#er season 12
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onefail-at-atime · 1 year ago
Morris being the first in the ER to learn Abby is pregnant will never not be funny. They have such a great sibling / friends but enemies vibe in that moment and I love it.
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maurastierney · 1 year ago
so funny when a season premiere (such as season 12 of ER) is supposed to take place effectively the same/next day after the previous episode (such as the season 11 finale of ER) but they have changes as big as:
- One actor (Alex) changing to another (and the kid going from being a 5th Grader to age 12?)
- One doctor (Ray) was in treating his friends who were injured during the party when a balcony collapsed, witnessed at least half a dozen people die, and now is back in work like nothing happened
and most importantly
- Susan’s hair is like two inches shorter
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bookdork1 · 2 years ago
i love season 12 for abby/luka but god making me have to deal with clemente was pretty rude i have to say
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baeshijima · 10 months ago
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i think i just found my new manhwa obsession :D (theyre both the same mc, ryu min, btw but one is the real world (blue eyes) and one is his customised appearance in the game world (red eyes))
on the floor for him like actually
also his lil brother ryu won is so cute :((
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the title is [The Max-Level Player's 100th Regression] btw ^^
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hishoukoku · 1 year ago
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sidecharactersdomatter · 6 months ago
Thoughts I had during TGCF S2 Ep 12
Last Ep of S2 let’s do this!
Previously on TGCF…
-All wells that ends on the Fang Xin mystery
-“Just focus on doing what you want to do” best life advice ever
-Qingxuan really went, “They seem to be very good friends”
-He blushed!
-They laughed!
-No he will not while the laundry’s running
-That one guy is eavesdropping outside the palace
-They cannot just leave us on a cliffhanger like that!
-Dang no one should slander Hua Cheng shame on them
-Another facepalm!
-It was 3 days?!!!
-That one god got frightened once he saw FX covered in blood, and meanwhile Mu Qing just smirked
-The temple massaging was a dead sign
-More Hua Cheng Slander
-Mu Qing’s opinion
-I really love the music that was played from S1 EP 4
-Pei Ming was responsible for this month’s security
-I wonder why Prosecutor Pei Ming left his guard down?
-Mu Qing’s smirk
-Xianle won’t be banished!
-That was it, the security was getting tighter
-Ugh the Xie Lian slander
-Meanwhile, in Jun Wu’s study…
-That was a lot of paused frames to transition from the recap of eps 7-11
-He’ll probably try to reason with Lang Qianqiu
-That’s what we’d like to know and the answer’s been given by Jun Wu
-Instrumental Bu San seems to be Jun Wu’s main theme
-Jun Wu had a spy… or did he?
-There’s a mole in Heaven
-He’s tightening the security because of Hua Cheng
-He switched from calling him San Lang to Hua Cheng!
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-There’s security tape outside his palace
-Xianle’s heyday in his childhood!
-His mother
-The nostalgia’s made him wistful 
-Oh he’s running now
-Qi Rong and Qianqiu’s words are ringing in his mind
-He’s picked up speed
-His breakdown!
-He jumped!!!
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-So that’s how he gets down to mortal realm!!!
-That graceful landing
-It’s autumn
-So many young disciples
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-XL’s mother is a huge inspiration to the many parents of my OCs
-It was a flashback 800 years ago!
-His sword
-HIs robe is gonna need a quick stitch up!
-It took him all day
-Literally those chipmunk squirrel hybrids
Squirrel 1: Well they were right here a second ago, and now they’re gone!
Stuffed! Squirrel 2: Yeah, that’s pretty weird huh?
Squirrel 1: So you’re telling me you didn’t eat ‘em, and you have NO IDEA WHERE THEY ARE!
Squirrel 2: Uh-uh
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*Xie Lian Enters and both Squirrels book it, the 2nd squirrel spits out the nuts*
Squirrel 1: AAAAAH!!! Run away!  I knew you ate them!
This dialogue was from Brother Bear, I really felt like including it in the reaction when. I saw both squirrels and I prolly don’t have plans to watch said movie right now
-It’s a dilapidated temple
-The place is in ruins
-A well!
-The animators really deserve a raise for animating XL entering the well
-A secret entrance!
-It’s the tunnels of lake Laogai in Book 2 earth
-He can firebend!!!
-It’s the star map ceiling from Wan Shi Tong’s library, I really love spotting all the Last Airbender references
-The tombs, *gasps* they’re his parents’ tombs!
-He has been through a lot
-This is similar to the altars at my relatives’ homes
-That noise!
-It sounds like crying
-Baby Guzi!!!
-Oh no and you’re not supposed to shake and shout and children!
-Did anyone else get chills when the weird music played when he looked into the tomb of dust?
-Oh no!
-The statue moved and Qi Rong’s leitmotif
-That was close!!!
-His mask and royal robes
-Baby Guzi!
-His father!
-He possed Guzi’s Dad
-Nobody else rescued the child when they fled Qi Rong’s domain?!?!
-His eyes are turning red!
-Worst family reunion I’ve seen
-And you’re not supposed to traumatize children
-Baby Guzi’s in tears!
-Those words still stung
-The flashbacks!
-Ban Yue’s voice!
-Young Lang Qianqiu!
-An Le!
-Recapping Seasons 1 & 2
-His shrine!
-Xianle has fallen
-The soldier
-The child he saved
-Move over J Michael Tatum, no offense to his fans really sry
-They cannot jut leave us on a cliffhanger like that!!!
And that was TGCF Season 2! *Casually prepares shrine and starts praying for the short film, eventual movie, and Seasons 3-8*  What really carried this season was Junior Official Xiao Mengyou, Lang Qianqiu’s whole impact, Shi Qingxuan slaying, Jun Wu’s Emperussy, Prosecutor Pei Ming, Yin Yu’s debut, Hua Cheng being the goat all thanks to James Cheek, Fengqing conflict, Feng Xin being the himbo, Lucien Dodge eating it up as Mu Qing, Qi Rong being this season’s freak, Guzi being Babey, and Howard Wang eating it up as Xie Lian especially in Episodes 6 and 10-12.  That was all for this summer’s reactions.  I am going to be bust this fall with sketching and mainly writing after class so, See you next time! The Scrap Immortal and the Avatar is set to start in January 2025!
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seased · 1 year ago
yeah did you guys know house is one of the series i binge on a yearly basis? bet you do now
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n3on-graveston3s-calling · 1 year ago
This time last year I was getting 12 stitches taken out of my face.
No wonder why I've been feeling weird.
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parker-artio · 1 month ago
The idea of Steph being a med student cracks me up. Because this girl stays up all night beating people up, gets maybe two hours of sleep before she’s getting up for her 7am class on human anatomy.
She starts working in Gotham’s City’s ER as a volunteer student so she doesn’t have to take an extra class and can just take the test at the end of the year for the credit. One day she shows up and sees her patient is a thug she bullied last night while kicking his ass.
She might never show her face in his room again.
When she barely passes a test with a C- she wants to cry when Alfred asks how her test went, but Alfred reassures her, saying it’s good, and that she still passed. But Bruce always catches a stray or two when her major gets brought up. No way he wouldn’t.
Alfred: Congratulations Miss Stephanie, it might only be a C but it is still passing!
Steph: Thanks alfred but I feel like I could be doing better
Alfred: At least you’re sure you want to be a doctor. You haven’t dropped out and you’re passing your classes. That’s what matters.
Bruce at Wayne Enterprises in the middle of a board meeting, feeling a chill go down his spine: something just happened…
Plus there’s the added joke of her being called dumb, lazy, ect from Damian (he insults her so much I can’t remember them all rn)
Damian: What’s that Brown? Can’t shake your head in fear your brain will rattle around in there?
Steph thinking about her biology test tomorrow she got maybe 10 minutes of studying in for since it was announced last month: Shut the fuck up.
Thugs would hate to see her. Like genuinely HATE seeing her during finals season. They don’t know anything about these bats, but they all agree if it’s final season and you see a blonde haired bat in purple- you’re fucked. Run as fast as you can unless you want a concussion and her to ask where all your pain is.
None of the super villains in Gotham ever remember mentioning they have any kind of health issues, yet somehow she always knows. The purple bat who goes by too many names, just KNOWS.
Riddler about to pull the lever for something dramatic: Well you failed to answer my riddle so-
Steph cutting him off: Your skeleton
Riddler: wrong it’s-
Steph cutting him off yet again with a heavy sigh: Listen Nigma, you have to calm down for once. Your blood pressure hates you, slow down on the salty and fatty foods. Do you smoke? Because if you do, slow down on that too. Or just quit. And the actual answer is bare-bones. But synonyms of the answer should work too.
Riddler who’s doctor told him he was at risk for high blood pressure but ignored it: I- no… I don’t smoke.
Steph: …
Riddler: I quit years ago!
Plus she’d totally access Alfred’s medical records to learn little things about the others to annoy them with. She’d be elbow deep and learn that Dick’s left ankle was injured at 12 and is prone to injuries because it never proper medical attention because he avoided Alfred when he first got hurt.
She’d bring it up in conversation too.
Steph, after Dick pisses her off and she’s walking away: What your step, Boy Wonder, it’d be a shame if your left ankle got broke because of its fragility…
Dick unsure where she learned that: …what
The whole concept of her as a med student makes me laugh and I wish more people looked at it and thought about the humor and jokes that can go with her being one.
It’s peak comedy to me, I need more fics of her just being a broke college student who’s tired of thugs attacking her when she’s trying to study for her test on patrol. She’s sitting on top of W.E. Reading her anatomy book for her first class at 7:30 while her four other books are underneath. Why she has a test in all of her classes on the same day, she doesn’t know. Will she pass them? Who the fuck knows. But if that bat signal goes off again tonight she might break into the police precinct and give them a piece of her mind.
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gleafer · 7 months ago
You've probably been asked this before-- but how did you learn to draw like that? It's incredible, your likenesses especially. Amazes me every time I check your page. I know the answer is probably mostly Time and then More Time, but is there anything in particular that you think helped? Timed sketches? A certain way of doing studies? Any book recommendations?
*Runs through wall a la Kool Aid Man to answer this question because HOLY HELL DO ARTISTS LIKE TALKING ABOUT THEMSELVES*
Well! The very best, yet worst, but really best thing I’ve ever done to get good at drawing facial expressions was to do three military tours…er…summer seasons at Great America as a caricature artist!
Nothing will give you the practice needed to up your skillset quite like drawing for 13 hours straight while being heckled by large groups of overly sugared, vicious teenagers for 12 weeks in sweltering summer heat.
YOU SUUUUUUCK! Became my battle cry instead of inner monologue of art student sadness.
Thick skin grew, as did my ability to draw likenesses and expressions. (Granted most of the expressions I drew were of boyfriend’s faces all stupidly sappy, ogling their girlfriend who were drawn extra sassy with obnoxious eyelashes. But that’s just how you do with caricatures.)
I’m not saying you have to go join a traveling circus of caricature artists to test your artist’s metal (though it wouldn’t hurt and you’ll have a bounty of bizarre stories for the grandkids when alls said and done!)
However, practicing everyday, while pushing comfort levels and being brave with your lines, will improve your art/illustrations.
And if you think having groups of teenagers making fun of your art, loudly hinting your fashion sense is severely lacking and “DID YOU EVEN ART SCHOOL??” while sticky, little kids swarm into your personal space to the point of almost crawling into your mouth as their parents wander off to the beer garden would actually help you, Great America is always hiring…
for fresh SOULS!
🎶just keep drawing! Just keep drawing!🎶-Dori, probably
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the-colourful-witch · 9 months ago
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🏆Oliver Wood🏆 If there is one person who really really cares about his passion, it's Oliver Wood. For example: “Bad news, Harry. I’ve just been to see Professor McGonagall about the Firebolt. She – er – got a bit shirty with me. Told me I’d got my priorities wrong. Seemed to think I cared more about winning the Cup than I do about you staying alive. Just because I told her I didn’t care if it threw you off, as long as you caught the Snitch on it first.” Wood shook his head in disbelief. “Honestly, the way she was yelling at me … you’d think I’d said something terrible.” (PoA 12)
I like Oliver's character. He's the ultimate jock, obsessed with his sport. Honestly, he deserved the championship five times over. Why did Harry always have to get seriously injured at the end of every season? Very convenient, if you ask me... Anyway, I liked drawing him. He was a good character for me to get back into the game. For those who are a little confused about my long absence, I overworked my elbow and got diagnosed with a tennis arm. For many artists, this is a familiar injury. It sucks so bad, I had to take it easy for a while and still do. I'm mostly focused on getting client work done, which is why my character illustrations have dropped a little on my priorities list. I'm focused on developing a healthy work-fun balance in my day, because not being able to draw for myself is a little depressing, despite how much I love my job. Work is work. I hope you like Oliver and I hope I'll be able to make a new one soon. If everything continues going the way it is currently, I will be :)
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memories-of-ancients · 10 days ago
I'm sick as a spider
Things have not gone well for me health wise past few weeks. Just got back from the ER. Two weeks ago I had a four day stretch of days off, which I did not get to enjoy because I spent all of that time on the toilet while holding a bucket because of norovirus. Today, noticed a bit of pressure in my ear, not really bad enough for me to really think about it. Worked 12 hour shift which was a bust your ass shift because we are having the worst flu season of my entire 10 year medical career. Get home, eat dinner, and then the room starts spinning around me. After a while decide to call an ambulance. Crawled across my apartment and slid down my steps, barfed at the bottom step. barfed in the ambulance, and when doctor asked if I've been eating anything I responded by throwing up, which he took as a yes.
Got head CT to make sure I'm not having a stoke. I was not. Turns out I have an ear infection. Zofran has me at the point where I just feel drunk instead of feeling like the entire universe is spinning around me. Hopefully the antibiotics kill this thing quickly.
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HOTD with book ages vs show casting
It's interesting to think about how fans perceptions of characters would be radically different if we had book accurate casting.
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Emily Carey (aged 18-19 here) is perfectly age-accurate to play an 18-year-old Alicent.
Meanwhile Paddy Considine, at 48, was pushing it a fair bit to play a 29-year-old Viserys.
For reference, Tom Glynn-Carney was 28 while filming Season 2.
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So not that he's my fancast for young Paddy or anything, but let's be real. You would all be writing self-insertxVizzy fics. Alicent would have no more agency in the marriage if Viserys was his book age than his show age, but fan perceptions of Viserys would definitely be different if he was played by a young and attractive actor (no offense of course to Paddy, he is serving Targaryen realness etc.)
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Or look at Fabian Frankel. He would have been around 27/28 while filming season 1. You were shipping Alicole back when Emily Carey was still in the role, after all.
And then there's Rhaenyra, who was 8 during the events of the first episode, and 9 when Viserys married Alicent.
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Milly Alcock, roughly 21 here, is just a tad older than 8-year-old Rhaenyra.
Amelie Child-Villiers would have been 12-13 while filming Rings of Power, so older than Rhaenyra at the very beginning but can pass for younger.
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To anyone who thinks a child Rhaenyra wouldn't have been interesting to follow, er... have you read ASOIAF? There are quite a few prominent child POV characters, you may have noticed. And Alicent doesn't automatically become uninteresting if she's 18 rather than 15... or 40.
I mean I get it, Rhaenycent shippers, you prefer the sapphic dynamic in HOTD... and it is absolutely fine to prefer something! But it isn't inherently deeper or more interesting. It isn't objectively better. BFFesbians can be just as one-note as you claim step-mother/daughter relationships are with the wrong writing, and step-mother/daughter relationships can be richly complicated.
Now, I've already gone through the absolute horror that is book Rhaenyra and book Criston
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Criston Cole was 22 when he met a 7-year-old Rhaenyra, 23 during the events of the first episode. So Fabian at 27 (pictured here) is a a few years older, but his age gap with Amelie is the same as Criston and Rhaenyra. And yikes. This is why 'Criston the Dad who Stepped Up' posts make me throw up in my mouth. (Also it is so weird that Criston is never recast after the time jump even though the actor is younger than Emma D'Arcy - Criston is 47 during the Dance).
And yes, Daemon has a similar age gap with Rhaenyra
Daemon was 24 during the events of the first episode. Though I would add that Daemon wasn't, contrary to popular opinion by greens, grooming Rhaenyra when she was a young child. There isn't really any indication that he paid particular attention to his 8-year-old niece - he was mostly sulking on Dragonstone in a relationship with an adult Mysaria for starters, and then he was off in the Stepstones till Viserys and Alicent's 5th wedding anniversary tourney.
From then, no I'm not in favour of a 30-year-old Daemon and a 15-year-old Rhaenyra... I am not in favour of childbrideros. But considering he'd been absent from her life between the ages of 8-15, and there is no indication he ever paid any attention to her before then... it is less creepy than Criston Cole being Rhaenyra's shadow from the age of 7, with rumours of a sexual relationship beginning at a point when she would have been 12-14.
By Westeros standards Daemon unfortunately falls into the 'culturally normalised and could have a whole lot worse' category (and tbf, considering the popularity of ships like SanSan...). This isn't a pro-daemyra or anti-daemyra post, I'm not really going to go into their relationship or whether or not it's healthy here, just clarifying that Daemon isn't the Humbert Humbert of this story - that would be Criston (not being Humbert Humbert of course is a very low bar).
And when it comes to the casting and how that impacts audience perceptions... Matt Smith at 39 was too old for both 24 and 30 year-old Daemon (though exquisite in the role of course).
Considering how his haters condemn Daemon for his actions in episode 1 while excusing Aegon for rape and Aemond for murdering Luke (and burning alive many many other children)... Let's have a look at an age-appropriate actor for 24-year-old Daemon and see if that changes anything.
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Ooh would you look at that, Ewan Mitchell at 24 while filming S1.
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Or Tom at 28 during S2, just two years younger than 30-year-old Daemon. With a face that wins hearts over rape. You telling me if Daemon was his book age you wouldn't be excusing his actions? You wouldn't be taking all the rape apology arguments Aegon stans use and applying them to Daemon's seduction of a 15-year-old Rhaenyra?
Especially if you still had him acting alongside 21-year-old Milly, who was supposed to pass for a 14 to 18-year-old Rhaenyra.
Hopefully though no one would be excusing a younger Daemon played by Tom Glynn-Carney if he had been put against an actual 14/15 year-old like Evie Allen. Who would have been a more age-accurate (and disturbing) casting for Rhaenyra...
Oh wait, how old was Maddie Evans (Dyana) while filming S1 again? 15? Never mind.
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Casting teenagers in such scenarios is of course a difficult business - above all the first priority is to protect underage actors. Milly was well-suited to convincingly play Rhaenyra from early teens to late teens, and it's impossible to constantly re-cast for absolute age-accuracy across the time jumps. But it does impact perception - while the first priority is to protect underage actors, the casting of older actors to play teenagers does contribute to society's perceptions of teenage girls in particular as mature adults, rather than children.
Meanwhile the attractiveness of adult male actors - and the younger they are - does indeed shape what some audiences are willing to forgive or excuse. Reactions to Daemon and Viserys by fans (especially green fans) would be radically different if they were cast with their book ages - sorry to say it greens, but your objections to their characters is in large part due to the fact that you are not attracted to DILFS (or leprosy!). And even if we still aged up Rhaenyra like the show does when she first met Criston Cole, reactions to him during the Dance would be vastly different if he was played by a book-accurate 47-year-old. Again, Fabian Frankel is younger than Emma D'arcy.
Of course, the bar for age accurate casting is clear in the way we were supposed to accept Olivia Cooke playing Tom Glynn Carney's mother (they are two years apart).
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Because again if Alicent had been 18 at the start of the show and 41 at the start of the dance she would have ceased to be an interesting character or something I guess. Because no one wants an older woman (ew gross!) as the series co-lead alongside a non-binary lead. And because mother/stepdaughter relationships are inherently one-note while BFFesbians are inherently rich, deep and complex... apparently. It has nothing to do with, you know, the writing quality.
Final Round!!! Aegon and Aemond picking fights with kids
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Harvey Sadler here is 8/9 years old when he played young Lucerys. Which makes this baby face 2-3 years older than... a six-year-old Book Jacaerys when 10-year-old Aemond was 'pummelling him savagely'.
So yeah, "3 against 1" - the oldest of those 3 being younger than Harvey Sadler. And honestly, 6-year-old Jace has my undying respect for the sheer balls on him to go up against a bigger kid twice his age and size. Does he care that Aemond has just claimed the largest dragon in the world? No, he pushed over his baby brother!
"But it's more interesting if Aemond and Jace are peers" Maybe. If HOTD gave Jace equal screentime and character development perhaps. But they didn't. Any value added by making the antagonist interesting and sympathetic is cancelled out if the cost is ignoring the protagonist or making the protagonist boring (especially in a family civil war drama!).
"But sympathetic Aemond is much more interesting" I am not arguing against making him sympathetic. He is still a kid here, and he still has Aegon to bully him and earn him pity points and trigger a cycle of bullying as he takes out his grievances on others who don't deserve it etc. You don't need to age up his victims or remove sympathy or screentime from them. Sympathy doesn't have to be zero-sum.
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Leo Hart was 13 at the time of filming, so the perfect age to play a 12-year-old Jace during the dinner scene where a grown-ass Aegon picks a fight with him over asking Helaena for a dance. Also an accurate age to play a 13-year-old Luke when Aemond murders him.
Elliot Grihault who played teenaged Luke was meanwhile actually closer in age to Book Jace during the dance than Harry Collett (no offence Harry, you still made a more believable teenager than 24-year-old Jon Snow did).
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And lest we forget Aegon's true nemesis... 13 year old girls on tiny dragons 'no bigger than a horse'. No offence to a 24-year-old Bethany Antonia, but Shani Smethurst at 12 was perfectly cast to play Baela during the Dance and absolutely would have been the next Arya if this show didn't hate black girls.
But hey, at least we got adult Baela saying "I am blood and fire" while the script struggles (*cough doesn't bother) to find her anything to really do. That sure is an improvement over book Baela acting out, causing chaos, kissing kitchen boys and crying to save them from punishment, grieving alone on dragonstone after the gullet, trying desperately to get the adults around her to believe her suspicions about Grey Ghost, wrecking Aegon on her tiny dragon, being forced to grow up quickly under captivity and fiercely defending her rescuers from execution.
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found--family · 2 years ago
i dont want to hear any complaints about a shortage of content bc of the strikes when theres 15 seasons of Supernatural to consume thats 327 episodes at 45minutes each of Dean Jackles Winchester and 12 seasons of Gayngel Castiel in the longest running tv fantasy series and one of the most meta-rich shows ever created from 2005 to 2020 the likes of which we will never see again with Destiel awarded best onscreen chemistry before it was canon and most popular ship on ao3 with over 100k fics plus a prequel series and hopes for a reboot and while we're talking you can also check out their other recent projects including award-winning Roadfood and The Boys and Big Sky and Gotham Knights and you might even enjoy over 400 vintage episodes of young jackles on Days Of Our Lives circa 1997 to 2000 and various other guest and spot and main appearances for Jensen and Misha on shows like Dark Angel and Dawson's Creek and Smallville and NCIS and 24 and Charmed and ER and Monk and Timeless and the masterpieces that are TSA America and The Plight of Clownana and movies like My Bloody Valentine and Devour and Ten Inch Hero and Stonehenge Apocalypse and Finding Home and Moving Alan and of course voicework of animated Batman and podcast Bridgewater and if thats still not enough you have 17 years (and counting) of convention footage and countless other projects the rest of the spn cast have appeared in so dont worry there is no shortage of content
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ineffablecabbage · 12 days ago
“This is not your normal day or your normal shift for [Robby], and he probably should have stayed home,” Wyle explained. “We watch that professional mask and demeanor erode over the course of the shift until he is no longer able to keep those compartments airtight any longer.” But what, exactly, will it take for Robby to spontaneously, emotionally combust? I point out that The Pitt’s Season 1’s tagline — “15 episodes, 15 hours, one shift” — suggests that Robby will be forced work longer than your typical 12-hour ER shift. Does that imply that some sort of unforeseen trauma will keep him in scrubs and bring him to his breaking point? “The last five episodes of the show kind of, in some ways, redefine the show,” he teased. “So I advise you not to make too many assumptions, and to stay on this ride until the end.”
TV Line interview
Okay, but what does that m ean? Are we going to follow him home and have three hours of crying in his bathroom? I would watch it.
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estebunny · 2 months ago
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esteban ocon in 2024 season part 1/?
2023-11-30 Padel with Zhou
2023-12-01 Alpine Christmas party
2023-12-04 Drifting with Mick
2023-12-07 Un stupéfiant Noël premiere
2023-12-11 with Lulu
2023-12-12 Alpine RAC(H)ER event with Zidane
2023-12-13 Cyril Gane live
2023-12-17 Prema 40 event
2023-12-19 FFSA award ceremony
2023-12-22 Training in 321 perform
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