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Hejka, pracuję nad swoim pierwszym tekstem naukowym z metodologii badań etnograficznych, w którym analizuję potencjał gramatyki kognitywnej Langackera jako narzędzia wspierającego proces tworzenia notatek terenowych w etnologii.
"Bazuję na ważnym założeniu kognitywnym, że budowanie powiązań semantycznych w języku wypływa bezpośrednio z poznania zmysłowego człowieka. To proste spostrzeżenie pomaga zwracać szczególną uwagę na sposób naszego myślenia w czasie prowadzenia obserwacji uczestniczącej. Podobnie jak antropolodzy spod szyldu szkoły postmodernistycznej (James Clifford, Paul Rabinow czy Michael Taussig), Langacker zauważył ściśle subiektywny charakter języka.
Wskazał, że tradycyjnie, w błędny sposob patrzy się na komunikację jako transmisję "pojemników", w których transportujemy abstrakcyjne znaczenie. W zamian przekonywał, że akt komunikacji równa się aktowi konstruowania rzeczywistości. To ciekawe spostrzeżenie pozwala na rotacyjne myślenie o użytych słowach czy wypowiedziach, które rejestruje etnograf. Jest jak węzeł semantyczny, w którym splatają się konteksty badanych i nauki.
Jak pisze więc duet Krzyworzeka i Krzyworzeka, "bez interpretacji własnego doświadczenia niemożliwa jest eksternalizacja nabytej wiedzy ukrytej, etnograf stałby się »tubylcem«, a więc przestałby być badaczem" (2012).
Dajcie znać, czy byście czytali i co sądzicie o interdyscyplinarności.
#Etnografia#Metodologia Badań#Gramatyka Kognitywna#Langacker#Etnologia#Antropologia#Interdyscyplinarność#Nauka#Badania Naukowe#Humanistyka#Obserwacja Uczestnicząca#Notatki Terenowe#Edukacja#kobieta#po polsku#olga rembielińska#dziewczyna
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What I hold in my hand is a small Taíno figurine carved from volcanic lava. It was a gift from a dear friend who passed away suddenly last week. He brought it to me a few years ago from the Cape Canaveral area, saying that when he saw it, he immediately thought of me—that it was me. Whether he knew it or not, gifting such a figurine holds significant meaning within the unique cultural and spiritual traditions of the American South. It is a subtle tribute to the recipient’s ability to perceive hidden truths or a gesture of reverence toward their intuition.
The butterfly covering the figurine’s eyes symbolizes that the true nature of the world can only be understood through the vision of the soul—an act that requires immense trust, as few would willingly allow another to blindfold them without it. The finger raised to its lips represents the guardianship of spiritual secrets and divine mysteries. In Taíno mythology, secrets and mysteries were not confined to a single deity but were foundational to their entire spiritual system, influencing later traditions such as Santería in Cuba and Vodou in Haiti.
As a distinct ethnic group, the Taíno are officially considered extinct, and their religion is no longer practiced in its traditional form. However, their spiritual and cultural heritage survives in modern communities and revivalist movements, particularly in the Caribbean and its diasporas. The violence against Taíno women during Spanish colonization remains one of the most tragic and underdocumented aspects of this period. When Christopher Columbus and his crew arrived in the Caribbean in 1492, they initially described the indigenous people as friendly and hospitable. Yet historical accounts reveal that Taíno women were systematically subjected to sexual violence by Spanish explorers and colonizers. They were often kept as domestic slaves and many were forced into prostitution. Bartolomé de las Casas, a Spanish priest and advocate for human rights, documented the brutal mistreatment and sale of Taíno women, including girls as young as 9 or 10 years old. Meanwhile, their spiritual leaders, the behíques (shamans), were murdered or suppressed.
It feels profoundly enigmatic that this figurine has found its way to me. A few years ago, I was deeply engrossed in studying Carl Gustav Jung’s concept of the collective unconscious. Jung proposed that all of humanity shares a deeper layer of the unconscious mind, one composed of ancient patterns, symbols, and archetypes. Across human cultures, certain narratives emerge in strikingly similar forms, even when the societies creating them had no direct contact—neither in time nor space.
While Jung’s original theory was deeply metaphysical, modern science is increasingly capable of discussing these phenomena within measurable, empirical frameworks. That this symbol of hidden truths, resilience, and cultural memory should come into my possession feels like a quiet affirmation of the interconnectedness of all things—past and present, seen and unseen

#haiti#sculpture#art history#voodou#memories#taino#etnografia#slow living#lifestyle#carribean#cultural symbolism
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Monografias resultam do diálogo dos pesquisadores com os sujeitos, as pessoas: a teoria da linguagem de Malinowski não é dele; é, principalmente, dos trobriandeses, e chegou a nós pelo talento do etnógrafo, ampliando nossa percepção (teórica) da linguagem. Assim, a etnografia abala nossos estilos de vida e nossas ideias de existência; abala nossa crença moderna na referencialidade dos sentidos e impõe uma reflexão sobre a multiplicidade de modos de vida.
Mariza Peirano, Etnografia não é método. Horizontes antropológicos, n. 42, p. 377-391, 2014.
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Tokarnia, park etnograficzny
Na zdjęciu widoczna wybudowana w 1848 roku dzwonnica z Kazimierzy Wielkiej oraz Kościół szpitalny pw. Matki Bożej Pocieszenia z Rogowa, który powstał w 1763 roku.
Tokarnia, ethnographic park, Poland
The photo shows the belfry from Kazimierza Wielka, built in 1848, and the hospital church of Our Lady of Consolation from Rogow, which was built in 1763.
#tokarnia#skansen#park etnograficzny#dzwonnica#kościół#polska#poland#etnographic park#church#open-air museum#belfry#bell tower#park#etnografia#openairmuseum#museum#ethnography#ethnographicpark#ethnographicmuseum#belltower#architektura#architecture#widok#krajobraz#landscape#architekturadrewniana#woodenarchitecture#folklore#folklor
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Le Parole del Dialetto di Yakkabog: Un Tesoro Linguistico da Preservare
L’importanza dello Studio dei Dialetti per la Cultura e l’Identità Nazionale.
L’importanza dello Studio dei Dialetti per la Cultura e l’Identità Nazionale. Biografia dell’Autrice.Jumayeva Farangiz, studentessa al primo anno presso l’Università di Tecnologie dell’Informazione e Gestione, Facoltà di Scienze Sociali, con specializzazione in Educazione Primaria, proviene dalla regione di Kashkadarya. Con un interesse accademico per la linguistica e la cultura, Farangiz dedica…
#Alessandria today#cultura uzbeka#dialetti#dialetti locali#dialetto Qarluq#diversità culturale#diversità linguistica#dizionari regionali#dizionari uzbeki#educazione linguistica#eredità linguistica#etnografia#fonetica#Google News#Grammatica#identità linguistica#italianewsmedia.com#Kashkadarya#Kipchak#lessico#lessico dialettale.#lingua uzbeka#linguaggio regionale#lingue antiche#lingue locali#lingue minoritarie#lingue turche#linguistica#linguistica comparativa#linguistica culturale
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Acquista con il 15% di sconto in formato interattivo con voce in siciliano il nuovo libro NONNO ANGELO raccontava… così!10 racconti in Italiano con testo siciliano a fronte.Usa nel carrello il codice/coupon sconto: nonno15
#sicilian#italiano#novelle#valori sociali#antropologia#sociologia#etnografia#anni 60#storie per ragazzi
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Mitä UFO-kultistit voivat opettaa meille nykypäivän poliittisesta paranoiasta
kirjoittanut Arthur Goldswag, teksti mukailtu kirjasta The Politics of Fear: The Peculiar Persistence of American Paranoia Kuten psykologi Leon Festinger kirjoitti vuonna 1956: ”Vakaumuksellinen ihminen on vaikeasti muutettavissa. Kerro hänelle, että olet eri mieltä, ja hän kääntyy pois. Jos hänelle näytetään faktoja tai lukuja, hän kyseenalaistaa lähteesi. Jos vetoat logiikkaan, hän ei ymmärrä pointtiasi.” Miksi […] https://eksopolitiikka.fi/tiede/mita-ufo-kultistit-voivat-opettaa-meille-nykypaivan-poliittisesta-paranoiasta/
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Dissecação do artigo “Anthropology and addiction: an historical review”, de Merril Singer
Identificação do artigo:
SINGER, M. (2012), Anthropology and Addiction: na historical review. Addiction, 107(10), 1747-55.
Objetivo do Estudo:
Analisar o que se escreveu acerca da antropologia de consumo de álcool e drogas, bem como identificar as principais temáticas abordadas pelos antropólogos, a metodologia utilizada, mas também os modelos teóricos desenvolvidos e o que se procurará no futuro.
Pesquisa de artigos e livros através de palavras-chave (como “etnografia do consumo de drogas”, “antropologia do consumo de drogas”, etc.) na internet.
Verifica-se desde 1970 uma tendência crescente para a realização de estudos antropológicos sobre o consumo de álcool e de drogas (impulsionada pela pandemia da SIDA), mas também que os mesmos são cada vez mais valorizados.
O artigo ressalta também que as experiências dos consumidores são culturalmente moldadas e que, para tais indivíduos, certos aspetos da dependência podem ser encarados de forma positiva e sustentável.
Singer começa por revelar que os consumidores de álcool ou de outras drogas não foram sempre considerados “problemáticos” ou “dependentes”. De facto, a própria dependência surge apenas no século XIX aquando do refinamento das drogas existentes a fim destas serem capazes de produzir apetência e necessidade compulsiva. Curiosamente, também foi este o período em que a Antropologia floresceu — tempo, mas também espaço — surge inclusive nos mesmos lugares em que a dependência nasce por ambos estarem ligados à emergência do capitalismo. Todavia, a Antropologia não se foca no consumo de drogas até 1970 por evitar assuntos tabu e se dedicar mais aos padrões sociais do que a quem deles fugia. Mas a década de setenta trouxe a revolução das drogas — o momento em que a droga deixou de ser o vício dos artistas para ser a chaga da juventude —, para além da Antropologia se voltar agora para as sociedades ocidentais e aplicar-se na resolução de problemas sociais. Outra razão para o súbito interesse no tema foi a pandemia da SIDA (percebeu-se a relação entre o consumo de drogas e a doença).
O modelo cultural, proposto por Heath, é a principal abordagem antropológica quanto à utilização de drogas. Dá-se o exemplo dos Camba — onde a ingestão de álcool (ou substância semelhante) é socialmente valorizada, mas onde não há sinais de alcoolismo (das consequências que lhe atribuímos). Presumiu-se então que tal acontece pelas experiências aquando do consumo de substâncias serem influenciadas pela cultura. Os Lele são também referenciados como argumento para o modelo cultural. No entanto, a teoria está sujeita a críticas como as apresentadas por Robin Room: de que os antropólogos têm a tendência de suavizar o problema do álcool, já que, por exemplo, muitos deles provêm de contextos onde beber era considerado normal. Com o tempo, também o mundo dos Camba foi-se modernizando, sugerindo que o consumo de álcool sem as consequências por nós conhecidas acontece somente quando a vida social tradicional não foi conspurcada pelos capitalistas.
Apela-se à ideia de que o consumo de drogas é também um estilo de vida e não uma “fuga” à vida; que os consumidores passam a fazer parte de uma subcultura (também ela com valores e estatutos sociais) e que, portanto, tomar drogas é algo benéfico e que lhes traz recompensas.
A antropologia médica crítica enfatiza três questões quanto às razões do consumo de substâncias — a produção social do sofrimento, automedicação (por lesões sociais) e a estruturação política dos mercados de drogas lícitas e ilícitas. Analisando os primeiros dois, percebe-se que o primeiro tem a ver com muitos toxicodependentes viverem parcamente, mas serem diariamente expostos à grande riqueza de outros indivíduos (sofrimento social), e o segundo por muitos destes indivíduos viverem ciclos viciosos de stress sentido, seguido da intoxicação e da consequente estigmatização social.
A sindemia, a interação/relação entre doenças estudadas pelo contexto socioecónomico dos indivíduos, tem vindo a valorizar cada vez mais a etnografia e a antropologia na prevenção e detecção de populações em risco.
Citações Importantes:
“the fairly long human interaction with mind-altering and potentially addictive drugs — dating to at least 8–10 000 years ago — did not lead directly or immediately to the social delineation of a subset of consumers who were identified as problematic by their peers.” (p. 1)
“he advocated the use of beer or even opium, noting that the ‘the different preparations of opium are a thousand times more safe and innocent than spirituous liquors in all spasmodic affections of the stomach and bowels’” (p. 1)
“the term ‘addiction’— with reference to drug consumption at least — appears to be relatively new, dating to the refinement of various drug preparations into very concentrated forms that were capable of producing craving and compulsive use. This occurred during the 19th century as a consequence of political economic changes in Europe and North America leading to drugs becoming widely available global commodities.” (p. 1)
“by 1900 it became possible to be labeled publically an alcoholic (or inebriate) or a drug addict (although a number of decades earlier for alcoholic/inebriate)” (p. 1)
“The late 19th century was also the period during which anthropology developed, and it occurred in the same locations that drug addiction became a socially recognized pathological condition.” (p. 1)
“Indeed, both these developments can be linked historically to the emergence of global capitalism and its desire for labor control, with anthropology focusing (at least initially) on understanding peoples of subordinate colonial status (including their potential as passive laborers) and addiction being used commonly to label possibly unruly and resistant sectors within dominant colonial societies.” (pp. 1-2)
“historically, anthropologists ‘avoided tackling taboo subjects such as personal violence, sexual abuse, addiction, alienation, and self-destruction’. During the 1970s this began to change, influenced by the drug revolution and the significant expansion in the numbers of people reporting using drugs in the West, as well as by the growing anthropological focus on western societies and the application of anthropology to addressing social problems.” (p. 2)
“The core component of the anthropological approach to human interaction with psychotropic drugs is known as the ‘cultural model’.” (p. 2)
“the association of drinking with any specific ‘problem’, be it physical, economic, psychological or interpersonal, is quite rare among cultures throughout history.” (p. 2)
“most consequences of alcohol consumption are mediated by cultural factors rather than being narrowly determined by pharmacobiological factors.” (p. 2)
“While not denying that alcohol is a potent chemical, from the cultural model what is of key to determining the effects of heavy drinking are culturally constituted beliefs about the effects of alcohol.” (p. 2)
“Of equal importance is the issue of meaning. As a culturally constructed social practice, drinking (and the type and context of consumption) evokes emotionally charged cultural meanings about diverse issues, including social solidarity, identity, recognition of new social statuses and accomplishment, nostalgic remembrances, the honoring of loved ones, hospitality, mourning, initiation of work efforts, transitions, celebration of cultural heroes, intimacy, fun, health, religious experience and anticipated futures.” (pp. 2-3)
“MacAndrew & Edgerton [25]: ‘The way people comport themselves when they are drunk is determined not by alcohol’s toxic assault upon the seat of moral judgment, conscience, or the like, but by what their society makes of and imparts to them concerning the state of drunkenness’.” (p. 3)
“Heath’s work, and that of other anthropological contributors to the cultural model, suggests that while routine heavy drinking without signs of addiction still occurs, it tends to be in settings in which traditional community social life has not been penetrated fully and disrupted by the forces of capitalist globalization.” (p. 3)
“the cultural model found expression in anthropological research on drug use as a life-style or a distinctive subculture tradition.” (p. 3)
“In an effort to counter simplistic stereotypes and narrow pathological accounts of drug users and addiction, Preble & Casey [56] argued: ‘Their behavior is anything but an escape from life. They are actively engaged in meaningful activities and relationships seven days a week’.” (pp. 3-4)
“In constructing their description of drug users and addicts, anthropological and related ethnographic researchers of other disciplines use participant-observation ethnography to better understand and represent the world as it was actually seen and experienced by drug addicts. As Friedman et al. [57] comment: In contrast to views that see [injection] drug use as simply a matter of individual pathology, it is more fruitful to describe [injection] drug users as constituting a ‘subculture’... This calls our attention to the structured sets of values, roles, and status allocations that exist among [injection] drug users... From the perspective of its members, participating in the subculture is a meaningful activity that provides desired rewards, rather than psychopathology, an ‘escape from reality,’ or an ‘illness’.” (p. 4)
“Within the domain of drug use and addiction, the critical medical anthropology model has emphasized three issues: the social production of suffering, the use of drugs to self-medicate the emotional injuries of injustice and mistreatment and the political economy of the licit and illicit drug markets, including their parallels and entwinements.” (p. 4)
“In the context of structurally imposed distress, the term ‘social suffering’ has been used by anthropologists to refer to the immediate personal experience of broad human problems caused by the exercise of political and economic power. In other words, social suffering refers the misery among those on the weaker end of power relations in terms of physical health, mental health and lived experience.” (p. 5)
“From the perspective of critical medical anthropology, inequality as it is experienced by people who must endure its consequence is a major force driving heavy drug use and addiction. Life for a drug addict is often a vicious cycle of felt stress followed by self-medicating drug consumption and resulting social stigmatization and a sense of damaged self-worth (which, in turn, triggers the desire for comfort through drugs).” (p. 5)
“Whatever the harm wrought by legal and illegal drug use, at the moment of craving and desire they are seen as relief, temporarily removing the sufferer from their prison of personal misery. The consequences of such ‘relief’ always come back to haunt the user as craving returns and they are confronted with the fact that there are always more drugs seeking those in need of being ‘fixed’.” (p. 5)
“in addition to suffering, addiction has other dimensions including creating opportunities for new experiences and new social relationships, some of which provide positive, self-affirming occasions for drug users. (…) Addiction, in short, plays a role in the making of personal identities, and is thus more than suffering and social rejection.” (p. 5)
Críticas e Reflexões Pessoais:
Considero o artigo extremamente interessante na medida em que explora a relação do consumo de drogas (álcool incluído) e a Antropologia, revelando-nos simultaneamente o modo como foram percebidos os indivíduos consumidores ao longo da História. Nos dias que correm, especialmente proveitosa e importante é a noção de que os efeitos que esperamos destas substâncias, o que assumimos que provoquem, influencia grandemente o que de facto acontecerá. A meu ver, interiorizar que a cultura molda as experiências leva a uma maior consciencialização do que de facto acontecerá ou poderá vir a acontecer, bem como um maior autocontrolo.
Critico apenas o facto do modelo cultural de Heath ser somente explorado no universo do álcool.
Em última análise, a Antropologia contribui para a compreensão contextualizada do consumo de substâncias, fornecendo bases para a futura aplicação de medidas que visem controlá-lo.
Antropologia, antropologia médica crítica, etnografia, drogas, sindemia.
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[•] #ai.caramba _
#reverside#jorge olave riveros#xenofiction#xenomorph#xenocultura#artists on tumblr#etnografia#etnografiaespeculativa#visualanthropology#antropología visual#aivideogenerator#character ai#ai video maker#aiart
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Wracam tu po prawie 10 latach

Sabrina Nicolazzi | Portrait of tibetan monk with traditional ceremonial mask taken before his performance in cham dances, Sani gompa festival, 2022 | portrait
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Museu da cidade de Lisboa - um verdadeiro museu local?
O Museu de Lisboa que se encontra sedeado no Palácio Pimenta no Campo Grande deveria intuitivamente cair dentro da classificação de um museu local ou regional. Mas há razões para crer que se trata mais provavelmente de um museu artístico-arqueológico. Veremos os dois pontos de vista com exemplos para que seriam razões para crer se preenche as condições de um doutro tipo.O museu regional pertence…
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Girl help no quiero ir a clase
#es la que esta en espanol y es divertido y voy mejorando pero tengo como un bloqueo mental a la hora de hablar#voy pero es que. y tampoco he leido lo que tenia que leer o sea#no quiero no quiero quiero quedarme en casa y hacer otras cosas#perce rambles#tambien que me esta gustando pero toda la resta son de lite y es un gran choque mental cambiar de disciplina#a lo menos la asignatura de musica era de etnografia pero aqui los metodos y la aproximacion a las lecturas es totalmente diferente
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OLGA REMBIELIŃSKA is an ethnologist by education. Her work has been published in Etnografia do Kieszeni, Babiniec Literacki, Szajn, and Stoner Polski, among others. Her poems have appeared in anthologies by Inter magazine and Babiniec Literacki. She is an open-format DJ and radio host at Rave FM @djyellowmanula. A fan of retro computers such as the ZX Spectrum, C-64, and Amiga, her debut poetry collection Klaster (Ha!art, 2023) was published as part of the Kraków UNESCO City of Literature Award.
#olga rembielińska#poetka#literatura#poezja polska#po polsku#poezja współczesna#kultura#kobieta#spoken word#poetry night#candlelight#moody vibes#intimate atmosphere#live performance#artistic expression#dark aesthetic#coffee and poetry#deep thoughts#Babiniec Literacki#Etnografia do Kieszeni#Szajn#dj#Rave FM
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Tokarnia, park etnograficzny
Wiatrak typu holenderskiego z Pacanowa, wybudowany w 1913 r. Jego fundatorem i budowniczym był Michał Zasucha. Wiatrak mełł zboże do połowy lat 50 XX wieku. W 1976 roku młyn został zakupiony dla Muzeum Wsi Kieleckiej, a w 1993 przeniesiono go do skansenu.
Tokarnia, ethnographic park, Poland
A Dutch-type windmill from Pacanów, built in 1913. Its founder and builder was Michał Zasucha. The windmill was grinding grain until the mid-1950s. In 1976, the mill was purchased for the Museum of the Kielce Countryside, and in 1993 it was moved to an open-air museum.
#tokarnia#skansen#park etnograficzny#wiatrak#młyn#polska#poland#windmill#museum#mill#park#etnografia#openairmuseum#ethnography#ethnographicpark#ethnographicmuseum#architektura#architecture#widok#krajobraz#landscape#architekturadrewniana#woodenarchitecture#folklore#folklor
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Curso online com certificado! Aprofundando-se em User Xperience
Este curso avançado \”Aprofundando-se em User Experience\” aborda de forma detalhada e precisa os fundamentos essenciais para a criação de experiências digitais centradas no usuário. Com módulos abrangentes desde a introdução ao UX até a análise de métricas e design de serviços, os alunos irão explorar princípios de design, interação e usabilidade, bem como a […]
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