#esfp mbti
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chane-vel · 8 months ago
Dumb Mbti Art
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My pals ✨️✨️
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rainytypology · 2 years ago
ATEEZ Wooyoung MBTI Analysis
- ESFP -
An in-depth analysis of an idol's MBTI type. Based on my opinion and observations, may change later. Not an expert.
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ESFP (Se - Fi - Te - Ni)
Dom: Se (Extroverted Sensing)
A perceiving function that uses our 5 senses to process the external world.
Wooyoung is always aware of the present moment, quick to react and to take action. He also pays attention to physical things such as aesthetics, the visuals of the performance, the way he looks, etc physical appearances matter a lot to him.
He enjoys photography and videography, which are pretty good activities for Se - it allows him to use his senses to make visually stimulating images and videos. Physically engaging activities seem like the best way to energize him e.g cooking and riding a bike. Cooking is great for his Se as it engages with all his senses - all the movement in cooking, tasting the foods, the aromas, watching the food cook, plating, maybe he enjoys hearing the sounds of food cooking as well and/or the way kitchen tools slightly hit each other (e.g knife on a cutting board).
This moment especially was an incredibly Se dom moment. Comparing it to Si user Jongho (Si has to step back and assess first), being the Se dom he is, Woo just went for it.
Aux: Fi (Introverted Feeling)
A judging function that uses one's own values and belief to compare and make choices
As Fi wants to be authentic, that is what Wooyoung always strives for - he always wants to express himself well, to be real. He wants people to like him for him. He returns the same gesture with others - he wants to know the real version of others. Wooyoung tries not to make assumptions at first meet since he knows he will not learn everything just from one encounter. He seems very empathetic.
Tert: Te (Extroverted Thinking)
A judging function that uses established facts and systems to make objective, working decisions.
He's quite goal oriented and takes time to plan to achieve these goals, even if it's not the most detailed. Either way, he knows how to get what he wants and works hard to reach his achievements.
Wooyoung lays down the rules as well - Te can be by the book, which Wooyoung can be sometimes. E.g when he was explaining how he found it rude when juniors would not put in the effort to correctly bow down to him and other senior artists. Wooyoung has a strong belief in being humble and kind (Fi) and wants to implement this in everyone.
Inf: Ni (Introverted Intuition)
A perceiving function that uses one's own personal insights and ideas
In his episode of "Fill in the Blank" series, Wooyoung said he wanted to use dance to convey deeper messages and emotions for others. He wants to be a sense of comfort, the light in other's darkness. He has always wanted to make an impact on others from a young age, especially considering how much he values relationships.
Why is he not an xSFJ or ISTJ
Both types use Si - Ne, which I do not see in Wooyoung at all...xSFJ's Fe is understandable, but Wooyoung is sometimes a bit too straightforward and honest to be using Fe in his main stack though lol.
And ISTJ just does not make sense in general for him.
Other analysis:
Enneagram | Birth Chart
Kpop typology list
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blueopinions49 · 2 years ago
Healthy/Unhealthy ESFP
1 Percy Jackson
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- Throughout the series he learns to balance his Fi-Te and with Annabeth’s help his Ni gets incredibly good. He knowns how to use his functions selectively and intelligently. 
2. Gon 
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- His attachment of the sensory environment makes him a formidable fighter and hunter. He is very skilled in the use of hi Se-fi however his low Ni is often quiet noticeable and he makes some mistakes due to this. 
3. Amy March (LW 2019)
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-She struggled in her adult life to balance her Fi-Te and often indulge in her Te. However by the end of the narrative we see an incredibly intelligent and mature ESFP who uses all of her functions in balanced ways. 
4. Johnny Storm
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-His character developments its all about the push and pull of his Se-Te and immature Fi. His need to prove himself to others and fear of hurting his loved ones with his powers causes him to either overindulge on Se-Fi or just be a pure immature Se-Te ESFP (Depending on the comic book run).
5. Tomie Kawakami 
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-Forceful use of SeFi over others and uses her Fi as a way of self promotion to make others fall for her to fall. Stuck in this sad Se-Te loop looking to please the sensory desire with no emotion at all. Forever stuck in a cycle she can't ever break. 
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mistype360 · 11 months ago
how mbti types procrastinate
entp, enfp, intp, infp: considers possibilities of what to do instead of said task. starts typing but gets distracted when trying to choose a song to listen to. probably scrolls through tiktok. thinks that said task is too overwhelming. can't schedule an appointment on the phone by themself.
intj, infj, enfj, entj : plans out everything, but doesn't actually do it. wayyy too perfectionistic. has a bunch of pinterest boards (or playlists) related to said thing. not inspired. not enough pressure. "scheduled procrastination."
estp, esfp, istp, isfp: thinks the task is stupid and boring, and there are more fun/interesting things to do. also thinks that they have enough time to get it done but actually only has 2 hours. doesn't narrow down priorities. probably forget it existed in the first place
isfj, istj, estj, esfj: associates task with bad past experiences and avoids it. thinks it's not important + a waste of time compared to other things. keeps getting stuck on minor criticisms or flaws. doesn't put said thing on their to-do list (not in sight, not in mind!)
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majorbitchwillgraham · 2 years ago
How each type look during an argument
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This is GOLD
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oiblackestsheep · 7 months ago
MBTI Types & Texting Styles
Perceiving Functions
xNxP | High Ne: uses run-on sentences and parentheses (to maximize info-dumping and clarification via extraneous details, respectively)
xNxJ | High Ni: Short and simple sentences. It’s not intentionally “dry”, it’s just effective word choice.
xSxP | High Se: lowercase letters/free form sentences and p much any slang they wanna use bc its just texting and not deep enough for proper spelling and grammar
xSxJ | High Si: Breaking up responses to multiple topics into separate paragraphs.
It’s easier to keep track of what you’re talking about this way.
Judging Functions
xxFJ | High Fe: traditional/safe emojis and slang for effective communication ie. lol, brb, ☺️, 😅 periods in the middle are okay. Periods at the end are intimidating so it’s best to avoid those
xxFP | High Fi: Using creative combinations of emojis ( 🙏😩 | 👁️👄👁️ | 🥺👉👈) for the ultimate range of personal expression
xxTJ | High Te: Capital letters, and advanced punctuation; they exist for a reason. Big fan of the Oxford Comma.
xxTP | High Ti: Correct spelling and grammar is mostly a byproduct of autocorrect unless its absolutely necessary. it doesnt have to be perfext just understandable
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anessthetic · 2 years ago
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MBTI!!! very large space for designs :D
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mbtitime · 8 months ago
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the 16 types as famous cats #MeowBTI
Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and everything else @mbtitime and @typefy
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saku-chann · 1 year ago
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All the MBTI characters together :D Men and women versions !It's so satisfying to see them all on the same pic ! 🥺💚Also sorry for being incative aah I missed this acc so much ! What's your MBTI ? who's your favorite ?  I'm INFP ! my favs are INFJ & ENFJ ! ^^
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typologyinfo · 3 months ago
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THE BASICS OF MBTI (from Carl Jung's personality theory - part 1)
In the next post, we’re going to talk more in-depth about different categories of Intuition, Sensing, Feelings and Thinking called: Cognitive Functions.
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zestywaffles · 1 year ago
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arixiie · 1 year ago
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This just a meme so pls don't take it seriously
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neverenoughcaffe1ne · 2 years ago
INTP: I have a bad feeling about the male and female lead INTJ: I agree, I’m not even a fan of romance but I have to say it’s going to be a bad ending ENTJ: guys we are at a wedding
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blueopinions49 · 2 years ago
[AT] Finn Mertens ESFP 7w6 sx/so
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Zodiac: Pisces (March 14,985 A.M.W)
ESFP (Se-Fi-Te-Ni)
Se (Extroverted Sensing)
When we first meet Finn we see him trying to explore Ooo and just understand the environment where he is. He doesn't have a particular plan and is mostly interested in the moment thinking. In early seasons we see an immature use of Se on his part. Very little interest in whats next and rarely any interest in being careful. However as the seasons go on we see how Finn develops his Se and becomes a better hero. He learns to actually take in your environments and situations and actually assess things without indulging in sensory aspects. In Finns case it's the act of action (not necessarily fighting). Finn becomes more diplomatic and understanding on how the environment around him works. His Se-Te end up making a great pair for each other in the later seasons. 
Fi (Introverted Feeling)
As most hero's in media we see that Finn holds his heart close to him. Finn holds his emotional values and believes close to him. Eventually in the series we see how all of Finns Functions get challenged. And while I think his se is the one whose change is most visible I think his Fi is the one that is challenge the most. The first threshold to his emotional maturity comes in the form of Princess Bubblegum; his crush on her is simply a boyish crush that eventually goes away. The second Threshold is Flame Princess where he ends up indulging in his Fi and ends up manipulating her into making a dream of his come true (id watch sages rain video on this). And The Third and Final Threshold was meeting his father. This emotional arc crippled Finn emotionally and physically. The betrayal of his Father made Finn numb for a time and eventually look for revenge after his cut his hand. Eventually he let his revenge go and becomes connected with his Fi back again the episode Breezy. 
Te (Extroverted Thinking) 
In the beginning of the show we see how Finn had a preference for Se-Te. He wanted to get fast results and became a bit more reckless due to this. However as the series goes on he takes his Te in a better direction. When trouble comes in he tries balance his Fi-Te instead of making in the quick and hasty desicions. This is partly due to his relationship with PB. Who helped him become a more strategic thinker. He ends up balancing his Se-Te and becomes more rational and doesn't let his Se-Fi always get the best of him. 
Ni (Introverted Thinking) 
Finn’s Ni tends to be weak even after the series has gone by we don't see him developing a sense of longevity In life and indulging in the more intuitive realm of things. He doesn't learn to create an idealistic version of his life. He struggles to understand concepts in a not so tangible way.
Enneagram: 7w6 sx/so
From the beginning of the show we see how he started obsessed with his own self desires and not caring much on how it affected others in a superficial way. As the seasons go on we see how starts integrating towards 5. He becomes a bit more logical and learns to use his knowledge of things to get things done in a more diplomatic manner. In the beginning of his story he would jump head in on conflict and would mostly makes things up as he goes on. We see him growing uo going through tribulations into integration to 5. We can see how he makes both positive and negative moves to 5. After the encounter with his father we see him cutting off from attachment and becoming numb evading any form of responsibilities. Eventually he makes a healthy move to 5. He no longer has the same overt clinginess from early seasons and no lore puts his own emotional desires in ways that hurts others. 
Note- Sorry for not posting Sunday college has been allot this week. 
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mistype360 · 1 year ago
mbti tertiary functions (boredom functions)
INFJ/ISFJ: true crime, scrolling through wikipedia for hours, looking up riddles, scrolling through "onlyjayyus" tiktok, has a huge duolingo streak
ENFJ/ENTJ: uses se to support te/fe ambitions (sports, performing arts, community service, cleaning)
ESFJ/ESTJ: fantasizing, vision boards on pinterest, adding items to amazon wishlist, makes a bucket list for the year,
ESTP/ENTP: touches grass, hangs our with friends, class clown, watches reality tv, starts drama for no reason, debates on the internet (or fights irl if you're an estp 👀)
ESFP/ENFP: random urge to organize computer, random internet debates, creates new playlists, watches video essays about random topics, argues with friends about either stupid or smart things
INFP/INTP: reminisces about things. procrastinates. overthinking past conversations in the shower. collects cool rocks. photography. listens to the same song over and over again.
ISFP/ISTP: planning and...stuff. zodiac, psuedoscience, etc. strategic/world building video games, has a whole fictional world planned out in their head.
INTJ/ISTJ: "write in their feelings diary" 💀 IM SORRY, introspection, often known as super "self aware" as a result, watches nostalgic or comfort movies
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kpiva · 1 year ago
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little meowmeows😼
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