sefarad-haami · 17 days
La levita gris: cuentos judíos de ambiente porteño
🇦🇷 Samuel Glusberg, nacido en Chisináu, Imperio ruso (actual Moldavia), presenta en su colección La Levita Gris un retrato íntimo de la vida judía en Buenos Aires a través de cinco cuentos evocadores.
"La Levita Gris": Este cuento explora el duelo en la familia de Benny, quien ha fallecido. El joven protagonista, abrumado por la tristeza y las expectativas familiares, decide vestirse con una levita gris que perteneció a su padre durante el Carnaval. Este acto, destinado a honrar al difunto, provoca un colapso emocional en su madre, quien lo confunde con su esposo fallecido. La levita se convierte en un símbolo de la lucha familiar por enfrentar y superar su dolor, reflejando cómo cada miembro experimenta el duelo de manera diferente.
"Una Patada": En este relato, David Rubin y Enrique Kitzler, dos amigos judíos que no eran cercanos, tienen un desacuerdo que surge cuando Kitzler no asiste al banquete de Rubin ni le envía una nota. La tensión entre ellos se resuelve de manera inesperada cuando Rubin, en una kermesse israelita, le da una patada a Kitzler, lo que lleva a una reconciliación y al inicio de una amistad profunda entre ellos y sus familias. La historia destaca cómo un pequeño conflicto puede abrir la puerta a relaciones más significativas.
"La Quinta Sinfonía": Ambientado en una noche en Lanús, el cuento narra la experiencia de un joven que se enamora de Amalia, una vecina que no corresponde sus sentimientos debido a la oposición de su padre. A través de la música de la Quinta Sinfonía de Beethoven, el joven encuentra consuelo durante el dolor de su amor no correspondido. La sinfonía le ofrece un alivio temporal, pero al final del cuento, la tristeza persiste y su búsqueda de Amalia resulta en la desilusión. La historia refleja el impacto de la música en las emociones humanas y la conexión entre el arte y la experiencia personal.
"Mate Amargo": Este cuento sigue a Abraham Petacovsky, un judío ruso que emigra a Buenos Aires en 1905 después de perder a su hijo en un pogromo en Kishinev. En Buenos Aires, Abraham enfrenta desafíos para adaptarse y establecerse en su nueva vida. Comienza vendiendo estampas religiosas y luego se convierte en un exitoso empresario en el barrio de los Corrales. La historia ilustra su lucha por equilibrar su identidad judía con la integración en la sociedad argentina, destacando su perseverancia y capacidad de adaptación.
"La Princesa Sábado": El narrador de este cuento, un joven judío, decide no ir a la escuela un sábado para encontrarse con Raquel, una joven judía hermosa. Tras un encuentro inicial lleno de nerviosismo, el joven recita versos de Enrique Heine, provocando una risa encantadora en Raquel. Sin embargo, su tiempo juntos se interrumpe cuando Raquel debe visitar a una amiga enferma. El narrador regresa al gueto, donde se siente reconectado con su fe y herencia judía a través de la oración y la reflexión sobre su identidad.
🇺🇸 Samuel Glusberg, born in Chisinau, Russian Empire (now Moldova), presents a vivid portrayal of Jewish life in Buenos Aires through five evocative stories in his collection La Levita Gris.
"The Gray Overcoat": This story delves into the grief experienced by Benny's family following his death. The young protagonist, overwhelmed by sadness and family expectations, dresses in his father's old gray overcoat during Carnival. This gesture, meant to honor the deceased, triggers an emotional breakdown in his mother, who mistakes him for her late husband. The overcoat becomes a symbol of the family's struggle to confront and overcome their grief, highlighting the different ways each family member processes loss.
"A Kick": This tale centers on David Rubin and Enrique Kitzler, two Jewish friends who aren't particularly close. The tension arises when Kitzler fails to attend Rubin's graduation banquet and does not send a note. The conflict is unexpectedly resolved when Rubin kicks Kitzler at an Israeli fair, leading to a reconciliation and the beginning of a deep friendship between them and their families. The story illustrates how a minor conflict can lead to more meaningful relationships.
"The Fifth Symphony": Set on a summer night in Lanús, this story follows a young man who falls in love with Amalia, a neighbor who does not reciprocate due to her father's disapproval. Through Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, the young man finds solace amidst his unrequited love. The symphony provides temporary relief, but he ultimately faces disappointment when he fails to find Amalia. The story highlights the impact of music on human emotions and the connection between art and personal experience.
"Bitter Mate": This story tracks Abraham Petacovsky, a Russian Jew who emigrates to Buenos Aires in 1905 after losing his son in a pogrom in Kishinev. In Buenos Aires, Abraham faces challenges in adapting and establishing himself. He starts by selling religious prints and later becomes a successful businessman in the Corrales neighborhood. The story showcases his struggle to balance his Jewish identity with integration into Argentine society, emphasizing his perseverance and adaptability.
"Princess Saturday": In this tale, the narrator, a young Jewish boy, skips school on a Saturday to meet Raquel, a beautiful Jewish girl. After an initial nervous encounter, he recites verses from Enrique Heine, making Raquel laugh charmingly. However, their time together is cut short when Raquel leaves to visit a sick friend. The narrator returns to the ghetto, where he reconnects with his faith and heritage through prayer and reflection on his identity.
Glusberg, Samuel. La Levita Gris: cuentos judíos de ambiente porteño. Edit. Babel, 1924.
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radiofreealbemut · 5 months
Full album in free download here https://www.phonocake.org/noiraw
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dcmultiverse · 3 months
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Lucifer Lady Parts | 2.04
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Things haunt, Joshua Jennifer Espinoza
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erlie · 7 months
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Like I said, I still have them in my head. Gordo and Mark mainly, but also other guys from the garage. And I hadn't drawn Chris, Rico and Tanner before!
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oscillatio · 11 months
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Juani Zalazar by Eddy Espinoza
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luv-indigo · 4 months
family game night w/ qiu and tamarack !!
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havingapoemwithyou · 7 months
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the sunset and the purple-flowered tree by Joshua Jennifer Espinoza
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floq · 6 months
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forbidden fruit
[ID in alt text]
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firstfullmoon · 2 years
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Joshua Jennifer Espinoza, “The Sunset and the Purple-Flowered Tree”
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gatheringbones · 1 year
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Alex Espinoza, Cruising: an intimate history of a radical pastime, 2019
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wh40kartwork · 7 months
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Hide And Seek
by Ivan Espinoza
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lavsgifs · 3 months
☆ ester expósito gif pack
by clicking the source link, you will gain access to #887 gifs of ester expósito as liliana "lilí" gómez espinoza in bandidos (2024) [season 1]
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⭑ ester was born on january 26, 2000 in madrid, spain.
⭑ she is of spanish heritage.
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jonquilyst · 3 months
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Day 0 - Introduction
🎵 Dear Mom and Dad, I’m doin’ fine. You guys are on my mind… 🎵
Welcome to the premiere of THE 2ND SEASON of Total Drama Sims: the hottest, freshest reality TV show on simblr. I'm your host jonquilyst, though if you tuned in to the show last season, you'll already know who I am!
14 more teenagers have gathered to put their wits, guts, and strength to the test to seek out the ✨ grand prize. ✨ Like last season, they will compete in crazy challenges, deal with less-than-perfect living arrangements, and face the judgement of each other!
🎵 You asked me what I wanted to be, and I think the answer is plain to see… 🎵
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🎵 I wanna live close to the sun. Pack your bags 'cause I’ve already won… 🎵
Allow me to give you the grand tour of the no-longer-abandoned film lot we claimed for this season! Instead of cabins, contestants will be staying in these cramped trailers, just like actors on set! There's one for each team with 7 beds each and complimentary bathrooms.
Our mess hall is a bit less rustic than the one we had at the summer camp, but it's got that same ol' charm with 2 dining tables and a small living area for everyone's convenience!
Now, on to the fun part: replacing the shoddy outhouse, our contestants' destination for providing their juicy confessionals will be a makeup trailer right behind the trailers! Get used to it: it'll appear every single day with a different contestant providing their thoughts.
And finally, the auditorium! This will be the site of our ever-so-exciting elimination ceremonies. In front of it is the walk-of-shame, where losers will say goodbye to Total Drama Sims to catch the lame-o-sine at the very end!
🎵 Everything to prove nothing’s in my way. I’ll get there one day! 🎵
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Now, allow me to formally introduce you to our 14 new contestants!
(from left to right; top to bottom)
(also fun fact: the poses are all different this time, so everyone's portrait is truly unique to them!)
ASHLEE SCHAEFER (she/her) by @shmoodlet - A rap artist who always wants to be the center of attention
BRODY SHERMAN (he/him) by @aniraklova - A football captain who loves to party and cause mischief
COFFEE BEAN (she/her) by @riverofjazzsims - A gloomy and introverted polyglot who was entered into the competition by her twin sister so she can have more typical teenager experiences
DREW PINTO (she/they) by @witheringscreations - A talented track athlete who wants to make friendships outside of those she trains with
ENZO ESPINOZA (he/him) by @seyvia - A handsome model who wants to prove to his brothers that he's the most exceptional sibling
FLO HARPER (she/her) by @akitasimblr - A nosy "rebel" (she only dresses the part) who secretly loves to bake
HANS SOMME (he/him) by @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants - A physically gifted, socially inept snob who doesn't think TDS will be that hard
LIANA MORRIS (she/her) by @bloomingkyras - An introverted computer whiz who chose to compete in TDS so she wouldn't have to go to her grandparents' house
NEAL WARD (he/him) by @nakasumi-sims - Son of famous actor Judith Ward. Judith signed him up for TDS2 so he could be occupied while she's filming overseas
PAULINA CALLAWAY (she/her) by @cowplant-ate-my-sim - A cheerful girl who signed up for TDS so she could have a free vacation
TAKASHI ABBOTTSFORD (he/him) by @stargazer-sims - A friendly and talkative boy who thinks he'd be good at TDS due to growing up in a large chaotic family
TONI STROUD (she/her) by @simsinfinitylt - A creative and imaginative thespian who is determined to make a name for herself
TRISTAN BACHMAN (he/him) by @micrathene-w - A snarky academic genius who accidentally arrived at TDS when he was meant to go to his academic decathlon meet
WILLABELLE LOWES (she/her) by @invisiblequeen - An overachiever who is confident she'll win TDS
Wait... What About Teams?
Yea... about that: teams will be sorted a little differently this season! Instead of randomized teams right away, they are being formed after the first socialization day, when everyone has time to form relationships! Shortly before the first challenge, two people will be selected at random to be the "captains" of the teams. From there, they will select their teammates schoolyard-style (alternating between boys and girls) based on their relationships with the other contestants!
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monestary-fruitcake · 2 years
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Poem (Let us Live) by Joshua Jennifer Espinoza
Illustrations by me
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lunchboxpoems · 8 months
California is a desert and I am a woman inside it. The road ahead bends sideways and I lurch within myself. I’m full of ugly feelings, awful thoughts, bad dreams of doom, and so much love left unspoken.
Is mercury in retrograde? someone asks. Someone answers, No, it’s something else like that though. Something else like that. That should be my name.
When you ask me am I really a woman, a human being, a coherent identity, I’ll say No, I’m something else like that though.
A true citizen of planet earth closes their eyes and says what they are before the mirror. A good person gives and asks for nothing in return. I give and I ask for only one thing—
Hear me. Hear me. Hear me. Hear me. Hear me. Hear me. Bear the weight of my voice and don’t forget— things haunt. Things exist long after they are killed.
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