#eros posts
arrows-er0s · 10 days
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I want this Aoba figure so bad, but our kid nephew lives with us n he likes to come and hang out with us in our room sometimes n he obviously shouldn't see something like this, and also other people who have to come to my room often who are adults but they would probably not want to see this sorta figure n be uncomfortable with it. And also this figure is expensive. Wish I had the money and place where I could be able to own stuff like this
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cupidlovesastro · 2 months
𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔦𝔡 𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔰(433) 𝔬𝔟𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰
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eros is the god of love and sex. i will be using @a-d-nox interpretation of this asteroid, as i find it accurate. to see her post click here
disclaimer: there will be mature and sexual themes in this post, so if you are under 18 dni
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venusian eros/ eros aspecting venus can mean people are obsessed with your beauty
neptunian eros/ eros aspecting neptune can show that people fall blindly in love or lust with you
aries in eros can mean you obsess, lust, or fall in love over people fast. this can also mean people do this over you too
libra eros can represent that you love skin to skin contact
eros in 2h can mean you will or have been given an ultimatum about love and money
eros trine mercury can show that making romantic or sexual novels, poems, or fan fiction will be something your talented at
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plutonian eros/ pluto aspecting eros can mean that people obsess over you deeply
eros in 11h shows you enjoy having sex with more than 1 person at a time, or you usually have more than 1 person to link with
taurus eros means that love interest will be very loyal to you, even if your not in a committed relationship
aquarius eros shows you will love/ lust over someone regardless of what others think or say
eros in 7h can mean you look for marriage when also looking into potential lovers
eros in 1h represents being openly sexual or that you are often lusted over because of your appearance
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middle banner by @rookthornesartistry
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helpolnix · 2 months
Only you know your relationship with your god. Don’t second guess it.
It saddens me to see posts on here and on other sites about how having a causal relationship with your god is disrespectful and you shouldn’t give them nicknames. That just makes me so upset every time I see it.
Because one of the things I know for a fact is if a god felt disrespected by your behavior towards them, you’d know.
If xyz didn’t want you to treat them like a sibling, best friend, mentor, parent, (or even a lover. Not my place to judge.), you’d know. Just because you have that type of relationship with them doesn’t mean you don’t respect them or don’t work with and/or worship them.
They’re gods, yes. But they also love you and want to help you. You felt how they appeared to you, I bet you knew very quickly what type of relationship you’d have with them. What type of role in your life they would fill. Or maybe you didn’t and it happened a lot more slowly. All of that is okay. What’s also okay is if you have a very strict relationship with them, that’s also fine.
But my goodness don’t try to police or judge how gods are with other people.
99.9% of the time it’s the gods setting that type of dynamic in the first place so please be respectful to other dynamics.
You’re not better than other worshipers because you don’t joke around or call a god your bestie.
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dejasenti99 · 21 days
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you'll just have to taste me when he's kissin' you.
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crueldesire · 9 months
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eros the bittersweet, anne carson / saltburn (2023) dir. emerald fennell
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arrows-er0s · 3 months
Once we get bottom surgery I really want to get a dick piercing. Probably unlikely we'd actually end up getting one but itd be cool. Not even sure if phalloplasty dicks can even get pierced. Also want piercings in our face and ears. I especially want a lip, nose and nose bridge and eyebrow piercing. Those are more likely. Maybe not all of them but maybe I can see if I can get at least two of em
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anders-hawke · 4 months
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That very night, after their lovemaking, Psyche approached the blissfully asleep Eros with a lamp and a razor. It didn’t take her long to identify him: she didn’t only see hairs of gold, purple cheeks, and neck whiter than milk, but also her husband’s bow and arrows lying beside him. Awestruck and curious, she pulled one of the arrows out of the quiver and pricked herself while doing this. The pain startled her, and a drop of burning oil fell from her lamp upon the shoulder of Eros; this awoke the god momentarily and, just as soon as he realized that his wife had broken her promise, he fled away without a word. Too bad that Psyche, owing to the arrow wound, had now fallen even more intensely in love with her husband.
— The Myth of Eros and Psyche (inspired by @nic-coughlan)
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reachartwork · 4 months
first twine short story. about 7000 words across four somewhat minor branches.
reader beware: THIS IS A HORROR STORY. if you complain to me about the gross contents of a horror story i'm hitting you with a brick.
content warnings are in the tags of this post. if you want to go in unspoiled, just click the link. if you encounter any bugs, please let me know. if you enjoy the story and want to see more, please let me know. this is my first time putting anything this visceral out into the world so it would be nice to know if the people want more.
if you enjoyed the story enough to feel it's worth money, there's a "support this story" button on itch you can use, or you can donate to my medical bills and rent and such at https://paypal.me/bstdev. and if you enjoy it enough to share it with your friends, well, that'd just about make my day.
cheers. enjoy the blood.
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lovesickeros · 5 months
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☆ you sow; & thus you shall reap what you are owed
{☆} characters tsaritsa {☆} notes cult au, imposter au, drabble, gender neutral reader {☆} warnings blood, violence {☆} word count 0.8k
You are dying.
Gold melts into the dirt, bleeds into the very earth that you'd molded by your own hands – a familiarity you do not understand the source of – you know it to be true, yet you do not remember it as Teyvat does. It weeps, in turn, for the way you bleed upon it, the way your lungs strain for breath.
It is fury and sorrow and fear and hatred so raw that your mind buckles.
You will die.
"A dying godling and its judge, it's jury – it's executioners," The voice is hollow and cold, sweeps across your broken body like the first chill of winter, "Archons who saw themselves Gods, now brought to heel by their own hubris."
A cold hand upon your cheek, the brush of a thumb across your lip, the gentle caress of cold across your skin. You know her – you don't remember, you shouldn't recognize her but you do – and she knows you. The cold beckons and you follow, let her kindness settle in the hollow space of your chest. You want to speak, to cry and scream and rage, let the world burn around you in a fit of flames so hot even she cannot contain it – but she silences you, quiets the anger seeping into your blood, quiets Teyvat itself.
"Do not speak, little godling. Guide my hand," She is cold; her hands are not gentle, yet it is bliss compared to the callous, cruel hands that have shattered you. She is cruel and cold and brutal but she is love in the way she kisses the crown of your head. She is love in the way she is the bulwark between you and the world that has scorned you – she is fury in the way she brings them to their knees. "And I shall enact judgement most divine."
They will pray for forgiveness, and they shall find themselves wanting.
"It wasn't our fault!" They cry, but you cannot recognize the voice – it breaks and cracks like glass. "They were too human. How were we meant to know? We– we thought they were.."
You watch your judge – the executioner, the blade that shall carve their sins into the very marrow of Teyvat, stand above you like death. As cold as winter and just as brutal. Your temple has been painted in the gold of your divine blood, and she shall complete the masterpiece with their own. The Archons shall become the grandest art in the world – this temple the canvas, their blood the paint and their bodies the palette. The cold that cuts sinew cradles you – it sings to you, whispers sweetly in your ear and carves bone from body in the same breath. The cold presses it's lips to your wrist and it cradles a heart within it's palm – judges them and finds them guilty.
It is her spear that rests between their ribs, her sword that dissects and her dagger that carves – the cold devours.
In the breadth of this divine sanctuary, the Archons dwindle. They become the pieces of a divine work of art, they bleed and bend and break upon her hands. She shakes the heavens and carves mortality into the bones of the divine – your word is Law, and you weave their deaths into the roots of Teyvat itself.
They shall know of their grand folly in every moment henceforth and longer still and they shall weep.
And as the curtain falls, as the world crumbles beneath fist and blade, she cradles your face between hands too cold – as gentle as a shard of ice between your ribs, as brutal as the kiss of gentle snowfall. The world buckles at the loss of six, but she alone does not allow it to break – you will have to mend the wounds of the world when you are well, but today you weep and Teyvat weeps with you.
And alone, the cold remains.
Stone has eroded, the wind has ceased, the flames have been extinguished, the storm has been silenced, the forests have gone quiet and the seas go still.
But the cold remains, bathed in gold.
It wraps you in thick furs, cradles you against the winter storm that brews beneath a veneer of composure. It brings you home – lets the world settle into a stillness and silence that inspires only dread and still she presses a kiss to your brow.
It is cold, but there has never been something so warm.
Where hands have broken you, she drapes you in furs, wipes away the thick gold that clings to your skin. She pieces you back together where you have been shattered, reshapes you where you have been bent – makes of you something new. Not a god and not a mortal but something wedged between them.
But you are yourself.
And you are where you belong.
They shall put you back together and you shall know only the worship worthy of the divine. They shall carve this world into your image, tear out and burn away the rot that festers.
All you need to do is say the word and they shall be your tools to make this world your own.
One word and those who wronged you shall burn, too.
Just one word. That's all it takes, and they shall take away your pain.
#sagau#genshin sagau#self aware genshin#genshin impact sagau#self aware genshin impact#fic tag#genshin cult au#genshin impact cult au#tsaritsa#“eros you left for a month again” yeah.................#anyway. posts tsaritsa fic and leaves#i kept it kinda vague but the fatui are all on your side. whether or not your actually the creator or not though..#now thats up for debate.#did they tamper w teyvat to kill the archons? to break the world to be remade in whatever image they see fit?#using you as the means of their end?#maybe you are the creator and they just saw an opportunity. maybe they are just devoted to you.#i just think lowkey villain au but specifically imposter au where the only ones who side w u r the fatui like OUGH#i love the fatui. them being the only ones 2 side w u is so tasty#prime material for angst bc the self doubt if the only ppl who believe u r the “villains”#a lot of this is just like. tsaritsa posting again though#the tsaritsa who loves so deeply yet cannot love#contradictions all the way down#she loves you but she cannot love you.#she loves you but she will put a dagger between your ribs. she loves you but she is incapable of love#tsaritsa the woman that u r ough#harbingers and their complex relations 2 love my beloved#smth smth tsaritsa seeing an opportunity to install a puppet “creator” which creates a separate imposter!au when the actual creator pops in#did i write this just 2 write tsaritsa being vague and Weird and horrifying and a horror and a lover and just a woman and#yeah :]#please talk 2 me abt the tsaritsa pleas epleas pleas eplease please please please p[lease please pleas
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Viktor: "The time to seduce me with beautiful women and katsudon is over. You can fight with your own charm now." Yuuri (suddenly all possessive): "Don't take your eyes off me!" Viktor (utterly clueless): He's so different today. I wonder what has flipped his switch.
Recently, I've found myself coming back to this scene over and over as I was reconsidering the link between the progress of Viktuuri and Yuuri's understanding of Eros. For years, I was convinced that Yuuri had grasped the concept of Eros in episode 6, but (and this is probably controversial) I no longer believe that is true.
So, what happens in episode 6?
While the events during the weeks between the press conference and the Cup of China are open to speculation, the subtext of episode 6 us some cues as to where Yuuri and Viktor currently are in their relationship (the hugging, the cuddling, you know).
In this sense, the short dialogue before Yuuri's short programme, tells us that:
So far, Yuuri hasn't seduced Viktor as himself.
Viktor thinks Yuuri is ready to do exactly that.
They are dating (note the lover's bind aka the lacing of the fingers, which is an expression of romantic intimacy in Japan)
Yuuri's reaction is untypically fierce and possessive.
Viktor has not the slightest clue what triggered Yuuri's response. When put into the context of the whole story, this gives us another hint that Yuuri possibly can't have seduced Viktor prior to the competition. If he had (be it on or off-ice), Viktor would no longer react surprised. (You can actually see the difference in episode 8).
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However, Yuuri and Viktor are in entirely different headspaces, which becomes obvious if we think back to the events in the mixed zone. Viktor feels that it's time to gently nudge Yuuri towards a more intimate stage of their relationship. However, Yuuri is upset because just learned that everyone wants Viktor to give up on him and return to competition. He is convinced that Viktor's fans will deem him a poor replacement for Viktor if Viktor keeps coaching him. He thinks that he would disappoint his own fans if the returns to where he was before Viktor. The only option left is pressing ahead on the path he's already on and thus works himself up into wanting to be hated as the man who took Viktor Nikiforov from the world.
With that mindset, Yuuri steps onto the ice.
Viktor's confused reaction when Yuuri storms off shows us something else: He doesn't have the slightest clue that Yuuri is upset because of things that happened right before the short programme. The subtext of the scene implies that he interprets Yuuri's reaction as a sign that Yuuri is indeed ready to seduce him. The lip-licking and all the sensuality Yuuri pours into his immaculate performance must seem from his perspective as if Yuuri truly wants him. He's not entirely wrong about that, but he isn't entirely right either.
Yuuri's eros is dominant and possessive. Several months have passed since the first time he skated Eros to seduce Viktor, but their relationship and Yuuri's understanding of Viktor has deepened since. His eros has evolved into a violent force of nature. His skating no longer is about "seducing" Viktor to stay his coach, he's showing the world (and Viktor) that Viktor is his and his alone and that he is all that Viktor wants ("I'm the only one who can satisfy Viktor. I'm the only one who understands Viktor's love"). And he goes out puling all the stops. And at the next competition, he's going to double down on that. Sounds kinky? It absolutely is.
Ever wonder why Viktor is so flustered right after Yuuri's skate? That's why. This precious boy felt seduced through-and-through by Yuuri's performance.
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Viktor: "Yuuri, did it feel that great?" Yuuri: "I was hoping everyone else felt great watching me." Viktor (basically talking about himself): "Of course, they felt great watching a performance like that."
Remember that I said that Viktor has a totally different grasp of the situation than Yuuri because he doesn't know what Yuuri is going through? Viktor projects his own state of arousal from watching Yuuri on Yuuri. But Yuuri is not a second Chris and his response reinforces the implications made above based his inner monologue before and during his performance: He wanted to give "the audience" a good time aka making Viktor feel seduced and convincing the skating world that he is worthy to skate in Viktor's stead.
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Learning that "everyone" (and most of all Viktor) had a "good time", is an important step for Yuuri in mastering his short programme:
In episode 6, Yuuri truly understands the power he has over Viktor and what he can do to Viktor with his skating alone.
So far, Yuuri has had a hard time grasping eros, using all kinds of workarounds (food, women etc.). He has refined this understanding as his relationship with Viktor deepened, he has learned to express himself in a sensual manner, but it doesn't come naturally to him. In episode 6, he finally understands that he has the power to turn Viktor on and what exactly he must do to achieve that. He's still using workarounds and these are 100% Yuuri, and because of that, they are successful. Even if he never understands eros beyond the abstract theory, he now has acquired the set of tools to hone is performance and to seduce Viktor if he sets his mind on it. (Yes, this anxious katsudon fatale has some massive kinks and they work for him and Viktor, and I will die on that hill.)
But what about the banquet?
Drunken horniness due to dancing physically with his celebrity crush. Friction is a thing. And let's be honest: otherwise, the whole "grasping eros" story arc would make no sense. Either you have an innate sense of that concept or you don't, and memory gaps can't explain that away.
(No, I'm still on a break from posting meta, but I've been agonising over this for quite a while and had to get it out of my system because I'm currently fixing some stuff related to this in my novelisation.)
If you like my meta, please check out my works on AO3 (link in bio).
Last but not least many thanks to cecebeanie for a discussion that set this thought process in motion 💜💙
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arrows-er0s · 4 days
if our paws n whole body weren't so shitty and shakey, I'd do all the face piercings I want myself.
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hellonerf · 14 days
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the first one isn't a request it's just for my own sick enjoyment. everytime i think about ame's fear of ghosts i get a headache(thrill). nine eleven ends in an hour for me
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josh-lanceero · 3 months
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More oc brainrot
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dearreader · 5 months
this would be the gun riza shoots roy with
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777rare · 1 year
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Disclaimer :
!TW! : THIS CONTAINS MENTIONING OF seggs so please scroll if ur below 18+
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venus- moon in harmonious aspects( trine,sextile, maybe conjunction too) natives seem to have prominent breasts whereas when there's negative aspects(square,opposition,semi square) the native could have breasts that may be a bit different in size.
Why do People having mercury- pluto (any asp.) Have a very smooth, husky or just a very soothing voice?🙊🔥💨 Ex: SZA has her mercury conjunct pluto and I can't help but notice how her voice has a touch of relaxation and idk it's just so satisfying to hear her voice. But this may not be the same for others, This can depend on the other aspects as well.
Aphrodite-sun , you carry beauty in your very aura. If in harmonious aspects, you may know that you carry beauty inside you but if there is a hard aspect, you probably struggle to understand, realize or accept how beautiful your aura is or even how beautiful you are.💫👑💓
Eros-mars natives love rough, passionate or even "sex that involves lots of energy" sex so so much. Esp. In a man's chart💥🔥🥵
people with Odin conjunct venus (male and female) know just how to romance and seduce anybody within a minute damnn they don't need no class. they make people lowkey fall for them so so easily.💘🙉🛐
Natives with kiss-mars love aggressive kissing. Anywhere on the body as well. Especially if it's sextile or conjunct.💥🤤
Natives with Saturn-sun (most of the time harsh aspects) have so much authoritative, unapproachable and even a formal energy. People don't wanna play with you cuz you look like a person who don't take anybodys shit and most of the time this is the reason people don't approach you much cuz you look too structured or formal for them to loosen up and speak casually with you. (If u hv this You could always look like 😐🤨😑)
Jupiter-venus >> big butt, beautiful thighs and hips🍑
(can my dear readers having neptune-saturn clarify if this is relatable with you) neptune- saturn natives like to fantasize about having their partner on their knees or their partner putting them on their knees. This can also apply to mars-saturn having this kink.⛓
Jupiter- pluto/mars, just stroke or kiss these natives thighs to make them wet. These people have so much genital liquids in their sex organs. They can even cum multiple times and You can also grab their hips and make em go ughh😩🥵
people having cusp of sensitivity/magic/rebirth are most likely to be naturally intuitive, spiritual from birth, even psychic and clairvoyant.
Cusp of sensitivity : Feb 15-21 (aquarius/pisces)
Cusp of magic : June 17-23 (gemini/cancer)
Cusp of rebirth : March 17-23 (pisces/aries)
Natives with Mercury-mars aspects like to grab their partners hands while making out
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aphrodite - 1388
Eros - 433
Odin - 3989
Let me know if y'all want a pt.2! Feel free to reblog and tag me when you do❤🙌🏻 hope you all enjoyed today's post! Thankyou!!🫂💫
Also I wanna let my dear readers know that I usually observe 18+ related topics in natal charts💓 and I could frequently post about 18+ observations so fasten yo seatbelts!🙌🏻💫
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erosthesweet · 3 months
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I spent so long being embarrassed of my tummy. Now it’s one of my favourite parts of me.
How lucky you are that I allow you to see it. 😈
Only Fans @erosthesweet
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