#encuentros encounters
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weirdlookindog · 7 months ago
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Remedios Varo (1908-1963) - Encuentro (Encounter), 1959
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emvisual · 4 months ago
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Os acordáis de Encuentros en la tercera fase, una más de las empalagosas películas de Steven Spielberg. Es la columna de basalto conocida como la Torre del Diablo en Wyoming.
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ernestdescalsartwok · 3 months ago
CENTRAL TERMICA-CERCS-FIGOLS-ART-PINTURA-PAISATGES-TORRE DE REFRIGERACIO-PARKING-ENTRADA-ARBRES-MUNTANYES-BERGUEDÀ-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: CENTRAL TERMICA-CERCS-FIGOLS-ART-PINTURA-PAISATGES-TORRE DE REFRIGERACIO-PARKING-ENTRADA-ARBRES-MUNTANYES-BERGUEDÀ-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Pintar la entrada a la CENTRAL TERMICA de CERCS y FIGOLS, el antiguo párking para los automóviles de los trabajadores y ejecutivos junto a la impresionante Torre de Refrigeración que se alza con majestuosidad hata tocar el arañado cielo cuando empieza a llover, árboles y montañas del Berguedà acompañan la escena paisajista, luces que ofrecen las presencias y cambios en la metereología, en cada momento me recuerda más la película de "Encuentros en la Tercera Fase" donde aparecen las naves extraterrestres y sus viajeros alienígenas, ambiente dramático ante una Central enérgetica de carbón y electricidad que se resiste a desaparecer. No dejaré caiga en el olvido. Pintura del artista pintor Ernest Descals sobre papel de 50 x 70 centímetros.
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artificial-absinthe · 3 months ago
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Cybervampire au
Megasound week Day 6: Alternate Universe
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En español bajo el corte.
The incident (5381 words) by ARTificial_Absinthe Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Transformers: Prime, Transformers - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Megatron/Soundwave (Transformers) Characters: Megatron (Transformers), Soundwave (Transformers), Airachnid (Transformers), Shockwave (Transformers), Starscream (Transformers) Additional Tags: terrorcon Megatron, Episode:S03Ep08: Thirst, with a different outcome, Canon Divergent, Vampirism, canonical violence but with the open wounds and spilled Energon that we were robbed of, cybervampire as a parallel of rational terrorcon, Energon siphoning as parallel of blood drinking, horror of sorts Series: Part 1 of Cybervampire Megatron AU Summary: Knockout and Starscream's experiments didn't go as planned. Instead of creating an army of super soldiers, they turned the Nemesis into the unlikely setting for a zombie attack. Or Terrorcon. Megatron has ordered the threat neutralized, but he's not staying on the sidelines. And his encounter with Airachnid has dreadful consequences. The CCO, though, considers that "dreadful" is an exaggerated label.
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El incidente (5474 words) by ARTificial_Absinthe Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Transformers: Prime, Transformers - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Megatron/Soundwave (Transformers) Characters: Megatron (Transformers), Soundwave (Transformers), Airachnid (Transformers), Shockwave (Transformers) Additional Tags: terrorcon Megatron, Episodio:S03Ep08 Sed, con un desenlace distinto, Divergente, Vampirismo, violencia canónica pero con las heridas abiertas y Energon derramado que nos fueron robados, cybervampiro como paralelo de terrorcon racional, succión de Energon relativo a beber sangre Series: Part 1 of Cybervampiro Megatron (español) Summary: Los experimentos de Knockout y Starscream no resultaron según lo esperado. En vez de crear un ejército de super soldados, convirtieron la Nemésis en el improbable escenario de una invasión zombie. O, para ser precisos, una invasión Terrorcon. Megatron ha ordenado neutralizar la amenaza, pero no permanece al márgen. Y su encuentro con Airachnid tiene consecuencias astrosas. El jefe de comunicaciones, sin embargo, considera el término exagerado.
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babylon-crashing · 1 month ago
alejandra pizarnik's árbol de diana [completa]
1. He dado el salto de mí al alba, he dejado mi cuerpo junto a la luz y he cantado la tristeza de lo que nace.
I have leaped from myself into the dawn, I have left my body next to the light and sung the sadness of what is born.
2. Éstas son las versiones que nos propone: un agujero, una pared que tiembla …
These are the versions proposed: a hole, a shaking wall …
3. sólo la sed el silencio ningún encuentro cuídate de mí amor mío cuídate de la silenciosa en el desierto de la viajera con el vaso vacío y de la sombra de su sombra
only thirst silence no chance encounter be careful of me, my love be careful of the silent one in the desert of the traveler with the empty glass and the shadow of her shadow
4. AHORA BIEN: Quién dejará de hundir su mano en busca delbvtributo para la pequeña olvidada. El frío pagará. Pagará el viento. La lluvia pagará. Pagará el trueno.
WELL NOW: Who will stop plunging her hand in searching for the tributes for the forgotten girl? The cold will pay. The wind will pay. As will the rain. And the thunder.
5. por un minuto de vida breve única de ojos abiertos por un minuto de ver en el cerebro flores pequeñas danzando como palabras en la boca de un mundo
just for a moment in this short life to be the one with open eyes for just a minute to witness small flowers in the brain dancing like words in the mouth of a world
6. ella se desnuda en el paraíso de su memoria ella desconoce el feroz destino de sus visiones ella tiene miedo de no saber nombrar lo que no existe
she strips naked in the paradise of her memory she does not know the cruel destiny of her visions she is afraid of not knowing how to name what does not exist
7. Salta con la camisa en llamas De estrella a estrella. De sombra en sombra. Muere de muerte lejana La que ama al viento.
She jumps with her shirt on fire From star to star. From shadow to shadow. She dies a distant death She who loves the wind.
8. Memoria iluminada, galería donde vaga la sombra de lo que espero. No es verdad que vendrá. No es verdad que no vendrá.
Illuminated memory, gallery where the shadow of what I wait for wanders. It's not true that it'll come. It is not true that it won't.
9. Estos huesos brillando en la noche, estas palabras como piedras preciosas en la garganta viva de un pájaro petrificado, este verde muy amado, esta lila caliente, este corazón sólo misterioso.
These bones glowing in the night, these words like precious stones in the living throat of a petrified bird, this beloved green, this hot lilac, this mysterious heart.
10. un viento débil lleno de rostros doblados que recorto en forma de objetos que amar
a weak wind full of bent faces that I slice into objects to love
11. ahora en esta hora inocente yo y la que fui nos sentamos en el umbral de mi mirada
now in this innocent hour the one I once was sits with me on the threshold of my gaze
12. no más las dulces metamorfosis de una niña de seda sonámbula en la cornisa de niebla su despertar de mano respirando de flor que se abre al viento
no more the sweet metamorphoses of a silk girl sleepwalker on the edge of fog her breathing hand awakening like a flower that blooms in the wind
13. explicar con palabras de este mundo que partió de mí un barco llevándome
explain with words from this world that a boat left my self carrying me away
14. El poema que no digo, el que no merezco. Miedo de ser dos camino del espejo: alguien en mí dormido me come y me bebe
The poem that I do not say, the one that I do not deserve. Fear of being two the way of the mirror: someone asleep inside me she eats me and drinks me
15. Extraño desacostumbrarme de la hora en que nací. Extraño no ejercer más oficio de recién llegada.
I miss getting used to to the time when I was born. I miss not having to work anymore as a new arrival.
16. has construido tu casa has emplumado tus pájaros has golpeado al viento con tus propios huesos has terminado sola lo que nadie comenzó
you have built your house you have feathered your birds you've hit the wind with your own bones alone you finished what no one began
17. Días en que una palabra lejana se apodera de mí. Voy por esos días sonámbula y transparente. La hermosa autómata se canta, se encanta, se cuenta casos y cosas: nido de hilos rígidos donde me danzo y me lloro en mis numerosos funerales. (Ella es su espejo incendiado, su espera en hogueras frías, su elemento místico, su fornicación de nombres creciendo solos en la noche pálida.)
Days when a distant word seizes me. I pass through those days sleepwalking and transparent. The beautiful automaton sings to herself, it is loved, tells herself things and stories: a nest of rigid threads where I dance and cry in my numerous funerals. (She is her own burning mirror, she wait for cold fires, her mystical element, she fucks with the names that grow alone in the pale night.)
18. como un poema enterado del silencio de las cosas hablas para no verme
like a poem aware of the silence of things you talk so as not to see me
19. cuando vea los ojos que tengo en los míos tatuados
when you see the eyes I've tattooed on mine
20. dice que no sabe del miedo de la muerte del amor dice que tiene miedo de la muerte del amor dice que el amor es muerte es miedo dice que la muerte es miedo es amor dice que no sabe
she says she doesn't know about fear of death of love says she is afraid of death of love says that love is death is fear says that death is fear is love she says that she does not know
21. he nacido tanto y doblemente sufrido en la memoria de aquí y allá
I've been born so often and doubly suffering in the memory of here and there
22. en la noche un espejo para la pequeña muerta un espejo de cenizas
at night a mirror for the little dead girl a mirror of ashes
23. una mirada desde la alcantarilla puede ser la visión del mundo la rebelión consiste en mirar una rosa hasta pulverizarse los ojos
a view from the gutter a vision of the world resistance consists of looking at a rose until your eyes become dust
24. (un dibujo de Wols) estos hilos aprisionan a las sombras y las obligan a rendir cuentas del silencio estos hilos unen la mirada al sollozo
(a drawing by Wols) these threads imprison the shadows and force them to account for silence these threads unite your gaze with their sob
25. (exposición Goya) un agujero en la noche súbitamente invadido por un ángel
(Goya exhibition) a hole in the night suddenly invaded by an angel
26. (un dibujo de Klee) cuando el palacio de la noche encienda su hermosura pulsaremos los espejos hasta que nuestros rostros canten como ídolos
(a drawing by Klee) when the night palace blazes with beauty we'll bring together the mirrors until our faces sing like idols
27. un golpe del alba en las flores me abandona ebria de nada y de luz lila ebria de inmovilidad y de certeza
dawn ricocheting off flowers leaving me drunk on nothing and on violet drunk with languor and certainty
28. te alejas de los nombres que hilan el silencio de las cosas
you flee from the names that spin the silence of things
29 Aquí vivimos con una mano en la garganta. Que nada es posible ya lo sabían los que inventaban lluvias y tejían palabras con el tormento de la ausencia. Por eso en sus plegarias había un sonido de manos enamoradas de la niebla.
Here we live with a hand to our throat. That nothing is possible the inventors of rain knew this and wove their words into the torment of absence. This is why in her prayers sound like hands in love with the fog.
30 en el invierno fabuloso la endecha de las alas en la lluvia en la memoria del agua dedos de niebla
in the fabulous winter the lament of the wings in the rain in the memory of water in fingers of fog
31 Es un cerrar de ojos y jurar no abrirlos. En tanto afuera se alimenten de relojes y de flores nacidas de la astucia. Pero con los ojos cerrados de un sufrimiento en verdad demasiado grande pulsamos los espejos hasta que las palabras olvidadas suenan mágicamente.
It means close your eyes and swear not to open them as strangers outside feed on the watches and flowers born from your cunning. But with the closed eyes, with vast suffering, we must tempt the mirrors until all their forgotten words sound magical.
32 Zona de plagas donde la dormida come lentamente su corazón de medianoche.
Plague zone where a sleeping woman slowly eats her midnight heart.
33 alguna vez alguna vez tal vez me iré sin quedarme me iré como quien se va
one day someday maybe I will go without staying I'll go like one who's leaving
34 la pequeña viajera moría explicando su muerte sabios animales nostálgicos visitaban su cuerpo caliente
the little traveler died explaining her death while wise nostalgic animals visited her body, still warm
35 Vida, mi vida, déjate caer, déjate doler, mi vida, déjate enlazar de fuego, de silencio ingenuo, de piedras verdes en la casa de la noche, déjate caer y doler, mi vida.
Life, my life, let yourself fall, let yourself hurt, my life, let yourself bond with fire, with naive silence, with green stones in the house of the night, let yourself fall and hurt, my life.
36 en la jaula del tiempo la dormida mira sus ojos solos el viento le trae la tenue respuesta de las hojas
in the time cage the sleeping woman looks at her lonely eyes the wind brings the leave's distant answer
37 más allá de cualquier zona prohibida hay un es pejo para nuestra triste transparencia
beyond every forbidden area lies a mirror for our sad transparency
38 Este canto arrepentido, vigía detrás de mis poemas: este canto me desmiente, me amordaza.
This repentant song, peering out from behind my poems: this song negates me, it silences me.
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noraya-lostcats · 2 months ago
#068 ➤ https://youtu.be/tOufJL_MTAQ
The story of rescuing a stray cat begins. | Our first encounter with Shabi, a stray cat. Please subscribe to the channel!
L'histoire du sauvetage d'un chat errant commence. | Notre première rencontre avec Shabi, un chat errant. Merci de vous abonner à la chaîne !
Comienza la historia de rescatar a un gato callejero. | Nuestro primer encuentro con Shabi, un gato callejero. ¡Por favor, suscríbete al canal!
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gmggmgracielasblog · 3 months ago
Quién dijo que la sed es sólo de agua...? A veces tenemos sed de una palabra que reconforte la mente y consuele el corazón, o sed de un pequeño rincón que nos haga sentir seguros en este mundo, o sed de algún bienestar porque nos hemos cansado de la enfermedad, o sed de realización., de gratitud, de una palabra de agradecimiento con todo amor... A veces tenemos sed de un encuentro duradero, y de seres queridos cuyas voces estuvieron ausentes de nosotros, o del interés que perdimos de aquellos a quienes amamos, sinceramente, ¡¡Ojala cada sed pudiera ser saciada con un vaso de agua pero más importante que sea saciada con el amor de Dios🤍🌹
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Who said that thirst is only for water...? Sometimes we thirst for a word that comforts the mind and consoles the heart, or thirst for a small corner that makes us feel safe in this world, or thirst for some comfort because we have grown tired of illness, or thirst for fulfillment, for gratitude, for a word of thanks with all love... Sometimes we thirst for a lasting encounter, and for loved ones whose voices were absent from us, or for the interest we lost from those we love, sincerely, I wish every thirst could be quenched with a glass of water but more importantly that it be quenched with the love of God.🤍🌹
من قال أن العطش هو للماء فقط...؟ أحيانًا نتعطش لكلمة تريح العقل وتريح القلب، أو عطش لركن صغير يشعرنا بالأمان في هذه الدنيا، أو عطش لبعض الرفاهية لأننا تعبنا من المرض، أو عطش للوفاء. كلمة شكر، كلمة شكر بكل الحب... أحيانًا نتعطش للقاء دائم، ولأحباء غابت أصواتهم عنا، أو للاهتمام الذي فقدناه ممن نحب، بصدق، أتمنى كل شيء. يمكن أن يروى العطش بكوب ماء ولكن الأهم أن يروى بمحبة الله 🤍🌹
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thecanvasofmadness · 26 days ago
I find it hard to understand those people who, when faced with the outbreak of a friendly encounter or a deep connection, decide to renounce this gift in the most insidious way, being aggressive, insensitive, and showing a tremendous lack of gratitude that borders on the inhuman, as if finding a kindred soul were a trivial and everyday thing.
Me cuesta comprender a esa gente que, ante el brote de un encuentro amistoso o una conexión profunda, decida renunciar a ese regalo de la manera más ruín, siendo agresivo e insensible y mostrando una falta tremenda de gratitud que raya en lo inhumano, como si encontrar un alma afín fuese cosa trivial y de todos los días.
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toru-saynomoree · 2 months ago
Torubossweek day 1 - First encounter !!!
Qué tensión que hay en el ambiente 👀
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For today's prompt, i have a kinda incomprensible comic (im bad at this)
Did Diavolo got a calamity for pursuding Toru? Or did him use epitaph and foresaw something rlly bad before he tried to do something? Or both? I dont know... all my ideas got mixed on this due to stress in the process of drawing and im not sure what really happened or if these ideas would work, so is free for any interpretation!
But anyway, this encounter was not a casuality, i like to think that Diavolo did pursued Toru for something.
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sweetawaakening · 11 months ago
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Para sobrevivir al hiatus, lo que paso después del capítulo 6 y antes del 7… what if… Charlie y Vaggie se confrontan llegando del cielo… parte 1/2, luego continúa con lo que pasa después del encuentro al final del capítulo 7
To survive the hiatus, what happened after chapter 6 and before the 7th... what if... Charlie and Vaggie confront each other arriving from heaven... part 1/2, then continues with what happens after the encounter at the end of chapter 7
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raaorqtpbpdy · 8 months ago
In Memory of Mom
Danny meets a strange, Spanish-speaking ghost wandering around Casper High. His Spanish isn't great, but he's pretty sure she's looking for her daughter.
For the Prompt: Danny encounters a strange spanish-only speaking ghost looking for Paulina Sanchez. Being a first year Spanish student, he only recognizes the words "mi hija" and hesitantly leads her to Paulina. It's Día de los Muertos, but because Paulina has been trying to fit in at school, and her papa remarried and doesn't want to make his new wife uncomfortable, they've fallen out of the habit of setting up the ofrenda and marigolds, leaving their mom/wife unable to find her way home. Paulina can't see or hear her, but Phantom can [From @dreamwraith]
Disclaimer: I am white, and I do not speak Spanish. It is with deepest regret that I must admit to using Google translate for the Spanish dialogue in this fic. If you notice any errors in the Spanish, or regarding Día de Muertos (which there might very well be, though I did do my research), please feel free to correct me. I can only do my best, and always appreciate the opportunity to do better.
Read also on AO3
[Warnings for past character death, and mentions of culture death]
Danny typically liked to have more than one day to recover after fighting Fright Knight every Halloween. Not to mention the numerous other ghosts who always had to come out on that stupid holiday to cause as much trouble as possible during the period of time when the barrier between the human world and the Ghost Zone was at it's thinnest.
Of course, Danny never got more than one day, but he would have liked to.
Luckily the ghost that showed during lunch period on November second didn't seem to be causing any trouble. In fact, it didn't seem like she was powerful enough to cause trouble, even if she wanted to. No one besides Danny even seemed to notice her, which at least meant she wouldn't be able to cause any serious damage, even if she tried.
She was speaking Spanish as she walked through the halls of Casper High, and turning her head this way and that as if she was looking for something, or someone.
"¿La has visto? ¿Mi hija? ¿Dónde está mi hija? ¿La has visto?" she called out.
Now, Danny was only a first year Spanish student, and furthermore... he missed a lot of classes, so he wasn't sure exactly what she was saying, but he did recognize the words 'mi hija', 'my daughter'. The last time he'd been to Spanish class, Señora Gutierrez had been teaching family terms. Madre, padre, hermana, hermano, hija, hijo, tío, abuela, that kind of thing.
Subtly, he followed her until she walked into a hallway where there weren't any people, and then, with no one to look at him like he was crazy for talking to the air, he spoke to her.
"Excuse me, are you looking for your daughter?" Danny asked.
"¡sí mi hija!" the woman replied excitedly. "¿La conoces? ¿La has visto?"
Danny knew 'sí', that was 'yes', the most basic of basic Spanish. 'sí' and... and... okay, so Danny couldn't remember what 'no' was in Spanish, but he remembered 'sí'. Ancients, he was really gonna have to start showing up to that class more if he wanted to get the foreign language credits he needed to graduate.
"Uh... tu hija," Danny said, completely confident that he was already screwing up the grammar, "¿que es la nombre?"
"No es muy fluido en español, ¿verdad?" The ghost laughed. "Su nombre es Paulina."
"Paulina?" Danny didn't understand any of the rest of what she said, so he focused on the last bit. "Paulina Sanchez?"
"¡Sí!" she confirmed, enthusiastically. "Mi hija. Paulina Sánchez. ¿Tu la conoce?"
Danny nodded, although he'd kinda fallen off the sentence after 'sí'. "Why are you looking for her?"
"Es el Dia de Muertos," she said. "Quiero verla, pero no encuentro la ofrenda."
Danny had no idea to respond to that. The only word he recognized from all of that was 'la', but he couldn't glean a whole sentence from a single 'the', so he just looked at her with an expression that was half a forced, awkward smile and half a grimace.
Was it safe to lead an unknown ghost to an unsuspecting human? Objectively no. Most especially not when the unsuspecting human was the girl Danny had a massive crush on. But... on the other hand, this particular ghost seemed pretty harmless, and she said she was Paulina's mother. So... maybe it was okay?
"How about I'll take you to her," Danny suggested.
The ghost that claimed to be Paulina's mother nodded excitedly and said something else in Spanish that Danny had no hope of translating. 
Danny led her to the outdoor table where the A-listers always sat, but Paulina wasn't there. After a little bit of prowling the quad, he found her, at an out of the way table no one ever sat at because the the school custodian always ignored it and it was disgusting. 
Paulina had laid her jacket over the bench to sit on, and unfolded a few paper napkins over the surface of the table. She had a handful of sugar cubes, and was poking one with a toothpick for some reason. She hadn't noticed him yet.
As much as he would have liked to go over to her as Danny Fenton and be the hero who let her talk to her mom again, he figured it would probably be suspicious if people knew he could see ghosts others couldn't. A but reluctantly, he looked around to make sure no one could see and transformed into Danny Phantom. The ghost, Paulina's mom, applauded him, like he'd just done a magic trick. To her, it might have seemed that way.
"Thanks," he said, a little sarcastically, and floated over to talk to Paulina.
"Excuse me, Paulina Sanchez?" Danny asked, as if he wasn't sure whether he knew her name or not. "There's a ghost here who wants to speak to you."
Paulina looked up and looked around, then turned back to Danny and raised a perfect eyebrow. She put down the sugar cube she was poking at, and Danny noticed that on her other side, there were two other sugar cubes sculpted into the shape of a skull.
"You mean you?" she asked. "Look, normally, I'd be thrilled, but today isn't really—"
"Oh, no, not me," Danny said. "She has long hair, wearing a nice knee-length dress.... It's kinda hard to describe ghosts in a way that makes them recognizable to people who knew them in life, 'cause colors tend to be different between life-and-death but uh... you and her have the same nose, actually. She says your her daughter? I don't speak Spanish, but I managed to figure out that much."
When he stopped talking, Pauling gave him a flat look.
"Are you messing with me?"
"No," Danny insisted. "She's not a very powerful ghost, so she can't stay in the visible range, but she's here. She wants to talk to you."
"Mamá?" Paulina asked hesitantly. "¿Estás aquí?"
"Sí, hija mía, estoy aquí," Mrs. Sanchez replied. "Estoy muy feliz de verte de nuevo."
Paulina didn't respond for a long moment, apparently waiting. Then, finally, she said, "I don't hear anything."
"I was worried you might say that," Danny said. "I'm gonna have to speak Spanish if you guys want to talk to each other, aren't I?" he sighed deeply. "Alright fine. Apologies in advance because I am gonna absolutely butcher the pronunciations."
"Hija," Mrs. Sanchez said, "volví a verte, pero no había camino para mí. ¿Por qué?"
Danny repeated the words to the best of his ability.
Paulina took a moment to parse them out, with a puzzled expression before finally saying, "Papá se volvió a casar. Su nueva esposa es gringa, así que no le hicimos un ofrenda en casa para que no se sintiera incómoda."
Danny didn't know what any of that meant, obviously, and was grateful he only had to repeat after Paulina's mom, because Paulina herself spoke Spanish very quickly and there was absolutely no way he wouldn't trip over his tongue mimicking her. 
"Pero estoy aquí, debe haber una ofrenda."
Danny mimicked her again.
Paulina looked a little embarrassed. "Sí... yo... hice uno en mi casillero para ti. No quería que no pudieras cruzar."
Her mother gasped. Danny really wished he knew what was going on.
"¿Me mostrarás?"
Paulina's expression lit up when Danny repeated that, and she stood, gathering up her jacket and her sugar cubes.
"Vamos," she said. "I mean, follow me."
She led the way through the empty halls and Danny and her mom followed.
"What were you guys talking about?" Danny asked, then immediately realized what he was asking and quickly backtracked. "I mean, never mind, it's probably personal. I was just curious. You don't have to answer that."
"No, it's okay," Paulina said. "See, my mom passed when I was seven, and every year, me and my dad set up an ofrenda for Day of the Dead with her picture so she could visit us. We moved here from Mexico when I was ten, but we kept up the tradition. 
"Last winter, though, Dad married my step-mom, and she's white, and doesn't know anything about Mexican traditions or holidays. Dad doesn't want to make her uncomfortable, so ever since they got married, we stopped celebrating most of what we used to back in Mexico, so we didn't put up an ofrenda this year, and Mom was asking why she couldn't find it, so I explained."
"Oh... that's... kinda sad," Danny said. "You just had to give up all your culture because your dad remarried?"
Paulina shrugged. "We had to give up a lot of it already, when we moved to America anyway," she said, as if that made it less sad and not more. "At least Sandra's nice, she's just... a little out of her depth sometimes."
"So... where are you taking us?"
Finally, she stopped in front of her locker and turned the dial with her combination.
"I didn't want mom to not be able to visit me, so... I sort of made my own ofrenda in my locker," Paulina explained sheepishly.
The door swung open to reveal the inside. There was a small magnetic shelf stuck on the back of the locker. On it, there was a small electric candle, some kind of orange flower, a pair of black lace gloves, and a heart-shaped locket. The locket was open and propped up so the picture inside was visible. It was the ghost Danny was trying to help.
Paulina reached in an put a few of the sculpted sugar cubes on the shelf next to the locket. The tiny sugar skulls were perfectly to scale with the tiny picture, but absolutely dwarfed by the flower.
The ghost put her hands to her heart and looked absolutely touched by the tiny display.
"Those were her favorite gloves," Paulina explained. "She always wore them when Dad took her dancing."
"What's the flower?" Danny asked.
"It's a marigold," she replied. "Cempasúchil, in Spanish. They're a traditional decoration for the ofrenda. You're also supposed to leave a trail of their petals from the grave to the ofrenda, but... Mom's grave is in Mexico, and the ofrenda is in my locker so...." 
"Ay, esto es hermoso," the ghost said. "Gracias. Amo mucho esto. Te quiero mi hija."
Danny had been to distracted to properly listen, so he wasn't sure how to repeat her words.
"Uh... she says she likes it."
The ghost gave him a look and a light slap that passed right through him.
"A lot, she likes it a lot."
"¡Y te amo!" she added insistently.
"Y te amo, she says," Danny repeated.
"Thank you, Phantom," Paulina said. She leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "This means a lot to me."
Danny knew his cheeks were turning bright green, and he cleared his throat awkwardly to make sure his voice wouldn't crack.
"Uh, yeah, no problem," he said. "Don't mention it."
It was then that the bell rang signalling the end of lunch, and Paulina grabbed a couple of books from her locker and headed to class. Her mom followed, even though Paulina couldn't see her.
Danny had to get to class, too. He had Spanish class after lunch, and Ancients knew he didn't need to be missing any more of those.
In class, Señora Gutierrez talked about Dia de los Muertos, and for once, Danny actually sort of knew what she was talking about, thanks to Paulina. Maybe he should ask her to tutor him.
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esuemmanuel · 2 months ago
Silence, that haven of peace and encounter with oneself.
El silencio, ese remanso de paz y de encuentro con uno mismo.
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thedarkat · 2 months ago
Oedipus and the Sphinx, Gustave Moreau, 1864
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Edipo y la Esfinge, Gustave Moreau, 1864
(English / Español)
Gustave Moreau's "Oedipus and the Sphinx" (1864) captures one of the most iconic moments in Greek mythology: the tense confrontation between Oedipus and the enigmatic Sphinx. This encounter, famously recounted in Sophocles' Oedipus Rex, takes place on Oedipus' journey to Thebes, where the Sphinx blocks his path, posing a deadly riddle: "What walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon and three at night?" Oedipus answers correctly: "Man", who crawls as a baby, walks upright as an adult and uses a cane in old age. The Sphinx, shocked by his answer, takes her own life, leaving Oedipus to continue on his tragic path to becoming the king of Thebes-and, unbeknownst to him, his mother's husband.
Unlike earlier versions by artists such as Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Moreau's interpretation emphasises the power dynamic between the two figures, presenting the Sphinx as a more aggressive and sensual creature that is already grabbing Oedipus, clawing at his chest. The intense gaze between the two figures adds an unsettling tension to the scene. Moreau's Sphinx, part woman, part lion and part bird, embodies the menacing power of the mythological femme fatale, a theme commonly explored in 19th-century Symbolist art.
"Edipo y la Esfinge" (1864) de Gustave Moreau captura uno de los momentos más icónicos de la mitología griega: la tensa confrontación entre Edipo y la enigmática Esfinge. Este encuentro, famoso por ser relatado en Edipo Rey de Sófocles, tiene lugar en el viaje de Edipo a Tebas, donde la Esfinge bloquea su camino, planteando un enigma mortal: "¿Qué camina sobre cuatro patas por la mañana, dos por la tarde y tres por la noche?" Edipo responde correctamente: "El hombre", quien gatea de bebé, camina erguido de adulto y usa un bastón en la vejez. La Esfinge, asombrada por su respuesta, se quita la vida, dejando a Edipo continuar su trágico camino hacia convertirse en el rey de Tebas—y, sin saberlo, en el esposo de su madre.
A diferencia de versiones anteriores de artistas como Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, la interpretación de Moreau enfatiza la dinámica de poder entre las dos figuras, presentando a la Esfinge como una criatura más agresiva y sensual que ya está agarrando a Edipo, arañando su pecho. La intensa mirada entre los dos personajes añade una tensión inquietante a la escena. La Esfinge de Moreau, parte mujer, parte león y parte ave, encarna el poder amenazante de la femme fatale mitológica, un tema comúnmente explorado en el arte simbolista del siglo XIX.
Fuente: Los Secretos del Arte
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artificial-absinthe · 3 months ago
Megasound/Megawave week Day 6: Alternate Universe
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The incident (2256 words) by ARTificial_Absinthe Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Transformers: Prime, Transformers - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Megatron/Soundwave (Transformers) Characters: Megatron (Transformers), Soundwave (Transformers), Airachnid (Transformers), Shockwave (Transformers), Starscream (Transformers)
Additional Tags: terrorcon Megatron, Episode:S03Ep08: Thirst, with a different outcome, Canon Divergent, Vampirism, canonical violence but with the open wounds and spilled Energon that we were robbed of, cybervampire as a parallel of rational terrorcon, Energon siphoning as parallel of blood drinking, horror of sorts
Series: Part 2 of Cybervampire Megatron AU Summary: Knockout and Starscream's experiments didn't go as planned. Instead of creating an army of super soldiers, they turned the Nemesis into the unlikely setting for a zombie attack. Or Terrorcon. Megatron has ordered the threat neutralized, but he's not staying on the sidelines. And his encounter with Airachnid has dreadful consequences. The CCO, though, considers that "dire" is an exaggerated label.
And, at long last, I wrote that fic I suggested in this post.
I have a fanfiction and an art for this prompt, then I thought I would split them to fill in the days I did nothing for.
En español también. Ya que los escribo en español para traducirlos después, imaginé que siempre podría también publicarlo en ese idioma.
The next chapter will be posted with the art, tomorrow.
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El incidente (2352 words) by ARTificial_Absinthe Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Transformers: Prime, Transformers - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Megatron/Soundwave (Transformers) Characters: Megatron (Transformers), Soundwave (Transformers), Airachnid (Transformers), Shockwave (Transformers) Additional Tags: terrorcon Megatron, Episodio:S03Ep08 Sed, con un desenlace distinto, Divergente, Vampirismo, violencia canónica pero con las heridas abiertas y Energon derramado que nos fueron robados, cybervampiro como paralelo de terrorcon racional, succión de Energon relativo a beber sangre Series: Part 1 of Cybervampiro Megatron (español) Summary: Los experimentos de Knockout y Starscream no resultaron según lo esperado. En vez de crear un ejército de super soldados, convirtieron la Nemésis en el improbable escenario de una invasión zombie. O, para ser precisos, una invasión Terrorcon. Megatron ha ordenado neutralizar la amenaza, pero no permanece al márgen. Y su encuentro con Airachnid tiene consecuencias astrosas. El jefe de comunicaciones, sin embargo, considera el término exagerado.
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babylon-crashing · 1 month ago
3. sólo la sed el silencio ningún encuentro cuídate de mí, amor mío cuídate de la silenciosa en el desierto de la viajera con el vaso vacío y de la sombra de su sombra. only thirst silence no encounter be careful of me, my love be careful of the silent one in the desert of the traveler with the empty glass and of the shadow of her shadow ~ Alejandra Pizarnik, Árbol de Diana (1962)
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afadaily · 11 months ago
• Marzo/March: International break. Argentina enfrentará a El Salvador 🇸🇻 (22/03) y Costa Rica 🇨🇷 (26/03)
• Julio/July: Comienza la Copa America 🏆 | Copa America begins
• Septiembre/September: Volvemos a los habituales encuentros por eliminatorias para el Mundial 2026. | Back to the regular encounters for the World Cup Qualifiers 2026.
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