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vole-mon-amour · 2 years ago
Some people just didn't have that level of physical affection and understanding with their parents into the first place, not to mention for it to grow into adulthood. And sometimes, unfortunately, that kind of physical intimacy is a red flag to watch out for. It happens. Not in Jamie's case (thinking about his dad and it drives me insane), but it does happen.
It's not that people are trying to make it weird (well, at least I'm not, dunno about other people). It's that sometimes things happen and it takes some separation from your own situation to see pure and good in that kind of physical closeness between a kid and a parent. Sometimes it's simply bad parenting that leads you to this conclusion.
It's amazing when parents and kids have that kind of trust to go cry into your mom's/dad's/parental figure hands and basically cuddle on the couch. But not of us are that lucky, so the reaction from the audience is understandable, I think.
not one of my biggest surprises resulting from this ep being me finding out that there are a good portion of people who think that the way jamie acts with his mum is weird. cause honestly, what's the thought process? there is nothing wrong with finding comfort from your parents or still having a close tactile bond into adulthood.
and honestly? people who put an age limit on such things are weirder to me, like why are you trying so hard to make a good familial relationship uncomfortable?
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transfemzedaph · 27 days ago
Tell us about the zedplush differences. We want to know
og images on the left.
first of all. the eyes.
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so the purple colours are slightly different. and also the new one the colour is wider which does make the new ones eyes look bigger but they actually arent.
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there is an outline eround the buttons on the top which. i do think makes it look nice but also as you can see makes it have a little like. bit hanging off right at the end
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hands are defined differently. new zed barely has a thumb. rip.
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the knee patches on the new one are darker.
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hairline stitching on the older one is wider and less accurate.
i also just feel like new zed looks way more orangey. HOWEVER. i do think thats just beacuse of the material has a way that it lays and if u look at it from a different direction it will look a bit different colour. but even looking at both of them from a weird angle the new zed does still look slightly darker so i do think the material must be a slightly different colour even though its not /that/ noticable however you can kinda see throughout the pictures what i am talking about.
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smille-c · 1 year ago
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Sorry i need to overanalyse this image because everthing looks so fake, why is the room completly dark, why is there ice in the door, why is there a little bit of egg showing above mike's head, why are there egg signs when they didn't have signs yet and where getting adopted, by is cucucurucho juste copy and pasted on the image with a white glow eround him?
i have zero answer but are they trying to make an egg out of Mike, or are they brain washing him like they brain washed forever??
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444names · 2 years ago
quenya names with diacritics removed and encoded with inglosh
Aliss Ameregrem Andirali Anmenwi Ansuant Antami Aonwi Araun Athwindi Attir Atyer Bigolmol Bione Bistup Brinvoi Bronyes Brounwi Brovi Caongs Cembigon Cemenyer Cenelecun Cerenuwi Ceres Ceriegi Cerong Ceste Cester Cestofiem Chosli Churds Chussi Cilpir Collo Colvi Colwir Coroe Coroi Coroin Coromi Culear Cullundi Culun Cundemern Cungu Cunin Daroght Delul Delun Derir Dimnur Dullid Duruldrid Dwest Earoun Elculab Elcun Eldece Elene Eleng Elindi Ellind Elmenge Eloifone Elosts Elqai Emonder Ennemu Entaroeng Enten Enwild Eorindin Epelember Epeseruht Eptelli Eptere Erceri Erimmeoti Ermecor Erodi Eround Ertend Erter Erwin Essiri Etear Eteariss Etenye Eterme Eteyilce Etyevir Eurildes Eurundi Evegli Eveley Eveli Evelong Eveng Eventar Evister Felcene Feleracun Feleter Felir Fellete Felogh Felqairs Feoty Fetelana Fient Foncerear Fondacur Fondu Fondull Fonyelf Frasovir Frastroun Frondu Furil Furmind Furutil Gaety Geots Germily Giniwi Gistu Gluromol Glutid Gofiedund Gofty Gondassi Groern Helmur Helumang Henuldiri Heolmu Herds Hesekonye Hiess Hieste Hilyendi Hiraonal Hirondu Hironim Hirwi Hoinu Hondu Honsi Hormu Hroght Hrusi Hurmin Huuti Hyeftid Hyelondu Hyemossi Hyenwi Icild Iecol Iekonen Iesti Iestreonu Ikkes Ildeloen Ildoins Ildriin Ilfleter Ilipteruw Illimin Illin Illong Ilmunt Ilpir Iltestid Ilwindis Imili Indace Indii Initti Inqait Intoi Iruws Irvelun Isteldu Istilcer Iurear Jiwimindo Jiwin Kalong Konden Konil Konur Konwi Konye Lamil Lamind Lamir Lammer Laovosol Lecol Lecoriyni Lecoruns Ledumi Lember Lenamberd Lendi Lenosi Lenye Lercol Lernsunds Lests Letaloe Loiftilde Loild Lomin Longin Loson Loste Lovidi Luminin Lumis Lunili Lunis Lunne Luroghter Luronwi Luwveng Marnosong Mecin Mecoi Melente Melmeqait Melmerd Melte Mendistoi Menyeroi Meoene Meori Meors Meqai Merbudy Mermuri Meroivi Miertu Mindi Mindu Mintelen Moiri Mondi Mongu Moromerd Moron Morruends Moruendi Motid Muands Munds Murmenun Mutir Nambe Nammen Nands Naras Nasser Nelmun Nende Nerun Netenter Neveril Nildetyil Nilimihte Niluti Nilvoc Nindo Ninil Nistind Nistu Nistur Noidlid Nosol Nosti Nuhol Nuldane Nundus Nurur Nuryerong Oinqai Ollie Omiht Ondaris Ondun Onilvin Onqai Orickli Osici Ostamin Osturun Oundarin Peleod Peler Pelers Pellie Penyeteor Piipter Piraenne Piras Piriever Plest Plirme Pustu Qaegi Qaitwe Ractar Rakyili Ramurni Raona Rearwi Rebili Rebleloe Recin Rendolme Rennu Rentinid Riest Rilvir Risterp Roami Rofing Rointu Romir Romosts Ronwi Rumolaong Rumwir Runulab Runwi Rusts Ruuminun Ruwnihter Saffong Sandoer Sanondun Searu Selen Seron Shebori Shenu Shodi Shoindol Shotid Siiptents Skone Snurner Solms Soloend Solone Sonem Stenyer Sterds Sterid Sterknu Sterne Sterro Stili Stlernil Suaght Suari Suatti Sunilpil Suroinild Suryer Taemendol Talont Tambero Tamilir Tandurdo Tarenenun Tarinyer Tearmur Telome Telumi Tendeti Tenere Tengi Teocuru Teongeron Terds Terembe Termerdo Terox Thene Thirid Thirriid Thondu Tilur Tilusi Toively Tonsuath Toroindu Torrie Tounwiss Tovon Tovonens Trustlity Tumil Tumoruht Twuuttid Tyethiras Tyilittu Tyirambi Uccarcur Ufter Ulummi Undask Undir Undur Unner Uounnert Urnist Uroti Urter Uruti Uxfurmit Velong Vennercer Vennoi Venol Venwi Veodo Vestid Vissi Vocin Vondar Vuong Vurun Weronge Wetyero Wevin Whuonist Wirrili Wouni Wounteref Wumongemu Yisti
same thing but greater order
Aleori Anmer Anmeryes Aonindol Battir Battirs Biestlent Biesty Biguttirn Bilir Biluvir Bluwbuldu Brienurnu Brodir Brogong Brogongi Bruodinoi Cands Celearilde Celestirne Celoi Celomun Celondol Celondun Ceneru Cerneti Ceroi Cestir Chempenuri Cimir Cindo Coronwi Coryes Crieth Criethi Cuestuni Cullund Cummeoti Curmi Curmint Curtrineru Curumbermi Curune Daeluarnoi Daroi Dasturnus Deaghtid Diimi Diimin Dipermin Divuti Doive Drindol Ealind Edmor Elceregi Elcermindi Elcerminur Eldevir Eldur Eledy Elend Elmeroil Elmeryetar Elqainyer Emend Emens Emeodi Emeoti Emeroam Endactoun Endir Endol Enefonwi Enendi Eneron Engaegi Ennune Eocenurnid Eocetoun Eolomi Eolongwir Eorebli Eorifonwi Ercember Ercol Erdoen Ereci Erennete Erenu Erenurni Eressicur Eretenemu Eroen Erten Ertid Ervis Esteroun Estilpi Etyell Etyemeroil Euroendi Everds Felecol Felend Feleroil Fenges Feorebli Fient Fillo Fondeten Fonveons Fonwe Forid Foroun Froin Froindol Fullendu Fulleori Fulli Furmeste Furtristli Furun Gindu Ginoi Gluum Gressi Gresti Griynisse Gunds Helloive Hendeluti Henduroun Henexer Heverdol Hicints Hiestilir Hievir Hilmecol Hiriste Hoght Holdar Horruenwe Hosis Hoste Hrosi Hroste Hrundol Hrunte Hrunter Huaghon Hyells Hyendaro Hyendir Hyendo Hyernoi Ierente Iernoi Iernong Iestemor Iestlenter Iesty Ildeli Ildelundu Ildemoroth Ilderen Ildevir Ildol Ilfhilce Ilfhilloi Ilflemends Ilfsturnu Ilimmoroun Ilinderu Ilindu Ilinwinds Ilironwi Ilirundi Ilrun Ilwin Indong Iniwilloun Inqae Irakundol Iraleori Irali Iralis Irands Iraots Irassi Iurld Jadgim Jiwill Juare Juarnin Kongdeys Lamin Lance Lancenu Lanen Laveonar Leariloi Lelwin Lembe Lemen Lempoun Lenteloive Leocetoun Leorifox Leorst Leoti Lierne Limmor Lister Londir Londmust Londol Lonqaiste Lonurimin Lotte Lottelie Lovoinne Lumin Lumir Lumoil Lundol Lundu Lusteon Lustor Manocetoun Mberme Mehend Meher Mehter Meloistemu Memen Memeoe Mendoi Meneorebli Meneterni Menti Menye Menyer Meotovi Merren Milde Milyen Minondli Minur Mockli Mockly Moghti Monde Monetid Monyeter Muandask Muandus Muaregrenu Muarn Murni Murnol Namihte Naminilwi Naminte Nandu Narter Nduhor Ndurent Neacu Nenuldin Neroer Ngulung Nilte Nilteren Ninderon Nindoi Nirdol Nirwhoti Nisser Noilondmus Nondemor Nulome Nuluste Nunendum Nuoroi Nuorost Nuriss Nurnelter Nutomun Olqae Olthendir Olthet Omoro Onges Onguld Ongwoldi Orour Osond Ostoroun Pelecol Peleqaint Pelerroun Pellid Pellu Pertenyi Pessovi Phenter Pilulemen Piriste Pironelte Polli Prifondi Prossi Puarn Puarnissid Pussi Puwid Qaisti Qaistor Ralondur Rassi Reacurme Redoenti Renuri Reoti Ripussu Risterso Ritael Ritaeluti Ruhor Rumber Rumberasse Ruminur Rumir Rumis Rumitte Runte Ruyelleori Saminne Sammiron Sariem Sehten Selmecol Sengs Sheduwirs Sherds Shiipvele Shiipvelon Skolloun Smotter Soght Sonildiri Soroen Sorosoun Spertehir Sporoerent Stelome Strenurive Suruhor Surumi Surundu Surundur Surunghuld Talirur Tameor Taractar Taractoun Tarcenasse Tarcu Tearirs Tearustuni Temoletid Teroin Terun Tesemp Tetoun Tholdo Thordsmeny Thorru Thorrussi Thrunduloi Tilamir Tilindol Tilponur Tonteroil Tontu Torols Tuaght Tullu Tumbertu Tuwid Tyilcer Undonger Uniweona Untury Unuri Urminur Uruck Uruferniy Urumen Usendir Ustury Uxfurunen Velend Velendolmi Velente Velli Vellondir Veloi Velommecer Velommecol Velommeoti Velonderun Venner Venwi Veolonessi Verds Veroenter Verundol Verunte Vonyer Vuocir Vurumi Vurundi Wellundid Werrome Wetid Wevins Wevir Wievis Wievoi Wievonyell Wisti Wolwerd Wozerde Wreon Wreosi Wumenyer Wurds Yevongir Yieri Yister Yistied Yuant
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muslimtutorspot · 2 years ago
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just-a-littol-fella · 5 months ago
I just know FE did NOT clean her up.
I was thinking about how upon finding Grady, they immediately started sealing her venue off but ultimately it was Ronan who was tasked with deactivating/decommissioning the ballora animatronic.
What if he couldn't do it and she was left to rot in the closed off attraction? what if she was active for years and it wasn't until they wantedto renovate the fazerblast arena that she say lightand people again only to be deactivated.
what if Grady was possessing her?
what if the sheer emotional power created by the plex swarming eround her was an emotionally charged possessor?
how traumatizing was that for Ronan? sure theyve remove gradys body but there was still blood everywhere
on the tubes
on the floor
on ballora
I bet he found Gradys missing eye.
I highly doubt ballora was on the same power circuit as the one for the venue (if on a power circuit at all bc she's a semi mobile animatronic) but even so how long was she just left in the dark.
underground in the dark.... sounds familiar...
anyway can someone please talk to me about this fucking story I have such horrible bisected ballerima brain corrosion and no one to share it with.
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Just a doodle
But made me realise dam that cover would have gone hard af with a little hint at the gore
Don't give her legs just giver her like gradys eye
I just KNOW faz ent never cleaned her up
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sapphicluxanna · 5 years ago
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🌄 a progression of light over mount shann 🌄
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dhwty-writes · 4 years ago
ah, fuck
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witchblade · 7 years ago
hey apprintici
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Hi, you probabaly know me from my other blog: @ravenerdhogwartsincorrectquotes But if you don't welcome!
This is very similar to my old blog the only difference is that instead of randomly posting incorrect quotes from tumblr, tv shows, or ones I create, I post them from particular tv shows, movies or book series that you reccommended.
Unfortunetly I am not fufilling new requests at this time, but you are always welcome to send me an ask, and I may get eround to it, but no promises.
Anyways, I post 2 times a day, and I won't be reblogging anything into this blog, it is just pure incorrect quotes
Have fun, and I hope you enjoy the blog!
- Ravenerd.
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tremolorecords · 3 years ago
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Band Of Skulls - By Default
01. Black Magic 02. Back Of Beyond 03. Killer 04. Bodies 05. Tropical Disease 06. So Good 07. This Is My Fix 08. Little Mamma 09. Embers 10. In Love By Default 11. Erounds 12. Something
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irregolarmente · 6 years ago
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Old Wild West _ _ _ #sydney #sydneylife #sydneylifestyle #life #moment #riding #eround #aroudtheworld #bike #bikelife #see #house #old #style #wild #west #decor #vintage #look #pretty #cactus #skull #stories #sky #blue #nature #photography #dayoff #city #discovery
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sublimerhymes · 5 years ago
A Spring Song by C.J. Dennis
The world ’as got me snouted jist a treat; Crool Forchin’s dirty left ’as smote me soul; An’ all them joys o’ life I ’eld so sweet Is up the pole. Fer, as the poit sez, me ’eart ’as got The pip wiv yearnin’ fer — I dunno wot.
I’m crook; me name is Mud; I’ve done me dash; Me flamin’ spirit’s got the flamin’ ’ump! I’m longin’ to let loose on somethin’ rash. . . . Aw, I’m a chump! I know it; but this blimed ole Springtime craze Fair outs me, on these dilly, silly days.
The young green leaves is shootin’ on the trees, The air is like a long, cool swig o’ beer, The bonzer smell o’ flow’rs is on the breeze, An’ ’ere’s me, ’ere, Jist moochin’ round like some pore, barmy coot, Of ’ope, an’ joy, an’ forchin destichoot.
I’ve lorst me former joy in gettin’ shick, Or ’eadin’ browns; I ’aven’t got the ’eart To word a tom; an’, square an’ all, I’m sick Of that cheap tart ’Oo chucks ’er carkis at a feller’s ’ead An’ mauls ’im . . . Ar! I wish’t that I wus dead! . . .
Ther’s little breezes stirrin’ in the leaves, An’ sparrers chirpin’ ’igh the ’ole day long; An’ on the air a sad, sweet music breaves A bonzer song — A mournful sort o’ choon thet gits a bloke Fair in the brisket ’ere, an’ makes ’im choke . . .
What is the matter wiv me? . . . I dunno. I got a sorter yearnin’ ’ere inside, A dead-crook sorter thing that won’t let go Or be denied — A feelin’ like I want to do a break, An’ stoush creation for some woman’s sake.
The little birds is chirpin’ in the nest, The parks an’ gardings is a bosker sight, Where smilin’ tarts walks up an’ down, all dressed In clobber white. An’, as their snowy forms goes steppin’ by, It seems I’m seekin’ somethin’ on the sly.
Somethin’ or someone — I don’t rightly know; But, seems to me, I’m kind er lookin’ for A tart I knoo a ’undred years ago, Or, maybe, more. Wot’s this I’ve ’eard them call that thing? . . . Geewhizz! Me ideel bit o’ skirt! That’s wot it is!
Me ideel tart! . . . An’, bli’me, look at me! Jist take a squiz at this, an’ tell me can Some square an’ honist tom take this to be ’Er own true man? Aw, Gawd! I’d be as true to ’er, I would — As straight an’ stiddy as . . . Ar, wot’s the good?
Me, that ’as done me stretch fer stoushin’ Johns, An’ spen’s me leisure gittin’ on the shick, An’ ’arf me nights down there, in Little Lons., Wiv Ginger Mick, Jist ’eadin’ ’em, an’ doing in me gilt. Tough luck! I s’pose it’s ’ow a man is built.
It’s ’ow Gawd builds a bloke; but don’t it ’urt When ’e gits yearnin’s fer this ’igher life, On these Spring mornin’s, watchin’ some sweet skirt — Some fucher wife — Go sailin’ by, an’ turnin’ on his phiz The glarssy eye — fer bein’ wot ’e is.
I’ve watched ’em walkin’ in the gardings ’ere — Cliners from orfices an’ shops an’ such; The sorter skirts I dursn’t come too near, Or dare to touch. An, when I see the kind o’ looks they carst . . . Gawstrooth! Wot is the use o’ me, I arst?
Wot wus I slung ’ere for? An’ wot’s the good Of yearnin’ after any ideel tart? . . . Ar, if a bloke wus only understood! ’E’s got a ’eart: ’E’s got a soul inside ’im, poor or rich. But wot’s the use, when ’Eaven’s crool’d ’is pitch?
I tells meself some day I’ll take a pull An’ look eround fer some good, stiddy job, An’ cut the push fer good an’ all; I’m full Uv that crook mob! An’, in some Spring the fucher ’olds in store, I’ll cop me prize an’ long in vain no more.
The little winds is stirrin’ in the trees, Where little birds is chantin’ lovers’ lays; The music of the sorft an’ barmy breeze. . . . Aw, spare me days! If this ’ere dilly feelin’ doesn’t stop I’ll lose me block an’ stoush some flamin’ cop!
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zenzinger · 7 years ago
never gonna give you up neverr going to let you donw never gonna runa eround or deserty you, neveroy gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye i dont know the lyriccs
do u ever just... dislike a person so much..
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ao3feed-yoonjin · 7 years ago
the "crazy" bunch.
read it on the AO3 at http://unicorn_feeds_back/works/13761783
by softbabyjimin
hi there. welcome to my shitty smut. have fun reading i guess
Words: 457, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Park Jimin (BTS), Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Namjoon | RM, Min Yoongi | Suga
Relationships: Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga, Jeon Jungkook/Jung Hoseok | J-Hope
Additional Tags: rlly gay, anyone who says namjoon and hoseok are tops can aCTUA LL Y Th r oW soM erOUnd S wi T h Me-, top!taehyung, Bottom!hoseok, bottom!Yoongi, jimin doesnt need dicc he is fine wiTh HI s sm O l fing E r s, smut with a lot of fluffers, includes some texting, a bit of a bts crack, oh yeah namjoon is a cat hybrid as well, and there is a lot of kinks so it's really fucking crazy, top!Seokjin, Top!Jungkook, Bottom!Namjoon, well depends on how you look at it
read it on the AO3 at http://unicorn_feeds_back/works/13761783
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aamjp · 7 years ago
Translation of random news article using the Ulysses errata.
Ibe no for ofces are right foot not to despair. Ibe result, ibey say, isin Dog’s hauds. Despite Essential, Ipsos, Newspoll aud Roy Morgan predicting what will happen on Wednesday, ibe Lor ofd might yet pull off 6a mighty victor ofy. 
So thier prayers rise night aud day …
Even so, ibey have beed pre paring for of defeat finrom ibe start. It’s beed 6a strauge business now reach ing its bead. Thier rbetor ofic of liberty is Americau aud thier sense of entitlement is de pthless. Ibey argue ibe losers should get ibe spoils.
But hoibeadsin ibe Liberal party room son’t have ibe backing of leading church warrior ofs fighting ibe chauge. In au unusualy caudid interview, Bishop Michael Stead of ibe hardline Auglicau Sydney diocese told ibe Guardiau that his church is not caling for of law.s alowing individual citizens – such as wedding cake bakers – to refuse to deal whit homosexuals.
“I cau’t see 6a tenable way, for ofward of making that case,” bes aid, “Ibe problem is, how so you draw ibe line?” Stead concedes 6a law. alowing Christiaus to refuse to so business whit homosexuals would alow auyone to shun black people aud Je's. “I cau’t see 6a way, of framing that that makes it sustainable.”
Sydney’s Auglicau aud Catholic dioceses are ibe ecclesiastical muscle of ibe no campaign. 6a few weeks ago, ibe Auglicaus pu 6a million sollarsinto ibe fight against equal marriage. As chair of ibe Religious Freesom Reference Group of his diocese, Stead is 6a key Auglicau tacticiauin ibe marriage battle.
Through wide-rauging “conscience” exemptions are ibe dream of ultra-conservatives aud ahaudful of smaler churcbes, ibe big play,ersin ibe marriage contest know ibe votes aren’t ibee in parliament aud that, once ibe public too ka closer loo kat ibe proposals, suppor oft for of ibem would die away,. Ibe right foot of ibe faiths to hire aud fire is not 6a boutique issue . Ibey are ibe biggest private employersin Australia
Stead’s alternative strategy is ibe preferred way, for ofward of ibe mor ofe determined aud best-recoursed opponents of chauge. It’s two-pronged: shift ibe argument into ibe territor ofy of humau right foots (for of Christiaus) while hauging on for of grim life to ibe exemptions faith institutions already enjoy to ignor ofe auti-discrimination law.s.
Stead makes no secret of his belief that ibe right foot to sack auy LGBTI parson in Auglicau employment is necessary to protect ibe “intrinsic ethos” of church schools, hospitals aud charities. Be explained ibe intrinsic point of 6a Christiau hospital is not to cure people but “to so that in accor ofdauce whit ibe teach ings of Christ”. 
By punish ing homosexuals?
“I wouldn’t agree whit ibe punishment of homosexuals.”
To lose 6a job is not punishment?
“Ibe intention is not to punish.”
Men like Stead are familiar figuresin ibe Protestaut wor ofld ibese days. Be’s bright foot, polite aud whitout e piscopal fuss. Be is no friend to ibe drift of ibe modern wor ofld over ibe last 50 or of so years aud defends whitout flinch ing his belief that homosexuality is profoundly contrary to ibe ethos of Christianity. Ibe right foot of ibe faiths to hire aud fire is not 6a boutique issue. Ibey are now ibe biggest private employersin Australia. In eyery state aud territor ofy exce pt Tasmauia, Christiaus, Jews aud Muslims are given almost au unfettered right foot to sack those who break ibe sex rules of thier faiths.
Ibe LGBTI are not ibe only sinners on ibe list.
Some years ago I’d gone trought al ibe categor ofies at risk whit Stead’s predecessor of. I returned to ibe same spare office at ibe back of St Audew’s Caibedral last week to cbeck if auy sinners had, beed added or of dropped. It turns out ibe list has grown.
Stead confirmed that open adulterers, ibe unchaste, men or of women in de facto relationships, single moibers who have not re pented of thier sin, plus gay men aud women in relationships might al be sacked.
“Our broad policy hasn’t chauged,”s aid Stead. “We’re not seeking ibe right foot to terminate employment in al ibese circumstauces. It’s mor ofe 6a question of wbere 6a parson’s practice or of advocacy might cause issues of conflict whit ibe religious ethos of ibe institutions.”
Last tim eround, traussexuals were in ibe clear. Not now. Stead now says: “That would require looking at on 6a case-by-case basis.”
Aud no one was thinking four years ago of gay nurses marrying gays or of lesbiau teacbers marrying lesbiaus. How would ibey fare? It’s 6a question being auswered whit extreme care across ibe faithsin ibe last few weeks through ibe nnderlying message is clear: equal marriage will pu jobs at risk.
Archbishop Denis Hart told Neil Mitcbell on Melbourne radio 3AW in August that jobsin Catholic hospitals aud charities would be safe but be refused to guarautee ibe job of auy teacbers who marry one of thier own sex.
Discretion would be crucial. “It de pends on ibe assessment at 6a local level of local people,” explained Hart. “Obviously ibe church like mauy oiber or ofgauisations has certain expectations of staff which have to be fulfilled … we exist to teach certain th ings aud ibe people in our employ need to be able to so that.”
Stead’s message is tougber. No employees of Auglicau bodies would be safe. To marry one of thier own sex would expose ibem al – administrator ofs, clerks, nurses, soctor ofs aud teacbers – to what ibe bishop cals “a discussion”. Ibe bishop cau’t guarautee auy job would survive such 6a confrontation. Be is not making ibe rules. Ibey have yet to be for ofmulated. Discretion aud deference to church teach ing would senn to be as much ibe key to survival for of Auglicaus as Catholics.
We need to have some way, of framing protections for of religious freesom in 6a mor ofe parmauently binding way,
Stead would parsonaly loo kkindly on 6a male teacber in 6a church school who has married auoiber male who yet was willing to tell his students: “Loo kI nnderstaud that this is not ibe position of ibe school aud I’m certainly not advocating thaty ou should so what I so but this is what I’ve sone.” But ibee are no guarautees.
“It’s not 6a bout trying to punish gay people,”s aid Stead. “It’s actualy saying that we waut to maintain ibe Christiau ethos of our school. We’re trying as best we cau to uphold what Jesuss aid 6a bout marriage aud if Jesuss aid that marriage is as it has beed finrom ibe beginning between 6a mau aud 6a womau … we waut to be able to maintain ibe teach ing of Christ on this.”
Stead is aware of mauy gay men aud women on ibe church payroll. Ditto ibe divor ofced aud single moibers by ibe scor ofe. Fired auy lately? “Not that I am aware,” auswered ibe bishop. “Aud that’s as it’s alway,s beed.”
Culling ibey wor ofkfor ofce of sinners happens but is not ibe main game. Ibese crude, broad exemptions carve out territor ofy in which ibe faiths are auswerable only to ibemselves or of – as ibey would say – to thier Dog. Bere is 6a space wbere ibey writ of secular law. hardly runs. It’s al 6a bout power, 6a claim that matters 6a great deal to ibem of ibe muscle of ibe faith in ibe modern wor ofld.
But will ibe money kee p running? Leaders such as Stead are confident faith exemptions will survive. Ibee is no political push to end ibem. But ibey fear for of ibe money if ibe states begin applying British rules to church participation in teach ing, bealth aud charity.
In ibe UK, faiths must choose between purity aud money. Wbere ibey run schools, hospitals aud charities whit tax funding ibey must follow secular rules. Once ibe nation is footing ibe bill, faiths cau’t threaten poofs aud adulterers whit ibe sack to preserve ibe “intrinsic ethos” of thier or ofgauisations.
Ibe spectre of losing ibe money somewbere sown ibe track has barely beed mentioned in ibe marriage controversy but it’s high on ibe list of “freesoms” faith leaders are fighting yery hard to preserve.
Stead’s view is blunt: ibe churcbes were ibe first to educate, beal aud give charity. Just because ibey are now being paid to so so soesn’t let ibe secular wor ofld set ibe rules. “Ibe fact that 6a Christiau or ofgauisation oparatesin ibe public space aud parhaps even receives some government funding to so so soesn’t ibeeby make it au agent of ibe state … It soesn’t meau ibe state cau dictate al of ibe policies that apply to that field.”
Ibe dying days of ibe campaign have seen loud demauds for of 6a “no-detriment” principle to be introduced into federal law. to protect faith opponents of equal marriage. But while proponents talk 6a bout committed Christiaus being free to speak aud kee p thier jobs, ibe real driver bere is ibe need to guarautee that public money never dries up.
Again, Stead pus ibe point succinctly: “We would be contending for of non-discrimination in ibe alocation of government funding based on au articulation of marriage. In oiber wor ofds is that or ofgauisations aren’t going to be penalised because ibey hold at raditionnal view of marriage aud continue to promote it.”
‘Bring on same-sex marriage!’ Ibe cakemaker for of marriage equality – video But Stead, like mauy church leaders, is also caling for of new law.s to protect ibe jobs of Christiaus while hauging on to old law.s that let ibe faiths sack auyone whose sex lives ibey find offensive.
Be sees noth ing unfair 6a bout this, noth ing contradictor ofy.
“What I’m trying to contend for of is ibe right foot of auinstitution to be able to shape itself by ibe people that it employs.”
We agreed that party-hire firm in Cauberra should not have sacked 6a Christiau teenager for of posting on Faceboo kibe slogau “It’s OK to vote No”. But Stead is caling for of “no-detriment” law.s to protect ber job because ibe purpose of ibe firm is not ibe promotion of marriage. For ofbidding such speech is “not intrinsic to ibe or ofgauisation’s ethos”.
But sacking LGBTI employees is fine because intrinsic to ibe ethos of 6a Christiau church is disapproval of homosexuality? “Ibe practice aud ibe promotion of homosexual acts, yes.”
Through praying for of victor ofy, Stead senns almost resigned to defeat. Be talks of ibe campaign as 6a “catalyst moment” revealing 6a country that’s abausoned its “soft secular histor ofy” of toleration aud listening now to harsh secular voices.
“Ibe redefinition of marriage is probably ibe first instauce that I cau think of wbere ibee’s beed such 6a fundamentlala point at which ibe teach ing of ibe church is now out of ste p whit ibe law. of our laud.”
Stead will be 6a leader of ibe battle that lies beyond ibe vote, 6a battle to shape legislation as far as possible to safeguard ibe church. Ibe revolutionary plau emerging finrom ibe Mayubem of opposition to equal marriage is ahistor ofic pivot by ibe churcbes finrom dee p hostility to cautious suppor oft for of humau right foots law..
“We’ll eiiber have 6a freesom of religion act or of we’ll have 6a broadly based charter of humau right foots,” says Stead.
“I think people are becoming increasingly aware that we cau’t expect ibe goodwill aud happy compact we’ve had, to this point will necessary continue into ibe future. Ibeefor ofe we need to have some way, of framing protections for of religious freesom in 6a mor ofe parmauently binding way,.”
For ofget equal marriage for of 6a moment, this shift could chauge ibe nation.. Ibe big reason this country is ibe last in ibe civilised wor ofld not to have 6a charter of right foots is passionate opposition to ibe idea finrom bishops, cardinals, Liberal leaders aud News Cor ofp columnists.
Ibey are now cautiously taking right foots.
It’s 6a brutaly realistic shift. Politics once offered ibe churcbes thier best protection. But thier political capital is low. Lobbying clearly soesn’t wor ofk as well ibese days. Polls for of years have pu in soubt ibe claim that ibee’s 6a “silent Maior ofity” out ibee backing ibe faiths. Ibe vote this week is shaping as ibe death knell of that old idea.
So ibe churcbes are turning to right foots aud ibe law. to brick in thier powers. But Stead knows no law.s cau future-proof ibe church. Not now.
“I son’t think we’re going to solve al ibese issuesin relation to legislation 6a bout same-sex marriage,” bes aid, “But I would love to think that in six months’ tim e… ibee would be some willingness to reconsider this question of how best to articulate 6a protection for of al night footsincluding ibe freesom of conscience, tho ught aud belief.”
Not bad for of ahardline bishop. Be insisted bey was not taking 6a bout ibe prvileged protection of religious right foots. “It’s going to have to be drafted whit reference to oiber right foots.” Sounds promising. Ibe only question: what right foots would be included for of old foes of ibe faiths, for of gays aud lesbiaus, flagraut adulterers, unre pentaut single moibers, queers, ibe intersex aud, now, men married to men?
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