#BEFORE any other routine items
okay tomorrow i'm really gonna DO IT, i'm gonna TRY the THREE SENTENCES CHALLENGE that cee polk told us about, i will REPORT BACK ON HOW IT GOES
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springtyme · 3 months
𝐎𝐮𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 ♡ 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏
Simon catching baby fever, but you’re only roommates...
141 masterlist (there'll be a part two of this)
Before you, the only time Simon really left his flat when he was home on leave was to go to the gym or to go get groceries. 
He was content with this routine, he found comfort in the familiarity of it, and enjoyed the peace and quiet of his own space. Or at least that is what he told himself. This way of life had been sufficient for him for a long time, but as time went on he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. 
That is when Simon found himself considering the idea of getting a flatmate. He thought about it for a while, weighing the pros and cons in his mind. On one hand, he enjoyed his independence and privacy. On the other hand, having someone else around the flat could be a good thing, and he does have an extra bedroom in the flat that’s just collecting dust. Maybe it would be a good idea… Maybe.
After much contemplation, Simon finally decided to take the plunge and start looking. He posted an ad online, and waited for responses to come in. To his surprise, he received a good handful, he had actually not anticipated that that many, if any, would be interested in sharing his space. It is a little overwhelming, and as he goes through the applications he starts to doubt whether he had made the right decision. 
What if he didn’t get along with any of them? What if they were messy or loud or just generally annoying? It was a dumb idea to begin with, he thought to himself, but then as he looked through the last application, something caught his eye.You. 
You seemed responsible, tidy, and overall like someone he could get along with. But there was something more about you that intrigued him. Maybe it was the way you wrote about your love for cooking and how you were looking for a quiet and peaceful place to call home. Or maybe it was the photo you attached to your application, a warm smile on your face that made Simon feel at ease. 
Maybe this could work out after all. 
And work out it did, maybe a little too well. It has now been a little over a year since you moved in, and despite Simon being gone on deployment more often than not the two of you have become very close. You cook meals together. You watch movies on lazy nights, where you will sometimes fall asleep on the couch, your lashes kissing your cheek as the soft glow of the tv illuminates your face, and Simon can’t help but feel a warmth in his heart as he tucks the fluffy blanket, that you had brought with you when you moved in, over your sleeping form.
After you moved in, his flat feels more like a home than it ever had before. It’s like you were always meant to be there, filling up the empty space in his life that he didn’t even realise was there. 
There is something so oddly domestic about all the small things you do together – sharing a cup of tea in the evenings as you talk about your day, or even playfully arguing over who gets to do the dishes that night, even though he secretly never actually minds doing them. 
Pushing the trolley down the aisles of the supermarket as the two of you do the big shop together on Sundays are one of his favourites, though. Because he knows what it looks like from the outside – just a couple doing their weekly grocery shopping. The only thing that would make the scene even more picturesque would be with a little baby in the trolley, a perfect blend of the two of you, giggling and reaching out to try and grab for the items on the shelves as you both laugh and try to keep them entertained.
These thoughts will sometimes sneak into Simon’s mind, and he will quickly shake them away, reminding himself that it is just his imagination running wild. He can’t think like that, it isn’t fair to you or to himself. But still, the idea lingers in the back of his mind, growing stronger with each passing day.
It has started to get harder and harder to ignore these thoughts, these feelings. He tries to push them away, to bury them deep down, but they keep resurfacing. He never really expected to feel this way about you, about anyone, really. But now that he has you in his life, so close yet so far from what he actually wants to be he can’t help but dream about a different life, to have a family, a future, a life outside of the military and his flat.
Suddenly, Simon starts to notice more and more babies around him. Whether it’s at the park when he is on his runs, in Tesco, or even on TV, they seem to be everywhere. And each time he sees a baby, his heart aches with longing. It doesn’t help that your neighbours just had a baby, and he has to watch you coo over the little boy every chance you get. It is like a knife twisting in his chest, knowing that he will never have that with you.
It has always been a secret desire of his, a wish he knew he would never be worthy of having fulfilled. And yet, it linger in the depths of his heart, elusive and shimmering like a mirage in the desert. The dream of someday having a family of his own, of doing things right, of breaking the cycle he had grown up in. After meeting you, his dreams became more vivid, more concrete. 
He has fallen in love with you, and that scares the living daylights out of him. He never thought he would be in this situation, especially after all the sick shit he has been through. But here you are, filling up the empty space in his heart, making him yearn for a life he never thought he could have.
But Simon is good at keeping his emotions in check, so he continues to play his part, to act like everything is okay, like he doesn’t feel this overwhelming love for you that threatens to consume him. 
But late at night, Simon lies awake in bed, when he is sure you’re sleeping and he is staring at the ceiling, his heart feels heavy with the weight of his unspoken feelings. 
And when he tries to decompress, by fisting his aching cock in his hand, guilty thoughts of you will flood his mind, making him ache with longing. 
He knows it’s wrong, he knows he shouldn’t be thinking of you in that way. But the images of you, of your smile, of your laughter, of your kindness, they linger in his mind, fueling his desires. The way you smile and laugh and light up his life in ways he never thought possible, it fuels a fire within him so all consuming, so intense, that he can’t help but give in to it, even if just in the confines of his own mind.
And as he strokes himself, he can’t help but imagine what it would be like to have you in his bed, to feel your touch, to hear your moans of pleasure. He imagines what it would be like to hold you close, to feel your warmth against his skin, to hear you whisper words of love and affection in his ear. To have you beg for him to fill your womb and mark himself as yours. He would love it – to pump you so full with his cum, for it to take root, to see your body change with his child, to create a life with you, to have a family of his own. 
He will have to bite down on his own hand to stifle his groans and to stop himself from moaning your name out loud. It’s a dangerous game he plays in the silence of the night, as he knows that these feelings, these desires, can never be acted upon. But still, he can’t help but indulge in these fantasies, in these dreams of a life that he may never have.
And as he lies in his bed after, spent and worn, a sense of guilt wash over him. He knows that it’s wrong to have these thoughts about you. But he can’t help it, he can’t control it, and as he lies in the darkness of his bedroom, he can’t help but feel the sting of longing in his chest, knowing that you lie in your own bed just down the hall, so close yet so far away.
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wyvernest · 1 year
hands on you
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pairing: miguel o'hara xf!reader
warnings: perv!miguel, miguel being extra handsy, smut, groping (consensual), established relationship, teasing, pda, public teasing, alcoholic beverages?
summary: miguel can't take his hands off of you in the club
Miguel knew you liked him being overly affectionate in public, just to show everyone how deeply in love with him you are. So deeply, that you couldn't gather one single fuck to give about what others thought.
Sure, there were lines neither of you would ever cross. But there was something so delicious about taking risks that had you more intoxicated than 5 mojitos.
This is why you now find yourself rummaging through your closet, looking for something downright obscene. Something so inviting that would make it hard for Miguel to keep his hands to himself for the whole night.
The two of you had arranged to go clubbing for the first time in what felt like a century. Since both of you preferred 1 on 1 alone time, it was a rarity that one would voice the desire to break out of the usual, intimate, comforting routine.
But this time, you want something filthy. Not soft or private. Something that would bring him to the very brink of despair for being so close, yet so far from it.
"¿Estas lista?" (Are you ready?) You hear the bathroom door open as Miguel steps out into the doorway, a towel around his hips and another in his hands as he aggressively attempts to partially dry his dripping wet hair.
You almost start drooling looking at him in the closet door mirror. This is gonna be fun.
"I'm still thinking." You replied, absentmindedly. Oh how you wish you could just ditch the plans, forget about going out and spend the rest of the evening on his dick. To just give him a familiar shove and watch him lay down on the soft bed, hands roaming your body as you climbed on top of him-
No. You have to stick with the plan. Just for once.
As he blow-dries his hair, you snatch the top and skirt you picked and run downstairs, not wanting him to see you before you get to your destination.
But how you wish you could stay in the bedroom and watch his back muscles flex as he pulls that black shirt over his head, how he looks in the mirror as he fixes his hair. His mere presence made you wet.
You snap out of your reverie, swiftly changing and covering yourself with a nice beige coat. Just as you were done with the last touches in the hallway mirror, Miguel stepped down the stairs.
The black shirt slightly stretches over his muscles, giving you a clear view of his pecs and the outlines of his hard abs. He's sporting beige pants, and you wonder just for a second how obvious a boner would be underneath the thin, creamy material.
The drive to the club is flooded with knowing looks and flirty comments, which again make it hard for you not to abandon ship and fuck him in the driver's seat, pulled over on a nice, dark alley.
"I know what you're doing."
"What?" You inquire, faking innocent shock.
He gestures towards your coat, his eyes darting from yours to the clothing item and back to the road.
"I just want to surprise you." You defend yourself, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, brushing a few hair strands behind his ear. You lean into him, placing a tender kiss on his cheek.
You arrive at the club, discarding the coat to leave it in the car. He almost forgets to lock the doors the moment he sees you. Plushy breasts pushed together and nearly spilling out of a skin tight top, ass peeking out from underneath a skirt too short.
"Carajo." (Fuck.) He rasps, before sprinting over to you, wanting to shield you from wandering eyes. Any doubts that it might've been too much are washed away the second you're hit with the realisation that Miguel's hands are going to be on you for the whole night. Either protectively or for other reasons, you couldn't bring yourself to care that much.
As you walk in, you remain glued to him. body to body. Even as you dance, you move against him, soft tits squished on his chest, hands wandering over his shoulders and his neck.
His own hands are anchored on your waist, his fingers digging into your delicate skin.
Glazed over eyes, pretty mouth agape, lips painted in gloss; they're too much for him. He leans into your touch, kissing you messily. It's all tongue and hot puffs of heaved breaths, desperate and painfully needy.
Seizing the opportunity, you inhaled softly and slowly, feeling the scent of him, cologne mixed with his distinctive musk that has your brain melting into nothing but the thought of irrevocably being his.
Suddenly, a straying hand travels down your body, from the dip of your waist and over your hip, settling on the tender flesh of your ass, his fingertips skin to skin on you, thanks to the shortness of the flimsy skirt.
He pulls you against him, trapping you with the other hand splayed out on your back. You feel your heart rate pick up speed.
His one-day stubble scratches your silky cheeks, almost an invasion. Almost disrespectful to the extensive skin care routine you have and religiously stick to, but that's what you like most about it. No matter how much time you spend on yourself, he always ruins you. Your makeup, your clothes, covering your freshly-carefully-lotioned body in hickies and marks. Simply because you're his.
The palm on your ass squeezes and kneads over the feverish skin, the skirt hiking up in the process as he exposes your thin, lace thongs.
You moan in faux protest, looking up at him and breaking away from the suffocating kiss.
"¿Que pasó, muñeca?" (What happened, doll?). He continues to squeeze, the feeling of his big, rough hand rubbing the plumpness of your ass starts to pool raw need between your legs.
"You don't like me touching you like this?" He speaks into your ear, eyes half lidded and predatory. "Isn't that what you dressed up like this for, hm?"
The bastard.
You take one fraction of a second to look around, taking note that nobody was watching, apart from a few guys who either enjoy the show or are patiently waiting for Miguel to leave you alone for just a minute.
Not gonna happen.
"Dime." (Tell me.) He steals your attention, his embrace almost lifting you off the ground just to hold you whole against him.
You mouth 'Yes', knowing you can't trust your shaky voice to speak louder for him to hear over the music.
The dancing area is getting increasingly crowded as the night seeps deeper into the city, so you two move towards the bar. He sits on one of the chairs, patting his leg for you. You place yourself on his thigh as he manspreads to give you more space, curling a strong arm around your waist.
You feel the fabric of his beige pants come into contact with your panties, your skirt too short to cover your ass, let alone allow you to sit without having it slide up. You close your legs tightly, seeking a bit more privacy from the public eye.
Trying not to slip from your seat, you attempt to brace yourself on your palms; one hand on his knee, pushing your back into him, and one on-
Your other palm accidentally lands on his crotch, your fingers grazing his half hard cock. Before you can take your hand away and hide your flushed face, he grabs your wrist and keeps it there.
The bartender is making cocktails at the opposite end of the counter, so no one can see what's actually going on. He starts guiding your hand to rub him up and down, a content sigh leaving him. You could swear your own face is very telling by now.
You cup him through the material, feeling the familiar girth of his cock fatten at your attention. He's getting warmer, and so are you.
Before he can start drifting into pleasure, the bartender runs to him, waiting for the order. Miguel asks for a beer, frustrated at the loss of contact, your hands now on the marble counter.
More people gather around the bar, and as his request gets temporarily forgotten amidst the others, he relishes in the re-obtained semi privacy.
"¿Estás bien, muñequita?" He asks, a hint of concern plastered on his face at the sight of your flushed face.
"Don't worry. I'll tell you if I'm uncomfortable." You reassure, feeling bolder.
He smirks, looking around, checking. He feels like a horny teen-ager who has no other choice but to try to explore and test the waters in public. But in reality, he knew exactly what he was doing.
He turns to you, placing a kiss dangerously close to the top of your right breast, teasing. Before you can look down through your hazy vision, he glides a warm palm between your legs, past your skirt, two fingers fitting in the valley of your soft pussy.
You restrain yourself from gasping, instead seeking to hide your face in the crook of his neck. He moves his hand over the mound, flicking your clit through your panties. He can undoubtedly feel how wet you are as he so obscenely cups your cunt. You feel the heat of his palm on you, so comforting in such a filthy way; like that's where it belongs.
Looking down, you're met with the sight of his veined burly arm, muscles flexing as he plays with you, his wrist barely visible underneath your skirt. You clench around nothing, and his motions quicken with expert ease, a clear sign he felt you.
You're left infuriatingly needy for more when he retracts his hand as if nothing happened, the bartender bringing him his beer. You give him a pissed look, and he smiles as he brings the bottle to his mouth.
Smiling, like, what's wrong?
You move to threateningly leave from your seat on his lap, but he follows as expected. He can't lose sight of you.
Walking just a bit further into the crowd, you take his hand behind you. Swaying your hips and undulating your body to the music, you feel the beat through your veins, in your chest, in your head. He comes up behind you, his rhythm in sync with your movements.
Brushing your hair out of the way from behind, he slowly bends down to lick and kiss at the sensitive skin on the side of your neck, raising goosebumps over your skin. You don't know how much longer you'll stay here, seeing how clingy and needy Miguel has gotten.
You feel your pulse throbbing in your neck and through your lust-hazed mind at the stimulation.
"Feel how fast my heart's beating." You take his hand, placing it where your heart would be. He brings the beer bottle to his mouth, drinking nonchalantly as his palm instantly dips into your cleavage, cupping your left breast. You stiffen, once again surprised.
"Yeah." He confirms, as if he didn't just start groping you to feel your heartbeat. "Pretty fast."
He is well aware of how worked up you get simply because of this attitude. He leaves the bottle on a nearby glass table, now both his hands on your boobs, nearly taking them out of your top to play with them. He looks wrecked, absolutely drunk on need.
One of his arms soon curls around your waist and back, pulling you close into him, the other hand still fondling your chest. You arch your back, pushing yourself impossibly closer into his touch, seeking the warmth of his palm.
Wanting to drive him completely mad, you turn around, your back to him, and start grinding your plushy ass over his groin. He grips your hips, guiding you, not hesitating to let his hands wonder back to your tits, squeezing them under the elastic material of your shirt while you're rubbing yourself on his painful erection.
You can now see people staring, especially at the way he touches you. Arching backwards, you curl your arms around his neck, your chest pushed forward and so much more accessible. His palms are now hot on your soft breasts, craving more. Fondling with fervent need.
The music and the people are drowned out, muffled into the very back of your headspace. He leans down, his mouth to your ear.
"Let's get out of here."
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divider by @cafekitsune
a/n: tried to make it as non problematic and as filthy as possible at the same time goddamn
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ssahotchnerr · 5 months
i rlly wanna see how aaron would react to reader accidentally starting her period and leaking on his white sheets. i just know he would be so caring and conforming !!
he soooo would cw; fem!reader, period talk, blood mentions, language, fluff <33
Even on the weekends, Aaron doesn't tend to stray from routine.
Apart from setting an alarm - he presses a kiss to the first patch of your skin he can find, rolls out of bed, and then opens the blinds so the morning light can naturally assist in waking you. Trailing into the en-suite bathroom, he hears you let out a gentle squeak, stretching from your laid position in bed.
He preps his toothbrush, blinking once, twice, in attempt to rid the heavy sleep from his eyes. Brushing his teeth is number one on his morning agenda; not only because it was the hygienic thing to do, he simply could not stand having horrid breath.
Despite the brushing sounds echoing in his head, he doesn't miss your low,
"Honey?" His attempt to speak was muffled, as his toothbrush was in his mouth. He tilted back from the sink, just enough to allow him to peer into the room, to see you.
You were sat upright, a handful of sheets in hand, meeting his eyes guilt-stricken. "I'm sorry. It wasn't due for another three days and you know I'm typically always on schedule and always prepared-"
"Hm?" Freeing his mouth from the toothpaste, quickly flicking the water on/off to rid the residue and wiping his mouth with a washcloth, he re-entered his room.
As he came closer, your flushed cheeks were vividly noticeable, the remorse in your eyes even more intense. You clarified, "My period."
"Oh," his expression softened, before alternating to deep concern. "Are you alright?"
"Am I alright? Aaron your bed-"
"What about it?"
"It's stained - the sheets. Fuck," you scrambled up, not wanting to ruin them further, wincing in pain as you did so. You quickly padded past him to the bathroom, the plush carpet soft under your bare feet. He followed behind.
"And? Sweetheart if you think I care about that," he chuckled, sweetly shaking his head. "Do you have...?"
"In my bag."
Feminine products - Aaron redirected himself, finding your overnight duffle tossed hastily near the foot of his dresser. As he rummaged through it, he mentally cursed himself for not already having a supply waiting under his sink, and mentally added such to his future shopping list.
He grabbed the other necessities - an extra pair of underwear, t-shirt, opting to grab your favorite pair of shorts from his drawer. One he hadn't worn in quite a while as you had claimed sole ownership.
You sheepishly accepted the items from him, refraining from lifting your gaze. "Thank you."
"Hey," With a finger he lifted your chin, causing you to meet his soft, brown eyes. "It's okay."
You shook your head in shame, prompting his hand to fall.
"It's your body. It's natural. It's- this is not an inconvenience to me, it is for you. Plus, this is exactly what they invented stain remover for."
Despite yourself you laughed, wrapping your arms around your middle. "I suppose."
The ends of Aaron's lips itched upwards, successful in his goal to crack a smile. Although, his amusement sobered back to concern, "You never answered my question from before. Are you alright?"
You grimaced. "Crampy."
"Advil then?" Aaron asked and you nodded. He placed his hand on your lower abdomen soothingly, the warmth of it calming your tensed muscle. That was the thing about his touch, it never failed to relieve any aches or discomfort, physical and emotional. "And a bath? I recall you saying that helps, with easing the pain."
He quickly obtained the pain reliever, started the bath. "Don't worry about the sheets, I'll strip and get 'em in the wash. Hand me your clothes too." He ran his hand under the stream of water, regulating the temperature as you immediately began to protest, claiming, 'it was your mess, your doing,' but Aaron kindly shut you down, "Nope. Let me handle it, I insist."
"And if the stain doesn't come out?"
"I've been meaning to dispose of them anyway. They're getting old, they've fulfilled their job well." After flashing you a sympathetic smile Aaron stood, his age vaguely showing when his knees cracked as his legs straightened. He placed a kiss on your forehead, hoping to dissolve your current, growing pout. "Just relax."
You willingly met his eyes this time. You tousled his hair, still disheveled from sleep, paying extra attention to the short hairs behind his ears. Your nails scratched at his scalp, expressing your gratitude silently.
"And if it makes you feel any better, this isn't the first time I've had to soak blood from linens."
"It doesn't," you rolled your eyes at his injury-prone occupation, but he did however manage to pull yet another smile from you. A gentle laugh came from deep within his chest at your response. "But thank you."
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moroseprose · 4 months
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Red Emoji OC Asks ❤️‍🩹
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❤️ (heart) - Who is the most important person to your character? To what lengths would they go to protect this person?
💔 (broken heart) - Who has your character hurt most? Physically or emotionally? How did it feel? Do they regret it?
🌹 (rose) - What does your oc find attractive in other people? Are these traits found in their friends and/or romantic partners? Are they found in themselves?
🎈 (balloon) - What does your character do at parties? Are they a wallflower or a party animal? Do they go with friends or alone?
🍷 (wine) - Does your oc drink? What kind of alcohol do they enjoy? What are their drinking habits? What kind of drunk are they?
❗️(exclamation point) - What was the scariest moment of your character’s life? Does it still affect them?
🥩 (steak) - Does your oc have any coping mechanisms? Healthy or unhealthy?
🥀 (wilted flower) - How does your character deal with stressful situations? Is their fear response fight, flight, freeze or fawn?
🍓 (strawberry) - Does your oc believe in anything? Are they superstitious? Religious? Atheistic? Has anything in their past made them this way?
💋 (kiss) - Is your oc a good kisser? Have they kissed anyone before? Do they even enjoy kissing? What was their first kiss like in comparison to their most recent?
🍒 (cherries) - Does your character have a best friend? How long have they known each other? What do they like most about each other? How did they meet?
🚨 (siren) - What’s your character’s relationship with the law? Have they ever been arrested? What for? What are their opinions on law enforcement?
💄 (lipstick) - What does your oc think of their face? Do they have a positive or negative opinion? Do they wear makeup? Do they have a skincare routine? What traits do they like most about their face?
🍎 (apple) - Does your oc go to school or take classes? Did they go to college? What was/is their favorite subject? Did/do they get good grades? Did/do they enjoy school?
🐞 (ladybug) - What does a perfect day look like for your oc? What do they do? Who do they see?
☎️ (telephone) - Does your character know anyone’s phone number by heart? Do they prefer calling or texting? Who’s their favorite person to call/text? Do they have any typing quirks?
🥊 (boxing glove) - Has your character ever been in a fight? Did they win? Do they fight often? Are they professionally trained or self taught? Do they enjoy fighting or only do so when necessary?
🧣(scarf) - What comforts your oc? Is it an item? An action? A person? Whatever it is, how any why does it comfort them?
👠 (heels) - How does your oc dress? Are they stylish or casual? Do they keep up with trends or do their own thing? Do they prefer designer clothes or going to the thrift store? Do they have a signature item of clothing?
🍄 (mushroom) - Does your character like being in nature or do they prefer the indoors? Do they have any outdoor hobbies like camping or fishing? If they prefer the indoors, why?
🩸 (blood) - Is your oc squeamish? Are they disturbed by the sight of blood? Have they ever been in a situation where they had to overcome being squeamish?
✂️ (scissors) - Has your character ever cut their own hair? What about someone else’s? How did it turn out?
🎸 (electric guitar) - What’s your character’s music taste like? Do they have one or two artists they play on repeat or do they have a varied and eclectic collection of music? Do they like mainstream artists or prefer underground musicians? What genres do they enjoy?
🎒 (backpack) - What items does your oc usually carry? Do they have a bag or just keep everything in their pockets? Do they carry a lot or a little?
🪓 (axe) - Does your oc have survival skills? Have they ever had to use them? What would they do in an apocalypse? Could they survive?
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sttoru · 1 year
toji taking care of reader who’s pregnant with gumi
just some pure fluff 😭😭
ෆ tags. (soon-to-be)dad!toji x female reader. fluff. a little sprinkle of angst added, oopsies.
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“my wife’s lookin’ real sexy, ey?” toji lets out a low whistle as he leans against the doorframe of the kitchen. it was early in the morning and you were cooking breakfast for your husband since he had gotten home late the night before.
“good morning to you too.” you teasingly roll your eyes at toji’s words. you thought those flirty comments would get less when you got pregnant, but instead, they increased in frequency. toji absolutely adores how you look with a swollen belly full of a new life and he shows it through his actions every day.
toji chuckles and walks up to you, big hands instantly finding their place on your stomach as per usual, “and good mornin’ to megumi.”
megumi, the name meaning ‘blessing’, is what your husband insisted on naming your child ever since he found out you were pregnant. toji’s mind was set on that choice and he was not giving up until you caved in. regardless of the gender of the child, the name was a beautiful one. with a beautiful meaning.
“babe,” toji whispers into your ear after placing a peck on the exposed skin of your shoulder, “come sit down. i’ll take care of breakfast, alright?”
toji detached your hands from the pans and utensils, bringing them to his lips to place soft kisses all over your fingertips. he had gotten more gentle with you over time and you loved it. toji pampered you to the fullest degree: doing almost all chores, cooking dinner and breakfast, making your bed, helping you bathe and getting you whatever you wanted without a single ounce of hesitation.
your husband once drove two whole hours because the stores in the neighbourhood didn’t have that one specific item you craved. and that one time where he called off an important appointment with his agent because you had showed the slightest bit of fatigue.
it’s a blessing bestowed upon him that he gets a chance to have a family of his own. he has never thought about it, not even once. he thought life wouldn’t have mercy on him since he never had any mercy on mankind due to his job as an assassin.
even if work has been hard on him lately; as long as his wife and child are content, he is as well.
“but-” “nu-uh. sit down.” toji insists and carefully guides you to sit on a chair near the kitchen table. he kneels before you, one hand on your belly and the other intertwined with yours. he lowers his head to your round tummy and kisses it like he always does in the mornings, “just relax and let y’r hubby do it for ya, alright? i’ll finish breakfast.”
it isn’t like you don’t want toji to do it, it’s just that.. it always looks like there’s been an invasion in your kitchen every time he cooks. plus, the food ends up burnt at the sides sometimes. you still give in and nod. toji was trying his best to be the caring and loving husband after all, “okay, okay. thank you.”
toji grins from ear to ear and pinches your cheek gently. before he gets up from his position in front of you, toji puts his ear on your stomach, softly rubbing the sides over your shirt with his hands; “megumi, be nice to your mama today, alright? no causing her problems or you’ll get in trouble, kid.”
toji’s playful words never fail to gain a laugh from you. your husband never misses the chance to have a ‘conversation’ with his child. it’s turned into part of his daily routine at this point. sometimes he’ll scold megumi, sometimes he tries to whistle a fun tune to his unborn child.
toji’s already got such a special bond with your baby. it’s his first born and he’s determined to not mess things up.
even if parenthood can be difficult to new parents: you have each other to count on.
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hellvcifer · 3 months
Hi, I was wondering if you could do a Fizz x Asmodeus x Reader with the phrase “But you love us, don’t you?” “Don’t say that every time you make a mess!”?
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pairing :: poly!fizz/ozzie x fem!reader wc :: 1.7k note :: yippieee!! finally able to post this. I'm coming off my sick bed so i apologize for any errors but i love fizzmodeus <33 warnings :: suggestive, pet name (bunny)
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The coo-coo cock clock began chirping at the ass crack of dawn, waking up a little imp. He did his morning routine, limbs extending across the estate to brew his morning french press and snatch his cap n’ bells. He stretched out deeply, releasing a few cracks along his spine and deviously turning towards the bed. 
A pair of eyes glowed from underneath the blankets, butt wiggling as she watched the imp prepare for his air horn wake up call. She jumped out, pouncing on Fizz, their bodies rolling down the stairs next to the large bed.
You landed on top, legs straddling his body as you released a huff. Fizz pouted, “Babe, what the fu–” Your hands clamped over his mouth, head snapping towards the bed where a loud snore could be heard. After a few moments of heavy breaths passed by, you turned back to your partner. 
A sly smile pulled at your lips as you began to whisper. “Ozzie has off today!” Muffled sounds vibrated against your fingers as Fizz narrowed his eyes at you. You giggled and removed your hands.
“That doesn’t explain why you tackled me.” His arm extended to wrap around your waist a few times, finger trailing up your thigh. “Though I’m not complaining if this is how we end up.” He giggled, tongue peaking out between his lips.
You leaned closer, eyes narrowing with a smirk, “I have an idea~!” You sang, causing Fizz to raise a brow is curious delight. “Come on!” You grabbed his hand, and jumped to stand. His arm retracted and spun you around in place. You swayed a bit before regaining your composure and yanking him to follow you to the kitchen. 
“Okay, are you gonna explain to me what this plan of yours is?” Fizzy crossed his arms and watched you begin to scavenge through the kitchen. Your body flitting across the room, arms filling with various items and piling them on a counter. Once you finished, you turned to the imp. 
“We’re making Ozzie breakfast, duh!” You chimed, watching his face slowly light up. 
“Ohhohohoh fuck yeah, Babe!” His arms extended and yoinked himself onto the counter. “What’s on the menu? Pizza? Chicken wings? Ribs?” 
You giggled, “Noo~ you silly Frog!” You shook your head. “Try pancakes!”
“But pizzaaah~!” He whined with a pout. You jumped on the counter to sit next to him, lips finding his cheek for a quick peck. 
“Next time, okay?” You smiled. Fizz’s face darkened in a blush as he turned to you.
“Yeah, yeah, okay, Bunny!” He giggled before glancing at the ingredients. “So what’s first?” 
You slowly glanced at them. “Uh, good question..” His eyes widened, head snapping to look at you.
“You don’t even know how to make them?”
“Well it can’t be that hard!” You pulled out your phone, thumbs typing to find a recipe from the sinternet. “Look here! Easy pancakes from scratch.” You showed him the screen.
“Oh we sooo got this!” His tongue peeked out as he slowly scrolled through the pages. You hopped off the counter, grabbing a few mixing bowls from the cabinets. 
“I’ll mix the dry ingredients and you can start on the wet ones.” You gave him one of the bowls. 
Fizz chuckled, eyebrows raising a few times. “You sure you don’t want the wet ones? Cuz, you know…” He smirked, eyes fluttering up and down your figure. You felt your face grow warm at his insinuations.
“Yes! I’m sure!” You scooped the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt into the bowl before stomping to the other end of the counter in a huff. You measured the designated amounts, each falling into the bowl. Once you finished, you grabbed a whisk before making sure it was mixed.
“Uhh, Bunny?” You heard Fizz call out. “Is butter supposed to do that?” You turned, seeing him stretched out to stare into the microwave. The wet popping noise coming from the appliance didn’t make you feel any better. 
You rushed over, Fizz dropped an arm down before pulling you up. The inside of the microwave wasn’t too messy, but the butter had melted and soon turned brown  in the center. Gritty pieces floating around and the liquid still bubbling. You stopped it quickly and turned to Fizz. “How long did you put it in for?”
“It said 15 minutes.”
Your eyes widened. “Really?” 
“Uh, duh!” He shrunk to his normal height, you still in his arms. “I read it right there!” He jabbed his finger at the phone. 
“That says seconds, Babe." You laughed. "I think it’s burnt.” You peered at the closed door of the microwave. “Think we can still use it?”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine!” He nodded, as cheerful as ever.
You smiled and shrugged your shoulders. “Yeah, okay!” 
“What’s next?” He stretched to grab the butter from the microwave before dumping it in his own bowl where the milk, vanilla, and egg were. 
“We mix your ingredients with a blender!” 
“Got it!” Fizz was quick to plug it in and position it in the wet bowl. He flicked it on to the highest setting and things seemed fine for a moment. Until the blender began to wobble and soon sent a bunch of the wet mix out the sides and onto the cupboards. Fizz began vibrating with the blender, laughing as he continued mixing. 
You fell into your fit of giggles the more you watched, “Okay! I think it’s good!” He pulled the blender out from the bowl, the leftover mix on the metal whisks flying everywhere including you and the imp. “Fizzy!” You scolded, a smile never leaving your face.
“What!” He finally turned off the tool, turning towards you. He weighted onto one hip, resting his empty hand on his waist. “Cooking is a messy job, you’re not doing it right if you’re not wearing the food.” He spoke with his nose in the air as if it wasn’t the most obvious fact. He grinned and flung the blender elsewhere. “Besides~” He slinked closer, “It’s not like we haven’t been this messy before~” He giggled and trailed a finger down your shoulder.
Your cheeks heated before you pulled back. “Hey! No distracting me!” You scolded though it didn’t hold much strength behind it.
He smirked, “So, what’s next?” He leaned in. 
You grabbed your phone, noting it was full of the wet mix, “Okay, it says we have to make a well in the dry ingredients and then… slowly fold them together.” 
“What the fuck does well mean?” He asked.
“What the fuck does fold mean?” You peered at him, brows creased.
He pursed his lips in thought before glancing at you. “Maybe like a blanket?” 
“Like… With our hands?” You held your hands up, glancing back and forth between the two.
“Well, how else do you fold things?” He shrugged. Fizz grabbed you and extended his legs up to place you on the counter before sitting opposite of you, the bowl in the middle. 
“Okay, make a well.” You pushed the dry mix around until it had an empty space in the middle. “Now add the wet mix.” Fizz dumped it all but graciously in. “And fold!” His hands slammed into the bowl, splattering the contents around and onto the both of you. You laughed as he continued his ‘folding’ methods messily. The folding being more of a throw your hands together and hope for the best.
The dry mix clouded upwards and attached to both of you, along with small splatters of the partially mixed dough. It flung around the kitchen, landing alongside the previous mess, hitting cupboards, counters, the fridge, even as far as the dining table. Your giggles mixed in with Fizz’s, the mixing becoming the main event of cooking breakfast. 
“What is going on in here?” A loud voice called out from the doorway. Ozzie stood there, mouth fallen with wide eyes as he stared at the condition of the kitchen. He was in the middle of tying his robe, frozen as he finally saw you and Fizz sitting on the counter. Both completely covered in pancake mix. You blinked at Ozzie, watching him take cautious steps forward. 
“Aww, you weren’t supposed to wake up, Ozzie!” Fizz whined, shoulders slumping.
“You sleep in any other day!” You added, “Why on all days do you wake up early today!” You pouted alongside your imp boy. 
“Maybe because hearing you two giggling maniacally all the way from the bedroom intrigued me.” He finally stood before you and Fizz. “And for good reason! Look at this place!” He gestured to the kitchen, “There’s… What is this…?” He scooped up a bit onto his finger from the counter and stuck it in his mouth. A second passed by before he physically recoiled. “Oh no.” He shuttered, the feeling coursing throughout his entire body. “No, no! You two!” He glared down at your forms. “What did I say about you cooking!”
You blinked up at Oz, seeing his face scowl but Ram and Bull showed his true endearing emotions. They always seemed to break his tough facade. You smirked towards Fizz, him reading you almost instantly. He shoved the bowl aside and scooted towards you.
“But you love us~” You smiled real big, eyes misting into a pretty sparkle. Fizz leaned in, squishing his cheek against yours and mirroring your expression. You grasped his hands and pulled his body close, chests flushed against each other. 
“Don’t you~?” Fizzy added, pulling the last word out and pouting his lips.  
Ozzie crossed in arms while staring down at you both, he felt himself slowly breaking at the sight. “Don’t say that every time you two make a mess!” He turned away, eyes shutting tight. His chest rising a few times in frustrated huffs, his expression melting. His eyes peaked down at your forms, “Auogh! I can’t stay mad at you guys when you do that!”
“We know~!” You giggled, eyes sliding to Fizz as you turned to each other, noses brushing in a small victory. His sleek metal limbs wrapping around you and squeezing.
“Womp womp!” Fizz laughed and hugged you tighter.
“Look at my messy little Fizzy-Frog and Bunny-Wunny!” Large arms encircled the both of you, scooping you into the air and spinning. “Looks like I'll have to get you both washed up.” His voice sank a few octaves, "Care to join me for a nice deep clean?" Eyes narrowing with a growing smirk.
Who were you to deny your King of Lust?
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likes and reblogs appreciated !! ♡
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gilverrwrites · 2 months
Bat Feeder
AN: I keep seeing those rich people social media posts where people fill Dollie’s up with snacks and leave them outside for delivery drivers, and imagining doing something similar for the bats. Bat-Fam/Reader, 1K words (Batman, Harley Quinn, Nightwing, Red Hood, Robin, Signal, and Spoiler) CWs: None, just a silly little fluff fic. GN! Reader
It starts small, just a tray with some water bottles, packs of gum, maybe some protein bars and a multi-pack of chips you bought but didn’t like. You write ‘For Batman, Robin, and other vigilantes; Thanks for what you do :)‘ in Sharpie on the front of the tray and leave it on your balcony, not really expecting much, it was just a silly thought after too much doom scrolling.
It goes untouched for weeks, you’ve almost forgotten about it until one night, at like 2 AM you hear the sound of heavy boots walking on metal grate, so faint you would have missed it if you’d been asleep. Curious, you peek through your curtain and there’s Red Hood!
He stands there for a long time, motionless as he seems to stare at it, helmet hiding any real emotion until he pockets a pack of gum and water before leaving, dropping down into the street.
News must spread amongst the other heroes cause within a few days the basket is nearly empty. Enthused, the next time you go to the store you pick up some new items, just a few extra bits that are within your budget; chips that don’t taste like cardboard, candy, and energy drinks.
Your efforts are clearly appreciated as you wind up having to restock every couple of days. The energy drinks are the biggest takers, and you worry you might be supplying the younger ones with high amounts of caffeine that they shouldn’t be having.
One day you’re scrolling through insta during your work break and see Spoiler has posted a masked selfie of herself holding up a chocolatey protein bar with the caption ‘Perks of the job! 💜⭐️ #thankyoukindcivilian’ or something like that. In the back of the photo you see your basket and you’re elated.
Another day you wake up to a note wedged halfway through your window, it’s from Robin, stating that he’s a vegan and if it’s not too much trouble could you cater to that. The same day you dump a bunch of fruit that you were never gonna eat anyway into the basket and hope it will hold over until your next trip to the store where you spend ages examining the dietary information of everything you pick up, eventually finding a couple of items you hope he’ll like.
Your efforts are appreciated because the next day you find another note from him offering his gratitude.
After the novelty has worn off it dies down, you fall into a routine; they never take too much, so you only have to top it up every few weeks. Until one morning you wake up to find it completely ransacked, your sign has been scribbled out, replaced by the words: ‘THX 4 THE SNACKS’, and a bunch of doodles. You suspect Harley Quinn since one of the drawings is her trademark 3 of diamonds.
Unsure how to proceed, you clean up the mess and bring it inside. You don’t want to attract danger, but you did enjoy doing it. The graffitied tray sits by the door for a long time while you consider what to do, more and more forgotten with each day.
That’s until there’s a knock on your balcony door in the middle of the night. Seems ominous, risky in a city like Gotham, especially after what happened with Harley, but just like that night with Red Hood, you can’t help but investigate.
When you poke your head around the curtain you find Nightwing staring back at you. He smiles and waves to you like you’re long-time friends and it does a lot to ease your shock.
“Um, hi. Can I help you?” You ask as you open the door.
“Uh, maybe, see, I came all the way from Blüdhaven cause I was told there would be snacks.” He replies, dramatically looking around your balcony as he speaks. “But there’s no snacks.”
“Yeah. I stopped after Harley Quinn vandalised it.” You gesture to the now discarded red and black tray. “But I have some chocolate, if you want some. Or do you like Cheez-Its?”
“You don’t have to do that.” He sounds disappointed.
“No it’s fine, it’s no trouble, wait here!”
You raid your kitchen before returning with a handful of snacks and drinks from your own supply and offer them Nightwing.
“Oh wow, Thanks!”
You didn’t have to, but you’re glad you did. He has such a genuinely giddy look on his face.
“Really though, we don’t do it for the free stuff, we appreciate it a lot.” He speaks between mouthfuls of M&Ms. “If you ever wanted to do it again, I wouldn’t worry about Harley. She's mostly harmless to civilians these days.”
He thanks you a few more times before leaving to finish his patrol, but not before warning; “Hey, don’t open your door for any more strangers in the middle of the night, yeah? Well, unless they’re as handsome as me.”
Harley being mostly harmless doesn’t fill you with confidence, but you figure if those guys are brave enough to risk their lives fighting crime, you can be brave enough to put a box of treats outside. This time with a new sign that reads “For Bats, birds, other vigilantes, and Harley Quinn ♥️”
You hope including her might make her less likely to lash out.
From there everything falls back into normality for a while, you even start adding seasonal treats for special occasions, until eventually, they seem to stop by less and less, perhaps they grew bored or maybe you’re not a convenient stop on their latest patrol route, you don’t really mind, you persist.
Every now and again on your days off you’ll spot signal stopping by, he always gives you a smile and a thumbs up when he sees you watching him.
After months and months, maybe a year or so it happens. The big one. You’re struggling to sleep one night, the flat just feels too hot, too claustrophobic. Overwhelmed by it you storm outside, needing the night sky and its cold air but when you get there you’re greeted by an imposing shadow of a man, Batman. He’s holding a half-drunk bottle of water and his entire body is so stock still, you’re not even sure if he’s real or a statue. After a solid minute of silent staring you quietly step back inside, count to 30, and re-emerge. He’s gone, completely dissolved into the darkness of the night with half a bottle of water and a snack pack of mint Oreos.
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h0neylevi · 3 months
I’m thinking today about those moments just before a relationship is formed, where the two of you are just on the precipice of confessing. You both know how the other feels. It’s unspoken but it’s just a matter of who is going to bring it up first.
With Levi, it’s extra slow. It’s isn’t that he’s shy necessarily. You definitely make him a little nervous (a feeling he’s unaccustomed to), but it’s more about growing to accept his own feelings.
Thinking about nights walking side by side, feeling your fingers brush accidentally but neither of you says sorry. Lingering for far longer than is necessary when it’s time to part.
The two of you seem to orbit one another when you’re together. Stealing glances and shared looks over the dinner table in the mess hall. Saving an empty seat for the other person at meetings. When you’re out training at headquarters, Levi and his squad are out there too.
Then something breaks that routine. Maybe you get sick or injured or you’re stationed in another district for a while. Levi doesn’t see you for weeks, and that’s when he realizes that his feelings are already much stronger than he thought. There’s no other reason that would explain why he’s thought about you every day. Why he’s missed the sound of your voice and your laugh.
He’s the first person to volunteer to debrief you on any updates the moment you return.
He brings a favorite of yours. Could be a baked good, a certain type of tea, or maybe an item of stationary that you’re fond of all under the guise of it being a ‘welcome back’ present from his squad.
All in the hopes that you’ll react strongly enough about it for him to invite you to the shop he bought it from later.
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fandoms-x-reader · 3 months
Standing You Up - Angst Edition
Requested By: @anxious-chick
Summary: The brothers accidentally stand you up / forget about a date that they had with you (Angst Edition)
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You smiled as you looked at yourself in the mirror of your bathroom. You looked absolutely stunning. You had spent the last hour or so getting ready to make sure you looked perfect for Lucifer.
He had invited you to a nearby five-star restaurant that just recently opened. They were doing a Demonus tasting event to bring people in and - being Diavolo’s right hand demon - Lucifer was one of the first demons to get invited with a plus one.
He immediately asked you, seizing the opportunity to ask you out on a date. You were a bit flustered when he asked, but excited nonetheless, and you gladly accepted his invitation.
Lucifer still wasn’t back from RAD yet and you knew the two of you would be cutting it close if you waited for him to get back to RAD and then go to the restaurant. So, you thought you’d make it easier on him and meet him at the restaurant. You sent him a message to let him know the plan and then made your way to the restaurant.
Meanwhile, Lucifer was sitting at RAD with Lord Diavolo. It was supposed to be a short meeting between the two of them, talking about routine items such as the House of Lamentation’s financial expenses and the exchange program reports. Lucifer really hadn’t meant to spend so much time at RAD.
But, after telling Lucifer how much he meant to him as a friend and how he would always appreciate Lucifer’s support, Diavolo asked if Lucifer would attend another meeting with him. He had to make an appearance before the elder demons and he asked Lucifer to be by his side to help improve his appearance.
Lucifer’s pride suddenly sparked as he thought about the words Lord Diavolo said. His presence would make Lord Diavolo look better? How could Lucifer say no? Not only did he swear his loyalty to Diavolo, but it would be a chance to show the elder demons just how powerful he and his brothers had gotten.
Lucifer agreed to go to the meeting without even thinking. He had no thoughts about any other plans he had possibly made, his pride glowing brightly. He had no desire to think about anything else as he followed Diavolo, not even bothering to check his D.D.D.
You had made it the restaurant and saw the long line of people waiting to get inside. You decided to wait in line. After all, you didn’t know how long it would take but Lucifer would be sure to be there by then, right?
It did take some time to get to the door, but Lucifer still wasn’t there. You gave the host a nervous smile as you approached the podium they were standing behind. A large book was open in front of them with all the names of the demons who had been invited to the opening.
You decided to get a table for the two of you and told the host that you were Lucifer’s plus one. The host let out a loud chuckle, not believing you. “He should be here soon. He’s just - running late,” you tried to explain.
“Sorry, no humans allowed,” the host snapped back, motioning for you to step out of the line. A deep blush coated your cheeks as you left the line, the crowd of demons behind you snickering. Poor human.
You were so embarrassed as you made your way back to the House of Lamentation, tears streaming down your face and leaving stains. You did your best to regain your composure before entering the house. The last thing you needed was to be interrogated by the brothers.
When you opened the door, you stopped dead in your tracks as you saw Lucifer standing in front of his brothers, wearing a proud smile as he was telling them about the meeting with the elder demons and how he could tell they respected him now.
Asmo was the first to notice you when you walked in. “Ooh, Y/N! Where were you? You look amazing!” Asmo told you with a smile.
All seven of them were staring at you now, but you were only glaring at one in particular. His once smug look now turned to one of shame as he looked at your appearance. His plans with you finally dawned on him.
The brothers weren’t sure what exactly happened, but they could sense the tension in the room, and they didn’t want any part of it, promptly making their leave.
You waited for Lucifer to say anything, but for once, he was at a loss of words. You were too angry to form coherent sentences, so when you realized he was going to remain silent, you walked past him, heading to your room.
It was only when you were passing him that he realized he had to speak, “I’m sorry,” he admitted. It was a simple apology, but it was more than he had done for any of his brothers. Saying you were sorry meant admitting you were in the wrong, and that hurt his pride.
You stopped in your tracks to face him. Most people would be too scared of him to say something, but you were fuming. “I spent over an hour getting ready so I could make sure I looked nice for our date. I did everything I could to save our spot in line. And, as soon as I got to the front, I was rejected - for being human. I had to leave while everyone laughed at me - the sad human who got stood up. I’m sorry isn’t good enough.”
Those words felt like a slap in the face as you shut yourself in the room - you were done talking. Lucifer was used to being the one who fixed everything for his brothers, but he didn’t know where to start with you.
He didn’t know how to handle the silent treatment you were giving or the way you avoided looking at him every time you were in the same room together.
The first thing he did was get the restaurant shut down with the help of Diavolo for declining service to you. Don’t ever deny his human. He would try to give you space, but if you made no attempt to reconcile, he would take matters into his own hands. 
He would trap you in a room with him so that he could genuinely apologize and tell you all the ways he’ll make things up to you. He was a prideful demon, but he was willing to let his pride falter when it came to getting you to give him another chance.
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Greed was one of the hardest sins to have. No matter how much he gambled, or how much he sold things for Grimm, Mammon was never satisfied. He was always needing more - craving more.
He didn’t want to be called money-grubbing scum. He was the second-most powerful demon. He used to be an angel. He was miles above any average demon. Yet, when it comes to Grimm, his mind blacks out and his sin takes over leading him to making poor decisions.
You were the only one who could see past his sin. The only one who made him feel like something more than the filth that his brothers made him out to be. You saw the person he really was…At least, you used to.
You were standing at the entrance gate of one of the festivals that the Devildom was holding. It was supposed to be a very special event and Mammon had promised to go with you. But he was nowhere in sight. 
You could hear the music playing from inside the festival. The events were already starting. You pulled out your D.D.D. and tried calling Mammon. Only to be met with his voicemail. You sent several messages before trying to call him again. But, again, there was no answer.
Mammon was too busy at the casino to notice his D.D.D. ringing. He had gone earlier in the day and had planned to leave an hour ago to make it to your date. But he was on a winning streak! He couldn’t leave yet!
You were tired of waiting outside the festival gate for Mammon, so you decided to seek him out on your own. You had a feeling you knew where he was, but you were hoping you were wrong. You were praying that he didn’t stand you up for gambling.
You walked to the casino, your anger and sadness outweighing any fear you might have to walk alone in the Devildom. You didn’t understand why he would stand you up. Was your connection with him not what you thought it was? Had you jumped to conclusions and misinterpreted him? Maybe there weren’t any hidden emotions when he called you a stupid human. Maybe he meant it.
You entered the casino and immediately scanned the area, feeling a pang in your chest when you finally saw him. He was standing at the gambling table, his eyes glowing gold while he had a large smile on his face. A demoness stood next to him, cheering him on as she held onto his arm, gently rubbing it.
You felt the tears threaten to fall as Mammon won again, letting out a celebratory shout. He looked around the table with a proud smirk until his eyes dared to look beyond the table and he saw you there, looking heartbroken.
He felt his world stop as you quickly left the casino the second the two of you made eye contact. He felt his guilt begin to crush him as the realization of what he’s done hit him.
“Wait!” he called after you, but you were long gone. He tried to push past the people nicely. But the demoness clutched onto his arm and begged him to stay, and the other demons taunted him to win another round. He was overwhelmed and he only had one person on his mind. 
Before he knew it, he was in his demon form. And once he was, everyone backed off, respecting the power of the second-born. 
He left the casino without cashing out. It would take too long. He immediately followed after you and was somewhat relieved when he realized that you made it back to the House of Lamentation safely. 
He immediately ran to your room and found the door shut. He knocked on the door and waited for you to answer. “Y/N, I’m so sorry. Please let me in,” Mammon pleaded, his head resting gently against the wood of the door.
He tried to turn the handle on the door, desperate to see you, but it was locked. In all your time here, you had never locked the door. Mammon could have broken down the door. In fact, he was tempted to. But then he heard the soft sniffles coming from your room and he went cold. You were crying. He made you cry.
Mammon let out a small sigh, feeling his own tears threaten to form. How could he have done this? To the one person that never made him feel like scum. To the one person that never looked at him like trash. To the person that he…
Mammon would buy you gifts every day until you talk to him again. He would do anything to get another chance with you.
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Levi let out a gasp as he looked at the leaderboard for the RPG he had been addicted to for the past forty eight hours. He had been playing non-stop, eager to get his name in the first place spot of the leaderboard. 
He was sure he had finally achieved his goal, but when he looked at the leaderboard, he saw his name sitting in the number two spot. NUMBER TWO. Levi angrily looked at the name in the number one spot. Envy immediately began to overtake his senses. It was unacceptable for him to not be number one. He was the best when it came to this game! He was just going to have to work twice as hard.
Meanwhile, while Levi was on his gaming rampage, you were standing at the manga cafe where Levi was supposed to meet you. You had liked the otaku for a while now, but you had been afraid to ask him out because of his aloof and skittish nature.
But, then you came up with a great idea. A manga cafe! It would be the perfect setting for the two of you. You could read manga, watch anime, and play games. You had paid for a private booth for the two of you, so you could do anything you wanted.
You were so excited to go. You had spent the whole day coming up with ideas for what you wanted to do first. You even wore an outfit that was inspired by yours’ and Levi’s favorite anime.
But, there was only one problem - Levi wasn’t there. 
The manga cafe ran on a strict schedule to ensure anyone who wanted to reserve a booth could do so at the time they wanted.
You had double checked the time with Levi a couple of days prior, making sure to choose the time that fit both of your schedules perfectly. You wanted everything to go smoothly.
You tried calling him multiple times but he didn’t answer. Because he couldn’t hear his D.D.D. with his headset on.
Your time had already started so you went to your shared booth, hoping that Levi was just running late and that he would still show up. But, as the time got later and later, you realized he wasn’t coming. 
You were too upset to do any of the things you wanted to do, so you just sat there as tears streamed down your face. You had been so excited to go on a date with Levi, hoping that he returned the feelings you had for him. But, it was obvious now that he didn’t.
You did your best to stay quiet, not wanting the other patrons to hear you crying. And, when the time you paid for was up, you went back to the House of Lamentation, wiping away your tears.
Levi sat back with a proud smile as he looked at his name at the top of the leaderboard. He finally did it! He felt like he could relax just a bit now and pulled out his D.D.D. to check the time. His eyes widened and his heart stopped beating as he saw all of the missed messages and calls. 
He let out a small scream as it dawned on him that he had stood you up and he immediately tried calling you as he rushed out of his bedroom. He reached your voicemail and said, “I’m on my way! I’m so sorry I’m late!”
He ended the call and opened the main door of the House of Lamentation but stopped dead in his tracks when you were standing there. His heart broke when he noticed your tear-stained cheeks and the look of betrayal in your eyes.
He opened his mouth to say something - anything. But, he didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know how to fix this. And you weren’t in the mood to see him right now. So, you just pushed past him, walking towards your room and shutting him out.
Levi immediately retreated to his room, letting his own tears fall. He wanted to go to the dark place he was so familiar with. He wanted to say terrible things about himself, about how you would have never liked an otaku shut-in like himself anyway. But, no matter how many times he tried to say those things, the guilt came back to remind him that he made you feel those things.
He had to get out of his comfort zone if he was going to fix things with you. He made multiple plans to make things up to you. But, in the end, he gets tired of you avoiding him and ends up stuttering out a confession of his feelings for you before promising he would never miss a date with you if you give him another chance.
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You and Satan had made plans to go to a cat cafe together. It wasn’t the first time you went to one, but this one had just opened, and they were running a special promotion. And anyone who went to their opening got a special cat plushie to go home with along with other cat merch.
It was like a dream for Satan when he found that out. He was so excited, and you were the only person he wanted to go with. He thought it would be a romantic date for the two of you, and you would be able to take home keepsakes of your time together.
He would be hoping they would have a cat ear headband that you could wear.
You made sure to save up extra Grimm for your date with Satan. You wanted to be able to buy him whatever he wanted at the cafe. You knew he usually insisted on it being the other way around. He wanted to spoil you. But you also knew that cat cafes were the closest thing Satan had to his version of heaven and you wanted to be able to spend a little extra on him. You even picked up a job for a few days to make sure you earned enough Grimm.
When the time had come for your date with Satan you waited patiently at the House of Lamentation, but you couldn’t find him anywhere. You tried calling him, but it went straight to voicemail.
Thinking you might have misunderstood the meeting place, you decided to go to the cat cafe. Maybe Satan had intended for the two of you to meet there. Maybe he was the one waiting for you, hoping you weren’t standing him up.
But Satan was not at the cat cafe. Instead, he was at the library, feverishly searching for a book that Simeon had just told him about. Apparently, it was a forbidden book that had been believed to be lost. But Simeon had just told Satan that he had heard rumors that the book wasn’t lost but instead hidden inside the library in the Devildom.
Satan had heard about the book before and desperately wanted to add it to his collection. So, when Simeon had told him this information, the temptation was too much to resist.
His mind went into autopilot as only one thought remained. He had to turn his D.D.D. to silent mode to not disturb anyone else in the library; and it helped ensure he could look for the book without any distractions.
It also ensured he missed all of your phone calls and text messages.
The cafe would be closing soon, and you had given up on the idea of Satan showing up. But no matter how upset you were, you knew that this was limited edition merch and you cared enough about him to not want him to miss out on it.
So, you entered the cafe on your own, pouring what energy you had into petting the cats as you tried to not think about the fact that you got stood up. Did you do something wrong? Did you anger Satan in some way?
When it was time to go, you bought one of everything the merch store had and went back to the House of Lamentation. The unanswered questions of why you got stood up were starting to burn into your mind and you decided to seek out the only demon who would have answers.
You knocked on the door of his room, but no one answered. Risking your life by entering the Avatar of Wrath’s room without permission, you opened the door and found it empty. He wasn’t even home which meant that whatever he was doing he found more important than spending time with you. 
You were now questioning whether he had feelings for you or if you had made it all up in your head. Maybe your romance story was nothing special to him. Maybe you were nothing special to him.
Was that a tear?
You used your sleeve to quickly wipe it away before taking the items out of the bag and displaying them nicely on his bed. You figured even if he didn’t want to go on a date with you, he would still enjoy the cat-themed items. You then retreated to your room.
Satan got back to the House of Lamentation with a giddy smile on his face. He found it. He actually found it! He would have to thank Simeon for the information next time he saw him.
Satan immediately went to his room, ready to add the book to his extensive collection.
When he got inside, he looked at his bed and noticed it was full of cat-themed items. Satan’s smile only grew as he rushed over to the bed. How had these objects gotten here?
Satan’s heart dropped when he turned one of the items over and saw the name of the cat cafe written on it. Memories flashed through his mind as he suddenly realized what he was on his way to do when he ran into Simeon.
His face fell as he looked at the items. Even after he stood you up, you cared enough about him to get all these items, knowing it would make him happy.
He rushed to your room, knocking on the door and pleading with you to let him in and explain. But, when he realized you weren’t going to, he gave you some space. 
He looked through every single one of his books looking for any indication of what humans typically tend to like and how to make up for a mistake.
He would try every single method he read about to get you to forgive him. Never again would he betray your trust and put something before you. He could live without the book, but he wasn’t so sure he could live without you. 
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You let out a small sigh as you sat in the middle of your closet. Your clothes were strewn all around you and you had a defeated look on your face as you checked your D.D.D. for what felt like the hundredth time that day.
Asmo had come up with the idea to completely reorganize your closet. The two of you had been watching videos of how to properly organize your wardrobes and Asmo had the motivation to try it out. 
You suggested he do it on his wardrobe, but he insisted that his wardrobe was already specifically organized that way he needed it to be. Besides, yours would be so much more fun to organize!
You wanted to spend some time with Asmo, so you agreed to it. Even though you would just be in your room, you wanted it to be a mini-date. You and Asmo would be in close quarters for who knows how long and amidst the work you were doing, the two of you would have plenty of time to talk to each other.
Asmo told you that he would be there soon, so you decided to start in the closet. Asmo wanted to completely reorganize it so the first step was to take everything out. It took longer than you expected but Asmo was still nowhere to be found. 
You had tried reaching out to him multiple times by now but there was no response. You figured he would be upset if you started without him. After all, it was his idea. So, you decided to scroll on FabSnap while you waited.
Boy was that a mistake.
The second you opened the app, your feed was flooded with videos of Asmo at a fashion show. He looked so good and judging by the way he was acting, he had clearly been drinking. To top it all off, he was surrounded by his fans who were all desperately trying to get his attention.
Each video felt like a stab in the chest as you felt like you meant so little to Asmo that he completely forgot about you. You pushed back the negative thoughts that began flooding your mind. Self-deprecation was not the way to handle being stood up.
You took a couple of deep breaths before deciding to do your wardrobe without Asmo. You already took everything out, so there was no point in sloppily putting everything back. 
You followed every step the videos recommended, making sure everything was organized to perfection. You did everything you could to distract yourself from your thoughts as you worked. 
Soon enough, you were done, and you looked at the wardrobe. It was perfect. So, why were you crying? You touched your cheek and stopped the tear that had been falling. When did you start crying? You didn’t even realize you had been.
But it wasn’t hard to figure out why. You closed your eyes as thoughts of the Avatar of Lust finally broke through the wall you had put up. Terrible thoughts about how you would never be enough to satisfy him. How he would always want more than you could provide and that’s why he stood you up tonight.
You shook your head, trying to get rid of the thoughts. What’s done is done. You can’t rewind time, and neither can he. So, you took a picture of the organized closet and sent it to Asmo. You didn’t even bother typing out a salty message. You were too tired from emotionally fighting with yourself. Instead, you just locked your door and went over to your bed. You didn’t want any visitors tonight.
The fashion show was just about over when Asmo received your message. A smile lit up his face as he saw your name pop up on his D.D.D. But then he opened your message and his smile immediately turned into a frown as he looked at your wardrobe. The wardrobe he had promised to help you with tonight.
How could he have forgotten?! He had gotten invited to the fashion show at the last minute with the promise of his fans being there along with a lot of press. Asmo couldn’t resist the opportunity to be praised by others. He wanted to feel that energy that fed his sin.
But now, looking at the picture you had sent - that energy dissipated to the point where he couldn’t feel it anymore. The only thing he felt was guilt as he thought about you being upset because he didn’t show up.
He immediately left the fashion show and rushed to the House of Lamentation. He looked like a disheveled mess as the combination of alcohol and blame overtook him.
He immediately went to your door and tried knocking on it. But you didn’t answer it. He knocked again…and again. Tears were streaming down his face as he begged you to let him in. But, when he realized, you weren’t going to, he slowly slid down to the floor, hiding his face in his hands.
He wasn’t mad at you for not letting him in. He could only imagine how you felt - how he made you feel. He had done everything in his power to get you to like him without his powers because they were ineffective on you. And he had finally gotten his chance with you, but he blew it.
Asmo would be bad at giving you space. Every inch of his body would crave you. He would try and get you to talk to him every day until you finally let him apologize and make it up to you. 
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Today was supposed to be one of the few days that you and Beel had to spend the entire day together. You had decided about a week ago that today you would go to the beach since you had never been to the beach in the Devildom. And because it would give you the opportunity to see Beel shirtless.
You had spent the whole last week planning your date day. Beel wanted to do everything with you from swimming to playing beach volleyball to just laying on the sand. Whatever the activity was, sign Beel up. He just wanted the time to be with you.
But, of course, when the day actually came, Beel’s Fangol coach decided that the team had to have a mandatory morning practice since they had a big game coming up. You decided it would be more trouble than anything if Beel missed the practice. He promised he would meet you at the beach the second practice was over.
You gathered up everything you thought the two of you need. You grab the towels, the sunscreen, the basket full of snacks you made, and other miscellaneous items. You then went to the beach and chose a nice place that was secluded enough for you and Beel.
You laid the towels out on the sand and took a look at the immensely large body of water in front of you. Part of you felt like you could be swallowed up at any second by it. The other part of you was in awe of how beautiful it looked.
You laid down on the towels, letting yourself sunbathe for a bit. Beel’s practice should be over soon and then the two of you could go in the water together. 
Beel smiled as the practice drew to a close. He couldn’t wait to get to the beach with you. He blushed slightly imagining you in a swimsuit and now he was even more eager to get to the beach.
He pulled out his D.D.D. to let you know he was on his way when one of his teammates came up behind him, clapping him on the shoulder. 
“The team’s all getting together for lunch.” Beel looked up at his teammate. Sorry, but he had a hot date to get to. “It’s a buffet with no limit,” the teammate added, walking away.
Beel’s eyes widened. Buffet. No limit. His mind and decisions were suddenly clouded by the image of him being surrounded by an endless amount of food.
Before he knew what he was doing, he was following the rest of the team to the restaurant. Fulfilling his gluttonous sin with the seemingly never-ending food that surrounded him.
At this point, you had texted and called Beel several times. His practice should have been long over by now. You were starting to get a little nervous when you got a text message. It was from Asmo in the House of Lamentation group chat.
“Look who I ran into!” Asmo’s message read along with a picture of Beel eating to his heart’s content with the rest of his team.
You felt let down and sad as you looked at the picture. Today was supposed to be a special day between the two of you and instead he decided to spend it with his team.
To make matters worse, it decided to start raining. So here you were, struggling to pack everything up, the rain soaking you and everything you brought.
You were completely drenched before you were even able to start walking back to the House of Lamentation. You were thankful for the rain though. No one would be able to tell the difference between the drops of rain and the tears that ran down your face.
Beel finally had his fill of food when Asmo looked outside making a comment about how he’d hate to be outside right now while it was raining like this.
That was all that was needed for Beel’s memory to kick into high gear as he suddenly realized you were out there. His eyes widened as he felt like the biggest failure, quickly leaving the restaurant and heading out into the storm.
He ran as fast as he could to the beach, but when he didn’t see you there - he panicked. He started running down the path to the House of Lamentation and let out a small breath of relief when he saw you there, walking a bit ahead of him.
His heart shattered though when he actually looked at you. You looked like a kicked puppy, walking with your head down as you struggled to carry everything you brought with you thanks to everything weighing twice as much because of the rain.
Beel frowned as he took in your appearance. You really wanted to spend the whole day with him. And he completely ruined it. 
The House of Lamentation was within view now, but Beel wasn’t ready to let you go in yet. He knew you would either go straight to your room or his brothers would distract you and he wouldn’t be able to talk to you.
So, he ran to you, the rain now falling even harder. “Y/N! Wait!” he yelled finally catching up with you and standing in front of you. Even though the rain covered any sign of tears, he could see the sadness in your eyes.
“I’m sorry! The team -,” he tried to explain. “It’s okay. I saw. You don’t have to explain yourself,” you cut him off, trying to push past him, but his big stature blocked you from doing so. He didn’t know what to say to fix this.
“Beel, I’m cold, and I don’t feel like talking,” you told him sternly. Now it was his turn to look like a kicked puppy. He finally allowed you to push past him, feeling his own sadness and guilt wash over him along with the rain.
He followed you back to the House of Lamentation, keeping his distance. When he got inside, he saw the wet discarded items you had brought with you to the beach and he reached for the basket looking inside of it.
He felt a new wave of sadness come over him as he saw all of his favorite snacks that you made him in there - now, completely ruined. Your snacks and your company would have been enough to keep him satisfied and feeling full.
So, why? Why did he let himself fall for the temptation of the buffet? Why didn’t he just decline the offer like he was going to?
Beel would try and bring snacks or meals to your room, hoping you would be hungry enough to let him in so he could apologize profusely. 
When you finally do let him in, he immediately engulfs you in a bear hug. He holds you tight as he promises to never hurt you again. 
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Belphie was a very sneaky demon when he wanted to be. He was clever and could get himself out of any situation. Which is why when the Devildom opened up a new escape room, he was the first one that came to your mind for a partner. After all, he found a way to escape a room that Lucifer had secured, he would be sure to get you through the escape room.
You had a large smile on your face as your eyes sparkled with hope when you asked him to go with you to the escape room. Belphie wasn’t sure how much fun it would be. The amount of effort he would have to use to escape sounded exhausting. But the look on your face made him say yes.
When you lit up even more at his response, his heart swelled with warmth. You were so excited to go on a date with him and it made a small blush rise to his cheeks. Of course, he was equally excited to go out with you, but that was his secret.
You chose the day you were supposed to go to the escape room and made a plan to meet there after school.
That day though, Belphie was feeling particularly rebellious, and he had decided he didn’t want to go to school, just to stick it to Lucifer.
When Lucifer came home from RAD, he was in a rage. Belphie couldn’t help the small, sadistic smile that formed on his face when he heard the eldest brother enter the House of Lamentation with his feathers all ruffled.
As one of core members of the Anti-Lucifer league, it only made sense for him to derive some sense of satisfaction from Lucifer’s anger. Belphie smiled even more when he imagined Diavolo asking Lucifer if Belphie had skipped school. Lucifer must have looked like a deer in headlights.
Lucifer slammed the door open to the twin’s room and Belphie let out a small sigh. No point in trying to pretend like he was asleep. 
“Belphegor, care to explain why you decided to miss school today?” Lucifer asked angrily as Belphie sat up in his bed. “I was tired,” Belphie replied nonchalantly, watching the fire burn in Lucifer’s eyes. He just about lost it right then and there. But he managed to keep his composure, his own sadistic smile finding its way to his face.
He placed a large pile of schoolwork on Belphie’s bed, demanding that it be done by the end of the night. What’s worse is that he took Belphie’s D.D.D. and sealed the door with magic so that he couldn’t leave, and no one could enter. Not even Beel.
Belphie let out a frustrated sigh as he sat in front of the large stack of papers, taking the first one and looking at the top part that had a blank line asking for the date. Belphie filled in the date and then stared at it. Something about the date was screaming out to him, begging him to notice.
He started wracking his brain for any indication as to why today’s date rang a bell. And when it finally dawned on him, he felt like all of the blood left his body. Oh no. Today was his date with you. Why? Why did he decide to be rebellious today of all days?! 
He suddenly went into panic mode. He needed to let you know what happened and that he wasn’t going to make it. He searched for his D.D.D. but then he remembered - Lucifer took it.
His heart was now beating at an unsteady pace as he moved on to trying to find a way out of the room. He imagined you at the escape room, waiting for him to come only for him to never show up. You had been so thrilled to go with him…
Belphie started banging on the door of the room, demanding Lucifer let him out. His anger towards the eldest brother increased tenfold, and so did his anger towards himself.
Belphie had been equally excited to go on a date with you. To have you all to himself while his brothers were nowhere in sight. To have you standing next to him, so close he could feel your warmth. To have you hold onto him if you got nervous or scared and to look at him like he was your knight in shining armor when he helped you escape the room. A look that made him feel things he had never felt before.
And now, he was going to miss all of that. All because he decided he’d rather sleep than deal with school today.
You stood in front of the escape room. You had already bought the tickets for Belphie, and the smile never left your face as you waited for him to show up. You were hoping today would be a chance for the two of you to grow closer.
You had been harboring feelings for the youngest for a little while now, and you were wanting to express those feelings tonight. Belphie had reluctantly agreed to go, wavering your confidence a bit. But, as the two of you talked more about it, you thought he genuinely seemed happy to go. Which made your confidence surge right back up. 
However, as the time got later and later, you started questioning yourself more and more. Was he really as excited to go as you thought he was? Were you imagining his smile when the two of you talked about it? Did he decide you weren’t worth the time or effort? Did he not…feel the same way?
You wiped away a stray tear and decided to leave the escape room. I guess that’s what you get for putting your heart on the line. It wasn’t the first time Belphie had hurt you, but it was the first time he hurt you emotionally.
Beel had noticed your sad expression when you entered the House of Lamentation. Wasn’t tonight supposed to be yours and Belphie’s date? What had gone wrong.
Belphie finally finished the last of the paperwork. He had worked faster than he ever had in his life, trying to finish it in time to leave and get to you to explain the situation and apologize. The last thing he wanted was for you to question his feelings for you.
Just as he put his pen down, the door to the bedroom opened and Belphie let out a small gasp. The seal must have been tied to the paperwork. Belphie immediately jumped off the bed to go find you, but Beel stopped him, explaining that you had already come home, looking crestfallen.
Belphie felt crushed as Beel told him that. He had to make things right. You had already forgiven him for hurting you once. He and Beel spent the rest of the night brainstorming ways to remedy things.
If you refuse to give him the time of the day, Belphie would wait until you were laying down somewhere and just climb on top of you, knowing you wouldn’t be able to move him off of you.
He would mutter apologies as he clung to you, swearing he would never do anything like that ever again. He didn’t care how tired he was. He would never sleep again if it meant you would agree to go out with him again. 
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zayneshottestgal · 2 months
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Sylus dating a girly badass🐦‍⬛
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Having a similar darker clothing style
Tries to suddenly match with you. If he sees you’re a fan of a certain brand/designer he will buy a few items that also suit his taste. If you point out how he didn’t seem to own pieces from that designer before and accuse him of copying you , he’ll tease and ask if you own the brand and can control who can wear it . he of course also buys you all the pieces you want from new drops and tells his henchman to keep a look out on any vintage pieces you’ve been struggling to find.
He thinks obvious matching outfits are too cheesy but also still has the desire to have that obvious sign that the two of you are together when out in public . Matching jewelry seems to do the trick. Matching rings and necklaces. If you have lots of ear piercing , and tattoos and tease him about the lack of his own . He would consider letting you pierce his ears. Tattoos he said he would think about ( he forgets).
“That designer you like is having a show here soon , is their space in your work schedule to go?”
“ do I think that jacket is too similar to your other one? I don’t see anything wrong with having a jacket that detailed if you think you don’t have enough clothes to go with it , we’ll go buy more”
“I left a gift on the desk in your suite consider wearing it tonight”
Having a detailed beauty regime
Most nights Sylus leaves you alone during your night routine but some nights he gets curious….. (*cough* clingy) . He seems like the type to have a effective but small skin care routine so your pamper nights look a little foreign to him
He teases you for it , calling you a true princess, a beauty rocket scientist , a professional beauty queen anything that flusters you and gets on your nerves . But honestly he’s happy to see you taking such detailed care of yourself and that you can still have your relaxing nights even at the n109 base.
He makes sure to keep all your things stocked and take notice of your preferences , which scents you like for soaps, which lotions you prefer to use , What goals you have for your skincare etc. he’ll read up on the methods you use and their benefits ( ex.dry brushing and milk baths) . He doesn’t want to ask and bother you but still wants to be informed.
If you suggest certain methods and products to add to his routine he will consider them sincerely. 9/10 he will implement them ,the 1/10 is if the method takes to much time or he just doesn’t like the product . But he trust your judgment full heartily and even comes to you for advice .
If you try to pamper him one day he will try to resist it but not for long . He thinks he should be the only one to spoil you but since you really wish to return the favor he cannot say no to you. I think he would be quite relaxed during the whole process, he doesn’t get to sit back and truly relax often ,so he’ll take advantage of it. He’ll try to thank you in a special way after especially since he has so much “extra” energy now.
“Is the beauty queen almost done with her routine?our flight in the morning is quite early.”
“Someone’s skin feels extra soft today ,any spare tips for a guy like me”
“What does this do? Hmm…that’s certainly interesting,they sell other varieties of this too right, do you only like this one ?”
Driving a motorcycle and having a sports car
Sylus likes that you also have a motorcycle it makes you more comfortable when riding on his . He also appreciates that if a deal goes bad you can drive the both of you home if he’s unable . He still keeps a helmet at his place so you don’t have to consistently take yours from off your bike just to ride on his. He makes sure your helmet is the highest quality and that your bike is in top shape .
If you have a sports car that you like driving around Sylus would have his men clear the roads in the east side of the N109 zone so that you could drive as fast as you wanted without traffic . He wouldn’t mind sitting in the passenger as you had your fun. He loved that you had that thrilling and adventurous side of you. He was proud that he had the resources to fuel that passion.
When you guys are parked for dates he has mephisto watch over your car . He never bothered doing that for his own car he didn’t care much if it got stolen/damaged he could buy another. But he knew your car meant a lot to you and was protective over it . “Your baby” as you call it. If it ever broke down and needed new parts he had the mechanic and new parts at the house within the next hour . He would not track you or have mephisto follow you around , all he ask is that you text him when you get home especially on those stormy nights . If you are leaving late at night to go back to linkon he insists on driving you himself just to make sure you get home safe . He’ll have one of his men follow you guys so that he can get home. The peace of mind is more then worth the trip.
“no one will steal your baby sweetie I have my men watching over it relax and enjoy the meal”
“ the mechanic said the new part was a perfect fit and that they can have it done within in an hour”
“No eating in the car because it makes a mess ? Sweetheart we’ve made worst messes in this car then just ketchup, I’ll hire a cleaner”
Caring for mephisto and the twins
You’ve grown to like mephisto and he seems to be warming up to you as well. Since he’s a mechanical bird you can’t really give him treats like you would a regular bird. But you still kiss the top of his head when he lands next to you and you thank him for watching over you when sylus can’t do it . Sylus will never admit but he is a bit jealous of his little crow . He made mephisto a custom bird stand for when he’s at your house so that he doesn’t have to perch on any old available surface . Sometimes mephisto lets you put bows on him. When he returns to Sylus to report to him ,Sylus slightly laughs at the bird with the big pink bow . “You’ve gone soft mephisto “ ( he’s projecting).
As for the twins sometimes when you’re back home at linkon or out on vacation with Sylus you bring them back souvenirs. They always appreciate them . They’ve gotten into the habit of waiting at the door when they know you and sylus are on your way home from the airport. You always hand them their gifts right away.
When you’re at sylus house and he’s busy with whatever ,you usually play with the twins. If they ever need any advice from a women’sperspective they always go to you . Even if they don’t need a women’s perspective just another perspective in general and it’s something they might be too shy to ask sylus they go to you. They truly see you as another leader and respect you just as much as sylus.
“ if I didn’t know any better I would think the twins were your henchmen”
“What were you and the boys talking about earlier, it’s a secret? Alright then”
“You want to take the twins AND mephisto with us on vacation. I guess since there’s room on the jet but don’t run back to me when they get you off track to see all the places you wanna go too”
(A.N) longest post I’ve written for love and Deepspace and it’s for sylus lol . I’ll make one for zayne too it’s wrong to abandon one husband for another . Let me know if you enjoyed it in the comments and what I can improve on . Thank you for reading .
-do not repost , translate my work (copy into A.I ) on to other websites . Please and thank you
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hees-mine · 24 days
Comin’ back for more - L. HS
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Pairing: heeseung & reader
Warnings: smut, protected and unprotected sex, oral, angst, alcohol, multiple orgasms, daddy kink ish, car sex, spitting, dirty talk, fluff, arguing, crying? jealously, cursing, hate sex.
Genre: 18+, exes with benefits, minors do not interact.
Synopsis: after you and your boyfriend of three years break up, it seems that even after you let each other go for good, there's one thing that keeps bringing you back together. With an unspoken arrangement to stay in contact only for the sexual aspect of your relationship, you both find yourself in an unexpected situation. Will that end what little of what was left of your relationship, or will it finally be the missing piece that brings you back together?
“Can I come over?” you text your ex-boyfriend, the same old text you’ve been sending for the last couple of months. It’s two in the morning, but you know he’s still up.
He’s always up.
You know this cause nearly every night, you’re at his place.
Why are you going to your ex's place at two in the morning, someone might wonder.
Well, it’s simple you’re just going there to fuck nothing more.
Even though you’re both exes, you’re still the best each other has ever had when it comes to the bedroom, and you didn’t have to think about going elsewhere to get it. Why would you when you could come to your ex, who is a very willing participant?
It started out with him saying he missed you five months after the break up. You both texted for a little bit, but ultimately, he went over to your place, saying it’d be better to talk in person. The talk was more argumentative than it was about finding a solution between one another. Voices rose, and tensions were high. He was yelling, you were yelling, and somehow, you both ended up just mere inches apart, and one thing led to another. Next thing you know, your lips touch, and he’s carrying you to the bedroom, both of you quickly stripping off your clothes and laying in bed together, and it was only minutes before he’s hovering over you, panting and giving you the pleasure that only he was capable of giving you.
After the mind-blowing hate sex, you both immediately set up an arrangement to keep in contact only for sex cause you and him could never be an item anymore.
There were far too many arguments and disagreements between you two, and neither of you could seem to get back on track without things only getting worse. The break up was mutual, very mutual, but that didn’t mean it was good for either of you.
You both grieved in your own ways without each other knowing.
But seeing him like this was the better way, no strings attached, but still being able to fuck without any rules or commitments.
“Waiting on you, baby,” he sends back a few minutes later, and that’s when you hop out of bed to take a shower and do your almost nightly routine to shamelessly get ready for your dick appointment.
You didn’t put on makeup cause it’d get smudge anyway, and there was no point in wearing a nice outfit because it would just end up crumpled on his floor while he gave you orgasm after orgasm.
After your shower, you got ready quickly and headed to his place, knowing the directions like the back of your hand. When you arrived, you went to his floor, sticking the key he gave you back when you two were dating into the key hole, twisting the knob, and once you opened the door, he was standing right there waiting for you as soon as you came in clad in nothing but his boxers. “Hi,” he smirks, taking a few steps closer to you.
Rolling your eyes, you kick off your shoes and drop your purse on the ground after shutting his door. “Enough with the small talk. Just take me to your bedroom.”
His brows raise in surprise. Despite hooking up with you like this for the past few months, he still isn’t used to how bold and direct you’ve become after the breakup. When you guys used to date, he initiated most of the time, and you were always a little shy to come on to him, but not now. You wasted no time getting straight to the point.
Now standing directly in front of you, he grabs your waist right hand, crawling up to your neck as you breathe heavily with anticipation. Bending down, he ghosts his lips over yours teasingly and nudges his nose against yours. “Hurry up,” you breathe out, not in the mood for his games tonight.
“Just shut up,” he whispers, closing the gap, his voice far softer than the rough, sensual kiss he gave you. Within an instant, his tongue was down your throat as he kissed you harshly. A few seconds later, his warm tongue began to play with yours while you took turns sucking and nibbling on each other's lips.
He pulled back to take a breath, both your guy’s eyelids hooded with arousal.
He bent down one arm behind the backs of your knees, the other on your lower back. He unexpectedly lifted you up, taking you straight to his bed where he planned on fucking you so damn good.
He lightly tossed you on the mattress. “Up,” he says once he’s stuck his fingers inside the hem of both your sleep shorts and panties.
Obeying his request, you lift your hips, allowing him to strip you of your bottoms. “Already so wet for me,” he teased. “Bet you were at home just thinking about my dick fucking into you. All those dirty thoughts got your little pussy nice and wet, huh baby?” He asks, climbing in the bed between your legs and rubbing your thighs softly.
“Hee jus-“
“Just admit it.” he knew the answer already. He just wanted to hear it come from your pretty lips.
“Yes, hee, you already know how much I need you.” he smiles, satisfied with your response as you writhe in bed, waiting impatiently for him to take you.
“Sit up for me, baby.” You sat up quickly upon his command.
“I’m not your baby anymore, so stop calling me that.” he doesn’t say anything about that and grips the hem of your shirt, lifting it above your head as you put your arms up, helping him rid you of your clothes.
He’s met with the sight of your perky tits that flop out of your shirt on full display for his eyes only.
Placing a hand on your left breast, he squeezes softly, getting the first little whimper out of you.
He pushed you back on the bed hovering over you and placing his mouth on your right tit, sucking your nipple into his warm mouth while kneading and pinching the other.
Your back arched at the feeling, your hands softly resting on his back while he suckled on each nipple. “Hee,” you whined, his name, eyes fluttering closed as you took in the feeling of him pleasuring your breasts and sensitive nipples.
Your hand slowly reaches up until you find his hair, running your fingers through it as he groans softly.
Spreading your legs open with his knees, he rises up from your chest, licking his lips before lowering himself on his bed. “Gonna let me tongue fuck your pussy baby?” He rubs your thighs, fingers smoothing over the soft flesh.
“Yes,” you sigh, pressing your head into his pillows as he watches a glob of wetness seep from your hole.
He dives in immediately, licking at your hole, slurping up your juices, and swirling it on his tongue, savoring the flavor before using the tip of his tongue to teasingly circle around your little hole.
“Hmm fuck” you squeezed your breasts while he licked your pussy, tugging and rolling your nipples between your fingers. The sight of you touching yourself while he tongued your pussy was making him get ridged in his boxers.
He slipped his tongue inside you, pumping in and out of your cunt deliciously before he pulled it out and slipped two long thick fingers inside your slick cunt. “You’re fucking soaking my fingers” he sucks on your clit and begins to curl his fingers moving them in and out of you, listening to your pussy squelching around his digits. “Hear that? So fucking wet,” he pushes in and out slowly, your slick sounds filling up the room, and you almost feel embarrassed by how wet you were for him.
“Hee,” you whined, and he chuckled softly, rubbing the pads of his fingers against your soft, silky walls.
“Taste so fucking good, mmhp baby,” he groans, rutting himself on the mattress impatiently. “I could eat you all fucking day.”
“Yes, hee, I’m so close don’t stop,” You breathe out, your chest heaving up and down as you clench around his fingers. You were just about to cum when he stopped entirely. “Why did y-“
“Turn around,” he quickly orders.
“I hate you,” you say frustratedly as your orgasm withers away, but the pulsing ache between your legs persuades you to turn around and get on all fours.
Read full story here
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signoferoda · 4 months
summary: a fic based on this post by @harrysblackcoat about ex husband!harry
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The bustling aisles of the supermarket were crowded with shoppers, each lost in their own little world of grocery lists and meal plans. Among them, Harry navigated with practiced ease, a small smile playing on his lips as he tossed items into his basket. He glanced at his watch, noting the time. It wouldn't do him any favours being late for their weekly family dinner.
These weekly family dinners were something he cherished, a remnant of the time when things were simpler between him and y/n. Even though they were no longer together, they both agreed to keep the routine for the sake of the kids—and perhaps, for themselves as well.
As Harry scanned the shelves, his eyes landed on a familiar sight. There, nestled among the other sweets, was Y/N's favourite chocolate. Without a second thought, he reached out and grabbed a few bars, adding them to his basket, ignoring the pang of longing in his chest. It was a small gesture, but one that brought a smile to his face, nonetheless. Friendly, he told himself. Just a friendly gesture.
He continued down the aisle, picking up the last few items on the list y/n had sent him when he told her he was popping into Tescos before meeting her at her house. As he turned the corner to the checkout, he couldn't help but think about Y/N. It had been months since their divorce, but the feelings he had for her hadn't diminished. If anything, seeing her every week only made him realise how much he still loved her.
With the groceries bagged and paid for, Harry headed to his car. The drive to Y/N's house was a short one, but it gave him enough time to replay the memories of their time together. The laughter, the late-night talks, the way she used to cuddle up to him on the couch. He sighed, pushing those thoughts away as he pulled into her driveway.
Y/N opened the door before he could knock, a warm smile on her face. "Hey, come on in."
"Hey," he replied, stepping inside and handing her the bags. "Got everything on the list."
She glanced through the bags and paused when she saw the chocolates. "Harry, you didn't have to—"
"I know," he interrupted, his heart beating a little faster. "I saw them and thought of you."
Y/N's heart fluttered at his words, her resolve wavering for a moment.
But then she remembered why they were no longer together-the hurt, the betrayal, the shattered dreams-and she pushed the thought aside.
"Thanks," she said, forcing a smile as she took her seat at the table.
As they moved to the kitchen to put away the groceries, their 4 year old daughter, Blair, came running in. "Daddy!" she squealed, wrapping her small arms around Harry's legs.
Harry scooped her up, laughing. "Hey, my buzzing bee! Missed you."
Blair grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Missed you too, Daddy."
Y/N watched them, a fond expression on her face. Seeing Harry with their children always tugged at her heartstrings. Despite everything, he was an amazing father, and she couldn't deny the connection they all still shared.
"How's Rosa?" Harry asked, referring to their other daughter.
"She's upstairs napping," Y/N replied. "Should be up soon."
"Good," he said, setting Blair down. "I can't wait to see her."
As they all sat down for dinner after Blair woke up, Harry found himself stealing glances at Y/N. She looked beautiful as always, her laughter lighting up the room. He missed the days when that laughter was for him, when their life was uncomplicated and full of love. But those days were gone, and he had to accept that.
After dinner, as they cleared the table, Harry noticed Y/N sneaking a piece of the chocolate he'd bought. She caught his eye and smiled, a small, private moment that made his heart ache.
"Thanks again for the chocolates," she said quietly.
"Anytime," he replied, wishing he could say more, wishing he could tell her how much he still loved her.
But as the evening drew to a close, Harry knew he had to leave sooner or later. He helped tuck Rosa and Blair into bed. He read them a story, their little faces glowing with happiness. It was moments like these that made everything worth it, even if it was bittersweet. They needed stability, and he wasn't going to let his personal feelings between their mum get in the way.
When it was finally time for him to leave, he lingered at the door, hesitating. Y/N walked him out, the night air cool and crisp around them.
"Thanks for coming," she said, her voice soft.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," he replied, looking into her eyes. "You know that."
She nodded, and for a brief moment, it felt like old times. Like they were a team again, facing the world together. But the moment passed, and reality set back in.
"Goodnight, Harry," she said, stepping back.
"Goodnight, Y/N," he replied, turning to leave. As he walked to his car, he couldn't help but glance back one last time. She stood in the doorway, watching him, and he wondered if maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance for them.
Driving away, Harry resolved to keep trying. He wasn't ready to give up on her, on their family. He'd keep coming to these dinners, keep being there for the kids, and keep loving her from afar. Because sometimes, love was about persistence, about holding on even when everything seemed lost.
A few weeks had passed since that family dinner, and Harry had found himself thinking about Y/N more often than usual. He was determined to win her back, no matter how long it took. The family dinners had become a regular reminder of what they once had, and each time he left her house, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. He knew it wasn't going to be easy, but he was willing to fight for the woman he loved.
One evening, as he was about to head out for their weekly dinner, his phone buzzed with a message from Y/N.
Y/N: Hey, can you come over a bit earlier for dinner tonight? Blair has been asking about you all day.
Harry smiled at his phone, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. He quickly typed back a response.
Harry: Of course. I'll be there in an hour. Kiss the kids for me
He grabbed his keys and headed out, a sense of excitement bubbling up inside him. It wasn't just about seeing the kids; it was about seeing Y/N. Every moment with her was precious, even if it was just for a short while.
When he arrived at Y/N's house, she greeted him at the door with a warm smile. "Hey, come on in. Blair is in the living room, and Rosa is finishing up her nap."
Harry stepped inside, shaking off the rain from his coat. "Thanks for inviting me early."
"Of course," she said, leading him to the living room. "Blair has been looking forward to seeing you."
As soon as Blair saw Harry, her face lit up. "Daddy!" She shouted, running into his arms.
"Hey, bee!" Harry lifted her up, spinning her around before setting her down. "How's my big girl doing?"
Blair giggled, clinging to Harry's leg. "Good! We made cookies today!"
Y/N smiled, watching them. "Yes, we did. And they're cooling in the kitchen if you want to try one."
"I'd love to," Harry said, following Y/N to the kitchen with Blair still attached to his leg.
In the kitchen, the smell of freshly baked cookies filled the air. Harry couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. This used to be their life, their home filled with the simple joys of family. Harry remembers standing in that very kitchen, late at night, answering Y/N's pregnancy cravings so many times he's lost count. They used to joke that Blair inherited a sweet tooth because all Y/N wanted during her pregnancy were the homemade cookies Harry used to bake.
"They smell amazing," Harry said, reaching for a cookie. He took a bite and closed his eyes, savouring the taste. "These are perfect."
Y/N laughed softly. "Glad you like them."
As they stood there, enjoying the cookies and each other's company, Harry felt a sudden impulse to speak up. He wanted to tell her how much he missed her, how much he wanted them to be a family again. But before he could find the words, Amelia's cries echoed from the nursery.
"I'll get her," Y/N said, giving Harry an apologetic look.
"No, let me," Harry offered, already heading towards the nursery.
Y/N hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Okay, thanks."
Harry walked into the nursery, his heart swelling at the sight of his baby girl. Rosa’s big, tear-filled eyes met his, and she instantly stopped crying, reaching out for him. He scooped her up, holding her close. "Hey there, princess. Daddy's here."
Rosa nestled into his shoulder, her tiny fingers clutching his shirt. Harry rocked her gently, humming a lullaby. Moments like these reminded him of the preciousness of family and how much he wanted to be there for every little moment.
When he returned to the living room with Rosa in his arms, he found Blair playing with a puzzle on the floor. “Where’s your mum love?” He asked, setting Rosa down onto the carpet.
“In the kitchen” Blair replied, reaching for another piece of her puzzle.
“Keep an eye on your sister, bee. I’ll be right back” Harry requested as he began making his way to the kitchen. Y/n was stood by the stove, checking on the stir fry she was making.
"Do you need any help?" he offered, standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
Y/N glanced at him, her expression softening. "Sure, you can dry the dishes. The cookies made a right mess" she chuckled softly making Harry smile as he walked over to the dishes.
They worked in companionable silence, the sizzling of the stir fry and clinking of the dishes being the only sounds filling the room. Harry stole a few glances at Y/N, her profile bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun. She looked serene, but he could see the faint lines of worry etched on her face, lines he knew were partly his doing.
As he dried the last dish, Harry finally spoke. "Y/N, there's something I need to tell you."
Y/N looked up, meeting his gaze. "What is it, Harry?"
He took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. "I know I've made mistakes. Big ones. And I know I hurt you. But these past months, spending time with you and the kids, it's reminded me of how much I still love you."
Y/N's eyes widened, surprise and confusion flickering across her face. "Harry, I..."
"Please, just hear me out," he interrupted, his voice earnest. "I know I can't change the past, but I want to make things right. I want us to be a family again. Not just for the kids, but for us. Because I love you, Y/N. I never stopped loving you."
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she listened to his words. She had built walls around her heart to protect herself from the pain, but now those walls were crumbling. She had missed him too—their shared moments, the way he made her feel safe and loved.
"I don't know, Harry," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I need time to think."
Harry nodded, understanding the gravity of her words. "Take all the time you need. I'll wait for you, Y/N. No matter how long it takes."
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the world, Y/N found herself standing outside Harry's house. Her heart raced as she rang the doorbell, her mind swirling with thoughts and emotions.
When Harry opened the door, his eyes widened in surprise and hope. "Y/N, what are you doing here?"
She took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. "I've been doing a lot of thinking, Harry. And I've realised something important."
Harry's expression was a mixture of hope and fear. "What is it?"
"I realised that I never stopped loving you either," she confessed, her voice shaking. "We have a lot of things to work through, and it's not going to be easy. But I want to try. I want us to be a family again."
A slow, relieved smile spread across Harry's face as he stepped forward, pulling her into a tight embrace. "You have no idea how happy that makes me, Y/N. I promise I'll do everything I can to make things right."
Tears of joy streamed down Y/N's face as she held onto him, feeling the warmth and comfort of his embrace. For the first time in a long while, she felt a glimmer of hope for the future.
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jenomi · 4 months
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gala night with jeno
pairing: non-idol!jeno x afab!reader content warnings: FLUFF! :3 & suggestive if you squint
✧・゚: *✧*:・゚✧
"babe are you ready? we're gonna be late" you hear your fiancé jeno call from the kitchen.
"yes yes yes" you trot out of the room quickly carrying your heels.
tonight, you were attending the annual summer gala hosted by your company. it was one of the most talked about events of the year for it's grandeur and auction items. you were feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness, but knowing you'll have jeno by your side brought you comfort.
"okay" you quietly whisper to yourself as you finish putting on your heels and check your hair and makeup in the mirror by the door. you stand up straight and smooth out the material of your dress. "how do i look?" you turn to face jeno.
"beautiful." he says on an exhale.
your heart skips a beat as you step closer to your fiancé and fix his tie. "you look handsome as ever" you whisper laying your hand on his chest as you tilt your head up to give him a kiss and a smile.
he wraps his arm around your waist pulling you closer and deepening the kiss. as you pull back with a smile, jeno follows your lips.
"this is why i didn't put on any lip product yet" you laugh lightly and you swear you hear jeno moan softly. you quickly finish your lip routine in the mirror before receiving a text from your friend who's also attending the gala tonight.
"okay kimmy just texted me saying her and jaemin just left their apartment. we should go too" you say grabbing your clutch and typing a quick reply to your coworker/friend.
jeno grabs his car keys, "mm let's go" he smiles and kisses your cheek before opening the door for you.
he holds your hand down to the car and makes sure you step over any gaps, grates, and puddles in your heels. you smile fondly at him each time, you wonder how you could fall more in love with him, yet it happens more and more everyday.
as you pull up to the hotel that the gala was hosted at, jeno makes sure your door stays locked so valet can't open your door and help you out of the car. he wants to do that himself, and it makes you laugh every time. your silly, jealous fiancé.
the building was beautiful, lights framing the stairs leading up to it and the hotel lights illuminating the clear night sky.
you bump into your friend and her boyfriend as you're waiting for the elevator. you exchange greetings and feel grateful that you and jeno have friends to help keep you company. jeno and jaemin grew close through you and kimmy, even planning hang outs without the two of you. you both laugh and say that they're in love.
you all enter the ballroom fashionably late as the auction begins. you both don't plan on going home with anything, but you do your duty and place bids on things you wouldn't mind having but once the price gets too high, you tap out. nonetheless, you both still try to have fun, whispering silly comments to each other and having to hide your laughs with your panels.
"that vase would look amazing in our boat" jeno whispered. you don't have a boat.
"my mom would love that" you whisper about a clutch completely covered in jewels. she would hate that. "so would mine" jeno responds. his mom would hate it even more.
when the live auction concludes, you and kimmy head to find your supervisors to say your hellos and have your chats while jeno and jaemin take to the silent auction. if jeno sees something he'd think you'd like, he'll place a generous bid on it. in years past, you've come home to him gifting you a beautiful yet simple necklace that he'll shyly reveal that he won at the gala you attended together. your eyes light up when you receive such an unexpected gift, that he tries to continue the tradition and win something he knows you'd love each year to be the reason for the surprised look on your face.
after a few glasses of champagne (but not for jeno, since he's driving) and a healthy amount of mingling, you and jeno start your goodbyes and head home. you're thoroughly tipsy at this point, clinging onto jeno's arm or having jeno's arm secure around your waist. you giggle as you enter the empty elevator to go down to the lobby.
"i love you" you rest your chin on his chest.
his eyes crease as he smiles, "i love you too baby" and leans down to give you a peck on the lips.
as you exit the building, you squeal as your fiancé carries you bridal style down the stairs earning you a few stares and some smiles. jeno didn't care. all he cared about was you - he knew your feet were hurting from being in your heels all night, and he didn't want you hurting yourself any more than you already have.
jeno sets you down on at the bottom of the stairs with a pat on your ass before he hands his ticket to valet to get his car. as you wait, jeno wraps his jacket around your shoulders. you weren't cold, but jeno always worries and doesn't want you to get sick. he walks away for a moment, leaving you confused since valet is already grabbing his car.
you see him approach a younger couple and shyly ask, "hi. sorry, do you mind taking a picture of me and my fiancé?"
they happily agree and you and jeno pose lovingly in front of the illuminated steps. jeno wraps his hand around your waist and you turn your body towards him and place your left hand on his chest. you both smile for the camera but then jeno leans down to give you a kiss on the cheek. you giggle as you turn to look up at him and place your hand on his neck.
you momentarily forget your picture was being taken until the young girl gives the phone back to jeno. he thanks her right as his car pulls up.
of course, jeno opens the door for you before tipping the valet driver discreetly with a handshake. you watch the interaction intently before jeno gets in the car.
"you know its customary to tip valet, right? you don't have to do a secret handshake" you tease.
"yea, but i feel cool doing it" you laugh at his honest response as he leans over the console to buckle your seat belt for you. he pulls back before leaning in to give you a quick kiss again before putting the car in drive.
as jeno drives home, you unlock his phone to look at the pictures you just took. they were beautiful, honestly almost as beautiful as your engagement photos. the lighting was perfect, and you could see the sparkle in both your and jeno's eyes. your engagement ring sparkles on your hand against his chest. and in the photos before he leans down to kiss you on the cheek, you can see jeno looking down at you like you're his whole world and it makes your heart strings pull. and in the last few photos, you're both looking at each other with silly smiles and nothing but love in your eyes. your diamond ring catches the moonlight in the last photo, making it shine brighter than ever just like your love for each other.
you quickly send all the photos to yourself before reaching over and grabbing jeno's hand and giving him a kiss on the cheek. he smiles at you and kisses the back of your hand before focusing back on the road. his hand rests innocently on your thigh, but you both know the main event begins when you get home.
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makkir0ll · 4 months
heyy! Can you write a prompt 48 for Kageyama? I don't know why but that prompt just looks like it' meant for him. Hope you're having a good day!
Ps: that daichi fic was so cute😭😭😭
thank you!! i'm glad you liked the daichi fic it's one of my favs. also i got extremely carried away with this bc i love this man, i hope you enjoy.
200 milestone event!
kageyama + 48 ("this is humiliating"/ "there's nothing humiliating about needing help every once in a while, my love")
kageyama had a routine.
every morning he woke up at exatly 5:45 on the dot, not a second later, or earlier. he would lay in bed for five minutes before getting up to brush his teeth for two minutes, then changing and going out the door for his morning run.
regardless of the weather, kageyama always had to have his run. whether it be pouring rain, snowing, or even the hottest day of the year. even when you stayed over at his house you would wake up to a note on the table with the words written "out for a run, be back soon. love you" scribbled in his messy handwriting that you've grown accustomed to reading.
this past week especially it had been pouring rain all morning, and you would've hoped that when your boyfriend went on his morning runs he would atleast put a rain jacket on.
that wasn't the case.
which is how you end up here, on the edge of his bed where your olympian boyfriend who can't remember to put on a rain jacket is buried under several throw blankets along with a hoodie. you can't see his face but you see some of his hair peeking out from under the covers. your hand reaches for it, gently stroking your fingers through his silky locks and he leans into your touch.
"come on tobio, sit up i need to check your temperature." you plead, thermometer in hand as you continue to play with his hair. with a groan, he sits up. you reach behind him to adjust the pillows so he can sit up comfortably. you look at him and his cheeks are flushed from hiding under his covers and his hair is a mess. he looks tired and your heart aches to see your boyfriend like this.
"i'm not sick." he lies, crossing his arms as a pout appears on his face. he hated this feeling, he hated when people looked down on him. he wasn't sick he was perfectly fine.
"sure tobio, you're literally shivering under five blankets" you state, you can feel his body tremble near you. "open your mouth" you say, your hand that held the thermometer going closer to his face. with furrowed brows he opens his mouth and lets you place the tip of the thermometer inside. he closes it tight to make sure to not let any cold air get in. your hand reaches for his under the cover, interlocking your fingers as your thumb rubs comforting strokes above his as you patiently wait for the thermometer to beep. the back of your other hand goes to his forehead and down to his throat to see how hot he was and he was burning up.
when you hear the thermometer beep you take it out of his mouth, inspecting the temperature and your eyes go wide. 39.1 celcius (102.38 fahrenheit). "holy shit" you say under your breath.
"how much is it?" he asks, trying to lean over and get a glimpse of the numbers on the device.
"39.1" you say, getting up to go to the kitchen and he reaches out for you, grabbing onto your t-shirt to hold you back. you chuckle at his actions, he seemed to be a bit clingier than normal.
"where are you going?" he asks, grip on your shirt getting tighter, not wanting to let you go. your hand goes over his, attempting to loosen his grip which you succeeded to do.
"i'm just going to the kitchen, i'm not going anywhere don't worry." you say softly walking out of the room to come back with a bowl of ice water, a clean washcloth, medicine, and an clementine.
you sit back down on the bed, putting the items you brought in on his bedside table. you take the washcloth and dip it in the cold water and wring out the excess before folding it into a rectangle and placing it on his forehead. his breath hitches at the feeling of the cold cloth but he sighs and relaxes at the cool sensation, sinking into his pillows.
"have you eaten anything?" you ask, reaching out for his hand again and you take notice of how his eyes are starting to close. he nods his head no, to which you reach over to the clementine you brought in and he whines at your actions.
"what's the matter?" you ask, trying to stiffle your laughs.
"'m not hungry." he says pouting.
"you need to eat something before i give you the medicine." you try to reason with him. he gives it a moment of thought before deciding that he needs to get better sooner rather than later.
you reach over to grab the clementine, peeling it gently to make sure you don't let any of the juices leak out and get all over your hands and his bed. your put the peel on the table, making a mental note to pick them up when you go back to the kitchen. you grabbed an clementine because you knew he wouldn't be that hungry but he had to eat something, you weren't going to give him medication on an empty stomach. also the citrus will make him feel less gross, the sweet juice making him feel better. you grab a piece of the fruit and bring it to his mouth. with his cheeks flushed red, shy due to your caring actions, he takes the fruit into his mouth. you continue these steps and once he finishes the fruit you take the washcloth from his forehead to resoak it and place it back. his body temperature was starting to cool down slightly.
you go back to the nightstand, opening up the medicine and reading the instructions before popping out a pill and handing it to him with a glass of water. he pops the pill in his mouth before swiftly taking a sip of water and handing it back to you.
you start to clean up the clementine peels when you hear your pouty boyfriend mumble something, you turn to him with a quirked brow. "you need anything tobio?" he shakes his head no, and you continue your actions before you hear him say,
"this is humilaiting." he says, a little bit louder and sinking in deeper into the covers, almost as an attempt to hide away from you. you know tobio, he likes to do things by himself, and he doesn't like the feeling of being weak, unable to do anything as simple as take care of himself when he's sick.
kageyama took pride in being the one to take care of you. to help you put on a new necklace because the clasp was hard to grip with your new nails. to clean the kitchen when you made him a nice home cooked meal after coming back home from an away game. to push your feet back under the covers before he left the house to go on his morning run, not without giving your forehead a kiss of course. to be the one to pay the rent in the apartment the two of you now share, to be able to take care of the bills. it filled his chest with pride. and not being able to take care of himself with such a simple task as remembering to put on a rain jacket, well he felt sort of shameful.
with a soft smile gracing you features, you lean over him and cup his cheek. you move the wet washcloth a little bit off his forehead to present some of his skin to you as you press a kiss to his now cool forehead, some water droplets sticking to your lips. his hands come to your hips and rub soft circles, sort of as a silent plea to not let go.
"there's nothing humiliating about needing help every once in a while, my love," you say, pressing another kiss this time to his cheek. the term of endearment turning his ears a bright shade of red as you adjusted the washcloth to cover his whole forehead again. "now, why don't you sleep okay? i'll be right back" you tell him, getting up to throw away the clementine peels.
as kageyama dozes off, he feels your body lay down next to his, tucking him in better into the layers of blankets on top of him. he realizes that maybe it's okay to be taken care of, especially when its you.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Master An "Effortlessly Elegant" & Put-Together Look
Table of Contents:
Treat your skin like royalty
Take ample care of your natural hair
Dress in crisp neutral outfits that cater to your body shape
Choose your accessories wisely
Embrace feature-enhancing makeup
Keep your nails clean, filed, and simple
Regarding your signature scent(s)
Follow your dental & bodily hygiene routines religiously
Treat your skin like royalty:
Use high-quality skincare twice a day
Wear sunscreen every day
Remove your makeup every night before bed no matter what
Use makeup that doesn't clog your pores/irritate your skin
Change your pillowcases weekly
Eat plenty of produce & drink lots of water
Prioritize sleep
Limit or eliminate alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, and processed foods/sugary drinks
Keep your skin exfoliated/derma-planed
Take ample care of your natural hair:
Use high-quality shampoo/conditioner combos that suit your hair type & don't cause build-up
Hydrate with a scalp mask 1-4 times a month
Use cold or lukewarm water to wash your hair
Apply shampoo to the roots/hair covering your scalp and conditioner only on the "ponytail" section of your hair
Use a specialty hair towel after getting out of the shower
Always comb wet hair and brush 1-3 times a day when dry
Limit heat on your hair when possible & always use a heat protectant every time you do
Use non-elastic or silk hair ties
Get regular trims at least 3-4 times per year (get your hair layered if it's very thick)
Try to limit how much you dye or, especially bleach, your hair and do elaborate styles with tons of heat & harsh products
Dress in crisp neutral outfits that cater to your body shape:
Embrace minimalist basics (tees, tanks, blouses, sweaters, jeans, trousers, blazers, leather jackets, coats, etc.) in high-quality fabrics (Pima cotton, Merino wool, Tencel, mulberry silk, etc.)
Choose options in black, white, grey, charcoal beige, navy, burgundy, or cream depending on your skin tone and preferences
Invest in a collection of sleek footwear options (black boots, loafers, black pumps, white sneakers, etc.) in minimalist, timeless styles that suit the color palette, hemlines & proportions of your go-to outfits
Ensure your shoes and accessories feel proportional to the weight/silhouette of your outfit, color-coordinate with the rest of your look, and have streamlined hardware from head-to-toe (all silver, all gold, or one piece that mixes silver/gold and another gold & silver piece each to balance out the color palette)
Keep all of your clothes steam and lint-rolled, so they look crisp & fresh all-day
Befriend your tailor to take in or let out clothes as needed when purchased off the rack
Choose clothes/styles that flatter your body shape and proportions
Utilize belts and bra tape to adjust the waist, keep shirts tucked in, and keep straps from falling down or create an impromptu cuff/hem on your pants
When in doubt, select a neutral head-to-toe monochrome outfit
If on a budget, consider choosing black, grey, camel beige items to hide fabric imperfections that could cheapen your look
Choose your accessories wisely:
Select sleek, simple neutral (& almost exclusively) monochrome shoes made with smooth (recycled/vegan) leather with
Pair almost any outfit with a shoe featuring a slight platform, block heel, kitten heel, and/or a sharply pointed toe to elongate your silhouette
Complement your outfit with structured, pared-back handbags with no logos (Focus on quality and construction, not the brand name) in a neutral shade and timeless silhouette
For jewelry, choose at most one statement piece and all others should be focused on different areas of the body (e.g. don't mix statement earrings with layered/bold necklaces or stacked rings * bracelets). When in doubt, choose simple diamond chains or earrings, sleek bangles or chainlink necklaces & bracelets, simple pendant necklaces, and minimalist rings in hardware that all go together
Embrace feature-enhancing makeup:
Cover up any dark circles, blemishes, or hyperpigmentation with a color-matched concealer
Lightly contour with a bronzer that complements your skin tone
Fill in your brows for a naturally full look (or get them professionally tinted)
Apply a light wash of rose, coral, or mauve blush
Use black mascara with a little bit of eyeliner and/or a subtle wash of brown eyeshadow on the lids
Apply a "your lips but better" nude shade or "just kissed' berry lipstick or pigmented lip balm for a subtle wash of color
Keep your nails clean, filed, and simple:
Maintain cut, cleaned, and filed short nails
Opt for a square or almond nail shape
Choose a timeless nail shade (pink, nude, red, beige, dark cherry, navy, dark purple, black) with no nail art
Hydrate your hands and scrub under your nails daily
Regarding your signature scent(s):
Ensure your body wash/lotion and perfume scents don't clash
Test perfumes for a trial day to ensure they smell divine with your unique pheromones
Choose a fragrance appropriate for the seasonal/occasion
Apply a dab on each wrist and on your neck/behind the ears. If the scent doesn't project well on you, try applying these small dabs on the cuffs and shoulders of your jacket/walk into it to get it on your hair (if it would stain your clothes)
Don't layer more than one heady perfume at a time or scents that don't have complementary and/or shared notes
Follow your dental & bodily hygiene routines religiously:
Floss every day (after each meal if possible)
Brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush twice a day
Have mints on hand if you're a garlic, spice, or coffee lover
Keep your lips & hands well-moisturized and protected with SPF
Shower your body daily and be extra diligent in scrubbing your privates, everything behind, and under your arms
Don't use very hot water in the shower (it burns/dries out your skin)
Exfoliate 2-3 times a week with a sugar scrub
Moisturize daily or anytime you get out of the shower
Apply SPF on any exposed sun (especially in the summer or when the UV index is high in your area)
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