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cozymochi · 2 months ago
love how the oc asks are mainly thirsting over nyoka, then there's some Cecil kissers (ahem) and Emilio...
I mean I love him as well, he has literally my favorite signature spell ever, but my instincts tell me not to trust that man
I feel like that’s appropriate for him also in universe.
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sinsydia · 3 months ago
I just made a wonderful connection. have you perhaps seen the movie Four brothers??? the character Jack mercer interpreted by Garrett Hedlund looks so much like your version of Sebastian. I was just wondering if you seen it and you were inspired or if it's just a beautiful coincidence 😭🙏🏼
here's some pics of his character in the movie. he's also emo/punk in it so it's kinda accurate
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IM CRYING BECAUSE YOU ARE SO CLOSE!!! the answer is yes and no.
Yes: i did use him as inspo/reference.
No: Not Sebastian. Sam!!! :D
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ive actually never seen the movie but i saw him while scrolling thru pinterest and thought he'd make a nice sam reference. Mostly for the hair and facial expressions!
With Sebastian, i don't use any references. However, as far as looks go he is almost a replica of my OC Emi (down to the piercings), which tbh i developed for years purely out of "how do i make him handsome af" lmao :3
most recent Emi art:
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thanks for this yunodazed! you have a good eye!!
cheers to beautiful coincidences!! 😂
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routeriver · 2 months ago
jaime i’d give you my life to see you draw benito and emi i’d beg i’d pray
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ftmtftm · 23 days ago
Hi I've seen you use the tag transfeminism a lot but I've never seen anyone else talk about it? Would you mind explaining it, or if not maybe pointing me in the direction of what to read to understand it? Thanks a lot in advance! <3
Yeah absolutely!
The most broad and basic premise of transfeminism is: it is feminist practice that works to incorporate the experiences of trans individuals into a feminist framework.
Depending on what theorists you engage with transfeminism is either a framework for the liberation of all trans individuals from the Patriarchy - or it solely focuses on the experiences of trans women and fems. I personally ascribe to the theories of the former, not the latter.
The best, and easiest, place to start with transfeminist theory in my opinion is with Emi Koyama's "Transfeminist Manifesto" - [ here ]. The first 10 pages are the Manifesto as originally written. The last 5 are a postscript to the manifesto and a bonus piece about racist feminism. I highly recommend reading the postscript, I find it fundamental to my own understanding of transfeminist praxis.
You can read more of Koyama's work on her website - [ here ] - and I highly recommend it! She's a profound trans and intersex advocate.
I also recommend trans theorists that pre-date Koyama such as Kate Bornstein, Leslie Feinberg, and Judith Butler. They're all nonbinary trans theorists across a multitude of identities and experiences. I love this interview with Feinberg and Bornstein a lot - [ here ].
Feinberg was prolific and the first author to truly advance the concept of transgender liberation - hir website [ here ] has a free PDF download of hir book Stone Butch Blues and several other resources on hir work and life.
Bornstein's books Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women, and the Rest of Us and Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation are go-to's of mine regarding a relatively modern history and understanding of trans identity. Her My Gender Workbook: How to Become a Real Man, a Real Woman, a Real You, or Something Else Entirely really helped shape my own relationship to my gender identity really positively and profoundly!
Judith Butler's most recent book Who's Afraid of Gender is also incredibly good, however it is incredibly dense in an academic sense. It personally takes me weeks to get through Butler's writing because it is so jammed with information - and that's not to their discredit, it's just the way they write. I highly recommend looking up some of their talks and interviews on YouTube as they're an easier introduction to their work.
Personally, I don't like Julia Serano as an author all that much, but she is still an influential transfeminist voice to be aware of because she coined and popularized the term transmisogyny. I personally have a lot of criticism of her work - particularly her seminal work Whipping Girl - because it explicitly, in her own words, is intended to be distinctly different from the work of Feinberg, Bornstein, and Riki Wilchins (another nonbinary intersex activist) and is more interested in societal perception and binary trans womanhood over politics and liberation. It also stands in opposition to a lot of the liberationist ideals of the Feminists she claims to be inspired by. I've read the whole book twice over now and in my opinion it reeks of White Feminism. I don't recommend it outside of reading it for context to the wider transfeminist discourse.
Transfeminism as a whole is also deeply entangled with the politics of Black and Intersectional Feminist politics, as many of those previously mentioned authors worked with, worked around, or were inspired by authors like Audre Lorde and bell hooks. As such I highly recommend both of them as authors as well!! I think their work really helps set the framework transfeminist theory is also built around.
I hope this helps!!
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khaoala · 24 days ago
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it's important to know that bonnie went to an all-girls school.
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startheskelaton · 8 months ago
Kinda curious on how gigantron and ultraman first met and how they become lovers? And also wanna know did they do the boombayah to make emi? Or nah ultraman is just emi step dad?
My idea is that Gigabtron is a teacher at the local elementary school. The one that Minus 1, Suko , Battra jr, Gigan’s little sister, ultra zero and the rest of the little kids go to.
I image that they met at a party for the local school district and immediately Ultraman was smitten. He definitely asked Shimo for help when first trying to talk to her, as I imagine he was much too nervous to go up to her directly.
They bonded over a passion for education and a love of reading. They hit it off pretty quickly and started dating rather soon. They got married after 4 years, and then a year in they had Emi.
So yes, in this AU, Emi is half Kiju half ultra. But she’s more or less the same as she is in the movie, maybe she’ll have some cool ultra powers when she’s older but for now, she is baby
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nanihirunkits · 17 days ago
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"Are you human or a siren? How alluring you are!"
US | EP5
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ihateitallsomerandomguy · 2 months ago
Are you familiar with Sonic the Hedgehog???
Can you draw Sonic Characters???
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I'm not a Sonic fan and don't know his lore so much (I even still didn't watched Sonic 3 movie lol)
But still I love some characters so much and some things too. Buuuutt still not a Sonic fan yeah.
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mirensiart · 4 months ago
For your pain sharing AU, I thought it would be funny if the chain are just chilling at camp, resting up, and then they suddenly feel they're on fire??? And then the camera cuts to Triple Threat TM in the middle of a forest fire with Wild patting down his clothes (that are also on fire). Legend and Wild don't think anything of it until Hyrule just goes "Uh y'all... If we feel Wild's burns..."
Cue the 'Oh Shit' moment
Just a little scenario that tickled my little lizard brain, this AU has so much potential and my brain has been going having a field day with it
Have a great day/night :D
I love those little scenarios with this au hehe like some of the links going around doing mischief, just to remember they're all linked (heh) and then going "oh shit" lol
My bestie @alch-emi did a comic with a similar concept but with just hyrule and wild hehe
PLEASE CHECK IT OUT it's so great!
I know the fandom calls them triple threat but I am very fond of the powerpuff girls name LMAO cause ya know, their colors
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cozymochi · 3 months ago
Sorry for asking about the teeth 🤣 I was just extremely curious and won't ask the other question that also popped into my head about his teeth.
I am actually really interested in learning about both Nyoka and Cecil's magics. And just in general. As someone who likes to gush about their characters to my friends, I really like knowing all about characters, especially ones other people have created.
Whatever you're willing to share about them, I'd be very interested in hearing about
other question khjgh ITS FINE I THINK IT’S FUNNY, Thank you and everyone else for the interest 😭😳💖 I probably don’t say that enough I really really do appreciate it. Time to drop important lore on a random post 👍 These are gonna be super paraphrased 😭 one spell is less complicated than the other.
“Sorcerers’ Stand-Still”
Renders a person or people frozen in place like a statue unable to move or speak until the caster either releases it, runs out of magic reserves to hold it, or it runs it’s course and wears off on it’s own.
A person is consciously aware that they are frozen in place. There’s no protection qualities here, they’re just stuck. It doesn’t seem like much, but he knows how to use it.
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Inspiration: The “Standstill Stone” spell that Cedric used to briefly take over the kingdom in season 4 premiere of Sofia the First.
“Mark of Evil”
intrusive thoughts the spell
His magically-infused cobra venom can affect someone's mind and remove their morals if he injects it into someone. His magic inflicts tremendous waves of pain and makes it difficult for a victim to think and control their own actions. So long as the spell is active, Nyoka can influence them almost like accomplices for his own means.
It’s not immediately obvious to anyone else that a person is under a spell at all. However, as the effect goes on, the victim becomes more and more openly uncharacteristic, irritable and difficult for Nyoka to steer influence as their psyche continues to fall apart. It’s ideal to release them before it reaches that point. Don’t worry, venom won’t kill this time because magic, but a victim’s memory will be hazy and they will be hurting quite a bit afterwards. 👍 He has more incentive not to use it.
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Inspiration: The magic bite Ushari inflicts on Kion at the start of season 3 of the Lion Guard, and the maddening effects it causes from that moment on till the end of the show. (Heavily paraphrased.)
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distressedwalnut · 1 month ago
Chat its been eons since Ive drawn him seriosly💔💔 ft Emilia
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I keep forgetting Emilia doesnt have a bun anymore LMFOA
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book-nerd-emi · 16 days ago
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Frothing at the mouth
oh my hod i can’t even thpenognsosnsksnsonsoabaoandd
i can’t. winston’s
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chayatorns · 4 months ago
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musicallygt · 1 month ago
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emimob but make it secret world of arrietty. i enjoyed doing these screenshot edits :]
original screenshots and character transparents under the cut
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wish-i-were-heather · 2 months ago
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bi-scottsummers · 8 months ago
Hi, hello, just came here to say that I love your fic "trending in Japan". I was wondering if you had headcanons regarding Kenji or Emi or interpersonal relationships and stuff. Many hugs for you.
hi hello, thank you for the encouragement and hugs! After some thought ive realized I do in fact have some hcs about some of the character dynamics in the movie as well as just kenji himself, cause hes captivated my entire brain:
Kenji & Emi
Emi does not have teeth but she does inexplicably have a teething phase. kenji is forced to hide all his (salvaged) fancy cars in the garage bc the corvette's already been chewed to hell and his heart is gonna give out if he has to watch any more classics get wrecked
he reads her bedtime stories. A lot of aesop's fables, because theyre short and fun and hes trying to raise his monster daughter with good morals. emi goes hogwild for these but its unclear if she actually understands what hes saying; kenji's pretty sure she just likes the silly voices he uses for different characters
they go flying together! they go first thing in the morning before breakfast - it helps kenji shake off the grogginess of sleep and emi gets to stretch her wings. shes not able to go very far for very long initially, but as she grows and gets those cardio gainz she almost gets to be quicker than him. they have races and play air tag :)
while she doesnt have the vocal range to speak english herself, it becomes clear that emi does understand it well. (kenji also develops an ear for her chirping/squawks, though body language & facial expressions play a big part in communication for both of them) during her (much later) rebellious phase she'll simply pretend not to know what's being said when kenji is telling her to do something she doesn't wanna do, which frustrates him to no end
developed a pretty massive chip on his shoulder after moving to the states. it wasn't just bitterness over his dad staying behind, though that was a part of it. this is canon but he was picked on in school for "how [he talked], how [he looked] and what [he ate]." he felt like he had something to prove to both his father and the world. he threw himself into sports - specifically baseball - and his academics, and he did so well that it forced everyone to shut up about how he was different from them and focus on how he was better than them
^ playing off this: kenji had a bonkers fucking yonkers routine when he was a kid/in highschool. he'd get up hours before school started to practice his swing, go for a ~1hr run, workout, study, etc. He'd go to school, come home, and do it all again. this is exaggerated but my point is that this kid was DETERMINED and had the discipline to see that determination through to the end
didnt have many friends because of all aforementioned things. he had acquaintances, and he was invited to parties and outings and stuff (never went), but he spent most of his free time hanging out with his mom. he never really had a "parents are so embarrassing" phase. he always liked to do anything with his mother: going to the bank, going grocery shopping, watching cheesy telenovelas till ungodly hours in the morning, etc. she was his no.1 supporter, confidant, and best friend
he played for his university's baseball team and got scouted at 19. his mom forced him to finish his bachelor's first so once he graduated with his degree in kinesiology at 21, he was drafted to the dodgers
Kenji & Ami
both of them, up until meeting each other, were totally dedicated to their career (and child) so they had basically 0 time for friends. theyre both borderline losers but theyre juuust good enough at what they do for people to admire them instead of finding them sad and lowkey pathetic
kenji is way more into the idea of being friends than ami is. hes pretty enthusiastic about it; he thinks that they have a kind of rapport, since they share a similar work ethic and are both (unbeknownst to ami) single parents. he calls her to chat abt random things. ami initially isnt superrrr into it; she thinks kenji is kinda lonely and desperate for human connection, & it isnt until her mom points out that she has not spoken to anyone outside of work-related reasons in 10+ years that shes like oh shit, i am also lonely and desperate for human connection. so she grudgingly acquires a friend. theyre both really bad at it
need to clarify that in my mind their dynamic is 95% kenji yapping about work and drama in his personal life (circumventing the 8m baby kaiju hes raising) while ami goes "mhm mhm" and takes notes until kenji notices and is like What are you doing. at which point ami is like...... right . nothing. im listening. and forces herself to put the notepad away. she has a hard time disengaging from the reporter mindset and just hearing something intriguing without turning it into an article. the other 5% are the rare moments where theyre connecting super well - ami's psychoanalyzing the hell out of whatever kenji just said and hes like what are you my therapist. over time she starts opening up to him, too, and eventually theyre comfortable enough to be having philosophical discussions over breakfast just for funsies
before kenji reveals that hes ultraman, ami thinks hes in a gang. he keeps showing up to their lunch "dates" with like bruised eyes and fractured bones and gets all shifty when she tries to ask about what happened. when she eventually confronts him about it, hes so offended that she thinks hed be involved in something like that that he tells her about being ultraman
thats about all i can think of rn, though im sure ill think of more after rotating all the characters in my head for a while. thanks again for stopping in, i appreciate the support :)
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