#even though 20 years ago was not that long there are definitely different standards. i think especially in art
blackberrypicking · 4 months
If the movie, In a Violent Nature, blew chunks, what movie would you recommend people watch instead? Horror movie wise.
hiii im not a horror expert or anything but i have a couple recs :)
i loveddd braindead (1992) for awesome nasty gory grossness and its fun and exciting and silly. definitely recommend watching with friends if you can
thanksgiving (2023) has a really stupid plot but it's a good slasher and successfully grossed me out a couple times so extra points for that
christmas evil (1980) (starring fiona apple's dad, of all people) surprised me with how much i liked it, it's not super gory if i remember right but it's definitely entertaining
barbarian (2022) if you haven't seen it it's best to go in blind but its so good and really funny at times but it's also genuinely unsettling
house of wax (2004) is also really fun even though it has terrible reviews there are some really cool effects (though i watched it a couple years ago and dont remember it too well)
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A (not) so small philosophical interpretation of Odysseus in epic
Disclaimer: I'm doing this analysis for fun, please don't take everything I write as truth, because this text is based on my interpretation and, even though it took some academic research to do it. It's worth remembering that I don't have a degree in philosophy yet, so I can still make mistakes on some points. Another point I want to highlight is that I wrote this text in a language other than English, and there may be some translation errors by Google, so I apologize if anything is confusing or if you have any questions about something, feel free to comment or send an ask, I'll do my best to explain.
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(Notice that's basically me as far as you decide to read this blog)
EPIC:the musical is a work that is very present in my life and in the lives of many other people who are reading this little fan outburst; And if you've just stumbled upon this craze and are hearing about it for the first time, a brief summary is that it's a musical, more addictive than drugs, that tells the story of Odysseus, that guy from Greek mythology who spent 20 years trying to get home after the Trojan War, also known as Simp by his wife Penelope. We have moments of joy, sadness, introspection and many fan outbursts caused by the owner of it all, Jorge Rivera-Herrans, who is not only the creator but also the lead singer of this masterpiece, playing Odysseus and a few others.
But let's get back to the analysis here because I could talk about this for hours without stopping.
A few months ago, when the Underworld saga was released, I remembered the phrase:
"If you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."
This phrase was written by Nietzsche in the book Beyond Good and Evil, and it reminds me a lot of the Odysseus we see in EPIC, although the phrase is incomplete in the previous quote, even though it is the most common one we see being spread around. The original is:
“Whoever fights monsters should take care that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”
And I also remember thinking about that phrase by Heraclitus, which I think everyone has heard, probably incompletely, at some point in school:
“No one can step into the same river twice, for when he steps into it again, the waters are not the same, and the being itself has already changed. Thus, everything is governed by dialectics, the tension and the alternation of opposites. Therefore, reality is always the result of change, that is, of the struggle between opposites.”
In my opinion, I think that both phrases fit well with the version of the character that we see starring in the entire musical, since most ancient myths and poems have different versions and translations and of course Jorge took some artistic liberties; Odysseus is a Greek hero who fights against many monsters, both mythical and internal, taking into account his ethics as a person while trying to survive and return home.
I think it's interesting to point out that from here on I'll use some different terms, but I'll do my best to explain them.
We can see that throughout all the sagas Odysseus is describing the line of what it is to be human and how one can easily slip off it; this line is located between the definition of gods and monsters/animals and is known as Metron, which gave rise to the word measure, and here we will use it as a synonym for limit for something. It's also good to say that metron has nothing to do with a person's morals/character, because it's a question of ethics.
Morals are the set of rules that concern good and evil, right and wrong. These standards refer to values ​​that are passed down from generation to generation and guide the conduct of individuals in their daily lives. (personal)
Ethics is a field of philosophy whose object of study is the principles that guide morality. In this sense, ethics is a philosophical reflection on morality, approaching the universal principles that govern the common good and coexistence between human beings in general. (common sense)
In my opinion about the musical, the issue of gods and monsters is not so different. For me, in that context, monsters and gods are the same thing, since they are outside the ideal of humanity, but this point may be mentioned later.
Metron is not a knowledge, it is, above all, the limit between impossibility and weakness.
We can see in several Greek myths that human beings like to cross this line, most stories end in tragedy because of this, human beings can also be called “Hybris” which is an excess, it is being hybrid, having two natures, acting in two ways, it is being in the Metron and trying to be something that one is not, because thinking that we can be more than men is arrogance, and arrogance is a human emotion, another story that exemplifies this well is the myth of Oedipus who tries to overcome his destiny given by the gods and ends up fulfilling it anyway.
Hybris is a Greek concept that can be translated as "everything that goes beyond the measure; "immoderation" and which currently alludes to excessive confidence, exaggerated pride, presumption, arrogance or insolence (originally against the gods), which often ends up being punished.
It is worth noting that hybris would in no way be a sin, in the concept of the word and the ideal current translation for it would be "Hamartia", which by chance is also no longer used in its original meaning because of the Catholic Church.
Now going to the interesting part because I was just giving context of terms.
In The Horse and the Infant, we 'meet' our beloved version of Odysseus, where during the Trojan War he states that everything he is doing is for his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus, using this as a way to inspire his men to carry out the massacre that he himself did not want to participate in, I think because of his moral nature, the proof is so much that in Homer's original Odyssey, he pretends to be crazy so as not to show up when called, unfortunately he is unmasked and forced to go.
We also see here that up until now Odysseus is still a very moral character, he has his reasons for being there, he, like the other warriors, has a family and his deepest desire is to return to them. So with this we can conclude that he is still just a man, he is human.
In the same song we see how far his morality goes, as he receives the divine mission to kill the young Trojan prince, Astyanax, who is just a baby, due to the threat that one day he will want revenge on him and his kingdom.
All of this creates doubts in Odysseus, about the morality of gods and men. Here we see him crossing the line and this whole text begins to be about ethics, as it is common sense that killing a child is a monstrous act, but for him not to kill means that his family will die in a more horrendous way later and he cannot let that happen.
Then we have the monologue in Just a Man, the best song, where we can really see the doubts mentioned earlier. And one detail that I find very interesting and that will be important for this text is that in Gigi's animatic, we can see Odysseus' "monster" being 'born' and its source is the baby and his doubts about whether he would really be a monster just for that, even though at that moment the baby is still just a human, the mission to kill him little by little makes him a monster due to the possibility that one day he himself will commit several atrocities.
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It's fun for me to think that representing 'the monster' as a tree could be an allusion to the fact that trees take as long to grow as a monster takes to be formed by man.
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I think you now understand part of Nietzsche's quote. Odysseus looking at his own reflection and not recognizing himself, seeing the monster he will become if he crosses the metronome is very well treated in several animatics, but the most visible is in Gigi's where he is not only referenced but shown as a completely different being both in attitudes and thoughts.
I'll just pause to say that I love how Gigi did the work of showing the tree growing in the shape of a skull, which could be the deaths that the monster will bring or that it is a macabre thing to do, I don't know, I just love this detail for some reason.
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And also how I think that makes a point of showing that the real problem is not the baby but rather Odysseus' unethical thoughts developing because of his doubts.
Ok, end of the pause and start of a mini explanation.
I didn't think this analysis would be so long and in my original thought I was only going to end up mentioning a few songs and focusing more on "No Longer You" and "Monster" but it ended up getting out of control and listening to the musical again it seems like I can make a lot of connections that I hadn't thought of before but now I can't express them properly, so from now on there will be a gigantic gap in content that I might fill later in another post or by editing this one, but at the moment thinking too much about it is giving me a headache and I really wanted to be able to post this now along with the Wisdom Saga because it's something I did for fun from fan to fan and I know that now the fandom is busier. One day I swear I'll do a complete analysis relating song by song, but not today for the sake of my mental health.
End of explanation, subject change.
Going through his entire journey, Ody goes to the underworld after Tiresias who reveals that he will never return home, which makes him indignant, I think any human would be, how much he suffered to get there for nothing. Here we can see how Heraclitus fits into the prophet, and as much as I hate cutting philosophical phrases in half, I don't think I need to use the whole thing to make sense of it here, because the most well-known part of it is enough to get to the point discussed here, since it really won't be him who returns to Ithaca, but rather another man, a man haunted by his own past and by the ethics of his people.
There is no way a man who spent 20 years away from home, suffering for the divine and for his own mind, can be the same, because this is a human characteristic, humans are hybrid beings, which implies that we can change our own nature while gods and monsters will always follow the same line of thought, since they are perfect they do not need drastic changes to live as they are.
That's it. So finally we have the mental breakdown where Ody begins to accept that it doesn't matter if he is a monster to everyone, he did what was necessary. He looked into the abyss and was looked back. He becomes the monster, even if he compares himself to the other divine creatures, which I think he never really learned to differentiate from humans, because Ody my friend there is no way you can really reach the level of a cyclops or a god with a wounded ego, or a traumatized nymph, time makes things very trivial for them and let's face it you will not live even half as long as they do because you are just a mortal.
And I don't know how to make gifs so here are some prints to illustrate the last paragraph. But before that I wanted to thank you if you read this far, I know the ending was kind of bad but I'm emotionally tired, I hope I at least conveyed the idea that was in my head. Thank you and stream the new saga!!!!
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(All arts belong to gigi!! go check out this amazing work!!!)
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tonkiwebsites · 2 years
Humax youview reviews
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Humax youview reviews for free#
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Humax youview reviews for free#
The BT TV Store makes it easy to see what’s available for free and what you have to pay for by adding a ticket next to titles that aren’t included in your subscription.
Humax youview reviews upgrade#
You can also upgrade your subscription in this section, too. I had BT Sport in the background as I wrote this and watched televised fishing, followed by what appeared to be a strip version of Rock, Paper, Scissors (yes, really).īT Player is where you can access content you’ve subscribed to like BT Sport, as well as buy or rent new releases. Having said that, it definitely has an interesting lineup for its daytime programming. Lockdown certainly would have been a lot tougher had we not had BT Sport. After all, at the time of writing, it’s the only place where you can watch the Champions League, and it has an excellent selection of Premier League fixtures. The guide can also display channels by theme or type - for example, kids programming, sports channels or pay TV - to make it even easier to find what you want to watch.Īnd depending on what you’re into, the content can be well worth watching. Through this backwards scrolling, you can access individual programmes available on-demand through the guide itself rather than searching across different players and apps. You can scroll backwards in the guide to see programmes that aired up to one week ago. A more traditional, full-screen program guide is available, too, which displays what’s currently on, what’s coming up and what was previously on TV. The mini guide displays image tiles of what’s currently on TV. The guide has two formats: mini and regular. The main areas are:ĭespite numerous VOD options, most of us sit down to watch live TV when we turn on the telly, which is why it’s the first thing in BT’s new menu. The YouView boxes have a comprehensive, global search feature with a bright menu that's easy to read which displays as a small, visual guide under live TV. However, as with a lot of TV services, it’s not always easy to tell what on-demand content is included in your package and what you need to pay extra for. So you have to find your way around using the buttons on the clunky remote control. Although we didn't get a chance to get hands on with the UHD version, it's identical to the YouView+ aside from the improved image quality.Ĭompare BT TV deals Using BT’s YouView+ BoxīT TV is easy enough to navigate, although, like we mentioned before, there is no voice search function. The top-tier box, the YouView+ Ultra HD box also allows you to watch programmes in UHD or 4K quality, which neither of the other boxes support.įor this review, we're looking at the YouView+ box.
Humax youview reviews plus#
This means you will be able to watch on-demand and catch-up TV, plus pause and rewind live TV, but you can’t record any TV on your box.īT’s Entertainment Bundle, meanwhile, comes with the YouView+ box, which does let you record TV - up to 300 hours of it, in fact. Sign up for BT’s Starter + BT Sport package and you’ll get the basic YouView set-top box. The YouView box you get depends on which BT TV package you sign up for. What’s the difference between BT YouView and YouView+? In short, it looks more like a TV remote from 20 years ago than one you would expect to see nowadays. It does have plenty of other buttons though- perhaps too many. But if you’re used to, say, an Amazon Fire Stick or a Sky Q remote, the BT one will feel unnecessarily cumbersome.Īnd, unlike a lot of other modern remotes, it doesn’t have a voice search feature. If you haven’t bought a new TV in a few years, or you haven’t got a streaming stick yet, the BT TV remote will feel on the larger side of standard size. It’ averages 23.7cm long, so it should fit into most TV cabinets and will blend in nicely with whatever devices, set-top boxes, games consoles or media players you keep plugged in. It’s a generic black box with a light to indicate when it’s switched on (blue), recording (red) or on standby (purple). So, the BT YouView+ set-top box probably isn’t going to win any beauty contests anytime soon. You can also buy or rent the latest films and box sets from the BT TV Store. We’ve reviewed the YouView+ box to give you our take on it, plus some tips and tricks to get the most out of your set-top box.īT’s YouView boxes let you seamlessly watch live or on-demand TV across multiple services, including Netflix, iPlayer and NOW. Not the easiest interface to get to grips withĮvery BT TV package comes with a YouView set-top box.
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Tinder in Real Life
Pairings: Harry Lewis x fem!Reader, Sidemen x platonic!Reader Word Count: 2k Warnings: Language some people may find offensive, sexual themes, recycled lines from Sidemen Tinder in Real Life because I'm not at all creative Request: Hey! Could you do reader x Harry imagine where the sidemen do a collab video with the reader who is also a big youtuber and Harrys celebrity crush. And during the video the reader is very flirty, leaving Harry a flustered mess when the flirting is directed towards him, but very jealous when its with any other sidemen.
The Sidemen were one of the biggest groups on YouTube and one that you were very familiar with. At the age of 23, you were a fair bit younger than some of its oldest members but yet you had a close relationship with JJ, whom you had met through YouTube.
You had started your channel when you were 17, just under four years ago, making makeup videos, which was a passion of yours when you were younger. Not that you were any good at it back then. Those videos quickly become unlisted when your channel started blowing up in late 2016, now nearing 20 million at the present time.
It wasn't long before you expanded your horizons and had started making different sorts of videos, including vlogs of your everyday life - which wasn't and still isn't that exciting in your opinion - and those where you just had a laugh, attempting to do stupid challenges that were so popular back then. It was those, however, that grew your channel. Your fans seemed to love them and so you gradually started to make more.
As your small channel began to grow significantly, it caught the attention of KSI, a member of the Sidemen, who reached out to you to for a collab. You were ecstatic. You couldn't believe it at the time, why would someone like KSI with 20 million subscribers want to collaborate with you? By that time, you couldn't exactly call yourself a small channel anymore, with almost 5 million subscribers but it still didn't make any sense to you.
You and JJ quickly bonded after filming together. You had a very similar sense of humour and interests. As the years went, the older boy became one of your best friends, the nature of your relationship being very teasing and flirtatious but the both of you knew it was a joke. It was just the way you both were.
Though despite having known him for nearing 3 years now, you had never met the rest of the Sidemen, with the exception of Simon, as he lived with JJ. Which is why when he texted asking you to collaborate with the Sidemen, you couldn't turn the offer down. You were a fan of the group and the content they were producing. You thought the videos that they made were exceptional, that they were pushing the envelope of the standard of content on YouTube and often found yourself excited for new videos.
He had explained that they were filming another of their 'Tinder in real life' but a YouTuber version with the likes of BambinoBecky and ChiWithAC. You were so excited. You were finally going to meet the rest of JJ's friends and you had the opportunity to be a part of a Sidemen Sunday.
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You arrived at the studio the boys were filming at in the afternoon, finding and greeting JJ before he introduced you to the other sidemen in addition to Lux, Freezy and Stephen.
"And you've already met Simon." He finished.
"Yeah. Nice to finally meet you all. JJ tells me a lot about you guys." You laughed.
"Because that's assuring." Ethan pointed out with a chuckle, the other boys letting out agreements.
"Not all bad, I promise." You teased, winking at him. Ethan felt the blood rushing to his face, immediately becoming flustered and stumbling over his words. You found that you often had that effect on people as you could be very direct and flirtatious even when you didn't mean it. To you it was just friendly banter.
"Geez Y/N, stop flirting with people you met literally five minutes ago." JJ rolled his eyes.
"You sound a bit jealous, Jide." You smirked, a teasing grin spread across your face.
"Nah, allow it." There were eruptions of laughter around the room, coming from the boys. You were quick to notice Harry standing out of the way and was significantly quieter than the others, with what seemed to be a forced smile on his face.
Harry was in his own head, barely paying attention to what was going on around him. When JJ had told him that you were going to be in the next Sidemen video, he panicked. You were an accomplished YouTuber who he was quite fond of to say the least. Well, that would be an understatement, he had a fairly large crush on you. A crush that no one but Freezy and Lux knew about.
He knew that JJ had been friends with you for some time now but never considered the possibility of even meeting you. His anxiety acted as a barrier to even the thought of it. But he was currently in the same room as you and had said nothing more than a short 'hello'. He longed to have the confidence Ethan had to speak to you, even more so for you to look at him the way you were.
Already you were flirting with JJ and Ethan, something that caused a pit to form at the bottom of his stomach. He wouldn't admit it, but he could slowly feel the jealousy forming. Not that he had anything to be jealous about in the first place!
You continued to speak with the boys as you got your mic set up, telling them stories you were sure would embarrass JJ.
"Y/N, stop." The older boy whined. He could be like a child sometimes, but it was one of his more endearing qualities. He simply wouldn't be JJ if he wasn't.
"No, carry on." Simon laughed.
"Oh, don't worry, there's plenty more where that came from." You teased.
"I think it's time we started, don't you think?" Harry grumbled.
"Right." You smiled at the boy, who's cheeks became tinted red. He ducked to hide his face and walked around to stand in the line, hiding himself in the middle.
"Hi, I'm Y/N, I'm 23 and I'm from Y/H/T." You spoke to the camera once you were given the go ahead.
"I'm Simon, I'm 28. I like to practice safe sex."
"Always a good start."
"I could tie you to the bed, so you don't fall off." He finished with a giggle. You acted like you were pondering it for a moment before letting out a laugh and swiping right.
"I'm down for that." You teased. The boys all let out rumbles of laughter
"Hi, I'm Ethan, I'm 26 and kiss me if I'm wrong, but you're gonna swipe right."
"What would you rather?" You joked. Ethan shrugged his shoulders and walked closer to the board, sticking his head through with his lips puckered, eliciting a cry of protest from Harry that this wasn't allowed. You laughed and made an over exaggerated motion to swipe to the right, causing him to pout playfully but walked over to the right anyway.
"Hi, I'm Josh, I'm 28. KSI has a top ten single, but you're the only hot single I can see."
"Wow, that was smooth!" You said with a grin. "Definite yes from me."
"I'm Callum, I'm 26. Are you into fitness?" Freezy asked.
"Can't say I am." You replied, unsure of what turn this could take.
"How about you fitness dick in your mouth?"
"I wouldn't get too excited babes, I gag on my toothbrush." You laughed. "We could try though."
You swiped right on him, chuckling as you watched him let out a yes before joining Simon, Ethan, and Josh. You frowned slightly, a crease forming between your brows as you saw Harry whisper something furiously at his friend but ultimately got distracted by Vik stepping up to go next.
"I'm Vik, I'm 25. My ex-girlfriend always said I'd never do better than her, wanna prove her right?" You could hear the cries of the boys in the background, some scolding him, others laughing.
"Man actually said prove her right. Not wrong." JJ shrieked with a shocked look on his face, holding his head with his hands.
"You need to find someone for that." You snarked, swiping left on the boy, who shrugged and walked off.
"Damn! You got told!" Lux cackled.
"Uh hi. I'm Harry. I'm uh 25, no I'm not I'm 24." He stumbled. "Are you sure you're a muggle? Because that ass is magical."
"You should see how magical it can be." You spoke before cringing at yourself and laughing, swiping right to avoid a reply. The boy's face grew a bright shade of red, closely resembling the colour of a tomato.
"Geez, is that an offer?!" Freezy yelled from the right side. You laughed, observing how Harry whispered furiously to the boy to stop and winked at him once he had could see. Your laughter only increased as you watched JJ step up.
"I'm JJ. I'm 28 and are you a raisin? Cause you're raising my dick." The boy in question stood in front of you so confidently, hands clasped together in front of him so seriously that you just lost it. By the time you composed yourself, there were tears almost falling from your eyes.
"A* for effort." You laughed, swiping right eliciting a cry of success.
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You had wrapped up filming your segment of the video, which conveniently was the last of the day. You found JJ who you spoke to whilst the other boys were otherwise occupied talking to each other.
"Cheers for coming, Y/N/N. You've been great."
"Anything for you." You joked.
"Don't tempt me." He laughed. You could feel eyes on you, eyes that were burning into your side. You turned your head to see Harry staring you and JJ down before looking away after being caught in the act, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable.
"Does Harry not like me or something?" You whispered to JJ, feeling self-conscious all of a sudden.
"Not that I know of." He frowned looking at the younger boy. "He can be a bit awkward at times and gets flustered a lot."
"Right." You agreed. You excused yourself before sauntering up to the boy in question, calling his name to snap him out of the daze he appeared to be in.
"Oh, um hey Y/N." He stumbled.
"Hi." You smiled gently. "I uh, I was just wondering, do you... have I done something to offend you?"
"Offend me? Why, uh, why would you think that?" He rambled.
"It's just... it's nothing, it's probably just me overthinking things." You waved it off, feeling like a complete idiot.
"I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I don't like you. I don't not like you, in fact I really like you! Oh, um I mean I like you, you're very pretty." The boy couldn't stop rambling which made you laugh. "No, wait."
"You think I'm pretty?" You blushed interrupting him. Harry felt his mouth go dry, not being able to get anything coherent to come out. "Well, Harry, I really like you too."
"What?" His eyebrows shot up so far it was almost comical. "Really? So, you don't like the other guys?"
"What? No." You laughed. "That's absurd. Why would you think that?"
"You seemed very..." The boy trailed off, not wanting to offend you after you had admitted to liking him.
"Flirty?" You finished, causing him to nod. "I'm like that with everyone, I don't mean to be half the time."
"Well, how about you give me your phone number and when you finally grow a pair, you can ask me out?" Your confidence levels had shot up spontaneously.
"Uh, sure." His cheeks had become a dark shade of red as he passed his phone to you so you could put your number in. You kept looking up at him as you typed, putting your name under 'Y/N x' in his contacts before handing it back to him.
"Y/N! Come on! We're going to Nando's!" JJ called from the other side of the room.
"Call me." You winked. Your bottom lip was caught between your teeth and was currently the only thing from stopping the wide grin from spreading across your face. A grin that hadn't disappeared from your face for the rest of the day, much to the curiosity of JJ, who was disappointed when you refused to tell him why, or more appropriately who, had put the smile on your face.
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uglypastels · 3 years
Hogwarts idea
Can you make a fic about how Tom sneakes out at night to spend the nights in the readers room (common room/bedroom) he’s a gryffindor and she’s a ravenclaw
Maybe they have a deal with the house teacher of one of the houses. Maybe he tries to hide in her bed as so not to wake the others. Maybe they fall asleep in the common room and have a minor panic when they wake up and it’s morning. Maybe they accidentally switch clothes or one of them steal the others clothes so they walk around with the wrong colors.
love love love love this!!! and I'm sorry it took me so long, I've been in a bit of a writing slump, but this is the best request to get me out of it! thank you <3 and hope you like it. (this got a bit out of hand and I might have changed the ending a lil bit but I hope its good heh)
(gender neutral!reader, I think? at least that's what I went for but if I accidentally missed something just let me know and I'll edit, I'm dumb)
Being in your seventh year at Hogwarts, with exams just around the corner, was taking up almost every waking minute of your days. Adding the fact that you had your Head Student duties, and Tom had his Quidditch house team to take care of, meaning that you barely ever had time for each other. The only solution, in your young and smitten minds, was that some rules needed to be broken- just a little bit.
It took Tom some time to convince you since you were supposed to be setting the right example for the younger students, but eventually, one gloomy Friday morning, he finally got to you.
"C'mon, love, it will be fun," he had his arm draped around you as you tried to enjoy your breakfast, the looks of your fellow housemates never going unnoticed. There had never been a rule against students eating meals at different tables, and yet, seeing the captain of the Gryffindor team spending all his mornings and evenings at the Ravenclaw table was a strange sight. He preferred your table, he had said one day when you asked, it was quieter. That you could not disagree with. The Gryffindors were always rowdy.
"I don't know Tommy, what if we get in trouble?" you bit the inside of your cheek, as you always did when you got nervous. Tom responded by pulling you in tighter and kissing your cheek, then said:
"That's half the fun of it, darling." His words rushed an array of feelings through you. A part of you started to feel flustered, while the other wanted to shove his face in the large bowl of porridge that stood on the table.
"Please," he looked at you with his usual sad puppy-eyed look. "I feel like never get to see you, y/n. So I'll come over tonight, you can let me into the Rave tower, we'll hang out a bit and then I'll leave- like nothing ever happened. What do you think?"
"I don't know, Tommy-" You tried to keep a straight face, but it was hard to say no to a gorgeous face like his. after a few short moments of silence, you finally agreed, "fine. Be there at 10. Do not be late, Holland."
"I wouldn't dare to waste a second away from you." He kissed you, grabbed a slice of toast (from your plate, of course), and got up.
"Wait, where are you going?" You asked, confused, since breakfast wouldn't end for another 20 minutes.
"I'm kind of late for early detention with McGonagall," he chuckled before running off, toast between his teeth. You just rolled your eyes and finished your meal in peace.
You never really thought that your classes were boring, but that day, every minute seemed to go by at a quarter of its speed. It was as if someone had put a time-stopping hex on you if that even was a thing. You couldn't wait to finish your studies in the library (the scheduled hours at the library was necessary since there was still so much to get through before the NEWTs), so you could make your way back to the Great Hall for dinner. Once there, you immediately were on the lookout for the head of dark brown curls. You stood in the doorway, letting people pass you, but no luck; Tom was nowhere to be seen.
Internally, you already started cursing. It would be just your luck that he'd get attention again for the rest of the night. Why did you have to fall for the troublemaker-
"Aaah!" you shrieked as suddenly your feet were lifted from the ground. Arms wrapped around your middle, and you were spinning around. You wanted to scream more, but you heard the familiar laugh, and it immediately put you at ease.
"Put me down," you laughed. Tom complied without pretence. But his hands remained at your sides as you turned to face him. And then, eagerly, his lips met yours in a chaste kiss.
It was, of course, silly to think that you could have this moment just for yourself, in a hall filled with hundreds of students. Only a few seconds into your kiss, you could hear wolf-whistles around you. Someone, who sounded very much like Tom's friend and team co-captain Harrison, called out from afar: "Get it, Holland!" Tom was quick to put up two fingers in his direction, not paying attention to anyone. But the mood was ruined, and you pulled apart.
"Missed you today," he said softly.
"Missed you, too." You replied. His fingers slipped between yours, and like that, hand in hand, you were already making your way to the Ravenclaw table, but, unfortunately, Tom was stopped when someone tugged at the back of his robes.
"Oi, you dickhead-" but he laughed it off when he saw it was Ben, another friend and member of the Gryffindor team.
"Sorry 'bout that," Ben apologised, "but we're supposed to be holding a team meeting, remember?" He pointed over at the Gryffindor table, and, indeed, the rest of the team was huddled together at the edge of the table. Harrison had gotten up when he saw you and Tom looking, returning the gesture of the two fingers held up in the V-shape.
"Shit, I forgot." Tom brushed his fingers through his hair. He looked at you, eyes already full of regret, and you could tell he was ready to apologise, but you stopped him before he even opened his mouth.
"Don't worry, we'll talk later, yeah." You kissed him on the cheek, "remember, 10."
And miraculously, Tom did remember. As the clock in the Ravenclaw common room struck 10, you heard the faint knock at the other side of the entrance. Of course, Tom knew where and how to access the Ravenclaw tower, but the riddles that the eagle doorknocker asked were at times a bit too hard, bless him.
You pushed the door open, and there he stood. His robes were exchanged for sweatpants and a hoodie. A blue one, you noticed, not that that would help him fit in with the crowd in the common room. Tom had been team captain for the past three years, and his team had not failed to win the cup once since he had even joined the team, to begin with. Everyone in school knew him and adored him. Not even the rest of your house managed to be mad at him (though the Ravenclaw team definitely held a bit of a grudge after a few bad losses over the years).
He stepped inside, and you quickly lead him around the common room up the stairs of the dormitories.
You had heard that years ago, the stairs had a spell on them that stopped the male students from even attempting to step up to the other dormitories. Now, however, this "rule" has been dropped, ever since several students expressed their concerns for the double standards between the male and female student body, as well as the discomfort it might set up for the queer students.
Personally, you thought it would be even better if every student could have their own room, since sharing a space with four other people could get a bit crowded at times and you liked your privacy, but it was understandable that in an ancient building like Hogwarts renovations were not always an option.
Luck struck once more when you opened the door to your dormitory, and it was empty. All of your friends were still out, most likely staring at their books, in the hopes of getting struck with a moment of brilliance that could help them pass their exams. You closed the door, and Tom made himself comfortable in your bed.
It felt like the entire day had already been wasted, not to mention dinner, so you hurried down to your bed, pulling down the curtains of the four-poster, just to get that little bit of privacy you longed for at the end long day. But, of course, it was nothing unusual or suspicious since you often closed your curtains when you were too tired to chat with your roommates.
It was dark with the curtains closed, but Tom was quick to pull out his wand and murmured "lumos" the tip immediately illuminated in soft blue light. The glow was just enough for you to see his face, the goofy grin taking over his features.
"What are you laughing at?" you asked, whispering in case someone would walk in.
"Nothing," he shrugged, "just happy to be here with you."
"You're daft," you laughed.
"Yeah, about you," and with that, he kissed you. The light at the end of his want went out as he dropped between you. His lips were soft and sweet, the pudding that had been served with dinner still lingering on him. He must have stolen a few cookies from the table when it had finished, you thought, to eat later. He often did that.
You stayed like that, cuddling, stealing kisses from one another, for hours, probably. You were never quite sure because eventually, you both drifted off into a slumber. You could have probably slept like that, wrapped in his arms, forever, if it wasn't the bright light peeking through your curtains that was hitting you right in the face. And the whispers. You could hear people talking.
"I swear, they're just the cutest." It was your friend talking.
"But do they really need to do it here?" A second voice said, also familiar to you. "I mean, how many rules do you think they're breaking?"
"Oh shut!" you heard pillows being thrown. Or at least assumed that was what was happening around you. You couldn't be bothered to open your eyes, instead deciding to focus on Tom and his calm breathing. Your head was close to his chest, so you felt it rise with each inhale he took, and you could hear his heartbeat.
It was Saturday, meaning no classes. You had studied every day for the past few weeks, definitely deserving a little break for the day. If you remembered correctly, Tom wouldn't have training until the late afternoon and you could always skip breakfast. If you got hungry before tea, you could always sneak into the kitchens. After all, the two of you had already broken so many rules, what would be the harm in one more.
Ignoring the further whispers of your friends, you snuggled closer to Tom, feeling his arm wrapping tighter around you. Both of you shuffled around a bit, trying to find back the comfort from the night, and quickly you fell back to sleep.
The End
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adapembroke · 2 years
What is Your Coming of Age Story?: Saturn in the Signs and Houses
There was a time when a middle class person could reasonably expect to pay for a college degree with their summer job money, graduate into a stable job with a decent paycheck, buy a modest home, and have enough money to start a family by the time they were 25.
That is not the world we live in today.
And, yet, the popular image of what it means to be an adult is frozen like a mammoth in Siberia in a world that died long ago. The cognitive dissonance caused by the distance between the popular definition of being an adult and the reality of what most individuals are capable of right now is terrible. It’s like experiencing gaslighting everywhere you go.
Until we manage to build a better world, we need new coming of age stories for the world we live in now.
Astrology can help you write a coming of age story that is satisfying and fulfilling for you.
In astrology, there is no bigger expert on what it means to be a grown up than Saturn. Saturn’s area of expertise is doing hard things, in hard places, at hard times. If you are looking for someone to pat you on the back and accept your excuses, Saturn isn’t going to do it, but Saturn is fair, and Saturn is a realist. He knows that “one size fits all” is a bad marketing gimmick. Even in the best of times, no one is capable of doing everything, so his standards are different for everyone.
Saturn’s sign tells you about what kind of hero you’re trying to be. If you have Saturn in Aries, your coming of age story will be a warrior’s coming of age. With Saturn in Sagittarius, you will feel the most grown up when you have a quest like Odysseus. If you have Saturn in Cancer or Capricorn, your coming of age story might look like selfishness to other people, even though you know that it actually represents growth.
Saturn’s house tells you where in your life your Saturn coming of age moment will happen. If you have Saturn in Aries in the 10th house, your battle will be in the area of your career. If you have Saturn in Aries in the 4th, however, your battle will be with your family, or you will need to fight for your home.
To find Saturn’s coming of age story for you, look for your Saturn sign in the section on the signs below. If you were born in the late-70s or later, you can find your Saturn sign by checking the range of dates associated with each sign. To find where your life your coming of age drama will play out, read the section on the house where you find Saturn in your natal chart.
Saturn in the Signs
Saturn in Aries
Apr 7, 1996 - Jun 9, 1998 | Oct 25, 1998 - Feb 28, 1999
You feel like you’ve been training with a wooden sword for years. There are important battles to be fought. Everyone around you is fighting, and you know that you belong on the battlefield, too, but your training never seems to end. If you are lucky, your day will come. Your teachers will pat you on the back and hand you a sword. You will go into battle confident in your ability to handle deadly weapons with precision. Or, the war might come to you before you’re ready, and you will face a choice: Steal a sword from the armory and charge into battle unprepared, risking harm to yourself and others, or wait with the children for the adults to take care of it—or not. Ultimately, only you know when you’re ready to face your destiny—or when you have no choice but to face it.
Saturn in Taurus
Jun 9 - Oct 25, 1998 | Feb 28, 1999 - Aug 9, 2000 | Oct 15, 2000 - Apr 20, 2001
You were born feeling old. Whenever you pass the VFW Hall, memories of distant battles lost and won before you were born reverberate through your skull. You are done with fighting. You have been done with fighting your whole life. You want nothing more than silence, the smell of green trees, and the taste of cold spring water. Someday, you’re going to pack up your few precious belongings, sell everything else you own, and drive away from civilization with your dog. You will spend your life burying your hands in the good, black earth. Then, when you fall exhausted into bed with aching muscles and a guilt-free mind, you will find peace.
Saturn in Gemini
Aug 9 - Oct 15, 2000 | Apr 20, 2001 - Jun 3, 2003
Most people have a memory of the day when they told their first lie. You will never forget the first time you told the truth. The truth is: You are never really going to graduate. There will always be one more class to take, one more book to read, one more subject to interview, one more experiment to run in the lab, one more language to learn. It is only when you realize this that you will have the humility necessary to answer your calling, to step up to the lectern, and share what you know.
Saturn in Cancer
Jun 3, 2003 - Jul 16, 2005
There was a time when you thought you became a Real Adult the moment you became a parent. The truth is: People have always trusted you with their babies. You were holding babies when you were little more than a baby yourself. For you, maturity is not about sacrifice. It is about having the courage to know your limits, to put your mask on first before you help someone else with theirs, to look straight in the eye of someone who desperately needs your help, and tell them, “No.”
Saturn in Leo
Jul 16, 2005 - Sep 2, 2007
What is maturity for a rockstar? Is it the first time you get on stage? The big gig? The international tour? All of these things are accomplishments. You know they are, but, as you check each one off your bucket list, you have a sneaking suspicion that all of these Big Star milestones aren’t really what success is all about. There will come a day when you are at the top of your game, and you look out at the crowd of people basking in your glory and one individual in the crowd will catch your eye. You’ve always known your fans were people, but it will be like you understand what that means for the first time. There are so many people out there longing to be where you are, just as deserving of fame as you are. Suddenly, the stage will feel too small. You will wish it was in your power to pull everyone up on stage with you. You have that power. You will find a way.
Saturn in Virgo
Jul 26, 1978 - Sep 21, 1980 | Sep 2, 2007 - Oct 29, 2009
People keep on telling you that you’re crabby, but you can’t help it. Everywhere you look something is broken. You don’t know how people can stand the cracked up roads, the buggy computer code, the shoddy stitching in new pairs of jeans—never mind all of your mistakes. Your mistakes dance in front of your eyes when you go to bed at night, making you cringe. The world will never be good enough. You will never be good enough. The time will come when you realize this, and it doesn’t make you fall apart with despair. You will stand up, brush off your knees, and look around you with a clear eye. With a sober sense of your own limits and responsibilities, you will draw a line across your life. On one side of the line are the things that are outside of your purview. On the other side of the line is your shit to clean up, and you will pick up your cleaning brush and start scrubbing.
Saturn in Libra
Sep 21, 1980 - Nov 29, 1982 | May 6, 1983 - Aug 24, 1983
A day will come when you realize that, ultimately, every decision is arbitrary. You will realize that most other people don’t really bother trying to understand what’s fair like you do. They mostly come up with justifications for doing the things they do after they’ve already decided to do them. That time giving people the benefit of the doubt has not been wasted, however. In trying to understand the decisions of others, you have become an expert in understanding other people’s underlying motivations. You can empathize with the victim and the thief. You know exactly why the bottle of medicine was stolen, and you also know the pain in the pharmacist’s heart, knowing that the medicine will be abused. On that day, you will find yourself alone, the only person in the room capable of delivering justice, and you will choose with a broken heart because you will understand how much justice really costs.
Saturn in Scorpio
Nov 29, 1982 - May 6, 1983 | Aug 24, 1983 - Nov 16, 1985 | Oct 5, 2012 - Dec 23, 2014 | Jun 14 - Sep 17, 2015
Some really fucked up shit has happened to you. If there is any justice in the world, you’ve spent a lot of time in therapy sorting it out, but few people know better than you just how unjust this world really is, so it’s doubtful that you have been able to get all the therapy the world owes you. The first part of growing up is owning that fact. You were born clinging with both hands to a rope that holds you, gently swinging, a hundred feet in the air. It isn’t fair, but you’re the only one who can save you, so you’ve got to take responsibility for your predicament and learn how to climb that rope to safety.
Saturn in Sagittarius
Nov 16, 1985 - Feb 13, 1988 | Jun 10 - Nov 12, 1988 | Dec 23, 2014 - Jun 14, 2015 | Sep 17, 2015 - Dec 19, 2017
The day you came of age was the day you walked away from the job, the home, the relationship, the church, the school that didn’t mean anything to you. Most people breathe oxygen. You breathe purpose. Every waking moment needs to be filled with it, or you will choke on boredom and drown in despair. For a time, you will wander. Even if you pretend that life is one big party, you will hate the wandering years because every purposeless step feels like a waste of time to you. When you are old, you will realize that the wandering years were essential. It is only by stumbling over it accidentally that you will be able to uncover your quest.
Saturn in Capricorn
Feb 13 - Jun 10, 1988 | Nov 12, 1988 - Feb 6, 1991 | Dec 19, 2017 - Mar 21, 2020 | Jul 1 - Dec 17, 2020
Winter is coming, and you know what an impending snow storm smells like better than anyone. If you listen, you will hear the voice of caution in your heart. If you are wise, you will heed your inner voice. You will work hard and save for harder times. You will get pushback. Everyone around you will have evidence for why things are getting better: “The economy is booming. We tore down the wall. The president lost the election. How bad could it possibly be?” You know. You know what it takes to take care of yourself.
Saturn in Aquarius
Feb 6, 1991 - May 21, 1993 | Jun 30, 1993 - Jan 28, 1994 | Mar 21 - Jul 1, 2020 | Dec 17, 2020 - Mar 7, 2023
You have always been an outsider. If you’re honest, you like it that way. You like the perspective distance gives you. There are few things more scary than crowds. You can get lost in a crowd. You can lose the thing that truly makes you special: your ability to see clearly the way the crowd moves like a flock of birds. A day will come when you will have a choice. You can return home. You can communicate what you've seen to the people who need to hear it. You can say things no one has ever heard before. You won’t know how they will react. Will they call you a genius, or will they make you a scapegoat and send you into exile? These are questions you cannot answer. You are the only one who knows how important your truth is. What is the cost of silence? Listen to yourself and choose.
Saturn in Pisces
May 21 - Jun 30, 1993 | Jan 28, 1994 - Apr 7, 1996 | Mar 7, 2023 - May 24, 2025 | Sep 1, 2025 - Feb 13, 2026
A day will come when you put down the bottle, quit doing drugs, stop playing video games, and start meditating. That doesn’t necessarily mean you will go to India and stay in an ashram. It might be that on the outside nothing has changed. You might go to the bar or dispensary like you always do. You might stay up until dawn raiding, but something in your head will be different. For a long time, you ran away from life, but you won’t just engage in escapism anymore, you will actually escape. There is a world on the other side of the rainbow, a state of consciousness that is as clear and open as a prairie sky, and you will spend the rest of your life running toward that sky as fast as you can.
Saturn in the Houses
1st House
Your coming of age story is the central theme in your life story. Everything in your life ties into it in some way.
2nd House
Your coming of age story will play out in your relationship with money and your sense of self-worth.
3rd House
Your coming of age story will involve finding your voice or building life-long relationships with people who feel like siblings to you.
4th House
Your coming of age story will play out in your home, homeland, or family of origin.
5th House
Your coming of age story will require you to express yourself in an authentic way. It may also involve your relationship with children or friends.
6th House
Your coming of age story will involve your day job, your physical health, or your daily rituals.
7th House
Your coming of age story will involve your relationship with a partner, spouse, or rival.
8th House
Your coming of age story will involve facing death, the occult, or extreme vulnerability.
9th House
Your coming of age story will involve religion or encounters with people from very different cultures.
10th House
Your coming of age story will involve your vocation or career.
11th House
Your coming of age story will involve your colleagues or goals for the future.
12th House
Your coming of age story will involve an encounter with something bigger or stronger than you that is inviting you to (directly or indirectly) to experience transcendence.
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kjmsupremacist · 2 years
maps and constellations (chan/felix)
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After their senior year of high school, Chan and his closest friends decide to go on a road trip together to close out their time as children before they move on to college. Though Chan's excited for the trip, he knows the pressure of the next stage of their lives looms bigger on the horizon every day, and he's not sure how well they're all going to handle the transition, especially because they'll be scattered across the country in the fall. Even more pressing, however, are the feelings he's developing for his best friend, Felix.
Chapter 1   |   next   mlist
Characters: Felix, Chan, the rest of skz
Genre: romance, fluff, angst, friends to lovers, coming of age, growing pains, getting together
Pairing: Chan/Felix
Warnings: swearing? idk dude by my standards this is rather tame. we get into the smut later lol
Rating: Teen & Up
Length: 3.9k
Just a note at the top, it's a little confusing because I had to manipulate their ages, so for ease, here are their ages at the start of the fic. I tried to preserve their current age hierarchy as best as I could, but obviously there are a couple of unavoidable differences. There's some brief explanation as to how this happened near the start of this chapter. Not super important, but I'd rather have a little clarity here so we don't get mixed up down the road, especially because Changbin's birthday will be occurring during the time period that this fic covers:
Chan: 19, almost 20 Minho: 19, almost 20 Changbin: Will turn 19 about a week into the trip Hyunjin: 18, will be 19 in the following spring Han: 18, almost 19 Felix: 18, almost 19 Seungmin: 18, almost 19 I.N: 17, will be 18 in the following February
official playlist incoming, stay tuned!
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Something’s definitely up. Chan can tell the instant he opens his front door; there’s something about the air in the house that tells him he’s not alone, even though his whole family is out. 
So he tries his next best guess. “Lix?” he calls, closing the door behind him and hanging his keys on the hook. 
The intruder pokes his head around the corner, smiling sheepishly. “I forgot you had work,” Felix says. “How did you know?”
Chan shrugs, grinning at him. Really, it was the way the door was locked—Chan always locks both locks, and he knew he did this morning, but just now it was only the top one. Felix has his own set of keys to Chan’s house, just like Chan has to his—their parents made that decision years ago. Still, Felix always forgets to lock the doorknob. “I dunno,” he says instead of explaining. “I could just tell.” He ruffles Felix’s hair as he passes, heading to the kitchen. “Want a snack? I’m starving.”
“Yes, please.” Felix takes a seat at the breakfast bar, brushing his hair back into place as he watches Chan survey the contents of the fridge. Chan can feel his eyes on his back even though he can’t see him. 
“You could’ve grabbed something, you know,” Chan says as he pulls out a couple of cans of Coca-Cola. He slides one across the counter to Felix, and then closes the fridge, going for the cupboard instead. “Like, the only thing in this kitchen that’s off-limits is the meat my mom’s marinating.”
“I wanted to eat with you,” Felix says, and Chan shoots him a half-fond, half-exasperated look over his shoulder. Felix just sticks out his tongue as he pops the can open.
It’s always been like this, almost as long as Chan can remember. He moved to the States with his parents when he was three, so he has very little recollection of anything before. He had one friend already—Han Jisung, the son of his parents’ college friends. But he lived in a different neighborhood, and it wasn’t always convenient for their parents to arrange times for them to see each other.
The house they moved into, the house that Chan and his family still live in now, fifteen years later, ended up being across the street from Felix’s house. Felix was two at the time, but they were fast friends. Chan’s little sister, Hannah, wasn’t born until he was seven, so for a few years it was mostly just Felix keeping him company. They went to the same preschool, were constantly over at each other’s houses for playdates. Chan, unlike Felix, was born in Korea, so he was held back for ESL reasons even though his English was perfect (racist, really, but unfortunately unavoidable). The upside was that this put Chan and Felix in the same grade.
Throughout their first few years in school, they began gathering a friend group. Some members were immediate—Chan made friends with a boy named Minho who had been held back just like Chan had; Felix appeared at lunch one day with a boy at his side. His name was Changbin and his parents had decided to wait an extra year before sending him to school, even though he just barely made the September 1st cutoff, unlike Felix, who’d missed it by a couple weeks. Age is a big deal when you’re little, so they all bonded over being on the older end of their grade (Changbin and Felix freshly six and Chan and Minho nearly seven to their classmates’ five years old). Soon their parents were arranging playdates every week.
In first grade, Jisung ended up in their school district when his family moved, so he was brought into the fold. They met Seungmin that year, too; he’d been in the other kindergarten class the year before. Suddenly, they had three September birthdays to celebrate. That year, they also met Hyunjin. He and Jisung bickered bitterly all throughout that year, and the year after too. Though they got better as they got older, it wasn’t until high school, when they realized a lot of that animosity was misplaced attraction, that they actually settled down. 
Last to join their group was Jeongin, who showed up on the first day of fifth grade. They found out that he was actually a year younger, and had been bumped up a grade after playing a little catch-up over the summer. And with that, their group was complete. Though they made other friends throughout middle and high school, the core remained unchanged.
Now, they’re one month off of high school graduation, and have only the summer before they and their friends head off to college. It’s bittersweet, certainly, but at least Chan and Felix are going to school in the same state. Sure, Vassar is a few hours on the train away from NYU, but that’s something Chan thinks he can manage. It’s not like he and Felix couldn’t survive without each other, but the comfort of a childhood best friend when he’s moving to the other side of the country is definitely welcome.
“Tteokbokki ok?” Chan knows the answer; he takes down a cup of prepackaged tteokbokki and goes searching for a small saucepan to boil some water in.
“Yeah,” Felix says anyway.
“So,” Chan says as he sets the pot of water on the stove and lights the burner, “why are you here? I mean, I can’t imagine our snack selection is better than yours.”
“First of all,” Felix says. “Your siblings are younger than mine, so obviously your snack selection is better. But I’m also here because I need help packing.”
“I see.” Chan covers the pot and leans over the counter, popping his soda open.
They’re all going on a big roadtrip in a couple of days, Chan, Felix, and all their friends. They’re going to start where they are, in San Diego, and then work their way up the west coast of California, then come back down more inland. The trip is gonna take just about three weeks, and they’ve been planning it since the start of their senior year. Chan knows he’s going to be exhausted and probably depressed once they get home, but right now he’s just excited. His brain is also too full of thoughts of preparation to have room for any sadness about how his whole friend group is going to be scattered across the country when fall comes around.
Some of them are luckier than others—he and Felix among them. Seungmin and Jeongin are the luckiest; they’re both shipping off to the University of Washington, and they’re going to be roommates. Minho will be at Brown, so Chan will at least be able to see him once or twice during the school year. Changbin’s going to be in the middle of nowhere, also known as the University of Chicago. Chan shivers, thinking of the winters there; he knows New York isn’t much better, but at least it’s New York, you know? 
Unluckiest of all is their resident couple, Hyunjin and Jisung. Hyunjin will be going to school at nearby USC. Jisung, on the other hand, will be going to Boston University. Chan knows they’ve been worrying about it ever since their acceptance letters arrived. He has to imagine it’ll come up on this trip, and he knows that just like when they used to fight as kids, it’ll be his job to facilitate. 
But at least he doesn’t have anything to worry about himself. He lets Felix complain about the dangers of overpacking while he adds the rice cakes to the boiling water, watching him pout over the stove and resisting the urge to suffocate him in a hug. 
“We’re gonna stop at a laundromat at least twice, you know,” Chan says when Felix lapses into silence.
“I know,” Felix says.
“And we still have a couple of days,” Chan adds.
“I know,” Felix says. “But I haven’t started packing at all.”
“Ah. Well, if you want to pack four pairs of shoes, we can just stack them in their boxes in the trunk.” Chan strains the rice cakes and then mixes the sauce powder with some of the leftover water, stirring everything around in the cup and turning off the stove. He grabs a pair of chopsticks and passes one to Felix, keeping the other half of the pair for himself, and opens the packet of toppings.
“I just don’t want to take up too much space,” Felix says. “I know Minho has a soccer mom car, but we do still have to fit eight people’s luggage in two vehicles.”
Chan sits down next to him at the breakfast bar and reaches out to brush some hair off of Felix’s forehead, smiling. “Stop fretting,” he says. “We’ll make it work. Eat, and then I’ll come over and help you.”
Felix rolls his eyes, but he’s smiling. He looks up at Chan as he stabs a rice cake. “Thanks.”
“Of course.” Chan blows on a rice cake before sticking it in his mouth. It’s still too hot and Felix laughs at him while he tries not to choke.
Chan does their dishes really fast—good to avoid his mother’s wrath, now more than ever—and then he and Felix head across the street to Felix’s house.
Olivia is in the living room; she waves hi to Chan and sticks her tongue out at Felix. Chan waves back, then follows Felix up the stairs to his room. 
“Dude,” Chan says when they step through the threshold. “You look like you got robbed.”
“Yeah,” Felix laments, flopping down onto his bed—on top of the piles of clothes littering the surface, Chan would like to add. “Robbed of my sanity.”
There’s shit everywhere. It’s not like Felix is the neatest person in the world, but he never lets his room get too bad, so this—this is almost worrying. Chan is pretty sure every single article of clothing that Felix owns is either on his bed, on his desk, or on the floor. There’s a suitcase open and empty in the center of the room, and toiletries strewn about every available surface. It’s just a road trip with their best friends, so Chan doesn’t really get why Felix is having such a hard time packing. Chan himself just packed a bunch of t-shirts and shorts, plus some longer pants and a couple light jackets for cooler nights. It’s simple enough on its own… which means this is about something else.
He shifts a stack of jeans to the side and sits down next to Felix. “Hey,” he says softly, reaching out and placing a hand on one of Felix’s shoulders. “What’s going on?”
Felix doesn’t answer him for a second, staring up at the ceiling. “I don’t know how to explain,” he says eventually.
Chan brings his hand up to Felix’s forehead instead, tracing the lines there. “It’s me,” Chan says. “I’ll understand. Talk to me, hm?”
Finally, Felix flicks his gaze to Chan. When their eyes meet, his eyebrows crumple. “I just,” he whispers, tiny and sad, and Chan’s heart aches. “I just want it to be perfect. Since it’s probably the last time all eight of us are going to be able to hang out like this. For a really, really long time.”
“It’ll be perfect because we’re together,” Chan says quietly. “So what if you bring a pair of shoes you don’t use, or forget toothpaste? Do you know how many stores we’ll pass? Anything you forget, we can buy. Or one of us will be able to lend you something.” He squeezes Felix’s shoulder. “It’ll be perfect no matter what. And any little bumps we run into, we’ll solve it. Together, all eight of us. Just like always. Both on this trip, and in the future. Okay?”
Felix nods, but he still looks upset. Chan searches his face for a second, hesitating, but then he bends over him, smothering him in a hug and nuzzling into his neck, making ridiculous cooing noises. It works; they’re both giggling when he pulls away, and Felix’s eyes are brighter. 
“Don’t worry too much, yeah?” Chan says, standing and offering Felix a hand up. “That’s my job.”
Felix takes Chan’s hand, pulling and letting the momentum bring him crashing into Chan’s chest. He wraps his arms around him and squeezes until Chan squeaks in protest. “Thank you,” he says. “Really.”
“Anytime,” Chan replies, rubbing his back. “Let’s clean this up before your mom sees, huh?”
Felix laughs, releasing him and looking over the room. “Yeah, she’d lose her mind.”
Together, they put all of Felix’s things away—either back in his closet or dresser where they belong, or shoved into his suitcase for the trip. By the time Felix’s parents get home, they’re zipping up his bag (Felix sitting on top, of course, while Chan struggles). 
“Ah, Chan.” Felix’s mother has popped her head into the room. “I thought it was a little quiet up here. Thank you for helping him pack, I know he’s been putting it off for a couple of days.” She arches an eyebrow at her son, who just makes a face. “Would you like to stay for dinner?” she adds to Chan.
“If it’s not too much trouble,” Chan says. “I’d love that. Do you need any help?”
Mrs. Lee shakes her head. “No, Olivia’s gotten interested in cooking recently, so I’m all set.” She smiles. “Tell your mom, though, so she doesn’t worry.”
She heads back down the hall. Felix slips off his suitcase and onto the floor next to Chan, watching him pull out his phone. “I know it’s silly since we’ll be sleeping in the same room like every night for the next three weeks,” Felix says, “but—will you stay over tonight? I’m just, um. I dunno, anxious, I guess.”
Chan smiles at him. Felix used to be his shadow, always tugging at his sleeve, always grabbing one of Chan’s fingers to hold onto when they waited for the bus. He grew out of it, mostly—once they got older and made more friends, Felix blossomed into the sweet, sunny social butterfly that he is, always cheery and at ease. But sometimes—less and less frequently as time marches on, but sometimes—he still turns to Chan for comfort. Chan, softhearted as ever when it comes to his best friend, is always happy to provide it. “Sure,” he says evenly. “Lemme just tell my mom.”
Chan ends up running home to get a change of clothes and his toothbrush, and then he and Felix play games together while they wait for dinner. Felix’s father manages to rope them into some yard work, which ends when Felix decides Chan needs watering, too. A fast and vicious water fight later sees them toweling off on the back porch while Felix’s mother watches on, warning them not to drip all over her nice hardwood.
After a mom-mandated shower and dinner, Chan, Felix, and Olivia commandeer the living room to watch a movie together. There’s a little bickering, but eventually they settle on Princess Mononoke. Felix leans on Chan’s shoulder; Chan swings one of his legs over one of Felix’s. It’s just like when they were little and Chan would come over for a movie and a sleepover, and they’d both end up falling asleep on the couch and Felix’s parents would have to wake them up and put them to bed. 
They’re too old for that now, but Chan thinks some part of his body must remember, because while it’s not late, he finds himself unusually drowsy by the time the movie is over. They say goodnight to Felix’s family and then crawl into Felix’s bed. Felix’s blackout curtains work wonders, but his nightlight is just bright enough that Chan can make out the vague contours of his face when he rolls over to face him.
“What’s gonna happen after?” Felix whispers. “After we get back, after we all go off to school?”
Chan smiles. “We’ll all stay in touch,” he says. “And we’ll get back together for holidays and breaks.”
“What if we grow apart?” Felix asks.
“All of us care too much to grow so far apart that we won’t still be close,” Chan replies.
“But what if someone does?” Felix asks. “What if someone stops caring? What if someone gives up?”
“I don’t think that’s gonna happen,” Chan says. He reaches out and smoothes over the crease that’s appeared on Felix’s forehead with his thumb. “It’ll be different, but not different-bad. Just different. And later, when we’re all grown up and out of college and real adults, we’ll go on big vacations together, and that’ll be different, too, but that’ll be different-good. We’ll make it there. It’ll be faster than we think.”
“You sound old,” Felix says, but at least he’s smiling.
Chan smacks him very gently on the shoulder. “Then maybe you should listen to me,” he says. Felix only giggles. It draws laughter out of Chan, too. “Go to sleep, little one.”
The childhood nickname works, too; Felix salutes, still giggling, letting his eyes flutter shut. “Okay,” he says. “Night, Chan.”
“Night, Felix,” Chan murmurs. 
And just like when they were little, Chan watches him as he slips into sleep, waiting for his breath to lengthen, his face to relax. Just like when they were little, Chan waits until he’s sure Felix is sleeping peacefully before he lets himself succumb to his own exhaustion.
* * *
The day they leave is just as hectic as Chan expected it to be. It’s just as well—their destination for day one is LA, mostly because there’s nothing for any of them to see there, so they can get the jitters out of their system and get used to being on the road before they go somewhere actually worthwhile. They will be swinging by USC just for Hyunjin’s sake, to kind of take a peek, but beyond that they’ll just be relaxing.
So Chan gets up late, spends the morning making breakfast for his family and hanging out with his siblings and letting his parents nag him about safety. It’s not until around eleven that the others start showing up. They agreed to meet at Chan’s since he’s the one who did most of the heavy-lifting when it came to planning. Chan watches from the front door as his friends spill out of their cars, hauling overstuffed duffle bags and backpacks. Minho pulls his mom’s minivan up, back seats already lying flat so there’s plenty of space for everyone’s luggage.
The parents chat while the kids play Tetris with their bags. By noon, everything is packed away and there are more snacks than Chan thinks they could possibly need stashed in every available space, courtesy of all eight sets of parents. 
“Send check-in texts whenever you stop someplace,” Felix’s mom insists. “I’m not just talking to Felix, I’m talking to all of you. Keep us updated, or you’re all grounded until college when you get back.”
“We will!” Chan promises while the others giggle. “Thanks for all the food! We’ll be safe!” 
“Speak for yourself,” Jisung mutters. “Minho said when we get out on the open highway, he’s going ninety at a minimum.”
“Shh!” Minho hisses.
Though they made no plans beforehand, the car seating arrangements go as Chan expected. Jisung, Hyunjin, and Changbin decide to go with Minho (Chan has a feeling the promise of doing ninety mph has something to do with it); Seungmin, Jeongin, and of course Felix will be in Chan’s car. Felix claims the front seat because he wants aux, and soon they’re all buckled in and waving out the windows as they pull onto the street.
“Play something happy,” Seungmin says before Felix has even opened up Spotify. “This is a happy trip.”
Felix makes a mocking face and proceeds to play Taylor Swift’s Picture To Burn, which obviously all of them scream along to, before settling into some Spotify-made roadtrip playlist. Chan nods along to the beat as he signals out onto the main road and towards the highway, keeping Minho’s taillights in view.
Minho makes good on his promise to go ninety; Chan loses him within the first five minutes. It’s not like Chan’s not speeding, it’s just that he usually likes to keep it at a cool seventy-five, whereas Minho seems to be interested in seeing if pushing a hundred will make the minivan combust on the spot. 
At least Chan’s car roars with laughter when he says this, proving that they can have fun without nearly killing themselves. Chan files it away in his Very Good Memories box, trying to catch his breath and pass an exceptionally slow Tesla at the same time.
“I bet Hyunjin is screaming right now,” Felix comments mildly once they’ve calmed down.
“Oh, absolutely,” Seungmin agrees, laughing. “He’s probably on the verge of crushing Jisung’s fingers.”
Jeongin does a spectacular impersonation, though he keeps his volume low for Chan’s sake. Seungmin yelps as Jeongin grabs his hands to demonstrate; Felix laughs brightly and Chan watches out of the corner of his eye, smiling faintly to himself. This is a happy trip, Seungmin had said. Chan hopes it’ll be true. For all his bravado in front of Felix, he knows trips like these can often go awry. Everyone will be a little low on sleep and vaguely uncomfortable at times, and some things are bound to go wrong. On top of it all, their futures loom near on the horizon, which will only add to the stress. 
The good news, he thinks to himself wryly, is that if we survive this trip with our friendships intact, we’ll probably survive anything. 
They meet up with the other car at USC. Hyunjin’s already taking pictures in front of landmarks around campus, Jisung playing the patient photographer. 
“You guys are so slow,” Minho says when he sees the other four ambling up the street. 
“When you get a ticket for speeding and the cops search the car, then we’ll see who’s slow,” Chan replies somewhat wearily, knocking his shoulder into Minho’s.
Chan watches the others take pictures for a while, eventually corralling all his kids together so he can take a group photo. 
“Now with you!” Jisung calls.
“We’ll have to find someone—” Chan looks around, but sees no one.
“Oh my god, how old are you?” Seungmin groans. “Put it on self-timer and run!”
Chan does just that; Changbin holds out his hand to stop his momentum and pull him in. Chan grins so big he can barely see, laughing once they lose their pose and trip over each other trying to gather themselves again. The pictures come out great—bright and sunny, the perfect start to a great trip. 
Though it’s silly, Chan really can’t imagine anything going wrong. Here, at the start of their trip, free from their parents and all the weight of their future, sun-drunk and full on love and excitement, everything seems perfect. They wander back to their cars, double-check the address of their hotel, search for good restaurants nearby. In the backseat, Seungmin and Jeongin lean their heads so close their hair brushes, scrolling Google Reviews on Jeongin’s phone. Felix leans on the console, twisting around in his seat to give his opinion. Eventually, he twists far enough that it’s comfortable for him to lean his head on Chan’s shoulder. Chan smiles to himself, quiet, keeping his eyes on Google Maps or on the road, joy so big in his chest he doesn’t think he could speak if he wanted to.
He shouldn’t worry, he decides as they pull into their hotel parking lot. Everything will be just fine.
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kerikaaria · 4 years
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(Hoseok x gn!Reader) Oneshot, Coffee shop!au
Genre: (PG13) Hurt/comfort, fluff, angst
WC: 4.6k
Warnings: None, unless you count a stereotypical Kdrama trope or two offensive haha
Summary: At 28 years old, you suddenly felt like your life was resetting. One of the few things that brought you comfort was keeping the routine of stopping by the local coffee shop, and the barista behind the counter had definitely noticed the recent change in you. All he wanted was to see you smile again.
Breath of Sunshine is a sequel to this fic. 
A/N – This fic is my submission for the January prompt with @thebtswritersclub for Beginnings/New Beginnings.
I'm a horrendous human being and absolutely forgot to tag @moccahobi for beta reading this fic for me! Thank you for your suggestions Lillia! And please excuse me being big dumb lol. I love yoouuu!
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Pushing the door open, the familiar jingle of the bell sounded and warmth started to envelope your chilled body.
"Good afternoon, Y/n," the barista said as he made another customer's drink, pausing for a moment to throw a smile in your direction.
"Good afternoon, Hoseok," you replied, attempting to smile in return but could feel how stiff and forced it was.
He quickly finished the drink he had been working on, properly saying goodbye to the customer as he always did. He grabbed a new cup as he asked, “Are you having the usual?”
“Yes, please,” you said.
Hoseok gave you another smile before getting your drink started while you approached the register. You got your payment out, ready to go as he approached the counter. After swiping your card, you watched as he resumed making your drink. Hoseok had been working here for at least as long as you had been a regular customer and it was obvious he knew what he was doing.
"The weather isn't that bad today," Hoseok made small talk while he finished putting your drink together.
"Yeah, it's not quite as cold as the rest of the week had been,” you responded. If this were a month ago, you would have continued back and forth, encouraging conversation between the two of you. You could only just muster up enough energy to respond right now, much less continue a conversation.
Especially not today.
Preferring to stare at the counter rather than make eye contact, you didn’t notice the worried glance Hoseok threw your way. He had definitely recognized the change in your demeanor over the past weeks. He really missed your smile—the real one and not the forced one that sat on your face nowadays.
When he finished your drink and handed it to you, you attempted a smile once more as you thanked him before sitting at one of the tables in the café to relax.
It was a Saturday and you had a standard Monday to Friday job so you didn’t have anything to do today. But this was one of your favorite places to go, and after all the changes that happened the past month you needed a familiar routine to help keep you feeling sane.
One of the few comforts that came with moving back to your childhood home was that this coffee shop was within walking distance again. When you had moved away over a year ago, you would have to leave for work sooner to catch an earlier bus, getting off only to stop here before getting back on to finish going to work. You adored this quaint little shop and the bright faces behind the counter and didn’t want to sacrifice your patronage just because you had moved.
So needless to say, your weekend visits had stopped at that point since there was no need to catch the bus then. But now that you were back here, you had resumed your Saturday morning walks which led you here. Even though it was winter, you found the crisp air refreshing and found it easy to let your troubles escape your mind during the 20 minute venture.
You sat by a window, mindlessly watching the cars drive down the street. You had made a fair amount of progress this month, but today was particularly difficult. It was January 23, what would have been your 6 year anniversary. That wasn’t a thing anymore, of course.
At 28 years old, you suddenly felt like your life was resetting. Things that you wanted in life that had seemed so close to coming into fruition merely a month ago suddenly felt so far away, you weren’t sure they were possible anymore.
As you let your mind wander, you were unsure how much time had passed. Your drink sat empty in front of you for a while, but you didn’t feel ready to leave just yet. When you got back home you’d be reminded of how different things were now, and that wasn’t something you were looking forward to today.
Suddenly, your attention was drawn to a new cup being placed on your table. You turned to see Hoseok standing next to the table, smiling brightly as ever.
“It’s a good day for a drink like this, don’t you think?” he asked.
“I didn’t order this,” was the only thing that could escape your mouth. He was definitely known for throwing in a free drink here and there, but you most certainly didn’t want to take advantage of it.
“It’s my treat,” he insisted, “I’m actually done with my shift. Do you mind if I sit here with you?”
You glanced back at the bar, and sure enough Namjoon was now manning the station while the owner, Seokjin, took orders from the customers in line.
Looking back to Hoseok who had been waiting patiently for your response, you decide to give a nod.
He sat across from you, taking a sip from his own drink that he had no doubt made himself. A silence hung between you but it wasn't uncomfortable. Hoseok never made you feel uncomfortable. When you reached for the new cup and realized what drink he had made you, it only reminded you of how kind he was. 
It wasn't your usual, but was something you had most definitely ordered here before. You could still remember the first day you had ordered this particular drink.
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Hoseok looked at you, amused. "Not getting the usual today, then?"
"No, not today," you confirmed. "I really need this today."
"Oh?" he asked as he rang it into the register. "Is it some kind of special occasion thing? I know some people do that."
"Not exactly," you said, handing him your card. "It's more of a comfort drink."
Hoseok hesitated to swipe your card through the reader. "Oh. Not having a great day?" A frown sat on his face.
"You could say that," you sighed.
He looked to be in thought for a moment before he handed your card back to you and moved away to start on your drink.
Your brows furrowed. "You didn't swipe my card, did you?"
"It's on me today."
"You don't have to do that," you said, staying parked at the register.
Hoseok hadn't said anything else while he whipped up the drink. When he brought it over to you, you tried making him take your card one more time, but he just shook his head.
"I don't like seeing my customers upset," he said. "It's not much, but I want to do anything I can to try to make your day at least a little brighter. Please, I insist."
The smile on his face and earnest look in his eyes made you pause, before ultimately accepting his kind offer.
His smile grew even bigger when he watched you put your card away and take the drink he offered you. It was a size larger than what you had ordered.
"Thank you, Hoseok," you said. You were still unsure about taking a drink for free, but definitely were in no way going to leave without showing him some gratitude.
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Holding the cup of hot chocolate between your hands made you feel warm in more ways than one. He was telling you that he noticed you weren't as happy as usual and he even remembered the significance of the drink to you.
Knowing that someone cared, even a little, was something you really needed these days and, though a little silly, it almost made you want to cry. You held it back though, offering a smile to the man sitting across from you. It was small, but still genuine.
You waited for the inevitable question of what was wrong. The sweet gesture of the hot chocolate made you feel like you may not actually mind if he asked, despite having been tired of explaining what happened 50 times over already. Just as long as he wouldn't start asking you the loaded, 'How are you?' which translated to 'How are you after him?'
He didn't ask. Instead he said, "You know, I was really relieved when I saw it was you who came in earlier."
You looked at him curiously. "Why is that?"
"That customer that was here when you walked in? He's a real charmer." He was clearly being sarcastic. "The guy wants like 10 very specific customizations to his latte, and was backseat driving the whole time I made his drink. Despite the fact that he's a regular and I know his order to the T by this point. But nope, he can never let me just handle making the drink in peace. It's so annoying."
"Oh gosh, that does sound super annoying," you replied. A pretty generic reply sure, but you already felt more engaged in this conversation than you had in most others recently.
"But then customers like you come in and you're always so kind and friendly," Hoseok continued. "Even if the day hadn't been that great, it always feels a little better when you come in. You're definitely one of our favorite regulars. It's also nice now that I've noticed you're coming in on the weekends again."
"Oh yeah, I moved back into my last house," you explained. "So I can just walk here again."
"And out of all the things you could be doing on the weekend, you choose to hang out here in this tiny little place."
You took the first sip of your hot chocolate while Hoseok spoke. It may have been basically just hot milk and chocolate, but it was really delicious. You closed your eyes for a moment to savor the flavor before answering him. “I really like it here. It’s nice and cozy, the drinks are amazing and not super expensive, and you guys are all really nice.”
“It’s hard not to be when we have wonderful customers like you,” Hoseok said.
The compliment made you feel flustered and on top of feeling relaxed and warm from the drink, you found a genuine smile that reached your eyes spread across your face.
You felt that out of all the good qualities of this coffee shop, Hoseok was definitely the most comforting thing here.
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After that day, you began to have longer conversations with the barista. It wasn’t that you didn’t chat before, but him taking the time to sit and talk with you seemed to have opened up a door to a deeper friendship between you. While coming to the coffee shop had always been one of your favorite parts of the day, it started to become something you looked forward to even more than before.
You even found yourself leaving your house a bit earlier than before just to make sure you had some time to sit and chat with him for an extra little bit before needing to make your way to work. Your encounters were limited to the shop, not having met outside of the café or exchanged phone numbers yet. Despite that, you felt like your interactions were some of the most genuine you had lately.
As for Hoseok, he could see the gradual change in you. While he had no idea what had suddenly made you so upset back in December, he knew it had to be pretty substantial with how long you’ve been affected. He never wanted to ask though. He figured if you wanted to talk to him about it you would, and he would of course listen.
That being said, ever since he decided to sit down and chat with you, he felt like you’ve slowly started becoming more like yourself—more like the Y/n he remembered. He couldn’t say for sure, but he dared to hope that maybe it had something to do with him.
So the weeks went by, most days highlighted by Hoseok’s smiling face as you started going to the cafe more. On Saturdays it basically became a routine for you to arrive shortly before he’d be done with his shift, and then he’d once again sit and chat with you when it was over.
Saturdays quickly became your favorite day of the week.
You were trying to figure out how to nonchalantly ask Hoseok if you could exchange phone numbers, or meet up outside of the café, or something. And really, it shouldn’t have been hard. Easy to slip in a ‘Hey, can I text you?' or ‘Let’s hang out sometime,’ during a chat and it would have been natural. But you felt oddly nervous about asking.
What if he didn’t want that? What if he just wanted your little budding friendship to stay as a thing just at the café? What if you were reading too far into it and he was just a nice barista chatting with his customer to make them happy? Knowing you, you very well could have been reading into it too much. Even though you really, really hoped you weren’t.
You walked down the sidewalk heading home from the bus stop after work when your phone rang.
You didn’t bat an eye when it was his name that came up on the caller ID. It wasn’t frequent but also not entirely unusual for him to contact you. His calls often had something to do with tying up loose ends, or he was just wanting to chat. Afterall, you both had agreed to remain friends after the breakup. But it was still a bit awkward, both of you needing a bit more time to come to terms with all the changes that were occurring in the aftermath and, at least for you, figuring out how to move on still.
You picked up easily, swiping the green button across the screen and putting it back in your pocket, earbuds in your ears to listen and talk through. The call was absolutely standard, him needing someone to talk to in his boredom. Usually it wouldn’t bother you, but he was having one of his moments where he didn’t realize he talked about something he really probably shouldn’t have.
He started mentioning how he’d finally gotten used to you not being around. That it was normal now.
You knew why he was telling you. The changes were hard on him as well, to the point where he couldn’t sleep in the house after you moved out and he realized just how lonely it felt with no one there. So he was telling you because he wanted you to know that he was doing better.
But at the same time, when you were still in the process of getting used to not having him around, it hurt to hear. You had been having far more good—or at least better—days than bad ones lately, but you could feel your heart rip a bit as he talked. You tried not to let him hear it in your voice when the tears started. As soon as you could, you ended the conversation, making up some excuse that you couldn’t really recall but it seemed to work well enough for him and he ended the call.
You couldn’t stop the tears from continuously falling, and you felt so stupid for crying in public like that. The street was a more residential one and not very busy so there were few people around, but you felt as though anyone nearby would instantly have their eyes on you and be judging you.
You stopped at a corner to cross the street, looking both ways before starting on your way. Your gaze was glued to the ground, trying to keep your head down as much as you could to try to keep others from seeing how stupid you must have looked.
It all happened so quickly that you had no time to register what was going on. You saw a car approaching out of the corner of your eye, looking up to see it very close and going dangerously fast. And then you felt a tug, someone grabbing your arm and quickly pulling you the rest of the way to the sidewalk, making you stumble in your step.
You felt the wind from the car passing so closely behind you just a second later. The reality of how close you had been to getting flattened suddenly hit you. Still in the grip of this person who had pulled you out of harm’s way, you started shaking from the shock of it.
“Y/n, are you okay?” a very familiar voice asked, just loud enough for you to hear him past the music in your earbuds.
You quickly looked up to see Hoseok standing there, eyes wide as looked over you, seemingly looking for any injuries. When you didn’t respond, he called your name again.
You shakily nodded. “Y-yeah, I’m- I’m okay,” you managed to get out, pulling the devices from your ears to hear better.
“That jackass,” Hoseok mumbled. “He just came speeding out of nowhere. What the heck did he think he was doing?”
Feeling like it was difficult to keep steady, you let yourself lean into Hoseok for support. He instantly responded by wrapping a strong arm around your shoulders and tucking your head into his chest with his other hand.
“It’s okay, Y/n. You’re okay. You didn’t get hurt, you’re okay,” he calmly said, rocking you just slightly in an attempt to help you calm down.
The two of you stayed like that for a few minutes, until you felt your composure return and straightened up a bit, pulling away from Hoseok’s comfort.
“You feeling alright?” he asked, eyes still filled with concern.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” you said. “Thank you for saving me, Hoseok.”
“It’s lucky that I even noticed you across the street earlier,” he said. “I don’t want you to think you did something wrong because you really didn’t, but you should really try to pay more attention when you’re crossing the street.”
“Yeah, I really wasn’t paying attention,” you admitted. “I just- I mean I looked both ways first but I’m just not feeling the best and-”
“It’s okay,” Hoseok said. “You don’t need to explain to me. I can see something is upsetting you. I’m just glad that I was here.”
You nodded, a short silence sitting between you.
“Where are you headed?” Hoseok was the next to speak.
“I’m just going home,” you said.
“Let me walk you?” he asked.
“You don’t have somewhere to be?”
“I was just heading home too. I stayed late at the café because Joon was on a date. So no, I have nowhere to be. Can I walk you home? You still seem a bit shocked.”
You contemplated his offer, still feeling a bit shaken up from what just happened. Plus, after the phone call you just had, you could really use some company. “Okay, yeah I’d appreciate that. Thank you.”
He stepped to the side, waiting for you to start walking in the right direction before falling in step next to you.
“I was just on the phone with my ex,” you blurted out.
Hoseok’s gaze snapped to you, but you continued looking forward. He remained silent, knowing you had more to say.
“You know the boyfriend I’d mention before?” you asked, sure that he’d remember since you talked about him quite a bit. He was such a huge part of your life. “He broke up with me back in December. On the 21st.”
Hoseok was silent for a moment before he softly asked, “You guys were together for quite a while weren’t you?”
You nodded. “January 23rd would have been 6 years.”
“That’s why you moved back here?” he asked. “You two moved in together about a year ago right?”
“Yeah, a year and three months at the time that we broke up. I’m just lucky that I still had this place to come back to,” you said.
“Did he say something to hurt you?” Hoseok asked. “On the phone just now, I mean.”
You shook your head. “Not intentionally. He just doesn’t always realize when something is inappropriate or hurtful to say.” You chuckle. “He was always kind of bad at knowing social queues. He didn’t realize that telling me how it’s gotten easy for him without me around would be hurtful for me to hear.”
Hoseok didn’t know what to say, so he waited to see if you had anything else you wanted to tell him.
“It’s really hard. I had really thought he was it, you know?” you said, a sad smile sitting on your face. “But now that we’re not together, even though it’s been hard and I’m still figuring out how to be my own person by myself again, I’m realizing that maybe this really was for the better. He told me he just felt like I was his really good friend more than anything else now, and he clearly hadn’t wanted to work on things between us so there was no way we could last at that point. I am not feeling hopeful about being able to find someone else quite yet, but if I ever do I hope that they’re someone who can understand me better.
“I was by no means unhappy with him, except the issues we started to have last year that I felt like we could work through at the time. But we had different love languages. I wanted things from him that I more or less had to flat out tell him and he’d try but even then he wasn’t always putting his heart into it because it wasn’t really natural for him. I understood it, it wasn’t a huge thing. Just things like that, that were never a huge deal at all, but I realize that I really hope I can find in someone else, you know?”
Hoseok nodded along, understanding what you meant. He had been with more than one partner who was uncomfortable with how he expressed his feelings as well. While they had been much less understanding and accepting than you seemed to have been with your ex, or that he even had done for you.
“It’s just… It’s so many changes all at once,” you said. “I usually question everything. I expect people to not stick around, and wonder if people really want to be around me. But with him, I never really thought that. When I’d think of our potential future, I always thought ‘when,’ not ‘if.’ But now it’s become ‘never.’ At least with him. And it’s still hard to wrap my head around. But I have been doing a lot better. I remember you saying once before that you don’t like your customers to be unhappy and if you can make them feel at least a little better, you want to try. And honestly, you have been a huge help to me lately.”
Hoseok smiled to himself. “I’m happy to help you, Y/n. I know that I can’t help a whole lot, I understand this is all really hard for you, but I do want to be there for you however I can. I promise that the interactions we have, it’s not just me being a barista who is trying to make his customers happy. I did say that yeah, but it genuinely comes from my heart. When you stopped smiling at the end of the year, I immediately noticed. Ever since then, I remember just thinking a lot that I missed seeing your smile and wanted to try to make you smile again.”
“Well, mission accomplished then,” you chuckled. You were silent for a moment while you turned onto your street. “You know, that first day that you sat with me in the café? That was January 23rd. I was feeling worse that day than the others but you really did help me feel better. I completely forgot about what that day had meant while talking to you. And I know what the hot chocolate meant. I can’t tell you how much I appreciated that. Thank you.”
“You make it sound like I’m not going to keep trying to help,” Hoseok said. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily, you know.”
“I wouldn’t want to.” You turned to him, a genuine smile on your face.
He smiled in return. “That’s the Y/n that I’ve wanted to see.”
When you were in front of your house, you stopped, letting Hoseok know you arrived.
“Oh, you live here?” he asked, a little surprised. “Really? This is literally just right down the street from my house.”
“Seriously?” you asked. “Since when?”
“For years. I’ve lived there since before I got the job at the café.”
“How come I never realized you lived that close?”
Hoseok laughed. “I have no idea. But hey, at least we know now, right?”
“Right,” you said. “Well, I don’t want to keep you, even if you do live close by.”
“Can I have your number before I go?” Hoseok asked. When you looked at him with widened eyes, he said, “Only if you want to! I just, I feel like the two of us have gotten pretty close and I’ve been meaning to ask but I just wasn’t sure how to bring it up. I want to be there anytime you need me. If you ever need someone to talk to, I want you to be able to contact me anytime.”
Hoseok’s words warmed you, leaving you speechless for just a moment before you smiled once more. “I’ve been trying to figure out how to ask you the same thing. Yeah, I’d like to give you my phone number.”
Hoseok quickly fumbled to fish his phone from his pocket, unlocking it and handing it to you to enter your number.
“And maybe if you have some time, we could hang out one day?” you asked. “Like, outside of the café. As much as I like it there, I think it’d be nice to be able to chat without you having to worry about attending to customers. Or your nosy coworkers listening into our conversations.”
Hoseok laughed, taking a moment to calm down while you handed his phone back to him. “Yeah. Yeah, I’d really like that.”
You both stood there for a moment, unsure of how to say goodbye. Just as you were turning around to enter your door, Hoseok spoke up once more. “Y/n?”
When you turned back around, you were greeted with a really warm smile.
“I know that it’s hard right now and it’s something that you have to work through on your own,” Hoseok continued. “But try not to think of it as an end. It’s a beginning, a new start. And maybe, it won’t be as hard as you think to find someone who will give you what you’re looking for. I, for one, know someone who would be more than willing to do that for you if you ever let him.”
You felt your heart speed up and cheeks redden at the insinuation.
“But don’t feel pressured,” he continued. “Take your time. Do what you need to heal and when you’re ready, I guarantee he’ll still be here for you. He’s ready to start a new story with you whenever you are, if you want.”
With one last smile, Hoseok waved goodbye and walked up the street. It took you a moment before you gathered yourself and unlocked your door.
He hadn’t said it directly, but you understood what he meant. You couldn’t say that you were ready for anything with someone new right now, but if how you felt around him lately was any indication, you were sure that as long as what he said was true, that he was willing to wait until you were ready, you most certainly would eventually be ready to have that new start with him.
And maybe, just maybe, you put a heart next to his name in your contact list. No one needed to know that though.
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Breath of Sunshine is a sequel to this fic.
A/N – This fic is HIGHLY self-indulgent. Last month, on December 21st, my long-time boyfriend had broken up with me. A lot of what Y/n feels in this fic, and what they described about their past relationship are very similar to my own experiences. I’m also uploading this on January 23, 2021, which is rather poetic because, just as in the fic, today would have been my 6th year anniversary with my ex. So yes, this is super self-indulgent and somewhat of a coping mechanism for myself. But I hope that it can be enjoyed by others as well <3.
Also, please don’t feel worried for me or anything. I really do appreciate anyone who offers me support, but I promise that I am doing alright and holding up well. Although I do very much wish it were possible for me to find my own Hobi lol (not right away of course).
Also, if you’d like to donate to my Ko-fi, feel free! Absolutely no pressure though :)
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echodrops · 4 years
I’m obviously late to the tumble party... but I stumbled across your Notagami Essays posts and they are absolutely Fabulous! Love your writing and the amount of detail you go into :)
So I figured you may be a good person to ask - if you just had to guess (bc as far as I know it’s never been officially confirmed?) but if you had to take a guess or give a rough estimate, how old do you think Yato was when he first met Sakura? We know he’s estimated to be at least a thousand years old, we know he’s - from the start of the series to present - estimated to be somewhere between 18 and his early 20s (physically)... but I can’t find a single thing/discussion/post/stickynote/whatever where it talks about how old he might have been when he first met Sakura - let alone the emotional/psychological effects of Sakura coming into his life and introducing healthy mindset/morals/maternal-influence etc. etc. (obviously no mom and Father’s neglect played a big role in him not knowing how inappropriate it was for him to ‘accidentally touch’ and yell “boobs!” but you can also just say he was so young he didn’t know how inappropriate that was?) My point is: how old do you think Yato was (physically anyway) at the time of their meeting? and Do you know of any discussions or care to share your opinion on how being the no more than the age of blank affected his mental/emotional understanding of Sakura teaching him a new narrative?
Sorry this is a random out of the blue ask 😅😓 if I rambled on and you don’t feel like answering, I get it, just figured it was worth asking :)
I fell down a serious rabbit hole trying to see if I could figure out the answer to this question about Yato’s age but unfortunately I’m mostly coming up empty-handed.
The answer to this question actually depends on two different pieces of information which--as far as I can remember--we’ve never actually been given for certain.
1) We would need to know when Yato was actually born.
The manga has kind of hinted at a total (not physical) age for Yato in the flashbacks which showed him as a young child during the Heian era (putting him somewhere in the vicinity of a little over 1000 years old) and Father not making masks before ~1100 years ago, but the problem is we still don’t know how many years might have passed between this scene (the youngest we’ve ever seen Yato):
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And the next flashback scene, where Yato meets Nora:
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If gods age normally when they are children, these two scenes might be only a handful of years apart. But if gods don’t age normally, then these two scenes could be decades or centuries apart, which leads to the other missing piece of information (under the read more to save people’s dashes):
2) We would need to know the aging process for gods who are just born/reincarnate.
Up to this point in the manga, we’ve only seen two gods reincarnate--Ebisu (who reincarnated too recently to really help answer this question) and Takemikazuchi. The implication of Takemikazuchi’s backstory is that his shinki forced him to reincarnate and then hid his reincarnation from all of Heaven. The only way they could have kept other gods from noticing that Takemikazuchi had reincarnated would have been by not allowing him to go out at all until he had grown enough to match his previous reincarnation in appearance. This seems to suggest that gods probably do age normally when they are children--hiding Takemikazuchi away for ~20 years seems a lot more likely than being able to hide him away for centuries, after all... (I also feel like I have very vague recollection of some scene in the manga where someone comments on Takemikazuchi not having been around for a “few years,” but it’s been so long since I reread I can’t recall if this is a real moment from the manga or just me misremembering.) 
Overall, however, based on what we’ve seen in the manga, my guess would be that when they’re young, after just being born or being reincarnated, gods age pretty normally. This would suggest that, for the first few years at least, the physical and mental ages of reincarnated/newly born gods actually overlap; baby Ebisu acts like a little kid because he is, in fact, both mentally and physically a little kid.
That would mean that, for all intents and purposes, Yato’s physical and mental ages lined up when he was young and meeting Sakura, and he acted like a little kid because he really was just a little kid, god or not.
(Detour for a second though: 
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This line always struck me as interesting in that it might, just might, give us a more specific timeframe for Yato’s “birth”: although the constellations, of course, are visible in the sky every single year, this particular combination of concepts (kanoto-tori, yin metal rooster) is known much more commonly as one of the sixty years on the cyclical Chinese calendar, also used in Japan. Counting back on the calendar, 961 A.D. was a yin metal rooster year and would align just about right for what we know about the timeframe in which Yato later met Sakura (~970ish). Just referencing constellations doesn’t mean Adachitoka was pointing to a specific year, but it might have been another hint as to the timeframe of the flashbacks.
Okay, detour over.)
Anyway, without 100% confirmation on either of those pieces of information--when Yato was born and whether gods age at the same rate as humans after reincarnating--I don’t think it’s really possible to pin down Yato’s “real” age (physically or mentally) at the time he met Sakura. We mostly just have to estimate. 
Personally, based on his size and behavior at the time, I’d put him somewhere between seven and maybe up to ten, but the way Adachitoka draws characters kind of makes it impossible to judge their ages by appearance; Yato is about the same size as Nora when he meets Sakura, implying that he and Nora were around the same physical “age” at that time; meanwhile, Nora is later portrayed as being roughly the same age as Yukine, suggesting she was maybe 12-13ish years old when she died. So, despite being drawn tiny, it’s possible Yato was meant to be anywhere from a little kiddo (6-7) to all the way up to Nora’s age by the time he met Sakura.
But all that said, I think what you were really asking about was more the mental state Yato would have been in when he met Sakura and how his young age would have impacted his ability to change his world views, right? The answer to that is... complicated and could be approached a lot of ways. Coming from a background of working with and educating social work students, there are several common psychological theories of child development that might apply here, for example. 
I’d recommend checking out Erik Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development, though. 
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(Pulled from here.)
I don’t have time to explain the entire theory with the complexity it might deserve, but the basic idea is that, as children develop, they experience a series of crises or challenges that they must overcome. Successfully overcoming each challenge results in successful psychological and social development; failing to overcome a challenge in childhood will result in long-term negative impacts later in the child’s life. (There are plenty critiques of this theory too, so don’t take this as gospel or anything--just a theory worth thinking about!)  
Given Father’s lack of interest in teaching Yato basic concepts of humanity, I would put Yato at approximately the “Initiative vs. Guilt” stage when he met Sakura. At this level of Erikson’s theory, children struggle with asserting themselves and developing a healthy sense of how their personal desires might conflict with the expectations and rules set out by others. In this stage, giving a child positive feedback for their actions teaches the child that those actions are “right,” while giving negative feedback teaching the child that their actions are wrong. In order to overcome this particular challenge, children need to begin taking initiative and aligning their actions with social standards; the child acts, and the parental figure reacts--through this process, children learn “I can do X thing but I cannot do Y thing.” 
When you hear things like “Children are cruel,” most often what people are referring to is that it takes time for children to learn empathy and to experience guilt when they cause harm to others; children do not natively understand the repercussions of their actions. It’s only through a process of testing the boundaries, of receiving praise or punishment, that children define what is “right” versus “wrong,” and begin to feel bad when they do something deemed wrong.
And this is pretty much word-for-word what we see Sakura teaching Yato.
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If they have healthy role models and caretakers during this phase, children develop successfully. Successful children in this phase get their first taste of personal responsibility; unsuccessful children are (supposedly) plagued for years afterward by a sense of guilt and shame when their actions produce disapproval from everyone around them.
Yato... doesn’t exactly make it through this development stage unscathed, because he receives conflicting definitions of right and wrong from his Father an Sakura:
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Which ultimately results in, years later, the Yato we know and love who still does his Father’s bidding to kill humans even though it fills him with a horrific sense of guilt:
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Through his time with Sakura, I think it could also be argued that Yato moves into the next stage of Erikson’s theory as well, getting into the “Industry versus Inferiority” crises. 
Meeting Sakura brings out Yato’s true, deep down desire as a god: to help people. (I think it’s important to note that this isn’t something Sakura teaches him--it’s a quality Yato already possessed; it was explicitly Yato’s desire to please people that led to him murdering in his father’s name.)
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Once he learns what makes people happy, Yato immediately pursues that with intense focus:
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The primary goal of this phase of psychosocial development is to experience a sense of confidence in one’s actions. When children practice their skills, pursue areas where they are praised, and gain new skills and aptitudes through mentoring from healthy role models, they gain confidence in their ability to excel, to fit in with peers their age, and to create meaningful things. By encouraging Yato to pursue positive behaviors--playing peacefully with other children, appreciating natural beauty, and creating useful things like boots for the needy--Sakura moved Yato toward successfully completing this phase and developing a sense of confidence in his actions and his ability to achieve positive things in the world. 
Of course, Father cannot have that (because confident children with a sense of self-worth are much more difficult to abuse), so he puts an immediate end to Sakura’s influence over Yato in the most insidious way possible: although he clearly manipulated the situation to achieve Sakura’s death, out loud, he blames Yato, implying that Sakura’s death was all Yato’s fault, the results of Yato taking unwanted action “industry” and yet failing--creating a sense of “inferiority” instead.
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This, of course, haunts Yato all the way to the present, as he--again and again and again--blames himself for things outside his control or failing to live up to expectations that no one in his situation (still being manipulated) could possibly hope to get “right.” 
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Finally, you could say that Sakura’s presence is Yato’s life is ultimately what sows the seeds of the manga’s main plot up to this point, with Yato’s quest to create an entirely new identity for himself as a god of fortune instead of a god of calamity. Personally, I would say that Yato is currently still in this phase of development, still working out how to define himself and who he will ultimately become once he is finally free to decide on his own path in life. It was Sakura’s gentle influence--his desire to become the kind of god who could make her smile--that eventually sparked his conflict and finally led Yato to the brink of catastrophe. If he wishes to become the god Sakura told him he could be, he can no longer suffer his father to live.
So, long story longer, I think it can be argued that Yato meeting Sakura at such a young age is EXACTLY what made it possible for him to change, and exactly what has led to his crisis in identifying himself and redefining his sense of right and wrong. 
Uhhhh... I hope that answers your question!
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lastsonlost · 4 years
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Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer for Joe Biden, claimed in an interview last month that the former vice president had put his hand up her skirt and digitally penetrated her in 1993.
Since the March 25 interview, new evidence has emerged that seems to corroborate Reade’s story: her mother called into Larry King’s radio show about the incident in 1993, and her brother, a friend, and a neighbor all recall being told the story by Reade. Nonetheless, despite making multiple media appearances in the month since the allegation, Biden has not addressed Reade’s claim directly, though his spokespeople have denied it on his behalf. The former VP is nonetheless holding a ‘Virtual Women’s Town Hall’ on Tuesday.
Biden, who is the presumptive Democratic nominee, has also enjoyed numerous high-profile endorsements since Reade came forward, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former President Barack Obama. The Spectator has compiled a list of 35 endorsers alongside their previous positions on sexual assault, supporting alleged victims, #BelieveWomen, and #MeToo.
Hillary Clinton (endorsed April 28)
‘Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.’
‘Hillary’s message to survivors of sexual assault: We’re with you.’
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (endorsed April 27)
‘We must #BelieveSurvivors. I’m proud to stand with my Democratic colleagues in support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.’
Rep. Pramila Jayapal (endorsed April 27)
‘Brett Kavanaugh committed sexual assault and lied about it under oath.’
‘One year later, I am still awed by Dr Christine Blasey Ford’s bravery — and disgusted that neither Brett Kavanaugh nor Donald Trump have faced consequences for their actions’
‘This confirms what we already knew — Brett Kavanaugh and the president that appointed him have a history of committing sexual assault — and lying about it’
‘@JoeBiden is not answering the question about #MeToo Or is his answer “get men involved”? And when he says “we will not tolerate this culture,” does that include when he chaired the committee that Anita Hill testified to, to no avail?’
Sen. Mark Warner (endorsed April 23)
‘The Judiciary Committee simply cannot vote on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination this Thursday. There should be a full investigation, and Professor Ford deserves to be heard. This is a serious allegation, and we have a responsibility to listen.’
‘We need to listen to Dr Ford and get to the bottom of these allegations.’
‘For too long, our political system has shut out the voices of women & silenced the stories behind the #MeToo movement.’
Gov. Jay Inslee (endorsed April 22)
‘If the Republican Senate can delay Merrick Garland’s nomination for nearly a year to steal a Supreme Court seat, they can delay Kavanaugh to investigate these disturbing allegations.
Until resolved, I call on the 30 Republican governors who have endorsed Brett Kavanaugh to rescind their endorsement immediately.’
Rep. Gwen Moore (endorsed April 22)
‘I stand with Dr Ford because, as a survivor, I #BelieveWomen. Stay strong’
‘Today’s vote to confirm Kavanaugh is a vote to silence women across the country who have come forward with their stories of survival. We will not surrender, and we will not be silenced. We will vote, and we will bring change’
Rep. Cheri Bustos (endorsed April 20)
‘It takes a lot of guts to talk publicly about a sexual assault. Thank you to all of the survivors who told their stories during this struggle to stop #Kavanaugh. Your bravery is an inspiration to our nation – you matter, your stories matter and I believe you.’
‘I believe you Dr Ford. Thank you for having the courage to come forward and tell your story today. The Senate must delay proceedings until the FBI conducts a full background investigation into Judge Kavanaugh’s alleged sexual assaults.‘
Rep. Katherine Clark (endorsed April 20)
‘Christine Blasey Ford & Deborah Ramirez deserved more than a rushed half-hearted investigation. And just like the over 20+ women who’ve accused the President of sexual assault, they deserved to be believed. #BelieveWomen’
‘Dr Ford’s testimony was powerful. She was courageous, straightforward, and I believe her.’
‘We have to stop this shame and blame game that revictimizes victims when they come forward. I believe Christine Blasey Ford. #BelieveSurvivors #Timesup’
Rep. Barbara Lee (endorsed April 20)
‘The brave survivors and allies who walked out today inspire me. I will keep fighting for a world where ALL women are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve. #BelieveWomen‘
‘When Anita Hill told her story, the Senate didn’t listen. Let’s not repeat the same mistakes of our past. The US Senate should #BelieveWomen and #PostponeTheVote on Brett Kavanaugh.’
��27 years ago, @HouseDemWomen marched to the Senate to support Anita Hill. It breaks my heart that we are still fighting this fight in 2018. #BelieveWomen‘
Rep. Ro Khanna (endorsed April 20)
‘If Brett Kavanaugh gets confirmed, 2 out of the 9 people who serve on the highest federal court will be accused of sexual assault. Let that sink in’
‘I believe Dr Christine Blasey Ford. I believe Deborah Ramirez. I believe Anita Hill. 
‘It takes bravery for women to come out with their stories of sexual assault — especially when the accused is someone as high-profile as Brett Kavanaugh’
Rep. Andy Levin (endorsed April 20)
‘Weekend reflection…there is a new four word definition of “speaking truth to power”: Dr Christine Blasey Ford’
Rep. Jamie Raskin (endorsed April 20)
‘I linked arms w/ colleagues on the House Judiciary Committee & @HouseDemWomen to march to the Senate to tell the Banana Republicans to stop this obscene rush to install Kavanaugh on the Court after Dr Ford’s credible, sincere & compelling testimony yesterday. #DelayTheVote’
‘.@Senjudiciary must #PostponeTheVote on Brett #Kavanaugh and conduct a thorough investigation of Dr Christine Blasey Ford’s statements. The Senate and the people need to hear her testimony. #BelieveWomen‘
Rep. Jim McGovern (April 20)
‘I joined 64 Members of Congress led by @RepLoisFrankel calling for an immediate postponement of #Kavanaugh hearings until a thorough FBI investigation has been completed. #BelieveChristine‘
Sen. Mazie Hirono (endorsed April 18)
‘Today, @SenGillibrand and I accepted a letter signed by over 1,000 alumnae of @HoltonArms in support of and in solidarity with Dr Christine Blasey Ford. I will enter it into the Committee record to show that we are standing together because we #BelieveWomen‘
‘It took a lot of courage for Christine Blasey Ford to come forward to share her story of sexual assault by Brett Kavanaugh. Her story is very credible and I believe her.’
‘As I said during the hearing, this is why the #MeToo movement is so important, because often in these situations, there is an environment where people see nothing, hear nothing, and say nothing. That is what we have to change’
Sen. Brian Schatz (endorsed April 17)
‘The game that some R’s are running is that if, legally, there is reasonable doubt about the sexual assault allegations, then BK should be confirmed. That’s upside down.
This is not a criminal proceeding and the Senate is not deciding whether or not to throw him in jail. We are deciding whether or not to give him a super powerful job for life. He gets fairness, but not an evidentiary standard as if his personal freedom is at stake. It is not.’
Rep. Ted Lieu (endorsed April 16)
‘Remember: this is not a trial. It’s Brett #Kavanaugh’s job interview for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land. He’s not entitled to a seat on the Supreme Court, and his judicial record and these allegations cement that his nomination must be withdrawn.’
‘When #AnitaHill told her story, the Senate didn’t listen. Let’s not repeat mistakes — the Senate must give Dr Christine Blasey Ford the respect she deserves and investigate the serious allegations against Brett #Kavanaugh before it’s too late. #PostponeTheVote #BelieveWomen‘
‘I believe Dr Christine Blasey Ford. Watch the entirety of her compelling testimony and you will too.’
‘I believe Christine Blasey Ford. This is a series charge [sic], one that Mrs Ford privately told her therapist in 2012. The GOP must reopen hearings and have Brett Kavanaugh questioned under oath.’
Rep. Julia Brownley (endorsed April 16)
‘These accusations about Judge Kavanaugh are incredibly serious. Survivors deserve to be supported when they come forward, not ignored.’
‘We need the truth now. Women and girls around the world are watching, and we need to show them that we support survivors and #BelieveWomen‘
Sen. Tammy Baldwin (endorsed April 15)
‘For too long, women have stayed silent about sexual harassment and assault. The #MeToo movement is starting to change that, and I’m proud to stand with women across this country who are speaking out.’
‘Believe women.’
Rep. Gary Peters (endorsed April 15)
‘These allegations against Judge Kavanaugh are extremely serious. Professor Ford deserves the opportunity to have her voice heard and tell her story before the Judiciary Committee acts on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination.’
Sen. Debbie Stabenow (endorsed April 15)
‘I just met with brave survivors who are committed to efforts to make sure sexual assault in all its forms is understood and stopped. So inspiring!’
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (endorsed April 15)
‘Another disgusting attempt to discredit Dr Ford, who has risked her own safety and reputation in coming forward. Many survivors of sexual assault choose not to speak out, for a thousand different reasons. But when they do, they deserve to be heard‘
‘The events described by Julie Swetnick, Ms Ramirez & Dr Ford are absolutely heart-wrenching. The idea that the Senate would continue this confirmation process without an FBI investigation is even more revolting’
Rep. Adam Schiff (endorsed April 15)
‘Some people think that even if Dr Ford told the truth, committing sexual assault in high school shouldn’t disqualify Kavanaugh. I am not one of them. Others would rather not know the truth. I am not one of them either.’
‘In the face of a credible claim of sexual assault, corroborated by a therapist’s notes, the Senate must stop the rush to confirm Kavanaugh and look into this serious allegation. To elevate him to a lifetime appointment without doing so would be reckless and unconscionable’
Rep. Mike Levin (endorsed April 15)
‘Since the #MeToo movement took off two years ago, countless women have come forward to share their experiences of sexual assault and harassment. I’m deeply grateful for their courage. Now we need to keep fighting to protect and empower survivors. #TIMESUP’
‘How many more Kavanaugh victims need to come forward before McConnell and Senate Republicans stop “plowing ahead”?’
‘Dr Ford’s extraordinarily brave and highly credible testimony today requires that the FBI conduct a thorough investigation into the multiple allegations against Brett Kavanaugh.  This must be done prior to any vote on his confirmation.  Anything less and this process is a sham.’
President Barack Obama (endorsed April 14)
‘If you support the #MeToo movement, you’re outraged by stories of sexual harassment and assault, inspired by the women who’ve shared them, you’ve gotta do more than retweet a hashtag. You’ve gotta vote.’
Obama also started the ‘It’s On Us’ campaign to combat sexual assault. Biden later promoted the campaign on college campuses, warning students to end locker room talk and avoid women who are too drunk to consent.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (endorsed April 13)
‘The revelations today confirm what we already knew: during his hearing, Kavanaugh faced credible accusations and likely lied to Congress. I support any appropriate constitutional mechanism to hold him accountable.’
Rep. Ben Ray Luján (endorsed April 13)
‘Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations must be taken seriously and investigated fully before the Senate Judiciary Committee proceeds with Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination.’
‘On this day two years ago, #MeToo went from a moment to a global movement of solidarity and action against sexual assault. We owe the brave women and men who’ve spoken out on cultures of harassment and assault a debt of gratitude.’
Tom Steyer (endorsed April 9)
‘Dr Ford is immeasurably brave. I thank her for her patriotism. We must stop Kavanaugh.’
‘It was an honor to meet Judy at our town hall in Florida last week. In her words, “We must support women, we must believe women, we must elect women.”‘
Gov. Kate Brown (endorsed April 8)
‘I’ve already said that Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed because he will be a threat to women’s health care. Sexual assault allegations are always serious. I urge the Senate to respect the rights of the survivor as they investigate this allegation and reject Kavanaugh.’
‘I stand with Dr Christine Blasey Ford. Today we walked out in solidarity with victims of sexual assault everywhere. #BelieveSurvivors #StopKavanaugh’
Rep. Diana DeGette (endorsed April 8)
‘Christine Blasey Ford is a hero.’
‘How brave of her to come forward. In light of this development, the scheduled vote on #Kavanaugh’s confirmation should be delayed so these serious allegations can be investigated‘
Rep. Katie Porter (endorsed April 8)
Things the Kavanaugh appointment and hearing made crystal clear: The GOP doesn’t care about survivors. The GOP doesn’t care about women’s rights.’
‘We must take *all* claims of sexual assault seriously regardless of party or political connections.’
Rep. Deb Haaland (endorsed April 8)
‘Mr. Kavanaugh’s confirmation sends a clear message to women and girls: you don’t matter. #BelieveSurvivors #TakeItBack’
‘The latest allegations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh proves that he does not represent our values and he should not be appointed to the highest court in the land. I believe women. #BelieveSurvivors’
‘I believe Dr Christine Blasey Ford, and as a result I believe we need to do everything we can to stop Brett Kavanaugh from reaching the Supreme Court. Women deserve better than this.’
Sen. Michael Bennet (endorsed April 8)
‘The Senate should not move forward w/ Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination until the Judiciary Committee conducts a full investigation into these serious allegations. This is a lifetime appointment to one of the most powerful positions in government. We owe the American people no less.’
‘The Senate should not vote on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination until the FBI fully investigates all of these allegations.’
‘For her courage alone, Dr Ford deserved far better than the casual dismissal we saw from members of this body’
Sen. Tom Udall (endorsed April 8)
‘I watched today’s @SenJudiciary hearing. I listened intently to Dr Christine Blasey Ford’s harrowing testimony. I believe her.’
‘The Senate should halt all proceedings on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination until a full and independent background investigation has been conducted by the FBI into the serious allegations against him.’
Rep. John Lewis (endorsed April 7)
‘I rise today with pain in my heart.  There is not any room in a civilized society for the abuse of anyone, but especially women and girls.’
‘I’ve seen and known women who are victims and survivors and violence. Mothers, sisters, and daughters must know that their pain is our pain.’
Sen. Sherrod Brown (endorsed April 7)
‘Dr Ford’s testimony was a powerful moment for our country, and I am grateful to her and all the brave women who were inspired by her to speak out and share their own stories. It’s because of their courage that the FBI investigation is going forward.’
Rep. Jared Huffman (endorsed April 1)
‘After hearing the poised, truthful and compelling testimony from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, it is inconceivable that Republican senators could jam through a vote on Kavanaugh without conducting an FBI investigation.  If they choose to do so, they will pay a heavy political price.’
‘Kavanaugh’s angry defiance starting to look unhinged – not the choirboy temperament he previously tried to project. If he’s this aggressive while sober, imagine stumbling drunk at 17. I believe Dr Blasey Ford & the other accusers.  This man does not belong on the Supreme Court.’
‘Choosing to just “believe” probably the biggest liar in American history, and to summarily dismiss credible accusations of sexual assault & rape, is the same thing as saying “we don’t care about sexual assault & rape.” That’s the reality of today’s GOP.’
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zirkkun · 4 years
I can't sleep so I'm gonna ramble for a minute here about. uh. 2020 i guess lol everyone else is so might as well jump on the bandwagon.
Be aware this is really really fucking long so it's a commitment to read it lmao sorry i just cannot sleep and i guess i had more on my mind about this year than i thought. I also did not proofread this at all. I just started writing and didn't look back lol
This year was... Weird for me. It started out with me feeling my best in January, comfortable and positive as I did my nth playthrough of DBH with friends and finally having enough alts of my boy Alfonse in FEH to have a team of Just him to fight with. (Priorities, right?) February hit, and things were still going good. I met Ray Chase and had him sign a print I did of Roy and Alfonse in some casual outfits for a scrapped au I wrote years ago. (And I gave him one 😊). Hell, like, covid was just coming around when me and my friends went to the con that weekend and a breakout of it hit the city just south of where the con was like a week before, but I was genuinely so excited for it that like I was like "Yeah, if i die, i die. Whatever happens happens." God, at this point, the Alfonse gc I was in was still alive and I still didn't talk to anyone in the group outside of that gc. Lowkey miss it tbh. But oh well. Things move on.
But that con was like... Stressful. I usually have fair amounts of stress at cons, being around so many people, I fear theft, unwanted contact, y'know, the standard; but my friend group was so filled with tension that it was absolutely painful. We'd been split most of the weekend, and if the two groups came together, it was hell, because it just caused unwanted arguments. I felt really bad cause I didn't want them to be upset, yknow? But i also wanted to hang out with my friends all at once. So i swapped between the groups a bit over the weekend. And blew WAY more money than I should have and lowkey it kind of fucked me over for the rest of the year cause I haven't had a job all year outside of, like, a local church job that pays at a rare max of $100 a month ;w;
I'd been struggling in school the previous semester already, about halfway through having just stopped going to classes altogether, yet still somehow managed to pass everything with B's and A's. The next semester rolled around, and I thought at first the distraction and inability to do anything was because of the con, and as it persisted after, I thought it was just post-con depression. But, as it turned out, no, it's just been my biggest relapse of depression since the end of high school, and frankly, it's only gotten worse since. I can't sleep rn because I'm between not wanting to do anything because I have a lack of emotions and motivation and not feeling deserving of sleep lol. I checked out of school on February 28th, however, I was convinced I was merely demotivated by my surroundings -- at this point, I was studying Japanese, and one of my friends at the time was a (although probably unintentionally) complete braggart about how much he was studying and how he was improving... not to mention he was textbook example of "This is an Actual Weeaboo, don't Fucking Do this." (One of many reasons i said friend at the time lol) it was just... So draining being around him, and I had to see him in class every day of the week. I barely scraped together assignments last-minute and never studied under the idea of "What does it matter if I'm not putting in my 100%?" So I checked out, with plans of transferring for the following semester.
Well, then March hit. Y'all know how March went down lmao.
I pretty much locked myself in my room at all times during March, going between Animal Crossing and BOTW (which actually racked up like 200ish hours i think according to the nintendo year in review i had lmao). I started making a bit closer online friends at this point, notably @levitumbling who decided to take me in as his channel designer for YouTube and I've been ever since! But. Of course. My first task? A Sans meme. My payment? One Switch copy of Undertale because he considered it a disgrace that I'd never played the game before.
Now, let me tell you. I was fuckin scared to play this game. I held onto it for weeks between the fear of "My friend bought me this and i should play this" and "I told myself I'd never touch this game with a 20 mile pole because of how much it's been shoved down my throat over the years." So, one day, I don't remember when, early April, I said, fuck it, I'll play it for a little bit, just enough to say "hey i played it for a bit!" and then never go back.
The only thing that stopped me from beating the whole thing in one sitting was it was the crack of dawn when I passed out, extremely tired and extremely frustrated by the fact I couldn't beat Muffet. Yes, I got that far in one sitting I intended to play for 15 minutes tops.
Now. Let me fuckin tell you. About my first playthrough of Undertale. I haven't gone into a game knowing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it like... I think ever. Usually I know what style of game it is, the genre, the main plot premise. I knew nothing other than the existence of Sans (and, as it turned out, I'd heard some of the soundtrack pieces before, notably Bonetrousle I heard this cover of it in a radio livestream a while back and never really looked it up, but was always excited when the radio looped back around to it being on; and I'd heard Dating Start! because that's Alpharad's go-to sponsorship ost lmao.) But anyway. I was completely in the dark. Do yall mind if i just go through some highlights of my favorite memories? This is supposed to be a summary of the year but I mean, I think this made a big enough impact on me to really like. Discuss it a bit.
I watched the whole opening cutscene, started a new game under my old screenname, "Yoru," since in naming the "Fallen Child," I assumed they were dead. Well, I was a little surprised to just be that child, alive, two seconds later, but whatever, I rolled with it.
I genuinely trusted Flowey right away. Like no shit. He told me run into the "friendliness pellets" and I didn't even fucking question it. And when Toriel came in? And she said to follow her? I straight up was like "Why the hell should I trust you?? That guy just tried to kill me what says you wont?" I followed only because the game made me but i was Wary the whole time. It took me a LONG time to warm up to Toriel.
Now. Let me tell you how stupid I am as well. The game says over and over right, "Don't fight. Spare. Have Mercy when names are Yellow." Well, I took this literally. I didn't understand the Act mechanic most of the time, and when something didn't work I just said, fuck it, and fought them. If their name didn't turn yellow, I just fought them. "They don't want Mercy if their name isn't yellow, right?" After a while, I'd started getting bored of fighting and would just run away, but like, I came to a point where I was like "I have a really low level, I'm really going to regret this later on if I don't grind for a while."
I don't know when I stopped but. I think I was only one or two kills away from a genocide run accidentally my first playthrough, based on how I think I was LV 3 and looking at genocide playthroughs, you're LV 3 or 4 when you fight Toriel. Like. Holy fuck. I can't imagine what I would have thought of this game if that happened lmao.
Speaking of Toriel, still didn't trust her, at all. When we got to Home, and after I did Every Single different phrase she says when you go downstairs before you talk to her reading about snails; I did not Hesitate to ask "cool uh when the fuck can I leave?" When we got to the Ruins exit I was like, ah, here it is. The betrayal from her I was expecting, where she tries to kill me. Well, nothing on the Act menu worked, right? So... I fought and killed her. I didn't really care, actually. I just kept going.
Then meeting Sans and Papyrus happened. I lost my fucking shit at this part, mostly when they were talking, because every time Sans made a pun it would zoom in on him and do a rimshot. The puns were not funny and I was definitely on Pap's side of "oh my GOD shut up." But that fucking zoom in and rimshot was just so fourth wall breaking and unexpected. Fuck, it still gets me. Anyway. Game continues. I again lose my shit at (insane spinning in random directions) "OH MY GOD! IS THAT A HUMAN?" "uh, i think that's a rock." "OH. WAIT! WHAT'S THAT IN FRONT OF THE ROCK?? (IS IT A HUMAN??)" "(yes.)" "OH MY GOD!!!" and still think these two moments in the game are Peak comedy. Oh, and let me tell you, I did not like either of these two at this point. Sans I was like, okay, hes kind of a dumbass in a funny way, but Papyrus is a dumbass in a way that just annoys me. Genuinely the archetype that misses social cues and therefore has miscommunication usually just annoys me to no end. (Mostly for the miscommunication. It's my least favorite trope and makes me unreasonably angry.) But yeah. Wasn't really a fan. But out of everyone so far? Definitely found Sans to be the most tolerable. But that's about all I thought of him lmao.
Getting to Snowdin, with the Papyrus battle, remember how I said I didn't like Papyrus? And yes, this was something I genuinely thought at one point, I genuinely hated Papyrus, imagine that. What a wild world that is. But anyway. You know how his Act menu has the "Flirt" option? I, for no reason, gunned it for the Flirt option, even though I did not want to. Then when he was like "WE'LL GO ON A DATE! LATER!!" i was like yea sure okay lmao. Again, couldn't figure out the Act menu to turn his name yellow, so I fought him, and he was one or two attacks from dying (miraculously) when he ended the battle. I spared him here cause, well, he spared me, it was only fair. Then this guy again is like "ILL BE AT MY HOUSE WHEN YOU WANT TO GO ON THAT DATE!" and i was like haha funny but still turned around to go on the date. Like why? I have no idea. I think I was more like "haha hes probably not gonna be there and its just cause i picked that option and lo and behold there was an actual fucking date. Oh my god. I have never in my life been on a video game date where one party was convinced I was infatuated with them and im here on the other side of the screen like "oh my god make this end i can't stand being around you.???" But still. The date was. Really fucking funny. I wish I could experience it for the first time again like holy shit. There are few playthroughs I did after this where I didn't go on the Pap date, even if I just spedrun through it.
So then you get to Waterfall and Sans is there like "hey wanna go to grillbys" and i was like sure why not so we go there and my choices were fries & ketchup (so i did not get the legendary scene where he chugged a bottle of ketchup, but i sure did my second playthrough, and let me tell you, i was disgusted). But like. This whole experience at grillby's like, the whoopee cushion, him using a comb on his bald ass skull, him just fuckin unapologetically scratching his ass for no reason?? Bro i was like "why the fuck is this guy part of the Tumblr Sexymen™ group ??? He's so ????? Gross???????" and like i still have this question tbh lmao. But like. Okay so he asks you "what do you think of my bro?" And my genuine answer was "uncool" and he was like "hey man sarcasm isnt funny" and can i just mention how like inheritly manipulative sans actually is like fuck he does things like this where he throws your answer the other way a few times and Every time it actually swayed me the other way. Because right here I went. "Oh. Maybe Papyrus is better than I thought." Like holy fuck maybe i should be more aware if something like that can sway my opinion so easily LMAO.
Anyway waterfall i genuinely was very bored of the whole time. I spent like a genuine 20 minutes figuring out the puzzle where you have to talk to a wall and I actually didn't realize you could move the telescope around. What helped me solve it is my friend's advice before I played it. "Inspect everything. Even talk to walls. Trust me." And literally thats how I solved it. But pretty much everything in Waterfall otherwise bored me. I did think it was pretty though, and did enjoy reading the lore, but when it started talking about monster biology my one fear had been realized: oh god, oh fuck. My original species for my own series also has physical Souls and die by turning to dust because they're made entirely of magic. God fuck. My luck, it has to be something popular, so now everyone's gonna think I'm a ripoff. But, at the same time, I do think it helped me understand monster biology (and it helped me come up with the ULR biology) better, because I've put in a lot of thought to existence of a species that exists only by magic and a Soul (which, mine only actually have half a Soul, as a full Soul makes a being immortal, which was also similar to the boss monsters in a way). It definitely made a lot more sense for like, the skeletons n stuff for me, because like my characters are wholly shapeshifters but usually take human form, and while they have "organs" in the places humans would have them, they don't operate. They're just placeholders, because they just live with their Soul. So I've always thought the same with UT monsters, since the skelebros can live without organs, that means so do the rest of the monsters, even if they have animal-like appearances.
Off topic lmao. Back to UT. So, the Undyne fight was kind of the turning point for me. She was pissing me off so much during this whole game and like I was like "if theres another fucking part where I have to run away from her im going to scream." Well, once again, her name wasn't yellow, so I wasn't going to spare her... and, actively, I made the decision to kill her, because I didn't want to deal with her still chasing me later on in the game. It took me a long time to beat her, and when I did, I texted my friend (@cheshiregrinnbuttoneyes ) in excitment like "YES I FINALLY KILLED UNDYNE" and she texted back like "YOU DID WHAT?????" and i was like "i.... Killed Undyne????" she replies, "YOU DONT HAVE TO OMFG WHY" and im like "I DIDN'T HAVE TO?? THERE'S OTHER OPTIONS?????" and shes like "YES OMFG THAT'S LITERALLY THE PREMISE OF THE GAME" and im "WHAT."
So then. I get that call from Papyrus like. "HEY! YOU ME AND UNDYNE SHOULD HANG OUT SOMETIME!"
oh my god the guilt i felt.
alphys on undernet being like "omfg i forgot to watch undyne fight the human. ah ill ask her about it later she never loses <3"
bro. i nearly fuckin cried. i was like. Not to mention I'd gotten the crush question right for Mettaton's quiz in answering Undyne (bc i was like "plz be gay plz be gay") so it fucking cut like a knife what I'd done.
I don't remember when I let myself get passed it. But I do know that the whole story arc between Alphys and Mettaton went way over my head. Like, i know im probs the minority on this, but I adore Alphys, I have since I first met her in game, and like, when Mettaton was like "ALPHYS HAS BEEN LYING TO YOU!" i just went "...nah."
Also, I didnt like mettaton at this point, cause I thought he was being really obnoxious, and then the turn around to betray Alphys really kinda pissed me off.
But like.
Oh my god.
Remember how I said I swapped my opinion on Pap earlier bc of Sans's comment? Yeah that was a pretty fast turnaround, but it still took me a few times.
But the second i saw mettaton ex
I was like
Like, full turnaround from Undyne, I actively refused to kill him. All times I thought he was an asshole? Forgotten. Me thinking he's a selfish prick? Gone. Nada. Nothing. Pure adoration. Suddenly every flaw he had was pushed aside purely from how hot I thought he was. Also, fuckin, im really glad i played this when no one in my house was awake, because I still didn't understand the Act mechanic here, and every time you attack mettaton he has this like moan he does and im like oh my god. stop. omfg.
At the end, too, when there was the calls and everything, when he had his big turnaround, I was just so happy for him I genuinely cried. Also, I had to do his battle probably the most out of everyone's in the game (not including genocide), so when it came around to his battle during the (glitchless) speedruns i did, i was more invested in how fast I could rack up points, cause you need 10k rating points to pass, and I actually did get that before he lost his legs, but apparently he needed to lose those too before you passed lol. Unfortunate.
Anyway after Alphys talked to you and everything, i genuinely went to see if Mettaton was still there, but he wasn't :( so i just went to New Home. I was very ill prepared for the fight against Asgore and the only reason I struggled with it so much was because my only healing items were like. Something that healed like 10 or 12 hp and the snowman piece. I was LV 9 when i finished the game, so like, my HP was pretty high, but i didnt have the G to buy items, so i was pretty much fucked. Yes. I had to eat the snowman to win.
Oh speaking of terrifying shit though. Photoshop flowey? My god. I haven't been afraid of a video game boss so much since I was a little kid. It was like 3 am and i was not prepared for him to just delete my save file and then kill me on repeat, glitching and breaking everything as he pleased. Bruh i was genuinely scared. Like, not even just, "oh yikes :(" or something. Like, crying scared. Lmao im an emotional bitch by nature.
I of course had to restart from the beginning again to get the True Pacifist ending. I was very careful to never touch the Fight button literally ever. And, it actually took me a while to reset, because I hate erasing my original save files, yknow? But, well, as it turned out? While technically New Game+ by naming, resetting doesn't erase everything you did. It wasn't a new file. I was a little confused at first to be honest. Toriel saying things were familiar, remembering things I said, Papyrus and Undyne both recognizing me, like. It was unnerving.
When I got to the end, i had to look up how to get Alphys's date (since my friend told me the way to unlock TP was to go on all the dates, but Alphys's was definitely designed in mind of you turning around from New Home and going back to talk to people rather than a new reset. So after unlocking it, getting through Alphys's date (i still remember being like, verbally, "omg alphys you look so nice??" When she came out with the dress on and then had a thought to myself like... since when do i care about what people look like? since when do i compliment people? At that point, while I didn't consider myself to be a rude person, I definitely wasn't exactly all that concerned about others for anything. Sure, I cared about others' lives, but I tended to be a bit more judgemental internally, and just. Didn't really give a fuck about what people did in the most negative sense possible, unless it involved me. Yet, it rolled off my tongue like it was something id say normally to anyone. I really wonder if this is the true turning point for me this year.)
Getting to the end, with everyone cheering me on. Hoo boy. This was the start of many tears to come. Papyrus's "DO WHAT I WOULD DO! BELIEVE IN YOU!!" sticks with me the most. I wasn't surprised by Flowey's actions, but what fucking threw me for a loop was like. When Flowey was revealed as Asriel, I was genuinely jaw-drop shocked. I was like. Holy fuck. I thought he was dead. What the hell. To this day, though, i still think Hopes and Dreams hits me the hardest out of all the boss battle themes. It doesn't super bother me, bc like, difference in opinion is whatever, but like. Whenever I see Megalovania at the top of someone's ost list for Undertale I'm just... Why? Maybe it's because I'd overheard it meme'd to much before I played the game, but like, i dunno, it's not a bad song, but it's not the most emotional provoking piece for me, so it's pretty far down my list. Hopes and Dreams will still remain my #1.
I really did feel determined during this battle. I really felt a lot of emotion. I felt excited. I felt frightened. I felt ambitious. Asriel's battle is probably still the hardest for me, and yes, I'm counting genocide this time. I can't grasp his magic patterns at all, and I more so played it as a "okay, how much damage can i take? Whats his next move?" As i healed every other turn. It took me a very long time to beat him (though no 11 hours like Sans, this was more like, 2 or 3 max) and when I got to the part with the Lost Souls, most of the characters just said their "we hate you" piece and i was like "nope you're controlled" right.
But then there's Sans's "just give up. i did."
I genuinely had to stop. I set down my controller and just sat for a minute. I'd mentioned before how much I've been struggling with depression for years now, and it's at the worst it's been since high school. Maybe you'd think when I saw that, I was like "sure, maybe I should give up." But... It's really the "i did." that hit me like a rock to the stomach. While I do know a couple other people with depression, the most discussion we have with it is "haha i wanna die" kinda jokes yknow? Nothing really serious. And, well, I've always been the type to lean to fictional characters for support more than real people, since I've just been so disconnected from a lot of friends growing up and was too scared to talk about anything with my family.
So seeing someone else say "just give up. i did." hit me so fucking hard that I just started crying. I had already been in a real sappy mood cause the whole scene was so emotional as it was, even if merely the cliche of friendship will save all, y'know what? Its a good ass fuckin trope and makes me emotional lmao.
So, naturally, I was more hyperaware of Sans's implied depression from here onward. The conversations with everyone post-battle left me crying. God, so did the hug with Asriel. I was just fucking bawling.
Oh god. I didn't even mention. "Despite everything, it's still you." Another line that just hit me and I had to pause.
So admist my crying mess, I was telling my friend I'd beat Undertale again. He asks me "so... you gonna play the genocide route?" And I already had from the beginning. I always want to play every available route in a game. I see no point in paying for something and then not playing it all. I'd consider myself a completionist who doesn't ever actually finish anything lmao.
I definitely put my emotions aside for genocide. The absolute hardest kill for me was Papyrus, though. And i was absolutely fucking heartbroken when he said he still believed me as his last words. But I forced it aside. I didn't want to reset. I wanted to beat it to have it under my belt that I had. I was pretty sure the Sans battle would be here, since I hadn't heard Megalovania in the game yet, and I was aware of how hard the battle was, despite never seeing it.
Undyne's battle I'm more emotional about in retrospect than I was at the time. At the time, I didn't care, didn't like the theme much, and the dings gave me a headache. Undyne isn't exactly my favorite character (though definitely not my least favorite, that role is given to Frisk with Toriel not close behind ahdhsb im sorry), so I really wasn't concerned about it. Not to mention, I don't know why, but all of the battles I struggled with EXCEPT Undyne's I ended up liking the character more as a result. Maybe it was the dinging lmao.
Bro you shoulda seen how prepared I was for Mettaton NEO's battle to be hard as fuck. I was like sitting upright, took deep breaths before hitting fight, then when he died in one shot i just kind of "wh...what." Still very disappointed lol but I guess that's kind of the point of the genocide route.
Then came the Sans fight. As I said, I spent 11 hours on this. I genuinely didn't pay attention to what he said after a while, but I do remember the first time I read it, I was fucking terrified. Usually, sarcasm, hatred, and sass is very hard to convey through pure text, especially when it's said in the same tone as his usual talking. But the absolute harshness, the coldness, and the lack of any fucks given Sans had at that point was so plainly transparent through everything he said that it fucking scared me. Toby Fox's writing here was fantastic. I can only dream of being able to write like that. Frankly, I love his writing in general. Actually, fuck it, I love all of the artistic takes of this game. This is gonna sound weird but... The "childishness" of it just is so good. Like, there's no rules. Every socially accepted rule of art, writing, character design, speech patterns, and even basic grammar are thrown aside. He didn't just think outside of the box, there literally was no box. I call it childish only because like, children also create with no rules. They have no rules to restrict their creativity. And seeing that embraced in Undertale in every form possible just blows me away.
Anyway. The battle. It. Was hard. Thats a given. I spent about two weeks playing it on and off, and it's probably the most healthily I've treated myself in recent memory, because when it became too much for me to handle, I set it down and took a break. I would retain what I memorized and use it for the next time I picked it up. Frankly, it came to a point where every time I opened up Undertale to play, it was more just cause I wanted to see him lmao. The guy hated my existence at this point and it's not like i disacknowledged that. But it just felt like every time i opened the game... Idk. I don't know what I felt. I can tell you for sure this isn't the time when Sans started slipping into my favorite character spot over Mettaton, that didn't come until the development of Act to Flirt's first demo, which was a month or so later lmao.
I was very excited when I beat Sans.
But then, after it was over, I felt very empty.
I didn't feel good about beating genocide. I still don't. I want to play the boss battles again, cause they were really fun, despite how hard they were, but I can't bring myself to.
When I got to Chara, and everything went to black, I just wiped my save and started fresh. I think this was the first time I used the name "Willo" for anything. I just picked a random name to use, and Willo was the first thing that came to mind.
I beat neutral again many times, trying to unlock as many secrets as I could. I accidentally spent like, way too long trying to get Sans's room, because I couldn't figure out how to do it... which is when I started speedrunning the game, because I was just so used to going through it all. I timed myself once, and I got somewhere around 1:20:00 ish, which puts me at the very bottom of the NG+ Glitchless runs by like 30 minutes, but hey, it's still not too bad all things considered.
I'd started working on Act to Flirt sometime in between the speedruns. I was playing Papyrus's date again, and I had this thought of. What if Undertale... but all boss fights are instead like Papyrus's date?? I pitched the idea to my friend who was like "thats definitely been done before lol" and immediately I almost shut down the idea. But then I still had that glimmer of hope that, maybe, since I haven't made it yet, people would like my game because it was by me. Besides, quarantine was getting to me. I needed some way to spend my time. So on May 6th to May 7th, I spent the whole 24 hour period making the first proof of concept for the game, which was UI setup and Flowey's tutorial date. I hadn't made any of the art yet, so it was a black background with Flowey's undertale sprite. I originally was going to make everything more visual novel like in the sense that, so like on Papyrus's date, you could make choices like "unwrap the present" "dont unwrap the present" or "you look great" "you look terrible" and getting the ending would involve pretty much just saying the right things at the right times. But this alone was... Yknow, already done before, and part of what makes Undertale so great is that it's, despite its many outside influences, very unique in its gameplay. So I decided to make the dates more like puzzle-solving RPG's, and frankly, since doing that, I dont know if I want to go back to making other visual novels lmao.
After making the first demo and releasing it, I hit a creative funk. I wanted to make the next demo right away, but I forced myself to stop (since i was working 16+ hour days to finish it in exactly a week. I didn't eat much and i slept very little during this time too. Dont do this lmao). I didn't know if the game would be received, and frankly, I'd had many failed projects in the past due to lack of support. I lost a lot of support in the past due to the dropped projects I kept starting and quitting because I had such a small audience, and that made me lose a lot of interest and motivation to work on them. So I posted the first demo and waited. I was very shocked to have a YouTuber with over a million subs play it that weekend. Dantekris I think was her channel name. She speaks Russian, and I never understood a word she said, but I've still watched her let's plays because I enjoy seeing her reactions. I hate that YouTube keeps deleting my responses on her videos, probably because they're long and in English so it's marked as spam on a comments section full of purely Russian comments yknow. But it makes me feel like such an ass ;w;
Mairusu is the next large YouTuber who played it and my god I love seeing when he uploads a new update for my game because I genuinely have no idea what to expect from him. I don't know what it is but he's just so absolutely funny to me. He also seems to be the most common breaker of my game though. Stop making your own bugs!! I try to testplay to find the bugs he gets and it's like.... what did you do.... how did you skip that whole date im so confused thats not supposed to happen..... He accidentally skipped all of Muffet's date because of this too and hers is supposed to be the hardest in the game right now so I'm very upset by it;; i dont know how it happened, it never happens for me.
But like. I was definitely struggling a bit with the direction I wanted to take AtF. I wanted there to be a core message, like with Undertale and many other of my favorite things. When there's a core theme to write about, it makes things a lot easier to compose than if you have a plot with no meaning to it. It ties it all together for a common purpose. But, as I started diving more into the fandom around this time, finding not only it being still alive but still enormous and filled with passion.
Passion. Hm. That's familiar. That's the trait I gave the player character, rather than determination. While it was intended for giggles "haha dating game u have passion wink wonk," it started becoming more than that. It started becoming a manifestation of what I really felt upon finally soaking myself into the deep end of this pool I'd once been too afraid to step into. Passion. Everyone here is so driven by their passion for this game, the characters, its story. Everyone is so inspired and creative. That's it. That's what I wanted Act to Flirt to be.
A game made for those who have already dived deep into Undertale. A game made for those who have the same level if passion I've wittnessed. A game that someone might stumble upon, merely wanting any Undertale content they can find, and a dating sim leaves them grasping at straws, only to find it's a game instead deeply rooted in how much they care about this world and its people. You have a Soul of Passion, because your passion for Undertale brought you to this game. That's what the core message is. Every ending is supposed to depict different kinds of empathy, and True Passion shows you truly cared the most you could for all of these characters. Sans is so blocked from it because, well, how can he really believe it? "if we're really friends, you won't come back," right? But here you are. Again and again.
And Heartbreak. Whose heart is really the one breaking here? Taking the Hopes and Dreams of every single character you've grown to care for and crushing it beneath your feet... who is the one suffering in the end?
I just... I'm very excited. I've written that game with the player as the main character. Not Willo. Not Frisk. Not anybody else. You, the player, are the main character. I've honestly done a lot of looking around in the DDLC code to make this game as 4th wall breaking as I can (without like. Disrupting it as a game experience like ddlc is, with monika deleting things and stuff). Just enough to leave the player unsettled and confused. Like. "Me? Are you talking to me?" Yes. You. Directly to you.
I started sketching out designs and ideas for ULR around July. I genuinely loved Underlust after finding out about it, even though it was posed to me as an insult about the contents of Act to Flirt. I was both like "uh... Act to Flirt is nothing like this. Maybe in reversed roles at best but..." and also "okay but this? This shit is good. Thank you." But finding out it was discontinued and wanting more, well, that's when I decided to make ULR. I presented the idea to my friends, who were like "please stop making aus," and then continued onward. I told myself I wasn't going to work on it though until after I finished Act to Flirt... Then after the next demo came out... Then it turned out I was working on it too much and it resulted in me rushing my release of the 3rd demo of AtF because I'd been so distracted I was going to miss my release deadline of the end of August, before school. I... Still kinda regret that a lot. It's still very buggy. Though I hope I got them all for the next demo...
But speaking of school .... ha... Remember when i said i was going to transfer to another school? Well, I did, and for the first few weeks it was fine! Then I started skipping assignments I didn't want to do. Then I started panicking about my low grades. Then I started getting behind on assignments. Then I stopped going to classes. Then I lost all motivation to work on anything at all. I just locked myself in my room and did next to nothing with the occasional drawing here and there, for weeks. It came to the point where I was like "I just have to get through this semester, then I'll drop out." But if I ever wanted to go back to school, having all F's on my last report card would not bode well for my acceptance. Which lead to more stress. I didn't want to fail, but I also didn't have any motivation to work. I would do one assignment here or there, feel good about myself, then realize I was still months behind on work and suddenly oh god oh fuck finals are next week. And my solution? I just. Fuckin dropped out. Oh my god. It was such a relief to just get that weight off my shoulders that I'd been carrying for months on end, preventing me to do anything I wanted to work on.
Well. Then my car tires died. So that's a thing. But good news! Between commissions and gifts, I have enough money to get them replaced! I don't think I've ever like... Been so excited about that before.
And, well. Now I'm here, pretty much. God, I just went through my entire year summary, and it feels like it was both forever long but also not long at all. I don't get it. 2021 still feels like a far off future, despite the fact I'm now 5 hours into it. Yes, I spent 4 hours writing this. Whoops. Oh well. I couldn't sleep anyway, so it's not that big of a deal.
All in all though... Despite being locked inside, away from my friends, unable to talk to anyone about the things i was enjoying, and living in fear of getting sick at all ever with anything, 2020 definitely fuckin changed me for the better. It was a hellhole of a year and I'd never do it again or wish it upon my worst enemy, but I came out a better person... I think. I hope.
It seems cliche to bring back but fuck it. Undertale? My friend insists its core message was that anyone can be a good person if they just try, which I mean, it definitely probably was intended that way. But that never was the message I felt while playing it.
What lesson I took from it was "things aren't always as they seem."
Flowey betrays you immediately, but then you find out he's just the remnants of a boy who died years ago and is still grieving over the loss of his best friend, whomst, despite how much he cares for them, recognizes they weren't good to him and he'd been manipulated and used by them.
Toriel is a kind and caring woman, a still grieving mother over the loss of her children, who seems to have kindness to no end, but is actually filled with such hatred and depression that she regularly gets drunk, swears, and still, without resilience, hates her ex husband.
Sans is a playful character who is full of puns, a gross atmosphere, and decided to break physics just because he can. He's the embodiment of a comic relief character. But at the same time, he's suffering, struggling, in constant pain and worry. He's lazy, but quick on his feet. He's harmless but will kill without hesitation if need be. He's both caring and the least caring of them all.
Papyrus is like... a self-centered asshole in a way, when you first meet him. He prides himself and everything he does. Yet still, he's actually quite open and accepting and loves everyone. He loves talking with and being with other people, even if maybe sometimes he has a different interpretation of social interaction from the "norm."
Undyne comes off as cruel and deadly, such even being emphasized in many points. But, deep down, she's extremely caring for those who are close to her, and her only cruelty is dealt to those who have wronged her in some way.
Alphys is a sweet and nervous wreck who comes off as helpful and lacking a filter due to her tendency to ramble. She seems to be merely anxious due to likely social anxiety... But you eventually find out that she's a liar who merely wants to create a world to be a better place, and by doing so, she pretends all the bads do not exist.
Mettaton comes off as an absolute self-centered asshole. Like. There's no way around that. He seemingly has no regard for other people with only full intentions of helping himself. But, deep down, he actually cares a lot for other people, especially his family and friends, and just tends to get caught up in things while he's in the moment.
Muffet seems to be greedy with how much money she begs people to give her for the spiders, but, as it turns out, she's flat broke and drops no G when you beat or kill her. She merely needs the money to help the spiders.
Asgore, too, is built up to be this ruthless killer throughout the whole game, and when you finally meet him, he's an incredibly sweet guy who's only filled with regret, and because of his past decisions, has decided to put aside his hopes for the sake of his people.
Didn't see any of these characters for who they really were right away. Why would I? Few of these archetypes are explored much in a lot of fiction lately, or at least what I've been consuming; and is more focused around how someone can change their flaws into something positive... Not how to accept someone for who they are, despite the wrongs they may have committed or the lives they lead. Everyone's different. Everyone's grown up differently. Everyone has a reason for what they do.
And it took me playing this game to realize such a simple concept that I probably should have learned years ago.
That's why I really think 2020 changed me for the better. I made a realization that I should have had many years ago, and it's made me a lot more confident in expressing myself, accepting people for what they do, and seeing the brighter side to everything. I say that, sitting here filled with nothing and void of all emotion whatsoever... But it's a conscious thought i have. My emotions are so weird... They're either on full blast or I feel nothing at all. But yet I have... Thoughts of what i should feel? It's weird. Idk. This is why I'm getting therapy LMAO
But yea. 2020? Fuck you. But also thank you. But mostly fuck you and good riddance lmao
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nctinfo · 4 years
[TRANS] Chenle & Jisung’s interview with ELLE June 2020 issue!
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It's the first time for Chenle and Jisung to do a magazine shoot together. Both of you seemed to have given your fans spoilers ahead of the shoot. Jisung: Really, the time went by so fast. Rather than a shoot, it felt more like I was just playing around with Chenle. Chenle: <ELLE> is a magazine known by many people. I've known it since long-ago too. So I was even more excited about the shoot. Jisung: Me too! Ah, but how old is <ELLE>? 28th anniversary this year? Wow...
We are much older than you two, aren't we? Is this year your 5th summer together? Jisung: We've known each other since 2016, so yes, that's right. Chenle: We should stop seeing each other (laughs).
Although you get along as friends [same-aged friends], Chenle is in fact born in November 2001. He is one year older than Jisung who was born in February 2002. What was the reason to become friends [to drop formalities]? Chenle: Our birthdays are only two and a half months apart, and since we get along so well, I felt like there was no need for formalities [a hyung/dongsaeng relationship]. Of course, I regret having made that decision now. I mean it. (laughs). Jisung: I jokingly said, "Can't we just be friends?" but he took it seriously. Thanks to this, we can now comfortably talk with each other like this. Chenle: It's definitely more comfortable. In Shanghai, where I grew up, we don't mind much if there's a one or two year difference. And since the NCT team has a lot of members from overseas, the atmosphere is a bit more open. 
Still, it must have felt weird to see your friend Chenle become a legal adult a year earlier than you. Jisung: I've seen the older members of NCT DREAM become adults one after another so I felt relatively indifferent. It's not like people suddenly change when they turn 20 years old. But, since we all debuted as teenagers, it is kinda weird that I'm the only minor left now.
How did the YouTube content 'ChenJi's This and That', that you two do together, start? Jisung calls it 'JiChen's That and This'. Jisung: Thank you for acknowledging it (laughs). It started from the thought that it would be great to make content that uses the advantage of us two who are like real friends. We make gifts for the members, stack dominoes, and also make menus that are popular on SNS Chenle: Although we also bring up ideas here and there, the staff ideas are always more fun. Ah, it was our idea to visit my home in Shanghai.
Chenle went to a lot of rides alone at the amusement park right. Chenle: He says he is too scared to go on rides that are hard, but thinks rides that are easy are lame. Isn't it really funny? Jisung: The easy ones don't look cool (laughs).
You just finished the promotions of your 4th mini album <Reload>. You have achieved many good results such as ranking first in the domestic music chart and music shows, ranking first on iTunes in 51 countries, and selling over 500k albums. How do you feel looking back? Jisung: I always have regrets whenever we finish promotions. Even though I have worked hard and had fun, when I look back, I feel like I could do better? Chenle: I'm completely the opposite. When the album promotions finish, I think 'It was really fun this time again, I'm satisfied!' I think especially for 'Ridin'' the stage was very exciting, and it was even better because I had fun with the members.
'Beyond Live', a live-streamed concert and video call fan signings are promotions that were not imaginable last year. Jisung: I'm glad that we can do something, but it's a shame we can't meet the fans in person. Chenle: It was a new and very exciting experience. Although it was through a video, you could clearly hear the voices and see the faces of the fans like this.
You also performed solo stages on ‘Beyond Live’ Chenle: I prepared our song 'Best Friend' on the piano, but the staff made the stage really cool. On the stage the moon was floating over the sea, it was very pretty and I'm really grateful and satisfied Jisung: I danced but I don't think it was to the extent of 'Awesome~ I did a great job!'.
With you two being the youngest out of NCT’s teenage team NCT DREAM, your growth is bound to be the most impactful. You must be surprised when you watch videos of when you just debuted. Chenle: Actually, as soon as we met today, Jisung had watched an old video of mine and said 'You were so cute back then but why are you like this now?'. Jisung: It was videos of him during promotion interviews for our debut song 'Chewing Gum' and 'My First and Last', and he was so cute. It was also when Chenle hadn't been in Korea for that long yet so he was still bad at speaking. Chenle: I couldn't watch the videos at that time. Still, when I look at the other members, I think everyone was so young and cute.
I heard that Jisung played a significant role in the fast improvement of Chenle's Korean. Jisung: Yes I was Chenle: I admit he helped. Although it's a problem that my weird Korean skills are also improving (laughs).
You have done TV shows and stood on stages before debuting at 15 and 16 years old. When did you feel like this is something you're good at and wanted to do something music-related? Chenle: I love to sing, so I released my first album when I was 7 years old. However, at that time, I thought it was a hobby and an experience rather than thinking of wanting to be a singer. After coming to Korea, I knew for certain that this was the path I wanted to take. Jisung: Rather than realizing it at some point, I think the expression 'right now' is right. While watching sunbaes at SM, my desire to be like that grew and I've come here doing what I wanted to do.
For broadcasts or special stages, Jisung has danced with the hyungs of SM's 'Dance Line' such as Super Junior Eunhyuck, SHINee Taemin, and EXO Kai. Jisung: They are really good at dancing and have a lot of experience on stage so it's really helpful when they watch me dance and talk to me [about it]. It felt like I was taking years of dance lessons all at once. Chenle: For me, I learn quickly thanks to Jisung. These days, Jisung is working hard on learning how to sing so I try to help a little too. I would say things like "I think this would be better?'. Jisung: Don't you tease me when I sing though. Chenle: Me? No, not me.
What song would you like to perform if you were to do an NCT stage together? Chenle: Since there are two of us, how about NCT U's 'Baby Don't Stop'? that Taeyong and Ten hyung did together. Jisung: Uhm, that's kind of a sexy song, don't you think we should do that in a few years? For me, I would like to do NCT U's 'Without You'. I think it's a good song to sing for us together.
NCT DREAM members have often said they still lack the skills and think they can do better. Where does that ambition come from? Chenle: There are times when I feel like I'm not good enough when I watch a video clip [of myself]. Other people might not see a big difference, but I do. In that case, I really concentrate and work hard. Jisung: I think everyone has that kind of desire because we debuted at a young age. When I watch the stage of the sunbaes, I feel like that even more.
How does it feel to be the youngest in a big group called NCT? Chenle: It's so good! Originally, I'm the type to prefer when it’s crowded. It's also fun to chat and play together when we practice. Jisung: I don't have a lot of friends from school. [NCT] is like a replacement for those relationships so I feel reassured. It feels like I have a bunch of people or hyungs who are close to me. Though the dinner costs are enormous (laughs).
What's the reason that two people with different personalities can be good friends and teammates? Jisung: Oh, now that I think about it it's really interesting. We're really the opposite Chenle: I think we get along so well because we are so different. The thing we have in common the most is that we like to play around with each other? And we're the noisiest. My voice is loud and Jisung talks a lot. A while ago he was talking to himself in the car while watching the night view. It's really funny to see it from the side Jisung: If you say it like that it makes me seem kinda weird, doesn't it? (laughs) I love to fantasize. What would I say if I were to go on a program like that? I think I was playing around while thinking about those kinds of things.
Are there any aspects of your friend that you want to be more known? Jisung: There are a lot of people who think of Chenle as a bright mischievous boy with a lot of laughter, but he also has a lot of serious conversations with me. He also has a lot of ambition. Unlike the introverted me, he is cool and outgoing so I learn a lot of things through Chenle. He is much cooler than he looks. Chenle: I'm a chic person (laughs). Jisung is the type of person who worries a lot about himself, and he is also evenly worried about the members' concerns. After taking care of this and that he proudly says 'Ah, why do I look like a leader'.
There are many adults and role models around you. Since you achieved your dream of debuting early, you must be worried about growing up well. Chenle: Instead of following someone with the burden of having to grow, I want to grow up naturally while keeping what I want to protect. I can learn good things and keep regretful things to consult, but I think my own standards are important. Jisung: When I first made my debut, I wanted to be a good adult and a good influence, and I still feel the same now. Sometimes I feel sorry for someone's behavior or words, but I don’t think that anyone can be perfect. Regardless, I try to absorb the good and positive aspects only.
When do you feel like you've grown? Jisung: When I have serious conversations with Chenle and the hyungs. The spectrum of the conversations has widened. I also think I have grown when I'm able to objectively look at myself without being too biased. Chenle: When you're going through puberty, you don't know that you're going through puberty. If you think you're grown up, I think it's because you're still young. I think you've grown up when you can admit to your shortcomings and immaturity.
How will the summer be for you this time? Chenle: First of all, Jisung will have 6 ice creams all at once. Jisung: (Back then) I had them throughout the day!
Translation: Esmee @ FY! NCT (NCTINFO) | Source: ELLE Scans — Do not repost or take out without our permission!
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hollyhomburg · 5 years
Reasons Wretched and Divine
(Hybrid! Namjoon x Reader) (Eventual Polyamory) 
Summary: You live on an isolated but sprawling farm with your abusive husband, but things start to change for the better when your husband adopts a retired police dog hybrid named Namjoon. 
Warnings: Domestic abuse, emotional abuse, mentions of police brutality, yearning, implied coercive sex (ie- rape, but nothing is explicitly written), Premeditated murder, Namjoon is mad protective, mentions of scars.  W/c: 4.0k Song rec: Cherry wine by Hozier  A/N: The pre-part of this story is super dark, but keep in mind, it does get a lot better really quick after this chapter, eventually and definitely more soft! don’t know how many parts/how long it will be either so it might end suddenly! Also: this series does not depict the police or the military in a positive light.
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- Hybrids have been replacing K-9 units in the police force for the better part of the last 50 years. Generally, they have the same capabilities as old-fashioned police dogs but hybrids can communicate better than animals and are therefore more useful. Namjoon is apart of the general unit, used for patrolling most of the time, and for his specialtys- bomb-sniffing and human remain identification- when it’s needed. 
- Most police hybrids are retired after 10 or 20 years but are given the option to leave every 5. Though few police hybrids ever go back into the general population of hybrids or adopted by familys. Instead, most are sent to rehabilitation facilities or long term care facilities.
- Namjoon has only been working for 7 years when he is forcibly retired, or fired for lack of a better word. The official paperwork states that it was because of a ‘failure to follow orders in a potentially life threating situation’ but that’s just unture. It was over so quick, his commanding officer ordering him to beat up a drug dealer that Namjoon had positively id’d, the man who was already in handcuffs. The dealer had refused to tell them who the higher-ups wherein a drug-dealing ring and had mouthed off.
- But he hadn’t done anything wrong- anything illegal, wasn’t struggling or trying to get free- and Namjoon had refused with clenched fists, confused as to why his commanding officer was ordering him to ‘make him talk’. 
- The next thing Namjoon knew he was the one being put into handcuffs. But what was more moral, Namjoon’s refusal? Or to beat a cuffed man for backtalk? or did the law, what Namjoon’s life was build around, have nothing to do with morality? 
- Namjoon was lucky really, after so many years in the force, to be deemed still adoptable and not a danger to society, Other hybrids weren’t as lucky. He knows his special treatment has something to do with his old partner who had been promoted to police chief a few years ago, who had a soft spot for Namjoon and didn’t want to see Namjoon go to one of the long term care facilities Upstate or even put down like the few hybrids that go feral sometimes are. 
- The man was never really Namjoon’s father, or a parent by any standard of the word. Like other police hybrids, he’d been trained to be in the force from the time he was too young to really remember any parental figures. But there had been some good moments, some pleasant memories made with his old partner. 
- When 16-year-old Namjoon had graduated from the hybrid training academy and had suddenly been thrown into the real world. A box of donuts shared in the front seat of a police car, the older man reaching down to tighten the straps on Namjoon’s too large bulletproof vest. A single pet, rough hands combing through his brown hair when he’d done a good job- like that time he’d ID a bomber from just the residue on his hands.  
- They haven’t seen each other in years at this point, but he does meet with Namjoon right before his auction, ask him how he’s doing- if there’s anything he needs. And a goodbye where he tells Namjoon- that if there’s every anything he needs in his new life he can call. 
- His old partner is the closest thing to a parental figure that Namjoon’s ever had and Maybe at another time, he would feel bad or sorry for himself for being denied something that most others have. But Namjoon knew he was lucky to have this chance, even if he felt more like a piece of cattle than a person as he was auctioned off with old police cars and ambulances at one of the quarterly auctions the city holds for all municipal property that is no longer up to government standards.    
- And apparently, having a strong sense of justice regardless of orders and thinking for himself makes Namjoon below those standards too. 
- Namjoon is a Doberman pinscher mix hybrid, is all nasty and scarred across his face and a particularly nasty one on his lower lip from a car bomb explosion a few years ago. He’s surprised he’s bid on at all with how shabby and aggressive he looks, but he goes to the man in the back of the room who hides his face with a baseball cap and pays a full 7,000 dollars for Namjoon and he counts himself lucky. 
- On the drive to his new home, the man outlines why he’s purchased Namjoon. The man is a rich ex-colonel with a new wife, even newer property that needs attending too, the farm too large for him to look after on his own. He’s quick to assert that Namjoon will not be a house pet- which is fine. 
- And after so many years being on the front lines of the worst of the police force, He’s really touchy. He will growl if anyone he doesn’t trust comes too near.  Namjoon knows he wouldn’t be a good one anyway but at least he won’t be so idle in his new life.
- You live in a nice and orderly farmhouse, the surrounding land barren mostly, accepts for the grass the endless stretches of pristine lawn. It’s a 2 hour drive  outside of the city that Namjoon grew up in, and an hour away from the coast. 
- The house is ancient, almost too large to be called a farmhouse with a wrap-around porch and more than a few creaky floorboards but the updated and impeccably maintained insides fortel money like Namjoon’s only seen during drug busts. The land sprawling but somehow fallow seeming with refurbished barns turned garages and workshops rimming the edge of the property. The cedar shingles of the barns ocher fading grey and sticking out against the green.
- The property is Rimmed by a few dozen acres of untamed and uncleared forest. The tall oak tree and The small garden next to your house the only thing at all colorful. But the garden almost seems stifled Not a leaf out of place, or a plant that seems anything less than perfect and contained separate from the others. 
- The first thing that stings his nose when he walks in and puts his bag down in the entryway is the stinging stench of bleach and something else that he can’t identify. It was like that with most hybrids, after a little while when they got accustomed to the scent of their owners- they would be able to sense their emotions if they were sick. In a few weeks, he’ll probably be able to identify the peculiar scent better, but for now, it’s source remains a misery to him.  
- The house seems idyllic to Namjoon, almost too perfect and quiet, pretty area rugs and dark hardwood floors, white walls with photos in black picture frames. His owner gives him a second to set his stuff down before he joins the two of you for dinner. His bedroom is down the hall from the master bedroom on the second floor and it might not be anything special, but the light beige walls are calming. The window has a nice view of of the same hill they drove up. 
-  His new room is so different from his small bunk at the police station where he used to live, not an inch of grey concrete insight. The rot iron bed frame and linen curtains achingly homey. Namjoon is so happy he scents to linen curtains before he goes downstairs. He dosesn’t even really know why he does it, just that his instincts are making him want the whole room to smell like him.
• On the ground floor, there is not a hair or corner out of place in the kitchen. It’s nothing that you wouldn’t expect from a military man, and neither are you, beautiful and soft and quiet more demure than anything else.  You’ve made a full course meal to welcome Namjoon to your home, the evidence of your hard work in the few baby hairs that have come untucked from your smooth bun, your hair tightly pinned behind your head. 
- You turn from where you work over a casserole to the sound of Namjoon’s footsteps, your husband nursing a beer in the corner observing you and Namjoon with a keen eye. “I hope you’ll be comfortable here,” you say to Namjoon, not offering your hand in introduction yet or meeting his eyes. Your hands covered in flower that you dust against your plane canvas apron with yellow flowers along the hem.  
- You match the house- you’re perfectly delicate and domestic too, your leggings and tunic top pristine and white. Your makeup minimal but done well. He barely remembers his politeness, “Thank you for welcoming me into your home Miss Y/n.” your soft and shy nod in response, almost makes his tail wag. and he begins to hope that maybe, this new life won’t be so bad. At least compared to the last when his life was in danger nearly every day.
- “Would you mind taking these dishes to the dining room?” Namjoon nods, takes the salad, while he’s gone he misses that you turn to look to your husband for approval, and Namjoon misses his nod and the tick of his hands against the beer glass that makes you flinch. 
- Maybe if Namjoon had been on the track for the detective branch he would have realized what was wrong, but at first, Namjoon doesn’t notice anything strange about his new owners. Maybe it was a little weird how your husband seemed to order him around, but to be fair Namjoon had known a bunch of ex-military men- and he wasn’t expecting anything less than a stalwart will. 
- Namjoon is used to taking orders- he’s surprised at how little his life really changes when it comes to what he used to deal with at the police station and here. 
- During the first few days, your husband has him working to help upkeep the farm, one of the barns rust red and lifting heavy things, and in general, helping with the many chores that need to be done around the farm. It’s more of a passion project really since your husband is retired from the military and only occasionally goes into town to help with the VA.
-  Namjoon’s thankful that he hadn’t really been adopted to be a house pet since affections been foreign to him for so long. Namjoon’s not sure he’d know how to be a regular hybrid if he tried. 
- And of course, Namjoon is a little on edge constantly. The first time you try to reach out and pet him is a few days after he gets there, your husband isn’t home and you’d asked for Namjoon’s help getting the heavy crockpot down from the upper shelf. He senses the heat from your hand near his arm and he snaps, growling low and menacing. 
- You back away slowly, keeping your hands where he can see them, apologizing and looking like you’re near tears. dropping your shoulders and holding your hands out in front of your face like you think Namjoon is going to hit you. 
- But you also look so so sad, Namjoon realizes with a shock, and you smell terrified. You don’t try again to befriend him again, to give him any sort of affection, Keeping your distance after the growl. Something aching in your expression that puzzles him, something desolate, lonely and wanting whenever you look at him. 
- But what could a woman like you, who didn’t work and lived in what was basically a small mansion have to be sad about? What could someone who had everything want?  
- As Namjoon comes to know, you have quite a bit to be sad about.
- What’s more is that later, Namjoon is worried- worried you’re going to tell your husband what Namjoon did- growling at his owner’s wife would surely warrant being sent to the pound or being abandoned. But you say nothing, eating in silence only pausing with your meal to ask your husband what kind of work needs to be done at the VA this week. 
- “Trying to get me out of the house y/n?” he asks, gaze darkening. the smile you send his way is strained, bottom lip trembling, making Namjoon’s ears flick at how dissonant it all feels. “not at all dear, just wanted to know if I should make lunch for you tomorrow or if you’ll be getting something from the diner in town” 
- You’d think after so many years dealing with criminals he would have noticed sooner. He’s ashamed of it, but at first, he doesn’t catch how your husband grips your wrist hard enough to bruise when the peas have gotten cold while you tended to the salmon one night at dinner. He’s too busy scarfing down the rich food, so much tastier than the simple meals he’d grown up accustomed too. 
- He draws his first conclusions when he sees the bruises. Your husband chiding when Namjoon asks about some nasty ones on your palms (your husband had pushed you when you where in the driveway earlier after you’d almost opened the door into one of his other expensive cars) “She’s always just so clumsy.” your husband justifies. 
- When Namjoon makes a comment on a particularly bad one your arm, (you’d moved away from him in your bedroom and your husband had dragged you close) And then another appears in the shape of fingerprints on both of your wrists (another bedroom casualty). And then on a day when your husband leaves early for the VA and Namjoon wakes up and comes to see why you haven’t come downstairs yet he sees your black eye before you can dab makeup around it or turn your face down to hide it. 
- You and Namjoon aren’t friends, you don’t even talk to each other much really after the growl beyond you asking him occasionally to lift something you can’t or reach something from a tall shelf- but he can’t ignore what he sees, can’t deny that he knows and wants to help. When he sees your black eye, he growls and asks you his first real question, “that’s from him, isn’t it?” 
-  Namjoon had been trained for years in the law, and he knows domestic abuse when he sees it. Knows what comes from it from years of studying law books. how the victims often feel trapped, often grow depended and can’t escape. The acrid smell he noticed when he came to say making sense- it’s just fear. painting the walls and the floorboards of your house, every inch of it.  
- When you see him staring in the mirror, you nodd and continue to blend the makeup around your eye, without saying a word to Namjoon. 
- The day that Namjoon hears you scream, his heart drops into his stomach and he runs to you.  He finds your husband holding you up by your hair screaming about how he’d found an app downloaded on your phone that shouldn’t have been. 
- “You fucking unfaithful slut! What are you trying going to do find another man to take in your worthless ass on Instagram? I put up with so much from you! Your fucking sloppiness- mucking up my house with all your shit- I don’t even know why I try to help you anymore when it’s obvious don’t fucking know how to be fucking faithfull- you never had someone to teach you how to love and now i’m the one who has to teach you this bullshit” your husband sees namjoon at the door, “Why don’t you ask him Y/n. Namjoon tell me, can you teach an old bitch new tricks?” 
- Namjoon is quick to put himself in between the two of you, catching your husband’s wrist before he hits you again (one of your cheeks is already red) but it’s the wrong move. Namjoon is taller than your husband, but he does probably have a little more muscle on him than Namjoon does. 
- Your husband is even nastier and brutal than he usually is. And Namjoon knows he can’t hit back. When Namjoon falls to his floor, keeping his body in between yours and your husbands shielding you his head is spinning and his lip is aching and split, your husband growls back that if he does fight back again- Namjoon will have earned himself a one-way ticket to hell. 
- After all who wouldn’t believe that a retired police hybrid would break one day and snap back to his most basic instincts? The way your husband spun the story, Namjoon believes that he really would. 
- Late at night sometimes he takes out one of his guns and polishes it in front of Namjoon looking at him with a glint of mad anger in his eyes. Namjoon knows if he tries to stop him, and tries to tell someone about what your husband does, he will get hurt and you will too. 
- And then he’d be leaving you to the mercy of your husband, and that just won’t do. You where just someone who needed help like the countless people he’s saved over the years, and you’d be alone to be in pain just like you had in the beginning. 
- Such shame fills him for not noticing sooner, even as you dab at some blood on Namjoon’s cheek with a wet cloth after the first time he intervenes. until that point, you haven’t said much to him or tried to touch him beyond that first day when he growled at you.  He catches your wrist gently another bruise already forming there, and you hiss lowly at him and rip it from his grasp. 
- Casting an anxious look in the direction of where your husband disappeared, you can still hear the thrum of the shower though and know your words will be disguised by the hum of the water. “You can’t Namjoon- you can’t touch me, that will only make him angrier- please, please don’t get yourself hurt for me.”
- But Namjoon is terrible at following orders. He feels rage well up inside of him because you’re just trying to help him, even though you’re in need of help yourself. You’re an innocent like the ones he used to protect and there is no one here to do that for you. 
-  Your husband is a criminal and Namjoon has always had a strong sense of justice. So Namjoon will do his best to protect you- and divert your husband’s attention whenever possible, and help you as he can. 
- So Namjoon can do nothing but watch, try to mitigate and try to help. there are days when Namjoon says that he was the one who knocked a picture frame off the wall when Namjoon makes a mistake to distract from one that you make, creating distractions. 
- After that, things change, Namjoon is just another person that your husband can exert his need for control over. Smacks Namjoons hand with the end of a dowl when he drops a box of nails, purposefully slamming the door shut on Namjoon’s tail. Namjoon can take it, he’s no stranger to pain or brutal overworking. But still- Namjoon tries to keep him out of the house as much as possible, keeps him away from you when he can. 
- It’s hard, there are many more nights where he fails rather than succeeds. But on the nights where he manages to keep you safe until your husband falls asleep, make a sour kind of accomplishment take root in his chest. He stares up at the ceiling in his room, lying on top of the covers in his bed, turning over the day’s events,  when he hears a noise, your quiet footsteps in the hallway. 
- Namjoon moves slowly so as to not cause a creek, but he opens the door to find you there waiting outside, in the gray light of the moon streaming through the window at the end of the hallway. 
- You are drowned in shades of black and white, like some old photograph as you look up at Namjoon, reaching forward again to touch him. It’s been so long since you’ve felt any tender touch unmarred by pain or fear. The words of your husband weigh on your heart like a shackle. “You don’t know how to love.” when you look at Namjoon you think that maybe- maybe if things where different- you could learn. You’ve never known much about hybrids other than they where made to be loved. 
- As you reach your hand forward slowly Namjoon doesn’t growl like the first time. The first time your hand touches his cheek, it feels like something good falls into place. He lets your hand rest there and leans into the touch, just as hungry for something good and soft as you are. It’s the first time he’s been touched with so much softness, and already it feels so good that it makes emotions he’s never had well up in his throat and choke off any noise he might make. 
- He makes the choice to pull you closer to him. You are so so small that he can barely lean his elbows on your shoulders even as you wrap your arms around his waist and bury your head in his chest. Namjoon’s tail starts to wag and hits up against the doorframe, you both freeze, and he catches it before it makes any more noise. Both of you listen with bated breath. Down the hall, your husband gives a particularly loud snore but stays asleep. 
- It’s only that, only a hug before You part from him holding his gaze before you slink back to your room careful to avoid the floorboards that creak. Knowing he’ll wake up if your warmth in his bed is gone for long or if there are any particularly harsh noises. 
- It starts to become an everyday sort of thing, every night after your husband has gone to bed you meet Namjoon in the hallway. Sometimes you stay longer in his arms, sometimes you need too, and sometimes you shake and quiver like a leaf in a storm and Namjoon can do nothing but hold you and try to keep you steady. 
- Sometimes it’s worse, sometimes you come into the hallway moving slower and shadowed, your hips stiff and his smell all over you. And Namjoon will nuzzle into the hickeys on your neck left by him and growl lowly at them. And you’ll be still in his arms quieting him by running your fingers over the back of his neck and through his hair if you’re brave enough. 
- Namjoon wonders how something so sweet got trapped in a place so bad, how you ended up with a man like him. On one of the rare days your husband has work down in the VA, he asks you. You’ve started to talk more, but only when your husband is out of the house. Sometimes you stand close by the counter and enjoy a simple thing like a cup of coffee togeater. 
- You have rare good days, where there isn’t much to do besides sit on the couch or play a game of cards in the kitchen. Or other times, more tender things, though It feels so vulnerable and intimate to hug you in your kitchen, in broad daylight no less and not be enswathed in the safe cocoon of darkness. Namjoon is careful to watch the window over your shoulder waiting for the moment when your husband comes home and you have to separate. 
- But he hugs you in your kitchen, light streaming through. Running his hands over your shoulders and feeling them deflate more every moment. He asks you why you loved him at one point enough to marry him. “He wasn’t bad at first- the opposite, he made me feel special and like I belonged somewhere, but then after we got married he started to change and-“ your voice breaks off. Namjoon brushes away your tears with his thumbs. 
- The day your husband adds to the scars on Namjoon’s face is the first day your lips touch his skin. 
- You have some Vaseline and some skin-safe glue to patch up the gash in his cheekbone just under his lower eye (the mark of a thrown glass after Namjoon had knocked over a lamp in the living room) it could probably use stitches, but it’s the best that he can do. You have a cut on your finger too from picking up that glass, and Namjoon kisses it first, lips pressed to them gently before you wrap them with bandaids. 
- Tomorrow, you’ll patch it up a little better, but for now, you meet in the hallway and your lips brush over the base of it, not close enough to irritate it. and namjoon makes a noise in the back of his throat in suprise. Even though the action is tender. He can see your hurt by him, you shake with silent sobs by this, by everything that’s happened, and it doesn’t feel like he can bear it anymore. 
- He’d never thought of himself as a killer, but now he thinks he understands why someone would. To keep you safe, Namjoon would kill your husband. Namjoon will he realizes- to free you of this pain. Namjoon has never hated another living thing more than he hates your husband. And namjoon has come to the conclusion that the world would be a better place if he where dead- call it a crisis of faith in the law but sometimes- the law just can’t get things done. so namjoon will take it into his own hands. 
- That night, Namjoon dreams that you falling asleep on his chest, small and happy, smiling in your sleep, he dreams of waking up with you in his arms just once. And in that dream world Namjoon gets to run his fingers through your hair and watch over you to make sure you’re safe. And when he wakes, he finds you with a fresh black eye and knows that one day, one day soon he’s going to get you out of here, even if it means Namjoon doesn’t.  
• Namjoon keeps his anger and his evil intentions a secret; even from himself at times. He thinks about the small river by your house, drowning your husband and holding him under the water. Or the lift in the fancy barn that was used for your husband’s expensive car collection, the button that releases the hydraulics so close and itching to be pressed anytime he goes under them. 
- Namjoon wonders how he’s going to do it, with Namjoon’s hands around his throat or a well-placed shovel to the back of his head or even, or if he can find the passcode- one of the guns in the gun safe. Quick and easy, buried in the backyard or dissolved in acid.
-  Namjoon has been in on enough homicide cases, he knows how hard it is to get away with murder, but he loves you enough to try- even if he knows it’s futile. It will take a fair bit of planning, and Namjoon starts the painstaking process.
- But then one morning, when your husband leaves early without any explanation, Namjoon walks into your bathroom to find you hurling your guts out into the toilet, and a pregnancy test sitting on the counter and feels horror spark in his stomach. 
- You’re pregnant, and that changes everything. 
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renaerys · 4 years
What are your thoughts on the blues? The reds are my otp and I like the greens but I have to confess the blues don't do anything for me. My frustration with this ship stems from people making them "perfect ". They're always the first to get together, stop hating each other early, rarely have turmoil and if they do they get over it quickly. They're written as too cutesy imo. I feel like people think just because bubbles is the sweet one and boomer being her counterpart that means they would get together quickly. It's annoying because the blues can be complex if people bothered to attempt to flesh them out. Bubbles is still a ppg and boomer is still a rrb. Contrary to popular belief and writing they would have difficulties moving forward from enemies to friends then lovers. I really feel the reason they're the least popular of the 3 ships is because they're rarely fleshed out in fics and given obstacles to overcome. Even singular fics focusing on them leave much to be desired. I feel for blues fans because I know they're frustrated with the content for their ship and how it's written. I'm not into the ship and I'm frustrated along with them because Bubbles/Boomer have the potential to be a great ship if people took the time to actually flesh them out. It's not right that the reds get to be complex and so do the greens but the blues...just get to be cute and one dimensional. You and maybe 2 other authors are probably the only ones who actually give them a personality and character. Definitely not trying to bash authors but I do feel as though this a discussion that needs to be had. The blues deserve better and this is coming from a reds fan.
Thanks for this thoughtful ask! I’ve heard this concern before from others, and I also have issues with it generally. I can’t speak to other authors’ intentions and don’t pretend to know their preferences or interpretations, so please keep that in mind for what I am about to say here. I am speaking only for myself. 
Based on what I have seen in this fandom and conversations I’ve had with fellow fans, I think there are a few different explanations for the issue you raised, none of which is dispositive. 
1) Certain creators may not like Blues as much as other ships, but because Color Code is pretty much expected in most PPG/RRB fics and art, they throw the Blues in there anyway and end up de-prioritizing them. That’s not unexpected, but probably explains the lower effort put into them compared to other ships. It’s side-ship syndrome and you see it across fandoms. Unfortunate, but pretty ubiquitous. 
2) There are fandom headcanons regarding ship dynamics and character personalities that appear to be widely accepted, and among those is the lovey/saccharine Blues dynamic. That’s neither good nor bad, but it is pervasive. In concert with 1) above, you have a recipe for a low-effort side-ship that the author/creator isn’t super excited about, and it shows through the recycled tropes that barely reach beyond a skin-deep level of nuance. I suspect that the popularity of high school fics exacerbates this issue at least in part. High schoolers probably are not dealing with experiences such as getting older, questions of marriage/family, careers, debt/finances, and other hazards of adulting that are ripe for interesting dramatic tension and added layers of complexity in a relationship. Again, this is neither good nor bad, just an observation. 
3) Separate from 1) and 2), I get the impression that a not insignificant portion of the fandom actively updating fanfic these days is on the young side (teenagers/early 20s) and/or does not have a lot of personal experience with romantic relationships. None of that is bad! Please don’t mistake me, it’s awesome that there are young people creating and contributing, learning and having fun. I encourage and support them; I used to be one myself (and I still have so much to learn and improve on, as we all do). No one can improve without a safe space to practice and learn, and I feel very strongly about contributing to making that space safe and welcoming to creators of all skill levels. The downside of a younger or inexperienced pool of active writers is that it is probably more difficult for those writers to write nuanced, “realistic” relationship dynamics--if they have not lived those experiences themselves (or at least been around long enough to watch them happen to their peers), then how can they possibly be expected to write about them in a story in a believable and honest way? It’s a tall order, and an unfair standard to hold them to. I’m sure some can do it, and my hat’s off to them; they are certainly better writers than I am. But I suspect most cannot. I say that from a place of experience having been there myself. I look back at my fics from like 10 years ago and cringe fondly (what could I have possibly known about adult relationships without ever having been in one myself?). 
And that’s not to say teenagers can’t experience meaningful romantic relationships. They absolutely can and do! But when you’re living it in the moment, it becomes hard to take a step back and objectively analyze it as an experience. That really only comes with age and lived experience, which allow you to look back on those times without being emotionally compromised by your personal feelings. You can see the “good” and the “bad” much better in hindsight. And importantly, you have the emotional intelligence and maturity to write about it honestly. What might have seemed romantic at 16 might feel very different at 26 when you factor in experience, worldliness, and cultural/life education that really can only come with age. At least, that has been my experience. (I reiterate that I am only speaking for myself and my journey, not for any other authors.)
All this for my point 3) is to say that the frustrations you have expressed with Blues in some stories coming off as “too cutesy” or being “perfect” or “rarely hav[ing] turmoil” in their relationship are likely due to the fact that at least some of the writers of those stories probably don’t have the life experiences that would adequately prepare them to write a nuanced, complex, romantic relationship. Real life relationships that are “successful” are hard. They are work. Happiness takes so much work when happiness requires another person’s engagement and fulfillment as an equal member of your team. The honeymoon phase is real, but it doesn’t last, and I think that is where some stories miss the mark. I’m all for Blues (or any other ship) to be genuinely happy in love. Who doesn’t like a happy ending? But romantic success isn’t a destination, it’s a never-ending journey with ups and downs. Personally, I’m interested in reading about the ways a ship navigates those ups and downs, and how the characters decide that despite hardships, it’s worth weathering the struggle together because they are happier together than they would be apart. 
But that’s so hard to execute! Professional writers, filmmakers, and screenwriters think it’s hard to execute! I have tried to do it myself, and I look back on my recent fics and I’m like okay cool, but we can and should do better next time. It is not easy, and I don’t want to give you the impression that I think I’m amazing at it or that it’s not hard to pull off. That could not be further from the truth, and anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is lying to you. It’s definitely a discussion that should be had in any fandom no matter the shipping preferences. All I can say is that I encourage my fellow writers and creators to keep practicing. We can all do better.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Twin Snowflakes pt21:Ice Breaker?
[Part 20 here! <-]
Snow, as far as the eye can see. Summer has had enough of snow. A terrible thing considering her move sets and living situation. The frozen rain gently fell down into a meadow of pure white, blanketing any beautiful flowers that could be right below the surface. Her body fell flat, landing stomach down. Cold, but not too cold; the usual case for her mind every time she ended up here. Why was she here? Her heater was definitely on before she laid down. Wool socks kept her toes nice and toasty, and windows were shut tight. She had triple checked. Perhaps this was an actual dream this time instead of an unpleasant visit from the worst guest ever. Summer didn’t want to deal with Shiva. She didn’t want to do anything really. Her body felt...tired. Eyelids were heavy and energy was spent. What was this?
The crunch of snow being crushed broke the silence of the meadow and obstructed Summer’s already limited view. Her head lifted up to see the last person she wanted to. Now she really hoped this wasn’t a dream. It would be dreadful for Shiva to take those away from her too.
The problematic entity laid down on her side. Her hand reached out to brush away a few strands of Summer’s hair to get a better look. “Tired?” Shiva asked, rubbing the girl’s cheek. “I’d be too, faking joy in my life. How long do you think you’ll last? You feel it right, time slipping past you? Days, hours, minutes, seconds; how much more time can you spend failing at everything? Aren’t you tired of it all?”
Summer didn’t respond. Summer couldn’t respond. All she could do was stare into Shiva’s alluring gaze and weep, motionless.
“Awww poor thing.” Shiva rolled Summer over on her back, then straddled her. Her left hand kept rubbing Summer’s pale cheek. Shiva looked down at the girl with a smile that while small, was still oozing with a smug attitude despite her calm voice. “Just close your eyes and surrender to me. What else can you do? You can’t beat me, out think me, or do anything that matters when it counts the most. Do you enjoy it, burdening everyone? How much longer will you hold Nick back?”
Summer’s lip began to quiver. The warmth of her tears was the only source of heat filling her. They began to run faster and faster down the side of her face, only to meet Shiva’s gentle hands rubbing them away. Those same hands drifted lower down and stopped on Summer’s eck. Shiva never squeezed or even entertained. Her demeanor felt almost infant like, the way she tilted her head as she examined everything Summer did. Or...what she didn’t do.
Above, the ice ceiling began melting away again, the meadow fading into dust along the way. Shiva was the last thing Summer saw before everything became an empty space of black. Then, she woke. Dried tear marks were strong on her face and something pinned her right hand from trying to rub them off. Summer looked at her bedside and was taken back by the sight of her brother sleeping with his head laying on the mattress and hand holding her own. “Nick?” Summer said softly, pulling her hand free gently. Nick had always been a light sleeper. Summer had barely done anything and yet Nick woke up.
The boy rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. “Hey sis. Did you sleep okay? You kept crying and trembling.”
“I was?” Summer rubbed her neck and rubbed her tear tracks away. “Sorry. I...guess I had a nightmare.” The sun barely hit her curtains so it must still be pretty early. “Were you here all night? Nick, you’re sick.”
“It’s not like you can catch a cold, miss immunity.”
Summer pouted. “That’s not what I meant and you know it. You’re not gonna get better sleeping on the ground. Worry about yourself first for once?” She said, dry and tired. Summer laid back down and faced away from her brother. She heard him stand up but didn’t hear him walk away. Her mattress sank down seconds later and his hand took hers again.
“Are you...mad at me? You were pretty upset a couple days ago about the Paladin match, and Valerie sure had some choice things to say to me. I know I can be…overbearing at times. I get that you probably want space, but can you at least tell me if there’s anything I did specifically.”
His voice sounded hurt and tired as well. Summer didn’t know Valerie and Nick were on shaking ground. Is that why Nick didn’t tell her he was sick? Summer turned around. “I’m not mad at you. Things have been really low lately is all. I’m sorry if it felt like I’ve directed any of it at you. Things should get better after the tournament. Veronica will probably leave, I’ll have nothing but school lined up, and Oscar will hopefully be back by then. Not the biggest fan of virtual sessions.”
“Yeah, I can see that. Listen if you want more free time then I won’t make you-”
“Performing at the tournament is just fine.” Summer smiled. “Like I would miss a chance to stun a crowd, all of Remnant in fact. Besides, I made an Acr promise to an orphan, remember? I couldn’t back out if I wanted to.”
“Yeah...that would be pretty bad:” Nick cringed at the thought of an entire orphanage being sad and lied to. That’s guilt that would follow someone forever. “Got any plans today? It might do us some good to practice at least once together before the tournament. Not that we really need it.”
“Please, if it isn’t our dual summoning then we’re set. We can’t do that today though. Veronica and I are...umm…” Summer wanted to tell Nick about their argument yesterday which led to Veronica all but forcing her to agree to a fight today and the use of stolen diamond dust, but it wouldn’t make much sense to. Endangering him with her risks was the main reason things escalated. “We’re...going around town and the woods to get things for my outfit.”
“The woods?”
“Yeah she wants to see me fight grimm and we’re gonna look for pure dust and stuff. So don’t worry if you get one of your little twin chills or whatever you call it.”
“I don’t call it anything. Twin chill is nice though. Well be careful. Expect a call if I feel it. Better safe than sorry. It would suck for me to be grabbing school papers while Shiva is rampaging through the woods.” Nick was getting a little stressed thinking about it. One minute he’s stapling papers then sees a massive glacier outside the school window. Not to discredit his sister, but that’s the kind of luck Nick typically had. Things go fine, and then they don’t.
“School papers?” Summer questioned. “Nick it’s not a school day.
“I know. I’m gonna stop by there this afternoon and get the work I missed.” A look of disbelief and judgement shot him right in his heart from Summer. “What!? Just because I’m sick doesn’t mean the homework disappeared. I’m simply going to get it and come back home to rest. Summer’s look did not waver. Nick turned a little red for the nonverbal call out. He stood up. “Leave me alone! I’m going back to bed and then I will do exactly as I said I would do.”
“You’re full of shit…” Summer said while doing a fake cough.
“Night, you little diva.” Nick walked out her room and grabbed the door to shut it.
Summer reached out for a second. “Wait a second.” She said, her voice more reserved. “Nick, y...you love me right? Like, spending time with me?”
Nicholas looked at his sister with a raised brow. “Of course I love you. You’re my baby sister. Not that you being that means I have to hang around you or anything. Why, someone dumb tell you otherwise?”
Summer couldn’t help but smile. “No, hearing you actually say it is just nice. Rest well.” Nick smiled back then closed the door. The smile Summer wore tried its best to stay, but left as quick as it came. Her swarming thoughts made her head feel heavy and cluttered until Summer found herself resting it in her hands as she attempted to rest a little more. Sleep never came back for her unfortunately, no matter how many minutes passed her by.
It felt like no time at all before Summer was out of her bed and getting dressed for the day. She decided to keep her hair down for now and was more concerned about if she was gonna be warm enough. Her standard black thermal leggings and old white over coat should do the trick, but Summer felt compelled to put her ear muffs around her neck and wear warmer socks with her already poofy white winter boots. Snow gloves were put in her coat for safe keeping. Testing diamond dust without Nick was more stressful than she thought it would be. At least the layers of close gave her a good excuse whenever she’d start sweating.
The fated knock on the door finally came and took ten years off of Summer’s life. “Y-Yes?” The door creaked open before being fully swung open with Veronica on the other side. An exceptionally beautiful soft brushed purple winter coat that had a belt around the waist and big black buttons to bundle the whole thing up. Her color of choice was complemented with grayish-white jeans that looked roomie; a weird choice for the girl. Then there were her gym shoes school? Her entire bottom half was casual in contrast from the coat.
Summer got a bit worried. Veronica dresses herself with purpose. Her wardrobe doesn’t sacrifice functionality for flare, yet is stylish nonetheless. This one felt disjointed however. “Ummm what’s with the shoes and jeans? I would’ve thought you’d look a little more...stunning?” Said Summer, choosing her words carefully. She must’ve succeeded because Veronica gave a rude look and nothing else. It was easy to tell that she was still tired from the way she rubbed her eyes. “Didn’t sleep well either?”
“I’m sore and the time difference hasn’t gone away yet. As for my clothes, why would I wear my good clothes when I’m going to the woods and things can get physical? I’d wear a different coat if I had one.” Veronica pulled out a scrunchy and put her lion’s mane of a hair into a ponytail tail.
The sleeves of the coat fell down and Summer became a little more anxious to see Ember Cilca on Veronica’s wrists.“ Oh right, of course she’ll dress comfy in a fight. And use a strong weapon. Why not use her own? Is punching me that exciting?” Her eyes looked down and noticed a small duffel bag outside the door. “What is she gonna do to me!?” Summer ‘casually’ walked over to her sword and put it on her hip. It made her feel a little safer. Then she grabbed a hidden vial of diamond dust. Safety was right back out the window.
“You’re only bringing the one?”
“If this goes terribly then I don’t need Shiva getting a double dose. One is more than enough.” Summer held it out. “Here. It’s probably better you have it for now.”
“On that, we can agree on.” Veronica took the vial and grabbed and used her tail to grab her bag. “Let’s get this over with already…” she stormed off immediately.
Summer thought it best to follow Veronica’s lead. The girl was clearly in a bad mood. “Dying in the woods by a girl crushing on my brother. Yeah, that’s on par with the rest of my life.”
With two of noisiest people out of the house, it was pretty easy to tell something was amiss for Weiss. It’s almost eight in the morning and the sound of guitar or vocals hadn’t rattled her morning coffee. Yeah they had a sound room, but that never stopped Summer from playing a rift on the way to it. “It’s quiet, too quiet.” She took a sip from her mug then went to the garden. “Maybe Summer is training? Veronica could probably hear through the sound room.”
The closer Weiss got to the garden, the easier it was to hear that someone actually was there. Yang. She was upside doing push-ups in just a tank top and yellow pajama pants.
“Forty five...forty six...forty seven…forty- oh hey Weiss.”
“Hehehe, how are you not freezing? It’s barely warmed up yet.”
“Since when have I ever been bothered by a little cold air?” Yang let her balance slip to land right side up. “I’m hot every day all day.” She flipped her hair for dramatic effect.”
“Well Mrs. Hot stuff, have you seen Summer? Despite her reluctance to go to school, the girl is an early riser. Especially on the weekends. Is- hey, you got a little…” Weiss pointed on a few bruises on Yang’s right shoulder.
“Oh this? Veronica wanted to spar yesterday. Her mood wasn’t exactly friendly.” Yang sighed. Her body flopped on the soft grass near the tear area. “That girl, it feels like all we do these days is spar rather than trying to talk.”
“Gee, I wonder where she gets that from.” Weiss said with the most sarcastic tone in the world. “I guess I’m in no position to make fun. Summer is hard to communicate with too. Teenagers man.”
“Tell me about it! Were we this bad?”
“Yeah.” Weiss nodded, remembering everything and cringing. “Yeah… gods, we were a lot to deal with.”
“You maybe. I was pretty-”
“Hard headed and passionate? Uncompromising on everything? Loud as hell?”
Yang sat up. “Okay already! Point taken hehe. Oh if you’re looking for Summer, she’s out in town with Veronica.”
That wasn’t an answer Weiss thought she’d hear. “For what? Those two can’t breathe in front of each other without wanting to fight.”
“Well they don’t have a choice if Veronica wants to make a perfect outfit for her. Walking, running, sitting, posture, Veronica likes seeing all of that in order to make a quality design. Kid has a real gift.” Yang crossed her arms. “Too bad people don’t give her the time of day.”
“Oh. So the situation hasn’t gotten any better for her?” Weiss asked.
Yang shrugged. She began pacing around in circles. “Besides what happened here, there hasn’t been a school fight in a while or calls home. Grades are average but that’s to be expected. No drugs either, thankfully. Pretty sure that was a one off thing. Still, Veronica is clearly unhappy and not even Blake gets much out of here these days. We’d take her therapy but she’ll run off or flat out won’t go.” Yang let out another huge sigh, slouching over. “I’m worried. I just want her talking to somebody that will listen and care.
Weiss could relate to that. “Well, at least Nick chips away at that armor of hers.”
“True. That boy is magic. I don’t wanna have him doing it all by himself though. I’m positive he has his fair share of problems too. How is he?”
“All work and no play recently. You saw how sick he was yesterday right? If I could just take a little bit of his drive and replace it with Summer’s reasoning….”
“Ruuuuude! I’m reasonable!” Shouted the boy from the balcony. “Some would say I’m actually quite flexible.
Weiss scoffed, rolling her eyes playfully. “Those people don’t live with you! How are you feeling? Still have a fever?”
“A little one, but I think I’m alright. Well enough to go get my assignments from school? Please?” He said, giving puppy eyes that made Yang laugh and Weiss facepalm.
“Hahaha. Nick, I wish my horses worked half as hard as you do, but I think you might be giving your mother gray hair.”
“Oh he knows! I tell him all the time that one day he’ll notice my hair is gonna go from white, to silver over night because of him and his sister.”
He smiled. “And you’ll look just as beautiful.”
“Nice try, Jaune jr. Fine, you can get your work. However, you’re not walking. I’ll drive you there later and just like with training I’m gonna time you. I swear I don’t know where you get this drive from. Even I know when to take a break.”
“Not at his age.” Yang shot back. “Jaune and Ruby mellowed you out. Nick, your mother didn’t know what to do with herself sometimes. Especially when nobody was around. I’ve walked in on her reading a cookbook, in Menageran! I live there now and I barely know one dialect!”
“Blake didn’t teach them all?
“No point. There’s tons of different languages. Just ask Veronica. She knows two fluently and will gladly show it off. Did you by any chance hear the part of the conversation where your mother and I talked about her? If so, can you not mention it?”
“No worries, didn’t hear anything besides you wanting her to open up more. I don’t think you gotta worry about that too much.” Nick spoke with confidence, hitting his chest. “Veronica might not know it yet but I’m positive Eliza enjoys her company; and I’m trying my best to get Veronica to talk to Summer semi-friendly.”
Weiss was skeptical. “You’ve tried that before. Got a master plan you haven’t shared?”
He shook his head proudly. “Not at all! Hahaha!” Nick looked to the sky. Gentle snowflake flowed through a slow air current like a frozen river. “All I have is hope.”
“This is utterly hopeless.” Was the only thing Veronica can say in despair as dozens of people stood in multiple lines to board airships. “Why is everyone up so early!? It’s been half an hour and we haven’t budged. The week day isn’t like this.”
“Of course it isn’t. People work.” Summer looked around to see familiar citizens going on and off ships with luggage; as well as complete strangers who haven’t adjusted to the cold of Atlas. “Many important people have already started showing up in advance for the tournament. They may not help like you will but coming so soon is a great excuse to explore the kingdom and gain influence. They might even drop by the schools and try recruiting if they can get away with it. Almanac is a place where-”
“I know, I know. It’s where society collides. It’s built down on Mantle as a way to expose youths like yourself to how the less fortunate live and inspire you to make the city better. Conversely, all the trips and equipment allows the kids in Mantle to have quality equipment and see Atlas up close; giving them a goal to work towards.”
“It also exposes the older people here to the citizens of Mantle. Creating situations where interactions between the two isn’t rare changes some people’s perspective, or at least makes them think twice about deciding on some affirmative action that hurts the people below. It’s a little harder to disregard the common man whenever their kids are friends with them and you know some.”
“Not really. They think twice because it isn’t smart to angry people who can get to your front door with ease.”
Summer felt her entire vibe get a little bleeker. “Way to make it pessimistic.”
“Hard not to be with a line like this!” Veronica shouted too loudly, drawing a few eyes their way. Not that she cared. “Ugh, isn’t there another means of getting down? Can’t you flex your last name and skip?”
“Weren’t you listening? A lot of high profile people are here. If I throw titles around then so will they. Then you have a bunch of rich people being snobby and being put into a bad light. That includes your family.” Summer witnessed Veronica’s agitated state get a little more restless. It was very strange. This wasn’t the “people agitate me” kind of mood Veronica showed off. No, she seemed torn up. Against her better judgment, Summer took the girl's hand in concern. “Hey are okay? You’re acting weird.”
Veronica looked at the girl's big blue eyes. It was scary how pretty those eyes were. Arc blue had its own appeal that was different then Nick’s chilling Schnee eyes. Veronica looked at her hand and pulled it away. “I’m just a little hungry and you know, lady stuff.” She lied about the second part. “Also don’t touch me without asking. You know I don’t let anybody touch me without asking.”
“Yeah between that and your semblance I can’t imagine you being much of a hugger.” Summer laughed nervously, wondering why she said that of all things. This line has single handedly forced the longest interactions they’ve had without a fight in an extremely long time. Summer was waiting for Veronica to decide on fighting here instead. They were running out of banter! “So umm...wanna eat and pray the line gets shorter when we get back?”
“Will it?” Veronica deadpanned. The lack of eye contact told her all she needed to know. This line was only gonna get worse. “Ugh. Fuck it, new plan. I’m not waiting any longer to get a ride.”
“I told you, using your title is a bad idea.”
“I’m not going to, genius. Follow me.” Veronica ditched the line and started heading back more towards the outer rim of Atlas, right where buildings and watch posts were stationed. “Let’s play a game.”
“That’s never a good sentence.” Summer instinctively moved a little slower. She was not about to get sucker punched. “What kind of game?” She was already regretting asking. It was gonna be crazy.
Veronica finally stopped moving and turned around. “A race to Mantle. The fun way.” She pointed to the edge.
Summer looked out and saw the chains extend down. One of them had a good enough angle to point them in the direction where the woods are. Right at the edge of the old slums in fact. “You’re nuts…”
“Don’t play that card!” Veronica pointed at her. “I know all about you snowboarding on these things!”
Boom! Caught red handed. No way Summer could deny that. “I promised Winter I wouldn’t needlessly endanger myself.” That was a solid excuse.
“Aren’t we literally going to the woods to mess with dangerous dust you stole?” And that was a solid answer. “You’re not gonna talk me out of this. I debate and public speak on national levels. You have a school club.”
“I’m not even in the debate club.”
“Exactly. Now stop arguing. We’re wasting time.”
As usual, Summer could only fall into whatever crazy thing would happen next. But she wasn’t giving up that easily. Veronica wouldn’t dare be too rude in public. “What’s stopping me from walking away right now? I could get on an airship and make it to the forest before you get down the chains.”
An amused chuckle came from Veronica. “Hehehe, it’s funny how wrong you are sometimes. I said race to Mantle, and I never said I was gonna use the chains.” Before Summer had a chance to even think about what she just said, Veronica fell through the ground.
It was so sudden that Summer was thankful she didn’t blink. “Veronica!?” She gasped. Now there wasn't a choice at all! “That’s so...I can’t believe..aaah! Why is she like this!?” Summer shouted to nobody. Her feet raced to the edge, then jumped. The rush of cold early morning air was more than enough for her to create a snowboard of ice that planted her right on the chains. “Can’t things be normal for once?” A path of glyphs shot down the chain. The use of her semblance with the little control over diamond dust she had made for a potent combination. Summer was blazing down the chain! The links between each one were terrifying though. A late hop could shatter the board and send her flying. “Don’t fuck up don’t fuck up don’t fuck up don’t fuck up, and juuuump!” Little hops was all it took for her to soar down wards for seconds before landing. “Doing a trick or two would be pretty amazing if this wasn’t so dangerous and a race.” Summer looked around the air. “Where is she anyways?” Her gaze finally spotted the girl. Veronica was actually beneath her. The girl’s back faced the ground while her hands rested in her pockets, eyes closed blissfully. “Veronica?” Summer said. She got noanswer. Veronica continued to fall effortlessly. As if she was unconscious. Summer shouted again. “Veronica! You alright over there?” Still no answer. Now Summer was worried. “HEY!? VEE VEE!”
Not even her despised nickname gave Veronica a reaction. Summer could feel her heart start to race. “She can’t actually be unconscious right!?” Reasoning with herself wasn’t working. If by some chance Veronica was knocked out...Summer didn’t want to think about it. There was no time to think. Without another second to waste, Summer jumped off the chain and began falling towards her long term acquaintance. She brandished Myrtenaster and angled three glyphs to bounce off of to reach Veronica. Summer extended her hand in fear of the girl’s safety. “Veronica!!!!”
“Huh?” Veronica opened her eyes to see a blur of white and blue hurling towards her. “What in the-” She wasn’t the only one surprised. Summer’s eyes bugged out. The girl was completely caught off guard, crashing into Veronica and sending them spiraling through the air. Fortunately, Veronica was quick to grab Summer by the sleeve and pull her into a tight embrace for the girl’s own safety. “Summer!? What the hell!? Why did you jump!?”
“Why were your eyes closed!?!?! I thought you had passed out or something. I was screaming your name!!” Summer yelled with tears in her eyes from the fear.
“Summer I can’t hear shit when wind is roaring through my ears! I was relaxing!”
“RELAXING!? YOU ARE FREE FALLING!!!!” Summer screamed. No doubt Veronica heard that.
“IT IS A LONG FALL, SUMMER! IT IS LITERAL HANG TIME!” Veronica yelled back. She finally noticed the tears coming from Summer. At first she thought it was because of the wind but they kept coming. “Are you crying right now!?”
Veronica’s heart felt like it stopped for a moment. She had no response for that. Never in her wildest dreams did she expect Summer, anyone, to freak out over something like that. It was a little haunting. If she didn’t feel like a jerk before, Veronica definitely was feeling that way now, just a little. She looked over her shoulder to see Mantle buildings and ground coming in hot. Her arms fastened tightly around Summer’s upper and lower back. “Wrap your arms and legs around me, tightly!”
Summer did as she was told and felt Veronica’s hand press against the back of her head. What should’ve been several seconds before a splat became extended free falling. Summer went from seeing the sky, buildings, the pavement, and then minerals. Crushed sediments and pavement that were firmly placed within the dirt. Summer was experiencing seeing underground for the first time. “Woah…. you can do this all the time!? You see €€this all the time!? How deep are we?
“You are quite literally being impressed by things you can see with a shovel. Now flex your stomach and try not to get the wind knocked out of you.”
Once again, Summer listened and gave a pat on the back for confirmation. A weird feeling ran over her body. As if going down an elevator, then €€boom! That feeling became ten times worse. It was like a rollercoaster on the highest drop. But instead of going down, their bodies were being forced up. The world of minerals was left behind for streets once again. Their momentum kept going up until they came to a midair stop. Summer instinctively made a platform at their feet before they fell again.
Veronica finally let go and pulled Summer off of her body. “Well that’s one way to stop. I’ll admit, clever thinking.”
“What was your plan?”
“I would five back into the ground and back up. Each time would get less air then the last before eventually I would be like several inches from the ground, or I’d land on a roof on the way down. Simple stuff.” Veronica brushed off her outfit in an attempt to get the wrinkles out. The puffy eyes looked from Summer made her let out an auditable little laugh in disbelief. “Tsk, I cannot believe you actually cried.” She teased.
Summer squinted at Veronica before folding both arms and turning her head away dramatically. “I don’t see what’s so funny. Not in the slightest.”
“That’s because you have no sense of humor.”
“What’s humorous about a death like that? It’s terrible.”
Veronica shrugged casually. “Eh, there’s worse ways to go. But ummm thanks for checking, and stuff…” Veronica jumped off the glyph and onto a roof before Summer got any mushy ideas from a thank you. “The race is null in void. Move your butt. We have ground together since we made an emergency landing.”
“We’re skipping the fact you just showed me a little gratitude?” Summer teased. She couldn’t help it. The glare shot at her for it though reminded Summer that teasing a person she had to fight soon wasn’t a great plan. Unlike Valerie, Summer wasn’t gonna get any buffs or debuffs from it. “Hehehe….I’ll start moving my butt.”
“A wise decision.”
“Alright, we’re here.” Weiss said, parking her car into the mostly empty school parking lot. “Nick, you have fifteen minutes to get what you need. Anymore and I’m coming in to drag you out myself.”
He laughed. “Can you at least send the gigas in? If you’re gonna be extra then go all the way.” He hopped out the car and ran inside.”
“Don’t tempt me!” Weiss shouted. She was not above embarrassing him like that. Not in the slightest.
Nick jogged his way down the halls. Benefit of the weekend, no crowded halls. Just him, the occasional faculty, and the sports team. Basketball, soccer, the usual suspects. However, the sight of favorite blue haired girl in an Atlesian military uniform and the kingdom’s flag had caught his attention. Seeing Eliza with her twin tails undone and in one regular ponytail was always so shocking to him. “Yo, Eliza!” He waved.
She looked at him briefly before doing a double take. “Nick? Aren’t you supposed to be in bed resting?”
If he had a nickel…. Nick walked up to her in disbelief. “Is everyone my mom today?” He joked. “I am fine. Just grabbing my assignments. Anyways, color guard practice today? Cool. Didn’t realize I wasn’t the only one doing double duty for the tournament; though I guess I’m technically doing triple.” The weight of that hit him a little. How’d he manage that!?
“Yeah, just for the opening ceremony. I’m the lead when it comes to the flags so hehe, all eyes on me.” It was hard not to hide her nerves about the whole thing. “In terms of weight, it’s not too different from my spear. The routine is almost solid.”
Nick could tell she said that more for her benefit than his. It was funny. Eliza wasn’t one to waver most of the time. Then again, this was her first time doing this and second time competing in this tournament. “Hey, you survived cameras on you before. You fought me last year without choking.”
“Yeah, and lost miserably.” Eliza would never forget that day. “Thanks for the reminder.” She said sarcastically.
“Shut up, you got third on your first major tournament. You couldn’t ask for a better debut against veterans like myself and Val. Oh, thanks for sticking around Vee by the way.”
“Don’t mention it. I did it more for me than you anyways.”
“Ouch. You’re so cruel to your work husband.”
Eliza’s face turned a little red. She pointed her finger at him and sparked it with magical electricity. “Never say that again.”
“Hahaha! I’m just teasing. I still appreciate the help. Anyways, I gotta go get my stuff and bail before my mom makes due on a not so empty threat. Bye!” He ran off past her towards his classrooms.”
“Council room” Eliza said, making Nick stop halfway down the hall. “All your work...I put it in the council room for you.” Even from a distance she could see Nick’s eyes light up. Did it really not take much to make this boy happy?
“Awww Eliza-” she pointed at him again with Fire this time. Nick thought it best to quit while he was ahead and continued walking. Although, he made a little mental note for later. “Hmmm, I wonder if Eliza would be good at candle training. Fire is fire after all. Magic or dust wise.” Nick continued pondering the idea. Magic has always been cool to Nick. The fact he actually knew a person could do it was especially cool. If he could trade being the heir for being the first person with magic in centuries, he might not think twice about it. Nick couldn’t help but fantasize about a life with lower expectations and no heavy title. “Vee is right. I should really talk to my uncle about this. Well, after the tournament, or maybe do it beforehand then soften the blow by winning gold? That would be good.” He turned a corner, failing to check for on comers. “Look at me, talking as if I don’t have to face-” Nick ran head onto Valerie hard and stumbled back.
His friend dropped a bunch of hockey sticks. Some of which hammering her toes. “Ow!” She screamed, her team hearing from several feet away. “Hey watch where you’re- Nick?”
“Hey Val…” He said nasally. The impact had him rubbing his nose gently as it turned red. “Tackling you must be a nightmare. You're like a wall of tanks.” His strange analogy was ignored entirely. He looked up at Valerie and saw nothing but shock and irritation as she pulled him close, real close.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick? I’m the one who told you to get rest? I didn’t know it was bad enough for you to be bed ridden.”
“I uhh well you see…” Focusing was hard enough from the crash. The literal inch between them made Nick feel unprepared. Though her face was upset, he still found beauty in it. Especially with the hint of care he saw her turquoise eyes. “You said you wanted space. So I thought I wouldn’t bother you.” He finally said, hesitantly. Valerie didn’t seem too happy with his response.
“Idiot.” Valerie said, “If it’s about your health then blow up my phone for all care!” She huffed. Valerie’s cheeks turned a little red. “Are we clear?” Nick didn’t respond back. His eyes avoided her gaze and he seemed uncomfortable. “Nick? You alright?”
He looked towards her, a little nervous. “Can I make it up to you? Since you were worried and all?”
“What are you-”
“Not as a date if that’s what you’re afraid of.” Nick reassured, “Clearly I upset you so let me fix it by taking you to your favorite dine in restaurant? These last couple days I…missed you okay?” He could feel his face turning red. Platonic or not, this sounded like a confession. And yet Valerie hadn’t let go of him yet. It might’ve been his imagination, but he could’ve sworn she had gotten redder.
Valerie could feel herself being apart mentally. Nick wasn’t one to lie, but enduring was what he did best. How often did he think about her while he was sick? Did she make his fever worse? Was not telling him more painful for him than it was her? Valerie didn’t know. Making sense of any of it wasn’t important. “Nick I-” her voice was cut off by the murmurs of the halls. Athletes and onlookers passed by with their whispers and giggles. They had once again made a spectacle out of nothing. Another thing for idiots to gossip about and spread their lies. Valerie couldn’t stand it. Her blood began to boil. It never failed. Nick had made life, her life, a little more about him and less about her. Valerie finally let go of him, pushing him away. “No, sorry.” She said, clearly irritated. “I still want my space; and we both know how you are. Date or not, you just can’t help yourself but pull out the red carpet act like if I need you when I don’t. It’s pretty…” Nick didn’t let her finish. He turned his back to her. It was only then Valerie realized just how much she was mouthing off. “Wait that came out wrong.” She double backed, “I…”
“You don’t get to do that.” Nick finally bit back, “Telling me I should’ve called and that you care, only to push me away at your convenience. Now you’re berating me? What is with you lately!?” His voice echoed through the hall. It was only then he paid attention to his peers who quickly moved along the moment he tried meeting their gaze. Suddenly, something clicked. “Are you...embarrassed by me?” He said, mid revelation.
“You’re causing a scene, Nick.” She muffled, unusually reserved. “Listen, I just think the tournament takes priority is all.” Valerie lies, unknowingly letting her pride get the better of her. “I’m not embarrassed by you, honest.”
“So why do you brush me off every time people are around huh? I’m not a mind reader. Just come out with it.” He got no answer. Just silence while Valerie’s eyes looked for people who might still be watching. Now he was really annoyed, and he wasn’t even sure if it was because of Valerie or himself for getting worked up in the first place. “You know what? Forget it. Have it your way. I’m too ill to argue.” He said dismissively. Nick walked away from the argument to get what he came for. He was on a time limit anyway.
Valerie watched her friend turn the corner, hurt by her words. Or maybe the lack of them. Valerie turned around to go back to practice and stopped after only one step, stunned by the sight of her mother carrying extra sports gear.
Nora let out an exhausted sigh then smiled, “Oh boy. Here I thought your biggest worry today would be run down knee pads.” She laughed awkwardly at her own ice breaker. “Wanna talk about it later.”
Valerie got closer. She took the gear from her mother and went towards the gym. “There’s nothing to talk about.”
Nora let Valerie get away. There will be time for questions later. Nora put her hands on her hips and shook her head. “Teenagers.”
Neither twin was having the best mood right now. Summer could feel her heart beating out of her chest the deeper into the woods she went. Ever since the free fall, Veronica had gone silent. Any attempt at conversion was ignored. She just kept walking deeper and deeper until everything started to look the same to Summer. Thankfully no grimm had appeared, but if they kept walking aimlessly like this… “I think this far enough, Veronica.” Summer said. Veronica actually listened and stopped before turning around.
“Yeah, this’ll do nicely.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out the diamond dust while dropping her bag. “I say it’s about time we get this over with. Catch.” She tossed the vial of dust, underhanded.
Summer nearly panicked as she caught it midair. “What are you-don’t do that! This stuff is dangerous!” If her nerves weren’t shot before, they were now.
“The dangerous part is yet to come.” Veronica engaged Ember Celica and brought her fists up. She would’ve liked to remove the jacket, but a piece of her mind told her it was far wiser to keep the extra layer of warmth and protection. “Well?”
“Yeah, what are you waiting for?”Said the alluring lethal voice inside of Summer’s head, sending chills up her spine. This wasn’t the cold’s doing. No, this was fear. Pure unkempt adrenaline that made her stomach twisted into knots and body shiver. “She’s asking for it, so let her have it. Better her than fear sweet Nicholas, right?”
Summer couldn’t stop shaking in place. This wasn't the plan. Not like this so much could go wrong. Was she really to fight Shiva again? Did Veronica stand a chance? Just how much stronger would Shiva’s grip be by doing this. If they failed, if she wasn’t strong enough then…that might be it. This wasn’t just her own life at stake either. Summer already thought Veronica might’ve died today. If it was by her own hands…
Bile threatened to come up and out of throat. Summer couldn’t even see straight anymore. The trees spun around her and her balance felt off. The whole world seemed to crush her under her own weight and tears-
“Lesson learned.” Called out Veronica, bringing reality back to Summer. She hadn’t realized it through her panic attack, but Veronica had gotten remarkably close to her, looking right into her soul and placing a hand to rub Summer’s pale cheek. Summer was so overwhelmed she began stammering. “W-What a...are y-you-”
“This terrifying fear that’s crippling you; the absolute anxiety of knowing how potentially dangerous it would be to pull a stunt like this? Maybe remember it the next time you wanna drag Nick into one of your reckless training, kay?” Veronica took the Diamond Dust away from Summer and returned it to her pocket. “Okay, now for the real reason we’re here. We need things for your outfit and so on.”
Summer watched Veronica nonchalantly lift her bag and walk off again. She couldn’t be it. This entire was a set up. A guilt trip into thinking more about Nick’s safety, and it worked. The humiliation of it all. What’s worse was Summer felt...like she deserved it? Did Nick ever feel this, this fear? How many times did she want to train her control and he went along with it? Why did he go along with it!? Her body felt weak, exhausted. Summer stumbled back against a tree, sliding down until she sat in the snow on the verge of breaking down. “Stop.” She said, weak and afraid. “I need a minute, so please stop.”
Veronica looked back to see the state Summer was in. No longer was she fighting back tears. Summer openly wept as she hugged her knees tightly to try and stop the shaking. She wasn’t the only one feeling guilty.
“Damnit Veronica! I didn’t think it would scare her this bad or make her cry!”Veronica walked back to the fragile girl and sat next to her quietly. This was a complete disaster. Emotional vulnerability was never a thing Veronica was good at doing or dealing with. She took a chance and used her tail to wipe Summer’s wet face, gaining her attention. “I ummm, wasn’t trying to...a panic attack was not in my plans. You looked a little frantic at first but then you spiraled in the blink of an eye. I’m…” Veronica looked away, her ears folded in shame. “I fucked up. My bad. Nick told me to take it easy on you and here I am being worse than usual.”
Summer sniffled. She wasn’t exactly sure how to respond to being comforted. Especially by Veronica of all people. Still, it felt nice. Different from others. That’s for sure. “I’m sorry.”
That was out of left field. “What?” Said Veronica, turning back around. “Umm I don’t think you know how apologies work. I mean I barely do, but this isn’t right.”
“I said some things I didn’t mean about you yesterday. I was angry at myself and directed it to you. I may not know what bothers you but I know you probably have shit in your life going on too.”
“Yeah well...we’re famous. Problems come with the territory, and puberty.”
“Eh, can’t relate. High regen and pain tolerance. I don’t get cramps, or get sick. The only upside to getting blasted with dust no scientist can identify.”
“I probably shouldn’t envy you but maaaan, little jealous. Not gonna lie.”
The girls shared a small chuckle for what it was worth. Summer sniffled again and rubbed her eyes. “Ya know, we don’t really...talk, do we? Not since we were five. I’m sure there’s a lot of things we could learn.”
Veronica couldn’t suppress her unwilling groan. Bonding was not on her agenda. However, Veronica couldn’t help but think about Nick’s words and her promise to him. “Let’s make a truce? We have to spend time together. There’s no getting around it.”
“I’m painfully aware…” Summer moaned. “What’s the truce?”
Veronica stood up and reached for Summer’s hand, lifting her up as well. “I will do my damnedest to be less confrontational if you do as well. Also if you are willing to explain this whole Shiva business to me, then… I’ll explain my faunus business. I suppose.” Her tail instinctively wrapped around her waist for security. She could tell by Summer’s expression that she was definitely intrigued. It was warranted. Veronica didn’t speak much about it on purpose. Now she was offering it on a silver platter. “Well?” She said anxiously”
Summer retook Veronica’s hand and shook it. “Alright, truce.”
14 notes · View notes
destinyc1020 · 3 years
I personally love that Tom has close friendships including with black men! I remember Z saying in an old Essence interview she needed a partner that was “woke” and that seems like Tom. It’s also why I was shocked that she was with a dude like JE.
I agree. I personally think it's GOOD to have a diverse array of friendships. 😊 You can tell Tom & Law are close, because anytime you’re calling someone a “brother”....you two are pretty CLOSE lol. Esp if a black man is calling a white man “brother” too? Lol... 😂  
Another Anon brought out to me in private the other day that Tom probably also reached out to Law especially during the whole George Floyd/BLM movement that took place last summer during the pandemic. I agree. I definitely think that he did. Law is a black, gay man living in America. I don't think I need to say anything more. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I'm sure the George Floyd incident affected him deeply just like it did any other black person in America. That was also the first  time (it seems) like people of  VARIOUS races and ethnicities around the   
WORLD stood up and said, “hey, this is NOT right!” Even though that man broke the law, suffocating a man (who clearly suffers from anxiety) to death on the side of the street for a fraudulent $20 dollar bill is just ridiculous. 😔
Meanwhile, other ppl can get away with attacking police, being armed, threatening police, murdering ppl, and shooting out high schools, and be walked away in hand cuffs without a scratch. 🙄
Make that make sense!!! 🥴
So yea, I def think Tom reached out to Law during that time as well, and that's why I wrote on my blog long time ago (while the whole protests were happening) that we really don't know what ppl are doing BEHIND the scenes. So we shouldn’t make assumptions that they “don’t care”.   
Tom was dragged by fans around that time for NOT speaking up "soon enough" (by their standards I guess 🙄), but I've always felt that there is NO WAY Tom has been childhood friends with Tuwaine for years, dated Zendaya (of all women 😏) for years, has been friends with Law and uses him as his stylist, and takes annual family trips to Kenya to do charity work there, and he not be just a LITTLE bit "aware" of social justice issues. No freaking way he's not aware.
C'mon..... 😏
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That's why I always say on here that simple, deductive reasoning and common sense will usually bring you to the correct conclusion.
Of course, we can ALL learn more, and there's nothing wrong with saying that "I don't know or understand exactly what a particular group in society is going through". It's OKAY to admit that. The point is, are you OPEN and willing to learn more? Are you agreeable to stepping outside of your comfort zone/bubble and try to see things from another person's pov for a change? That's all that really matters honestly imo.
Again, life doesn't exist ONLY on social media.
Re: JE....
If it wasn't obvious at the time, then it should prob be pretty obvious by now that JE was def a rebound. Plain and simple. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Anytime you're jumping headlong into a new rlshp THAT quickly after a major breakup from a previous rlshp that lasted YEARS, then it's pretty much a rebound. 
Wasn't it a little obvious? She didn't care about anything lol. 😅 JE had JUST broken up with his own gf (and I use that term loosely lol) like weeks before he was going to Z’s birthday party. They had obviously been talking while he was still dating Cari, cuz she had invited him to a family trip to Greece for her birthday in a haste. 👀  JZ had barely even been on a date together before he's on a trip with her for her birthday overseas lol. 
Then, after only MONTHS of dating, she threw all caution to the wind when it came to her standards in how she wishes to date someone in the public eye.  By the 5-month mark, she does things totally different while dating him, even allowing him to kiss her in public.... Again.... she doesn't care all of a sudden lol? Lol😅   He's off making friends with other women and hanging with his "girl pal" (who’s his current gf btw  😏) and her friends while he's out of town, and Z is either oblivious or just let's it happen even though the dude has a track record a  mile long for cheating. 👀  
Z didn't care about his track record.... Didn't care about the fact that he always seemed uncomfortable around her friends and "people" 🥴..... Didn't care about his (supposed) "racist" friends... Didn't care about the way he's treated ppl, etc.  These are things you CARE about when you’re trying to come into a seriousl rlshp from a healthy place, and aren’t just rebounding with the next dude you feel attracted to in order to forget about your ex. 
Dude was a rebound.... and I'm sure her close friends and family knew it too. 😏 Prob why they didn't get too cozy with him. They knew it.... He prob knew it too come to think of it lol. 😅 They just let her do her thing and have her fun, which is fine.  She probably needed it. 🤷🏾‍♀️   I mean.... when your own mother doesn't even bother to follow your bf on social media, and acts like she doesn't even recognize his name when mentioned lol....
Ha!! 😅
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This is OT, but tbh I'm still digesting that Audrey v2.0 tea.  🤔 I'm not 100% sure it isn't true. It would actually explain a LOT of the actions that took place after the Tomdaya breakup. 👀  Plus, obviously Tom isn't perfect, but I actually see more reasons why Tom would possibly initiate a breakup (or maybe just a break?) with Z (and maybe later on regretted it), than I see reasons why Z would break up with Tom just out of the blue. 🥴 And her being the dumper doesn't really fit with her previous pattern.....Not when she was dumped by Trevor (who was cheating on her btw 🙄). 
And I'm not even sure if she broke up with JE tbh... esp with the way she's been paying him dust lol. 😅  Either he did smthg to make her dump him, or maybe he dumped her?  Guys usually hate being the dumper, but it just seemed like he just drifted over there in Australia and maybe they grew apart?   And based on the rlshp quotes that Claire was posting around that time (which, she mysteriously never posts anymore lol 😆), it seems like their rlshp may have been a bit toxic, and maybe it wasn't an amicable breakup. 🥴
I just keep wondering.... If Tom is such a "nice guy" like everyone says he is, why would Z break up with him even if they were having issues? 🤔 I always ask myself that question. But I can see Tom (who's more impulsive, and admits to having a short fuse) initiating a breakup (which seems to be HIS pattern tbh) NOT because he didn't love her, but possibly because he was frustrated w/the obsessive hiding, they were fighting more, and maybe she didn't have as much time for him anymore due to her (or their) busy schedule(s). There was also the long distance thing, which made it more challenging. Either that, or they both just mutually called it quits because they felt that it was for the best at the time. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Idk, I go back and forth with this all the time lol. 😅 I guess my biggest question is: If Tom was such a good bf (and that's what most ppl say, that he's a good person), then I'm just trying to figure out what would lead Z to break up with him? 🤔 Esp when she seems fairly chill....
Anyway, that's neither here nor there tbh. The bottom line is, JE was there for a reason and a season. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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