of the dead.
"So, you're the guy I've got to talk to about explosions right?" Danny enthusiastically asks.
Tim thinks he's died and landed in the after life following 56 hours of being awake and plummeting off the side of a building into a Lazarus pool. Nothing makes sense about the kid in front of him.
"Yeah, I got a guy for munitions." Tim answers cooly.
"How do you feel about secretly sanctioned government operations that violate protected rights?"
"Gotta get rid of 'em some how. Need me to point you in the right direction?" This might as well be happening.
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warlock wizard Wally scribbles... Thinkings! oh and a bonus bard-ish Barnabys in the corner for flavor
outfit ramblings:
first of all that is a Terrible rendition of what Home looks like in my head. i just needed to fill empty space </3
the staff was the toughest part honestly. bc it Had to be paintbrush-themed, but then halfway through scribbling i was like "oh shit. there are only so many ways to draw a paintbrush-wizard-staff and Weevmo already hit it out of the park." so if you're seeing similarities! you're right! i tried to make it as different as i could! there is Inspiration from their marvelous design, however accidental or subconscious! Apologies!
he gets a pointed hood instead of a hat because a) it looks great on him! and b) it has less of a chance of messing up his hair! also c) it helps muddle the difference between Wizard and Warlock. typically hoods have evil/duplicitous connotation - blur the lines! i want his long gloves and forearm wraps to have the same vibe. his neckerchief is a big help in hiding Home's seal!
his layered (loosely apple-themed) capelet (which the hood is attached to) has a nice high collar & hides the details of his loose shirt - eye embroidery! and some flowers on the shoulders but yk, mostly eyes. on one side of the shirt buttons has open eyes, the other side they're closed! there's also one big eye on his back!
his belt buckle is two halves of an apple! he wears tall thigh-high boots w/ low heels to feel Taller! he has a book-holster hooked to the back of his belt, which holds his grimoire! and he has a lil thigh-bag that has been magicked to be Bottomless and warps size! he can fit pretty much anything in there! canvases! paint! apples!
his half-skirt thing (idk what the word for it is!) is really plush, like a quilt - his capelet is the same fabric. soft, cozy. sometimes he'll use the skirt thing as a blanket in a pinch, or as a picnic placemat!
is his outfit a little Complicated? is it annoying to replicate? yes and yes. but im a maximalist at heart and Nothing But The Best for the blorbo <3 layers my beloved <3
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zu-is-here · 1 year
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make teleshopping great again ♪
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
Prompt 44
You know who has been slept upon for DCxDP crossovers? Battinson, Batman 2022 Bruce. The B o i. 
Imagine, you are an anxious mess of a man, you are barely an adult, very stressed, very autistic, just wants to curl up with some MCR and hang out with your bat friends after you’ve finally managed to get over your phobia of bats. We all keep yelling to give Battinson a Robin, but can you imagine, being this man, and some sort of portal opens in the cave, in your super secret base. Your anxiety is through the roof, you’re going to either have a meltdown or grab a weapon or both. And then a child is yeeted through. And like, you’re not going to just let them fall onto the cave floor?? And by the time you look up the portal or whatever it is has closed and leaves you with a whole ass child blinking up at you with equal befuddlement and a green sticky note on their forehead. 
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myeagleexpert · 7 months
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖆𝖌𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝕳𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕬𝖜𝖆𝖐𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗
And if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Howl's Moving Castle x Twisted Wonderland Au
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The starry night at NRC was a spectacle of beauty and mystery, with the meteor shower painting the sky in shades of silver and gold. Yuu walked through the dark corridors of the Ramshackle dormitory, lit only by the flickering light of candles and a few points of failed electric light. Grim, the talking cat monster with dancing fire flames, followed beside her silently, his yellow eyes glowing with an unusual intensity and worried for his friend.
Today had been one of those days for the young woman without magic: Waking up late and almost late, she was intercepted by Crowley who had given exhaustive work that he himself had not done, the chemistry test that she and the infamous ADeuce had was a disaster, her crush had given the cold shoulder, Grim got into a totally unnecessary fight with some idiots from the fourth year and as a result they lost their lunch and got some scratches, and the front of his beloved Ramsharckle dorm collapsed, the damp and old wood had given way. The bitter taste in the mouth was not enough to bring a revolt from within Yuu so that she raised a scream of fury and stepped on the floor, her tired body just looked at the mess and walked straight past, the dejected soul took a shower where she hoped for the deep in her fragile heart, the shampoo would clean the dirt she felt and the tears would mix with the hot water.
At least I Tsunotaro will come today.- the only hope she could have that night was to see her dear friend. She put on her less tattered pajamas and sat at the study table waiting for the famous green fireflies to appear.
Unfortunately he didn't show up, the prince didn't answer the call.
The lack of Malleus's gentle presence made schoolwork become heavier and the lump in the throat tightened more and more, the clock was counting down the seconds to….
“Henchman, are you okay? Your eyes are red” with the little self-control he had, Yuu nodded, avoiding his feline friend's gaze and focusing on the blurry letters of school work and just in time the light in the dorm was cut off.
“NYAAH” “It was just what was needed!” Could it be Crowley's irresponsibility? The electricity bill? Was it an attack? A short circuit? Either way, it doesn't matter anymore.
The tired body got up and silently searched for the candles until strange lights passing through the window caught the girl's attention. Ah, the meteor shower. Like a leaf carried by the wind, Yuu's steps, even without hope, led her to the front part of the ramsharckle, the same part of which fell and collapsed. Pushing aside some wood, the girl sat down on the floor and Grim followed her shortly after, not trusting that her friend would be okay alone.
“Henchman, what are we doing here?” "I don't know…"
Will I ever really go home? Will I live forever in this place being this weak? I would do anything to see my family again… I myself will find a way to find my way back, whatever the cost.
Loneliness and anguish weighed on Yuu's heart, like chains that tied her to a distant past, an overwhelming longing for her homeland. She longed for a home, for a place where she could be truly happy. Home….my home….my family….The starry night shone with a unique and mysterious beauty, the shooting stars cutting across the sky like tears of light. Each meteorite that fell seemed to echo the loneliness and anguish that Yuu felt inside her.
As she watched the shooting stars cut across the sky like sharp blades, one of them stood out, shining with a disturbing intensity that seemed to whisper Yuu's name as the golden ball of fire quickly fell towards the ground. Without knowing why the girl just followed her heart and with an irresistible impulse, Yuu ran towards the shooting star, her mind filled with a mixture of despair and hope that she didn't know where it came from.
The powerful ball of fire broke apart and reflected various colors and when the star finally fell into her hands. As she held the star in her trembling hands, Yuu felt a wave of magical power envelop her, making her tremble with emotion and fear. A magical energy enveloped her, and in an instant, the star fell apart, disappearing into her body. A warm feeling filled Yuu, and she felt her heart beat faster than ever. The star, now resident in her being, revealed its mysterious and enigmatic personality, whispering ancient secrets and dark promises in her ears and finally a deal was made between the magicless human and the fallen star.
As Yuu absorbed the star's powers, the old Ramshackle dormitory began to shake and transform in sinister and fascinating ways before his eyes. Walls contorted, furniture came to life, and the abandoned place metamorphosed into a lively castle, with sparkling towers and enchanted gardens. The magic of the falling star had awakened the true essence of the place, revealing its hidden beauty.
The animated castle, now filled with the dark aura of the shooting star, rose majestically from the ground, its dark towers rising like sharp claws against the starry sky. The enchanted garden has turned into a maze of thorns and shadows, where unknown creatures lurk in the shadows, watching with glowing, hungry eyes.
“H-henchman! What is happening??"
With an enigmatic smile on her lips, Yuu looked at Grim, whose gaze reflected a mixture of fear and confusion. "Let's go home," she whispered, her voice echoing like a whisper of unknown magic. The cat nodded silently and ran to the girl's shoulders, saving his questions for later, because maybe later Yuu wouldn't be looking like a crazy woman with a flying Ramsharckle.
The old Ramsharckle dorm floated to where the two were and the door opened waiting for the two to climb up to finally grant the previously magicless girl's heart's desire.
“I'll come back to say goodbye later”
Who knows if she would come back who knows if not
She looked back one last time, remembering her adventures with the troublemaking cat and all the friends she made there. And with a firm step the girl went up in her castle and felt more ready than ever to embark on this adventure.
As the castle floated toward the distant horizon, the lights of shooting stars and meteorites hovered above them, shrouding them in a veil of mystery and intrigue. Yuu felt a shiver run down his spine, but also a sense of determination and courage that had long been forgotten.
And so, enveloped by the darkness of the starry night and the sinister magic of the falling star, Yuu and Grim set out on a journey into the unknown, where ancient secrets and intertwined destinies awaited them in the shadows of their path. Amidst the darkness and starlight, Yuu and Grim's journey was just beginning, with the power of the shooting star guiding their steps towards their final destination.
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Every like, repost and comment is very welcome and appreciated. ♥
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sweetbunpura · 26 days
Return Home AU: Vil with a Sibling who has natural beauty, doesn't use beauty products - just making signature smoothies for body health from their garden in Ramshackle, and who loves doing work. Vil is NOT happy about his sibling's lifestyle.
Yuu (Gardening while humming a song): These strawberries are gonna be perfect... (Looks around) Why do I feel like someone glaring at me from a distance? (Sees Vil standing outside of Ramshackle's Gate) Oh... (Goes back to gardening)
Yuu: Ah, brother is angry... *gives Vil a smoothie they made* May I offer you a smoothie in this trying time?
Vil, glaring but takes it: Thank you, but you can do better.
Yuu: Uh-huh, by the way...
Vil: Yes?
Yuu, hugs Vil and runs off.
Vil, now covered in dirt: YUU! COME-hold this. *gives smoothie to Rook and runs after Yuu* COME BACK HERE!
Epel: Yuu is dead.
Rook: Non, it's just sibling love.
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Imagine if Yuu was the tweels’ baby sibling. They were only a lil baby/fry when they disappeared. They could full on match Floyd’s manic energy but were able to be calculated like Jade. Instead of heterochromia their eyes are grey with a haunting gold ring around the pupils. They love squeezing and holding onto their big brothers (thus why Floyd has his habit) and were always curious about the world, especially the land (why Jade loves to explore and make terrariums). It was a horrible day when Yuu disappeared, it actually broke the Leech family. But now they’re back. And Yuu has to relearn their mer-folk ways, like how the octo-trio had to learn how to walk and other land things, cause the world they lived in had no magic/mermaids. But Yuu has always felt a pull to the ocean, especially eels and sea snakes.
Oh I could go on but I just love thinking of a trio of eels causing chaos. Especially how Yuu reacts to Azul (maybe a lil jealous of having the brothers attention but also Yuu could be just as manipulative). Omg Yuu flirts and the tweels get protective! Uh! I gotta stop now before I write a book :)
Poor Riddle, now there's a third one. Maybe they'll be tamer than their brothers-nope, nope, nope.
Jade and Floyd pick up the familiar scent even over the smells of everything else happening. But they're both doubting it until they hear that laughter that's a mix of theirs coming from the hooded figure watching everything.
"You're a hoot, little fishie!" The laughter is high like floyd's but carries that 'fufufu' of Jade's. "Causing all of this shit just because you wanna be a great mage!"
"I am gonna be a great mage!" Grim tries to avoid Riddle and Azul.
Floyd runs towards the figure with his arms high in the air. "LITTLE FRY!"
The figure whips around and Jade is met with the olive and gold ringed eyes of the infamous third leech sibling.
Yuu Leech grins wide, showing off their serrated teeth. "BIG FRY!"
Floyd scoops them up in a laugh as they swing around the still on fire room. Jade calmly joins them and snatches Yuu from Floyd.
"J~" Yuu reaches for him and Jade wraps them up in a bone crushing hug. "I missed my brothers!"
Floyd joins in on the hug and the trio start laughing, very oblivious to the numerous frighten looks their way.
"T-there's three of them?" Riddle mutters.
"There's three of them." Azul sighs and places a hand on his fellow dorm leader's shoulder.
May the seven have mercy on anyone Yuu fancies. They have to deal with two overprotective brothers.
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the-broken-truth · 28 days
Return Home AU: Dire Crowley Variant
@sweetbunpura - Heya, Boss! Introducing the Headmage's Hateful Hatchling! The Phantom Raven of Night Raven! He who has claimed new lineage! The Son of Dire Crowley, Yuu!
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Crowley (Shivering in fear but attempting not to show it): N... Now, Hatchling... Please, calm down and we can...
Yuu (Voice booming with magic): Silence!
Crowley: EEP! (Hiding behind Crewel)
Yuu: I stopped being your 'HATCHLING' the moment you slammed the lid shut on that coffin and sent me to a world where I was cut off from my power for the past DECADE!
Crowley: Icarus... I...
Yuu: Call me that again and I will char you, Bird. I am no son of yours. I. Am. YUU!
@sweetbunpura - Thoughts, Boss?
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brother-emperors · 5 months
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lawyer drama 🥰
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Lucullus, A Life, Arthur Keaveney
drawing suits is my natural habitat, actually. I'm also changing up how I sign my art, hence kastilyo instead of cardinal. anyway, the antagonism between lucullus and pompey is so good, some real top tier stuff.
ALSO. the guy with lucullus. that's his younger brother, marcus :)
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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Summer of Stancest: Love is Blind
“You think we’re going to need to set out camp soon?” Stan asked.
Ford looked up at the sky, the stars unfamiliar and distant. He licked his thumb and lifted it up to determine the direction of the wind.
“Well, we’re still heading East.”
“That didn't answer my question.”
Ford turned to him. Stan had been using a walking stick to guide him, but he had been surprisingly adept given his current circumstances. 
“We’ll need to go a few more meters. We’re going to go to the top of the hill, and then I can get ready to make my observations. 
“It's a pity I won't be able to help you.” Stan grumbled.
“Nonsense.” Ford declared, as he reached over, grabbing Stan’s hand tightly in his. “If there's anyone I could be with right now, at this moment, it's here with you.”
Stan sniffed, letting go and wiping his face with his arm. “My allergies are actin’ up. When did you say we’d be there?”
“The total eclipse will be visible from this point, and we’ll be away from the onlookers.” Ford replied. He gave a soft chuckle. “You know Stanley, you'd love it. They have a rock a few kilometers from us that's shaped like Winston Churchill, someone installed a pipe on it to make it look more ‘convincing,’ it's a veritable tourist trap.”
“Does it look like him?” Stan asked.
“Not really.”
Stan shrugged. “Eh, I think I'll be fine. Though I think it wouldn't be able to compete with the Sascrotch.” 
Ford sighed. “No, Stanley, I doubt anything could.”
They made their way up to the designated point and stood in silence. The sky was beginning to darken as there was a chill in their air. Ford grabbed his brothers hand as they felt an eerie peace descend upon them.
“So these doodads, they only show up at eclipses?”
“Total eclipses, and they aren't called doodads, but you know what? That's ok. I don't think it's necessary to explain…”
“No, tell me about them, Sixer.”
“I talked enough about them on the boat.” Ford replied. 
The darkness crept in as Ford reached for his bag and searched for the special UV goggles McGucket designed for him. Yes! He pulled them out, placing them over his glasses. Sure enough, there it was. The elusive Eclipse Moth, Ectopatria Luna. It was a curious species that only resurfaced from their cocoons on special conditions. Their iridescent, milky white wings almost made them impossible to see with the human eye, without the use of modern technology, or in the past, magic. As he turned the goggles on, he watched as swarms of blue violet wings floated through the sky in ribbons in a dark black expanse. 
“Their flight patterns were once considered omens, you know.” Ford said, mostly as an anecdote.
“Hmph.” Stan replied, holding onto his hand with a rough grip. “Could you interpret them?”
Ford shook his head, then remembered. “Doubtful.” He replied. “And I'm not going to make something up like Mom did.”
“That's a shame. Would have been nice to be able to look ahead for once.” Stan joked. 
“Stanley, do you trust me?” Ford asked. He wanted to take notes in his journal, but didn't want to let go just yet. Maybe he could remember for later. 
“You will get better, we will find a way to bring back your eyesight. And when we do, you will be able to see all of our adventures and more.” Ford reassured him.
“I don't care about any of that, Sixer.” Stan replied. “I just miss that I can't see your face anymore.”
Ford let go of Stan’s hand, and Ford could sense his brother tense up in uncertainty. Ford placed the goggles back in his bag, then turned to face Stan, both his hands on Stan’s face. 
“Stan, can you feel me?” Ford asked.
“Of course.” He replied, miffed. “Where are you going with this?
Ford leaned over, his face touching Stan, their noses pressed against each other. “You might not be able to see me right now, but I'm going to make up the difference where I can.” He leaned over to kiss him, and in those last few seconds of the eclipse, they were both in darkness together. 
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
*Skitters up to you on all fours and drops this in your lap, then scrambles up the walls and onto the ceiling and immediately falls asleep*
Comic time! Lucky wakes up in the middle of the night and has a chat with Sen in this one.
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#ah yes. the struggle of seeing yourself as a machine incapable of truly having an emotional connection with others#no matter how deeply you long for such things#whilst simultaneously seeing that deep longing within you as a mistake. a flaw. an imperfection#you were made to be absolute and impartial#to be biased in favor of your charges beyond that which your ‘programming’ dictates is shameful#you are broken. you are flawed. you want and you want and you want and you’ve never stopped /wanting./#you aren’t supposed to worry or care or love. you weren’t made for it.#and if you were not made for it then you simply cannot worry or care or love.#these /things/ that haunt you and make you inefficient are not emotions.#they are your imperfections; flaws in your make; symbols of your failures to live up to your purpose#you are broken. you are flawed. and you want so deeply that you can scarcely keep the longing inside you#such a failure you are; to not only survive the fall of the metropolis you were built to give your life to defend#but also to stoop to and revel in such indulgent imperfections as these false emotions the moment your makers are gone to dust#Fun Fact! Sen doesn’t require sleep#and spends every evening standing outside of Sharpedo Bluff / whatever campsite the gang have set up to guard the entrance.#she doesn't stay inside at night because it wasn't something done in the metropolis she hails from.#sentries are meant to watch over their charges. they are not meant to indulge in the pleasant and dry warmth of their homes.#Kip hears about this eventually (he thought it was just Sen not trusting people enough to sleep around them) and FLIPS OUT#“PLEASE would you come inside IT'S LITERALLY HAILING”#Sen is taking so much hail damage and has the gall to look at him and say “You should return to your home. the weather is unfavorable”#Kip just screams into his hands because he might have found someone even worse at self-care than Twig#And with that#it is beddy-bye time for Sofie :)#the present is a gift au#pmd oc#pmd ocs#pokemon mystery dungeon#pokémon mystery dungeon#pmd explorers#pmd eos
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sweetbunpura · 28 days
Yuu as Riddle's missing sibling and representing the White King/Queen would be so heartbreaking like imagine that's the reason why Riddle's mom is so overbearing and strict on him. OR it's because of Riddle's mom that the sibling left/got taken because of how terrible they got treated compared to Riddle or something along those lines.
Riddle's trying to hold himself back from running to hug Yuu, but he;s gotta be proper and not cause a bigger scene. He has to hold it in and not say anything. Be the Dorm Leader that he needs to be in the moments and- Riddle's rushing to hug Yuu with all the strength that his body can muster.
Yuu's startled at first cause suddenly the guy who helped them grab Grim is now hugging them. Riddle, through tears, has to explain to Yuu what happened and now Yuu is hugging Riddle back.
The Rosehearts siblings are polar opposites, Riddle's strict while Yuu is chill.
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sweetbunpura · 28 days
If ReturnHome!Yuu had a parent in NRC, it would be funny if their different circumstances and lack of being close to their parent made them grow up into the exact opposite type of person.
If it was Crowley, his kid would be extremely responsible and the first to take leadership.
Crewel’s kid on the other hand would be totally chill and lackadaisical (even a cat person)
Crewel: No child of mine is going to become a cat person!
Crewel kid!Yuu: But dad-
Crewel: No buts!
Yuu: What about Grim?
Crewel: ...he's the only exception.
Grim: I'm not a cat!
Crowley: Hey-
Crowley kid!Yuu: Don't even try it.
But like, Crewel or Trein trying to put Yuu in the dorm they used to be in. Meanwhile Crowley is like:
Crowley: You're going in the run down building.
Crowley kid!Yuu: The hell I am *goes to a different dorm*
Oh, but imagine Azul trying to get in with Staff kid!Yuu like the scammer good business man that he is.
Azul: Hello, Prefect!
Yuu: Hi? Oh wait, I'm supposed to avoid you.
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