#eoi alex
j0shm0 · 7 months
My apologies that we will not be getting any Logan Sargent data out of AUS this week. This definitely will not help the finishing average or fastest times average I'm also tracking but waiting tell Summer and EoY to show.
Obviously it is not on Logan or up to him, I get James logical mindset that Alex is more likely to score points organically on his own but at the same time Alex hasn't had a good track record here in AUS and Logan shouldn't be "punished" for keeping his race clean minus touching gravel a few times ...like everyone was.
Obviously will be posting Oscar still (if he doesn't dnf but I doubt it, he's been pretty clean here), and we are still waiting to see if Carlos will hold off again.
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makeyourownmyth · 5 years
best heard in 2019.
As usual, same caveats apply as for other categories, and as in past years, but less so with music, because it’s the only thing that I’m still decently up with. That being said, there are some oldies here, and I reserve that right. 
Honorable Mentions: Lil Nas X - “Old Town Road,” Pop Smoke - “Welcome to the Party,” and Drake (ft. Rick Ross) “Money in the Grave.” 
They were both huge, and I listened to them plenty, I just don’t happen to think they’re very GOOD.
Anti: I try not to shit on any music that’s put out too much, but the second (?) single from Taylor Swift’s album (which is overall quite good!) “Me!” is terrible.
6. Taylor Swift - “Lover” - I love a lot of this album, but this song can get me feeling terribly emotional.
5. Yola - “Ride Out In the Country” - I forget where I even found this song, but it’s such a jam, such a vibe. 
4. Rocket Summer - “Shatter Us” - A band that I got from a middle school kid almost a decade ago comes back with a “mature” album that had some decent cuts, but none that hit as hard as this. It’s true, and powerful, and something that I never would have appreciated at the time when I loved the band way more than I do now. 
3. Grimes - “We Appreciate Power” - She’s crazy, but this is her at her best. 
2. Local Natives - “When Am I Gonna Lose You” - Loved the album, loved this song the most. Put it on a mix. 
1. Tyler and ASAP Rocky - “Potato Salad” - My favorite song of the year, and also, I think, the best song of the year. These guys are 2 of the best right now, and this found them just having fun. We could use more rap like this. 
Anti: Again, not trying to talk shit on albums that people loved, taste is subjective, yadda yadda yadda, but these were not for me. Thom Yorke’s Anima, Slowthai’s Nothing Great About Britain, Weyes Blood Titanic Rising, and Bon Iver’s i, i. Nothing more to say about them for me, they just weren’t to my taste. I don’t wanna talk about anything Ye-related.
Honorable Mentions
Helado Negro - This Is How You Smile - This is an incredibly fun time. It’s not on your list and I think it’s right up your alley. 
Cautious Clay - Blood Type - The type of album I’d like to listen to more and more. The type of album I think you’ll really like. A weird mish-mash of styles that we never would have thought worked when we were young, but that tends to dominate my lists nowadays. (Steve Lacy-esque?)
Local Natives - Violet Street - Like I said above, I quite like the album, but I didn’t find myself going back to it. 
Harry Styles - Fine Line - Just came out, has one of my favorite songs of the year on it, but I’m not ready to commit to it yet. 
Freddie Gibbs and Madlib - Bandana - Not as good as their last album, but very good example of older person rap done very well. 
J. Robbins - Unbecoming - More people need to listen to this album. It’s awesome, and small, and deserves more pub. 
Solange - When I Get Home - Almost made the cut to the real list, but that’s just due to peer pressure. I liked it a lot, but I didn’t find myself thinking about it incessantly like some of the albums that I place above it. 
Steve Lacy - Apollo XXI - Really, really, really good. I wish more music like this existed and that it was more popular. It feels exceptionally well crafted, like someone who really knows what they’re doing took a lot of time, and did it well. That being said, very little of it STANDS OUT. 
Marvin Gaye - You’re The Man - I actually think this is where my best of list starts, but I feel like I’d be too much of a poser if I put this on there. I listened to this non-stop and I feel like it’s a really good album that not enough people knew even came out, much less listened to. The backstory of it surely plays into that for me, too, but it stands on its own. 
The National - I Am Easy to Find - Genuinely one of my favorite albums of the year from one of my bands of the decade. I’m aghast that it’s not in my top ten, but I had to limit it to ten to make it some sort of real exercise, otherwise it would have just been a random number, which I’ve definitely done in the past, but hate to do when it’s MORE than ten. Less is fine, but more feels like a cheat. I love this album, though. 
Best of the Year
10. Taylor Swift - Lover - Half of it feels like a pure repudiation of Kanye, but half of it is me knowing that I put 1989 on a list in genuine taste, and knowing that this album is full of pop goodness. It’s fun. There are some significant missteps, like “London Boy” and the “Me!” single that sounds even MORE out of place on the album, but overall, it’s really a sign that she knows what she’s doing. 
9. Danny Brown - U Know What I’m Sayin? - He’s done with his childish stuff, he’s making incredible music, and he’s still one of our greatest rappers. Danny Brown feels like the coolest secret that I somehow know a small bit about, but then I’ll see some mainstream pub on him, too, and I’m like, oh, dope, this guy is SUPER well known, like he should be.  
8. Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell! It’s a solid album. I’m shocked at the number of people who are saying it’s the album of the year, but I’ll honestly say, too, that somewhere around the 3 minute mark on “Venice Beach,” when I was first listening, it gets so fucking good that my jaw literally dropped and I was like, oh, I guess LDR is a real musician now. And from that point on, the album continued in a way that pleased and surprised me. 
7. Clairo - Immunity - This was another one that I thought was AOTY material, but stuff just edged it out, so when I said I thought this was a weak year musically, I guess I was wrong. If I’d had a physical copy of this album, I would have WORN IT OUT. It’s probably my most-listened to album of the year, and I love it the way I loved Alex Lahey’s last album, which means I’ll be slavishly following Clairo for years and years now. No regrets. I think she’s got a HELL of a career ahead of her. Just hearing the first chords of “Alewife” gets me hella choked up. 
6. Jenny Lewis - On the Line - I really think if you kick back with this album you’ll find so much to love. The single was really really bad, but it’s the opposite of Taylor Swift: when it arrives on the album, the sequencing honestly makes it seem as though it fits quite well. 
5. Alex Lahey - The Best of Luck Club - This is my token placement, but also a genuine love letter to how huge I think she’s going to be.  (Or maybe how huge I think she should be, but never will be?) I mean, the songs are heartfelt, and it’s that’s so much of what I want nowadays that I had to put her in the Top 5. 
4. Tyler the Creator - Igor - I actually thought this was my AOTY, so making this list it surprised me how far down it fell, but I think that’s a testament to the others as opposed to a knock on this one? I mean, it’s clearly the best album Tyler’s ever made, and the production on it is even better than could have been expected. The fact that he’s changed so much, but is still operating in the wheelhouse that he created for himself (while it’s still evolving!) is proof of the early genius we saw. 
3. Jamila Woods - Legacy! Legacy! This is a killer album. I think it’s the best one, that you’re most likely to enjoy, that you’re least likely to have listened to. 
2. DJ Shadow - Our Pathetic Age - I disagree with all the critics who call it overlong and a slog to get through the first half to get to the better second half. I think the second half is clearly superior, but I quite like the instrumental side.
1. Billie Eilish - When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? I knew it’d be my favorite when it dropped and that hasn’t changed as the year has progressed. It’s a weird, weird, weird album, especially when I listen to her old stuff and try to reconcile who she is with who she was and who she will be. But I’m cool with that. I mean, shit, she’s 17 and she’s making great art. Keep it coming! 
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baileysayswhat · 5 years
I know I kinda did a recap already from Oct ’18-19 – and I was going to write one of my rambling, lovable, GIF-heavy recap posts but I kind of like this bullet points idea.
I looked back through my calendar and feel like 2019 had a lot of wonderful in it. It was a solid year. Here’s a chronological look:
Rang in 2019 by watching Millie & Stanley, 2 cantankerous and lovable neighbor pugs. Also got food poisoning.
My first MINt team (Dec ’18-Feb ’19): Abominable SnowMINts
Playing with Pinafore (Nov ’18-Oct ’19) at CSz
Volleyball w Apple buds on team “How I Set Your Mother”
Continuing to teach Level 1 Krav Maga classes at Titan Gym
I go to work on Polar Vortex day! It’s pretty quiet.
Promotion to Senior Sales Executive at Grubhub
I’d only been there 10 months!
Flew to Phoenix for family time
Decided to visit the AZ office since my boss was in town too (for actual work)
Then worked in the office for 3 days
Work paid for my flight back
I felt v. v. fancy.
My parents drove 3.5 hours each way for me to see the Grand Canyon. On first sight walking up to the rim I cried. How is anything that vast and majestic? Whew. Full stop.
Sedona was wonderful and kooky and I need to go back.
Visit to best/favorite KBBQ – Cho Sun Ok – in Chicago with Neal AND we went to a concert – Dean Lewis & SYML
Started Crossfit at Windy City Strength and Conditioning
KBBQ at the same restaurant – Cho Sun Ok – 2 weeks after Neal BUT with Kalin.
I still don’t know how this happened but my stomach ain’t complaining about it.
Started final ID class w UW-Stout.
It will be the hardest class I’ve ever done in my life.
I just don’t know it yet.
Due to this ^^ took sabbatical from teaching Krav at Titan Gym
Flew to Dayton to see Trace/Dinah and Xander/Abs (PLUS YOU, COTY) and I’m so glad I did.
Took a Music Improv workshop through MINt with Alex
I sang a song about how I still have a Washington State Driver’s License but mid-song realized it was really was about how I missed home and cried in public, in a workshop. I’M FINE.
Went to a Cubs game IN A BOX for work
Yes, it was v chill and fancy.
Cast on second MINt team: BlooMINt Onion
Alex & Jake from the Little Rock crew came to Chicago
We get Old Fashioneds at the Broken Shaker
This is the best Old Fashioned in the city. I am convinced.
I will not be moved.
Interviewed for dream job while still in school for said job field.
Got dream job.
Started dream job
Saw Hamilton w Josh.
We are in the second row.
I immediately want to see it again. I do not.
It closes in 2 weeks (aka Jan 15, 2020) from now LETS GO
Bekah Brown (and Potato and Sully) in town!
We roam and nap and laugh.
Sat in with Oh Cecelia at iO twice
Being asked to sit in is bananas nice and I have done it several times this year with different teams. Thank you everyone for your trust in my make-believe!
Went to PHX for work to train 5/13 class
Do not feel prepared as I JUST started said job.
People are v nice.
I got upgraded to a suite and neither of my 2 bosses did. BIZLIFE.
Abby (L&D Boss) and I do not eat bread bowls from Panera by the hotel pool, WHICH I WAS PROMISED would happen. Still sad.
Officially resigned from Titan Gym/teaching Krav due to new job
Originating dream job position and possibly traveling every 2 weeks for it just wasn’t good for students, for the gym or for me. But I miss y’all.
Saw Falsettos (Broadway) show
it was NOT a comedy
I was NOT prepared
AND if meme photos of me crying on the train alone after ever come out it is Todd’s fault. The end.
Finish/graduate from UW-Stout’s Instructional Design Graduate Certificate program
I survived the aforementioned hardest class in m’life.
Genuinely sad/miss my group TO THIS DAY.
Mom & Dad come to Chicago –
Father’s Day
Field Museum
Architect River Cruise
Had huge audition for something I really wanted. Felt good about it. Didn’t get it.
Did a 5 Things CSz workshop
Performed for the first time w Ben, Nicole & Nate as music improv team AirBRB
Had lunch with Toni Berry, writer, bud, fellow Sagittarius, former Apple co-worker
By ‘lunch’ I mean we hung out for like 4 hours. WE ARE LONG WINDED.
Decided to apply (and got) a workshop spot with RIFF; a music improv short form show that performs at iO.
Did improv set in a church service with Susan
it was a planned set; we didn’t just jump up and start, I swear
Lunch with Jenean, former work wife and also, strangely, my first time eating poke
I now love poke
Fly to Washington to drive to AZ with Mom & Em
4-Year Chicago-versary!
Me and the Bean are very happy together in a committed relationship over halfway to a common law marriage
Drive from Lynden, WA to Phoenix, AZ in 2 long days with Mom & Em
Teach 2nd training class in AZ for 8/5 class
Abby, L&D boss and of the 2 women I report to leaves the company. I hate this but still love her.
Sit in with Goat Milk Goddesses to perform at the Women’s Funny Fest at Stage 773
Dana comes to see me!
She’s the best.
I try my first Pole Dancing class at Brass Ring Chicago
Due to a Groupon I bought 6 months before that was about to expire 3 days later. I keep it up through EOY.
Compete in music improv competition “Verses” at Second City with AirBRB – we lose to some of my favorite people on Home Entertainment so I’m ok with it.
2nd RIFF show!
Audition for Anarchy, another music improv team
I don’t get it
But I know a ton of people in the room
I’m ok!
Speak to my UW-Stout instructor’s class about being hired to work in ID/Learning & Dev field as a Sales Trainer right out of our program.
Feel v accomplished.
Toggle from Crossfit back to LSAC gym by my house
Play volleyball for Fall Season with people I met in Spring Season at Lincoln Park High School.
Catherine (Sales Boss) the second woman I love working for leaves the company. I hate this but love her.
I got her some goodbye cookies that Carrie makes and they are PERFECTION (see pic below) support Carrie she does amazing work and a percentage of every order supports a different charity every month. HERE IS HER LINK I LOVE IT. 
I got myself a massage. I am stressed/sad about the boss situation above BUT NOT THE COOKIES.
I got it on Groupon, I am fiscally responsible.
Start meal plan service to eat Keto for the month of October (officially 9/30-end of October).
Not fiscally responsible but IT IS OK.
Keto doesn’t let me eat fruit as as a Washingtonian this is a crime I do not like.
Make it the 30 days, lost 10lbs in Oct.
I get a new boss to report to on the Learning Team side at work. He seems cool although I don’t know it yet.
Final Pinafore show at CSz. I have the sads that this core group of people I love is done.
Yes, yes, I know we can still play together
I know all things must end I used to watch Lost
Started some personal training with Brian at LSAC
I warn Brian I am a talker.
Brian makes me do weird double kettlebell swings. I am not good at it right away and hate it.
Literally all I do is try to make Brian laugh to get my mind off of sweating.
Guys, don’t worry. I got plenty of sweating in still.
Started an Olympic Weightlifting class with Keith at LSAC
Thank you to the Crossfit gym and also Coach DeHoag at LC, I guess.
Cry at work 3x in one day after feeling overwhelmed w my 2 bosses being gone and the announcement we are upping our hiring aka much bigger training classes.
1. After a meeting
2. In a stairwell mid-afternoon
3. In first 1:1 with new boss
Is this a record and if so please get me a medal
I go to DC for the first time and get to hang with David, Bekah, Adam & Dana (and Millie)
I needed this.
Performed in Hocus Pocus Redacted at the Music Box as Allison.
 Yes, yabbos
Work tells me they approved hiring a 2nd person to do my role; we begin applications/interviews
Robbie becomes 2nd trainer at work and I begin trying to explain how/why I do what I do.
Audition for CSz & cast onto new Rec League team: Potluck
Watch Heather, Dan & Jess’s Bloody Christmas Carol show
My friends are fancy and sing & dance really well.
I came straight from a volleyball game and am very sweaty smushed next to strangers in this small theater.
See Robbie Ellis’s truly hilarious orchestra with Ben.
We fancy dress up.
We are seated in the front row.
We did not know we would be in the front row.
Thanksgiving week is my first week ‘off’ of training since starting my job on 5/1; I get so much work done and also contract a cold.
I do nothing except sit in my apartment alone for Thanksgiving, make myself mashed potatoes and I love it.
Record size massive training class (for us)
I am responsible for the learning & logistics of 20 people and gain (probably) 17 gray hairs.
Work approves a 3rd (Arizona) and 4th (Philadelphia) trainer; applications & interviews begin
I start seeing a therapist – it helps.
Nothing specific; I’m just noticing circular behaviors as I look back over my shoulder for 30+ years.
Added to the ensemble of RIFF
After performing as a sub several times since that workshop in July!
I’m added in the same class as Ben, Sarah & Will who I feel so honored to sing (and rhyme) with.
I fly home for 12 days to Lynden, WA
I turn 32 sitting at home, surrounded by my family.
I tell my family I plan on climbing Kilimanjaro in October 2020. I announce it at my birthday dinner so I can’t back out of it. NAME IT AND CLAIM IT BBS.
Yes, another blog post will come to flesh this ^^ out.
Performed with Upfront Theatre’s ensemble, including Ryan Stiles, for the 2nd time in Bellingham on the day after Christmas. My family is there seeing me do what I love and I am happy.
2019 Overall
Performances – with Pinafore, with MINt teams, RIFF and so many other opportunities to sit in and play with teams. Feeling grateful.
Shows – I saw countless shows; CSz matches, iO & SC improv, staged shows, musicals, Broadway, even just at movie theaters! Ya girl is stuffed full of stories. Also I have crazy talented friends.
People – I saw family 4 times! That’s almost a record for one year! Lunches, grocery store runs, shows and coffee times with so many friends too.
Health – Got my first ever stitches (shoulder), which was a weird first to have post-30. Overall healthy but somehow got food poisoning 3x this year. Probably won’t be asked to be on Bear Grylls show because of it ever.
Work – very happy to be working in the Learning & Development field as a trainer, instructional designer and general weirdo. Finally. GH has been very good to me.
Mental state – I’m pausing here and looking around my house, just thinking about this one.
I’m proud to be taking steps to correct patterns and behaviors that are unhealthy. Seeing a therapist that gives homework to work on between sessions is great.
I’m improving at recognizing progress as progress even when I wish the progress was bigger.
I’m proud/terrified to be setting the goal of climbing Kilimanjaro in October 2020. It scares me and excites me. More to come on this!
I’m thrilled to be an ensemble member on a long-term team. This has been a goal since I got to Chicago – I don’t need to drive my work to SNL or Mainstage. I just want to be on a consistent team of talented friends that I laugh with and improve my skills.
Hiya, 2020. Let’s go.
She’s Solid. I know I kinda did a recap already from Oct '18-19 - and I was going to write one of my rambling, lovable, GIF-heavy recap posts but I kind of like this bullet points idea.
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uhimbailey · 5 years
Mental Health: The Sad Clown
Mental Health: The Sad Clown
Holy mackerel, it’s December. I have two and a half weeks left of school, next semester is my thesis semester (no classes), and then I graduate in May – unreal!
I’ve been scrambling to do a lot of EOY things, ticking tasks off the list that’s ever-growing around the holidays, but of course finishing the semester strong is my top priority item.
Monday was my brother Alex’s birthday, and on…
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xrpvibe · 5 years
“In today’s MoneyGram earnings call, CEO Alex Holmes announced plans to expand u...
“In today’s MoneyGram earnings call, CEO Alex Holmes announced plans to expand u…
“In today’s MoneyGram earnings call, CEO Alex Holmes announced plans to expand use of Ripple’s on-demand liquidity to new corridors before EOY. ‘Our partnership with Ripple will be a competitive differentiator in the months and years ahead.’ 🎉🎉🎉
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isaacscrawford · 7 years
Matthew Holt’s EOY 2017 letter (charities/issues/gossip)
Right at the end of every year I write a letter summarizing my issues and charities. And as I own the joint here, I post it on THCB! Please take a look–Matthew Holt
Well 2017 has been quite a year, and last year 2016 I failed to get my end-of-year letter out at all. This I would like to think was due to extreme business but it probably came down to me being totally lazy. On the other hand like many of you I may have just been depressed about the election–2016 was summed up by our cat vomiting on our bed at 11.55 on New Years Eve.
Having said that even though most of you will never comment on this letter and I mostly write it to myself, I have had a few people ask me whether it is coming out this year–so here it goes.
2017 was a big year especially for my business Health 2.0. After 10 years my partner Indu Subaiya and I sold it to HIMSS–the biggest Health IT trade association and conference. And although I used to make fun of HIMSS for being a little bit staid and mainstream, when it came to finding the right partner to take over Health 2.0’s mantel for driving innovation in health technology, they were the ones who stepped up most seriously. From now on the Health 2.0 conferences are part of the HIMSS organization, and Indu is now an Executive Vice President at HIMSS. I’ll still be very involved as chair of the conferences and going to all of them but will (hooray!) be doing a lot less back office & operational work. (Those of you in the weeds might want to know that we are keeping the Health 2.0 Catalyst division for now at least)
That does mean that next year I will have a bit more time to do some new things. I haven’t quite figured out what they are yet but they will include a reboot of (my role at least) on The Health Care Blog and possibly finally getting that book out of the archives into print. But if you have any ideas for me (and I do mean constructive ideas, not just the usual insults!) then please get in touch. You can of course follow me on Twitter (@boltyboy) to see what I’m thinking with only modest filtering!
On the home front we are now firmly established in San Anselmo, which is a nice little suburban town about 40 minutes north of San Francisco. I have been trying to ride my bike into the city via the ferry a few days a week but unfortunately I’ve had two stolen in SF this year, so I’m ending the year being a couch potato. We do have big plans for the winter, and from early January will have a place in Tahoe City. If you and yours are looking go skiing, we probably have a bed for you, so get in touch.
Amanda continues to amaze me in that she manages to get Coco (6) and Aero (3) organized and active, into their respective first grade and preschool classes, all the while doing great things to the house. She’s also taking part in a really serious exercise class called the Daley Method more or less every day (I make it to yoga about once a month on average!). She tells me it’s essentially a religious cult and I’m waiting to see when she will bring home the orange juice for me to drink. Meanwhile she is in fantastic shape and making me look feel extremely flabby. Okay, so that’s enough about me and the family. There tends to be lots more with pictures on my Facebook page
For those of you who don’t know I started writing this letter way back in 2000 when I didn’t have a wife or family and presumably had a lot of spare time on my hands–not that I can remember exactly what I did with it. The main point of this letter is to tell you about the issues that I think are important and and which charities I support. In fact back in 2000 I used to find that my friends and acquaintances was so ill-informed about the world and politics that I was on a little bit of a crusade to tell them more. The good news is that in 2017, everybody seems to know everything, and everyone has an opinion. And yes it’s not too hard to figure out what mine is. The bad news is that many of us seem to have arrived in that state of greater awareness by living in countries that have either elected the worst populist buffoon of all time as president, or seem to be voluntarily committing economic suicide. And yes I am referring to the country I moved to and the country I moved from in 1989.
My views will become apparent in the way I divide this letter up. Please feel free to poke around and look at the links, and  maybe even donate to one or two. Let me know any comments or insults!
Health care & (poor) women’s & kids care & safety, and supporting patient activism
In the US this past summer there was a very serious attempt to destroy the Affordable Care Act. It failed–only just–but the rug is being pulled from under it by a bunch of mean spirited administrators put in charge over at HHS by the asses in the White House. Not to mention that the Congress (and we know who is in charge) has NOT RENEWED funding for the health insurance plan passed in the 90s for poor kids called CHIP. If you want to stay informed on all this I urge you to follow ex-CMS administrator @ASlavitt & blogger @charles_gaba on Twitter. @charles_gaba in particular is a one man band doing remarkable work classifying the actual on the ground impact of all of this on everyday Americans, and he gets no support for it. So you might join me and toss him a few bucks. The US health care system is still extremely screwed up, and if you want to know more you could do a lot worse than reading former NYT reporter Elizabeth Rosenthal’s An American Sickness. Other than hoping we get a Democratic sweep in 2018 & 2020 (and working and contributing $$ for that) I’m not sure what we can do to improve the system–other than to keep exposing the idiocy of current policies and the bad behavior of many actors.
For my next health care issue I’m just going to repeat what I wrote in 2016 and multiply it by a hell of a lot —What sadly has come into focus this year is the desperate attempts to attack women’s access to health care. If you’re a woman– especially a young or poor one who needs access to contraceptives, mammograms, cervical cancer screening, sexually transmitted disease testing, and all kinds of health procedures including safe abortions, it’s become the mission of mainstream Republicans to stop you getting them–using disgusting, deceitful, and downright illegal methods. And that’s as polite as I can say it. So my biggest bump in funding this year went to the one organization that consistently not only campaigns for but actually provides reproductive health services (including contraception, STD testing, counseling, pregnancy support and, yes, safe abortions), Planned Parenthood. I cannot believe that men want to live in a world where women cannot get these services, although I guess the evidence shows enough do….especially in Texas, Louisiana, Indiana and many more.
Given the #MeToo movement we can no longer ignore sexual assault as both a health and a social issue. A brilliant young entrepreneur called Jessica Ladd runs a non-profit called Callisto which enables victims of assault to report it without going through the harrowing ordeal of reporting it to the police or college authorities. Of course if several people report the same perpetrator then that helps bring them to justice. Now imagine this more widely used, say in Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein. Something like that is Jess’ aim. You can see her on Seth Myers’ show and also donate here.
Also worth noting is another great female CEO (Emily May’s story is here) who founded a non profit called Hollaback which helps report and prevent street harassment. There’s an app you can download to report harassment and of course they could use a donation too.
Finally in this section are two related entities supporting patients in dealing with the health care system. I’m a corporate supporter and personal member of the Society for Participatory Medicine which is moving from being a small core of activists to a major organization creating partnerships between patients and the health care system. They had their first conference back in October and it was excellent. The other is The Waking Gallery of which I’m also a proud member. Artist and activist Regina Holliday literally paints patients’ stories on the back of jackets and over 400 people (including me) now wear them at health care conferences. You can support her work here.
Other long time health care issues I like to think about/support:
Engage with Grace founded by my friend Alex Drane. No donation needed–use the 5 questions you can download to start that hardest of conversations about what you want for your care at the end of life.
Jeremy Nobel’s Foundation for Arts & Healing is engaging patients in arts, aggressively tackling loneliness support here.
YTH, a really cool organization that helps use technology to educate young people about sex and other health issues. The YTH Live conference is in San Francisco in May & it’s great and cheap (and somehow despite desperate efforts to quit I’m still on the board).
Poverty in developing countries
The good news is that in the long run things are getting better. The bad news is that there are plenty of trouble spots from Myanmar to Syria to Africa and lots of forces and people trying to repress the long arc towards equality, peace and freedom.
I’ve supported Mercy Corps for over a decade now–at least that’s according to the card they just sent me. They do a remarkable job all over the world focusing on educating girls, supplying clean water and directly intervening in crises. It’s worth noting that this year those crisis spots included Puerto Rico because of the appalling ongoing incompetence of the US government in failing to get help to that stricken part of its own country!
Heifer International gives animals directly to the very poor in order to get them out of the cycle of poverty. Every year I hand out goats and chickens! Hey, my father has a farm on which he feeds the chickens and that’s about as close as I get any more. (OK, this year it was a pig)
I’ve always supported a few smaller charities. They are all teeny in the grand scheme but a lot of little things add up, and for each one of these any donation or support means a lot.
Saigon Children’s Charity is a small charity (approx $1m a year in donations) focusing on providing rice, bikes and books and pens to the families of very poor children in Southern Vietnam so they stay in school. I support a few individual pupils.
Sadly the rapids where I went rafting on my honeymoon in 2008 at the source of the Nile in Uganda are gone, but kayaking doctor Jesse Stone’s clinic and charity Softpower Health is still there. It sells cheap mosquito nets, and provides a health center and family planning outreach. Here’s an article about their first ten years and a really great case study from Jesse about how they saved a girl’s leg.
Also supporting direct medical care, We Care Solar makes a suitcase-sized portable solar powered generator and supplies it to health workers in off-grid clinics across the world–one frequent user is my friend Dr Enoch Choi who’s on the scene of basically every disaster. and right now is on his way to Cambodia. You could alternatively give to Power the World which provides Nokero solar lights, the WE CARE Solar Suitcase, SOCCKET (all of which I’ve featured in previous years) and clean cook stoves–of which I bought a few for people in Nepal.
In the same vein, Health eVillages is a charity launched at Health 2.0 by Donato Tramuto which delivers iPads & smartphones with preloaded medical information to clinicians in remote parts of Haiti, Kenya, South Sudan and elsewhere.
One of the worst trouble spots in the world is the genocide going on in Myanmar. 600,000 Rohingya people have been systematically driven from their homes–with thousands raped and killed by the Myanmar military. A small Muslim lead charity (very highly rated by Charity Navigator) called the Zakat Foundation of America is in the camps in Bangladesh working with the refugees–they are also working in Syria.. For the price of a bottle of good champagne I feel my donation made a bit of a difference and you might too.
Poverty in the US
Income inequality in the US is increasing, leading to systematic pressures on those at the bottom end of society’s ladder. This year the UN actually sent an investigator to report on extreme poverty in the US. The Guardian article about it was harrowing.
These organizations try to help in my locale. You of course may have your local favorites–Here’s the list I support:
San Francisco & Marin food bank. Put your zip code in here to find out your local equivalent
Hamilton Family Center, is a small shelter offering emergency and transitional care, as well as getting families into permanent housing. If you live in San Francisco you know that the housing situation is dire at any income level and is getting worse. Think about those at the bottom. You can help by clicking this link.
Homeless Children’s Network supports care services for homeless children. No one should have to start life that way. You can help here
This year has of course been terrible for disasters in the US–hurricanes in Puerto Rico and Texas and fires in California. I gave to the Hispanic Foundation for Puerto Rico, the greater Houston Community Relief Fund, the Redwood Credit Union Community Fund (for N. Cal fires) & the United Way of Ventura County fund for S. California. (Yeah, I know it has a bad rap but the United Way pledged that 100% of the funds will go to victims).  
I also met a bright young social entrepreneur called Jason Friesen from TrekMedics which is building a 911 system where there are none. I was thrilled that we could feature him at Health 2.0 this year. You can donate to their work in Puerto Rico here.
Torture and human rights
Imprisonment without fair trials and torture doesn’t work to improve safety and it increases the amount of future terrorism. My own grandfather was tortured as a British POW in WW2 in the far east. And yet we now have “strong” men in charge increasing the use of torture, unwarranted imprisonment, and in some cases selected or mass vigilante executions in Russia, Turkey, Hungary, Poland, the Philippines, and (if he gets his way) in the US.
These organizations help those being tortured (or who have been) and protest those governments who should act better.–which basically means all of them
Amnesty International campaigns on behalf of prisoners of conscience everywhere
The UK-based Freedom from Torture (used to be called Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture) helps people from many countries who have been tortured. I’ve been supporting it for many years
The American Civil Liberties Union. If you’re not a card carrying member, you should be–this year of all years.
The environment.
While the clock ticks, the planet and the sea warms and we can but hope that technology in the form of renewable energy and replacements for animals being used as food get here in time. Our grandchildren will be ashamed of us. And of course we now have an actively anti-science administration in the US that is making the problem much worse. While I’ve been the biggest meat eater I know for many years, I’m cutting way down on beef which is responsible for 50%+ of global warming from agriculture worldwide & hoping that Impossible Foods and Memphis Meats come good on their promise to replace meat entirely. BTW the Impossible Burger is pretty damn good.
Other bad news is that the Japanese continue illegal whaling to a great extent and have essentially seen off the attempts by Sea Shepherd to stop them.
I give to both the Sierra Club (respectable) and Greenpeace (more radical) and locally to the Marine Mammal Center–a wonderful facility that helps seals recover, including most years one or two that get shot!
Drug prohibition—a terrible idea that is closer to being toppled
I’ve been protesting drug prohibition forever. It’s a terrible policy. You only have to witness Portugal’s experience decriminalizing all drugs and supporting those who want to get away from addiction to realize that there are much better policies actually working in real life. Probably lunatic US attorney general Jeff Sessions will be too busy trying (and hopefully failing) to avoid jail on perjury charges to try to block legalization of marijuana in California (and Washington, Oregon & Colorado). But we certainly don’t have anything like a rational approach coming from the Federal government even though the argument is basically won in the court of public opinion and science.  A system of taxed and regulated drug distribution is the only solution to removing the criminality associated with drug taking, much of which is relatively harmless anyway. I support:
DRCNet home of the best blog and email newsletter, the Drug War Chronicle. They also look at the stuff others miss, like the massacres currently going on in the Philippines. Their review of the last 20 years of the drug war is well worth reading.
The Drug Policy Alliance — the main lobbying organization promoting “harm reduction”
A Dog’s Life
Charley is 14 now and finally gets to hang out in a big back yard and doesn’t go into the office any more. Funnily enough as soon as he left, Health 2.0’s landlord rewrote the building’s rental agreement to make it a lot less dog friendly. Coincidence? Maybe not! For dogs that aren’t as lucky, Amanda and I support Rocket Dog Rescue $50 pays for an adoption.
OK, that’s it. Thanks for reading and please feel free to email me or tweet me or FB me or whatever to give your comments, or see if there’s some other charity I should support. Or just to get in touch anyway
Cheers & have a great 2018!
Article source:The Health Care Blog
0 notes
pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
Tw: Gore, animal abuse, child abuse, ect
The eoi au is after the good ending in dsaf but Henry excapes.
Henry's childhood in the au is a bit different then to the canon one.
Dr Henry is a scientist that excaped the void and did a lot of experiments. His first experiments were tests on wild animals he found. He did tests and experiments on a small dog's corpse he found in the road. He found two more dogs ten days after he found the corpse of the puppy. He trained all of them to listen to him and attack anyone who entered his basement alone or when they try to excape. He made sure no one will leave alive. Henry is a sadistic, manipulative, murderous, and flirty bastard that does these sick experiments on humans for his own entertainment. He is respectful the identities of anyone speaks to and is kind to them. The only people he flirt with is anyone that is a adult. Anyone who is not a adult would be a very close friend or worker of his and nothing else. He always tells anyone who goes to his house for a visit to never enter his basement or bedroom. That is because he has a lot of corpses in his basement lab that he did experiments on. He has stuff in his bedroom he rather be left alone or not seen by others, Henry used to be a good father to his son David, but when the boy got too close to the lion at Miller's circus he had a sadistic smirk and pushed David close to the lion so he would die. He laughed about it and said that it was David's fault that he died. David's soul possess the body of a adult male that was nicknamed Rex. For the present Henry's Experiments gotten worse for everyone involved in them with Jack and Dave having the worse faith for them. Henry emotionally, physically, and sexually abused Jack after he kidnapped him from behind the freddy's he was working at. The purple chemical he injects into Jack's body twists his inside, burns his insides, and makes him lose control of being able to use his own body. Henry's torture to Jack was much worse then the torture to his other victims. The demon named Purple formed in Jack's head after ten months and has emotionally and physically hurt and abused him. He fused Jack's new soul that was out of his personality to be apart of him. Purple and Henry are able to communicate so they aide each other in hurting Jack to his breaking point. He ends up snapped in front of a little girl and kills her brutally, then went on a killing rampage. It has taken Jack two years to get better and that caused him to have a second insane state (or another personality) the second one I'll call it Nick. Nick is the side of Jack that is okay with everything Henry has done to his victims and is a sadistic flirt. The first insane state is named Dan and he is very unstable and nothing will stop him from killing and messing everyone up. The only one that can help Jack go back from his first insane state is Henry. There is a lot of stuff that will trigger Jack to go into his first insane state and usely stuff in Henry's bedroom, basement lab, or something that reminds him of what was done will trigger him.
Dave has lose all trust in Henry when he was experimented on after Henry found him again. Dave has trust and anger issues so he would try to kill anyone who pissed him off slightly. He found out what Henry has done to Jack by listening in to a conversation he was having with there boss Cotton Fluff. He hated him more after finding out and would try to kill him. Mr Fluff is aware of what Henry has done since he was told everyone and he can easily get him arrested if he wanted to, but he decides not to. He makes sure Henry and the other employees follow his rules and not kill anybody.
Alex trusts Miller a lot and would listen to any simple command for anything he needed. She trusts Henry with everything of hers and tells him stuff hoping he can help. Henry likes her and he would help Alex with anything she needed.
George, Zane, and Sam are victims of Dr Henry's experiments with both physical and emotional abuse. He has hung George by the neck multiple times to see the results of it. Henry has slashed at him in angry cutting over the left eye making George blind in it. Henry toyed with Sam's sanity breaking her mentally to where she was unstable. (If she has a fuzzy plushie she will calm down.) Zane was carved into on his back through his skin to the muscles. He had multiple experiments done to him with some of his organs and pieces of his flesh were removed. A lot of Dr Henry's subjects suffer from dying from the chemicals he has and not one ever survived them. Only George,Zane,Sam, Jack, Dave, and Cotton Fluff survived.
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demitgibbs · 7 years
What’s Hot South Florida May 25 – May 29
And the winner of the Miss Unite 2017 pageant is… Kalah Mendoza!
The new queen took the title last Monday when Abey Alfasi held his second annual Miss Unite F.I. Pageant at the world-famous Boardwalk in Fort Lauderdale. Five contestants competed in the pageant, which is the official preliminary to Miss Florida F.I. 2017.
The second runner-up was Kataleya Davenport, while the first runner-up title went to April Chanel.
All three finalists received sponsorships allowing them to move on to the Miss Florida F.I. Pageant to compete on the national stage. Congrats to Abey and his entire staff on a fabulous pageant! On Tuesday, I started my night at Extreme Action Park in Oakland Park in their Classic Car Exhibit where the GFLGLCC hosted their monthly mixer. For those of you who haven’t been yet, this is such a fun place! Check it out! Afterwards, I went over to Rumors for their monthly charity bingo, which this month benefited the Animal Rescue Fund. As usual, the hostess was the lovely Amanda Austin and her special guest was Alandra Matthews.
On Wednesday night, the night started out at a beautiful home on Las Olas as Equality Florida held their Broward Connections Mixer and talked about the latest political actions going on in Tallahassee. Afterwards, I headed down to Miami as the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force held their 2017 Gala Kick Off Party at AC Hotels on the beach. While there I got to see my brother from another mother (he is really my sista, but he hates when I say that), Josue Santiago, who is the chair of the 2017 Gala. On Thursday, SAVE! held a Broward County Champions of Equality Recruitment event at Mind Your Manors on Wilton Drive. Tony Lima, executive director, created this event to get more Broward folks involved in their Champions of Equality Gala. As someone who has been many times, I highly encourage it. Afterwards, I headed over to Matty’s Wilton Park to see the one and only Lady Bunny perform, like only she can. As usual, she delighted the crowd and you fully understand why she has lasted in this business for over 30 years! On Friday evening, Southern Nights Fort Lauderdale hosted a NeighBEARhood Takeover Party with a Wet Underwear Contest where winners and placers got passes to One Magical Weekend events. The winner was Hotspots’ own cover model (three weeks ago) and star of Happy Endings at the Empire Stage, Matthew Pappadia. On Saturday evening we started the night at Georgie’s Alibi/Monkey Bar for their monthly Beast, Fetish & Gear Party. This month, they featured DJ Erich Ensastigue of Pure Jaus Records who rocked the house. Beast is always the third Saturday of the month, so stay tuned for next month’s event! Afterwards, the gang and I went over to The Manor to celebrate the 19th anniversary of Noche Latina Florida, at Noche Latina Saturdays. The anniversary, whose theme was Noche Erotica, was packed in the dance room and the patio and featured the bartenders in fetish gear, sexy Go-Go Papis in outfits I dream about, fabulous drag performances (including two from the current reigning Miss Noche Latina, Angie Ovahness, that had the crowds screaming), an adult video star performance, and sensational music by resident DJ Larry Larr. Congrats to the entire staff of Noche Latina Florida. Hotspots wishes them many more years of success.
On Sunday, I headed to Miami for the annual Aqua Girl Boy Party. This year they partnered with Impulse Group to present Evolution Party at the National Hotel, which featured a trifecta of DJ Talent (AJ Reddy, Citizen Jane and Dan Slater).
Thursday, May 25
Wilton Manors Business Association presents its May luncheon at Bona Italian Restaurant & Pizza (2468 Wilton Drive) from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bona has arranged special entrées and pricing just for the WMBA. For more information go to wiltonmanorsbusinessassociation.com.
Starting today and going through the 31, the Pride Factory presents 30% off all regular priced swimwear. This is a perfect opportunity to stock up for Summer!
Friday, May 26
From today until June 4, thousands of participants, spectators and leaders from around the globe will converge on Miami for World OutGames IV. This 10-day event will bring to life more than 450 events across three areas: Sport, Culture and Human Rights. World OutGames Miami will challenge you physically, stimulate you intellectually and enliven you emotionally. Be part of it all, and leave transformed for the better – in your mind, your body and your heart. World OutGames Miami is licensed by GLISA – the Gay and Lesbian International Sport Association. For more info go to OutGames.org
The inaugural Spring Art Festival starts today and goes through May 28 at Danieli ArtWorld Galler, 925 N.Railroad Ave., West Palm Beach. The weekend will include a special viewing of the Daniel Bouaziz Collection, a VIP reception, and formal Viennese gala. For more information and images please contact [email protected] Boardwalk presents adult film star Eddy CeeTee live and on stage tonight, Saturday and Sunday with two shows each night at 11:30 p.m. and 1 a.m.
Saturday, May 27
Joe Whitaker presents Fort Lauderdale DILF Commando party at Hunters Nightclub starring DJ Chomper from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. This is a dog tag/jock party and features a clothes check.
Georgie’s Alibi/Monkey Bar presents DJ Latrice Perry on the turntables from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m.
Score welcomes the attendees of the World OutGames Miami 2017 with an Opening Night Party featuring DJ/Producer Alex Lo from 11 p.m. to 5am.
The Ramrod presents DJ Herbie James from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m.
The Manor Complex, gives South Florida two parties that are official White Fort Lauderdale events. In the Ballroom they present “Confessions” starring festival Star/Remix Producer DJ Tony Moran. In the Ivy Dance Room and Patio, Noche Latina Saturdays presents “Pecadores” starring Champagne Bordeaux, Taina Norell, resident DJ Larry Larr and sexy Latin Go-Go papis. Saturdays at the Manor Complex are from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. and feature no cover before midnight and only $7 after midnight for members and $10 for non-members ($12 for 18-20 years old)
Sunday, May 28
Gary Santis presents the 19th annual White Fort Lauderdale event taking place at the Manor Complex. The night will star, direct from RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars, Alyssa Edwards and celebrity DJ Tracy Young. This is an 18-and-over event. Tickets can be purchased at ShowClix.com/Event/White2017. For VIP room admission, which includes bottle service and the first to meet Alyssa, call 954-557-4279.
Rumors presents their 2nd Drag Brunch with DJ Daniel Kristopherre and two shows: the first is 12-2 and the second is 2-4 starring Alandra Matthews, Skye Beckett, and guests.
Scandals Saloon presents their monthly Lady Fancy’s Gospel Jubilee at 6 p.m. which is a joyful celebration of Southern Gospel Music.
Georgie’s Alibi/Monkey Bar premieres a new party today called Crazy Daisy P-Town Tea Dance starring Daisy Deadpetals and VJ Barry Browder at 6 p.m. featuring drag, go-go’s, contests and give-a-ways. Later on, Misty Eyes’ Trannie Palace starts at 11:30 p.m. with a Memorial Day Beach Party theme.
Monday, May 29
JMV Productions presents Southern Jewel All American Goddess at 9 p.m. at the Boardwalk. This is an official preliminary to All American Goddess 2017 and will star Alexis Mateo, All American Goddess 2016, as well as Jose Vega, AA Gent 2016, Rolly Villaverde, Mr. EOY 2016, Alyson Thomas, Miss Metropolitan Icon Cont Elite 2017, Efrain Reyes, Mr. Carolina Continental 2017, Poizon Ivy, Xander Child Valentino, Mr. Pride of America 2017, and Aries M. Kelly, National Showman 2017.  The pageant, which is hosted by Sasha Sommers, will be judged on Interview, Creative Costume, Evening Gown, Talent and Q&A. Contact Jose of Joey Cass for more info at 908-230-4813.
This is HOT
Katy Perry’s new album, Witness (Capitol Records), which will be available for purchase on June 9, is an extensive arena tour. With Witness, Katy reflects on the changes in her own life and in the world around her, delivering songs that both challenge and inspire. The singles released thus far: the Platinum-certified “Chained to the Rhythm” featuring Skip Marley and the follow-up single, “Bon Appétit”, featuring Migos, hint at the breadth of the musical and thematic elements found on Witness. Each ticket purchase for WITNESS: The Tour also includes a copy of her album, Witness. The North American leg of WITNESS: The Tour, produced by AEG Presents, will kick off on September 7 and will hit Miami at the American Airlines Arena on December 20.
Katy will be partnering with Boys & Girls Clubs of America to donate tickets to club members and volunteers. Additionally, fans can earn free tickets by joining Global Citizen and taking action to support Boys & Girls Clubs of America. $1 per every ticket sold will also be donated to Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
Tickets for the U.S. dates go on sale to the general public on Monday May 22, at 10 a.m. with the Canadian dates on sale May 26. All U.S. concerts on WITNESS: The Tour are presented by Xfinity. The album will be available nationwide and prices vary. To see the dates or find out any information on Katy visit katyperry.com.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/05/24/whats-hot-south-florida-may-25-may-29/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/161022657905
0 notes
cynthiajayusa · 7 years
What’s Hot South Florida May 25 – May 29
And the winner of the Miss Unite 2017 pageant is… Kalah Mendoza!
The new queen took the title last Monday when Abey Alfasi held his second annual Miss Unite F.I. Pageant at the world-famous Boardwalk in Fort Lauderdale. Five contestants competed in the pageant, which is the official preliminary to Miss Florida F.I. 2017.
 The second runner-up was Kataleya Davenport, while the first runner-up title went to April Chanel.
 All three finalists received sponsorships allowing them to move on to the Miss Florida F.I. Pageant to compete on the national stage. Congrats to Abey and his entire staff on a fabulous pageant! On Tuesday, I started my night at Extreme Action Park in Oakland Park in their Classic Car Exhibit where the GFLGLCC hosted their monthly mixer. For those of you who haven’t been yet, this is such a fun place! Check it out! Afterwards, I went over to Rumors for their monthly charity bingo, which this month benefited the Animal Rescue Fund. As usual, the hostess was the lovely Amanda Austin and her special guest was Alandra Matthews.
 On Wednesday night, the night started out at a beautiful home on Las Olas as Equality Florida held their Broward Connections Mixer and talked about the latest political actions going on in Tallahassee. Afterwards, I headed down to Miami as the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force held their 2017 Gala Kick Off Party at AC Hotels on the beach. While there I got to see my brother from another mother (he is really my sista, but he hates when I say that), Josue Santiago, who is the chair of the 2017 Gala. On Thursday, SAVE! held a Broward County Champions of Equality Recruitment event at Mind Your Manors on Wilton Drive. Tony Lima, executive director, created this event to get more Broward folks involved in their Champions of Equality Gala. As someone who has been many times, I highly encourage it. Afterwards, I headed over to Matty’s Wilton Park to see the one and only Lady Bunny perform, like only she can. As usual, she delighted the crowd and you fully understand why she has lasted in this business for over 30 years! On Friday evening, Southern Nights Fort Lauderdale hosted a NeighBEARhood Takeover Party with a Wet Underwear Contest where winners and placers got passes to One Magical Weekend events. The winner was Hotspots’ own cover model (three weeks ago) and star of Happy Endings at the Empire Stage, Matthew Pappadia. On Saturday evening we started the night at Georgie’s Alibi/Monkey Bar for their monthly Beast, Fetish & Gear Party. This month, they featured DJ Erich Ensastigue of Pure Jaus Records who rocked the house. Beast is always the third Saturday of the month, so stay tuned for next month’s event! Afterwards, the gang and I went over to The Manor to celebrate the 19th anniversary of Noche Latina Florida, at Noche Latina Saturdays. The anniversary, whose theme was Noche Erotica, was packed in the dance room and the patio and featured the bartenders in fetish gear, sexy Go-Go Papis in outfits I dream about, fabulous drag performances (including two from the current reigning Miss Noche Latina, Angie Ovahness, that had the crowds screaming), an adult video star performance, and sensational music by resident DJ Larry Larr. Congrats to the entire staff of Noche Latina Florida. Hotspots wishes them many more years of success.
On Sunday, I headed to Miami for the annual Aqua Girl Boy Party. This year they partnered with Impulse Group to present Evolution Party at the National Hotel, which featured a trifecta of DJ Talent (AJ Reddy, Citizen Jane and Dan Slater).
Thursday, May 25
Wilton Manors Business Association presents its May luncheon at Bona Italian Restaurant & Pizza (2468 Wilton Drive) from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bona has arranged special entrées and pricing just for the WMBA. For more information go to wiltonmanorsbusinessassociation.com.
Starting today and going through the 31, the Pride Factory presents 30% off all regular priced swimwear. This is a perfect opportunity to stock up for Summer!
Friday, May 26
From today until June 4, thousands of participants, spectators and leaders from around the globe will converge on Miami for World OutGames IV. This 10-day event will bring to life more than 450 events across three areas: Sport, Culture and Human Rights. World OutGames Miami will challenge you physically, stimulate you intellectually and enliven you emotionally. Be part of it all, and leave transformed for the better – in your mind, your body and your heart. World OutGames Miami is licensed by GLISA – the Gay and Lesbian International Sport Association. For more info go to OutGames.org
The inaugural Spring Art Festival starts today and goes through May 28 at Danieli ArtWorld Galler, 925 N.Railroad Ave., West Palm Beach. The weekend will include a special viewing of the Daniel Bouaziz Collection, a VIP reception, and formal Viennese gala. For more information and images please contact [email protected] Boardwalk presents adult film star Eddy CeeTee live and on stage tonight, Saturday and Sunday with two shows each night at 11:30 p.m. and 1 a.m.
Saturday, May 27
Joe Whitaker presents Fort Lauderdale DILF Commando party at Hunters Nightclub starring DJ Chomper from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. This is a dog tag/jock party and features a clothes check.
Georgie’s Alibi/Monkey Bar presents DJ Latrice Perry on the turntables from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m.
Score welcomes the attendees of the World OutGames Miami 2017 with an Opening Night Party featuring DJ/Producer Alex Lo from 11 p.m. to 5am.
The Ramrod presents DJ Herbie James from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m.
The Manor Complex, gives South Florida two parties that are official White Fort Lauderdale events. In the Ballroom they present “Confessions” starring festival Star/Remix Producer DJ Tony Moran. In the Ivy Dance Room and Patio, Noche Latina Saturdays presents “Pecadores” starring Champagne Bordeaux, Taina Norell, resident DJ Larry Larr and sexy Latin Go-Go papis. Saturdays at the Manor Complex are from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. and feature no cover before midnight and only $7 after midnight for members and $10 for non-members ($12 for 18-20 years old)
Sunday, May 28
Gary Santis presents the 19th annual White Fort Lauderdale event taking place at the Manor Complex. The night will star, direct from RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars, Alyssa Edwards and celebrity DJ Tracy Young. This is an 18-and-over event. Tickets can be purchased at ShowClix.com/Event/White2017. For VIP room admission, which includes bottle service and the first to meet Alyssa, call 954-557-4279.
Rumors presents their 2nd Drag Brunch with DJ Daniel Kristopherre and two shows: the first is 12-2 and the second is 2-4 starring Alandra Matthews, Skye Beckett, and guests.
Scandals Saloon presents their monthly Lady Fancy’s Gospel Jubilee at 6 p.m. which is a joyful celebration of Southern Gospel Music.
Georgie’s Alibi/Monkey Bar premieres a new party today called Crazy Daisy P-Town Tea Dance starring Daisy Deadpetals and VJ Barry Browder at 6 p.m. featuring drag, go-go’s, contests and give-a-ways. Later on, Misty Eyes’ Trannie Palace starts at 11:30 p.m. with a Memorial Day Beach Party theme.
Monday, May 29
JMV Productions presents Southern Jewel All American Goddess at 9 p.m. at the Boardwalk. This is an official preliminary to All American Goddess 2017 and will star Alexis Mateo, All American Goddess 2016, as well as Jose Vega, AA Gent 2016, Rolly Villaverde, Mr. EOY 2016, Alyson Thomas, Miss Metropolitan Icon Cont Elite 2017, Efrain Reyes, Mr. Carolina Continental 2017, Poizon Ivy, Xander Child Valentino, Mr. Pride of America 2017, and Aries M. Kelly, National Showman 2017.  The pageant, which is hosted by Sasha Sommers, will be judged on Interview, Creative Costume, Evening Gown, Talent and Q&A. Contact Jose of Joey Cass for more info at 908-230-4813.
This is HOT
Katy Perry’s new album, Witness (Capitol Records), which will be available for purchase on June 9, is an extensive arena tour. With Witness, Katy reflects on the changes in her own life and in the world around her, delivering songs that both challenge and inspire. The singles released thus far: the Platinum-certified “Chained to the Rhythm” featuring Skip Marley and the follow-up single, “Bon Appétit”, featuring Migos, hint at the breadth of the musical and thematic elements found on Witness. Each ticket purchase for WITNESS: The Tour also includes a copy of her album, Witness. The North American leg of WITNESS: The Tour, produced by AEG Presents, will kick off on September 7 and will hit Miami at the American Airlines Arena on December 20.
 Katy will be partnering with Boys & Girls Clubs of America to donate tickets to club members and volunteers. Additionally, fans can earn free tickets by joining Global Citizen and taking action to support Boys & Girls Clubs of America. $1 per every ticket sold will also be donated to Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
 Tickets for the U.S. dates go on sale to the general public on Monday May 22, at 10 a.m. with the Canadian dates on sale May 26. All U.S. concerts on WITNESS: The Tour are presented by Xfinity. The album will be available nationwide and prices vary. To see the dates or find out any information on Katy visit katyperry.com.
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/05/24/whats-hot-south-florida-may-25-may-29/ from Hot Spots Magazine http://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2017/05/whats-hot-south-florida-may-25-may-29.html
0 notes
hotspotsmagazine · 7 years
What’s Hot South Florida May 25 – May 29
And the winner of the Miss Unite 2017 pageant is… Kalah Mendoza!
The new queen took the title last Monday when Abey Alfasi held his second annual Miss Unite F.I. Pageant at the world-famous Boardwalk in Fort Lauderdale. Five contestants competed in the pageant, which is the official preliminary to Miss Florida F.I. 2017.
  The second runner-up was Kataleya Davenport, while the first runner-up title went to April Chanel.
  All three finalists received sponsorships allowing them to move on to the Miss Florida F.I. Pageant to compete on the national stage. Congrats to Abey and his entire staff on a fabulous pageant! On Tuesday, I started my night at Extreme Action Park in Oakland Park in their Classic Car Exhibit where the GFLGLCC hosted their monthly mixer. For those of you who haven’t been yet, this is such a fun place! Check it out! Afterwards, I went over to Rumors for their monthly charity bingo, which this month benefited the Animal Rescue Fund. As usual, the hostess was the lovely Amanda Austin and her special guest was Alandra Matthews.
  On Wednesday night, the night started out at a beautiful home on Las Olas as Equality Florida held their Broward Connections Mixer and talked about the latest political actions going on in Tallahassee. Afterwards, I headed down to Miami as the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force held their 2017 Gala Kick Off Party at AC Hotels on the beach. While there I got to see my brother from another mother (he is really my sista, but he hates when I say that), Josue Santiago, who is the chair of the 2017 Gala. On Thursday, SAVE! held a Broward County Champions of Equality Recruitment event at Mind Your Manors on Wilton Drive. Tony Lima, executive director, created this event to get more Broward folks involved in their Champions of Equality Gala. As someone who has been many times, I highly encourage it. Afterwards, I headed over to Matty’s Wilton Park to see the one and only Lady Bunny perform, like only she can. As usual, she delighted the crowd and you fully understand why she has lasted in this business for over 30 years! On Friday evening, Southern Nights Fort Lauderdale hosted a NeighBEARhood Takeover Party with a Wet Underwear Contest where winners and placers got passes to One Magical Weekend events. The winner was Hotspots’ own cover model (three weeks ago) and star of Happy Endings at the Empire Stage, Matthew Pappadia. On Saturday evening we started the night at Georgie’s Alibi/Monkey Bar for their monthly Beast, Fetish & Gear Party. This month, they featured DJ Erich Ensastigue of Pure Jaus Records who rocked the house. Beast is always the third Saturday of the month, so stay tuned for next month’s event! Afterwards, the gang and I went over to The Manor to celebrate the 19th anniversary of Noche Latina Florida, at Noche Latina Saturdays. The anniversary, whose theme was Noche Erotica, was packed in the dance room and the patio and featured the bartenders in fetish gear, sexy Go-Go Papis in outfits I dream about, fabulous drag performances (including two from the current reigning Miss Noche Latina, Angie Ovahness, that had the crowds screaming), an adult video star performance, and sensational music by resident DJ Larry Larr. Congrats to the entire staff of Noche Latina Florida. Hotspots wishes them many more years of success.
On Sunday, I headed to Miami for the annual Aqua Girl Boy Party. This year they partnered with Impulse Group to present Evolution Party at the National Hotel, which featured a trifecta of DJ Talent (AJ Reddy, Citizen Jane and Dan Slater).
Thursday, May 25
Wilton Manors Business Association presents its May luncheon at Bona Italian Restaurant & Pizza (2468 Wilton Drive) from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bona has arranged special entrées and pricing just for the WMBA. For more information go to wiltonmanorsbusinessassociation.com.
Starting today and going through the 31, the Pride Factory presents 30% off all regular priced swimwear. This is a perfect opportunity to stock up for Summer!
Friday, May 26
From today until June 4, thousands of participants, spectators and leaders from around the globe will converge on Miami for World OutGames IV. This 10-day event will bring to life more than 450 events across three areas: Sport, Culture and Human Rights. World OutGames Miami will challenge you physically, stimulate you intellectually and enliven you emotionally. Be part of it all, and leave transformed for the better – in your mind, your body and your heart. World OutGames Miami is licensed by GLISA – the Gay and Lesbian International Sport Association. For more info go to OutGames.org
The inaugural Spring Art Festival starts today and goes through May 28 at Danieli ArtWorld Galler, 925 N.Railroad Ave., West Palm Beach. The weekend will include a special viewing of the Daniel Bouaziz Collection, a VIP reception, and formal Viennese gala. For more information and images please contact [email protected] Boardwalk presents adult film star Eddy CeeTee live and on stage tonight, Saturday and Sunday with two shows each night at 11:30 p.m. and 1 a.m.
Saturday, May 27
Joe Whitaker presents Fort Lauderdale DILF Commando party at Hunters Nightclub starring DJ Chomper from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. This is a dog tag/jock party and features a clothes check.
Georgie’s Alibi/Monkey Bar presents DJ Latrice Perry on the turntables from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m.
Score welcomes the attendees of the World OutGames Miami 2017 with an Opening Night Party featuring DJ/Producer Alex Lo from 11 p.m. to 5am.
The Ramrod presents DJ Herbie James from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m.
The Manor Complex, gives South Florida two parties that are official White Fort Lauderdale events. In the Ballroom they present “Confessions” starring festival Star/Remix Producer DJ Tony Moran. In the Ivy Dance Room and Patio, Noche Latina Saturdays presents “Pecadores” starring Champagne Bordeaux, Taina Norell, resident DJ Larry Larr and sexy Latin Go-Go papis. Saturdays at the Manor Complex are from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. and feature no cover before midnight and only $7 after midnight for members and $10 for non-members ($12 for 18-20 years old)
Sunday, May 28
Gary Santis presents the 19th annual White Fort Lauderdale event taking place at the Manor Complex. The night will star, direct from RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars, Alyssa Edwards and celebrity DJ Tracy Young. This is an 18-and-over event. Tickets can be purchased at ShowClix.com/Event/White2017. For VIP room admission, which includes bottle service and the first to meet Alyssa, call 954-557-4279.
Rumors presents their 2nd Drag Brunch with DJ Daniel Kristopherre and two shows: the first is 12-2 and the second is 2-4 starring Alandra Matthews, Skye Beckett, and guests.
Scandals Saloon presents their monthly Lady Fancy’s Gospel Jubilee at 6 p.m. which is a joyful celebration of Southern Gospel Music.
Georgie’s Alibi/Monkey Bar premieres a new party today called Crazy Daisy P-Town Tea Dance starring Daisy Deadpetals and VJ Barry Browder at 6 p.m. featuring drag, go-go’s, contests and give-a-ways. Later on, Misty Eyes’ Trannie Palace starts at 11:30 p.m. with a Memorial Day Beach Party theme.
Monday, May 29
JMV Productions presents Southern Jewel All American Goddess at 9 p.m. at the Boardwalk. This is an official preliminary to All American Goddess 2017 and will star Alexis Mateo, All American Goddess 2016, as well as Jose Vega, AA Gent 2016, Rolly Villaverde, Mr. EOY 2016, Alyson Thomas, Miss Metropolitan Icon Cont Elite 2017, Efrain Reyes, Mr. Carolina Continental 2017, Poizon Ivy, Xander Child Valentino, Mr. Pride of America 2017, and Aries M. Kelly, National Showman 2017.  The pageant, which is hosted by Sasha Sommers, will be judged on Interview, Creative Costume, Evening Gown, Talent and Q&A. Contact Jose of Joey Cass for more info at 908-230-4813.
This is HOT
Katy Perry’s new album, Witness (Capitol Records), which will be available for purchase on June 9, is an extensive arena tour. With Witness, Katy reflects on the changes in her own life and in the world around her, delivering songs that both challenge and inspire. The singles released thus far: the Platinum-certified “Chained to the Rhythm” featuring Skip Marley and the follow-up single, “Bon Appétit”, featuring Migos, hint at the breadth of the musical and thematic elements found on Witness. Each ticket purchase for WITNESS: The Tour also includes a copy of her album, Witness. The North American leg of WITNESS: The Tour, produced by AEG Presents, will kick off on September 7 and will hit Miami at the American Airlines Arena on December 20.
  Katy will be partnering with Boys & Girls Clubs of America to donate tickets to club members and volunteers. Additionally, fans can earn free tickets by joining Global Citizen and taking action to support Boys & Girls Clubs of America. $1 per every ticket sold will also be donated to Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
  Tickets for the U.S. dates go on sale to the general public on Monday May 22, at 10 a.m. with the Canadian dates on sale May 26. All U.S. concerts on WITNESS: The Tour are presented by Xfinity. The album will be available nationwide and prices vary. To see the dates or find out any information on Katy visit katyperry.com.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/05/24/whats-hot-south-florida-may-25-may-29/
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pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
Oh look acception (Henry being nice to Alex)
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pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
Alright heres Alex and three new characters from my EOI au. (One of George's eyes is blind and I don't think I drew how that looks right.)
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These are the three teens that have excaped. There names are in the picture. Zane is the one who leads them out and taught them survively stuff. Sam has bad injuries on her head, back, and her chest. She is more then likely to be unstable and not in her head all the time. George has gone blinded in one of his eyes, and he's the most aggressive one of them with Zane being the second.
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Finally did a actual reference of Alex. Both Before and after the phone effect. (is that the right way to say it?)
Also, how about some facts about Alex
He is shorter then dave
He is probably the only Phone Guy nice to the employees despite both Dave and Henry's rudeness. (Henry is usely nice to him unless he was pissed off by Dave, a customer, or someone else he spoke to.)
Alex knows nothing of what Henry's done to Dave or anyone else. Henry makes him believe that Dave was lying about it since he doesn't know anything.
Alex is close friends with Henry and trust him with anything.
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pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
‘Your death will be unnoticed, and you won't know who killed you~’
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Alex you okay there buddy?
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pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
so while my @themintyphoneguy blog is dead he'll just be asked here. actually he can be asked on both blogs but not the phone one right now. I have to actually try to get to stuff there first before I do anything there
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pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
1: If Dr Henry were to hug his Dave he'll most likey try to probably squeeze him hard. like almost to death or just creepily stare at him.
2: Dr Henry loves cuddling people he likes.
3: When purple (the chemical thing in EJack's head) is in control of EJack's head the white pupils become the color purple. also I'll call him purple jack when he's in control.
4: Purple would have jacks voice but if hes angry when he's in control then EJack's voice will be deeper. If Jack acts smarter then its most likely purple is in control. Purple Jack can mean PJ too.
5: Even though Henry has one eye he still has the eyelid on the right side. just the eyeball is missing.
6: Henry doesn't experiment on others anymore unless they've made him upset. He experiments on Jack more and if Cotton Fluff is available he experiments on him. Cotton Fluff loves and completely likes Henry's experiments so he is willing to be experimented on while Jack is okay with it mostly because he's broken.
7: If Henry loves someone he wouldn't hurt them and he wouldn't Experiment on them if his liking is not to Experiment. He mostly would want to get close to them and may end up getting a crush on them if he likes them enough. He would probably protect them and try to keep them safe even if it means harming others. Him getting a crush on someone is usely not a slow process because it may happen in one day. That person would end up being safe unless they did something that would make Henry upset.
8: Henry does sometimes carry a weapon with him. He only uses it as self defense thought so everyone would be fine. He doesn't bring one with himself all the time though since whatever chemicals that infected him gave him powers he can use as self defense instead of a weapon. (He doesn't use the powers much or at all usely.)
9: Alex usely deals with customers screaming in there restaurant because of something Jack did. If Henry did something it's mostly because he was pissed off by the person or he decided to do a 'experiment' on them.
10: Henry probably will never get flustered by someone else but he can get the other person flustered when he tries.
11: it's difficult to get Dave flustered but when he does he tries to deny it the best he can. Jack before he was broken was able to get flustered pretty easily but now it's not possible.
12: Dave and Jack are more likely to studder in there sentences then Henry.
13: Jack would wanna be near Henry more then Dave because Henry lets him do the stuff he wants. Probably why it's difficult to keep Jack from not doing stuff when Henry is around because Jack would completely ignore Dave telling him that he shouldn't do something.
14: After Henry excaped the void before he started doing his experiments he did exercises. So he is much stronger then he was before.
15: Henry would most likely break into somebody's house. He usely breaks into his Jack's and Dave's houses. Cotton Fluff told Henry he can enter his house whenever he wanted.
16: If henry were to get too mad he would be very aggressive and volent.
17: Dave has a hole on his shirt that got there when he excaped Henry's lab when he jumped over a fence that is around it. The fence ripped is shirt so thats why it's there.
18: When henry is interested in someone and he doesn't plan to hurt or torture them he mostly likely will flirt with them. (He sometimes flirts with everybody so it's hard to tell if his interest is because he has a crush on them.)
19: Dave will hold Jack back if he tries to get too close to someone else incase he hurts them or does something to them.
20: Dr Henry most likely would flirt with someone. Rather he flirts with them or he has a flirty tone in his voice.
(when I had ~ at the end of some of his sentences it is most likely that he will have a flirty tone in his voice or is flirting with the person.)
21: Dr Henry is sometimes nice to a person but since people are usely a bitch to him hes more rude to them.
22: As of now Henry usely Experiments on people who are assholes to him. (Or if there not rude and they have something interesting about he sees then he may Experiment on them because of that interest.
23: Any children Henry kidnaps usely only suffer painful experiments (like getting stuff removed and torture) while adults do have the pain ones too But they are more Fun and exciting. (At least for Henry they are.)
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pinkie-miller100 · 5 years
So other then Dr Henry and the other characters in my Experiments of insanity AU.
you can ask The characters from my Swirl au now again (The Swirl au is not my main one anymore since the eoi one takes its place)
the Swirl au has
Swirl Henry
Dave miller
legacy Jack
Cotton Swirl
and Ben Will
A reminder for the eoi au of whos in it.
Dr Henry Miller (other names are Mr Scientist and Dr Miller/Dr Henry)
EJack (Experiment Jack)
Dave Afton (Experiment Dave)
Cotton Fluff
Alex (phone guy)
Purple (Well hes a purple chemical named Purple so uhh yeah. He also goes by PC)
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