#especially after Luca spoiled us
Bedtime story
Genre : fluff
Tw : none
Pairing : Luxiem x reader
Characters : Shu, Ike, Luca, Vox and you
Story : you want a bedtime story?
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- The first time you ask to listen to a bedtime story, he's kind of shocked. Not in a bad way though, just surprised.
-> "eh?" His eyes widened, head tilting to the side and his lips pursing. He would hum and look around your room before shrugging. "I suppose I can read you one?" As you heard him say those words you nodded happily. He chuckles at the way you nod. "Okay, okay"
Outside, he's calm and composed, but on the inside, he's going crazy. He's screaming "oh my god" and "is this really happening right now?" Multiple times in his head, really happy that you initiated something.
As he reads the story, Ike would start to become more calm, savoring the interested face you were making as he read it. In addition to that, he would most definitely smile, either from seeing your sleepy face or exited face.
- Ike would definitely be the type to read it out really slowly, instead of mimicking the emotions too much, he would definitely read with a really gentle and soft voice, which you will definitely fall asleep to.
- And sometimes, depending on the story, he will slowly pat you on the head as he looks at your happy face while listening to him.
-> Your eyes start to flutter as you fall asleep. Ike, who had been looking at the book for about a minute, looks up to you and smiles softly. "Good night darling" he says as he kisses your forehead, slowly closing the book and leaving the room, being as quiet as possible as to not wake you up.
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- This guy is almost the complete opposite of Ike, instead of being confused, or even thinking, Luca simply agrees and runs out to get a book.
-> "you want me to read you a bedtime story? Sure!" And before you could say anything, he immediately ran out with great speed, leaving you in the dimly lighted room alone. "Eh?" You mumble, not sure on what he was going to do.
After a few seconds of being left alone, you suddenly hear quick steps going towards your room. You turned your head towards the door and immediately, Luca was Infront of you. "hi! I got you this book!" He giggles, excitedly flipping through the pages of the book.
- Even when you were the one asking for a story, he would seem to be the one more excited. The second he's Infront of you again, he opens the book and flips through the pages, showing you all the illustrations, even almost spoiling the ending for you.
- Luca would most definitely use different voices for each character, especially if he sees a blonde girl. He'd definitely start talking like Lucy with a little more flair.
- Luca would smile as he sees you laugh or chuckle at his different impressions. When he sees you laugh and smile, he's suddenly reminded of just how much he loves you and would randomly hug you.
-> "(Name), I love you very much" he says as his big arms wrap around you. You were a little surprised at the sudden confession, but still accepted his hug and hugged back. "I love you too darling" you respond, a hand behind Luca's head, patting his head.
When Luca sees you already asleep, he smiles and slowly gets up, not forgetting to quietly close the book. Before he goes out of the room, he would contemplates if he should kiss you goodnight or not, as it might wake you up.
"Ah, whatever!" He says as he kisses your forehead and slowly goes out of the room.
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- Shu would be surprised, but in a good way, you know? Like he's surprised that you would ask that, after all, you're quite the mature person.
- When he hears your request he would smile softly and pat your head, tell you to sit on the bed and wait.
- While you wait, he might give you a drink, like milk or anything of that sort to keep you busy while he searches for the book.
-> "while you wait, here's a glass of milk, we need you to sleep after all, we can't have you awake after all the story can we?" Shu says as he shows you a smile. You nod enthusiastically and smile back.
As you laid back on your bed, you can see him slowly walk away while scanning the room. His steps slowly fade as his silhouette also starts to disappear from your sight.
As you took a sip from your mug of milk, you can feel every drop of it warming you up and calming you a little. And slowly, you could hear shu's footsteps come back.
- When he starts reading, you're already tucked in bed, making you feel warm and cozy.
- Instead of being too in character or being really soft, I feel like shu would place somewhere in the middle, in a sense that he still "talks" as the character, but isn't as into it as Luca would be.
- He would definitely be very aware of your expressions, again, in a good way! He'd try to make sure that you enjoy your storytime as much as you can!
When he's done reading, he would slowly put the book down and try to get a good look at you, making sure you're asleep before tucking you in more and going out of the room slowly, not forgetting to close the lights.
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- If you ever ask for a bedtime story, Vox is definitely your to go guy. This man is happy af. If you compare this man to when he works, it's as if he's a completely different person.
- Vox would basically be screaming just from his face. He's so happy that he might just start jumping around like a small child.
-> "really!?" Vox squeals like a little girl, his eyes seemingly popping out of it's sockets. Realizing his actions, he stops and clears his throat.
"I'm sorry, I meant really? You'd let me read a story for you?" He tries to sound more professional, but from his face, anyone could clearly tell he was exited to tell the story to you.
- Vox is definitely a luca-type guy. He would be so into character that he'd always start acting like the character, even when it's not their lines.
- Sometimes though, he would stop when he hears you chuckle, snicker, or laugh at his words and gestures. Because as long as you're happy, he's happy.
- He's glad that you enjoy listening to him acting out characters and reading you lines.
- When you start to fall asleep and your eyelids start to droop, he would take a look at you and smile softly.
- And when you finally fall asleep, he's already beside your bed, his hands softly fixing the position of your blanket.
- But ofcourse, he wouldn't forget giving you a goodnight kiss before he goes out of your room. He goes near your head and places a small kiss on your forehead and smile.
"Goodnight dear, hope you have good dreams." He would say and slowly back out of the room.
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-> trying to write hcs for now, not sure if it's better, if there is any feedback, I'd really appreciate it!!
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
i'll be sure to come back July 2nd and wish you a happy birthday! but as for now, can i please request from your dialogue prompt list, n. 35 “Please leave a message, after the beep.” with Steddie? ♡
this is such a fun idea and i look forward to reading the stuff you'll create! ♡♡
@spicysix I hope this one is up to your expectations, it was a lot of fun to write! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ I had an angsty idea, if anyone is interested in it I might still write it, but today i needed some good old domestic fluff.
“Eddie, are you being serious right now.? Steve huffed, placing his hands on his hips. Steve loved the man beyond anything, but he could be an immature brat sometimes.
Eddie had his hands over his ears, yelling, “La la la, not listening.” In the middle of their apartment. He was refusing to hear Steve out.
“For the love of god, Eddie! Would you just—” Steve moved to grab his boyfriend's arms to yank them away from his ears. Eddie squealed and ran around the couch.
“Eddie isn’t here right now. Please leave a message after the beep. Beeeeep.” Eddie’s hands gripped the arm of the couch, trying to dodge Steve.
“Oh, now you’re just being ridiculous!” Steve crossed his arms in a huff. He thought the party being here would soften the blow, and just maybe Eddie would hear him out. But no, apparently, them being here made Eddie extra stubborn.
Steve really loved the damn fool.
“Is there a reason Eddie is being extra weird on movie night?” Dustin and Will walked out of their kitchen. It was Will, surprisingly, who asked. He had come a long way from the shy kid Steve once knew. He was proud of him.
Especially when he called Eddie out on his bullshit like now.
“I will have you know, little Byers, will of the wise, that I am not being extra weird! This is a perfectly reasonable reaction to an absolute travesty of a suggestion! Also, Steve, you love that I am ridiculous! Don't act like you don't.” Eddie collapsed on the couch dramatically, and heaved out a sound that could only be described as a mix between a sigh and a strangled cry.
Eddie should have gone into acting instead of music. Indeed the man would have made a killing.
“I haven’t seen Eddie this distressed since we told him the bat tattoo didn’t make it after the literal bats tore him apart. Maybe it’s serious.” Dustin bit his lip. It was clear to Steve he was torn between choosing sides between him and Eddie.
It was a tale as old as time really, at this point.
Max strolled into the living room with a bowl of popcorn in her hands. “What’s princess crying about now?” She shoved a handful of popcorn in her mouth.
Eddie gasped, “Princess?! I expect the blatant homophobia from Mike—“
A distinct “hey what the fuck!” comes from the bathroom but they all ignore it.
“—But from you Red? I’m devastated.” Eddie gripped his shirt where his heart is.
“I’m bisexual, you dumbass; how can I be homophobic? Besides, that wasn’t a dig at your sexuality but rather the fact you are being a spoiled brat right now.” Max shoved another handful in her mouth as she casually tore Eddie apart.
Steve knew he should defend his boyfriend, but he was a little proud of his kids right now.
“You don’t even know why I am upset! All of you are taking Steve’s side!” Eddie grumbled.
“Dude, I didn’t take anyone’s side. And you haven’t even told us what’s got you so upset.”
Eddie rushed over to grab Dustin by the shoulders. “Oh, Dusty buns, you’re not even prepared. Our dear boy Stevie, just told me…that he’s thinking about shaving his chest.”
The room was silent before Dustin finally said, “Oh, never mind, I am on Steve’s side. That jungle needs to go.”
Eddie fell dramatically into the floor in outcry. Jesus Christ, Steve thought. Why am I into this?
Max put the bowl down, suddenly getting serious. “No, I agree with Eddie; you can’t do that.” She looked Steve up and down; a blush rose as she remained stoic. “Yea, Steve, it needs to stay.”
“Ew, gross! Max! I’m telling Lucas and El you said that!” Dustin scrunched up his nose while Will giggled.
“And? They’ll agree with me!” Max shouted back.
Steve was starting to feel uncomfortable, but Eddie’s smile was wide. It made Steve smile a tiny bit.
But only a teeny tiny bit.
“I agree it has to stay,” Will spoke up with a blush blooming across his face, breaking up the fight.
“No, no! Not you too Will!”
“What? Maybe I just wish I could grow chest hair too.”
“Oh we both know that’s not what this is about!” Dustin tugged on his hair.
Max stuck her tongue out, “Sucks to suck loser.”
The next few minutes, we’re chaos as they all start to place down arguments on what to do about his chest hair. Okay, now Steve was definitely uncomfortable.
“Alright, alright. Enough.” Steve spoke calmly, “I appreciate your concern for my body hair, but please stop talking about it. All of you are my weird surrogate children—“
Dustin leaned over to Max and whispered, “Look mom finally admitted it.” She tried to smother her giggles as Steve leveled them with a look.
“—so it’s a little weird you guys are arguing about it.”
“Stevie, honey. Ignore the children. Actually, just ignore Dustin. And listen to the rest of us. Don’t shave it.” Eddie came up to Steve and rested his hand gently on his chest. His thumb softly stroked the fabric of his shirt. Steve hummed quietly at the gesture; for a moment, he’s forgotten that they weren’t alone.
Steve gently cupped Eddie’s cheeks, before speaking quietly. “It’s just…baby. Baby, i get so sweaty with it.”
Eddie’s eyes filled with mischief. “I know it’s why I like it.”
Steve barked out a laugh as he heard groans throughout the room. Suddenly a burst of noise from the other side of the apartment startled all of them.
“Why are you saying im homophobic? Im not homophobic!” Mike crossed his arms in a huff.
“Until you unlock that closet door, you’re homophobic, Mike.” Max glared.
“What the hell does that even mean!?” Mike stomped.
Steve interrupted before it got out of hand, “Calm down, Wheeler. They are just fucking with you. We know you’re not a homophobe. They are just arguing whether or not I should shave my chest hair.”
Mike scrunched up his nose in disgust. “Ew, why are you guys even arguing about it? It’s Steve. It’s gross either way.”
Steve glared, “Never mind, you’re homophobic for that one. The chest hair stays.”
Eddie screamed, “Victory!”, and started peppering Steve’s face in kisses.
And when the children, who were not really children anymore, started to scream at each other in the background, Steve didn’t even care. Because right here, with Eddie, who made grabby hands at his chest, and his gremlins filling up the place with noise, is home.
fluff fluff fluff. also I agree the chest hair should stay.
find the request game here.
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dayurno · 4 months
cousin dayurno…. thots on tsc. i remember you mentioning before it came out that you weren’t super excited about it/might not read it for a while. im curious now if you think it’s worth getting into sooner rather than later! as someone who keeps forgetting to start it i must know the opinion of the council
cousin dayurno............... hi! well okay so. going into tsc i didn't have many expectations besides maybe seeing kevin at some point, and getting told an interesting story. i was not disappointed in the kevin front nor whenever the foxes were concerned: i think nora sakavic's grasp on them is as strong as ever and the few that showed up (kevin, renee, neil) were capable of carrying any story no matter what. jean spends a good chunk of the book in palmetto and you can tell it's nora's strongest suit as a writer; it's the most interesting part of the book and the character work is, as expected, very well thought out. i couldn't stop reading for the entire period of jean's stay with the foxes.
i will say the book kind of fell flat for me after jean left palmetto. half of it is because jean sucks the life out of basically any of the trojans character-wise; the foxes were able to compete with him because they are well established characters with complex backstories who already feel real to the reader, whereas the trojans (bar lucas, who is a highlight if there was ever one), while lovely, aren't really much of characters at all. i think nora sakavic likes to write a very specific kind of story, and in that niche she is fabulous, but she stumbles when she has to make simpler stories interesting. she is a high-stakes writer writing a very low-stakes story, and in tsc you can tell.
jeremy was supposed to be the main character along with jean, but in his very few chapters, not much about him is learned; from the moment he is in a room with jean, jeremy's whole character starts to revolve around him. yes, you can say this is jeremy repressing even in his own mind, and maybe that's true where it concerns his backstory, but that's not all there is to a character. even if jeremy's backstory wasn't going to be discussed, there's effectively nothing else about him: we know that he's rich, that he's gay, and that's it. no particular quirks nor non-trojan related interests. the only discernable character trait i can put out about jeremy is that he is very pushy, and i don't think that's what nora intended for him. he was a breath of fresh air in his first chapters, but what little personality he shows is immediately mowed down by being on 'taking care of jean' mode 24/7. i thought he could use more personality, and overall more scenes away from jean (and even laila and cat) to establish himself as a character
you have not yet read it so i will not spoil you the reason, but i felt that neil's appearance later down the line was the highlight of the book because it made the story feel interesting again. neil steals the show because he's neil, and he's more interesting than all of the trojans combined. he also makes them all look worse by comparison: we see personality and chemistry and history and that is something that the trojans just don't have. they're lovely, but that's all there is to it. jeremy and the trojans feel more like tools to achieve jean's happiness than actual characters, and that's a bit of the upperclassmen curse in aftg, but in a book that's so specifically centered around jean's inner world and his healing trajectory, they feel flat and out of place by contrast. they can't win. they can't even compete. but if they could, catalina and laila would get the closest to being real characters
this got away from me so tl;dr: tsc is fine! it's not tfc, and i think the contrast might feel surprising and hard to adjust to, especially when it comes to character work. it has all of nora's trademark writing with none of the groundwork there was for tfc, and it would have benefitted a lot from staying in the drafts for a little longer. it's an ok book! it didn't change my life nor did it save anyone, but it was there, and it did what it said it was going to do. if i saw it on ao3 i probably wouldn't read it, but i wouldn't hate on it either
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pardi-real · 7 months
Honeymoon Knight / Chapter 2 - Memories of Velis
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[Water City Velis]
~ Later ~
In front of us, there's a white sandy beach and... a crystal-clear sea stretching out. The pleasant sea breeze and the sound of waves seemed to welcome us.
Muu: "Wow! The sea really is cool and feels great!"
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Lucas: "Fufu, Muu, it looks like you're having a blast."
> "He seems to have a lot of fun at the beach"
Watching Muu play in the sea from the shade of the trees are me and the butlers from the third floor.
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Lamli: "Buu looks like he's having a good time... I wanna go into the sea too..."
Nac: "Lamli, you've said that just a while ago. Give it up already.  Even though we're taking the turn to rest in Velis... in case of an emergency, we must join immediately."
Lamli: "I know that without you telling me! You're such a pain...  Besides… we need to be on standby for emergencies, but... in this heat...  Wearing these clothes while waiting is... It's just weird!"
Lucas: "I agree with Lamli on that... It's an order from above, so we can't do much about it.  It's only June, so the temperature isn't that high, but... Velis does have strong sunlight."
> "Lamli, are you okay?"
Lamli: "Thanks for worrying! My lord!  I'm fine for now since I'm using a parasol!"
Trudge… trudge… trudge… *marching on sand*
Muu: "Ehehe…  Everyone, I'm back!"
> "Welcome back, Muu."
Muu: “...Sneeze!”
Lucas: "Oops... Was the water a bit cold?"
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Nac: "It would be a problem if you caught a cold. Muu, please use this towel.  After drying yourself, let's brush your fur with this brush. And this outfit that Flure made... Let's put it on elegantly.”
Muu: “Yes, Mr. Nac!"
Rustle… rustle…
Muu: "Phew~...! Thank you very much!"
Nac: "Yes! You're done changing."
> "You're well-prepared, Nac"
Nac: "Fufu, as a butler, I'm always prepared. I equip myself for diverse situations to ensure a prompt response. This level of readiness is simply part of my role as your butler."
Lamli: "I get what he's saying, but... Nac's way of saying it is annoying."
Nac: "Did you say something, Lamli?"
Lucas: "Alright, both of you. Stop, stop. We have a whole day to spend freely with the lord... Is it okay to spoil it with such a trivial argument?"
Lamli: "Ugh... well..."
Lucas: "We can freely act in Velis only for today. Tomorrow, we'll depart for a different city and have to return to escorting nobles. So, I think we should cherish this time. How about you two?"
Nac: "That's right. It's as Mr. Lucas said. My lord, excuse our rudeness."
Lamli: "I'm sorry, my lord.”
> “It's fine” > “Don't mind it”
Lamli: "My lord! Today, we're going to make sure you have a great time! Let's create the best memories together!"
> “Okay” > "Looking forward to it"
Lucas: "Well then, my lord. Let's stroll through the streets of Velis."
And so, we left the sea behind and headed towards the city.
[Water City Velis, East Area]
After walking for a while, we found ourselves in the eastern area of Velis. Velis is divided into four areas, and the east is known for having many restaurants and places to eat.
Muu: "We've been to this place before, right, my lord?"
> "Yes, indeed"
Lucas: "Come to think of it... The last time we came to Velis was last summer. We were assigned to guard the festival... The three of us on the third floor were in charge of this eastern area."
Nac: "It brings back memories. It's almost a year since that request."
Lamli: "Seriously... time flies.  Especially since the lord arrived… The days seem to pass by incredibly quickly."
Nac: "Indeed. I feel the same way. The time spent with the lord is intense, and full of happiness, …. Fufu… probably because there's always a sense of new excitement and discovery with them."
> "Do you think so?"
Nac: "Yes... I'm sure the other butlers share this sentiment as well."
Lucas: "Fufu... Yeah, that's right."
> "Thank you. I feel the same way too"
Lamli: "But really! Thank you for giving us such happy and fulfilling days!"
Muu: "Fufufu ♪ The relationship between us butlers and the lord is really good! I suddenly wondered, though... Is the relationship between other nobles and their butlers like this too?"
Lucas: "Hmm, I doubt it. Our relationship with the lord is quite a unique case."
> (That's true...) > “I see”
Lucas: "During last year's June Bride, we even took wedding photos together.  Well, I was the one who suggested it, though."
> “Yeah that happened” > "Normally, butlers don't take wedding photos with their lord, right?"
Lamli: "That photo session… was so much fun. I'd like to do it again~"
Nac: "Fufu... looking back... We've done various things with the lord. For example, here in Velis... We made an original tropical juice for the lord."
Muu: "I remember! It was a large glass of juice, right?"
Nac: "Yes. It was prepared with the concept of 'Something suitable for the lord who has a heart as vast as the sea'."
> "How nostalgic"
Lamli: "And then...! We also gazed at the stars with the lord!  Lying on the beach at night… We spent the best night looking up at the Velis night sky!"
Lucas: “We took turns lying down between the three of us… We lay next to the lord, looking up at the stars.  I actually planned to offer a lap pillow to the lord… but the lord was nervous and refused.”
> "Of course I would be nervous hearing such an offer…!"
Muu: "A lap pillow for the lord...  That's not something you'd see in the relationships between other lords and butlers…"
Nac: "Not zero, but I'd say it's almost none."
Lamli: "Stop talking about what other butlers do, Buu! We are who we are. Don't worry about unnecessary things; we just need to focus on making our lord happy!"
Muu: "It looks like Mr. Lamli and the others are also having fun, though..."
Lamli: “E-errr..."
Nac: "Muu makes sharp remarks from time to time, doesn't he?"
Lucas: “Fufu... But you see, Muu... We're not forcing the lord to do any of it. Surely, a kind and open-minded lord like them… wants to bring us joy… By creating enjoyable moments that just skirt the boundaries of our roles as butlers… I believe that's what they're aiming for.  Right, my lord?
> (Answering this question feels a bit embarrassing...)
I quietly nodded, feeling a bit nervous.
Muu: "I see! Fufufu. The relationship between the lord and the butlers is really good!  It's so wonderful!"
Lucas: "Giving lap pillows for the lord..."
Nac: "Hm? Did you say something, Mr. Lucas?"
Lucas: "Uh-uh, it's nothing. Now then, my lord. While reminiscing about these nostalgic memories… Shall we walk a bit more through the city?"
> “Yes” > "Let's do that"
And so… we continued to explore the city of Velis while sharing memories.
note: I forgot it's called Venice in English. Could've written it as Velice. Idk if there is any official English spelling for the places, so please let me know if there is.
And just to clarify, the "Uh-uh" is not a stutter. It's like the negative version of "Uh-huh".
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queerxqueen · 2 months
Congrats on the book! 😭💖 If it’s not spoiling anything, regarding your portrayal of Eddie, did you use any of the lore from FOI (his parents, his past, uncle Wayne moments, etc.) in your book? Also, will we see interactions with other characters (Corroded Coffin, uncle Wayne, Hellfire, the Party, etc.) who have connections to both characters?
Thanks so much!!!
I did read Flight of Icarus and it informed some things for me, and there are references to Eddie's shitty dad, but there aren't any huge blazing nods to it that would be jarring for someone who hadn't read it, if that makes sense?
As for other characters and interactions--yes! There are so many! I tried to squeeze in as many other characters and relationships as I really could! The party all definitely play a big role, but especially Mike and Lucas in their relationship with Dustin, though Max, Will, and El all have some moments. Corroded Coffin and Hellfire Club are both around for sure, but less plot-relevant to Dustin's arc in the way Mike and Lucas are. There's some Suzie, of course, and Robin, which I haven't seen nearly enough folks excited about because she was SO fun to write with Steve and Dustin. Oh, and Dustin's mom, Claudia, was a surprisingly sweet relationship to write! Basically everyone who has a relationship with Dustin made an appearance in some way! (The only people I really wanted to include that I couldn't find a way to fit in were Erika and Mr. Clarke. Which were both tragic omissions to me, but alas.)
As for Uncle Wayne, though I love him, the book is in Dustin's POV and from what we see in S4, Dustin only first meets Uncle Wayne after Eddie's death. So for me, I didn't think it would make sense to have him appear in Dustin's story which takes place before S4.
I would say, in a completely biased and unofficial opinion, based on my own experience with the other ST books, that this book has WAY more characters and relationships explored beyond Dustin than the other books have had, where they're not just cameos but play important roles in Dustin's story.
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reconstructwriter · 1 year
Finally Broken Down and Watched the Prequels
I honestly don't remember if I've seen them all before or just clips. But after a few years of being a Star Wars fan on a steady diet of fandom, I broke down and pulled out the Phantom Menace to cap off my birthday. I’m spoiled to hell and back and a couple decades older than the intended audience but what the hell. So here’s my two cents (or more) arrogant opinion on The Phantom Menace:
Heads up, long post.
Shmi surprised me the most of any character. After reading fanfics about Jedi or Qui Gon pressuring/coercing her…she’s the one who asks them to take Anakin? For education she can’t give him? Okay, fair. And I’m 100% onboard with Shmi as Force Sensitive and/or taught Jedi beliefs cause her lines are peak Jedi. Anakin not only betrayed Jedi teachings but ALSO HIS MOM’S when he went Darth Vader. Congrats, you become not only Galaxy’s Worst Father but also Galaxy’s Worst Son.
Shmi is also clearly enslaved by the plot. Not even Anakin selling the winning pod racer was enough money to free her…but somehow Cleigg Lars has the cash? Is he supposed to be running a plantation here?
Jar Jar was annoying but given how low my expectations of him were set? Eh, the worst thing about him was the blatant racist portrayal (and he’s not alone) in a film whose MAIN THEME is equality. Bad enough to have a bigoted cliche show up but George Lucas are you deliberately shooting your movie’s message in the foot?
This is especially bad when another blatant racist portrayal is Watto and the Jedi are Space Jewish Buddhists! Enough idiots buy the Sith propaganda that Jedi steal children or whatever that attitude does NOT NEED REINFORCEMENT!
Especially not IRL.
Qui Gon harping on Anakin needing to be trained but NOT being the one to train Anakin was also a bit unexpected, given his fanon portrayals. I mean on the one hand I’m glad you’re not screwing your Padawan over completely but on the other hand you found and freed Anakin and now you want to pawn him off? Which he did, in the end.
Poor Obi Wan though, like I get this isn’t an easy solution and Qui Gon is backed in a corner but man you'd think a diplomat would be a little better! But kudos for Kenobi he looked past his hurt and rallied to support his Master for a nine year old’s sake.
Tales of the Jedi seems to imply the Council sent Qui Gon to Darth Maul like a lamb to the slaughter but that was not what I got. No one, not even Qui Gon or Obi Wan, seemed to think they couldn’t handle him. Not entirely certain they didn’t write off his appearance as a 100 on the random encounters table but anyway…
I’ve seen the clip of Anakin standing before the Council and unlike a lot of scenes it feels more open to interpretation – is Anakin cold cause of the Dark Side growing from his fear or cause he’s used to Tattooine? Does he fear for his enslaved mom or for his own pain from losing her? Is Anakin behaving himself better because he’s intimidated or because he has his serious pants on like everyone else? Does he think the Jedi will kick him out on the street or does he know he’ll still be taken care of?
Also the movie ends with Mace and Yoda - The Two Top Ranking Jedi - discussing the Sith Master, so the Jedi are clearly jumping onto that investigation.
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ayoharuko · 2 years
Valentine Oneshots with the Luxiem boys~! (Part 2)
Hello and welcome back! The other parts might be posted after valentines so sorry about that :(
Hope you guys love this :), reader here is gender neutral!
REMINDER: Please know that I'm only writing about their persona’s and not the people thats behind them! This is also a work of fiction so please try not and take this too seriously :)
‘’Spoiling and loving you is my top priority!’’
~Luca Kaneshiro~ (Mafia Boss)
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‘’Luca..babe..I know you want me to have the best Valentines ever but...don’t you think this is a little too much?’’ You said with a nervous voice as your Mafia Boyfriend, Luca Kaneshiro was paying for the clothes you had picked out.
Now it was Valentines day and you thought, Luca and you would just have a ‘In-home date’ but it seems like Luca had other plans.
Luca took you to the mall and told you that you both (mostly you) were gonna go on a shopping spree.
But he actually was just gonna pay for everything that you pick and also was gonna buy anything that he thinks you’ll like, and you really appreciate it really!
But you feel like Luca goes way to far for you, I mean yes he is rich but...do you really deserve it?
I mean...do you really deserve to be pampered and spoil by him? 
You sigh and Luca notices, ‘’Hey babe? You ok?’’ Luca asks in concerned ‘’Yea! I’m fine Luca...’’ You answer looking down at the ground.
Luca frowns at this and you can see he seems to think for a moment, ‘’Luca?’’ You call out to him and then he suddenly brightens up and takes your hand.
‘’H-HUH!? L-LUCA!?’’ You shout out in surprise.
Luca didn't say anything as he dragged you inside of a....oh, a cafe.
‘’Luca..why are we here?’’ You ask your boyfriend, he turns to you and smiles brightly and then answered you.
‘’Well, I know that sweets usually brightens up people and its valentines day too! Soo..I hope this makes you feel a lot better babe’’ Luca declares with a smile.
‘’Luca...’’ You remain quiet as you pull him into a hug, ‘’I feel better now thanks sweetheart..’’ You tell him smiling up at him.
Luca yells out a ‘’Pog!’’ while pulling you towards a table and he calls a waiter so you both can order.
After you both finished ordering you looked around you and saw that no one was inside the cafe expect you 2....
‘’Luca...are you sure this place is famous?’’ You ask Luca looking at him ‘’Yea it is! Their sweets are really good!’’ Luca saids taking his phone out.
Huh....maybe because it's valentines? But this is a cafe so obviously couples would come in and out especially this day...so its weird...
‘’Here you both are, I hope you guys enjoy!’’ The waiter said as he puts 2 delicious looking cakes~!
‘’Thanks!’’ You said to the waiter and took your phone out to take pictures while Luca already started eating.
‘’Mann its so pog! Good thing I rented this place-ah!’’ Luca cut off his sentence in realization....
You remain silent..now you know why their were no people in this cafe.....
‘’Luca...did you..rent this place?’’ You ask him with a serious voice not looking at him ‘’Uhm..well...’’ Luca stutters and you already knew it was true...
‘’Luca...you know I appreciate this but I think your going way to far...’’ You confess to him looking right at his eyes, ‘’But babe-’’ ‘’Why...why are you spoiling me so much?’’ You ask him.
Luca widens his eyes in shock and stands up from his chair and walks over to you, kneeling down at you and holding your hands while looking up at you with so much love in his beautiful lavender eyes..
‘’Babe...you do know that..my job doesn't keep us together most of time right? I...just wanna spoil you, not only with things..but also with love’’ He saids seriously.
This was one of those times where Luca Kaneshiro was being completely serious, and you loved that.
‘’I know that Luca..but..sometimes..I can’t help but feel so undeserving of the love you give me..’’ You confess to him smiling sadly.
‘’Don’t ever think that! I LOVE you, and you're always gonna be my top priority, no matter what.’’ He declares kissing your forehead.
‘’Thanks Luca’’ You respond with a smile. You and Luca ate your cakes and you both went back to Luca’s place where another surprise was waiting for you..
‘’Babe! Wear this blindfold, I have one more surprise for you~’’ Luca said as he put the blindfold on you, you just giggle and nod patiently waiting for him.
You heard footsteps and..wait...people giggling? ‘’You can take your blindfold off now babe’’ You hear Luca say.
You do as he saids and take your blindfold off, gasping at the slight...Luca’s Lucubs were holding signs up that said ‘Will you merry me?’’ and Luca was on one knee holding a beautiful sliver ring...
‘’W-W-What is this...?’’ You ask slowly tearing up...
‘’Well...this surprise was supposed to be next month but...I wanted to make you feel like you deserved everything I have given you, babe you made me feel so complete and not alone...your just so pog that I knew I wanted to merry you, and you’ll say yes right?’’ Luca saids grinning at you.
Damn it...why? Why does he make me fell deeper?
‘’Yes...a millon times yes!’’ You yell out and jump on Luca hugging him while sobbing ‘’WAIT REALLY? POGGG!!!’’ Luca yells and slides the beautiful ring in your finger...
‘’I love you Luca..and thank you for giving me the best valentines ever..’’ You tell him looking at him with a smile.
‘’No problem babe, I'm happy that your happy’’ He responds back kissing you passionately while his Lucubs cheer at the background.
Well...that was one poggers of a valentines (and proposal) wasn't it?
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I hope you guys enjoyed this and had a wonderful valentines! Now the others will be posted late, aka after valentines day so I apologize for that. But after I have finished these luxiem valentine one shots I will permanently be on hiatus until I have time to write again even when in vacation. So wait for me ok? :3
Reblogs and Feedback/Comments are always appreciated! :3
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can I request headcannons about how eddie steve and billy would spend valentines with reader
This is adorable!! Thank you so much for the request love <3
I just had to add Wayne to the Eddie part 🤭
This is his first time having a real valentine
People used to ask him as a joke when the bullying started in his younger years
BUT! When your relationship is still new he knows that he wanted to spoil you on all the big days. That includes birthdays, Christmas (or any holiday you celebrate), anniversaries, easter, Halloween, and especially valentines day.
What he didn't expect was for you to spoil him as well.
When it comes to Valentine's day itself he makes sure he is prepared. He wakes you up with cereal in bed (isn't it like canon the boy can't cook) if it's a school day he surprises you with flowers in your locker, and he made sure that there is something special for dinner.
He tears up when you give him his gifts. He never expected anything so when you smile and hand him a gift box he's in shock.
After dinner, you two cuddle on the couch and watch a movie. Soft kisses are exchanged, and nothing but soft caresses are experienced between the two of you.
When Wayne gets home he smiles softly seeing his nephew with the person who loves him just the way he is. He sees you two and how your limbs are entangled together and a small laugh passes his lips before he can bite it back.
He nearly chokes in shock seeing that there are leftovers on the counter next to a small gift you got him.
Wayne doesn't show it but he tears up seeing that you got him something and he makes a mental note to pick you up something small when the stuffed animals go on sale in the next couple of days.
He knows the way around Valentine's day. He has it down to a T.
He makes the reservations, picks up the best-looking red roses the stores have, he gets the biggest stuffed bear and the biggest box of chocolate
He talks to Robin beforehand to see if it's too much but he doesn't listen to her.
"Oh, what do you know? My baby deserves the best and more" He says while rolling his eyes
He picks you up in a nice shirt and tie and he blushes seeing how beautiful you look "Y-you look so beautiful" He stutters out making you blush
You gasp seeing the restaurant he got reservations for. It's one of the fanciest restaurants in the next town over, "How did you even get reservations, Stevie?" He smiles and shrugs "I know a guy"
The dinner went amazing, he takes you back to his place where dessert is waiting. He ordered your favorite from the bakery you love...but sadly the dessert is pushed until the next day. You two got....busy ;)
He isn't used to a romantic Valentine's day
This is the first Valentine's day where he wanted to be as romantic as possible
He talks to Max reluctantly in hopes of finding out what he can do for you, both were blushing brightly and stuttering through the entire conversation but Max does love you and she knows what you deserve
With Max's help, he gets you a nice necklace and he makes dinner for the two of you (and with your help he makes sure Lucas takes Max out for a nice Valentine's)
To me, Billy can cook! So he spends most of the day making your favorite meal
You come over just in time, and you moan softly at the delicious smell that is in the air
As you two are eating he gets nervous to give you the gift, he knows you'll like it...but what if you don't?
When he does give you the small box he watches you tear up seeing the beautiful necklace. He smiles knowing he did good and he gets up to go put it on for you.
"Oh B...I love it!" You squeal before wrapping your arms around his neck and attacking him with kisses
He chuckles and tries to brush it off as no big deal but you kiss him deeper to make him lose his breath
He picks you up and carries you to his bed...let's just say the night ends with you just in that necklace ;)
I loved the request and I hope you enjoyed! If you did please reblog and comment it means the world!!
Request are open so please don't hesitate to request anything loves
Taglist:@ghosttownwherenoonegoes @ceriseheaven @manyfandomsfanvergent @munsonology @moonchildquinn
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bittcrsweetsfm · 2 months
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[ … ]     ❀     you’re  not  from  around  here,  are  you?  i  figured  because  you  totally  just  missed  elena  de  luca  walking  by.  don’t  tell  me  you  don’t  know  who  they  are?  they  kind  of  look  like  olivia  cooke  and  i  could  be  wrong  but  i  think  that  they  might  be  twenty  seven  years  old  right  now.  they’ve  been  living  in  palmview  for  the  last  seventeen  years.  and  i  don’t  know  if  anyone  has  ever  told  them  this  before  but  they  kind  of  remind  me  of  lorelai  gilmore  from  gilmore  girls.  if  you  stick  around  the  town  long  enough  you  might  catch  them  in  action  working  at  pearl's  seafood  bistro  as  a  waitress.  you  see  this  town  isn’t  really  that  big  of  a  place,  some  folks  like  to  call  them  the  lothario  of  palmview!  they  took  a  liking  to  the  name  too  after  a  while,  go  figure.  oh  crap,  they  must  have  heard  me  yapping.  they’re  coming  this  way.  i  got  to  warn  you  though,  rumor  has  it  they  can  pretty  impulsive  at  times.  i  wouldn’t  take  it  too  seriously  though,  from  the  times  i’ve  spoken  to  them  they  seemed  pretty  insouciant  to  me.  we  see  each  other  all  the  time  since  they  live  in  that  2  bedroom  apartment  beside  me  over  in  coral  cove.  i  better  leave  you  to  it.  it  was  nice  meeting  you!
full  name  :  elena  sienna  de  luca.  age  :  twenty  seven.  birthday  :  may  2nd,  1996.  astrology  :  taurus  sun,  aries  moon  +  leo  rising.  gender  +  pronouns  :  gender  nonconforming  /  she  +  they.  sexual  orientation  :  bisexual  +  biromantic.  spoken  languages  :  english  +  italian.  height  :  5'3.  tattoos  +  piercings  :  dainty  spine  tattoo,  sun  sign  behind  left  ear  +  earlobes,  belly  botton,  tragus.  allergies  :  strawberries  +  bees.  addictions  :  nicotine  +  borderline  alcoholic.  drug  /  alcohol  use  :  marijuana  user  +  struggles  with  binge  drinking.  family  tree  :  giovanni  de  luca  (father),  isabella  de  luca  (mother),  unnamed  twin  brother  (2  minutes  younger)  +  unnamed  younger  sister.  character  inspo  :  samantha  jones,  audrey  horne,  stassi  schroeder.
born  two  minutes  before  their  younger  twin  brother,  they  made  sure  that  everyone  knew  that  they  were  the  first  one  to  enter  the  world,  especially  her  parents  when  they  didn't  pay  attention  to  her  right  away  after  whining.
growing  up  in  new  york  wasn't  for  the  light-hearted,  and  it  definitely  didn't  help  with  the  mending  of  the  eldest  de  luca's  mindset;  having  two  lawyer  parents  and  consistent  gifts  provided  whenever  wanted.  at  the  age  of  ten,  the  family  uprooted  themselves  to  move  to  palmview,  a  change  of  scenery  that  elena  hated  the  moment  their  eyes  landed  on  it.
with  mom  taking  an  early  retirement  to  be  a  stay  at  home  mom  with  twin's  at  the  age  of  ten  and  younger  child,  their  father  became  the  main  breadwinner  of  the  family  and  arguements  soon  began  to  take  hold  of  the  de  luca's  family  dinner  nights.  it  didn't  help  that  elena's  spoiled  nature  constantly  added  into  the  arguments,  screaming  at  the  top  of  her  lungs  for  any  ounce  of  attention,  which  was  usually  given  by  siblings  than  parents.
high  school  was  easy  for  elena,  solely  because  of  the  carefree  attitude  that  they  had  and  their  looks.  additionally,  it  was  never  a  downfall  that  the  de  luca  household  was  always  the  place  to  be  for  parties  +  how  easily  swayed  elena  was.  experimenting  with  drugs  and  finding  calmness  in  a  sip  of  alcohol  at  the  young  age  of  fifteen.
being  sex  positive  was  not  always  a  good  thing;  the  labels  of  slut  and  whore  came  from  many  of  the  girls  around  her,  but  it  rarely  affected  elena.  just  because  they  enjoyed  something  pleasurable  without  the  confinements  of  a  relationship  didn't  make  her  a  bad  person.  
at  the  age  of  nineteen,  their  parents  no  longer  wanted  to  provide  an  allowance  to  the  eldest  de  luca,  after  endless  spending  on  things  that  were  dramatically  unneeded.  this  caused  elena  to  begin  working  and  saving  up  for  the  spending  that  she  was  prone  to  doing  when  bored  and  stuck  inside  the  apartment  her  parents  bought  for  her.
college  was  not  something  that  they  could  handle,  entering  the  scene  at  the  age  over  twenty  one  and  dropping  out  two  years  later  with  only  a  couple  semesters  left  towards  graduating.  intelligent,  but  unmotivated,  they  couldn't  handle  the  constant  need  that  came  with  schooling.  using  the  time  to  explore  more  with  their  sexuality  and  spending  more  time  at  house  parties  than  doing  assignments.
now,  twenty  seven,  elena  believes  that  she's  unable  to  settle  down.  easily  bored  and  someone  that  needs  attention  constantly  in  a  relationship;  they  have  managed  to  find  a  routine  that  speaks  to  them.  working  at  a  high-class  restaurant  (rarely  sober,  of  course  they're  going  to  sneak  a  glass  of  wine  during  their  shift)  and  able  to  use  the  mass  amount  of  tips  provided  at  the  end  of  the  night  to  supply  them  with  the  luxury  that  they  believe  that  deserve.
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munsons-melody · 1 year
i’m just saying, eddie’s death seemed a little to random and out of the blue just for it to mean absolutely nothing
like i may be a little delulu lemon out here but
first off, eddie was introduced as a main character in the main cast and then joe did press with the main cast for the show - and no other ‘b’ character (such as barb, bob, billy, alexei, etc.) did as much press as joe has for eddie (like it’s been over a year since s4 was released and he’s still doing conventions and stuff for stranger things)
second, eddie is getting his own spin off book (flight of icarus which comes out oct 31 2023) and no other side character got one- only main characters such as el+hopper, max, lucas, etc. got their own spin offs
third, the makeup artist for eddie’s scars were told to make the scars ‘not intentionally deep’ so if he was to properly die from them, the bites would be way deeper
lastly, like i said, his death seemed to just come out of the blue, they have to be using it as a stepping stone for season 5, especially cause of the time skip at the end of s4, it’s really a weird thing to include after such a traumatic scene
and also- we all know the duffer brothers love to show the reaction of someone’s death on screen (like when bob died and joyce was screaming and trying to go after him)
like you can’t tell me dustin wouldn’t be screaming and crying, not wanting to leave eddie’s body there and steve having to pull him away
idk but i have a feeling he has to come back, even if joe doesn’t know yet (or he could be pulling an andrew garfield and denying everything, in which it’s probably a good thing so nothing gets spoiled)
there is more proof to feed my delusions from this post by munsons-maiden
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ciucalata · 2 years
title: and your eyes look like coming home (1/6)
pairing: buckingham; background steddie
rating: G
summary: in which a bad date, getting drunk at brunch and some perfume forces them to finally talk about their feelings.
Closing the door behind her, Chrissy toed off her running shoes and took out her earbuds, smiling as Evie’s meows followed her to her room. Once she set down her phone and earbuds, she finally bent down to pet Evelyn before she could start literally screaming for her attention.
“We already saw each other half an hour ago, baby,” she giggles, scratching the cat under her chin. “And I also gave you food then.”
Evie meowed once again, bumping her forehead into every part of Chrissy she could reach: her knuckles, her knees, her shins. Chrissy rolled her eyes fondly at her while shaking her head. “I am not picking you up. I am still sweaty from running and your fur will stick to my skin. Robin is spoiling you too much.”
“That’s not true.”
Startled, Chrissy lost balance and almost fell over her cat hearing the voice behind her, but she managed to regain her balance quickly thanks to years of cheerleading. With a hand over her chest, she turned towards a smiling Robin.
She was standing in the doorway, her hands playing with the strings of her too big hoodie. It would have all been normal if it weren’t for the face splitting grin she had on her face. Chrissy knew that seven am was too early for Robin to either be awake or have such a big smile on her face. Something wasn’t right. Chrissy just couldn’t understand what.
Evie meowd loudly at Chrissy for not giving her attention anymore and left her for Robin, who happily bent down to pick the cat in her arms. Evelyn immediately started purring, rubbing her cheecks on Robin’s chin.
Traitor, Chrissy thought, trying and failing not to be jealous of her own cat. God, how she wished she could cuddle up with Robin like that. She didn’t let her thoughts wander further than that as she stood up, turning to face her roommate.
“Why are you so happy this morning?”
“No reason,” Robin replied too quickly and Chrissy narrowed her eyes at her. “Maybe I’m just happy to see you?”
Chrissy felt herself flush at Robin’s words, her mind going blank in a second. She opened her mouth to say something, anything, but when no words wanted to get past her useless brain, she turned around and forced out a laugh. She knew Robin wasn’t flirting with her. She had seen too many times the lovesick gaze Robin gave to Vickie at parties, had comforted her too many times when she got her heart broken by other girls and, of recently, had listened too many times to Robin waxing poems about Nancy. She knew this meant nothing but her poor heart still skipped a beat happily.
The silence was stretching out too far for it to still be comfortable, but Chrissy still didn’t know what to say to that. God, she used to be good at flirting, she used to love it, especially when it was playful. But when it came to Robin, she was out of her depth. She couldn’t playfully flirt back, because it would be too real for her. So in the end all she could do was act awkwardly till it was too much for Robin to handle and she took over worh her rambling.
As if on cue, Robin started talking about her plans for today.
“Actually, I woke up this early because Steve called while you were out running. Which made me panic because I thought he was supposed to be running with you. I almost put down the phone and ran out after you to make sure you were safe before he told me that you were out with Lucas, instead.”
Chrissy hummed to let her know she was listening while she was looking through her clothes, trying to pick out the outfit for today. “Yeah, Steve sent me a message last night telling me that he had something to do this morning and he sent Lucas in his place. Which was really nice. Lucas is way more talkative than Steve so we talked almost the whole time. He’s really a sweet kid.”
“I’m glad you had a good time,” Robin said and Chrissy turned to smile at her. It was the worst idea she ever had because while they were talking, Robin somehow made her way towards Chrissy’s bed and laid down on it, surrounded by her pillows and comforter, with Evie happily sitting on her chest. She looked so soft, Chrissy felt almost sick with longing. She turned back to her closet, willing her tears to not make an appearance. She didn’t want to cry about not being able to touch Robin’s hair in front of her.
“Thanks. You should join us next time.” She had no idea if her voice came out normal or not, but Robin didn’t comment on it, so she must have done at least a good job at pretending she was okay.
Robin’s laugh filled the room and, despite the stab of pining it brought, it also made Chrissy smile. “Not a chance, Cunningham. We both know exercising isn’t my forte. You’d have to carry me the whole way in your arm if that ever happened. Anyway, the reason Steve called is because he invited us over at their place for brunch.”
“That’s nice,” Chrissy said, finally deciding on a baby blue dress she hasn’t worn yet this summer. She took it out of the closet and turned around to show it off to Robin.
“Oh! I love this dress. It always looks amazing on you.”
Chrissy flushed once again, but she didn’t try to hide the blush this time. Instead, she smiled at Robin and thanked her.
“But isn’t it too much for bruch with just Steve, Eddie and the others?” Robin asked, smiling down at Evie while she kept purring on her chest.
“Oh, this isn’t for brunch. I already told Steve last night that I can’t come.”
Chrissy put the dress down on the back of her desk chair and turned towards the shleves with her shoes.
“Yeah, I have a date today. And I wanted to get her some flowers before we met for lunch.” The giddiness Chrissy felt all week for this date was buzzing under her skin but, with Robin so close to her, it almost felt wrong.
Chrissy waited for Robin to say something more, but when the silence stretched on and on, almost turning back to awkward, Chrissy frowned. She turned to face Robin once again, only this time the other girl was looking away from her. She was looking at the ceiling and biting her lip so hard, it looked painful. While Chrissy was searching her expression trying to understand what made her look like that, Robin suddenly sat up, Evie making her disapproval heard by meowing as she jumped down. Chrissy felt like something wrong happened as she followed Robin with her eyes from the bed fowards her bedroom’s door, where she stopped once again.
Robin turned slowly towards her and when their eyes finally met, she smiled at Chrissy. This one felt even more wrong than the last, but Chrissy couldn’t figure out why.
“That’s amazing, Chrissy. You’ll have to tell me all about it later, okay?” Chrissy nodded, feeling like she missed something, and Robin nodded back. “I’m going to sleep some more before I’ll have to meet the guys for brunch. Have fun on your date.”
Then she left just as soon as she appeared, leaving behind a very confused Chrissy.
part 2
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dontcallmeeds · 2 years
Might as well do a fic master list because I’m writing non-stop tonight, something something coping with grief ANYWHO
UPDATED 10/27 there is now two M rated fics!
ALL OF MY FICS ARE CURRENTLY RATED E SO PLEASE MINORS DNI 🔞 I will eventually do some T/M rated just to do regular fics without ships because I just love Dustin and whatnot, as well as some slice of life T/M Reddie/Steddie/Ronance/Jargyle, but none of these are rated lower than E even if there’s nothing currently with that rating in the chapters. Once I finish some WIPs, a Ronance focused fic is mostly likely next because I want to write them as the central ship not just side ships :))). THOSE GIRLS DESERVE THE WORLD.
The Richie Tozier Cam Diaries (WIP, 10/? Chapters) Modern AU where Richie is a cam model and Eddie is an anonymous regular client who’s watching him when he confesses that he loved him as kids, but ran away from him after a failed attempt of Spin the Bottle. A roadtrip ensues where they discover a lot about themselves and each other.
The Fruity Four Goes Camping (Completed, 4/4 Chapters) Set in the summer after Vecna, Steve, Eddie, Robin and Nancy all go camping at Wayne’s secret spot. They do shrooms the first night and they have an effect on everyone except Steve and Eddie accidentally says he’s attracted to him. Blossoming romance with camping activities and smut? Count me in. There’s also established Robin and Nancy with some cute fluff going on for them, love those women.
He Calls Your Name, But Will You Answer? (WIP, 11/? Chapters) Well well well, if it isn’t me who said I’d never write vampire content? Ha, bestie you’re so dumb. Steve finds himself hearing a voice that sounds mighty familiar, becoming clearer and clearer with each day until one week its loud and clear its Eddie. He goes on a mission, a very stupid mission, hoping to at least give Eddie a proper burial. Robin and Nancy follow him, finding out that Eddie is alive and well, not exactly human. A very unhinged fic where I hurt everyone especially Mike for some reason, probably projection. This also has established Robin and Nancy because I REFUSED TO WRITE A FIC WHERE THEY ARE NOT TOGETHER.
The Way You Bend, The Way You Break (Completed, 1/1 Chapters) Ah yes, a fun little one shot for kinktober! Established Steve and Eddie, but not in the conventional relationship sense. Eddie is Steve’s off/on dom who comes by for a scene after a few months before Robin’s 21st birthday so they only have a short window to work with. They are also close friends so there is some mild feelings to this fic that make it a little sappy for a one shot smut.
It Could Never Be Me, Could It? (WIP, 11/? Chapters) This one is a litttttle different for me. I used 2 different Tumblr prompts (that are obviously linked on fic) as well as the AO3 filters on Tiktok. Normally I wouldn’t spoil my own plot twist fic, but I know how people feel about Billy Hargrove on here (which as an indigenous dude who’s a huge Lucas fan, uh yeah I don’t like him either, love Dacre tho). He is merely a plot device on this fic and I will mildly explain. Steve and Eddie are both totally in love with each other after a year after Vecna, but neither of them is really doing much about it until Eddie shows at Robin and Steve’s movie night to see if they’re dating. It ends up with Steve fighting Jason Carter and then Steve/Robin & Eddie/Nancy both try to come up with plans that will all take place at Chrissy’s party. But life has other plans for them: Billy Hargrove being inexplicably alive.
The Freak Helps The King Find Himself (In Submission) (WIP, 17/? Chapters) This is my most popular fic to date! Steve confesses to Eddie before he can do so himself that he has a crush on him after breaking things off with his mean girl date. Eddie starts to show Steve a side of himself he thought he could only share in dark bathrooms or under school bleachers, and Steve loves who he is when he’s submitting. There may be some switch Eddie at play as well, these boys are tooth rottingly in LOVE in this fic and almost nothing bad happens to them. Someone said they would read a bible sized fic from me because of this one and that is the best thing anyones every said to me.
The Beginning: The Barrens Are Forever (WIP, 3/? Chapters) Finally, my baby! This is the Losers in a hardcore punk band called the Barrens, Ben owns the local venue called The Quarry (and may have some future endeavors with Eddie Munson to open another wink wink) and they all live in a punk house. Yes, it is a It x Stranger Things crossover (it wasn’t originally) and I couldn’t be more stoked. The main fic in what will be a series is currently Reddie centered, but currently has established Steddie and Ronance in it. There’s some weird shit in it, but no Pennywise, no Upside Down/Vecna.
More Than A Friend (WIP, 1/? Chapters) the second of my installment of my Derry & Hawkins Punk House AU!! This is a RONANCE FIC FINALLY EEEEE!! Lesbians lesbians lesbiansssss! This is about Nancy asking Robin to move in during a party because her shitty roommates are moving out. Robin thinks she’s joking, but she’s not. Nancy is an uber confident bi woman in this and Robin is a semi oblivious lesbian. Hilarity ensues.
i can wait for you at the bottom (completed, 1/1 chapters) Eddie feels dejected after having confessed to Steve that he has feelings that aren’t just friendly. Steve freezes until a stormy Hawkins’ night where he comes barreling into Eddie’s. This is just a M (only rated so for adult themes like smoking weed and homophobia) one shot that I needed out of my system. It’s angst, hurt/comfort, and much needed fluff after.
Put Me To Work (completed, 1/1 chapters) My longest one shot to date and my favorite writing. This is a smut filled PWP based off the song Put Me To Work by Big Data. Eddie is going through a breakup and Steve comes to clean his house. But he wants to do more than just help him clean, he wants to take care of him in ways Eddie didn’t know he even needed.
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ryanstillwrites-if · 2 years
What are some fun facts about the RO's?
she works as mechanic at a workshop and she drives a motorcycle which barely worked when she bought it second hand and she repaired it all by herself
she has her tongue and belly button pierced, 7 ear piercings and 2 nose piercings
she's from germany
she enjoys photography and owns over a dozen cameras, though she keeps that very secret
she's never had a lot of friends, especially now in her adulthood, and sometimes she regrets being such a loner but she's in too deep to change her ways
she hates smart phones so she still uses a flip phone
she only has one tattoo, which is angel wings that take up her entire back
she stopped smoking long before she was diagnosed but she impulsively bought a carton one day and she's still deciding what she's going to do with it
their all time favourite thing to do is surfing and they've been doing it since they were a kid but they haven't been able to since they were first diagnosed
they're from italy
they don't enjoy painting as much as they used to, mostly because it's now their job, but they still like to create art in their spare time so recently they've been doing sculpture
they're extremely close with their sister, brother in law and niece, but especially their niece - they love children and they don't think they'll ever have any of their own, so they spoil her and spend as much time as they can with her
their parents put them in gymnastics when they were a kid but they quit after a year or two because it didn't interest them
they never learnt to drive, much preferring to walk or take public transport, but they've recently taken up cycling at the recommendation of their doctor
they love travelling and they're so excited to go a trip with the group, they're actually the one who suggested it in the first place
he works as a highschool english teacher and he's considered as one of the favourite teachers by the students
he has four brothers (three older than him and one younger) and two sisters (one older, one younger)
he's only ever been in 2 relationships (both lasting five or more years) and he was deeply in love with both partners but they both broke his heart
he's from spain
he started getting tattoos when he was 18 and never stopped, most of his tattoos are meaningless and are patchwork designs
he tries to stay active by going for a run most mornings and night with Honey, as well as coaching rugby
he loves to bake but his speciality is pastries, which he often brings to work with him
they had a rough childhood; their parents were quite absent and so they were in and out of foster homes
they fought for legal custody of their younger brother so that he wouldn't have to have the same childhood as they did
they're from england
they take their health very seriously, going to the gym and work out classes a few days a week, as well as following a vegetarian diet
they're obsessed with funky/kitschy socks and they like to wear them underneath their very formal and academic wardrobe
in college, they did a year of journalism before deciding they wanted to pursue psychology
they were also a party animal in college but were forced to calm down and stop essentially when they became Luca's legal guardian
despite being a bartender, they don't drink at all
they do get high quite often though
they've got asthma but it's not as bad as when they were a child
they're from south korea
their parents got divorced when they were 12 and they continued to live with their mother, who got remarried when they were 15
they love to play videos, especially horror/mystery games like until dawn and the quarry
they also love to build to puzzles and their apartment is filled with framed 2d puzzles as well as 3d puzzles
they really want a pet (specifically a cat) but they don't trust themselves to take of it properly
they decided to get their nipples pierced for their 21st birthday
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adelineraineswrites · 2 years
Steve Harrington Headcanons
Personality (ish) Stuff
Autistic (very very particular with how he does his hair, his car, his room, etc.)
Marigold/mustard yellow
The pierced friend to Eddie's tats. It starts with getting his ears pierced, then cartilage, brow, nose, maybe a belly button one on a dare, but he finds he likes it, so he keeps it.
He and Tommy definitely had a thing when Steve was still a douchebag. Can see him maybe having a thing with Billy, too, when he's deep in his wallowing and self-deprecation, and he doesn't think he deserves better/deserves what he got from Billy.
Very much a hands on/kinesthetic learner.
Has vision problems, audio processing issues, and migraines on occasion from the head trauma.
Christmas Mom TM
Has a savings account that he regularly puts money into. His parents inconsistently cut him off that at some point, if they do give him any money, he puts it into savings. Also contributes when he starts working more regularly.
Platonically and romantically, loves being called: princess, baby girl, pretty boy/girl, honey, sweetie.
Keeps his nail bat in his car, usually wrapped in a towel to make sure no small injuries are sustained by accident. If his PTSD or anxiety are super high, he'll have it by his side nearly all the time.
Likes booty shorts; also got into tennis skirts and other pleated skirts by proxy. Likes how they twirl.
Has an aversion to stuff high on his neck. Just below or loose popped collars are fine, but doesn't like necklaces or turtlenecks.
Definitely got into Marvel Comics at some point and found himself relating to Iron Man. Something about being a spoiled rich kid with distant parents, has taken tumbles in his own life, has had to prove time and again that he's capable and changed, and cares for the family he's found.
Favors dogs. But would also give a cat love and attention, and even take in a stray or two.
Always runs hot.
With the Others
Gossips with Robin like they're moms in a wine club
Pretty much canon, but would beat someone's ass up for those he loves. But I'm more so talking in the you just say 'kick their ass' and he'll do it, no questions asked.
The only people he trusts to touch his hair are: Eddie, Nancy (after she gets the perm), Lucas, and Erica, because they at least have some semblance or understanding of haircare and styling.
Learned how to style and braid afro/super curly hair for Erica, Lucas, and Eddie so they could have someone help them when needed.
Gives great piggy back rides.
100% has a big dick
Can be dominant in bed, in the sense that he is fully capable of lifting and carrying people with relative ease.
Breeding Kink; admittedly this is going off what was mentioned to Nancy, but it's not specific to her or even specific to any gender. There is something there about wanting to be a father (especially a better one than his own dad), and loving the goobers he already takes care of, but there's something about the riskiness of it, too. As much as he loves the goobers, he'd like one or two kids of his own, too.
Okay with daddy being used on him, but only really in the instances of the breeding kink. Otherwise, he is babygirl 88% of the time.
Can eat pussy within an inch of his life, but definitely did lots of research and practice to get there.
Gets pegged, preferably by women. It's about power (think Markiplier with Lady Dimitrescu)
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For the series ask:
AHS Asylum and Coven
ooh thank you!!
long answer, so I'll put this under the cut
Send Me a Series
Favorite character: easy answer, but it's got to be Mac. I literally started watching the show for Lucas Till, and he quickly remained my favorite
Second favorite character: Hm... Desi. She comes in A.P. (after Patricia) so idk if you've actually seen the seasons she's in, but she's just a total badass and I love her dynamic with Mac
Least favorite character: Nikki. At first I liked the backstabbing arc because it was cool, but then they kept going back and forth with it and I got really tired of it.
The character I’m most like: Mac, but like 60% less cool. I mean, I pride myself on being adaptable and prepared, I keep a Swiss Army Knife and duct tape on me at all times, and while I did well in college I did drop out because it was too stifling for me.
Favorite pairing: Mac and Riley!!! I was spoiled on it becoming canon when I was still on Season 3, but I ended up basically counting down the episodes until I got to see it. I love Mac/Desi too, but it's just not quite the same.
Least favorite pairing: Mac and Nikki I guess, just because they couldn't let go of it when it rightfully should have been left alone. I never saw the chemistry between them, especially when they tried to go back to it a second time
Favorite moment: sorry, I just can't choose! Though I do love the montages they do when he puts something together, it really scratches the itch in my creative-problem-solving brain. I was a Mythbusters kid and I still love seeing someone solve a problem in a really unique way
Rating out of 10: ooh solid nine or ten, it's easily one of my favorite shows
AHS Asylum:
Favorite character: Lana, mainly because I like the Nellie Bly arc to her story and how she dove right in. There's a lot to respect about a character like that.
Second favorite character: Kit. He's just such a sweetheart. Honestly vying for first place but Lana won out just bc I love Nellie Bly's story.
Least favorite character: Jude. Sorry. Never liked her before the electroshock thing, and the Name Game bit honestly just made me cringe. I like that she got a bit of redemption, but she really wasn't my favorite character.
The character I’m most like: uh... not a clue. Asylum wasn't my favorite so I only watched it once, and I didn't find myself intensely connecting with any of the characters.
Favorite pairing: Alma and Kit I suppose. It ended a little weirdly but I like the way it began
Least favorite pairing: honestly idk. There weren't many pairings to begin with and I was neutral about pretty much all of them
Favorite moment: I liked when Shelley drags herself out of the lab all mutilated, simply bc I like SFX makeup and thought it was a well-done look
Rating out of 10: I'm gonna be real, I wasn't a big fan of Asylum. They tried way too much and it ended with a really chaotic season with too many loose ends. Not the worst, but not my favorite. Maybe a 6?
AHS Coven:
Favorite character: My boy Kyle!!! He had so much potential, they just utilized him so poorly. I wish they gave him more of his own arc instead of just using him to spur on Zoe's and Madison's, because they established SUCH a cool character with him and then went nowhere with it.
Second favorite character: I really liked Nan, actually. Her powers are cool, I like her personality, and I enjoyed her little romance arc with the neighbor guy.
Least favorite character: ZOE MFING BENSON. Don't get me started.
The character I’m most like: Uh... I really don't know. Maybe Cordelia, just bc that social pressure and parental expectation was something I really resonated with.
Favorite pairing: Next question, Your Honor. Does it count if I say Kyle x my OC Jasper?
Least favorite pairing: Zoe and Kyle. They met ONCE and he was literally just a plaything for her. And she didn't even do much to help him when she brought him back, she just wanted him in a place where she didn't have to take care of him but could still use him however she wanted.
Favorite moment: Ugh, Kyle with the tattoos just breaks my heart. The realization as soon as the flashback starts, not to mention the dichotomy between him singing along to Toto on the radio with his buddies versus sitting alone, chained up and miserable, is just so heartbreaking.
Rating out of 10: Eight, I liked it a lot but there were a few missed opportunities
Favorite character: I really liked Bo-Katan, especially the way they worked with her character arc. There were some really cool moments and some wonderful developments with her, and I really enjoyed the non-romantic parents dynamic she had with Din and Grogu
Second favorite character: Paz!! He didn't have much screentime, but I loved his character. His relationship with his son, his devotion to holding back Gideon's guards so the others could escape... ugh, wonderful and heartbreaking.
Least favorite character: I mean this in a "he did such a wonderful job I can't help but hate him" way, but Moff Gideon. Seriously, so much praise to Giancarlo Esposito, fantastic performance for an utterly despicable character
The character I’m most like: Bo-Katan, maybe.
Favorite pairing: Pass. There's not much romance in this one and that's okay. Honestly a breath of fresh air after so many other shows push romance.
Least favorite pairing: See above.
Favorite moment: when Din has to take off his helmet while undercover, but more specifically when Migs chooses not to acknowledge it and hands his helmet back when it's over. It shows such wonderful character development for both of them
Rating out of 10: Ten, without a doubt
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soobrat · 2 years
i just found your story cynics at 6 in the morning and read the whole thing. idk if it's because it was too early and i didn't sleep enough but it made me tear up so many times, wasn't sobbing or anything but it made me cry a little. you're so good at portraying emotions! when i finished first chapter i was hating johnny so much for mc's sake that i couldn't understand how the main pairing would work at all. i thought i was walking into one of those weird fics where mc forgive the abusive male lead and disregards all the red flags by the end for the sake of cheap romance. but you didn't!! and you have no idea how glad i am i continued reading.
you did so good at portraying trauma of abuse and how it haunts your whole life even when you think you're over it and finally moved on. i'm really glad mc decided to get out of that situation even if she did still walk back into it again. recovery is rarely linear and it's hard for most people to completely cutoff contact with those who have had such significant parts in your life all at once.
i also have to say that despite hating johnny in the beginning now i just feel bad for him. it's not quite pity, i think i just feel bad that he hadn't realize how horrible the company he was keeping is until a person he cherished so much couldn't take it anymore. i read somewhere that kids will often throw tantrums and lash out against the parent (or person) they feel most comfortable with, especially after a traumatic event or abuse, because that person won't leave them regardless of how "bad" they are. i think a lot of us in real life have a hard time growing out of that mentality, and unfortunately grow up to hurt those we love the most in the deepest way. at least that's how i'm seeing johnny thus far now that we're getting more into his headspace. he loves her and she was the one person he always felt secure enough with to be at his worst -- but unfortunately his worst now isn't a scared kid looking for a friend, he's a grown man capable of hurting her in worse ways than their bullies ever did because he knows her better than they ever did. if i hate anyone now it's taeyong because that last chapter showed how aware he has been of the situation all the time and from different angles. i think his kindness towards mc isn't real, he's doing it solely for his own gain and letting johnny hurt her just enough to keep her wanting company until it got out of hand. no wonder he never stopped yangyang, lucas and doyoung when they wanted to see her again despite them being so cruel.
anyway, this ask has become loger than i originally intended but i just have so many lingering thoughts after reading such a good story!! i hope you're having a lovely day 💕
You don't understand how much I appreciate this ask.
Every time I write something (because I'm not that experienced) I fear that all the ideas I have in my head for the stories and characters aren't being illustrated well through my writing. There are things you spelled out in this ask that I intended to be interpreted, which is such a relief. I am beyond happy that you're satisfied with how I wrote trauma, as that was another thing I mulled over.
And OH MY GOD I'm glad people don't completely hate Johnny. But even more? I'm glad people don't completely forgive him and wish the best for him. I was so worried I'd get asks saying that Johnny didn't do that much wrong or something. The fact that he's being interpreted as the morally grey guy I wrote him to be is fantastic. I think I've said this before, but I really didn't want this to be just mindless toxic nonsense. I didn't want the characters to be these perfect people who never do anything wrong, but I didn't want them to just be immoral/illogical devices for a poorly done romance. Romance isn't even really in the forefront of my brain. I just say we'll get there when we get there I guess.
This part:
"he loves her and she was the one person he always felt secure enough with to be at his worst -- but unfortunately his worst now isn't a scared kid looking for a friend, he's a grown man capable of hurting her in worse ways than their bullies ever did because he knows her better than they ever did."
Is just *chef's kiss*
I don't wanna spoil anything but I'll say this. In a way, Johnny assumed MC would just... always be there. And now without the distractions that are his three idiot friends, he's feeling that loneliness big time.
Anyway, I could sit here and discuss every little nugget but I won't to avoid making this even longer. I just want to say thank you so much. I'm so happy the story impacted someone or made them think about it after reading. That's wild to me that someone could even feel any lasting emotion from what I conveyed.
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