#even I only really ��ship’ it in a completely cracky way
carefulzombie · 1 month
gf fandom in 2016: if you so much as hint - even jokingly! - about the nature of ford and bill’s relationship being anything other than platonic (and even then you NEED to give a disclaimer that bill is manipulating him!) then you support abusive relationships
gf fandom in 2024:
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the-badger-mole · 8 months
Shipper Tag Game
Tagged By @kila09
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
I wouldn't say I don't care anymore, I just haven't been inspired by them in a while, but definitely Inu/Kag. They were not my first ship, but they were the first ship I wrote for.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Serena/Darien from the Sailor Moon US dub.
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Inu/Kag. And no...you can't read it.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
Inu/Kag. it was drawn by my friend
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Ha! I am the discourse....yes. I do.
6. Did you used to have a NOTP or have it currently?
Kataang and Sess/Rin. The full body cringe I get when I think of either of them...
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Zutara, forever and ever. Usa/Mamo (now that I've seen the original Japanese version), Inu/Kag
9. Is there any couple, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Zutara. They are my only OTP that isn't canon, but they should have been. Hayley and Andy from Modern Family is next. I'm honestly not happy at how they handled Hayley's arc in general. The writers were so cruel to her! I'm still not over it, and I'm mulling over a fix-it fic for her (one-shot probably). Ichabbie (Ichabod Crane and Abbie Mills) are in third place, but a very distant third. I lost all respect for Sleepy Hollow after how they treated both Abbie the character and Nichole Beharie the actress.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
...no. Not really. I mean, I guess you could count CaptainSwan from OUAT, but that's less I didn't like the ship and more I wanted to get rid of Emma so EYE could have Hook.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now would be canceled over?
I mean...probably? I can't think of any right now. I only have a handful of ships that I care enough about to talk about, and most of them don't appear on my blog, so...🤷🏾‍♀️
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
Mai/Aang (or Flying Dagger as I call them). I don't even really consider this a crack ship. Don't get me wrong, I see them being a disaster together, but not in a cracky sort of way. More of a reality show couple way.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
Zutara these days. It used to be more of an even split between my top 3 ships, but the fact that I get around to reading anything these days feels like an accomplishment.
14. What do most of your ships usually have in common?
Powerful women and the powerful men who would die protecting them. Also, powerful women and the powerful men who are their biggest cheerleaders
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
I mean...pick a trait from Kataang, and that's pretty much it. Hero gets the girl because he's the hero; the woman becomes the supportive background partner no matter how powerful and ambitious she was before she got with him; Man can't control his violent outburst without his partner's help. Kataang is the embodiment of everything I hate in a ship.
@soopersara @dhwty-writes @veggie-smoothie @vocalvixen20cp the floor is yours if you want it!
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Thanks to you and Muffin, I'm now obsessed with Aro and Carlisle.
Which, I was never even a twilight fan, so this is quite the turnaround and I might not have the context to actually get this right - I'm not going off of the source material at all here, just your and her metas. And fics. The fics are very important.
But what I've been thinking about, is how Aro looked at Carlisle right after meeting him and during those twenty years they spent together.
Because, like. Aro is so so old, and he's met so many people and known them completely via his gift. Here's something new. And not only that, but rapidly changing and growing (Carlisle, I figure, must have learned a lot and shifted his worldview often with Aro simply by virtue of all the knowledge and education he now had access to. There's so much for him to discover, explore, analyze. And what a delight for Aro, to experience that alongside him). I think Carlisle's mind was his favorite place to be. Aro's Corin, in a sense. I think he would have liked to have him by his side always.
If Aro didn't start trying to more forcefully push Carlisle into drinking human blood until the end (though I'm sure he made arguments throughout), then I think he must have thought that Carlisle's diet was a transition period. Like, he's such a good person that he's exhibiting this wild control and low key starving himself to avoid doing anything wrong. And that's very admirable. Aro is fascinated. But I think he must have thought that Carlisle would adjust, listen to reason, and eventually understand that he's malnourished and he can't keep starving himself forever.
Which is to say, and this may be naive, but I think Aro was really in love with Carlisle and expected/hoped he would stay forever. Which would make Carlisle a wife, pretty much, or put him in that category, since as far as anyone knew he didn't have a gift. He'd stay because Aro enjoys his company.
Okay, my point is, Aro built a tower for the wives. Carlisle won't be happy in that tower, getting high off Corin and separated from the outside world. So I figure Aro made space for him in other ways.
I think Aro not only let Carlisle in his library, but he was changing the living quarters in general to make room, altering things to suit Carlisle, etc. Not a tower, but creating a space that would have everything Carlisle likes and everything he needs.
And Carlisle wouldn't realize this at all, I don't think. Aro is redecorating. So what? He's allowed. Aro can change whatever he wants. He must have just gotten bored with the previous set up.
Everyone else knows though, because they've known Aro for longer and know what the status quo is. And of course, they, unlike Carlisle, recognized Aro's romantic intent immediately. Caius is particular is very 🙄 about the whole thing.
Dammit, I wanna write a fic. 😭 But I don't understand all these characters and the world enough yet. Like I said, I'm not a twilight fan, I'm a you-and-muffin fan. 😂 I don't even know what all the volturi gifts are. Anyway. My point was, I think the changes Aro made for Carlisle persist; an unspoken message that Carlisle has no way to receive or understand. There's still room for him there. He can still come back.
@theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin look, a convert!
Seeing as Muffin and I originally, when we started shipping Tom/Lily, thought "Maybe if we produce good enough content others will start shipping it as well", and then later, when we found ourselves shipping Aro/Carlisle, had that same thought, this is excellent news. Our cracky ships are being taken seriously! A couple hundred more converts, and it won't even be a rarepair anymore!
Not much else to do but link to this.
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vickyvicarious · 4 years
do u have any atla fic recs? all time faves? can be shippy or not
Fun fact, I am incapable of holding back on reclists. In other words: brace yourself, anon. There’s a reason I put most of this behind a cut.
First off, these are almost all Zuko-centric, because I shamelessly play favorites. I’ll sort them by author rec, gen, shippy, and then by other characters because honestly the numbers break down well that way. Within those categories it’ll be more just as I think of it, so no special meaning to the order. I’m not always good about bookmarking even my faves, so some excellent stuff will no doubt be missing, especially since I haven’t read a lot of the more recent stuff yet/forgot some really old stuff, but this will definitely still give you plenty of fic to enjoy.
There’s a good number of FFN links on here so apologies to people who dislike it, but a lot of great stuff is still on there so give it a chance.
Author recs
Everything by @awesomeavocadolove​​  Such hits as Another Brother (Zuko adopted by Hakoda pre-S1), and currently has a Zukka soulmate fic I’ve been meaning to start reading, as well as Unchained Melody, one of my favorite Zukka fics ever. Always quality, you can’t go wrong.
Everything by KimberlyT.  I do not kid. She’s written a variety of ATLA fic ranging from Zutara/other romance to gen, seriously emotional to cracky cabbagebending. I think my favorite is probably Mismatched (S1 Zuko adopts a baby) but honestly just go read it all.
Everything by @emletish-fish​​. She has a very fun writing style and honestly her end-of-chapter notes on why she’s made the choices she has are fun minimetas worthwhile in their own right. Some of her top fics are the Stalking Zuko series (S3 suspicious Katara to Zutara) and The Worst Prisoner (the Gaang kidnaps Zuko in S1 and can’t get rid of him). I think there’s still a good amount of her fic that can only be found on FFN so check there too.
Everything by @botherkupo​​. Especially her Undying Fire series (healer!Zuko) but also just literally everything she writes, it is all so great. Tends toward Zutara but strong gen fics as well sometimes and a lot of fun. Check it all out!
Everything by @muffinlance​​. Loves to toy with her readers’ emotions in the best of ways. Tons of fantastic gen Zuko-centric AUs, I have adored every single fic I’ve ever read by her, can’t praise them enough. Very productive as well, her tumblr is a hub for the ATLA renaissance and her fics inspire lots of others. Has also organized a fanmade ATLA coloring book for charity so get that once it’s out. In the meantime read everything she’s written.
Everything by Haicrescendo. My favorite is What We’re Given (the series where Zuko finds more air bisons and raises them), but there’s a lot of good Zukka fic too. I tend to steer away from explicit works in this fandom unless it’s a smaller part of a much longer plot-centric fic, so there are a number I haven’t read, but I really like the Pokemon!AU Zukka.
Everything by @gaycinema. I really love the EK fight club series (Zuko fights in Rumbles/etc.) but all of it is a good read. Some Jetko, mostly a lot of introspective or emotional oneshots. Which isn’t really a great depiction of how good they tend to be, you’ll just have to read them and find out. You won’t regret it, trust me.
Everything by @captainkirkk. So far eight stellar fics, starting with kind Fire Lord Zuko and ranging to Floating Tea Shop!Zuko who doesn’t want to hunt the Avatar. I love her style and have laughed out loud at multiple of these. 
Gen Zuko fic
Bringing Out the Blue by maguena1. [unfinished, long] Definitely worth the read. The first ATLA fic I ever got really sucked into. The Blue Spirit never gets knocked out so Aang doesn’t know his true identity; he joins the Gaang on a recurring basis, while Zuko attempts to tell himself this is only for information on how to catch them, they definitely aren’t his friends.
It’s Impossible by Sandra Phillips. [abandoned, long] One of the earliest Avatar!Zuko fics (sort of) and a really interesting take on some spirit stuff.
Embers by Vathara. [complete, long] A landmark fic in the fandom, and for good reason. I didn’t love everything about this fic, but it is very well-written and an absorbing read certainly worth the praise. 
the art of description by incandescens. [oneshot, short] Five descriptions of Zuko and Toph’s field trip from various perspectives. Short, sweet, and funny.
Breaking Point by Kryal. [oneshot, short] Zuko isn’t banished but instead sent to serve in the Home Guard. I love Zuko loving his people, and alternate canon explorations, and this is exactly that.
The Alternative by Lunatique. [oneshot, short] The reason Zuko is so determined is because he fears what will happen if he isn’t the next Fire Lord. An idea I support in canon, to a degree, written well.
Hands and Knees by gigerisgod. [oneshot, short] Zuko reflects on the choices he’s made, and experiences he’s had, when joining the Gaang. A nice introspective fic.
Relative Misery by peroxidepest17. [oneshot, short] Toph complains about her family and Zuko takes her on a field trip. Not a fic I take too seriously, but funny in a sad way.
Second Nature by lazyartisan. [possibly abandoned, long] An AU stemming from Zuko’s capture at the North Pole. Well-written and characterized, an old favorite that I actually find needing to reread to give you more detail, but I can promise it’s good.
Year One by peroxidepest17. [oneshot, short] Lessons Zuko learns in his first year being Fire Lord. I really like explorations of Zuko’s journey as Fire Lord and this is a lovely little window into that.
Soft by PenPistola. [oneshot, short] Zuko and Toph bonding after the Ember Island Players. Short and sweet.
The New Phoenix King by JoeMerl. [oneshot, short] Fire Lord Zuko is overthrown, and no one but him is bothered at all. In fact they help. Hilarious crack.
First Name Basis by JoeMerl. [oneshot, short] There’s some popular posts going around Tumblr lately about Zuko not knowing the Gaang’s names, but this fic did it first back in 2008. As amusing as you’d expect.
Male Bonding by glamaphonic. [oneshot, short] The original ‘Zuko and Sokka bond and are also dumb idiot boys’ fic. Katara is permanently rolling her eyes.
it’s not the waking, it’s the rising by isamagicdragon, thegracious [ongoing, series, medium] Azulon tells Ozai to kill Azula instead of Zuko, which leads to heartwrenching fire sibs adventure. I haven’t caught up on the last chapter yet but god is it fantastic and also just a really interesting and new perspective on what could have happened.
Doe-Eyed by Anonymous. [complete, medium] Zuko is a baby, Azula is a loving big sister. More fire sibs and a great exploration on Azula’s POV of turning against Ozai.
kintsugi by discordiansamba. [ongoing, series, long] Zuko doesn’t have Iroh after being banished, and winds up hired as a guard to protect the frail Beifong daughter. Fantastic preseries Zuko+Toph found family fic.
Legacies by WildInkling. [ongoing, medium] Far in the future, a historian studies the journal of Fire Lord Zuko. Also, he was secretly a famous author but no one knows. A funny and poignant outsider POV.
#UndercoverZuko series by naggeluide. [complete, series, short] A completely cracky concept written straight enough to be actually quite touching in parts, but also just really funny. Zuko goes Undercover Boss on his ship pre-series.
Avatar Ficlets by JaggedCliffs. [series, oneshots, short] An ongoing series of disconnected oneshots, mostly post-canon and mostly Zuko-centric. Some a pretty fun, one is a great view on Zuko and lightningbending, all worth the read (and follow for when more come out).
The Blind Leading the Blue by BrusselsSprout. [ongoing, medium] An epic Zuko and Toph field trip set in S2. I love them and this.
half in the shadows, half burned in flames by r_astra. [oneshot, short] Iroh dies, Zuko gets caught on the Day of Black Sun, everything ends up all right but damn does it hurt getting there.
A Tale of Earth and Fire by chiiyo86. [complete, medium] Zuko and Toph are married for Politics in a FN Wins AU, and follows them slowly bonding as friends to beginning a revolution. They’re married but it’s not romantic, just some good friendship.
Eight Principles of Yong by psocoptera. [oneshot, short] An exploration of immediate post-show FN politics (sort of), calligraphy, and Zuko. Also has some lovely non-fighting firebending; I always love when people explore other uses of bending.
Healing Properties of Cinder Sage by Dawen. [oneshot, short] Zuko gets very sick in the Western Air Temple. Some good interaction when he’s new to the Gaang, and Toph+Zuko friendship.
We Ourselves Must Walk The Path by WinterSky101. [complete, medium] The Gaang agrees to make Zuko their prisoner in the WAT. Speaking of new-to-the-Gaang, tension, this fic has plenty of it, and also features some good Toph and Zuko.
Frozen by Aris Merquoni. [oneshot, medium] Zuko is captured in the NWT. Some politics, lots of angst, and eventually, healing. Also actually makes me somewhat like Hahn? Incredibly enough.
Reluctant Hero by PAW_07. [ongoing, long] Avatar!Zuko fic. I got to beta it way back when for a little while before I got too busy, and have always been a huge fan of this fic. Great concept, one of the best executions of it I’ve seen, and also one of the first. Definitely read this.
Morality Chain by Pureauthor. [abandoned, long] Azula and Zuko were always on each other’s side; how this changes canon. I love this concept and would happily read a lot more fics with it (please guys, I need more fire sibs).
A viper-lizard’s tales series by Yumi_Take. [ongoing, long] The world needs more of Zuko adopting pets and small children, and those are just facts. This only has one of the two, but it’s a EK baby! Jet plays a big role in this fic as well, a weird kind of uncle-ish to the baby/friend/murderer Zuko needs to watch closely and hold back kind of thing.
(life happens) wherever you are by howlikeagod. [ongoing, long] Katara doesn’t find Zuko and Iroh in the teashop, and canon takes a sharp left turn. Excellent Gaang fic.
The Best Path series by EudociaCovert. [series, ongoing, long] Zuko meets Jet in ‘Zuko Alone’ and winds up getting claimed as theirs by the remaining Freedom Fighters. Really really well-written, I got quite emotional over some scenes.
Shippy Zuko fic
Balm by Thyme In Her Eyes. [Maiko, oneshot, short] A sweet little fic about Mai’s thoughts on Zuko’s lightning scar.
The Black Games by Mrs. Pettyfer. [Zutara, complete, long] Hunger Games-esque AU. It’s the first in a series, and I lost interest after this one but I remember enjoying the fic and it was more personal preference rather than a drop in quality that had me leaving.
Lie To Me by Inkcharm. [Toko, oneshot, short] I’m not actually a fan of this pairing romatically (at least until years down the line), but this little fic of Toph and Zuko bonding through lying to one another is sweet. I choose to ignore the more shippy parts and enjoyed it.
Zutara? What the heck is that? by Ryxl. [Zutara, oneshot, short] Complete crack, have a good sense of humor and I think you will enjoy. Just the mental image of the Gaang finding a Zutara propaganda flyer had me chuckling.
The Three Chores series (1, 2, 3) by Fandomme. [Zutara, threeshot, short] Zuko and Katara slowly bond as he helps with chores. I will admit it’s been years and I barely remember this, but what I do recall is lovely and I always appreciate people lightening Katara’s load.
read the inscription by suzukiblu. [Zuko/Song, complete, series, medium] When Zuko is banished, he is left alone in the Earth Kingdom to fend for himself. Very touching, and I love Song in this.
Hooked by TGP. [Jetko, complete, long] A classic ‘Jet didn’t see Iroh warming his tea’ fic. They’re almost all this premise but so many well-written and very long ones. 
Something To Hold Onto by Wildgoosery. [Jetko, complete, long] The EK fell and Li stayed to fight with the Freedom Fighters to protect the city during its foreign rule. Jet didn’t see the tea fic that goes very AU from canon.
Foxfire by Rahar_Moonfire. [Jetko, ongoing, long] Zuko loses his memories Jetko fic, but with heavy spirit influence and lovable EK OCs, both of which I adore and should be in far more fics.
Once Upon A Teashop by anaer. [Zukka, Jetko, ongoing, long] Cracky Ba Sing Se AU that gets gradually more and more serious. Jet hits on Zuko a lot and Sokka gets a job in the teashop to keep an eye on both of them. Endgame Zukka but heavy Jetko, and both pairings are handled pretty well, not a love triangle that makes me too mad, although as always bear in mind Jet’s messed up. 
Names by TGP. [Jetko, complete, long] I feel like I’m forgetting some more excellent Amnesia!Zuko fics, but this is one I do know of. To be honest I don’t remember it super well because it may be mixed up with other Jetko/amnesia fics in my mind, but I think it was really good. I’ll have to reread myself.
Epistles by Lady_of_the_Flowers. [Zukka, ongoing, long] I love epistolary fic and I love Zuko and Sokka bonding earlier in canon. I will be honest I haven’t read this in a long time and been updating all the while, but the premise alone (Zuko and Sokka become messenger-hawk-pals in S1 and then fall in love) is fantastic. 
Ozymandias, King of Kings by Think_of_a_Wonderful_Thought. [Zukka, ongoing, long] Zuko rebels earlier and actually is sent to the mines, until he is ‘rescued’ by the Water Tribe. Dark but getting lighter over time, and more reluctant-to-rule Zuko which always wrenches my heartstrings. I prefer super loyal and dutiful to his people Zuko but this trope always makes me feel things.
Fallen Drops of Fire by Chasmfiend. [Fullmetal Alchemist, ongoing] Young Azula and Zuko somehow appear in Amestris, and encounter Roy Mustang. I adore the fire sibs, and their relationship in this strange situation is the star of this fic for me, but it’s also fun seeing the FMA perspective of these two.
The Dragon-King’s Temple by Kryal. [Stargate SG-1, long, complete] The best crossover fic out there. Zuko and Toph get stranded on the other side of a Stargate. I don’t know anything about SG-1 but it didn’t matter, the fic was fantastic, they were badasses, it explored language and culture from an outside perspective, and it was just a ton of fun. Must-read.
Other character fic
Loyalty by Julia451. [oneshot, short] The ship captain didn’t misspeak when he called Iroh and Zuko “prisoners” in the start of S2. A lovely look at a nameless character, giving depth to a small moment and humanity to a FN soldier which I always love.
The Only One by HarlowR. [oneshot, short] An excellent exploration of Azula’s mindset regarding Zuko, her desperate need to be loved and jealousy of him matching his own. I think Azula was one of the greatest tragedies of the show, and this fic makes me feel it.
Blood by theAsh0. [oneshot, short] Katara-centric thinkpiece on bloodbending and healing. Dark but really interesting.
Touch and Go by Cadence. [oneshot, short] After Iroh’s struck by lightning, Toph doesn’t let Zuko drive them all away. A momentary alliance and the seeds of friendship. More Toph-focused but still heavy on the whole Gaang.
Shortcomings by Menamebephil. [oneshot, short] Iroh thoughts during his imprisonment, on the theme of mistakes. I love this man and don’t understand why I am so drawn to fic about him that makes me sad.
Watch And Review, Please by Becca Stareyes. [oneshot, short] The Ember Island Players receive some constructive criticism... sort of. Funny and quick.
Azula Redemption Trilogy (1, 2, 3) by Mistress of Sarcasm. [threeshot, short] Second person and deeply introspective, three short little fics delving into Azula’s head and bringing her closer to redemption.
Echoing Refrains by catie_writes_things. [oneshot, short] I really like nuanced explorations of the whole FN royal family. It’s perfectly fine to write Ozai as pure evil bastard, but exploring  what might have been or how he got there, or even as in this fic his talent for music being inherited by Zuko is really interesting too. Iroh-centric.
our curse by ohmygodwhy, and the last dragon by thesometimeswarrior. [twoshot, complete, short] Stay away if you don’t like to cry. In the first Zuko learns Ozai is executing Iroh, and isn’t able to stop it; the second is even worse because it’s Iroh’s POV. I put this in the other characters section because honestly I adore the second fic even more than the first, but they are both fantastically written and will hurt you a very great deal.
Finally, I’m not quite bold enough to put my own fic on a reclist, but just shameless enough to mention I’ve written a few Avatar fics I quite like if anyone feels the desire to check them out on my AO3. ;) But seriously give love to all the rest of these, they deserve it. (And as I said, there’s lots more excellent stuff, this fandom is so prolific and well-written!)
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aliensunflower-fics · 4 years
In Defense of Salt AND Sugar: Aka ML Fandom pls chill out.
So I don’t talk much as those who follow me will say I tend to just stick to myself and my own things. HOWEVER, Ive gotten a lot of asks about why I write both Salt and Sugar for Miraculous Ladybug.
The short answer: Both salt and sugar are valid, fun, intriguing things to read and write and the point of writing is to entertain and be entertained.
The long answer: Salt isn’t inherently someone hating on your fav show and sugar isn't someone necessarily giving it a free pass either. Ya’ll are just dramatic as hell.
The LONGER answer:
I write salt because I LIKE Miraculous Ladybug, BUT the show has not lived up to its potential AT ALL. The show could be so much better and the characters are so flawed or full of holes that occasionally I feel FRUSTRATED and mad!
I hate that Alya a character who I was so excited about, gets shafted ignored, sidelined, or written like a jerk! She could have been this great detective working alongside her friend to unmask the villain, but instead she often comes across as pushy, obsessed with Ladynoir or Adrinette, and so damn easily tricked. Not to mention how when shes not gushing over her ‘ships’ shes pushed to the side and ignored. [or you know... LILA]
I hate that Marinette’s crush makes her do things that are so cringy and awkward i feel ill I hate that she’s constantly the only one making mistakes and ‘learning lessons’ when the show has all these other great characters that could use the spotlight and be the ones learning lessons. I hate that she’s so jealous and that she cant ever seem to catch a break as if the show is punishing her constantly.
I HATE that Adrien is a mary sue, how the writers say hes perfect and treat him as such, I hate that he gets to guilt Marinette into fixing everything and dealing with bullies, I wanted a funny, Ron Stoppable, naive boy who learns about real friendships and grows into a great partner. Instead he gets to be pushy and downright a jerk as Chat Noir ignoring his responsibilities, guilting Ladybug with his feelings, never taking no as an answer. He’s not a good role model for kids.
I hate that Chloe got built up to have a redemption arc several times only for the writers to decide that Chloe a teenage girl who needs some serious therapy [and actual reasonable punishment for her actions] is worse than Gabriel child abuse Agreste. She could have been a great lesson on compassion and growth and dealing with your own pain without hurting others. Instead the writers wrote her off completely.
And dont get me started on how the show treats Nino, Kagami, Luka and the rest of the cast. They may as well be a backdrop for the forced love square that we NEVER get a break from. Seriously I’m a sucker for romance but does it need to be EVERY damn episode?! Can’t we just get some wholesome friendship between everyone including Adrien and Marinette at this point like COME ON.
And i’m not even touching on the white washing, awful lessons on responsibility and forgiveness, awful lessons on well so much other stuff really, the guilt trips, the teacher, the fact that she show could be used to teach kids how to better handle negative emotions and the importance of open communication and not keeping quiet about injustice and/or your feelings but instead decided that the main priority should be a love square that gets force fed to us EVERY SINGLE EPISODE.
My point is the show has FLAWS. That doesn’t mean its the worse show ever and it doesn’t mean its not fun, and has a great premise and characters, and so when I write Salt I write it because i’m frustrated! Im frustrated with the show, with the characters, with the writing and so I vent that out with salt I write those characters as their worst selves because I cant stand how the show has decided to treat them and Im ANGRY and disappointed.
It feels good to write salt and to read it. It’s nice to see characters get called out for bad behavior, its nice to read about Adrien not getting the girl. Its nice to occasionally indulge in salt because it validates that the show is flawed and lets you get out that frustration.
Miraculous Ladybug is a lovely show. It’s a show that decided to give little girls a FEMALE HERO. And not just as a side kick or background character! No they made her the protagonist! Its so important to me that little girls see good well rounded female characters in media.
And even if the show is clumsy about it they are TRYING to build an expansive lore that tickles the theorist brain. And gets people invested in the world.
The show also made Marinette shy, and awkward, and clumsy something a lot of girls deal with during puberty as growing up can literally make you clumsier as your body adjusts. Having a character who tries to be positive and tries to find solutions who solves things with creativity instead of pure violence. Thats LOVELY for young girls to see.
Growing up I loved and admired Kim Possible, and probably would have loved Marinette, even if the shows not perfect I can admit its trying and I can see why people love it as much as they do! And why they write these fluffy sugary fics its the reason I WRITE fluffy sugary things.
Because even though I am frustrated and angry and disappointed with the show, I still see Alya’s potential and how great she is as representation to little girls who want a black female superhero so I write fluff where Alya’s loyalty, compassion, cleverness and her pursuit of justice are center stage.
I see how Adrien could be better and I want him to be better and I WANT him to be the naive funny comic relief the Ron Stoppable to Marinette’s Kim Possible. I want Adrien to grow and learn and spit in his dad’s face I want him to overcome the abuse and be happy. To show people that neglect and abuse doesn’t mean you will get stuck like that forever, that you can overcome that and be a better kinder person.
I want Nino and Kagami, and Luka and Chloe and the class to grow and get attention and have funny moments I want to laugh and make other people laugh! So I write prompts focused around comedy and shenanigans and where the characters get to be fun and silly and make decisions for themselves!
I write salt AND sugar. I see the value and merit in both sides of the coin, and I respect how other people see the show. I know its easy to get angry with other people in the fandom who see the show differently then you do but please can we put down the weapons and just BREATHE.
Someone who writes salt might LOVE the same show as you, and they might in fact love it so much that they vent their frustrations in angst and salt and cracky fics. Let them vent about how they wish the show was better, leave their tags alone or block them if you cant stand to see it. But dont attack salt writers for ‘hating on your show’ when they might love it just as much as you do but want a way to vent out their feelings.
On the flip someone who writes sugar might NOT be forgiving the show for its flaws, they might see all the same flaws as you but decide to take that frustration and write fluff and fix it fics and sugar because they want to indulge in a version of their favorite show where everything is just... OK. Where everyone is well written and happy and the character development sticks. Stay out of their tags let them have their sugar, they aren't writing it to hurt you just like you don't write salt to hurt them.
So ENOUGH. Enough hunting each other down, enough sending each other hate, enough filling each others tags. Let people write SALT if they feel angry and vengeful and disappointment, let them have their tags, let them explore the dark side of the characters, let them rant and rave and be HURT when the characters they love upset them with their actions. Its not your place to tell them to stop, to tell them their feelings are invalid, to tell them that ‘adrien is sweet sunshine boy how dare you’ or ‘alya would never’ or ‘i hate your marinette leaves dupont au’. Just leave it be, heed the tags, and let it go.
AND ENOUGH. Enough hunting each other down, enough sending each other hate, enough filling each other tags. Let people write SUGAR if they just want something to feel happy about. Let them makes coffee shop au’s, let them make fix it fics where everything is just happy without needing 8 pages of backstory for why everything is just happy. Let them squeal and gush and talk about the ship they like and the fluff they see. Its not your place to argue with them that the show is flawed, its not cool to ruin their fun by accusing them of not understanding the flaws, to tell them ‘umm actual this character shouldn’t get to be happy’ or ‘wow this is so shallow’. Just leave it be, heed the tags, and let it go.
PS: Now with that said and done. I do have one final message for everyone - If you write/enjoy pedophilia, if you sexualize KIDS. Then get the fuck out of fandom spaces, stop fucking following me, and do everyone salt and sugar a favor by LEAVING. Your pedophilia and child sexualization aint wanted, aint ok, and I will fight you.
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astarkey · 2 years
Fanfiction would you rather?
Tagged by @hellishgoat! Thank you for tagging me, buddy!!! 🤗💞
Friends to lovers or enemies to lovers? Both!
Be forced to watch a terrible movie adaptation of your favorite fic or an amazing adaptation of your least favorite fic? Watch a terrible adaptation. Sometimes the terrible ends up good!
Read fanfic chapters backwards, last to first, or read them as parsed from google translate? Parsed I guess. I never read anything parsed from google translate, so idk how it would work if I were to try it lmao.
Consume every fanfic as an audiobook read by a monotone narrator, or have to read every fanfic on a tiny printed piece of paper written in yellow highlighter? Audiobook. I have a monotone voice anyway, so it works out!
Get a tattoo on your body of every fanfic title you read, or never read fanfic again? Uh, get a tattoo!
Vampire Au or Werewolf Au? VAMPIRE AU!!!!!!!!!! (I’m already doing a vampire au fic, and already it’s fun, omg. Vampire jokes, and a human screwing a vampire while the vampire bites and feeds in the middle of sex. Vampire’s fucked up because they love the human but knows they can’t be with the human forever and does not want the human to be what they are, and the vampire can’t be with the human during the day and can’t touch the human’s skin under the sunlight, even though touching is their love language. Plus, vampires are just so fucking extra for no apparent reason other than because they’ve lived for hundreds and thousands of years and to them, time doesn’t exist; so they can just do what they want.)
Get sold to a boy band, or be stuck in a time loop with your love interest? Time loop 😔
Kill your favorite character, or marry your least favorite character? Marry least favorite character...
Meet your love interest in a coffee shop AU or a college AU? Uh... I actually don’t mind both.
Have your fic history leaked, or never read another fanfic again? Leak the fics, I don’t care. Most of the ones I like/have read are gone, anyway!
Be able to read amazing fanfiction but it always has an mpreg plot twist, or only read bad fanfiction for the rest of your life? ... I guess read bad fiction.
Gay ships or straight ships? I prefer straight ships, but I actually don’t mind gay ships. 
Ship a rarepair with almost no content, or a pair with lots of content but almost all of it is cracky nightmare smut? Ship rarepair, omg. I wouldn’t know how to deal with cracky nightmare smut.
See your OTP shatter years after their happily ever after, or never have the happily ever after happen in the first place? I’m gonna say shatter, so that way after it shatters, they’ll find some way to rekindle that relationship; be it if they return to being together or remain as friends on good terms.
Read a poorly written but complete fanfic, or a literary masterpiece last updated June 2013? Literary masterpiece.
Read SSSS++++ tier smut with almost 11k words, or 70k words worth of fluff? BOTH!!!!
Read only alternate universe fanfics, or only canon fanfics? ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ALL THE WAY! 
Introduce fanfics to your normie friend with an ongoing smut fic with great writing, or a complete fluff fic with terrible writing? Complete fluff fic. I don’t want any of my normie friends knowing I write smut. Do you know how much it would damage my image as the good girl in the group?
Read your NOTP with all your favorite tropes and perfect characterization, or your OTP with tropes you despise and inconsistent characterization? NOTP. They’re actually quite entertaining to read, too, just as much as OTP fics.
Read a fic with an interesting concept but very poor writing, or read a fic with an uninteresting concept with really good writing? Interesting concept. I can excuse the poor writing, I’ll understand what they’re trying to convey.
Have a major character death, or have a bed sharing scene but it's a ship you hate? I feel like it just depends. Like if it’s a major character I hate, I could care less if they die? But like if it’s any of my fav characters, I just can’t do that, my friend. I’m gonna have to go with bed sharing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I can handle it...
Read a fanfic that has consistent grammar and spelling mistakes, or one that the characters are wildly different than canon? Grammar and spelling mistakes :3
Every fanfic includes Jackson Wang, or every fanfic includes at least one NSFW moment? I don’t know who Jackson Wang is, and I had to look it up if it was like a new fanfic term I’m just now hearing about 😂 But I’d go with at least one NSFW moment. IT’S FUN!
Read the most absolutely messed up dead dove with your most wholesome otp, or subject yourself to 100,000 words of your NOTP all written in a solid block with no punctuation and horrible grammar? Dead dove ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Have the power to read every fanfic in existence, or have the power to make any ship canon? Have the power to read every fanfic in existence.
Have your OTP get together in canon but one of them dies in a tragic way, or all members of your OTP survive but get together with other people? Get together with other people. I’ve read angsty fics where both were like that, but I can handle the separation more than having one or both of them end up dead.
Read a cringy 70 chapter Harry Styles mafia AU, or a highschool Kpop AU y/n fic horrible grammar? I really want neither of them, but I can tolerate the mafia one, I guess...
Accidentally send your boss a super detailed smut fic, or read a super detailed smut fic about your boss? Omg, noooooooo! Eh... If I were to read it, NOT out loud, I’d be alright with it. However, I’d be looking at my boss completely different and never the same again.
Read smut fanfic aloud to your parents, or submit fanfic to the employer of your dream job? Hell no, I would not read that shit out loud in front of my parents! They would definitely force me to go to church, then! I’d rather submit to an employer. Maybe they’d want me on board to make a project out of it; that’d be cool.
Pine after an oblivious love interest, or be the oblivious love interest being pined after? Pin after an oblivious love interest.
Hanahaki disease, or your soulmates first words to you tattooed on your body (and they're really stupid)? Lmfao, the tattoo one! 
Be an Alpha, Beta, or Omega in omegaverse? Neither. I am unfamiliar with omegaverse.
Read a fanfic where the characters turn into furries, or a fanfic where the characters all get pregnant? Omg, neither?! No no, I don’t want any of these! 😂
Be able to resurrect dead fics, or have the power to create of plethora of new fics effortlessly? Power to create! I have so many ideas that I need to unleash effortlessly.
Tagging (no pressure!!!): @alwaysupatnight, @lilmissuncreative, @musicrunsthroughmysoul, @chronic-ghost, @ambrosiaswhispers, @fortysevenswrites, @bensonstablers, and anyone else who wants to do this!!
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onewomancitadel · 3 years
Oh my God, it's so far and in-between that I find someone who can write really good Knightfall fanfiction instead of just smut, and I thank you for that. It's a shame that this ship isn't more popular since I always feel like I'm in an extreme minority. I still like other ships, but God, there's something about it all that draws me in: enemies-to-lovers, the angst and drama, the weird sort of Courtly Love it invokes, the Slow Burn...
I'm new to this blog, so I hope you don't mind if I ask a question that you've answered before, but what are your hopes for Jaune and Cinder's character development (like, concerning them getting together)? I'm kind of hoping they develop traits that end up mirroring one another to reflect "convergent character growth" or something; I also really hope that their designs do it as well, like maybe Jaune gets heavier armor that has black/gold on it or Cinder has to use a new sword that looks suspiciously like Crocea Mors. What about you?
I am bouncing in my seat. Thank you anon. Welcome to my blog, I hope you have a nice stay, the drink of choice is Pepsi Max or Pepsi Max Vanilla. Sorry girlies, it's better than the sugar-free Coke.
Yeah I'll level with you: I seriously ship Knightfall, and not as an experimental sex scenario or as a crackship (it's not remotely a crackship). It's kind of funny when people assume that it's cracky or it's only something I'm into for the sex angle. I don't multiship, this is what I am totally and completely into, I'm extremely serious. This is serious business. Thank you for also (from the sounds of it) being the same as me because sometimes it is a bit of a struggle lol. I'm really flattered you enjoy my fic, that means a lot to me honestly. It started out as a bit of a lark because I figured nobody else shipped it the way I did (I also get the intense heart twinges from OTP's, so I don't know how normal other people are about it) and maybe like one or two people would read my fic lol. My favourite part so far about sharing it has been getting messages like this from other people who feel the same way. It's so much fun and makes me very happy. Edited to add here: but I should add the disclaimer I do write smut... I don’t knock on people who write smut, but for me I usually like my smut exploring character too... I just want to sound self-satisfied or superior here.  XD
On the note of courtly love, I'm not sure if you've seen me actually tag a Knightfall post courtly love BUT I HAVE, they're literally knight and Maiden. I love that so much thank you I'm so glad you saw it in them too lol. They really did that with the Maidens. *keyboard smash* ugh! But also I made a post recently about the troubadours and the Wound of Love (which imo also applies to B/umblebee, and probably R/enora, and probably Ro/segarden in the future) and it's just the intersection of all the stuff I love!!!!
And yes by all means, I welcome asks anytime about this ship, even if I've answered an ask before, my thoughts may have evolved. It also helps me on the front that I'll go back and refer to old posts and sometimes I surprise myself. I'm working on a bigger post at the moment about the ship as it stands in canon, and I have talked a little bit about how Jaune feels about Cinder before (can't find the post currently). But there are a few things I think that foreground the way their character arcs are related to each other (if I had to give you a scattershot - and most specifically their character arcs I'm discussing, not narrative structure the way I've done so before):
They're anima and animus (this is also like BB and RN, arguably RG as well), so reconciliation in some way is necessary, and so far in the show all anima/animus pairings have been romantic. All the entrappings of anima/animus is my favourite kind of stuff. I'm thinking also on the front of Campbell that to be compassionate and to empathise is also to be metaphysically be somebody else, which is why I find Jaune empathising with Cinder (and vice versa) compelling and also fitting on this front.
I think that in answer to Cinder's character, she needs some sort of unconditional offer... to my eyes, there are two possible characters who could ever get through to her (I specifically exclude Emerald because Emerald can never approach Cinder on honest humanistic terms since their partnership was a business transaction at best and I'm not sure if that's her role): Ruby and Jaune. Ruby has the initial hump because of her silver eyes. So it does lead me here and now to briefly speculate if he'll be involved in any way with her Grimm arm purification... I take that as a foregone conclusion that it's going to happen. I do generally hold they'll have an interaction with the Fall Maiden's Relic, because they fit the Indecisive King allusion a little too well - and I don't think the Sword of Destruction is any of his business.
I love that idea of convergent character growth and I think that's a great way to articulate something I've been trying to do so for ages. Cinder's highest point and Jaune's lowest point have both been respectively met in the same volume. Cinder's very clever and lies to Salem (her first rebellion), she's got the Relics, Ruby's dead and can't hurt her (YAY!), she didn't even go after the Maiden power, she thinks she's back on her manipulative game and now she's turned it on her master. Meanwhile Jaune is a healer and now a killer. So, I really, really love the way those character arcs can be read as growing together.
I think that there are answers to their issues inside of each other... and I also think there are a lot of similarities between the two of them. A pairing where one of them needs unconditional love and the other is ready to dole that out is catnip to me (particularly because he moved past his anger and vengeance in V5, he's set up to be in a position to give her more contemplation). When I think about what I would call the 'I want you to join me' moment, Jaune wouldn't be doing it because they need the Fall Maiden on their side, that's just the side boon because she's magical and awesome, the idea there should be that she is wanted unconditionally. I think she should find unconditional freedom and transformation on the side of Good. By the same stroke I think that Jaune can explore/reconcile his darkness and the things that he's done through her, like what he did was necessary for Penny, but it was painful. It's also a shock to his identity.
Kind of following off the first and last point... the greatest wound for Jaune (Pyrrha's death) is one committed by Cinder, but equally, there is a wound inside of her/and also given to her by him at Haven, and I think the greatest reconciliation for everything she has been through is him, and vice versa. "The wounds that can be healed only by the weapon that delivered the wound. [...] Well, the wound is the wound of my passion and agony of love for this creature, and the only one who can heal me is the one who delivered the blow, you know." Jaune's great fear that his teammates won't return/will die is soothed by Cinder's return, the one who could still come back (depending how far you want to go... she's in a state of metaphorical death), Cinder wants someone who will come back for her and take her with them (Rhodes never committed to this and was a very bad fairy godmother), and Cinder's moral, spiritual evolution can be realised this way.
On the aesthetics front: well, I have to admit... lol... I am... really crackpotty about this. Like, I think Cinder's metallic transition colour will be silver (like Ruby) from gold, which mirrors Jaune's transition from lead to gold. I also think her pin is her redeemed!outfit colour theme (the warm blue and the warm purple - stressing the warmth and that Blake's purple is cold, like shadow) which also works on the heart of the flame front. It... also very nicely matches Jaune's colours. You have orange and blue, and yellow and purple. Which is a RWBY thing for the ships. (Red/green, yellow/purple...). I don't think Cinder's final colour is the all-black ensemble - that's her transitional outfit. But yeah to tinfoil further, Cinder's always had the blue/purple pin, Jaune has always had the orange lining of his hood (her Aura is orange and so are her eyes) so like.... I'm happy if they keep that, honestly, but yes, if they both incorporated black and white as the extra accents (as Jaune already does) that would make me happy as well.
You can also see in my fic what I think about their weapons... I like the idea of her using a shield. XD They already mirror each other this way in canon, no one else except them use traditional weapons without guns/extra accoutrements attached. That was always suspicious to me. So I think on that front they probably don't need to do anymore to make them more like each other. I have this internal perception that Cinder and Jaune are like sword and shield (her consistent use of swords, his of his shield), so I like it a lot.
To wrap my post up: thank you for sending an ask and thank you for reading my fic! It's so lovely to hear from readers and also somebody similarly enthusiastic about the ship. It's a bit tough being a Cinder fan and a Knightfall fan lolol (I've made my bed), which thoroughly narrows down my interaction... I think the only thing I've really not liked about it is the perception it's a crackship, as well as very divergent interpretations of their characters I don't get along with, but otherwise the smaller fandom has been a lot of fun. (:
Seriously Knightfall just has everything I've ever wanted in a ship ever, I mean I love RWBY, I love the setting, I love most of the cast - so I don't have to be bogged down by boring characters when I'm writing a romance - I love fairytales, I've had to exercise some of my Greek to do Knightfall research, I love magic, I love bad guys and I never thought I'd get a villainess like this, or a hero, I love anima/animus (and it's clearly being textually used), I love the Wound of Love, I love ALL of that, so it's just the perfect storm. They're both my favourite characters! Independent of the ship! as well! There have been ships before where only one character interested me more than the other, and there was extra legwork to be done, but they're both very good, and even before Knightfall their scenes were my favourite scenes lol. So I'm very invested and it's a lot of fun.
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juuls · 4 years
Juulna’s ‘Hold Onto Your Sanity’ Fic, Book, and Music Recs for the 2020 Dumpster Fire... Part 3!
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So you just crash-landed behind enemy lines in a war you know barely anything about except that your role seems infinitesimal and insignificant, and dumped into a year, 2020, that already seems fifteen years too long.
Before you drown your sorrows in some fantastic scotch or wine coolers for days (or weeks)… I have a proposal.
That you step back from the flames, tune things out for a bit, and try to forget about the outside world for a while (but don’t forget to vote or I will be very sad at you!).
These fics are meant to take you out of your head (I’m including more plot/story-minded fics than PWP) for the next few weeks or months as the world goes to hell (even more) but of course there are some bits of solid angst in these as there is wont to be in many a fic. Check the tags, read responsibly, don’t like-don’t read, ship and let ship, and please do leave a kudos and maybe even a comment! :)
Check out here for Part One and most of the Marvel fic recs, along with a selection of book recs too. :)
And here’s Part Two, which has the bulk of my Star Wars and Game of Thrones recs, along with Spotify playlists!
Part Three is this one here, all about the Potterverse.
(Not yet complete) Here’s Part Four, filled with even more shippy goodness from all over the Star Trek universe. So. Many. Ships. :D
(Not yet complete) Part Five is Witcher, Man From UNCLE, Stargate: Atlantis and SG-1, Sherlock, Hannibal, and Doctor Who.
(Not yet complete) Part Six will probably be all for my newfound love of Supergirl, along with some Game of Thrones and Marvel ships I skipped, because I gotta stop somewhere with all these recommendations or I’ll be at it forever. Seriously, how much of this stuff have I read!?
But I think we all need some distractions from the world these days, eh? Or something to console us other than internet rage and a barrel of ice cream and/or hard alcohol.
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I’ve chosen to pick fics (mostly) off of AO3 for their easy reading access, though HP fics’ golden years were on sites like fanfiction.net and other independent archives like Sycophanthex and others which have closed their doors over the years, sadly. Some of these fics date back to almost 20 years old, or more, amazingly!
For fics on fanfiction.net, I highly recommend using this link (FicSave) to epub/mobi converter rather than dealing with the frustrating app. It functions like AO3′s built-in download button.
Rec assistance by @perrydowning​
Second Life by Lariope
Phantom of Hogwarts by Good_Witch
Romancing the War by Pubella
The Poison Garden by turtle_wexler @turtlewexlerwrites
A Light in the Fog by turtle_wexler
Pride of Time by AnubisAnkh
The Savage by MagdatheMagpie
Snape’s Story by Tbird1965
Recognition by jezzie (krith)
Tedium of Time by oneredshoe
Tango by Desert_Sea
Sense and Insensibility by Desert_Sea
Time Mutable Immutable by Grooot
The Twenty by Leyna Rountree
For the Only Hope by ausland @run-with-me-to-the-sea
Bundle of Joy by LadyTuesday
Our Hands Tied by multilingualism
Choose Something Like A Star by TeddyRadiator
Mistress of the Stacks by Ms_Anthrop
A Derailed Train of Thought by Ms_Anthrop
Antiquities by stormcorona
Watch Over Me by @snapeslittleblackbuttons​
Dropped Down into the Unknown by @q-drew​
Delicate Transitions by @morbidmuch​
Lay Me Low by TeddyRadiator
The Savage by MagdatheMagpie
Another Dream by @dragoon811​
A Chance For Happiness by @corvusdraconis​
Breath of the Nundu by corvusdraconis, Dragon_and_the_Rose
Just to Be by Amarti @amarti-writes-stuff​
Hinge of Fate by Ramos
Forged in Flames by @mswhich​
Days in the Sun by bluespring864
Making sure the boy who lived, actually does by Hold_en @hold-enwrites​
The Problem With Purity by Phoenix.Writing
One Step Forward, Two Decades Back by corvusdraconis
The Headmaster’s Wife by Mrs_HH @propertyofseverustsnape
The Master, the Warden, the Headmaster, and the Deputy by mak5258
Cloak of Courage by Wendynat
Hermione Granger and the Intended Vessels by ShawnaCanon
Augury and Ardor by SnapeySnax
Before the Dawn by snarkyroxy
The Love You Take by Subversa
His Draught of Delicate Poison by Subversa
and sooooo many more if you want them just ask, this is both mine and Perry’s oldest ship lol
Gramander (Original Graves x Newt)
A Gilded Cage is Still a Cage by Anonymous
take a deep breath (and let it go) by lincesque @tumbloncat
Roar by @elenothar
Matchmaker, Matchmaker by @prosodiical
Dearly Beloved by prosodiical
Basic Instincts by @manic-intent
Promised by Miss_Lv
Plan G by Aate
Heat of the Chase by argentoswan @wannahearaboutmycats
Newt Scamander’s Guide to Getting Things Done by arthureameslove
Against all Odds by Maril
Where I Belong by Mishafied
He Wants To Say, “I Love You, Nothing Can Hurt You”  by @obsidionwingsofmidnight
Arranged by Miss_Lv
death of a bachelor by gudetama (elementary)
The Graves Identity by Mishafied
you make me feel this way somehow by gudetama (elementary)
The Nature of the Beast by AntiGravitas @absolutelynogravitaswhatsoever
The Knights, the Newt, and the Rose by @yinyangswings
The Wizard’s Cat by @natecchi
The Color of Boom by gypsiangel
Signalling Theory: Blue Coat by @obaewankenope​
Flame by @esamastation​
And The Tag Read Simply: “Pretty” by @funkzpiel​
Aren’t You Gonna Arrest Me, Officer? by JoyBurd
a little bit lost by shortbread @shortbread-fanfiction​
Rec assistance by @cuthian​
Seven Times by kerri240879
Her Beauty and the Moonlight by BrilliantLady
The Fallout by everythursday (orphaned and only available on AO3 now, but complete)
The Eagle’s Nest by HeartOfAspen
Turncoat by elizaye @imnotleavinherewithoutyou
The Virgin Conundrum by AkashaTheKitty @akashathekitty
Bad Faith by Morrighan256
Isolation by bexchan @bex-chan-blog
The Serpent, the Witch, and the Broom Closet by bitchywitchy
Silencio by AkashaTheKitty
All You Want by senlinyu @senlinyu
Static by galfoy @heymanticore
What the Room Requires by Alydia Rackham
And We All Fall Down by @rumaan
Ambition’s End by Hanako A
Wait and Hope by mightbewriting @mightbewriting
Rewriting Destiny by mayawrites95 (mayarox95)
Chronos Historia by In_Dreams @indreamsink
A Muggle-born Magic by Musyc @willhavetheirtrinkets
Hunted by Bex-chan
A Second Look by @riverwriter
The Nietzsche Classes by Beringae
This Too, Is Sacred by HeartOfAspen
Bite First, Ask Questions Later by Daredevilsinthedetails, Kaylessi
Nocturnus by In_Dreams @indreamsink
Broken by @inadaze22​
The Green Girl by Colubrina
Lady of the Lake by Colubrina
Rebuilding by Colubrina (really just anything written by @colubrina)
Presque Toujours Pur by @shayalonnie
Can’t Change the Way I Am by @nauticalparamour
Law and Marriage by DragonGrin (formerly TeenTypist)
The Tower Window by @xodramaqueenox​
Unexpected by Emara88
Something Old, Something New by Kate Dessi
Suppressed Emotions by hopelesslydevoted.xx 
Silver Blood by @freyaishtar
When the Day Met the Night by @bex-la-get
A Marauder’s Plan by CatsAreCool (Rachel500)
A Step to the Right by CatsAreCool (Rachel500)
Eighth by lorien829
The Catalyst by lorien829
Harry Potter and the Isle of Mists by lorien829
Knife’s Edge by Celtic55
The Black Book by mosteveryonesmad
Awakening by SweetShireen
The Sword and the Snake by bartonfink1974
Dispelling the Silence by Indygodusk
One Year Later: Return to Hogwarts by Twilight’s Inferno
Fourteen Thousand Galleons by @frumpologist
The Invitation by hot_elf @hot-elf
Love Love Love by MissELY @misselylux​
Changing Scenery by aethling
East of Eden by msmerlin @ms-merlinblack
Turn Back Time by Dazeventura6
Foxfire by @setissma
Come Together by @nuclearnik
The Soul of the Wolves by LR_Earl @fanficbylrearl
Running From Lions by tryslora @tryslora
An Unexpected Family by ladyroxanne21
The Prophecies by jamcreynolds
Reconstruction by @aldersprig​
Fell From the Sky by BrandonStrayne @brandonstrayne​ (I really love this one, and not just as a Canadian.)
Demons From the Past by pottermum
Rec assistance by @newtypeshadow​
Rarely Pure and Never Simple by birdsofshore
Aural Gratification by birdsofshore
Lost Among and Falling by @bafflinghaze
The Corruption Sequence series by beren @berenwrites
Sentinel ‘verse series by elyssblair @elyssblair-blog
Date Blindness by dysonrules
Starts With a Spin by Maxine @serasarahhhh​
Temptation on the Warfront by alizarincrimson
Paradigm by dysonrules
Here’s The Pencil, Make It Happen by ignatiustrout
Draco Sodding Malfoy by Shewhxmustnxtbenamed @shewhomustnotbenamed
Pieces of What by Jadwiga
Found, Not Lost by inspiration_assaulted
Shared Detention by DadIWriteGayPorn
Dirty Little Secret by Writcraft @writcraft​
19 Years by shilo1364 @whimsicaldragonette​
Morning Suns & Coffee Runs by laugh_a_latte @queer-coffee​
Reus Una by purplepen76
Between Ink and Blood by Candamira
Distractions by @morningsound15​ 
(This seems like it’s a bit cracky, but there’s some good ones, I promise! I sorta stumbled ass-backwards into this ship but really enjoy some of them.)
One Step Left by Cysteine @cysteine
Extinction by @rubikanon​
Blinding Light by @16-pennies​
Somebody Loved by beforeyouspeak
There. This is much better, isn’t it?
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So my challenge to you, if your world is falling, burning down around you in flames... is this:
...if you feel yourself getting anxious or depressed, whether from the news or being cooped up in isolation or bored or on the verge of tearing your hair out or jumping off that roof or grabbing something to go after the dictator-of-the-week.... pause, take a breath, open up this rec list, close your eyes and pick something, and let chance take you somewhere hopefully far away. Let yourself be transported.
Oh, and don’t click on this Google Drive link. Really, there’s not 30+ GB of data on that Drive I’m sharing. Shame. There totally aren’t tens of thousands of books, as many audiobooks as could fit, and a large collection of fanfiction downloaded from AO3 in there. (Also, not all fics have been shared to that folder yet; I’m working on it a little at a time as I download more.)
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lilyvandersteen · 3 years
Fic Writer Tag
I was tagged by @forabeatofadrum (thank you, sweetie!)
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have published 33 works on AO3. Not all of them are completed yet, but hopefully they will be someday. I’m not planning on abandoning any of my WIPs, though it might take a long time until they are completed. I’m a slow writer, and I tend to get bouts of writer’s block.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
So far I have published 626,620 words on AO3.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
At the moment, I have only written Glee fics, mostly Klaine.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Puppy Eyes. AKA the fic where Blaine is cursed to turn into a dog from time to time. By far the crackiest fic idea I’ve ever had, but I had so much fun writing it, and I guess the readers enjoy it just as much.
Weave Your Magic. My very first multichapter, and still a WIP, though it’s already 287091 words long. It’s massive, and it’s written in a soap opera style that could keep it going forever and ever and ever. I haven’t updated it in years, because to continue it, I first have to read it all the way through again, and that takes me four days. I will continue it when I can find the time, though.
Stop Flirting! This fic started out as a one-shot, and then I continued it for the first Kurt Hummel Big Bang I ever took part in. It’s a famous Blaine fic, with Tina as a crazy fangirl.
Worth the Wait. I love this verse, and it seems my readers do, too :-) This story is very fairytale-like, with magic rings and quests and challenges to prove your worth.
A Shoulder to Lean On. This is a meet-cute oneshot that resonated with many readers. Featuring an obnoxious Rachel, an embarrassed Kurt and a smitten Blaine.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do, yes. I absolutely love getting to talk about plot points or providing some background information that never made it into my actual fic. Also, seeing as I don’t always wait until the story is complete to start posting, I draw inspiration from my readers’ comments to add some stuff they request or to expand certain parts. That’s what I love so much about fanfiction: that it is truly a two-way street. Readers are as vital to the experience as writers are, and I am so grateful to my faithful readers for their help in shaping my stories.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Uhm... I write happy endings, mostly. I have a few fics that are pretty open-ended, but never angsty.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
As of now, I haven’t written any crossover fics. I have written a Pride & Prejudice inspired fic, though (Out of the Blue), but that doesn’t really count as a crossover.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not so much hate, but I’ve received comments and reviews that shook me up and made me stop writing for months. I don’t deal well with criticism, I’m afraid. Fanfic writing is my happy place, so I hate it when people come in and lecture me.
That’s why I stopped writing Never Saying Goodbye to You for so long. One anonymous reviewer raked me over the coals because a movie star I mentioned in passing was wrong for the time period. “ If you want to write a story that is historical in nature, please do your research and get your facts straight.”
Whereas I was just trying to write a fun time-travelling story, and the time period my protagonist ended up was just the background for me. My friend @hkvoyage researches everything meticulously for her historical fics, and kudos to her for that, but I’m not that kind of writer. I have very limited time to write, and I don’t want to spend it doing research, nor should anyone expect me to. I’m not writing a master’s thesis in history, I’m writing a fanfiction story for my own amusement, and sharing it with you so you can enjoy it as well. If I get anything wrong, feel free to point it out and I’ll modify it, but there’s absolutely no need to get angry with me.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do occasionally. It’s not really my thing. Fluff, I can do, and some angst here and there, but smut is difficult to get right.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
That’s possible.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Oh yes, by the wonderful @klaineship2, one of the few Tumblr Klainiacs I’ve met in real life. She’s absolutely lovely, and she translated one of my fics into German.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I haven’t. I’ve betaed and suggested dialogue or plot points, though.
What’s your all time favourite ship?
Klaine. *Happy sigh*
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Hmm, I have my mind made up to finish all of my WIPs, even Weave Your Magic. It might take me ages, but I will.
What are your writing strengths?
Does writing from several POVs count? You should ask my readers, I don’t really know.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m a pantser. I know how the story begins and ends, but the middle is always a muddle, and I need to piece it together like a puzzle.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I’ve used French in at least one fic. I’ve also used a sentence in Russian.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Glee. The one and only.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Ooh, that’s a difficult question ... There are bits and pieces of myself in every fic, so I love all of them. I love Weave Your Magic because it’s my first multichapter and just a story I can live in. I love Worth the Wait because it’s so much like a fairytale. I love Puppy Eyes because it’s cracky and fun. I love Out of the Blue because it heavily features the Anderson Bros and because I’m a big Pride & Prejudice fan and it was a great challenge giving this story the same enemies to lovers vibe. I love The Christmas Guest because it’s Fake Dating and that’s my fave trope. I could go on and on, but you get what I’m saying :-)
I’m tagging @hkvoyage @caramelcoffeeaddict @lady-divine-writes @quizasvivamos @whatstheproblembaby and any other Klaine writer whose name escapes me at the moment and who wants to do this. No pressure, though, if this is not your thing.
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secret-engima · 4 years
Here's something that might come outta left field, what fics do you recommend in the FFXV fandom?
Oooooo okay hmmm. Lemme see what I have. I warn you now that most of these are either short, time-travel, or Prompto angst, but I’ll try to add a little summary to each so you can pick what interests you:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27588704 “Toward Daylight We Run” by SparkleMoose (here on Tumblr as @sparklecryptid) is a time-travel fixit involving Titus, who wakes up post being killed by Nyx with a case of confusion, anger, and le self-doubt, and a Glaive OC who died during the betrayal and who is very understandably angry at them. It’s gonna be a former-enemies-to-lovers thing eventually I think, and tho there’s only two chaps so far I recommend it (I recommend several of Moose’s actually, just watch the tags if you’re not into M-rated or have trigger warnings to look out for) This one does have trigger warning tags for suicidal thoughts and PTSD, so watch out for that.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27912505/chapters/68351254 “From Neath Dark Waters”, another one by SparkleMoose! This one is an FFXIV Warrior of Light reborn as a street rat in Insomnia and adopted by Clarus, again, just getting started, but very feelsy and I love it. Moose also has cool Galahdian worldbuilding stuff which is always fun.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23888788 “the Wound (A Place Where Light Enters)” Third one by SparkleMoose, featuring time-traveling Noctis and also a sort of time-traveling Warrior of Light named Azura who looks around, spots Noctis fighting someone and goes “welp time to go break someone’s face on behalf of a friend I guess” which is a great first impulse for a White Mage imho. These two are gonna be a ship and I love it. 
(honestly just go poke through SparkleMoose’s stuff on Ao3 and here on Tumblr, there’s quite a few FFXV fics and there’s bound to be at least a few you like. :D Just remember to read the tags first)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26644129 “The Great Livestream Debacle” by Choke-a-bro. This is just humor/crack oneshot but it makes me laugh on days that need a pick me up. Basically, Noctis runs a tiny twitch channel playing really old RPGs without telling Ignis or Regis and ONE DAY a stray new viewer happens to realize, “huh, this guy looks like the prince” and it spiral wonderfully from there.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27468421 “A Present for a Father” by illusorygardens. This is actually a little gift oneshot thing inspired by one of my AUs here on Tumblr (Clouds and Moonlit Skies) where a bunch of FFVII characters are reborn as various OCs and canon characters in FFXV. Zack is Noctis, Cloud is Prompto, Aerith is Luna, Titus is Sephiroth, and Rufus and Yuffie are reborn as Imperial Royal Twins with the world’s most terrible dad aka Emperor Aldercapt. So naturally Noctis has to prank the Emperor of Niflheim on their behalf.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26667253/chapters/65038747 “Light in the Night Sky” by mokulule. If you’ve read my Deleantur and liked it, then absolutely 1000% give this a try. It’s inspired by Deleantur verse in the sense of “Noctis goes back to the time of Somnus and Ardyn” but it’s cheerfully wandering off in a very different direction and there is WORLDBUILDING and BACKSTORY and Ardyn and Aera being ADORABLE. Seriously it’s great. Again, it’s only got a few chaps on it, but I love it already and highly recommend.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27611195/chapters/67550303 “Holding Secrets Like a Crystal” by LadyHallen. An AU where Monica Elshett is a telepath and proceeds to unknowingly wreck canon in all the best ways. It’s a 5 chap short story and I love it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18114572/chapters/42823973 “First Lightning, Then Thunder” by Nervous Otaku. This is a RAVUS time-travel fixit, 87 chaps long (tho the chaps are short) and fully completed. Basically Ravus dies, the Astrals think “Free Real Estate” and proceed to dump him into the past in the body of a Coeurl. It’s angst and shenanigans and Ravus stubbornly refusing to admit that he is growing attached to these tiny child versions of people all while going through hell and high water to protect them from destiny. It’s a happy ending too!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21681499/chapters/51709084 “Victorious” by Kyirah. This one hasn’t updated in a while? But it’s got 14 stellar chapters of Noctis being gently plopped back into his child self with only vague memories of the future while the Lucii and the Astrals set about fixiting the world on his behalf. It also features adorable, slightly daemon-but-don’t-worry-he’s-fine Prompto and Dadcor. Also ghost Ardyn.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18116312/chapters/42828299 “cyan boys” by dreamtowns. 6 chap, slightly cracky time-travel, only instead of straight time-travel, Noctis and Prompto wake up in a parallel dimension where some stuff is ... different. Such as them being kids while Gladio and Ignis of that world are already adults. It’s just a nice, quirky, kinda angsty-in-places read and I really enjoyed it (despite the undertones of slash that crop up in some places but hey maybe that’s your cup of tea) but as always read the tags and decide for thineself.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15073931/chapters/34948019 “Nocturne” by nirejseki. The Taur AU that inspired Nox Taur, 11/10 do recommend (even though there are slash and femslash ships in there later on but HEY just because I skipped over those parts doesn’t mean this fic isn’t great). Features baby Noctis being adorable, some cool world-building, Regis being a Good Dad, DadCor, and just- a great fixit all around with some amazing AU take on the Astrals and the prophecy and all that stuff.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11648547/chapters/26204799 “Introductions” by doodly_squat. This is ... essentially a canon compliant look at Prompto first introducing himself to and getting to be friends with Noctis. Picks up that moment in the Brotherhood episode where he says hi on the first day of high school. It’s short, but it’s finished and it’s great, there’s some Prompto angst, and it has a sequel with even more Prompto angst! That is also finished!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/10869282/chapters/24144864 “Running Behind” by Asidian. An MT!Prompto AU where Prompto is raised as an MT (which are cyborgs here rather than canon’s ... whole thing) and then runs away when he learns he’s going to be decommissioned. He’s found a year-ish later by the other Chocobros on their roadtrip and they, unaware he’s a runaway MT, take him along because he clearly needs help. There’s feels and bonding and brotherly feels and also angst and drama because MT!Prompto is terrified of many things. There’s also descriptions of the aftermath of torture, which I didn’t find too bad but as always check the tags and the rating against your own comfort level. It has a happy ending tho.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11725950/chapters/26417871 “Poor Wayfaring Stranger” by lithos_saeculum. The last fic I’m gonna rec for now and just- I CANNOT rec this one enough. I love it so much. 59 chap, ongoing MT!Prompto AU where Cor finds this teenage MT unit and takes him home. There’s DadCor and Prompto learning how to People and the Chocobros getting attached and major angst at various stages because of how Prompto is treated (he has MT modifications and some people looking at you Clarus need to take a chill pill about it). It’s told entirely from Prompto’s POV which is FASCINATING and the author does a stellar job of picking out stuff that Prompto just- wouldn’t know about or understand because he’s been raised in a lab all his life.
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laufire · 3 years
The problem with SPN fandom is it doesn't have one supercarrier - it has two, and they create an Ever Given situation combined because they keep jamming up the canal trying to push past each other. If you are in ANY smaller ship, you will get run over by them and no one in the lighthouse seems to notice you exist.
I mean -yeah, that's partially true xD. Depending on the space you are you'll get more of one of its "supercarriers" than others (tumblr has a "SHIPPING WINCEST IS THE WORST SIN YOU COULD COMMIT" mentality, but nearly everyone I'm meeting on that fandom on the dreamwidth side of things has dabbled in Wincest/Wincestiel waters lol), but they're the biggest ships and they will inevitably dwarf all the rest.
But like... okay. I'm gonna try to explain this to myself first xD, but basically. I think because I've long accepted I don't completely fit into one (1) space in the SPN fandom, I never really feel alienated by it (annoyed, yes. Alienated, nope xD), not the way I felt in the Shadowhunters' fandom with the exceptions of Rizzy shippers, or in The 100's fandom until I gained all my wonderful mutuals there.
Like. I'm fully aware my ambivalence towards the biggest ship makes me, somehow, too pro-Destiel for some people, and too anti-Destiel for others xDD (the list of people that block me prove it!). I'm not at all interested in Wincest (hell, I have every possible platonic Sam-Dean tag filtered because there are days I can't stand people discussing their dynamic in uwu terms when I can only focus on the bad lol), and I in fact tend to side-eye its shippers because of what I saw of them in ye old days of s3 as a Ruby and Bela fan... but I genuinely don't give a shit about anyone shipping incest (Chuck/Amara FTW xDD). And, especially here in tumblr, that last fact is enough for A LOT of people to be crossed with me!
My OTP is Megstiel and I have quite a few Megstiel mutuals, but I suspect I'm too much of a multishipper, or event too Destiel-ambivalent for some of its fans LOL (although I'm fully there with them against Destiel shippers using the Megstiel tag to tell everyone how much they like Destiel. They have no class smh), or we might have different interpretations on some fronts, etc. Samruby is one of the things that I've loved since I got into the show, and I ship it almost as much as Megstiel, but although I understand where they come from, some Sam fans are so intransigent I know I would find them exhausting if I had to read their posts every day instead of just on occasion. I've basically tricked one (1) non-SPN mutual to ship Belastiel with me LOL, and maybe there are a handful people casually interested in that pairing. Other of my rareships are so cracky or out there I know they'll have SOME people responding to my future content (Caswena, Marystiel, Sambela, Dean/Alastair), but no active interest. Etc. etc.
And I, personally, have no problem making fandom friends with people that are interested in other characters or ships, in this fandom or others, but it's true that tumblr's SPN fandom is INCREDIBLY divisive. So I've had to accept there's not "one" space for me, not fully -either because in those already established there seems to be something about *my* tastes or interpretations (likely because I've experienced the show in a very different way from those that've been here for years, and even from a lot of the people that joined as recently as I did) that sets me apart in a fandom space where that's A Bad Thing, or because I'm interested in things that don't HAVE a space because I'm the only one actively creating anything. I’ve had practice in other fandoms before, so xD
The last part is especially discouraging as a content creator, but I'm very, very used to write and edit for characters and ships that get little to no attention (I was looking at my ao3 stats the other day and I saw I have 22 fics out of 77 in ao3 without a single comment lmao). So that it happens, and it will likely keep happening, in SPN when I continue posting fics (some that'll be LONG ONES even), is something I've made peace with.
I'm not trying to pull the "write for yourself" thing because that's only part of it LOL, but the truth is that my engagement with SPN has been very individualized and personal, a one-on-one with the show itself in many ways thanks to the way I've watched, largely removed from the fandom and from other people's interpretation of the narrative.
I participate in it because I don't solely write for myself -I intend to repeat the Megstiel Halloween Fest this year, and maybe rule another exchange event welcoming all parts of fandom for late December/early January for a reason, for example-, but the SPN fics I have in me to write, by myself, are on My List exclusively because I feel the need to see those stories. I don't particularly want to read how other fans would write Bela/Castiel, as much as I love it; I'd welcome their creations, but I have no need for them because I see the way I want them to be in my head, and I'm happy when I put it on the page by myself. I know there are some fics out there that cross into territory I want to explore with my own (lesbian!Mary, Wayward Sisters "episodes"...), but I feel no urge to read them because I want to be the one to explore those ideas myself, etc. (although I might consider checking them out when I'm finished with my versions). And so on.
Even other kinds of content that I post on tumblr and require more engagement on principle (meta or edits) are very much self-involved; I edited all of Bela's scenes, and I'm on the way of doing the same with Ruby (and later other short-lived but beloved characters of mine, like Meg) because I want All Of Their Scenes in my blog. I fire off my bitchy SPN thoughts at will and if someone replies to them that's great, but mostly I just have a lot to say about the show (some of which is reflected on later in my WIPs lol) and I say it, and that's it xD
TL;DR xDD. I don't quite fit in with this fandom, but the space I need to participate in the way I want to is contained within myself, so I'm at peace with that.
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quefish77 · 3 years
Fic Writer's Game
I do love a good tagging game :P Let’s see how this goes!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
174 … but about 30 are drabbles, and 10 or so are links to YouTube videos … Wow, that’s a lot though.
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
431, 858. That feels … gosh it feels like a lot, but then I think about my fics and I’m like, “That’s it?” LOL … I guess things feel bigger than they are sometimes :D
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Two. Good omens, and one HP. The HP was written about 15y ago, and then I started in on GO 2y ago. And one GO/RHPS crossover lol
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Effortless Intimacy – The first fic I wrote for GO. An Ace romantic fic post Apocalypse failure.
2. An Angel, A Demon, A Sybian – PWP and exactly what it says on the tin LOL
3. When the Demon Bought a Sybian – PWP prequel to #2 hahaha
4. First One is Free – What ended up being the first fic in my Professional Dom Aziraphale series. Crowley trying to masturbate, and Aziraphale lends his voice to help him out before making a quip about he usual service fee.
5. Ineffable Kinktober 2019: Day 6: Tail – Some D/s playtime, gentle Dom Aziraphale asks for Crowley to manifest a tail for playtime. PWP.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes. Whether it is a keyboard smash, an emoji, or long comment, I always reply. Although, there has been a time or two where someone was bingeing and leaving comments on each chapter, which were lovely ‘thank you’s’, and I did wait and respond to the last one referencing all of their comments.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Human Incarnate. After the trials, Heaven strips Aziraphale of his divinity, and he becomes mortal. He and Crowley try to live their best life until the inevitable happens. Which does, of course. I can’t even think about the last chapter without crying.
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I’ve only really written one crossover. The Rocky Omens Picture Show. Crowley and Aziraphale end up at Dr Frank-n-Furter’s castle and are brought in from the rain for a very brief visit.
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No hate, but AngelFoodBaking.com readers were quite polarized on the ending and I don’t think people agreed with me, but being a crackfic, there wasn’t really ‘anger’.
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes. I’ve written Ace sensual “smut” (Effortless Intimacy had lots of skin touching and kissing, nothing more, and I also did a 'genitalia-free masturbation' scene in 12. In Water), and I have written PWP unapologetic pornsmut (A New Building Isn't the Only Erection in the Area).
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, recently actually. About 3 weeks after I published a fic, I got a ping that I may want to have a look at a new fic WIP that had just dropped. By the time I finished reading the chapter, I already had multiple people reaching out to me, warning me, asking me if I knew about this … stuff like that. My beta confronted the other writer whose response was “I didn’t think it was too similar”, and then they deleted it. I checked my kudos, the other writer had dropped kudos on my fic 4 days earlier. *Their* beta had the response that they didn’t know how I could think that, and many people defended me that it was “Change enough so the teacher doesn’t know you cheated”, but definitely my fic, with one actual change. (Aziraphale was being abused in the other fic, in mine he was woefully underinformed but in a cute/cracky kind of way, not sinister). I had over 20 other writers who read both agreeing with me, I sent blind copies of both chapters to a teacher, a few friends, a copy/proofer friend of a friend … I knew I had been stolen from, but if there was any doubt from anywhere, I would have felt terrible. Every person who read them had differing opinions on content, if they liked it, ‘this felt better’, etc. Some of my friends preferred the other one. But every person came back with, “Whoever wrote first was stolen from.” … This wrecked me for a week. Being stolen from, having someone insist I had falsely accused someone of stealing, waiting for all the results to come back from blind readers. The other writer ended up ‘reworking’ and reposting, and I haven’t even clicked on it.
The beta also had the unmitigated gall to say this to a chatroom full of writers: "The first chapter has certain resemblances, which is not surprising given they were writing to the same prompt." .… meaning that they were completely discarding the ‘two cakes’ theory in favor of the ‘there is no such thing as originality’ theory. Which … to a room of writers, is a BOLD statement to make. So, I tested that theory. If I, one person with only one brain, could come up with multiple completely different takes on a single prompt. I am up to three active WIPs posted. If I can not copy myself, I sure as fuck expect a completely separate person to be able to not copy me. The Series can be found here: The Doctor Will See You Now.
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of 😊
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sort of? It was more that @caedmonfaith and I were ripping back and forth in Discord and then she put it in actual words like a real writer and asked if she could post it (which, of course?!) The Grammar Lesson
13) What’s your all time favourite ship?
Definitely Aziraphale and Crowley.
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
The Courtship of Crowley. It had so much potential, and I feel terrible every time I see it in my docs ☹
15) What are your writing strengths?
I think I have very good character voices. Even if the surrounding bits aren’t as good as I think they are, I think the spoken parts are good 😊
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
I have a problem with letting an action stand on its own in a sentence without adding more. “He pulled on his trousers and checked his phone.” “He made breakfast and then sat down.” I think that I need to break up my sentences more, I abuse ‘and’ and ‘then’ a lot.
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I have put in other languages a couple times, and I am always paranoid that someone who speaks that language is going to call me out for obviously using Google translate because it syntax’d terrible lol
18) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
HP – Snermione.
19) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Droit du Seigneur (medieval transgender Aziraphale) was probably the most … meaningful? It hit a lot of personal points of gender identity, sexuality, etc. Much in the same way that Effortless Intimacy did. The funniest thing I ever wrote was probably It’s Technically Just Sweat. Crowley’s tattoo and Aziraphale’s ring have a tryst. But, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the best thing I have ever written, and will never top, is The Perfectly Unproblematic Good Omens Fanfic.
So, tagging @tawnyontumblr and @caedmonfaith, @redundant-angel, and whoever else is interested!
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echo-bleu · 4 years
A really cracky soulmate AU that is entirely @mansikkaomenabanaani’s fault.
Isobel observed him from behind a large potted plant in the hospital lobby. She had spotted him from the corner of her eye in store parking lot next door, and she couldn't help but follow him all the way here. He was making it easy for her, walking slowly, leaning heavily on two crutches.
She hid behind various pieces of furniture, more or less successfully, until he disappeared behind a door marked Physical Therapy. He seemed to sense that he was followed, but he spotted her only once, and she immediately turned away and pretended to be doing something else, so she was fairly sure he didn't suspect her.
She needed to know who he was.
Not because he was hot. She had no idea if he was, truly. Humans were a mystery to her in that sense. Ever since she'd made it to Earth, she tried to figure out the strange ways of human courtship, but they eluded her completely.
No, physically, he was vaguely human shaped, enough that he wouldn’t easily be confused with a dolphin, and that was enough. His soul, however, very clearly looked like a cactus, with spikes going in every direction, forbidding anyone from approaching.
Exactly like someone else she knew.
What to do? She couldn't exactly barge into his physical therapy to ask his name. Even she knew that was impolite. Instead, she settled in to wait for him to come back out. She sat down on a bench facing the right corridor and crossed her legs princely, like she'd seen human females do when they wanted to look unbothered by their surroundings.
She tapped her comlink until it beeped. “Michael!”
“What, Izzy?” her brother grumbled, sounding like he'd just woken up. He was in orbit, working on repairing their spaceship. They would have been gone days ago if their ship hadn't suddenly decided to blow a fuse in the middle of nowhere and this stupid planet had the replacement material they needed. They weren't even supposed to land on Earth at all, they were on their way back to Antar and it just happened to be the closest livable planet at the time.
It was just so backward. The people here, for some reason, thought they were better than any other species, including the other semi-sentient beings on their own planets, and snubbed or downright hated aliens. The planet had almost self-destructed at first contact, when Antar had done them the civility of fixing their climate issue and they had responded by declaring war on any and all alien life.
It was better now, several decades in, but visible aliens still got the side-eye anywhere they went. Thankfully, Isobel knew how to disguise herself.
“I found him!” she said excitedly.
“Your soulmate!”
She could hear Michael roll his eyes from here. “Izzy, I told you, I don't care about my soulmate. I don't have a soulmate.”
“Everyone has a soulmate! And I've just found yours.”
Michael sighed. “Izzy, where are you? Do I need to tell Max to pick you up?”
“No!” Isobel said a little to loudly−several head turned toward her. Pity the telepathic connection had a distance constraint. “I'm fine. I'm gonna find out who he is.”
“He? Izzy, are you stalking him?”
“Only a little! Until I know his name. You'll thank me later.”
“I most certainly will not,” Michael huffed.
“Whatever,” Isobel ended the call.
She waited for what felt like a long time, staring at the corridor so she wouldn't miss him. Humans came to ask her twice if she needed something, but she just nudged them telepathically and they forgot about her.
Finally, the human-shaped cactus came out. He was just as slow and careful as before, and Isobel narrowed her eyes to see his physical shape better. Ha. His right leg was missing and he had a prosthesis, not even a good one. They could get him a better one on Antar. The soul-scars, which took longer to scab over than the skin-scars, were still fresh, raw. He'd lost people. He'd had a hard life. Spikes, for every blow he took, every demeaning comment, every time someone who should have loved him abandoned him. He had many.
“Hi,” Isobel said with a smile, coming up to him.
The human laid his eyes on her, and they widened in surprise. Of course. Her eyes never quite looked human. Isobel nudged him, and encountered resistance.
A human who could protect his own mind? She had to see that.
She knocked. He let her in. Well, not in, but in an anteroom of some kind. She couldn't go any further.
“It's not very polite to try to barge in,” she heard behind her. She turned to find his mental projection looming over her. “Who are you?”
“I'm Isobel,” Isobel answered in his language. “Antarian. And your…what do you call it, sister-in-law. Soon.”
“What?” he frowned.
“You're my brother's soulmate.”
He gave her a disbelieving look. “Humans don't have soulmates,” he said. “And I don't know your brother. Or do I?”
“Not yet,” Isobel said. “And humans can be other species' soulmates. It's rare, but it happens.”
“Okay,” the human said, though she could sense that he didn't believe her. “Why are you in my mind?”
“Because I need to make sure you're the right person for him,” Isobel answered.
“If I'm his soulmate, aren't we already connected? Does it matter if we're right for each other?”
“It matters to me,” Isobel shrugged. “Michael deserves someone good.”
“What will you do if I'm not?”
“My soulmate was bad. He...died.”
He raised an eyebrow. “And if I'm good?”
“Then you're coming with me back to our ship, and then to our planet,” Isobel answered.
“Oh, is that right?”
“What if I have things to do here? I have a life, you know. I can't just slip off without notice, let alone move to another planet.”
Isobel huffed, frustrated. “My brother is your soulmate. What could be more important than that?”
“Um, learning to walk again?” he offered.
“We can arrange that”, Isobel said, without missing a beat. “You don't need to be on Earth for that.”
“My job, then? I'm in the Air Force, I can't just go AWOL.”
“I assume that means go missing? We can also arrange that. There is an interplanetary treaty on soul-bounds. And if you're a soldier, we can easily find you a job on Antar. A better one than you have here, most likely.”
“My friends?”
“No family?” Isobel asked.
“None that would miss me,” he answered, a shadow coming over his face. So that was where some of the spikes were from, then.
“Then it will be easier,” Isobel said. “Your friends can come with, if you want them to. Or they can visit when you're settled. It's a bit of a journey, but it can be done. I'm told Antar is a good vacation spot. Beautiful views.”
The human laughed. “Not that I'm not enjoying this fantasy, but aren't we getting a little ahead of ourselves?”
“You're right,” Isobel nodded. “I don't even know your name.”
“Alex. And you should let me sit down, or I'm probably going to fall over.”
Isobel snapped out of his mind, and she found his aura wavering and darkening with pain. “I'm sorry, Alex,” she said sheepishly, working her mouth around his name.
Alex shakily took the few steps that separated him from the bench Isobel was sitting on earlier and dropped onto it. “Shit,” he muttered through gritted teeth, taking a pill bottle out of his pocket and swallowing two tablets.
“Are you okay?”
“I will be. PT is a bitch.”
“Did you lose your leg in the war?” Isobel asked, mostly from curiosity. She had no idea what stupid internal war was going on between humans, and she didn't particularly care, but she cared about this human. He was hers to care about now.
“Yes. Three months ago. Drove onto a bomb.”
Humans were barbarians, Isobel thought. There were so many much more efficient ways to kill people. She's been particularly creative, with Noah, manipulating lightning with Max. He'd deserved it.
“You deserve better than this shitty planet,” she said without thinking.
Damn, how did she get from stalking him because he was Michael's soulmate to actually caring about him in so little time?
There was something about his soul. The dangerous cactus had a softness too. Between the spikes was soft, fluffy tissue, pulsing with light. Oh, he and Michael would be like velcro together.
Alex's aura turned purple suddenly. “I don't deserve anything,” he murmured.
Isobel frowned. “You really have nothing for you here, do you? Nothing that ties you to this place.”
Alex shook his head miserably.
“Then you definitely deserve better,” Isobel said. “Michael has been through a lot, too. You'll fit together.”
“But why me? Why would I be his soulmate?”
Isobel shrugged. “Soulmates don't have a reason. They just are. Do you like males?”
“If you mean men, then yes.”
“I don't discriminate species,” Isobel huffed. “Do you think aliens are inferior?”
“No,” Alex said firmly. “Despite what you've been led to believed, all humans don't think that way. Only the ones in power.”
“Perfect. Then you're coming with me. I need to introduce you to my brother.”
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ziracona · 4 years
D E and R (for In Living Memory/DBD) ask meme thing
D: Pairing I wish I liked but just can’t.
E: Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
D: Haha, I am a multishipper so usually I ship a bunch just at tiers. And like, most of the ones I don’t like I dislike for very very excellent reasons and have no regrets at. Uhhhh, I guess either MichaelxJake or DavidxDwight maybe? I’d have had no particular interest in eithet so idk if it counts, but I /would/ really like not to be annoyed by the existence of both, and it is the fault of neither ship itself. Just so much of the fans for Jake-Michael do the racist smol smiley cute Asian Jake stereotype thing & make it super gross & violent non-con at the same time (and don’t get me started on the injustice to my boy Michael. Just use one of the already nasty serial killers like Danny if u into that, plz). And then David-Dwight is like the /only/ survivor ship I dislike for a reason other than massive age gap, & I dislike that one bc so much of the art & fic & love for it is a really gross ancient yaoi big rough scary man (tm) + tiny uwu crying wifey boi, & it’s really gross infantilization of Dwight against his character, & is also just like...a pretty gross old specific voiyeristic fetishization of gay men by casting them in old stereotypical MlW relationship roles & playing it up while pretending there’s nothing f’d up about any of this? & bc that’s what I see so much of the time and saw first for both ships, while otherwise I’d have probably been very chill, now I take psychic dmaage even seeing totally nice normal art for them bc it dredges up so much stuff I wish I’d never seen & I wish I could scrup my memory banks & self-repair this issue. :’-]] but I can’t.
E: Uhhh, probably. Welcome to Hell with Meg Thomas might count, and I am sure there’s other stuff too, but the whole Walmart Event that was mostly supposed to be secret bc it’s possible endgame for one of my big fics really blew up from 1 ask & got amazing art from @soozylegion and I am pretty sure just that whole like self-creating two day movement or whatever it was counts.
R: Ooof this one is hard because so many people ship so much. Uhhhh, I ship a lot of rarepairs, but I know at least one other who ships most of them—wait. Okay, so. Back when I started writing ILM, Ace and Adam just really clicked super well, despite being complete opposites in almost all ways except being good dudes? And I kinda shipped it and I think you can see that through at least Many More in-fic. But I was in a DbD discord at the time, and the one time I mentioned liking the ship (I think we were talking about Adam ships bc someone brought up Adam-Jeff?), someome went off over the age difference, so I just kind of backed off it after that bc it wasn’t a great time in my life and I really didn’t want to get harrassed or shit-talked by people I thought were neat (I mean who ever does but usually I am more tanky. Then was...not a good time. 😔). And I don’t think I’ve ever even admitted to liking that pair since then.
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dezmondmyles · 4 years
haha ok i got tagged by @taruyison ilu <3
alright cool lets do this
Would You Rather - Fanfic Version
Do you prefer friends to lovers or enemies to lovers? Aw man, do I gotta choose? I really love both, but there’s something a little more mmm, intimate, about enemies to lovers.
Would you rather be forced to watch a terrible movie adaptation of your favorite fanfic or an amazing adaptation of your least favorite fanfic? "terrible” and “amazing” are very subjective, and I love trashy movies/games that are fun to watch/play so that’s kinda my attitude with fanfics haha.
Would you rather read fanfic chapters backwards or read them as parsed from google translate? Backwards? I guess? If I have to translates a fic, uhh, I just Don’t lmao.
Would you rather consume every fanfic as an audiobook read by a monotone narrator or have to read on a tiny printed piece of papers written in yellow highlighter? If I had to choose, probably the audiobook. My eyes have trouble reading black text on white background sometimes as it is.
Would you rather get a tattoo on your body of every fanfic title you read or never read fanfic again? Never read fanfic again ahahaha. I’ve read some trashy fanfic just based on the equally dubious title before.
Do you prefer vampire au or werewolf au? If you know anything about me as a person.... Well you know that answer. And if you don’t, it’s uh, werewolf.  
Would you rather get sold to a boy band or be stuck in a time loop with your love interest? Time loop I guess? I never listened to 1D.
Would you rather kill your favorite character or marry your least favorite character? What if my favorite character is already dead?? Also what’s stopping me from marrying my least, killing them, and cashing out on the life insurance??
Would you rather meet your love interest in a coffee shop au or college au? My big brain take is to combine both- The local coffee shop near campus. Boom.
Would you rather have your fic history leaked or never read another fanfic again? Again, I’ll just never read again lmaaaao.
Would you rather be able to read amazing fanfiction but it always has an mpreg plot twist or only read bad fanfiction for the rest of your life? I uh, wrote?? Some of the mpreg in a reasonable semi-thought out fashion?? Also I’ve already spent most of my reading subjectively bad fanfic so like, idk.
Would you rather gay ships or straight ships? I can do both?? Also are we talking gay-gay ships or “these two are in a samesies relationship but theyre bi” ship? cause i can do that too.
Would you rather ship a rarepair with almost no content or a pair with lots of content but almost all of it is cracky nightmare smut? Honey I’m already in rarepair hell don’t even talk to me lmfao.
Would you rather see your otp shatter years after their happily ever after or never have the happily ever after happen in the first place? I mean, both is already like, the Thing with them anyway lmfao. I fuck hard with bittersweet endings all the same.
Would you rather read a poorly written but complete fanfic or a literary masterpiece last updated june 2013? I mean I do both. The former esp if the content is compelling enough for me to continue reading just to see how much more terrible it can get.
Would you rather read SSSS++++ tier smut with almost 11k words or 70k words worth of fluff? I can do both, the fluff will probably make me cry though in the end lmao you don’t get that many words of fluff without something sad in there
Would you rather read only alternate universe fanfics or only canon fanfics? My bread and butter is AU by virtue of being a crossover shipper. No matter how close to canon I get with either, it’s still ultimately AU. Plus, canon is dumb af anyway for both so i’m doing everyone a favor lmao.
Would you rather introduce fanfics to your normie friend with an ongoing smut fic with great writing or a complete fluff fic with terrible writing? Depends on the normie. I have non-fandom friends who enjoy writing and reading as much as I do, and I feel like that a well written smut and fluff fic would be more compelling to them, if not just to analyze the characters.
Would you rather read your notp with all your favorite tropes and perfect characterization or your otp with tropes you despise and inconsistent characterization? I think I’d pick the notp honestly. Listen, anything can become an otp with the right convincing in my book. Though, for most of my notps, they employ a lot of similar annoying tropes I hate seeing in most of my otps so like, can’t win them all.
Would you rather have a major character death or have a bed sharing scene but it’s a ship you hate? Major Character Death in the bed they were sharing.
Would you rather every fanfic includes Jackson Wang or every fanfic includes at least one nsfw moment? dunno who that is so I guess one nsfw moment it is.
Would you rather read a fanfic that has constant grammar and spelling mistakes or one that the characters are wildly different than canon? Have you read any of my fics I’m the worst speller/grammarererrr ever. However, I can take “wildly different” to a certain point in the case of many AUs where you kinda have to fudge things a little for the sake of your setting.
Would you rather read the most absolutely messed up dead dove with your most wholesome ship or subject yourself to 100,000 words of your notp all written in a solid block with no punctuation and horrible grammar? Dead Dove, no contest.
Would you rather have the power to read every fanfic in existence or have the power to make any ship canon? Any ship canon. I literally have no interest in read every single fanfic ever.
Would you rather read a cringy 70 chapter harry styles mafia au or a high school kpop au y/n fic with horrible grammar? At least I know who Harry Styles is lmfao.
Would you rather have your otp get together in canon but one of them dies in a tragic way or all members of your otp survive but get together with other people? They’re already dead in their respective canons so it can’t get worse from here right?
Would you rather accidentally send your boss a super detailed smut fic or read a super detailed smut fic about your boss? I think the latter because I would rather I lose respect for my boss than the other way around lol.
Would you rather read smut fanfic aloud to your parents or submit smut fanfic to the employer of your dream job? Like taru asked, what is the context. I think the latter though if it was allowed and it’s explicitly what they wanted.
Would you rather pine after an oblivious love interest or be the oblivious love interest pined after? I’m both irl (probably lmao)
Would you rather hanahaki disease or your soulmate’s first words to you tattooed on your body (and they’re really stupid)? I had to look up what hanahaki was lol, so I guess soulmate’s first words. And I mean, how much more stupid would mine be anyway?
Would you rather be an alpha, beta, or omega in omegaverse? None, I hate omegaverse with a passion. You can’t dress it up in any form possible to make me enjoy it. Idc what character(s) is/are in it, it bugs the fuck out of me.
Would you rather read a fanfic where the characters turn into furries or a fanfic where the characters all get pregnant? I mean, out of morbid curiosity, I’d wanna read both?? I’d hate it but I’d attempt to read it at least once?
Would you rather be able to resurrect dead fics or have the power to create a plethora of new fics effortlessly? New fics, so long as they’re getting completed on top of that ahaha.
whoo, that was fun! it’s been a while since i’ve done one of these memes. thanks for the tag, taru!
ok so i guess i’ll tag in return: @cooldadmondmiles @theladyisapirate and @seventhstrife
have fun friendos!
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taruyison · 4 years
Tagged by @stxphxn-strange - always a delight!!
You can find their post here
Would You Rather - Fanfic Version
(I responded to all the questions under the cut cause it would be such a long post. Btw, if you wanna do a read more tag on mobile, write :readmore: and press the enter button. Works like a charm 👌)
Do you prefer friends to lovers or enemies to lovers? - I feel like I haven’t really read any of these tropes, but I think I’d say friends to lovers because that’s wholesome (although enemies to lovers could be FEELS)
Would you rather be forced to watch a terrible movie adaptation of your favorite fanfic or an amazing adaptation of your least favorite fanfic? - I’m a giant movie critic, although silently, so I might want the amazing adaptation tbh
Would you rather read fanfic chapters backwards or read them as parsed from google translate? - “I’m fluent in Google Translate”
Would you rather consume every fanfic as an audiobook read by a monotone narrator or have to read on a tiny printed piece of papers written in yellow highlighter? - Monotone audiobook; how am I supposed to see *anything* written in highlighter??
Would you rather get a tattoo on your body of very fanfic title you read or never read fanfic again? - I’ve always wanted a tattoo tbh, and imagine having the titles of the fics you adore on your arms. Great way to remember if you wanna go back for a re-read! 👌
Do you prefer vampire au or werewolf au? - I haven’t read enough of any of these to know for sure, but let’s say Vampire AU 🙈
Would you rather get sold to a boy band or be stuck in a time loop with your love interest? - Oh yeah, just throw me into the Doctor Strange canon cause I literally have no love life and he’s the closest thing to anything called a love interest 😂
Would you rather kill your favorite character or marry your least favorite character? - I’ve already killed my favorite character so I guess it’s time to marry my least favorite
Would you rather meet your love interest in a coffee shop au or college au? - Coffee Shop AU cause then I can be lazy and sit in a corner and slurp tea while stalking him
Would you rather have your fic history leaked or never read another fanfic again? - I don’t think I have anything *too* bad in my history, and I still have plenty of fics I wanna read, as sooo (129 + 5 on my TBR)
Would you rather be able to read amazing fanfiction but it always has an mpreg plot twist or only read bad fanfiction for the rest of your life? - I mean, mpreg is my jam so why the hell not? Why is this even a question sksksksk--
Would you rather gay ships or straight ships? - Be gay, do crimes!
Would you rather ship a rarepair with almost no content or a pair with lots of content but almost all of it is cracky nightmare smut? - Rarepair (tbh I think I have one exactly like this) (oh god, you have me thinking about the baby carrot incident-- DO NOT REMIND ME OF THE BABY CARROT INCIDENT)
Would you rather see your otp shatter years after their happily ever after or never have the happily ever after happen in the first place? - Reading or writing? Cause I could write both, it would probably even be fun writing some good old angst and heartbreak, but I’d probably prefer to read the latter
Would you rather read a poorly written but complete fanfic or a literary masterpiece last updated june 2013? - Why do you have to attack me like this sjsbddjsm-- I choose masterpiece
Would you rather read SSSS++++ tier smut with almost 11k words or 70k words worth of fluff? - Can I just ask.. Is the 11k *only* smut? Like are they literally having sex for three damn days straight with no breaks? Then I’d probably pick the fluff because damn, the smut would get messy (and probably unsanitary)
Would you rather read only alternate universe fanfics or only canon fanfics? - Alternate Universe, duh; we don’t do canon in this household
Would you rather introduce fanfics to your normie friend with an ongoing smut fic with great writing or a complete fluff fic with terrible writing? - Wait, normies actually exist? Like, for real? I thought they were a myth! But yeah, probably the smut fic to keep them on their toes, lol
Would you rather read your notp with all your favorite tropes and perfect characterization or your otp with tropes you despise and inconsistent characterization? - I don’t even think I have a notp, but I’d prefer good characterization tbh
Would you rather have a major character death or have a bed sharing scene but it’s a ship you hate? - Major Character Death; we’ve all been through it
Would you rather every fanfic includes Jackson Wang or every fanfic includes at least one nsfw moment? - Don’t they already? Lmao, nsfw please
Would you rather read a fanfic that has constant grammar and spelling mistakes or one that the characters are wildly different than canon? - OOC; rather good spelling than bad because I have an ounce of perfectionism
Would you rather read the most absolutely messed up dead dove with your most wholesome ship or subject yourself to 100,000 words of your notp all written in a solid block with no punctuation and horrible grammar? - I realize I know nothing about the Dead Dove trope, but I literally can’t stand giant walls of text. I’m in *physical pain* from people who don’t know how to paragraph. Which means yes, I pick the dove
Would you rather have the power to read every fanfic in existence or have the power to make any ship canon? - IronStrange, here we come! I guess that doesn’t actually answer the question, lol. Second option
Would you rather read a cringy 70 chapter harry styles mafia au or a high school kpop au y/n fic with horrible grammar? - I’ve no joke stumbled upon a mildly erotic kpop fanfiction on Twitter at some point and that shit was weirdly interesting. I know nothing about kpop but that author was good. Probably picking the Mafia AU though cause that seems like a morbidly interesting idea
Would you rather have your otp get together in canon but one of them dies in a tragic way or all members of your otp survive but get together with other people? - Isn’t both of these just Marvel canon at this point? Bahbaii Tony Stark, but if he *had* survived, he’d still be with Pepper; rip IronStrange either way. Still, I’ll pick the first
Would you rather accidentally send your boss a super detailed smut fic or read a super detailed smut fic about your boss? - Who’s my boss if I’m unemployed? Self-employment? Myself then? Lol, joke’s on you because I *write* detailed smut about myself (no, I ain't sharing, I’m a coward) (at least let me finish it first, jfc)
Would you rather read smut fanfic aloud to your parents or submit smut fanfic to the employer of your dream job? - I think I need context about this one-- Did the employer *ask* for this submission? Is this the criteria to get the job? Because if so, hell yeah I would (though I’m wondering if I might already have read a smut fic to my parents at some point >.>)
Would you rather pine after an oblivious love interest or be the oblivious love interest pined after? - I have pined and I legit have been pined for. Can’t say either of them was very interesting, but I pick the latter (I was turned down when I asked that stupid old crush for a dance... Twice)
Would you rather hanahaki disease or your soulmate’s first words to you tattooed on your body (and they’re really stupid)? - Soulmate’s words. I imagine I’d say something equally as stupid back
Would you rather be an alpha, beta, or omega in omegaverse? - I think the most convenient choice here would be beta, but I really think it would be interesting to be an omega and still keep my asshole demeanor. “Fuck you alpha, I ain’t for sale today”
Would you rather read a fanfic where the characters turn into furries or a fanfic where the characters all get pregnant? - How about all the characters turn fuzzy AND pregnant? Didn’t think about that one, did you 😏
Would you rather be able to resurrect dead fics or have the power to create a plethora of new fics effortlessly? - I already have too many ideas swimming in my head and I don’t need more. However, too many fics have been lost into the void, and I have a few that I absolutely would like to see born anew!
Alright this was cool! I like thinking about fanfiction and talking about fanfiction, so this was a really fun tag! Thanks again stxphxn
I believe everyone that cones to mind has already been tagged for this but ssksnsjdb @dezmondmyles @hickapostsart @ironstrangeislove and literally anyone who wants to gossip about fanfiction--
Have fun! :)
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