#escaping my other projects with this
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cosmosnout · 2 years ago
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Pov: Someone drops off their kid at your work place and now you're suddenly a dad
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crushedsweets · 3 months ago
I get so giddy and grateful and embarrassed everytime i think about the amount of people who have been so kind to me about a creepypasta au. Like creeped is very important to me cuz it KEPT ME PUSHINGGGG during kinda rough times and gave me an artistic outlet dedicated to childhood joys + grief + hope + just having Fun and I met a ton of really cool people because of it and I’ve had a lot of lovely people leave me nice messages and asks and make art and whatnot and it’s like guys. I’ll die for you.
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rizwalda · 27 days ago
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fantasy high!au of conrad, liv & kingskin for @belligerentbagel's @d20exchange gift <3
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glittergoats · 1 year ago
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the awful feeling of watching yourself become obsessed with a rarepair in a small fandom
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lunarharp · 16 days ago
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orufrey love reading done with the witch hat atelier tarot and an "interpretation" as if i am the crazed fortuneteller qifrey has desperately sought out for guidance
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hauntedorpheum · 2 months ago
i am against spn reboot on principle, but i had a vision of a one special episode where they called all the cast back for one motw episode that happens post finale and fixes all that shit, but more importantly since the episode was made by a streaming service they were given a lot of liberty, and of course the two things they decided to add was 1) actual curse words and 2) dean smokes. And it was like understood that these two things always happened before we just didn't see it (ghostbusters episode). Anyway, all this is to said that the image i had of dean standing near the impala in a shitty motel with a cigarette with sam and cas casually getting out a lighter for him was very important and i need it to happen irl
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rookflower · 1 year ago
i like crowpool as a narrative setpiece (less because of what it is and more because of what it sets up) and there's no issue if you are a fan, but i'm honestly confused by HOW many people are genuinely actively invested in it as a romance or make aus where it went well, because out of all the bland forbidden romances in warriors i think that is the one where they have the leeeast chemistry? and where the utter failure of it is the most interesting part?
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whoslaurapalmer · 1 month ago
the adult horror conversation with yourself of 'i could have tortillas with dinner tonight. i just had tortillas the other day. that's okay. i can, in fact, have tortillas again! i am putting a different filling in them! but if i have these tortillas, i will have a total of six tortillas left in the freezer. eventually i will have to buy more tortillas. by god, girl, you are allowed to eat the things you have in the freezer, instead of feeling like you have to save them for some potential eventuality so you don't run out of them, and like, what situation are you even imagining where the tortillas would be better to have later instead of for this particular dinner??? if you keep feeling like you have to save them for Something you will just not eat the tortillas!! eventually EVERYTHING runs out and you have to buy more of them!! that is the way the world works!! you are allowed to not have things aggressively stockpiled, except for like, tissues, but that was a purchasing incident on mom's card while she was still here, so you just happen to have, a bizarre amount of tissue boxes. AND WHILE YOUR FINANCES ARE STILL BIG RED QUESTION MARKS, YOU CAN, IN FACT, AFFORD TO GO BUY MORE TORTILLAS IF YOU FUCKING WANT TO!!! YOU GET THE STREET TACO SIZE AND THEY'RE LIKE $2.99!!!!! AND WHEN DID YOU EVEN BUY THESE TORTILLAS, HUH???????? YOU DON'T KNOW, DO YOU???? WHICH MEANS YOU HAVE GONE THROUGH THE TORTILLAS AT AN ACCEPTABLE PACE!! WHATEVER THE HELL THAT SENTENCE MEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
anyway i'm eating the tortillas. or i mean they're on the counter defrosting while i have some chicken toasting in the toaster oven
#adulting is going soooooooo normally i tell you WHAT#first option of how to keep the house is going to fall through (or well it's not long-term sustainable)#so now we're on second option to keep the house and tomorrow that process starts and i will find out soon if THAT'S possible!!!!!!!!!!!#aaaaaaaaaand if not! then! well!!! will have to move. some places i have an eye on but it's also. Thousand Yard Stare#i got a projected electricity bill -- that was A+ i was so pleased with it!! not bad at all!!! sooo much lower than i was assuming. yay.#BUT THE GAS BILL MADE ME GO 'ARE YOU FUCKING FOR REAL??????'#FIRST OFF LOCAL GAS COMPANY IT'S NOT MY FAULT IF YOUR METER READER CAN'T TRUDGE THROUGH THE SNOW TO THE BACKYARD#AND IS ESTIMATING 100 UNITS HIGHER THAN PREVIOUS USAGE WHICH I'M SURE MAKES A DIFFERENCE#THERE ARE PEOPLE LOCALLY WHO KEEP THEIR HEATER ON 60 BTW AND YOU'RE STILL CHARGING THEM $300 WHICH AT LEAST YOU AREN'T CHARGING ME BUT DAMN#this area is having a bit of a Time with gas and electric bills. it's a whole Thing. mostly i have luckily escaped that.#/crosses self for good luck even if it does NOT work that way and i am Not religious by ANY means#also they're breaking up a security deposit over 3 months bc i didn't have any other real bills in my name when i switched all the bills#(at least the gas was the only one that wanted a security deposit. and they'll give it back to me in a year if i'm current for a year.)#(but also. rrrrrrrrrrude)#so i was expecting that but also a specific budget billing but they are asking for moreeeee than i thought they would!#mostly this is a jan-march issue. after march at least it'll go down like $90. which is better but also. still. sigh.#idk if i should call and argue about the reading. i should just let it go probably. i don't like it but. well. idk.#WELL I GOTTA GET THROUGH TOMORROW FIRST.#AND BEFORE THAT. TONIGHT. AND MY TORTILLAS.
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gaylos-lobos · 2 years ago
actually before i go to sleep
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giving Luz the same kinda shot composition here directly after finding out what happened to King and Eda (and telling Camila that she hasn’t changed her mind about returning back to Gravesfield after rescuing the two) while dressed as Azura (someone she admires) to when Philip arrived to the isles in search and rescue for Caleb (<- if getting there was accidentally or not does not matter) while dressed in his attire or at least clothes that resembles them, truly driving home the point of how similar the two of them are and how they really are just mirrors of the other
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bigcats-birds-and-books · 8 months ago
okay tomorrow i'm really gonna DO IT, i'm gonna TRY the THREE SENTENCES CHALLENGE that cee polk told us about, i will REPORT BACK ON HOW IT GOES
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elkkiel · 9 months ago
While I'm thinking about it, how would you go about introducing someone to Sleep Token? What songs, interviews, lore discussions, etc work as good beginner reading/listening material?
Here's what I'm thinking song-wise:
(in order of what may be best received by someone that's at least listened to some metalcore before):
The Summoning (obviously lol, it's just long for an intro song compared to Alkaline )
The Offering
Dark Signs
Telomeres (if that's the vibe you think they'd connect with)
There's a few things I try to consider, especially with people whose tastes I'm unsure about—mostly in terms of sound and style.
Vessel has a gorgeous voice, but it is quite unique compared to a lot of other contemporary singers. Tbh it took me a few listens to finally "get it" (I think that's where some people might hear the peanut butter on the roof of his mouth thing. Especially b/c, for example, after my first ever 30-sec-then-skip listen of The Summoning, I saw a YT short with that joke and it gave me a somewhat neg impression of trying to listen again after that).
That, coupled with the genre-bending aspects of their sound (they're not fully prog metal or metalcore or djent or pop or [other]), I'm just not super sure of how to actually introduce a new listener, without having them write the whole band off because THAT listen of THAT song didn't vibe with them.
Idk, if you read this, feel free to share your thoughts. I really love these guys and they have something so so special going on, I just want to make sure I'm doing them justice when sharing their music.
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cappurrccino · 8 months ago
i was gonna say "i shouldn't have to go to work when my brain feels like a depression slushie" and then i was like "wait but then i'd basically never ever go to work" and i'm actually doubling down on the first part now bc my god how am i supposed to heal my brain from burning out 5 years ago if i can never get an actual break
#//juri speaks#i also at this moment: do not know if i have health insurance anymore / if i will be able to get insurance#if i can't get insurance i will not be able to take classes this fall#if i can't take classes my loan repayments will kick in immediately#i already don't have enough money for anything and i certainly don't have a spare $150 a month for the government#at any rate i need to submit my tuition waiver Soon but i can't until i know if i can get into the second class#so i have to wait for the prof or my advisor to get back to me#all the while a funeral day draws nearer#and then AT work i still feel like my position doesn't need to exist#but i desperately need it to exist because i need the money#and this big mchuge data migration project we were SUPPOSED to have had done in JUNE is being pushed to the absolute last minute#not by us but by the folks in control of the software we're moving to#so we're not going to have any safety margins with the old software#it's going to be GONE and dead and unlicensed while we're trying to learn the new shit#and i'm going to have to deal with the other branch cataloger trying to do everything for us which Won't Help#and i need!!!!!! a break!!!!!!!!!! from everything!!!!!#i need the world to stop and i need to go sit in the desert for like 6 months#instead best i can do is go buy the new taz gn for a little crumb of escape. maybe a little coffee drink while i'm there#even though i've been hitting sugar hard lately and really do not have the funds to buy more clothes if i gain a few more lbs#and can't afford a walking pad/treadmill and don't want to go outside bc it is a billion degrees all day every day rn#uuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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hylialeia · 9 months ago
something something I think a huge problem with activism and progressivism these days is that it is less about community and shared experience and positive change, and more about people who just want to be part of an Exclusive Club. like this is the basis of terf ideology and exclusionism in the queer community, at its core.
people have lost sight of the actual goal and instead are just recreating the same societal and systemic problems but this time they get to be in power. they take the focus off the legitimate oppressive systems (white supremacy, patriarchy) and redirect it to other marginalized groups that they 1) see as easier to fight (terfs -> trans people, exclusionists -> "microlabel" sexualities) and 2) view as ~infiltrating~ their club and thus threatening their sense of superiority. and so the progressive movement goes limp and flaccid, stuck in molasses because of groups of people who, instead of seeking to undo the harmful systems that hurt them and others, ignore them in favor of co-opting the rhetoric of those that came before and twisting it to enact petty revenge on easy prey.
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the-casbah-way · 9 months ago
some people will look at my current wip and say that malcolm running his hands through jamie's hair as he sleeps and singing him old scottish songs is out of character but to that i say a) no it's not just hear me out and b) suck my fat cock you can't stop me from making those old men experience Real Human Emotions
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ihavemints · 11 days ago
being nonbinary is a trap bc when you try to make a gender neutral equivalent to something that doesn’t have one you just get made fun of
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keeps-ache · 6 months ago
The OCs you posted recently look really cool- could you talk a bit about them? Maybe the antagonists as well?
!! oh thank you :D
suuure yea :>> it's a smaller, newer thing of mine so not a lot n some of it may change!! but here's some profiles lol,
✧ Tide (the square head; they/them) is some sort of creature thing who lives in a remnant of an old world that decayed a long time ago after finding themself trapped there (that changes after they meet the goddess). they're head over heels for the goddess that still remains in the corridors there and they're not very normal about it hbfhvs - they can't be killed by any regular shmegular means and i have fun with that loll
✧ Vernor (ponytail gal; she/her) i don't have a lot for her, but she ended up in the same place Tide did and is very upset about it, understandably. she's good a martial arts and cries easily, and is pretty suspicious of most strangers :) she has a small knife-thing that works like a witch's broom (you have to hold the little handle for dear life though lmao) but i haven't gotten around to drawing it so !
✧ Dire (red circle; he/him) was created by the aforementioned goddess to dump emotions/thoughts she didn't want into, and then just sent him on his way lmfvhsh - because of that he is confused most of the time and still pretends to know everything but is figuring things out for real lol :3👍he hates to change his clothing and is snappy, and the snappiness may get worse on personal proximity hbfshv
^ these three have a Thing goin on. mostly qpp cuz i think it's fun :33
✧ Sleepy (the antagonist, he/him) the elusive guy. elusive bc i haven't drawn him lmfsh - another budy trapped in this old chunk of a dead world, he is also upset about it but to a much more desperate extent lol - his name isn't actually Sleepy but Tide nicknamed him that when they first met and now he can't seem to shake it hfsh, he Does hate it :) he is violent but he can play nicies so he does that most time loll
✧ the goddess (only thing holding this world together, She/her/it (capitalization is optional :3)) has been here for ages, ages, ages. her world's been long dead but she just keeps living for the monotony of it hfsh; plus, it's like her job never ended if she just keeps doing the same regular things she always did. bc of that it's actually preserved her chunk of annihilation, and sucks other creatures in w/o her knowing. the chunk is like a maze that keeps changing shape, so unless you can see it from a god's eyes the place is iiiiiinfinite! and terrible; the place changes to her moods and wishes, which can be interpreted p strangely lol :3 she's talked to and kept Tide around bc she needed somebody to deal with all these weird people coming into her dang house, and it's worked out fairly well (dubious)! :D
the world-chunk is inspired by vaporwave, abandoned malls, and the distinct smell of chlorine my mother has sometimes loll :)
#just us hi#a dollar and 75 cents#HELLO#thanks for asking. here are many words bfhsvkk#the main 3 have their little powers too but i'm still workshopping those n they aren't so important really lol :)#they're kinda my 'neutral' project so if i get stuck and can't pick anything i wanna do/think abt i just default to them hfh :>>#also tide can go by any pronouns but i am/was tired. depending on whose talking abt them they'll change sometimes hfsbhv#vernor made everyone in the group a lesbian by default so everyone say thanks vernor lmvjskvj#dire is trans 💥💥💥 was created and immediately went 'do we have other options' and She went '? yeah' 'well let's see them' kfsvhb#sleepy was transported here in his PJs n that's how he got that funkin name hfbvsj <3 he's got good reasons for everything but Aaaaawful#methods lolll - he n tide were semi-close but then Uh Ohh !! he went and did a thing hfh :)#the goddess pretends like it doesn't see anything but She is LOCKED in. laser-focused. next to nothing is escaping her#despite being the goddess here she can't harm anybody; thaaat's another reason for tide lol :3#mmm and i think i only missed Diane; diane lives in a place that never moves and nearly anyone can find when they need to#i think the goddess loves her n that's why she doesn't move hfshb :3#//ANYWHO yeah. stuff#this is one of my smaller projects...#can you imagine how unmanageable pi.e is Lmaoooo#//THANKS for the ask and interest ! ! ! :D#[spins spins throws glitter on you spins]
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