#especially not the teacher that cared more about his side jobs than his main one
I’m always tempted to pull some malicious compliance shit whenever some boomer or asshole says “I don’t have pronouns” to me.
Like, sure you don’t person who just used I on themselves, but I’ll bite.
And then they get mad at you because you’re only addressing them as “human”
They were the ones to say that they don’t know pronouns, and the only two things I can think of to use would be a proper noun (their name) or a regular noun (i.e. human) I guess I could also use an adjective and refer to them by nationality. Is “earthling” an adjective or a noun? When you address someone by an adjective does it become a noun? I don’t remember the details there. Wait, isn’t that the whole “nominalized” thing? It’s a new concept to me. It wouldn’t be a pronoun though, would it? I’ll just stick to “human”
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moongoopy · 5 months
hiii could u write abt fluff language barrier with suguru x reader? Ty
walls that break down
c/w: fluffy :33
a/n: so errmmmm i wanted to put a whole apology list for how crap this scenario was BUT i decided against that, i just hope you atleast enjoy this to some extent (rips hair off)
bold is in english btw!
c: teacher!geto x florist!reader
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jujutsu high needed some renovation especially the flowers. the climate in tokyo had been erratic for a few months now and the poor greens had seen better days. he thought it was best to look for the principal's opinion but decided against it.
why not, seek the help of a florist himself?
hm, he wonders what kind of flowers would make the school more welcoming, a symbolic approach would be much greater or should he worry more about colour? flower arrangements can be completely different too, that might be the main issue to this.
he made some quick calls to the gojo and yaga. saying to yaga that he'll take a quick trip to check out the florist whilst with gojo to take care of the first years which he already was doing a good job at (sarcasm intended with how nobara and itadori was screaming in the background). there was no requests from gojo suprisingly since the flower shop was close to the pastry shop.
he slipped his phone into his pocket and spawned his stingray curse and hopped on, making himself comfortable before they flew right over.
he never really stepped into the flower shop before, it was charming but there was no reason to check it out. the place was aesthetically pleasing and the row of flowers decorating the front of the shop wasn't overwhelming and smelled just right.
"hello, welcome!"
geto smiles to the friendly greeting, greeting them back and stepping to the counter and conversed a bit with you
you caught on to most of his words and it was a bit visible that you looked a bit nervous, he excuses himself, saying that he'll check the flowers first
you were probably a new worker at this shop so he understood, not trying to pressure you too much with questions. he wonders if he was able to tell you what he likes though eventually
meanwhile, you let out a breath you were holding. his japanese was pretty easy to understand up to an extent and your boss wasn't back from her stop at the corner store so you just prayed that his request wasn't that difficult
you did your best to not skimp over the lessons and books you had but you forgot the part where you can get confused and it alarms you when you had stuttered to him. well other than being a newbie at japanese, he was also such a handsome man and quite gentle at that
recognizing the symbol of jujutsu high, he was a sorcerer, you wondered if he was a strong one at that. if so, that added to the list on how attractive he was. you sneaked a few glances at him, he was dissappearing right into the corner of the shop right next to the flower pots
clutching the language book in your hand, you wonder if you should move away from the counter to help him, was that required too? damn, this would've been easier if you asked the boss. you did work behind the shop but never the front!
"excuse me?"
you were immediately snapped out of your thoughts when his soft voice called out for you and you opened the counter board to get to him. oh boy, here goes.
you walked to him with a steady gait and popped right next to him. he was looking between two flowers before he looks at you and smile so prettily that you clutched the side of your apron.
"yes sir?"
his smile reached his eyes as he shifts to one foot to another.
"its okay, dont be nervous."
oh, was it that obvious? you felt your cheeks burn and embarassment flood your system and you try to keep a calm facade. you are so gonna grip your head in your hands after this.
"sorry sir, i'll try my best."
he then waves, hopefully for you to not get too flustered over this and pointed to the flowers and the first thing he asked was which looked better in rows and you nodded, you could do this.
you eased yourself into explaining and was grateful that he understood what you were talking about. you tried to use simpler terms but when it reached the language of these flowers, he chuckled boyishly.
"sorry, i dont understand you.. this part i mean.."
you had him holding his chin and thinking of what to say and you felt another wave of embarassment bubble over. were you too fast? was it too complex, you wanted to scream. you chewed on your bottom lip, looking at him tentatively.
the bell of the shop saved you and it was the sweet old boss that gasped to a face of a customer. she fusses over you a lot, being in a different country from your own is something she understands and it was endearing of her to care.
she had put down her groceries and rushed on over to the man and chirped to him to which he bows politely to her.
you were ushered to take care of the cash register, the old lady winking to you that she could handle it and you sighed.
walking back to the counter, you heard just how talkative your boss was with the man to which he humoured with chatter. inhaling, you swore to yourself to practise more; the book on the counter thrust open and ready for you to read in.
geto was back in his apartment, scrolling through the pictures of the flowers he took today and yawned. he had preferred the blue flowers, the colour and meaning was perfect for the school but the principal preffered the yellow ones more.
he put his phone away, not in the mood to debate flowers right now. he could be lenient and go with yaga's choice but the blue flowers just call out to him.
he drummed his fingers against the table and thought of his day today,
he thought of you.
your sweet smile as he called you over and how you carried yourself. your voice was soothing to his ears and when you started explaining he was hooked onto every word. just how you described these flowers with such adoration is admirable
its just that he felt like the bigger fool when your explanation gets more deeper and he hated to stop you, seeing you pause when he held his hand up made him want to mentally slap himself to stopping you so abrumptly
with the way you bit your lip and scratched the back of your head in embarassment, that makes two of you
he snickered in amusement to himself when he thumbed a book in his hand
the granny had uttered that you would be working at the flower shop daily and in order to communicate with you better, he held an english dictionary
his english had gotten so rusty like a box of nuts and bolts, he remembered shutting away at his dictionaries in his student years for the 'last time' and sighing in exasperation to how he can stop learning such a language
it tickles him how hes now opening a dictionary back up
"what you need that for, you seeing somebody?"
his dictionaries and helping material were all back at his family home in the quiet old village. it was defitenely stored away in the basement, a small box tucked away in a corner
he went and borrowed gojo's one, the one he never stores away just because he doesnt want to clean it up
all gojo got from geto as a response was a grunt as he was waved off
the books were all so clean, that show off probably scanned all the books that he read and called it a day, he was smart after all; annoyingly so.
geto then studied again, feeling the nostalgia of his teen years rushing back to him and spends the night learning the language. his beloved students wondered where geto-sensei was and it was up to gojo and his ridiculous tomfoolery to answer that
the next day, geto went back to the flower shop to see that you weren't near the counter but busy tending with new flower arrivals. he saw you whip your head around as granny greeted him.
he made a beeline towards granny first to idly cht with her first.
"hm, y/n looks like they haven't had that much sleep.."
granny waves her hand before looking back at you who was still so attentive with your work and worries on how you had stayed up to memorize japanese eventhough she herself could help you with that but you had rejected her, telling how you needed to do this yourself.
geto comforts granny that its not out of ill intention, some people are just like that, they dont want to burden people. eventhough that slightly ease the boss of the flowershop, she still couldn't help but be a worrywart for the darling across the flowershop. the brunette then shifted the conversation to the flowers he was supposed to check again and thats where you pop in again.
"granny, geto, may i show you the fresh batches today?" you wiped off some sweat off your brow as you fiddle with the gloves in your hand and glance towards the spot you were working at and they both nodded immediately.
there was a lot of flowers than he presumed and he nodded, tapping his phone to make a few calls. blue it is. he'd mentally prepare himself for an earful from yaga
he'd sign a few papers and in a few days the flowers will soon be arranged at jujutsu high. this was great, the school wont be as bleak as before
granny went to the back to grab a few things and he was now left alone with you, you tried to busy yourself and shoulders so tense from being alone with him
"so why have you decided to work in japan, y/n?"
you look up at him with a sparkle in your eyes and shyly shifting close to him to be polite and chuckle softly. strangely, he was enamoured of your precense and maybe this little interaction blooms into something more than flowers.
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justm3di0cr3 · 9 months
A Gradual Demise
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With a skip to her step, Emory was making her way to the cafeteria. Today had been a fairly good day for her. Her mother even packed her favorite snacks for today's lunch. However sadly, nothing ever goes as planned.
As it so happened, the chemistry teacher was handling some lab equipment consisting of some acids, a few salts and beakers. Unbeknownst to him however, the schools delinquents had set up a trap in that hallway. With the marble floor covered in water and the grip-less sole shoes of the teacher, mayhem was guaranteed.
Ignorant about what was going to happen, Emory choose the wrong hallway to go through and as the teacher slipped, so did the tray from his hands. The next thing heard was a loud scream of agony, as the teacher looked horrified while Emory could simply clutch the right side of her face. She should've never stopped for that split second to analyse the situation as now pain was all she could feel as the acid through burned her skin and eye.
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Sitting on the hospital bed, Emory could only swing her feet as silent tears streamed down her cheek. She could hear her parents talking outside the room, with only a few words coherent. But she figured out what those initially puzzling words meant when the word blind was spoken.
After a few minutes, the doctor walked in, her parents following.
Her mother's soft symphatic gaze landed on her as Emory simply turned away, trying to find the same look in her father's eyes but only his dull ones stared back. She always had been a Papa's girl or atleast strived to be one. A child always chases what they don't have so her father's love and approval was a higher priority. One she never reached.
Her mother sighed, readjusting her little sister in her arms as she placed a hand on Emory's shoulder.
"Let's go home sweetie. "
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Her parents fought more often after that day. Her mother hated how absent he was, the way he neglected his kids all the time. Especially given that even after the accident, he never spared any time and attention to both of his daughters ; despite one now having monocular vision now and the other being diagnosed with chronic illness. Her mother always had been sensitive like that,caring more about her kin than herself whereas his father couldn't be more unbothered.
That night something different happened, her parents voices grew louder as Emory couldn't help but overhear. After constant insults being thrown back at one another for what seemed like forever, the door slammed as Emory peeked out of her room to see her mother crying and her father nowhere to be seen. She simply went over to her mother, hugging her as hard as she could. She couldn't help but look at the main door for any signs of the handle turning. Incase her dad came back. But that never happened either.
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Two years sped by as Emory had moved to a different city. Everyone at her past school avoided her after the incident, some even bullying her and a lonely childhood wasn't something her mother wanted for her.
This new change was treating her well. She had made alot of friends, her mother got a job and while she didn't make alot of money, it was enough to get by comfortably without issues. Her father used to make quite alot, enough for her family to be considered one of the most rich ones in her past town so her mother never needed to work before. Luckily for her first time experience, she hit it off.
Life was good until one day during an English lesson, the speaker called her name, inviting her to the principal office. She made her way there as one of her mother's friends were there as well. She wasn't sure what was happening as she was simply given a leave from school. She didn't like the perplexed looks on everyone's face as she questioned what was wrong. This question was not so skillfully avoided.
However she got her response when the car stopped outside the hospital. They made her way through the halls as she could hear a faint crying. Her breathing got faster as she prayed for it to be anything but what she was thinking.
Alas when they stopped outside a room and the door was pushed open, her mother was on her knees sobbing against the hospital bed. Emory could make out the figure of a child about 7 years old underneath the white sheets.
She felt her world collapse as she stood staring at the scene. Her breath now grew shallow as something now snapped inside her.
Her sister was the thing she held the most dear, someone who was always besides her other than her mom. They would play together and laugh together but now even that was taking from her.
The light behind her eyes died as she cursed out the world.
Why was it that the world hated her so much? Why was it always this cruel to her? Taking away all that she chased?
If this is how things were going to go, then so be it. She could be just as bad.
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ambrossart · 10 months
I love Paper Men so much 😍 I'm obsessed, your way of writing is incredible, above all, your characters are amazing, from the main ones to the secondary ones, you can tell that even the least important ones have a job and a backstory, like for example, Manda, since I read The comment talking about her story and her background has made me see her in a totally different way than I had before about her or, for example, Steph, I feel that she also has a story to tell, she is dying for Patrick's attention... ., and I also love the flash backs so much, especially when it comes to Victor and the chapter in which he and Evelyn talk about music. That chapter took me back to the 80s. I really liked it when there are small details like when Evelyn had Chickenpox All those little things make the story unique, especially the dialogues, for example with Patricio, are incredible so much that I have to reread them several times to theorize. They have told me, what is Patricio really thinking? or with Victor they are so adorable to see how different Evelyn and Victor are, that's why I'm dying to see more dialogues and conversations with Henry my favorite story with Henry is when Henry leaves the meeting about his expulsion and he and she talk about the teachers and Henry gives him a bill for a moment they stop arguing that was adorable I want more moments like that in conclusion your story is addictive 😍.
I promise there will be plenty of moments like the ones you described in future chapters. I love flashbacks. I love showing little glimpses of what these boys are like when nobody else is around.
With Vic and Evelyn, we see them revert back to their childhood selves a little bit. Their conversations are very playful. There's a lot of teasing, especially from Vic (that boy loves teasing Evelyn). And from moments like this, I think it becomes clear why Evelyn had such a crush on him when they were kids. Yeah, he could be a little mean and distant sometimes a lot of the time, but when Evelyn really needed him (like when she had chickenpox), Vic never hesitated to step up and take care of her. And he still does that.
With Henry, I think we see what Reggie meant when he said Henry's calmer when he's around Evelyn. Outside of flashbacks, that scene of them talking after Henry's expulsion hearing is probably the closest we're ever going to get to seeing what their relationship was like before things got messy between them. Although Henry is very reserved with his feelings, you can tell they have a lot of affection for each other. I love that Henry let Evelyn copy off his test when he saw her struggling in class. I love that he gave her the money for the shirt he destroyed. It proves that he's capable of the occasional thoughtful gesture. Their relationship isn't entirely one-sided. It's imbalanced for sure, but Henry does at least try to make an effort... sometimes.
And Patrick… well, I think I’ve talked about him so much I’m starting to sound like a broken record. I love writing his dialogue and his weird conversations with Evelyn. I think they have fantastic chemistry and I’m excited to further explore their bizarre relationship.
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lilicohirukoma · 2 years
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Ⅰ. ▕   C R O W N     P R I N C E S S     Z I U L A the daughter of Emperor Kuzco “Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” ― Marcel Proust
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Crown Princess Ziula is 17 years old, her birthday is on May 6th. Ziula is a fun loving girl, priortizing her happiness over serious matters. Don’t get it wrong, she understands why they must be done but she rushes to get important things over with and then will throw a pool party in honor of how hard she worked. She is an extroverted girl who needs to feel appreciated in order to keep functioning. Stubborness is one of her main flaws, she just finds it very difficult to admit she was wrong about something and is not known for apologizing, verbally at least. She is a great dancer and used to be on the cheer team but had to quit because she kept doing her own thing instead of following choreography.
Ziula, believe it or not, is the current Student Council President of Pendragon High. She does a good job, especially talented in organizing and planning events. The more serious matters are entrusted to her vice-president, Su Huang. They are best friends which was started by them both being daughters of Emperors and they’ve evolved into a great duo of enthusiasm and professionalism. Their dads have also become friends through their daughters, family day is always a blast with all four of them together!
Her dad is Emperor Kuzco and her mother is Empress Malina, a famous journalist. She has a younger brother named Manu who is 5 years younger than her. Their dad insisted on being active in raising his children, not wanting to hand them over to caretakers like he was. She gets along great with both her parents, her brother is annoying but she does care for him and is a protective big sister. Summer vacations were spent with Pacha and his family, just like he taught Kuzco he made sure she was kind and considered other people’s feelings.
Ziula is on the short side at 5′2 but ignores this when she can, she’d rather parkour around the kitchen than ask anyone for help. She has long black hair and dark brown eyes. She influenced the school into having relaxed uniform rules, as long as you wear something red it’s counted as a uniform. For the students who don’t care much for fashion and/or appearance there is still the standard uniform they wear but not for Ziula! She is always seen in a red dress, sandals and lots of gold and teal jewelry.
Fun facts about Ziula are: she is left handed, she has a huge collection of Llama plushies and she despises physical touch.
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The Exciting Adventures of Getting Lost
In hindsight it really wasn't a smart idea, two Crown Princesses who have never walked anywhere without being escorted going into the forest alone. It started when the school suggested a bonding activity for students, a forest hike! The Student Council was excited for this plan, Ziula and Su Huang immediately got to working on it. First, at the urging of Su Huang, they handled the logistics like: How many students? Which teacher will join? When and at what time? Then they got to the route, a map was given to them but the princesses didn't have a lot of experience with reading maps. They made the foolish decision of just quickly going to look through the forest to contextualize the map. ''Here's the entry to the forest, you have the map Su Huang?'' Ziula looked back at her best friend, who was in a gorgeous red hanfu and thus not dressed for the occassion. Ziula wasn't either, in a flowy red dress with sandals, exposing her legs and parts of her feet for all sorts of plants and sticks to poke at her skin. It'd be fine, they'd just take a little look around and they'll be back at school in no time. ''Yes I have it right here'' was said in Su Huang's usual calm tone. Heading their way in they just follow a path, they converse about student council stuff without looking at their surroundings and which way they were headed. After a short while they stopped at a small pond, Su Huang looked down at the map but couldn't place exactly where they were. Ziula felt deja vu coming on, of course she'd get lost in the forest just like her dad; Here's to hoping she wouldn't have to face any crocodiles or jaguars. Su Huang noticed her friends shift in demeanor and spoke up: ''If we stay calm we'll easily find our way back, panic is the cause of most accidents.'' She sounded just like her dad, Ziula thought. ''That's easy for you to say Su, your dad didn't torture you as a kid with the story of how he was lost in the forest, I had nightmares because of it!'' she sighed and started fidgeting with her fingers, ''of course my mom told him off about it but the harm was done.'' Su Huang was sitting on a tree trunk while thoroughly studying the map, biting her lip slightly when she felt her dress getting stuck to yet another tree branch. Ziula was pacing back and forth, mumbling about how her dad was never gonna let her live this down. ''We need to think about food distribution Su!'' holding her backpack she pulled all sorts of sugary sweets that she had no business carrying around. ''May I ask why you are carrying an entire candy store with you?'' Su Huang briefly looked up with a puzzled expression, her best friend evenly splitting it all down perfectly. ''I am always ready for survival! My dad prepared me! He said being hungry was the worst part and I'm not gonna start eating grass yet.'' she exclaimed while starting on a chocolate candy bar, laying on the ground which was uncomfortable with sticks cracking under the pressure. ''Do you think people have noticed our abscence yet?'' she whines from the ground, Su Huang looks down at her with mild amusement. ''I'm sure they have, I think it's best if we stay here.'' Truly, she just didn't feel like dragging her best friend around multiple miles in the forest. What they guessed roughly an hour had passed and no help seemed to arrive. ''That's it!'' Ziula got up, multliple plants and sticks which were stuck on her dramatically fell off. ''We are going to find our own way out!'' she proclaimed, grabbing her friends hand and hastily gathering their stuff. ''I know you're the mastermind of many awful ideas but this one I really doubt'' Su Huang tried to reclaim her hand but it might've well been handcuffed to Ziula. ''I know what I'm doing! I spent my summers with Pacha and his family, I'll figure it out!'' stubbornly she made her way down a randomly chosen path. Not wanting to get seperated Su Huang just accepted her fate and followed her friend. As they walked into the unknown suddenly a familiar voice was heard. ''Ziula hello!'' she turned her head and found one of the school's teachers Kronk standing there. ''Kronk! Help we are lost!'' Ziula blurted out, ''We are? I could've sworn I knew exactly where I was.'' Kronk said confused, looking around. ''Yeah no I'm pretty sure I know this place.'' The girls were relieved, they were covered in dirt and leaves but they were happy to see their trusted teacher. ''What are you doing in the forest sir?'' Su Huang was curious and had this strange feeling their mission was about to be obsolete. ''Well the school board is trying to organize a student bonding activity and I suggested a hike! So now I'm planning the route, would you two like to join the last bit?'' her suspicions were right, they did this all for nothing. Ziula's mouth was agape, staring at the tall man in shock. ''We... we... we DID THIS ALL FOR NOTHING?!'' she had enough and her friend had to hold her back from causing any further damage to herself. Kronk escorted the girls back to the school, which was a sight to see for all the students. The elegant Ziula and the graceful Su Huang looking like they fought bears to survive for months. A picture was snapped and quickly went viral online, it's now popularly used as a reaction image for when someone has gone through it. It reached both of their fathers, the Emperor of China was slightly amused, he thought this was a good lesson for Su Huang to have learned. Emperor Kuzco was less collected about it, laughing so hard he fell out of his throne. Just like Ziula suspected he would never let her live it down, now it's one of his favorite stories to tell people even though he wasn't even there. He exaggerates the story in ridiculous manner, Ziula had to fight a jaguar with her hands tied behind her back and Su Huang had tamed a crocodile and rode on its back to safety! No one of course believes him but it was his way of showing his love for his daughter.
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And that’s a wrap folks! I had a lot of fun making more of Ziula and hope you had fun reading. Feel free to send me an ask with any questions about her! Shoutout to everyone who voted on the poll and special shoutout to @vicapuleti​, she always helps me with my characters and helped A LOT with this one
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teddy-feathers · 1 year
so i cant write this because i cant for some reason get the characterization right but if i could heres my mermayfnaf dca story i would write
the prolog would start off with a man and his wife. itd be written with a second person perspective, but itd be about a man and his wife to start. more men y/n okay?
and the man.... loves his wife but. the but is that essentially he always came in second for her. He changed jobs bought a house on the ocean for her tried to do all the sea realted activities with her even though she was very obviously a sea person and he was just her bumbling husband yanno?
so the problem started long before she started turning into a mermaid.
when she started turning she didnt tell you. she started "working late" and taking long showers and sneaking around. of course you thought she was cheating. that someone more adventurous and worthy had swept her off her feet. in a way you thought something like this would happen and wished shed only tell you.
and then she does. tell you that as it turned out she was descended from merfolk and slowly turning into one and had gills growing down her sides now to prove it. it made so much more sense than her cheating on you. you wife was the star of her own fantasy novel at thirty-two. it fit.
after that it'd seem to go very fast but in reality take months - this would be glossed over as this is very much still the prolog trust me on this - but acales growing in and her needing to benkept wet and hydrated especially since its summer. these changes needing to be kept hidden from friends family and coworkers. weird sea related cravings.
you would help her through all of it - of course you would - and then finally she introduced you to them
them being the merfolk that told her that she was going to start changing. that the sign it was happeing was her broadcasting her thoughts for all that could hear because merfolk were telepathic. the ones she had been sneaking out to see. that had been teacher her to be like them.
there were two of them because they always traveled in at least pairs and they acted like night and day
Day, or Sunny as your wife had dubbed him though merfolk didn't do names in the same way humans did, had a, fittingly, sunny disposition. He was friendly and talkative, though most of what he talked about was how you should care for your wife though her upcoming evolution.
He was larger than you, and not all of that was tail. His scales were gold and white and red and his fins splayed out proudly like a sail. He even had a main of sorts around his head looking like the halos you see in old religious art, sharply jutting out.
His eyes were large and blue, his human nose flat yet pointed, his teeth were flat like a humans but the canines were sharp. He had claws instead of nails, and webbing between his fingers.
Night, or Moony, simply watched you with a guarded look on his face, occasionally flashing his pointed teeth in a way that was obviously not a smile. His fins drapped and dragged through the water like an angel fish. He, in contrast to Sun, was all blues and sliver... except for his eyes which were blood red.
The one time he did speak to you, it was to inform you in a dry tone, that once the transformation was complete, your wife would not be coming back. It would be fifty years at least before she would be fully adjusted and allowed to leave their ocean city.
she had looked torn then but there was no stopping the process.
Her parents took the news as well as you had. They did their best to help your wife say her goodbyes without making anyone suspicious and helped you have an alibi for her eventual, inevitable disappearance.
You went out to the dock to see her off when the time came. Watching the two mermen hold her as they swam away into the sunset before dipping below the water.
And that was the last time you ever saw your wife.
... but it was not the last time you ever saw the merfolk.
and then the story starts.
in it the mermen come back for visits. supposedly to pass on messages and because now youre a friend to the merfolk.
they can transform and walk about on land when they want but they keep dragging you into the water. trying to teach you to swim like you belong there and not fight it amd such. theyre merfolk and you dont think too much of it.
but in reality they came back to see if you could become a merfolk too so you wouldnt have to miss your mate.
not just anyone can become a merfolk. you needed the right combination of yearn and love ontop of their help. so of course they dont tell you. and at first you seem hopless. probably because just as your wife had adjusted and moved onto the sea you had let her go.
but as you slowly fall in love with the merfolk sun and moon you get better and show signs of progress and possible change.
so yeah just a love story idk.
your wife will be so supportive when she finds out dont worry.
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froggie-recs-fics · 3 years
Fic Roundup (up to 9/26/21)
I'm gonna start collecting fics I've read recently to recommend them, because making trope lists takes too long and many fics fall by the wayside. Let me know if you like this new format!
The fandoms in this list are as follows: Marvel (SamBucky, HTP, SpideyPool, WinterHawk, WinterIron, Stony, Stucky, SpiderShield), DCU (Bane/Blake), Inception (Arthur/Eames), Teen Wolf (Sterek).
A * signifies a particular favorite (though I love all these fics)
double back by flowermasters (E, 12K, Post-Endgame, Time Loop, Time Travel)
Sam gets stuck in a time loop. In 1943.
Things could be worse, but they could certainly be better.
Companion piece here: quick time
I'll explain everything to the geese by napricot (Post-Endgame, E, 50K, Sam can talk to birds)
Bucky is so competent that it hurts my feelings is not a rational complaint to have about a person, and yet, after a year of being Captain America and partnering up with Bucky for the new and improved, post-Blip Avengers, that’s kinda how Sam’s feeling.
It’s not great. It maybe leads to Sam making some rash, ill-advised decisions like claiming he has a previously undisclosed superpower, and then getting caught in a web of lies when he ends up actually developing that surprisingly inconvenient superpower. Talking to birds had seemed like a harmless superpower, but it turns out that birds have a lot of opinions, and they don’t hesitate to tell Sam about them, especially when it comes to his supposedly subpar courting skills. Which is ridiculous, because Sam isn’t courting Bucky. Right?
**blueprints for a better world series by itallstartedwithdefenestration @astralhux (CATWS, Post-CATWS, Noncon, E, 115K, Dark Main Character)
When Pierce discovers the asset is no longer capable of getting himself hard during recreational use, he tells Rumlow to figure out what the problem is, and to fix it. The solution turns out to be more complicated than anyone expected.
I can't recommend this series enough
*Dead Men Walking series by doctorestranged @lazystrawberrymilkshakes (E, 235K, Identity Porn, Slow Burn)
When a series of murders take place, Peter Parker goes undercover in Sister Margaret’s to get intel on Tony Stark’s prime suspect: Deadpool. Peter goes in hoping to get enough information so that Spider-Man can save the day, but like everything in Peter’s life, it becomes a bit more complicated than that and it soon becomes apparent that he might not be the best fit for the job.
All About Chemistry by TwiceBakedPotato @sedatedkoala (No Powers AU, M, CNTW, 74K, Teacher-Student Relationship, Slow Build)
After serving his 20 years in the Marine Corps, Wade Wilson is cashing in his GI Bill and going back to college. He feels like the old man on campus, but that doesn't matter. He likes his classes. He likes learning. And he especially likes his Chemistry professor with the messy brown hair.
Making Me A Habit by Kangofu_CB @kangofu-cb (No Powers AU, T, 20K, Pet Store, Slow Burn, Pining, Misunderstandings)
Bucky is a disabled vet struggling with reintegrating into civilian life. He has a routine and a rhythm, and he doesn't like to let anything - big or small - disrupt it. That all changes the day Bucky finds himself inside CATastrophe, the local pet rescue, recovering from a panic attack in the back room of the shop.
He’s used to walking by the place, not visiting, but the next thing Bucky knows, he’s hanging signs and being used as a climbing tree for a bunch of freshly-acquired kittens. And he just...keeps going back. First for the kittens, then for the disaster shop owner who rescues actual kittens from actual trees and teaches archery as a side-gig, and eventually because he’s hopelessly in love.
(Clint was in love before Bucky ever walked in the door.)
*Nameless by AvaKelly (Post-CATWS, M, 101K, Time Travel, Time Loop, Slow Burn)
A gun is pointed at him before he can even move from his position, the Soldier's metal arm steady in its aim. Clint sighs.
"Nemo," Clint says. "It's tattooed on your wrist, right here," he lifts his right hand and taps his left index finger where his palm ends.
The Soldier's eyes widen. "How do you know this?"
"I put it there."
Glitter, G-Strings and Other Mission Hazards by flawedamythyst @flawedamythyst (T, 16K, Undercover, Stripper Clint)
“Which is why you need me to shake my booty for cash,” said Clint.
“Precisely,” said Coulson. “You’re the only agent we have who wouldn’t need additional training in the skills of an exotic dancer to take on the mission, and we want to get someone in there as soon as possible.”
Clint nodded, shutting the file. “Okay, awesome. I’ll dig out my sequined g-string.”
“You’ll have full access to requisition any costumes you might need,” said Coulson.
A mission requires Bucky to be Clint's back-up as he goes undercover as a stripper, which gets more difficult with every new costume he comes out in.
Paternal Error by EVVS @skylarkevanson (Post-CATWS, T, 33K, Kid Fic, Established Relationship)
Bucky has never once thought of being a parent. Not since the Winter Solider happened.
Until he falls in love with Clint Barton. And that idiot just keeps collecting children for his flock.
Now Bucky has to pretend like he's good at parenting.
Forms of Love by bear_bell (Post-CACW, E, 33K, Split Personalities)
Months after the Avengers' dispute in Germany, the team returns to the US and moves back into the tower. As always, everyone pretends that nothing happened. Tony is just fine with this. He's used to pretending, and he'll be damned if he lets any of them see him flinch.
Tony's the bad guy, after all. He's used to it. He's fine with it. He's good at it.
Only now, there's something far worse loitering around the tower - The Winter Soldier. No one notices the guy at first, but when they do, Tony figures that he should have the soldier's back.
Birds of a feather should flock together, and the bad guys should start a book club.
While You Were Sleeping by betheflame @betheflame (No Powers AU, M, 65K, While You Were Sleeping AU)
It's been years since Steve Grant Rogers Drysdale has spoken to his twin, Ransom. So it was quite a shock when he was summoned to a hospital and found out that Ransom was in a coma.
Even more shocking? That Ransom is engaged. To Tony Stark.
The Road Goes Ever On And On by PipGraham (Omegaverse AU, M, Noncon, Graphic Violence, 20K, Road Trip, Pre-Serum Steve, Past Domestic Violence)
When Brock's continued domestic abuse puts not only Steve's life in danger, but also that of his unborn pup, he flees into the night with just a small backpack of clothes and almost no money to his name.
Steve quickly runs into trouble as he tries to embark on a 3-day cross-country bus journey back home to New York City.
He meets a kind veteran when he most needs a helping hand.
Just Words by LadyRazzle (crimegimp) @ladyrazzle (Pre-CATFA, Soulmate AU, T, 2K, Fluff)
Inspired by that now legendary post: "soulmate AU where you wake up on your 18th birthday with the first words your soulmate will say to you tattooed on your body so you’ll know them when you meet them." Well what if they appear the moment you turn 18, rather than just the day? And what if by the time you turn 18, you'd already fallen in love?
Bucky wasn’t eager to discover what the words said. He already knew what he wanted them to say. He always had.
Forgetting It's There by spinstitcher (stygian) (NR, 8K, Crack, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Identity Porn)
“You’re Captain America,” he blurts out.
“What?” says Captain America, looking a little wide-eyed. He casts a nervous glance at the girl at the counter – he has nothing to worry about there, she’s rocking out to her iPod and could care less what they’re talking about – and says, “No, uh, Steve, it’s just, I’m Steve.”
“Right,” says Peter, and then because his brain-to-mouth filter had apparently been completely destroyed in the fight on Oscorp Tower: “Hey, your butt really is as tight as it looks on TV.”
7 Deadly Ass(as)sins by teacuphuman @teacuphuman09 (AU, E, 23K, BDSM)
Bane and Barsad own a sex shop and John needs a job.
Straws by Menirva (Bane/Blake/Barsad, AU, E, 38K, BDSM)
John works in a smoothie shop.
He has a knack, a second sense if you will, for being able to look at a person and know what they're going to order. It's not the most spectacular gift in the world but he likes being able to figure people out and he's never wrong.
Except for this scruffy asshole who is clearly just ordering the wrong thing to fuck with him.
How is he even finishing an extra-large?
Rough Trade by Whisky (whiskyrunner) @whiskyrunner (AU, E, 23K, Internalized Homophobia)
Arthur is an investment banker. He is professional and efficient. He's a halfway decent cook. He's totally independent and has been since the age of eighteen. Maybe he's tired all the time because he works about ninety hours a week which is twice what normal people do, but he's rich and he's competent at his job. He's almost thirty, and already a success.
And there are some things Arthur is not. For instance: Arthur is not gay.
Lucky by earlgreytea68 @earlgreytea68 (M, 37K, Kid fic)
Arthur finds a baby.
Teen Wolf
Cut to the Bone by standinginanicedress (Omegaverse AU, E, 112K, Secret Relationship, Enemies to Lovers kinda)
“Not that it’s any of your god damn business, but my name is Stiles. Do you need something?”
The alpha grins. All teeth, shiny white, straight as an arrow. He’s got this sculpted perfection to him that Stiles is sure has worked on all the omegas he’s ever encountered before, but Stiles stands his ground and narrows his eyes. “A date.”
Stiles looks him up and down, slowly, from the black shoes on his feet, to his uniform khakis and blazer littered with pins, to his face. He frowns, makes a face, and says, “pass.”
Cornerstone by Vendelin (Human AU, E, 83K, Marine Derek, Blind Stiles, Friends to Lovers)
Suffering from PTSD, ex-Marine Derek Hale moves back to Beacon Hills to open a bookshop and find a calmer life. That’s where he meets Stiles, completely by accident. Stiles is talkative, charming and curious. Somehow, despite the fact that he’s blind, he’s able to read Derek like no one else.
Stand Fast in Your Enchantments by DevilDoll, Rahciach (AU, Graphic Violence, E, 76K, Captivity, Feral Derek)
"Stiles knew damn well what a pissed-off wolf sounded like, and every hair on the back of his neck was telling him that somewhere in this room was a very pissed-off werewolf." An AU in which Derek is feral, Stiles is magical, and they eat a lot of fast food.
The Payoff Pitch by Leslie_Knope (Sports AU, E, 83K, Coming Out, Friends to Lovers)
Derek is on the cusp of his second season with the LA Dodgers, and as the reigning runner-up Rookie of the Year, the pressure’s on him to become the team’s star pitcher and lead them to the playoffs for the first time in five years. He’s trying to deal with the burden of expectations and really has zero desire to spend any extra time or energy on anything that isn’t baseball.
But then he meets Stiles.
83 notes · View notes
stillebesat · 3 years
An Unconventional Defeat
Sanders Sides: Patton, Virgil Blurb: Patton knew that heroes started out young, far younger than villains ever did. But this young? Inspiration: From the Anon prompt: “I can take care of myself just fine.” with Virgil. Fic Type: Superhero!AU, Villain!Patton, Hero!Virgil Overall Fic Warnings: Near Death Experiences, Death Talk, Injuries, Hospitals Taglist in Reblogs:
He’s fourteen.
Patton stared down at the prone form of his nemesis, Onyx, in the darkened hospital room, mind racing.
He knew that heroes started out young, far younger than villains ever did. But this young?
Sure, that no good empathy that the heart twinged with seemed to chime all stronger for the children. For those naive fools who were still optimistic about life and wanted to believe that good would always win out in the end. That being good was the best way to live your life. That you could change the world for the better.
Patton had been a fool like that. Once.
He’d wanted to be a teacher. Once. Be an example to the rising generation. Once.
And then he’d had his eyes forcibly opened in college to just how cruel and heartless the world actually was. Goodness only got trampled. Squashed. Taken advantage of. Goodness only got used until it wasn’t useful anymore and then got dumped like so much trash. If one wanted to change the world permanently. One couldn’t do so by being good.
Kids though?
The poor fools didn’t realize that yet. That being good wasn’t well...good. For anyone. Hero work? Pointless. Especially with how active Patton was in the city.
Hero work didn’t put food on the table. Hero work didn’t pay the bills. It was a thankless never ending job.
A job that landed a fourteen year old in the hospital with head trauma, a broken leg, arm, fractured ribs, and multiple puncture wounds in the shoulders and abdomen that had only avoided killing the kid by sheer dumb luck.
A fourteen year old that Patton had been fighting for a good three years now, not that he’d known that until nine hours ago.
Onyx had always snarked at him in a deep distorted voice, had always been covered by an ever shifting melee of shadows that never showed just who was manipulating the darkness around him.
He growled under his breath, rubbing the back of his neck. Eleven. The kid had been freaking eleven when he’d first shown up to stop Patton from razing the police department to the ground.
No wonder Onyx had been so ferocious in defending the place. He’d still been of an age to see the cops as fellow heroes. The good guys. He hadn’t yet discovered their darker side. Just how much like school ground bullies most of them could be to the weak.
Patton clenched his hands, conscious of the frost coating his fingertips, of the room getting noticeably colder. “You’re an idiot.” He told the sleeping hero in a low voice, tensing as the shadows sluggishly stirred at the sound of his voice. “Ruining everything.”
He’d been trying to take down Onyx for ages. Perfecting the best way to use his ice bolts to freeze those shadows of his once and for all. It had been the best moment of his life seeing the hulking figure finally stagger when his ice had successfully pierced through the darkness and not fly out the other end. To know that they had stuck. To see those dark wisps vanish like so much smoke as the hero plummeted from the sky. To have a crater form from the impact that left a dust cloud floating in the air with no hint whatsoever of his shadows preparing to strike back.
It had been his greatest moment of triumph. The final defeat of his main nemesis.
An icy javelin had already formed in his hands, aimed for Onyx’s heart before Patton’s feet had even hit the ground.
But instead of the square jawed overly muscled hero he’d expected to finally see underneath that murky shadow disguise...he’d found a freaking child laying there, bleeding, broken, and unconscious.
One Virgil Hawkins. Fourteen years old. Orphan. Parents dead since he was nine. Grandmother dead since he was eleven though apparently no one else had realized that little tidbit yet besides Patton because he’d actually tried to find the woman last night after he’d rushed the boy to the hospital for emergency surgery only to discover the little urn with her name on it on the mantle of the fireplace in her home.
It was one thing to kill a Hero. And Patton...well he’d done in his fair share of heroes over the last decade. But killing a child? His heart might be cold. Frozen even. But as much as he itched to end Onyx the hero permanently...ending Virgil the child was an entirely different matter.
Not that anyone would know. Not that anyone would care if Virgil vanished the same evening Onyx died. He could freeze the kid’s heart here and now and not even the staff supposedly watching the boy would think much of it, injured as he was.
Patton frowned, breath misting in front of him as he held out an ice coated hand over the child, an icicle easily forming in his fist.
It would be so easy.
Who would care about the disappearance of a single boy? One who was practically a ghost in his civilian life. Certainly not the news. Certainly not the cops the kid had risked his life to defend. A kid only surviving as it were because he’d been clever enough to keep his grandma’s social security checks coming to the house as a source of income.
No one would notice if he just...vanished. Not even the school the kid attended would. Not when they couldn’t even tell him if he’d shown up yesterday for class.
No concerned teacher. No concerned counselor. No friends to worry about him suddenly vanishing. Not even the staff here in the hospital cared enough to keep more than a cursory eye on their John Doe as the police attempted to track down the boy’s nonexistent family.
Virgil had no one.
Patton let the icicle dissolve back into his skin, his hand lightly resting on the boy’s warm forehead, fingers lightly brushing the stitches there.
No one to pay the hospital bills. No one to look after him once he was released. No one to ensure that he had food, clothes and shelter. No one to stop him from being a fu-freaking idiot and going out to attack a villain old enough to be his Father.
Patton shuddered, pulling his hand back. Crofters forbid that. Teenagers were the worst. Onyx only proved that tenfold with how easily he’d wound up Patton in their fights. To have one living in his own home? With their constant mood swings, inability to do chores, and dependence on social media? Ha. No.
A groan from the bed drew him from his thoughts right as the shadows around the bed surged at him, latching onto his arm and jerking him forward with a startled yelp.
“Cold.” A hoarse voice whispered as pale fingers shakily rose from under the blanket, twisting to catch Patton’s wrist as the shadows pulled him within reach. Onyx’s eyelids fluttered as he placed Patton’s hand on his forehead. “Cold.”
Was he insane?! Patton growled, the temperature in the room dropping another ten degrees as he struggled against Onyx’s shadow grip. “Let. Go!”
The hero had the gall to smirk, dark eyes unfocused as he opened them fully, the shadows pulsing around them. “No way, Icy.” He whispered. “You cold. Feels good. You stay.”
WHAT?! He wasn’t an icepack! “I’ll freeze your burning head off! LET GO, you idiot!” He allowed a thin layer of ice to form under his hand to prove his point. It was bad enough that Onyx could match him throw for throw on a good day, it was worse knowing that a fu--freaking half-drugged teenager could still hold him with minimal effort.
Virgil closed his eyes, stupid smile growing wider. “Rubber. Glue. Back to you.”
Patton blinked. “Huh?” What was that supposed to mean?! This was why he hated teenagers. They didn’t make a lick of sense whenever they spoke.
“You’re the idiot here.” Virgil dropped his hand, the shadows releasing their grip. “Coming in uniform? To a hospital? To see me? For shame.”
Patton scoffed, taking a step back. He wasn’t some first year amateur to walk in the front door dressed like this. “Like I care if anyone sees me, kid.”
If it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t afford to let anyone see him actually caring about anyone’s welfare, especially some ‘random’ kid found on the street after the big fight with Onyx, he would have blasted the front doors off their hinges and made a grand entrance instead of manipulating the ice of his clothes to resemble simple civilian attire before sauntering inside, no questions asked. After all, no one ever looked twice at some guy walking around in a black shirt and blue jeans, not even in a hospital.
Though. He flexed his fingers. It wasn’t like it was outside his wheelhouse to freeze people to death if they got in his way.
Onyx frowned, the shadows pulsing as he opened his eyes again, making eye contact. “No...you wouldn’t would you….why are you here--No.” The darkness gathered underneath him, carefully carefully pushing the kid upright in the hospital bed. He hissed, uninjured arm moving to wrap around his stomach. “Why am I here and not dead, Icy?”
Patton lifted his chin, glaring at the hero. “Did you want to be dead?” He asked, hefting a javelin of ice in his hand.
The teenager had the gall to roll his eyes, though Patton didn’t miss how the shadows surged around him in a protective shield. “Missed your chance, buddy. Don’t tell me your frozen heart actually thawed a little during our fight.”
“No.” Patton jabbed at the shadows, not at all surprised when they easily shattered his weapon with a quick twist.
So the kid wasn’t as out of it as his dilated eyes made it seem. Good to know.
“So I’m alive then….why?”
Why did it matter? “You’re fourteen.”
Virgil scoffed, slowly moving the arm that was in a cast so it too rested against his stomach. “So? You’ve killed kids before.”
Patton stiffened, ice flashing from his feet to cover the floor like a mini ice rink. Did the boy honestly not care about his own life?! “You shouldn’t have been fighting me in the first place, Onyx! You’re a kid. A Fu-FREAKING KID. Your biggest worry should be passing some stupid Math test! Making friends in school. Not squaring up against the worst villain the city has ever seen!” A villain that always, always killed his nemeses no matter what.
Virgil huffed, spreading his arms, the shadows twisting around them. “Last time I checked, this kid could wipe your ass into the dirt without breaking a sweat. I can take care of myself just fine, thank you very much.”
“But you shouldn’t HAVE to.” This wasn’t some stupid dystopian novel. No normal eleven year old should have such a stupidly high Chosen One complex.
“And who’s fault is it that I have to, Icemas?” Virgil’s eyes practically glittered like obsidian shards as the shadows lifted him off the bed, turning him to face Patton properly, the machines squeaking in protest as the various tubes connecting them to the hero shifted out of alignment. “No one else was stepping up. No one else would face you.”
“That’s the point!” Patton hissed, shooting a ray of ice to the door, crystals covering the window there and locking it in place so no one else would be able to investigate the alarms going off, before stepping forward to jab a finger at the boy’s chest, though he was careful to not actually touch the wounds there or send any ice bolts at him. “I’m showing everyone that being a hero is a useless archaic practice! No one should have to risk their life day in and day out for complete strangers who will never appreciate your sacrifice! If you had died tonight, Virgil, who would have cared?! The media? Ha.” He shook his head, gesturing to the blank TV screen in the corner as the shadows pulled back to quiver behind the young hero. “They’d mourn you for maybe a week tops before moving onto the next sensational story, the next stupid hero trying to make a difference. Maybe, maybe they will name some shiny new building after you, to remember you by, but then what? NOTHING. You’d be DEAD before you could ever drive and it would have all been for naught!”
Virgil frowned, shadows lowering him so he was sitting on the bed. “...You know my name?”
Patton stiffened. That’s what the kid was worried about? Him figuring out his civilian identity instead of nearly dying?! That was so messed up. “Someone had to try and track down your family, kid. The idiots here weren’t gonna do it.”
The hero had the gall to grin, though Patton didn’t miss how his fingers clenched the sheets. “Aww, well isn’t that sweet of you, Popsicle. How did that go?” He tilted his head to the iced over door where distant voices could be heard as the handle rattled. “Good old mom and dad waiting outside to see me? To check in on how their ickle Virgikins is doing?”
Teenagers. He hated them. “You know they aren’t. You have no one.”
Something flickered in the boy’s eyes. “Oh! Then let me guess.” He rested his chin on his uninjured hand. “You let the staff know I’m on my own? Do I get the oh so fun opportunity to experience our stellar A+ foster care system now?”
Patton rolled his eyes, shooting another bolt of ice at the door for good measure. “Please. They still think you’re a John Doe.” The lazy bums were waiting for him to wake up first. Hoping that Virgil would tell them who he was before trying to track down his identity or family.
“Excellent.” Virgil gave the door an appraising look. “Think they’ll believe amnesia?”
Patton blinked. “....Do you not feel the stitches holding your head together?” Or the baseball sized lump on the back of his skull from hitting the pavement?
The hero shrugged. “Honestly?” The shadows pulsed around him. “It’s all kinda fuzzy agony currently. Can’t differentiate what parts of me hurt and what doesn’t.”
How was this kid even awake?! Patton stepped forward, pushing the boy back down flat on the bed. “Then REST before you hurt yourself further, idiot.”
“Aw, love you too, Popsicles.”
“DON’T CALL ME THAT.” He would never be a fu-freaking Father to anyone.
“Or what?” Virgil relaxed against the pillows, even as his hand twisted to catch Patton’s wrist again. “You’ll kill me?”
If he wanted to do that the kid would be dead already. Patton jerked free, another ice spear forming in his hand, pointed to the boy’s throat. “No.”
“Aw. You scared to?”
“NO. I’m not killing a KID. Our fights are done with, Virgil. No more Onyx. He’s DEAD.”
The boy scoffed, pushing the spear to the side. “Last I checked, Icy,” The shadows surged over him in a swirling mass until the familiar shadowy form of Onyx stared back from the bed. “We’re the same person.” His voice echoed. “And I’m still alive and kicking.”
Ooooohoooho. Patton could feel his eye twitching as ice crept up the walls and window. If it were just Onyx he’d take great pleasure in killing the hero here and now. He itched to do so. But he couldn’t. Not with knowing that Virgil the child hid underneath the darkness. “I won’t fight you, kid.”
The shadows pulled back, revealing Virgil looking far paler than before, his face glittering with sweat. “Coward.”
“Idiot.” The kid needed to see a shrink. No normal fourteen year old would be this stubborn about wanting to constantly go up against him and face death by his hand!
“I know you are but what am I?”
The window shattered, sending frost covered glass glittering to the floor. “Hopefully grounded by the fool that ends up taking you in.” He got out through gritted teeth, ice particles shimmering in the air, ready to defend as the shadows around Onyx sprung up like a series of blackened tentacles writhing behind him.
He pitied whoever ended up with this troubled teen in their home…though...maybe he could arrange for the kid to be shipped across the country to live far far away from here. Getting out of this place could set him straight. Snap him out of this stupid hero phase he was in.
Virgil threw his head back, laughter ringing throughout the room as banging sounded from the door, the ice blockade cracking under the strain.
Judging by the way the ice was shearing off, someone with heat abilities had finally shown up.
Virgil shook his head, still grinning, though his eyes held no laughter as the shadow tentacles sharpened into jagged points, all aimed at Patton’s chest. “Oh that’s rich. Me, grounded? Like a normy would be able to stop me from coming after you the next time you decide to wreck the city.” He pushed himself up onto one elbow, jabbing his cast at Patton, the shadows quivering behind him like a pack of hunting dogs waiting to be unleashed as the temperature in the room dropped even further. “Face it, Popsicle. If you’re not gonna kill me then you’re stuck with me being your nemesis. If you want me to stop being the hero and keep me alive, then you have to stop being the villain. And we both know you’re not gonna do that. Your precious plan is too important to just give it up for my sake.”
And that was the crux of the matter wasn’t it? Patton snarled, raising his hands, the ice particles in the air morphing into a slew of arrows all directed towards the boy. He didn’t want to kill Virgil. But he couldn’t give up his plan. Give up being the villain. Not after a decade of fighting to get all those idealistic fools to see what a farce being a hero was. He was so close to winning. So close. “Fine.” He surged forward, grabbing the boy by the throat, ice arrows darting about to block the shadow tentacles of the kid’s from interfering. “You value my plan more than your pathetic life? Then you should--”
The door behind them shattered, sending a heat wave full of shrapnel blasting into the room.
Patton whirled, flinging a wall of ice towards the figures in the doorway in an attempt to block the worst of the heat from outright killing Virgil then and there. IDIOTS! Did they not care at all that an already injured kid was in the ro---
A half melted silver door knob burst through the resulting steam before Patton could react to it, clocking him between the eyes with enough force to knock him backwards, his world vanishing into cold, silent darkness as the hospital floor rushed up to meet him.
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onlymexsarah · 3 years
Promise pt. 5 || Kaz Brekker
Summary: When the life of Kaz is threated by her presence, she had to make a crucial decision that will bring misunderstanding among the two of them. Now that he has his Fire Girl, will he be able to keep her, or Dirtyhand will mess everything up?
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x grisha!Reader
Warning: angst, Kaz being Dirtyhands for ten minutes straigh, spoiler of Six of Crows, my english.
A/N: Thank all of you for the comments, the likes and the shares. I didn't expected that this little idea would have captured your attention, really you made my writing more enjoyable and easy. I'm so sorry if I'm late but I've been sick these days and I couldn't finish the chapter :( there are a lot of things that I want to tell you, see you at the end of the chapter ;)
PT. 1 - PT. 2 - PT. 3 - PT. 4
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Few days passed with the girl lying on her bed recovering from the wound that the fight gave her.
When she opened her eyes after have fainted in Kaz's arms, fear had been the first to come to visit her. Fear of being already tied at some bed on a ship, sold at the Shu that would have been more than happy to make experiment on her. She was scared that the temptation must have been too much for Kaz Brekker to have such a value grisha in his hands, but then she noticed she was in her room at the Slat and a rush of tiredness hit her making her sleep again.
The other times she opened her eyes someone among Jesper, Inej and Wylan was always at her side, changing the bandage and bringing her food.
Inej told her that her father, Jan Van Eck, was now aware that she was part of the Dregs, and she was under Kaz Brekker's protection. Everyone was aware she was a grisha, but neither Jesper and Inej seemed to mind her lie, maybe because they had secrets too, she though.
A morning a letter came for Kaz, a letter from her father.
Mister Brekker
we never had the occasion to meet, and you'll agree with me when I say that I wish to keep things like this. Voice is spread that you have my beloved daughter with you. I hope you understand that she is a danger for this city. I've sent her away many years ago with the only interest of protecting Kerch from her, but I see that I could have done things in a better way.
It is as a father that I ask you to bring her to me so that I can repair my mistakes. She is a danger for all of us if not under control, Mister Brekker, and I am sure you saw it yourself last night. She has to face a trial for her crimes and be sent where she can't be a danger for anyone anymore. If she doesn't come back in seven days, I should consider you and your Dregs as her accomplices, planning to attack Ketterdam and all Kerch using her power.
Surely a smart men as yourself doesn't want those kind of problems.
Hope to see my city safe again,
Jan Van Eck.
Inej had brough the letter at her in the afternoon, and in the evening the grisha girl was already planning her escaping from Ketterdam for the third time in her life.
She didn't want to leave Wylan, hell she had promised him they wouldn't split up ever again, but if her plan worked then he would have been able to follow her after few months. If the Van Eck siblings moved together they would have caught too much attention, and they had to do everything in secrets.
Wylan tried to convince her to stay. He was sure that Kaz would have helped her, Wylan was sure that Kaz Brekker would have sealed all Ketterdam to keep her save, and even if as her brother he didn't like her closeness with the Bastard of the Barrel, he couldn't deny that it was useful.
"I'm putting all of you in danger just staying here. If I go away father will have nothing to threat you with." she said putting her clothes in her bags. Seven days, she couldn't give her father the time to close all the harbours in Kerch. If she wanted to go she had to do it as soon as possible.
"Talk to Kaz! Let see what he says, please." begged Wylan grabbing her hands in his to stop her.
She looked in his beautiful blue eyes and saw hope. "You really think Kaz has the power to keep me here?"
Her brother smirked. "I think Kaz would tear apart this city to keep you save. Talk to him, keep your options open."
Dirtyhands would never fight a battle where he couldn't win money, but Y/n was willing to try. That night after dinner she decided she would speak with Kaz and see if he was willing to keep her.
"Let see what the great Kaz Brekker think about it." she sighed putting her arm around Wylan's shoulder and walking downstair where their dinner waited them.
Kaz Brekker sat in his office, in his gloved hands the red handkerchief and Jan Van Eck's letter. Before that morning the death of Van Eck had been one of the many he wanted to deal with for what he had done to his Fire Girl, but now his death had taken a shape, colours and many details that Kaz's was adding one by one.
Brick by brick, Kaz would take all his enemies down, and Y/n was more than welcome to take her revenger with him.
He went downstair at the second floor walking toward Y/n's room. He wanted to check how she was, and speak with her about how she wanted to deal with her father. He didn't know if she wanted his actual death, but he was just fine with torture.
When he reached the door and looked inside his blood froze. All her things were packed in three bags, all her clothes were gone from her wardrobe and none of her objects were around the room. Neither the little portrait of she and baby Wylan that she kept on her bedside table before falling asleep.
She is leaving you.
These words felt like a stab in his chest, like someone had taken the oxigen from his lungs. Would she, leave him? Yes. Y/n would find a better life everywhere out Kerch, it was reasonable that she was already packing. When she wanted to leave? Where she wanted to go?
He knew nothing about it and Kaz Brekker always knew everything. Especially of what happened in his Slat. But this time the girl was leaving him, again, and she hadn't had talked with him about it. She hadn't advised him. Did you really think she was going to live this life just for you? For a man who can't even hold her hands without hyperventilate? A man who can't give her the love she deserve?
The fear he saw in her eyes when she saved his life with her power wasn't because she was feared of his rejection; she feared that he would have send her out of the Dregs, without protection and away from her brother.
He stormed back in his office, anger filled his boody and what else? Disappointment? Sadness? He was angry with himself because he had been a fool again. He had let someone playing with him again, that's what Y/n had been doing. She had been toying with him. She had made sure to have a safe place where live, a job and her brother beside her. Every little nice things she did for him was just to keep him close, to keep Dirtyhands at bay.
Like a fury he threw everything that was on his desk on the floor with his arms. Documents, the handkerchief, the letters, were all on the floor but he couldn't care less. She wanted to leave? Fine. Dirtyhands didn't care.
A known shiver crossed his spine before he heard a knock at his door.
"What?" he didn't look up when the girl entered, too focus on something in the drawers of his desk.
"Wow, and I though to be the one who had a bad day." she joked looking the mess at his feet.
He didn't smile, or smirked. He kept his eyes on something she coudn't see. "What bussiness?"
What bussiness. Those words were the greeting in Ketterdam when two bussiness men met, but the grisha girl though that she and Kaz had passed that step. He must had really a bad day, and it could have been because of the letter...she though sadly.
Who knew what other problems her father had caused around Ketterdam to earn the attention of Kaz, to push him to hand her in his hands.
"My father...I don't want any of you to be in danger because of me." she said carefully walking closer to his desk. A glimp of red captured her eyes but the pain at her waist made her close her eyes for a second.
"I'd say it's too late for it, isn't it?" he asked coldly. She took a step behind, taken back by his coldness toward her. "You seemed to enoy keeping secrets, didn't you? Do you know how easier it would have been knowing about your being grisha months ago?"
That wasn't the boy who had brough her in his arms out from the gala. He wasn't the boy who fought beside her, spied beside her and saved her a couple of time.
"I am sorry, I truly am Kaz. But I know what is the price of being a grisha here...it wouldn't have been easy for me walking with a target on my back. I have done it my whole life."
He refused to look her in the eyes, and it was driving her crazy. Was he really that mad at her that he couldn't bare even the sight of her?
"You decided for yourself, a thing you tend to do often I see." she was sure he had never spoken to her like that, neither in his bad days, and Kaz Brekker had a lot of bad days. "You swore loyalty to the Dregs, to the Crows. If you can't trust us then you shouldn't stay here."
He had said the crucial words, and there was no going back. She wanted to leave, then he would make sure to let her believe that he didn't care. That he didn't care about not finding his hot coffee on his desk again, or that from that day on he wouldn't feel the shivers in his spine anymore. He pretended to not care about not seeing her anymore. She had left him once, he could survive it a second time.
"That's it? That's what you want?" she felt her voice dying in her throat. Was her mistake that big? You knew that once Kaz knew what you were he would have pushed you away like everyone else. 'No one will understand you as the other of your kind', Baghra once told her, but when she met Kaz she believed that her old teacher was wrong. Kaz Brekker had been her safe harbour when no one else would care about her, was she so easily replaceable for him?
"You would have leave anyway at some point, you said it yourself the first time we met at the Club. Today, tomorrow, in five years...I don't see the difference." he shrugged like he didn't care.
He doesn't, her mind reminded her.
"Alright then...I don't want to be of any trouble to you anymore..." she whispered with her hands behind her back. She hated how little she felt, but he was sendind her away. Kaz Brekker, the boy she'd die for. The boy who had let her felt hope again after years, the boy who made her laugh even when he surely didn't mean it. The boy in who she was willing to put the most important years of her long life, that boy was sending her away without looking back.
"Then go." he said fixing his eyes in hers. She could feel the sharpness of his eyes cutting her chest.
"Fine, then I'll just-" she stopped talking when her eyes landed on the red thing she had seen before. A red handkerchief. Her feet moved on their own will. Before she could register what was happening she had the red handkerchief in her hands, her eyes fixed on the three letters on it. W. V. E.
"Y/n don't-" Kaz stood up trying to stop her but it was too late.
"Why do you have my brother's hand-" she was confused, but then her eyes raised to the boy in front of her. His brown eyes, his dark hair and pale skin, and in a second her mind brough her a memory.
The little boy smiled standing before her. He was at the same height of her belly, but his eyes seemed older.
"I have still things to do, and people I need to find. " the last words said with rage.
"Take care of yourself, boy. Don't let the bad days winning your good ones, there is always light at the end of a tunnel; you only have to walk a little more."
And then another.
"What is you name little boy?"
"K-..." he stopped for a long moment thinking about it. He looked the girl beside him and even if he wanted to trust her he just couldn't after what happened. "Jordie..."
"J-Jordie?" she asked, her voice trembling. "I-...You are not him, aren't you?" he stayed silent, looking her like a statue. "You would have told me if you were him...Kaz you are not the little boy I met eight years ago, right?!"
Her voice raised squeezing the handkerchief in her right fit.
She saw him gulped before answering slowly. "Yes, I am."
She took two huge steps back breathing eavily. He had known me all along. "Why you've never said anything? That day when you approached me, you knew who I was and you offered me a...job..."
"Can you keep a secret?" she asked touching his shoulder with her own. The boy, whose name wasn't obviously Jordie, nodded looking her curiously. She smirked bringin her left hand on her right one and rotating them slowly. A flame came out from her right palm, little but still powerful; red and orange like the handkerchief she had given him before.
The boy's eyes shone marveled looking the flame on her palm. "You are a grisha!"
The truth hit her hard. She raised her eyes in his letting him see the betrayal. "You had always knew what I was. That's why you gave me the job...you didn't care that I was new, you didn't care that I was the girl you met when you was a child. You wanted an Inferni to work for you!"
Every words, every attention, every talk they shared were all lies. Nothing of what he said was true, Kaz Brekker didn't need a reason, he didn't need a reason to give a job to a girl new in town, but it was clear that Kaz Brekker always had a reason. She had been only too foolish to not understand everything before.
She thought she was good to keep a secret, but something like her power couldn't pass unnoticed to Kaz Brekker. She had been a fool to believe he didn't know about her power. It was the only reason he kept her in the Dregs since the beginning.
"An inferni would have been very useful, but you have proved to know how to do your job perfectly without your power. Now, if you want to go you are free to do so. Nothing bind you here." he said, his voice cold as death.
You bound me here, she wanted to shout. But it had been Kaz's plan all along. Making her believe she was different, making her believe he saw her.
"Nothing." she repeated before walking away from his office, leaving the boy alone with the loudly silent that filled the room, staring at the handkerchief that she let fall on the ground, the only thing that had always bound them.
The next morning Kaz woke up and knew immediately that something was wrong. He took his cane and walked downstairs to the kitchen where he heard people talking out loud.
"I swear Jesper, when I see him I-" Wylan stop talking in the exact moment Kaz stepped in the room. The red haired boy fixed his eyes on him and before he could understand what was happening Wylan was yelling at him with all the rage he felt. "How dare you coming here like nothing happened!?"
Jesper had to put his arms around Wylan's torso to keep him from throwing himself on Kaz. "Last time I checked this was my Slat."
"And you find amusing sending people away, don't you?" Wylan spoke spitting venom from his mouth. "She needed help and you turned your back at her!"
Now Kaz needed few minutes to make his brain, still sleepy, working to connect the dots. It was clear that Wylan was talking about his sister, who seemed to have played the victim with her own brother.
"If you want to know, merchling, she decided her will herself. She came to me to let me know she was leaving." Kaz shrugged walking toward coffee machine. He didn't have the strengh to face an angry boy if he wasn't properly awake.
"As hell she did. She came to ask you what to do and you sent her away." Kaz let his words running in his head for a while, studying them one by one.
He didn't..."When she came in my office she had already decided." he refused to tell them he had seen her bags ready in her room, he refused to let someone know he cared.
"No Kaz, she didn't." This time Inej spoke, he hadn't even noticed she was there. "She wanted to leave to protect you from her father, but Wylan convinced her to slow down and come to you to ask what to do."
No, no, it was not possible. "When she came in your office she hadn't decided yet. You gave her the answer, Kaz." Jesper spoke keeping his hands on Wylan's shoulders, who now was sat on a chair with his face in his hands.
I would have noticed if she was asking me what to do. She had her bags ready...she came to me to tell me...his thoughs were running wild inside his head.
"That's it? That's what you want?"
Kaz tried to put his thoughs together. He tried to find a logic of what had happened the night before.
"You had always knew what I was. That's why you gave me the job...you didn't care that I was new, you didn't care that I was the girl you met when you was a child. You wanted an Inferni to work for you!"
No, no, no. Everything was so wrong again. He though she was going to leave him and he had let her believe that he had used her all this time. He though she was leaving him...that was the only thing he had needed to loose his mind.
"You didn't know..." whispered Inej surprised.
Kaz couldn't trust his voice enough to not break in front of everyone so he just shoke his head slowly looking the Suli girl in the eyes.
"What have you done..."murmured Jesper rubbing his eyes with his hand. "Alright, if you hurry you should arrive before the schooner leaves."
"Fifth harbour?" Kaz asked with raspy voice.
"Yes! Go!" said the Zemeni boy excited. "I love a dramatic romance."
He didn't let him repeated twice, ready to run if he had to he walked toward the door when Wylan's voice stopped him.
"Brekker, bring her back." Please, was the word the boy let unspoken.
He nodded before running toward the harbour. He took just his cloat at the door, leaving his hat behind. He couldn't let her leave again. He had to arrive in time, and if he didn't he would have swim until he'd found himself on the schooner and ask sorry to her for his infinity dullness.
"Alright then...I don't want to be of any trouble to you anymore..."
She wasn't a trouble, he wanted to shout in the air. She had never been a trouble, he was the wrong one. He was the twisted, crooked, problematic who couldn't stop himself from hurt her everytime.
"My father...I don't want any of you to be in danger because of me."
Even when she was the one in danger, she would think about him first. He didn't see it last night, too focused on accusing her of betrayal. Betrayal of what? She hadn't broken any vows she made. She wasn't bind to him, she own him nothing and surely Ketterdam did nothing to earn her protection.
Since the first day she had stayed on her own will, she had stayed beside him even when he pushed everyone away. That's what got under his skin, her perseverence. She kept fighting for him, she kept seeing good in him and the only thing he had been capable of was making her feel used and unwanted.
He saw the harbour and he barely noticed that he hadn't used his cane. It would have just slowed me, he thought already searching his girl with the eyes.
He owed her an explanation, he owed her a lot of apologies, and then she would decide if she wanted to stay. Kaz swore to everyone who was listening that if Y/n chose to stay in Ketterdam with him, he would have made sure to be worth her choice. He would fight everyday to go trought his boundaries for her, with her. He would be the man she deserved.
"The schooner for Os Kervo." Kaz asked urgently to a man. He knew Y/n, she would find a safe home in Ravka at the Little Palace where the grisha were safe and strong.
"The first one left this morning at four bells, the next it's at the berth twenty-four, leaves in half bell." the man answered.
Kaz didn't think twice and ran toward the schooner with his heart in his throat. Please, saints if you exist make sure she hadn't already left.
He felt pathetic. Never in his life he had ever prayed, but he though that if it gave him a chance to see her again that it was worth a try.
He arrived at the schooner, but looking around he didn't see her. She must be already on board, he though and without difficulty he went on the ship.
There wasn't many people, but from what Kaz knew the grisha girl could have been already in her room and there was no way to find her before that schooner left.
He felt a shiver in his spine, telling him that she was close, but he didn't know where to look. Right, left, he looked everywhere. People around him looked him worried.
She can't be gone, he kept reapeting in his head like a mantra.
"Came here to bring me back to my father?" a voice said from above him. "How much did he offer to you? Must be a lot to affront a grisha alone."
His heart missed a beat and when he looked over his head he though he might start to believe in saints.
She was there, perched on one of the boom. Her hood was up hiding her face like she always did when she was out of their zone. She was a wanted grisha now, and he felt a grip on his heart at the though that she was used to that life of a runner.
You are not alone anymore, Fire Girl, he though vividly.
"I thought you had decided to leave..." he said. It didn't sound like an apologize at all...Damn Saints, there were a bilions things he wanted to say her, and yet his throat felt dry when he could talk.
"I did." her voice was sharped as a blade and cold as ice.
He gulped, I deserve this. "I know..." He had a flashback of their first conversation at the Crows Club, and cold shivers ran in his blood. I will not make the same mistake twice. "I should have told you who I was since the beginning."
"Maybe if I knew I didn't have to hide my power you could have had your personal inferni sooner." it was his fault. He had let her believe that he wanted her just for her power, but it wasn't true. Kaz Brekker kept her with the Dregs because he couldn't bare the though of her being hurt or threated.
"Could you get off from that boom? Please..." the last word burned in Kaz's throat like fire. It wasn't easy for him to say out loud his feelings, but he knew it would have been the only thing to make her stay. He owed her the truth.
She scoffed and jumped, landing in front of him with the lightness of a feather. Crossing her arms over her chest she studyed him from under her hood, waiting for him to speak first.
You want me sto stay, you have to say it, her posture told him.
"I saw your bags in your room, I though you wanted to leave me, the Dregs. I would understand if it what you wish, but you have to know that I was angry. Angry because I though you didn't trust me. You had just packed all your things without talking to me first, I though...I though you..." said those words Kaz brekker, a voice said in his mind. "I though you used me as a protection, nothing else. And when you showed up in my office I though you were going to say me you were leaving. No question, no mouners."
She stayed silent for a bit, surely surprised by his words. He couldn't see her whole face from his height, and he needed to use all his self control to not take it and push it down.
"The only reason I decided to leave was because my father knew about you. I knew he would have used you against me if I stayed, and I couldn't put you in danger just because I wanted to be selfish." her voice had softened a bit, but it was still sharp as she was ready for any attack from him. "Wylan convinced me that you would have helped me, that you would have been willing to fight for me. But when I come to you, I find Dirtyhands planning my departure. And what I find out? That you kept me under your roof just because you knew I was a grisha."
"It's not true." he stopped her firmly. "I knew you were a grisha, but never in my head I though about using you for your power."
"Then what other reason to keep the truth about our first meeting from me?"
Now it's the moment. Don't let your shame eat you alive, put yourself together and take your Fire Girl back.
"Because I was ashamed of the man I became. Because if you knew who I was you would have seen that the little boy you met eight years ago doesn't exist anymore. You would have seen that I failed you..." saying finally those words after a year left him lighter.
She gasped softly. It's not true, I can still see that little boy right in front me... "No, I failed you. You were a child Kaz, you had no faults. I should've stayed with you."
She could see the surprise on Kaz's face when she spoke those words. She had time to think that morning, at the little boy she left alone in the streets of Ketterdam. The boy who had kept her secrets all those years and never blackmailed her.
"I don't think something would have changed. I chose my path." he said with his raspy voice. How many nights he had dreamt about that moment? When he would finally speak with her, when the little boy and the Fire Girl would meet again.
"Becasue no one was there for you. Beccause you were alone. But if someone would have taken care of you, if someone would have showed you another way, maybe everything would have been different." maybe you would have been different.
She wasn't disappointed in what Kaz had became, she knew that everything he did it was to survive at the Barrel. She was proud that he had found the strengh to fight and live; Y/n would change nothing of the man she had in front of her.
The captain of the schooner announced that they were ready to leave and Y/n took a deep breath. "You should go..."
"Come with me." his mind, his rational part stopped working. There were nothing to brake his tongue. "Eight years ago you asked me if I wanted you to stay with me, and I said no. Today I'm asking you to stay in Ketterdam, with me, with the Crows. We cant-...I can't loose you. Not again."
Her heart started to beat faster like a roller coaster. Was Kaz Brekker the one who was talking in front of her? The Bastard of the Barrel was asking her to stay with him. You are going to put him in danger, a voice in her mind reminded her.
She looked Ketterdam behind him, as she could see her father's house.
Kaz saw the shift in her face's direction, and immediately understood what was thinking that mind of her. He rose a gloved hand in front of him taking her by surprise.
"If you wish to go to Ravka I will not stop you, but if you give me a chance I'll try everyday to be the man worth to stay by your side. And I promise you..." he took a step forward making her gasp. "I promise you we will take down everyone who threat us and we'll make them know the real meaning of the word suffer."
That's the Dirtyhands I fell for, she though smiling brightly. She took his hand firmly feeling his fingers closing around hers. "Just one condition." He raised an eyebrow to say 'continue please'. "Jan Van Eck is mine, and he's not going to die until I say so."
She knew that Kaz wasn't the only one who had changed in those years, and there were no reasons to hide it. The grisha girl who lived in the shadows and the little boy who was scared would never meet again, both had died when the world had turned its back to them. Both had raised like phoenix and became stronger.
"The deal is the deal, Fire Girl." he smirked walking with her toward the berth. The schooner was already leaving and there was a little void between the berth and the schooner, so Kaz squeezed her hand and they both jumped. When their feet touched the berth he didn't notice he was laughing with her. Her hood was over her forehead and he couldn't hold it anymore, he stood in front of her with the steady hands of a magician and gently lowered it, feeling the hurge to see her smile again. "No secrets anymore."
"No secrets anymore." she replied keeping her eyes in his.
It was their promise to start from the beginning. Their past was a beautiful story to remember, but they would fight for their future side by side, and little did she know that for all the time she hadn't spoken with Kaz Brekker, Bastard of the Barrel. But the boy in front of her, with the light of hope in his dark eyes was the normal, simple Kaz Rietveld.
A/N:OH MY GOODNESS WE ARE HERE! This is the end of the story of our lovely, brave Fire Girl and our little, cute Kaz. I think I can cry... This is the chapter that most I love of the series and I think you can see why! Writing it was so emotional and still so easy, I knew from the first moment how I wanted their story to end and how I wanted to write it. I have many ideas for a future book with those two idiots, but in the mean time...would you like a bonus chapter where we are gonna see how they're managing they're "relationship"? Maybe where he tells her his real name...👀 but now tell me, what was the part that you most liked? Would have you made the same decisions as them? MY CHAT AND REQUESTS ARE OPEN SOO I'm gonna wait you there ;)
p.s. : who recognize the scene from an old tv series for young I took ispiration for the fight and the departure? 👀
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
his talented baby. {pt.1}
synopsis: You as a person with a huge (and hidden) talent, and also a girl who really surprises your boyfriend.
# tags: scenarios; current relationships; romance; fluff; some PDA; sfw
includes: female reader ft. ken kaneki & nishiki nishio {tokyo ghoul} + yuuma isogai & itona horibe {assclass}
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— KEN (ft. singing)
Your closest friends invited you to a popular karaoke bar on one Friday night to celebrate a successfully passed semester in college. Of course, you couldn’t forget about your lovely boyfriend, who was at the same university, but in a different field (i.e. Japanese literature) and always supported you with all his might, knowing how much you want to do your dream job in the future.
So you went to the meeting together, and on the way to the designated place you talked all the time about what the next year of study would bring you. As soon as you reached the room where your three closest besties and one male friend were waiting for you, you both greeted them warmly, immediately taking off your thick coats and taking your seats on a soft, leather couch next to a table filled with tasty-looking snacks and colorful drinks.
Long minutes of conversations between the six of you resulted in drunk plenty of alcohol and blushes on the faces. After drinking, you always got more talkative and more self-confident, so you suggested using the TV and the karaoke machine. Of course, you first offered your friends and Ken to sing something, but they all declined, saying that you should start as an initiator. One of the girls, blonde-haired Minami, smiled at you with a sparkle in her pretty golden eyes, adding that you are the best in this and you should show how to do it correctly. You chuckled in response, waving your hand at her to dismiss compliment.
Kaneki, on the other hand, frowned as he looked at the boy who was sitting on his right.
“... Oh, you don’t know? Y/N-san hasn’t yet praised herself to you that she has a wonderful voice? Huh, huh.” The black-haired boy shook his head, reaching for the glass filled with blue something again. “Hmmm, well. Normally Y/N’s very shy, but she always sings at trips when she’s drunk.” He chuckled while you picked one of your favorite songs in the meantime. So everyone looked at your standing figure, then heard the characteristic sounds from one of Selena Gomez’s songs coming from the gray speakers.
“My dear, I dedicate it to you~!” You looked with joy on your face towards the eighteen-year-old, giving him a quick wink, and then you started your little performance with ‘Love you like a love song’ from the above-mentioned artist.
Your friends didn’t seem surprised and instead started clapping to the beat of the music... but Ken’s eyes widened and he spat out his high-percentage drink, not knowing how to react to the fact that for nine, long months of your relationship, you concealed the fact that you could sing so well and so beautifully. Your voice was perfect for the song that was playing now, and you seemed to be having a great time – there was a huge smile on your lips, your eyelids were slightly closed and your hand was over your heart. If it weren’t for the fact that you were at a karaoke bar, everyone would definitely think you are playing a concert on the biggest stage in Tokyo city.
After the song was over, another girl got up to present a completely different choice, and you handed her the dark microphone, bowing in the process.
Kaneki still seemed speechless and as soon as you sat down next to him, he immediately kissed you on the warm forehead, asking you to sing more to him, especially when you two are going to be alone, because he probably fell in love with you once again and just wanted to experience that love every day thereafter.
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— NISHIKI (ft. ballet)
Nishiki, as a pharmacy student, didn’t have much time for extra-curricular activities or unnecessary meetings; in addition, the fact that he was a bloodthirsty ghoul and had to watch over himself made it difficult for him to function normally in the life of Kamii University. However, the brown-haired man always found time for you, for his beloved girlfriend.
You had been dating for over three, long years, and the man definitely couldn’t imagine his own life without you by his side. You knew each other better than anyone else in this world, but sometimes some tiny things of your ordinary day eluded Nishio; of course you understood it perfectly and you weren’t angry or disappointed with him. After all, he had to protect himself, you, take care of his specific menu, be vigilant at every step, and additionally he had to pretend to be the perfect student, senpai (or kouhai) and friend of other people.
So you weren’t surprised when one day you handed him a silverish ticket for probably the most important show of your life and he just looked at you in wonderment. At the beginning, the twenty-year-old asked if it was a performance related to singing or playing an instrument due to the fact that the colorful paper didn’t tell him too much, but you just smirked as you tweaked the unruly, soft hair on his head.
“Hmm. If you don’t remember what I do in my free time, it’s even better, I guess. Come and see it for yourself, honey. I think that thanks to this you will even calm down a little and rest due to the recent weeks.” You announced in a light tone of voice, and the young man sighed under his breath.
“So... I’ll find out in three days, am I right?” He made sure by correcting his glasses and you nodded, then grabbing his rough hand and kissing his cool cheek. A short while later you suggested going to your apartment and catching up on a few episodes of your favorite series that you started quite recently.
The anticipation of your important day passed very quickly and on Saturday, at 6 p.m., when everyone took their seats (with your boyfriend sitting on one of the balconies with the best view of the stage), delicate music was played in the theater, which made everyone shiver on the whole body. Until then, the brown-eyed boy somewhere in the back of his head had the impression that it was a theater performance or an opera, but when he saw your person appear on stage in a beautifully tailored dress and ballet shoes, all the questions that flickered in his mind disappeared in literally one second.
‘Well, yeah. I remember now. She always told me about ballet classes and new shoes.’ A huge, proud smirk came on his pale face and you glanced out of the corner of your eye towards his VIP seat.
Though your expression was cold and composed, you felt an enormous heat in your small heart as the man waved at you, showing two thumbs up. His lips moved even slightly, and although Nishiki tried to hide it, you knew perfectly well that the pink blush and mute ‘I love you’ was sincere and even better than being able to play Odetta, the White Swan, in a ballet spectacle.
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— YUUMA (ft. songwriting and guitar playing)
Christmas at school was never what you enjoyed; maybe due to the fact that before, your classmates on main campus were quite specific and you definitely didn’t fit with their strange ‘ideals’. It was only in the class E that you felt that you could find real friends or people who would share your ideas.
But, hmm. Still, you seemed to stand out from the rest of the girls in the class who had more... down-to-earth hobbies or characters than you; Okuda liked chemistry and was really excellent at it, Kirara loved reading, Rio was the best at English and had a great sense of fashion, and Toka was pretty good at cooking. Contrary to them, you preferred to... do more ‘intimate’ things. Writing short poems filled your heart with peace and prevented you from being as critical of yourself as usual. And when you wrote the lyrics of the songs, made notes or melodies to them and sang quietly, you could feel like a real artist that everyone wanted to admire and imitate.
Therefore, when your first and last class holidays with the rest of the 3-E students were fast approaching, Koro-sensei was the one who asked you for a short talk. You weren’t sure what this was about, but moments later your uncertainties were dispelled.
“Y/N-san, I think you mistook your notebooks today and instead of giving me your homework, you gave to me... this.” He said in his as always happy voice, and seeing the black notebook in which you always wrote songs and notes, you blushed all over your face, apologizing profusely for the mistake. “Huh? But this is no mistake, my dear. If it weren’t for this, I would never even think that we have such a talented soul in Class 3-E. So would you like to perform in front of the rest of the students and teachers during the holidays?” The easy question made you widen your eyes and sighed.
“I-I’ve never played in front of anyone, so...” You admitted shyly, and the tall, yellow octopus just chuckled.
“I’m pretty sure they will love it. We can practice together.”
Well, you couldn’t refuse (especially when Koro-sensei offered to bring your favorite, foreign snacks...) and on class Christmas day you showed up with your acoustic guitar and a notebook full of chords and songs. Everyone was surprised and curious at how well you play guitar. After all, you’ve never even mentioned that you can play any instrument before. On the other hand, the class representative, and your boyfriend at the same time, immediately came up to you, asking if you were really okay; better than anyone else, Isogai knew that you didn’t like too much attention and big crowds. But you reassured him it was okay and promised your teacher you would do it, so you smiled at him and then took your seat under the blackboard with a wooden guitar on your lap.
The song you chose for the day was a song you wrote quite recently. It had a little bit of magic, and at the same moment it seemed very romantic and delicate. Even Karma seemed delighted with your beautiful play and soft voice that echoed from time to time between the walls of huge classroom.
At the end of the song, you decided to raise your gaze and simultaneously look at your all friends, three teachers and other half; everyone was really happy and positively speechless. So you gave Yuuma a slight wink, making him blush sweetly.
The young teenager definitely hoped you would show him more of your songs someday, not necessarily the happy Christmas carols Kaede and Ritsu asked for.
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— ITONA (ft. dancing)
“... You never mentioned that you can dance.” He admitted softly, and you squeezed his smooth hand tighter.
“So... I mention it right now. It’s not a big deal, baby. I just ... like it and enjoy it a lot.” You giggled as you correcting the black sports bag over your shoulder, then opened the heavy door to the training room, immediately jumping up at the sound of loud squeals and greetings from your closest friends. “Guys, this is Itona Horibe, my boyfriend that I told to you before! Love, it’s Aki-chan, Yui-chan, Kazuya-kun, Saburo-kun, and our cameraman and editor Ryuu senpai. Most often, the five of us cooperate with each other when it comes to dance in groups of five people. And... today we are going to cover a song so I hope you’ll like it. I’ll go change and you all, please, don’t scare my boyfriend and give him something to drink!”
As a group leader, you often came up with choreographies and warm-ups for yourself and others. So, it couldn’t be otherwise this time. For the last week and a half you have been practicing the choreo you came up with and today you were supposed to record material for the video on your quite popular YouTube account. You were extremely excited, not only with the new content, but most of all with the fact that your beloved one would be able to watch it live and evaluate your skills that have been refined over the years. So as soon as you got back to the teens waiting for you, you kissed the light-blue-haired quickly on the right cheek and told him that he could sit against the wall, close to the table full of snacks and the contact for charging the phone.
Then you talked with everyone for a while, doing a short warm-up and reminding the cameraman about how to move the cam. A few short minutes later, you lined up in the middle of a huge white room with Ryuu in front of you. You knelt down in the center, of course, gently moving your shoulders to calm your rapidly pounding heart and heavy breathing, and when a song by Ariana Grande started playing all over the bright room, you all looked at the already activated camera, shaking your heads and then you got up from the wooden floor.
Itona... was speechless. He has never seen people dancing before, he has never even been interested in others, only you and what you like. Today he got to know your little passion, which turned out to be a breathtaking talent, and the boy wondered if you could do anything else; are you good at one specific dance genre or are you able to move your body in a completely different rhythm than he currently saw?
From Koro-sensei’s history lessons, when you two were in junior high, the eighteen-year-old remembered perfectly well that there is also classical dance, tango and breakdance. So could you also do that? He had to ask you about it later.
But now his curious gaze was focused on you and your huge, radiant smile, and the sound of feet hitting the ground. He also looked at your legs, tiny hands, stomach, and hair, while he wondered if he might learn to dance too, to be even closer to you and your hobby. After all, you looked so beautiful and so joyful... He wanted to share these emotions.
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harryspet · 4 years
good girl. bad habits. [1] peter parker
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[Warnings] alpha!peter parker x omega!reader, omegaverse, boarding school au, dystopian au, soultmate au, spanking, teacher/student, physical abuse, misogyny, plot now/porn later 
A/N: warnings should be explanation enough! this is probably going to have two parts :)
In which you’re forced to attend a school for Omegas and you meet an Alpha that’s destined to shake up your world. 
word count: 4.2k
main masterlist
taglist: @peterztinglez @lovelynerdytraveler @buckybarney @hollandsdream @micki-smiles @buckybarnesplumwhore @arts-ismything @saharzek @lovemassivelybeautifulbouquet @what-is-your-wish @marvelslut-musicalnerd @brattypeony @hermayone​ @buckysugar​ @yanderepeterparker​ @ttqueen05​ @belleknows​ @write-from-the-heart​ @sad-ed-noise​ @quaksonhehe​
Wanda grabbed your hand, examining your nails with wide eyes, “Where did you get nail polish?” She whisper-shouted, trying not to draw attention to the two of you in the large auditorium. There were rows of girls surrounding you, all of them lacking any sort of individuality because of the stupid dress code. 
“I traded for it,” Wanda raised an eyebrow and you sighed, “I’m doing her homework for Mr. Rogers for the next week. Worth it, right? Red looks good on me.”
Wanda gave you a disapproving look but you were quite used to it, “Trading?” Wanda scoffed, “You make it sound like we’re in prison.”
You only frowned, folding your hands in front of you, “That’s the only word I would use to describe it.”
Before Wanda could argue, the deafening sound of a microphone blasted through the auditorium, signalling that the assembly was about to begin. Mistress Romanoff stepped onto the platform, wearing her usual striking red hair and a black pencil skirt that hugged her curves. All the male teachers lusted for the Beta woman but you only felt jealousy. You wished your uniform skirt hugged your curves rather than dropping to your knees. 
She carried the mic with her, clipboard in hand that held the contents of the meeting. It was the crack of dawn and you were running on little sleep but that wasn’t anything special for you. If you wanted anytime to yourself, you had to utilize the time after midnight which meant you often forgoed sleep. 
“Good morning, ladies,” She addressed you all, her face lacking a smile or compassion, “You’ve already completed two months of the semester. A majority of you are passing your classes with flying colors. I hope you finish the semester just as strong as you started it ….”
That two months felt like a year to you. You’d spent the summer in a detention center and you were apparently “lucky” to be sitting here instead of there. In reality, you preferred the girls at the detention center over this school because they at least had spines. The girls here were mindless followers just hoping to please whatever men they had in their lives. 
“As you all know, at the Stark School, our most popular event is the Halloween Ball. You know, a select few girls are chosen to attend based on merit as a reward for a job well done. This year, I have spectacular news concerning the event that I think all of you ladies will be glad to hear,” There were impatient, excited whispers that roamed over the crowd. You witnessed Wanda whispering something into the ear of the girl beside her. You only yawned, waiting for the assembly to be over, “This year, a select few males from the Asgard School for Alphas will be in attendance-”
Mistress Romanoff was interrupted by an overwhelming reaction from the crowd which consisted of loud squealing and gasps, “Ladies, please calm down. I know you’re all excited but don’t be too rash. There are still several weeks until the Ball. I would advise you all to be on your best behavior and to get your grades up if you want to be considered.”
You wanted to vomit in your mouth. The male teachers were worse enough. Being around young, Alpha males sounded like a complete nightmare. Wanda was freaking out beside you but you had tuned her out. With your current grades and disciplinary record, you’d end up at that Ball when hell freezes over. 
You should’ve known that the Halloween Ball would consume everyone’s conversation for the rest of the day. It seemed you were the only one in the entire world that didn’t care. Except for Wanda, you didn’t really have any friends here and today was only adding to that isolation you always felt. 
“Let’s go off script today and talk about our goals and aspirations. I often get a lot of questions from you all about advice on the plans for your future. This isn’t exactly Omega history but I figured we could use history in order to help guide us …”
As you sat in class, your eyes weren’t on the board in front of the class but out the window. The school consisted of long corridors, tall ceilings and tall windows. The ancient building sat in the middle of a forest in an area that you did not know. After the judge decided where you’d spend your senior year, they drugged you and brought you here. 
You were only half listening to Mr. Rogers as he gave today’s lecture. The paint on your nails was far more interesting. Besides that, you hated how people only raised their hands to agree with him. Looking across the room at Wanda, you could see how in love she was with him. 
“Throughout history, we see Omegas taking on a softer and more gentle role in our society, especially in females. Omega females are natural nurturers as well as natural followers. Can someone tell me why this is unlikely to change?”
You rolled your eyes as someone raised their hand, “It’s because it’s in our nature. It’s how the Goddess created us.”
“Exactly,” Mr. Rogers agreed with a smile, “There are leaders in our world and then there are followers. Both positions are equally as important. You can’t have one without the other,” You’d heard this type of lecture a million times and most of the girls at your school gobble it up, “There are a lot of options for omega females. After you meet your mates, the possibilities essentially become endless. There are many nurturing and low stress jobs. I know many Omegas who are secretaries, florists, and even preschool teachers. Most become homemakers and motherhood is the absolute most important job an Omega can have.”
You couldn’t hold in your scoff but, as soon as it left your lips, everyone’s head turned towards you, “What?” You asked no one in particular but to show that you didn’t want to be stared at. 
“Miss Y/L/N, is there something you would like to add to the discussion?” Mr. Rogers asked and, although he was beginning to make your heart race, you only crossed your arms. 
“No, thank you,” You spoke simply. 
“I apologize if I’m boring you but this is a pretty important topic. Why don’t you tell the class your aspirations for the future,” You expected for him to move on but the Alpha seemed to focus in on you. You hated the feeling that crawled under your skin when you looked into his eyes. It was a force, a wall between the two of you to remind you that you were not equal. 
“I’d like to be mate free, far away from this school, and on a beach somewhere rolling in cash,” Everyone in the room seemed to freeze, eyes widened, and the tension grew thick, “Consider it a five year plan.”
“And you expect to make money how?” Mr. Rogers began to pace in front of his desk, an annoyance in his glare towards you.
“I don’t know but hopefully I’ll make more than a teacher,” You grinned. 
Steve stiffened and you saw Wanda look over her shoulder to you. “Stop it,” She mouthed to you. 
“I’ll just move somewhere else. Somewhere they don’t treat Omegas like second class citizens.”
The class erupted in gasps and, for a moment, you felt quite powerful, “Stand up, right now,” Mr. Rogers snarled. You did as he said, knowing you wouldn’t be able to disobey a command. 
You reached down to grab your backpack, “I know, I know … to the Head Mistress’s office,” You rolled your eyes. 
“No, leave your things,” That made you pause and you looked up to see a smirk on his face, “Come up to the front of the class, Miss Y/L/N.”
You let your bag drop to your side with a thud. Everyone around you was still whispering and staring. You felt that power drifting away as you made your way down the aisle and towards the front of the classroom. Skirt too high on your thighs, nail polish on your hands, and an attitude on your face that you were struggling to maintain. 
You stopped a few feet in front of your teacher before he said, “Hands on the desk,” He ordered you. You huffed out a sigh, every bone in your body telling you to obey. You walked past him, putting your hands down on his desk which left you slightly bent over with your backside exposed to the room of forty girls. “This, young ladies, is important for all of you to see. There will always be some who resist their true nature and who cause disruption.”
You heard the sound of him removing his belt from the waistband of his pants and your body cringed. 
You’d heard that things like this happened often here. You heard the head mistress had a secret closet of tools she used on disobedient omegas. You’d never heard of a Professor disciplining a student in front of an entire class. 
You wanted to scream and shout but decided that remaining stoic would save you the most embarrassment. Even as he lifted your skirt, you didn’t say a word, only shut your eyes tightly, “Whatever career path you choose, your mate will have to approve. This is not because you are second class citizens but because your mate will know what’s best for you. Ranks are ingrained within us and, no matter how much we fight it, we still end up in positions like you. If we only stayed in our lanes, others wouldn’t have to enforce their rank.”
The first slap of the belt burned badly. You couldn’t help but cry out as your knees buckled together and you tightly gripped the wood of the desk. 
He kept going, forcing the class to count along as he completely bruised your bottom. He stopped at fifteen but, by that time, tears were already streaming and you were silently weeping.
The next few weeks passed in a blur with your usual routine of going through your classes like a zombie and listening to Wanda’s ramblings. Like a lot of girls, Wanda already had an Alpha with his eyes set on her. Bucky Barnes, an older man and well respected Alpha had already staked his claim. Wanda’s current mission was to have as much fun and attention that she could before being forced to settle down. 
You started to notice how Wanda’s usual group of friends was dwindling as she continued to sit with you. Although she often disagreed with your mentality, she still stayed which was more than anyone had ever done for you. 
“Are you really going to run? Escape?” She asked in a whisper as she discussed the forbidden topic. 
“Why would I stay? No Alpha will want me. Not even a Beta would,” You only shrugged, stirring your spoon around your bowl of soup.
“That’s not true,” Wanda insisted, “You just …. you just have to adjust a little more. I think you could be happy eventually if you just played the part for a little while. An Alpha could offer you security.”
You shook your head, “I don’t like the cost. I think I’d rather scrub toilets for the rest of my life.”
Wanda rolled her eyes at your words, “I don’t think you would, Y/N. There’s got to be a part of you, deep down, that wants the stability.”
You didn’t answer the question and you didn’t allow the thought to stay on your mind, “Don’t worry about me, just enjoy your dance. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find another Alpha and you can watch them fight over you.”
Wanda smiled, a dreamy look in her eyes, “That does sound wonderful, doesn’t it?” Not long into your conversation, you felt a tapping on your shoulder and a woman telling you that you’re needed in the head mistress’s office, “What did you do now?”
“Nothing,” You said immediately, grabbing your things, “You can have my pudding cup. I’ll see you after last period.” Wanda only nodded, a look of worry on her face as you were escorted away. 
The woman, who you assumed was some type of secretary, advised you to fix your appearance. The Stark School was like an old castle with vast hallways and tall ceilings of stained glass. Mr. Rogers told the class one time that it had been used as a fort in a war hundreds of years ago. People thought it was an interesting fact but the antiqueness of everything left you feeling creeped out most of the time. 
You arrived at her office after climbing the winding stairs of the tallest tower. Mrs. Potts was waiting by the window when you entered. You kept your hands folded, hiding the nail polish on your fingers as you waited for her to address you. She stared out of the window, out to wear P.E. classes were being held, and your eyes wandered to the large wardrobe in the corner. 
You gulped as you realized that was probably where she kept her weapons of discipline, “How are your studies going, dear?” You turned your head to find her staring intently at you, “Come, sit down.”
You moved forward, obeying the Alpha Females commands, and taking a seat in front of her desk, “Well, I’m not failing anything,” You spoke tersely. 
“I heard,” She nodded, taking a seat behind her desk. She straightened the jacket of her black suit as she folded her hands over the desk, “That’s a big improvement, Y/N. That’s actually why I wanted to talk to you.”
You raised an eyebrow, “To talk about my improvement?” You put the word “improvement” in quotes.
“Exactly, when you first arrived you started with at least one infraction a day. Now you’re down to one a week. I can tell you’re learning and that you’re adjusting well.”
“Are you letting me out of here earlier then?” You asked, your head cocked to the side. 
Pepper only chuckled, “Here’s what I’m offering you - a chance to go to the Halloween Ball.”
“Why would I want that?” You asked.
“When the school year is over, you won’t have many options. If you get back on suppressants, you’ll be caught and end up back in the Council’s bad graces. It’s my job to help you and I don’t want to see that happen,” You could tell that she was being sincere but there was still the ulterior motive of simply getting you out of her hair, “You’ll go to the ball, maybe you’ll meet someone willing to take you in and give you something better than what you can give yourself.”
You frowned, “I’m assuming you’re not giving me a choice.”
Pepper sighed, “You have over fifty infractions, Y/N. Any other student would have been kicked out by now. Just take this chance.”
It was quite amusing to you watching the group of boys and girls meet each other. They both seemed to be an inexperienced group of teenagers awkwardly trying to figure things out. The girls stood on one side and the boys stood on the other for the first ten minutes of the dance before a brave boy walked over to ask a girl to dance. Now, the dance was in full swing and you were sitting by the snack table, easing your anxiety with cookies. 
Wanda loaned you a long white dress and allowed you to cut it into something off-shouldered with a slit down the side to expose your thigh. You watched Wanda who was dancing happily in a champagne pink, ruffled dress. 
The Alphas that passed you only stared, probably wondering why you weren’t bashfully batting your eyelids at them. Another thing that added to your anxiety was the energy they gave off. You could handle class with Mr. Rogers but being in the ballroom was putting you on edge. 
You sat through a few more loud pop songs before finally standing up and heading for the exit. As you made it to the door, you heard an out of breath Wanda calling for you. You turned to see her pulling a boy along with her, a look of lust in his eyes as he gazed at her. He wasn’t what made your breath hitch in your throat, it was who was behind him. 
“Y/N, this is Brad,” She gestured to the boy whose hand was interlaced with hers, “And this is his friend Peter.”
Something made you do a double take. You didn’t recognize him but you felt your world shift at the sight of him. You felt your heart rate increase as she felt something foreign … attraction. A kind face that didn’t match those brown eyes that screamed danger. In those few seconds where your eyes lingered on his, you questioned every feeling you’d ever had. 
“I’m going … on a walk,” You told Wanda, not addressing them. 
“Take us with you to get some fresh air,” She winked at you, knowing what you were hinting at. 
Your shoulders slumped but you nodded, “You’re lucky there’s enough in my stash.”
You turned around and pushed open the gymnasium door and led the three of them into the hallway. The four of you did your best to avoid any chaperones, dipping into a custodian's closet when you heard the tapping of heels coming your way. Like you had planned it, you switched on the light and ran your eyes over the many shelves. 
“How did you even get it?” Wanda whispered. 
They did bed checks often and a lot of the administrators were fond of combing through your dorm room thoroughly. 
“I’m cool with the janitor,” You answered simply, shrugging. As you found the empty container for disinfecting wipes, you reached in to find what you were looking for. You felt the young Alphas eyes burning into you as you presented it to the group. 
A flask. 
You tilted the silver container back, swallowing quickly in an attempt to not taste the vile liquid. Not meeting his eyes, you held the flask out to the side for him to take. The four of you were making your way to the lake. Wanda and Brad, stuck in their own world, had wandered ahead which left the two of you to awkwardly walk beside each other down the dirt path. 
When he didn’t take it, you glanced at him, “I don’t think that’s going to get me drunk,” He said, tucking his hands into the pockets of his tuxedo. His tie was undone, hanging around his neck and the first few buttons of his white shirt were undone. You couldn’t help that your eyes lingered on the skin of his chest and he seemed to notice. He flashed you a curious look but you turned your head again. 
“Suit yourself,” You took another sip, scowling as you pulled it from your lips. 
The four of you arrived at the lake and it seemed Brad and Wanda couldn’t keep their hands off of each other any longer. After taking a big swig out of the flask, she told you that she and Brad were going to go “check out” the storage cabin where the school kept lake gear. She giggled as he pulled her away, leaving the two of you along on a picnic bench, staring out onto the eerie, dark water. 
“What’s your last name?” He asked and a part of you was frustrated that he was trying to make small talk with you. 
“You wouldn’t know my family,” You said simply. 
“Try me,” He challenged you like the cocky Alpha you assumed he was. 
“They’re dead, it’s not like it matters.”
“How?” He continued, “How did they die?”
You gave him an incredulous look, “Do you always ask girls about traumatic topics when you first meet them?”
“You don’t seem like most girls I’ve met.”
“And I guess that’s an excuse?” You scoffed but his expression didn’t change. He seriously wanted to know, “They were rogues and they died like everyone else who defies the Council. Happy?”
“I’m sorry,” Was his curt response. 
An Alpha apologizing? You never thought you’d see the day. 
“What’s your last name?”
“Parker,” Your eyes widened as the name left his lips. 
“You’re … you’re Tony Stark’s nephew?” He only nodded, “And you’re saying sorry when your uncle is on the council. When he’s the reason they’re dead. That’s rich.”
“I’m not my uncle,” He stated more firmly than you expected. It took you back for a moment and the two of you stared intensely for a long moment. 
“I don’t care,” His eyebrows tightened and his lips pressed into a rectangle at your reaction, “Even if you don’t want to end up like him, you probably will. It’s a part of your nature,” You spoke, mocking the words you heard all day long in class. 
“It’s not a part of my nature to kill those who disagree with me,” Your eyebrows furrowed at his words. 
“How else will you assert your dominance, oh wise Alpha?”
He breathed deeply, sensing how you were toying with him, “A good alpha doesn’t need to kill or rely only on their strength. Alphas who lack the respect of their followers do.”
It deeply confused you that someone like him could think this way. You were quiet for a moment as you thought it over, “Are you saying Tony Stark lacks the respect of his people?”
“They only fear him,” Peter’s eyes seemed to darken even in the moonlight shining down on the two of you.
Pete watched as it clicked within your mind, “And you don’t want to be feared?” As he leaned in closer, you surprised yourself by not pulling away. You felt that same magnetism pulling you towards him, promising you pleasure, but frightening you at the same time. 
His fingers brushed against yours and a shiver went down your spine, causing your lips to part and your eyes to widen, “Control feels much better when it’s instinct. When it’s wanted and desired. That’s real control,” His voice was warm, and surprisingly calm. It made you forget for a moment and drop the walls. Your eyes roamed over his every feature, ever line of his jaw, and ever curl of his hair. 
His eyes wandered down to your lips and you suddenly snapped out of the spell. You stood up from the bench with a start, realizing how deeply you were just staring at him, “I don’t believe in those bullshit rankings,” You stated firmly and he stood up with you, trying to close the distance between the two of you, “They’re all fucking lies.”
You were about to turn away when he grabbed your upper arm. You gritted your teeth as he pulled you into him, “Believe this then. I want you, Y/N.”
“Let go of me,” Your voice was lower than you expected as you stared into those eyes. Why was your voice so weak? “You don't even know me.”
“It’s instinct,” He said, holding your firmly although his grip was tight, “And I can tell that you feel it too. Deep down, you’re searching for someone to take care of you. You want reassurance like they all do.” You tried to look away from him but you just couldn’t. “Someone hurt you badly, didn’t they?” You shook your head, tears starting to sting your eyes. “A girl like you needs someone gentle. Someone to ease you into submission rather than force it.”
You felt like you were melting into him and as his head dipped down to place his lips on yours, that voice in the back of your head was screaming to kiss him back. Your wrist pinned together between you, Peter stole your first kiss and it was a wonderfully terrifying feeling. 
You felt warmth in your core and you tightened your legs together as he began to kiss along your jaw and then your neck, surely leaving marks on your skin, “Peter …”
“Tell me to stop,” He said against your skin. 
The words were on your tongue but it was like your body had switched to autopilot. It wanted his touch and that’s all your body wanted to focus on. When he finally did pull his lips from your skin, your body was still craving that foreign touch. 
Before his hands could roam over the rest of your body, a bright light blinded the two of you and footsteps approached. Peter let go of your skin but you still felt his touch, as Mr. Rogers appeared. You only crossed your arms, looking down at your feet as the two of you were caught. 
“What are you doing out here, son?” Of course, Steve didn’t address you. 
“We wanted to look at the Full Moon,” Peter lied, “My apologies, sir.”
“Where’s Maximoff?”
“We haven’t seen her,” Peter shrugged casually. 
“I’d stay away from this one if I were you. There’s plenty of good girls worthy of your time,” Steve gestured to you but him disliking you was the least of your worries at the moment, “You can head back to the dance, Mr. Parker. I’ll be escorting this one back to the dorms.”
Peter stepped forward, walking past Steve, but he looked back to mouth something to you. 
Clear as day, you could read his lips say, “You’re mine.”
No matter the cost, you decided then that you’d run. Run from this place and from the feeling Peter gave you that made you so weak in the knees. 
part two
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cleololax · 3 years
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Lotto | A | Chapter One
MafiaBoss! UndergroundCriminal! Yoongi x Strugglingwaitress! Y/N
Word Count - 3,210
Yoongles has his silver hair in this one 👌🏼. Smut will be in future chapters. Enjoy !
The smell of grease and bacon has your brain pounding in your skull. A normally pleasant smell can get old after an 8-hour work shift, 5 days a week. Dave rings the bell once again and you zig-zag between the tables trying to get there, refilling empty coffee mugs and fetching missing condiments on the way. Another day, another measly dollar.
By noon, your feet need a rest and you need a break. The sneakers squeeze your feet so much it feels like they might bring you down a size permanently. Marla comes from the back, chewing that cheap gum that’s bought wholesale. You hand over the paper tab and fill her in before heading into the back room. Lunch is spent eating a stale sandwich with stale lettuce and softening tomatoes that can leave an unpleasant aftertaste. Mentally, there’s a reminder set to see what they have at the food pantry this week.
Hopefully, your brother ate his lunch. It’s not like he likes it anyways and you can't blame him for it. Anxious thoughts are interrupted when Mina opens the door in all of her cheerfulness.
“Y/N, someone is asking for you.” She must see your furrow brows cause she continues.
“Says he needs to see you, it’s been a while. Is he a bad ex? Should I get rid of him?” Her worry makes you inwardly smile and you head to the sink. “No, it’s ok. I’ll be right there.” She leaves with a nod. The smile drops the minute she does. What could he possibly want now? Something uneasy stirs in your stomach. It could be the food just devoured, but there is something more pressing at the moment. The dim hallway is empty and you carefully walk out, counting the black and white tiles. With your head held high, you walk towards the booths.
The blue hair peeks out from the top of the divider. He always sits in the left corner of the room, drinking a lemonade. Always at the same time. Always on time. You walk towards the table and sit down. Taehyung offers a small nod of his head in acknowledgment. Or at least that’s what he says his name is. The first time he had waltzed in, he turned heads. A beautiful man in a crisp Armani suit isn’t exactly discreet. You came out to greet him and asked if you knew each other when he uttered one word. Your father's name. From then on you knew whatever came of this interaction, it wasn’t going to be pleasant. That bastard had ruined your family and still, it's not enough. He continues to cause destruction, long after he’s been gone.
Taehyung's tan skin and blue hair are a striking match. Chocolate eyes study the way you clench your hands together on the table, steadying shaky fingers. Pretending to hold it all together.
“Hello, Y/N.” He asked for your name the first time and you refused to give it. Years of watching sketchy people walk in and out of your apartment teach you to be wary. By the next meeting, he had it on his tongue in greeting. Perhaps a show of how much they really knew and were able to find out what they wanted.
“I have a note for you from Mr. Min. It’s appropriate to now set up a formal meeting. Tonight.” The previous suspicion is proved correct. This elusive Min wants to meet and it has your heart sinking.
“I have my brother to pick up from school.” Demons may thrive and bath in the night, but the rest of us don’t have that luxury to choose.
“Sorry, but you’ll have to make arrangements. We could send one of our men to do it... if you want.” Absolutely fucking not. You may be bad at surviving, but stupid is not in your nature.
“I’ll work it out.” It's the first time you keep eye contact with him since he arrived. While he notices the sudden determination, you notice the prominent mole on his nose. He’s handsome in a catalog type of way. they must have to be, to make the jobs easier. His tan skin glows, even in the gloomy shadow that the grey skies cast into the room.
“There will be a car parked outside your residence to pick you up.” Being in a car with these people doesn’t seem like such a good idea, either. The next words are painful to say.
“It’s ok, I’ll walk.” He quirks a brow and looks sideways at the droplets sliding down the window.
“It’s going to be raining heavy tonight, though.” His deep voice fills you with dread. Especially because there is an underlying tone of sympathy in it. On cue, lightning roars from somewhere above the popcorn ceiling. Hopefully, it’s enough to distract him from the fidgeting.
He gets up to leave but not before looking down at your slumped form, trying to ignore how tired and pitiful you look. Deliver and leave. That’s the job as a messenger. All of the five times he has come here have made him wonder who you are. What put you in the sights of a man like his employer. You are young, but there is so much sadness already. Ironically, he knows how you must feel. Against his better judgment, he fixes his collar and is gone as quickly as he came. Don’t ask, don’t get involved with the debtors. It’s easier that way. All you can do is place your head on the table and zone out for a little. It’s the go-to self-care these days. Just to pretend that you don’t exist in this form in time, that you can blend in with the background and disappear. Not for the first time, you curse your luck, family ties. What have I been roped into?
When the sun sets, your legs are already carrying you down the street before Lina can change her mind. Thankfully, it isn’t pouring down yet. Closing the diner is normally your job and it is a dreaded task. Anything can happen in that timespan and it keeps the adrenaline constantly flowing. A girl alone in a diner with a cash register is a golden opportunity. It’s hard to feel like beyond the windows there aren’t eyes, waiting in dark street corners. After a couple of blocks, the old orange apartment building comes into view. At one time it must have been nicer and that's hard to picture. Mr. Shihan is playing cards with another older man on the sidewalk when you come up to the gate. Their concentration is fully on the game and he doesn’t give his normal greeting. He’s a sweet man with a terrible habit. The courtyard is empty. There are barks and kitchen sinks running, loud televisions that have no consideration. Unfortunately, there are no stairs and after long days, it’s hard not to just want to sit down on the dirty, concrete floor and fall asleep. Before you reach the 5th floor, you wait at the entrance to the hall on the 4th. It’s taken time for you to stop caring what others think of your situation, the disapproving comments, and glances from the teachers at your brother's school and almost anywhere you go. Too young, give him up to the state. Can’t take care of him, look how skinny he is, look how tired. People who look from the outside and have the luxury to judge. You are old enough to take care of him and he belongs with you. You’re the only family you two have left.
It’s only when you need help that it kills you to see Mrs. Litska. She’s an old woman who was able to babysit your brother while you are at work. With one knock, the door opens and you are met with a frown on her crinkled face. You don’t have time to say much, you just give her the envelope of this month’s pay and step inside. Your brother is asleep on the brightly foiled couch in the dim living room that smells of baked bread. The sound of Vivaldi comes through the ancient radio on the side table. His little fingers hold tightly onto the Spider-Man plushie picked out at the thrift store a while ago. It’s seen better days, but they are insuperable. Placing the stuffed item to the side, one arm loops around his shoulders to him up to place his head on your shoulder. The kid could sleep through anything.
The both of you head upstairs into your own living quarters. The lights don’t turn on when the flip is switched and you sigh as you try your best to remain close to the wall.it proves to be hard with your body ready to give out, but you ultimately make it to the room and place your brother into the squeaky bed. The candles are pulled from the drawer and each one settles into every corner of the space nicely.
Finally, you take off your partially wet clothes and put them into a pile by the tub. At least the water is warm as your body slowly leans down into it. Suddenly, the room is quiet and it’s hard to let yourself float away. It’s eerie and not comforting at all. It never is. There is no next destination besides a dreaded one, no way to work yourself towards, hanging on through the blissfully hard distractions that take up your life. They allow you to not stop, to not think about where you could be. Staying busy saves you from reaching into yourself too much.
Minutes tick by, a full half-hour before your skin is soggy and the water is cold. Still, it's better to be here than think that in another hour you could be trafficked and the little boy in the other room sleeping peacefully would have no one left. Mother dead, father gone, sister missing. It brings a chill to the room and it’s suffocating. Once you’re dressed casually, you check in on your brother who is still tucked in, his breathing mellowed out. Here’s to hoping he stays asleep and doesn’t wander through the place at three in the morning to an empty apartment. You kiss his forehead and bring his plushies within reach. They crowd the space around him, cocooning him in.
With one last safety check and blowing out the candles, you lock the door from the outside and move along the hallway down to the stairs.
Your neighborhood is wet and dark at this hour. Thankfully, you are prepared with a switchblade and pepper spray bought last week. It’s three blocks to the main streets where more people walk with umbrellas. Men in suits getting home and families hurrying to their cars. The shop lights flash, shop windows showcasing fried chicken and ice cream. Your stomach automatically grumbles.
Your umbrella holds up for the most part until the lights start to separate and the streets once again turn dim and dirty. The sudden gusts of wind fold it in and it snaps. Soda cans and bags of junk food litter the edges of cement. Shops on this side are all closed, bars and steel curtains drawn. Every little sound has the back of your neck standing up. A tabby cat pops up from under a beat-up truck and it has your heart momentarily stop. Hopefully, it’s around the corner. Your hands shakily open the worn piece of paper to try and locate the street. Luckily, it’s one street down. Once you turn the corner, you head right into a narrow alley. The pepper spray is held onto tightly with clammy hands.
The situation is starting to look sketchier as you go on. Once you reach the dead end, something to the left catches your peripheral vision. Off to the side is another narrow path, much shorter than the one you just went through. It leads directly to a steel door with a neon sign right above. The letters that read Welcome bathe the entrance in blue and red. When you come closer, you notice a little plant to the side. As if it can hide the strangeness of it all when all it does is highlight. Still, the harshness of the surroundings doesn't reach this corner. For a while, you stand there as the rain continues to patter. The sign buzzes and flickers. Your clothes get more soaked but you refuse to move forward. I’m a bad bitch, I’m a bad bitch. I got this. There is vibration coming from the floor beneath your feet. The door opens and a big muscular man gestures for you to come in. This is how it starts. A cliche buff bouncer opening the rope to the gates of hell. He stares and steps aside, gesturing again. Maybe you could have made a run for it before he appeared. Not now. It would be useless. They will come looking. These people always collect. You’ve seen it before. Ultimately, the decision has been made by someone else. There's more to lose if you don't and with a tug of your bag, you trudge forward.
What you had been imagining this past week was apparently absurd compared to the vision that lay in front of you now. There was no blood, no people begging for you to help them escape. No blindfold, just plenty of men and women holding down handles at the slot machines that showed them all the wrong symbols. You walked through the desperation into another area of green felt tables and cards being dealt. The air is stuffy and it smells of smoke and alcohol. Apparently, no one else is bothered. Ahead of you, a tall man is pressing on something in his ear with a meaty hand. Darting your eyes around, you take in more. Before confusion settles in on where to go you find the answer. From the second floor, Taehyung holds onto the railing, looking around. Your eyes meet and it’s strangely intimate. Too intimate. It must not be hard to be found when your clothes are wetting the floor beneath you.
He walks towards you with a small smile. His cobalt blue suit stands out and there’s a dangly earring hanging from one ear. His appearance is much flashier than it was the last time you saw him. With one look behind you, he leads you both up the stairs. On the way, you internally chide yourself for wearing what you are now. The wet clothes make you feel like a little sewer rat. You feel like ratatouille and the confidence that brought you here is dwindling. Instead of a shoddy warehouse that was expected, you are venturing deeper into a maze of halls with red carpeting and gold-rimmed mirrors. Eyes remain forward, but your mind tries to remember every sharp turn, every step that takes you further away from an exit. It is not hard to conjure up terrible, gruesome images and they flash a mile a second. There is only silence and you do not expect anything else. Finally, Taehyung comes to a halt and you almost bump into his back. The door is red and for some reason, it hits you know what big of a mistake you have made. You feel like you’ve been personally delivered to hell’s gates. No one knows where you went tonight. They could get rid of your body and no one would look. It would be easy. Just a poor, young person who could have been tossed or thrown into the river. Another cold case, another victim. He knocks on the door in a pattern of sound and pauses. Must be a code of some sort. Loud noises and laughter get closer until the door opens abruptly and an older gentleman with peppered gray hair greets the man next to you.
“Tae, my boy. Yoongi was about to cheat again.” Tae? Yoongi? This stranger’s excitement has you even more on edge. Your palms are now sore from clenching and cutting at them with overgrown nails. Taehyung moves forward and he smiles as an arm is put around his shoulder. There’s conversation but you don’t hear any of it. Somehow you get yourself inside the room and the door shuts right after. There’s even more smoke and laughter and a champagne bottle being popped somewhere. It all whizzes by. On the outside, your face must seem neutral but the inside is ringing with alarms and warnings. It feels like there’s a hole in the pit of your stomach. Somewhere along the way, the older gentleman named Lee went off to talk to some people on a chase couch against the wall.
There is a long gambling table at the end of this well-sized room and it seems to be the destination. When you get closer, there are about eight people around it. Mostly men with frowns. It must be the small number of chips in front of them. That doesn’t matter a second later though. Not when you catch the sight of the man sitting at the head of it. There’s a force that seems to be pulling everything in space to him, everybody. Bluish Silver hair catches the lighting of the small chandelier above as he gets up with a flute in between pale hands. His fingers grab a couple of chips from his pile which is no doubt the biggest of them all. They twirl in his ring-clad fingers. The veins line them and it’s hard to not stare. The robe that hangs off his lean figure looks decadent and expensive, so much so that it would stop the question of why he is wearing it entirely. There’s so much to take in. His face is gorgeous. His gummy smile numbs the feeling of panic that set in before. He gets closer, or perhaps you do. The two of you walk up to him. Realization dawns in then. Fuck My life.
“Mr.Min, this is miss Y/N.”
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pedro-pascal-love · 4 years
Raise Warriors
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One Shots ❖ Main Masterlist ❖ Join My Taglist
Rating: Explicit, 18+
Word Count: 5k+
Summary: Din is sad that he no longer has Grogu but he finally confronts his feelings about reader, and thoughts of children ensue.
Warnings: Language, some angst, *SMUT* like FILTHTY, breeding kink, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), dirty talk, some spanking, fluff, so much tooth rotting fluff
⟸ Moving On ❖ Officer Brown Eyes ⟹
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Din was heartbroken. He'd finally had a family, and now it was taken away from him. Granted, he'd sworn by the Creed to deliver the Child to its own kind, which he had indeed done; but he was still heartbroken. The Child was a part of his clan, their clan of two. And now he was back to a clan of one yet again. He thought of you and smiled underneath his helmet. Oh, how much you'd endured together. From the events of Tatooine with Cobb Vanth to almost losing the child and then meeting Ahsoka, you had been on quite an adventure together.
He'd hidden away his feelings for you for a while, having been too concerned for your safety and the Child's that he set them aside to protect you. He'd picked you up shortly after he'd escaped from Moff Gideon, and you were tasked with protecting the Child. And you did. You cared for the Child with so much love and devotion that Din looked at you as Grogu's mother. Yet he never voiced his thoughts, far too worried that they would put you in danger. The farthest your relationship had gotten with him was a few gentle touches here and there, but it never went beyond that. Din sullenly watched you heave out a sigh as you sat in your chair on Slave I and just looked down at your hands. He could tell that you missed the Child just as much as he did. He'd barely spoken a word to you since departing from Moff Gideon's light cruiser, and you had also stayed uncharacteristically quiet.
Boba had kindly dropped you off in Nevarro with Cara after parting ways from Bo Katan, and now Din wasn't sure where to go or what to do. He knew that he needed to get a new ship and knew that he needed to talk to Karga about some jobs, but he wasn't sure what to do when it came to you. He'd grown used to having you around and enjoyed your company. You'd provided comfort for him that he'd greatly missed while you'd tended to the Child. But now, with the Child gone, he wasn't sure what would become of you. His feelings told him to speak up and ask you to stay when the time came, but his mind also raced with thoughts that you were better off without him, and the dangers posed with being associated with him.
Din also didn't want to admit to himself, but he missed having the Child around and was crestfallen that he'd lost everything. Well, almost everything. He still had you, but for how long, he didn't know. Din's thoughts began to wander as he thought of you with a round belly. He felt his pants tighten with the idea of raising children with you and you joining in his clan. He felt so many emotions with those thoughts, and he knew that he wanted to explore things with you but wasn't sure how to bring things up.
Dank farrik, I need to get a grip and just tell her, he thought to himself as he watched you make your way to the cantina turned school.
He longingly watched your hips sway from side to side as you spoke with Cara about how things on Nevarro had been since the Imps left. He wanted you, and he wanted to raise warriors with you.
Whoa, what?
Din shook his head. Not sure where that thought came from.
Hmmm, but that's precisely what I'd want with you, he thought again as he smiled under his helmet. He wanted to have you be a part of his life and indeed be with you. He wanted to be able to call you his and promise himself to you in every way possible. To be able to remove the helmet with you and have you truly see him, without fear of breaking his Creed.
Though he was slowly doubting the strictness of his Creed considering the interactions with Bo Katan. Din stepped into the school and watched as you interacted with the children, and his heart warmed at the sight. He truly wanted to watch you grow round with his seed and watch as your family grew. Maybe one day, the Child would be able to join you both again, but for now, he was lost in the thought of you with a swollen belly. Din shook his head slightly, trying to chase the thoughts away before his pants got too tight and he looked away from you. He needed to get some air. Din decided that you were okay and safe where you were, so he decided to go to Karga and ask about a ship and jobs. He wanted to get things squared away sooner rather than later and didn't want to spend more time on Nevarro than need be.
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Din had been acting weird for days. You grew anxious as the days passed. He'd barely spoken a word to you since you'd both returned to Nevarro. You knew that Din was hurt over the loss of Grogu, especially after their short-lived reunion, but you weren't sure what else plagued him.
Maybe the loss of the Razor Crest? You thought to yourself. Din had told you that he was searching for a ship and was working with Karga, but he hadn't voiced an invitation to you about coming along. You were uneasy ever since you'd gotten to Nevarro, and he'd left you at the school with Cara and the children to talk shop with Karga. Something that he often included you in.
You didn't like the lack of communication between the two of you. Din was already such a soft-spoken person, but he usually talked to you, so the cold shoulder was making your head spin. You listened to Din's boots lightly tap on the floor as he wordlessly walked into the hotel room that you both were sharing during your stay in Nevarro. Your eyes were downcast, trying to read a book that you had borrowed from Cara, but the words on the page seemed just to blur together, and you weren't reading anymore. You heard Din make his way over to the table on the opposite side of the room and turn to face you, leaning his large frame against the table.
"Hey," he softly said, so quiet that you almost missed it.
"Uh, hi," you replied, looking up from your book and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you shifted on the bed you sat on.
"I wanted to talk to you about something," Din said. You felt your heart clench in your chest.
This was it.
"What about?"
"What you're going to do now that the kid is off with the Jedi," he replied. You felt your stomach drop.
"Oh," you began, "I'm not sure. Cara was telling me that they need another teacher at the school…." You fiddled with your fingers as you watched him tilt his head just the slightest. You felt his gaze on you as you looked at his visor.
"I see……" he breathed out. "Is that what you want to do?" You were very confused.
Where was this going?
He's barely spoken to me all week, and now he wants to talk about what I want to do?
"I mean, now that the child is gone, you don't need me, right?" you said with a nervous laugh. Din's silence cut your laughter short.
"I never said that," he replied dryly. You tiled your head at him, even more confused,
"But you've hardly spoken to me!" You exclaimed, throwing your arms up dramatically. "You've barely said two words to me since we arrived in Nevarro. A kriffing week ago!" Din flinched at your tone.
"I know, and I'm sorry. I just –, "he stopped himself as he stood up from the table. "I just wasn't sure what to say."
"What do you mean? You weren't sure how to tell me that you no longer needed me?"
"No, I wasn't sure how to ask you to stay," he remarked softly. Your breath hitched in your throat, and you were speechless.
 "I want you to stay," Din professed. You gaped at him. Mouth wide open, completely unattractive, with your eyes wide.
Fuck, I could put her mouth to good use, Din thought to himself.
"You – you want – you want me to stay?" you stuttered out, pointing at yourself in disbelief. Din stepped towards you as he nodded.
"Yes, sweet girl," he huskily said as he walked closer to you. He came to stand in front of you, and you tilted your head up to look at him. You felt the air around you both go tense, and you felt the heat rise to your cheeks. You couldn't see Din's face, but you could tell that he was staring straight into you, almost as if he could look into the very depths of your soul. You gulped as he squatted down until he was eye level with you and put his hands on the bed next to you, caging you in. You looked down at his hands and then back up to him, mind racing.
"I want you to stay with me, cyar'ika," he whispered as he took your hands into his and brought them to his helmet. Your eyes went wide. Yes, he'd taken his helmet off a few times now with others around, but you still were hesitant to look at him. You didn't want to disrespect him or his Creed, but you felt that by looking at him, even with his permission, you were somehow still doing something so wrong. And you were never the one who removed his helmet either. Din squeezed your hands gently as he began to use them to lift his helmet. You swallowed as you watched his chin appear, and then his nose, and then his eyes. You cast your eyes downward as his helmet completely came off, and you felt him take it out of your hands and place it on the ground next to him. He again took your hands in his and put them on his face.
"I want you to look at me, cyar'ika," he whispered into your ear. A shiver ran down your spine from the warmth of his breath, and you felt goosebumps rise. You shut your eyes and tilted your head up, still not wanting to look upon him. You heard Din chuckle lightly and grasped your chin in his right hand.
"Now you're being rude," he joked. You shook your head slightly before pouting at him, eyes still closed. "It's okay, cyar'ika. You can look. I want you to."
"I'm scared," you whispered as he placed his forehead against yours. He stroked your lips with his thumb before pulling away. You took a deep breath before opening your eyes and met his gaze. All the air left your lungs as you made eye contact. You'd never seen a pair of brown eyes more beautiful, and you felt heat creep up from inside you, spreading throughout your body. You stared into his eyes and he into yours as his gaze flicked down to your lips and back. He tilted his head slightly and then brought his lips to yours. A fire ignited within you, and you felt it extend to your fingertips. All doubt and uncertainty flew out the window as you returned the kiss. You grabbed onto his head and ran your fingers through his hair, moaning as he deepened the kiss.
"Din," you breathed out as you both broke for air.
"Be part of my clan," he said, catching his breath from your heated kiss. "I want to be with you."
"I want to be with you too," you replied with a smile as you looked at his handsome face with his slight stubble. You caressed his chin as you leaned back in for another kiss. Din had lit a fire within you, and you wanted, no needed, more. You grabbed onto his shoulders and pulled him to you, leaning back onto the bed as he fell on top of you, never breaking the kiss. He shifted his weight onto one arm as not to crush you while his other hand went to your shirt, and he began to lift it.
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"I've wanted this for so long, cyar'ika," he whispered as he pressed kisses to your jaw and down your neck. You moaned and tiled your head to grant him more access. He began to nibble on your neck and then pulled away. You glanced down to watch as he moved lower on the bed until he was level with your stomach, and he grasped your shirt and began to push it up as he peppered kisses along the exposed skin. Once he reached your belly button, he swirled his tongue around the outer edge before dipping it lightly into the crevice. You threw your head back and moaned at the contact and ran your fingers through his hair and gripped it.
You tugged slightly, and you heard him let out a groan as he went to bite just below your breasts. He pushed your shirt higher up until the tops of your breasts were exposed, and he proceeded to nip and lick at the mounds before pulling the cups of your bra down and engulfing your right nipple with his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it before switching to your left breast and doing the same. Din felt his pants grow tighter with each noise you made, and he began to grind his bulge against the bed, wanting to feel some kind of relief. Din was growing impatient and wanted to take you. Claim you as his own. But he wanted to also bid his time and ease his way into it with you.
You had other ideas, however. You abruptly sat up and pulled your shirt over your head, and unclasped your bra, throwing him to the floor. Din stared at you as you proceeded to unclasp his armor from him, and he got the hint. He hastily stripped off his armor until all that was left was his shirt and pants. You wasted no time in discarding his shirt as well, and you took a moment to admire his built form. You bit your lip as you ran your hand along his shoulder and down his arm to grip onto his bicep.
Din flexed slightly and watched as your breath hitched at the action. He smirked and seized the opportunity to kiss you again. He cradled your head in his left hand as his right made its way down your side and dip into the front of your pants, slipping a finger into your heat. You whimpered out a moan into his mouth as he wrapped his tongue around yours and began to pump his finger into your canal slowly. You broke the kiss with a huff and looked at him.
"Din, I need you to fuck me," you commanded. "Right now. You can be gentle another time." Din lost all train of thought at your words. He took that as an invitation and challenge, and you watched his coffee-colored eyes darken further with lust.
"Your wish is my command, sweet girl," he said before he got up and tugged on your pants. You felt your pants get caught on your legs, and Din let out a growl. Your eyes widened as he took hold of your pants and yanked, effectively ripping them off your body. He hurriedly rid himself of his pants, and you took a moment to admire his impressive length as it stood straight up and leaking. You licked your lips at the sight. You scooted up the bed until your head lightly hit the headboard, and you laid back, spreading your legs for him. Din gazed at the wet patch on your underwear, the only thing keeping him from what he wanted. Din crawled onto the bed like an animal stalking its prey, and you felt yourself grow wetter. He took hold of your underwear, and you watched as he paused to look at you.
"I’ll get you more,” he said, and with a rip, he tore it in half. You felt your pussy clench at the sight, and you bit your lip while running a finger down your stomach and towards your leaking cunt. Din watched as you dipped a finger into your heat, and he went feral. He surged forward and ripped your hand away from yourself and dove headfirst into your heat, shoving his mouth straight into your soaked pussy. He drank in your nectar as he latched onto your clit and sucked while slipping two fingers in and pumping vigorously. He curled his fingers slightly and felt your walls clench around them as he felt you grow wetter the closer you got to your climax. Din feasted on you like a man starved. He relentlessly licked and sucked your leaking pussy until he felt your pussy tighten around his fingers. He felt a rush of wetness as you reached your climax with a silent scream, and you gripped the sheets. Din kept up his actions, not letting up when he felt your hands try to pry him away from your sweet cunt.
“I want one more out of you, sweet girl,” he said as he unlatched himself from your clit for but a moment before diving back in with fervor. You clutched onto his head for dear life as you felt the pressure build again. You felt yourself soar higher and higher with each passing moment before you felt an explosion rip throughout your body in another earth-shattering orgasm. This time you let out a loud wail as you felt your juices rush out of you and into Din’s eager mouth. You felt him slurp down your wetness with such vigor that it made your head spin, unsure how much more you could take.
Your whole body felt like it was on fire as you came down from your high, and you opened your eyes to look at the man who’d stolen your heart. You watched as he lifted himself and stroked his rigid cock. You admired it as it stood at attention, pre-cum leaking from the tip, as he used it to lubricate himself. You lifted your gaze to make eye contact with him, and the look he had in his eyes made your pussy clench with need. His pupils were so blown out that you couldn’t see any brown, and you felt him looking straight into your soul. Din leaned over you once more as he gently kissed you, running his hand through your hair before gripping it firmly. You felt him impale you on his cock, and you let out an inhuman moan at the connection.
“You’re so kriffing tight, sweet girl. Taking me so well,” Din groaned into your ear as he set a brutal pace, ravaging your pussy. You knew that he absolutely wrecked you for any other man now. Nobody else would compare to Din, and you knew that he knew that too. He pounded into you, and you felt the bed shake from his motions. You gripped his back tightly, clutching on for dear life, digging your nails into his skin. You wouldn’t be surprised if you drew blood, but you didn’t care at this point. Din felt your nails on his back, and it only spurred him on. He picked up the pace as if he wasn’t already railing you into the mattress, and he groaned as he felt you push your nails deeper into his skin. He felt himself grow closer to the precipice and grunted, willing himself to not cum. He slowed down his thrusts, and you whined out, wanting him to keep going. He smiled as he looked into your eyes and kissed your forehead and pulled out of your heat very slowly.
“Dinnnnnn –,” you moaned out as he leaned over to nibble on your neck.
“What is it, cyar’ika?” he asked as he teased you, running his cock up and down your slick opening, nudging your clit.
“Don’t tease,” you panted out as you lifted your hips to try and slide him back into your canal. Din smiled and kissed your shoulder and then bit down on it. He slithered his hand down between the two of you and started to rub your clit as he slipped his cock back into your warmth. You threw your head back in ecstasy at the sensations, and you bit your lip, getting lost in the pleasure. Din abruptly stopped and flipped you over onto your stomach before grabbing your ankles and pulling you to the edge of the bed as he stood.
“Get on all fours for me,” he commanded. The authority behind his words made you part your legs without hesitation and braced yourself on your hands and knees, spreading yourself out to him. He took a moment to admire you. He felt himself grow harder, if that was even possible, at the sight of you spread bare of him, waiting in want for his cock. His thoughts of you round with his seed spurred him on, and he hastily grabbed your hips as he slammed into your slippery cunt, feeling your walls invite him in without issue.
He gripped your hips tightly as he rutted into you so forcefully that you were knocked off your hands and onto your elbows, your face burying itself into the mattress. You loudly moaned into the bed as you felt him adjust his angle slightly and hit your sweet spot. You cried out as he leaned over and gripped your right nipple in his hand and pinched, hammering into you at a ruthless pace. He felt his balls tighten, and he bit your shoulder as he felt his cock throb before painting your walls with his hot cum. He stilled as he pumped his seed into you with a groan while you laid beneath him, basking in the pure carnal act that you both just shared. He heaved out a contented sigh as he slipped out of your wetness and collapsed on the bed beside you. He pushed his fingers into you, making sure to push any leaking juices back into your tight hole. He didn’t want a single drop of it to go to waste. You felt the bed shift and Din pulled you to him, placing you against his chest, his hand stroking your back gently. You let out a small giggle as you closed your eyes, enjoying the feel of his warmth that you’d always craved.
“What’re you chuckling about, little one?” he questioned as he took your hand in his and held it to his chest.
“Nothing, just - I had been so worried this last week that you were going to ask me to leave, yet here we are,” you expressed as you began to draw circles around on his chest, tracing imaginary lines on his skin. Din shivered at the feel of your soft hands on him being so gentle and caring, and he felt his heart swell with happiness. This is precisely what he’d wanted and been searching for. And he’d finally found it. With you. He lifted his head to place a tender kiss on your forehead and smiled against your skin.
“I could never ask you to leave me, cyar’ika,” he whispered out. “You mean too much to me for me to let you go.” You felt your heart clench at his proclamation. He’d felt the same way for you as you for him, and you never wanted to let him go. You smiled at his earlier words before your moment of passion.
“Din, you said you wanted me to join your clan,” you started. “What did you mean?” You felt Din shift as he maneuvered your bodies, so you both laid on your sides, and he looked into your eyes.
“I want you,” Din replied bashfully, confidence suddenly dwindling. You chuckled at how quickly his demeanor changed from exuding pure sexual energy and poise to suddenly becoming reserved and timid.
“I think your previous performance was confirmation of that,” you teased as you stuck your tongue out at him playfully. He raised his eyebrow at you and put his hand on your hip, slipping it slightly lower to cup your curves and lightly squeeze.
Ah, there’s his confidence again, you chuckled to yourself.
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“You better watch it, cyar’ika,” he warned as he narrowed his eyes at you jokingly. He paused before speaking again, the serious attitude returning once again. He took a breath, biting his lip anxiously.
“I would like to,” he cleared his throat, suddenly feeling very nervous. “uh, I’d like to…..Raise warriors.” You tilted your head at him, confusion written on your face. He coughed and cleared his throat again.
“I want to raise warriors,” he breathed out, “with you.” You absorbed his words, not quite sure what he meant by that. Then it clicked. Your eyes went wide at the revelation.
No way…
He wanted…
With you?
He wanted to…
He wanted to raise warriors…
“Warriors?” you squeaked out, already knowing the answer but wanting him to say it anyway.
“Yes, warriors,” Din affirmed. “Children.” Your heart melted at his declaration.
“With me?” you still questioned. Din smiled and nodded.
“Yes, cyar’ika. With you,” Din chuckled out as he leaned over to kiss you. He pulled away and held his hand to your face, cupping your check. You felt tears well in your eyes, overwhelmed with emotion from his profession of love to you. You felt a tear slip out, and Din quickly wiped it away with his thumb.
“I love you,” you quietly breathed as you looked into his eyes, placing your hand over his.
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, cyar’ika,” he replied with a smile, “I love you.”
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Din watched you lovingly as you waddled after your two-year-old son as you all made your way home from the market. Your swollen belly was making it hard to maneuver these days, but you’d insisted on going to the market with Din and Diyon, not wanting to be cooped up in your home any further. Din had shaken his head at how persistent you were, despite being nine months pregnant and ready to pop. Ever since Diyon had been born, Din had learned how fierce of a mother you could be. You had tended to Diyon the same way you had with Grogu, and Din had never felt happier. He recalled the day six months Diyon was born and how he’d solidified his bond to you.
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The day had started like any other. Din had woken up and admired your sleeping form curled up against him. Diyon had kept you both up last night, and you’d been exhausted from taking care of the six-month-old. He stroked your hair, and you stirred in your sleep, slowly opening your eyes to gaze up at him.
“Mmm, morning,” you greeted as you leaned up to peck his lips. Din smiled as he shifted you and brought you up to press your foreheads together.
“Morning, cyar’ika,” Din answered. “Marry me.” You hummed at him, still half asleep. He chuckled as he pressed a kiss to your lips, waking you up further.
“Hmmm?” you grunted out.
“I said, marry me,” Din repeated. Your ears perked up, and your eyes shot open. You opened your mouth then closed it. Opened it and closed it. You sat up wide-eyed, gaping like a fish, trying to comprehend what he just said.
“Marry you?” you asked, shaking your head in disbelief. Din sat up and chuckled.
“It’s not as complicated as you think. We can just say the vows; nobody else needs to be there,” he assured you, placing his hands on your shoulders and moving you to look at him. You sucked in a breath. You were still getting used to the fact that he had wanted to have children with you, and now here he was asking you to marry him. You slowly nodded your head as you thought of all how he made you felt. How caring of a father he was to Diyon and how you’d both grown closer ever since you had both confessed your feelings. Din smiled as he got up from the bed. Puzzled, you watched as he walked over to Diyon’s crib and gently picked him up, rocking him slightly. Din brought Diyon over to you and sat back on the bed.
“Our son can be our witness,” Din remarked as you both looked down at your sleeping baby.
“That he can,” you agreed as you took his little hand in yours and stroked it with your finger.
“Repeat after me, okay?”
“Mhi solus tome,” he began as he looked into your eyes. “We are one when together.”
“Mhi solus tome,” you repeated, smiling up at him.
“Mhi solus dar'tome. We are one when parted.”
“Mhi solus dar'tome.”
“Mhi me'dinui an. We will share all,” he continued.
“Mhi me'dinui an.” You both heard a little coo and looked down at Diyon, who had slowly begun to wake.
“Mhi ba'juri verde,” Din said with a deep breath and a smile gracing his lips as he looks down at Diyon. “We will raise warriors.”
“Mhi ba'juri verde,” you said as you both sealed your bond.
“My riduur,” Din said as he looked into your eyes and leaned down. “I love you.”
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Din smiled at the memory. You had both vowed your eternal love for each other that day, and he had never felt more at peace. In all the years he had traversed the galaxy, leading a life of danger, he had finally found harmony. You had brought a light into his life that he never knew he had been missing, and there was no way he would ever let that go. Din looked at you, and his world had never been clearer. You had given him children and had shown him that there was more to the world than bounties and trying to get by. He had finally found where he belonged, and he had what he had always dreamed of.
A family.
A home.
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⟸ Moving On ❖ Officer Brown Eyes ⟹
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woodrokiro · 3 years
Bar Service (fic)
Fandom: Bleach
Characters/Pairing: IchiRuki
Summary: Bartenders--especially bartenders around the corner from her apartment--are strictly off limits. Restaurant AU. Written for @ichirukimonth . TW warning for mentioned child abuse. 
She doesn’t think much of the restaurant a few blocks away from her new apartment.
She always passes it to and from her work commute, of course. Maybe from time to time she glanced over, musing how it looks cute enough--a great place to take a date or some friends....
Before Rukia remembers: 1. She doesn’t have the time or capacity to date, and 2. She has no friends here yet… And probably won’t for a while, considering her lifelong difficulty making them in the first place. 
It’s fine by her, honestly. She likes throwing everything she has into her job, loves doing her best to earn a smile or laugh from her patients. That’s enough social interaction for her, and at the end of the day she can go home, pour a glass of wine, switch the television on to some silly drama and order takeout without mourning the “loss” of a Friday night.
So for the first few months that she’s living in Karakura: no. She doesn’t even think about stepping foot in Amore e Morte. 
Until she gets a particularly bad case at work. 
The fact that it was a foster child case alone makes her heart hurt--but of course, there’s always more with these sort of situations. 
A little girl named Hina, aged eight but looking so much smaller waiting there in her office. The social worker sitting with her--a woman named Rangiku, who Rukia knows a little and actually quite likes--squeezes Hina’s tiny hand before pulling Rukia to the side, quietly explaining the situation. 
Physical abuse from her former home where she had been for a year. Her teacher kept noticing bruises in odd places and finally called CPS, who did nothing for two months before the behavior escalated and Hina ended up in the ER.
Her new foster mom is a real nice lady, says she hasn’t been acting out or anything but… Rangiku shrugs, flashing a reassuring smile when the little girl looks their way. You know. 
She knows. 
So Rukia does what she does best: she goes to the little girl, introduces herself by her first name, and focuses on her work until she can sob angrily in her car at lunch break. 
And when her workday is done, when her emotions are fried and she’d really like a drink or three anywhere but her lonely apartment--she sees the restaurant’s sign, glowing warmly in the dusk light. 
Amore e Morte. Love and death. A weird name for a restaurant, she thinks, and wonders if the owners either don’t know Italian and thought the name was cool or are just uppity snobs. 
If you’d stop being so cynical you might go out and actually enjoy life. She can practically hear Renji’s voice scoffing in her ear now.
She parks her car at home before walking back over to the restaurant.
The outside of the restaurant is nice enough, but the inside is… Well. Lovely.
Brick walls painted white make the entire place look minimalist yet cozy. A couple of trendy paintings hanging sparsely through the restaurant makes the environment chic, but not overbearing. A few hanging lanterns bring just enough light to let everyone see where they’re going, but otherwise candles are utilized at each of the tables for a romantic touch.
Rukia sees by the sheer number of couples there that it is indeed a good place to bring a date.
And by the looks of one dish smelling deliciously of chicken and bell peppers that passes her by in a waiter’s hand, the food isn’t too bad either. Rukia’s mouth waters. 
“A table for one, miss?” 
Rukia startles from her musings, feeling rather silly as the bright and cheery hostess smiles patiently back. 
“Oh! No, I don’t think that’s necessary. I wouldn’t want to take up one of your tables. Do you have bar seating?”
“Of course! Right this way.” 
The hostess leads her into an adjacent room that sits tucked away from the main dining room. There’s still a couple of tables in this room, and two of the eight bar stools are occupied but it’s so much quieter here, the noise of the dining room a mere buzz. She breathes a small sigh of relief as she takes the stool at the far end. She wanted to be out and about, just… Not that out and about.
“Our bartender Kurosaki-kun will be taking care of you. I believe he’s just in the back talking to Chef, he should be right back.”
Rukia thanks her, taking a glance at the menu. 
She quickly finds out Chef Yasutora Sado’s menu inspiration is Mexican-Japanese fusion cuisine, which is… Interesting, considering the restaurant’s name is Italian. In any case, she’s fascinated. Rukia by no account considers herself a foodie, but the thought of blending traditional Japanese dishes with Mexican spices and turning them into something like sukiyaki tacos makes her stomach growl. 
“Can I get you something other than water to drink?”
Her gaze flickers from the menu to the well-toned arm extended out toward her, pouring a glass of water. Her eyes move up the arm to the man it’s attached to. 
A handsome guy, she’ll admit: if it wasn’t for the obviously bleached orange hair, the sword tattoo on his forearm peeking out from under his rolled sleeve, and the fact that he looked like he wanted to be literally anywhere else.
If she had to pick him out from a crowd, there’s no doubt she’d know him as a bartender. What a walking cliche. 
“Yes, I’ll take--” She didn’t even take a glance at the drink menu. She looks down quickly. “Sorry. Can I get a matcha mojito?” 
He nods, his hands suddenly flying through liquors and shakers and mixes to make her drink. “You ready for food, too?” 
“Any recommendations?” 
She snorts. She’d be irritated by the subpar service if it wasn’t for his small smirk at her response. 
“Seriously, everything’s good here. If you get something you don’t like, drinks are on me.”
“Risky.” Rukia lifted an eyebrow. “You place that bet with every customer?”
“Every single one.” 
She highly doubts that, but she appreciates the trust in his workplace nonetheless. She orders a couple of small plates, and he tends to his other drink orders while she sips her own. 
The food, when it comes out, is… Infuriatingly good. Infuriating because she would have loved to have scored a couple free drinks off the arrogant punk bartender, but she’ll have to swallow her pride because the sukiyaki taco is absolute divinity. She sips her second drink, already accepting that she’s gonna have to admit to him she’ll be paying full price for everything she ordered.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like she’ll have a chance to gloat. From what she hears next door, dinner service has picked up and with that: drink orders. He’s doing as well as he can--hands expertly flying through the liquors, garnishing the cocktails with an expert flourish before passing them on to a server--but she can tell he’s feeling the stress, particularly when he reads his second to last ticket in the rush.
“Fuck,” she hears as he rolls his eyes, stalking over to the wine cabinet. A server comes by, concerned. 
“You need anything, Ichigo?”
He waves a hand, not turning to look at his coworker. “No, no I’m fine. Just annoying when I don't open a bottle before rush, that’s all.”
The server scuttles off to tend to her tables while Rukia watches him bang a (very expensive looking) wine bottle on the counter, clumsily ripping into the foil with an opener. At one point he cuts his thumb, and he half-hazardly wraps a paper napkin around it while he tries helplessly to pull the cork up. The wine opener doesn’t grip the bottle steadily a couple of times, she waits on baited breath to see if he’ll break the bottle. After a few dangerous-looking test runs, he manages to hoist the cork up, cursing out a “fucking finally” at the sound of the cork popping.
The whole thing must have taken ten minutes.
Maybe it’s the matcha mojitos finally hitting her, but she can’t help it. She laughs. 
He shoots her a wild look and she covers her chuckles with the back of her hand. 
“Sorry, sorry! I’m not--it’s not funny. I just… That was the most atrocious opening of a wine bottle I’ve ever seen.”
Ichigo stares for a moment before scoffing, turning back to his (finally opened) bottle and pours the wine into a glass. “Yeah, well… I don’t do wine service here, lady.”
“Excuse me? That’s ridiculous. You’re a bartender.”
“Exactly. Bartender. I do cocktails, not fancy wine stuff.”
“Let me guess, you consider yourself a mixologist.”
“Don’t ever call me that. Ever.” He’s shaking his head as he moves on to his next order, but oddly enough Rukia feels like she knows he’s suddenly having a good time. “Like I said, I don’t do wine etiquette and all that. That’s for the servers.”
“I’m just… It’s hard to believe you’ve made it this far in a nicer restaurant’s bar without knowing how to open wine.”
“Not that far. I’ve been here for like, six months.” He shrugs at her inquisitive stare. “Old buddies with the chef. I bar backed in college where he was a line cook, so… And if he ever got sick of me, my sister is his sous chef. Then again, she’s more likely to fire me than he is, the brat.”
“Especially with you not knowing how to open a fine vintage.”
“Get over it. When it’s not busy I get one of the servers to help me.” He looks down, having seemingly forgotten about his paper toweled thumb. “Shit. Hang on, I gotta get a bandaid from the back--”
“I have some, if you want.” Rukia starts digging through her purse. “If there’s not some restaurant code for the kind of bandage you’re supposed to use, of course.”
“If it looks neater than a shoddy paper towel job, ‘should be fine. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. Here.” 
He stares at her outstretched hand. She stares back, getting more irritated as she waits. 
“... It’s a Chappy bandaid.”
“So why are you a grown ass woman carrying around Chappy bandaids?” 
“They’re for my patients, for kids.” She’s telling the truth, technically. To say she also quite enjoys Chappy as a character does not need to be mentioned. “Do you want it or not? Swallow your manly pride or go looking for an ugly beige bandage while your tickets pile up again. Tick tock.”
“Fine! All right, already.” He takes the bandaid and starts unpeeling the paper adhesive. “You a pediatrician or something?” 
“Child psychologist.” Suddenly Rukia remembers Hina’s sweet face and feels terrible for not thinking about her once this entire dinner. 
“Jesus.” Ichigo’s shaking his head, pressing Chappy to his cut.
“What is that supposed to mean?” 
Maybe it’s the alcohol, maybe it’s the guilt, maybe it’s the fact that it’s such a weird response to her revealing her profession, but Rukia can’t help it. She narrows her eyes and crosses her arms.
If he’s uncomfortable with her sudden hostility, he doesn’t show it. He shrugs. “It’s just… I can imagine it’s a hard job. Sometimes, anyway.” 
“Oh,” she exhales. “I’m sorry, I--yes. It can be, yes.I just… That sort of response I’ve only ever gotten from people that don’t believe in the importance of mental health. ‘Shrink talk’ and what have you.”
“Nah, I believe it.” He’s finished his job of covering his wound and moved on to his next drink order. 
She’s abashedly stirring the ice in her glass when she barely hears him say: “I had to go to a children’s therapist once, as a kid. Helped me a lot.”
She raises her head to look at him. He hasn’t changed his facial expression, nor is there any change to his body language as he continues to do his job--but as a psychologist, Rukia can’t help but wonder whether she’s the first person he’s ever told this to. 
“Me too. When I was a child, I… A therapist had helped me, too.” She raises her glass and clears her throat. “To recognizing childhood trauma, I suppose.”
He lets out a short laugh at the sudden dark joke, a sound so quick and so… So nice she can’t stop the fleeting thought that it’s a sound she’d like to hear more of. She shoves it away. 
Bartenders are absolutely off limits. 
He raises the glass that he’s mixing a cocktail in. “Yeah. Cheers.”
Later when she finally picks up the check, she pauses.
“Excuse me.” She waves Ichigo down, maybe just a tad tipsy. “You got the check wrong.”
He frowns, taking the bill from her and scanning it. “What are you…”
“You forgot to put a drink on there. My third one.”
It clicks and he rolls his eyes. “Oh my god.”
“What? I’m being honest.”
“It’s on me.” He slides the receipt back to her. 
“But I didn’t dislike any of the dishes!”
“Take some advice, will you Doc? If the restaurant staff didn’t put something on your bill and you still got it, chances are: we wanted to give it to you.” They lock eyes for an intense moment before he clears his throat, looks down to wipe his (suspiciously clean) bar. “‘To childhood trauma,’ and all that. Now stop yapping so loud about it. You want everyone in the restaurant to hear about me giving out free stuff?”
She shuts her mouth at that, but one small detail about what he said is bothering her.
“It’s not ‘Doc,’ so you know. I have a name. It’s Rukia. Rukia Kuchiki.”
“Okay. Whatever, Rukia.” He turns around and waves his hand. “And I’m Ichigo. Just pay your damn bill and come back soon or whatever.”
And with that: she guesses she has a new spot.
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purpleorchid85 · 3 years
Buddie Fic Rec List (Part 1)
5 Times Eddie & Buck Knew They Were Dating & 1 Time Everyone Else Figured It Out 
by Onlymystory
A Diaz By Any Other Name (Should Be A Buckley) 
by CaseyStar
Summary: Evan's lack of confidence in where he fit with the firefam and over how easily Bosko was brought in to take his place, rears it's ugly head when he hears about how Eddie escaped the warehouse when the police arrived.
And They Were Roomates
By cherishingstydia 
Summary: Buck needs a place to live and Eddie has a guest room.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22828072
 And...They Were Zoommates
By emquin
Summary: Buck and Eddie work for the same company but have never met until working from home during the covid-19 pandemic has them using zoom video conferences.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23420866
 Asked, Offered, Given, (He's) Taken by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Summary: People like to flirt with Buck on calls. It kind of makes Buck uncomfortable. And that makes Eddie frustrated.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24762892
 Be My (Secret Santa) baby
By smartbuckley
Summary:  It's this year's secret santa, and as Buck is about to open his sixth gift, he remembers the previous gifts and his feelings about them.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21809878
 Bi Me A Drink 
by Wolves_of_Innistrad
Summary:  Hen takes the firefam out to a gay bar as a means of getting Eddie and Buck together. Fic contains lots of flirty Bi!Buck, Jealous and handsy Eddie and some extra twists.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21414100
 Breathe You In
By Pline
Summary: Eddie can’t stop staring. This selfie is going to be the death of him. Buck is shirtless, and giving the camera an intense look that leaves Eddie panting. Or Buck sends a picture that tips their relationship into something new.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25070953
 Bruises and Bitemarks 
By Tarialdrion
Summary: When Chimney invited Buck to see his first live MMA fight, Buck had no idea that the night would end with him on his knees and the most gorgeous man he's ever seen happily devouring his mouth. Life is full of surprises.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24800731
 Buck's Not-At-All-Secret Admirer 
by R_E_R6
Summary: Buck has a 'secret admirer'. Everyone knows it's Eddie, even Buck.
Eddie has a plan though.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22650847
 Calendar Shoot 2.0 
by Araloth
Summary: It’s that time of year again, time for submissions to the annual LAFD sexy firefighter calendar. Buck is eager to try again, only this year he plans on actually taking Eddie up on all his free photography advice…
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21229880
 Check Yes or No 
by rebeccaofsbfarm
Summary: Eddie finds a note in Christopher's backpack and realizes that his son has a girlfriend. When he tells Buck, he has a reaction Eddie didn't anticipate.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24783445
Cruiser Bruiser 
by FandomLife54
Summary: A close call on the side of the freeway has Eddie reevaluating his relationship with Buck, particularly how strained it's become due to Eddie's anger since the lawsuit. Some domestic love and more than a few heart to hearts have Eddie confessing things he should have a long time ago.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24126379
Darling It's Better (Down Where It's Wetter) 
By onlymystory  
Summary: "Who the hell is that?" asks Buck. Like he doesn't know exactly who that is. Like a week ago he wasn't enjoying one of the best fucks of his life with Eddie Diaz. Or the reason for Buck's surprise at the new recruit isn't quite for the reasons everyone thinks.
AO3:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/23197093?view_full_work=true#main
 Dirty Little Secret
By smartbuckley
Summary: Buck and Eddie have been sneaking around together hooking up but it has never been just about sex for Buck and he keeps asking Eddie for it to be more. But Eddie doesn’t want anyone to know, even though he does love Buck (he’s scared) and can’t bring himself to talk about it. Buck gets upset about being Eddie’s dirty secret and cuts off their hookups, it hurts too much to be that close. He won’t let Eddie touch him even platonically. Eddie realizes he needs to do something about it.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21498331#main
 Don’t Hate The Player, Hate The Game
By FancyfulOfLife
Summary: One day one too many firehouse 118 betting pools are going to bite them in the booty. Today just might be that day.
 Don’t Need To Question The Reasons. I’m Yours.
By technicallyi’mawriter
Summary: The one where Buck is his flirty self and Eddie reminds him that he is his and his alone.
AO3:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/24207109#main
Dosed, Again
By ApplepieandCinnamon
Summary: In retrospect, eating cookies that clearly inebriated strangers gave you as a thanks had not been a good idea. Well, you’re always smarter in hindsight. Sleep deprived Eddie Diaz is a danger to society and ends up drugging both himself and his best friend.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24742834
Eddie 'I Get What I Want' Diaz
By EdithBlake
Summary: Buck encounters an ex of his on a call. It puts things into perspective for Eddie.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22488685
 Eddie Hates The New Guy
By EdithBlake
Summary: Rick is Hen's replacement while she is undergoing investigation. Eddie hates him. He especially hates how Rick looks at Buck like he is a piece of meat.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21438241
 Eddie's Not-So-Secret Feelings 
Summary: 5 times Eddie says sweet things about Buck in Spanish so Buck doesn't find out he's in love with him +1 time Eddie realises Buck speaks Spanish and knew all along. With special guest stars: Eddie's entire family.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21729094
 Eddie Swiped Right On Buck
Summary: It's been over a year since Eddie has had sex. He is a bit desperate and downloads Tinder. When Buck's picture shows up on his screen and he swipes right, things take a sexy turn for these best friends.
 Even The Bartender Knows
Summary: The Bartender at The Manhole gets a lot of guys coming into his bar who are questioning their sexuality. Helping them through it is kinda part of his job. But when a pretty Blond comes in and starts going on and on about how in love he is with his best friend, only for a man fitting said description of that best friend, walks in a few nights later going on and on about how in love he is with his best friend, well he's never seen that before.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21497890#main
 Feels Like Home
Summary: After a fire devastates Eddie's home, the logical thing for him and Christopher to do is stay with Buck. Though Buck's apartment isn't ideal; would it be such a crazy idea for the three of them to find a place to live in permanently together?
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24840859
 Friends To Make and Walls To Climb
By mansikka 
Summary: Eddie and Christopher just moved to Los Angeles, and they have lots of things to be happy about. Eddie loves his work on the 118, Christopher can get to know his mom again, and maybe Eddie and Shannon will relearn how to be friends. Christopher is also thriving in school, coming home every day with new tales about his new favorite teacher. Eddie needs to meet the incredible Mr. Buckley for himself, to see what all the fuss is about.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27957527
 Grand Guestures
By red_to_black
Summary: Buck didn't think too much of taking the Diaz boys out after a rough shift - until Hen and Chimney point out to him that he used to do the same with Abby. And really, if he was going to have a sexual crisis at the age of twenty seven, did it really have to be about Eddie?
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22208095
 Helping Hands
By Shaniamr
Summary: Everyone wants Buck to heal from the past year, and they think getting laid will help him. Buck doesn't want to revert back to Buck 1.0, but he also doesn't want his friends to worry about him. So Buck enlists the help of his best friend Eddie in fooling his friends. 
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22132669
 It Started With A Bang And A Hostage Situation
By JayJay_884 
Summary: Buck goes to the store one late night to buy food because of Maddie's pregnancy cravings. Whilst at the store, Buck accidentally gets caught in the middle of a robbery and gets knocked out. After waking up in the backroom, Buck finds himself as a hostage with a handsome and caring stranger.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30733649
 I Hit the Accelerator (But the Car was in Reverse) by exasiswings & letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Summary:  When Buck is forced to confront the truth about his breakup with Abby, having casual sex with his hot new coworker seems like the best rebound idea. Unfortunately, that hot new coworker turns into his best friend. But best friends can keep having sex with each other, right? There's no way this could possibly go wrong.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21614971
 I Might Have To Tell You
By Ingu
Summary: Christopher gives Buck a list of how to cheer Eddie up while he's gone, and Buck accepts without reading the terms and conditions first.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24803128
 Is This How You Get A Cat?
By Whis
Summary: Buck didn't know he just needed to climb a tree, rescue the kitten, fall down, get a concussion and a huge nail through his hand to get a kitten, no that he was looking for one, although, if he had known Eddie was included in the package he would have done it earlier.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21614971
 Keep It On
By R_E_R6
Summary: When Eddie walks in on Buck, bent over in nothing but a hoodie, their plans for the night immediately change. Buck's outfit though? Well, Eddie requests that it stays the same...for reasons.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26679433
 Kissing Booth Fiasco
By Lilacsheen
Summary: Buck plans on tending a kissing booth on a Halloween bash... but the kicker? He's blindfolded the entire time.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26987998
 Kiss With A Fist 
By florenceandthemachine
Summary: A meet-cute au where Eddie takes Chris to the gym once a week and they box a little together before Eddie spars; usually Chris sits by the ring and reads but one day Eddie finds him laying on a bench, lifting an empty bar while this really cute blond guy spots him and gives him encouragement...
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25415776
 Lift Me Up
By CaptainSif
Summary: Buck gets stuck in his apartment building's broken elevator with his good-looking neighbor from the sixth floor.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28452156
 I, Hildy
By red_to_black 
Summary: The many ways in which Hildy interfered with Eddie and Buck's life, until they got the picture.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29511051
 Lightly Stabbed 
By  Every_Version_Of_Me
Summary: Buck gets stabbed and takes the time to call Eddie to tell him he can't make it to dinner.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21743812
 Love Language 
By red_to_black
Summary: Eddie's love language is acts of service, and Buck doesn't totally get it.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23403196?view_adult=true
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snowboiwinwin · 4 years
The Boyz as my University Professors
Disclaimer: Some of my professors are evil bitches; none of the boys are truly evil and I am in no way implying they are or trying to make them look bad! I love the boys and I just thought it would be a fun thing to post :D
the one professor that absolutely loves the topic of his class
super wholesome and smiley throughout the 90 minutes class time
getting super close to the camera (actually to the mic) because he is worried students won’t hear him well enough
always asking questions and encouraging students to interact
not offended when something isn’t clear and therefore students don’t know the answer
reading EVERY. SINGLE. MESSAGE written in the chat (sometimes students have mic problems or don’t wanna speak)
making everyone feel valid and appreciated
being super calm and relaxed
barely doing breakout-rooms cause he knows no one likes them
ending class always a little earlier cause “I know how stressful your life can get.”
just the cutest prof out there
another sweet guy
never holds class at its normal timeframe
just uploads all the files students will need (although attendance is supposed to be mandatory)
“you guys are all grown-ups, I trust you to decide yourself when it is the best time for YOU to study.”
constantly uses smileys and is therefore super popular with students
doesn’t teach many classes, cause which good prof does that? ugh
gets right back at students when they email him their concerns
and no, you don’t get half-assed answers
you get a very detailed answer, which is rare in university life
“Dear [name of stundet], thank you very much! 😊”
offers students to call him by his first name
“I’ll call you by your first name too if that’s okay... creates a more comfortable atmosphere!”
the best <3
he is a savage professor
his look is hella scary and students fear taking his classes
but he is actually the coolest and most laid back dude ever
the first time class is held, he comes in, stone cold expression and literally throws his bag on the desk - everyone is hella scared
then he says, in the scariest voice ever, “We can have fun here in class, no problem, but i AM YOUR PROFESSOR. NOT YOUR FRIEND. Remember that.”
*everyone scared to death*
“Welcome to class everybody! My name is Mr. Kim and I am very looking forward to teach this class in our summer term! Feel free to ask any question that might come up and don’t hesitate to reach out to me whenever!”
no need to be scared, he is a sweetheart
strict and has high expectations, but won’t overdo it with homework or assignments
constantly jokes around but then switches back to being serious
he creates a nice atmosphere where students want to learn something and do it voluntarily 
cares for his students and appreciates their hard work - especially during the pandemic
“I know this is not easy for any of us but I am so amazed by your guys’ work this semester. It was an absolute pleasure teaching you. I hope to see you guys again, but not in this class. Please don’t fail.”
I love him
omg, he is an absolute legend
class starts and he is doing his introduction part
the class i about british literature 
“Welcome to this literature class, you are in for a long ride!”
so far so good right?
“Let me just say, British Literature is an ABSOLUTE shit show!”
when I tell you, I almost died hearing that (no offense to anyone, pls don’t take my profs words to heart... he lives for british literature 🥺)
he definitely has his students hooked with this one sentence
“the teacher that taught this class before me... what was he even talking about! I mean, british literature is so much more than what he made it out to be!”
basically starts ranting  
teaches with so much passion
can’t forget the jokes here and there
also uses smileys which students seriously love (at least I do)
wants students to be informal with him as well
“moving on to this next topic... a little disclaimer before we start: I will go batshit crazy with this topic because I LOVE IT. So please tell me to shut up when I exceed the 10 minutes mark. Thank you!”
A savage legend that everyone loves
sadly only teaches a handful of classes as well
super laid back and chill
does never check attendance and just trusts his students
usually talks most of the time and doesn’t ask too many questions
is super happy when students contribute though
but he isn’t one to force them
“I know your day has probably been really long, so it’s okay. I’m not taking this personal.”
his class is not based on theory but more on experiences he made
shares funny stories, mistakes he made and what he learnt from them
always gives the smallest and easiest homework ever
“please just share your experiences with these types of situations in our forum”
and he does not want to grade students based on an exam
“I have a better idea. In order to understand a certain topic, I want you to write a portfolio about it. It should be detailed but I won’t give you a number of words. Do what feels right and surprise me! Be creative, nothing will be worth a failing grade as long as you put in some effort.”
does split classrooms
one half is in the main room with him, the others are in breakout rooms, working on a certain topic
super chill and just not as hard as some other classes
but students definitely learn from him!
oh boy, students either gonna hate or love him
he is very kind and nice but he is STRICT
take his class serious and work or you will fail
although he has very high expectations, he will make sure students will be prepared for all the essays, assignments and presentations he throws at at them
no half-assed instructions, you will get the full program (as every student should!)
you have to write an argumentative essay but have no idea how to do that?
Professor Moon (students are allowed to call him Kevin) will explain an argumentativ essay in detail, will show examples and will tell you exactly what to put in it
having trouble finding sources?
Kevin will help you, just let him know!
Also a very empathetic teacher
something happened and you can’t attend class? Absolutely no problem
whenever something serious happens (for us it was a shooting), Kevin will cancel class and spare his students cause their well-being is more important
he doesn’t throw out A’s and B’s easily but when you do get such a grade in one of his classes... dude, you did a really good job
so as I said, he is either your fav or least fav professor... choose your side!
he is a bitch (not really, but he gives the impression)
at first, he is that nice, bubbly professor
super friendly and kind
and his classes are absolutely okay! no biggie
or so they THOUGHT
his exams and progress tests or whatever ARE HELL
he makes it seem as everything is so easy and not overwhelming at all
BUT nothing is easy and everything is overwhelming
50 pages for a damn progress test two weeks into the semester!
the grading is so strict, you need at least 65% to pass! (maybe I am a baby but 65% is a lot for a passing grade hahaha)
but he confuses students
he is so kind and soft spoken
constantly smiling and in a good mood
but the exams????
are you sure you were the one creating them Mr Choi?
and yes, he is one of those professors that wants to be addressed by his last name (nothing wrong with that)
as I said, he confuses students
they don’t know what to think of him
at the end of the day he isn’t a bad guy
just not the type of professor the students would want in every single class for the rest of their lives
changmin is not your ordinary professor
because he is a big fan of team-teaching
so all his classes are taught by him and his dear colleague Haknyeon!
I love this duo already
he is the part of the duo that is EXTREMELY motivated
he is is so hyper and so ready for teaching
his classes are always fun but also slightly overwhelming?
juts imagine having too much caffeine in your body
that is changmin being able to teach something he loves
that’s just the passion jumping out of him
he is constantly talking and laughing and throwing jokes left and right
he is having a good time!
super understanding and empathetic
and although everything seems fun and games
you will definitely learn from him!
he has this natural and authentic way of teaching in his body
it comes... naturally and it all makes sense somehow
although the class is packed with inside jokes and changmin teasing haknyeon
haknyeon doesn’t even have time nor the chance to speak
this is changmin’s time to shine!
they love and hate each other
but the students definitely love this iconic duo
as I mentioned; haknyeon and changmin are a team
it wasn’t really something haknyeon wanted but... how could you possibly say no to baby changmin? 🥺
so yes, changmin’s cute face got him into this situation
he doesn’t even have to prepare anything for class - his lovely colleague does the talking anyways
he usually lays back and relax
he frowns into the cam cause he tries to intimidate students
but they know he is a soft guy anyways
while changmin is talking, he is chatting to students in the chat
as I mentioned earlier, not everyone wants to unmute themselves and therefore posts in the chat
so he is having chats with students, often not even related to the topic
“Please excuse me, I will be absent for a few minutes - mommy duties” -student
“Don’t worry Miss! I know exactly what you mean... children.” -haknyeon
whenever he tries to get a word in, he has to talk VERY LOUDLY
he literally has to talk over changmin
but changmin doesn’t mind, he just smiles, nods and listens
changmin is super proud whenever haknyeon speaks
and haknyeon thinks that’s very sweet
but that thought passes as soon as changmin makes a joke about him
at the end of the day, they love each other at least to a certain extent and students adore them
he is not an ordinary professor either
class time? virtual meetings?
nope, not with sunwoo
again, in the classes the boyz teach, attendance is mandatory 
mandatory? sunwoo has never heard of her
he doesn’t require students to attend meetings and homework is also something he does not expect from them
he uploads powerpoint-presentations with videos and audio of him explaining everything in the presentation
but the boy is clumsy
and he is not good with anything technical
so him dropping his glass and spilling his water all over his lap?
well, students will see this in the video
“... and it’s important to- YAAAAH OH NO....”
*awkward silence*
“I spilled my water... if you haven’t seen.”
*more awkward silence*
“Give me a minute”
*the video continues and sunwoo is nowhere in sight*
after ten minutes of an empty chair, sunwoo returns and continues as if nothing has happened
sometimes his kids walk in and dab in the camera without him noticing
“and then - Hey! I am at WORK.”
he loves it though
and he posts these “fail” videos on purpose
“I want to show you, that it is okay to not be perfect and to not be in control of everything! Stuff like that happens, especially with us being in home-office! And don’t worry, if your mom walks in or whatever, in my classroom no one gets judged! This is life and now that we have to do everything from home, the unexpected is unavoidable!”
Another students’ favorite
I would love to imagine him as this savage prof I have in mind... but no <3
he is a sweet guy
also super obsessed with the class he is teaching
he is LIVING for it
usually experiences technical problems right before class starts
“oopsie daisy, sorry guys... might take a few minutes *giggles*”
and no, it’s not a creepy giggle but a really cute one, I swear!
constantly has a pen in his hand and clicks it absentmindedly while teaching
students constantly hear the clicking sound... or when the pen falls to the ground.... which happens every five minutes
he constantly forgets to mute himself whenever he wants students to work by themselves and all they hear is him chugging down his water or whatever drink he has prepared
also sends out super sweet emails
but due to him being a young dude, he wants students to call him by his last name
he also calls students by their last name but he does use smileys to lighten the professional mood that comes with honorifics
overall a very motivated but extremely kind-hearted dude
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