german-enthusiast · 1 year
German Resource Pool
In trying to collect resources in an organized way, I've created this Notion page, listing all resources I know of and updating whenever I see something new!
It includes Grammar, Reading, Listening, Watching; and links to other people's resource pools (like salvadorbonapart and europeanlanguages)!
I'll of course add to it as much as I can and I am happy about any additions from you guys!
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mondlylanguages · 3 years
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Just getting started with Romanian? Let's practice the main colors. 🌈
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word of the day - Italian
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Mozzafiato - breathtaking
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lucasjtglover · 3 years
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One thousand days using each of these four apps, without ever missing a day. Yes I know this is boring to anyone other than me. I don’t care. I’m up to nearly 1200 days on Duolingo. #polyglot #language #languagelearning #german #spanish #french #italian #linguist #multilingual #languagestudent #conjuu #conjugation #konjugation #conjugación #coniugazione #verbs #duolingo #memrise #europeanlanguages (at Hardys Bay) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVbg50rBp6q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Student from Bangladesh reveals insights about her studies at LiepU
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Farhana Yeasmin from #Bangladesh is a Bachelor 2nd year student, who studies “European Languages and Culture Studies” (#French and English) at #Liepaja University and she reveals her insights about studies in Liepaja.
„My life has very, very changed when I started to live in Latvia. I am too busy here comparing to Bangladesh,” she admits.
Why did you choose studies at Liepaja University?
Study programmes in Bangladesh are not very well comparing to Latvia. Here I find the technologies and a computer class, but in Bangladesh we can not do anything without a book, we never do practical things as making presentations or reports or freely talking with teachers. Here I can develop myself, it is like an exam for my life. If I would be a teacher, I would like to change the teaching style in my country. I chose Latvia, because here lives my family and this is a nice and calm place. Teachers are very friendly and if I have a problem, teachers always help me to understand things and afterwards I try to make them.
What do you think about your study programme? How is it to study Frech language, which you are studying in Liepaja University?
I like French language, but sometimes it is very hard for me to understand it. For example, to read some articles, but now I know and understand them. Language is very important for people and communication and if the teacher explains me it in English, it is, of course, easier to understand.
Besides studies you are working. How do you combine studies with work?
I do not have much time, I am too busy here comparing to Bangladesh. In this way my life has very, very changed. If you do not go the hard way, you never learn something new. If you want to reach your goal, I think you need to go a different way, then you can learn something and your mind will be open and you can do everything. I really like what I am doing.
What do you think about your future?
In my country I have been always dreaming to become teacher and here my aim is the same – I would like to be a teacher and I want to be a florist as well, as I really like flowers and gardening things. Now I am also teaching to three students how to make bunches of flowers.
What are your impressions about Liepaja city?
I like it too much, because I never get lost as it is a small city and I like the big seaside and the long area of forest, because in Bangladesh you do not have anything like this – fresh air or any space for yourself to be in rest.
What about Latvians?
For me everyone is very friendly and speaking to me. Some people are very happy and even giving gifts at my work, because I am speaking Latvian language. I think that I must speak more Latvian to be able to talk. Also I have a Latvian friend.
Thank you, Farhana!
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Café :)
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Hoy voy hablar de una de mis cosas favoritas, que es el café. Yo no puedo vivir sin café. Me encanta su olor, su sabor y la sensación de confort que me trae cuando lo tengo bien caliente en mis manos. Me gusta especialmente beber un café calentito, en los días de lluvia, cuando estoy en casa, o en un café leyendo un libro.
Hoje vou falar de uma das minhas coisas favoritas, que é o café. Eu não consigo viver sem café. Adoro o seu aroma, o seu sabor e a sensação de conforto que me trás quando o seguro bem quente nas minhas mãos. Gosto especialmente de beber um café quentinho, nos dias de chuva, quando estou em casa, ou num café lendo um livro.
En Portugal a la mayoría de las personas les gusta el café; aquí, beber expreso es una parte de nuestra cultura, por eso se puede ver innumerables cafés mientras vas paseando por la calle. En mi camino al trabajo, paso por veinte cafés, y yo solo camino por tres sitios diferentes, en una tierra que es solamente un suburbio pobre.
Em Portugal a maioria das pessoas gostam de beber café; aqui beber expresso faz parte da nossa cultura, por isso é possível ver inúmeros cafés enquanto vais passeando pela rua. No caminho para o trabalho, passo por vinte cafés, e eu apenas atravesso três sítios diferentes, numa terra que é somente um subúrbio pobre.
Los portugueses tienen la costumbre de ir al café entre dos a tres veces por día, no para socializar con alguien o comer algo, pero únicamente para beber un expreso de pie. Tomamos café en muchas y diferentes ocasiones, como: de mañana antes de trabajar, en medio de la mañana en la pausa, después de almorzar, es obligatorio, y después de cenar, principalmente si se está con un grupo de amigos.
Os portugueses têm o costume de ir ao café entre duas a três vezes por dia, não para socializar ou para comer algo, mas unicamente para beber um expresso, em pé. Tomamos café em várias ocasiões diferentes, como: de manhã antes de ir trabalhar, a meio da manhã na pausa, depois de almoçar, é obrigatório, e depois de jantar, principalmente se se está com um grupo de amigos.
Por eso, nuestro café tiene que ser muy bueno. Mi marca favorita de café es la Delta. La Delta tiene café de grande calidad, siendo una de las marcas más conocidas en Portugal. Otras marcas que se puede encontrar aquí son Nicola, Chave d’Ouro, Boundi, Sical y Tofa. Aunque yo quiera vivir en el extranjero, pienso que una de las cosas que voy a extrañar mucho es el café.
Por isso o nosso café tem de ser bom. A minha marca favorita de café é a Delta. A Delta tem um café de grande qualidade, sendo das marcas mais famosas em Portugal. Outras marcas que se pode encontrar aqui são Nicola, Chave d’Ouro, Boundi, Sical e Tofa. Apesar deu querer viver no estrangeiro, penso que uma das coisas de que vou sentir mais falta é o café.
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Wall street learning centre is proposing a monthly meeting where everyone has something to contribute. The purpose is to meet to speak an european language (french, spanish, german, italian, russian) in a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. There's no age limit, no basic requirements. Feel free to come along and introduce yourself, you'll soon find you have a new friend and learn something too.
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Usage: After Tom lost his job, he felt his life was at an impasse. #vocabulary #word #newwordseveryday #satprep #wordoftheday #formyourownsentence #languagelearning #englishlanguage #europeanlanguages #learn #wordgasm #instasentence #instaword
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mondlylanguages · 3 years
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Did you know? There are only around 3 million Lithuanian speakers out there. 🌎 You can add to that number by learning Lithuanian with Mondly. 😎 Start today!
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shakti-enterprise · 4 years
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word of the day - Italian
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Passeggiata - stroll
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phungthaihy · 5 years
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FRISIAN - Sister Language(s) of English! http://ehelpdesk.tk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/logo-header.png [ad_1] This video is all about FRISIAN,... #academics #anglo-frisian #calculus #chineselanguage #datastructures #endangeredlanguages #englishconversation #englishgrammar #englishlanguage #europeanlanguages #frenchlanguage #friesland #frisia #frisianisalanguagenotadialect #frisianlanguage #germanlanguage #germaniclanguages #germany #ielts #isfrisianadialectofdutch #japaneselanguage #languagestudy #languagesofgermany #languagesofnetherlands #linearalgebra #linguist #linguistics #math #minoritylanguage #netherlands #polyglot #probability #saterland #schleswig-holstein #signlanguage #spanishlanguage #statistics #teaching #thebible #westfrisian #westgermaniclanguages #whatlanguageismostcloselyrelatedtoenglish #whatlanguagesaresimilartoenglish
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daintydoraposts · 7 years
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Day 78/100: The Ogonek ̨( ˛ ). Meaning "little tail" - the diminutive of ogon; Lithuanian: nosinė, "nasal" - is a diacritic hook placed under the lower right corner of a vowel in the Latin alphabet used in several European languages, and directly under a vowel in several Native American languages. An ogonek can also be attached to the top of a vowel in Old Norse-Icelandic to show length or vowel affection. [Black ink on watercolour paper, digitally layered over similar inked marks] #100daysofthepunctuationproject #gm100dayproject #100days #punctuation #punctuationmarks #punctuationdesign #punctuationsymbols #diacriticsymbols #diacritic #diacriticmarks #diacritichook #hook #punctuationhook #polish #europeanlanguage #language #latinalphabet #vowels #ogonek #ogonok #littletail #nosine #oldnorse #blackink #inkpatterns #inklayers
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Where to start / Onde começar (with native language).
    I have been having some difficulty with, “where to start and after starting where to go next,” when studying English. If I didn’t know anything about the language, if I was just starting, it would be easier, because I would start with the basics. However, I studied English from the age of 10 to the age of 17. I am almost 27; that means almost 10 years without properly studying the language. So, the question is… where do I start? I don’t even know where I left off.
   Eu tenho tido uma certa dificuldade relativamente a “onde começar e qual o próximo passo a dar” no que toca ao estudo de inglês. Se eu não soubesse nada da língua, se só estivesse a começar agora, seria fácil, já que começaria pelo básico. Contudo, eu estudei inglês desde os 10 aos 17 anos. Neste momento, tenho quase 27; o que significa quase 10 anos sem estudar decentemente a língua. Portanto, a questão é a seguinte… onde é que começo? Eu nem me recordo onde fiquei.
   As I wrote before, I decided to wake up one hour earlier each morning, to study before work. In the first few study sessions I would get frustrated due to spending more time searching for materials than actually studying. Although I was waking up at 5:50 a.m., I wouldn’t have any time to study because I got lost in all the websites that would show up. Each one had a different study plan, some lacking a complete course, other spending more time (and wasting my time) advertising than teaching. I had to stop, take a breath and be patient with myself. I came to the conclusion that I had to prepare for studying before starting studying.
   Como já referi anteriormente, decidi acordar uma hora mais cedo todas as manhãs, para estudar antes de ir trabalhar. Nas primeiras sessões de estudo, ficava frustrada por passar mais tempo à procura de materiais de estudo do que realmente a estudar. Apesar de acordar às 5 e 50 da manhã, não tinha tempo suficiente para estudar, por me perder na quantidade de sites que iam aparecendo. Cada um com um plano de estudos diferente; a alguns faltando um curso completo, a outros gastando mais tempo (e fazendo-me perder o meu…) com anúncios do que a ensinar. Tive de parar, respirar e ser paciente comigo própria. Cheguei à conclusão que tinha de me preparar para o estudo, antes de estudar.
   From my life experience the best way to make a plan is to know where I want to go. So, I focused on my goals: applying for the Cambridge Advanced Exam and regaining conversational fluency. For speaking fluency I decided to create an account on the mobile app called “hellotalk”, an app I already used for Korean. Then, I decided to do what I did in law school: practice the exam exercises, and see what kind of subjects I needed to study. That’s when I discovered a website called www.flo-joe.co.uk, and what I liked about it was the simplicity of the layout. I consider simplicity as being of great importance, when studying. Simple explanations, simple annotations, simple methods of studying, among other things, is a must. It’s easy to get caught up in trying to do everything at the same time. Focus demands simplicity.
Pela minha experiência, a melhor forma para se fazer um plano, é saber onde se quer ir. Portanto, foquei-me nos meus objectivos: inscrever-me no exame de Inglês Avançado de Cambridge e voltar a ter fluência verbal. Para esta, decidi criar uma conta na aplicação HelloTalk, a qual já usava para o coreano. Decidi também, fazer como fazia na faculdade de direito: resolver os exercícios de exames, e ver em que matérias precisava de trabalhar mais. Foi assim, que descobri o site www.flo-joe.co.uk, e a simplicidade do seu layout, foi aquilo de que me fez gostar deste site. Considero que a simplicidade é deveras importante quando se estuda. Explicações simples, anotações simples, métodos de estudo simples, entre outras coisas, é necessário. É fácil sermos apanhados na onda de tentar fazer tudo ao mesmo tempo. Foco exige simplicidade.
   I threw out all the other links I found, considering this one the best, and I bought (…my mom bought) a book specializing in the CAE, called “Advanced Grammar in Use”, and I started by only paying attention to those two sources. (By the way, a great online bookstore is the Book Depository - https://www.bookdepository.com/). For practicing my writing, I use the website www.lang-8.com, in which my diary entries can be reviewed and corrected by native speakers of my target language.  In conclusion: I will follow the book’s study plan, because organizing a plan by myself is too difficult. In terms of vocabulary I will continue reading well known British authors for a bit each morning during my coffee break. As for speaking, I recently made 2 friends, one is American and the other one is British, so I will practice with them.
  Descartei todos os outos links que encontrei, considerando que este era o melhor, e comprei (…a minha mãe comprou) um livro especializado no CAE, com o título “Advanced Grammar in Use” e comecei a prestar atenção somente a essas duas fontes, (já agora, uma óptima livraria online é a Book Depository - https://www.bookdepository.com/). Para treinar a escrita, uso o site www.lang-8.com , no qual as minhas publicações podem ser revistas e corrigidas por falantes nativos da minha língua de estudo. Em conclusão: Irei seguir o plano de estudos do livro, porque organizar um plano por mim própria é demasiado complicado. Em termos de vocabulário, vou continuar a ler, um pouco todas as manhãs, autores britânicos conhecidos, enquanto faço a pausa para o café. Quanto a falar, como recentemente fiz dois amigos, um britânico e outro americano, irei praticar com eles.
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mondlylanguages · 3 years
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As one of Europe's most ancient languages, Latvian shares a common bond only with Lithuanian. And Mondly can teach you both. 😉
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