#eoi dave
suger-cream · 4 years
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dsaf-au · 4 years
experiment-hell < dayshift-at-freddy-aus
The username could be better then this but whatever.
I posted a lot of art and reblogged a lot of stuff regarding the dsaf game on my main blog and spoke a lot of the experiment au when I lost interest in the swirl au when it used to be the main one.
The Swirl AU is about two ocs who are now the new owners of a Freddy Fazbender's restaurant and there is a planned army of zompies by one of the owners who goes by the name Ben Will. The corpses are of people he has killed, the most of them being ones who have hurt his bf Cotton. Cotton Swirl is a kind man who is not aware of his own power he has. He is treated not great by others a lot because of his own size and how nice he acts. He helped set Legacy and henry up then helped Jack get together with Dave, he likes to help a lot of people.
Now for the Experiments Au. Its changes a few things about characters regarding some stuff that happened in the past, though it takes place after the dsaf 3 game it takes a twist on a what if type thing for if Henry didn't actually die when he was defected by Jack and the others. When Henry comes back to reality, he has small abilities that don't work in the beginning and he had to get used to gravity before devoting a plan. Miller wrote in a diary about different plans and thoughts he had through the process. When the experimenting part does begin, he has tested it on animals like cats,dogs, and a few wolfs before he began the tests on humans. The first few humans have died to a lot of the experiments, the blue chemicals and purple ones have killed the most creatures and humans. The newest subjects to these begin with Sam first, a young red head who had a lot of hope in life and though it would get better after seeing the pink man then she lost all sanity because of the experiments. She was though to have died, so she was then thrown into the dumpsters. George and Zane were next after Sam, one of them was hanged and gotten his eye cut. Zane was almost killed by three dogs, then was though to have died by them and was thrown into the dumpster with George as well. There were a few others but that didn't have great luck. Dave at one point found his way back to mr miller hoping he was alright, he was fine living with his partner Jack but wanted to see Miller again which was a mistake when he was knocked out cold.
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Dave are you and Jack dating? I bet you twoare cute together! owo
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Dave: I ain't even with them. Two of them don't even like me and one is too fragile to talk to me. I can't speak to Jack as often so I doubt dating him would be a option I really fucking avoid.
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pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
Tw: Gore, animal abuse, child abuse, ect
The eoi au is after the good ending in dsaf but Henry excapes.
Henry's childhood in the au is a bit different then to the canon one.
Dr Henry is a scientist that excaped the void and did a lot of experiments. His first experiments were tests on wild animals he found. He did tests and experiments on a small dog's corpse he found in the road. He found two more dogs ten days after he found the corpse of the puppy. He trained all of them to listen to him and attack anyone who entered his basement alone or when they try to excape. He made sure no one will leave alive. Henry is a sadistic, manipulative, murderous, and flirty bastard that does these sick experiments on humans for his own entertainment. He is respectful the identities of anyone speaks to and is kind to them. The only people he flirt with is anyone that is a adult. Anyone who is not a adult would be a very close friend or worker of his and nothing else. He always tells anyone who goes to his house for a visit to never enter his basement or bedroom. That is because he has a lot of corpses in his basement lab that he did experiments on. He has stuff in his bedroom he rather be left alone or not seen by others, Henry used to be a good father to his son David, but when the boy got too close to the lion at Miller's circus he had a sadistic smirk and pushed David close to the lion so he would die. He laughed about it and said that it was David's fault that he died. David's soul possess the body of a adult male that was nicknamed Rex. For the present Henry's Experiments gotten worse for everyone involved in them with Jack and Dave having the worse faith for them. Henry emotionally, physically, and sexually abused Jack after he kidnapped him from behind the freddy's he was working at. The purple chemical he injects into Jack's body twists his inside, burns his insides, and makes him lose control of being able to use his own body. Henry's torture to Jack was much worse then the torture to his other victims. The demon named Purple formed in Jack's head after ten months and has emotionally and physically hurt and abused him. He fused Jack's new soul that was out of his personality to be apart of him. Purple and Henry are able to communicate so they aide each other in hurting Jack to his breaking point. He ends up snapped in front of a little girl and kills her brutally, then went on a killing rampage. It has taken Jack two years to get better and that caused him to have a second insane state (or another personality) the second one I'll call it Nick. Nick is the side of Jack that is okay with everything Henry has done to his victims and is a sadistic flirt. The first insane state is named Dan and he is very unstable and nothing will stop him from killing and messing everyone up. The only one that can help Jack go back from his first insane state is Henry. There is a lot of stuff that will trigger Jack to go into his first insane state and usely stuff in Henry's bedroom, basement lab, or something that reminds him of what was done will trigger him.
Dave has lose all trust in Henry when he was experimented on after Henry found him again. Dave has trust and anger issues so he would try to kill anyone who pissed him off slightly. He found out what Henry has done to Jack by listening in to a conversation he was having with there boss Cotton Fluff. He hated him more after finding out and would try to kill him. Mr Fluff is aware of what Henry has done since he was told everyone and he can easily get him arrested if he wanted to, but he decides not to. He makes sure Henry and the other employees follow his rules and not kill anybody.
Alex trusts Miller a lot and would listen to any simple command for anything he needed. She trusts Henry with everything of hers and tells him stuff hoping he can help. Henry likes her and he would help Alex with anything she needed.
George, Zane, and Sam are victims of Dr Henry's experiments with both physical and emotional abuse. He has hung George by the neck multiple times to see the results of it. Henry has slashed at him in angry cutting over the left eye making George blind in it. Henry toyed with Sam's sanity breaking her mentally to where she was unstable. (If she has a fuzzy plushie she will calm down.) Zane was carved into on his back through his skin to the muscles. He had multiple experiments done to him with some of his organs and pieces of his flesh were removed. A lot of Dr Henry's subjects suffer from dying from the chemicals he has and not one ever survived them. Only George,Zane,Sam, Jack, Dave, and Cotton Fluff survived.
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Memorable Viewing from 2020
Betty Tells Her Story (Liane Brandon, 1972)
Little Women (Greta Gerwig, 2019)
City Hall (Frederick Wiseman, 2020)
Our Hobby Is Depeche Mode (Nick Abrahams & Jeremy Deller, 2008)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire (Céline Sciamma, 2019)
Apollo 11 (Todd Douglas Miller, 2019)
The Bad and the Beautiful (Vincente Minnelli, 1952)
Love Is the Message, the Message is Death (Arthur Jafa, 2016)
The Hanging Tree (Delmer Daves, 1959)
In My Room (Mati Diop, 2020)
I didn’t see many movies in this weird year - not by my usual standards, anyway - but I still wanted to record some kind of snapshot of my viewing year. Obviously I didn’t catch much of anything theatrically. I saw Little Women at an MJR with my wife and daughter on January 1st, Uncut Gems a week later, and Varda by Agnès at the Detroit Film Theatre in late January. Just days before things started closing, I passed an hour in the cafe at the Maple Theater, where Portrait of a Lady on Fire was playing, and hoped I’d get back there to see the film before it left (I didn’t).
Also memorable, my siblings and I thoroughly debriefed Bill & Ted Face the Music over a Zoom call, having previously planned to see that together on a trip out west. Then there’s the Parasite Blu-ray that, due to the temporary closure of the public library, sat beside my television for something like four months, long enough that I’d stop noticing it. Movie-adjacent (what’s the difference?), I snuck in episodes of The History of the Seattle Mariners and Last Dance, sometimes in 15-minute chunks when I wouldn’t in the way / taxing the broadband. I loved both. And if I’m recapping 2020 accurately, I can’t overlook the three seasons of Avatar: The Last Airbender that my daughter and I watched (first time) Saturday mornings over roughly six months.
Anyway, we’ve all got such stories this year. These are mine...
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dustedmagazine · 4 years
Jonathan Shaw 2020: Another Year of Pissed-off, Bone-tired but Resilient Music
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I’ll forego the exercise of noting in any sort of detail what a shitty, shitty year 2020 was. Stipulate to the point.  
But there has been some really terrific music, both new and old, to sustain us. Given the unrelenting tides of awfulness and misery, the music has been especially crucial, and I am even more grateful than usual that we have such brilliant, talented and courageous artists among us. They can channel our anger, respond to our sadness and create moments of transcendent joy — even in the teeth of all the feckless fascists, the capitalist criminals and an earth ball increasingly struggling for its breath.  
I will take a moment to repeat my customary EOY-column disclaimers: This isn’t a “best-of” list, so much as an accounting of the records that refused to leave the rotation of sides that moved through my life in 2020. As ever, there were too many records to listen to, too many more that I had committed to reviewing, daunting stacks of songs that needed my attention. But the releases listed below kept turning up when I pressed play — and I kept turning them up, louder.  
SUMAC’s May You Be Held and Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou’s May Our Chambers Be Full were the records that I played most often this year, even though they were released fairly late into 2020. Maybe there was something in the wishful invocations of the record’s titles that variously touched my moods. Through 2020, I did a lot of wishing for other and very different circumstances. So I list those two records first. The rest of the records appear in alphabetical order. I listened to all of them a lot.  
SUMAC — May You Be Held (Thrill Jockey) 
May You Be Held by SUMAC
A prayer. The record’s integration of improvisation and rigorously heavy song forms has an unusual power, both meditative and propulsive. The players are uncannily in tune with one another’s talents and vibes. They’re all talented musicians—don’t sleep on Brian Cook’s bass playing on this record. The band makes and stays in a tight pocket. You listen to their performances, and to this record from end to end, and you feel like you’ve come through something. Exhausted, thrilled and transformed.
 Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou — May Our Chambers Be Full (Sacred Bones)  
May Our Chambers Be Full by Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou
A collaborative record that issues in gloriously intense and beautifully excoriating music. Rundle’s voice in full song with Bryan Funck’s is something to hear, and the players’ musical sensibilities prove complementary in any number of interesting, aesthetically effective ways. It’s been kind of fun watching the metal blogs and press attempt to label the music: “atmospheric sludge”? “Post sludge?” What’s next? Melo-sludge? In this case, the inevitable label-wrangling seems especially irrelevant. The songs and the sound demand your attention. They’re really good. The record never neglects the heaviness of life’s gloomy difficulties, but the songs still find ways to soar.
 Decoherence — Unitary (Sentient Ruin Laboratories) 
Unitarity by Decoherence
There were a number of really good black metal records released this year (see Botanist’s and Shaidar Logoth’s recent sides for some evidence of the music’s underappreciated diversity). Unitary is clearly a black metal record, but it doesn’t sound quite like anything else. It hisses, hums and crackles with industrial atmosphere, and sometimes there’s a lot of dissonance to listen through, in order to discover the band’s powerful gifts for riffs and propulsive rhythm. And while the tones and textures are transfixing, the songs are really strong as songs. Twisting, extruding, hammering: is this the black metal of physics?
 Fuck the Facts — Pleine Noirceur (Noise Salvation)
Pleine Noirceur by Fuck The Facts
Okay, okay — so I’m cheating a bit. This record was released way late in 2020, so technically I have played some other records a bit more often. But this one is too good not to get a shout here. Fuck the Facts is classed as a grindcore band, and they can rage and sprint along with the best of them. But their music is a lot more than speed and fury. Melodic invention and emotional atmosphere are crucial components, maybe on this record especially. I’ve only played it about a hundred or so times so far. I’ll let you know.
 Mamaleek — Come & See (The Flenser) 
Come and See by Mamaleek
This record was released in late winter, but its fury and themes made it a strangely prescient soundtrack for the summer months of protest. George Floyd. Breonna Taylor. Many more whose names we don’t know. The grinding misery of life in Chicago’s Cabrini-Green housing projects provides the socio-cultural focus of Come & See, and the record’s righteous indignation is in tune with the sounds of voices raised, and cops buckling on riot gear. Mamaleek is frequently tagged as a black metal band, but their questing sensibility always exceeds the genre. There’s some noise rock, some punk and even some blues in the music’s volatile mix. It’s deeply angry.
 Primitive Man — Immersion (Relapse Records) 
Immersion by Primitive Man
Less massive and noisy than their previous LP Caustic (2017), Primitive Man’s Immersion is a focused gut punch—or more properly, a deliberate battery of them, delivered with the patience and precision of a trained fighter. Primitive Man’s sludgy doom (doomy sludge?) lends fresh credence to terms too often trotted out in writing about this sort of music: “crushing,” “punishing,” “pulverizing.” Applied to this record, those words regain their relevance. And Ethan McCarthy’s vocals may be the heaviest sound in contemporary metal. Yikes.
 Raspberry Bulbs — Before the Age of Mirrors (Relapse Records) 
Before The Age Of Mirrors by Raspberry Bulbs
The phrase “blackened punk” really bugs me: blackened as opposed to what? Taupe? Raspberry Bulbs give the phrase some meaningful bite with this terrific record—the latest in a string of them from the band, which started as a solo project for Marco del Rio. He may be more familiar to some Dusted readers as “He Who Crushes Teeth,” longtime member of Bone Awl. For Raspberry Bulbs, he moves to guitar, and slashes and tears at these songs, now with a consistent full band behind him. The songs have a punky tunefulness, even as they burn with black metal’s cold fire.
 Special Interest — The Passion of (Thrilling Living)
The Passion Of by Special Interest
 I got to this one way too late. Special Interest’s first record Spiraling (2018) seemed to me overly enamored of its own casual nihilism, and all the hype accompanying the release of The Passion of put me off. Then I listened to the record (always a productive practice for the music critic…). Holy shit, it’s good. There’s still a lot of creepy sexual violence and druggy dissipation. But the songs’ socio-economic critique is incisive and never preachy, and it contextualizes the rest of the grimness and gruesomeness with sharp and a coherent politics. An excellent punk record.
 The Stooges — Live at Goose Lake, August 8th, 1970 (Third Man Records)
For listeners deeply engaged with the Stooges — a game-changing band and a total mess — it’s hard to overstate the importance of this record. It’s a recording of a Stooges live set that actually sounds great; and because the recording is so clear, you can hear Dave Alexander’s bass, a crucial piece of sonic evidence that counters the long-established story of the band’s set at Goose Lake and Alexander’s subsequent firing from the Stooges. History is revised, right there in your ears. Mostly, though, it’s a good live set by the band. Ron Asheton’s scorching guitar and, eventually, Steve Mackay’s sax stylings fire up the pyrotechnic intensity. Punk? Free jazz? Why choose?
 Sun City Girls — Live at Sky Church, September 3, 2004 (2182 Recording Company)
The Girls were always way, way out ahead. Post-everything, pranksomely funny and deadly serious, their wit existed in tremulous balance with their inexhaustible curiosity about music’s arcane power and their equally inexhaustible rage. Their 2004 set at Seattle’s Bumbershoot Festival focused largely on the rage. 2182 Recording Company’s release includes a DVD of the performance, and it’s essential. The Bishop brothers and Charles Gaucher, Jr., fill the stage with politically charged images and props: a Saddam Hussein mask, a portrait of Osama Bin Laden, copies of Mein Kampf and Brother Number One. They pour and hurl various forms of invective on and at the festival audience, and the band plays with passionate ugliness, seizing the opportunity to draw connections between art, entertainment and ideology. A vital document of a uniquely American event.  
Thanks for the tunes, y’all, and smell you later, 2020.  
Jonathan Shaw
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thedavesnews · 5 years
New Year Same Disappointment
I got not fun quips this go round. Just a yikes result sheet this year.  Was I even alive in 2019???
2019 Results 
Reach 7:00 for a mile running.  2018 was the first year that I didn’t beat my goal in January.  Most of the year was run/walk.  I think I can get close and really 7:00 might be too hard but I want to get as close as possible.---Really did not do a lot of running this past year of any consequence so this was kind of out by default.
Morning workouts.  Probable 2 a days in this scenario.  My perfect scenario is either morning runs daily or to run on days where weights are evening and weights on days with evening runs.  Not sure which is best but I’m planning on it.  Didn’t really pan out 3 years running but I’m re-adding to keep myself motivated…I’m really a glutton for resolution breaking on this one.---I tried to make this happen early but it fairly quickly and I could never get the energy in the morning.
Two cheat days a week with a subsequent cheat meal somewhere else in the week with a hope to eliminate the cheat day at some point.  This might actually be possible with that extra day per week so I think that small adjustment will make all the difference in the world!---This one comes and goes to be honest.  Some weeks it’s easy and other weeks it’s the most miserable thing on earth to not just eat what tastes the best.
#SixPackDave.  This is basically a permanent resolution at this point.  Ride or die baby!---HAHAHAHA....
Volunteer.  Since I actually have a date on the calendar I’ll at least mark something off the list again this year.  Yay me.---Not regular.  Will never be regular but I did it twice.  Quote met for life.
Read/listen to 50 books.  This year’s goal after several adjustments (as in I kept upping it) leveled at 45.---Met this with about 2 months left in the year.  
Compete in a 5K.  Got myself a runner girl so I think this will definitely happen in the upcoming year.---Treadmill warrior!  No official races though.
Get my 5K (non competition) under 27 minutes.  Will probably need a treadmill to get even close but 2019 is the year of the push!---See #1...
Publish my 2nd novel.  I have several underway and one of farther along than they others.  Would be fun to get another one out on Amazon!---Have a couple in progress but not publishable form.
Participate in writing prompts either once a week or twice a month (posted here of course).---I liked this idea but other things get in the way on a normal basis.
2020 Resolutions
I want some wins some I’m going to cheat a bit.  Sucks to always look back on this and know I didn’t do shit.
7 minutes for a single mile.  7:30 for continuous miles (example, 2 miles in 15 minutes)
Get physical.  No mandates on time of day or what the physical actions must entail.  Just do something.
Get the diet under control.  Cheat days aren’t nearly as important number wise as just getting some kind of consistency.
#SixPackDave...my yearly joke to myself.
Read 60 books.  Just set my goal on GoodReads.com and I have this feeling I’ll get this one way before EOY.  Taking this more seriously as I look towards my own publication.
Compete in a 5K.  Yep, back on here again.  Who knows, maybe I’ll even win :D
Non-compete 5K under 27 minutes.  Want to beat my personal best.  If #1 happens I could shatter this.  26:59 would be OK as well.
Get 2nd novel in a review-able status.  Odds of getting a 2nd book on the market in 2020 is as close to 0% as possible.  Not sad though, the effort to write hasn’t been there in 2019.
Do some writing prompts.  Tumblr is full of them, let’s have some fun this year on the blog!
General Goals
Ludum Dare Participation
Attend NYC New Year’s Eve party in Time Square!
Compete in Ninja Warrior
Another year, another set of chances.
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yungwaveydave · 5 years
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Leaving for the Philippines for about two weeks so I wanted to post my EOY list now.
This is a list of my favorite long-form works/LPs/mixes/compilations from 2018-2019. Not necessarily a full list. 1st pic is chronological from beginning of 2018 until summer 2019, and the 2nd pic is more of eleventh-hour entries near the tail end of 2019 plus some honorable mentions.
Other notes: Compro is definitely my fav album of 2018, no doubt about it. State of Ruin by SRA is definitely my most rinsed instrumental album, and American Boyfriend by Kevin Abstract is definitely my most rinsed vocal album.
Here’s to more great stuff for 2020. Also, debut Yung Dave DJ set next year keep your eyes peeled 👀
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goldeagleprice · 7 years
“One-man library” Q. David Bowers to contribute a weekly column starting on January 3
Background photo by Jeff Belmonte.
The late, great, Ed Reiter once called Q. David Bowers a “one-man library” due to his propensity to not only produce a massive amount of content, but to imbue each and every article, column, or book with quality as well. Commencing Wednesday, January 3, 2018, Coin Update and Mint News Blog will have the pleasure of hosting a weekly column by the world-renowned numismatist and prolific author. Every Wednesday, both blogs will be featuring a regular piece by Bowers, who was named one of the Numismatists of the Century by COINage magazine. Bowers himself describes the columns as covering topics such as “nostalgia, philosophy, and current events,” the latter of which particularly refers to auctions. Readers of the two blogs are in for a treat, as Bowers’s very name is synonymous with the field of numismatics.
Quentin David Bowers was born on October 21, 1938, in Honesdale, Pennsylvania, and since the age of 14 has massively contributed to the numismatic hobby. He made history by being the first person to serve as president of both the Professional Numismatists Guild (PNG) and the American Numismatic Association (ANA). The PNG’s highest honor, the Founders Award, was bestowed upon Bowers, and furthermore, he received their Freidberg Award for numismatic literature an unprecedented seven times. To many hobbyists, Dave Bowers is one of the most revered numismatists to ever grace the hobby. He holds additional interests in music and cinema as well, having assembled sizeable collections of musical instruments in addition to historical silent film posters. He has written books on collectible postcards, early silent film, mechanical music machines, famous personalities, and other historical topics.
Even if you are not familiar with Q. David Bowers, if you possess a copy of The Official Red Book, then you are already familiar with his work, as Bowers has been a long-time editor and researcher of the ubiquitous tome. He has produced many other notable works as well, both online and in print, such as Lost and Found Coin Hoards and Treasures (2015), A Guide Book of Lincoln Cents (second edition, 2017), A Guide Book of Half Cents and Large Cents (2015), and A Guide Book of Morgan Silver Dollars (fifth edition, 2016). He has contributed regularly to publications such as Coin World, The Numismatist, and CoinWeek as well. Bowers has appeared publicly on the Today Show, CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC, and the Discovery Channel and has also lectured at Harvard University.
We on Coin Update and Mint News Blog are excited to host Q. David Bowers as a regular contributor and we are confident that you will find his weekly column intellectually stimulating and rich in quality.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
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Hallo cagcrisp, do you already have the new sales numbers? by Achmed
wednesday AM fix of 1258.84 would give a result of 1249,998. ... by Achmed
AM Gold Fix $1,243.40 PM Gold Fix $1,240.90 To get a Gold ... by cagcrisp
@Keithster – So the 2016 ATB quarters will be gone by EOY? I ... by datadave
I guess my posts will always go into moderation. by The RCB
Plus 5 more...
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smoothshift · 5 years
Everything We Know About the 2021 Ford Bronco PT. III: Final edition before reveal via /r/cars
Everything We Know About the 2021 Ford Bronco PT. III: Final edition before reveal
So with the Bronco unveil fast-approaching, I felt with recent information we should probably have one last thread about what to expect before the official unveil. (Timelines for that range between end of this year to the beginning of next year, so less than 6 months away!) Some of this is speculation, but I've only included the stuff that I've read from trustworthy sources on the Forums and linked sources when possible. Everything about the year, and new frame development came from this post on the Forum which has a lot of info. We'll start off with looks:
These two pictures are the only two that exist of the Bronco... the top image being the SHADOW, not the orange Escape-Based Ford Maverick. Every other image you see is a made-up fan rendering or the old prototype from 15 years ago. Ford has been INCREDIBLY tight-lipped about what it's going to look like, it is a complete skunkworks project. A very select few certain dealers have been shown a finalized Bronco prototype and "Those in the room said the SUV has a retro design, featuring a rectangular grille, round headlights and the word “Bronco” stamped across the front." A poster on the Bronco6g forum also just purported that "If you like the first-gen 1966-1977 Bronco you will not be disappointed. Rugged and retro is an understatement, it looks amazing and the Wrangler better be on high alert."
It will be a 2021 model year, not 2020. It was apparently never intended to be a 2020 model year, just that it was DEBUTING in 2020. The first ones will be rolling off the assembly line in late 2020 and in showrooms in early 2021. It was originally intended for a summer 2020 debut but it has been delayed a few months. The reason it seems so long is that UAW revealed the Bronco returning probably 2 years before Ford wanted to reveal it. Hence why it seems like such a long wait.
It will have V6 EcoBoost and 4 cylinder EcoBoost options. The hybrid system will likely be similar to the new Explorer, which offers pretty good performance with a 6 cylinder NA engine. Bronco may get a 4-cylinder with that hybrid system? This really isn't known. But a hybrid is guaranteed.
It will be the debut of the next-gen ranger platform. I think most people had thought prior to this new information that it was going to be on the T6 ranger platform, however, it sounds like the T6 cannot fit a V6 which is why they are debuting the new platform with the Bronco! So really the next-gen ranger will be based on the Bronco platform :)
The forum post confirms that it will have a 7-speed manual transmission, along with Jalopnik having an article about it... and also some new info that was in an article about the electric mustang crossover. Dave states that part of the "Ford Icon" program (Mustang, raptor, Bronco) they do intend to keep manual transmissions as a part of that legacy; I can only assume that's a hint towards the Bronco getting one!
It is going to have some serious off-road chops. It is not going to be a shitty crossover, it is going to be body on frame, with rear wheel drive, a real transfer case, and differential lockers. They are going to be trying to "Reclaim their rightful place as the off-road vehicle leader." which is a direct quote. Apparently they have been testing wrangler rubicons and are gunning for it in regards to performance off-road. This is supported by the test mule sporting 33” tires just like the wrangler rubicon, which is pretty darn big for a stock tire. In addition, It will have Dana axles however there has not yet been a leak about whether it will be solid front and rear or independent front/ solid rear. There were apparently prototypes for both, but I've heard whispers that it will be a solid front axle. Nothing to bet the mortgage on but a glimmer of hope for sure.
There will be both a 2-door and a 4-door. This is confirmed, the Ford-released picture is of the 2-door. We have also seen test mules for both 2 and 4 door.
It will have a removable roof and doors. This article also states that the bronco will have removable doors that fit in the cargo area, and that the mirrors don’t come off. Pretty sweet! Now we get into a bit of the speculative with this part... Ford has filed a LOT of patents that could relate to the Bronco. From quick-release doors and bumpers, to built-in tube doors with airbags, there is a lot. A lot of it will likely not come to fruition, but it sure shows they are thinking outside the box with this one! I'll link some of the patent articles here:
https://www.thedrive.com/news/29607/heres-every-removable-door-patent-ford-has-filed-ahead-of-the-2021-ford-bronco https://www.motorauthority.com/news/1124935_2020-porsche-taycan-2020-dodge-challenger-bugatti-chiron-this-week-s-top-photos https://www.autoblog.com/2019/04/02/ford-bronco-patent-application-roll-up-roof-canopy/
And last but not least... the debut. According to the Forums they just finalized the design in late 2018, and prototypes have been made with the final design and are being tested. They are under SUPER tight lock and key right now, with no spy shots allowed. Something that is detailed in the forum is that "spy shots" are 100% ok from the manufacturer, if they don't want people to see a vehicle then you won't see it. (Hence the Ford GT) So basically, Ford will not show it until they want to. Everything i've read has indicated prototypes will start showing up towards the end of the year with a possible EOY debut, or possibly early next year. Apparently there will be some teases leading up to the debut, but some Ford insiders have hinted it's coming sooner than we think.
If you can't tell. I'm excited.
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suger-cream · 4 years
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Redesign of experiment Dave
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netmyname-blog · 6 years
Bottomle Dharmawa MN
New Post has been published on https://nerret.com/netmyname/bottomle-dharmawa/bottomle-dharmawa-mn/
Bottomle Dharmawa MN
Bottomle Dharmawa MN Top Web Results.
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pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
He may die
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pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
So how was little Henry react to seeing Jack or Dave as they are in the present?
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“Your hair is so soft and pretty” Dave basically grumbles.
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*Jack waves slowly a bit*
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*High pitched screaming comes from child*
Well he is really fond of Dave because he really likes his hair. Jack's blade arm scared little Henry a lot. He meet them while he was turned into a child before he went in his adult self's basement lab. Basically hes scared of Jack and likes Dave. He meet Jack while he was in his sane state and not one of his two insane stated.
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pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
So I redrew the references and I think I did pretty good.
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pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
Eoi facts
Henry would try to be as calm as possible when someone is speaking to him but if they bug him to much or piss him off he will strike at them.
Dave usely avoids people as best as he can but if he comes across somebody and they make a wrong move he attacks them beating the shit out of them.
EJack usely would follow Henry everywhere until he gets bored or he gets tasked to do something for him.
Cotton wanted to have the restaurant not be for children or a family friendly one but he felt like he would get sued if he had it like that so he keep that theme for it.
Dr Henry would flirt with almost everybody he talks to but not all the time. He does do it more Cotton would and he hopes to get the other person to trust him.
Henry is not a trustable person so if he thinks you'd be needed for a experiment but if he doesn't need them for that they'll be fine. The only thing they have to worry about is if he plans to do something to them or to hurt them.
Dave doesn't like kebabs as much as cannon or other Dave Millers do. (dsaf Dave)
Cotton does flirt with some people but not all the time and not with everyone. He doesn't want to make anyone who visits his restaurant uncomfortable when being there or talking to him. He rather flirt with someone he is close to or at a night club since it would be a bit more range for him.
Cotton would be the one to decide to have a onenight stand with someone but if he was to tired after working at the restaurant he owns (when he actual does work) he goes home to sleep.
Henry doesn't always check when his victims actual die so the three he threw in a ally way dumpster excaped. The three teens stayed away from him after getting out. They had thought they died since the experiments done to them were new and could actual kill you. They usely hide in dark places like ally ways or in abandoned buildings.
The only people who survived Henry's experiments are Cotton Fluff, EJack, Dave Afton, and the three children that excaped. Everyone else died.
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