dreamerfms · 25 days
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[ … ] ❀ you’re not from around here , are you? i figured because you totally just missed { NOA BRAUNSTEIN } walking by. don’t tell me you don’t know who { SHE } is? they kind of look like { MAUDE APATOW } and i could be wrong but i think that they might be { TWENTY-SEVEN } years old right now. they’ve been living in palmview for the last { TWENTY-ONE YEARS }. and i don’t know if anyone has ever told them this before but they kind of remind me of { CHER HOROWITZ } from { CLUELESS }. if you stick around the town long enough you might catch them in action working at { - } as a { MATCHMAKER }. you see this town isn’t really that big of a place, some folks like to call them the { THE SHOPAHOLIC } of palmview! they took a liking to the name too after a while, go figure. oh crap, they must have heard me yapping. they’re coming this way. i got to warn you though, rumor has it they can pretty { MATERIALISTIC } at times. i wouldn’t take it too seriously though, from the times i’ve spoken to them they seemed pretty { SWEET } to me. we see each other all the time since they live in that { THREE ROOM } apartment beside me over in { CORAL COVE }. i better leave you to it. it was nice meeting you!  
full name : noa yael braunstein birthplace : san francisco, california date of birth : 03 / 13 / 1997 parentage : solomon braunstein & talia foster braunstein sibling(s) : ronen braunstein ( twin ) pets : two blue russian cats named coco & donatella occupation : founder of stupid cupid matchmaking business relationship status : single gender identity : cis female ( she/her ) sexual orientation : heterosexual ( maybe idk how to write a fully str8 muse honestly ) faceclaim : maude apatow
from the very beginning, noa’s family dynamic was quite different from the others. her parents met on tv through a dating show in the 90s and were lucky enough to find something that lasted.
flash forward a few years to a nice thursday evening in march when the braunstein twins graced this earth. one 37 minutes older than the other ( who exactly the twins wouldn't find out until they were thirteen and snuck a peek at their birth certificates -- their parents didn't want to hear the ' i'm older ' argument )
the phoenix lights happened the same night as their births, and to this day, their family likes to joke it was to prepare the world for their arrival
going from a family of two to four is never easy, and the braunstein's didn't find the transition any easier. they tried their best to split the work, with one parent being in charge of one twin. this was supposed to change weekly to give them equal opportunity with each child, but once they'd started and learned their respective twin, it was easier to just keep going that way rather than trying to learn everything about the other
so, it's no surprise when noa is bonded to their dad, and ronen their mom. the classic daddy's girl / momma's boy combos were running rampant in their household
noa never took full notice of how distant she was from her mother until her pre-teen years, a time when a girl needs her mother most. but every interaction felt like she was burdening her mother with questions, almost like she didn't care much for her daughter at all despite the clear love they held for one another. noa simply put it down to the fact that they were two very different people with very different interests, and instead would cling to her father, who had no issue handing over his credit card in order to cheer her up, and who seemed to find her over the top ideas for future ventures endearing rather than unrealistic.
at the age of six, their dad got a new job and the family relocated to florida. it came with more money, and the family was already pretty well off.
at this point, the twins were inseparable. the definition of frenemies. they'd fight and fight, but ten minutes later would be snuggled up on the couch watching tv. if someone were to pick on ronen, noa would say something and vice versa.
noa thrived in high school, popular and pretty, and keeping her grades afloat despite often being deemed as an airhead with one too many distractions. but home life was strained, clear tension between she and her brother and the bonds with their parents, and by this point every interaction with her mother would end in upset or annoyance.
leaving for college was a breath of fresh air, eyes opened to other ways of life and learning to stand on her own two feet. majoring in business while her minor was fashion. but it wasn't too long before she began to feel the ache of missing the person who knew her best, her twin brother.
the summer before their junior year, they're able to have a conversation about their parents and all their feelings. it's too late to get her to chicago for the fall semester, but they do all they can and can successfully get her there for the spring.
once they graduated, they actually wanted to come back to florida. chicago was fun and nice, but damn, it was cold. and noa had greatly missed her father and wanted to attempt building bridges with her mother, still to not much avail. some people are simply meant to love each other without actually enjoying one another's solo company.
noa would spend a few years interning for some fashion brands before deciding that she wanted to work for herself, took the risk of setting up her childhood dream of finding peoples perfect match. soon her business was booming, and she still found the time to show off her fashion sense online, building up a following in all aspects of social media.
however, her own love life isn't where she would like it to be. parents setting a high standard of how love is supposed to be that she's found herself very particular. due to this she's been intimate with only two people, both of whom she had great feelings for.
random bits : loves to scrapbook and make vision boards, will use any excuse to go on a shopping spree or have a pamper night, owns way too many pairs of shoes and definitely starts getting ready hours before she has to be somewhere, with multiple outfit changes. has a very strict no kissing until the third date rules. more tba.
a best friend, someone who not only indulges all her ideas but partakes. lots of pamper nights with wine too, and fashion shows galore ( the real kind and also the at home kind too )
first time/high school sweetheart, maybe they even tried to make it work when college rolled around but it was difficult to keep up with.
a more recent ex. perhaps it was a bit of a whirlwind and only lasted a year, maybe two. we can play around with why it ended.
a will they/won't they with someone so opposite/far from what she thinks she wants, yet behind the constant bickering there is clearly a spark.
a frenemy, they like each other but there's definitely some tension there.
that's all i've got for now ... but so much more.
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sunshinesfm · 3 days
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[ … ] ❀ you’re not from around here , are you? i figured because you totally just missed ( laila somsri } walking by . don’t tell me you don’t know who { she } is ? they kind of look like { davika hoorne } and i could be wrong but i think that they might be { 27 } years old right now . they’ve been living in palmview for the last { twenty seven years } and i don’t know if anyone has ever told them this before but they kind of remind me of { monica geller } from { friends} . if you stick around the town long enough you might catch them in action working at { mango bay restaurant } as a { chef } . you see this town isn’t really that big of a place , some folks like to call them the { the mom friend } of palmview ! they took a liking to the name too after a while , go figure . oh crap , crap they must have heard me yapping , they’re coming this way . i got to warn you though , rumor has it they can pretty { compulsive } at times . i wouldn’t take it too seriously though , from the times i’ve spoken to them they seemed pretty { organized } to me . we see each other all the time since they live in that { 2 bedroom } apartment beside me over in { mango bay } . i better leave you to it , it was nice meeting you .  { nic. 27. she/her. est. }
full name: laila somsri.
age: 27.
occupation: chef.
residence: mango bay.
family: mom, dad, and one brother.
favorite color: yellow.
label: the mom friend.
hometown: palmview grove, fl.
hobbies: cooking, baking, cleaning, journaling, meditating.
pets: none.
nickname: may.
hair color: brunette.
eye color: brown.
works at: the mango bay restaurant.
counterpart: monica geller.
birthdate: december 16th 1997.
star sign: sagittarius.
gender: cis-female.
pronouns: she / her.
sexuality: bisexual.
martial status: single.
traits: compulsive and organized.
laila grew up with her brother who was only a year older from her. the two were both very different individuals. she grew up feeling as though they favored her brother more than her because of the field he wanted to go into and how much they praised him for his hard work and dedication. feeling as though at times, she didn't always get that same praise. she knew her family loved her, but sometimes there were times where she noticed these kinds of things and it had tended to bother her. she ended up growing a love for cooking. baking wasn't entirely something she was good at, but she didn't hate it. ever since she was younger she had dreams to be able to open up her own restaurant. and as of lately, she's been close enough to reaching that dream it was something she had been hoping for. believing in herself that it could become a reality was hard at times but she could see it becoming true more than anything. when it comes to being neat and tidy, everything of hers is in a certain spot and is labelled properly and has a spot of their own. so, if something it was moved without her knowing then she would question you and ask you why it was moved. everything has a place and is organized. a lot of the times she will clean multiple times a day. especially, when it comes to cleaning out her room. like her closets and clearing out cabinets and such. laila truly hates messes and will clean things up if she sees something out of place or will ask if she can fix it. laila's known to offer to bring desserts and such to her friends if she knew that she had a bad day. when going to school for culinary she lost touch with her roommate in college that she thought would've been one of her closet friends that she's had, but unfortunately it didn't turn out the way she had originally hoped it would've.
laila keeps a cuilnary journal where she logs every recipe she experiments with. along with notes on what worked and what didn't and if she would want to make it again. a lot of the time, her notes are found to be color coded to make sure she keeps everything in place and more organized.
she has a lot of idead for different things and sometimes would just blurt them out when she thought of it.
she has a system when it comes to doing things a certain way. ' the laila way. ' and she won't let anyone mess with it, especially when helping her out with cooking, cleaning, or anything else.
she knows where everything is in her place, so if you were to move it she would probably question you and asked why or if you know how it got moved.
she has a favorite apron and usually considers it to be her lucky charm. it's a bit worn out by this point in time, but it is incredibly clean.
laila ikes to be able to host some dinner parties sometimes. it's a fun way to be able to have a get together with her friends and gives her a chance to host which is something she fully enjoys. she even goes all out to make particular playlists for these kinds of events.
her favorite color just so happens to be yellow. sometimes even rose gold.
she loves to plan things out! and if you give her the chance to help you plan things, she absolutely takes it serious and likes to make sure that she has all of the details in the proper order.
her kitchen is organized. every utensil, ingrident, pot and pan, spices are all labeled and has it's own designated place within her apartment. occasionally, she'll clean it out and change things up.
laila likes to start her morning prep early, especially when at work. or even before the sunrises. the quiet hours of the morning are usually the best for her to be able to do her best work and do it calmly without any sort of distractions.
growing up she had a golden retriever named daisy.
given her mom friend role, she usually acts like a mentor and is always willing to give a helping hand or a word of advice for those who are closest to her. she offers guidance whenever she can to encourage and support those she knows.
she has one older brother who is older than her by just a year.
laila likes to be involved within the community as much as she can. especially offering to cook a dish or two for any events that are being held.
she keeps a secret ingredient that she uses in almost all of her dishes but she refuses to ever reveal it to anybody.
she believes that sharing her passion for cooking could hopefully bring people together.
when overwhelmed laila will bake a cake or experiment with different desserts that she may want to add to a future menu of her own.
her dream restaurant has a whimsical, yet cozy theme and feel to it.
and yes, entirely just like her counterpart maya has an uncontrollable need to please people and can be a people pleaser at times, but she's learning it's also okay to do things for herself when necessary too.
likes for her apartment to be the ones her friends always goes to because she loves to host. which is why she keeps her apartment stocked up and ready to go whenever she has some friends or visitors over.
character template by annilhation.
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loversfms · 9 days
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[ … ] ❀ you’re not from around here , are you ? i figured because you totally just missed winona morris walking by. don’t tell me you don’t know who she is ? they kind of look like fivel stewart and i could be wrong but i think that they might be twenty-eight years old right now. they’ve been living in palmview for the last two years. and i don’t know if anyone has ever told them this before but they kind of remind me of beth march from little women. if you stick around the town long enough you might catch them in action working at fleurist as the owner / florist. you see this town isn’t really that big of a place, some folks like to call them the green thumb of palmview! they took a liking to the name too after a while, go figure. oh crap, they must have heard me yapping. they’re coming this way. i got to warn you though, rumor has it they can pretty worrisome at times. i wouldn’t take it too seriously though, from the times i’ve spoken to them they seemed pretty disciplined to me. we see each other all the time since they live in that one bedroom apartment beside me over in seaglass heights. i better leave you to it. it was nice meeting you !
full name :       winona quinn morris nickname(s) :       winnie birthplace :       san diego, california date of birth :       02 / 28 / 1996 parentage :       unknown sibling(s) :       ____ morris relationship status :       single gender identity :       cis woman ( she/her ) sexual orientation :       lesbian bisexual faceclaim :       fivel stewart
BACKGROUND: ( tw: mentions of neglect, homophobia, anxiety, and depression )
winnie isn’t very sure of her lineage. she knows she was adopted at the age of two, but she has no prior knowledge of her bio family. her adoption was a closed one, and it seemed to be how both parties preferred it.
adopted by jonathan and susanne morris, two prominent lawyers in their area. they had plenty of money and room to share. however, what they had in material items, they lacked in love.
winnie loved her parents fiercely as a young child. she didn’t understand that she and her brother were simply trophies for her family to show off to the public. her and her brother weren’t their children who they loved and adored, they were proof to the public of their generosity and their good-nature.
growing up, winnie spent most of her time with different nannies. she longed to spend time with her parents, and the nannies she’d had were kind enough to keep their opinions on her parents to themselves. they would always assist her in drawing pictures for her mom and dad (that were always met with mild enthusiasm).
it was hard to be a kid in the morris home. expectations were always very strict. any big emotions were met with anger and annoyance rather than love and care. she learned to bottle things up at a very young age. it was just easier. still, it was very difficult for her. she has always been very sensitive, and all she’s ever wanted is to please her parents.
one of her favorite things to do with her nannies was to just be outside. whether it was going for walks or playing at the park, winnie loved every minute of it. she loved seeing the bugs, the animals, and the plants. one thing she always adored were flowers.
she would always want to pick flowers for her mom. her small little bouquets always got her a “how sweet” and a head pat, and winnie would be on cloud nine for hours.
with her love for nature, it’s no surprise that biology and science quickly became her favorite subject. she loved the butterfly unit and watching caterpillars build their cocoons and eventually hatch.
she has always been a bit of a bookworm, and that made it all the easier to be shy. she could easily hide behind her books and not have to talk to other kids. which was for the best, anyway. her parents were very particular about who she could be friends with, so it was best for her to not try to make her own.
which, came as a bit of a blessing as she grew through puberty. all the sleepovers she was forced to attend were good practice for how to talk about boys. learning which ones were considered cute, discovering how you'd want one to treat you... it was just stuff winnie had never thought about. what was there to notice about boys when girls were simply... prettier to look at ?
but, she rationalized her thoughts by saying she was simply appreciative of those around her. how could the trophy daughter of conservative lawyers have feelings for other girls ?
and, once again, it's easier for winnie to be alone. your eyes can't linger too long if there's no one there to look at
however, everything changes when she goes to college and meets veronica lee. they met during orientation, and somehow, winnie just knew she was safe around the other.
their relationship only grew as time went on. they'd connected on multiple levels-- growing up with wealth, but not fitting the role your family wants you to play. it didn't take long for the two of them to become attached at the hip, never seeing one without the other.
until one night, the two came stumbling back to ronnie's dorm after a party ( something only ronnie could convince winnie to go to ). they'd had plenty of sleepovers, had probably shared a bed about a hundred times at this point. but, something within winnie just snapped. she'd lost all her inhibitions and couldn't think outside of that room. not of her role, not of her parents, not of their expectations. it was just winnie and ronnie.
the kiss had changed everything. winnie hadn't expected to feel as much as she did, and she wasn't expecting ronnie to be the one to pull away. that gesture was one that brought reality crashing down. it wasn't right-- this wasn't who winona morris was.
after that, winnie had done all she could to avoid ronnie and her own feelings. she couldn't get in an argument with her parents at the age of twenty. she knew she'd lose. she had nothing to fall back on.
losing ronnie was hard, and winnie soon became a shell of who she was with veronica. empty, hollow, lifeless. she knew college was for experiences, and she had been excited for them. now, she just wanted to do as little as possible and ensure she left with a degree.
and that she did. with a business degree ( something that had disappointed her parents greatly, but even they knew she'd be a terrible lawyer ) in hand, winnie knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life. but first, she wanted to get some practice in. she worked as a florist at a few different shops up until she was twenty-five.
everything kind of happened at twenty-five. she'd hit an emotional wall. she was exhausted hiding the person she was, even from herself. she'd been smart enough to work and save her money as she did, because she pretty much went off the grid for three months. she was constantly crying, having anxiety attacks, and she could barely get out of bed. she hated herself and she just wanted to be free.
she's twenty-five when she comes out to her family. as bisexual, because it's easier to stomach and possibly more acceptable. her brother welcomes her with open arms, her parents, not so much. they can't cut her off entirely, seeing as she's still one of their trophies. she appears in family christmas photos, but their communication pretty much ceases to exist. no more financial help, and no more love ( not that there was much to begin with ).
moving to palmview was a fresh start. she'd shed her old self and was ready to welcome the new winona. WINNIE. a name her parents had refused to call her.
she settles herself down, still has some money saved ( and has some help from her brother ) and works to open fleurist. after a year of buying, meeting, planning, and decorating, winnie was pleased to finally be able top open up her own flower shop and to work as a florist.
everything was finally on her terms, and she couldn't have felt more alive.
uhhhh honestly like .... real friends. people who know winnie and love her <3
failed dates lolllllll my girl has been ever so slowly trying to get out there but .... life is hard. this can be men and women because she's definitely a lesbian but hasn't figured that out yet
loyal customers <3 please and thank uuuuuuu
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bvselincs · 19 days
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[ … ] ❀ you’re not from around here , are you? i figured because you totally just missed { MIKEL BALLART } walking by. don’t tell me you don’t know who { HE/HIM } is/are ? they kind of look like { JACOB ELORDI } and i could be wrong but i think that they might be { 27 } years old right now. they’ve been living in palmview for the last { YEAR }. and i don’t know if anyone has ever told them this before but they kind of remind me of { JAMIE TARTT } from { TED LASSO }. if you stick around the town long enough you might catch them in action working at { - } as a { TENNIS PLAYER }. you see this town isn’t really that big of a place, some folks like to call them the { REDEEMED BAD BOY } of palmview! they took a liking to the name too after a while, go figure. oh crap, they must have heard me yapping. they’re coming this way. i got to warn you though, rumor has it they can pretty { SELF-CENTERED } at times. i wouldn’t take it too seriously though, from the times i’ve spoken to them they seemed pretty { CHARISMATIC } to me. we see each other all the time since they live in that { 6A } apartment beside me over in { CORAL COVE }. i better leave you to it. it was nice meeting you! 
⸺   ONE   ,     LINKS .
plot ideas
⸺   TWO   ,     STATS .
✦ full name. mikel river ballart ✦ age. twenty-seven ✦ date of birth. august 15, 1997 ✦ place of birth. melbourne, australia ✦ gender. cis-male ✦ pronouns. he/him ✦ sexual orientation. bisexual ✦ occupation. tennis player ✦ faceclaim. jacob elordi ✦ zodiac. leo sun, capricon moon and rising.
trigger warning: domestic abuse, addiction, alcoholism, bullying
mikel was born in melbourne, australia, the youngest of three. his mother fought to keep the family afloat, scrimping and saving while his father let the unemployment benefits slip through his fingers.
as mikel came of age, the pattern of his father’s self-destruction became all too clear. the police visits were a frequent occurrence, each one followed by his father's promises of reform. but those promises were as fleeting as the wind, and soon, everything would return to the same broken state.
despite this turmoil, mikel yearned for his father's approval, believing that making him happy could alleviate the family’s distress. their mutual love for tennis provided a fleeting escape, with cherished afternoons spent at the local court. in these moments, his father’s aspirations weighed heavily, nurturing the belief that mikel’s rise as a professional player could be their salvation from the clutches of poverty.
mikel’s love for tennis became his refuge in school, where he struggled with undiagnosed adhd and dyslexia, and faced harsh bullying for his academic difficulties and reserved nature. his fortunes changed unexpectedly when a sports agent, noticing his talent at a local tournament, offered him a scholarship to a prestigious academy in brisbane.
mikel’s life changed fast at the academy. he went from an outcast to a rising star, with everyone wanting his friendship. his tennis skills soared, and so did his ego. he was just eleven, but his pride was even bigger. yet, the cheers at the academy were a stark contrast to the silence at home, where bruises told stories he didn’t dare speak of. things had gotten worse since they left melbourne, and as mikel got older, he grew more afraid of his father. unable to challenge his father about the mistreatment of his mother and siblings.
in 2009, sitting in a hospital waiting for her son’s broken arm to be set, mila made up her mind to leave her abusive husband. mikel had been hurt in a fit of rage after losing a set. mila packed their bags and bought tickets to her parents' hometown in spain. at first, mikel thought it was a short stay, but as his arm healed and no talk of going back came up, he grew angry and silent. for months, he didn’t speak to his mother. finally, mila enrolled him in a local school and academy, trying to help him settle and find some peace.
the academy he attended was small and lacked the resources to nurture his talent. it wasn’t long before one of his coaches, seeing his potential, arranged a scholarship for him to attend a prestigious academy in spain. at just thirteen, mikel left home once more, this time moving to alicante on his own. there, he found himself among other young tennis hopefuls, training hard and competing on the junior circuit.
his junior career was fairly successful; he reached a junior grand slam final and climbed to a ranking of fifth in the world. but it was when he stepped onto the professional tour at sixteen that his talent truly began to shine.
mikel’s journey was shaped by a partnership with a coach who became a father figure to him, guiding him to his first professional title. his breakthrough year was filled with remarkable triumphs, including his first grand slam victory and a swift rise in the rankings. yet, off the court, he battled his own demons. the specter of his estranged father still loomed over him, affecting his personal life and gnawing at his mental well-being.
mikel’s talent was undeniable, yet his reputation both on and off the court told a different story. he was the rebel, the bad boy of tennis, known for shouting at umpires and refusing to shake hands with his opponent after a loss. his tumultuous relationship with the press always grabbed the headlines, while his striking looks brought him fans and sponsors. he was the kind of player people loved to hate, his name always on their lips.
though mikel had found success, his career was thrown off course by a serious injury that led to a dependency on painkillers, which resulted in a suspension from the sport. his battle with addiction and the relentless pressure to maintain his public image and keep his sponsorships forced him into rehab. he released a statement to the press, explaining he’d miss the rest of the season due to a lingering foot injury. he spent two months at a rehab center in florida before moving to palmview grove for the remainder of his suspension.
it has been four months since the suspension was lifted, yet he still grapples with the fear of slipping back into his old habits. this fear has kept him from returning to the court, even as his coach insists he is ready. mikel’s sights are set on being prepared for the next season in january.
over the past year, mikel has learned that being a star isn’t as satisfying as he’d once thought. fame and fortune looked good from the outside, but underneath, he struggled with many demons. for the past year, he’s been working on those personal battles, focusing less on being a great player and more on becoming a better person.
at his core, he's a people pleaser, shy, and compliant, reminiscent of his childhood self.
he struggles with expressing his true emotions and uses a fake confident persona to hide his insecurities.
he's perceived as egotistical and rude, but few realize his vulnerability and fear of being broken.
mikel craves attention and sometimes struggles with sharing the spotlight.
in relationships, he commits sincerely but moves on quickly if it ends.
eager to learn and strives to be the best, even if it doesn't always succeed.
currently, he is trying to acknowledge his past mistakes, make amends, and improve himself as a person.
he goes to therapy twice a week, although he mostly treats it as a interview and struggles to really talk about his issues.
has a four-year-old mix golden retriever/labrador named sadie
claims his favourite book is "to kill a mockingbird" because he sort of watched the film at school
hates when people call him mike
he took on his mother's surname when he became a pro player and legally changed it when he was 18. his last name surname was bancroft
he’s not very into fashion, he likes comfort so something he likes about being an athlete is that he gets to dress comfortably most of the time.
often wakes up before 7 am, but since he hasn't been an active player he's been trying to sleep past 8 am and stay up longer.
while he's not the best cook in the world, he can cook different types of pasta and sauces. mostly, because it's what he normally ate when he was training and playing.
he can speak fluent Spanish. his mother was born in australia but her parents come from the basque country. he can speak some basque but not a lot.
even if he has double citizenship (spanish and australian), he represents australia.
if he had gone to university (which he wouldn't lol) he would have studied something related to cinema. he loves movies and it's pretty much the only form of entertainment that can have his attention.
for the previous reason, he rarely watches tv shows because his attention span is too short and binging a tv show makes him feel uneasy.
a year ago, he was offered to participate in the latest love island australia but he turned it down when he learned he would have to share bedroom with other people.
it might come as a surprise but he's only been drunk twice in his life.
while he can be a dickhead to most people, he’s usually one of those players that try to give autographs to every fan who asks for one.
his best ranking has been #1 in the world which he achieved when he was 21. his first grand slam was the us open at 20. in total he has 6 grand slams and 35 titles.
his proudest moments in his career was when he won the australian open at 24 and again at 26.
he's sponsored by: adidas, head, tag heuer, calvin klein, evian, porsche, BBVA, hugo boss.
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astralfms · 21 days
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[ … ] ❀ you’re not from around here , are you? i figured because you totally just missed { CELESTE JAMES } walking by. don’t tell me you don’t know who { SHE } is/are ? they kind of look like { NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO } and i could be wrong but i think that they might be { TWENTY EIGHT } years old right now. they’ve been living in palmview for the last { TWENTY YEARS }. and i don’t know if anyone has ever told them this before but they kind of remind me of { CARRIE BRADSHAW } from { SEX AND THE CITY }. if you stick around the town long enough you might catch them in action working at { SUNSET VILLA BEACH } as a { LIFESTYLE VLOGGER }. you see this town isn’t really that big of a place, some folks like to call them the { VIDEOPHILE } of palmview! they took a liking to the name too after a while, go figure. oh crap, they must have heard me yapping. they’re coming this way. i got to warn you though, rumor has it they can pretty { SELF ABSORBED } at times. i wouldn’t take it too seriously though, from the times i’ve spoken to them they seemed pretty { CHEERFUL } to me. we see each other all the time since they live in that { TWO BEDROOM } apartment beside me over in { MANGO BAY }. i better leave you to it. it was nice meeting you
full name: celeste james
nicknames: cel, cely, letty
birthday: may 12, 1995
hometown: cape cod, massachusetts
occupation: social media influencer, lifestyle vlogger
hobbies: vlogging, trying new food spots, serial dating, shopping
lives: mango bay lofts
enter: celeste, first born of the james family. her mother likes to tease that she was born to be an older sister. in fact, she'd rub her mom's pregnant belly and say, "my baby, my baby." it's safe to say that her childhood was largely focused on playing with her sister, doing any silly thing she could to make her laugh, and getting into as much trouble as you'd expect of two girls under five. when their family packed up and moved to palmview, celeste made it her personal mission to show charlotte that moving was no big deal. so what, they'd packed up their whole lives and moved across the country? that just meant they'd have new adventures to go on, and it wasn't like they wouldn't go back to visit. this mindset stuck with her throughout her life, choosing to see the cup half full even when logic told her otherwise.
her teen years were as chaotic as you'd expect, celeste taking full advantage of her short summers in cape cod. parties, boys, sneaking out, boys, nights on the beach, boys. rinse and repeat. during this time she swore she was just making the most of her teenage years, but her parents would say they let her watch way too much sex and the city. this would become exaggerated one summer when celeste got the bright idea to take her dads boat out at night, all in efforts to impress a boy. she'd been sailing with her dad since she was a kid, what could go wrong, right? wrong. she hadn't accounted for the coast guard, who luckily let her off with a warning, ( and a call to her parents. ) for the rest of the summer, they cut her off entirely, forcing her into her first summer job.
this is where she met her first true best friend, who was able to speak some knowledge into that delusional head of celeste's. instead of pouring all that energy into boys, she was encouraged to take her ambition and ideas and put them into making videos. her friend was convinced she had what it took to make it big. following this advice was the best thing for her, although, her bad habits hadn't left entirely. after graduation, and throughout college, celeste was known to party on the weekends and seen with a new beau in what seemed like every other new vlog. it's not her fault she's a lover girl, right? at least, that's what she tells herself.
tldr; celeste is a silly goofy girl that hasn't quite grown out of her boy obsessed phase. her friends encourage her to put that ambition into something creative, and she does, but that only keeps her delusion at bay for so long. will she overcome the boy fever? will she ever not be a sleazebag wrapped in a pretty package? stay tuned and find out!
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amadouers · 1 month
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[  …  ]  ❀  you’re  not  from  around  here,  are  you  ?  i  figured  because  you  totally  just  missed  emma  cicciaro  walking  by.  don’t  tell  me  you  don’t  know  who  she  is  ?  they  kind  of  look  like  chase  sui  wonders  and  i  could  be  wrong  but  i  think  that  they  might  be  26  years  old  right  now.  they’ve  been  living  in  palmview  for  the  last  26  years.  and  i  don’t  know  if  anyone  has  ever  told  them  this  before  but  they  kind  of  remind  me  of  effy  stonem  from  skins.  if  you  stick  around  the  town  long  enough  you  might  catch  them  in  action  working  at  the  salty  sailor  bar  as  a  server.  you  see  this  town  isn’t  really  that  big  of  a  place,  some  folks  like  to  call  them  the  hellcat  of  palmview!  they  took  a  liking  to  the  name  too  after  a  while,  go  figure.  oh  crap,  they  must  have  heard  me  yapping.  they’re  coming  this  way.  i  got  to  warn  you  though,  rumor  has  it  they  can  pretty  self  -  indulgent  at  times.  i  wouldn’t  take  it  too  seriously  though,  from  the  times  i’ve  spoken  to  them  they  seemed  pretty  free  -  spirited  to  me.  we  see  each  other  all  the  time  since  they  live  in  that  5  bedroom  apartment  beside  me  over  in  coral  cove.  i  better  leave  you  to  it.  it  was  nice  meeting  you  !
statistics  .
full  name:  emma  josephine  cicciaro.    nickname(s):  usually  just  goes  by  emma  but  will  answer  to  em  or  emmy.    label:  the  hellcat.    counterpart:  effy  stonem  from  skins.    age:  twenty6  years  old.    date  of  birth:  october  24th,  1997.    hometown:  palmview  grove,  florida.    previous  location:  los  angeles,  california.    living  arrangement:  harborview  residences  #7c,  coral  cove.    sexuality:    bisexual.    occupation:  server  at  the  salty  sailor  bar.    positive  traits:  alluring,  free  -  spirited,  venturesome.    negative  traits:  self  -  indulgent,  destructive,  opportunistic.  
biography  .
born  and  raised  in  palmview.  with  absent  parents  who  were  unhappy  with  each  other,  emma  learned  to  fend  for  herself  from  an  early  age.  as  a  kid  she  was  quiet  and  often  kept  to  herself,  but  as  she  grew  older  she  began  engaging  in  hedonistic  pursuit  -  alcohol,  drugs,  sex  -  it  was  her  coping  mechanism,  even  if  it  was  way  worse  than  her  problems.
emma  had  a  hard  time  connecting  with  people  because  of  the  way  she  was  raised,  which  often  made  her  come  off  as  self  -  centered.  the  thing  is,  she  acknowledges  this  and  knows  that  she  treats  people  like  shit  sometimes,  but  she  just  couldn't  help  it.  emma  craves  affection  but  she  tends  to  self  -  sabotage  all  the  good  things  she  had  in  her  life  because  she  believes  she  doesn't  deserve  them.
when  she  was  sixteen,  her  parents  finally  separated.  emma  had  known  about  the  illicit  affair  between  her  mother  and  the  other  guy  for  a  while  -  it  wasn't  emma  who  told  her  father,  and  yet  her  mother  blamed  her  for  it,  and  emma  let  her  be.  her  mother  began  to  drink  a  lot  after  that  and  emma  stepped  up  to  take  care  of  the  house,  eventually  dropping  out  of  school  and  took  part  -  time  jobs  to  support  the  two  of  them.
five  years  later,  emma  decided  she  had  enough.  she  packed  her  things  and  asked  her  best  friend  to  come  with  her  to  la  on  a  whim,  but  only  emma  made  it  there.  despite  rocky  start,  emma  ended  up  having  a  good  time  in  la  -  she  even  lived  her  dream  as  a  rockstar's  girlfriend  at  some  point,  but  like  all  the  good  things  in  her  life,  they  never  last.
a  month  ago  she  came  back  to  palmview  like  surprise  bitch  ,  i  bet  u  thought  u've  seen  the  last  of  me  <333  as  if  she  didn't  just  disappear  five  years  ago  and  ghost  everyone  else  bc  she  thought  she  would  never  come  back  again.  when  asked  why  she  did  she  would  just  say  she  got  bored  of  la  but  really  she  just  didn't  know  where  to  go  after  she  broke  up  with  her  rockstar  ex.  as  much  as  she  wanted  to  get  out  of  this  town  this  is  where  she  grew  up  so  maybe  she's  lowkey  a  little  attached.
well,  it's  not  emma  if  she's  not  running  from  her  problems  so  that  was  on  brand  for  her  anyways.  luckily  or  not  she's  still  same  emma  from  before  -  maybe  better,  maybe  worse  -  that's  for  us  to  find  out  bc  she's  a  new  muse  so  fuck  it  we  ball  xx
personality  .
she's  the  effy  stonem  counterpart  so  she  really  has  that  heartless  emo  bitch  vibes  going  on,  although  nowadays  it's  been  toned  down  a  bit.  she's  probably  gotten  more  chill  now,  but  during  her  teenage  years  emma  was  notoriously  known  for  her  nasty  temper  and  partying  habits.  despite  common  misconception  about  her  being  unapproachable,  emma  is  someone  who's  easy  to  get  along  with  -  she  might  be  handful  at  times  (  that's  why  u  got  two  hands  <333  )  but  she  generally  means  well,  just  has  a  hard  time  showing  it,  is  all.  she's  always  down  to  have  a  good  time  and  is  prone  to  make  bad  decisions,  which  more  often  than  not  gets  her  into  trouble  but  she  enjoys  living  on  the  edge  !!!  very  flirtatious  and  straightforward  with  her  sexual  endeavors  -  emma  sleeps  around  a  lot  bc  she  has  commitment  issues  and  believes  nobody  would  ever  really  love  her,  yet  at  the  same  time  thinks  she's  too  good  for  anyone.  self  -  sabotage  all  the  time  that  it  gets  tiring,  but  she  just  couldn't  help  it  she's  problematic  like  that.
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rhodesshephard · 2 months
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[ … ] ❀ you’re not from around here , are you? i figured because you totally just missed { rhodes shephard } walking by. don’t tell me you don’t know who { he/him } is/are ? they kind of look like { tom blyth } and i could be wrong but i think that they might be { thirty one } years old right now. they’ve been living in palmview for the last { four years }. and i don’t know if anyone has ever told them this before but they kind of remind me of { fred jones } from { scooby doo }. if you stick around the town long enough you might catch them in action working at { - } as a { small business owner/entrepreneur }. you see this town isn’t really that big of a place, some folks like to call them the { dreamer } of palmview! they took a liking to the name too after a while, go figure. oh crap, they must have heard me yapping. they’re coming this way. i got to warn you though, rumor has it they can pretty { impulsive } at times. i wouldn’t take it too seriously though, from the times i’ve spoken to them they seemed pretty { resourceful } to me. we see each other all the time since they live in that { three bedroom } apartment beside me over in { coral cove }. i better leave you to it. it was nice meeting you!  { jules. 27. she/her. central. }
name: rhodes ezra shephard
nickname(s): roe
gender: cis man
pronouns: he/him
age: 31
dob: february 12
pob: naples, florida
orientation: bisexual
current residence: coral cove
with high pressures and a need to succeed, rhodes grew up with the aim of impressing his father. he was trying to consistently make the grades, thrive in all the sports, and somehow still make time for extracurriculars and internships galore.
along with the need to succeed, rhodes is a huge dreamer. growing up he dreamed of starting his own thing, fully his. starting out, he learns as much as he can from his father all while keeping a safe distance as well. while rhodes strived for his father's approval, it also made him feel like he was drowning to keep up with everything.
rhodes' first start up is a luxury rental company (think airbnb for rich people) and much to his surprise, it thrives. currently, there are over 75 luxury rentals around palmview and a 26 in naples. he has been able to hire on a whole property management team to manage the homes so he is able to worry less about the whole thing.
he is currently working to start two more start ups around palmview and is always dreaming of the next thing before he even finishes with the thing he's working on.
he's extremely charming and can make friends with just about anyone.
i will add onto this later :) <3
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tidecorals · 2 months
introducing: alejandro destrade
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you’re not from around here , are you? i figured because you totally just missed { alejandro destrade } walking by. don’t tell me you don’t know who { he } is ? they kind of look like { oscar isaac} and i could be wrong but i think that they might be { forty two } years old right now. they’ve been living in palmview for the last { 19 years }. and i don’t know if anyone has ever told them this before but they kind of remind me of { gomez addams } from { the addams family }. if you stick around the town long enough you might catch them in action working at { pearl's seafood bistro } as a { the owner }. you see this town isn’t really that big of a place, some folks like to call them the { prince of his own making } of palmview! they took a liking to the name too after a while, go figure. oh crap, they must have heard me yapping. they’re coming this way. i got to warn you though, rumor has it they can pretty { fanciful } at times. i wouldn’t take it too seriously though, from the times i’ve spoken to them they seemed pretty { debonair } to me. we see each other all the time since they live in that { one bedroom } apartment beside me over in { coral cove }. i better leave you to it. it was nice meeting you! 
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NAME. alejandro sebastián destrade
DATE OF BIRTH. february 17th, 1982
AGE. forty two.
GENDER. demi man (he/him/they/them)
SEXUALITY. bisexual, heavily female / nb leaning.
PLACE OF BIRTH. puerto escondido, oaxaca, mexico
HOMETOWN. puerto escondido, oaxaca, mexico.
RESIDENCE. coral cove, apartment 2a.
ZODIAC SIGN. aquarius sun, scorpio moon, leo rising.
EYE COLOUR. dark brown.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES. deep, expressive brown eyes that are intense and captivating. he sports dark, wavy hair that is well-groomed and often styled with a subtle side part. his hair is thick and full, adding to his sophisticated appearance. occasionally, he wears it slightly tousled for a more relaxed look. he has facial hair, a full beard in which it's length varies by occasion.
STYLE. known for his impeccable style, often seen in tailored suits that blend classic sophistication with a touch of modern flair. he favors dark, rich colors and high-quality fabrics, but he also enjoys sporting more casual, yet stylish, attire when off-duty. alejandro carries himself with a regal air, his posture is straight and confident. his movements are graceful and deliberate, reflecting his sense of purpose and the grandeur with which he approaches life.
POSITIVE TRAITS. charismatic, visionary, passionate, generous, humble, elegant, cultured
NEGATIVE TRAITS. impulsive, overindulgent, detached, noncommital, secretive, stubborn, conflict-prone
AESTHETICS. rich and decadent colours, old leather couches, handcrafted artifacts from his home, dutifully lined bookcases, soft ambient lighting
CHARACTER INSPIRATION. gomez addams, antonio banderas character from desperado, victor hugo, fitzwilliam darcy esquire
Alejandro Destrade wasn’t always the name on everyone’s lips in Palmview. Originally from a small coastal town in Mexico, Alejandro moved to Palmview nearly two decades ago, driven by dreams of making his mark. At just 23, he arrived with little more than ambition and a love for the ocean. Over the years, Alejandro transformed his modest beginnings into something extraordinary, carving out a name for himself as the charismatic owner of Pearl’s Seafood Bistro, a beloved culinary gem nestled in the heart of the town.
Alejandro possesses a rugged, effortless charm that’s impossible to ignore. His dark, soulful eyes and meticulously groomed appearance have earned him comparisons to Gomez Addams from The Addams Family—a debonair figure with a flair for the dramatic and an undeniable aura of mystery. Alejandro is known for his fanciful nature, indulging in the finer things in life with a passion that borders on the extravagant. Whether it’s a lavish yacht party or a meticulously curated tasting menu at his bistro, he approaches everything with the same intensity and attention to detail.
Despite his penchant for luxury, Alejandro remains remarkably humble—a trait that sets him apart from many of the other wealthy residents of Palmview. While others may flaunt their riches, Alejandro is content to let his success speak for itself. He’s never been one to rely on wealth for validation, preferring instead to live life on his own terms, making every moment a spectacle worth remembering.
Alejandro’s success with Pearl’s Seafood Bistro didn’t come easy, but it’s a testament to his willingness to take risks and his eye for talent. He’s known for giving opportunities to up-and-coming chefs, often taking on those with little experience but big dreams—much like he once had. His bistro is more than just a restaurant; it’s a reflection of his journey and his love for the sea. Alejandro’s approach to his business is hands-on, with every dish, every detail, bearing his personal touch.
The bistro’s success has made Alejandro a wealthy man, and while he enjoys the comforts that come with it, he remains grounded, never forgetting where he came from. His frequent attendance at the yacht club and his luxurious lifestyle may suggest otherwise, but those who know him understand that Alejandro’s heart lies with his work, his community, and his unyielding desire to create something meaningful.
Alejandro’s life, for all its opulence, carries a longing that he rarely speaks of—his desire to be a family man. Life, however, hasn’t permitted that dream to fully materialize just yet. Perhaps it’s the demands of his career, or maybe the elusive nature of true love, but Alejandro remains a bachelor, his one-bedroom apartment in Coral Cove a quiet contrast to the lively persona he projects.
Despite his single status, Alejandro is far from lonely. His life is rich with experiences, friendships, and the satisfaction of having built something truly his own. Yet, there’s a part of him that yearns for the simple joys of family life—a dream he’s determined to achieve someday, when the timing is right.
In Palmview, Alejandro is both admired and envied. His success, charisma, and humility have earned him the moniker “The Prince of His Own Making,” a title he’s come to embrace. He’s a fixture in the community, respected for his contributions to the town’s culture and economy, yet he remains somewhat of an outsider among Palmview’s elite. Alejandro’s disdain for those who flaunt their wealth without substance has put him at odds with certain members of the upper class, but he’s never been one to back down from his principles.
Alejandro Destrade lives life as a grand spectacle, embracing every moment with a fervor that’s both inspiring and intimidating. He’s a man who has made his own way in life, a self-made success story with a heart as deep as the ocean he loves. In Palmview, Alejandro isn’t just a man—he’s a legend in the making, with a story that’s far from over.
tba once more <3
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richardsonlouis · 1 month
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Louis moved a year ago to this quaint, picturesque town after a painful breakup that left him reeling. His boyfriend, whom he loved deeply, was too afraid to come out to his conservative family. The secrecy had been eating away at Louis for months, and it came to a breaking point when he finally issued an ultimatum: either they would come out as a couple and live openly, or their relationship would have to end. The choice his boyfriend made that day cut Louis to the core. It wasn’t just the end of their relationship that hurt him, but the realization that his love wasn't strong enough to inspire the courage needed to embrace their truth together.
Louis had already been battling anxiety and depression, lingering scars from the relentless bullying he endured during his college years simply for being gay. Those experiences had left him with deep emotional wounds, making it hard for him to fully trust others. He was especially close to his twin sister, Lily, who also faced her own struggles as a lesbian. They often joked about how their parents must have done something right, raising two kids who weren’t straight in a world that often didn’t understand or accept them. The bond between Louis and Lily was unbreakable, their shared experiences drawing them closer as they navigated the challenges of their identities.
Despite his kindhearted nature, Louis found himself more distant than he used to be. He had always been the type to wear his heart on his sleeve, but after everything he’d been through, he became more guarded, wary of getting hurt again. He tried to be sociable, pushing himself to engage with others, but it took a toll on him. Social interactions, while enjoyable in the moment, often left him drained, needing time alone to recharge his emotional batteries.
One of the few things that brought him genuine joy was sipping on a well-crafted cocktail, the flavors and the ritual of it bringing a small sense of comfort. He had a particular fondness for reading too, often losing himself in the pages of a book where he could escape reality for a while. Whether it was fiction, history, or even poetry, books were his sanctuary, a way to connect with worlds where love, in all its forms, was celebrated rather than hidden
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[ … ] ❀ you’re not from around here , are you? i figured because you totally just missed { Louis Richardson} walking by. don’t tell me you don’t know who { He } is/are ? they kind of look like {Dylan O'Brien } and i could be wrong but i think that they might be { 30 } years old right now. they’ve been living in palmview for the last { 1 year }. and i don’t know if anyone has ever told them this before but they kind of remind me of { Bella Swan } from { Twilight saga }. if you stick around the town long enough you might catch them in action working at { A hospital} as a { Doctor}. you see this town isn’t really that big of a place, some folks like to call them the { The Maudlin } of palmview! they took a liking to the name too after a while, go figure. oh crap, they must have heard me yapping. they’re coming this way. i got to warn you though, rumor has it they can pretty { anxious } at times. i wouldn’t take it too seriously though, from the times i’ve spoken to them they seemed pretty { charming } to me. we see each other all the time since they live in that { 2 rooms } apartment beside me over in { MANGO BAY LOFTS APARTMENT #1B ! }. i better leave you to it. it was nice meeting you!  { Naomi. 28. She/her. GMT+1/2. }
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emmalinlockhart · 2 months
hiii ! i'm cata, 24, she/her and writing emmalin lockhart ! stocked to be here!
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bittcrsweetsfm · 14 hours
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[ … ]     ❀     you’re  not  from  around  here,  are  you?  i  figured  because  you  totally  just  missed  francesca  spencer  walking  by.  don’t  tell  me  you  don’t  know  who  she  is?  they  kind  of  look  like  katie  douglas  and  i  could  be  wrong  but  i  think  that  they  might  be  twenty  five  years  old  right  now.  they’ve  been  living  in  palmview  for  the  last  twenty  five  years.  and  i  don’t  know  if  anyone  has  ever  told  them  this  before  but  they  kind  of  remind  me  of  lexie  grey  from  grey's  anatomy.  if  you  stick  around  the  town  long  enough  you  might  catch  them  in  action  working  at  seaglass  heights  elementary  school  as  a  kindergarten  teacher.  you  see  this  town  isn't  really  that  big  of  a  place,  some  folks  like  to  call  them  the  benevolent  of  palmview!  they  took  a  liking  to  the  name  too  after  a  while,  go  figure.  oh  crap,  they  must  have  heard  me  yapping.  they're  coming  this  way.  i  got  to  warn  you  though,  rumour  has  it  they  can  be  pretty  naive  at  times.  i  wouldn't  take  it  too  seriously  though,  from  the  times  i've  spoken  to  them  they  seem  pretty  open  minded.  we  see  each  other  all  the  time  since  they  live  in  that  two  bedroom  apartment  beside  me  over  in  seaglass  heights.  i  better  leave  you  to  it.  it  was  nice  meeting  you!
full  name  :  francesca  vivian  spencer.  age  :  twenty  five.  birthday  :  may  2nd,  1996.  astrology  :  taurus  sun,  scorpio  moon  +  gemini  rising.  gender  +  pronouns  :  ciswoman  /  she  +  her.  sexual  orientation  :  bisexual  +  biromantic.  spoken  languages  :  english.  height  :  5'.  tattoos  +  piercings  :  a  couple  small  ones  along  her  body  that  are  usually  hidden  by  clothing  or  accessories  +  lobes,  tragus,  cartilage  and  belly  button.  allergies  :  bees  +  seafood.  addictions  :  n/a.  drug  /  alcohol  use  :  both  socially  but  rarely  both  both.  family  tree  :  jhenry  spencer  (father),  isabella  'bella'  spencer  (mother).  character  inspo  :  lexie  grey,  cassie  howard,  aimee  gibbs.
living  in  the  moment  and  looking  back  provide  vastly  different  stories  regarding  francescas  upbringing  —  unable  to  fully  grasp  or  understand  the  hardships  her  family  had  gone  through  to  make  sure  she  could  succeed;  the  sacrifices  made.  but  if  asked  at  a  young  age,  franny  would  say  her  home  life  was  beautiful. 
growing  up  in a  low-income  area,  franny  was  born  to  a  dotting  mother  and  absent  father;  him  not  wanting  a  child  in  his  early  twenties  and  leaving  once  isabella  stated  she  would  be  keeping  the  child.  despite  this,  there  was  rarely  an  absence  in  her  life  —  although  many  crinkled  their  nose  to  the  area  she  grew  up  in;  the  strong  sense  of  community  provided  her  with  an  unforgettable  childhood.
frannys  personality  solidified  the  moment  she  entered  school  and  never  wavered.  fitting  in  with  those  deemed  “popular”  due  to  looks  and  extracurricular  activities  but  never  succumbing  to  the  meanness  that  some  individuals  would  strive  for.  having  a  friendship  with  almost  every  type  of  group  and  making  sure  she  had  talking  points.  running  through  topics  of  the  best  hair  dye  or  black  eyeliner  to  the  most  authentic  musicals  and  even  joining  heated  arguments  regarding  football  teams.  to  say  she  was  overall  liked  was  an  understatement.
regardless  of  peoples  enjoyment  in  her  company,  it  was  easy  for  francescas  soul  to  become  wounded  and  heart  to  be  ripped  in  half.  an  overly  trusting  and  naive  teenage  girl  with  her  heart  on  her  sleeve  was  the  perfect  prey  for  those  who  wanted  to  test  out  manipulation.  heartbreak  after  heartbreak  came  to  the  spencer  woman;  finding  comfort  in  the  darkness  of  her  bedroom  and  the  sad  playlists  downloaded  on  her  laptop.
college  seemed  less  intimidating  to  the  woman;  finding  her  place  and  her  set  of  friends  while  juggling  a  double  major  and  with  minors.  despite  the  busy  life,  she  was  able  to  keep  herself  occupied  enough  that  her  ever  longing  need  and  craving  for  love  had  to  be  silenced  for  her  to  focus.  dates  were  accepted  but  rarely  went  anywhere,  supplying  a  quick  fix  to  her  dreams  while  focusing  on  her  future.
finding  a  job  was  shockingly  simple  for  the  young  woman  post  graduation.  not  only  was  she  likeable  to  adults,  but  it  was  refreshing  to  see  how  easily  she  managed  to  get  onto  the  ground  with  the  kids  in  the  classroom  and  try  to  be  as  fun,  silly  and  messy  as  possible  while  also  incorporating  learned  lessons  into  the  conversations.  
being  around  kids  remained  a  safe  space  for  franny,  watching  them  grow  into  amazing  children  and  having  the  comfort  of  them  visiting  on  lunch  hours  as  they  grew  up  and  moved  onto  higher  class  statuses.  however,  it  doesn't  stop  the  internal  turmoil  within  her  mind  ...  sure,  she  was  an  amazing  teacher,  but  would  she  never  become  an  amazing  mother?  would  someone  find  her  lovable  enough  to  want  to  spend  the  rest  of  their  lives  with  her?  whoever  said  heartache  was  a  life  lesson  ...  never  met  francesca  spencer.
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dreamerfms · 1 month
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NAME: addison duvall. AGE: twenty-eight BIRTHPLACE: memphis, tennessee BIRTHDAY: july 1st ZODIAC: cancer GENDER: cis female she/her SEXUALITY: bisexual RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single. this week, at least. OCCUPATION: singer/songwriter at groove café.
• Addison grew up with a single mother and the two were as close as could be. Of course, Addison spent many nights wondering about her father and there was always a sense of missing out, but it was hard to miss someone you never truly had and her mother was more than enough. Supportive of every dream, big or small.
• And dreams she had, always, from a very young age. They ranged from normal to downright outrageous, but the one that always stuck was to be a singer. Addison was practically singing before she even spoke. Always ready to put in a musical performance at the drop of a hat no matter the time or place.
• Addison was somewhat popular in high school but she was often made fun of for having such big aspirations. However, she never let anyone bring her down, and it was in her late teens that she really started to keep her mother on her toes, between first crushes and sneaking out with the latest cowboy who made her heart flutter. But she always found herself so easily bored and in search of something new.
• Things would take a drastic change when her mother met someone and fell in love, and she'd be torn from the place she called home and thrust into a new life, one of glitz and glam and wealth. A man of millions who, quite frankly, wasn't fond of addison at all. But he did give her free reign of his credit cards in hope it would keep her out of the way as often as possible. Due to this Addison lost sight of herself, becoming a downright brat. Life since has been filled with fake friends and people trying to take advantage. Though these days she's beginning to open her eyes back up and see that there is way more to life and hopes to get back to the person she used to be.
• A girl who acts like she has the confidence of a lion, but at her core has been hurt very badly by people who were supposed to lift her up. Truly desires to be really seen, and to have someone understand her. But often the attitude she's developed to keep her heart safe can make that difficult.
• If she doesn’t tell you what she’s thinking, her face will most certainly tell you. She is very expressive and doesn’t hold much back. Best to be honest, right ?
• Is super good at impressions. Like so good !
• Song lyrics written on anything and everything ? Yes. On her skin, on napkins, on your muses belongings ? Like I’m so sorry but I couldn’t let it go out of my head without writing it down.
• Her music style is very country/pop ! She can play both guitar and piano very well.
• says honey and ew! way too much. she also lives by the Dolly Parton quote “if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”
• a natural flirt, she doesn’t even mean it half the time, and will be confused when someone thinks she’s coming onto them when in fact she isn't ( or she might be, it depends. )
• forever chasing a thrill/dream. just wants to live an exciting life tbh.
• peach flavoured things are her absolute fave. peach ring gummies, peach tea, peach cobbler, peach popsicles. all the peach. also owns multiple articles of clothing with peaches on them.
• she owns way too many cowboy hats/boots. you can take the girl out of Tennessee but you can’t take the Tennessee out of the girl.
more tba.
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sunshinesfm · 2 months
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full name: alyssa lockhart.
age: 26.
occupation: fashion designer.
residence: coral cove.
family: mom, dad, step-mother, 1 step-sibling, 2 brothers and 1 sister.
favorite color: pink.
label: the it girl.
hometown: california.
hobbies: sketching, designing, painting, tanning, swimming, journaling, and shopping.
pets: two dogs.
nickname: lyss or lyssa. sometimes even lockhart.
hair color: blonde.
eye color: brown.
works at: palmview fashion house.
counterpart: hanna marin.
birthdate: march 22nd 1998
star sign: pisces.
gender: cis-female.
pronouns: she / her.
martial status: single.
traits: standoff-ish and strong willed.
about alyssa:
alyssa lockhart is a twenty six year old fashion designer. she dreamed of being one all her life and was super into fashion. needing to have all of the trendiest fashion items and be on all of the latest trends. she just wanted to be able to fit in with everyone. she was the it girl of her hometown for quite a while. everyone who had known her either wanted to be her or have her sense of fashion style. ever since alyssa learned about fashion, she's been into it. this was a girl who had dreamed about starting her fashion line and hoping people would think it was good enough to want to keep buying and coming back for more. it was super important to her. she was determined which made her come off as snobbish. but, it wasn't that. she just knew what she wanted and wouldn't stop until she got it. so her fiery and sassy attitude at times would give her that sort of a repuatation. once her dad re-married and brought her new step-family into the picture alyssa had always resented him for that. it made her feel like she wasn't ever good enough. she didn't know why her dad left. or couldn't be around for her and her other siblings the way he was for his new wife. a grudge had been held against them. even if they want a relationship with alyssa she'd prefer to not speak to them if she had to. she'd prefer to keep to herself and her sketchbook trying to come up with a new design for the fashion house. she's quite protective over her family and won't let anyone screw them over anymore. they've been through enough as it is and alyssa just wants to focus on her work without other aspects becoming too much of a major distraction for her.she tends to have a colder exterior with a good heart that sometimes takes a moment before you can break it to see the layer hiding underneath it.
she has a super close relationship with her siblings and they're the only people that know the true alyssa. and why she is the way she is and they accept her for that.
alyssa is able to only show her true personality once someone is able to break those walls of her down. sometimes it stays hidden until she feels comfortable enough with somebody to let it come down.
after being through her breakup with her ex and him cheating on her and betraying her in such a way it really soured her to relationships and knowing if she could ever trust someone in the same way she once did.
she feels as though it's hard for her to ever enter into a relationship ever again. the thought of loosing someone she cared about so deeply in the same way she ended things with her ex would break her down. that's what she was afraid of happening the most.
even if alyssa may come off as not nice, standoffish, closed off, or intimidating she really does have a good heart underneath it all.
her becoming a fashion designer was something her family had been able to see coming since she was a kid. alyssa was surprisingly always good at drawing and dreamed of being able to create her own outfits one day.
she tries her best to keep her circle small due to not being able to trust very easily.
there are times where she can absolutely be witty, funny, or sarcastic depending on the person or whoever she is speaking to.
once you become someone that alyssa deeply cares about she won't let or tolerate anyone messing with that person. she deeply cares for her friends and wouldn't hesitate to confront someone for doing them wrong.
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loversfms · 2 months
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[ … ] ❀ you’re not from around here , are you? i figured because you totally just missed theodora lee walking by. don’t tell me you don’t know who she is ? they kind of look like adeline rudolph and i could be wrong but i think that they might be twenty - seven years old right now. they’ve been living in palmview for the last three years. and i don’t know if anyone has ever told them this before but they kind of remind me of phoebe buffay from friends. if you stick around the town long enough you might catch them in action working at sunshine bakery as a baker. you see this town isn’t really that big of a place, some folks like to call them the mooncalf of palmview! they took a liking to the name too after a while, go figure. oh crap, they must have heard me yapping. they’re coming this way. i got to warn you though, rumor has it they can pretty credulous at times. i wouldn’t take it too seriously though, from the times i’ve spoken to them they seemed pretty carefree to me. we see each other all the time since they live in that three bedroom apartment beside me over in sunny shores. i better leave you to it. it was nice meeting you!
full name : theodora camille lee nickname(s) : theo, thea, teddy, dora, dory birthplace : portland, oregon date of birth : 10 / 27 / 1996 parentage : lee yeong & destiny bauer lee sibling(s) : n / a ! relationship status : single gender identity : cis woman ( she/her ) sexual orientation : bisexual faceclaim : adeline rudolph
born to two parents who were looking to create their own outlook on life
yeong and destiny met in community college and quickly began their whirlwind romance
they were only together for four months before yeong popped the question, and destiny eagerly said yes
and only four months later, destiny became pregnant with theodora. they proudly eloped -- they just couldn't wait to start life together
despite their wild beginning, the two created a happy and healthy home that is still the same to this day
theodora was an only child. a fact that bothered her so as a kid, but as she grew up, she was able to appreciate that fact a lot more.
the lee's were always dreamers, encouraging theodora that she could do whatever she set her mind to. they repeated affirmations as a family every morning, and made sure to highlight the good in the day every night at dinner.
she began helping her mother with cooking and baking when she was just a toddler. a love of food that only grew with age.
by the time she was just ten years old, she was baking cookies and brownies all on her own. she loves creating different flavors and presenting them to her parents ( who were always sure to give her honest and constructive criticism on her recipes )
she was never the smartest, but that never mattered much to her ( or to her parents ). she would average C's and B's in school -- enough to get by, but nothing outstanding
she's always been outgoing and personable, which is how she's gotten by. she has no problem talking to anyone and everyone, and will gladly start a conversation with a stranger out in public. is it always the wisest decision ? no, but she's been a decent judge of character thus far.
once she graduated high school, she went to school for baking and pastry arts to perfect her craft. she'd always dreamed of opening her own bakery.
once she graduated, she tried to run her own business out of her home. solely hoping on word of mouth to get her business, she always tried to go above and beyond for those she served.
after a couple of years, though, she needed a change. it wasn't that she didn't love the life she had. she did. but she felt there was more out there for her. and how would she know if she didn't explore?
with some savings ( and both financial and emotional support from her parents ) she traveled to five of the most glamorous-seeming states she could. california, nevada, texas, new york, and florida. and, even though she's seen all the crazy news that's come from it, she fell in love quickly with florida.
she'd decided that's where the wind would take her. luckily she found a nice place in palmview grove with a bakery that was currently hiring. there was no way she could attempt a cross-country move and a business opening. she could work her way there once she got comfortable.
so now, she's here. always looking for the next fun experience. definitely attempting to have a brat summer. always down to hang around.
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hazelforrest · 4 days
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[ … ] ❀ you’re not from around here , are you? i figured because you totally just missed { Hazel Forrest } walking by. don’t tell me you don’t know who { he } is ? they kind of look like { Skeet Ulrich } and i could be wrong but i think that they might be { 33 } years old right now. they’ve been living in palmview for the last { 14 years }. and i don’t know if anyone has ever told them this before but they kind of remind me of { Paul Callan } from { Miracles }. if you stick around the town long enough you might catch them in action working at { The Book Nook } as a { Bookseller / Blogger }. you see this town isn’t really that big of a place, some folks like to call them the { The Oracle } of palmview! they took a liking to the name too after a while, go figure. oh crap, they must have heard me yapping. they’re coming this way. i got to warn you though, rumor has it they can pretty { fretful } at times. i wouldn’t take it too seriously though, from the times i’ve spoken to them they seemed pretty { perceptive } to me. we see each other all the time since they live in that { one bedroom } apartment beside me over in { Seaglass Gardens }. i better leave you to it. it was nice meeting you!  
Biography. (TW: death, funerals, hospitalisation, illness, injury) Hazel was born exactly two minutes after his identical twin brother, Harrison. From that moment on, the two were inseparable. They had their own made-up baby language that everyone swore only they understood. They slept in the same bed, despite having separate bunks and when they had candy, they counted out the pieces to make sure they both got the same amount. Things ticked on until their mom got sick and the twins ended up having to go into the care system. Despite their pleas, the twins were separated, their last time together being the day of their mother’s funeral. They promised that the second they were able, they’d find each other again. When Hazel was sixteen, he suddenly started having strange dreams. Every single night, he’d see very specific things or hear very particular sentences. Dreams that would have him jumping awake and unable to focus for the rest of the day. Despite everyone telling him to let it go, he simply couldn’t. His dreams were compelling and he knew in his heart they had to mean something, but, he couldn’t figure out what. He began to try sleeping more, sleeping less, making himself unconscious - anything he could to regain access to these messages. This landed him in hospital many times until he aged out of the care system at eighteen. Keeping to his promise, the first thing he did was accessed public records to try and seek out his brother. However, he came to learn that Harrison had passed away two years prior. This hit him hard and he essentially squandered the rest of the year grieving and continuing to try and study his dreams, filling books upon books with random words, imagery and phrases. Deciding he couldn’t stay in his hometown, he moved to Palmview, hoping for a fresh start. He has a quiet job in The Book Nook and mostly keeps to himself. However, he is almost constantly updating his blog where he continues to this day to document his strange dreams. With access to an audience, he’s had people reach out to him claiming some of the things he wrote of were eerily accurate depictions of something that happened to them, or someone they used to know. However, for every one of those he gets, he gets a dozen more calling him a fraud or insulting him. Recently, Hazel found himself in hospital after being hit by a cyclist. He was walking home from work when suddenly images started flashing before his eyes. It caused him to stop suddenly in his tracks, resulting in the accident. It hasn’t happened again since.
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saintsons · 7 days
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𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐋𝐄𝐄, ft. nam yoonsu. twenty-six. professional baseball player. palmview grove's antihero. nathan scott. coral cove — apartment #4a.
tw violence
stats here: miles is a competent player. sports commenters expressed their doubt when lee was introduced to the national team as a two-way player. 51 home runs in a single season, a 3.8 ERA, and a 104 mph fastball. korean shohei ohtani, trust me. but like angry.
kind of just running on a thirst for glory that's instilled in the lee siblings as kids. feels that baseball made him important, cared to impress his parents.
but overtime that pressure bottles up. not the first born son but still a son. but also recognizes that his parents have other expectations of his sister veronica as well. he's close with her and as a kid, he'd really depend on her. but growing up is a thing and while she does keep him in line, he has hit fits esply when playing competitively and ronnie isn't watching.
the league is generous for what it is, especially with their zero tolerance rule for unsportsmanlike conduct. the guy can get a bit vocal about his opinions when the other team starts provoking him.
an off season scrimmage sets the premise for the upcoming year. he gets physical with an opponent. the two leave the scene on a stretcher. fast forward a couple months later, miles is announced to be on an indefinite hiatus due to an undefined injury and a nod at his conduct. the opponent is said to have career-ending injuries.
he's returned to palmview, been here for like two months and is happy to be around his sister veronica and his cousin teddy again.
in terms of personality, he's more of a solemn guy until he gets comfortable. actually more gentle than he lets on but that's just cause anger is a secondary emotion. idk it's like snickers! you're not you when you're hungry. he doesn't recognize himself when he does get angry!! introverted, quiet, introspective. pretty blunt when he does speak. not one to approach others first but if it's convenient enough, he'll say something. other things: loyal, holds grudges, has a pet goldfish that he travels with. and finally, he's open for plots yaaay.
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