#it took my friends watching it for the first time and getting bodied by the briarwoods arc for me to dust off the half-decade old obsession
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sugusatosluut · 21 hours ago
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Overworked and Overstimulated
Synopsis: You take on every job Cecil hands you as his overachieving daughter, but what could be more relaxing after work than getting high with your friends?
Warnings: Edibles, smut, threesome! MDNI💓
You returned back to the guardian’s hq, exhaustedly ripping your mask off of your head. Your father called you on four missions back to back because he had already sent the new guardians and invincible to space. You wanted to go sooooo bad, but he found it better for you to sit this one out. Coincidentally upon returning back, you had found out that they all made it back a few days ago and Cecil wanted you to handle everything until most of them recovered. Easier said than done. Usually it was about six life threatening issues a day, but to tackle four of the worst ones in one day was just a little too much.
You showered, then went up to your room. Dimming the lights, you changed and turned on your music as you took out a pot brownie. You deserved this, you worked too damn hard not to. Stupid GDA invested father using you as a machine.. but he was your dad and sometimes it was your fault for biting off more than you could chew. Typical of you to not say something yet act out when you’re overstimulated. Just typical.
As you got comfortable in your little room, Mark and Rex knocked at your door. What a surprise, they never approach you unless they need help, so maybe now’s not a good time to get high.
“Yo, y/n! Good job holding down the fort until we came back. I see the world’s got a new favorite nepo baby.” Rex chuckled as he grabbed a chair.
“C’mon Rex you know she doesn’t like that.” Mark nudged his shoulder.
“Sorry.. sometimes the social awareness just doesn’t que up fast enough in my brain. Anyways, whatcha doin? Taking the night off?” Rex asked as he played with the items on your desk.
“Yeah, my dad gave me four of the worst missions today. Just figured I’d mellow out in my room for the rest of the day.” You sighed.
“With a pot brownie?” Mark asked sitting in the edge of your bed and holding the ziploc bag containing your brownies.
“Uh-y-yeah. Well I was gonna wait til you guys left in case you didn’t need me for anything but this seemed important so I couldn’t eat one right this second.” You said nervously.
“Fuck that, this is your free time.. Mark and I have been off for a while. Let’s say we make this a group trip huh? I’ll pay you back for it later.” Rex said taking the brownies from Mark.
“I’m down, you don’t have to pay me back though Sloan. I’m content with this. Just quality time with my friends.” You said relaxing back in your bed.
You, Mark and Rex all ate a brownie, waiting for the effects to kick in.
About an hour later you were all feeling the effects. You had put some dumb chick flick on and both men were entertained. It was quiet. Mark was shirtless, with an arm wrapped around you and Rex was also shirtless laying on your chest. Before the high had kicked in you guys gave mark money to get snacks and he delivered. As you guys watched the movie, all that could be heard was the crunching of chips. Both of their bodies were keeping you extremely warm. The movie ended and all three of you were wondering what to do next.
“Basketball?” Rex offered.
“Let’s go. Me and you Rex.” Mark smirked at him.
The three of you went down into the HQ training center. Both boys were shooting hoops.
“This is boring, can we find a way to make it interesting?” Mark asked.
“Ask and you shall recieve. First one to score five shots wins a kiss from the pretty lady over there— and don’t tell me you’re not dying for a taste of that. The best things in life are things that you aren’t allowed to have.” Rex winked.
“I can reason with that as long as it’s okay with y/n.” Mark asked.
“We’ll— I don’t wanna sound desperate but I mean it’s perfectly fine with me.” You blushed. You were in fact the most desperate for this. The past flirtations between you and Mark and then you and Rex throughout your time at the GDA always got to you. Your dad always steered them both away.. well not just them, everyone—away. Mark and Rex didn’t really care, they were friends to the end. They stood up to Cecil which finally allowed you to go on missions, but Cecil drew the line at space. The old man knew better than to get between you and your friends. Yes, you loved your dad but there’s always a battle to be fought with him.
“You’re on.” Mark smirked.
Both boys played away and suddenly the score went from one to four. It was the final point for each of them.
“This one’s for you!” They both shouted together. The anticipation guided you to insanity. If Rex scored and mark felt jealous? It would ruin you. If Mark scored and Rex feel jealous? God.. it’s too much to handle. It’s okay to change your mind and everything, the boys would understand. You don’t want one without the other.
“Well looks like we’re both getting kissed. Both our baskets were made.” Mark smiled smugly.
How did you miss it? Oh well. You weren’t kissing them in the middle of the guardians hq, that would be an awkward moment you couldn’t come back from. The boys held their excitement until you all made it back to your room. Now it was really awkward for you.
“I know I’ve only gotten high with you guys once before but holy shit you look like you’re in a real predicament right now y/n.” Mark laughed.
Rex joined in on laughing, both of them were laughing a bit too hard, it was a little too contagious.
“You’re right, she’s as red as a fucking ripe ass tomato!” Rex was wheezing at this point. The laughter coming from your room was intense and anybody coming by your room could tell you were having a fun time.
You started laughing along with them and soon the laughing turned to joyous tears from your stomachs hurting so bad. After all the laughing, you rested your head on Mark’s shoulder again as you all made it back to laying on your giant bed that took up most of the room in your little box. Mark scooted you, letting you in between his legs as your back touched his chest. Mark played with your hair and Rex was up to something mischevious. Rex snuck himself under the covers, pulling down your lace panties and your pajama pants. You would have been way more alarmed in any other circumstance but for this one? You felt so at peace with both of them doing what they wanted to you. It was the best stress relief you had in a while.
Mark’s hands reached for your shirt, lifting it up off your body and kissing the back of your neck. As Rex started to eat you out your body started to tingle with numbness. The high was really intensifying all your senses. Rex’s tongue lapped and licked your little bud under the covers. To ease you, Mark grabbed onto your breasts, kneading them and kissing your neck. Rex’s grip on your hips stayed firm.
“I thought you both wanted a kiss.” You whined.
“We did, the high just feels too nice to waste on a little kiss. You getting overstimulated? I can tell by the way you’re squirming. Quit acting out.” Mark said firmly as his hands shifted positions, as one arm was now around your neck.
You whined and groaned until you started getting close, both boys were naked at this point, the temperature in the room getting hotter, the feelings more intense.. both boys were slipping in and out of you roughly as you were still whining, eventually the three of you would finish at the same time. You all hit the showers and you went back to your room in silence. Your body was now tired.
“Hey- uh.. thanks for that. If you ever wanna use me I left my number on your board.” Rex winked at you before deciding to leave.
“Leaving so soon?” You asked.
“Yeah.. unfortunately you’re not the only girl on my roster sweet cheeks.” He whistled.
“Alright, see you around.” You waved.
Well at least Rex admitted to wanting a late night booty call.
Mark walked into your room timidly.
“You leaving too?” You pouted.
“Oh stop pouting. I got you flowers. I wanna stay and cuddle. I was in space for five days I thought you’d miss me a little more.” He said.
“Now look who’s pouting.” You smirked.
Mark came into your room placing the flowers on your nightstand and laying down on top of you, his body weight giving you the utmost relief.
“I don’t want to share you again. That was a one time deal.” He complained.
“I understand, thank you for letting me experience that.” You smiled at him.
The room seemed to go quiet, you eyes started to shut and mark had one last thing on his mind.
“When are you gonna tell your dad about us?”
“Mark— go to sleep.”
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daenysx · 1 day ago
Maybe some James potter smut since it’s his birthday? (Idk if it’s still his bday where you are but whatever)
happy birthday to the loveliest boy ever ♡
-send me drabble requests!
james potter x fem!reader, smut
James tells you he's proud of you all the time.
Every time he does it, his words leave a gentle rush of waves in your stomach. Something crawling slowly, like he's gonna ruin you. He looks at you with widened eyes, a small smile curled up on his lips, and you are dying to kiss him.
He whispers it, the first time in three days, and your fingers on the keyboard slow down. His voice sends shivers down your spine and it's a delicious feeling how he can make your mind go blank with only a few words. You press your cheek on your shoulder, a lazy attempt to get back to your senses. James takes the opportunity to kiss your exposed neck.
"Jamie," you murmur. He knows what he's doing, never clueless when it comes to you. "I have to finish this."
"You've got an entire night ahead of you, angel," he mumbles. "Can I maybe have some of your attention?"
Fuck him for being so sweet. He plays his part well to distract you, craving your attention like he's been starved for it all day.
"I can help you with your work later," he offers when you stay silent. "If you take a break with me."
James has a pair of convincing eyes and when he watches you like he needs you, you can't keep doing your work properly. You turn your face to him, recognize the vulnerable look in his face.
"Are you okay?" you ask with concern. He nods.
"Just tired," he replies. "I, um, kinda had an argument with Tom today."
Tom is one of his closest friends on the team, a person who makes his long training sessions more bearable. They don't really argue, this might even be the first time. Your brows get together with worry.
"I'm sorry, Jamie," you say, standing up and leaving your laptop.
"That's okay, we'll probably fix things tomorrow," he says. Sunshine personified, your favorite person in this world. "I just don't want to think about it now."
You take his hand, lead him to bed. It's messy with the blankets thrown over four different colored pillows. A silent practice, how you get your body tangled with his. He lifts his leg to settle it down between your thighs and you press yourself without being embarrassed at all. No need for that, he keeps telling you.
"What were you whispering?" you decide to distract him with a lazy tease. "Before you took me away from my stuff?"
"I'd say you willingly left, but the details are not important, huh?"
He gets on top of you with half of his body, looks at you with hazy eyes. Gorgeous boy.
"And I was just talking about how good you are at what you're doing," he whispers and kisses your cheek. "With that frown on your face when you're upset with it. Or with you biting your lip in pride when you got something right."
"You were watching me."
"I'm always watching you."
You kiss him and he closes his eyes. It's been a long day. He got through it somehow, but being able to relax after a day like this is not easy. Even James Potter needs to be taken care of sometimes.
His fingers are wanting, stroking your waist eagerly. The kiss lasts for a few minutes, whispers of affection lingering in the air between you. Your hands play with his hair, big waves falling in your palms as you move.
You take off your shirt. Nothing happens too fast and it's a good thing. How could he rush this when he got it after wanting so much? Desire pooling in his belly, legs shaking and James swears he could moan when you rub yourself on his thigh.
His shirt's on the floor, too. Every piece of clothing on both of you gets lost and James kisses your inner thigh.
"Get under the blankets," James tells you. "It's cold in here."
You do as he says with his help, pulling his naked body under the soft fabric with you. "I'm feeling really warm," you tell him with a sneaky smile that usually belong to his part of teasing.
"Yeah?" he asks against your collarbones. "Can you show me where?"
You take his hand and drag it slowly to your belly. He does the rest of the job and moves his fingers to your wetness. Sticky sweet under his touch, lazy and wanting. You close your eyes and let him play with you.
James has long fingers and they are thick, but he makes sure they are warm enough every time he touches you. His thumb spends a few second with your clit and he uses others to spread the wetness all over you. You lift your hips when he presses just right, his eyes are glowing with something both exhausted and excited.
"Pretty," he whispers, his fingers find a nice rhytm. It's lazy and slow, a gentle touch on your body and he feels like he belongs here. Right here on the bed, under blankets and his hand never stops touching you. He keeps moving until he has you shaking with a tender wave of shiver.
"It's not gonna end," he murmurs on the side of your neck, his lips not kissing and letting you go mad. "I promise I'll keep going."
He sounds so in love, but so tired. You don't even try to stop yourself from accepting the rush his fingers bring, it's strong and you arch your back. Pleasure has you trembling, it's delicious, and you let out a songlike breath. You want to beg him to kiss your neck, he understands your shaky breaths and finally parts his lips against your pulse point.
His fingers keep moving the way you like. You can't see his face as he's kissing your neck, sucking a little bruise there, you hold the back of his head gently to look at him. A pair of lovesick eyes, his lips are swollen and cheeks warm with desire. You can almost feel him rubbing himself on the sheets, the thought of it is enough to let go.
"James," you whisper, desperate to touch him with your free hand. He stays still. "Don't do it yourself, I wanna help. Please, oh-"
He doesn't listen. He can't. His hands are busy and he can't breathe, he needs to come undone. Adjusting his hips, he gets some stimulation from the sheets, enough to make him moan. "I'm so tired, I need to come with you. I can't- can't wait, sweetheart, I'm sorry."
"Let me touch," you say in a demanding but soft voice. "Let me help."
James listens to you this time, he knows you'll do a better job. He comes up a bit higher in bed for you to reach him, you eagerly extend your hand to feel. It's not difficult to get him right there with you, the moment before the peak. He closes his eyes and puts his head on your chest, lazily sucking on your nipple to ground himself. He's moving his hips against your hand, a big breath ready on his chest.
You come with a moan. James thinks it's the prettiest sound ever. With the rush of the moment, you move your hand faster and he follows you. Your mind goes blank, the world gets blurry. James stays on your chest, his body feels heavier now that he's relaxed. You love seeing him like this, without the anxiety his day left behind.
"Need to clean us up," he mumbles. He's half asleep. "It's uncomfy."
You smile softly. He doesn't even have the energy to blink. "Stay for a while," you tell him, your hand in his hair to fix his waves. "We can do it later."
It's tempting and James is easily convinced. Your chest is the perfect pillow, his head moves as you take calm breaths. Rubbing the tired muscle between his shoulder and neck, you urge him to fall asleep. He forgets everything other than your touch.
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fadedtoneverland · 2 days ago
girl dads | p.sh, c.sn & j.wy
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❤︎ synopsis — your husband has always been the nurturing type. and oh, just look at how he loves his little girl, like she’s the most fragile thing in the world
pairing: husband!woosanhwa x wife!reader (ft. the daughters for each family)
theme: non-idol!au, ✿ fluff, ❤︎ suggestive (if you squint)
a/n: i’ve had this idea in my head for a while. thanks to those who voted on the poll <3 this fic was very much based on that one show the trio went on when they were taking care of those three kids.
cw: fem!reader. mostly domestic shit. talks abt pregnancy and labour. it gets a little suggestive on woo’s part because it’s wooyoung.
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❥ park seonghwa
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the sweetest husband that has ever lived
during the pregnancy, he was just so good to you
constantly thought about you during work, made sure you had enough to eat, always catered to your pregnancy cravings
seonghwa probably panicked more than you when you were in labour
but it was all worth it in the end
he definitely cried when he saw his little girl the first time, all bundled up in your arms while you held her close to your chest
“she looks just like her mama.”
probably would name her something beautiful like “anya” or “ara” and call her his “little star”
hwa is fully aware of how painful the healing process for your body after the pregnancy, so he took on most of the caretaking work he could. and he doesn’t regret a single thing
loves going shopping with his daughter, always picking out the best outfits for his little princess
will definitely spoil her and indulge in some sweet treats behind your back
learns how to braid her hair and give her the most adorable hairstyles when you’re too busy
and his little girl always beams with excitement and joy every time her papa does her hair exactly how she likes it. the cute little pig tails with pink ribbon
“you’re the best, daddy!!”
he damn near melted on the spot right then and there
will always drive her places she needs to be. school festivals, sleepovers, play dates. you name it. he’s just so reliable and loving for his girl
seonghwa is so gentle and nurturing, he helps you every step of the way when raising your daughter together
goes all out during christmas, and buys the best gifts and decorations for you and your daughter. he just loves watching his favorite girls be the happiest they can be <3
will learn to bake and cook dishes his daughter wants to try
even if he isn’t the best at making macarons, his macarons will forever remain his little girl’s favorite
“my daddy always likes to put a little flower on top of my macarons, just how i like it! i hope i can be a good parent like him someday.”
❥ choi san
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ugh he’s that one husband every girl just dreams of having
like- san is the one dad all of your daughter’s friends have a crush on because he’s so sweet and handsome
and he’s an incredible dad too. he’d probably be similar to hwa and name her something pretty, like “ari”
loves to let his little girl dress him up and do his makeup, even if she’s smearing the cherry red lipstick all over his honeyed cheeks
because seeing her smile and laugh from pure joy is just the best kind of serotonin for him :,)
gives the best uppies in the world, and definitely spins her around like a helicopter
loves to attend his daughter’s little tea parties, even having the little tiara all of her stuffed animals are wearing
speaking of tea parties— san definitely enjoys attending daddy-daughter tea parties, and especially loves watching his baby twirl in her pretty dress
san sings her to sleep and reads her bedtime stories when she’s just a baby
if you walk in while he’s singing her to sleep, you’ll both harmonize, and the faintest little smile can be seen on her chubby face <3
works together with you to make the best dinners. cooking with san is always so intimate and memorable
spoils his kid rotten with plushies and dolls, making sure she stays happy. and she definitely grows up keeping some of her most precious toys
speaking of growing up—
he’s lowkey emotionally attached to the baby version of his daughter, and will probably cry a little when he sees her grow up :,)
probably tries to enforce a “no boyfriends” rule, which you quickly swept under the rug
“no one is good enough for her >:(“
he’s just a little overprotective over his kid
but of course, he will always be proud of his daughter’s achievements when she grows up. no matter what <3
“my daddy always spoiled me and knew how to treat me right. he taught me true kindness, and that’s something i will never take for granted.”
❥ jung wooyoung
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the fun, playful dad
definitely had twin girls with you, and that just made him so much happier with you
and was very… passionate, about how you two went about making them
“you remember how we made them, honey—“
“babe- stop.”
had insane baby fever and damn near cried when he got to hold his little girl for the first time :,)
but wooyoung is still a little shit, even as a full-time husband
probably dutch oven’s his kids when they were little, and laughed like a maniac when they both screamed and tried to escape the blankets (because we all know woo’s farts smell like hell)
and he’s probably made them cry at least once during their tiny years
but now his daughters can laugh about those times
you and wooyoung always encouraged your kids to follow their passions, but wooyoung especially put an emphasis on it
he took a lot of risks for opportunities during his teenage and early adult years, and wooyo does the same for his girls
“look- if you want to do a boring, corporate office job when you’re older, go for it. but always find passion for something.”
^^ woo at some point to his teenage girls
when they were in first grade, his kids would ask for help on their math homework. but he’d lowkey get even more stressed than them
you’d step in to help don’t worry
loves taking his entire family to fun places
amusement parks, aquariums, parks. the entire galore. also a huge enthusiast for family picnics
by the way, he’s the certified cook of the family
has the best recipes for all sorts of korean dishes, and his daughters grow up learning and replicating the recipes he’s shown them :))
food is very meaningful to his family, he believes it strengthens bonds and values
and you know damn well this man cries the hardest watching his daughters get married
because he knows you and him raised those queens
“my daddy is my biggest inspiration. he always told me to follow my passions, and supported me every step of my journey. i want to be like him someday.”
taglist - @life-is-a-game-of-thrones @dead-end-fanfiction @loverofpussyandthaitea @lettucemen @alliepeace107 @sannies-tiddies @m1rotics
fadedtoneverland © 2025 | do not steal, modify or repost ANY of my work.
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passionwillow · 2 days ago
Hello my fellow Rookie fan! It seems like we started watching the show around the same time 😁 I hope you’re enjoying it as much as I am!
May I please request headcanons for Tim Bradford falling for a female rookie who’s had a tough life (homelessness, DV, etc) and doesn’t trust or open up to people easily because of her bad experiences?
Hi!! I absolutely love this idea. 🩷 I hope you enjoy, and thank you for requesting it! 🥰
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Warnings: mentions of homelessness, domestic violence. Illusions to smut, but nothing explicit.
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- It sounds cheesy, but there was nothing you wanted more than to become a cop.
- Having the ability and skillset to protect people was a deep seated goal of yours, and the day you became a rookie and met your TO, you knew you’d made it one step closer.
- Tim Bradford took one look at you that first day and knew you were going to make it. Not that he could outright say it. He needed to teach you and test you first, but he had a hunch you’d be good.
- You didn’t say much to him those first few months. You answered his questions, took notes, and worked your ass off the entire time. His “Tim Tests” didn’t phase you, which surprised him a bit.
- He was curious about you. Why you were so closed off, why you didn’t hang out much with the other rookies, why you seemed so unbothered by the violence you guys encountered on the streets.
- No one knew your history, because you’d left it all in New York. You’d been homeless from age 14-19, living on the streets or couch surfing between your few friends. When you met Bradley at 19, he seemed like a savior. He found you a job at his restaurant, helped you find a place to stay, even loaned you money for a deposit on an apartment.
- Did you love him, or was it the fact he saved you? You still aren’t sure. But soon you were dating him and the relationship seemed perfect. Until it wasn’t. Until he was hitting you for talking back to him, yelling and screaming when you went out with friends.
- It didn’t take long for things to escalate. Broken ribs, busted lips and black eyes. Your friends suspected but never stepped in, and one night you finally ran. You packed up what little belongings you had, the little money saved, and fled.
- Going across the country seemed the safest bet, so here you were in Cali. That was where you met an officer in San Diego, a kind woman who helped you get your life on track. And you knew that’s what you wanted to do for others.
- Tim was determined to crack you open and find out more about you. The months with him went from a stoic TO/Rookie dynamic to a friendship.
- You learned about his ex-wife and why they split. He came over and helped you fix up your apartment, bringing food and wine for the occasion.
- Lunches on duty went from a silent affair to laughter and jokes. He knew he was in trouble when your smile started making his chest ache.
- He wasn’t totally lost as to why you ended up here. He’s been a cop long enough to see the signs. Your eyes constantly roaming for danger, your tense body language when voices are raised.
- He was impressed with how you handled things in the moment. A violent suspect, people screaming. But he didn’t miss the shake of your hands once the situation was over.
- And you couldn’t deny how much you liked him. His no nonsense approach, his jokes and humor, the softness he could bring to people needing help. But getting hurt again? Opening up and having your past used against you? Not happening.
- But everything about him drew you in. The way he’d grin at you, his hands casually brushing yours, or his hand on your back. The way he held your face when a suspect elbowed you, and he was checking for bruises or blood.
- It took awhile for him to break down your defenses, but once the wall was lowered.. It was over.
- It was after shift when you guys sat down for some dinner and drinks you finally cracked. Your past, your reasons for leaving New York. What Bradley put you through and how you got away.
- You didn’t realize your hands were shaking until he grabbed them, touch soft and soothing as he assured you, you were safe. And no one would judge you.
- Getting it off your chest felt like a weight had been lifted. And Tim was thrilled to see you hanging out with the other rookies, building friendships and finding your place in the LAPD.
- Dating on the job was a bad idea, as most people knew. But Tim wasn’t sure he could help himself when it came to you. The lunches and dinners became more frequent, movie nights at your place or binging Top Chef at his.
- One night, late into the evening and 5 episodes deep in some new show, Tim finally moved. His hand on your cheek brought your attention to him, his thumb soft and gentle as it moved in circles.
- His intentions were clear, and he was giving you the time and space to move. But you didn’t, much to his relief.
- The kiss was everything opposite of your previous relationship. Soft, sweet, and gentle. His mouth was steady against yours, radiating affection and joy.
- Tim was content to move as slow as you needed in the relationship. You couldn’t deny you craved the physical contact, a connection with someone who had nothing but good intentions. And he was happy to oblige.
- You worried about the more intimate aspects, nothing had been enjoyable before. But Tim handled you with the most loving touch, taking his time figuring out what you enjoyed and what to avoid.
- Life found a balance for you, after all those years, and there was a pit in your stomach that it would all implode or disappear right out from under you. Tim assured you every time you voiced your fears that everything would be alright.
- He wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Not without you.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 day ago
The dificulties of being in a new world
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[ Twisted Wonderland ]
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× Implied that reader is Yuu/mc
Still, i find the idea really funny so i hope that anyone who reads it enjoy it as much as i did <333
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Being transported to a complete new world wasn't exactly in your life plans but it happened, and its not like you could do anything about it when you were already stuck in this new world, so you did what was the best and the only thing you could do now, do your best!
New world meant new people, new rutine, new culture, new classes, well, pretty much everything was new and say that you were at your limit was an understatment, aside from the classes you had to attent you had extra classes to learn the basic of the education of the world along with learning to the grammar of the new language, not to mention the extra of having to learn the magical vocabulary for your classes
Thankfuly your new teachers were kind enough to sympathize with you (or at least pity you) and be just a bit more kind with you, Trein and Crewel were constantly watching over you and were the ones more willing to help you with your extra classes, or at least to find an actual helpful tutor (Crowel likes to say that he is also helping, but, honeslty? He is just making you do errands and his work with the excuse to help get used to the school and the classes)
And even outside of the classroom you were constantly learning a lot too, teacher Vargas was more than willing to help you grow stronger to make it up for your lack of magic habilities along with doing his best to help you find alternatives to live and defend yourself from any posible attack, magic or not
And soon those trips to Mr. S's Mystery Shop passed from simply quick groceries shops to long chats with Sam, who kindly took time to teach you things from his shop, after all not everything was completely diferent, there were a lot of things that were too familiar form the ones from your world just with diferent names (and some looking more weirdly magical), so he took the time to help you find what you were looking for (half to help, half to convince you to buy more)
As well, the friends you quickly made during classes (and while solving the problems Crowley make you deal with) were also helping! Maybe they weren't able to fully understand what you were going throught nor be as much of help as the teachers but they were doing their best, the study sesions with your friends were incredibly helpful, being invited over the other dorms were great help to take your mind off and not having to worry about being the only responsible adult at Ramshackle dorm
This situation was far from being ideal and despite all the troubles everyone do their bit to make you feel at home in their world, after all they are your friends and you have already made so much for them! Not for nothing you have become the prefect! obviously not so Crowley could use you as his errand guy
Everything was going rather smoothly, it took some time but you were finally getting used to this new life and its rythm! You felt like now nothing could stop you! or surprise you after what you have been throught already, or well, that was until one day you fell sick. It wasn't nothing too serious, now that you were finally relaxing the actual exhaustation and stress you were trying to ignore finally caught you up, along with how your body had to adapt to a whole new life style, so your body pleaded for a break with the only way you wouldn't ignore it, by getting sick
It was a simple cold, with some rest and care you would be fine in no time! However, since this was the first time you got sick since you came here your body needed time to recognize the new virus and find a way to treat it, and being exhausted didn't help at all, so while it was nothing too serious you look like you were about to die, or well, thats the way Grim described it but before you could complain or even explain that you weren't going to actually die a worried Grim was already running around the school, screaming demanding for anyone to help because his henchman was in bed, dying
Of course, your friends were the first to arrive, almost breaking down the door of Ramshackle to reach your side, with a mix of pleadings and demands on how you can't just die and leave them alone (probably giving you a headache in the process and make them panic more), in not time Ramshackle was full of people, more than how it has ever been, paniced people pleading for you to don't die, demands of someone to do something! and there were some that were more annoyed than worried by now for the caos that was going on, complaining about how everyone was just exaggerating (and yet they didn't leave, too prideful to admit that they were also worried)
Everything was a mess, you just needed some rest and medicine! But you couldn't even rest when you have at one side some people like Riddle and Jamil actually trying to find out what it is going on and how to help, and at the other side you have Kalim and Floyd, who were already crying because you are too young to die! And not to mention Malleus who was willing to give anything in exchange to save you (Lilia, as much as he find it amusing, had to stop him before he actually did something that would just make things worst)
It wasn't until Crewel (in behalf of all the other teachers, not wanting to overwhelm you more than how you probably are already) came to your rescue that you could finally had some peace, he was worried but at least he was an actual responsible adult, dismising everyone out of your room to take care of you, finally finding out how much this whole situation was actually exaggerated and with an exasperated sigh he let you have the rest you needed so bad, promising that when you wake up there will be someone with some warm soup and the medicine you need, and this time it will just be one person at time
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traumadumpwriter · 2 days ago
Ninety Five
Controlling!Rafe x ED!Reader
“It’s not a big deal, I just want to get to ninety five pounds before Midsummers”
Summary: Reader is suffering from an eating disorder and when Rafe finds out about it he struggles to be sympathetic
Trigger warning for explicit depictions of bulimia, vomit, starving, drug use, controlling behaviour
Word count: 5.7k
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Reminder as always that I’m here if any of you need to speak to someone! This is my first Rafe fic and I rly hope y’all enjoy. Working on a part 2 already. (Story is below divider by @kodaswrld )
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Part One:
Rafe Cameron could have any girl he wanted, so why did he want you? That was the question that you'd found yourself thinking every day since he'd asked you to be his girlfriend. It didn't make any sense. He was handsome, rich, charming - the king of Kildare County. What on earth could you have done to deserve his devotion?
He knew that you felt this way - or at least that you didn't like yourself. It was clear in the red of your cheeks whenever he paid you a compliment, the way that you'd fidget with your fingers when one of his beautiful kook associates would talk to him, or how you'd look down shyly when he introduced you to them. Part of him liked it for purely selfish reasons. Knowing that you probably wouldn't leave him for someone else - that you thought that he was the best you could get. But more often than not, he found it irritating. He wanted to show you off without you getting embarrassed, to be able to persuade you to wear the tiny dresses he'd buy you in public, to know that you were happy and that you felt worthy around his friends. He even slightly wanted you to try to leave him, just so that he could show you what he would do if you tried.
The first time it had occurred to him that your insecurity was anymore than just that, it had been six months into your relationship and he was watching you get ready for your date that night. He'd wanted to take you out somewhere nice to eat, but you'd managed to persuade him to go bowling instead. He took you out to eat at least once a week and it would be nice to change things up - and to not have to worry about calories for once.
"Well if I don't get to see you in a nice dress tonight, I want to at least pick your outfit." Rafe pouted from his leant back position on your bed, a smug gleam in his eye.
You were stood on the other side of the room, assessing the options you'd laid out and feeling displeased with all of them. You'd been trying really hard to loose weight recently - even harder than usual - but you couldn't see any change in your body. "No matter what I wear, I'm going to look like shit." You thought to yourself, struggling to not show your sadness on your face.
You quickly hid it though, not wanting Rafe to get annoyed with you as he sometimes did, especially not on an anniversary. He would accuse you of not wanting to be with him, of not being happy about the date, and you would have to spend ten minutes convincing him otherwise.
"Okay, sure. But nothing too revealing, there's probably gonna be at least one group of kids, n maybe some old people there." You smiled, sending him a teasing wink.
"Fine. How about those black shorts I like, the Gucci ones, and one of your cute crop tops - you know, the ones with the little cartoon on them." He suggested with a smirk, his voice assertive in a way that let you know there was no point arguing. Not that you would anyway.
The choice was a semi-modest outfit by Rafe's standards and of course you would only be allowed to dress that way when you were with him. Those shorts would not fly with your friends or even to go out by yourself. This control wasn't something you particularly hated though.
There had been one incredibly hot day in OBX where you'd decided to wear a mini skirt to go out and meet some of your friends. They were all dressed in little material too so you didn't think much of it as you enjoyed cocktails with them at the Beach Club. When Rafe picked you up a couple of hours later, his jaw had clenched instantly upon seeing you and he paced over before you could even step down the wooden steps and into the car park. He'd grabbed you by your waist and practically dragged you back to the car, hissing that "there were filthy Pogues about" and that you were "stupid for dressing like that when he wasn't there to protect you." You'd apologised profusely and promised to never wear that skirt without him again. And you hadn't.
You pulled off your comfy clothes and put on the new outfit, feeling Rafe's eyes devour you the entire time. He always loved to watch you get dressed, examining your body with lustful obsession. He knew every inch of your body like the back of his hand - or at least he thought he did - which was why he was confused when you slipped on the shorts. They had always been tight fitting - that was why he liked them - but as he gazed at your thighs and ass now, he could see that there had been a slight change in how the material sat on you. It was looser - not in a severe way, the shorts still revealed your shape nicely - but it was enough for him to notice.
You hadn't even turned to look at him yet, still disappointedly looking at yourself in the mirror, when he offered his opinion, his unaroused tone taking you off guard.
"Have you lost some weight or something? They don't fit as well as the last time I saw them." He questioned, slowly sitting up to get a better look.
You blushed, looking down at yourself and then at him. Any discussion of your body - particularly the size of it - made you extremely uncomfortable.
"I don't know. I don't think so." You mumbled, scratching your arm awkwardly.
"Come here." He demanded softly and you obliged, stepping towards him and standing beside the bed, his head level to your stomach.
He eyed your body closely, a light crease between his brow, and then motioned for you to spin around, which you did with a blush. Waiting for his verdict felt like minutes long torture, though it was realistically only a few seconds before he spoke again. He wrapped his arms around your hips and pulled your ass into his face, grinning as he did.
"All mine." He stated into your flesh, humming in satisfaction as he lightly groped your skin.
After feeling how stiff you'd gotten beside him, he'd decided not to say anything more of your weight - but he had concluded that you'd lost some. You perceived his lack of a verbal decision to mean the opposite though and felt silently mortified, imagining that your boyfriend had come to the conclusion that you'd actually put on weight but just didn't want to embarrass you.
"She's probably just been busy with studying and forgot to have a few meals. I'll take her out for some nice food tomorrow." Rafe thought to himself and then moved his focus onto how good you looked in the outfit he'd picked, entirely unaware of how horrible you felt inside.
The next time he found himself worrying about you was a month later in a restaurant with Topper, Kelce and their dates - Georgia and Elle.
You were wearing one of the dresses that Rafe had bought you that week; flowy and loose fitting as you'd requested it to be much to his dismay but short and cute much to his satisfaction. He loved having you on his arm anywhere, but especially next to his friend's girls. You looked obviously more attractive than them and that served to boost his ego massively. He could see it on the faces of Topper and Kelce too - they knew that he'd won that contest.
You didn't see that though. In fact, you automatically compared yourself to Georgia and Elle as soon as you'd all sat down and found yourself wishing that the ground would swallow you up.
"Everyone must think Rafe is mad for being with me. They must laugh when they see us together. Especially next to these girls. They're so beautiful. I look like a pig next to them." Your thoughts started to spiral, though they remained hidden by your polite smile and casual conversation.
When the menus came out, instead of looking at the names of any of the dishes available your eyes went straight to the calories written next to them, and you chose the meal with the lowest amount without much consideration for what it would actually taste like. Rafe had taken you out to eat every night that week and all of the meals had been good, overly priced, high calorie heaven. It would be nice to not have to make yourself sick after this one.
"Really? Just a salad?" Rafe scoffed after you told your order to the waitress, causing you to stiffen up against him anxiously.
"I'm not that hungry." You smiled awkwardly but he shook his head with a wink.
"Put the salad on the side, she'll have the carbonara." He turned to the waitress and you didn't dare to disagree with him in front of his friends. He was just trying to be nice after all.
You chuckled and nodded at the waitress, sending her off as the conversation resumed around the table.
"So I hear that the Pogues are planning on throwing some kind of surf party at the beach tonight. Anyone else feel like crashing?" Elle suggested with a sly grin, earning a proud kiss from Kelce.
"Sounds like a good plan." Topper stated, less interested in Georgia who didn't look impressed with the girls suggestion.
The only reason Topper wanted to go was to mess with his ex, Sarah Cameron, and her new group of friends. Everyone at the table knew that - including Georgia. You shot her a sorry look as Rafe's arm snaked around your waist, agreeing with his friend, but to your surprise she shot you a sorry look back.
"Maybank needs his head kicked in." Snorted Rafe. "Always got his eyes on you, don't he Y/N? Piece of shit just wishes he could have a chance."
"I'm not sure that I'm really his type to be honest." You jested.
"He doesn't have a type, he'd stick his dick in anything. Last I heard he'd been doing it with Kiara, although she's probably done the whole gang." Topper snorted, earning a chorus of chuckles from around the table.
Food came and went, and soon everyone was gearing up to leave and start pre-drinking for whatever they were going to do that night. You didn't particularly want to join them for a multitude of reasons but the evening had spun entirely out of your control and there was nothing you could do to stop it now.
Luckily, there was one small thing that you could still control.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." You said to Rafe, sliding out of the booth as the waitress came over with the bill.
"Women and their tiny bladders." He tutted with a teasing smirk, which you playfully returned before walking away.
The restroom was empty. You went into the last stall and flung yourself down in front of the porcelain bowl before swiftly putting your fingers down your throat. It didn't take long to achieve the desired affect - having gotten very used to it - and you were soon feeling waves of relief crash through you. Your anxiety was suddenly under control again and you felt that maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad. Even at the sound of footsteps coming to the stall next to you, you kept your fingers there and let another calming wave settle through you before cleaning yourself up.
You waited in the stall for the other person to leave and then stepped quickly to the sinks, splashing your face with cold water before chewing a piece of gum.
"I look fine. I'm fine." You said to yourself, looking in the mirror one last time before stepping out, a smile on your face that was instantly uprooted by the concerned expression on your boyfriend's face.
He was stood right outside the toilets and from across the room you could see that your dining accomplices were looking over.
"Georgia said that you were being sick in there. Do you not feel well?"
"Oh." Was all you could say at first, your brain short circuiting before desperately scrambling for an excuse. "I don't think that was me she heard."
"She went in right after you, said there was no one else in there." He frowned, examining you closely.
You didn't know what to say, shrinking under his intense gaze. He'd caught you in a lie and now you were only going to have to deepen it further. With an anxious swallow, you started to open your mouth but to your surprised relief he spoke in a soft tone.
"Listen, if you don't feel well baby that's fine. We don't have to go out tonight. Did you think I was gonna make you?"
"No- I- I just didn't want to ruin your fun. You can still go out if you want." You answered, which he smiled and shook his head at.
He leaned down closer to you and said lowly "It would be boring without you. Let's just go back to yours and I'll nurse you back to health."
His breath on your skin gave you goosebumps and your stomach did an excited flip as he told his friends that you would be staying in.
A few hours of fucking and cuddling later, you were cozy under your covers, looking up at Rafe with adoring eyes as he got dressed. His beauty never ceased to amaze you; everything from his angelic face to his chiseled body - and the fact that he was yours still didn't feel real.
Rafe caught your eye, smirking at the redness forming on your cheeks. He leant over the bed and planted a short kiss on your head.
"You're cute." He mused, momentarily reconsidering his plan to meet his friends after all. "You sure you're feeling better?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Go be with your friends. I'll survive." You answered in a sweet tone.
"Weird how you were sick like that earlier. Maybe it was something in the food." He mumbled.
"Probably. Don't worry about it. I feel okay now." You agreed, your heartbeat rising slightly as he eyed you with uncertainty.
He opened his mouth but then quickly shut it, sucking in his lips like he was annoyed before sitting down on the end of your bed.
"I just think that if it was the food, you'd probably still feel sick now. Right?"
"I- I don't know."
"And it was weird that your first reaction was to lie to me about it."
"I just didn't want to worry you. I'm sorry."
He still looked unimpressed as he eyed you, but his face softened slightly after a moment and he mumbled "I know... you never want to worry me."
He left shortly after that and you were relieved that his suspicion had seemingly been dealt with. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep, but little did you know that Rafe's was extremely suspicious and his mind was running through different theories - none of them good.
"Maybe she's pregnant and doesn't want me to know. She thinks I'd leave her.. or make her get rid of it." Was his first idea - something that he had to sit in his parked car in silence for a couple minutes to process. Once he'd decided that that probably wasn't the case, he moved onto his next theory - that you were acting weird because you wanted to leave him. The insecure part of his brain screamed out at him that that was probably the case, but he was able to put that out of his mind pretty quickly, thinking of the way you looked up at him with absolute adoration, how you clung onto him for protection, how you moaned his name.
Remembering how his name had fallen from your lips a few hours prior, he smirked to himself and relished in the memory. You'd been entirely on display beneath him, hardly able to keep your mouth shut as he rammed into you. You were so beautiful and delicate beneath him, he felt like a God knowing that he could make an angel feel so good. With his hands around your waist, you felt tiny and breakable - and he felt powerful.
But then he remembered that a thought had momentarily occurred to him earlier on; of how you felt smaller than usual. Quite a fair bit smaller. It had come and gone in that moment, distracted by your tits, but now he was focusing on it. You'd definitely lost weight since he'd last thought about it, and that didn't make sense - since then he had spent most days with you and you'd been eating a good amount; he'd made sure of it.
So then the idea suddenly occurred to him, shocking and confusing; that you'd been making yourself sick. That was why you'd been loosing weight. That was why you'd lied about it. It didn't make any sense that you would do that to yourself until he thought on it a bit longer and... maybe it did. You'd never been particularly kind to yourself... but you'd never been outright unkind either.
Three nights later, awoken by your movement in the early morning, Rafe confirmed his suspicion. Usually when you got up in the night and accidentally woke him he would ignore it and go back to sleep, this time he only pretended to do so.
He listened as you crept to his bathroom, ears pricking as he heard the sound of retching. He sat up out of the bed and crept to the ajar door, peaking through the gap and grimacing at the sight. You were bent over the toilet with your hand in your mouth, eyes watering and forehead beaded with sweat.
Without your shoulders poised properly and unguarded in the yellowish bathroom light, Rafe was surprised by just how vulnerable you looked. Your body looked about ready to snap with every heave, your shoulder blades poking through your pyjama shirt like metal under a sheet.
He stood and watched until the vomit finally exited your throat, and saw the look of bliss on your face at the release. You leant over the bowl for another minute, catching your breath before pushing the handle down, jumping out of your skin at the sound of Rafe's voice.
"How long have you been doing this?" He questioned, his voice low and sounding almost completely void of emotion.
He was stood in the doorway, his arms crossed across his chest and a blank expression on his face. It worried you - not being able to read him - and you froze, suddenly terrified that you'd pissed him off. How long had he been stood there? Could you get away with this?
"Rafe- I didn't meant to wake you. I- I must have a bug or something-"
"Don't give me that bullshit Y/N. You've been making yourself sick after you eat, I know you have. Just tell me how long you've been doing it for." He said plainly, his jaw twitching.
You noticed that he was twisting one of his hands, clicking his wrist and fingers with his each moment. He was angry. Anxious tears threatened to spill over the brims of your eyes but you managed to blink them back, swallowing and taking a breath before answering. You stood up and tried to look like you were completely fine, running your hand under the tap.
"Not long. It's not a big deal." You lied. "I-I'll stop if you want me to."
"Yeah, you will stop. That shit is fucked up, Y/N." He said with aggressive certainty.
He was enraged that you'd been doing this to yourself, but he was more angry with himself for not clocking onto it sooner.
"I don't get it- do I not love you enough or something? Why would you do this to yourself?"
"What? No. Of course not. It's not your fault - it's- you love me more than enough. I'm sorry baby. I just wanted to loose some weight. I- I wanted to look good for you. F-For Midsummers." You stammered, stepping closer to him, hoping that he would open his arms and embrace you in a way that would let you know you were forgiven. He stayed still though, his arms crossed, lip curled and brows furrowed.
"So this is my fault."
"No! That's not what I meant-"
"And you're doing this to look good? You look like shit, Y/N. Take better care of yourself." He cut you off with a harsh scoff and then turned around, going back to bed without another word.
Your gut twisted and a dagger struck your heart. A real nausea rose in your body and you felt that you might actually need to be sick. Your hands shook uncontrollably and the tears that you'd previously been able to suppress spilled down your cheeks as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
Rafe had never said anything like that to you before. He'd gotten angry and told you to shut up, reminded you of all the things he did for you, told you to change your outfit, berated you for being anxious about going somewhere. But at the end of all that - you'd still always been his beautiful girl.
"I look like shit." You repeated to yourself in your head. "If Rafe ever catches me being sick again, he's going to leave me. I should've seen this coming. I'm already not good enough for him - why would he want a bulimic girlfriend?"
You splashed your face with water and stared at yourself, only seeing the gaunt tiredness and red blotches - not thinking as to why you looked that way.
"I'm going to have to find a new way to loose weight. It'll be fine. I can go to the gym." You decided, trying to calm down. "I can make Rafe think I'm beautiful again. I'll start wearing a full face of makeup every day and just keep some distance until I reach my goal weight. By this time next week, he won't even remember seeing me like this."
Eventually, you were calm enough in your delusion to crawl back into bed with him, sticking to your side and not daring to try to initiate a cuddle. He already seemed to be asleep anyway and you didn't want to wake him up again.
You were surprised to find the bed empty when you woke up the next morning, a note in place of where Rafe would usually be.
"Got to do some shit with my dad. I'll see you later." It read and you found yourself feeling sick again, becoming certain that Rafe was disgusted by you now.
The few times that you'd woken up to a note or a text like that, it always ended with a "love you". The empty space where it ought to have been mocked you. With a shaky breath, you got out of bed and pulled your clothes on, grabbing your belongings from the side before making your way to your car. Rubbing salt into the wound, Ward was downstairs.
"You alright, Y/N?" He questioned, genuine concern on the older man's face.
He liked you a lot - claiming to Rafe that it was about time he brought a nice girl home - and would sometimes worry about how his son was treating you.
"Yeah, I'm good. Just got some studying to do." You lied with a forced smile.
It was something that Ward could see right through, but he nodded anyway and allowed you to believe you'd fooled him.
"Is Rafe up yet?" He asked.
"Yeah, he's gone out to play golf, I think." You answered, entirely uncertain of the truth and starting to worry that he might actually be with another girl.
Ward rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath but smiled at you nonetheless. When you finally got home you were unsurprised yet relieved to find that your mother was out - most likely at her boyfriends - and you quickly made your way to your room, throwing yourself onto your bed and letting out the sobs you'd been suppressing.
You wanted to get up and do some exercise - to start bettering yourself as you had planned to do - but with no food in your body, you had no energy and so ended up spending the day hiding under your covers. You thought about calling Rafe, but you were too embarrassed, and then you even thought about calling Sarah - having been quite close with her before you started dating her brother - but you didn't dare to do that either. Instead, you slept and cried the day away, wondering where your boyfriend was and if he even still loved you.
Meanwhile, Rafe was sprawled across the sofa of Topper's beach house, an empty bottle of whisky on his lap and a mirror decorated with white lines at his side. He had decided to break into the residence - as he had many times before - some hours prior, calling Topper once he'd gotten inside and demanding that his friend come and meet him.
"It's eleven in the morning bro, what the hell is wrong with you?" Topper had sighed upon entering the residence, seeing that Rafe had raided his parents very expensive liquor cabinet. "You better replace all that. My dad is gonna be pissed."
Rafe scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Obviously I'm gonna replace it. When was the last time your old man came down here anyway? Isn't he too busy sucking up to mine?"
Topper ignored his blatant rudeness and sat down on the polished leather seat beside the matching sofa Rafe had claimed. He grabbed the mirror from the side and picked up the rolled up note, inhaling a line before speaking.
"What are you doing here at this time anyway? Have you been up all night?"
"No. I got up about an hour ago."
"So what are you doing then?"
Rafe sighed, snatched the mirror back from Topper and snorted another line. He let his head fall backwards and looked up at the ceiling, forcing the powder down to the back of his throat - the bitter taste having become therapeutic through his habitual use.
"I don't know if I'm good for Y/N." He muttered after a moment.
"Why not?" Topper returned, acting clueless although your mental decline had been somewhat visible to him for the last couple of weeks. He'd just assumed that you'd been doing too much coke with Rafe.
Rafe shrugged.
"I think she might just be fucked in the head, you know?"
"All women are. But with one as hot as that - you kind of just gotta put up with it. You know what I mean?" Topper snorted. "I mean, Georgia's a total fucking bitch. The other day she complained about her outfit for an hour straight! Some bullshit about how the collar of her shirt was making her look fat. God knows I wouldn't put up with it if she wasn't so fine."
Rafe rolled his eyes and spoke matter-of-factly, his head still facing the ceiling. "Yeah well Y/N isn't a bitch. And Georgia's not even that hot. Everyone knows you're just rebounding after my bitch sister."
"Shut up, man. She's got a good rack and you can't even deny that. And if Y/N's not secretly a bitch then what's the problem? You seem like you've lucked out with that one."
Topper poured himself a drink, secretly aggravated with how his friend always seemed to have things go right for him. The richest dad on the island, a good career handed down to him and a beautiful girlfriend who practically no one had anything bad to say about. Rafe had some clue to how lucky he was, but he didn't fully get it. The taller boy thought about telling his friend the truth of what he'd seen the night before, but he feared that it might reflect badly on him so he didn't for the time being. Instead, he agreed that Georgia did have a good rack and changed the subject.
Late into the evening though - after spending the entire day drinking and playing video games - the conversation came up again and this time Rafe was too inebriated to play it cool. The image of you hadn't been able to escape his mind no matter how fucked up he got and he needed to vent.
The game had been paused so that Topper could pour them more drinks, and the temporary silence was unbearable to Rafe.
"I caught Y/N making herself be sick last night." He blurted out, his tone low and solemn. "And then I was kind of a dick about it."
Topper didn't seem too interested in what Rafe was saying, his eyes fixed on the drink he was pouring as he replied "What do you mean? Like she was unwell?"
"No. Like she's fucking anorexic or something." Rafe responded with some frustration. "I think she's been doing it for a while."
At this Topper looked up, his expression seeming almost amused in his surprise.
He scoffed "Well shit. I didn't see that coming" to which Rafe quickly hissed "It's not fucking funny" and Topper's smile dropped.
"Nah you're right dude, it isn't. Sorry."
Rafe ignored his apology, continuing his rant as if he hadn't been interrupted.
"I just don't get why she would do that to herself. Do I not treat her good enough or something? Like, I thought that shit was for weird emo girls with fuckin' daddy issues or something. Why the fuck would Y/N feel the need to do that? It doesn't make any sense."
Topper shrugged and sighed. "I don't know but you should get it sorted before it gets out of hand. That's what got Josie Tenthro sent to a psych ward in the tenth grade, remember? The weird girl - weighed like ten pounds. Apparently she almost died."
Rafe sat up straight with an unamused scoff, rubbing the back of his head with one hand whilst the other reached for the coke mirror. His friend was so stupid.
"Well thanks Top that really makes me feel better. Guess I'll just ship my girlfriend off to a looney bin then, huh? Fucking dick." He seethed before inhaling a line. "I don't even know why I told you anything. Just forget about it."
Topper held his hands up defensively,
"Woah, woah. Chill out bro. That's not what I meant. You and I both know that Y/N doesn't belong in one of those places. She's a sweet girl whose obviously just a bit down in the dumps for whatever reason. Why don't you take her on a little holiday or something? Show her a real good time."
Rafe considered that option for a moment, liking the sound of it but quickly deciding that it wouldn't fix things. If anything it might make them worse. After all, you had said that you wanted to look good for him. Would some time apart be the best thing for you? Some part of him knew that it probably would be, but selfishly he couldn't allow that. He needed to be with you, and as he thought on it deeper, he needed to be with you now.
Without visibly acknowledging Topper, he grabbed his phone and dialled your number, extremely dismayed when you didn't pick up. It was only nine PM - were you really asleep already? Or had you gone out? That last option made him feel unsettled. In a split second decision, he decided that he was going to just turn up at yours and climb into your bedroom window.
"I've gotta go. I'll see you later." He mumbled to Topper, ignoring his friends questions as he headed straight to his motorbike.
The drive to yours was luckily short and the climb up the side of your house was quite easy, meaning he'd managed to do both things accident free despite his extremely intoxicated state. When he saw you curled up in your bed, forehead damp with sweat and arms wrapped tight around a pillow, any hint of insecurity or frustration vanished as he took in your appearance. You were beautiful and there was no one else he wanted more than you.
"Hey babe, wake up." He shook you lightly with a drunken grin, pleased when you stirred awake.
"Rafe?" You said groggily. "What time is it?"
"It's nine baby, how come you're asleep already?"
He was slurring more than he realised and that brought you back to all the anxiety you'd been feeling all day. What had he been doing? Drinking, obviously, but with who?
"I took a nap, I didn't mean to." You answered. You thought about expanding on your words, of maybe even questioning him, but he spoke quickly and as if your answer hadn't really mattered.
"You're like.. the prettiest girl ever. You know that?" He whispered, moving a hand to stroke your face. "I'm sorry I left this morning."
Any anger that you might've felt immediately evaporated at that. Rafe rarely apologised and hearing the words made you feel guilty.
"Don't be sorry-" you began but then he spoke again, his thumb tracing over your bottom lip.
"I am sorry, Y/N. It was a dick move. I'm really fucked up right now, I've been with Topper all day." He said with a heavy exhale. "But I just needed to come here and tell you to seriously never do that shit to yourself again. You're perfect, you don't need to do that to yourself. Is that understood?"
His eyes were wide and his jaw was tight but you were charmed nonetheless, nodding as you gazed up at his sculpted face.
"I wanna hear you say it." He said, his fingers slightly shifting position again so that he was stroking your cheek.
You swallowed nervously, entirely exposed under his gaze and unable to deny him anything.
"I'm not going to make myself sick again." You whispered, blushing as the words came out.
A smile pulled at the corner of his lips and he mumbled "good girl" before leaning down and kissing you, his touch instantly making up for the entire day. "My good, beautiful girl."
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sturnsblogs · 1 hour ago
Nerd!Chris X Mean!Girl!Reader
Chris never wanted to come to this party.
You knew that.
He wasn’t the type to enjoy loud music, meaningless small talk, and the overwhelming press of bodies in a crowded room. But he came anyway—for you. Because you wanted to go. Because you had looked at him with those eyes, pouted those lips, tugged on his hoodie with a soft, “Please, baby?”
And because Chris was Chris—because he always did whatever you wanted—he gave in.
Now, he stood quietly behind you, holding your hand while you talked to your friends, sipping his drink, listening. That was all he ever did in these situations—listen, observe, stay close to you like he belonged there, even though he knew he didn’t.
But your friends?
They noticed.
“Oh my God,” one of them groaned dramatically, rolling her eyes. “You’re so lucky your boyfriend actually lets you go out. My ex used to throw a fit if I left him home alone.”
Another girl giggled. “Yeah, but, like�� I don’t get how you do it. Chris is so… quiet.”
“And awkward,” the first girl added, taking a sip of her drink. “Like, no offense, but he’s just standing there.”
Chris’s fingers twitched against your palm.
You should’ve said something.
You should’ve told them to shut up.
But instead—
You laughed.
And then, before you could stop yourself, you said, “Yeah, he likes stupid things like studying… and Star Wars. Who even likes Star Wars?”
The words came out so easy, so casual.
Chris’s grip on your hand loosened.
The air shifted.
Your stomach sank.
You had hurt him.
You had never seen it happen in real-time before, never watched the moment where Chris shut down—his entire expression closing off, his lips parting slightly like he was about to say something, then deciding against it.
Still, his voice was soft when he tried to defend himself.
“I mean… a lot of people like Star Wars,” he murmured.
Your friends giggled. “Oh, shit, he speaks.”
Chris exhaled, adjusting his grip on his drink. “I—”
But before he could finish, you snapped.
“Chris, stop,” you hissed, turning to him with an exasperated sigh. “You’re embarrassing me.”
Dead, suffocating silence.
Chris just stared at you.
Your friends immediately looked away, pretending not to be there, pretending they hadn’t just witnessed you completely humiliate the one person who had never once humiliated you.
Chris blinked slowly. Once. Twice. Then he exhaled sharply, shaking his head with a bitter chuckle.
“Ohhh. Okay.”
You frowned. “Chris—”
“No, no,” he cut you off, voice suddenly cold. “I get it.”
Your stomach twisted.
Chris took a step back, letting go of your hand completely. “You love when I let you copy my homework. You love when I drop everything just to be with you. You love when I sit there for hours and help you study, even when you fucking whine the whole time.”
Your face burned. “Chris, don’t—”
“But the second your friends start laughing at me, suddenly I’m embarrassing?” His tone was sharp, filled with something unfamiliar.
He was mad.
Chris never got mad.
But tonight?
Tonight, he was furious.
Your chest tightened. “I didn’t mean—”
Chris scoffed, shaking his head again. “Nah, I think you did.”
And then—
He turned around and started walking away.
Your heart dropped.
Chris never walked away from you.
You chased after him immediately, shoving through the crowd, pulse pounding in your ears.
“Chris, wait—”
But he didn’t stop.
“Chris, please,” you called again, reaching for his arm.
He ripped it away from your touch.
The motion was sharp, dismissive—something Chris had never done to you before.
You froze for half a second before rushing ahead, cutting him off just before he reached the front door. “Can you just listen to me?!”
Chris’s jaw clenched. His hands curled into fists at his sides.
And then, for the first time ever, Chris snapped back.
“Oh, now you wanna talk to me?” he said, voice dripping in sarcasm. “Now that your friends aren’t watching? Now that you don’t have an audience to laugh at me?”
Your throat felt tight. “I wasn’t laughing at you.”
Chris huffed a humorless laugh, running a hand through his hair. “Yeah? Sure felt like it.”
You inhaled sharply, wrapping your arms around yourself. “I— I just got caught up in the moment, okay?”
Chris snorted. “Right. The moment.”
You swallowed hard, searching his face for anything—some sort of softness, some sign that he was willing to just let this go.
But there was nothing.
Just anger.
Just hurt.
Chris scoffed again, shaking his head. “You do realize I don’t have to be here, right?”
Your heart pounded. “Chris—”
“I didn’t want to come to this stupid party. I never want to go to these stupid parties. But I always come anyway, because you ask me to.” His voice was rising now, more frustrated, more emotional. “I follow you everywhere, Y/N. I do whatever you want. And you couldn’t even stand up for me? You couldn’t just— I don’t know—not join in on them making fun of me?”
Guilt flooded your chest.
“Chris, I—”
“No, you embarrassed me,” he cut in, pointing at himself. “You humiliated me. And you know what’s funny?” He let out a sharp, humorless laugh. “I should’ve fucking expected it.”
Your breath hitched. “Chris—”
“Because that’s just who you are, isn’t it?” He let out a slow, bitter exhale. “You’re fucking rude, Y/N.”
Your stomach dropped.
Chris never talked to you like this.
His voice was cold, detached, like he was just now realizing something. Like he was just now putting all the pieces together.
“And you know what?” He let out a sharp breath, his jaw tightening. “Sometimes, I wish I had a girlfriend who was actually nice to me.”
Your body stilled.
You felt it in your chest—in the deepest, most fragile parts of you.
Chris didn’t take it back.
He didn’t soften, didn’t reach for you, didn’t say he didn’t mean it.
He just stared at you, his arms crossed over his chest, his lips pressed into a thin line.
And for the first time ever—
You weren’t sure if he even wanted you anymore.
My beautiful babies- @blushsturns @starrii-sturns @izzylovesmatt @chrisslut04 @slvtme0utt @oopsiedaisydeer @csturnioloswifey @just-a-girl-1 @sturdyyolo @sturnslvtt @sturnbows @sturniolosrtewsexy @chriss-slutt @franticroads @thecrawlys @ribbonlovergirl @freshlyinlovewchris @whore4chris @matts-girlfriend @ariana3lovesu @cass-sturn @sturns-mermaid @sunrisemill
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thollandneedy · 2 days ago
Hallo! Can you write something about Peters and readers first make up? Doesn’t have to be anything too nsfw 😽
A/n: BABY I'M SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO RESPOND! I'm a college student and english teacher so my schedule is crazy. Thank u for the request tho! I hope you like it
Warnings: Actually just heavy make out
Don’t forget to share, like, comment and leave your ideas here
Bellah’s Masterlist 🪻
Truth or dare- Peter Parker
Y/n was never the kind of girl who had many friends, mainly because she was completely excluded from social circles at school due to her lack of boldness. Y/n wasn't one for going to parties, drinking until she dropped, and having sex with random boys just to count on her fingers how many people had already passed through her body. Unlike them, Y/n sought real connections with people who cared about her, and the only person she could think of was Peter Parker.
The boy with the brown eyes and messy curls had always been there for her, cheering her up when no one had asked her out on Valentine's Day or even when she had her first break-up in the first year of high school. Third year was about to end, and it wasn't as if she'd never done anything with a boy, but it had never been like it was with Peter.
And it all happened over a game of truth or dare.
“I don't understand how you can be team Conrad.” Y/n says to Peter while watching the show.
“I'm not, but I think he's misunderstood.” Peter retorts, settling down on the sofa in Y/n's living room.
“He was literally an asshole with Belly, and when he had the chance to date her, he just broke it off because he didn't want to get involved in a relationship after his mother died.” The girl pressed the pause button on the remote control, turning to the brunette as she explained her thesis.
“And Jeremiah has always wanted everything that was his brother's. I like him better than Conrad in some ways, but there's no denying that Conrad loved Belly and Jeremiah was just in love.” Peter turned his torso towards the girl who had the light of the television reflected on her skin and her long black silk pyjamas.
“Oh, for God's sake” The girl throws her head back, laughing to herself.
“I can't believe we're discussing 'The summer that I turned pretty', while your parents are at a fancy, expensive dinner, probably filling up on wine to catch up later.” Peter says, pulling his cell phone out of his pocket to check the time.
“Oh, Peter! Shut up, that's disgusting!” Y/n exclaims, covering her ears.
“We should do something fun.” Peter says, tossing his cell phone next to the empty candy bags and approaching his best friend.
“Like what?” The girl asked, approaching him, who gave her a thoughtful look.
“I don't know. What's your idea?” Peter replied, crossing his arms exposed by the 'Star Wars' short-sleeved shirt he was wearing.
“Truth or dare?” Y/n suggested, drawing a laugh from him.
“Just us?” Peter asks, even though he already knows the answer.
“Hey! My puppy's in the living room too, you know?” Y/n points to the other side of the room, where her puppy is camping out on a pink rug, sleeping peacefully.
The room had low lights, while some windows were open so that the cold air could enter the room and the blankets became more and more usable. It was almost a ritual that every Friday, Peter and Y/n would get together to go out after school, it could be any kind of activity, but just the two of them. Not that they didn't have other friends, but unlike anyone else, they both had an energy that no one else could match. It was as if they were the only people who really understood each other, and that made them inseparable. Some people said that friendship between a man and a woman never worked out, but for them, it was never a fact that prevented intimacy.
Peter and Y/n shared everything, even the most intimate things they could tell someone.
“Okay, okay.” Peter raises both hands in an act of surrender. “You start since you had the idea.”
“Truth or dare?” The girl asks, placing both hands between her legs.
“Why did you stop liking Liz Allen?” Y/n asked, causing the brunette to react with a silent ‘wow’, drawing a laugh from her.
“Um, I kind of understood that we were never going to have anything. After I kissed her the first time, I just had that feeling that she wasn't the right person, you know? And I don't want to bet my cards on something that could go wrong.” Peter replied, staring into the tired eyes of Y/n, who was leaning back against the colorful cushions of the light sofa.
“I want the truth too.” The girl anticipates his words.
Peter thought carefully before asking, allowing his curiosity to go beyond his decency.
“Did you and your ex… you know? You never said anything, so I assumed you'd never done anything, but I don't know? Maybe you didn't want to tell me.” Peter gets lost in the middle of his explanations, causing his friend to put one of her hands over her own mouth to cover her loud laughter.
“Peter, you naughty boy.” Y/n jokes, throwing one of the pillows that was on his back at the boy, who quickly manages to catch the fluffy object. “Shit, sometimes I forget you have superpowers.”
“That's right,” he says, throwing the pillow back at the girl, who smiles and tries to cover herself with the brown blanket.
“Um, no. We didn't get past second base, but I didn't care much about that either. I think it was even better that it didn't happen, because I feel like I would have regretted it.” Y/n replied, looking at his fingers as he said it.
“And why do you think that?” Peter asks, laying his shoulder against the cushions.
“I can't say. I think it's the same thing that happened with Liz. She just… wasn't the right person, you know?” Y/n replied, smiling emotionlessly.
Peter didn't see Y/n as a possible girlfriend, not least because it had never crossed his mind that he might have feelings for her. The brunette told himself that Y/n was the only person he could ever think of breaking his heart with, as she was too valuable to him to have any other feelings for her, which would eventually end their years of friendship. However, something inside him seemed to want to jump out of his chest and propose something.
“I want a dare this time.” Peter announced.
“Wow, Peter Parker being radical.” Y/n jokes. “What do you have in mind for a challenge? Eating cinnamon?”
“Kissing you.” Peter says, causing Y/n's face to lose the smiling expression on his lips, as if his stomach had dropped.
Like Peter, Y/n didn't think of him as a possible romance, even though she occasionally dried him off in the gym when she was doing bench presses. However, there was no kind of romantic involvement that could affect their friendship to the point of breaking up, since the idea of not having each other seemed to be suffocating.
“I think the wine we drank was spoiled.” Y/n comments jokingly. “Seriously, Peter. Do you think that would be a good idea?”
“I think a bad idea would be for us to stay with people who could hurt us. If we did it together, it wouldn't be bad because we already know each other, you know?” Peter explains, standing up.
“So you're proposing that we take each other's virginity?” Y/n frowned, still feeling her heart leap out of her chest.
As much as he wanted to fight the feeling, his brain kept getting lost in a thousand and one thoughts.
“Well, it would be more yours than mine.” Peter commented, looking away, causing an insight to flash through Y/n's mind as he remembered that his best friend was no longer a virgin.
“And then we'll pretend it didn't happen?” Y/n also stood up, taking the brown blanket she had on top of her.
“I'll act however you want me to. I don't want to make you uncomfortable.” Peter says, still unable to decipher whether the questions being asked were a yes or a no.
Y/n bites her lower lip, quickly analyzing all the possible possibilities she can think of. The girl denied it to herself, taking a deep breath and giving up. The screen on her cell phone was only eight in the evening, so she would have time before her parents got home and possibly disrupted something between the two of them.
“Are you sure about this? I don't want it to be something impulsive.” Y/n confesses.
“I would never hurt you.” Peter holds one of her hands, allowing his torso to come closer to hers.
Their eyes meet in a second, as if everything is silent. Parker smiles, expressing a line, and then squeezes the delicate hands of the girl whose heart was about to burst out of her mouth.
“I want you to be able to have a good time, with someone you trust and who won't pretend they don't know you when it's over.” Peter says, drawing a silly laugh from her. “But if you don't want to, that's fine too. We pretend to be drunk and forget about it in the morning.”
Silence hangs in the air once again, and the sound of cars honking are the only sounds that can be heard. Y/n could feel her legs getting weaker and weaker, and her chest heavier as she looked at every detail of Peter. His innocent eyes, his brunette hair that came down in a few messy curls and small expression lines in his eyes from smiling too much. Y/n approaches him, making their airs mingle.
“ Is everything all right?” Y/n asked, almost touching Peter's soft lips.
“Please.” He says almost pleadingly, until their lips meet.
Peter kissed her as if he didn't want her to slip out of his arms, while the girl's delicate fingers found the boy's brunette curls.
It was a strong kiss, with a rush and readiness to do anything.And as much as they had once said that they would never think of each other in a sexual way, it seemed that their bodies didn't think so. It was urgent, suffocating and needy. Y/n ran his nails down the back of his best friend's neck, drawing a gasp from him.Peter responded with kisses that went down to her neck, leaving no marks, but rather wet spaces all over it, causing her hair to stand on end and her eyes to close. “You're so beautiful.” He says between wet kisses.
“And you're very hot.”
The girl's hands go down to the hem of Peter's pajamas, feeling his abdominal muscles and warm skin. Peter smiles to himself as he feels his best friend's cold hands touching him, not guiding her so that she feels comfortable enough to do what she feels like doing.
Peter feels his sweatpants getting tighter and tighter, while Y/n's body seems to be begging to be touched in every way. The girl's hands shyly descend briefly to the hem of the brunette's pants, but quickly return to his abdomen as if she were just playing with him. A dangerous game.
The brunette continues kissing her neck, until one of his hands passes behind the girl's ass, lifting her up and placing her on his lap without taking his lips off her. His hands began to grip her buttocks firmly, pressing them closer and closer to him. Y/n moaned low in response against Peter's ear, giving him permission to return his lips to hers, hungrier and hungrier as she was. Their tongues battled for dominance, making their tastes mingle.
“Peter.” Y/n said softly, holding his head gently.
“Yes, love.” Peter stops immediately.
“Take me to my room.” She asks with reddened lips.
“Whatever you want.”
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sunflw3rbouquet · 2 days ago
doctor! doctor! - hc
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zayne x doctor!male reader
overview: zayne and his doctor boyfriend hc! notes: condensing the medical career bc this is fiction and lighthearted (i didn't wanna be logical), not lore compliant (reader is a doctor), cute boyfriends, unedited again bc of time, reader cooks tw: mentions of being a doctor!
…sun✰ ive been on lads for over a month now and zayne is the loml
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✰as much as the two of you would like to pretend your relationship was some interesting office romance, it truly didn’t start like that ✰you went to the same med school, that was the only reason you knew each other. ✰zayne was a 3rd year while you were a 1st year,  ✰you had mutual friends, which allowed you to meet decently often ✰you didn’t get together until you were a 2nd year and he was a 4th year, but you’ve been together ever since! ✰he was the one to ask you out, mostly because he hates being in the dark about important things, like your feelings for each other ✰however, he couldn’t have chosen a worse time if he tried
y/n had just finished his first cadaver dissection of his second year of med school. he had been standing up for almost the whole day, his back aching as he finished the last dissection. the doctor watching the students' work dismissed them, instructing them on the work they had to complete before their next class.
the students talked calmly as they excited, a slouch forming in y/n’s posture as he walked to the biohazard trash can. he took off his ppe, sweat drenching the area under his gloves and chest. the cool air of the restroom took the edge off the heat. the bathroom was on the opposite side of the hallway, y/n shutting the door to the surgery room behind him before entering in the restroom. after approaching the sink, he splashed water on his face, his black undershirt covered in sweat stains. he looked as bad as he felt, the 8 plus hour surgery a monster on his body.
as he exited the restroom he was met with zayne standing outside, a look of subtle panic etching the man’s usually stoic face. “can we talk, y/n?” zayne asked, blinking once after he finished the sentence. y/n thought he could hear the smallest quiver in his voice while he spoke.
“can it wait a bit? i just finished my dissection-“ y/n asked, zayne running a hand through his hair, glasses falling down his face. he was wearing a pair of grey, cotton scrubs, his hospital id hanging from the pocket in his pants. purple bags lived right under his tear ducts, but not only were they not as noticeable as other students’, they somehow made him look more attractive.
“it’s urgent.” zayne had lost the fear that rested in his voice, his hand moving to push up his silver glasses that had fallen down his nose. taking a deep breath, y/n pushed his hair back, sighing. 
y/n expected for zayne to say something, but there was silence. unbearable, loud silence. he looked at the man, waiting for the words to leave his lips. y/n’s eyebrow raised, lips pressing into a straight line.
“would you like to go on a date with me?” zayne asked, his eyes glimmering with the smallest bits of emotion. y/n’s jaw almost dropped, eyes widening.
“i would love to, oh my god.” he spoke, zayne’s hand trailing to find y/n’s. 
“are you free wednesday?” “for you, i am.”
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✰like the snow melting on a sunny, spring day, zayne warmed up almost the instant they got together ✰his indifferent expressions turned into bright smiles, and his awkward posture turned into comfortable and relaxed affection ✰zayne is a cuddle bug. entirely. ✰long shifts and tiring days drain every cent of energy from his body, and now that you’re boyfriends, there’s something to replenish his energy!
the clock read 3:37.
y/n had finished his shower, damp hair resting on the pillow of his full bed as he waited for zayne to finish washing up. the two were home late for different reasons: y/n had finished another dissection and was writing multiple essays, while zayne was in the final stretch of his shift.
every second that ticked by made y/n want to close his eyes even more. it was exhausting staying up. it was exhausting working every day. he wished for a break more than he wished for the sun to shine bright on a cold day and for a glass of water when he was thirsty. 
and then zayne entered the room.
water dripped from his short bangs, pajamas hanging loosely on his body as he practically limped to the bed because of the sore muscles in his legs and back. but this zayne, this tired, wrecked, zayne, made everything worth it.
“my bloods going to start clotting if i keep only standing and sitting all day.” zayne muttered, sitting down on the bed before pulling the covers on top of him. y/n laughed, moving closer so he was next to zayne’s side.
“you’re going to get a cold if you fall asleep with wet hair.” y/n spoke, adjusting zayne so he was sitting up, stealing the damp towel from his hands to dry the man’s hair. zayne scoffed, moving his hands to rest on y/n’s thigh. 
“that’s not real, you know?” y/n rolled his eyes, rubbing his head a little harder, just to let zayne know he meant to tease him.
“i’m just trying to be a caring boyfriend, stop going all doctor on me.” y/n pouted, shifting once more so he now sat on zayne’s lap. zayne smiled, his hands wrapping around his boyfriend’s waist as a smile creeped onto his face.
“oh, i see. carry on then, handsome boyfriend.” zayne smiled proudly. y/n let out a scoff, pressing a soft kiss to zayne’s cheek. “finish drying my hair, i feel a cold coming.” y/n stopped his movement of drying the man’s hair, looking at his face. he cocked his eyebrow, zayne’s lips pursing. the man let out a fake cough, doe eyes sparkling as he looked at y/n.
it took all of the strength in y/n’s body to not give in to the man. but sadly, he still gave in to him. he leaned forward, a pressing a kiss to his lips happily. “i love you, now sit still so i can dry your hair.” y/n muttered, zayne breaking into a smile, any traces of that “cold” gone.
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✰residency was truly when the “office romance” started  ✰due to the opening of the deepspace tunnel all those years ago, linkon city’s medical program had condensed substantially, meaning zayne was already out of residency and a cardio surgeon by the time y/n was a first year resident at akso hospital ✰long glances at each other when walking through the halls turned into lingering touches when you visited him in his office in the second you were alone ✰somehow, seeing zayne at work but not being able to engage with him was harder than seeing him a little a home
y/n sat on the couch in zayne’s office, his arms grazing the floor as they moved back and forth.
“you’re so mean, zayne.” y/n pouted, his eyes looking up from the piece of the floor he was touching to see zayne sitting at his desk. zayne was looking at the files on his desk, sifting through papers until a certain section caught his eye, causing his eyebrows to furrow. there was no response to y/n’s statement, much to y/n’s dislike. “you see! you’re ignoring me. i finally have a break while you do and you just ignore your boyfriend of 2 years.”
with a sigh, zayne picked up his head from the papers he was processing. he changed his gaze to meet with y/n’s. “how am i mean?” he asked, a smile appearing on his lips. the new attention made a heat run to y/n’s face.
“you’re.” he started, his words failing to come out smoothly. y/n coughed to clear his throat, a smile appearing on his lips. “you’re ignoring your boyfriend when he’s busy and came to see you.” zayne stood up from his desk and walked over to the couch. he leaned down, his hand reaching out to caress y/n’s head.
“i’m sorry. i might not have patients, but i have things to read and charts to do. it doesn’t mean i don’t love you.” he whispered, zayne’s fingers caressing through the strands of y/n’s hair. “i’ll pay attention to you now, i finished my work.” y/n leaned into his touch, nodding happily.
“i know you don’t hate me. i like teasing you.” y/n said, adjusting his position on the couch so zayne could sit down comfortably, y/n resting on his chest.
“you didn’t say it back.” zayne spoke, y/n’s hands mindlessly playing with zayne’s long fingers. he caressed the scars on the knuckles while zayne held him tightly. 
“what did i not say back?” y/n asked, looking up from zayne’s hand after zayne’s arms squished him once more. zayne sighed, his fingers breaking from y/n’s grasp to squish the man’s cheeks.
“you didn’t tell me you loved me after i said it.” there was almost a pout in zayne’s voice. was he really that upset?
“i love you sooooo much, my zayne! don’t forget that.” y/n said, his head leaning back to see zayne. with a smile, zayne responded back quietly. their lips inched closer together, contact happening for only a millisecond before there was a knock at zayne’s off.
y/n jumped off the couch in fear at the noise, hitting zayne’s chin. he ran to the chair in front of zayne’s desk, zayne rubbing his face while calling the person in to enter his office. “i have the information you requested, dr. zayne.” the resident said, entering in while zayne walked to his desk. “oh, hi y/n.” y/n nervously waved back to the resident, a small smile on his face.
couldn’t y/n have zayne to himself for a moment?
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✰with the increasing of wanderers in linkon city, positions in the hospital were rearranged once more, and y/n was now in the upper levels as a thoracic surgeon ✰this change also corresponded with the couple’s 4th year anniversary! ✰now that y/n was not a resident, the couple could finally be public in the hospital ✰it was the flip of a switch: one day zayne and y/n acted like normal coworkers, then the next, they were walking to lunch holding hands, comfortably chatting
the change was amazing. being with his boyfriend in public was amazing. zayne’s hand was laced with y/n’s, a soft smile on the latter’s face as zayne talked about his morning.
“the resident i was talking to you about did really good on their rounds this morning. i think they’re flourishing into a confident doctor.” zayne’s voice was steady, his gaze matched with y/n’s. “oh, and the patient who had a cardiac tamponade is recovering well. they should be discharged by the end of the week.” y/n listened to zayne, nodding his head every so often to show he was listening.
zayne’s monologue continued as they walked to the cafeteria, sitting down at a table that caught a majority of the light from the large windows. staff and patients walked around the area, some sneaking glances at the two affectionate doctors.
“i brought two different options, so take whichever you want.” y/n said, opening his lunch kit to reveal two glass containers, one with cold noodles and one with an omelet leftover from breakfast. zayne reached for the cold noodles, opening the lid. he grabbed the two spoons and chopsticks, handing one of each to y/n.
“have some, these are the ones you made. they’re really good.” zayne said, already digging in to the meal. y/n smiled, taking a spoonful of the broth before trying the noodles.
“woah, these are good. i only made them for your lunch while i was at home two days ago, so i haven’t tried them.” y/n spoke, zayne’s expression one full of happiness.
“i love you. if i didn’t tell you that today. and this is not because of the cold noodles, but it’s a little because of that.” zayne rambled, y/n pecking his cheek.
“i love you too. let’s eat quick, because then we can go outside on a walk before we have to go to work again.” y/n spoke as he pulled away, zayne nodding.
the couple ate their lunch, zayne packing up in lightning speed before reaching for y/n’s hand. the two made their way to the outdoor garden, a smile on y/n’s face as he rested his head on zayne’s shoulder. the conversation between them had gone quiet, the silence allowing them to enjoy the presence of one another. the springtime had caused flowers to bloom in the hospital grounds, zayne picking a pink buttercup from the grass and handing it y/n, repeating the process until the man had a bouquet and they both had flowers tucked behind their ears.
they could get used to this.
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✰in the present, y/n and zayne are both attendings at akso hospital! ✰all of that worked had finally paid off (and all of that money) ✰the matched level of seniority allowed y/n and zayne to have a more synced schedule, which gives you more time together ✰7 years had passed since the couple had gotten together, and they couldn’t be happier ✰they held hands in between surgeries, instructed residents together, and were stuck at the hip whenever they weren’t needed for something emergent ✰they were the model couple of the hospital (so much so that the hospital wanted to use them in promotional material) ✰there are two things zayne loves in this world: y/n and his job, so having them together all the time might have just made him the happiest man alive
y/n’s couch was soft. zayne had picked it out himself, grumbling about how he “regretted the couch he bought for the own office” and he “wanted to make sure his boyfriend was comfortable”. y/n didn’t fully believe this answer.
especially paired with the fact that zayne was now always in his office.
“did you buy this couch specifically so you could bother me while i’m working?” y/n asked, staring at his boyfriend as zayne flopped onto the couch. 
“no, i bought it because it’s soft and you never-” he said, y/n cutting him off, his hand mimicking zayne’s mouth.
“get enough rest! you stay here when you’re on call instead of coming home to ME to cuddle.” y/n mocked, his lips forming the same pout zayne makes when giving the same speech. a weak laugh escaped zayne’s lips at the mockery, y/n cooing. “did i embarrass you?” he asked, getting up from his seat to lay himself over zayne’s spread out body.
“ouch. and no, i’m not embarrassed, i’m happy you know me so well.” zayne said, his nose touching y/n’s. their eyes held each other in a tight gaze for what could have been nothing more than a second before y/n felt zayne’s lips on his on, gentle moving back and forth, waiting for y/n’s to kiss him back.
y/n responded back, a conversation without words reverberating between the two.
i love you.
i love you even though i’m tired every day. 
i love you even though work is hard and scary.
i love you for you, and everything you are to me.
i love you.
there was a knock of the door of y/n’s office, y/n pulling away for a moment to respond to the person. “i’m busy! if it’s not an emergency, come back later!” zayne barely let y/n’s response ring before he laughed, connecting their lips again. they were in their rightful place. with each other, loving each other, holding each other.
nothing in the world could top it.
✰happiness couldn’t describe all the feelings that zayne felt about y/n (and vice versa) ✰y/n made him so happy, in fact, that there’s a box containing a ring with a big, glittering diamond sitting inside zayne’s desk right now
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my handsome man, zayne <3 2708 words
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lilangelbud · 1 day ago
Ok, I don’t know if you’ll be into this, but hear me out:
Dad’s best friend that you’ve been into since high school, but he ignored all of your flirtations. Until you came home from college for the summer. Not even thinking about it, you flirt with him, not thinking he’ll act on it. But you’re fair game now. Maybe he’s a lil psycho, but he actually loves you and he’s willing to do anything to make sure you love him too.
Also he def has salt and pepper hair, is in his late 30s or 40s, smokes, and drinks whisky neat. I literally can’t get this out of my head.
The summer sun hung heavy in the sky, casting a lazy warmth over the backyard. You leaned against the wooden railing of the patio, watching as smoke curled from the cigarette between your father’s best friend’s fingers. His salt-and-pepper hair caught the light, gleaming silver where it was streaked through with gray. He was in his late thirties—maybe early forties—but age suited him, carved lines into his face that only made him more arresting. The sharp edge of his jaw, the way he held himself with an easy, confident swagger. He’d always been like this, effortlessly magnetic. And you’d always noticed.
“You’re back,” he said, his voice low and gravelly, like it had been roughed up by whiskey and smoke. He didn’t look at you, just took a slow drag from his cigarette, exhaling a plume of smoke that danced in the air between you.
“Just for the summer,” you replied, your tone light, playful. You’d flirted with him before, back in high school, but he’d always brushed it off, treated you like a kid. But you weren’t a kid anymore. You were home from college, and the way he looked at you now—like he was seeing you for the first time—made something stir low in your stomach.
“College treating you well?” he asked, finally turning to face you. His eyes were dark, intense, and they held yours in a way that made your breath hitch. There was something dangerous in them, something that sent a shiver down your spine.
“It’s been… interesting,” you said, smiling a little. You stepped closer, not thinking about it, just letting instinct guide you. He didn’t move, didn’t retreat, just watched you with that same unreadable expression. “You been keeping busy?”
He chuckled, a deep, rich sound that made your pulse quicken. “Busy enough,” he said, taking another drag. “You’ve been gone a long time.”
There was something in his tone, something that made your heart skip a beat. Was that… jealousy? You dismissed the thought, shaking your head. He’d never been interested in you before. Why would he start now?
You leaned in a little closer, the scent of whiskey and cigarettes wrapping around you like a familiar embrace. “Miss me?”
His eyes darkened, and for a moment, you thought he might pull away, might laugh it off like he always had. But instead, he reached out, his fingers brushing against your cheek, sending a jolt of electricity through you. “More than you know.”
The words were soft, almost a whisper, but they hit you like a punch to the chest. Your breath caught, and you couldn’t look away, couldn’t move. His touch was warm, rough, and it lingered, trailing down your jawline before he dropped his hand.
“You’ve grown up,” he said, his voice low, almost a growl. There was something in his tone, something possessive, and it sent a thrill through you.
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady, even as your heart raced. You weren’t sure what was happening, but you didn’t want it to stop.
He stepped closer, his body blocking out the sun, casting you in shadow. You could feel the heat radiating off him, could smell the whiskey on his breath as he leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear. “You should.”
The words sent a shiver down your spine, and you felt your knees go weak. This wasn’t the same man who’d ignored your flirtations, who’d treated you like a kid. This was someone else entirely, someone who looked at you like he wanted to devour you.
He pulled back, his eyes scanning your face, and you could see the hunger in them, raw and unrestrained. “You’ve always been trouble,” he said, his voice rough. “But now… now you’re fair game.”
The words sent a jolt through you, and you felt a surge of heat between your legs. Fair game. The thought made your head spin, made your breath come faster. You wanted this, wanted him, but there was something dangerous about it, something that made your stomach churn with excitement and fear.
He reached out again, his fingers tangling in your hair, pulling you closer. His lips brushed against yours, a whisper of a touch that made your heart race. “You’re mine now,” he said, his voice low and possessive.
The words sent a thrill through you, and you felt yourself melt into him, your body pressing against his. His kiss was rough, demanding, and it left you breathless, your head spinning. He tasted like whiskey and smoke, and it was intoxicating, consuming you entirely.
His hands moved over you, rough and insistent, and you felt a surge of heat as he pulled you against him, his body hard and unyielding. You wanted him, needed him, and the thought of stopping never even crossed your mind.
He broke the kiss, his breathing ragged, and you could see the hunger in his eyes, raw and unrestrained. “Say it,” he demanded, his voice rough. “Say you’re mine.”
The words were out before you could think, before you could stop yourself. “I’m yours.”
He growled, a low, primal sound, and then his lips were on yours again, his kiss fierce and demanding. His hands moved over you, rough and insistent, and you felt a surge of heat as he pulled you against him, his body hard and unyielding.
He broke the kiss, his breathing ragged, and you could see the hunger in his eyes, raw and unrestrained. “Again,” he demanded, his voice rough.
“I’m yours,” you whispered, the words sending a thrill through you.
He growled, a low, primal sound, and then his lips were on yours again, his kiss fierce and demanding. His hands moved over you, rough and insistent, and you felt a surge of heat as he pulled you against him, his body hard and unyielding.
“You’re mine,” he said, his voice low and possessive. “And I’m going to make sure you never forget it.”
His hands were everywhere, rough and insistent, pulling you closer, pressing you against him until you could feel every hard inch of his body. His lips crashed into yours again, demanding, consuming, leaving no space for thought, only sensation.
You gasped into his mouth, your hands clutching at his shoulders, digging into the fabric of his shirt. His tongue swept against yours, hot and possessive, and a moan escaped, muffled by his kiss. He pulled back just enough to look at you, his dark eyes blazing with something wild, something untamed.
“Say it again,” he commanded, his voice a rough scrape against your senses.
“I’m yours,” you whispered, the words trembling on your lips, but they were enough. A low, guttural sound rumbled from his chest, and then his lips were on yours again, his kiss harder, deeper, more desperate. His hands slid down your back, gripping your hips, pulling you flush against him. You could feel the hard press of his arousal against your stomach, and it sent a thrill of heat spiraling through you.
His lips left yours, trailing down your jaw, your neck, his teeth grazing your skin in a way that made you shiver. “Mine,” he muttered against your throat, his breath hot, his voice rough. One of his hands slid up your side, his thumb brushing against the curve of your breast, and you gasped, arching into his touch.
“You’ve been driving me crazy,” he said, his voice low, ragged. “Every time I saw you, every time you smiled at me, I wanted this. Wanted you.” His lips found the sensitive spot just below your ear, and you moaned, your fingers tangling in his hair. “But you were too young. Too innocent.” His hand moved lower, skimming over your waist, your hip, and then he was grabbing your thigh, pulling it up to hook over his hip. The movement pressed you even closer, and you could feel the hard length of him against your core.
“But now,” he murmured, his lips brushing against yours again, “now you’re all grown up.” His hand slid between your legs, his fingers pressing against the fabric of your shorts, and you gasped, your body arching into his touch. “And I’m not going to hold back.”
His fingers found the edge of your shorts, slipping beneath the fabric, and you whimpered, your hands clutching at his shoulders. His fingers brushed against your wetness, and a moan broke from your lips. “Fuck,” he muttered, his voice rough, strained. “You’re so fucking wet for me.” His fingers slid lower, teasing, stroking, and you gasped, your hips bucking against his hand.
“Please,” you whispered, your voice trembling, your body aching for more.
He pulled back, his eyes dark, intense, and you could see the hunger in them, raw and unrestrained. “Say it,” he growled, his voice low, demanding.
“I’m yours,” you gasped, the words tumbling from your lips without thought, without hesitation.
A low, possessive growl rumbled from his chest, and then his lips were on yours again, his kiss fierce, demanding. His hands moved to the waistband of your shorts, tugging them down, and you stepped out of them, your breath coming in shallow gasps. His hands slid up your thighs, his fingers rough, calloused, and then he was pulling you closer, lifting you, and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
He carried you, his lips never leaving yours, his kiss hot, insistent, and you could feel the heat of him, the strength of him, pressing against you. He laid you down on the cool grass, the summer sun warm on your skin, and then he was over you, his body hard, unyielding. His hands moved over you, rough, possessive, and you whimpered, your body arching into his touch.
His lips left yours, trailing down your neck, your chest, and you gasped as his mouth closed over your nipple, his tongue hot, wet, sending shivers of pleasure through you. His hand slid down your stomach, his fingers brushing against your wetness, and you moaned, your hips bucking against his touch.
“So fucking wet,” he muttered, his voice rough, strained. His finger slid inside you, and you gasped, your body clenching around him. He added another finger, stretching you, filling you, and you moaned, your hands clutching at his shoulders. His thumb circled your clit, and you cried out, your body writhing beneath him.
“Please,” you gasped, your voice trembling, your body aching for more.
He pulled his fingers from you, and you whimpered, your body arching, needing, wanting. He undid his belt, the sound loud in the quiet of the backyard, and then he was kicking off his jeans, his cock springing free, hard, thick, and you gasped at the sight of it. He gripped himself, stroking once, twice, and then he was positioning himself at your entrance, the head of his cock pressing against you.
“Mine,” he growled, his voice low, rough, and then he was pushing inside, filling you, stretching you, and you cried out, your nails digging into his shoulders. He stayed there for a moment, letting you adjust, his breath coming in ragged gasps, and then he was moving, pulling out, thrusting back in, and you moaned, your body arching into his.
His hands gripped your hips, holding you still as he thrust into you, his cock hitting that spot inside you that made you see stars. “Fuck,” you gasped, your hands clutching at his arms, your body trembling beneath him. His pace was steady, relentless, each thrust driving you closer to the edge. His lips found yours again, his kiss hot, desperate, and you moaned into his mouth, your body shuddering with pleasure.
“That’s it,” he growled, his voice rough, strained. “Take it. Take all of me.” He thrust harder, deeper, and you cried out, your body clenching around him, your orgasm rushing through you like a tidal wave. He groaned, his body stiffening, and then he was coming, his cock pulsing inside you, filling you with his warmth.
He collapsed on top of you, his breath coming in ragged gasps, his body trembling with the force of his release. You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close, your body still humming with pleasure. His lips brushed against your neck, and you shivered, his touch sending a thrill through you.
“Mine,” he murmured, his voice low, rough, and you nodded, your fingers tangling in his hair.
“Yours,” you whispered, the word soft, but filled with meaning. His arms tightened around you, and you let yourself relax, the warmth of the summer sun on your skin, the sound of his heartbeat in your ear. You belonged to him now, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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pawirl · 2 days ago
Satosugu- Echoes of Infinity
this is written in the format of an unsent letter
dear satoru,
i find myself rewriting this letter over and over again, failing to find words that could explain something, anything. my mind races day in and day out of that day, the last time our eyes met, the last time i heard your voice. i can’t understand why i’m angry at you, as if i thought you would actually leave it all behind for me. you always have been the hero, haven’t you? i always knew in the back of my mind, that i was second to your precious world, that you always would’ve chosen the jujutsu world, and all the “normal” people over me. i always knew i was going to leave, ever since riko died, i knew that i had to leave. nothing was making sense anymore, and i thought by leaving and doing what i did, that it would help.
satoru, i’m losing my mind without you, i can’t believe how bad it is, how much i love you. i miss the scent of your cologne, the way your hands felt against my skin, it’s a warmth i constantly chase, a smell i constantly search for. why didn’t you come with me? asking that question is so silly, i can ramble on and on about why, but i don’t think i’ll ever get an answer. we could’ve lived a quiet life if you really wanted to, just in the countryside. satoru, i’m so madly in love with you, why didn’t you see it? what even were we?
do you remember that night in okinawa? i don’t think you do, you never mentioned it. we were up all night making sure riko was safe, you said you weren’t tired, but your eyes were drooping and you were leaning on me. you came right up to our lips almost meeting and told me you wouldn’t fall asleep. it was the first time i had ever seen your eyes so close up. how beautiful you were without admiring a photo. without even thinking i leaned in and i kissed you. your lips were so soft and i cupped your face and felt how soft your skin was, my other arm snaking around you, and i could feel your body go slack against mine. when i pulled away, your head fell onto my chest, asleep. i remember laughing to myself, thinking about how crazy i was for kissing my best friend when he was vulnerable. and even after realizing that, i still ran my fingers through your hair, thick and white, it was getting long, but i knew you were going to cut it soon. i moved you to the couch and covered you, i stayed up there rest of the night watching riko… or, i was really just watching you. i must’ve smoked two packs of cigarettes in that one night. the thing i had wondered the most that night was why your infinity was off. when you woke up that morning, i almost wanted to ask, but i fell asleep before anything. you let me rest the whole day while you and riko played on the sand again. i wonder if you thought about that night, if you remember the way my hands felt on you. how my lips felt against yours. i doubt it. i think about it every day, it’s been so long since then, and yet i can’t get you out of my head. that day i left, i told you that even killing me would have meaning behind it, did you really think about killing me? i turned my back to you and that was the last thing i ever said to you.
did you not notice when i was getting worse and worse after riko’s death? you of all people should have seen right through me and my lies. i’m so angry with you, i just wish you came with me instead of staying at jujutsu high. i would’ve left it all behind for you, you would’ve never even have to doubt my love for you, my dedication and loyalty. satoru, i miss calling your name out, i miss our stupid banter, the way you laugh and the way you made me laugh. will i ever be that happy again? i haven't gotten a good nights rest since riko died. i want to lay in your bed again, i want to smell you in the sheets, your shampoo in your pillows. i’ve killed so many people satoru. did you know i took in those twin girls from that case in the village? i only have you, but i don’t even have you. you were sent to kill me, and you let me go. what were we satoru? i had never seen you so angry since that day in shinjuku. i miss you so dearly, i should’ve told you sooner how much i loved you, maybe it would’ve changed something. we could’ve spent all that time as a couple, would you have come with me then? would i have stayed? would things have gotten better if i did? i want to know what kind of lover you are. would you even accept me if i came back? it’s too late for me to come back either way, you know this is something i need to do.
god, satoru, why? i know i was the one who left but why didn’t you chase after me? no one knows me better than you, and im the only one who treats you like you’re just gojo satoru, not “the strongest”. i feel like tearing my hair out, like screaming and crying. and i’ve done so much of it already, we weren’t even anything but friends, and this letter will probably never find you right? they’ll confiscate it if i send it, like id ever send you any curses. they never believed in me like you did, satoru. you’re the only person who didn’t make me feel like a tool. like i was just made to absorb curses. so many memories flood me as i write this. my moments of dreariness when id come back from a mission, throwing up the contents of my stomach, heaving over the toilet, hair sticking to my mouth and face. i’d never admit the tears that would escape me in those moment. you’d find me with my forehead pressed against the toilet seat, passed out, finally. maybe you think i don’t remember any of that right? when you’d pick me up as if i was nothing and carry me back to my room. you’d clean my face off with a rag gently not to wake me, clean up my hair and push it back so i wouldn’t overheat. you’d brush my teeth for me, your hand cupping my face softly. maybe this memory is just a delusion of mine of something i wish that happened. it’s entirely possible that i just found my way back to my room and have no memory of cleaning up. did you say you loved me then? or is that just a hallucination as well.
satoru, come to me please, find me again, please never love someone the way you loved me. never be friends with someone the way we were friends.
i love you satoru.
your one and only.
i literally don’t know how to format this sorry guys
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mrsmadlove · 2 days ago
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Anniversary Notes ❦
(Oneshot) Shawn Michaels
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Hey beautiful people, first time I'm writing something, you know, 'erotic' (always open to advice). I was torn between Aerosmith or the classic Joe Cocker 'You Can Leave Your Hat On'. Anyway, hope you enjoy it and have a lovely day, xoxo.
Obscenity level: mild 😇🔞
You were completely absorbed in each other. It was the third time you'd caught someone's attention in the hallway, but that didn't seem to matter. You were lost in your own world, until things got even more intense in the bathroom, where you were almost seen having sex; where his body was pressed against yours, holding one of your legs over his shoulder. You had to cut the chemistry before anyone saw you. As you stepped out of the bathroom, he hugged you, pulling you towards him to kiss you on the cheek. His touch was like a wave of warmth that ran through your body. "I love you, my love," he whispered in his deep voice, making you fall in love even more.
Today was a special day for them, as they were celebrating 5 months together. Emotion and joy were evident on their faces. Although Shawn had to work, you had the day off and decided to accompany him, wanting to share every moment with him.
“It's already lunchtime. What do you want to have for lunch, baby?" he asked as they walked towards his dressing room.
"You," you responded seductively, caressing his member over his beige shorts. His charming laughter resonated in the room, full of complicity. "Come on, baby, today is our day. Give me something of you, at least," you insisted, hugging him tightly while making an irresistible pout. A short moan escaped his lips, a mix of surprise and desire.
"I love it when you beg," he murmured, gently slapping your buttocks, soothingly caressing your cheek as he looked at you with an intensity that instantly turned you on. "Sit," he ordered, his tone demanding and serious.
You smiled, feeling the tension building between you. "No, my love, you sit," you joked, gesturing to the armchair in the room. His eyes sparkled with excitement, and like a child who'd just been told he'd get ice cream, he jumped onto the armchair with uncontrollable joy.
After locking the door, you approached your bag, searching for something special you had prepared. You pulled out a CD and, moving it with mischief, showed it to him. His smile spread from ear to ear. "Yeah, baby!" he shouted excitedly, as if the anticipation of what was to come filled him with energy.
You had everything ready. You placed the CD in the small radio in the dressing room, and so, the show began. Suddenly, the chords of Aerosmith's "Cryin'" resonated in the room, filling the air with an atmosphere charged with tension and desire.
You were standing with your back to him, and your shoulder movements swayed slowly to the rhythm of the music.
There was a time
With a smooth gesture, you opened your leather jacket, letting it fall elegantly to the floor.
When i was so broken hearted
You turned around, slightly lowering your head to look at him sideways, like a hungry gazelle stalking its prey. The short shirt you wore fit perfectly to your torso, highlighting every curve of your figure, while the loose and light black skirt moved with every step you took.
Love wasn't much of a friend of mine
Your hips swayed in a circular motion, and your hands traced your body with a sensuality that left breathless whoever watched you
The tables have turned, yeah
You stalked towards him with the slowness of a predator stalking its prey, and Shawn's gaze became hypnotized by the scene unfolding before his eyes.
‘cause me and them ways have parted
Upon reaching his legs, you placed your hands on his thighs with a firmness that provoked an involuntary moan from his throat. You ascended slowly, tracing a secure and determined path to his crotch, without taking your gaze off his for a single moment. When you finally reached your destination, the smile of pleasure on Shawn's face was the reward for your boldness.
His breath caught as he felt you fondle the already swollen part of his body, and you, in an act of provocation, brought your face close to that mountainous zone, caressing it with open lips, over his clothes.
"B...baby, please," Shawn murmured, barely audible, intoxicated with pleasure and weakness, as if the world around him had disappeared, leaving only the heat between them. You rose with feline grace and sat on his lap without warning, swaying your hips and feeling the heat of his body through the fabric of your clothes.
He didn't stop telling you words of love and tenderness. His hands explored your body with urgency, as if every inch of your skin was unexplored territory. He had two hands, but he seemed to need more, every touch an attempt to encompass you completely. With a gesture that was almost desperate, he unbuttoned your shirt, and the fabric fell to the floor. To his delight, you weren't wearing a bra, and your breasts presented themselves to him like an unexpected gift. His face lit up, and without hesitation, he dove in to explore your breasts. His lips moved with devotion, kissing and caressing every curve, leaving a trail of saliva that seemed to mark his territory, a reminder that this moment was only for the two of you. The soft touch of his mouth against your skin made you shudder.
"Do you like it, love?" you asked, letting the provocation seep into your voice like a soft whisper, as your eyes shone with a gleam of defiance.
“Yes, but I would like it better if you took this off,” he responded, reaching up to grab and slightly stretch the fabric of your skirt, as if trying to strip you of whatever modesty you had left.
Without reproach, without hesitation, you stood up and turned around, as you stood moving your hips with deliberate slowness, each movement calculated to ignite his desire.
Your skirt descended slowly, you let yourself be carried away by the music, dancing with a grace that made his breathing heavier. Shawn watched you, his eyes fixed on the contour of your 🍑, and he couldn't help but nibble on his lips in an attempt to contain the voracious need that took over him.
The way you moved, with confidence, made his boxers fit even tighter than they already were, the tension grew, and every second seemed to stretch like chewing gum.
Before returning to his lap, Shawn rushed to pull you closer, firmly grasping the back of your neck to join your lips with his in a ravenous kiss. Your breaths met, and when he rested his forehead against hers, you both took a moment to catch your breath, savoring the connection between you.
But the moment of calm was difficult; soon, you were kissing again. As his hands explored, Shawn began to slowly slide the garment covering your skin, revealing his thick, veiny member, which sprang forth, hitting your stomach with a slight pop, oozing viscous precum.
It wasn't long before you entered him, and you both let out a cry of pleasure as you came, a sound that echoed throughout the room. You began to move towards him with a mixture of speed and force, your eyes cloudy and your cheeks flushed.
“You look so beautiful like this, baby," he whispered against your lips. "Let me make you even more beautiful," he said, as he picked you up and laid you back on the couch, placing your legs on either side of him.
The music continued, and every sigh, every caress, took them beyond themselves. It was the kind of love you feel deeply. Lunch was forgotten, and in the end, spending their anniversary at work wasn't so bad.
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delinquentluvr · 5 months ago
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and to nobody’s surprise my favorite vox machina member is scanlan
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chase-solidago · 2 months ago
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So you found a dead body in the woods
The worst thing you've worried about, going on hikes, happens. This happens often, in the grand scheme of things. It's always joggers and dogwalkers and hikers. My unlucky day came on October 24, 2022.
So what do you do when you find a dead body?
Look in the other direction and take a breath. Panic wont help you or them.
If you are comfortable, approach them and try to help. If not, it's okay. I was unwilling to approach (they looked real dead) and my 911 operator was 100% totally supportive and okay with that.
Walk a little ways away. There is no reason why you need to keep staring at them. It's okay. Seeing a dead person is really wack!
When you've caught your breath, call 911. My first thought was "Oh god, I don't want to talk to cops." and, good news, it's not cops! 911 responders are different people. They are trained to talk to you, to reassure you, and to help you. They are there for you. They understand you are freaking out. They are kind and patient.
Your new buddy, the 911 person, will help you figure out where you are, exactly. They have access to your location via cell-tower and GPS, but if, like me, you were off-trail (oops), they might need your help navigating to you. I offered to also send a photo, and he provided an email, which he received immediately. I deleted the photo I took right away.
Hang out on the phone with your dispatch friend. They're going to want to keep in touch with you as the paramedics approach. Are you freaking out by chattering too much? Are you freaking out by being dead silent? Both are okay! Apparently, my panic response is to become Super Midwestern Chatty. I was able to make him laugh, which I count as a win.
Holler to the paramedics. My paramedics came deep into the ravine-filled woods, about six men, steering a rolling bed thing. We shouted at each other until they made it to the body. It would have been funny, watching them fumble along, if it wasn't so serious.
Get out of there! The paramedics don't need anything from you. They're busy doing their job. They shooed me back to the trail and to the parking lot. I didn't have to go anywhere near the body.
Meet cops in the parking lot. In my situation, the cops didn't want anything from me. They were just picking their noses in the parking lot while the paramedics did the real work. The cops said thanks for helping, while covering their bodycams, because they're pigs.
Go eat donuts. Christ, that was a lot. Let yourself comedown and get some sugar to kickstart your system.
Feel good that you gave a family closure. Yeah, that sucked. Yeah, your therapist is going to hear about this. Yeah, next time you come to this location, you're going to need a friend with you. But you did the right thing. You'll never know their family, but know that you gave them closure.
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thelastschnitzel · 4 months ago
The good thing about me is: I always know when something's so dangerous I could hurt myself permanently or die from it, so I won't do it
The bad thing about me is: I also always know when something's not going to permanently damage me so I'm doing all the other stupid stuff
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madamechrissy · 3 months ago
Do I wanna know?
Pairings: Yandere Gojo x Fem reader
Summary: Satoru Gojo knows as soon as he sees you, he'll do anything to have you, but first? He needs you to need him. Ignoring his friendly offer to let you stay with him to save up for a better place, you soon find yourself kicked out by your landlord, and moving in with Satoru. Every thing seems like it's bringing you to need Satoru more and more... yet he doesn't make a move on you, and soon you start putting things together... is Satoru a stalker?? 9k word count
CW - There are SO MANY lol here we go- gaslighting, manipulation, possessive behavior, stalking, Satoru is so Yandere, teasing and tension, explicit sex, rough sex, face smacking, choking, breed kink, videoing without consent, oral sex (both receiving) trying to baby trap mentions of cum, dirty talk (he calls you a slut a lott lol) and misogyny. SATORU BEING PSYCHO but sexy. It's toxic- Based on this drabble
Comments/reblogs appreciated if you enjoy this one! Thank you for 4k followers omg!!!
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You’re not sure how you came to be so close to Satoru Gojo so quickly.
It was as if everywhere you were, he popped up in some way, at first you all met at your work, you were a bartender for a pretty elite club, and Satoru came in along with a few of his CEO friends for drinks once. He had tipped you insanely well, this gorgeous man with shocking white hair, and the most intense blue eyes you’ve seen, you couldn’t even describe the color they were.
Satoru Gojo was rich, handsome, friendly, funny, you couldn’t understand why he even asked for your number. You’re a beautiful girl, but he seemed like the kind of man that had women come to him, but not just that, he’s humble and sweet. He messaged you that night even, hoping you got home safe after your shift, and then asking if you’d like to hang out.
When you pictured hanging out, you honestly pictured maybe a date, or something intimate, but it was just coffee the first time, and he asked real questions about you. The next time you all went to a concert he had tickets for, and you had invited him into your apartment when he’d dropped you off, offering a drink to him.
That’s when Satoru saw your shitty little apartment.
He scoffed, walking around while you went to grab two beers, earning a view of your ass that had him shifting himself in his pants, but he was so upset then, he knew where you lived from the outside, he’d watched you plenty, but this? It’s a teeny one bedroom nothing, surely he could treat you much better than that, you deserved a penthouse, his penthouse.
He’d been watching you since that night weeks ago, he could not get his eyes off you, you took his breath away when his eyes had shifted up your body in that slutty bartending outfit. God he can’t wait until you’re not allowed to wear that anywhere, until you’re all his, and oh he knows you want him, he sees the desire in your dilated eyes, how your lips part when you look at him.
But not just yet.
Satoru can’t just fuck you, no you need to be his and you need to stay his, never, ever leaving him, and to do that he needs you begging for him. He needs there to be no other ideas in that pretty head of yours, so he decides to be your ‘friend’. Even when you step a little closer, lowering your lashes, eyes drinking him in when you take a sip from your bottle.
Beer? You should have top shelf champagne.
Satoru can do that for you.
“Thank you so much for tonight, Satoru.” You say softly, a hand trailing up his chest then, he tilts his head, blue eyes assessing you hungrily.
“Why live here?”
You blink now. “Well, it’s cheap and safe?”
“Don’t you make good money?”
“Um… yeah but I have student loans out the ass for my failed creative writing degree.” You roll your eyes and sigh, earning his chuckle.
“Failed? Didn’t pass?”
“No, I did but it’s useless I guess now. I should’ve gone into medical and been a little smarter, but I didn’t listen.”
“Is it your passion?” You nod then, with a little smile.
Satoru can make it happen, surely.
“You could always stay with me.” You cough then, you all barely know each other. “I have a huge place, I wouldn’t mind.”
“I could never impose like that. Don’t feel so sorry, Satoru, I swear I’m good here.” You lean in now, Satoru leans down, big hand caressing your face, tilting your chin up, his look so intense you can’t breathe. Breaths come in quick pants as your gaze hits his plush, glossy lips, imagining them everywhere.
“It’s an open offer, if anything happens. I’ll be…” He smirks a bit, leaning even closer, so close you taste the sweetness of his cool breath. “All gentlemanly and everything.”
“Would you be?” He chuckles now, lips just an inch from yours, your chest is rising and falling, heart thudding at just what his touch does. “What if I don’t want you to be one right now?”
“What’re you asking, sweets?”
“I…” The phone rings now, you clear your throat, realizing you were about to beg this almost stranger to fuck you.
What’s wrong with you!?
“I am sorry, let me see who it is.” Satoru smiles good naturedly, but you don’t see the glare from behind you, as he scowls at the phone, seeing another man’s name. You text him that you’re busy quickly, earning a little relief for him.
“Boyfriend?” You whirl around now, eyes narrowing a bit.
“No, um… ex boyfriend. We were together for years though, even in college, so we keep in touch sometimes.”
Satoru’s jaw sets, and something… changes then, confusing you a bit, as he sets his drink down. “Who broke up with who?”
“Um, he did.” Your cheeks heat up now under his scrutiny. “I’m sure you don’t wanna talk about my ex though.”
Oh, he does.
He wants your attention all on him, and not a bit of that should be for your ex, who didn’t even want you!? How could anyone not want you? Your gorgeous face that fucks his dreams up, your perfect body like you’re built just for him, how sweet you are, and those damn eyes of yours. He can’t wait to see them fucked out, to see you drooling.
Can’t wait to make sure you never text this man again.
“Is something wrong?” You ask now, he smirks, brightening his face so you don’t figure out all his thoughts.
“Nah, sweets, just curious who’d break up with you.” His casual words hit hard, as he brushes your hair back now, leaning in again and you think maybe he’ll kiss you finally, but he just stares at you, holding your face with strong hands.
So strong he could really crush you if he wants, you feel so small in his presence, so overwhelming. Then he brushes his lips up and against your cheek, your eyes flutter shut, your body throbbing with need, but he pulls away after the little kiss on your face, those blue eyes glittering now, he grins all bright and beautiful, casually putting his hands in his pockets.
“Well, I’m off now, enjoy your night, huh?” You blink a bit at that, wondering then, is something not to his liking about you? You’re studying yourself in the mirror after he left, picking yourself apart.
Your makeup is perfect still, your outfit is sexy, you look really good, and you’d damn near been begging for him silently. Maybe he wasn’t interested? Then why did he look at you like that? You sigh now, washing your face and getting down to just your bra and panties, picking back up the phone and finally writing your ex back, then seeing a text from Satoru.
Satoru: Had fun, sweets. Good night.
You: I had fun too… you didn’t have to leave so early.
Satoru smirks, still in his car, watching your silhouette from behind your curtains, gently walking back and forth, he glares when he realizes you are likely naked or damn close to it. He is going to have to teach you some lessons, it seems, because you are already trying to show the world what’s his.
Or will be.
Satoru: It was getting late, did you want me to stay?
You: Maybe I did. Thank you for tonight though.
Satoru: No problem, love.
Love… that does something to you, Satoru does something to you, when your head hits the bed and you’re staring up at the ceiling. Your ex texts you again, but this time you ignore it, thoughts whirling, you still feel the touch to your cheek, having fucked you up more than even being intimate with someone.
Satoru Gojo, who was he really?
“Hey, hey… what’s wrong?” Satoru knows what’s wrong, he is all sweet hugs and rubbing your back though when you are at his place the next week, sobbing against his chest.
“I’m so sorry… I… My landlord just kicked me out!? And I did nothing wrong, she said she’s renting it for triple to someone? I was past my lease, but shit.” Satoru smiles, but you don’t see it, buried against his strong chest as he strokes your hair softly, pleased that you came to him.
You’re such a good girl.
“Oh, sweetheart, it's okay. Shh.” He’s consoling you so sweetly, you pull back, seeing his concerned gaze as you blink away tears, swiping at your cheeks.
“I can’t afford three times the rent? Satoru I… I make decent enough money, if I could just pay you for a room until I find somewhere? I-”
“Nonsense.” He cuts you off, and your stomach flutters when he’s brushing a hand across your back, palm pressing into the fabric of your dress, like it’s burning you with a touch. “You stay here for free, save up money, yeah?”
“I can’t do that, I have to pay you something. It’s already a huge imposition-”
“Have you seen this place? It’s not shit to have you here, won’t cost me anything anyway.” You have seen it, his insane penthouse with a view that’s fucking ridiculous. It’s spotless, only the finest everything all over, you know Satoru’s very wealthy as a CEO but he screams old money too.
“I would feel terrible. Could I cook, pick up?”
“I have cleaners. Cooking though… yeah, you good at it?”
You smile tremulously, wiping your eyes again. “I’m so good! I also could give the best neck massages after work?”
“Now that sounds perfect. It’s a deal then, stay as long as you need, but cook yummy things. As for a massage, we’ll see if you’re good as you say.”
“Swear, they’re magic! Oh goodness, I have to get to my shift soon, ugh… is there a way you could help me get my things? I’ll just leave the furniture, it’s old, I can buy new shit.”
You hug him tightly, kissing his cheek then, he tenses at it, at the brush of your lips, at the curves of your body against him. Fuck he can’t wait to make you his.
“Satoru Gojo, you're amazing.” He chuckles then.
“I know.”
Living with Satoru Gojo, who walks around shirtless is… difficult. Your tummy clenches, mouth gulping the first time you see him, his chiseled perfect body, all dewy after a shower. Towel slung across his neck, sauntering over to you with that smirk of his, so casual as you’re in the kitchen chopping up veggies, he brushes his fingertips across your back, driving you insane.
Shivers slink down your spine when he leans over you, breath against your neck, you damn near arch back into him as he murmurs in your ear. “Looks yummy.”
You take a shaky breath, hands trembling as you then nick yourself with the knife, you wince then. “Ow, shit!”
“Lemme see.” He takes your hand gently, peering at the drop of crimson that pushes out in droplets then, the way he takes your hand even is too much.
Weeks of living together, walking around in arguably almost nothing in front of him, and he hasn’t hit on you, despite his eyes devouring you, like they’re touching you. No he’d smile and lazily trail his gaze, maybe brush against you in the kitchen, give you a hug after work, you’d rub his neck just so and he’d grip your wrists, smiling up at you, to the point you’re losing control.
All you can think of is him.
Satoru loves it that way, too, he loves hearing you murmur his name in your sleep, he’s got cameras all over, especially in your room, and he can even hear you on them. Your little whines of pleasure, he’d see how your hands would move under your blankets, as you stayed as quiet as can be, but he heard your whimpers, your sweet little moans.
He strokes his cock every night watching you, listening, waiting.
He needs you to really need him.
“Just a little nick, I’m fine.” You assure him, then your mouth drops as he takes your finger, sucking it into his mouth.
He’s sucking on your damn finger, hot wet mouth and the lewd images destroying the fragile hold you have on your sanity, snowy lashes lowered as he presses his tongue up on your fingertip, putting pressure. You stand there quiet, but then there’s a little sound that escapes your throat, a little whine, and when he pulls back he smiles knowingly.
He licks his lips, a drop of blood on them, tilting his head as he releases your finger now. “Better?”
“Um… y-yes. Thank you, Satoru.” You manage to speak somehow, your voice hoarse, you clear your throat then. “Clumsy.”
“Mind somewhere?”
“Yeah. I guess so.”
Another week goes by, Satoru watches you every chance he gets, when he’s at work he watches you on his phone, he’s got a tracker in yours, for your safety you know, when something concerns him. Your daily trips were work, maybe the store, and a couple times a week the gym. But you’re somewhere he’s never seen you at, and it concerns him then.
Where are you?
He zooms in on the location.
Someone’s house?
Satoru’s jaw tightens then, and when you’re home that night, you notice he’s not friendly, or sweet, or talkative. He barely responds as you try to engage with him, and when you go to rub his neck, he stops your hands with an icy glare. “What’s… did I upset you?”
“How could you upset me?” He stands up, looming so tall, you shrink back just a bit, the backs of your legs hitting the fancy grey couch, until you’re sitting in it, and Satoru’s arms are on either side of you. “How could you, sweets, hmm?”
“I… I don’t know? Um…” Your mouth goes dry when he gets on his knees, spreading your thighs, your breaths coming quicker, pussy throbbing around nothing, thinking of him, feeling his long slender fingers on your skin. “Satoru?”
“You’re a perfect girl, aren’t you? A good girl?” Your hips shift, his eyes dart down, smiling as he peeks under your skirt now, a wet spot forming on your panties, he can’t wait to finally taste you, when you’re good of course.
“Good girl? I… don’t know.” Your hands are at your side, his face is right against yours again, your thighs on either side of his body, pressing into him.
“What’d you get up to today?” He asks, all casual like he doesn’t know, as he assesses your body for marks, bites, hickeys. Your body belongs to him, even if you don’t know it just yet. He finds none, making him just a little less furious, but now he feels the plush of your thighs in his grip, picturing shoving them against your chest.
You’d look so sexy in a mating press, wouldn’t you?
“I um… went to grab dinner, then I gave some shit to my ex that I had left from the apartment.” Satoru exhales in relief.
“Oh yeah? I could’ve helped you, love.”
“No, it’s awkward. I was holding onto it, I decided to just let it go, he didn’t choose me, you know?”
“Who wouldn’t choose you?” You lean forward, his eyes dart to your breasts, as a strap slips over your shoulder.
“Satoru, you're too good to me, and why? How have I come to deserve you in my life?” He exhales, adjusting the strap with two fingers, brushing your skin and leaving a trail of goosebumps, he watches your nipples perk up under your tank top, furious that anyone has ever seen them.
“Is that all? You gave him his shit?” He tries to hide his anger, his jealousy.
“That’s all.” You answer, and he stands again, leaving you wanting and empty when he’s not touching you.
“Should have asked me to help. I’m calling it a night, yeah?” You manage a little nod, he tilts your chin up as he stands over you, your body reacting so violently you’re shaking damn near, unable to stop the reaction. He smiles knowingly, leaving you then, and you glare at his strong, perfect back as he walks off, giving you a little look before going to his room.
Satoru knew you saw him somehow? You can swear it. Are you freaking out for no reason? Surely he didn’t care what you did, he maybe just wanted to make sure you were okay, maybe he could sense you were stressed somehow?
Then why is there this gnawing feeling?
The next day you’re trying to get to work, and your car won’t turn over. You curse it out, it’s old sure but it’s strong and has a good engine. Satoru had already offered to give you one of his cars, saying you could pay him back later, as if you could ever afford a Mercedes Benz. You’d turned him down of course, and now he’s standing in his insanely huge parking garage, right out the side of your window.
You open the door, sighing as you get out of the car. “I don’t know what’s wrong with it, ugh!”
“It’s an ancient relic?”
“Hey!” You playfully shove him, laughing then. “It is, I guess. But I don’t know why it won’t start?”
“I’ll have my mechanic check it, he’ll love this archeology.”
“Satoru!” You’re laughing so hard then, god he always makes you laugh, you wish he’d make you moan but you throw those thoughts far back.
“I’m kidding, sweets, kinda.” He narrows those blue eyes, his jaw tensing just a bit then as he assesses your car.
Couldn’t be because he took out your catalytic converter.
“Hmm, maybe a dead battery or alternator went out?” Satoru looks at you amusedly, you’re cute, knowing something about cars. But he needs you to stop worrying about things like that.
“For now, I’ll take you to work, yeah?” You exhale, nodding then.
“Thank you so much, Satoru, you’re so sweet to me.” You say later, as he drops you off at work, top down, grinning with those Gucci shades hiding those baby blues, some of the girls from the bar are out front, they start giggling when they see the two of you.
“He’s so hot!?” One of your friends loudly whispers.
“Shh, I know!” Gojo hears you though, grinning as he swipes a hand through his snowy locks.
“Hello, ladies.” He says, getting out then to come open your door, earning the swoons of everyone. You smile gratefully at him.
“Thank you, Gojo.”
“No worries, tell me when to pick you up, mmkay?” You nod then, he gives you a little kiss on the head, and your friends make no secret of how fine they think he is.
“Is he your man?” Your other friend asks, you shake your head then, while Satoru gets back in the car. “Bitch, why?”
“Is he single?” Your other friend asks.
Something makes you sick then, thinking of seeing Satoru with other women, and surely it would happen soon, yeah? He’s gorgeous and can get who he wants, and he hasn’t yet shown he wants you. You peek back at him as he is starting back up his car, looking at your friend again.
“He’s single.” Satoru wants to laugh at you. He’s not single, you’re his already,  you just haven’t gotten where he needs you.
“Why not date him?”
“He’s not interested. Drop it.” You hiss, waving at Satoru, he tilts his glasses down then, the unreal eyes behind the snowy lashes drinking you in.
“Have a good day, sweets.” He leaves a bunch of giggling, whispering friends and heat on your cheeks when he drives off, grin glinting in the setting sun, because now he knows just where you are.
After two more weeks of living with Satoru, you’re at about a month with him, and despite the endless little brushes against your skin, the little touches while you cook, the hugs and pecks on your cheeks, he never makes a move. You moan just a little louder at night thinking of him, wondering then when you’d see him in the morning why he looked so tired.
You’re wondering about lots of things.
“Satoru, do you date?” You ask one day, and he looks at you lazily, trailing up and down your body the way he does, the way that makes you ache with longing.
“Do I date? I haven’t in a while, why?”
“You’re so… you?” He snorts then.
“What’s that mean?”
“Like, gorgeous? Smart and sweet? Rich? How do you not date?”
“When I get with someone it’ll be permanent, there won’t be any dating or fucking around, so I guess I’m kind of picky about it. Why? Would it make you jealous if I brought a girl over?”
Yes, yes it would.
“Oh, no, I’m cool with whatever. It’s your place, I just live here.” Satoru leans you against the counter then, barring you with strong arms, his thigh brushing between yours, he feels it then, the heat that builds as you shift your hips just a bit, eyes darting up to his.
“Wouldn’t mind if I fucked someone right here? Ya sure?”
“It’s your place.” You manage weakly again, watching thin nostrils flare, his pupils blown out as you shift again, and he feels your hot pussy against his thigh, your hands slipping up his shirt slowly. “You like to fuck, Satoru?”
He blinks now, shifting his thigh, tilting his head as he studies you. “You’re asking if I like to fuck?” You nod, just barely, and one of his hands slips down your side, his cock throbbing under his jeans, thinking about devouring your pussy right on the kitchen counter. He already has tasted you off those panties he stole, he imagines it’s even sweeter from the source. “Do you?”
Your cheeks flush, eyes lowering nervously, Satoru tilts your chin up, making you look right at him. “I didn’t like it much, no, but… I like to…”
“Play with your pussy?” You bite your lower lip, rolling your hips once more, waiting for him to break, but he acts casual as he’s ruining what’s left of your addled mind. “You brought it up, don’t be shy.”
“Yes, I like to. Do you… play with…”
“Slutty questions.” He smirks now, backing up, you look in horror as you realize you’ve left a damn wet spot on his thigh, but he brushes it with his thumb leisurely, lapping it off his tongue, leaving you with your mouth open. “Mmm. Have a good night, pretty.”
You’re shaking when you get to your room, literally dying over him, knowing he’s in the next room but won’t come near you is torture, but for him it’s fun. He’s watching you pace around your room avidly, damn near chuckling when you strip off your clothes so quickly, flopping on the bed and covering your face with your hands, pressing your knees together.
He’ll make you feel better soon, don’t worry.
But then, you pick up your phone, earning his glare that of course you can’t see, he picks up his other phone now, the one that shows him every message and call you make. Some guy has been trying to ask you out for a couple weeks, but you’d ignored him, like a good girl. Now, however… you’re texting him back!?
That just won’t do.
He’s so absorbed in staring at your messages, as you smile just a bit, wondering if there was a way to get under Gojo’s cool exterior.
Maybe a date with someone?
You’re dressed in some slinky outfit, it hugs your body just right, hitting about mid thigh, a black lacy little number. You step out of your room, his mouth drops open when he sees you, too much of your smooth skin revealed, your breasts on display for everyone who would see, you smile up at him all pretty and do a little spin as he grips his hands into fists.
He wants to rip that dress the fuck off you, bury his cock inside your pretty little cunt and fuck you hard, fuck you so hard you sob those eyelashes off, so hard your perfect hair is a tangled goddamn mess. Teach you that you’re his and only his, that you belong to him, have you cum so hard you can’t form anymore thoughts of ever leaving in your pretty head.
He can’t even speak when you nervously ask, “How do I look?”
How do you look? You look like you need your ass beat, your clit overstimulated to the point you beg him to stop, look like you need to get that pretty neck choked out by his big hands. And that little smile on your face, like you know just what you’re doing to him? Satoru’s teeth click together, jaw tensing now while he sits there on the desk chair looking at you.
“You look gorgeous. But then you always do.” You blush at that, lashes lowering at the praise. “But why so dressed up? Going out with… friends?”
You know he knows.
You hear it in his voice, in how tense it gets. You smile then, shaking your head, lacing your fingers together in front of you as you feel those blue eyes touching your skin. “No, I’m going on a date.”
Satoru’s little facade breaks for just a moment, he can’t keep it up just now, and it’s like you know, you’re being this little brat and not his sweet little thing right now. He can’t wait to fuck the attitude out of you, as hard as it’s making him. “Oh? A date, huh?”
“Yeah, it’s been a while you know.” You step up to him just a bit, smiling so pretty, devious little brat. “A while.”
“A while.” He repeats, voice hoarse, before realizing you’re trying to play him, aren’t you? “Since?”
“Since anything. This guy seems super nice, maybe he’ll… think I’m hot, you know? Be attracted too? We’ll see.”
“Who wouldn’t want you? That’s stupid.” He huffs.
“Oh, is it? Well I’m not everyone’s type, you know?” You blink those damn lashes at him, he raises a brow. “So we’ll see. But don’t wait up for me, hmm?”
“Don’t you need a ride?” He asks, as you head towards the door, grabbing your little purse now.
“Oh no, he’s going to come get me, don’t worry.” Satoru’s hand stops yours on the knob, hard body pressed against your back, your breath catches, quickening now, watching the veins raise on his hand, as it covers yours completely. “Something wrong, Satoru?”
“Just wanna make sure you’re safe, you should let me take you.”
“Don’t even impose yourself, I’ll be fine.” You turn and look up at him, his plush lips just a breath from yours. “Everything okay?”
“Of course it is, you can text me if you need me to get you though, okay?” You exhale now, slightly dejected.
You want him to say he doesn’t want you to go, fuck you want him to grab you and keep you here, he makes you feel so fucking toxic, the insane thoughts making your mind whirl, your tummy coil with desire. One of his hands grips your hip, and you feel his length against your back, your eyes shut as you grip the door knob so hard it hurts.
“I asked you something, sweets.” His grip tightens, you open your eyes again, looking up at him.
“Of course, Satoru.”
“Have fun then.” He is back to being a bright, happy Gojo, blue eyes glittering, letting you go when you ache for him to drag you against him. “Be safe, yeah? Creeps everywhere, stalkers even.”
He’s following you in his car as soon as you take off in this asshole’s car, he tracks your location and finds you’re at some restaurant, he sees you then, up front at a table shivering a bit in your slutty dress. Part of him thinks, that’s just what you get, but another part thinks, fuck this dude for not giving you his jacket, Satoru sizes him up with a flick of his eyes, fists clenching the steering wheel.
You keep peering at your phone, you don’t look like you’re really having fun, what are you playing at? Are you trying to make him insane, trying to make him more jealous than he already was? He was jealous anyone even fucking saw you altogether, he thinks how good it would be to breed you constantly, to keep you knocked up with his babies, stay at home for only his eyes to see.
The thoughts drive him insane, as does seeing this dude’s hand on your bare thigh now, thighs for him to touch, he is so furious he almost blows his cover, taking several breaths as he prepares to rip this dude’s hands off. How dare anyone touch you!? And then he gets it, your text.
Satoru, I’m so sorry, but are you busy?
Satoru exhales in relief, leaning his head back on the driver’s seat, brushing his hand across his face.
Having fun on your date?
Satoru is being petty but he can’t help it, he sees your cute little glare as you poke on your phone, and his hand slips higher up your leg.
Not really. I’ll be fine though, sorry.
Satoru panics now.
What’s wrong?
He watches as you type.
I feel really uncomfortable, could you please come get me? I’m so sorry to put you out like this…
Satoru comes right out of the car, walking across the street now, and your eyes widen in shock, lips parting as he saunters up, grinning and holding out a hand. “Hey pretty, wanna get out of here?”
“Excuse me!?” The man sputters, but you giggle, Satoru wonders if you’re the crazy one here, him or you?
“I’d love to.” You put your little hand in his, following him to his car then, when Satoru slides in however he cups your face, grip tight on you, his eyes glaring and fucking furious. “How’d you get here in ten seconds? Instant transmission like Goku?”
“You’re such a brat.” He mutters, glaring now as you grin, one hand in your hair, pulling, making you cry out, a sound that makes Satoru’s cock leak precum, just from the sound of you. “You did this it piss me off, hmm?”
“Why would you be mad, Toru?” You put a hand on his thigh now, leaning forward, showing more and more of your breasts. “You don’t even want me like that, haven’t you made it clear?”
He starts laughing now, he’s feral, manic in his insane laugh, pulling your hair even harder. “I don’t huh? Then tell me what the fuck this is?”
Satoru takes your hand putting it over his clothed cock now, you whimper feeling him for the first time, hard for you, his breaths coming faster and faster as you go to stroke him, earning his own throaty moan. “Are you jealous?”
“No, because he’s not shit, and you’re mine anyway.”
“How am I yours!? Don’t even kiss me. Don’t even-”
Satoru yanks you to him, slamming his lips on yours then, devouring your mouth, tongue swiping in every inch of it, swirling as he loses his fragile sense of control. You taste so good, you feel so good, he’s wanted you for so long, he’s brutal with his lips, with his teeth, with how he grips your chin so fucking tight. You’re falling apart for him, then, when he yanks back.
His breath is hot on your lips, his hand slipping between your thighs then, you can’t stop the cry that escapes your lips, when he finds you over your panties, soaking wet for him. “This for me, or for him?”
“Stupid- ah!” Satoru pulls your hair so hard tears prick your eyes, stroking you over your sticky panties.
“Watch that mouth, and that attitude before I fuck it out of you.” His whisper and his touch makes you drip down his fingers, you’re arching your hips as he touches you, pressing on your clothed clit now. “So you get this wet for me?”
“You get that hard from me?” You counter, he laughs again, shaking his head at your audacity, slipping his finger under your panties now, finding your bare cunt.
“Stupid fucking soaked, huh? From a kiss?”
“Just touch me, please…” You’re begging him now, leaning closer, lips pressing against his, drinking his moans when he shoves two fingers in your eager hole, stretching you and making you gasp. “Satoru…”
“Do you deserve to cum, after acting this way?” He demands, curling his fingers up in your slick walls, pressing that spot that has your eyes rolling back, entire body reacting to him, dripping down his sleeves, his watch you’re so wet. “Answer me.”
The first slap on your cheek shocks you with the sting that throbs, you glare at him, slapping him back on his pretty face, earning him gripping your wrist brutal as his fingers fuck into you. The car is heating up right in the middle of the damn street, you hear your pussy squishing, hear your cries and gasps.
“Asked you a question, sweets. Seeing your ex, going on a date, showing off this body to everyone? Ya think you’re a good girl?” You shake your head then, and he groans, kissing you messy, tongues drooling saliva, thumb finding your clit now, and you’re close, so close, clinging to him.
“N-no but… please…” He laughs as he pushes you to the edge, sucking you off his fingers then, groaning, cheeks hollowing.
“Fuck you taste even better than your panties.”
“My what!?”
“C’mere, ya wanna be a good girl for me?” You blink rapidly, nodding then, and he revs up the car, pulling out, you are jostled as he begins to drive like a maniac, you’re grasping him, half thrown on his lap.
“Where are we going?”
“Home. You’re gonna make it up to me, being so slutty, huh?”
“Slutty mouth.” Satoru unzips his pants then, and you gulp when you see him for the first time, thick and long, veiny cock so pretty, the tip pink, drooling drops of precum already. You stare at it, he feels it as he drives, peeking at you now, grabbing the back of your hair again. “Put it to use, and I’ll let you cum.”
“Fuck…” You have never done something like this, but you find yourself bent over him then, taking your tongue and lapping at the precum on his tip, while he drives with one hand, his other, entangling against the nape of your neck.
“Gonna be my perfect little slut, no one else's, huh?” You nod eagerly, you’re stupid, this man literally stalked you on your date, he’s acting possessive and psychotic, but your pussy is clenching around nothing. “Say it.”
“Your perfect little slut.” You whisper, he moans then, husky and guttural as you suck him in your mouth now, hot and wet, swirling your tongue around the ridge of his tip, earning his hips bucking, cock twitching.
“That’s it, I knew you could behave. There you go, good girl.” You’re trembling, sucking him deep in your throat, over and over as your cunt is drooling, dripping down the panties that are becoming soppy wet and pathetic like you. “Feel that slutty mouth, never gonna suck anyone again, are you baby?”
“Mmm…” You’re moaning eagerly, sucking his cock as deep as you can, he’s shoving your head fully down to where you’re slobbering all over him, tears pricking your eyes, you’re shaking while he uses your throat, your mouth, as your taste his salty precum, shoving it in your throat deeper and deeper.
“F-fuck… you’re finally being good, huh? Bet you wanna cum, bet your pussy is soaked, yeah?”
He knows you can’t answer, he’s loving the choked out sounds you’re making as you suck him down more and more, until he finally pulls up to his house, he pulls you off him, cock glittering with your saliva. He moans, kissing you again, teeth sinking into your lip, tasting himself off your tongue, you’re whining, trembling, he chuckles just a bit then.
“Look at you, sucked it that good? Should I fucking be mad?” He demands then, you gasp at his touch on your pussy again.
“It’s been a long time for me, okay?” You whisper, he exhales now.
“No one will touch you again when I’m done, yeah? No one.” You nod weakly, Satoru smiles now. “Good, you’re so good f’me.”
Satoru’s got you in his penthouse so quickly you’re disoriented, and as soon as the door is closed behind you, he grabs you, slams you against the wall, and kisses you again, hard and desperate. His hands slips down to your ass, squeezing it roughly in his big palms, long fingers pressing in as he takes over everything, making you moan into his mouth.
You can feel his cock pressing against your tummy now, thick and insistent, on your tummy, half put up, his pants unzipped, and you can’t help but arch into him, rubbing against him, tip toeing to get close. He’s so rough with you, so demanding, and it’s making you wetter, making your body respond in ways it never has before, it’s insane what he’s doing to you.
He shoves a hand back up your dress, twisting your panties to the side again, rubbing in teasing circles, as tears fall out of your eyes, looking at them and moaning. “You’re crying?”
You manage a sniffle, fuck you looks so perfect like this, in tears for him, it only makes Satoru’s cock spurt more precum, so hard it hurts, he can’t wait to bury it so deep in you, he’s picturing it as he slides his fingers into your soaked cunt. You moan loudly, you’re tiny hands clinging to him, leg around his hip, letting his fingers fuck you deeper.
“Hear it? You’re so loud, so messy, huh?” He’s whispering, all you can do is nod, pupils so blown out your eyes are dark. “Look at you, fucked out from my fingers? That won’t do, baby.”
You barely register his fingers sliding out of your pussy again, you whine at the emptiness, but then he’s on his knees, shoving your dress up over your hips, yanking your panties off you. He’s throwing one of your legs over his shoulders, bright blue eyes staring up under his snowy lashes, you’re clinging to his hair, chest rising and falling as he places a kiss on your pussy.
“You were so good, I’ll treat you so good, hmm? Make you feel s’good?” You just nod, earning a smack on your pussy, making you gasp. “What do we say, little slut?”
“Please.” Satoru Gojo then his face buried between your legs, his tongue sliding along your slit, tasting your arousal that starts pouring down his mouth. You gasp as he nibbles on your clit, his teeth grazing the sensitive flesh, sending bolts of pleasure through your body.
He’s eating you out like he’s starved, slutty moans from both of your throats, your head slamming against the wall. His stupidly long  tongue is moving in circles around your clit, his fingers pumping in and out of you, and you can’t believe how good it feels. You’ve never been with a man who’s so hungry for you, who devours you like this, his fingers making your squelching wetness even louder.
Your hands entangle in those silky white locks as he fingers and licks like he’s always known how to, but it comes so natural, flicking his tongue against your little twitchy clit over and over. Your cunt is so wet his fingers slip, before shoving back in, pressing your spongy spot inside your little hole, all while you’re a pathetic mess, sniffling and hiccuping.
He can’t wait to make you stupid for him, beyond this, beyond anything, can’t wait to own you, possess you in every fucking way. As he sucks your tiny clit in his hungry mouth, he moans against it, looking up and watching you shatter for him. You’re so close to cumming, you can feel it building.
“Gonna cum, please, please-” You whine out, gasping, thighs shaking as you’re too weak to stand, but then he stops, leaving you gasping for breath, your body on the edge, pulsating all over through every vein..
“Beg for it.” He orders, sadistic smirk on a face half soaked with you, as he licks his lower lip, glossy.
“Please, Satoru, please make me cum.” You whisper, your voice shaking, and he groans, shocking you when he yanks you down, you slam onto the ground wincing and gasping as you hit the floor, and he starts palming at your dress, until he’s ripped it completely off you. “Satoru!? What!?”
Your dress is in pieces now, much to his pleasure, all you have now is what’s left of it under you, and you’re naked aside from heels and a bra. “You’ll never wear that fucking dress again, got me? Showing off what’s mine when I wasn’t even with you? Do you hear me?”
You nod then, you should be terrified, but fuck you want him too much, as he shoves your thighs up high, then dives back in, his tongue swirling around your clit, his teeth grazing it again as he bites it. You scream out at the pain, he shoves those fingers back in, three this time.
“Too much, too much!” You’re sobbing out, and he laughs now.
“No baby, your slutty pussy can take it, huh? Lemme hear you scream my name.” He shoves his fingers in so deep and his tongue is drinking you as your orgasm hits you, your body convulsing against his mouth, your juices flowing onto his face, everywhere.
You can hear him, lapping you up, drinking every bit, all while the best orgasm of your existence makes you blind, you’re floating, the only thing that tethers you is when he looks down at you, fingers still buried. He slams his lips back on yours, you taste your pussy on his lips, whimpering and clinging to him desperately, bare as he’s fully dressed.
“You’re made for me, only me to taste, just me.” You just nod, and he chuckles, shaking his head. “Can’t talk baby?”
“You, jus’ you… Toru…” He’s picked you up to stand, before he’s pulling you up against him, holding your naked frame against him, carrying you to your bed now, lips not coming up for air until he’s tossed you on your bed.
“Bra off, now.” He orders, you do as he says, tossing it and then peeking at the camera you know is there, smiling before you look back at him. He’s glaring, unbuttoning his dress shirt now. “Looking at something?”
“Oh, nothing. Do you record? Will you stroke yourself to this later?” He slips off his shirt, leaving you speechless until he’s laying on top of you again, eyeing your perfect tits and little smile.
“You knew?” You tilt your head now, leaning up on your elbows, a hand stroking his cheek.
“Did you like how I played with my pussy in front of it? How I moaned your name?” Satoru’s ended now, scowling at you.
“You liked it, being watched? By me?” You nod again, swallowing as he slides off his pants, yanking off your heels, kissing along the tops of your feet before lapping at your ankles. “You did it knowing?”
“You wouldn’t come to me.”
Satoru’s eyes are on you, you’re his entire world now, his obsession, his fixation. He’s going to claim you, fuck you until you forget every other man who ever existed. He’s going to ruin you, and you’re going to love it, he can already tell when his cock is hot and heavy against your inner thigh, when your hips are rolling up, and you’re dripping down the bed.
“You get off on it, me being fucking obsessed, huh?” You nod weakly, and Satoru has your thighs spread and pressed up, his tip drooling precum against your aching hole. “Then let me be clear, you'll never see or date anyone again, got it?”
Satoru grins sadistically as you weakly nod, whispering a-  “Yes, Satoru.” He moans then, filling your tight hole in one stroke of his huge cock, stuffing you so full you scream out, pussy gripping him like a vise, drooling down his veiny cock to his balls, pooling under you both as his own eyes roll back.
“Feel her, made f’me, just me? Mine, mine, mine.” He’s whispering it like some insane mantra as he begins to move, fucking into your soppy cunt over and over, you’re pulsing and fluttering around him as he pounds your cunt, nasty words spilling from his pouty lips. “My little slut, hmm? Mine.”
“Ngh…” Is all you manage, when he slams your cervix with his drooly tip, leaning up to grip the headboard and pressing a thigh higher, railing your cunt so much it hurts, but you’re dying, drool pooling out of the side of your lips, eyes fluttering, trying to stay open.
“That’s it, oh look at you, fucked stupid already? I’m just starting with you, baby, gonna fuck your pretty mind up till it’s all me.” He leans down, rolling his hips and grinning with his eyes lit up, so dark they look black for just a moment. “That’s it, cum all over my cock, can’t help yourself huh?”
You do then, you’re cumming all over him, muscles contracting around his cock so hard she tries to push him out with the force, so much wetness dripping it’s streaming across his cock, earning his breathy moan. He’s fucking you through your orgasm, your thighs shaking, you are stupid, you can’t form one thought in your pathetic brain as your orgasm waves over your body.
“Aw, fucked dumb? Poor stupid baby. I’ll keep fucking all those thoughts out of your head, hmm? Till it’s just me.”
“Satoru… jus’ you… s’good I…” You can’t talk anymore, not when his cock’s strokes are hitting just right, not when his tip drags against your gspot before bruising your cervix. You’re clinging to him, nails pressing into his strong back, as pulls back, watching your tummy bulge.
“Fucking up your guts, fucking up your brain. S’all me, huh?” You can’t answer, you’re too fucked out, but his slap brings you too, he smacks both cheeks, gripping your thighs brutal, leaving bruises. “Focus, baby, focus.”
“S’all you…” You answer, you’re so obedient, you’re so good for him.
“You’re such a good girl, perfect pussy, perfect body. Perfect face. Haunting my every fucking thought, torturing me.” He shoves your thighs high, pressing them against your breasts, folding you in half and bottoming out, you scream at it, hands gripping the sheets beneath you as you’re stretched and filled so much. “You’re so good you deserve all my cum, all these babies in you.”
You can’t register concern, he’s pounding you while gripping your face so tightly, you feel so tiny as he works his long, muscular body, as he breaks your body and mind with his cock, slamming harder and harder. You hear the sounds of it, the smack smack smack of his skin, as his balls slap your asshole, covered in slick from your cunt that’s drooling down his length.
“That’s it, milk my cock, so fuckin good, you want it, me to fill you, make you drip me for days.” You just weakly cry out, sniffling, tears pouring down your cheeks. “So beautiful like this, crying f’me? Oh baby, you’re perfect like this.”
Satoru loves your tears, your trembling lips, as you grip him so good, he feels it, you’re going to cum again, eager pussy sucking him in loudly, as he fucks you so hard the headboard slams the wall, you’re barely hanging on, sobbing and mumbling. You’re so fucked out it’s cute, opening and closing your mouth, unable to speak.
“It’s all me in there, yeah? Gonna be all me, gonna fill you so good, baby just wait, f-fuck!” Satoru slows then, pumping your cunt full, hot gooey cum sticking to your walls and making you cum right with him as he fucks it further, deeper.
“Satoru!” You’re mumbling his name, gasping for breath as he fills you, all of you, so hot and deep, until he finally lowers your legs, laughing softly.
“Oh I’m gonna have so much fun with you, you’re never leaving me, are you? Aw, can’t talk baby?”
He’s got you flipped on your trembling knees next, burying his face in your pussy, cleaning all his cum out and groaning. “Too much, too much!”
“Taste us together, fuck. Made for me, just me.” He’s on top of you next, prone over you, fucking out his first load and prepping you for another, all while he’s choking your neck squeezing so hard you almost faint. He’s whispering in your ear, breath tickling, hands over your sensitive skin. “Love it, hands around this neck, beg me to cum in you, fill you.”
“P-please… please fill me- ah!” You’re fading as he chokes you harder, spitting and drooling in your mouth, cock wrecking you as he fills you again, his sweat dripping from his skin as he works you. He groans then, hand pressing on your tummy.
“So full of me, but you need more, need no question in your pretty head who you belong to.”
After another load you’re weak, and he’s still going. When you finally wake in the morning, after several loads pumped in your pussy, you’re a mess, wobbling weakly as you step out of your room, thinking of facing him. Would things be different now, was it all passion, in the moment? Was it just sex? Was it more…
You smell something sweet then, inhaling as you slip on one of his dress shirts, you’d gone from fucking in your room to the bathroom, all the way to his room. At some point he had you bent over the couch, at another he had you pressed against the shower wall. It’s like little fragments, your pussy is aching, your experience has never prepared you for his size or stamina.
But you feel deliciously fucked out.
You catch his eye then, he looks at you, exhaling at how beautiful you are, your eyes are a little puffy from crying, you have bruises and marks littering your neck, you’re wearing his expensive dress shirt and nothing else. He feels himself hard just looking at you like this, remembering all the cum he’d pumped you full, wondering if it was still dripping out?
“Good morning, sweets. Get some shut eye?” He teases, winking at you as he flips his spatula, finishing the stack of pancakes he’s made.
“You cook, Satoru?” You ask, throat hoarse from your moans, from slobbering all over his cock and having him choke you. You clear it nervously, earning his smirk.
“Cute.” He murmurs, pulling out a chair for you. “Of course I cook, I just enjoy you cooking for me, so sexy watching you, barefoot in the kitchen you know.” 
“That sounds so…”
“Sit down, you need that energy baby. Last night I know I took it easy…’
“What!?” You blink then, sitting as he plates your breakfast, wincing at how sore your entire body is.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, look at my girl.” The words ruin you, when he leans down, cupping your face and his thumb brushes along your jaw. “Covered in bruises.”
“I am?” You look down and see your thighs, your chest, in hickeys and bruises, red and purple all over. “Oh…”
“Don’t worry you’re not going anywhere today anyway. You should take a break from work, you know.” He chuckles and kisses you. “Fuck I’ve waited so long for you, for you to be mine.”
You are kissed by him then, you eagerly meet his lips, before he pulls back, taking a breath. You frown when you see your phone is over by his coffee. “Is that my phone?”
“Oh, mmhmm. Needed to block any guys, you know, also that period tracker said you’re ovulating today.” You blink again as you sip the orange juice he gives you, nearly choking on it, his blue eyes have gotten even brighter, his grin huge as he watches your expressions.
“I threw out your birth control, cancelled your prescription.”
“What baby?” He sits you up on the table, between your thighs, your body violently reacts when he grabs you under your chin, his other hand slipping down your breasts. “I know, I should have breakfast first, is that what you want?”
“I… you…”
“Gonna look so fucking sexy full of me.” He lifts your thighs, sliding up the shirt you wear as he sits right on the seat, sliding it up to get a full view of your abused, puffy cunt. “Oooh, fucked her up. Do you hurt, baby?”
“Y-yes… I- ah!” Satoru’s lapped at your pussy now, from your hole to your clit, chuckling as he pulled the lips apart. “T-Toru…”
“Look at her, she’s ready for more, she’s so greedy.” He’s buried his face against you again, and you’re cumming so quickly, he laughs at it. “So easy, too. Ah we’re gonna fill her up more, don’t worry, gotta knock you the fuck up.”
You’re going to protest then, this is insane, he’s crazy, but when you’re getting bent over the kitchen table and fucked again, you soon forget your protests, as Satoru grips your tits and pinches your sensitive nipples, pounding your hole, all you can do is cry out and arch your back. Satoru smiles against your neck as you fall apart, as he pictures breeding you.
He’s got you right where he wants.
And you both know you’re never leaving.
Ahahah this was INSANE, none of this is cool unless it's Gojo, stay safe out here lol. Hope you all enjoyed! (yes all my stories are Arctic Monkeys or Chase Atlantic lyrics loll)
Taglist: @silvarys @strychnynegirl @indiewritesxoxo @alygator77 @moonlitwitchdaisy @cuntphoric @aldebrana @levislug @haruhatake @ninikrumbs @xixflower @star2112 @nanasukii28 @sukuxna0 @naammiii @uhnosav @victoria1676 @thequeenofcurses @targaryenluvs @jinjen @yesdere @shokosmokes @aishi-toru  @labelt-san @chiyokoemilia @makingtimemine @seeing-stars-alt @bunheadusa @alt--er--love @1satoruu @thikcems @plimplimmeiododoi @watermelonslut
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