#eoi zane
dsaf-au · 4 years
experiment-hell < dayshift-at-freddy-aus
The username could be better then this but whatever.
I posted a lot of art and reblogged a lot of stuff regarding the dsaf game on my main blog and spoke a lot of the experiment au when I lost interest in the swirl au when it used to be the main one.
The Swirl AU is about two ocs who are now the new owners of a Freddy Fazbender's restaurant and there is a planned army of zompies by one of the owners who goes by the name Ben Will. The corpses are of people he has killed, the most of them being ones who have hurt his bf Cotton. Cotton Swirl is a kind man who is not aware of his own power he has. He is treated not great by others a lot because of his own size and how nice he acts. He helped set Legacy and henry up then helped Jack get together with Dave, he likes to help a lot of people.
Now for the Experiments Au. Its changes a few things about characters regarding some stuff that happened in the past, though it takes place after the dsaf 3 game it takes a twist on a what if type thing for if Henry didn't actually die when he was defected by Jack and the others. When Henry comes back to reality, he has small abilities that don't work in the beginning and he had to get used to gravity before devoting a plan. Miller wrote in a diary about different plans and thoughts he had through the process. When the experimenting part does begin, he has tested it on animals like cats,dogs, and a few wolfs before he began the tests on humans. The first few humans have died to a lot of the experiments, the blue chemicals and purple ones have killed the most creatures and humans. The newest subjects to these begin with Sam first, a young red head who had a lot of hope in life and though it would get better after seeing the pink man then she lost all sanity because of the experiments. She was though to have died, so she was then thrown into the dumpsters. George and Zane were next after Sam, one of them was hanged and gotten his eye cut. Zane was almost killed by three dogs, then was though to have died by them and was thrown into the dumpster with George as well. There were a few others but that didn't have great luck. Dave at one point found his way back to mr miller hoping he was alright, he was fine living with his partner Jack but wanted to see Miller again which was a mistake when he was knocked out cold.
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pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
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“you're all pathetic,all of you should've died back at the lab like he hoped for. He doesn't know where you all are yet even though I know, but I'll make sure y'all suffer until you return back to him instead of hiding like morons. tick tock lads, your time starts now.”
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zane, how are you and your friends doing?
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Zane: What do YOU think jackass. We aren't doing well and because of Henry's so called freaky boyfriend, we don't have enough materials to survive long. I had to salvage and take shit from houses just so my friends could live. As long as there okay everything else is fine. Had to let myself starve so they even had something ya know. We have to stay at abandoned houses since we don't have anywhere else to live.
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dailytechnologynews · 7 years
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A potential competitor to Qualcomms Centriq from Intel
This is pure wild speculation, let that be known.
At first I thought Intel would just introduce a 10nm ATOM core and scale it up to compete/beat QC Centriq but then someone pointed out to me that Intel has been working with ARM to build IP and Ecosystem for ICF as well as deliver next gen A - Cortex cores on Intel's 10nm/+/++.
"All QC did" was scale up those cores on Samsungs 10nm(Yes i'm aware they had to build an ecosystem etc etc), so what stops Intel from doing so? (apart from their current ongoing 10nm woes) Intel has a much bigger reach in the server market, so i'd be interested to see if Intel chooses ARM or ATOM, because Centriq opened up a product stack gap I doubt Intel even knew they had.
Might I remind you that Intel and ARM plan to show of test chips on Intel's 10nm by EOY.
ARM announced at the event it is extending its partnership with Intel’s foundry business to build IP tailored for the x86 giant’s 22nm FinFET node. It’s a fascinating example of co-opetition from the processor rivals. ARM will deliver IP to enable a Cortex-A55 geared for midrange smartphones to run up to 2.35 GHz or down to 0.45V in its so-called 22FFL process. ARM is already helping make in Intel’s flagship 10nm process a test chip due out before the end of the year using a next-gen Cortex-A SoC running at 3.5 GHz or 0.5V and delivering 0.25mW/MHz.
Zane Ball from ICF (Intel Custom Foundry) recently did a talk at a Manufacturing Day in September in Beijing by Intel.
Video of his talk (quite Interesting I recommend watching)
Heres are the slides he used in the presentation
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pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
Tw: Gore, animal abuse, child abuse, ect
The eoi au is after the good ending in dsaf but Henry excapes.
Henry's childhood in the au is a bit different then to the canon one.
Dr Henry is a scientist that excaped the void and did a lot of experiments. His first experiments were tests on wild animals he found. He did tests and experiments on a small dog's corpse he found in the road. He found two more dogs ten days after he found the corpse of the puppy. He trained all of them to listen to him and attack anyone who entered his basement alone or when they try to excape. He made sure no one will leave alive. Henry is a sadistic, manipulative, murderous, and flirty bastard that does these sick experiments on humans for his own entertainment. He is respectful the identities of anyone speaks to and is kind to them. The only people he flirt with is anyone that is a adult. Anyone who is not a adult would be a very close friend or worker of his and nothing else. He always tells anyone who goes to his house for a visit to never enter his basement or bedroom. That is because he has a lot of corpses in his basement lab that he did experiments on. He has stuff in his bedroom he rather be left alone or not seen by others, Henry used to be a good father to his son David, but when the boy got too close to the lion at Miller's circus he had a sadistic smirk and pushed David close to the lion so he would die. He laughed about it and said that it was David's fault that he died. David's soul possess the body of a adult male that was nicknamed Rex. For the present Henry's Experiments gotten worse for everyone involved in them with Jack and Dave having the worse faith for them. Henry emotionally, physically, and sexually abused Jack after he kidnapped him from behind the freddy's he was working at. The purple chemical he injects into Jack's body twists his inside, burns his insides, and makes him lose control of being able to use his own body. Henry's torture to Jack was much worse then the torture to his other victims. The demon named Purple formed in Jack's head after ten months and has emotionally and physically hurt and abused him. He fused Jack's new soul that was out of his personality to be apart of him. Purple and Henry are able to communicate so they aide each other in hurting Jack to his breaking point. He ends up snapped in front of a little girl and kills her brutally, then went on a killing rampage. It has taken Jack two years to get better and that caused him to have a second insane state (or another personality) the second one I'll call it Nick. Nick is the side of Jack that is okay with everything Henry has done to his victims and is a sadistic flirt. The first insane state is named Dan and he is very unstable and nothing will stop him from killing and messing everyone up. The only one that can help Jack go back from his first insane state is Henry. There is a lot of stuff that will trigger Jack to go into his first insane state and usely stuff in Henry's bedroom, basement lab, or something that reminds him of what was done will trigger him.
Dave has lose all trust in Henry when he was experimented on after Henry found him again. Dave has trust and anger issues so he would try to kill anyone who pissed him off slightly. He found out what Henry has done to Jack by listening in to a conversation he was having with there boss Cotton Fluff. He hated him more after finding out and would try to kill him. Mr Fluff is aware of what Henry has done since he was told everyone and he can easily get him arrested if he wanted to, but he decides not to. He makes sure Henry and the other employees follow his rules and not kill anybody.
Alex trusts Miller a lot and would listen to any simple command for anything he needed. She trusts Henry with everything of hers and tells him stuff hoping he can help. Henry likes her and he would help Alex with anything she needed.
George, Zane, and Sam are victims of Dr Henry's experiments with both physical and emotional abuse. He has hung George by the neck multiple times to see the results of it. Henry has slashed at him in angry cutting over the left eye making George blind in it. Henry toyed with Sam's sanity breaking her mentally to where she was unstable. (If she has a fuzzy plushie she will calm down.) Zane was carved into on his back through his skin to the muscles. He had multiple experiments done to him with some of his organs and pieces of his flesh were removed. A lot of Dr Henry's subjects suffer from dying from the chemicals he has and not one ever survived them. Only George,Zane,Sam, Jack, Dave, and Cotton Fluff survived.
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pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
Alright heres Alex and three new characters from my EOI au. (One of George's eyes is blind and I don't think I drew how that looks right.)
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These are the three teens that have excaped. There names are in the picture. Zane is the one who leads them out and taught them survively stuff. Sam has bad injuries on her head, back, and her chest. She is more then likely to be unstable and not in her head all the time. George has gone blinded in one of his eyes, and he's the most aggressive one of them with Zane being the second.
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Finally did a actual reference of Alex. Both Before and after the phone effect. (is that the right way to say it?)
Also, how about some facts about Alex
He is shorter then dave
He is probably the only Phone Guy nice to the employees despite both Dave and Henry's rudeness. (Henry is usely nice to him unless he was pissed off by Dave, a customer, or someone else he spoke to.)
Alex knows nothing of what Henry's done to Dave or anyone else. Henry makes him believe that Dave was lying about it since he doesn't know anything.
Alex is close friends with Henry and trust him with anything.
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pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
Dr Henry: No not at all. They wouldn't really change what I think on children at all. I find them to be useless and never last long enough in experiments.
Dave: No! Not that I would want one in the first damn place. The children at Freddy's are like devils that will try to destroy everything and I hate them with a burning fucking passion.
Jack: Probably... I find children to be adorable despite me killing them b-before.
Sam: Children?! Young little creatures of destruction that could be the cause of a war if they could do that!
George: Probably.. The younger children seem really nice and are great people to play games with. Video games with children or teaching them stuff could be fun but difficult if you haven't been to school in a few years.
Zane: No. Younger children can be sweet but there like little devils when nothing goes there way.
Cotton Fluff: Probably.. children seem like great people to be friends with and helping them with there issues is a nice thing I like doing.
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pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
Dave: I don't remember.. I think somewhere at 50 or something.
Jack: 41 I think or somewhere around that age.
Cotton Fluff: A first kiss for me was at 21 when I was first dating people before changing that dear.
Dr Henry: 50 if I remember correctly. It was Jack since he was a victim of mine and it was great~
Zane: Five when I finally confessed to my crush.
George: I was six and its the first time I felt love ever.
Sam: K-kiss....? Heheheh.. I was seven when I had my first one!
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pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
So other then Dr Henry and the other characters in my Experiments of insanity AU.
you can ask The characters from my Swirl au now again (The Swirl au is not my main one anymore since the eoi one takes its place)
the Swirl au has
Swirl Henry
Dave miller
legacy Jack
Cotton Swirl
and Ben Will
A reminder for the eoi au of whos in it.
Dr Henry Miller (other names are Mr Scientist and Dr Miller/Dr Henry)
EJack (Experiment Jack)
Dave Afton (Experiment Dave)
Cotton Fluff
Alex (phone guy)
Purple (Well hes a purple chemical named Purple so uhh yeah. He also goes by PC)
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