#epic thena
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firinnie · 1 month ago
First student and Muse of the Goddess of Wisdom
Aka what relationship does Athena have with first two children of Aphrodite and Ares.
When Atheba first arrived on Olympus (via the stairs, not the open skull), she couldn't find her place. The grief for her beloved friend and general ignorance of her among the other gods hurt young goddess a lot, but she knew she couldn't say it out loud so as not to upset her father. King.
She had the opportunity to meet her siblings, see them born. She had the opportunity to meet other gods and other creatures. She had the opportunity to become favorite of God King himself, but there was no time to find herself in all of this. Until the moment when her teenage, by god standards, little brother announced that he was going to be a father. She would have scolded Ares for it if Zeus hadn't done it first, Hera barely stopped him from throwing their second son off theis mountain.
What shocked Athena the most wasn't the violent reaction, but the reason for it. The woman who was supposed to carry this god-child of young god. Zeus wanted her for himself.
Athena wanted to find something to do away from her father, at least for a while. Despite everything, she decided to listen to him and not get involved in being an aunt, in the meantime she even made a vow of chastity which King liked. The matter died down, as did fate of this child for still teen goddess.
Until a few years later when she met Aphrodite, the tearful, new fiancée of Hephaestus. She stood before her with a child in her one arm and another standing next to, holding her mother's free hand.
Athena accepted the pleas. Zeus decided to let the children stay on Olympus when Athena asked for it, arguing that the girl had potential and the boy had wings which he would need help in using. Apart from Zeus, Athena was the only one who had this privilege of flying with feathered limbs. Of course, Ares was main caretaker for this two, but Athena helped her brother as much as she could, seeing his despair after losing love of his existence, that's what he called her. To Athena, it seemed childish, but many tears streaming down her brother's face warmed her up a lot. She may not have wanted to say it out loud, but both she and Aphrodite knew that if someone was under Athena's protective wing, they had less chance of unwanted contact with Zeus.
But these thoughts faded away over time. She never expected it but she loved these kids.
Harmonia, the older one, was a perfect, calm little goddess. She could stay in one place for hours and always listened to orders, wanting only for everyone to be happy.
Athena wanted it then and didn't think to work on her assertiveness, but instead she started creating the first toys and games that the young one occupied for hours. She couldn't do everything but Atheba didn't demand that of her. Sometimes Harmonia found new ways to play, ones that Athena hadn't thought of, so she was fascinated by this little thing.
Anteros, the younger one, fascinated her in a different way. His wings resembled a butterfly's, but had feathers so it was hard to find a golden mean to control them. The boy was stubborn after all and trained like a warrior. Only with time did Athena notice how fair he was. She would think that most adult gods did not have such a sense of law as this child who did not even grow to the waist of a goddess, unless he stood on tiptoes.
She didn't know it then, but this child who now would get up in the air after hours, many falls, and blood spilled from knees and elbows would be foundation Athena would use to create the law. Just as she didn't know that the toys and games for Harmonia would be perfect for humans when Athena be one of the ones who would help create them.
She also didn't know then that at some point she would get her domains and wouldn't have time for contact with her favorite children. In a few years, their father would also get his "War" and the pair of still young gods would have to find themselves in all of this. However, being a mentor remained in Athena's heart and whenever she had the chance, she would find a mentee, as intelligent and cunning as Harmonia or as fierce and determined as Anteros, and train him.
She was proud after all when she found out that Harmonia became the goddess of harmony and Anteros the god of requited love. It suited them perfectly, she thought. Ares and Aphrodite had even more history with each other, tangled like a sailor's rope, but there was room for three more children. The twin sons met Athena mainly on opposite side of battlefield, so the goddess couldn't have a higher opinion of them. Despite everything, one always looked out for the safety of the other, it was obvious to the naked eye, and she valued it very much. The youngest irritated her most. She used to think that Hermes was bad, but her little nephew was a thousand times worse. Once she and Aphrodite with Eros had passed each other on Olympus, the young god had ripped off his hand from his mother's and ran up to Athena, telling her to bow down to him or he would prick her with an arrow. Before Aphrodite could approach with an apologetic look, the second goddess decided to take control of the situation herself (and give minimal vent to her anger) by tearing the arrow out of little hand, avoiding the arrow point, and with all the strength she could find in herself, hit him in the palm with arrow's fletching part. She expected some kind of protest from his mother, but Aphrodite picked up the crying child, too dramatic in Athena's opinion, and sent her a dizzy smile. Ah, so she was also tired of this little brat. That was worth remembering, although now she would probably have peace for the next millennium.
The next contact Athena had with the couple's children was an anecdote from Zeus. He told about how Harmonia, out of love, begged for the same fate that befell her desperate husband - to be transformed into a snake, forever. He was shocked because pure tears in his daughter's eyes were something he did not expect in response for that.
Athena excused herself and fled to her chamber, for the first time not paying attention to her father's calls after her, and after being locked up she began to cry. She cried for hours realizing that Harmonia had met the closest thing to death for the gods that could happen. It hurt, even though it wasn't even her child. She thought she never liked them, but it stung in a way that was foreign to goddness. The last time she saw Anteros was when he came to her on a mission about his domain. She hadn't expected it, she hadn't allowed herself any love, so why would he bless her in this matter. He ran a palm leaf across her neck, which sent shivers down her spine. He did this when he came with love that was meant to be reciprocated, when someone interfered with such love or deliberately didn't return it - he got a whiplash from that leaf. "I don't plan on using your news anytime soon, child," she said, putting her work aside and looking at the smiling god. "Nevertheless, it's nice to see you." "Dearest aunt, I would have expected a little more general thinking from you." The smirk, her surprised face made him continue quickly so as not to get a reprimand. "After all, reciprocated love can be without the romantic part, right? After all, you get it from me and not my mother." She continued to look at him in confusion, then her gaze wandered to the report she was writing as if it would give her the answer to that. She wanted to ask more but to her surprise, the young man was no longer in front of her when she lifted her head.
Many questions were swirling in her head and she didn't know yet that it was a harbinger of something that would completely change her whole life. But then she didn't have time for anything else, Athena had to get up and go to the mortal land, felt that someone had defeated her boar and she had to check it out.
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o3o-lapd-o3o · 4 months ago
here is part 5! it's not a long as the others, but hopefully this will tide you over till the dinner scene!
(as i said in prev post that won't be posted till latest sunday/monday)
the post/thread that started this whole au
dinner scene: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8
there's a masterlist now!
*the next morning*
*in telemachus’ room*
telemachus: *having got up early due to his excitement for later tonight*
telemachus: *looking down at something on his table* i hope he likes this, i can’t believe i spotted it in the market!
athena: *from behind telemachus* who likes what?
athena: *trying to peer over telemachus to see what he’s looking at* what do you have there, little wolf?
telemachus: *jumps in shock, not expecting athena to be there*
telemachus: *quickly wraps something in a silk cloth*
telemachus: *turns to face her* athena!- oh this? it’s a gift!
athena: *owl-like wide eyes and head tilted* a gift? for who?
telemachus: *scratches the back of head with nervous laughter*
telemachus: w-well after you left yesterday, i decided to head to the palace library to look up some more information on the gods
telemachus: i know i said it was other people’s words… but i still wanted to know a little more about lord poseidon, before we met again.
athena: oh-
telemachus: -and! and then i headed down to the market, and i spotted something i thought… i thought he might like it.
telemachus: *looks down at his feet* i know he’s a powerful god and a gift seems like a silly idea… but he’s also fathers’ friend so i just thought-
athena: *smiling and putting her hand under telemachus’ chin to lift it up*
athena: telemachus, you don’t have to be nervous or explain it all to me
athena: my uncle may be very powerful, but i’m sure he’ll appreciate you getting him something.
athena: *internally to herself* and if he doesn’t, i’m positive one look from odysseus will change his mind
athena: *ruffles telemachus’ hair* so there! no need to worry!
telemachus: *smiles*
athena: *putting her hand down and looking back over telemachus’ shoulder*
athena: so, what did you get him?
telemachus: oh! here let me show you!
telemachus: *turns around and moves to the side so athena can come next to him*
telemachus: *moves the silk cloth*
telemachus: what do you think?
athena: *realises what it is* i think… i honestly think he’ll love it
telemachus: *looks at her and smiles again*
*telemachus wraps the item back in the silk cloth and both him athena leave his room*
telemachus: how come you’re here so early anyway?
telemachus: not that i mind! but dinner isn’t till this evening?
athena: what just because its family dinner tonight, i can’t have family breakfast?
telemachus: *laughs*
telemachus: i wonder if mother and father are up yet…
athena: if they’re not, please let me wake your father up
telemachus: um sure? how come though?
athena: *thinks back to when she did early morning training with odysseus*
athena: *remembers the horror on odysseus’ face every time she ‘woke’ him & dragged him out of bed*
athena: oh no reason really
*both head to odysseus’ and penelope’s room*
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clownytheram · 5 months ago
Its kinda funny because a lot of the arguments for Athena being alive are that Jay might take creative liberties but he wouldn't alter the story that much, right?
Meanwhile ody made a fuckin jetpack and won a fight against Poseidon in the middle of the ocean so like dont think we should be counting on that
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the-warrior-of-the-mind · 11 days ago
*He is teary eyed. His little baby.. his living headache.. his brain baby..*
“Thena. Come here my little baby..” *He is holding his hands out. He needs to hold her NOW.*
(Hi man :3 @lightninglux3 )
-Athena quickly flies up to him- her flight is still pretty wobbly. She looks so excited-
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fighting-to-be-loved-rp · 26 days ago
Are you all aware of how baby owls sleep?
*Athena sighs*
Young owls cannot support their own head, so they sleep on their stomachs. It looks quite silly.
Before you ask, no, I was never at the age to do so.
Damn, I'm sure it would have been adorable.
... I never said I didn't do it on occasion. I had... a very persuasive friend.
Pretty please, when you're well, will you demonstrate for us once?
Oh, please, Athena, it would be so cute.
Oh, by the fates, fine.
*happy wolf noises*
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mer-acle · 6 months ago
Chat, how do we feel about this part in WOTM
"I had a challenge, a test of skill [...] Maybe one day he'll follow me and we'll make a greater tomorrow, then they'll see I know he'll change the world cos he is a warrior of the mind."
Being Athena talking to Ares while they spar, she's so excited about her new student she's got to share it with someone hshdbdjcb
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odysseus-king-of-ithaka · 2 months ago
Something interesting about my canon:
I never experienced Open Arms, actually? In my canon, it was Your Light instead.
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the-warrior-of-the-mind · 2 months ago
-She shakes her head-
No! I just woke up with ‘em! I thought Hermes was playing a prank on me or something >:T
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Art reference. Except now she also has the thunder scars
-A what seems to be a little version of Athena walks up to you. Only difference is she still has the thunder scars-
Dad..? I kinda just woke up. I feel weird now…
-She softly rubs her feathers, she had a lot of them when she was little. That was before she picked them off due to stress-
- @the-warrior-of-the-mind
Zeus felt like he was about to cry the second he spotted Athena, who even turned her into a child?
He kneeled down to her level, examining the scars. Well, at least there was one reminder that he was a shitty dad.
"Hmm... Do you know how you got these?"
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captain-tabletops · 5 months ago
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I haven't designed a cat in ages but here we are
it's a crossover of Epic and Warriors with Blu-thena and Ody-fire! idk if it's exactly Athena and Ody as warriors, or a version of Bluestar and Fireheart or somewhere in between I guess
I have a short "My Goodbye" animatic in my files, but idk if I'll finish it soon or never, we'll see *shrugs
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planet4546b · 12 days ago
jesus christ the epic highs and lows of ace attorney 6. miserable racism -> horrid nick writing -> beautiful and compelling and deeply tragic trucy case with vitally important trucy characterization -> really nice thena apollo interactions -> back to being even more racist this time -> now it’s an arc about a rebellion too -> MAYA IS BACK!!!!!!!!! -> the maya and nick interactions feel stilted and strange -> case is already boring -> RACISM GETTING WORSE??????
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fl04tingcl0uds · 2 months ago
*They stopped when they grabbed them and blinked a bit as they listened to her speak. Weird.. suspicious.. okay..* “I mean okay but..”
“.. why..?” *They ask looking very confused as they fluttered their eyes and looked at her as she.*
rp starter: smoothie time! 🍹
Athena sat down on a chair in the kitchen, mashing up some kind of fruit in a mortar with a pestle - or certainly attempting to. She was breathing heavily and breaking a sweat, and winced in pain every so often. Today seemed to be very bad for her pain-wise, which begged the question as to why she was going through this strenuous activity.
“Gods damn you, turn into mush already…”
(tags: @cloak-of-ares @fl04tingcl0uds @hermes-of-olympus aaaaand @hera-of-peacocks why tf not)
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writteninthesewalls28 · 9 months ago
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Too dumb, to know things like love
A/n: So, this is my new story. It is so important to me, I am actually not quite sure if posting it is the right thing to do. Maybe I'm going to delete it again. Maybe not. Anyways, the summary was posted on this blog again, be sure to check that out too. This is the first chapter.
Warnings: none
Tagging @surrowndedbylights bc she said, she’d be interested in reading this!
The start of something new.
Do you also have these days, where you feel so nostalgic? For me, that day is definitely today. This is probably the most important and most memorable day for me. Well, at least when I end up in the "corps de ballet" after my years at the "Opéra National de Paris". If not, I will most likely remember this day, where everything started to go wrong.
But let´s just hope for the first option, shall we?
I totally forgot to introduce myself. But- is there much to tell anyways?
I am Athena, but everyone calls me Thena or Thea. You might wonder, why my parents chose such a hilarious name for her daughter, well they always loved unique things, since they called my siblings Percy (my annoyingly perfect older brother) and Iris (my cute, little younger sister, the most precious member of the family if you ask my granny). I am 16 years old and currently hectically running to my metro so I can get to my first day at the new school on time, which admittedly would be a new record, I never made it on time to any important dates.
I catch the metro and just in the right moment gripped onto the pole in front of me before the metro took off.
Like I already said, I am one of the new student at the dance school of Paris. Younger me would definitely be very impressed by what I achieved already. As little as I was, my mom made me take ballet classes because that´s what she did when she had been a teenager. It had always been my biggest dream to move to Paris one day and perform at the Opéra National de Paris, of course because I wanted to be a ballet star, but also because my mom told me so much about her life in the French metropole before meeting my dad who had been a tourist there and moving to Boston with him.
She showed me pictures of the city of love as little as I was and I immediately loved it as much as my mom did. So, partly, I am here because of her. I would have never had the courage to go and really apply for this school, even though I am the last person to be scared of anything. But- this was such a big step. Leaving Iris, Percy and our cat Tony behind, I never knew if I could really do it, but here I am.
I was smiling to myself, this would totally be a new kind of challenge, but I wasn´t afraid to accept, I knew I´d succeed and make my mom and sister proud. Iris is my biggest supporter, the best fan you could imagine, she is learning ballet and looks up to me, which just makes me feel even more empowered to do this.
The electronic woman´s voice echoed through the whole train and said: "Villiers". The excitement I felt in my stomach was growing stronger and stronger, only two more stations and then I´d see the Opéra for the first time. What an epic moment.
The metro had a really good ability to somehow crush all your positive emotions though. The smell, the darkness, all the people so close around you… not the most aesthetic place to be, especially when you are supposed to feel as happy and optimistic as me. The strange feeling of being practically thrown into these sharp bends is really killing me and my poor organs.
And then this road (can you even call them roads, they´re underground?!) bends THAt sharply that my body can´t take it.
I fall onto the guy standing next to me.
A very attractive guy as well, why is it always in front of the attractive ones when something embarrassing happens to me?
He had the most blue eyes I´ve EVER seen in the entire world, and I´ve seen quite many. His curly, black hair was completely devastated after I crushed into him, I felt so sorry. Not for him of course, for his beautiful hair. People who look so perfect and seem to have absolutely no reaction when someone falls on top of them, they kind of deserve to be ran over, right?
So, maybe that had to happen, maybe I was the CHOSEN person to ruin this boy´s hair to remind him that there are sadly too many people on this planet not as good looking as him.
Anyways, before I could even say "Sorry" or "Pardon" or whatever, the doors opened, I read "Europe" on the wall outside of the train and next thing I know, he stepped out of the doors and exited the train.
Asshole, not even waiting for an apology from the clumsy girl on the train.
The sight at the Opéra as soon as I stepped out of the underground station made me forget VERY quickly about the guy in the train. I focused on the fact that this thing, right in front of me, will be my future. My only hope for a happy future, too.
The Opéra was even more beautiful than it looked like on photos and in the internet. I quickly grabbed my phone out of my back pocket of my jeans and glanced at my lockscreen, showing me and Iris dancing next to each other in the middle of the busy streets in Boston, before I finally opening the camera app and taking a photo of the outstanding building in front of me. I`D be a dancer at the most famous dancing school EVER. I cannot believe it.
But if I didn´t speed up a little bit and make my way inside, I´d not be on time, so I started running to the hidden entrance on the left side of the building.
The inside was even more breath taking than the facade from the streets. Everywhere, I only saw gold decorations. On the walls, the stairs, the roof. I wondered why they didn´t call this place "The Golden Palace", because that´s what it really is.
I took a look around, trying to find a rather large group of teenagers any age, but couldn´t find anybody.
"Dear, are you searching for anybody?" A woman suddenly asked me, I didn´t even see her coming up to me.
"Well, yeah… I am looking for the new students of the Ballet school, we were supposed to meet here…" I said, not really knowing if she could even help me. She looked slightly older and I didn´t really think she was one of the staff members here. But she seemed nice, so why not ask her? I loved talking to others!
"Oh! So you´re the student they´re all waiting for! Come on, I can bring you to them!" She offered me and I gladly accepted her grateful offer. This place was a little too confusing for a girl like me.
Soon we arrived in the main entrance, the famous staircase everybody knows. "There they are!" the woman said and waited till I stood next to them before disappearing as if she´d never even been there.
"Ah, you must be Athena Williams, is that right?" The headmistress asked me as soon as I stood in front of the large group of students.
Why did I immediately knew, she´s the headmistress? Because the most famous French ballerina Ms. Rodriguez and now most successful ballet teacher had the most scary blue eyes ever. Paired with the raven-black hair and pale skin, you could actually think a vampire stood right in front of you. But I saw enough pictures of my future headmistress previously, so I just knew it was her who was talking to me in a very harsh tone.
And that, even though I arrived right on time! I hated people who said: "be on time" and then expect me to be there 20 minutes earlier, that´s just not fair.
"Yes, that´s right. Excuse me for the tardiness." I said, trying to give her a soft smile, but she just stared at me. And I´d rather vanish, god, she´s scary.
"At least we can start now." The teacher said, looking through to the whole group. "Anyone´s got any questions before we go to the school?" None of us said anything, I guess everyone was too stunned by the way she just stared at me. Scary woman, honestly. Maybe she should reconsider her clothing choice, black is not the best thing to wear when you have black hair.
On our way to the school, I looked around and saw a lot of different people next to me. Younger kids, older teens, girls, boys, kids where you´re not exactly sure what their gender is, friendly people, people with an angry look on their face.
And I started to wonder who will be my roommate. All of the students who are going to live in the boarding school because they don´t have any family living near Paris on in Paris, live in little rooms, similar to the rooms you see when you have a field trip with your class in a normal school, but with the difference that we have to live her for a whole year.
So if you don´t get along with you roommate, you really do have a problem. I just hoped my roommates are going to be very extroverted people and who like talking, because as out going as I am, I absolutely hate small talk with people who don´t want to talk. It just gets more and more awkward with every question that you ask.
Our large group was now already walking for about 20 minutes and you could slowly see how more students got upset about the long walk with every meter they made. I liked it though. Paris was just the most beautiful place to walk around. And I maybe also was so chilled because I was too excited to finally meet my roommate. Will it be a new student as well? How many people will be in the room? Will the room be big? Hopefully, I had a big problem with tiny rooms.
Suddenly Ms. Rodriguez walking in front of us stopped in front of the door of a large building. "École de la danse" was written on the sign above the door. "Okay, I´m now going to tell everyone to which room they have to go and if you´re not a boarding school student, you´re just going to wait here with me. I expect everyone back here at 6 pm in the grand hall for a dinner." She said and just started taking out a piece of paper.
Then she called out names, followed by a room number.
And I waited.
And waited.
And finally: Bradley, Athena an Williams, Adeline, Room 006" She said, and I looked around to see the other students who was just mentioned. But since I saw absolutely no one who looked up or anything, I walked up to the teacher and she handed me the key for the room. Still no one behind me, strange. Maybe Adeline was ill today and couldn´t attend.
I walked past the vampire-headmistress and made my way to the girl dorms. The corridors were all decorated very friendly and colorful, in soft summer colors, such as light green, yellow and pink. I really loved the atmosphere and felt immediately very comfortable here. That was a good start to my new life (apart from my tardiness-without-being-to-late, it REALLY was)
Only looking at my beautiful surroundings, I nearly missed my new dorm room. I stood in front of the 006 room and the door said: Luna Cordin, great, now I have two roommates, hopefully they weren´t complete idiots.
And… I opened the door just to see a very small girl sitting on one of the three beds in the room. She looked very shy (but maybe that was because of the huge glasses in her face) and had long, soft, red hair which really suited her rather pale skin perfectly. But she didn´t look like one of the mean and over-ambitious ballet girls. She looked- normal. Well, define normal, but she did not wear too much Make-Up and the fact that the 5th Harry Potter book laid in her hands proved my point. I think I got very lucky with my first room mate.
"Hey, guess I´m your new roommate. I´m Athena, but everybody calls me Thena, what´s your name?" I just ignored the fact that I already read her name on the door because how else should I possibly start a conversation with her? She didn´t look like she loved socializing.
The girl gave me a judging look and said in a really bored voice: "Stands on the door."
Wow, I´m gonna take it back. I didn´t get THAT lucky with my roommate.
But maybe first impressions weren´t quite her thing… who knows.
"Can I choose a bed or did anyone already arrive?" I asked, not really expecting an answer.
"No, all of them are free, just take one." Luna said. Maybe she wasn´t too bad after all, at least she just gave me a completely normal response to a completely normal question.
I made my way to the bed opposite of her, in between the two beds was just the narrow corridor of our room which lead to the large wardrobe. I took a look around and saw a few famous photos of paintings from even more famous artists on the wall and figured Luna must like painting.
"You like Van Gogh?" I asked, not knowing much about him myself, but studies say that it´s a good thing to ask a shy person about things they like because they love telling people about it.
Luna, however, already continued reading as soon as I sat down on the bed. "Yeah, I think he has an interesting way to paint. I really like it." Wow, she CAN talk.
We continued talking about some of the drawings in the room before introducing ourselves.
"I´m from London and now am at this school for about 3-4 years. It´s really cool everybody is nice, especially the teachers. Some students might me a little strange, but that´s the same in every ballet school. And anyways, most people are really cool. I bet you´ll like Atlas a lot. He´s so funny.
I explained a bit about my hometown and talked about my family, especially Iris. "Here, that´s me and her back in Boston" I showed her my phone lockscreen.
"Awww, she looks so cute. I wish I had a little sister. My older sister, Beth, she´s very confident. Iris looks at you as if you´re the best person on the planet. You must be so happy to have her." Yeah, I really was, and that really made me miss her and Percy even more. The two people who I´ll probably always miss most. Hopefully mom was right and it´ll get better with time.
"I think we probably should go to the dinner, I don´t want to be late. Ms. Rodriguez hates that." Luna said and I sighed rather loud.
"Then she definitely hates me to death now." Luna chuckled and looked at me with an amused look on her face. She had a very adorable laugh.
"Don´t worry. She hates everyone." I started to really like this girl. She for sure wasn´t too bad.
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"And.. That´s June. She´s here since she was 13, oh and next to her, that´s her boyfriend Jamie. They´re really nice. But, you know. Couples. Slightly annoying." Me and Luna got to the big dining hall, or at least the dining hall for the dinner tonight with all the students, normally it probably was a cafeteria with lots of little tables for the students.
Luna started pointing at all the students who will be in our classes and who are older, who to fear and who´s really nice. A silent observer is a really good person to be close with because she simply knows EVERYTHING about everyone.
I now knew that there´s a girl who is maybe bisexual, but maybe isn´t and that someone is always talking about his long-distance girlfriend but everyone is wondering if that girl really exists because no one ever saw her.
But apparently, Luna was still waiting for her best friend, a boy named Atlas. They arrived in the same year at this school and immediately got best friends. "You´ll like him, he´s so cool." she told me when I asked what he was like. For me, that more sounds like someone who is an absolute asshole that nobody likes, but everyone has to because otherwise he´s going to start some terrifying rumors.
But maybe I think that just because I went to a high school in Boston City and the kids are a little weird there, including me and my siblings.
My gaze wandered around the big hall. The large tables in the middle of the room with the gorgeous plates and even more beautiful decoration in gold and rosé really stood out and made it hard to focus on anything else than this beauty. But behind one of the chairs, I noticed a guy with an annoyed look on his face, not talking to anyone, in contrast to everybody else.
Everyone stood together in either large or little groups, explaining things or showing a new students around, but he just stood there, not interested in anything, only staring at the floor.
"Luna, who´s that boy over there?" I asked her. There was a huge chance that she didn´t know him because he´s a new students, but why not ask?
"Oh, please never talk to him. Ever. That´s Timothée, everyone calls him Timmy though. With his blonde hair and the bad attitude, I am convinced Malfoy would be an even better nickname. He IS Draco Malfoy. I feel so sorry for Atlas that he has to share a room with him every single day of the week. And I really feel sorry for all of us that he is in our class every single day of the week, it´s truly a shame."
No, I won´t talk to him. But I did feel a bit sorry for him, he must feel very lonely if everybody hates him.
"Atlas! Come on, I´m going to introduce you to him!" Luna now said next to me and I had to stop looking at the loner in the black clothes and follow Luna, who was walking towards a tall guy with black hair, I couldn´t see how his face looked though because Luna was in front of me.
When they stopped and he leaned in to hug her, I felt like my heart stopped beating for a second.
He had blue eyes, THE blue eyes.
I would´ve probably recognized these special eyes everywhere, but I definitely didn´t expect them here, at this school, as the best friend of my first friend in a different country.
It was the asshole from the metro who didn´t even bother to wait for my excuse. How could he now seem so nice and soft though? Was that just because Luna was in front of him, or had I been the problem?
Well, falling onto someone because the metro is stopping isn´t really the best start to have… but maybe we could fix it?
"May I introduce you to my new roommate Thena?" Luna said and moved to the side so I stood directly in front of him, looking at him and noticed his hair wasn´t ruined anymore.
These eyes, they were too pretty.
"We already met." he said, smiling at me. "In the metro, not the best encounter I had with someone, I have to say." OH, how lovely. He hates me. Just because I ruined his goddamn hair?!
"Got your hair and your ego fixed again?" I asked in return, maybe sounding a bit too harsh than I actually wanted to. But he just continued smiling and looked back at Luna. I didn´t even notice I held my breath while he was talking to me, that normally only happens to me when I´m dancing, strange.
"And these are my new roommates. Luna, Aylan and Milan. Aylan and Milan, my best friend Luna." He introduced them to each other.
The two boys were the most identical twins I`ve ever seen. They both had the same brown hair and freckles. The only difference were the dimples the right one, Milan, had.
"They are Anny´s brothers." Atlas added.
While Atlas and Luna had an ongoing conversation about their summers, while Atlas talked way more than her, I tried doing small talk with the twins. God, I really was terrible at it.
"So, your names sound really Italian, are you from there?" I asked, only knowing a few things about the European country.
Both of them nodded and Aylan said: "Yeah, we grew up there, our mom is from Italy, our dad is from Germany though." Aylan was the talker, I immediately noticed. Milan seemed rather shy compared to his brother, but the grin said it all: both were definitely up to some banter. And I really liked that, every single class needs at least one student like that, having two of them, makes it even more fun, right?
Sooner or later the principal came and we all had to sit down on our chairs and listen to her speech. "I love to see so many new faces at this school, it reminds me that there´s so much good and new stuff coming up. Here´s to a good year and a good start of classes on Wednesday!" She said and everybody started applauding.
Later, during the big dinner, where I sat between Luna and a girl named Taylor, Luna asked me: "So, what´s going on between you and Atlas, I don´t like the way you were talking to him earlier." Oh, god. Please don´t tell me she´s secretly in love with the asshole, but doesn´t want to admit it, so she´s just fighting everyone who disrespects him. I always hated these type of girls, I met tons of them back in Boston in High School.
"Well, we met in the train because I fell on top of him and ruined his PERFECT hair." I responded with a bitter tone in my voice, I still couldn´t believe someone could be such a- well so mean to me just because I did something embarrassing. "And now he hates me I guess."
"No, Atlas hates no one, not even Timmy. And to be honest, maybe you are the person who´s acting up a little here." Yeah, she was in love with him, great. Now I had to mess with this instead of focusing on school and getting good roles in a play.
"I´m not, he didn´t even waited for my excuse-" I sighed, this was completely useless anyways. I was new, they were friends for so long now, she´d just defend him for ages. "You know what, forget it. I don´t have to be friends with him." I said towards Luna and turned away from her to start small talk (yay, my favorite activity!) with the girl next to me who seemed very lonely, so why not cheer her up a little?
Directly after the dinner ended, I practically ran back to our room, just to scare the shit out of the girl who stood in it when I busted through the wooden door.
That must be Adeline Williams, hopefully a lot nicer roommate than my I-fell-in-love-with-my-best-friend roommate I already met and am definitely not friends with anymore, against our actually pretty good start.
"What are you doing?!" Was the first thing she (hysterically) said to me after picking up her luggage that fell out of her hand because I scared her so bad.
"sorry, just not the best first day…" I explained, wanting to say more and introduce myself, but she cut me off.
"Well, then just do something different than running into random rooms. This is a ballet school, not a school for professional boxers!" The new girl said to me and I couldn´t do anything else but stand there completely speechless.
Why was I surrounded by complete idiots?
And in the exactly right moment, Luna steps into our shared room and says: "Everything okay Thena?" before seeing the new girl and look at her confused. "And you are?"
"I´m Adeline, call me Addy. But only if you know how to open doors without scaring the shit out of people."
So she basically just told me to call her Adeline because I busted into MY new room? Man, I wanted to go home and hug Iris and Percy. Right now.
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Considering my first encounter with Addy was last night, you can probably imagine how my first night in the boarding school was.
Thank god, the morning was a lot better, especially because I managed to get ready and leave the room before my two roommates.
While enjoying the literally very delicious breakfast (I LOVE pancakes) I texted my sister Iris who was about to go bed, being 6 hours behind me.
Thena: Heyy little sis, how was your first day of school 👯‍♀️?
She directly read my text and responded. Oh how good it felt to know she’s still there for me and I could still talk to her whenever I want (just ignoring that there were 8 hours and so many kilometers between us).
Iris: Good… school I guess. The kids are being weird since our local paper wrote about your new school. Speaking of you, how’s my super cool professional ballerina sister?
Yesterday had been my sister’s first day of school. She was very good in school and loved English and Science, but would rather spend her time in the ballet studio, trying to dance one of the fairies of sleeping beauty, her favorite ballet. Most of the kids there don´t comprehend why she loves ballet so much and why she spends so much time with a "silly" hobby. For me, it had been the same, but at the point where you transfer to Paris to become a professional dancer, everyone tells you how much they look up to you and how proud they are to know you.
It´s just the way things are.
Thena: Don´t mind them, they´re idiots. Paris is so beautiful, I wish you´d be here with me.
Iris: Is everyone nice to you? Met any cool people?
That´s the thing with having a very clever sister, she knows why I´m only talking about the city and not about the people. But bad for her that she had such a stubborn big sis who never talks about her emotions with her, trying to protect her.
Thena: Yeah, everyone is super cool here. It´s so different here though, so happy I learned a little bit of French ;)
I knew she most likely won´t accept that as an answer, but just hoped she won´t ask any further questions about my for now really embarrassingly poor social live, no matter how extroverted I actually am.
Iris: Have to go to bed now or mom´s literally going to murder me… have a good day and please send me lots of photos from your free day!
I smiled reading her message, send her lots of kisses and wished her a good night before putting my phone away and finish eating my breakfast. Because school only starts on Wednesday, we were allowed to go out shopping or exploring the city today.
Which, translated to me, meant, I have to go and buy maaaany new leotards for when I´m gonna be in the ballet studios outside of school times.
But before I could finish that thought, the blonde girl, named Taylor that I talked to at the dinner yesterday sat next to me. "Hey! How was your first night?" She asked.
I was just so happy that someone finally tried doing small talk that I nearly forgot answering her question. "It was okay… have to get used to the time zone and my roommates, but it definitely wasn´t too bad. How was yours?" I asked after answering. I loved sharing information about me, knowing that some people don´t like it as much, but she seemed really okay with it.
"Yeah, same honestly. I´m from Australia. I just really want to sleep and stand up in the middle of the night." She said, laughing.
Our conversation went on for a while before we decided we could go and explore the famous and gorgeous "City of Love" together.
"Let´s meet here again at 10?" She asked while standing up and taking her dirty dishes with her.
I nodded. I at least had someone rather nice to talk to and spend time with. Sad that she wasn´t my roommate after all.
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The second I walked back into my shared room I took a deep breath, hoping it would be empty and I could spend some peaceful time alone, maybe chatting with my older brother Percy.
But sadly, I found Luna sitting on her bed in the exact same position as yesterday when I first met her, doing the exact same thing: reading the exact same book: Harry Potter
I awkwardly entered and closed the door behind me. "Good Morning." I tried sounding as nice as possible and she shyly looked up from her book as I made my way to my luggage to take out some clothing, appropriate for a day in the city.
"Morning. And, any plans for today?" Luna surprisingly said. Was she trying to do small talk with me?
I of course answered her, using the opportunity she gave me. "Yeah, me and some girl want to go to the city together and maybe go shopping." I didn´t try to sound too nice, making sure she still knows I´m mad at her for the comment yesterday. "Where Adeline?" I added, not really knowing what else to say to keep this conversation going.
"She said, she´s going to go to the ballet studios, because, I quote: ´I cannot not train, I can´t believe school only starts tomorrow. " I laughed for the first time today and it felt really relieving actually. Maybe this place wasn´t too bad as I thought after yesterday.
"She is a little weird isn´t she?" I asked Luna, getting a huge nod as a response.
"Hey, how about we forget about yesterday and start all over again? I really didn´t mean that comment yesterday… Atlas CAN be a little cold sometimes."
Wow. I expected everything. But not that, definitely not.
"Hold on." I said, going back to the door and playing like I just entered. "Hey, guess we are roommates now. I´m Thena, what´s your name?" I said, taking her words ´start all over again´ very seriously.
She laughed uncontrollably, I didn´t think she had such a pretty laugh. "I´m Luna. Nice to have you here Thena." She then answered, finally catching her breath again. "No, but seriously. I regret these words from the dinner yesterday. I´m just very protective over him, we know each other for so long already."
Yeah, that was the clarification, she was deeply in love with him. But I wouldn´t tell her, we don´t know each other for that long and I was still a little mad about her comment. Even after her second apology.
"Apology accepted." I said, giving her a soft smile and finally continuing my search for appropriate ´going-out-shopping´ clothes in my suitcase.
"Thank you." She stood up from her bed and walked towards her part of the wardrobe. She opened it and grabbed something out of it before handing it to me. "When I found out I´d get two roommates this year, I already bought a book for each of you as a welcome present. Hope you like it."
She bought a book, just for me?
She may be introverted and super protective, but maybe she doesn´t WANT to be like that.
"Thank you so much. That means so much to me." I looked at the beautiful cover of the book. It was light brown with two people holding hands on it. The title said: "What if… I fall in love with you".
"It´s one of my favorite rom-coms. Two very young authors, best friends, wrote it together when they were just 15." Luna said, which really fascinated me. They were as old as us right now when they wrote their first book together? That´s truly incredible.
"By the way, why don´t you ask that girl if you two want to come with Atlas, the twin and me to our favorite coffee shop in town?"
I´ll take that as a peace offering from her side. Even though meeting Atlas again and listening to his dumb comments about me wasn´t the nicest thought I had, I still agreed, just to grow closer with Luna. She´ll still be my roommate for the next 2-3 years. It´s nice to have a good relationship with her.
Suddenly, I heard my phone ringing and saw that my brother was calling me. We were finally nearly in the same time zone, him studying in London, me here in Paris. "Sorry, that´s my brother, I have to answer that." She nodded and sat down on her bed again.
"Hey big bro!" I said when taking the call, immediately hearing Percy soft laugh through the phone and felt like I was home again.
"Hey big little sis. How´s life in the elite ballet school? Heard the tiny little Boston local paper wrote about it. You´re famous now." He always made jokes like that, that´s just his way of showing his love to me.
"It´s.. Okay. Already met some pretty cool people here." For him, it was even more important to know I was okay. I think, he´d actually beat people up if he knew someone hurt one of his sisters. I learned not to worry him too much. "And you? Any big parties at the beautiful Oxford?" Okay, I take it back. Making jokes like that, were OUR way of showing love.
"No, no big parties coming. Have to focus on studying again." My big bro was the kid my parents are most likely the most proud of. He was studying Journalism in Europe and was the best of his year. He´s the perfect kid. Which actually makes it easier for me and Iris because my parents don´t expect that much from the both of us anymore. They already have their perfect son.
"Good luck with that, while I have a free day and can enjoy the beautiful city of love!" I said to him and got a laugh back. I loved when we were messing around like that.
"Have fun and send me photos!"
And then we hung up.
"Your brother seems fun to be around." Luna said after I put my phone down again.
"Yeah, Percy´s really cool." I grinned, he really was. Sometimes a little annoying cause he´s so perfect, but really cool.
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clownytheram · 5 months ago
Ok but like imagine while Athena's recovering she gets bored cus she can't do much (her hands are to messed up to do crafts, she can't train, and she shudders to much to read) so she sings
She sings, only when she's alone, unwilling embarrass herself further, humming lullabies from all over Greece, it becomes something of a comfort
She ends up singing songs Odysseus came up with, then songs his friends created, then the little songs telemachus makes in his free times
Even after she recovers she still sings when she's alone.
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the-warrior-of-the-mind · 2 months ago
I'm going to die, the RP between Zeus and Child Athena is too fucking cute
-Other gay bird's mod (Circe's mod)
You shouldn’t die. Dying hurts. :0
She used to be so happy. What’s funny is her siblings were talking about how they wish they could give the years back she spent raising them instead of her own childhood.
Well. She didn’t get those years back but now she finally has one good childhood memory
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aceyanaheim · 1 month ago
Aaaah! Look at themmmm!!
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Did some Picrews for the ModernFtbL idea
Imagining Ody was probably some type of agent on an infiltration mission and went MiA on the way home, hence why Pen is wearing the dogtags (don't quote me I have no idea about anything lol) Pen is working in the design field, probably something with textiles. And Tel is studying history in college. He's friends with a Med-student from across the street.
Athena can appear more human when she's not currently dying of lightning, her eyes get a bit darker and her wings disappear, but yeah... currently not an option.
how did i make her look more hauted goshhh XD
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itafushikugism · 3 years ago
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