#even while watching tv
xeyesofstardust · 3 months
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Me at 13 or 14... I don't exactly know how old I was when this was taken.
But I believe it was either after I came back to Minnesota, or, at least, a few years after.
Man, I looked very moody back then.
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reg1ment · 2 years
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me exercising while he just sits there
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sulfurzee · 21 days
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Idk much about one piece BUT I thought young Law looked a bit like Kotaro from Kotaro lives alone so. I drew them as Kotaro and Karino
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samanthamulder · 1 year
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THE X-FILES (1993-2018)
SEASON THREE — Don’t you see, Mulder? You’re doing their work for them. You’re chasing aliens that aren’t there, helping them to create a story to cover the shameful truth. And what they can’t cover, they apologize for. Apology has become policy.
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month
Also, are you on the "Peri's a bit more magically powerful but suppresses it bandwagon"? Because I noticed that Wanda and Cosmo have regular human ears while Peri doesn't.
Eneways Have a Good Day!!
YOU KNOW WHAT I actually hadn't heard that headcanon yet when I made the animatic but the more I think about it the more in love I am with the idea.
I would be so ironically tragic if part of Peri struggling so much to look human was a direct result of how powerful his magic is and having to suppress it ♥
POV the one thing you want most in the world ia specifically unavailable to you and you only because of something many would call a gift
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okcoolthanks · 4 months
I really liked “I Saw The TV Glow” for a lot of reasons like the lighting and sound design and stuff
But I also really liked it because how similar I felt to it. Like you watch a show you love so much you want to Be In It and all you do is interact with That Show to the point where you start talking like it and you make everything you see like it because you don’t Know anything else
I really liked owens character because of how Stuck he is in his life. He says he doesn’t think about “that stuff” because it makes him feel gross so he doesnt. He takes a job at a place he doesn’t like and when it gets shut down he goes with the manager to the next place also doing a job he hates. When his parents die he lives in the same house he grew up in because he doesn’t want to leave. He had one friend and when she disappeared presumed dead he didn’t do anything but reminiscenced on his time with her and watching the show she helped him watch. You can also see how he starts taking care of himself less after his father died, in the last scenes of the movie he looks like he barely eats or drinks water, he doesn’t do anything but his job. “Years feel like seconds” because he isn’t doing anything of importance he lost everything that he looked forward too
He doesn’t talk above a normal speaking volume until he’s literally DYING and even after he apologizes still out of breath. He’s still dying then. No one responds to his apologies or responded to him when he was screaming
He gets a chance to leave and go with Maddie to The Pink Opaque and he gets scared, he gets a chance to leave with her when he was younger and he gets scared. He’s so unhappy with his life but he doesn’t want to change it because he doesn’t know what else to do
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virsancte · 14 days
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trouble in.. paradise?
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you may not want to be here my friend.
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sketchtheinfinity · 4 months
idk if you take request but the percy doodles you posted are so cute! i was wondering if you could draw them w piotv percy?
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I was about to post and then realized that what you probably meant was shark hoodie percy so I threw one in there as well
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jenna-louise-jamie · 6 months
wait im unbelievably excited to see more of alex and yassen's interactions in alex rider season 3. yassen literally killed someone to protect alex.
we know from the books alex learned to appreciate yassen in some way because he died to save him, but this time around yassen lived but killed someone to save him. book!alex still thinks about yassen long after his death and chooses to keep the fact that yassen died for him to himself. he didn't even seem to hold a grudge that yassen's dying words to him ended up getting alex shot later on (possibly because he appreciated that yassen led him to the truth about his father, and he got to learn more about both of them).
different scenarios but they both led to alex succeeding in stopping damian cray. im curious to know if yassen was still out of it this time around, and he didn't actually want alex to go to scorpia. [insert that anthony horowitz tweet/tumblr post here]. very excited to find out. and also scared!
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linden-after-hours · 5 months
As much as most of us (I assume) found Joker Out through Eurovision last year and maybe are big fans of the contest (me included), please consider boycotting Eurovision this year!
Palestinians and allies have called for the disqualification of Israel but the EBU has refused. Now Israel is participating with a song that used to be called "October Rain" (the title has been changed) that is very clearly referencing October 7th.
Russia was (rightfully) disqualified for opening fire on Ukraine. Israel is allowed to continue, despite the year-long occupation and murdering thousands of Palestinians in the last half year alone.
Boycotting means not watching, not streaming the shows, not creating or interacting with any Eurovision content. You will miss out on a glittery night of music and it will suck, but it will help path the way to a free Palestine! 🍉
Read the BDS Movements statement from March 2nd 2024 here.
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booasaur · 7 months
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samanthamulder · 2 years
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Ray Wise in Secrets From Another Place: Creating Twin Peaks
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elizabethrobertajones · 3 months
jump scared by the 4th Doctor saying "well" with an uncanny intonation to how 10 says it, except I thought that was just a David Tennant-ism considering he does it in everything eventually, like, that CAN'T have started with him copying this cadence and absorbing it into his being? Right?
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stefisdoingthings · 3 months
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Wouldn't you, Harry?
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putterphubase · 3 months
do you guys think that fang knows that phum is the tan in the phumpeem relationship
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reliablejoukido · 2 months
y'all know how in the Adventure English dub episode 9, Gabumon takes off his fur to keep Matt warm and he very memorably says "naked Digimon"?
They cut that line out of the Discotek blu-ray release. The line is just not there. I listened to the scene a dozen times and it's just gone. they fucking censored the show that was already pretty censored! I don't know if the version they received was already like that or if it was a choice Discotek made, but it's pretty damn annoying
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