#enby truscum
foxfairy06 · 9 months
imagine spending all your energy to be a bigot towards trans people. kick rocks.
I am a trans people, not a bigot tho. Not all trans people have to have the exact same opinion. Do we need to be a monolith now? What are you, a fascist?
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whereserpentswalk · 10 months
I'm seeing so many posts pushing trans people to look more like normie cishet people in order to be fully transitioned. It feels like truscum are re-evolving. It feels like people are seeing any trans person being slightly gnc as a conspiracy against them.
If you don't support pre everything transfem butches you don't support trans people.
If you don't support pre everything transmasc femboys you don't support trans people.
If you don't support enbies who look like cis men or cis women but don't identify as men or women at all you don't support trans people.
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tboyemo · 1 year
Hate that there are seen as only 2 camps of trans ppl, those who hate being trans and those who love being trans. Like sure there are people who have nothing but hate for their trans experience and people who only love it but making something so polarised that is fairly nuanced is stupid. So many ppl both love and hate being trans simultaneously, some people feel neutrally about it. I love and hate different elements of being trans. No more toxic positivity ("everyone must love every element of being trans") or negativity ("you are a trender unless you hate being trans")
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Transmedicalism is the idea that being transgender is primarily a medical issue related to the incongruence between an individual's assigned sex at birth and their gender identity, characterized by gender dysphori.Many transmedicalists believe individuals who identify as transgender without experiencing gender dysphoria or desiring to undergo a medical transition through methods such as hormone replacement therapy or sex reassignment surgery are not genuinely transgender.They may also exclude those who identify themselves as non-binary from the trans label.
Exclusionist is someone who attempts to gatekeep the LGBT+ community by claiming that certain groups aren't "really" LGBT+ based on their own definition.
Example, asexual people are not lgbt for being asexual, they must be either trans or homo/bi-romantic. A cis het ace is not welcomed into the community. They also usually believe pansexual is a transphobic version of bisexual.
These are shortened definitions.
If this poll causes too much trouble, I’ll delete it.
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thyofthee · 5 months
God I hate truscum
Non Binary people exist & you don’t need dysphoria to be valid it’s not that hard, stop being a cunt
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mister-cynicism · 3 months
Trans people getting surgery are valid
Trans people not getting surgery are just as valid
Trans people taking HRT are valid
Trans people who don't want HRT are just as valid
Trans men who want to act more "masculine" are valid
Trans men who still want to be "feminine" are valid
Trans women who want to act more "feminine" are valid
Trans women who still want to be "masculine" are valid
Trans people who have dysphoria are valid
Trans people who don't have dysphoria are just as valid
Trans people who don't fit into a "binary" are valid
Trans people who use neopronouns are valid
Trans people can use whatever pronouns they want to
Trans youth deserve to be treated equally
It's okay if trans people are experimenting with their identity
Trans people are still who they say they are no matter what on this list they fall under
So can "transmeds" and r/truscum on Reddit stop calling us "pick-me" cisgender maniacs because we don't fall under your fucking checklist, thank you very much 🙌🏳️‍⚧️
Feel free to add to this list!!
(i know i could've posted this during pride month but it came to me just now, shush)
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wrinklyromanesque · 7 months
"we need more trans representation!! except when it comes to nonbinary trans people. and intersex trans people. and people who are agender. and people with more than 1 gender. and people who are genderfluid/flux. and people with xenogenders. and people who don't look like their gender. and trans people who don't fit in the gender binary."
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redditreceipts · 1 year
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bisexualseraphim · 6 months
Alright fine I’m gonna speak my mind.
My cis followers, listen up:
Being attracted to trans people is not inherently a fetish. The way you speak about trans people CAN be fetishistic, but 99% of the time when I see cis people calling out trans fetishism it’s literally just. Someone being really horny for a trans person. That’s not inherently fetishistic.
Sorry but it actually hurts me a little when I see cis people claim that a content creator is being fetishistic for drawing a trans guy with tits and a pussy, or for writing smut where a trans guy really enjoys using his pussy for sex, or God forbid said trans guy is fem. Trans people like that exist, you know. I myself have a pussy and fuck yes do I want people I’m in a relationship with to be attracted to it. And the same goes for many transfemmes who keep their natal parts, especially butch transfemmes.
Trans people are not a monolith. We don’t all hate our bodies or experience dysphoria or express our genders the same way. I swear to God cis people are all “allies” until a trans man is fem or a trans woman is butch or an enby isn’t androgynous or we actually enjoy our bodies or we have a kink or sexual fetish you don’t like.
Cis people: I know your hearts are in the right place and I appreciate that, but spouting “oh this content is fetishistic and Bad because trans men NEVER like their vaginas and are NEVER feminine” (or something equal to other trans people) is seriously not the allyship you think it is.
There is absolutely a conversation to be had about fetishising trans people — chasers in particular — but it’s quite a bit less black and white than hating certain FICTIONAL portrayals of trans people because these types of trans people exist in real life and we can see what you say about us.
I love my dick and my pussy (because I have both — are you aware we can have both?) but I saw a post today by someone I really like that actually made me feel kind of shit about myself because it was a cis person essentially saying that smut that describes my genitals in any particularly horny light is fetishistic and that really kind of hurt me. It made me feel like people think I’m undesirable due to my body only it was said in some backwards attempt to be an ally which is almost worse than deliberate transphobia lol.
I guess my point is: not all trans people’s feelings and experiences are universal. Call out obvious transphobia when you see it, yes, but please stop speaking for us about complex situations you just can’t fully understand unless you’re trans. Trans identities and experiences can be so much more complicated than what mainstream celebrities and articles will tell you and I just really need cis people to stop behaving as though the issues we face are a quick and easy fix. It never is. Sometimes the best allyship is to listen to how WE feel and take it into consideration instead of saying whatever you think we want you to say — because a lot of the time, we don’t.
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terminalmetaphor · 7 months
Transmeds don't know what the word "Dysphoria" means, so they just say being transgender it's like having terminal cancer....because it's easier for them.
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You guys are just dumb asf.
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tookittygoatee · 1 month
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foxfairy06 · 27 days
I've been working on a little something, keep your eyes open, it's coming sooon!
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whereserpentswalk · 3 months
Don't trust anyone who complains about seeing too many nonbinary people who "look like girls" or seeing too many trans men who "aren't masc enough". They do not have good intentions, are using truscum rhetoric, and have outed themselves as inherently seeing bodies they see as feminine as lesser.
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zondterfreak-1010101 · 9 months
was doing some gender math, and i have figured out that i am:
79% maverique
87% agender
1% girl
0.03% guy
90% transneutral
7% aporagender
19% androgyne
34% xenogender
68% genderflor
which adds up to 385.03% gender!! woag!!
transmeds & terfs dni
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emotboyswag · 1 year
This is zero offence intended to anyone who does use micro labels or find micro labels helpful bcs microlabels slay if they give u a deeper understanding and acceptance of ur own gender identity or sexuality !! I personally don't use micro labels bcs they do not give me (again only speaking from my own experience) a deeper understanding of myself or my gender or sexuality so if I used them all they would do is make my identity more palatable and understandable to cishet/cis ppl in general tbh. And I like being confusing! bcs I think we need to destroy the notion that ur gender identity and sexuality need to make sense / not be contradictory or that ur identity needs to be understood by other people to be ""valid"". People are complicated and our identities aren't necessarily straightforward.
Like I identify as asexual. Could I identify as grey ace or demisexual? Probably yeah but I can't be fucked to research microlabels bcs i like the term ace and actually if ur confused when I say I'm asexual but would have sex in specific circumstances I don't care !!!
I identify as a binary trans man and also agender. I'm not a demi boy or trans masc bcs I'm not ever a binary trans man and agender at the same time. It changes day to day. Could i identify as gender fluid or bigender? Yeah probably but I don't want to and I don't care if its confusing !!
Trying to shove people in neat little boxes doesn't work! And as a community we are trying to escape the boxes of society but then enforce more strict boxes by saying ppl can only identify in a certain way.
Not saying everyone has to have a confusing identity or you can't like the singular box ur in thats completely fine it just shouldn't be the expectation that everyone should have a neat and tidy and easily summed up identity
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wolf-tail · 1 year
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This just in: Truscum fucking hate good music
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