#eras tour Vienna
ohcarolina · 1 month
👏 people 👏 shouldn't 👏 have 👏 to 👏 fear 👏 for 👏 their 👏 lives 👏 when 👏 doing 👏 something 👏 they 👏 love 👏
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tswiftupdatess · 1 month
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To our lovely Swifties who were attending the shows in Vienna, here are some things you can get for FREE by showing your tickets! 💝 (August 8, 2024)
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rxdscarf · 1 month
three little girls got murdered at a taylor swift themed event
someone got attacked today in vienna for wearing taylor swift merch
all 3 vienna shows got cancelled due to a viable terrorist attack threat
but yeah sure, all the "jokes" about how taylor and her fans should all die are so~ ✨funny✨ right?
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oliepatolie · 1 month
So I’ve just arrived in Vienna. Suitcase filled to the brim with friendship bracelets, bright-as-a-fucking-planet mirrorball bedazzled cowboy hat, and all that stuff. We found out about the concert being cancelled right before boarding. I’ve spent the flight by holding hands with people I’ve never met and doing breathing exercises with a random girl who was so, so terrified to fly but went anyway.
Tell me why does it all feel apocalyptic.
I know cancelling was the right choice. I cannot even imagine being there tomorrow and something happening. I am so glad I get to be furious and disappointed and safe. In light of what happened in Southport, I consider my bitterness a privilege. But I can’t help but feel very aware that this event does not exist in a vacuum. Why can’t people celebrate their thrills safely and, pointedly, why can’t girls express their joy and personify their girlhood without a threat of being stabbed or blown up.
I can understand not liking an artist. I cannot understand feeling such visceral hatred towards a demographic purely for the songs they listen to and the bracelets they exchange. I can’t help but feel like a goddamn target purely because of my gender and interest that is highly associated with my gender in mass media.
Oh how I love being a woman. Or something like that.
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As a Vienna Swiftie who fully understands Taylor's reasoning for staying silent on the cancellation for the safety of the remaining European shows—and who also thinks it was necessary to emphasize why she didn't comment on it until now—I want to express my disappointment with the fandom's reaction to her post and their general attitude towards Vienna Swifties.
While there were a few very loud voices who overreacted to her silence, most of the comments I saw from Vienna Swifties remained respectful, though understandably disappointed and sad. However, after Taylor's post, I've noticed an overwhelming amount of hostility towards those who wished she had commented on the situation sooner. People are being called "dumbasses" and told to "fuck off" or "eat shit." I'm genuinely appalled by the complete lack of empathy. Yes, there was some overreaction, but has everyone forgotten that these people (myself included) were the targeted victims of a terrorist attack?
Taylor isn't the only one who was affected by the situation. I saw many people who had nightmares and were scared, which is why they wanted a statement from Taylor or her team as reassurance. In addition to this trauma, fans were also simultaneously grieving the lost opportunity to see this tour and possibly her live ever. Not to mention, while they refunded the money for the tickets (with reductions...), many other expenses weren't covered, such as hotel bookings, travel, etc.
So, we Vienna Swifties not only had to deal with the fact that we and our loved ones were almost brutally murdered by fanatics, but we're also grieving the loss of a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and for many, the loss of hard-earned money. So, god forbid some people weren't 100% rational in their reactions. Taylor did the right thing by explaining that she wouldn't comment on an issue if she thought it could put people in danger, but this doesn't give fans—especially those who weren't affected by this tragic situation—the right to call anyone names or belittle them.
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itspoppyart · 7 months
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Eras as books! 📚
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wildfloweronwheels · 1 month
A pit of nausea is boiling in my stomach today. It’s fury and fear and a sadness that sears to the bone. It swept in suddenly as I opened my phone to the news that three of Taylor Swift’s shows in Vienna, Austria have been cancelled by police due to the thwarting of a terrorist attack. Reading that sentence, I’m back in 2017, chest burning with horror and grief at the bomb that went off as young women danced and sang their hearts out with Ariana Grande. We know what attacks like this look like, we’ve felt them before, their echoes held in the minds and hearts of every live music fan across the world even now.
So, there is also relief swimming in the sick, that the police got to this in time. That they made the call that means thousands of people quite literally live to see another day. My head is spinning thinking about what could’ve been. Feeling for the fans, musicians and Taylor herself whose lives have orbited at least a little around the glittery nights they were promised. The friendship bracelets.  The cowboy boots. The glorious high of screaming ‘Fuck the patriarchy’ in a sold out stadium. The expectant hush that falls over things before the opening chords of a surprise song. The putting together of pieces in the mashups that follow. I know it’s just a concert; there’ll be more of them, we hope, but it’s also not…
It's yet more proof that we didn’t need, of an ugly truth, splashed in oozing neon. It rears its head all over the world in millions of foul devastating ways every single day and yet it still hurts every single time. The thing that most frightens men and boys is a woman succeeding. A woman living. A woman thriving. A woman feeling joy. Women gathering together in a communion of emotion that borders on the sacred, because it’s so rare in its safety and warmth.
 That’s how I would describe the nights I was privileged enough to spend at the Eras Tour earlier this year. A singular celebration of all a woman has made through her own blood, sweat and tears. A visual and musical experience underpinned by one of my favourite quotes ever from the glorious Carrie Fisher, “Take your broken heart, make it into art.” If you’re anything like me, it’s soundtracked your own.
We’ve watched that heart break and heal again and again. Blows dealt by men loitering in a girlhood they had no place in. By ill-fated romance, snuffed out because egos couldn’t bear the load or because two people just weren’t the right fit.  By calculated campaigns designed to distort an image, dismantle a reputation and lay ruin to a legacy. And yet she’s here. And so are we. Women, I mean. Again and again we resist. We persist. We insist.
Our joy is not yours to steal. Our lives are not yours to threaten. We will keep finding it. Rising. Screaming. Teaching the boys and men around us to be better. Defying. Demanding. Deciding. I’m not interested in what you think about Taylor Swift’s music or her privilege, a financial sheen that I remind you protects from no bullet or harm being done to you or innoc ent people, in your name.  In fact, it invites it. Over and over again. But I am interested in how you talk about this moment. Right now. The one that almost happened but didn’t. It’s a sliding door so what are we going to make sure waits on the other side of it?
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theroadgetshard · 1 month
I really don’t know what to say right now… this was supposed to be my first Taylor show ever
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sheslostupstate · 1 month
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Source: ZIB via instagram
Attention Vienna swifties! Below is information from the AK (labor bureau) on your rights to refunds.
Ticket Refund: For tickets purchased via oeticket, you will receive a refund from the promoter within 10 business days.
Hotel and transport: the organizer is not responsible for these costs. Please consult your hotel, transport provider, or travel agent for your options. ÖBB and Westbahn have said that they will refund train tickets.
Ticket travel package: if you purchased a ticket travel package, your concert ticket will be refunded by the promoter and your accommodation/transport can be cancelled free of charge.
Third party ticket office: if you purchased your tickets from a third party (any ticket seller that is not oeticket), consult the ticket platform/seller directly.
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homelande-r · 1 month
I know the terrorist attack in Vienna was only targeted on a concert, not necessarily Taylor Swift herself. But they did choose The Eras Tour for their attack, and it's more proof that women are not allowed to have fun or feel safe anywhere. Not even at a show specifically made for us.
People have flown to countries they probably would've never seen before if it wasn't for Taylor Swift and her music.
Women aren't safe or welcome. It's being proven time and time again, and it's so exhausting.
I am so very thankful that a huge catastrophy has been avoided, because it would've been truly awful. I don't even want to think about what could've happened, and I'm so glad that nothing like this did happen at the other shows.
But it's tiring.
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tassource · 1 month
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⬆️ Important information for all fans who had tickets to the Eras Tour in Vienna.
All three concerts have been cancelled due to a planned terrorist attack.
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folklorelover22 · 1 month
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I’m so sorry to all the fans who are not able to go to these concerts anymore I would be so heartbroken but just think money is replaceable and refundable but lives are not. I hope everyone in the area and all the swifties , Taylor’s team , and of course Taylor herself are all safe and alright.
I hope you all get the chance to go to a different show !! 🤍
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tswiftupdatess · 1 month
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Vienna city center yesterday was full of Swifties coming together and creating beautiful moments after their shows got cancelled!
If you had tickets to attend the Vienna shows, there are things you can do for FREE by showing your tickets! For more info look here! (August 9, 2024)
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tys-kitty · 29 days
The fact that I see more people hating on Vienna Swifties‘ „moaning and complaining“ than actual Vienna Swifties speaking up is so wild to me.
(This is supposed to be a supportive and loving community, show some respect to people who‘s dream got wrecked and who‘s lives were threatened)
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totallylost4you · 1 month
Corneliusgasse, you are famous now! 😭♥️
A resident printed out notes and threw them out of the window with "Cornelia Street 6, come back... be here" 😭 / * TikTok ontourwithSandra
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He and other residents played Taylor songs through their windows for us for a few hours. ♥️
Taylor Swift Friendship Tree
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The friendly Austrian Police
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Ino: Your colleague on the right has worldwide almost as many fans as Taylor Swift now. 😎
Police: And rightly so!
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Proud of Vienna! We decided to turn our grief into something beautiful. We are all still not over the sad cancellation of the concerts, but at least we had each other. 🫶♥️
Bring back The Eras Tour to Vienna, please! 🙏 @taylornation @taylorswift
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danieldrivesfast · 1 month
I don't know how many people here follow Vid Vorsic the F1 photographer (vvorsicphoto), but yesterday he made a stories post on IG mocking the situation with Taylor Swift's concert cancellations due to the credible threat of a terrorist attack.
When he made a second story about it, I (and apparently others) replied to the story. You can read his response.
Needless to say, he doubled-down, mocking people for being upset about his crudeness and for contacting his sponsors about his behavior, among other things.
I don't care if you're a Swiftie, an F1 fan, or just a person with basic decency, this person does not deserve a platform, sponsors, or to be given carte blanche access to events when he clearly thinks the safety of attendees and threats of violence are a joke - especially when there are hundreds of other creators who could use his access and don't act like this.
I will not belittle someone's experience with "the West's violence," for lack of a better term, but nobody with a moral compass should be wishing any hurt they went through onto a group of young people who've done nothing wrong.
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