#emily oxton
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marksider89 · 8 months ago
Widowmaker, to Emily: Mon dieu, you're beautiful.
Tracer: Um, she has a girlfriend.
WIdowmaker: She deserves two.
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froyocorp · 9 months ago
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long bacon store
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elleskinner-justart · 21 days ago
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Tracer and Emily having a sweet moment together. I love a chance to take characters who are mostly known in an iconic battle mode and show them in their day to day life.
For my tiny painting club on patreon!
patreon | kofi
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exastriscass · 2 months ago
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Overwatch giving us new Tracer & Emily comic moments for Christmas!!! Yes!!! 😍😍😍
Now give Tracer more voice lines about Emily (and give Emily another outfit lol)
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wildwinterlunas · 10 months ago
I've said it before but I love the hc that Emily is Moira's niece, and before people say it, and I've seen people say it, yes I know not all red heads are or have to be related. I'm not an idiot nor am I focusing on them "looking similar", the reason I like this HC is because it adds a lot to Emily's character while not taking away anything from Moira. It's basically the reason why I think that Emily is an art teacher.
With Emily it adds relations with other Overwatch characters outside of Lena. She would have a dynamic with Cassidy and Genji that isn't necessarily based off of her relationship with Lena. It also adds a little into her own character as I doubt her and Moira would still be in contact, let alone get along. I could honestly see Emily withholding the information that she's related to Moira, not because Lena would be upset (I honestly doubt she would care), but because it something she doesn't want to talk about.
And it doesn't take away from Moira, sure it gives her sister, but it doesn't really mean she has to have a relationship. Or maybe she does care? Idk that's up to you, it a HC do what you want with it. What I mean is it doesn't take away from Moira being a villain.
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nic990sstuff · 1 year ago
No Lemon Tea wedding (yet (I'm still delulu, it'll happen trust)), but happy anniversary for these two 💕
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professionalranter31 · 10 months ago
I have several headcannons regarding Tracer and her relationship with Emily
So Lena originally was just supposed to be a pilot that helped Overwatch squads get to their mission locations, however while she was flying Winston who was transporting some of his inventions to an ecopoint that were meant to help with further gathering data they were attacked by a group of mercenaries hired by a company that wanted to sabotage the Ecopoint program
Lena proved her skills as a pilot by avoiding nearly every rocket shot at them, the only one that managed to hit was at the beginning when the mercenaries still had the element of surprise. Later when Winston began work on the Slipstream he nominated Lena to be the test pilot
It would be around this time that Lena was set up on a blind date with Emily, however it was a few days after the test run for the Slipstream so Lena would unfortunately miss it
Now the Slipstream, it was sabotaged. The company that was funding it was facing the risk of bankruptcy and so had set up an insurance in case of the failure of the Slipstream. There was also a disgruntled scientist who had a similar idea to the Slipstream (albeit different enough it was obvious to anyone else that Winston hadn’t copied it but the scientist didn’t care) that the company hired to sabotage the Slipstream. Now what the company wanted was something that would just cause the slipstream to not work, but the scientist wanted to ruin Winston, and he also had a theory that if proven correct would allow him to upstage the gorilla. If the sabotage had not taken place, the Slipstream would’ve worked albeit with a few bugs that needed fixing
So the Slipstream incident happened and the company was saved from bankruptcy, and the scientist bided his time. The sabotage wouldn’t be discovered unless someone looked at the Blueprints Winston sent to engineering and the blueprints that engineering actually got
Anyway, Lena comes back and is saved by Winston with the Chronal Accelerator thus ruining the scientist’s plans without ever knowing of them
Face forward to the events of the Kings Row Uprising and this is when Lena and Emily first officially meet where during the cleanup Lena saves her from some of the Null Sector warbots remaining. Sometime later Lena is granted a vacation so she can see home again since she’s deemed stable enough to be away and they run into each other again at Lena’s favorite pub
However the way they met in the pub is because Lena got into a bar fight, she didn’t start and she doesn’t know what started it but she definitely ended it, and Emily offered to help bandage her cuts up and also ask Lena out on a date
It wasn’t until their seventh date did they both realize that the blind date they had been set up for several months ago was with the other, but they had a good laugh about it
Emily is a artist for a comic book company and does some fashion designing on the side when she’s tight on cash but her work does allow her to work from home a lot
When Overwatch was shut down Lena wallowed in her room for a long time, until Emily wore a “special” sweater and got her out of that rut and helped her try for a few jobs
None of them stuck however and since Lena was banned from ever flying again she started doing some vigilante work, setting up an outfit (her Graffiti skin) and started helping out where she could while trying to remain inconspicuous
For the most part she succeeded and did a lot of good work, until Mondatta and the events of the Underground comics, then several months later the Recall went out
Tracer almost hesitated to go, her and Emily were going strong and she had started to get used to not being part of Overwatch but Emily told her she would be fine, and that no matter what she would always be there for her
That would be the moment when Lena decided that the moment she got a break and could see Emily again she was proposing, not knowing that Emily was also gonna start looking for a ring
Now for some smaller headcannons
Emily is related to Moira, just because it would be really funny. She doesn’t bring it up because Moira reached out to her niece and told her not to mention the familial relationship between them (this is when Moira was fired from Overwatch and disgraced) because she doesn’t want her niece’s life to get messed for it
Neither Lena or Emily can cook a full meal, they can make amazing teas and desserts but the moment they try to make a full meal they mess it up in some way that ends up with them eating out
Emily has a gun and she knows how to use, she’s never had to bring it out but it’s easy to reach, she showed it to Lena when they first moved in together and it helped Lena fell more secure with her rejoining Overwatch and when Null Sector attacked London because Emily would have some way to defend herself
If it ever comes to light that the Slipstream was sabotaged it’s unclear who will be more pissed off about it between the couple, it’s Emily. Look Lena would be all sorts of angry about it but Emily actually has a temper unlike her girlfriend and has always been upset that they didn’t get a chance to meet sooner because of the Slipstream’s failure
Finally my thoughts on something else unrelated
I want Emily to become a playable character because we have all sorts of familial relationships between the various heroes in the game but not one that is explicitly romantic, not hinted at they are just straight up in a relationship
I just want that sort of dynamic in game and if it actually happens with another set of characters maybe my opinion will change
Anyways hope this was fun for you all and let me know your headcannons because this is fun to do
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cyberbirb-arts · 1 year ago
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I've been wanting to do something special for these two. I fell in love with the colors and of course, it's 80s inspired.
Accompanying ficlet under the cut!
Tracer is often bubbly, containing an infectious laughter that can lift just about anyone's spirits. But she cannot run on that energy 24/7 like her good friend Lúcio chants, "Can't stop, won't stop!". Now really isn't the time.
At least, well, just not for today.
Perhaps the universe could allow her this moment of sadness in a beautiful world inevitably gone mad. Mindlessly surfing the TV channels, she's convinced that she'll feel like herself again tomorrow after a good night's rest.
Oh, but Tracer is that blink-and-you'll-miss-her woman with a smile and a thousand reasons to keep fighting. The beloved agent's unwavering cape of confidence has frayed – down to the last thread.
But y'know it's just another day, Lena tells herself in a sigh watching the latest news broadcast through wet eyelashes. It's not pretty. The world suffers on a daily basis.
Emily hums softly, quietly placing random jewelry onto her. She also decides to shut the TV off, and Lena pouts at this, allowing her emotions to sink further into their couch. Lena is intrigued only as Emily winks and slips into a retro seafoam green dress. She decorates herself with clip-on earrings and plastic flowers, some blush and a pretty pink lipstick.
A hot cup of earl gray is made just how Lena likes it, with some lemon. The scent of bergamot is welcoming. Chocolate wafers, cookies, and biscuits are laid out orderly on a platter. A giant pachimari plush is stolen from their bed.
Emily returns again with a new outfit for Lena, her favorite synthwave pants and a cropped purple sweatshirt. She helps her dress and applies the same pink and peach makeup. She knows Lena doesn't like wearing a whole lot, so Emily is light with her touch. Freckles are just too cute to be covered up (like her own).
"I hope you know just how special you are. My brave and beautiful Lena. My hero."
Her painted lips leave an imprint on Lena's cheek. For the first time that day, she smiles.
"And you're mine."
She has her share of the treats and the hot tea somehow soothes the part of herself she cannot heal. Meanwhile, Emily puts on some music and the first song stirs Lena's soul, the familiar drumbeat and trombone.
When life is too much
Roll with it, baby
Don't stop and lose your touch
Oh no, baby
Emily offers her hand with a smile, "I know you're tired, but…dance with me for a while, love?"
Lena holds her tight, she could trust Emily for all eternity.
She wants to buy a ring someday.
Roll with it, baby!
Tracer's sadness is transformed through the dance, twirling around and laughing; nearly forgetting how much she hurt. Their hips sway to the beat and Lena catches Emily's thigh, teasing. A small wafer is offered from Emily's lips and they both giggle the second it splits between their teeth.
The chocolate melts in a passionate kiss. Lena reaches for Emily's hands, giddy.
"This is just what I needed, Em. I love you so much."
"Anytime. Love you more!"
Another song begins, and it's much slower, sensual and perfect. They're singing along in the dim light of the living room, and Lena finds her old self once again in the ebb and flow of their embrace.
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the sapphics are roleplaying!!!
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mythawolf · 1 year ago
Headcanon idea: Emily is a writer (which I got from a fanfic, but not this other bit) and is just as famous as Lena in her own right.
Another is that Lena was a huge flirt before meeting Emily. Imagine Angela looking for Lena, telling her they have to get back to base and seeing her chatting up a load of local ladies.
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orbitalwings · 1 year ago
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Home For Tea.
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marksider89 · 10 months ago
Emily: Is Amélie still mad at you?
Lena: Yeah. But she misses me.
*A bullet whizzes past Lena*
Lena: Her aim is gettin better, though.
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roosinii · 1 year ago
I know that Widowtracer is unlikley to be acknowledged in any way by the official canon, but if it ever is I want them to take the 12th Dictir approach to it.
Kr those who don’t know, when Matt Snith’s 11th Doctor regenerated into Peter Capaldi’s 12th, a lot of people who had shipped 11 and Jenna Coleman’s Clara Owald stop shipping them because Peter is old and the dynamic changed so much. Clara gets herself a nice maths teacher boyfriend called Danny Pink and seemingly moves on.
Then comes the episode Time Heist. The Doctor, Clara and a bunch of Assorted Side Characters rob a bank (I’m underselling it a tad, oh well), and at the end of the episode (when Clara goes off on a date with the aforementioned Mr. Pink), the Doctor says to himself “beat that for a date,” which revitalised the ship overnight.
My point is, canon Widowtracer needs to have Amélie in the same role, absolutely convinced that she’s showing her sweet foolish girl a better time than some redheaded hussy could ever dream of. I also think that this should be an entirely one-sided rivalry, mostky because that’s funnier
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whackacole3 · 27 days ago
Lena and Emily have a sweet conversation about their relationship.
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exastriscass · 11 months ago
Mirror verse Tracer be like:
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Her sins include: stepping on her dog’s paw, getting frosted tips, borrowing Emily’s scarf only to accidentally damage it, jaywalking, and stepping on a dandelion (those are basically children’s dreams)
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wildwinterlunas · 10 months ago
I choose to believe that MW!Emily is basically doing the same thing Jack is in canon. Trying to find out what happened to Lena while also wanting to redeem her once she finds out she's with Talon now.
Listen I am of the opinion that Emily should stay a civilian when it comes to the actual game, but Tracer's story is seemingly the same up until she was lost in time. Meaning her and Emily were most likely still dating in this universe, and I know this will lead people into thinking that Emily is just dead in this universe, but I think that it would be more interesting if Emily was actually a hero in this timeline because of what happened to Lena.
Not only that but it would give this universes Overwatch more of a fighting chance because there would not be a lot of characters in this timeline that would instantly join Overwatch.
Also I refuse to believe there is any universe were Lena Oxton kills Emily. That is simply not a possibility to me.
Though I haven't played the new game mode yet so this might be proven wrong in like an hour.
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