#this ship is lovely and i love reading them in fics <3
satangcrush · 8 hours
sorry into obey me and would like to know who are some good fanfic writers that you recommend?
there are a lot in the fandom! ill try my best to recc some to you based on different categories:
- @lucifersdickriderdotnet : if you are a lucifer fan and you would like to dive more into the brothers’ relationship! bee is a really great writer as well and you won’t have any regrets checking out her fics 🥹 these are my favs: link, link, link (this is x reader but still recc this bc I love it) (bee please create a masterlist i was dying linking everything)
- @romcomeon (x reader): eden is very good at concepts! they have a variety of fics for you to choose for; (my big personal fav is their solomon zombie fic) and I love that they’re always experimenting with different universes and putting the characters in them, you can find their masterlist here
- @fandoms-x-reader (x reader): they’re always writing about a variety of situations in the obey me universe! this is mainly the whole cast, so if this is your vibe, you can check them out :> linked their masterlist here!
- @sakkajagga (x reader): love love love their writing so much. you won’t regret checking them out. this is their sfw obey me masterlist ; highly suggest reading all of their simeon fanfics because they just do the angel justice
- @beels-burger-babe (x reader) : they have a variety of works on their page but my personal favs is their teen mc which you can find here
- @lost-in-lamentation (x reader) : this is my fav from her and you can find her masterlist here
- @fickleminder (x reader; mostly sfw with some suggestive) : if you are a satan lover, this is the user for you lol, this is FM’s masterlist here and my personal fav is this (love the comedy here lmao)
nsfw (minors pls dni ok):
- @mammonsrockstargf (x reader): alba has a way with words that just draws you in with her writing 🫡 you can find her masterlist here (personal fav is solomon 700 wives LOL)
- @another-lost-mc (x reader & world-building + ocs): love love love jes’s works. you won’t regret checking out her whole masterlist fr, also what I love about jes is that she takes what is given in canon and expands greatly on them. so if you like world building / reading about ppl’s ocs, she’s a great one to check out!
- @onyourowndaisymae (x reader): you can find daisy’s masterlist here and this is my personal fav, Solomon’s bunny service ;;;;;;;; (don’t perceive me thank u) daisy is also really good at characterising the characters and it shows through her writing, this is one of my fav for lucifer
- @misc-obeyme (x reader & ships): love CC’s writing so much, this is their masterlist and this is my favourite 🫡🫡🫡 (do NOT perceive me again.) they also don’t just do x reader, they also do some ships (etc barbatos x mammon, if that interests you!)
also if you don’t mind NSFW, I recommend that you go through my tag : #satangfavs (pls click on the tag below bc idk how to link it on mobile LOL) because these are some of my favs that ive read in the fandom <3
and also lastly, there are just so many good writers in the fandom that it’s absolutely impossible to condense all into a single post (I was actually dying linking everything LOL 😭 had to stop for my own sake). I may make another follow up to this if ure still interested :> (u can tell me more abt ur criteria and ill try to cater to it lmao)
anddd with that, I hope you enjoy reading everything!
edit #1: since this is getting traction, im going to promote myself here shamelessly too 🤗 pspspspspsppspsps i have a writing blog over at @satanghulu <3 thank you for reading 🫵
edit #2: check out the reblogs for more reccs too!!! thank u very much 👍
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leonluvsethan · 2 days
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{This beautiful Art belongs to my bestie @justtoomuch}
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‎♡‧₊˚ To all of Lethan Shippers: I just wanna say I'm happy to announce that I made Lethan (Mini) Week for the first time after seeing these Serennedy Mini Week Posts this year !! :DD (Q&A, Rules and Info under cut !)
What's this ?
A mini week with prompts for Fanworks dedicated to Leon Kennedy & Ethan Winters together !
When ?
Next week ! Oct. 7 (Monday) to Oct. 11 (Friday), the second week of October
How is this work ?
These are 5 prompts based on Resident Evil Games and Movies for each day ! here's some prompts I made:
Day 1: Love and The First Sight (Post RE: Damnation)
Day 2: Reunited (Leon Story: Chapter 5) (RE6)
Day 3: Dating at night (Post RE: Death Island)
Day 4: The Agent & The System Engineer meets E-001 (RE7)
Day 5: Final Goodbye (RE8: Shadows of Rose)
Can I join this ?
Ofc ! but all you have to do is adding #lethanminiweek2024 and #lethanminiweek when you're done working on it
1. All of Fanworks must be Leon/Ethan ! Including other ships and characters are fine !
2. If applicable, please tag your works with warnings !
3. Please be nice and DON'T harassment any kind of ! /srs
4. NO proship, fetishes, explicit nsfw, gore/dark content, bigotry (ie racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc) and offensive shit allowed please !!!! /vsrs
5. NO AI Generated allowed !!!! I'll be very mad If someone is stealing other ppl's HARD WORK using AI /vneg
If you want to have your work reblogged by me, please tag me directly and I won't miss your work ! but If I didn't reblogging your work in the next few days, feel free to dm me !!
Collaboration with your friend If this makes the event fun for you is fine ! but remember to credit everyone for those who working on the product you finished !
Prompt fill can be finished for the day specifically, but please don't be rushed or you'll miss it ! and also late submission is fine dw !!
All the types of Fanworks (Art & Fic) are allowed and also encourage ! for fic one, there will be no requirement minimum word count !!
There's a collection on AO3 for the event ! (Idk how to crate one help-) feel free to add your works as you posted it so I would LOVE to see and reading your fanfics in collection !! <33
If you're not a fan/shipper of Lethan to entering this event, It's okay ! you should try to ship them anytime or soon
Any questions ? feel free to put it on my ask, and also... have fun !
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i-suc-at-art · 5 months
Ummm.. I really love this fic
*hands @basilf1res this gently*
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Any ways go read project “GH05T” it’s really good :)
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zentriii · 5 months
sakuatsu fic recs
ace-spec recs for @bbyboyakaashi
into the tides by ftld
completed | E | 16,657 words
“I’m not that into sex,” Sakusa says without regard for the public setting or the strangled noise that erupts from Atsumu’s throat. He hooks a finger through the handle of a delicately patterned teacup, arches an eyebrow, and waits. // this whole series >>> i'm love them
build me up by kromotriga
part 7/? | E | 37,100 words
Atsumu’s fingers involuntarily twitch as he types ‘strap on harness’ in the search bar of a favorite sex toy site while he waits, wondering what Kiyoomi has in store for him. He has his own toys he likes and is used to but he’s never seriously thought about the harness part before, about what a hypothetical partner might wear. Then Kiyoomi emerges from the bathroom and he doesn’t have to wonder anymore, phone slipping from his hand to be lost in the sheets. // fem omi fucks atsumu for most of this series, as she should <3
anytime, omi omi. by deliriious
completed | E | 2,156 words
what's better than fucking your boyfriend's thighs, or between his cheeks while he sleeps? kiyoomi thinks for a long moment. reaaally gives it some thought, before coming to an irrefutable conclusion. nothing, that's what. // consensual somno is like. catnip for me
lay me down by kromotriga
part 3/? | E | 13,563 words
It’s been almost six years since she’s last heard him say her given name. Atsumu may not need memories, experience become muscle become memory instead, but memories of standing huddled together in a deserted hallway after their last high school match still flood through her all the same. Sakusa— Kiyoomi had tenderly cradled her face as gentle thumbs wiped away tears of frustration, over Inarizaki's loss to Itachiyama, over Kiyoomi's rejection after months of what she’d thought was mutual romantic build-up. "I want to kiss you but I can't, yet," he'd whispered, knocking his sweaty forehead into hers. "The next time we meet I'll be different, but if you still want to I'll kiss you then as much as you want." With that promise Kiyoomi had reluctantly pulled away and Atsumu hadn't understood what he meant until he'd made news a few months later by joining his collegiate men's team. He may have missed her, as she did him, but that doesn’t mean he wants anything more than friendship now. Atsumu still reaches out slowly, his eyes following her movement, to lay a hand over Kiyoomi’s, fingers brushing his wrist bone where another pair of symmetrical moles stand out on his pale skin. “I missed you, too.” // skts reunion fics my beloved, they're everythingg
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
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necrotic-nephilim · 29 days
For the ask game, brujay where it was one sided before and after Ethiopia but only perceived one sided afterwards.
I've always had a head canon about Jaybin having a crush before the Joker got him but that love changing drastically afterwards.
Because I read in a fic once that Bruce loves Jason so much that he would have sex with him if he ever asked and it has haunted me since (can't remember which fic sadly)
Loving reading all these asks btw ❣️
for the ask game!
THIS IS THE PEAK FLAVOR OF BRUJAY. one-sided pre-death turned to an absolute clusterfuck of feelings after Jason comes back. i've read a couple of fics with that concept because. god it's so fucking good. it's the best way for Bruce and Jason to sleep together, in my humble opinion.
i think before his death, Jason knows it's just a childhood crush. he's been on the streets to know what kind of men like teenagers, and Bruce categorically isn't one of those men. Bruce has always been strictly professional and fatherly toward Jason. so sure, it's a blow for the feelings to be unrequited, but Jason is almost relieved Bruce isn't that type of man because it means for once, he's safe at home and can relax around Bruce. Bruce probably notices the crush too, Jason stares openly and gets bashful when Bruce compliments him. but Bruce regards it as a hero worship sort of thing, and he keeps a careful distance, expecting Jason to grow out of it once he settles into living with Bruce. it's an innocent thing to both of them, just teenage hormones. Bruce loves Jason platonically regardless of it. but then. well. Jason dies before he could outgrow the crush and with everything else, it's the last thing on Bruce's mind. he wants to remember the good, innocent parts of Jason. he almost manages to forget about it.
Jason coming back is an unsteady thing. Bruce questions every part of it. (after all, Jason already faked Bruce out once during the Hush plot. Bruce has reason to be doubtful) so everything Jason says, everything he does, is under deep scrutiny for Bruce. anything could be a manipulation tactic. i think when Jason expresses his love this time, Bruce doesn't immediately believe him. sure, he distantly remembers Jason's old crush, but the way Jason expresses love now is different. it's rough, violent, and possessive. and to be fair, Jason is mostly using it to taunt Bruce and drag out his guilt. because he doesn't expect a world where Bruce could reciprocate his feelings. Bruce won't even acknowledge them, accusing Jason of lying and being sick in the head for thinking that's a funny joke. it's part of their dance back and forth, parts of Jason that Bruce won't acknowledge because they're not neat and easily digestible. Bruce doesn't want to admit that his dead son is now a killer. he doesn't want to admit that Jason could like him romantically because somehow, Bruce will turn that into his own failings. he didn't raise Jason right, didn't set clear enough boundaries when Jason was Robin. he didn't keep Jason alive long enough for the childhood crush to fade and now, it's become something twisted and unsightly Bruce doesn't know how to face.
Bruce's own feelings would be... slow and complicated. he loves Jason, that's unquestionable. everytime they run into each other though, everytime they fight and Jason taunts him more and more, that love feels different. Bruce would lay awake at night, wondering if Jason is getting to him. how he's letting Jason change the love inside of him. the memory of Jason from before is slipping through Bruce's fingers, making Bruce wonder if Jason was always like this and Bruce just didn't see him that way. Bruce would distance himself from the rest of the Batfam. if he can develop romantic feelings for Jason, who knows what feelings could arise for the others. he has to hold them all at arms length, emotionally. and the problem is, Bruce doesn't even know how to define his love. calling it strictly romantic is... wrong. part of Jason is still his son. his sidekick. it's a tangled mess of feelings that Bruce doesn't know how to face. he's not sure if he fully reciprocates Jason's love. at the very least, he doesn't reciprocate in the way that Jason loves. Jason's love is possessive to the point of obsession. he wants Bruce all to himself and they both know it. they also both know that will never happen. Bruce will always have other loved ones (both romantic and familial) that he can't deny and Jason will never fully come first. and since Bruce doesn't return that intensity, and he keeps wanting to change Jason, Jason assumes it isn't reciprocated at all. he's basically accepted it.
i think Bruce would admit his feelings on accident. he knows it's a deadly thing if he admits his love to Jason. how it could make Jason so much more violent and likely to target Bruce's family. so he's doing his best to keep it under wraps so Jason doesn't know. Bruce knows even if he admitted his love, they wouldn't work together, so it'd just be needlessly cruel for Jason to know, in his view. he thinks he's protecting Jason. but during another fight, Bruce accidentally says it. and the whole world just stops for Jason, because this isn't something Bruce would joke or lie about. he can see the regret in bruce's eyes for admitting it, and Jason wouldn't know how to feel. should he be angry, excited, in shock. so it just stops Jason in his tracks. Bruce expected explosive violence from Jason finding out, but instead Jason is just stunned and sitting in silence. almost looking like his old self, for a moment. even though he believes Bruce, Jason still needs proof. he still asks Bruce to fuck him, to prove it. to make it real. no matter Bruce's feelings, Bruce never would've fucked Jason by his own will. but he'd do anything for Jason. anything for the chance to bring Jason back. he loves Jason, that much is true no matter how tangled that love is. so, he gives in and does it for Jason. he fucks Jason in some grimy warehouse, bring Jason home, and then fucks him again, properly in a bed with aftercare. for a moment, the fantasy is almost real. Bruce has the hope that Jason is fixable, with Jason pressed against him, warm and pliant after sex.
of course it doesn't last. Jason wants more and more from Bruce, more than Bruce is willing to give. their love devolves to screaming and more fighting. sometimes their fights end in fucking, sometimes they don't. it's volatile either way. Jason has threatened just about every person close to Bruce under the sun, and none of it gets bruce to break and give more. even in love, they're always chasing each other and trying to get something the other can't give. they both know what the other could be capable of, if they were willing to change. and that's what makes it all the more frustrating. Bruce knows Jason is capable of kindness, he's seen it in Jason before. and Jason knows what kind of weapon Bruce could be if he just let go of his morals. it's so close for both of them, but in the end, neither of them get what they want. doesn't stop them from crawling into each other's bed, though. they will always seek each other out. need each other. that weird fucked up love you can't put a name to.
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hischierlovebot · 11 months
Hello hrpf friends, I have a question for you today:
When it comes to hrpf, do you mostly focus on your favourite team(s) or no?
(considering "team" players from that team, NicoJack is devils, mattdrai you can count half and half)
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buckxtommy · 5 months
do you recommend any good TommyBuck fic? if there is any
sorry it took me sooo long to respond to this anon, i don't rly use ao3 and have read only a handful of fics in my life. my best and two favorite recs would be:
evan, elated and euphoric by brewrosemilk 16.5K | Explicit
you can find the author here at @gayhoediaz who in my opinion, is thee smutsmith of all time who understands their dynamic in a way no one else does (she had an anon saying this fic should be required reading and I AGREE) and this fic specifically made me yell from excitement 💖
you can reblog the fic here
call me by... by evcndiaz 1.2K | Teen and Up
you can find the author here at @buckttommy and you should read all of her fics actually bec she is doing MAGIC with words & her fics are so soft and sweet and they will easily become your comfort fics that you will read over and over again just like they did for me !!! 💖
you can reblog the fic here
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 10 months
I have come up with a question.
Who I'd your favorite Genshin character and why?
By reading your fics I can't tell if it's zhongli or childe.
zhongli by leaps and bounds actually
i do love childe don't get me wrong; i just love zhongli far more
as for why, i wouldn't know how to word it in a way that wouldn't take me any less than writing CN took me LMAO the reason why you might think childe is up there among my favorites (he is, he's just not as close to the top as you might think) i'd assume is probably because of the fics, yes? but the thing about the fics is while i've already mentioned i'm not exactly projecting onto childe nor, god forbid, using him as a self-insert for the author – i am more or less of the opinion that the way childe would love zhongli in a story would more often than not align quite well with the way i myself love zhongli as a character. (which is why i find bgtea's eoos and jouicifer's npc so interesting) so like- the reason why childe is usually the main pov character for my zhongchi fics is because i get to write how much i love zhongli as a concept via the lens of a character who would also love him in a similar fashion; only i also get to spice it up with childe's own character quirks, bc i think he's fascinating as well, just in a different direction. that might be why i've yet to write a zhongli pov zhongchi: not as easy to write about how much i love the character's concept if he himself is the pov, and i feel like zhongli's way of loving childe as a concept wouldn't be able to fill a fic the same way it does the other way around. not that he doesn't love him! i just haven't figured out how to write that pov for that long yet. if you're curious, i'd have to say my current favorites list goes kind of like this: zhongli way ahead of all the others, then wriothesley and neuvillette around the same realm, then navia, then kuki, then baizhu, then childe, and then like- in no particular order, furina, clorinde, diluc, jean, qiqi, xiao, xingqiu, chongyun, beidou, fischl, thoma, ayato, layla, yanfei, yaoyao, dehya, shenhe and most of the others. also to the side there'd be alhaitham, separate from the list, bc i love him but i also detest him in a particular way. i guess pity him is a better word, watching how the fandom treats him feels like taking physical dmg. if you're thinking of a particular artist like an outlier you're probably wrong, but i'm not going to point fingers bc why would i do that. (i do have a handful of characters i dislike but in the spirit of not being an asshole i'm just not going to list them)
anyway- yeah that's pretty much it;; maybe one day i'll make a zhongli pov zhongchi and it'd be a bit clearer what i mean by that, but you know me, i don't control the inspiration ToT
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random-fandoms-stuff · 3 months
Getting emotionally destroyed by a bowigi fic
Loving every second of it honestly lol
If anyone else wants to be emotionally distroyed too heres the link. Its not complete but its like 18 chapters right now with 82,183 words so its long
Chapter 9 killing me
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i know it’s not gonna happen but trent crimm and ted lasso. aw.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 8 months
Reading my fave thin man and lady fic. Kicking my feet a lot because tbh. Sometimes a sad man really is just a weird woman's science project in a way that is so homoerotic
#carols.txt#when i tell you i've been re-reading this single one shot religiously every single month for almost three years I mean it#《straight》 ship so good we call it queerbaiting#LMAOOOOOO#call it yaoyuri the way these old people r tragic and doomed by the narrative or whatever#listen as a bi person on the aroace spectrum whatever this fic was trying to convey really strikes a cord#while its not the same as my own this characterization of them is so intriguing. im so hooked on it#^^ one thing i think this person really nailed was thin man's immaturity (stemming from his emotions oftentime being too big to control) ->#and the desire of attention that comes with said immaturity while also having the lady be both cold (normal) and intrigued in a way that ->#that really fits her character. curiosity is one of the many facets that make up her character that don't get explored much and i think its#done so well here for like no reason💀 THIS AUTHOR COOKED TOO HARD YOU GUYS#like ofc she wouldnt send him away. shes studying him under a microscope. even though hes annoying as hell#thin man is plagued by sassy man syndrome in this which is really fucking funny cus it lasts a total of 3 seconds before she finds him out#PLUS THE TALK ABOUT THE TOWER AND THE WORLD... AUGHHH#i need this author to give me their brain NOW#AUGHHHHHAAGGGHEEHH#everyone needs to start doing thinlady the way this person was doing it#this is the biblically accurate old people (in case my theory abt baby lady having been in the pale city is wrong)#live laugh love. its my birthday. spoiling myself a bit. goddamn.
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essektheylyss · 2 years
It is wild to me how many people are like, "hahaha op's speech did nothing," as if I am running and participating in these polls to get validation for my blorbo. If I just wanted to be content with my blorbo, I would absolutely not be tossing him up on a platform to be heckled for a week straight. I would be retreating to some echo chamber Discord server to experience the emotional equivalent of everyone gathering around and petting a puppy.
I literally do not think Essek is going to win this poll! I do not think he is going to win the tournament! I seeded Laerryn number one for a reason! For a number of factors I think it would be very difficult for anyone to beat her! I literally put him and Laerryn on the same side of the bracket so that they would not end up in the final, because I did not think it was going to be an interesting fight! We as a fandom beat "Laerryn could smash any wizard in Exandria without contest" into the ground weeks ago! I considered writing a stump speech just for kicks for every semifinalist, because I like to argue things and I love playing up a ridiculous and meaningless kayfabe!
But like, Laerryn has swept many polls, and it's deeply boring to me if she wins in a landslide. I am a polling nerd, and I can confirm that no one watches landslide races. They are not interesting. And this is fully just for the fun of it, so I am gonna make it interesting.
If there's no challenge, no consideration of how the other side might win, then what the fuck is the point of running a tournament?
In conclusion:
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capinejghafa · 10 months
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shadows-coffeebeans · 2 years
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necrotic-nephilim · 3 months
I’m here to bother you again!!!
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You don’t have to if you don’t want to but maybe dark ship bingo with timjay or brudick????
hELLO i love being bothered by you this is delightful omg thank you, i would love to
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Here is JayTim, I can't believe I only got one bingo for them. Ironically I genuinely don't view Jason and Tim as family, even when I'm not shipping them, I think they're tentative allies at best and you can only brother-ify them if you're doing very generously OOC fluff, a la WFA-style. They're absolutely toxic and codependent on each other's existence, Tim wouldn't exist without Jason and Jason is Undeniably Weird about Tim, but not brothers so I can't check off the familial squares. Also, I have no idea if I've been blocked by 10+ people, but it'd be funny if I am. And funnily enough, I don't think Tim or Jason are vanilla in any capacity even when they're not fucking. Especially not Tim, that boy is Certified Weird.
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and ofc BruDick I nearly blacked out the whole board because they absolutely are weird and unwell. Some of these only apply to certain AUs of BruDick (like an idea I have rattling in my skull rn with Talon!Dick) but most of it applies to them all the time. I really need to write some fucked up BruDick, it's tragic I haven't yet. Right now the two fics I'm working on are a weird JayDick and a more fluffy DamiDick, but I have Plans™ for BruDick too. They are the OG and deserve their flowers for being the most toxic mess you've ever seen.
#necrotic answerings#batcest#jaytim#brudick#i loved this so dearly ty your asks mean everything to me <3#so do your tags on my posts you reblog i love your thoughts you Get It™#when i say timjay isn't brotherly i am mostly referencing pre-flashpoint but i don't think they're familial in the new-52 or rebirth either#i haven't read a *ton* of rebirth but knight terrors: robin was *not* brotherly and idk why ppl try to read it like that#shipping brain aside i think they can like each other in canon. get along be friends. if dc actually tried to put work into developing that#but it's not brotherly. they may both view dick as a brother. but that axis point doesn't make *them* siblings and I'll die on that hill#brudick is far more complciated because they're father/son/brothers/mentor/mentee/rivals/friends all at once#it entirely depends the comic#but i don't enjoy them as a nuclear father/son either and i think making their relationship that destroys nuance#*especially* if we're talking early pre-flashpoint or pre-crisis#it's not devoid of fatherly love but it's not defined by fatherly love either#they're complicated little guys who are barely on speaking terms half the time <3#you can tell when i get passionate about something bc my typing style changes entirely.#talking about myself? no capitals bc i'm boring as the hate anon put#talking about the ships? all uppercase and proper grammar. we must be Professionals™#anyway i loved doing this it made me rlly Think about what dynamics i like about both ships this was delightful#of all the batcest ships i think jaytim and brudick get the trophies for Most Unwell#and damitim can clock in at third#i don't yuck anyone's yum who wants to domesticate jaytim or brudick the fluffy fics can be cute and power to you#but it's not how i fundamentally ship them and i don't have interest in writing them clean or healthy
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quillkiller · 11 months
i like how i claim to be anti j*gulus when my second favorite marauders fanfic ever written literally is…. a j*gulus fic…..
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