#every few years he and kakashi will run into each other
mavrintarou · 9 months
[Daddies in December] Hatake Kakashi
Happy New Year! I hope you had a fantastic holiday. I know it's technically January now but I have a few drafts still and I think I can FINALLY get them out. This is long, I just couldn't stop.
Warning: Angst, reconnection, and smut
“I hope you all have a wonderful holiday, thank you for taking my class. If you’re in my next class, see you next year.” Kakashi ended his last class for the semester, dismissing his students.
One by one, each of them thanked and complimented him on his class, giving him great feedback.
At last, the door to his class closed and he took a deep breath.
Reaching for his phone in his pocket, he has a few unread messages but none from Y/n.
Ever since she dropped the bomb on him about her pregnancy exactly a week ago, neither has spoken to the other.
Kakashi didn’t exactly take the news well, blurting something he shouldn’t have said and every time he thought about it, he wanted to beat himself up.
“It’s not mine.” It wasn’t a question but a statement. It couldn’t be Kakashi. One, he always wore a condom. Two, he was nearly forty-three and his doctor told him he had low sperm count!
He was not blind to the pain written on her face.
Their last encounter did not end very well.
He used this week as an excuse to get through the semester for his students; now, he must face the consequences.
Day and night, 24/7, Y/n was all he could think about.
He’ll admit that he let his anger get the best of him. He let his past trauma control and dictate his actions towards Y/n, who didn’t deserve any of it.
Kakashi could come up with a million excuses and reasons how it cannot be his child, for one, after his injury during a mission, he was told having any children was no longer an option.
But he couldn’t excuse the fact that she was a virgin when he bedded her and Y/n wasn’t one to have multiple men even if they were officially in a relationship. Their fling was exclusive for the most part. Even if Kakashi had used condoms every time they had sex and had been told he couldn’t have children… there was always a possibility…
He groaned, suddenly remembering a time when they had both just come. Still in a daze of euphoria, he slipped off the filled condom. Only with Y/n, does he ever ejaculate so much. His cock was still erect, oozing with leftover cum.
Kakashi’s eyes glaze over her wet pussy that coated with her wetness.
He had only had raw sex once in his entire life when he was still young and that was the first and the last time he had done so…
But he was so tempted just to be swallowed by Y/n’s hot and tight pussy.
“Just once,” he murmured before slipping his cock, raw, inside of her. Y/n gasped at the same time he groaned, feeling the same bliss of skin on skin. “Just want to be cock-warmed by your pussy…”
Even if he had just allowed her pussy to wrap around his raw cock for a few minutes, that could have resulted in this unplanned pregnancy.
Y/n had no reason to lie to him, she wasn’t one to manipulate and trap him with a child.
He’d known her since she was twelve, he was best friends with her brother who was in the same military unit as him. Who died saving him.  
Y/n knew she should have just left the fallen pen on the ground but her determined self wanted to be independent and pick it up.
Now, she was stuck in a crouching position, able to stand back up after successfully grabbing the pen.
Being almost eight months pregnant with twins, with only a solid four weeks left, she was large. Very large.
She gripped the edge of the table, taking deep breaths to build up the strength to stand without peeing in her underwear.
She needed help.
Her assistant Viv was out running a delivery and wouldn’t return for another ten minutes at the earliest. 
“Are you okay?”
Y/n’s head snapped up, eyes meeting the father of her unborn babies. When had he entered her shop? How did she miss the bell ringing at the door? She blinked before looking away embarrassed.
“Why are you down there?” He looked over, frowning.
Taking a deep breath and setting her pride aside, “Kakashi,” she called his name sharply.
She looked up at him sternly, “I need your help.”
His eyes widen in a flash of panic. “What’s wrong?”
Placing both her hands on the table, she reached out to him, “I can’t get back up, help me.”
Quickly walking around the table, he looked at her, seeing she was crouching down, “are you hurt?”
Y/n shook her head, “no, I just – I just can’t get back up, my belly is too big. Just support me and help me stand.”
Going behind her, Kakashi took her outreached hand and wrapped the other gently below her bulging belly, “slowly…” he cooed lifting her until she could straighten up. As soon as she was back on her feet again she tugged her hand away, walking away from him.
She cleared her throat, wiping her hand on her overalls. “Thank you. What are you doing here?”
Kakashi’s eyes fell on her belly, the last time he saw her was two months ago. “I…” he inhales, “I want to talk.” He noticed her body switching to defense mode, and he took a careful step towards her. “Just talk, that’s all.”
“I’m not sure there is anything to discuss, nothing needs further clarification.” Her tone struggled to stay in control. “You made it clear where you stand.”
Kakashi expected her hostile attitude and gave her a small smile, “you don’t owe me any of your time but I ask kindly, please, can we talk about the baby?”
He exhaled softly, she was going to make this difficult for him. “Okay,” he continued to smile at her, “I’ll come back tomorrow and try again.”
She glared at him, and he knew it was meant to make him fear her, but he found her adorable. “My answer will still be no.”
“Then I’ll come back the next day.”
The next day, Kakashi returned, with a basket of fruits. The fruits Y/n likes.
“Can we talk?”
“Okay, I’ll come back tomorrow.”
Every day Kakashi returned with a gift and would leave with a sigh and his usual phrase as soon as Y/n turned him down, “okay, I’ll come back tomorrow.”
He stopped at the door and turned around, “please at least tell me what you would like for me to bring tomorrow. I’m running out of ideas.”
Before Y/n could tell him anything, Viv answered on her behalf, “Takoyaki please!”
Y/n turned her head, giving her a silent serious look.
“Takoyaki tomorrow then,” he waved before leaving.
“Seriously?” Viv groaned, “the man is doing all that to just talk to you. Can you imagine what he would do when you give in?”
Instead of answering her, Y/n turned her heels and headed to the cooler. Viv followed behind her, carrying the bag of chips and snacks. “I have seriously gained weight from all the gifts he has brought in.”
“Then stop eating it,” Y/n answered rather sharply.
“Well, you won’t eat it, so someone has to?”
Y/n ignored her, grabbing a few bundles of bouquets before heading back to the front of the shop.
“How do you guys know each other?”
Sighing, Y/n answered, “I’ve known him since I was twelve, my brother met him in school and since then he’s been pretty much part of the family.” She grabbed a white rose, one of her favorites. “They both enlisted into the military together and were deployed together.” Her breath hitched, “but Kakashi was the only one who returned home alive.”
Viv leaned over to hug her. She knew about her brother’s death and how it had affected her.
Y/n has barely spoken about Kakashi but it did not take much for Viv to put two and two together to confirm, she asked, “he’s the father of your babies?”
It was a long pause before Y/n answered quietly, “yes.”
“It seems like to me, he wants to be part of your life?”
For a second, Y/n zoned out. “He didn’t want us at first.”
“Key word, at first.” Viv clarified, leaning onto the table. “Not trying to create excuses for him but just stating that people can change overnight. He didn’t want you guys at first but what if he wants you guys now?” She stares silently at Y/n before walking away, “people can change and it could start with their actions.”
When Kakashi arrives the next day with two orders of Takoyakis, he glances around the shop looking for Y/n.
Viv greets him and answers his silent question, “she’s resting in the office, she kind of had a rough morning.”
“Ah,” Kakashi nodded, passing the bag of Takoyakis to her. “Maybe this might lighten her mood?”
Viv motioned for him to go on ahead to the back room, “it’s the first door to the left.”
Kakashi gently knocked on the door slightly closed door before slowly opening it. He catches sight of Y/n, her back facing towards him. “Hey…” He froze, hearing a sharp gasp.
Y/n moans, a hand clutching her belly.
A loud pop echoes the room followed by the sound of gushing fluid.
Kakashi reaches Y/n before she can stumble forward. His eyes widen when he sees the floor wet. “Is that…”
“My water… my water just broke…” She gasps, her hand grips tightly around Kakashi’s arms as her contractions begin.
“What’s going on!” Viv burst through the door and gulped, “are the twins coming?”
“Twins?” Kakashi shouted, he looked at Y/n with wide eyes, “you’re expecting twins?”
Kakashi has been watching the chests of the two tiny humans rise and fall in one incubator. He had only discovered a few hours ago that all this time, Y/n was carrying twins.
He is now the father of not one, but two babies. A boy and a girl.
They were early by three weeks, his son is slightly smaller than his sister and has been crying from the separation of his sister after the cesarian surgery that the nurse has kept them together.
Y/n was recovering, and sleeping with the help of some medications and he left her alone to go visit the nursery.
The door to the nursery opened and the nurse peeked her head out, “would you like to come hold them?”
Dressed in a gown, Kakashi’s hands trembled as he neared his babies. They were so small.
“Would you like to hold one at a time or both of them?”
“Both,” Kakashi answered in a heartbeat.
He took a seat in the glider and the nurse carefully handled one baby at a time, setting one in each arm. He can feel his throat tightening at the immense emotions swelling within him.
Their hats were removed and after a wash and dry, Kakashi could see their physical traits.
Though it was faint, their hair was visibly silver just like their father's with Y/n’s eye color.
During the surgery, Kakashi kept his gaze and attention on Y/n, he had never felt so useless, unable to take away any of the pain she was feeling.
As soon as the surgery room echoed with the first cry, a tear slid from the corner of Y/n’s eyes. Kakashi reached to wipe it away, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
A second cry echoes the room along with the first baby and together, Kakashi and Y/n sighed in relief.
“Here are your babies!” the nurse carried them over, bringing them close.
Kakashi has never been a sentimental one but before he knew it, his cheeks were wet. Amidst the bustling room, his focus narrowed to the sight of the two infants’ cheeks nestled against the individual who had been nurturing them for the past few months.
He recalled reaching for his phone and capturing an image to cherish the moment.
Once they settled into a private room, the babies were brought back where Y/n got to hold the both of them for the first time. The nurse spent the next hour informing Y/n and Kakashi on how to care for the babies.
“Do you want to try and nurse them?” the nurse asked.
Y/n nodded, her gaze fixed on the two babies in her arms with affectionate eyes.
Kakashi was on the verge of exiting the room to give them some privacy when Y/n remarked, “it’s all right; you can stay.”
He stayed seated at the end of the bed, watching as the nurse helped Y/n untie her gown. He felt his cheeks flush when her breasts were exposed. Kakashi couldn’t help but notice how full and engorged they looked.
“Hey daddy, why don’t you come closer, you could learn a thing or two.” The nurse urges, waving him over.
Kakashi walked around the bed and sat beside Y/n. He tried to keep his heart rate down as he watched his son immediately suckle cutely the moment he tasted the liquid gold. He chuckles, his finger rubbing his chubby cheek.
His daughter remained snoozing. Kakashi reached to nudge her cheek gently, “hey you.” The tiny baby stirred and yawned adorably before whimpering.
Y/n giggled and brought her over to her other breast, urging and cooing the baby to suckle.
As soon as their feeding was over, Y/n was ordered to rest and the babies were brought back to the nursery. Not wanting to disturb Y/n, Kakashi made his way down to the nursery.
Cradling both infants in his arms felt surreal; he had only recently come to terms with the idea of expecting one baby, and now there were two. During the months when he and Y/n were apart, he discreetly acquired various items. However, he hadn’t presented them to Y/n, uncertain of her willingness to accept them.
An unsettling sense persisted with him, urging him to engage in a conversation with Y/n.
Kakashi truly wants to make it work between him and Y/n, not just for the sake of his babies now but because he really cares for her.
Y/n hadn’t voiced it yet, but she was thankful for Kakashi’s presence. Even if they are only working together for the sake of their babies.
She thought she would have to go through this all alone, and though she spent most of her pregnancy alone, she didn’t know what happened for Kakashi to change his mind at the last minute.
Whatever the reason was, she wasn’t going to question it because as much as she did not want to admit it, she needed Kakashi.
When she discovered she was expecting twins, she panicked. She had seen a single mother raise one kid and it already made her nervous but just her luck, she was going to be a single mother and raising two.
Y/n didn’t take the initiative to inform Kakashi about expecting twins, especially considering his initial reluctance towards taking responsibility. When the twins were finally born, she anticipated him making a hasty exit.
Upon waking from each hospital nap, her first thought was a concern about being alone in the room, wondering if he had discreetly left with no intention of returning.
It was as though he could sense it; Kakashi would enter her room and greet her with a smile as she awoke. Every time, he would inquire, “do you want to see the babies?”
He stayed with her for the four days of recovery and insisted on taking them home when they were finally released from the hospital.
Y/n was in no position to decline his offer, accepting it with a soft, “yes, please.” The car ride of them four was quiet. The babies slept through, tucked cozily in their car seats.
She didn’t want to assume or expect, she would take whatever Kakashi had to offer.
“Thank you for the ride,” she said quietly as soon as he parked in front of her apartment. She unbuckled her seat belt and froze when he turned off the engine to his car, unbuckling his seat belt as well. “you’re coming… inside?”
“Of course,” he said with a matter-of-fact tone, “you’re not supposed to be carrying anything more than a few pounds, remember?”
Kakashi carried both babies into the apartment, setting them down on the couch before returning to his car to gather the rest of the other items.
While it was just the three of them, Y/n cooed at her two sleeping babies. “Welcome home.”
“Kakashi,” Y/n called his name quietly, he turned his head, looking away from his daughter that’s nestled in the crook of his arm. “I appreciate you being here with us.” She inhaled softly, “but you are not obligated in any way to be here.”
It has been three days, three days of Kakashi giving them his undivided attention. He had told her that he would stay a few nights, only leaving home to shower and grab some items before returning.
Due to her cesarean surgery, she had restricted movements, with swift sitting and standing being prohibited. All remaining activities were geared towards minimizing the risk of reopening her wound.
She wouldn’t have been able to relax and stay off her feet if it wasn’t for the help of Kakashi. He had made their meals, handled the babies, and assisted Y/n with tending to her after-birth wound.
“I don’t want…” her voice croaked, “I don’t want you to feel obligated to be here, because you and I both know – “
“I want to be here. I want to be here because I am choosing to be here, not because I’m obligated,” Kakashi clarified softly. He adjusts his daughter in his arms, “I know there is nothing I can do to take back how I had initially reacted to the pregnancy. I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. The only thing I can offer you now are my actions, maybe my words.” He scoots closer until he is sitting beside Y/n who is nursing their son. “I want to be with you and the babies. Through it all. I’m not going anywhere and if I am, it is wherever you three are.”
Y/n stares into Kakashi’s eyes, searching, searching for something she knew was not there. “So,” she whispers, “you want to be with us as their father?”
“Yes.” He answered without a second thought. “I want to do the honorable thing and marry you if you allow.”
“For the sake of the babies?”
Kakashi stammered for a second, “well, that too but I want to be a husband to you.”
“Do you… can you love me?”
Silence sat heavy between them before he answered, “I can learn to love you.” He wasn’t sure if the tears that filled her eyes were tears of joy or pain. They pooled at her lower eyelid, refusing to fall down her cheeks. “I – I don’t know how to love, but I can learn. If you can give me a leeway, I’ll learn to love you.”
Y/n turned away so he wouldn’t see her tears fall as she quickly wiped them with her sleeve. “Okay. I’m okay with that.”
Nine months have passed and within that time frame, Kakashi proposed in the presence of their two-month-old babies and moved into their place, taking over the spare room beside Y/n.
They formalized their marriage in the presence of an intimate gathering. Despite being married, they maintained separate sleeping quarters. Their connection remains amicable, marked by occasional displays of affection centered around the babies. Their lives persist with the primary emphasis and priority placed on their little ones.
Y/n continued her life running her flower shop and Kakashi resumed teaching at the university.
With two babies, time went by quicker than they anticipated and before they knew it, winter had arrived and Y/n’s business slowed while Kakashi was on winter break.
It was the night of New Year's Eve, the babies had gone to bed at their usual time leaving Kakashi and Y/n alone. Though they spent many nights alone together, it was exceptionally different, considering that their first night together had happened the same day two years ago.
“Did… you want to watch the ball drop with me?” Kakashi asked when Y/n had finished preparing her nightly tea.
Caught off guard Y/n froze for a split second before answering, “sure, if you don’t mind.”
“Never, never with you.”
Her heart fluttered and she turned away to hide her red cheeks. “Wou – would you like a cup of tea too?”
“Please,” he said softly.
When Y/n returned Kakashi had lit a few candles and had two throw blankets out but he was nowhere in the room. At that moment, he exits the baby's room, returning.
“Emi began fussing but she went right back to sleep with the pacifier.” He reached for the cup of tea.
Y/n stepped forward to hand him the cup when she stumbled, the hot tea spilled onto his hand.
“Oh my God!” she shouted, setting the cup on the coffee table before checking his hand. She immediately tugged her shirt, gently drying his hand to inspect the burn. It was red. “Let me go get some toothpaste!”
She returned with some gauze and the tube of toothpaste and quickly applied it all over his hand before bandaging it up. “I’m so sorry…”
“It’s okay,” he murmured.
Y/n looked up at him with worried eyes, not noticing that he had been quiet and allowing her to tend to his wound. He was happy to have this interaction with her.
Kakashi reached up to brush her hair behind her ear. “Y/n.”
Y/n could melt that instant hearing him call her name, she always loved how he said her name. “Yes?”
“I’m tired of living this way,” his eyes flashed at his choice of words and he quickly corrected himself, “I mean in a way of I am tired of living like we’re strangers but parents to our children.” His eyes search hers, to make sure she didn’t misunderstand his initial words. “I want to be more than a husband to you, I want to be your rock, the person you can rely on.” Kakashi inhales sharply before speaking the next few words. “I want to be someone you love.”
“I do love you, Kakashi,” Y/n replied, “I have loved you for many years since I was probably a teenager.” She rubbed her thumb over his bandaged hand. “You were my first crush and first love. I still love you.” She looked down at his hand, “but you always just saw me as Brian’s little sister.”
With his other hand, Kakashi cupped her face, guiding her to look at him. “It is true, I did see you as Brian’s little cute sister who was so shy when I was around, but when I returned from my first deployment and you were nineteen… a grown woman… believe me when I tell you that you were the most beautiful woman in my life since that day.” He closed his eyes and released a deep breath, “then Brian and I were deployed again and that day – “ he choked on his words. “Days before that day, he had said to me – as if he knew his days were counting down, he said to me ‘I know you have something going for Y/n, I see the way you stare at her. I’ve noticed it. If anything ever happens to me, take care of my sister for me, will ‘ya? You’re the only man I trust with her.’” His thumb reached up to swipe the tear that slipped from her eyes. “Y/n, I didn’t exactly grow up with love or how to love? I learned how to love and be loved the hard way or no way at all. Please – give me grace… teach me how to love, teach me how to be loved, and teach me how to be in love with you because I don’t want it with anyone else.” He pressed his lips against hers. “I just want you love and I want to love you. Teach me how to love you so that you’ll love me back.”
Y/n threw herself at him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. “I love you, Kakashi. I love you and I am in love with you.” She lifts herself to look down at him with a bright smile. “I know you already love me, you show it to me in different ways but I know you love me and our babies.”
“Y/n,” he calls her name huskily.
“Please, kiss me…”
Y/n giggles and fulfills his request. Immediately everything around them began to escalate. Kakashi’s hands slipped beneath her shirt, rubbing her back. His fingers fumble with the back of her bra strap. “Kakashi…”
“Sorry, I just… I just miss touching you…”
“No – no please… please touch me. I need you.”
Kakashi groaned, “I need you badly too…”
“But before we have sex – can we share rooms? I… will it be too soon to move into one?” Y/n asked with a tint of pink on her cheeks.
Kakashi smiled, “you have no idea how long I have been dying to share a room with you. I missed you so much.”
“I just thought you didn’t want to sleep with me.”
He shook his head, “no – I wanted to after we got married but I didn’t exactly know how to approach you with that question. I didn’t know if… you wanted your own space still.”
Y/n pecked his lips, “move in, I want you to make love to me every night.”
“You might regret that…”
The bed softly creaked against the floor, thrashing against the wall with each slow thrust of Kakashi.
He rolled his hips, grunting each time his cock stroked entirely into her sweet pussy.
“I love you… I have loved you for so long…” His fingers tightened around hers as he pinned them above her head. “I don’t want to waste a second without you anymore…”
“Me too – me too Ka – ashi…” Y/n moaned and gasped, “I’m so close, please –“
Kakashi cut her words with a kiss, his tongue thrusting past her lips to dance with hers. He was close too, it had been too long and he wasn’t going to last much longer.
With deeper rolls of his hips, Kakshi groaned against her mouth as he cums into the condom. He continued to slowly thrust, feeling Y/n’s walls clench and tightly tremble around his cock.
As they came down from their high, Kakashi gazed lovingly down at her. “I might be late but… Happy New Year, I cannot wait to start this year with you and our babies.” Tenderly, he takes her hand, adorned with the wedding ring, and gently kisses it. “I love you, wifey.”
. . .
E/n: Kakashi is so #hearteyes
>>>@queenelleee @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @cloud-lyy
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thebloodredraven · 2 months
"He's more of a brother to me than you ever were to him."
- Naruto, talking to Itachi about Sasuke
I'm rewatching Naruto as a whole because I'm introducing it to my friend, and I like to watch it every few years as I gain new life experience to get a new perspective of something I've been watching since I was a little kid. I've never finished the series past the very beginning of the war arc, though (working on it!).
We're up to the Tenchi Bridge mission in Shippuden and I have some thoughts on how remarkably similar Naruto and Itachi are, specifically when it comes to their shared trait of unintentionally dehumanizing Sasuke and viewing him as a possession, and an object to obtain, rather than a person with his own autonomy and free will. I also kind of wanna go into how Kakashi and Sakura (kinda) were probably the only people to love him as he was but still ultimately failed him, and how all of them drove him away.
Disclaimer: These are all my own opinions and you're under no obligation to agree with any of it. If any of what I have to say bothers you, you're more than welcome to exit the post at any time and ignore me instead of sending hate mail and leaving heinous comments. Anything you have to say in response can be said respectfully. Thanks!
Words: 2.3k
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In episode 41 of Naruto Shippuden, there's a scene where Naruto is in his own mind as he's transforming into the Nine Tailed Fox (Kurama). In this scene, he sees an apparition of Sasuke walking away from him and when he tries to go after him, water floods all around him and he can't get to him. He's falling into his own darkness and giving in to Kurama's influence.
During this scene, he says, "I am weak, so my words don't reach [Sasuke]. Because I am weak, I can't win his recognition. So, whatever happens I must become stronger so that the bond I've finally forged will not be severed. So that Sasuke won't sever the connection with me."
It can be said that the entire reason Naruto is so obsessed with getting Sasuke back is because, as he's stated himself multiple times, he can't confidently fulfill his goal of becoming Hokage if he can't even save his friend from darkness. His entire self-worth rests in the validity that others provide him because he was deprived of that his entire life, and he represses his emotions to the extreme.
It's why he's irrational and dangerous to be around and difficult to work with; it's why he foregoes any plans or strategies people have on almost every single mission he's been sent on from the time he became a ninja till the war and is always the first to attack in these scenarios; it's why he's willing to start giving into the power of Kurama until Yamato tells him how he injured Sakura and how he needed to prove his strength with his OWN power: his need to prove himself to others and get that validation he craves trumps over anything, and anyone, else.
When it comes to Itachi, he told Sasuke that in order to become strong enough to kill him he needed to sever his bonds with those closest to him.
Opposite of Naruto, Itachi kept Sasuke at a distance at all times because of his own goals to rid the world of war and get into a position where he can render ninja obsolete (via Itachi Retsuden). His tunnel vision when it came to his personal goals caused him to disregard how his actions affected other people because he saw it as a means to an end, including slaughtering his own clan and becoming a double spy in the Akatsuki.
When Naruto and Itachi run into each other during the Gaara Retrieval arc, they get to talking about Sasuke.
When Itachi asks why Naruto is so obsessed with Sasuke, Naruto replies with the quote that leads into this post.
I was talking to my friend about Naruto's possessive nature when it comes to Sasuke and that led into be thinking about how Itachi also viewed Sasuke.
I came to the conclusion that neither of these people viewed Sasuke as someone capable of having his own autonomy, his own philosophy, and as someone deserving of having his own personal goals and feelings recognized. Sasuke was always within his full right to end up as hateful and as angry and as hurt as he was, but because Naruto and Itachi care more about their own goals and their own proximity to Sasuke, they don't view him as someone that can make his own decisions; that's why I feel Naruto had such a negative reaction when Orochimaru reminded Naruto that Sasuke came to him of his own free will after Naruto was screaming at him to "give him back." Even after three years, he cannot stomach or accept the fact that Sasuke made the choice to leave him, and it pushes him further into his obsession.
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Sasuke made his own decision to go to Orochimaru because he felt like no one else around him genuinely tried to understand what he was going through. They, essentially, just wanted him to let go of his pain and keep living a "happy" life with them. How could they understand when they view him in such a way? Orochimaru was up front with his intentions and his plans for Sasuke from the very beginning. Yes, he was manipulated by the curse mark, but Orochimaru wouldn't have chosen him to begin with if he didn't see what was already in Sasuke.
He was very up front with the fact that he needed Sasuke's body in order to continue living as a powerful being and find immortality. He told Sasuke what the game plan was and knew that in order to get what he wanted, he needed to give Sasuke what everyone else had denied him: a choice. He saw a gifted child filled with jealousy and hatred, which was something fostered by his need to compete with Itachi and Naruto and gave him exactly what he wanted.
Sasuke's entire clan was annihilated by the one person he sought the most validation from. After that heartbreak, he was forced to live in that same Uchiha compound all alone.
While he was dealing with the trauma of that, every single person around him was idealizing him and treating him in a way that probably drove him further into isolation: he was constantly bombarded with girls that were crushing on him and wanting him for his talents and good looks, and the adults around him saw him as the perfect student that didn't need too much attention, so no one paid attention to his needs outside of what he provided in skill. Even though they very much provided the validation and attention he was seeking from his family, no one really bothered to see him.
Naruto was seemingly the only person that actively saw what he was going through because he also knew what that loneliness looked like, but his rivalry with him mattered more than that connection. That's why physical fighting is their form of intimacy. People propped him up on a pedestal from the time he was a small child and when that position was threatened by the least talented kid in his class, it threw him into a spiral (which is another topic).
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Getting back to Itachi, he never saw Sasuke as his own person at any point in his life. I know he loved him in his own way. In some ways, he was the somewhat attentive father Sasuke should have had.
But Itachi was not always a good brother. Not in the least.
He always saw him as someone to protect, to coddle, to keep ignorant, keep below him because he subconsciously did not want Sasuke to become a shinobi and go through the same trauma he did (Itachi Retsuden). Eventually, that was no longer an option and that's when the distance happened (in conjunction to what was going on in his own life as a tool that others wanted to use for their own goals).
After Itachi slaughtered the clan, he reinforced Sasuke's lack of autonomy by giving him his own means to an end.
Itachi saw Sasuke as a tool -- a means to his own long, drawn-out suicide.
Naruto viewed Sasuke as the ultimate validation to his own goal to become Hokage.
Neither of them saw Sasuke for who he was or who he wanted to be -- for who he could have been.
I'll even add Sakura to this mix because she has a complicated relationship with him as well. She did end up with him and was his friend before anything, but she’s idolized him to the point of nausea since she was a little girl. She was obsessed with becoming the object of his affection. She had an unhealthy amount of loyalty to him just like Naruto (even though I'd argue she wasn't nearly as bad as Naruto was). She changed her own opinions of something to cater to what he thought so she could seem more favorable to him. For most of their childhood, she dehumanized him and didn't see him as anything other than a love interest for herself.
You can see her slowly taking off the rose-colored glasses in the first part of Naruto during the Chuunin exams at two major points: when she chastised him for acting like a coward and freezing up while Orochimaru beat Naruto, and when she finally cut her hair in the middle of battle (context: she heard that Sasuke loved long hair and that's why she always kept it long).
Beyond that, she actually paid attention to his well-being and noticed when something was wrong or when he was hiding something and brought her concerns up in a non-aggressive manor. At the time, he was aggressive and agitated by her actions, and he reacts as such. Genuine concern is hard to come by for him, so how was he supposed to react?
But clearly, he recognized it and appreciated it because it's been confirmed through his Japanese VA AND English VA AND the novels that Sasuke was starting to fall in love with Sakura long before he realized it and was full of guilt when he left her on that bench.
When the time came to acknowledge that he was an internationally recognized terrorist and killer, the life drained from her face because she realized she had to put her feelings to the side and do what needed to be done.
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Because she was willing to accept the reality of who he was and see him for what he'd become. And even though she was unsuccessful, she took steps to have Naruto forget about Sasuke and kill him herself.
At this point, he's learned to use the same tactics people used on him his entire life: only keep people around you that further your own goals. This time, he was in charge. When he formed his own gang, he encountered that dehumanizing behavior again when Karin constantly threw herself at him and practically begged to sleep with him. It was only after Itachi died and he decided to take down the Leaf that he was able to finally have a goal of his own that was solely for him.
I won't go into it too much because I'm already pushing 2k words, but it's worth noting that Sasuke was pushed to do crime because that was the only period of time where he was allowed to make his own decisions and have his own autonomy enough to pursue his OWN goals before that was swiftly taken away by The Akatsuki to....you guessed it, further their own goals.
Sasuke has never been the idol the people in proximity to him saw him as, from any person's point of view. Not Naruto, not Itachi, not Sakura, not Orochimaru, no one. Obito may have been the one closest to seeing Sasuke as he was, but he immediately took advantage of him.
They all wanted to possess him and obtain him in different ways, and one of the reasons I love his dynamic with Kakashi so much is because Kakashi did grow up very similarly to Sasuke, except his own dad died of his own accord and Sasuke’s father was taken away from him.
One of the main ways Kakashi has always been able to connect to Sasuke was the fact that throughout his life he’s had to watch every single person he’s ever cared about die around him. And for a while he was that cold detached person that didn’t want to keep up with friends, didn’t want to be around people, minded his business, and he was mean to everybody.
The whole reason he gave Sasuke that speech about choosing his own path right before he went to Orochimaru was because he intimately understood what he was going through emotionally.
Naruto and Sakura can say they get where he’s coming from, but Kakashi is really the only person able to empathize with what Sasuke was going through. And if Kakashi hadn’t been consistently sent out on missions and was able to take care of his kids the way he was supposed to, there was a slight chance Sasuke could have still healed from his trauma even with the manipulation of the curse mark. 
People forget that Kakashi very well could have ended up on the same path as Sasuke, even without Orochimaru’s influence, because he went through some very dark things. He had every reason to be a very dark character, but he didn’t.
He ultimately failed when he spoke to Sasuke as a soldier and not the traumatized child that was acting out on his pain.
In summary, Sasuke only went to the lengths that he did because of the people around him treating him as a possession to keep or as an object to obtain rather than treating him as an actual person. Sasuke goes through some of the most dehumanizing relationships, and I think that’s what irritates me so much about Naruto as a character.
Because he treats Sasuke, and he talks about him, like he’s a possession to obtain and because someone else “has” him, he has to get him back because Sasuke is his and his only. This extends to other characters around him, as well.
That lack of autonomy was what drove Sasuke away because he very clearly wanted to be seen as his own person but no one around him was willing to do that because they saw him as a means to their own goals. It's why Sasuke developed a "do you really think I give a fuck about what you want" personality trait.
All that being said, do I think they all genuinely loved him? Yes.
Ultimately, we have to remember that these are all small-town children with very little experience of the outside world and that the adults around him grew up in the same conditions because that's what the politics of that world demanded.
I have my opinions about the manga's imperialist propaganda, use of child soldiers, Sasuke's emotional development and how people chronically misunderstand complex PTSD, fascism, queer baiting, etc. but that's another post. Several others, actually.
Believe it or not, I had to shave down a lot of what I originally had in order to keep this relatively short LMAO
If y'all read all of this, THANK YOU! I rarely ever flesh out my thoughts about this show like this and it felt refreshing to get off my chest. Feel free to send me DMs and RESPECTFULLY speak your own mind in the comments/reblogs! ♥
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cursingtoji · 1 year
I hope it's okay to send another one of the cliches in! (I absolutely ADORED the Toji one you did! Perfection, pure perfection) I saw you wanted some Itachi and I feel like 23 is just so perfect for him. Maybe adding prompt 12 with it too? (Feel free to ignore if we can only send in one ask though!
𝑰𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒖𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔
⊱ plus touching foreheads; The Clichés ™ event
note: bless you darling for giving me the chance to write for my beloved itachi
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A warm night embraces you as you walk amongst the villagers with a basket of ingredients for your dinner. A million thoughts go by your head and you aren't quite aware of your surroundings until you focus on your path ahead and notice a familiar figure walking towards you.
You gasp once you notice who it is, dropping your basket.
"Itachi?" panic threats to take over you, he can't be seen here, yet no one else seems to have noticed the most wanted ninja standing in the middle of the busy street.
"Hello, angel."
"Am I in a genjutsu?"
"No," he leans, taking your basket from the ground and handing it back to you, "But everyone else is."
"Isn't it too risky?" your eyes wander through his pretty features, realizing that it has been a few months since the last time he sneaked in the village to see you. Tonight he doesn't have his usual cloak, instead he wore a gray shirt and no bandana, you reached for his hair, brushing it away from his face.
Itachi takes your hand delicately, kissing your fingers, "You're worth it."
You take one step closer, touching his forehead with yours and breathing in his scent.
"I missed you" you confess, it's a weird feeling being so intimate to him in public, you can hear people talking around you, buying and selling goods, kids running, playing ninja, but you thrust his skills.
"I'm afraid I can't stay much longer, angel" he holds your hand tightly, his face is the same as the boy you knew years ago, yet his dark circles look deeper every time you see him.
"Let me take care of you, 'tachi" you beg, wanting nothing more than to take him home with you, have a bath, wash each other's hair, make tea and kiss every inch of him in a fresh bed, loving and being loved by him till morning eventually comes.
"There's nothing I want more" he confesses and you know it's true, but his tone indicates that will not be possible tonight.
"Promise me you will be back soon" you know it's hard for him to catch a break to come here, besides all the risk he takes getting into the village he still has to mislead his fellow akatsuki members so they won't find out about his Konoha love, making a potential target out of you in case things go south.
"I'll try my best" he brings both his hands to your face and takes his time admiring your face until his eyes eventually fall onto your lips, he misses your kisses more than anything else he had in konoha.
Your eyes close but right before he can kiss you he feels a disturbance, like someone is beginning to notice the genjutsu.
"Sorry, angel, I must go now" he lets go of you and you sigh, "I love you" you watch him walk backwards until he fades like smoke.
"Sensei!" you hear a yell and look over your shoulder seeing Naruto and the rest of team seven coming towards you, Kakashi looks around suspiciously.
"Naruto, hi" you greet and the boy begins to tell you about the mission they just came back from. You try to dismiss the look Kakashi has on you.
"Were you shopping?" Naruto notices your basket.
"Yeah, just some stuff for dinner" you open your basket to show him, but you're surprised by a bouquet of flowers lingering on the inside.
"Wow, is it a romantic dinner?" Sakura inquires.
"Now, now, kids, you gotta wake up early tomorrow for training” Kakashi claps once, making the kids whine. You look at Sasuke, noticing the similar features with the man that was there just a few seconds ago.
Sasuke meets your gaze, you dismiss the nostalgic feeling by ruffling his hair.
“Good luck, guys.”
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see also: “what if someone see us?” + Jiraiya
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welkinsky · 2 years
Is it ok if I rq enemies to lovers with Kakashi? Maybe they didn't get along because Kakashi was a jerk in his younger days, and in his anbu years he was worse so him and y/n really hated each other but when they got older they were forced to do missions together by the hokage and they fell in love naturally? I could imagine after spending months together they fell in love lol
Kakashi X Reader | When He Was Jerk To You
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Kakashi has been your mortal enemy since the very beginning. Your ninja way was that everyone in the team comes first, and then the mission. Which, as we all know, was opposite to his ninja way.
So you both always used to quarrel since the very beginning about this. And as you heard about what happened to Obito, you sympathized with him. But as soon as he got into anbu after that, he was even more rude and avoidant to you. So you decided it was best not to show him any sympathy since he didn't deserve it.
Little did you know what he was going through you can't help it. He was hiding it all way too well.
But this one time, you both got a mission together as you two became adults. You were agonized to have been assigned a mission with him, but you had to do it anyway since Tsunade, who was more or less your mentor asked you to.
So you agreed. The mission was very quiet. You two set the ground rules and shared very few words. It was all going smoothly until you both came across a random outcast and you were in danger.
As you lay there on the ground, you saw him running away. But through blurry eyes you could see some figure running towards you, you flinched but you recognized his chakra and felt safe and confused at the same time. Was this the truth or the lack of blood has made you hallucinate?
It was confirmed, once you woke up in the hospital bed and not in some cave. Kakashi saved you.
"But why?" you asked yourself. "Talking to yourself? Hmm, maybe you need more rest I'll come back later." you saw the gray-haired guy standing at the end of your room.
He was about to exit through the door when you said, "Why did you save me?". He turned around, gave his famous one-eyed smile, and said, "Why wouldn't I? We're on the same team, right?"
You were in shock but kept quiet and watched him walk away. That's when you were startled again by a voice in the background," He's changed y'know." Your mentor was there for you even in illness.
"What do you mean?" you asked, confused. "He..." she sighed heavily, "...has been through a lot. Something you and I cannot dare to imagine. As much of a slob as Jaraiya is, he told me all about it with every detail."
You didn't question more. You know you cannot get anything out of it since it is not her place to tell you, so you ended the conversation with a hmm.
Later you decided to talk to him about what happened on the mission. You were a little hesitant that he might make you look small again like he used to do back in his teenage years. But your mentor's words stuck with you. He told you all about it and even complimented you here and there.
That is when you started to open up a bit to him and started talking to him more often. You didn't realize when this rivalry turned into friendship which led to something even more.
Until one day, you found yourself giggling like crazy as you are making dinner at his house and he is ranting about how tough it is to sign all those paperwork as Hokage. Giving you occasional kisses on the neck and hugs from behind whenever he finds your giggle cute.
Thanks For Reading and for the ask!
If you liked it you can check out the masterlist too!
A-Z Headcanon
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erimeows · 1 year
Cat & Mouse
About once a month, you show up in Konohagakure on a mission to assassinate Kakashi Hatake.
Kakashi is well aware of it- after all, he has to fight you off every time it happens. You were once a Konoha nin, but after the Nine Tails attack that killed your family and Lord Third’s response, you defected to Iwagakure. The Tsuchikage has wanted Kakashi dead for years due to the events of the last ninja war, so he was unsurprised when you were sent to kill him to prove your loyalty.
Only… You failed, and so did Kakashi. The both of you fought and chatted until you were both out of chakra, then retreated to your respective villages. It’s been going on for years now. Quite frankly, Kakashi has no idea why the Tsuchikage hasn’t bothered to send someone else.
He has no idea about a lot of things regarding you and your attacks. You’re an S-rank ninja, you could hurt him if you really wanted to, but you hardly ever leave a scratch. He can’t bring himself to hurt you either- it’s just hard to wrap his head around. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t aware of the fact that you two held feelings for each other before you defected.
He just never thought that would get in the way of your duties. 
The Jonin walks through the forest with a book in hand. The hairs on the back of his neck stand up when he senses your chakra signature nearby- a couple kilometers away, getting progressively closer and lighting each and every one of his nerves on fire.
On one hand, Kakashi practically lives to see you.
On the other, he hates how weak you make him feel. He hates how weak he knows he makes you feel, too, and he hates that neither of you act on it. He hates that the two of you keep doing this.
“Funny seeing you here again, (y/n) (l/n),” Kakashi murmurs. Almost as if on cue, rain starts to pour. “You have a lot of nerve to interrupt my reading.”
“Well, you know it wouldn’t be a normal month without me trying to kill you at least once,” You quip as you jump down from the tree and onto the forest floor.
“I was wondering when you’d show up,” Kakashi rolls his eyes and closes the book he was reading before sliding it into one of his weapons pouches. “You’re a few days later than usual. You’ve been slacking.”
“Aw, were you thinking about me?” You whisk a handful of shuriken from your pocket and send them flying in Kakashi’s direction. He dodges them without much effort, only to find that they were a distraction. You’re behind him less than a second later, going at his neck with a kunai that he has to duck to avoid. You still manage to slice off a few strands of his hair before he has the chance to gain height on you by running up the length of a tree and jumping onto a high branch. As he forms the hand signs to perform a fire style jutsu, you form the hand signs to perform a water style one from your place on the ground and call back up to him. “Did you miss me?”
“Don’t flatter yourself,” Kakashi calls down to you seconds after shooting a flurry of fireballs from his mouth. You put them out with water so fast that they don’t even hit the ground. Steam clouds the air and Kakashi’s vision. “I just happened to notice that it had been a while.”
“You seem distracted. Seriously, whipping out a fire style jutsu in the middle of pouring rain? You’re getting rusty, Kakashi,” You speak from behind him. Kakashi didn’t even catch your movements. He turns as fast as he can to block a hit from you, and then another, and another. He quickly finds that he’s on the defense, jumping back from branch to branch with you following, blocking all of your hits while unable to retaliate. “Now, is this still a fight or have you gone and given up on me now?”
“It’s nothing like that,” He hisses back, but fuck, he can’t even bring himself to hit you anymore.
Every time you show up to Konoha, Kakashi becomes a little weaker for you, just as you do for him. 
“Interesting, because you aren’t trying at all,” You retort and focus chakra into your leg so you can kick him in the side hard enough to send him flying to the ground.
Upset and in pain, Kakashi catches himself on his hands and flips back onto his feet. The force of it sends him sliding back. Upon steadying himself, you’re right on his heels again. 
“Is this the game you want to play?” Kakashi growls. “Because I don’t think either of us have ever really tried when it comes to this, but fine, if you insist-”
The second you let your guard down, Kakashi manages to catch both of your wrists in one of his hands and pin them to a tree. Your back is pushed up against the wood while Kakashi’s chest is pushed up against your chest. Your noses touch as Kakashi pulls a kunai with his spare hand and pushes the blade into the supple skin of your neck. The pressure is just hard enough to hurt, but not hard enough to break skin. 
Kakashi is holding back.
It’s a warning, and nothing more. You both know that much. If he were sane, like any other shinobi, he’d have killed you instantly. Then again, you’ve had plenty of opportunities to kill him, too. The two of you choose to continue playing this familiar game of cat and mouse. As much as Kakashi has grown fond of it, he’s about ready for it to come to an end. 
Much to his surprise, when you free one of your hands from his grasp, you don’t rush to remove the kunai from your jugular. Instead, you grab Kakashi’s mask by the hem and yank it down so it hangs loosely around his neck. Then, you grab his headband and toss it to the forest floor. 
Kakashi swallows. He’s completely vulnerable with your hand resting so terribly gently on his cheek and your (e/c) eyes trained on his bare face. Despite being the one holding a knife to your jugular, you remain perfectly in control of the situation. 
“Why don’t you kill me?” You ask, rain dripping down your (s/c) skin. “Be honest.”
“I don’t know,” Kakashi answers. It’s a lie; he knows exactly why he hasn’t killed you yet, as it’s the same reason you haven’t killed him. The two of you have some sort of connection, some sort of spark that keeps you coming back and that keeps him from doing anything about it, even after all this time. “Why don’t you kill me?”
“I don’t know,” You sigh and pluck the kunai out of Kakashi’s hand. He allows you to do it without any fight back and sighs in return when you chuck it down to the ground in the same pile that his headband is in. “There’s no point. We… Clearly still have feelings for each other, even if we never acted on them back then. Let’s not pretend that we don’t.”
“Is that so wrong?” 
“I can’t believe you’re the one asking that. Clearly, it’s wrong. Can you imagine what Lord Tsuchikage would say if he knew I’ve been sparing you on purpose? Or what the Hokage would say if he knew I was in the village on a monthly basis attacking you? We’d both lose our heads,” You scoff.
“Well, you have a point, but at this point, we only have two options,” Kakashi explains. “We can either get our shit together and figure something out to make this work, or we can go back to our villages and pretend nothing ever happened. Regardless of which we choose, we can’t continue doing… Whatever this is. It’s dangerous, and it’s draining.”
“So, what choice are you making?”
“Like it all falls on my shoulders?” Kakashi laughs, but you stare at him, dead serious. So, he answers your question seriously. “I’d like to make this work, (y/n). You could always come back to the village.”
“I’m not coming back,” You say, shaking your head. “But… I’d like to make this work as well, if not because I love you than for the sake of both of our sanities. I think this whole cat and mouse game we’ve been doing is driving the both of us nuts.”
“What now?” Kakashi asks. “Where can we possibly go from here?”
“I don’t know,” You shrug. “But for now, you can kiss me. I think that much is long overdue.”
And so, Kakashi kisses you, officially ending the years’ long chase.
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soulsnatcher0xx · 1 year
Yandere Kakashi Hatake X Reader
Tittle: I don't give a damn 
Growing up you never have much of anything in your life. It has always been you and your mother, and she never actually tell you about what happen to your dad. she like to keep that to herself and work to death to earn end meat. But when you were just turning 17 she finally remarried to a rich man and that man told your mother she never has to work again in her lifetime. You were happy that your mother finally finds happiness but that cost her to neglect you and your step father never bat an eyes to you. He simply didn't give a damn about you and you were okie with that because first of all your mother have find her soulmate and seem to be very happy and she don't have to work anymore, and 2nd reason is because you have been saving up to move out with your part time job as a writer. Soon enough new year have come along and now you were 18 and finally got enough save up to go living on your own. It was a family get together kind of thing but your mother didn't have any family member so it was just your stepfather family and then you find out that he have a son a few years older then you joining in for new year dinner. After all those time you have never knew he had a son because they never view you as a part of the family and got nothing to say to you plus he was really busy because apparently his son was a CEO and a very rich man. The first time you have met him was when you went to open the door when the door bell ring. your e/c meet with his black one for the first time and he give you a fake smile that you see past right away. He was 6,8 and have a white hair, he seem to be very charming and good looking on the eye but for you he just seem to fake to your likening so you try to avoid him as much as possible. Later that month Y/n move out and never want to be in touch with her family again because in her eyes she was just a burden to them. After few months of moving in you soon find yourself a first boyfriend everything was perfect until your stepbrother showed up again in your life. He has come to visit you even though you never told him where you live but he somehow knew unaware of the teddy bear he have given you the day you told everyone that you are moving out. The bear has a hidden camera that you never knew. He came out of nowhere that day and let himself him and confess to you that he liked you 
“ hey yo, i take a liking to you and i might even love you even if you are my step sister”  
Kakashi said as he said laying on your couch. You turn around in shock and you thought he might be lying to you since you didn't even know him till that new year and that was it. you guys never saw each other after that event but then he look you dead in the eyes and then you knew he was not joking with you when he stood up and stalk closer to you and closing the door behind you. 
“ I have decided to take you away and you can have my children, i will make sure people wont try to find you or even miss you” 
Kakashi said locking eyes with you, he began to grab something out of his coat but before you can react a gun was place on your forehead. You fear what was going to happen if you didn't listen so when he told you to unlock the door and go start your car you did as you were told while he was behind you pointing the gun to your back side. The drive was long, you were driving into the unknow wooded area and the drive seem to be 12 hour long. by the time you pull up to a unknown place you were hungry and starving. Y/n unlock her seatbelt but just when she was about to glace at Kakashi she was hit by the end of his gun and everything turn to darkness. 
When you open your eyes again, you notice the same teddy bear that your stepbrother, Kakashi have given you staring at you at the foot of the bed on a table by the foot of the bed and you were chain to the bed so that you can't run away and stay stuck to the bed and the bear watch your every move. Soon enough the door to the bedroom open and Kakashi came in with the plate of food and your mouth water right away since you have not eaten for a while. But you stick to your pride and told him you don't want any of this and want to go home but he would not listen so snap at him and so he decided to starve you as he exit your room. 
“You will learn to love me and be rewarded.” 
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Beautiful Mark’s Of Age
For: @kakashihasibs @marinavampire @wind-becomes-lightning
They were getting worse.
Everyday he looked into the mirror Yamato was sure the lines around his mouth were growing. Becoming deeper, more prominent. No matter what he did they wouldn’t go away.
“They’re just a sign of ageing, Captain.” Sakura giggled when he told her about them. She’d given him some cream to keep face skin moisturised in hopes of slowing the progression, but he wasn’t so sure it was working.
“They’re not that bad,” Naruto had stifled a laugh the first time Yamato complained about his wrinkles in front of him. “I mean, you always did look older than Kakashi-Sensei.”
Even the hero of the world had run from the glare Yamato gave him after that comment.
It was bad enough that he was ageing so prominently, he would at least feel a little bit better about it if Kakashi also had a few wrinkles on his face. Perhaps some lines under his eyes, or a few forehead wrinkles.
Anything would be better than Yamato looking into the face of youth every day while he was ageing like an old piece of fruit.
“It’s not that bad,” Kakashi bumped his shoulder, pulling him out of his spiralling thoughts. “You look cute.”
Yamato scuffed. It seemed easy enough for Kakashi to dismiss his wrinkles when he had none of his own. If he could just look at himself in the mirror and see similar deep lines intruding on his face, then he’d understand.
“I’m not cute,” he crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. “I look like I'm fifty.”
“Forty-five,” a sharp glare directed at Kakashi quickly earned him a chuck. “You look forty-five at most.”
“Is that supposed to be a compliment?” It certainly didn’t feel like one. He was four years younger than Kakashi but here he was looking older than him all because of a few wrinkles. “It’s the stress. The trauma of everything I went through as a kid,” orochimaru, danzo, the endless nightmare . That had to be it. He looked older than he really was because of stress. “And You!”
“Me?” Kakashi blinked
“Yes, you,” dropping his arms from over his chest, he reached out and poked Kakashi’s nose. “Chasing after you when you go for one of your ‘walks’ when you’re supposed to be leaving missions to other Shinobi. The fact you’re always bullying me. You’re ageing me with stress!”
For a moment Kakashi stared at him with a surprised look, but then the laughter began. Ringing out, it quickly filled the entire room as Kakashi scrunched up his eyes.
That’s when Yamato saw them. The most beautiful things he’d ever witnessed in his life.
Little wrinkles that seemed to form beside each of Kakashi’s eyes, as if they were extensions of his joy. Little indents on his skin that somehow deepened his smile.
How had he never noticed them before? Was he so captivated by Kakashi’s eyes that he failed to notices the little wrinkles that had to form beside them?
Yamato couldn’t help but reach out to them, brushing his fingers against the skin just to feel those beautiful wrinkles.
As soon as his skin touched Kakashi’s, the laughter stopped and soft black eyes opened to stare down at him, the wrinkles vanishing into one small indent that stretched out from each eye.
“I take it back,” his fingers lingered beside Kakashi’s eye, waiting for those deep lines to return so he could touch them again. “They really are beautiful.”
His eyes scrunched up into a much smaller, but no less beautiful smile. The wrinkles weren’t as prominent, but now there were two deep lines that formed beside each eye. Lines that Yamato couldn’t drag his gaze away from.
Perhaps growing old wasn’t so bad.
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panharmonium · 3 years
[@dreamersscape​ I started a new thread because our old post was getting so long - link to the previous post is here, just to keep this conversation coherent!]
“raw love and affection” > That’s it exactly.  The perfect descriptor.  Untempered, unqualified, unconditional, unrestrained - Naruto’s love is just like his jutsu, a giant explosion that you can’t dodge or block, and the wielder is shouting and running straight at you the whole time he throws it right at your face XD  You just can’t escape him.  He’s gonna love you no matter who you are or what you’ve done or how fast you run away from him, which poor Sasuke has been figuring out for years (to his everlasting irritation, I’m sure).  Kakashi needs people like that – like Gai, actually, who’s a little bit similar in the sense that he’s determined to be Kakashi’s friend no matter how much Kakashi resists.  And I do love the fact that Naruto and Kakashi will be able to connect about Naruto’s parents now that the secret is out – it wasn’t possible before, and they’ve all been running a million miles an hour since Naruto found out, but eventually, once things calm down, it will such a good thing for both of them to complete that circuit.  That’s the way things are supposed to be – the connections between generations are supposed to be maintained and strengthened by the people left behind, like Iruka says in the early days of the show -   
When someone passes away, it’s the end.  His past and future, all the dreams he once had - they disappear along with him.  This is true even if he dies honorably in battle, as so many have...all the ties that bind him to the living are severed.  All but one, the most important of all: people.  Parents, siblings, friends, lovers - the people who were important to him.  And these people, the ones left behind, are joined together in a great circle by their shared memories of him.  A circle of friendship, trust, and sacrifice that grows larger and stronger as time passes. 
It’s so good that Naruto and Kakashi are soon going to be in a space where they will be able to re-forge the links that were disrupted by a malicious system that wasn’t serving either of them.
Well, I don’t want to build it up like the show makes A Big Deal out of it 
Oh, don’t worry.  I was already expecting it to be the tiniest crumb they could possibly give us.  But even crumbs will make me very happy, for these two! XD
But I think he might have doubts that Yamato would want/choose him as a source of help, given the circumstances of Yamato’s capture and torture?
THAT.  Yamato getting captured taking care of Kakashi’s kids would have been complicated enough to navigate enough on its own, but the fact that the person who orchestrated all of it was Obito makes it a truly labyrinthine mess.  The number of layers of guilt that Kakashi feels - not all of them rational or accurate, obviously, but in his mind they’re real - given all those things, of course he’s uncertain that Yamato would want his help.  Kakashi’s internal blame calculator right now is like -
GUILTY [was weak.  wanted companionship too much.  let you share my burdens.] GUILTY [took advantage of your loyalty] GUILTY [put you in harm’s way] GUILTY [abandoned you to die] GUILTY [created the person who hurt you (by being the reason obito ‘died,’ by failing to save rin)] GUILTY [still love the person who hurt you] GUILTY [still grieving for the person who hurt you]
It’s complicated enough just handling the “i put you in this position and then didn’t even come to save you” level of things, but adding in the “my personal hero/most sacred, precious source of inspiration is the one who did this to you” level makes it practically impossible to manage, especially when Kakashi is actively experiencing (natural and out of his control) feelings of grief for the person who caused Yamato’s entire ordeal.  Kakashi doesn’t condone or excuse anything Obito did - he fully understands that Obito caused unforgivable harm to untold numbers of people (himself included) - but he still feels things for him, and he can’t do anything about that, and even if he’s accepted that fact on a private level, I still don’t think he’s entirely comfortable feeling those things in the context of Yamato’s situation.  
It’s like what you said about him “wanting to be very careful not to ‘force’ his company on Yamato” - I think he feels like Yamato has every right to reassess or step back from their relationship, given everything that’s happened.  Kakashi may recognize on some level that he can’t control his own feelings about the Obito situation, but he also doesn’t think Yamato should have to be understanding of that.  Kakashi has never considered himself an appropriate recipient of anyone’s respect or devotion to begin with (“you should find someone more suitable”/“then drop the ‘senpai’”), but with Yamato, especially, I think Kakashi feels now that he’s lost whatever scrap of credibility/worthiness he ever had of being looked up to, and he would be very careful not to put Yamato in a position where Yamato feels pressure to accommodate or defer to Kakashi for any reason, whether it be because of the difference in their ranks or the potential lingering feelings of gratitude/debt that Yamato might still associate with the things Kakashi has done for him in the past.  (But of course, like you said, Yamato would probably interpret this as “reticence,” or deliberate distancing, and obviously that would heighten his pre-existing anxieties, which would just complicate things further.)
...it wouldn’t be about the name itself, it’d be Yamato trying to find a way to express that he doesn’t want Kakashi to keep seeing him as the “Tenzo” he’s always known...as his subordinate “Tenzo” that he has to “take care of”...
THIS.  I totally agree with you - I can definitely see Yamato getting frustrated at being (unintentionally) put into a box by Kakashi, because even though Kakashi absolutely does not mean it this way, the fact of the matter is that Kakashi taking on all of the responsibility/guilt/blame about this situation disregards the active choices and sacrifices Yamato made.  It’s almost...disrespectful.  Dismissive of Yamato’s agency.  And of course we as the audience know that it isn’t intended that way at all - Kakashi respects Yamato more than anyone in the world, and his reaction comes from a very real place where he legitimately feels that he’s been taking advantage of unearned/undeserved loyalty and devotion - but I absolutely can see Yamato getting snappy about being treated like what happened to him was the result of something Kakashi “made” him do, like all the work he’s been doing for the last year was just him following orders and not something he also had a personal stake in. 
The whole point of Yamato escaping the Foundation (and even the ANBU) was that he wouldn’t have to be anybody’s lapdog anymore.  It wasn’t about him trading one master for another.  He doesn’t follow Kakashi because he’s obligated to do so; he does it because he believes Kakashi is worthy of being followed.  It’s not that Yamato doesn’t feel a debt of gratitude to Kakashi; he does, and he probably always will, but Yamato also believes in the same mission as Kakashi, cares about the same children, wants to protect the same future.  Maybe, when he accepted that first substitute assignment from Tsunade, he did so in the spirit or following orders or doing Kakashi a favor, but at this point, Yamato is just as invested in the struggle as everyone else.  He cares about the kids just as much, and he’s just as committed to saving the world.  He ended up getting captured because he was willing to give his life for the cause, and he deserves to have that decision honored as the true sacrifice it is, instead of having it minimized as an artificial choice that he was compelled or deceived into making.  
I think, deep down, it’s hard for Kakashi to conceive of the idea that someone would choose to follow him for valid reasons.  He feels like everyone who loves and respects him does so because they’re laboring under a false impression of his goodness.  But for Yamato, hearing this is essentially tantamount to being told that he’s still someone else’s thrall.  Like he isn’t making his own informed decisions about who to follow or who to serve, like he’s still being led around by the nose by someone who can make him do anything they want, like someone else (however benevolent) still has him under their thumb.  I’m sure he knows Kakashi doesn’t mean it that way, but I also can imagine, in a moment of upset, that he would react poorly to being portrayed like that - at the implication, however unintentional, that he isn’t truly free.  
It’s like you said - Yamato doesn’t want Kakashi to keep thinking of him as a prisoner who needs to be rescued.  He doesn’t want to be limited to being a tool in someone else’s hands (especially not a tool for Kakashi’s continued self-flagellation), and he doesn’t want his friendship with Kakashi to be limited to what it was back when Yamato was an enslaved child.  He needs Kakashi to give him credit for his own decisions, which means he needs Kakashi to let go of the guilt and absorb the message ‘i have not been coerced into caring about you!’  Tenzo, in his capacity as Kakashi’s comrade, has never been confused about what kind of person Kakashi is.  He hasn’t been taken advantage of or manipulated into doing something he didn’t want to do.  He has never been a tool for Kakashi to use; he has always been Kakashi’s willing partner.  His loyalty to Kakashi is not unquestioning obedience or obligatory repayment of a debt; it’s justified respect, genuine admiration, and more-than-earned affection.  All Yamato did during the war was take the same risks that Kakashi himself has taken on Yamato’s behalf countless times, and if Kakashi can’t accept the fact that Yamato took those risks willingly - if Tenzo can only be “Tenzo, Kakashi’s charge” instead of “Tenzo, a true equal” - then maybe it’s time to leave that old identity behind entirely.
I do think they’ll eventually figure this all out and it will be okay.  But I 100% understand why we might see Yamato chafing at being addressed in a certain way prior to all these knots being untangled.
He doesn’t need to be “Yamato” to Kakashi, but he might be unconsciously seeking reassurance Kakashi still wants “Yamato” around.
Ohh, this...I’m... 😭😭😭
#naruto#pan watches naruto#a true equal#i know you said you weren't sure you were articulating your thoughts in a 'comprehensible' way#but i think you're hitting the nail exactly on the head#yamato's worst fear is that things are going to go back to the way they used to be#he'll go home and go back to the anbu#he'll put the mask back on and disappear#the kids will remember him vaguely#like a teacher they once had in high school#every few years he and kakashi will run into each other#and kakashi will be casually friendly#but that's all it will ever be: two acquaintances who don't really know each other anymore#because yamato is back to being 'tenzo' now; and kakashi has never tried to stay in touch with 'tenzo' before#'yamato' had something essential to offer#and now that the mission he was assigned is over#'yamato' doesn't exist anymore#'yamato' was just a code name.  it was a pretend identity.#this entire year with team 7 was a temporary assignment#and yamato knew that#but what he didn't know was how desperately he wouldn't want it to end#living outside the anbu was like a dream; and yamato doesn't want to wake up#we know that.  we SAW that.  canonically - what he wants most in the world is to stay right where he is#his tsukuyomi dream is to hear kakashi say 'this is where you truly belong'#and it makes sense that yamato isn't sure if 'tenzo' can achieve that#because kakashi always let 'tenzo' drift away before#and of course that had everything to do with kakashi's own personal issues and nothing to do with yamato#but how is yamato supposed to know that?#i just think...yamato is more afraid of going home than of anything that ever happened to him during the war#because nothing can possibly be worse that being that alone again
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Headcanons for Yamato
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This is my first time writing 4 years, I hope it’s okay lmao. I love yam yam and have many thoughts about him.
- You first met when you were on a mission together, he was an ANBU that you were going under cover with. He was enamored with you and your prowess from then on. - Months of agonising later he asked you on a date, It was a cute picnic in a forest area. It was lovely. HE was lovely. - Early in the relationship he is easily flustered and blushes at mere hand holding. - Eventually he gets more comfortable and gains courage to kiss you on the cheek at the end of one date and from there he is much more comfortable with simple acts of affection such as kissing your forehead, hand and cheek. - It was several months into your relationship before the two of you kissed on the lips. You initiated it one night when he came over to your place for dinner. You had expected him to implode but after a second of surprise he kissed you back fervently. - Loves cuddling. Loves to hold you and for you to hold him. Run your nails through his hair and on his scalp gently and he will damn near purr.
NSFW under the cut
NSFW - The two of you spent a long time at the heavy petting stage before (roughly 6 months into the relationship) the two of you delved under both of your clothing. - Yamato is inexperienced and clumsy but eager to learn. If you are both inexperienced the two of you buy books (none of Kakashi’s stuff) about to please your lover. - If you have more experience than him he is just as eager to learn from you. - Either way he is a quick study and will have you cumming buckets soon enough. - He loves fingering you, feeling you clench around his fingers, the sound your pussy makes when you’re especially wet. - Yamato is a nice 6inches in length and decently thick. Nothing that will hurt you but more than enough to fill and fuck you good. - The first few times the two of you have sex it’s love making. Hushed whispers, quiet moans and declarations of love and affection. - Is the king of praise. Will tell you how beautiful you are to him, how sexy you are and how much he loves you. - He loves being praised too. Please praise him. - Before long he has you ass up and head down pumping in and out of you causing you to cum on his cock several times. Every time he has you in that position he wants to see how long it takes for your legs to give out. - His favourite position of all is the two of you on top. Riding him hard until you can barely stay upright. - That’s when he pulls you gently down on top of him, holds you tightly, kisses the side of your head and tells you how good you did and then starts fucking from under you. - He enjoys your squeals and groans. The way your body writhes against him as he holds you close. - Afterwards when the two of you have regained your ability to walk, the two of you will have a shower, gently washing each other and sharing some kisses. He will make sure you both have a good drink of water and a snack before heading to sleep.
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lemony-snickers · 2 years
happy birthday, kakashi.  you deserve something a little soft (even if it starts out a little sad).
Title:  Every Year  (AO3 Link Here) Summary:  September 15th is always the same. Word Count:  2,010 Warnings:  none, really.  some references to depression.  gn!reader .
The morning begins like every other before it.  September 15th.  A Thursday, this year, though that hardly matters.
Kakashi Hatake wakes up on this thirtieth birthday with little reason to be excited.  It’s the same as the year before and the one before that. Not quite the same as the one before that, though, because then there was still Team 7.  But with or—mostly—without his genin, one morning every September, Kakashi wakes up a year older than he was yesterday.  Sometimes he’s in his own bed, as he is today.  Sometimes, he wakes up in a bedroll or sitting against the trunk of a tree.
Several times, he hasn’t actually woken up at all, just dully greeted the dawn as it broke, still awake and alert from the night before.
Kakashi has never seen much reason to mark his day of birth any differently than every other Thursday—or Monday or Tuesday, wherever it falls.  Perhaps if he had grown up with a mother who smothered him with affection every mid-September, or even if Sakumo had been alive for more of his childhood, he might feel differently.  But Kakashi grew up a soldier from a young age and soldiers, he thinks, celebrate little more than a successful mission or the end of war.  And even those usually warrant only a drink with comrades, maybe a few precious hours of extra sleep.
But September 15th is not a day of victory, it’s just a day.  Kakashi wakes, goes through his morning stretches—perhaps noting a few more pops and cracks than usual, which remind him he’s crossed into a new decade—and goes about his typical morning:  wash face, brush teeth, make bed, eat breakfast.  It’s mechanical.  Predictable.  Just like his inevitable trek to the Memorial Stone, Icha Icha clutched in his hand as he makes his way languidly through the village.
Autumn in Konoha isn’t nearly as cool as other places he’s been, but the faint encroaching chill of it is still there, tugging at the ends of his hair and swirling the leaves at his feet as he pays his respects to those who are no longer alive to mark their own celebrations. He makes an additional stop at his parents’ graves, too, though he usually reserves those visits for when he returns home safely from an assignment.
He hopes they would appreciate knowing he thinks of them on his birthday.
This year, Gai is away from the village and so there is no ridiculous challenge to endure, no competitive outlet for his mixed-up feelings.  He knows his old friend will more than make up for missing his Eternal Rival’s birthday next time they see each other, and Kakashi finds himself smiling beneath his mask at the prospect, wondering what ludicrous thing Gai will devise for the two of them.
He looks forward to it. But that won’t happen for days, yet, maybe even a week.  Because Gai still has his genin—well, Neji Hyuga is a chunin, now, and the others will be soon, but the point stands.  Gai has his team.  Every other sensei in the village still does.
Every one except Kakashi, and he feels a familiar pang of failure and listlessness acutely as he makes his way back toward the small apartment he calls home, with its big windows and ugly green carpet.  He considers going to the mission desk to see if there are any low-level assignments he could take for the day.  But he has an A-rank mission already scheduled for two days from now, and he knows he should rest before his scheduled early morning departure.
A few birthdays ago, Kakashi would have taken another mission, anyway.  Would have run himself ragged and half-dead just to fill time.  But Team 7 taught him he didn’t always have to be fighting against himself.  They gave him hope that maybe quiet moments did not have to be a noose around his throat. Even if it sometimes still feels like the silence will kill him, Kakashi is better at distracting himself now than before he became a sensei.  He thinks about Naruto getting stronger with Jiraiya, Sakura training under Tsunade, and it lifts his spirits a little.
He tries not let his thoughts linger too long on Sasuke, but they inevitably do.  His fist tightens when he thinks of Orochimaru; all the Sound stole from Konoha during their invasion.  All those empty promises spun by a serpent’s tongue in Sasuke’s ear.  Kakashi had hoped his voice might be loud enough to drown them out, but even his commanding tone is only a whisper compared with the offer of limitless power to a boy so broken by his losses.  So determined to walk a path of retribution.
The breeze picks up and Kakashi’s sensitive nose detects the sweet scent of cosmos.  The flowers, so popular in window boxes and home gardens this time of year, will fade soon, the tickle in his nostrils replaced by that of the spider lilies that bloom across the fields of Konoha, a stark red reminder of all the ways parted at the village outskirts.  Kakashi thinks the blossoming and wilting of flowers is, at least, a prettier way to mark the passage of time than recalling how many days have come and gone since someone last called him sensei.
He knows he could visit Sakura in the hospital; knows she would light up, call him her teacher still.  Probably force him to undergo a physical exam to ensure he wasn’t hiding an injury.  It's enticing, the prospect of being welcomed by someone.  But the thought of seeing the haunted look in her eyes when the conversation inevitably returns to her absent teammates is enough to keep him away. He has already failed her, and Kakashi knows it is better if he keeps his distance; allows her to find her footing with a more fitting teacher.
The hours pass quickly. Uneventfully.  On a whim, Kakashi turns away from his path home and treats himself to ramen at Ichiraku.  It isn’t the same without Naruto screaming in his ear, though, and he doesn’t bother ordering a second bowl.  Tenzo is unavailable for dinner, so busy with his ANBU duties he left a small wooden pug on the windowsill of Kakashi’s home for him to find in the morning with a note that said it was all he had time for, and promising to visit next time he is able for a proper celebration.
“Happy Birthday, Senpai,” it says at the bottom in Tenzo’s too-neat handwriting.  The word is so close to the one Kakashi desperately wants to hear, it almost soothes the ache in his chest when he re-reads it.
Kakashi makes his own dinner and eats alone, setting aside two containers of leftovers in the refrigerator to sustain him until he departs for his upcoming mission in just over twenty-four hours.  He decides against summoning his ninken, knowing they will try to make a big deal of the day once they realize what it is.  As much as he loves seeing his pack—has come, perhaps erroneously, to consider them family—he does not have the energy to match them today.
Kakashi dons his bedclothes almost as soon as the sun sets, deciding he’s had enough of his birthday to last the year.
Reading offers a quiet and welcome distraction from his less pleasant ruminations.  It is as he’s once again enjoying a favorite scene from the first Icha Icha novel that he hears the door open.  For the first time all day, a true, wide smile breaks across Kakashi's face, unrestricted by the mask he typically wears.  The book lies abandoned on the bedside table a moment later and he’s in the living room before he can tamp down his excitement.
Normally, he would try to greet you at the door with a little more dignity.
“You’re back early.”
It’s clear you hurried on your return.  There’s a twig and several stray leaves in your hair, and a smear of dirt over your chin. But your eyes light up when they meet his, one sandal still half-on and your ankle wrappings loose on one side, the skin revealed beneath their unravelling telling the black-and-blue story of a sprain.
Your eyes are puffy, bloodshot; the skin beneath them taut and dry.  Clear markers that you haven’t slept or hydrated properly, things Kakashi will bother to admonish you for later.  Right now, he’s too excited to see you; too elated you made it back from your mission before he departs for his own, something he had thought would be impossible.
“Did I make it?”  You look at the clock on the wall hopefully, and you groan as you realize it’s just after midnight.  “Damn it!”
You grumble under your breath about a storm in the Land of Water slowing you down, but Kakashi just chuckles as he steps forward to pull you against him, arms settling around your shoulders in a grateful vice grip.
“I haven’t slept yet, so I say it counts.”
The muscles of his back ripple when your hands wrap around him, and he finally realizes just how much stress he’s carried between his shoulder blades since he woke up.  Maybe even before.
“I’m sorry I’m late,” you mumble against his neck, too tired, apparently, to recognize the irony of making apologies for tardiness to Kakashi Hatake of all people, “but happy birthday.”
You punctuate the wish with a kiss to his jaw and Kakashi hums, truly content.  When he reluctantly unwinds his arms from around you, it’s only so he can direct you to the kitchen.  He pours you a tall glass of water with a stern order to drink the whole thing while he warms up one of his leftover containers for you so you can enjoy a good meal while he inquires about your mission.
He wonders if it’s strange that one of his favorite birthdays culminates in sitting across from someone smeared in dirt and talking with their mouth half-full of shrimp because they’re too excited by their story to consider table manners.
“Did you remember to make a wish?” you ask when you finish, smiling at him as you wipe the dirt from your chin with the back of your hand.
“No need,” he says, “it came true anyway.” He knows he could wish for a thousand other things—maybe he should—but he enjoys the way you fidget when you realize he’s talking about you.
"I'm glad."
Kakashi decides as he climbs into bed beside you, chuckling at how you’re already mostly asleep before he even turns off the light, that maybe it doesn’t matter if his idea of a great birthday is a bit strange.  Most things about him are, after all.
He tangles his body with yours, inhales the scent of your freshly washed hair and skin from a much-needed shower.  It’s familiar and comforting, but still sort of new in the way it lingers in his sheets, the way he can still smell you for a day or two after you’ve left for a mission because of how much time you spend beside him.
Maybe not everything about September 15th is the same this year.  Because last year, he didn’t have you.  And now that he does, he wonders what other seemingly impossible things might yet come to fruition.
Maybe next year, if he’s lucky, he’ll have you and Team 7.  Maybe Gai will be in Konoha and Tenzo will be free to buy Kakashi dinner, even if he grumbles halfheartedly about it.  It is with these thoughts in mind that Kakashi makes a silent, heartfelt wish for his next birthday, hoping whatever cosmic entity is in charge of granting wishes will cut him a little slack for missing the deadline by a few hours.
Kakashi drifts to sleep with new hope in his heart that there are many favorite birthdays yet to come.   And that you will be part of each one of them.
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pxnk-velvet · 3 years
Heyoo.... So Kakashi x Dom reader, they're already in a relationship, she think of something new to do tonight, she just makes him lay down and takes the reigns, but instead of being rough or kinky she surprises him by being very very soft, a lot of care and body worshipping and loving words and actions, she doesn't let him do anything, he just has to lay down, relax and let her baby him and worship him
𝐻𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑦 𝐵𝑖𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑑𝑎𝑦 [NSFW!]
.・ ✧。.・゜✧・.・✧・゜・.・ ✧。.・゜✧・.・✧・゜
𝐾𝑎𝑘𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖 𝐻𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑥 𝐹𝑒𝑚!𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
✧ word count :: 1.7k
✧ summary :: Despite her usual approach to things in bed with Kakashi, Y/n was going to make sure Kakashi felt loved on his birthday one way or another.
✧ warnings :: nsfw!, fluff, established relationship, implied dom reader, oral (m!receiving), body worship, praise, intended for mature readers only! reblogs are appreciated <3
✧ a/n :: this is the first time I’ve written anything spicy in forever and I’m only doing this bc it was our husbands birthday a few weeks ago soooo and ik this is like super late but idc I’m just happy I was finally able to finish a piece ok? Let me live 🖐🏼😤
.・ ✧。.・゜✧・.・✧・゜・.・ ✧。.・゜✧・.・✧・゜
He’s so pretty…
That was the only thing on Y/n’s mind as she stood with Kakashi in her arms. The two of them were standing in front of the mirror that was near the foot of their bed. Simply soaking in each other’s presence and enjoying the company. 
She peered at him from over his shoulder, her chin perched on his shoulder as she admired the godly man in her grasp. 
Her eyes tracing every single curve and dip present on his body. Warmly gazing over every scar, scratch, or imperfection that was embedded onto him. Her hands glazed over his sides and core as they settled near his abdomen. Fingertips pressing into the soft skin that shielded strong muscle underneath. Her lips were gentle against his shoulder blades as she littered kisses across his back.
It was moments of appreciation like this that made Y/n truly wonder how she had managed to find a man like Kakashi. Of course he came with his faults, but everyone does. And she never let that get in the way of her love for. 
“Happy birthday.” She hummed sweetly against his skin, a smile occupying her eyes as for her lips were busy pressed against his skin.
Kakashi returned one, butterflies erupting in Y/n’s stomach when she saw it. 
That. His smile was one of the prettiest things she’d ever encountered in all her years. She did everything in her power to keep it gentle and bright. Even if he wore his mask nearly all day, she can only hope it never dims underneath.
All day her chest had been blossoming with love, seeing Kakashi smile so much today. Receiving gifts from friends and comrades. Yet she knew it wasn't just the gifts themselves but the acknowledgment and appreciation these people had for him. She believed he deserved it all with every fiber of her being. And yet she had no idea how to show him just that. That was until they had made it home.
Now clad in simple house clothes, they had spent the rest of the day enjoying each other. Y/n had cooked Kakashi his favorite meal for dinner and surprised him with a little homemade cake. Emphasizing the little, simply because she knew he wasn’t one for sweets, so it was really just a simple serving for herself that Kakashi insisted he feed to her himself. Only to smear frosting across her face and pull her in for a kiss, claiming that she had a little frosting on her lips. 
Her kisses still tasted sweet with the frosting as Kakashi turned to face her, his back to the mirror. Now pulling her into his arms and draping them around Y/n’s waist, resting his hands against her lower back.
With sparkling eyes, ones Kakashi could get lost in forever, Y/n looked up at him, musing, “I love you,” placing a quick kiss to his lips. Not giving him a chance to respond before she kisses him again, singing another “I love you,” then repeating the process over and over again. Littering kisses all over his face, jaw, and neck. 
Y/n was quick to maneuver Kakashi so he was laying on the edge of the bed, her hips settled suggestively over his. An obviously give away as to what she had instore for the birthday boy.
Y/n’s kisses never seized fire, every single one was light yet held so much passion. Creating a constellation of love across his skin. Sending electricity to both his heart and the deep pit in his stomach. 
The only time her kissing stopped was when she sat up straight, placing her palms against his chest. Fingertips gentle gliding against the light dusting of gray hair. Her lips stretched with a sweet smile, eyes warm as she spoke, “Did you know that I love you?” Her voice was smooth like honey, as it invaded Kakashi’s senses. 
His body felt like it was floating. His cheeks were covered in a warm flush that grew even hotter whenever she moved above him. Even just the slightest drag of her pelvis seemed to cause his senses to go haywire. The way her gaze soaked up every single minuscule reaction wasn’t helping either. 
The intimate moments they shared together were often like this. Kakashi allowing Y/n to do as she pleases for her own pleasure, which only fueled his own. 
Kakashi swallowed the dryness in his throat, replying to her question with a slight giggle, “Yes, Y/n. You’ve mentioned that already.”
Her smile grew even more, glowing like a light above, “I know but I just want to make sure. I love you. Everything about you,” She sang sweetly, placing a kiss at the base of his throat.
“Your perfections,” a kiss now placed to his collarbone, Y/n nipping the skin. Making Kakashi jump slightly, to which she giggled while continuing her ministrations down his front. 
“Your imperfections, your eyes, your hair, your body…” She dragged, bringing her tongue to slowly trace previous kisses up to his navel and back down, “Your muscles,” Again, Kakashi’s skin jumped when her hands crawled up his abdomen, relishing in the way the muscles went taunt under her touch. 
“But most of all,” She slowly sat up, Kakashi groaning at the loss of the warmth of her lips against his skin, “Your mind,” Y/n’s hands came down to toy with the hem of his pants. Her fingers teasing the edges, slipping beneath, only to retract when his breath grew heavy. 
“Your heart,” Y/n whispered only loud enough for the two of them to hear. Regardless of the fact if they were the only ones in the room. She wanted those words to only fall upon his ears. He was the most deserving after all. 
One of her hands came to cup the tent that had stood mighty before her, squeezing gently, feeling the way his blood pulsed violently through his veins. 
The way he gripped the sheets beneath his fists as a groan fell from behind his grit teeth, caused the fire in the pit of Y/n’s stomach to ignite, sending electricity through her body. 
“Kakashi,” She called, the only thing present on her face was love and sincerity, “I love you with every fiber of my being,” Her hands came to grip the fabric of his pants, “and I’m going to make sure you know that tonight.”
His pants were gone soon after, Y/n getting off only to undress Kakashi and herself, only to resume the same position. Only now there was no restriction between them, now purely skin to skin. Each drunk off of each other and the effects shared between them. 
Kakashi could’ve sworn he was in paradise. The image before him was one he had seen time and time again but always took his breath away. Watching Y/n lean down, taking his cock into her hand, looking up at him with big eyes. He sighed loudly, throwing his head back against the bed, hands gripping the bed sheets underneath. 
“Fuck...Y/n,” A wave of hot electricity washed over Kakashi as Y/n took him into her mouth. Her tongue working the underside of his length, her right hand still gripping whatever she couldn’t fit in her mouth. 
Kakashi’s hips jerked every time his head would brush against the back of her throat. Which in turn caused the heat between her legs to grow hotter and heavier. Once she had been able to work her mouth all the way down the length of his cock, her nose pressed gently against his pelvis. Brushing against the dusting of dark gray hair at the base of his length.
His hand found refuge at the crown of her head, “Just like that...yes,” He groaned deeply, Kakashi could’ve sworn he was seeing stars at this point. 
One of the things about Y/n that never failed to amaze him was the way she knew how to work his body. In ways that he wasn’t aware of until she became a part of his sexual life. 
Y/n continued on, pulling back to catch her breath real quick before diving back in. Her lips warm and wet against his shaft, tongue occasionally toying with the head of his cock. All the while she had snuck her own hand between her legs, in hopes of relieving the tension that had grown in her core. The moans that rumbled in her throat, her own fingers slowly circling sensitive bud, caused vibrations to ring throughout Kakashi’s body as his jaw hung slack. Pretty noises rolling off of his tongue like butter. 
Soon enough, he was chanting to the heavens above, “I’m coming, Y/n, I’m so close.” Singing her name like a mantra before spilling his load on her tongue. To which she prettily displayed before him, swallowing all that she could. 
A few moments later, giving some time to relax, Y/n had climbed onto his lap. Straddling his hips, which wasn’t the best help for his sensitive state at the moment. Regardless, she situated her frame over his, all the while running her thumb across her lips. Cleaning up whatever she had missed, “Open.” She whispered, placing her opposite hand on his chest and bringing her cum covered thumb to his lips. 
She smiles warmly, rocking her hips against his when he parted his lips and stuck out his tongue. 
“Good.” Her voice was smooth as she dragged her thumb across Kakashi’s tongue, watching intently as his lips closed around her digit and proceeded to clean it of his own seed. 
“You’re so pretty, Kakashi,” She sang happily, retracting her finger and pulling his bottom lip along with it. 
Kakashi’s chest inflated with a huge sigh, Y/n coming to lay against it as he wiped the sweat across his brow, “You get me every time, don’t you?” He chuckled deeply, peering down at her.
“Of course,” She hummed, sitting up again, “But we aren’t done yet.”
She lifted her weight, shifting so she could position her slick opening right at the tip of his hard again cock, “That was only the first part of your gift, birthday boy.” She giggled. All before settling down onto his length. Nestling her hips securely against his, throwing her head back at the addictive sensation. She soon began working herself up and down his shaft, not before muttering breathily, “Happy Birthday, Kakashi.” with a lust drunk smile etched across her lips. 
.・ ✧。.・゜✧・.・✧・゜・.・ ✧。.・゜✧・.・✧・゜
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detectivestucks · 7 months
Friday Night Fights
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18+ content, Minors do NOT interact
Pairing: Kakashi x F!Reader
Summery: Work is getting stressful and during your weekly hang with Kakashi he finally unleashes all of that stress on your body.
Warnings: NSFW, Hard Dom Kakashi, Degrading, BDSM, Body Piercings, Squirting, Oral, Unprotected Penetration
Word Count: 5.7k
Anon Ask
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Running the metal ball along the roof of your mouth, you play with your tongue piercing while you think. You’re reading over the files your team gave to you for revision. It’s near the end of the fiscal year and you are desperately trying to concentrate. Now that you were a team lead, you had more responsibility than you wanted. You really only took the promotion for the pay. Looking over at the stacks of paper in each corner of your desk, you remember how fun it was last year when you were a normal agent. Responsible for nothing and just having fun working with your two friends.
Three years ago you started at your current job. During your training class you made fast friends with Rin and Kakashi. The three of you spent all of your breaks and meals together. After the second day, you exchanged numbers and made a group chat specifically for your inside jokes about management. Then by the end of your first week your trio started a weekly ritual of hanging out every Friday for what you dubbed ‘Friday Night Fights.’
Each week you rotated who’s house you went too. The host being responsible for the evening’s food. The other two, responsible for the entertainment. Usually it was a movie or some kind of game. One of your favorite nights was when the three of you played twister. Rin had to reach her right foot to red and ended up sweeping your leg causing you to fall on top of her and accidentally hitting Kakashi’s face on your descent. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him more angry than when he thought his handsome face might’ve been blemished by your loss.
“Relax pretty boy. Women like scars”
Eventually though, life caught up with you. Kakashi switched departments and you got a promotion within your current one. Rin found a job in her field and you saw her less. Now she only comes to Friday Night Fights once a month, if that. Most of the time it was just you and Kakashi. The games became less frequent and Netflix began to take its place. The vibe shifted from wholesome fun to a flirty standoff between the two of you. Unsure if you want to cross the line from friends to more, even though you were definitely slipping down that slope already.
The last few weeks Friday Night Fights was essential for both you and Kakashi cause work was such a pain. The end of the fiscal year was upon you and there was a lot of pressure to close every project your team had been working on. The final profit report was due and your budget for the next year had to be submitted and reviewed.
Kakashi’s department was just as bad. It didn’t help that he was always going toe to toe with his boss cause she never did the projects correctly and always relied on him to fix it for her. She refused to listen to his advice ahead of time and only seemed to need his opinion a week before anything was due. The helplessness drove him mad.
“She literally dropped the same stack of reports on my desk that I told her last week needed to be itemized! Now I have to sort through two hundred accounts and pull up the breakdown of the services rendered by next Thursday!”
“Why don’t you come back to my department?”
“Cause I don’t wanna lose the pay. It’s not like they’ll give me a team lead role after a year of being in another department.”
“True. Maybe you should just take Val’s job.”
“Seriously. She makes me wanna choke someone out. How did someone so irresponsible become a senior manager anyways? It pisses me off.”
“Nepotism probably. Or maybe she slept her way to the top.”
“Har har. Wish I could sleep my way to the top.”
“Have you seen yourself? You definitely could.”
Kakashi shoots you a look. “Val’s manager is a guy.”
“And you could turn ‘im.”
Kakashi playfully smacks your ass while you finish cooking in the kitchen. You were craving strip steak so you splurged a little this week.
“What’s the occasion anyways?”
“The occasion is called self care. Work sucks this month and we still have a week to go. I wanna treat myself. Just count yourself lucky that I included you.”
“Don’t act like you wouldn’t have shared.”
“I don’t know, I’m a pretty selfish person.”
“Oh please, you're literally the nicest person at the company. You can’t say no to anyone.”
“Hey! I can say no.”
“Psh, yeah right. You’re a textbook people pleaser. That’s why you’re so stressed.”
“Maybe I’m stressed cause my best friend is making wild accusations.”
“Wild?! Hello Y/N, meet delusion.”
“Fuck off!”
Kakashi slaps your ass again before pushing himself off the counter to go look for plates.
“Can you grab the fancy napkins out of the towel drawer?”
“You wanna use cloth napkins?” he says in an almost mocking tone
“Yes. It’s been a shitty week. I wanna be fancy. Sue me.”
Kakashi nearly rolls his eyes as he grabs the restaurant quality napkins from the drawer. You wanted to be fancy yet he knew for a fact you wouldn’t be eating at the table. You plate the meal and grab your ‘fancy’ glass of boxed wine before heading to the living room.
The two of you sit on the couch and eat the potatoes and steak while Kakashi turns on “10 Things I Hate About You.” He always was a sucker for chick flicks which was one of your favorite parts of his personality. You find yourself leaning against him after your plates have been discarded to the coffee table, cleaned of their contents, napkins on top.
Near the end of the movie Kakashi gets a text. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and the title of the sender says ‘Val my Boss’ ‘Bitch’
Come in two hours early on Monday to get started on those invoices
Kakashi closes his phone without responding and throws it down on the couch.
“Everything okay?”
“It wants me there two hours early on Monday”
“That sucks! She’s the worst.”
“Fuckin sick of her”
“On the bright side, you get overtime pay.”
Kakashi scowls at you. “Did I ask for your opinion?”
You nuzzle into him some more. “I was just trying to cheer you up. You don’t have to be annoying about it.”
Something in Kakashi snaps. He turns to grab you. Fingers closing around your throat, “Don’t call me annoying. Didn’t anyone teach you that name calling was rude.”
In your surprise, you felt a jolt of excitement between your legs. You let out a little whimper and the sound was so gratifying that Kakashi lifted his fingers lightly just to regrip your neck and squeeze harder. He shifts his weight so he is fully facing you, leaning inches from your face.
“Maybe I need to teach you some manners.”
You silently nod as you look at him, eyes getting lost in his, excitement coursing through your body. He pulls you forward by your neck and kisses you, immediately shoving his tongue in your mouth. You moan. Your hands fly up to his hair, lightly pulling at the soft tresses. Kakashi mounts you, straddling you so you can’t run from him, not that you would. One hand on your throat, the other behind your head, pushing your face against his.
The heat between you had been building for the better part of a year. You had been imagining this moment for a while but never did you picture him choking you. It must’ve been your lucky day cause the choking was leaps and bounds hotter than any scenario you had imagined.
You push your tongue past his lips and rub your piercing along his inner gum line. Kakashi groans into your mouth, gently nibbling on the muscle between his teeth. You playfully flick the ball of your piercing along the roof of his mouth. He squeezes your neck harder and leans back.
“Shit Y/N, that’s fucking hot.”
He goes back to sucking on your bottom lip while you nibble on his upper one, each getting toothy with the other, slowly starting to pull on each other’s hair more with each passing second.
Suddenly it occurs to you that you might be ruining your friendship and things could be weird after this. You don’t wanna lose your best friend.
“Wait Kash, should we be doing this?”
Kakashi leans back, taking his hands off of you. For a millisecond you regret your words. You want this. You want him. Why the fuck did you stop it? But then you see him reach for his belt buckle and you exhale. You see him undo the clasp, pulling it out from the loops of his jeans.
“I’m so sick and tired of women telling me what to do.”
He wraps the belt around your wrists and tugs at the excess length, lifting your hands up and behind your head, elbows bent at the ears, his arm behind your back as his other hand comes up to your jaw. In a menacing tone he smoothly leans in to give you a piece of his mind.
“How about for once, one of you shuts up, and do what I tell you to do for a change?”
The question nearly knocks the wind out of you. You can feel your underwear soak. The sternness in his voice made you instinctually slip out the words,
“Yes sir”
You part your lips and he's back at them, playing with your piercing before you push it back into his mouth to keep running the metallic ball along his interior. You really were a textbook people pleaser.
The hungry moan from his mouth falls into yours. You want nothing more than for him to spend hours here in this very position but it’s not up to you. It’s up to him to decide how long you are to receive his lips. Which to your disappointment, is not very long.
He gets up off of you and yanks on the end of the belt so that you are forced to lie down on the couch. He slips his hand out from under your back but your body weight on the end of the tether keeps your hands in position. He’s on top of you once more and you can feel his erection through his pants. Your eyes shift down to gaze at the bulge when he distracts you.
Kakashi reaches for the hem of your tight tank and pulls it over your head so that your face is trapped under the fabric. He pulls up your sports bra allowing your chest to fall out of the support. You hear his growl as his eyes fall on your tits. To his excitement you’ve been keeping a naughty secret from him. Each peak lay trapped between two black cones. You had pierced your nipples as well as your tongue.
“Oh I’m gonna have fun with you.”
Oh gods I hope so…
Kakashi dragged his tongue tantalizingly slow over each bud. They were more erect than usual from the hauntingly beautiful man kneeling over you. He lapped at your right nipple, letting his lower lip catch on the jewelry earning a gasp from you.
“F-fuck Kashi.”
Grabbing your breasts with both hands, Kakashi went back and forth sucking on each peak, tugging on your piercing, then blowing cold air on the wet tip before switching over to the other. Your back arched up towards him involuntarily. You wished you could have watched him play with you but instead you were trapped in your own shirt waiting for Kakashi to let you see.
When Kakashi started biting down on your nipples you moaned loudly at the pain. He was enjoying your piercings too much. They already made you more sensitive on a daily basis and now he was out to torture you for his own fun. You started to squirm under him and he slapped down on your tit.
“Be still”
He barked, but he didn’t actually want you to be still. He just wanted to see your internal struggle. He wanted to wreak havoc over your body the way his bitch of a boss was wreaking havoc over his life. For once he was in control and he loved it.
You rubbed your legs together, the arousal you felt was too much. You craved relief.
“Kashi” you whine
“Fine slut, here.” he switched your legs so instead of being under him they were wrapped around his waist.
“Grind on me and make yourself cum.”
You obey, glad to get some alleviation from the flood of need consuming you as his muscle continues to glide over your peaks, tugging and rubbing on the black hardwear. The sensation in your nipples tingling down to the nerves between your legs, rubbing heavily on Kakashi’s lap. You push into his clothed erection, creating heat from the friction. You feel the desire building as you get reprieve where you need it. Little gasps and moans generate under the shirt, as your core works to roll your hips up and down on him.
“Mmmm, keep going little slut. Show me how much you want to get fucked.”
He tugs particularly hard on your nipple as you try to reply
“Gahhh! Yes sir.”
He wished he could see how your face scrunched up as he played with his new favorite toys but there was just something so sexy about you being trapped in your shirt. It made him want to take advantage of you. Like you were some pathetic weakling, waiting for him to destroy you.
You grind more desperately, feeling close to a release. Kakashi begins to mark your chest while his fingers pinch and play with your nipples. He was driving you insane. Your mind clouding as your hips frenzied up and down along the bulge in his pants. Breath becoming labored as you frantically chased your orgasm.
Kakashi released his lips from your skin, satisfied with his artwork but fingers still playing with your tips.
“That’s it. I know you’re close. Show me how much you want me to stuff you.”
“Yes! Yes sir, yes!”
Kakashi was so tempted to grab your hips and finish the job but he held himself back. There was plenty of time left to manipulate you. This was you earning it. To keep his hands busy he brought one back up to your neck, bearing down on your windpipe while the other found the belt, giving it another tug to keep your hands under your shoulder blades.
You slowed your strokes making them big and heavy, tugging your lips through your pants and soon he could feel you shiver against him.
“Did the little slut make herself cum?”
“Mhm” you whine under your shirt.
“Good job” he praises with another swat to your chest.
Kakashi begins to rip down your pants, spitting on your pussy before giving it a wack of his palm. He then pulls the neck of your shirt above your face so that it is still binding your arms together but now you can at least see.
He stands up and begins to shed his clothes. You watch, mesmerized by his towering figure. His work at the gym was yielding mouth watering results and you couldn’t stop yourself from gawking. You wanted to lick between each muscle and leave bruises all along his abdominals the way he marked your tits.
“Lets put this mouth to better use, hmm?”
You nod, looking up through your lashes at him.
“On your knees, whore. Now!”
You slide off the couch to stand up on your knees before him. He pushes your head down to his balls for you to collect them in your mouth. You stick your pierced tongue out to pull them into where they belong while Kakashi strokes his freed boner violently.
You fit both orbs in between your lips and suck, running your pink muscle all over them, massaging them with the stainless steel ball resting at the center of your tongue.
“That’s right. You’re nothing more than a good mouth for sucking on my nuts.”
You hum in agreement and feel Kakashi’s balls tighten as you do. “Fuck, just a perfect little slut. Yes you are.”
You loved his praise. Your eyes closed as you savored the taste of him. He ripped his balls out of your mouth and replaced it with his pink tip. You looked him in the eyes while you worshiped it. Giving light kitten licks before wrapping your lips around it. That’s when you noticed. He had been keeping a kinky secret from you too. Your lips run over a dydoe piercing on the top rim of his mushroom head. Your eyes widen.
“You like?”
You nod your head keeping him inside your mouth. You suck and begin prodding at his slit with the tip of your pointed tongue before rubbing it with the ball in your mouth. Kakashi shivers from the feeling.
You start to take more of him in your mouth, keeping your tongue out so that the round stainless steel end massages his shaft as you bob up and down on him. You can feel the small silver studs adorning his rim rubbing the back of your throat and you can’t wait to know how they feel inside your empty cunt. But you don’t get to enjoy these musings for too long. Kakashi places both hands on the back of your head and starts ramming himself down your throat. You choke and he holds you there. Keeping you down on him. The drool in your mouth starts spilling past your lips.
“That’s a good girl. Keep my dick in your throat.”
Your face was turning bright red as you waited to breathe. Finally he pulled you back. You gasp and pant, swallowing what oxygen you could before he was shoving himself back in.
“Eyes open, I want you looking at me.”
You obey as he bullies your throat. His hands in your hair tilting your face up so he can gaze down on you. Drinking in the feeling of power, having you down on your knees before him.
“You gonna be a good little slut and service my cock, right?”
You try to say yes but it comes out muffled. “Huh? What’s that? I couldn’t hear you.”
You try again but he deliberately starts thrusting in and out of your mouth. “Speak up if you have something to say.”
You try to say yes again but now he is freely fucking your face, ramming himself down your windpipe, while he pushes your head towards him. Hissing from the feeling of your tongue ring at the base of his shaft. He had never thought about how that stupid little steel bar in your mouth could be so useful to him. Now he may never stop thinking about it.
“Good girl.” he coos, “Don’t forget to look up.”
You try but then he pushes himself extra far and your eyes snap shut as your core tightens. You think you’ve had about all you can take when he finally pulls you off of him and spins you around so your face lays on the couch with your feet planted on the ground, displaying your holes to Kakashi’s leering eyes.
He immediately goes to swat at your lips dripping with arousal. The sound of impact is loud as you cry out.
“This cute little pussy is for me, ey?”
“Yes!” you cry.
You want him in you so bad. You need to feel him fill your hole the way he filled your mouth. You are eager to feel just how good his piercing rubs your walls. You wiggle your behind, asking for him to enter.
“You think you deserve a reward for taking my cock in your mouth so good?”
“Please sir”
He brings the palm of his hand down hard on your rear. “You don’t get rewarded for doing the bare minimum.”
Your skin stings from the blow but then it’s washed away from his tip prodding at your entrance. He teasingly enters only half way, stroking you lightly before pulling out and striking you with immense force again. As you cry he reenters you, deeper than before. Stroking in and out hearing your moans before he pulls out again and strikes with even more force. You feel like your skin is burning when he plunges in all the way. He thrusts in and out quickly making you sing before he rips out of your tightening hole to strike you several times. He repeats the brutal process, taunting you.
“You think you’re special just cause you can take a dick? Ha! You’re just a little whore.”
You reply with cries and screams, noises falling out of you from the beating.
“You think you’re special cause I chose to shove my dick in you? Think again slut. You’re just a toy for my pleasure.”
Your skin felt like it was on fire. Your knees grew weak from the game. It felt too good but he was edging you. Giving you pleasure but pulling out and hitting you before you could get off.
He unwraps your wrists and finishes taking off your shirt and bra. He throws them across the room and loops the belt around your neck, tugging on the end like a leash. Your fingers desperately reach up to the leather.
He holds onto the belt while shoving himself into you, taking you from behind like the little sex doll that you are. He rails through you pushing your organs aside while tugging hard on the belt, letting it constrict around your throat as your back bows. Nothing but grunts make it past your lips as the backs of your thighs collide with his hips. With his free hand he keeps hitting your plush behind, watching the ripples wash over your skin.
Your hands find their way to the couch cushions for support but he doesn’t like that. No, you’re not helpless enough like that.
“Spread your cheeks”
“Yes sir” you whisper
You reach behind you and spread your fingers before sinking them into the flesh of your behind, tugging outward so Kakashi could get a full view of your puckered rear and his wide girth gliding in and out of your labia. He groaned at the sight of your beautiful submission. Reveling in the feeling of how much tighter he had to hold the leash now that more of your weight was resting on your neck.
You choke as he wraps the belt around his knuckles. A reminder that you are no longer in control. At work you were in charge of so many daily operations but at this moment you were at Kakashi’s mercy. You were relieved of any choices. Your current master made them for you. Even the choice to breathe had been stripped away and that thought made juices squelch around his member invading your silken cavern.
Kakashi thrusts into you, abusing you, taking out all his pent up frustration on your body. He sees your starting to go limp and lets up on your tether, opting to grab you at your elbows instead. The improved grasp on your body allows him to slam in more forcefully and hit you even deeper than he did before.
Now that the tension had fallen from your neck you were able to properly breathe again. You begin screaming from the new depths of Kakashi’s dick in your slit. Feeling how his ring was massaging you in his assault, dragging along your walls as they squeezed around him.
As much as he savored the sounds of your surrender, he couldn’t have your neighbors checking in on you so he grabbed one of the napkins from the coffee table and stuffed it in your mouth, gagging you so as to muffle your cries. You couldn’t help how noisy you were. The stimulation was just overwhelming.
Thinking it couldn’t get more intense, he shoves you forward so your knees fall onto the couch. He grabs your hair and pushed your face onto the back of it, while reaching around your waist to begin rubbing your swollen bud. He begins stroking again and you feel yourself unravel. Your hands go to grip the couch again when he yanks on your hair to bring your ear close to his mouth.
“Did I say you could let go of your ass?”
You shake your head and bring your hands back behind you. He shoves your head back down and says,
“Grab your elbows. This ass needs some punishment.”
You whine, knowing your bright red skin can’t handle any more spanking but that isn’t your decision to make. You fold your arms behind your back and hold onto your elbows, bent over the back of the couch, your erect nipples grazing the upholstery. He lifts a foot onto the couch, posed as Captain Morgan so as to keep himself inserted as he brings his hand down on your cheek. He feels how you clench up in pain, straining around his girth. It eggs him on as he continues spanking your backside. You flinch and cry but he knows you like it. He feels how you drip. Slick coating your inner thighs.
“Only a whore would enjoy this so much. Tell me, are you a whore?”
You scream into the napkin as he brings his hand down again.
“Answer me!”
You try to scream ‘yes’ but the fabric has you silenced. He snatches it out from between your teeth as he strikes you again.
“Yes!! Yes I love it sir!”
He shoves the napkin back in, satisfied with your answer.
“Fuckin knew it, filthy slut”
With a final slap he pulls your hips back so you’re lined up along the edge of the couch. He stands behind you, one hand digging into your hip, the other still tangled in your hair, burying your face into the back cushion of the couch.
He drags in and out of you slowly, taunting you. Each time coming out to the tip so your ridge feels the metallic studs tug at it. Then he buries himself up to the hilt, pushing in just a little more when he’s flush against your rear. Satisfied moans come from your chest.
He drops the hand on your hip and brings it back to your clit, rubbing circles around it. You squeeze around him and flinch. He leans down,
“Do you like when I rub there?”
“Mhm” is all you can say before he releases your hair to take hold of your hips. He starts driving in. Both hands now placed on the flesh of your waist, pulling you back into him harshly with each thrust. He gains speed, the momentum causing his balls to crash into your clit, replacing the work his fingers were doing. Your face melts into a pleasured expression as you feel that coil of tension, that had been building since his earlier edging, on the verge of snapping.
His brutal pace left his sack crashing into your clit relentlessly. Your face bounces against the cushions until you finally release. You spray as you shake, graffitiing the couch with your fluids, the tingling warmth of the orgasm radiating from your cunt.
Kakashi pile drives into you, not letting you rest, allowing his balls to continue slapping into your swollen, wet clit as you spray, making your jerk violently. He grabs your hips tighter, keeping control of your body so he can continue to pound into you. You scream and writhe, trying to escape his grasp, almost letting go of your elbows to push him off.
Your sensitivity was all consuming and he didn’t care at all. You were a toy, a fleshlight, poised to service him. He was going to take advantage of how tightly your walls were bearing down on him, even if it was uncomfortable for you.
Your cries fell on deaf ears as Kakashi sank himself into you. He pushed you forward on the couch more, making room for him to kneel behind you. He brought up one knee and lifted your leg to rest on top of it, spreading you when you were already too tender to take any more. The new angle deepened his access, allowing him to push your diaphragm out of the way as he chases his pleasure.
You were brilliant. Your sweaty slick covered body contorted to his every whim. The look of your fucked out face turning around to plead with him for mercy where none would be granted. How the napkin was wet around your lips from the drool collecting in your mouth. The bright red on your ass cheeks from taking a beating by his hand and the perky peaks of your tits, rubbing along the couch’s fabric. The cones of your piercings, threatening to snag, tempting his hands to toy with them again.
One hand planted on your hip, controlling the pace, while the other reached up and began groping your chest. He was obsessed with your nipples. The piercings were too enticing. As much as he loved the current position, he needed to see your tits.
He withdrew from inside of you with a loud squelch and pulled you down to the floor, your bare back making contact with the area rug below. You brought your knees up near your arm pits, holding them spread as Kakashi sunk his tip past your folds, stroking in and out of you passionately while his hand roamed the surface of your chest, playing with the bars piercing your buds. You make doe eyes at him as he does, making him smirk with pride. Maybe this is his new Friday night ritual with you. You spread your legs while he plays with your tits.
He bends his head to give them both a harsh suck before he adjusts your legs to go over his shoulders. You hands wrap around his neck as he starts to slam into your corridor. You scrunch up from the intensity. Your head burying into Kakashi’s neck before a particularly cruel snap of his hips had you flinging your head back, nails sinking into the skin at the base of his head, your back arching off the carpet before he leaned forward, bending you in two. He was close to finishing, pounding feverishly into you. The last of his stress melting away as he wrecks your pussy, shredding the inside, rubbing it raw, filling it with his precum. His anger turns to pleasure. Teetering once more on the brink of orgasm. He leans in even more and you fall over the edge, gushing around him, cum dripping from your folds and down your ass crack. Your mewls are muzzled by the napkin still stuffed in your mouth as mascara runs down your sweaty tear soaked cheeks. You are the picture of wrecked and it’s the hottest thing he’s ever seen.
Just as he’s about to burst he rips the napkin out of your mouth and grabs a fist full of your hair to drag your face to his cock so he can shoot his heavy load down your throat. You stick out your tongue and hollow your cheeks to pull as much cum from his shaft as you can, feeling it rhythmically spring to the back of your throat. His salty taste filling your mouth.
When he’s done, you hold the suction and bob your head some more. He flinches but you grab his waist, getting revenge for his earlier brutality after you squirted. He fists your hair and pulls back forcefully.
“Nice try slut.”
You smile up at him, feeling fully fucked out. Smiling back down at you, he kisses your face. He pulls you up but only to push you back down on the couch so he can lay on top of you and sloppily make out while he plays with your nipple piercings some more. You sleepily wrap your arms around him, drained from his pounding. 
“I’m spending the night.”
“Yes sir.” you whisper in your ear.
“Don’t get me riled up again. I don’t think you can take a second round.” he murmurs into your ear before kissing your temple. You ignore him and wrap your legs around his waist, grinding against him with your bare sex.
Stopping you before he gets carried away, he stands up and throws your body over his shoulder like a nap sack. He hoists you up to your bathroom to shower. 
After turning on the water he fingers you under the spray, pinning you against the wall and toying with his new obsession. Your already very weak knees are unable to hold your weight as they quake in pleasure. His digits bury themselves inside you, scoping out the damage done by his length minutes prior, feeling how he tore and scratched you. 
After making you cum a third time, fourth time total, he washes himself off. Then scrubs down your weakened form, being extra gentle around the rug burn on your back as well as your very bruised and beaten bottom.
Turning off the water and drying you both, he pulls your exhausted body to your bedroom, grabbing panties and a fresh tank top from the top drawer of your dresser. You slowly and sleepily put them on as he goes to get his briefs from the living room. When he returns he sees you try to put on pajama pants.
“Absolutely not.”
You stop in your tracks as he strides over to swat at your hand. He kicks the bottoms aside for the crime of trying to hide your beautiful body and takes posession over your mouth. Kissing you as he guides you backwards onto the bed. You climb in together and pull the covers up over your bodies while you wrap your leg over his hips. You sleepily grind on him with your eyes closed, sucking on his face, feeling wiped out from how he ravaged you.
He tickles your ear as he whispers, “You realize you’re not allowed to wear bras anymore.”
“I’m not?” you dreamily ask between kisses
“No” he replies with a pinch to your nipples through your shirt. “I need to see these at all times.”
“I can do that”
“Good slut”
You laugh into his mouth, continuing to kiss him. Excited for next Friday.
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Kakashi Week day 3: Broken Fang
Baby mine, don’t you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine
Music always was an importan part of his life. Wolves use it for everything: to find each other, thanks for the rain, ward off and fight enemies, protect each other, celebrate a successful hunt, cry for the dead ones...
When he was a creature who could barely walk or speak, Kakashi didn’t fear many things other kids were afraid of. He prefered the night over the day, thunder and lightning amused him. The moaning of wind in old houses rocked him when he couldn’t sleep. Shadows of the night were far more calming for Kakashi than any comforting words. There were very few humans able to understood the beauty of the wild world. Kakashi was one of them.
But he wasn’t only able to apreciate the beauty of the beasts, he also known sooner than others the cruelty of the world. He was pretty young when he learned that if you weren’t strong and capable enough, you would be abandoned or killed. Even by your own pack.
The only thing he couldn't learn in time was that the pack stuck together. The entire pack would die rather than have to lose a single member. The only thing he didn't learn was that behind every beast's eyes, behind every sharp fang, was a meek cub seeking comfort, in need of love and protection. It was not understood that there was time for love between each battle.
When one of the members fell exhausted on the ground, the pack helped him to continue, they took turns to take care of him, they stayed by his side until the arms of death arrived, ready to take away the warrior who had given everything until the end.
How could he have been so selfish?
The first time he killed a man he was four years old. His father had taken him on an S-rank mission. Sakumo knew that war lurked in every corner. He knew that his son would be sent to the battlefield even before he became a chunin. He wanted me to prepare him as much as he could. She wanted her pup to be able to protect herself when that time came.
He wanted to protect his pup.
At the age of five he was taught to torture. He was taught which bones to break, which organs to damage so that a victim would suffer enough, but not die. While the civilian children learned to add two plus two, Kakashi and many others learned the veins that would take someone's life if they were torn.
Kakashi was ordered to bury his emotions, he walked away from the pack of wolves and clung onto Shinobi code. He forgot the even beasts needed protection, that even beasts needed love.
He also forgot that even the strongests alphas could fall.
One winter day he was walking through the snow with his father. A storm was raging that had sent most of them home, but there was something in the genes of the Hatake Clan that desperately sought to go out into the call of the wild. There was something in his Hatake blood that thirsted for freedom, there was something in his Hatake blood that howled with a deep and eternal sadness. There was something fierce inside him that refused to stay within four walls, something that wanted to run into the cold forest.
It was the first time he saw it. Lying in a forest clearing, surrounded by tall trees that had lost their leaf litter, an imposing wolf with blue-black fur lay on its side on the ground. The crimson blood stood out beautifully and grotesquely against the white of the snow. The creature whimpered, its fading eyes spilling tears that froze on its midnight fur.
-It’s the alpha- his father whispered him back then- It’s pack has leave him.
As if it was a movie, Kakashi could see his five year old self watching the shocking sight of the huge beast, bleeding and making patterns on the snow that looked like red poppies.
It was something so beautiful, so heartbreaking and scaring to watch.
Second time he saw it was a few months later. He should have seen it coming, but again, Kakashi had ignored so many things that just until now he realized the signs. As clear and loud as the wolf’s song. The White Fang didn’t break that night when Kakashi founded him in a pool of his own blood and viscera. He had been breaking for a long time ago and Kakashi had been so blind, he had been so selfish to try to collect the pieces.
But even now, lying in the rain deeps in the woods, with a kunai buried in his femoral artery and one oh his ribs puncturing his left lung, Kakashi still ignored something: back then he was just a child. He couldn’t have safe something that had been broken long ago.
And for an instant, half-blinded by water anf blood, he saw a huge mass above him, and he could clearly felt a warm breath in his cold skin.
A second later his ANBU subordinates arrived at his side, and despite being informed later that he had been delirious from fever, Kakashi clearly saw the massive gray wolf following them all the way to the village gates, where he turned and turned. He walked silently into the shadows of the night.
For that night alone, the White Fang had come back to life.
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bouncyirwin · 3 years
where does time go from here?
850 words | Gen | Angst/Sad Ending
They stood under the awning of Ichiraku, the pattering of rain a loud wash in the background.
It was late. Sakura hadn’t meant to stay out past midnight. Yet her feet had carried her through the drenched streets of Konoha on a late prowl, her heart as heavy as the storm that had raged on for days; retracing familiar paths, which echoed happier times and brighter memories.
Right to Ichiraku where it all started and ended, its bright red neon sign dimmed but shedding broken light over their lonely spot.
Right to him.
Always right back to him.
“Hi,” she croaked uncertainly.
“Yo,” Kakashi said softly.
The few feet that separated them might as well have been the ocean separating Konoha from Mizu. Kakashi was an unreachable lighthouse, a beacon in the distance where Sakura had lost her way at sea.
“It’s late.” The flicker of concern in his eyes was something Sakura was prepared for, but it twisted the knife in her gut anyway.
She couldn’t do this. “Yeah. Um. I was just on my way… Goodnight, Kakashi.”
Sidestepping him, she started a brisk walk away from him, tears stinging her eyes. How long would it hurt? How many more months, years, would she ache in her heart for him?
She stopped, breath hitching, heart catching on an odd beat. “Y-yes?”
“Are you doing okay, Sakura?”
No. She was not, though her pride would never allow her to admit otherwise—not even to the man who had once cradled her broken pieces. “I’m fine,” she half turned, making sure the shadows plunged the right side of her face where a tear had escaped into darkness.
He nodded, hands tucked in his wool jacket. “Take care, yeah?”
“You too,” she whispered, turning away, though every step was a struggle against herself not to turn around and run straight into his arms.
They’d let each other go. And though it grew harder each day to remember how they’d ever managed to let go, they’d both released their hold on the other.
Things would never be the same, no matter how fervently they promised each other that night that they’d always be friends. Now they both put up a pretence around their friends, smiling twice as wide, forcing casual cheers until her teeth ached with the saccharine falseness of it.
A shroud that fell away with the sunlight, lair bare in the darkness of the night where her feet would always, inevitably, carry her to where they’d once been Kakashi and Sakura; a team, a pair, two people that steadfastly bore the judgement of everyone as long as they could be together.
Until they fell apart.
Sakura clutched at her chest where it hurt fiercely, walking faster, her breaths puffing out in short gasps. It was pathetic how the sight of him was enough to reduce her to a quavering leaf in the wind.
Hadn’t she grown used to his absence? It had been three months of evading every thought, suppressing every memory, avoiding the lingering shadows of his presence.
(If Sakura could fall through the cracks of time to that fateful night, she would have clutched onto him as tight as she could and never let go.)
“Absence never killed anyone, Sakura,” he’d murmured once, before a long term mission that stole him away for months. She was disinclined, for it chipped away at her heart for long, torturous nights until all that was Sakura was broken apart, and only Kakashi remained.
She endured it again now, with no end in sight, chipped away, hollowed where she was once Haruno Sakura until she was a vacant space he once occupied.
They wouldn’t be the first or last couple to break up—they were a story that came to an end, nothing glamorous about it, just a tragedy of what could have been and dreams unrealised, but perhaps that was the worst of it all.
Rain showered down on Sakura, an ice cold drizzle that cloaked the hot tears on her cheeks. She ducked her head and staggered through the empty streets in search of home even when her being called for her to turn around and return to where she belonged.
Sakura would not break.
He’d let her go, and she’d be damned if it broke her.
It didn’t matter if he lived in her pores—if Sakura still smelled him on her skin, that his touch was branded on her body—he was not hers and she was not his.
She walked and walked and walked, and wished she could abandon her body, claw out of her skin, to any place where it ached less.
(Right back to him.)
In the end, it was as if the world had stopped. Caught in a pocket in time, where things were frozen in a macabre animated stillness, neither dead nor alive.
Where did time go from here, Sakura would wonder as she continued to operate on autopilot.
(“You’ll be okay, Sakura.” “No, I won’t.” “Yes, you will.” “You won’t.” “… No, I won’t be.”)
In the end, neither of them were ever okay again.
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gravityunforgiven · 3 years
Right Where You Left Me (Kakashi x OC)
Pairings: Kakashi x OC, Jiraiya x Tsunade
She was the daughter of a Legendary Sannin, He, a son of a disgraced shinobi. Fate brought them together but life tore them apart. Will they be able to take control of their destinies and find their way back to each other?
...Or will they be another victim of the cruel shinobi world they are both a part of?
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Chapter Six
Akira has been taking it easy in the ANBU the past few months before it happened. She had previously shared her plans to retire from the ANBU to Kakashi and he was more than relieved. After years of countless dangerous missions and wondering if it was the last they would see each other, Akira had enough. It was time to stop and move on. He promised her he would follow suit a few months later.
They can be just regular Jōnins or even Jōnin-sensei if they really wanted to and they’ll settle down in the village and start their life together.
Kakashi never thought that he would actually consider settling down at such a young age. In all honesty, he never thought that he was the kind of person who will settle down. After losing every person he ever loved, having a family of his own was his greatest fear.
But he could see it now, a little boy with his hair and her eyes running around the house they built together. He could see a life with her.
He wanted a life with her.
They say that grief is the price we pay for love.
And true enough, Kakashi paid the highest price possible. The last time he saw her was in their apartment. She was still half-asleep on her side of the bed when he kissed her cheek goodbye. He was pulled into an urgent mission as a substitute earlier that morning. His question had to wait for another day.
“Come back to me.” She mumbled, locking her arms around his neck and pulling him back to her.
Her hands gently danced across his silver hair. He could hear her heart beating against his ear. It was loud and strong, a little too fast than a regular person like him but he had gotten used to it.
He knew all the the little things about her. Every insignificant detail people would usually dismiss. He loves every single one of the endlessly.
“Always.” He wrapped his arms around her waist as he settled in her warm embrace. His heartbeat slowed.
She was his home. He would follow her everywhere, do anything for her. He would bleed himself dry if she asked him to.
She was his world.
They laid in each others arms for a moment.
They were in their own little world, blinded by their dreams of their tomorrow.
“I could stay. Call in sick.” He thoughtlessly offered.
“No, you can’t.” She pouted. He absolutely cherished moments like these with her. Their playful banters that goes nowhere, having her in his arms. She always manages to make his heart skip a beat and he wondered how he could be so lucky to have her.
Kakashi lifted his head and looked at her. “Watch me.” He pressed his unmasked lips against hers. Akira’s arms instinctively found their way around his neck and pulled him even closer.
It was an innocent kiss that was slowly starting to become something more than they were prepared for.
Kakashi pulled away and rested his forehead against hers. They were both breathing heavy. He didn’t want to cross that line yet until he can call her his wife.
“I need to go.” His says in defeat.
“You do.” She agreed, sadly.
He kissed her for the last time by the door of their place before heading out.
Kakashi’s mission that was supposed to last for only three days stretched into a whole entire week. When he returned to their flat, a single note on the table awaited him.
She was pulled into an urgent mission. Her last as an ANBU, she wrote. She asked him to wait for her together with a promise to have an answer to his question.
When her mission was nearing the 14th day, Kakashi finally had enough and decided to pay the Hokage a visit. It was unusual to ask information about another mission especially if it was an ANBU team that was sent but Kakashi had been worried sick about Akira’s well-being. He knew she was more than capable of taking care of herself, but still, not having a letter from her for this long was no way normal.
The Hokage assured Kakashi that everything was fine and the person Akira’s team was chasing just happened to have a lot of tricks up his sleeve and is turning out to be a real nuisance for all parties involved. This new information did not help ease Kakashi’s mind at all, in fact, it made hime even more worried than he already is.
Akira is a natural in the art of tracking. The best in their ranks. Her sense of smell was sharper than himself or any of his ninkens combined, and with her own pack of wolves at her side, she was easily considered to be the best tracker in any of the five villages. For them to be taking this long, the person they were looking for must be incredibly skilled.
Kakashi reached an ultimatum when an entire month had passed. Three days. If she was not back in three days, he would formally reauest the Hokage for permission to go after them and join their team.
That was no longer necessary though, because two days later, Kakashi Hatake was summoned to the Hokage’s office.
She was gone. Dead.
They said her team was ambushed. She was strong enough to save her entire team but not enough to save herself. She was an ANBU. She shouldn’t have done that. The mission comes first not her comrades.
And it did. The mission succeed but her life became the price for it.
The funeral took place two days later but Kakashi was nowhere to be found.
Their friends had gathered for the traditional ceremony but even his shadow was not seen.
He remained curled up on her bed that they have shared for the past year.
She was just nineteen. She had her whole life ahead of her.
But every night for the next eight years, he dreamt about her. He dreamt about the times they shared together, the long sleepless nights spent in each other’s arms, day dreaming about their future together.
In his dreams, her back still molded perfectly against his chest, his nose still buried in her hair and the scent of lavender pleasantly took over his sense of smell. In these dreams, their fingers were still interlocked with each other and gently rising up and down from her even breathing.
She was still breathing in his dreams, her warmth still surrounded him. She was the only one who can make him feel that he was home.
Even after he wakes up to his harsh reality.
In his apartment he shared with no one, Kakashi could almost feel her again in his arms and there was nothing anyone could do to help ease his grief.
His eyes darted across the room to his closet. that housed the last remaining piece that he has of Akira. Her dress. The last reminder of their what ifs and what should have beens between them.
She was going to marry him in that dress. It would have been in the fall -her favorite season- under her tree, Jiraiya would walk her down the aisle and their friends would be there too, wondering how their relationship slipped right past their nose.
It would have been perfect.
But none of that happened. Instead of a kiss that would seal their life together, a gravestone took its place.
Jiraiya took the mission upon himself to bring Tsunade the grave news. He thought that it was his duty as Tsunade’s friend and Akira’s Godfather to deliver the message of her death. He couldn’t bear the thought of Tsunade hearing about this from the mandatory letter from the Hokage given to the family of those who had died in battle.
Tsunade deserved to hear it from him.
In all honesty, he had absolutely no idea how he would break the news to Tsunade. How does he tell her that the last person in her family had once again laid down their life in the name of the village? And as if the situation wasn’t already bad enough, this time there was no body to mourn for.
The child they both love more than their own life disappeared as if she had never existed in the first place. All that was left of her were the memories and relationships that she had forged during the unfairly short time she lived.
Jiraiya as ashamed of himself on how he could have let this happen. He swore numerous times how he would protect her with his own life and yet here he was. Delivering the news of her fate to her mother.
He never had children of his own but he loved Akira more than his own life. He never thought he could possibly love someone more than Tsunade but Akira was the daughter he never had. From the moment he first laid eyes on her, he knew she may not be his blood and flesh but she was her daughter. There was no questioning that. The pain of loosing was something he had never experienced in his lifetime. Jiraiya couldn’t imagine what Tsunade would feel having to go through all this pain again and again.
It took Jiraiya an unusually short amount of time to track down Tsunade. It usually takes him weeks if not months to even get a hint of her whereabouts, but this time, however, in the most ironic and cruelest way, it only took him a matter of days before he found himself sitting across Tsunade in her room with a bottle of sake to share with.
Tsunade’s eyes lit up the moment she saw her old friend. She quickly expressed her delight about meeting her daughter only a few short weeks ago. Jiraiya’s heart broke for Tsunade as she told him her plans for them knowing it was never going to happen. Tsunade had been paying off all her debts and putting her life back on track as she had finally decided to return to the Hidden Leaf and settle down with her daughter. She was going to be there for her this time.
Jiraiya could see the hope and excitement glistening in Tsunade’s eyes as she spoke about Akira and their future.
Out of the hundreds of missions he had completed, this was definitely the hardest of them all.
“Tsunade.” Jiraiya spoke, finally having the courage to at least start somewhere. He wished Tsunade had seen more of what Akira was like. He wished she had more time with her.
“She was so kind, Jiraiya.” Tsunade continued, not missing a single beat. “And so beautiful. Does she still live in our old house? Or did she get a place of her own. Did you know she’s seeing someone from the village? Is he a shinobi too? I hope he isn’t.”
“Did Akira tell you why she was there?” He asked. It was a simple question. Innocent even. There was no need to suspect that something had gone terribly wrong. Unfortunately, Tsunade knew him a little too well than he thought.”
“She was on a mission.” Her tone changed. A tad bit darker.
“She was on a mission.” Jiraiya agreed. “It was to observe and report, gather intelligence from an un-identified group. The Five Villages personally chose the members of their team.”
“Jiraiya…” Tsunade’s voice was shaky.
“They ran into some problems…”
“No.” She told herself. This couldn’t be happening. Not again. Not to her kid.
Tsunade knew what Jiraiya was going to say. She can’t hear that again. She stood up in disbelief and began pacing around the room. Jiraiya followed her suit.
“I’m sorry, Tsuna.” He said. He knew that she knows.
“No!” She yelled, looking at him. Wide hazel eyes filling with tears. “She’s not dead! She was- she was here. She was just here, Jiraiya. I saw her. I talked to her.”
Tsunade denied the truth presented to her, but she knew deep down, it was all true. Jiraiya wouldn’t lie, not about this. She was filled with anger and despair and hatred. For the village, for herself, for whoever Gods was above.
She was just absolutely broken.
Jiraiya had to close his eyes as a heart-wrenching wail escaped from Tsunade’s lips. He knew a part of her died with Akira as it did with him.
He caught Tsunade in his arms as her knees buckled. All he could do was let her cry, and scream and scratch him all she want. He let her curse the world and all the people in it for taking all the people she had ever loved and cared for.
Her brother, her beloved, and now, her one and only child.
Life has never been easy for any of the shinobis. It was the curse of their profession but the cruelness of taking Tsunade’s only daughter just when she had decided to start over was something no one, even the worst person in the world, ever deserves to go through.
None of them were ever the same again after she left.
I know it’s been a sad couple of chapters but I sweat HOPE IS IN THE HORIZON. I just had to lay down all of the emotions the people Akira left because I just really do think that losing someone close really affects how a person becomes in the future especially if it was so unexpected like in Akira’s case.
That was such an important aspect for me that I felt like I needed to write.
Next chapter would be a little time skip where Tsunade and Kakashi meets.
P.S. Sorry I was away for quite a while. School really took all my time and my mental health really detoriated in the last few weeks but I’m good now and updates would once again be regular too. Thank you to all who are still reading this book and supporting it all through out.
And lastly, reblogs and reviews are most welcome too!
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thefairyletters · 4 years
NaruSaku Fanfics
I wouldn't say much – I love NaruSaku and I hate to see great works shadowed behind the piles of popular NS stories that I never have liked as much except for a few, which also I'll drop below in the list.
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I'll update this list whenever I come across a story that I particularly enjoy or finds worth spreading word across. So be sure to like and reblog this post so you can revisit it to add new story in your reading pile later.
Also, genres vary and are not mentioned, but does it make any difference as long as the story is good?
Warning: super long post featuring beautiful, beautiful stories that you wouldn't regret reading. I swear. I'm positive. Contains SNS and other side pairings.
Without further ado;
How I fell in love with my best friend: Krapo || ff.net || M || complete
How the little blond boy Sakura had always known had changed, changing as well her feelings. The unfolding of their life, while Naruto worked to become the best Hokage and she faced her own emotions. Growing Love.
(I have nothing but upmost reverence for this story. This author writes one of the nest NS and I have loved all. NS is beautiful and Sakura is badass. Everything we already know is here and more.)
Dangerous infiltration mission: Krapo || ff.net || M || complete
Naruto and Sakura are send by the Hokage for a difficult infiltration mission. They will have to face more than just the danger itself as they will have to keep their cover to be fake husband and wife credible. how it will impact the relationship between the two ninja. Growing Love. Misunderstanding.
(If you loved the aforementioned story, you'll love this one too. Mutual pining.)
All over again: Krapo || ff.net || M || post-war || complete
Sasuke come back, Team seven is reunited. But Sakura has lost Naruto. How will she make him fall in love with her again? What other difficulties lies ahead of them?
(Naruto loses memory. SasuSaku angst but not in romantic sense and I loved it all. Misunderstanding and more mutual pining. And I'm in love with this story too.)
Hit the floor running: Sakurablossom009 || A03 || M (but unnecessary) || Modern Hitman/Robbers AU || complete
Life was going great, Sakura thought. She was penniless, stranded in Europe without a way home, her fiancee had just dumped her for another woman AND her new companion was quite possibly a thief. How could things get any worse? Wait...was that guy pointing a gun at her?
(Now, personally, I don't prefer modern AU, but this story really had interesting characterisation and more character depth. NaruSaku is pretty spot on. It also features SasuHina and bamf!Hinata)
The greatest pretenders: snowyseas || ff.net || M || Borutoverse || ongoing
Fifteen years is a long time to not talk to someone you consider your best friend, and is made even more difficult when they (and you) are married. The things Sakura should have confronted Naruto about never came to fruition, but as an old saying goes, "the truth will always be revealed".
(Your typical I-made-a-wrong-choice-but-now-can-be-done story but unlike many other stories in this they don't admit their love for each chapter at the first chapter itself. In fact, it feels so canon and you can almost superimpose it upon the canon. Sakura is mentally strong and knows what's right. )
He was the sun: SavageTrickster || ff.net || T || Canonverse || ongoing
He had come a long way - from a lonely orphan ostracized by everyone to a loved hero. He deserved all these. His Hokage dream to come true. All the ramen he could eat. - Her eyes fell on a certain Hyuuga seated close enough for accidental touches. Her heart sank a little at a harsh whisper of reminder - And a deserving girl...who could give him all her love.
(So far so good. It's ongoing, and is at chapter 3. Sakura leaves Konoha much like how Naruto did, to explore the world aka seeing my headcanon in writing.)
Wilderness: Kanji no Sakka || M || canondivergent || ongoing
As the war screeches to a temporary halt, Naruto leaves the battlefield on a unique mission only he can complete. Sakura is ordered to go with him. In the days that follow their bond is changed forever.
(Although I hate any explicit stories that involve characters below age 17, I give this a pass because of the uniqueness of plot and characterisation. It has fine lemons that comes with a good plot.)
How It Should Have Been: OfPaintAndOil || ff.net || T || canon divergent || oneshot
It wasn't supposed to be this way. Sasuke was supposed to be the dark one, the unredeemable one. Naruto was the bright one, the good one. It wasn't supposed to be like this, with blood on his hands and glowing red eyes and a grin. Naruto was supposed to make everything better, and maybe he did, in the end, but Sakura had never expected the end to look quite like this.
(Featuring Yandere!Naruto. It leaves you wanting for more and is a fascinating read. It's dark themed so proceed with caution as your favorite character might or might not be dead.)
The Best Dates are the Cheap Ones: Shivakashi || ff.net || T || post!Timeskip || Oneshot
The whole point was to get the best date; that meant the richest and classiest guy, right? Sakura realizes what she has taken for granted and Ino learns a lesson in value.
(Sakura learns her lesson and snatches her boy. InoNaru is worth noting. Not the best characterisation of Sakura but bear with her jealousy for that is the reason why NS fluff exists. Story itself is very light and entertaining.)
mangoes and strawberries: ohthelinsanity || ff.net || T || postwar || oneshot
Sakura Haruno was elbow deep in Naruto Uzumaki's guts when he asked her to marry him. It was so not the right time. But she still said yes.
(This story just screams NS upon every single line. Diabetes warning. Too cute for this world. One of the best NS fluff I've read thus far. It kinda sticks to you forever!)
18 minutes, 23 seconds: ohthelinsanity || ff.net || T || postwar || oneshot
in which Naruto asks Sakura about that time she literally reached into his chest and grabbed his heart with her bare hand.
(Heartwarming. We all know how Sakura held Naruto's heart on her palms and how we love that moment. This is memory of that moment reminisced by our cutie pies.)
One Big Uzumaki Family: John Smith || ff.net || T || postwar || Complete
A set of drabbles revolving around Naruto, Sakura, and their children. It turns out that, when the war ends, these two get busy. Real busy.
(IF YOU DON'T READ THIS MASTERPIECE HOW DARE YOU CALL YOURSELF NS FAN?!!! READ!!! This story should be on the top of your reading list.
R e a d t h i s s t o r y and cry with me for this should have been canon. 100%)
My Life Would Suck Without You: peanutbutter126 || ff.net || T || oneshot collection
Sometimes it's the smallest things that matter the most.
(Read this and then One big Uzumaki family. You'll feel super satisfied. I promise.)
Colors and Carousels: Folle Sakura || ff.net || T || oneshot
She couldn't count the number of times she'd been mistaken for Naruto's girlfriend. Not that she minded. But Naruto acted like it was so… so… offensive.
(No words for this one. Just read and enjoy the confusion.)
Let's Get Married: luvtoshi || ff.net || M || postwar || complete
It was supposed to be a simple solution to their immediate problems. But maybe they took more than they can chew?
(This is one of my few favorites that is also popular. Spot on characterization and beautiful relationship growth. This is one of the few stories that always stuck to me.)
Chasing Smoke with Bare Hands: soulaire || ff.net || T || oneshot
"I could have loved her," Sasuke says flatly. "If she'd just given me the chance—" "Sakura gave you all the chances in the world," Kakashi cuts in, stern. "You underestimated her. And you underestimated her ability to walk away from you. At the core of it all, that's where things went wrong."
(This story is for those who loves both SS and NS but thinks Sakura deserves happier life than what she got in canon. Features NS and slight SS.)
Touch: ohthelinsanity || ff.net || T || oneshot
Kakashi watches as his student grow to be more physically comfortable with one another. He finds it kinda ridiculous.
(Fluff. Feelings. Kakashi's fed up and might have diabetes from all the observation.)
Moonlight shadows: luvtoshi || ff.net || T || oneshot
Sometimes, the moon brings out hidden feelings to the surface.
(Beautiful literature. NS feels. You can almost mistake it for canon with the way characters are written.)
Seriously Serious: Damsel in Shining Armor || ff.net || T || modern AU || oneshot
He confessed to her when they first met. He confessed to her years after. He confessed to her almost everyday. Her response was almost always positive... So why the heck was he still single? "I love you." "Love you too. So is Sasuke-kun taken or not?"
(The only reason why I even picked this story is that it is a oneshot. I have very little interest in modern AU. But this one makes another exception. Pining. Love at first sight.)
It was always you: luvtoshi || ff.net || M || postwar || complete
The war is long over. They have both grown. Now it's time to conclude their story. Naruto and Sakura.
(You know what, all stories from this author are just, Chef's kiss. )
A Safe Pair of Hands: Kanji no Sakka || ff.net || T || oneshot
Sakura heeds a stern warning to make it clear how she feels about Naruto.
(Feels. You'll love this if you like first person pov. This story told from Sakura's pov.)
Other Dreams: tricksie || ff.net || M || oneshot
"Naruto, you shouldn't endanger yourself—" "Stop it," he snapped. Dropping his arm to hook under her seat, Naruto pulled her firmly onto his hip, locking her to him. Sakura gasped, suddenly aware of just how very close they were.
(Sexual tension. Romance. Leaves you wanting. Also, high on feels and lust on equal measure.)
Heaven Unexpected: Folle || ff.net || M || oneshot
Because nothing can happen; it's Naruto. He always comes back. He's practically indestructible.
(Heavy on feels. There are chances that it might rain. Actually there are high chances. But oh well, it's beautiful and one of my favourites so here it goes.)
Shade of the Leaf: Ravyn || ff.net || T || canon divergent || complete
Sasuke is back. Naruto has joined ANBU. Sakura is spending more time in the hospital than in the field. Team 7 struggles to redefine itself, because sometimes you don't know what you really want after all.
(Featuring Mature but still in-character!Naruto, Badass!Sakura, (Bit)Supportive!Sasuke along with Team 7 friendship. Mutual pining. Ending but with a lot loose ends.)
Breaking Up Isn't that Hard to Do: Narf-for-the-Garthoc || ff.net || T || oneshot
This is not an epic tale of action, suspense and true love. Yeah, I'm disappointed, too.
(This is pure comedy. With a dash of romance. And insanity.)
Steamy Encounters: Narf-for-the-Garthoc || ff.net || T || oneshot
A flurry of coincidences and fateful machinations bring Naruto and Sakura together at the local baths. Can they rein in their animal passions? And do you really think that's the kind of story I write?
(Just r e a d. Please.)
Garden of Sanctuary: Nes Mikel || ff.net || T || Canon divergent || oneshot
An alternate ending to Naruto. The Heavens describe the Garden a peaceful paradise. The Hells describe the Garden a baneful prison. In here... which is it?
(This is part of a series which you can follow from the author's profile. This is the second part, but can be read exclusively. As far as the AU goes, this story and settings is brilliant and heartbreaking. This is told from Naruto's pov. To look at things from Sakura's, read the first part. It is multi-chaptered.)
Complications: Geno Calamari || ff.net || T || canon divergent || oneshot
While capturing the Kyuubi, Uchiha Itachi finds true adversaries in the form of Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Naruto.
(Wanna see NaruSaku teamwork? This is it! You wouldn't find it anywhere better. Strong!Naruto, Strong!Sakura versus Itachi Uchiha)
Life is a waving feather: jusrecht || AO3 || T || AU || oneshot
Everyone thought they were inevitable.
(There's beauty in subtlety and this is that. Also, mentions of character death.)
Home: kirabook || AO3 || T || AU || complete
Shinachiku finds himself in a strange place with little to no explanation. Everyone he knows is there, but why are they acting so strangely? Why do they seem so different? And where is his home? 
(Cute and heartwrenching at the same time. Cameo Stalker. Read this for NS family feels pre-marriage.)
Things we never say: thekatthatbarks || AO3 || T || oneshot
She wished she knew how to hold things lightly. There were some things she was terrified of breaking. Whether it be from an honest misstep or simply because she could.
(Reminds you why we love NS so much.)
Open seasons: sazzafraz || AO3 || T || SNS || postwar || oneshot
The way Sasuke comes home is less myth and more devastatingly embarrassing happenstance.
(Featuring badass!Sakura, obedient!Naruto and normal!Sasuke, as well as Sakura's commentary on her life)
Five things Sakura will never tell Naruto: sowell || AO3 || T || AU || oneshot
Kunoichi know how to keep their secrets.
(NS relationship analysis story.)
Artistic purposes: StormyInk || AO3 || M || AU || Oneshot
Sai finds his favorite drawing subjects a bit lacking of late, and he sets a plan into motion to draw his team mates together. Simply for the sake of his art, of course.
(Aka Sai is fed up from seeing his teammates dancing around each other and decides to help them get laid–the story. You gotta admit Sai is the best wingman.)
I collect my tears (so I can drown you in them): amako || AO3 || T || AU || complete
The hardest thing is letting go. Or Sakura sees Naruto falling in love with Shikamaru a little more every day, and she does the only thing she can think of. Then it's only a matter of learning how to stop loving Naruto.
(Sakura and Angst that has nothing to do with Sasuke. Featuring Sakura-sensei. And Shikamaru. It's a great story if you know when to let go of canon)
Stranger than the wild: kiddattwell || AO3 || M || SNS || postwar || Ongoing
The war is over and Sasuke is home for good, but Sakura can't choose between the boys she loves. Sasuke still has his demons and Naruto still fights them and Sakura still follows them both, but this time down a path that none of them expected.
(This is canon. It is the best SNS story I've ever read. Story told in SNS POV in rotation. Slow burn, pining and relationship complication. YOU GOTTA READ THIS, I INSIST!!!! Also features SaiIno and InoShika.)
Bringing Back Sasuke: Blue Jeans || ff.net || T || post war || oneshot
Naruto brings Sasuke back to Sakura. Many, many times over. Sasuke does not appreciate; not the blood and definitely not the angst.
(I've read this story multiple times and it gets funnier and makes your heart hurt and swell simultaneously each time. NaruSaku wouldn't be blissfully happy together without Sasuke thrown somewhere in the mix, that's exactly why I love SNS. This story perfectly represents the dynamic of team 7.)
Yurei: Kanji no Sakka || ff.net || T || AU || oneshot
The past should stay dead and buried, but it won't if Naruto can't let go.
(Not exactly my favourite story, but I liked the concept. We all know how stubborn Naruto is once decides on something. If he wants to become Hokage, he will become Hokage. If he believes in Sasuke, he will believe in him forever. If he loves Sakura, he will marry her – uh, or should have, very OCC of him that he didn't.)
Tag NS fan you know so they don't miss any of this!
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