#especially post order 66
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littler3d · 3 months ago
Do I think this man is/was a Jedi? No
Do I still want him to be force sensitive? Absolutely
Would it be really funny if he just had a really strong magnet? Yeah actually it would be
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chiliger · 4 months ago
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Blot away the light
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varpusvaras · 1 year ago
The nights on Alderaan were a dark shade of blue.
Leia had seen nights on other planets. Most of the planets she had been on had moons that illuminated the sky even during the darkest hours of the night. Alderaan had none, but still, they had clear skies and countless stars shining down on them, and she loved the nights like they were.
Especially as the darkness made a very good cloak for anyone who knew where to step when sneaking around.
She wasn't the one doing the sneaking tonight, but she welcomed the cover anyway. She knew he was coming, even before there was a light knock on her door. Two-one-two-two.
Come in, she thought, and listened as the door slid open and then close, as soft steps made their way to her bed.
"Can't sleep?" Even asked quietly, as he climbed up next to her.
It was a rhetorical question more than anything. Even already knew that she couldn't sleep, and he already knew why.
"No", Leia answered anyway. "I had the dream again."
"Of the boy and the Suns?" Even asked. Again, a rhetorical question.
"Yes", Leia still answered, again.
It was not a bad dream. It was a good dream, actually. Leia liked seeing the boy, his light hair, bleached in the rays of the two suns, his eyes, just as blue as the sky above the sea of desert around him. He was always radiant, even more than the suns, and every time Leia saw him, she felt warm, like she had been standing there with him.
But every time she opened her eyes after the dream, all she was left was the feeling of the heat leaving her body, and doing so, leaving her only with the cold sorrow of longing.
Even always knew when Leia had that dream. She was almost sure that he could see it too, every time she did. Just like they seemed to know each other's thoughts and feelings, like they were whispers only they could hear. Leia had never felt anything like that with anyone else, and she couldn't bear the thought of not having him in her life.
But still, it felt like-
It felt like she was missing something. Someone. Like there was a violently torn seam on her side where Even wasn't.
Even took her hand into his, and tugged it lightly. She scooted over to him, and leaned her head against his shoulder. Even was already almost a full head taller than her, despite being several months younger. Leia didn't mind it too much, though. He reminded her of Papa and Buir more and more every single day, and she found it more comforting than anything else.
"You miss him", Even said.
"I do", Leia said. "I just- I have you."
It felt unfair, for both her and Even, for her to miss someone like that. He was her brother. It should've been enough.
"You do", Even said, calmly and patiently. He really was more like their parents, every single day, even like Mama. "It's alright. Buir has us, but he still misses his family, every single day. It doesn't mean he loves us less than he loves them."
That was true. Leia knew that the sadness and yearning she could feel coming from Buir wasn't because they weren't enough for him. They all occupied his heart just as much, but there were holes in it, holes that just weren't the right shape for Leia, or for Even, or even for Mama and Papa to fill back up. Leia understood that, but still-
"But Buir knows them", she said. "He misses them because he knows them. How can I miss someone I don't know so much?"
Even was quiet for a moment. Leia could feel him thinking, but for once, not the exact thoughts going through his head as he tried to figure out what to say to her.
"I think", he said, after a moment, "I think you do know him, already. Maybe you always have."
Leia's eyes burned.
"It's not fair", she whispered, trying her best to make the burning go away. It wasn't working, not that night. "It's not fair."
Even didn't admonish her, nor did he try and make it better by saying something to make her not sad. He just leaned down and pressed his forehead softly against Leia's, and let her pour her silent tears into the night.
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thechaoticfanartist · 2 years ago
I was tagged by @rebel-author-chick and @shrinkthisviolet do this uquiz as my OCs but for me that's just Grim lol.
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you crave a hug that cracks your ribs... the feeling of your wandering soul being crushed back into the bones that can't seem to hold it. you need a hand gripping yours so tightly you almost fear it may leave a bruise, a reminder that you are here. and that you are not alone.
I'm tagging anyone who wants to do this!
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skywalkerenthusiast · 28 days ago
Currently working on the most self-serving fic, and it's healing me.
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esmeralda-juniper · 2 years ago
finished the game. I did like it while playing it but i def could have waited a year or two to get it on sale bc it was just ok
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m00ntunaart · 4 months ago
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Wow, I did not expect Boba/Din and Reva/Omega to be the ships that got me to post cringe ship art lol.
You can blame @skeletons-eat for the idea of Reva x Omega. They're the one to propose it, and I adopted it IMMEDIATELY. This whole ship concept and art is kinda inspired by their Reva Padawan AU, so go check them out!
This art dumb is obviously mostly about the two ships, but it's also kinda my take on the Reva Padawan AU. More of another 'order 66 didn't happen' AU.
But ANYWAYS-some tidbits on the art:
Page 1. Just Bobadin. I love this ship and their possible dynamics. And I especially love the opportunities of YOUNG bobadin, since in The Mandalorian they meet when both are late-middle age. Basically young Bobadin is a lot more feral and violent than canon age bobadin.
Page 2. THE RARE PARE THEMSELVES. I haven’t quite decided how I would imagine these two meet, but probably through some shenanigans where they both separately set out to do a mission (Omega against her brother’s wishes and Reva against her master’s). They end up tripping over each other and having to get out of the botched mission together, bonding along the way. 
Page 3.1. Just my headcanons for the four’s LGBTQ+ statues! Din is a trans man, panzexual and Demisexual. Boba is Bisexual. Reva is a trans woman and a lesbian. Omega is a lesbian.
Page 3.2. Did I take @skeletons_eat ‘s trans Reva headcacnon? Yes. Did I see someone headcanon Din as trans ONCE and accept it as fact? Yes. Would they bond over their shared experiences? Yes.
Page 4. Just Boba and Omega getting the chance to be siblings and harass each other (Okay mostly just Omega harassing Boba. She has experience with having brothers, so she knows how to be a menace). While Reva and Din bond over the shared knowledge that their gf and bf are dumbasses.
Page 5.1. Omega and Reva in their early relationship era. Where Omega is desperately rolling Charisma on Reva in an attempt at friendship/romance. But Reva is a little too steeped in her Jedi Culture-ness for it to have any effect (yet).
Page 5.2. Boba is very not impressed with his sister’s choice to date a JEDI. Omega thinks he doesn’t get to judge since he’s dating a Mandalorian from a ex-Death Watch covert and is (technically) part of House Vizsla
Page 6. Ayee it’s the parents of our four kids! None of them are exactly THRILLED at their children’s choice of partner, but they are grudgingly letting it slide. Though it doesn’t make the family get-togethers any less awkward.
Page 7-8. Just some silly ship charts I made for BobaDin and OmegaReva (Omeva???)
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americankimchi · 1 year ago
Do you have any tips for writing Obi Wan or any meta in mind with his characterizarion?
hmmm sure why not! i'll give a few tips on how i'd write obi-wan. mind you this is how i interpret the character, so ymmv.
i truly do not like it when fics have obi-wan voluntarily leaving the order. like it's so out-of-character for me in my head that the premise of the story + the writing would have to work triple-time to get me to stick around. now if he's been removed from it by an EXTERNAL SOURCE (not the order. i cannot stress this enough: the jedi kicking obi-wan out is so jarring to me i'll leave the fic in an instant) or somehow unable to return to the order for whatever reason, all is well.
not a prodigy, but a genius. obi-wan is an incredibly intelligent person with an absolutely staggering knowledge base in a wide variety of topics, but all that knowledge was earned through blood, sweat, tears, and time. he sat down with his game face on and put in the work. that's also why he makes an excellent teacher: he knows what most students will struggle with because he struggled too, and knows through experience how best to overcome them. i headcanon that it contributes to why he's such a good negotiator: he's really good at stripping down information to the essentials and communicating that information effectively and efficiently to others because of his intense study habits.
humble, but not ignorant of his skills. it's pretty impossible to fully divorce yourself from pride in your achievements, and i don't think it's healthy to not feel any pride at all, so i think obi-wan has a very clear understanding of his skillset and how best to use it. i don't think he'd be ignorant of how good he is at something, especially since the direct consequence of his aptitude led him to being a member of the jedi council. pretty hard to be blind to your strengths when you're being asked for your input on topics that directly draw from that knowledge.
averse to healthcare. listen i enjoy obi-wan whump just as much as the next obi-wan stan (the desire to put him in the cosmic salad spinner comes with the territory, i fear) but as a character who grew up in an environment that deeply cares for the well-being of all, and knowing that you cannot help others unless you yourself first have the ability to do so, i can't really see him ignoring injuries outside of combat scenarios. like on the battlefield he's got more pressing concerns than a pesky little shrapnel wound or five, but once the battle's over?? he might not be first in line to the medics but i can't see him avoiding them entirely. an army without a general is working at a sharp disadvantage and i don't think he'd risk his men by neglecting his physical health in that manner. note that i said 'physical'. make of that what you will :)
duty. obi-wan is the definition of a paladin. he takes an oath and by the force he's going to keep it. train the boy? absolutely, qui-gon. whether or not anakin chooses to respect that training is another matter, but he did definitively get knighted! refuse to kill anakin? listen he's handed vader his own ass to him twice post order 66 and each time he did it he did it nonlethally. that takes skill. that takes dedication. exile yourself to tatooine for 19 years and then decide fuck it, we ball, and die after Once Again Deciding Not To Kill Anakin Skywalker? step aside casper, there's a new friendly ghost in town. every time obi-wan commits to something the man COMMITS. you GOTTA respect that grind.
flirty but in the sense that he's going to match the energy someone brings to the table. like he's a negotiator. he knows how to read people and figure out the Vibes. if he thinks the other person will be 1) 100% receptive and 2) will respond with a delightful wit, why the hell not? obi-wan's highest stat is charisma and he's got expertise in persuasion. whether they're allies or not does not factor into this equation. he can have a little flirtation with morally dubious and potentially hostile characters. as a treat.
this has nothing to do with his character but i firmly believe that he and quinlan vos had at LEAST a fling when they were padawans. there is zero evidence to back this up aside from a few comics where they were being goofy teenagers together but i stand by this. it is an unshakeable aspect of obi-wan to me that has only gotten worse with the kenobi show.
no matter what, no matter how terrible or devastating or downright apocalyptic it gets, obi-wan kenobi will never fall to the dark side. never. it won't be easy, but that is a line he has never, and will never cross. i will not hear any "obi-wan touched the dark side during the theed generator fight" slander. if that was true tell me why the force theme was playing during his moment of triumph!!! Would John Williams Lie To Us Like That?? to our face?????
anyways i could go on forever about obi-wan because he is My Ultimate Blorbo but this post is getting super long so i'll leave it there. hope this helped even a little or at the very least was entertaining for you to read <3
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everyoneprotector · 9 months ago
If I keep seeing terrible star wars takes on timtok I'm literally goi g to start just reading @gffa 's posts word for word o there. Shut the fuck up the jedi were never baby snatchers (except in rare cases where the child was in actual danger) facism and genocide are both BAD actually and the victims of both are NEVER asking for it the jedi were not slavers anakin was not some blameless Saint corrupted by the jedi/the jedis rules (what????), it does make sense that padawans and younglings survived order 66 especially with how few of them there are (afaik there's 5 - ahsoka, kanan, cal, bode and grogu and bode + kanan both die before the og trilogy anyways!) The inquisitors + vader aren't supposed to be cool power fantasy and the dark side isn't morally correct or even framed as a happy choice in the narratives you dumb fucking cunts!
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justaparsec94 · 9 months ago
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Summary: When you and Hunter are left alone on The Havoc Marauder the feelings the two of you have kept well hidden finally come to light...
Pairing: Hunter x Jedi!Reader
Word Count: 5,271
Author's Note: I really don’t know how Hunter’s senses work, especially since they seemed to forget about them as the seasons went on. I like the idea most of fandom subscribes to that all of his senses are heightened but I saw a post once comparing his electroreception to that of a platypus which absolutely kills me. I guess we’ll never know for sure but no matter what I love our dear platypus man LOL
The Havoc Marauder was uncharacteristically silent as you sat in the cockpit. Most of The Bad Batch, minus Hunter who had stayed behind claiming headache, had left for a supply run earlier and likely wouldn’t be back for a few standard hours. Hunter had retreated to his bunk to sleep moments after the others had left, effectively leaving you alone.
Normally, the chance to explore a new place on a new planet would have thrilled you but like so many other things that had changed recently too. What had once brought excitement now brought fear. You had volunteered to stay with the ship as you didn’t want to risk being seen in a busy spaceport. Not that there were many left in the galaxy that would recognize you, but you just didn’t want to take any chances that might further endanger the squad. Having a former Jedi amongst your ranks was essentially a death sentence these days, and The Bad Batch already had enough heat on them as renegade clones. 
With a sigh, you sunk further into the copilot seat as you stared out the viewport. As much as you appreciated some peace and quiet, which admittedly was hard to come by with the squad, the silence left you with too much time to think. Somedays it was hard to wrap your head around all that had happened. The weight of the grief you felt threatened to drown you when you took a moment to stop and acknowledge it. Everything you had once known, had once believed in had been completely turned upside down. Your friends, your former master, all gone in a moment. 
As far as you knew you had gone from being one of thousands to one of only a few that remained and even then you had only just barely survived. You weren’t sure if your survival was the will of the force or simply just the result of being in the right place at the right time. In your more cynical moments, you believed it really had only been luck. If Jedi masters with far greater power than your own hadn’t survived you felt you really had no right still being alive. It was a thought that kept you up most nights, survivor's guilt. 
Having only been nighted a few rotations before the Clone Wars had started you had never been assigned your own battalion. Instead, throughout the war you had often completed recon and special ops missions that had the GAR assigning small squads of clones to you as needed, mostly commandos. It had been how you had met The Bad Batch in the first place. You’d been paired with the squad on several missions towards the end of the war. In the end, this use of your skills as a Jedi had likely been what had saved you. You hadn’t been near any clones when the order had come through, instead you had been klicks away from the nearest squad scouting. The clones had known you were on the planet though and the manhunt that had happened in the days that had followed Order-66 had nearly claimed your life multiple times. But despite everything that had been thrown your way you had still managed to escape off-world with a blaster wound burning in your side and a broken arm. 
Your first thought had been to simply disappear in the galaxy, to find some small backwater planet to live out the rest of your days but without enough fuel or credits to get you anywhere far, desperation had driven you to seek out Cid. You had used the Trandoshan as an informant many times throughout the war and while you still didn’t trust her it had turned out to be a good idea after all as it had led you directly back to The Batch. 
You’d been terrified at first, drawing your lightsaber on them the minute they had entered the bar, but it had become clear rather quickly that they were not following orders like the other clones had been. They’d explained everything, Order-66, Palpatine, the inhibitor chips, everything that had happened in the days following the end of the war. To hear the truth, that the men you had fought alongside for so many years, your friends, had been used like pawns in a game, treated in such a horrendous way by both The Republic and the new Empire had broken you more than anything else. It had been in that moment as you stared at the squad in front of you in Cid’s dingy bar that you had come to the realization that everything you had once believed in, everything you had fought for had amounted to nothing at all. All it had done was bring about the demise of nearly everyone you had cared for. You hadn’t been protecting the galaxy, you’d just been one part in bringing it to ruin. 
The thought continued to haunt you, even now, months after the end of the war. It had been hard to keep going afterward but being with the Batch and Omega had helped. You had always gotten along well with the squad during the war, in fact, they had become your favourite team to work with and despite not often working with Jedi they had seemed to accept and respect you. You’d always felt welcome amongst them. When they had suggested you stay on with them as they worked with Cid you had initially refused, not wanting to put them in any more danger than they were already in. Even if you had mostly shut yourself off from the force to better hide yourself you still didn’t want to take the chance of being detected. But Cid being Cid hadn’t really given you the option, if you wanted to get the credits you needed to disappear into the galaxy you were going to owe her, and running jobs with the Batch became the only way to do so. 
You sighed as you slid further down in the seat if only your master could see you now. Jedi Knight turned mercenary. Your eyes began to sting as you thought of your lost master. Master Antar Wei had been so very kind, wise, and caring. He’d been a true keeper of the peace, a gentle soul with the strength of a warrior. He had taught you so very much, without his teachings you would not have been the person you are today. He had been as close to a father as you had ever had and his loss was nearly unbearable. Tech had been able to get access to some of the Empire’s files and when Master Wei’s name hadn’t appeared on any of the wanted lists you knew he had likely succumbed to the same fate that nearly all of the Jedi had. 
You startled slightly as the door to the cockpit opened, so lost in your own thoughts you hadn’t heard the approaching footsteps. You swivelled the chair around to turn and look at Hunter as he entered, trying your best to school your features into an expression that would best hide your inner turmoil.
From the look on Hunter’s face, you hadn’t done the best job. His warm brown eyes were filled with concern, the lines of his face taught as he hovered hesitantly just inside the doorway. He shifted from one foot to the other as his eyes briefly swept the cockpit, as though searching for signs of danger, before they settled back on you.  
“Are you… alright?” He asked stiffly, as though he found it uncomfortable to ask you such a thing. His long hair was ruffled, likely from his sleep, making him even more ruggedly handsome than usual. You felt momentarily guilty for disturbing him before you noticed the air of tension that usually surrounded him when he had one of his migraines was no longer present. Only the same unease that had been clinging to him for the past few weeks was there.
Of all the members of The Batch, you had always gotten along best with the Sergeant. You admired his intelligence, his straightforward manner, the sly sense of humour that he let escape every once and a while, and the way he was fully devoted to his brothers. He was one of the most honourable men you had ever met and watching him go from stoic soldier to caring older brother to Omega had been a joy to witness. 
Truthfully you had been wrestling with feelings for the gruff clone that were decidedly not Jedi-like since the very first mission you had been on together. There had always just been something about him that had drawn you to him. His signature always seemed brighter to you in the force, and like a moth to a flame, you had struggled to maintain your professionalism around him. Attachment was forbidden after all and some days when you looked at the ridiculously handsome man you knew your feelings were treading into dangerous territory. That had been before though, you reminded yourself, the Jedi were gone and with it, you supposed the rules you had once lived by were as well. 
At one point you had been certain that your feelings were not just one-sided, Hunter kept his emotions very closely in check, but there had been looks, touches, conversations, and jokes just between the two of you that had set your heart pounding. But that also had been before. It seemed that whatever had been there was now long gone. In the last few weeks, all you had been able to sense from him was tension. He had done almost a complete 180. He no longer talked to you directly unless absolutely necessary, whenever you entered a room he left as soon as he was able to, even on The Marauder he always retreated to the space furthest away from you. A part of you wondered if you were just overreacting but the other knew that you weren’t, something had changed in him and you had no idea what had caused it. Hunter’s cooling towards you had just been another knife in your already fragile heart. You had lost so much and watching him slip away too, even though he’d never been yours in the first place, had only added to your pain. 
You realized suddenly that you had been quiet for longer than what was considered polite you finally spoke, shaking yourself fully from your melancholy thoughts, “I'm fine,” Your voice was soft as you nodded at him. You did your best to plaster a gentle smile on your face in an effort to ease his obvious discomfort.
“Your heart rate was elevated,” Hunter said, answering the question that had been at the forefront of your mind. Though you thought with amusement that you should have known, Hunter’s heightened senses meant there was very little on The Marauder that could be kept secret, “I thought something had happened…” 
“No,” You replied with a soft sigh, shaking your head sadly as you continued, “I just got a bit lost in my thoughts. I'm ok.”  
His warm brown eyes were still intense but some of the worry had drained out of them as he looked at you for another long moment, “Are you…sure?” He asked hesitantly, looking somewhat like he’d rather be anywhere else. 
“I’m sure, thank you, Hunter,” You replied with another nod, hoping to reassure him even though internally your heart was aching at the distance between the two of you. 
“Ok, I’ll uh - leave you to it then…” While Omega’s presence had forced him to get better at dealing with emotions he still had the tendency to avoid emotional confrontations like a plague. But this complete avoidance was new, in the past you might not have talked about it but he had still always seemed to know when you were feeling down or conflicted. You’d spent many hours and missions together sitting side by side, usually, no words were needed as you had always just found comfort in his solid and warm presence, sometimes he would distract you with stories about missions the squad had been on, but often it was just his silent company that he offered. Those moments together had always been your favourite. You still didn’t know where things between the two of you had gone so wrong. 
You watched as he went to turn around and suddenly you found yourself moving from your seat.  Silently and quickly you closed the gap between the two of you, your hand reaching out to grasp his wrist, pulling him to a stop before you could really even consider what you were doing. You were so tired of everything but especially this unspoken conflict the two of you seemed to be in, “Hunter, wait…” 
He turned to look at you with wide eyes before his gaze darted between your face and where your hand was on his wrist. You let go of him, trying your best to ignore the way your palm was tingling from touching him. He’d always had that effect on you but whereas it had been comforting before it now only brought a sense of sadness, a sense of loss.  
“I’m sorry if I’ve done something wrong, or something to upset you in any way…” You said softly, the words suddenly flowing out of you without really thinking. Your heart was beating painfully in your chest and your stomach rolled with anxiety. You couldn’t bring yourself to meet his gaze as you continued to speak, too afraid of what you might find in the depths of his eyes if you did, “It was not my intention and if there is anything I can do to fix it I will. Or if my presence isn’t wanted here I understand. I know I’m putting you all in danger by simply existing.”
Finally, you looked back up at him just in time to see Hunter’s expression morph into one of confusion and shock, “What? What do you mean? You haven’t done anything wrong. Why would you think that?” He shook his head, “And no, that’s not - you’re part of this squad and we don’t abandon our own.”
“Then what is it?” You asked, suddenly nervous about confronting him. You’d faced down thousands of droids, beasts, criminals, and other adversaries in your life but staring in the face of your friend as you prepared yourself for rejection was almost more terrifying than going into battle, “You can’t seem to stand being in the same room as me. You always seem to leave as quickly as you can, you only talk to me when absolutely necessary, and even then it’s usually through someone else rather than directly. So, I felt the only reasonable conclusion was that I’ve done something wrong, that I’ve upset you in some way. But I can’t change if you don’t talk to me about it.”
Hunter seemed shell-shocked as he stood in front of you, his mouth opened and closed a few times. You could feel the rush of emotions from him without even really trying, but it was so jumbled you couldn’t make sense of any of them. Even in the dim light of the cockpit, you could see his face flushing, which was something entirely new. You had never seen Hunter this nervous before. He was quiet for so long that you were beginning to think he wasn’t going to answer. 
“I don’t - I’m not angry at you. I’ve never been more relieved than that day you showed up at Cid’s. I - I thought you had died but then you came back to us, to m-, and you’re a part of this squad. You haven’t done anything wrong…” Hunter finally spoke, his voice deep and rumbling in his chest, “I’m not upset…” 
The way he trailed off left you with more questions than answers, so you simply stayed quiet, hoping he would continue. 
He took a breath, as though he was steadying himself prior to battle, “You’re…You’re not the problem,” he said finally, “I am.”
You waited another long moment for him to elaborate, but when it seemed like that was all the explanation he was going to give you took a few steps towards him, closing the gap between you.
“What do you mean?” You asked. He seemed to tense at your proximity and at this distance, you could see the way his pupils dilated, the way his nostrils flared momentarily, the slightest flush of red on his cheeks. Your own heart was suddenly pounding in your chest at the intensity of his gaze.  
“I just…I…” He started then stopped, redness was beginning to creep its way up his neck and you were surprised to hear he sounded… embarrassed.
“I can…” He tried again, his voice suddenly lower and rougher than you had ever heard it before, “I just feel you more than anyone else. I always have.” 
Suddenly everything seemed to click into place, the feeling that had always been there between the two of you, the looks, the touches, the soft way he had always spoken to you, his sudden running away, the emotions he tried so hard to dampen around you. You couldn’t believe you hadn’t figured it out before, that his sudden avoidance was not a rejection of you. It was fear.   
You took another step closer, watching his face closely as you grasped his wrist gently once more. His eyes widened at your touch and his entire body seemed to stiffen but he didn’t pull away from you. 
“What do you feel Hunter?” You asked softly, your voice steady despite the fact that you were thrumming with nervous energy. You couldn’t stop the question from flowing out of you. Maybe it was wrong to ask, maybe it went against everything you had been taught, but you found that in that moment, as you stared up at him you didn’t care anymore. 
He let out a shuttering sigh before his head dipped just slightly to meet your gaze. His eyes were molten and so intense that you felt as if suddenly every nerve ending in your body were alight. You had kept your connection to the force limited in the past few months but you let your hold on it loosen in that moment, letting it surround the two of you. You listened to it sing, just as it had done every time the two of you had been together in the past. 
“Everything. I can hear your voice in a crowd of a hundred, I can smell you even when you’re not around, and I can feel your heartbeat in a different room. When you’re near me I can’t take my eyes off of you and even when you’re gone I can’t stop thinking about you,” Hunter’s voice was a husky whisper, “It-it’s not appropriate but I can’t seem to control myself. So it’s just better if I leave you alone.” 
You were quiet for a long moment, considering before you spoke softly again, “Better for who?” 
His eyes widened, as though he couldn’t quite believe what you had just asked. Before you could have enough time to second guess yourself you reached out gently to place your hand over his heart. Even without your own heightened senses, you would have been able to feel the way it was pounding in his chest. You had never been so close to him before in such a way and the sensation was thrilling. It was as if the air itself between the two of you was humming with energy. 
The brown of his irises had been almost completely engulfed by the black of his pupils as you looked back up at him, “I feel you too Hunter. I have from the moment we first met. The force feels different around you too, like you’re calling to me.” 
You closed your eyes as his hand reached up to cup your jaw ever so tentatively as if he were afraid that his touch would shatter you. Your skin thrummed under his touch and you pressed further into his hand, revelling in the sensation of finally being so close to him. For so long you had been so worried that his feelings for you had shifted. To have the truth finally out in the open felt as though the weight of the galaxy had suddenly lifted off of your shoulders. 
“But you’re a Jedi,” Hunter said softly, hesitantly, causing your eyes to pop open once more, “It’s not allowed.” 
“Attachment,” You replied as a wave of sadness washed through you. The words the Masters had once preached echoed through your head, “You’re right, it is forbidden. Or it was. I’ve spent so many days and nights thinking about the Jedi Order, about all that has been lost. And I still don’t know the answers to the questions I have, I don’t know that I ever will. But I can’t help but think that our ways only led to our downfall. Perhaps if we had done things differently if we hadn’t been so blinded by our own morality…” 
“I suppose we’ll never know. But the one thing I do know is that I want whatever this is between us. I’m not sure how something that feels so right, something that seems to be part of the force itself, can be considered wrong. I don’t know how many days are left to me, I am no longer a Jedi but I will live the rest of my life in danger. I do not wish to live the way I was before. I want you Hunter, I have since the moment I met you.” 
As you had spoken Hunter’s head had slowly lowered down towards yours until you were nearly touching. At your final words, his forehead had pressed against your own. His gaze was still intense as ever so slowly the hand on your jaw tipped your face up towards his own. His voice was so low when he spoke again that you felt it more than heard it, “I’m yours.” 
His words were all the encouragement you needed to close the final gap between the two of you, capturing his lips with your own in a desperate kiss. He was warm and wonderful and everything you had ever dreamed of. The hand you still had resting over his heart curled in the fabric of his blacks, pulling yourself closer to him as he deepened the kiss. His free hand came up to press against the small of your back, the heat of it searing into your skin as you gently nipped at his lower lip. You’d had dalliances with others before, that hadn’t been forbidden , but you had never experienced anything quite like this. The force seemed to come alive as the two of you melted into one another, thrumming in the air around you. Everything else seemed to fade away into nothing , there was only Hunter. 
A soft moan escaped him as you pressed further up into him, the sound rumbling in his chest and sending a shiver down your spine. You lifted your free hand to the back of his neck, fingers threading through his surprisingly soft hair. You’d always wondered what it would have been like to run your fingers through it and reality was proving to be better than expectation. He seemed to shiver at your touch, the hand at the small of your back flexing just slightly as he pulled your hips flush against his own. You could still feel his heart racing beneath where your other hand was still fisted in his shirt as his tongue pressed against your lower lip. You parted your lips, giving him access and gasping at the new sensation as his tongue explored your mouth. It was dizzying finally being so close to him, to be this connected. 
After what could have been simply minutes or hours Hunter pulled away from you, his chest heaving as he caught his breath. Your own pulse was still racing as he tipped his forehead back down to rest against your own. His eyes were closed as he pressed further into you, nose just brushing against your own as he held you close. 
You were both silent for a long time, simply basking in the warmth and feeling of being in each other's arms. But finally, Hunter spoke, his voice low and rough, “I’m sorry that I’ve been avoiding you, that I made you feel as though you’d done something wrong,” 
Your eyes opened, gazing up into his face that was suddenly filled with sorrow. You let the hand at the back of his neck slowly move until it cupped his jaw, mimicking his own hold on you, “It’s ok Hunter, everything has been so complicated lately. And I understand how conflicted you must have felt, I’ve felt that way too.” 
Hunter let out a soft sigh and with it you felt all of the tension he had been holding dissipate, his muscles relaxing beneath your hand as he seemed to melt further into you. He closed his eyes as his thumb gently stroked along your jawline, the sensation of it was electric and you wanted nothing more than just stay there and bask in his presence forever. 
His breath was warm against your face as each inhale brought you closer together. He tipped his head just slightly, his lips gently brushing against your own in the barest hint of a kiss, once, twice, before you pressed deeper into him. You shivered as your lips melted into his, tongue sliding over his full bottom lip before giving it the gentlest nip that made his chest rumble with another groan. 
The two of you came slowly together and apart, gasps and gentle moans escaping you both and you discovered this new part of one another. Your heart was racing in your chest, your skin tingling with each soft touch of his lips to your own, your skin flaming beneath his hands. The feeling is intoxicating and you have just enough wherewithal to briefly wonder if this is exactly why attachment was forbidden, because truthfully now that you have him you never wish to let him go. 
Eventually, you do pull away, instantly missing the contact but forcing yourself to look up at him as he moves both arms to wrap around your waist. You take a moment to simply look at him as your breath begins to even out once more, eyes tracing the lines of his face, the dark shadow of his tattoo. You’ve always appreciated how handsome he was but being so close is something special. You get lost in him for a moment as you notice the flecks of green in his warm brown eyes, the freckles across the bridge of his nose that are so faint they barely stand out against his deeply tanned skin, the dimple that appears only on the left side of his face as his mouth lifts into a soft smile as he gazes right back at you. 
You blink once, twice, trying to clear your mind of the distraction that he is and focus on the thought that had originally pulled you away from him. 
“How is your headache?” You asked gently, a small wave of guilt for having woken him in the first place rushing through you. It had been the reason he had stayed behind after all, and it wasn’t very often he had the chance to get any extra rest with the lifestyle you all led. 
His mouth curled into a smile and he let out a small huff of laughter, his hair flopping over the top of his bandana as he shook his head, “It’s fine. Forgotten actually,” He replied as he moved his hand to cradle your face once more, his touch feather-light. 
“Good,” You answered before you turned your head just slightly to press a soft kiss to the palm of his hand, “But you should still get some rest. It’s not easy to come by these days.” 
He hummed thoughtfully, his gaze still intense as he moved his hand away from your face, both trailing down slowly until he had your hands grasped in his own, “Only if you join me though.”
You felt your face flush at his suggestion, you wanted to, desperately, but another worry suddenly entered your head at the idea, “The others might be back soon, though…” This was still new and while part of you didn’t care if his brothers and sister saw the two of you together the other part wanted to keep this budding thing between you secret for just a little bit longer, if only for his sake as you knew how intensely private Hunter was. 
Hunter’s mouth ticked up into a smirk again, his brown eyes dancing with amusement as he answered, “Tech has been calculating the odds of us getting together since our very first mission and Omega has some Mantell mix riding on it.” 
You couldn’t stop the soft laugh that burst out of you at that, a bright smile overtaking your face, “Well, we wouldn’t want to let them down, now would we?” 
His eyes were warm and there was the barest hint of a smile on his face before he lifted your hand closer to his mouth, pressing a soft and quick kiss to your palm. Your smile brightened at his replication of your earlier gesture, the skin beneath his lips tingling from the contact. 
You let him lead you back towards the bunks, your pulse racing beneath your skin as he climbed up into the middle first before holding a hand back out to you to steady you as you found your own footing. It was a tight squeeze, but after some mild shifting you finally settled, your head resting against his chest as he laid on his back, his arms coming up to wrap around you and hold you closer to him as you let your leg rest over top of his own. Being so close to him every feeling you had ever sensed from him was amplified and it was easy to just get lost in the sensation of him as you listened to the steady sound of his heartbeat. Neither of you said a word, for there really weren’t any words to be said. Nothing had ever felt so right before and there was no way you were ever going to let that go, ever let him go again. 
It didn’t take long for your eyes to slip shut or for his own breathing to even out, his grip on you never lessening though even as he slept. The trauma of the past few years still haunted you as you lay with him but the thoughts were easier to push away as you focused on the force and the way it moved around the two of you, calming, gentle, right. You knew that nothing could ever truly repair the damage left by your losses but for the first time in a very long time, there was a glimmer of hope brewing in your chest. With Hunter, there was a chance at a future, something you hadn’t been able to even consider since Order-66 had been issued. 
You weren’t sure what that future would hold, for any of you, but right now, wrapped up gently in Hunter’s arms you felt safer than you ever had and there was nowhere else in the galaxy you would rather be. 
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fellthemarvelous · 11 months ago
Without hope, we have nothing.
(Spoilers and speculation included a bit further down)
This is actually a post about the Bad Batch and not Star Wars Rebels, but this bit is important so...
Try not to cry when you remember that Tech is the one who taught Hera Syndulla how to mask her ship's signature, a move that made her a massive threat to the Empire and a move that she often used to her advantage. She was such a threat to the Empire that they wanted to capture her alive so they could make an example of her for her years of defiance.
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And then also try not to cry when you remember that when Hera was taken prisoner by the Empire, Kanan Jarrus sacrificed his life to free her and save the future of the Rebellion. Try not to cry when you think about the fact that Kanan Jarrus aka Caleb Dume was the Jedi padawan the Bad Batch protected (except for Crosshair) from the Empire during Order 66 by claiming Hunter killed him.
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Hunter, Tech, Wrecker and Echo lied to the Empire to protect a Jedi.
And Tech taught Hera how to evade the Empire when the Bad Batch helped her family (Chopper included) escape Ryloth after being accused of treason.
Clone Force 99's actions had a direct outcome on the success of the Rebellion. They refused to commit treason against the Republic and all they did was commit treason against the Empire. They were strong enough to resist the effects of the inhibitor chip (Crosshair and Wrecker for awhile), outright ignored Order 66 (Hunter and Tech), or were tortured and turned partially into a machine against his will by the Techno Union and used as a weapon against the Republic who, upon rescue, immediately jumped back into Separatist territory and fucked their asses up (Echo). Luckily, with the help of Rex, they got their chips removed after Wrecker tried to kill all of them.
Everything under the cut is pure speculation. I'm having a galaxy brain moment, I just have no idea if it's pointing me in the right direction or not lol.
If you disagree with me, I don't need you to rudely tell me why.
After his time on Tantiss, Crosshair can now identify with Echo more than anyone else in the Bad Batch (and Tech if CX-2 is Tech).
When they went to rescue Echo, Crosshair is the one who snidely told Captain Rex that he would have left Echo behind too.
Which is exactly what happened to Crosshair when the Empire turned him into a weapon against his own brothers. He had no choice because the Empire attached him to a machine and amped up the effect of his inhibitor chip so he could not disobey orders.
Rex told Cody "I think Echo is still alive" and Cody told him that was impossible. Anakin accompanied him on this rescue mission with The Bad Batch (we know Cody would have too if he hadn't been injured).
I think that if Tech is CX-2, Crosshair already knows or highly suspects it. He's terrified of Tantiss. I think we're going to have a parallel moment of Crosshair possibly saying the same thing, knowing that he could never leave a brother behind again after what he went through, especially if CX-2 is Tech. (I also wouldn't be surprised if Omega suspected something after her trip back to Tantiss with CX-2.)
We never saw Echo's body after the explosion. Instead we got this image. An empty helmet and a droid arm.
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Crosshair defected from the Empire when he witnessed the Empire tell him that Mayday was only a clone and not worth giving medical attention to. Those actions resulted in the death of Mayday and that's when Crosshair chose to shoot an Imperial officer between the eyes (similar to Dogma's execution of General Krell in many ways).
If Tech is CX-2, that is the second Bad Batcher the Empire has turned into an enemy against his brothers.
This is the last we saw of Tech.
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Hemlock was fucking lying when he said that Tech's glasses were all they recovered. Why the hell would he have found Tech's glasses and not Tech? All we see below him are clouds. And this is the last bit of Tech we see. That gun is in the shot with his glasses for a reason.
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I feel like this is going to parallel Echo's rescue from Skako Minor. Tech and Echo are both highly intelligent huge ass nerds (remember that the battle plans being used against the Republic were written by both Rex and Echo, and Cody acknowledged that Rex was one of their best strategists in the GAR) who always ended up working best together.
Part of me wonders if we are heading into a show centered on the clone troopers in a post Order 66 world going up against the Empire as they try to rescue more of their brothers. Enough to become a problem for the Empire.
Part of me also wonders if the inclusion of Force sensitive children in the Bad Batch means Rex will need to call Ahsoka into the fray. Wolffe has only appeared once so he hasn't even switched sides, let alone even started blocking Ahsoka's messages to Rex yet. During the Clone Wars she had to save Force sensitive children from Darth Sidious. During the Rebellion, the saved more Force sensitive children from Darth Sidious. It makes me wonder if she is also going to save Force sensitive children from this too? I might be reaching a bit too much here, but it could be a possibility! She seems to always show up when Force sensitive children need to be rescued from Darth Sidious.
No matter what ending we get for the Bad Batch, I know it's going to leave us with hope for the future because the message in Star Wars has always shown us that hope will always be stronger than fear.
A simple act of kindness can fill a galaxy with hope.
Without hope, we have nothing.
These episodes are all relevant to Echo's journey. The Domino Squad was referred to as a bad batch and Echo was the one who seemed to struggle the most with orders that conflicted with doing what needed to be done. He is the one who memorized the regulations manual after all. And now the Bad Batch are on a similar journey because they have never trusted regs before, but now it seems they might have to trust the regs to come to help them the way they helped Rex and Echo before the war ended. The way they helped Gregor after the war ended.
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If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but that's a fanfic I can always write!! I don't want to get into who I think is going to die or survive, but I have my suspicions there too and I'm already in too much pain to keep going.
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crepesuzette2023 · 5 months ago
“One afternoon that April [1967] I arrived at Cavendish Avenue and found Paul in a meeting with Brian Epstein. They invited me to make myself at home and I watched them at work. Brian obviously adored Paul and it was always interesting to see them together. He touched Paul at any time that it might seem natural, laying his hand on Paul’s arm to make a point or placing a casual hand on his shoulder as they left a room. I often noticed a certain admiring look, a slightly moist eye. He sat next to Paul in the big settee beneath a pair of Rene Magritte paintings and an alternative, unused, painted drum skin from the Sgt Pepper sleeve. Brian was dressed in his usual impeccable Savile Row suit, hair neatly parted, though longish and with long sideboards. He seemed relaxed, happy and completely unlike the usual hyper businessmen of the pop world.” - Barry Miles, In the Sixties
i'm feral
what are your thoughts on the shift in Paul and Brian's relationship particularly in 67?
Hi Anon,
This is where I admit openly that I wish I knew more *details* about both of them, in order to give you a more grounded answer instead of the inevitable speculation...!
It seems to be the case that Brian and Paul were closer in '67 than before. Brian's good friend Nat Weiss said they "got along really well."
Here's one explanation I remember coming across: John was 'absent' (drugs, home, seclusion) at the time, giving Brian & Paul time to flourish. But: was John really that absent in '66, '67? He and Paul worked closely together on Sgt. Pepper. And how realistic is it to assume John *still* stood between Brian and Paul at this point? I think Brians managerial role was much more settled than it had been in, say, 1963. So were the band dynamics. So that can't be the whole story, in my opinion.
Maybe there was simply more softness and happiness in both Brian and Paul—or others noticed it more. Especially when it was just the two of them, instead of "Brian and the boys."
Then there's the idea that Brian was in love with Paul at the time. Hmm. What if it was mutual? I'm resisting the idea, simply because they don't seem to have been each other's type. But I love the idea of there being more love, perhaps a flirt...
I do wonder why John was shouting *Barcelona* in Carnival of Light.
I see the clumsy love in Paul's letter to Brian (from the @amoralto blog)
And I'm thinking of Paul in NYC during the 1960 Apple Launch, finding the word "be" in the newspaper and saying these were Brian's initials.
And I love the ending of The Fifth Beatle, in which Brian leaves the band in Paul's hands, as it were—and Paul wears the white jacket, no less.
The fiction writer in me could go on, but...
Look at these pictures. Look at the three of them. Look at their hands.
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Finally, @eppysboys made a fantastic post about Brian and Paul with lots of quotes — if you haven't read it already, check it out if this topic interests you!
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allicat0 · 11 months ago
i was wondering if you could maybe please write a senator padmè amidala x fem!reader?
maybe the reader is also a senator and while they are in padmè’s office working together they… 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩✂️👅😺💦 (however you wanna do it)
love your star wars fics 🫶🫶
Natural Relaxant
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ans: Thank you so much for the request, and of course! I love this idea so much and had a lot of fun with it!
Summary: You and Padme have been restricted to keep your love a secret, with both of you being Senators it would be deemed unacceptable to the public. So when Padme had been a little on edge as of recent, you decided to help her release some of it, in the privacy of her office. (takes place before order 66, Obviously)
Content: MDNI, 18+, girl on girl, afab reader, making out, fingering, praise, oral sex, eating out.
A/N: sorry for the late posts! I have many requests!! But please keep requesting I love writing! Again sorry for any grammar or punctuation mistakes.
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The Galactic Senate, also referred to as the Congress of the Republic, is composed of Senators from various Planets and Star systems all across the Galaxy. Being presided over by Supreme Chancellor Palpateine. The Senate helps resolve disputes between the varying Planets, following strict laws and regulations that are necessary to help keep the Republic from falling. Being a Senator came with a large responsibility, a large responsibility came with a lot of work, and a lot of work took up a lot of your time. You knew what you signed up for when Garm bel Iblis, Senator of Corellia, asked you to take over his position within the Galactic Senate. You had been by his side for years as his right hand, working as his assistant. You proved your loyalty for not only him but for the Planet of Corellia, he trusted you, proving your right for Senator. 
You’ve been in the Senate for a few years now, creating peace and union between Corellia and the many other Planets across the Galaxy, learning how to benefit from one another, helping Corellia flourish stronger than ever. One of the many Planets being Naboo, run by Senator Padme Amidala, she was kind and it helped that the two of you followed the same beliefs when it came to politics. When you first pitched the idea for Naboo and Corellia to create a union, you promised that Corellia would send food supplies over to Naboo, in exchange for protection through association. Senator Amidala was quick to take the offer especially due to Naboo’s trade blockade which was designed to ruin them. Naboo was left helpless after Sanandrassa had held to a policy of isolation which unwittingly assisted Sidious' plans to weaken Naboo, depleting its stocks of food, leaving its people in danger of starvation and by blockading Naboo they were effectively starving the planet’s people of basic needs such as food, in order to obtain a main source of income as well as power. So when you offered to help the people of Naboo rather than rob them dry of their planet’s core, Senator Amidala was more than eager to agree to the alliance of Corellia and Naboo. 
Having made this union, the two of you have spent many days, and countless hours working alongside each other, creating not only a partnership but a new found friendship. You enjoyed her company and there was no denying that she enjoyed your company just as much, working with each other never felt like a chore, never felt like a burden on either of your shoulders, dare you say it was rather fun. The bond you shared was like no other, eventually you found yourself sparking these forbidden feelings that never once should have come to fruition. It wasn’t long before these feelings became desires, dreaming and waiting on the day the two of you could act on one another, but having the title in the Political world that the two of you had, it would never be deemed acceptable. So the two of you decided that you would keep your romantic feelings towards each other a secret from the rest of the Galaxy, in hopes to keep the love you had for each other alive as long as possible.
So here you were inside Padme’s office on her home Planet Naboo, discussing new plans to expand your treaty out to other Planets across the Galaxy, creating a larger fondation to your agreements. You wanted nothing more to help Padme ensure the safety of her people, no matter the cost. “I believe it may be smart to reach out to Lothal to help give you a free shipment of Blastech weaponry for your guards here on Naboo.” You said sitting on the edge of Padme’s desk looking down at her holographic grid, with every union she has made for Naboo. Padme’s hand rested on her chin, she was thinking hard, what she was thinking, you wished you knew but you knew it would be something selfless as always. “I will not bring chaos into my home, Naboo is meant to hold peace and serenity. . I can’t do that by making my people worry about the loads of weaponry we have on stand-by.” She said sternly not lifting her eyes at you. 
“I understand that Padme, but how are you going to keep your people safe if another attack like Nute Gunray’s happens again.” You raised your voice to her, you were frustrated, Padme wouldn’t open her mind to the bigger picture, she needed to understand that these reinforcements would become handy incase of another attack. Her eyes finally looked up to face you, you felt your heart skip a beat as you lifted yourself off her desk and walked over to her. “Look Padme, I’m just trying to help create a solution to keep the people of Naboo safe, to keep you safe!” 
“I can Handle my own safety” She was quick to nip back at you. It was true she could handle herself just fine, she was a strong leader, who knew how to defend her ground but you could never help but worry. “ I didn’t mean to suggest you alone need protection, my love.” You said softly, gently resting your hands on her hips. “ I just get worried. I wanna protect you, but there is only so much I alone can do. I'm no soldier, or jedi.” You watched as her eyes softened at her words. “I know it’s just” She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “It’s all so much” Seeing her stressed like this made you unsettled, there were only very few moments where you’ve seen Padme on edge. “Well maybe you need to just step away for a moment and. . clear your mind.” You said striking the question. Her head tilted a small grin creeping across her face. “And what is it you may be implying?” she asked, cocking her brow. “I believe we both know what I have in mind.” You felt Padme’s arms wrap around your neck pulling you down closer to her face. “Oh really? Perhaps you should show me” 
You leaned down, lips brushing against hers. “Say no more” and just like that you closed the gap between you and Padme planting a firm but gentle kiss against her lips. Her hands entangled through your hair and the grip on her hips pulled her close. Her touch was intoxicating, she was your drug and you couldn’t get enough. Your kisses began to trail along her jaw and down her neck, making trails of kisses against her soft skin. Padme let a soft moan as she bit down on her bottom lip gently, as your hands trailed up her shirt, pulling it over her head, revealing her breasts, causing her nipples to harden from the cold hitting against her skin. Reaching down your mouth latches over one of her breasts, your tongue swirling around her nipple. You made sure to switch between the two giving both of her breasts the care and attention they needed. Padme felt a shiver shot down her spine, pleasure coursing through her body, she was aching for attention, she wanted more. As your lips free her breasts, you grab her hips once more guiding her over to her desk, lifting her up just enough so she is sitting on top of her desk, Padme’s legs wrapping around your waist pulling you in tight. Your lips find hers once again, your tongue pushing past her lips, lapping with hers. Your free hand made its way down and in between her legs, dragging your hand along her clothed pussy causing Padme to break free of the kiss with a gasp, a trail of saliva breaking at your separation. “Tell me what you want Padme” You said to her sternly, your hand still rubbing against her core. Looking up at you with her pleading eyes she let out in a faint whisper. “Please, touch me” 
A smile grew across your face as your fingers hooked to the hem of both her pants and panties pulling them down revealing her wet pussy. Your head slowly dips down, as you rested on your knees, reaching your hands out and spreading her legs apart. You started gently running your fingers along the inside of her thigh, lightly tracing circles near her core, causing Padme to shiver. You could feel her arousal building up, leaning in as you kissed the inner part of her thighs, your lips leaving a trail of soft kisses as you moved closer to her pussy. you gently blew a warm breath across her sensitive area, making Padme gasp slightly. Your tongue darted out, flicking her clit, sending a wave of pleasure through her body. She let out a moan, pleased with her reaction, you continued and picked up the pace. 
Your tongue delved deeper, exploring every inch of her folds, lapping up her wetness with enthusiasm. Your hands caressed Padme’s thighs, occasionally squeezing them, while you also brushed your thumb against her entrance, teasing her further. Your pace increased the louder she moaned, arching her back in pleasure. You knew exactly how to push her closer to the edge. you felt as she squirmed beneath you, needy and desperate for release. A wicked smile spread across your face, enjoying her reactions. Padme's hips bucked, pushing herself against your mouth. Pulling away with a smirk you look up at her “not yet my love” You whispered, your hot breath falling against her pussy. You could feel her orgasm approaching, you took your index and middle finger and slowly slid them inside her, feeling her walls tighten around your fingers. Your movements were slow and deliberate as you pumped your fingers into her. “Fuck. . more” Padme let out a whine, and so you complied adding a third finger stretching her open feeling as her wetness continued to coat your fingers.
As you continued to thrust your fingers into her, your thumb rubbed against her clit, applying just the right amount of pleasure. Padme arched her back, trying to push your fingers deeper inside. “Please, I want to cum” She moaned out to you. You began to pick up the pace, your head reaching down once again, tongue lapping her clit as your fingers continued to pump into her. “Are you close, my love?” You asked, the vibration of your words hitting against her clit. Padme nodded her head, being unable to speak. “Then cum for me” you commanded, your fingers keeping a steady pace. 
It wasn’t long before her orgasm hit her like a wave, her walls gripping around your fingers tightly. Once she finally came down from her high, You slipped your fingers out of her pussy and made your way up to her face planting a kiss against her lips once more, her legs wrapped around you holding you close, her lips molding perfectly against your own. Pulling away with a smirk you look down at her before giving her one last quick kiss. “God I love you” you said to her, your smile spreading wide across your face. “ I love you too.” She returned the smile, her hand coming up to cup your face, her thumb caressing your cheek, as she spoke softly. “Now, we have business to attend to.”
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@allicat0 signing off. .
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tennessoui · 2 months ago
Hope you had a lovely Xmas, Kit, you deserved a break to celebrate grad school victory! I re-read umbtbyf and then the tumblr tags for it as a lil treat and you said Obi-Wan was going to wait till things were more stable and build a place for Anakin then lure him into it and I was hoping for more details of this loving but sith plan? If they hadn't met what was the plan to lure Anakin in, what was the place/trap, and when was Obi-Wan going to introduce himself? Also how would it have gone? I imagine even Anakin would have seen the news of fallen Jedi murderous traitor Kenobi by then!
this is such a good question that i'm answering a year later and im very sorry <3
so in use my body to break my fall, if companion anakin hadn't been tapped to like. honeytrap the sith lord, i think parts of canon would have happened as they do - many jedi/most jedi die in an order 66-like event
(palpatine is interested in having anakin's raw power on his side and under his thumb still of course, but decides that he may be more influential as emperor in swaying anakin - and that anakin may even come to believe that the fall of the jedi was a good thing because they didn't want him in the first place and sidious wants to train him to be powerful and strong which is something the jedi didn't want to do and wouldn't have ever happened if they were still around)
but sith obi-wan hears rumors about this interest that sidious has in anakin (gossip about how this one companion is so picky even the emperor keeps getting rejected?) and he makes some leaps in logic that aren't even necessarily wrong and he immediately requests to see anakin under the name obi-wan kenobi
and anakin is both interested in seeing obi-wan kenobi and also curious about the man and also incredibly horny for the holo pictures he looks up of him, and hey, like....the separatists won the war and he's not like totally got his thumb on politics so he's not going to turn away a very handsome childhood crush customer because he was a separatist general, like it's not as black and white when youre in the middle of it all and also anakin is pretty horny at the idea of fucking obi-wan kenobi
and i bet obi-wan is very good at seduction (duh) and after one appointment gets anakin to agree to travel with him to a small cabin in the middle of nowhere (horniness makes anakin pretty stupid, theres a few canon examples of this im sure). when he's there and safe and successfully lured, obi-wan has a weekend long fuckfest and then leaves when anakin is asleep and kills sidious and then comes back 'from the grocery store'
(obi-wan in use my body is less interested in ultimate power and more interested in getting what he wants and thinks is his by rights, i.e., anakin and maybe some other stuff, so with anakin secured, he basically cancels the empire and makes it a republic again and then fucks off back to the cabin where he has left anakin)
(anakin wasn't necessarily tied up but it might have been a close call between what obi-wan wants and what he understands anakin would hate him for)
(i think there's still a lot of relationship negotiation, but i don't think obi-wan would have to try that hard to make anakin look past separatist war general - especially post the death of the emperor)
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starbeltconstellation · 6 months ago
Good grief, what is with the recent crosstagging posts in the PRO JEDI tag??? I blocked them, but STILL...
It’s horrible sometimes. 😭😒💔 The Acolyte has only made it worse… but while I’m not gonna lie and say I’m not glad it’s canceled… I’m also not gonna rub fans’s faces in it. Especially because of the lost representation they all probably felt. The show just wasn’t for me. I was never going to enjoy it after the Order 66 genocide apologia line. 🥶😒
But it is ABHORRENT how the actors have been treated by the alt right/dudebro members of the fandom who hate it for “wOkEnEsS 🤪”. 🤢 The people who harassed the actors from the beginning before even learning what the STORY would be like are just… horrible, HORRIBLE little people. And the way the actress for Osha has been treated is the worst of it all.
But anyway, I kinda went off on a tangent. 😅😂❤️ The point is that I feel you about anti Jedi SW fans posting in the pro jedi/Jedi tags. It sucks, but the best thing you can do is just block them for your piece of mind.
I’m just glad that The Acolyte won’t be around to continue to spread such anti Jedi resentment in the fandom. There’s already so much of it, and it’s always stomach turning to read people’s “hot takes 😒” on how the Jedi got what was coming to them or that they were “corrupted” or that Order 66 gave them the chance to “start anew” with Luke. 🤢🫠💔
People don’t even be realizing how they sound sometimes.
So sorry for the late response! ❤️❤️ I hope this long reply is worth the wait.
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lightwise · 2 years ago
AKA How Crosshair predicted his own redemption arc.
There have been many comparisons made between Mayday and Rex/The Bad Batch, but I have kept myself from ranting about The Outpost for too long and I figured I should get this out there before this week’s new episode hits. 
Crosshair is cynical and snarky when we meet him in The Clone Wars (as is the norm for his personality, but there’s a special edge to it in S7 E1). The first words out of his mouth are “we don’t usually work with regs.”
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(I am not sure who first posted this image set, so if you know who to credit please reach out).
Now in TBB E12, the episode opens with Crosshair watching regular clones being told about the retirement bill by an imperial officer. His helmet is off and they have no armor on. He’s face to face with them. He seems interested in their conversation but is still removed, separate. He still thinks this doesn't affect him.
Once he ships out to Barton 4, we meet Mayday by hearing his voice before he rounds the corner into our view. The immediate thought that flew into my mind was, “that’s Rex’s voice.” Other than Rex himself, we as the audience and especially Crosshair as a character have not heard that warm, snarky, calm tone that signifies that commanding officer’s “regular clone voice” much this season. Mayday’s voice is a little deeper than Rex’s, but he has the same commanding yet casual tone and demeanor. As weary and frustrated as he is at the lack of support from the Empire, Mayday chooses to express it with a level of snarkiness that would have made Tech, Echo, or Rex himself proud. 
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Or as Rex once said, "It's Captain, sir."
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"Experience outranks everything."
Mayday and his squad are wrapped in mummified cloth strips, and he states that his men are all “dead. We’re all that’s left.” Three of them, to mimic the three troopers being forced into retirement that Crosshair had seen before arriving. They are dead men walking. And so are the rest of the clones. 
Mayday brings the light to Crosshair. And starts talking to him, man to man, like a friend. Like a brother. He asks him his name. Crosshair’s first encounters with Rex were Rex going after Echo, pulling him free from mindless programming and reminding him what his name really was. 
“What brought you here.” “Just lucky, I guess.” Luck isn’t a word that Crosshair typically uses to describe his experiences. He usually relies on and points out his superiority, his skills, his uniqueness. He knows he hasn’t engineered this meeting, and yet Mayday’s mannerisms are already starting to find the chinks in his metaphorical armor. 
“I’ll give you the lay of the land.” Like Hunter would. “Conditions have degraded our equipment.” Like Tech could have helped with. “I’m not an explosives expert.” Wrecker is. 
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Mayday lays out the helmets of his fallen squad in a memorial, the same way Rex and Ahsoka do after order 66. Reverence and respect for the dead, even when it seems meaningless. Crosshair has let himself be deadened by the Empire, yet Mayday treats him with interest and respect, drawing him back out of himself. Mayday even shows the same respect for the raider who had been attacking his base, saying that he was bothered that his men had left him there to die. 
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Crosshair is still throwing up his shields, like he did at the end of season 1 when he tried to convince his brothers to join him. “We’re not like the regs, we never have been. We’re superior.” 
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And all of a sudden, Crosshair will die if Mayday doesn’t save him. If he doesn’t fully trust him to disarm the pressure mine he has gotten himself into. He has continued to choose to step in places that are a pressure mine waiting to go off, waiting to swallow him whole. And until now he has made enemies of anyone who has tried to help him.
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Mayday saves his life, and now they’re working as a team, silently and in unison. They realize that all this effort and loss of life has been for mere equipment (that’s for their replacements, no less). Their lives really are worth even less than the epithet "used equipment" that Nolan spits in Crosshair’s face when they first meet. 
Hunter had tried to tell him on Kamino: “Can’t you see they’re using you? We’re loyal to each other, not some empire.”
Crosshair: “YOU weren’t loyal to me. I was one of you. You may have forgotten, but I haven’t. I’m going to give you what you never gave me–a chance.” Only now, after Mayday gave him that chance, is he willing to admit that Hunter was right.
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How many times have those words haunted Crosshair’s thoughts?
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Now this was interesting to me. Crosshair incidentally causes an avalanche by targeting a group of explosives in order to end their shootout, cracks fissuring up the mountainside. Once before he was maneuvered into a situation not of his own free will (when his chip is enhanced on Kamino), yet he stubbornly pursued that scenario when he chose to stay on the platform at the end of season 1. Once again, he is put into a situation against his will by being brought to Barton 4, but this time, he ends up creating a scenario where his choices from this moment will now have the opposite effect.
Mayday shoves Crosshair out of the way, saving his life once again. A pile of snow rips Crosshair’s helmet off of his face, and as Mayday is buried, Crosshair re-emerges his true self. 
“We have to move.” Rex’s words throughout almost all of their Clone Wars arc. Rex is selfless, telling Echo to go with the Batch if that was the best place for him. Letting Echo leave him behind, essentially. Mayday begs Crosshair to leave him behind and save himself. They both want what’s best for others. And their examples rub off on the men they save. Echo constantly does what he can to help his brothers escape the Empire. Crosshair’s sheer stubbornness that up until now has kept him tethered to the Empire, refuses to leave Mayday behind. He can’t watch another brother die in front of him. Not anymore. 
"You're still their brother, Crosshair. You're my brother too." Omega's plea to him.
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So Crosshair risks his life to carry Mayday back. A REG. He refuses to let go of him the whole journey. He lets him use his sniper rifle as a crutch. All of his defenses are finally down, and he not only cares, but is willing to show he cares, BEGS ON HIS KNEES to his commanding officer for help, to show that he DOES CARE.
Finally, this struck me. We almost never see Crosshair using a hand blaster. He’s a sniper. Yet both in his encounter with his brothers on Kamino in season 1, and his confrontation with Nolan here, Crosshair picks up a regular blaster. He’s not being the sniper, distant and removed, making a kill from afar with his own rifle. This is up close, personal, a messy choice. With a hand blaster, a regular clone’s weapon. 
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Crosshair’s conversation with Hunter on Kamino reads back as though he is pleading with himself to not make the same mistake twice, to stop running from his fears, to finally embrace who he is–a clone. To embrace his real purpose–protecting his brothers.  He’s made his choice. He doesn’t expect to survive. The vultures are circling both of them. In season 1 Hunter stuns him and he falls to his knees and then to the floor, passing out. Here, he snarls “Lieutenant,” in a sarcastic tribute to how Mayday had first addressed Nolan, and becomes an Angel of Death. He avenges Mayday and redeems himself, and once again falls forward and passes out with the last of his strength gone.
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