#tracer x Emily
cybernightart · 1 year
As soon as I get time I want to make a comic that goes like this:
Emily: you enter the lair and there before you on a throne of gold coins, jewels and other treasures, sits the almighty dragon! Feared by all, the guardian to sword of the dragons and the slayer of men!!!
Everyone: Ooooooo
Emily: all right everyone role for initiative!
Emily: ok genji you got the highest! What do you do first?
Genji:...*looks down at character sheet, thinks for a second then grins to himself mischievously*
Tracer: Genji...Genji no
Genji: I role to seduce the dragon!
Emily: omg.... *Sigh* role 1 D20 charisma check
Genji: nat 20 with a plus 5 proficiency bonus
Emily:... God damn it
The rest of the party: * dying of laughter, wheezing and just in utter shock *
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nic990sstuff · 10 months
This may be completely different from what I'm used to posting, but I couldn't keep these thoughts to myself. Therefore, I'm about to go on my first Overwatch rant-
If you hadn't noticed already, I'm very much a huge fan of Tracer and quite literally everything that involves her. I'm always happy seeing new skins and content for her, including her girlfriend Emily. Unfortunately, not everything is perfect. Despite loving the London's Calling comics, I do have many issues with it. I could rant about every single one, but we'd be here for hours. So I'll just focus on the one thing that bothers me the most, and that is the one and only Emily.
I did say just 5 seconds ago that I loved her, and I do! But the way she was portrayed in the comics has always been something that I feel they could've done so much better. When the comics were announced and they stated that it was going to be about Tracer's life after Overwatch was disbanded, I felt excited to see how her day-to-day life was and how they'd include Emily in it. I, of course, knew the comics wouldn't be "Tracer and Emily" centered, but I expected to have probably a couple of pages to show their relationship and dynamic.
By part 3 of the comics, I noticed a pattern that doesn't seem to only bother me: Emily was literally glued to that COUCH, or just inside the house in general. I'm here for them to chill in the comfort of their home, but the only times we saw Emily anywhere outside was when she found Lizzy and Tracer (probably outside the flat) as Tracer's Chronal Accelerator malfunctioned and in the HOSPITAL accompanying Tracer, both in which were only one or two panels. There was never a change of scenery when they were together. They'd only interact with each other for that one page inside their home. While it may not be that big of an issue, it almost feels like Emily's trapped inside her flat and doesn't have other places to go or be, you know, have a life of her own!
However, this is not my biggest issue with Emily and I could've let it slide if it wasn't for the following.
I truly love Emily, but unfortunately, she seems to barely have a personality. So far, we've seen how supportive and loving she is towards Lena, and that's great! I loved how Emily still worried for Lena's happiness by not being in Overwatch as well as how panicked she was when Lena's Chronal Accelerator malfunctioned. But her being Tracer's emotional support is truly everything we've ever seen, even since Reflections. We got a glimpse of a piece of her mind while she and Lena were searching for parts or when she was panicked as she told Lena about the protest that omnics were doing in that ONE panel, but that was it. I'm not saying Emily being Lena's emotional support is wrong, but using that as Emily's whole personality and purpose seems like...
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It would've been nice to see Emily's opinions on the matter as well as how it may affect some of Lena's decisions or even foreshadow things that would happen eventually. For example, I'd personally would leave part 1 of the comics as it is because it's a great introduction to what is happening and what will come, ending with Tracer being on her way to meet Em at the pub only to get cornered by omnics that straight up attack her.
In part 2, however, I would've changed it, so it had one more page where we see Tracer and Emily in that pub date and have Tracer tell her the events that just happened, maybe by starting with Emily's obvious worried reaction when someone you love tells you they were jumped by 10 or so omnics to gunpoint. Here's where I'd give Emily some personality by maybe having her express how bad she feels about the omnics and the deplorable condition the Underworld is in, perhaps even make her take the initiative by telling Lena they can later sit and search for parts for them or something of that thought. Lastly, ending the page by having her be a somewhat voice of reason, warning Lena that those 10+ omnics most likely aren't the only ones with that unwelcoming attitude; encouraging Lena to help but to be cautious since some don't really seem to care that Tracer has good intentions. After that, the comic part can continue as it is. This whole page would not only give Emily a change of scenery but also give more insight into her opinion about omnics.
And as a final touch, I would've loved if they would've showed Emily perhaps encouraging Winston to come back Lena up after she goes to save Iggy (which is a headcanon that lives rent-free in my mind) or something similar in a couple of panels. While we don't have Emily actively participate with Lena in the fights or in the protests, we would've seen Emily's way of helping and how it can also make a significant impact without having her take the spotlight.
While I would change something in part 3 where Emily reassured Lena that it was not her fault about the death of Mondatta, it doesn't fall under this rant, so I will probably leave it for another 2 a.m. rant.
Despite all this, I'm still very happy Emily was featured into this story in some way. While it wasn't the greatest, it still gave Emily some content and a lot of cute and different outfits that I love, as well as very adorable moments between her and Lena which is something I was looking for. I was very Lemon Tea starved back then (still kind of am AHAHAHA I need more Lemon Tea content pls).
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cyberbirb-arts · 1 year
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I've been wanting to do something special for these two. I fell in love with the colors and of course, it's 80s inspired.
Accompanying ficlet under the cut!
Tracer is often bubbly, containing an infectious laughter that can lift just about anyone's spirits. But she cannot run on that energy 24/7 like her good friend Lúcio chants, "Can't stop, won't stop!". Now really isn't the time.
At least, well, just not for today.
Perhaps the universe could allow her this moment of sadness in a beautiful world inevitably gone mad. Mindlessly surfing the TV channels, she's convinced that she'll feel like herself again tomorrow after a good night's rest.
Oh, but Tracer is that blink-and-you'll-miss-her woman with a smile and a thousand reasons to keep fighting. The beloved agent's unwavering cape of confidence has frayed – down to the last thread.
But y'know it's just another day, Lena tells herself in a sigh watching the latest news broadcast through wet eyelashes. It's not pretty. The world suffers on a daily basis.
Emily hums softly, quietly placing random jewelry onto her. She also decides to shut the TV off, and Lena pouts at this, allowing her emotions to sink further into their couch. Lena is intrigued only as Emily winks and slips into a retro seafoam green dress. She decorates herself with clip-on earrings and plastic flowers, some blush and a pretty pink lipstick.
A hot cup of earl gray is made just how Lena likes it, with some lemon. The scent of bergamot is welcoming. Chocolate wafers, cookies, and biscuits are laid out orderly on a platter. A giant pachimari plush is stolen from their bed.
Emily returns again with a new outfit for Lena, her favorite synthwave pants and a cropped purple sweatshirt. She helps her dress and applies the same pink and peach makeup. She knows Lena doesn't like wearing a whole lot, so Emily is light with her touch. Freckles are just too cute to be covered up (like her own).
"I hope you know just how special you are. My brave and beautiful Lena. My hero."
Her painted lips leave an imprint on Lena's cheek. For the first time that day, she smiles.
"And you're mine."
She has her share of the treats and the hot tea somehow soothes the part of herself she cannot heal. Meanwhile, Emily puts on some music and the first song stirs Lena's soul, the familiar drumbeat and trombone.
When life is too much
Roll with it, baby
Don't stop and lose your touch
Oh no, baby
Emily offers her hand with a smile, "I know you're tired, but…dance with me for a while, love?"
Lena holds her tight, she could trust Emily for all eternity.
She wants to buy a ring someday.
Roll with it, baby!
Tracer's sadness is transformed through the dance, twirling around and laughing; nearly forgetting how much she hurt. Their hips sway to the beat and Lena catches Emily's thigh, teasing. A small wafer is offered from Emily's lips and they both giggle the second it splits between their teeth.
The chocolate melts in a passionate kiss. Lena reaches for Emily's hands, giddy.
"This is just what I needed, Em. I love you so much."
"Anytime. Love you more!"
Another song begins, and it's much slower, sensual and perfect. They're singing along in the dim light of the living room, and Lena finds her old self once again in the ebb and flow of their embrace.
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by-ag-mn · 1 year
My ow ships
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+little alternative ships what i like too
Mercy x Pharah
Baptiste x Cassidy
Genji x Zenyatta
And friends like family:
Baptiste and Sombra - siblings
Same with Shimada and Kiriko
Sigma and Sombra - grandpa and granddaughter
Ana and Rat - grandma and grandson
Hanzo and Symmetra
D.va and Mei
Lucio and D.va
If you need hero gallery screen
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emilyyesemily · 2 years
I remember when Lena and I went out on a date she looked beautiful!
she kept talking about how beautiful I was, there came a moment when she approached me and kissed me on the lips just like in romance movies
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mananak07 · 1 year
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art dump loll
also i hc widow n tracer as wasian! widow is french/cambodian and tracer is filipina/british! also t4t4t widow x tracer x emily :3
also wasian hcs for moicy!
mercy: filipina/cambodian/swiss
moira: irish/cambodian/chinese
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looses-gooses · 1 year
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Here’s week 2 of Pridewatch folks!!!
Fun fact!!! Mercy’s skin and voice line came to me in a dream.
I’m still taking pride requests btw!! And will be until June is over!!
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hatmaninc · 1 year
it does make me happy that they made Tracer’s girlfriend a dnd nerd
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wolfygal2431 · 1 month
Reaper: I, Tracer, and Emily got errands to run!
*Soldier 76 turns to them angrily as Reaper grabs Tracer and Emily by the waist and runs out the back door*
Fritz: Jack!
Soldier 76: Oh no.
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luminescent-lumi · 2 years
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I’ve headcanoned Emily as a fashion designer since she was first introduced
Literally imagine her making dresses for Lena when for Overwatch events, a red carpet or something, like I cannot get up and coming fashion designer Emily out of my head
Does anyone know their ship name? Do they have one??
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dawnthefox24 · 10 months
*Cole fixing the tie on his formal attire humming softly since he's going on a double date for the Holidays, with Lena and Emily with his boyfriend but he had a feeling that Bap wasn't too hot with the idea about the whole double date thing and of course try to put off on it but couldn't when the due date finally arrived * Cole:*smiled softly and went to check on Bap and noticed that he seemed stressed* You feeling alright partner? Baptiste: *jumps a bit and looked over at Cole but felt he face heat up slightly* You scared me Cassidy and yes I'm fine also you look amazing Cole:*chuckled* Awe come on now, This isn't nothin I assure you but thank ya for the compliment~ Baptiste: I mean it Cassidy you look real handsome Cole: *is leaning against the door frame* You don't look too bad yourself~ Baptiste:*turns his head away clearly flustered* Shut it Cole:*snorts a laughter* I can tell yer nervous about the double date thing Baptiste: I told you I'm- Cole:*doesn't look convinced and raised a brow making a are you sure about that face* Baptiste: *rubs the back of his neck and fiddles with the collar a bit getting a bit frustrated with it* Okay I'm a little bit nervous, and mainly its a formal double date but the one thing I don't understand why Lena invited us too dinner. After all isn't it going to be I dunno awkward? Cole:*walks over to him and fixes Bap collar smiling softly* We'll it'll be at first but in the end it'll be fun plus the fact I love the glasses on you it's adorable. Though Lena was very nice enough to tell us that her girlfriend Emily wanted to meet ,you since she was excited that I have a boyfriend who is equally as handsome as I ~ Baptiste: Cole your making me blush, and Lena really shouldn't be sticking her nose in anyone's businesses you know that. Cole:*smiled softly and kissed him * Hush you and it's okay to be nervous besides also you're first mistake was to think that Lena wouldn't be spilling information to Emily. Baptiste:*blushed when Cole kissed him and sighs a bit when he heard what he said about Lena* True though I don't understand why I'm scared to meet Emily of all things Cole: *chuckled softly and smiled sweetly at him* We'll it's you're first time meeting Emily, Also she was the one who suggested the whole double date thing. Besides the worst thing that can happen if we're needed on a mission but that won't happen okay. Baptiste:*rolls his eyes but smiled softly* You're going to jinx it Cole: Hey I don't believe in any of that stuff, but at least I'm not the one quaking in my boots over a double date, he relax it's our time of fun and we get to spend time with our friends Baptiste:*just rolled his eyes and sighs softly* I know it just that...what do I even say? Cole: We'll in formal attire that's for sure so be yourself, trust me Lena told Emily about everything we do so she wouldn't care. Trust me you ain't meeting no one's parents and trust me if she didn't like you she wouldn't have invited us to a double date of all things. Baptiste: That's true but still-... Cole: *Grabs his face and started too peppers him with kisses* Jean, my love relax. You look Handsome, I adore you're glasses and over all you look dapper. You're not going in alone all we're just going to do is talk about our relationship gossip and that's it. I know you're nervous but remember you have you're amazing boyfriend okay~ Baptiste:*just melting into the kisses that Cole is giving him* Hmm~ Okay Cole:*smiled softly* I love you Jean but we mustn't make Lena wait for too long since she might be coming by with Emily so we can go too that restaurant okay. Baptiste: I love you Cole and thank you for everything. Cole: I love you too and any time just try not to embarrass yourself in from of Emily though~ Baptiste: HA! You're one too talk Cole:*snorts a laughter and held his hand* Come along scaredy cat, let's get going~ Baptiste: *held his hand back* where ever you go I'll fallow Cole~ Cole:*smiles softly* I love you Bap~ Baptiste: I love you too Cole~
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nic990sstuff · 1 year
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Just a redraw of the latest spray of these two to celebrate Pride 💕
Happy Pride Month!
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froggibus · 3 months
Pride - Soldier 76, Pharah, Baptiste, Tracer, Venture & Lifeweaver
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Pairings: Soldier 76 x gn! reader, Pharah x gn! reader, Baptiste x gn! reader, Tracer & Emily x gn! reader, Venture x gn! reader, Lifeweaver x gn! reader
Genre: fun fluffy hcs
Summary: how it would be going to pride w your queer fav
CW: nonspecific relationship w the heroes, canon sexualities/genders, lots of fun pride stuff, pride festival, Soldier being an old man
sorry hi i know pride month is over but i really wanted to include it in our event so here it is! i really wanted to include lucio & other fun characters here but it was so much writing i only did the ones who are canonically queer!
This is part of my Summer Suntacular event, come check it out!
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Soldier 76:
not his first Pride, won’t be his last
he’s probably a little wistful the whole time, since he last attended with Vincent
his grumpy old man demeanor drops for a day and he actually lets himself enjoy it
all the young people there LOVE him and he ends up ‘adopting’ at least three kids
reminisces the whole time and probably says “back in my day” at least once
you may have to convince him to actually indulge in fun stuff like temp tattoos and flags
but then he gets SUPER into it and drags you around to get as much stuff as possible
gets hit on at least once by someone half his age and his face is an INFERNO for like ten minutes afterwards
wants to get drinks and appetizers at a bar after and chat about your day
will let you take one (1) picture of the two of you to commemorate it
(he’ll definitely keep the picture in his wallet—but he’ll never tell you)
not her first Pride either, but she doesn’t go very often cause she’s married to her work
wears her sexy ass leather jacket even though it’s probably boiling outside
“Fareeha you’re going to boil in that”
“Don’t be ridiculous, this is my summer leather”
gets one temp tattoo of the lesbian flag on her cheek and that’s it for her
shows it off in every single picture the two of you take together 
doesn’t take many of her own pictures but will indulge you for every one of yours
her strong ass will let you ride on her shoulders to see any performances you want
or if you’re not cool with that, she has no shame and will body her way through the crowd to help you get a better view
loves fruity rainbow drinks and will always have one in her hand
wears her aviators even after the sun goes down
definitely checks if Baptiste is doing anything & tries to set up a rendezvous with him at a club later
she is THE most fun to party with if you’re able to pry her away from her work
more than likely his first Pride  (at least, since he’s been out of the closet)
probably ended up attending a few before and hanging out in the med tent as an ally
if he wasn’t going with you, Pharah would’ve 10000% taken him with her
super excited to be taking you with him this year 
and to actually be partaking in the celebrations
covers both of you in those cute rainbow temporary tattoos
like they’re EVERYWHERE
total mom friend—he has water, tylenol & advil, wet wipes, snacks, sunscreen & anything else you could possibly need
that doesn’t mean he’s not indulging in any fun colourful drinks at the bars later tho
indulges in any free things offered with him
and totally ends the day with like ten different friendship bracelets
wants to take pictures of EVERYTHING and ends up with a million selfies of the two of you
you’re out from 11am to 3am & you bet your ass he’s waking you up at noon the next day for brunch
wants to go next year & hand out little care bags to everyone you meet
her and Emily insist on taking you with them
they go every year so long as Lena isn’t working (rare)
they (Emily) have got everything figured out, so you can just chill and come along with them
Lena totally goes all out with her outfits & insists you all match somehow
they bring a digital camera to take lots & lots of pictures of everything
prepare to be outside from dawn till dusk
Lena probably gets recognized a few times and takes pictures with every person who asks
she buys a TON of memorabilia and will absolutely buy anything you look at for you
even tho she’s probably tried everything they have to offer, she wants to make sure you also try it
Emily has to stop and remind her to slow down and to eat/drink
they have some cute tradition where they go to the restaurant they want to on their first date & have some drinks and appetizers
even tho it’s their thing, they’ll gladly invite you along & make sure you’re included
and if you’re into it, Lena will absolutely try to play matchmaker for you so you’re not lonely
huge dork ass LOVES Pride
they’re a little awkward cause of the big crowds & stuff, but deep down they thrive on it
not nearly as out there with their outfit as Tracer, but they’ll definitely dress according to theme
makes their own little bags of crystals to give out to friends they make there + coordinates them according to different pride flags
makes an extra special one for you too to thank you for coming with them
buys ice cream whenever they see a stand & offers to share with you 
at least one child asks them if they’re a boy or a girl
Sloan just shrugs at them
despite their awkwardness, everybody you meet there LOVES Sloan & they end the day with a million different pins + friendship bracelets
anytime there’s something cool, they want to take a pic with you in front of it
even just random fountains and stuff
if someone’s performing, they HAVE to go and at least check it out, but you’ll probably get dragged into watching a long ass magic show
they might take you for a drink and a snack after, but they’re not the type to go to a club or anything
more than likely they want to have a game night or marathon some movies at home to unwind afterwards
not his first Pride, but the first one he’s been able to enjoy since leaving Vishkar
the most well dressed & insists on dressing you as well
weaves flowers & plants through his hair to make a pretty rainbow (and will do the same for you if you ask!)
lots & lots of biodegradable glitter that he made himself
wants to get there super early to offer his aid to any of the med stations set up & give them his number incase they need him
brings his own biodegradable confetti and gives bags to all the stands to hand out
loves live performances & wants to attend each one
he WILL be dancing and expects you to dance with him, no matter how awkward you feel
usually the best at remembering his sunscreen & water but probably forgets until he starts to feel the effects
wants to stay until everything shuts down and make sure everything is cleaned up correctly
so many pictures that your face will hurt from smiling for the cameras by the end of the day
his Instagram story is probably filled with those same pics
if anyone compliments his hair, he WILL offer to braid theirs with flowers for them on the spot
takes you out to a nice dinner before you guys go home
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Summer Suntacular | Masterlist | Overwatch Masterlist
(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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names-for-alters · 7 months
Hello one and all, alters and headmates! I am Charlie! I like to make lists! I also hoard names! Are you looking for a name? GREAT! You can send an ask and request a specific aesthetic or origin of name, or you can look at my list!
With that said…
…Cracks knuckles…
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Findo Tach Tails Flicker Tracer Kat Iris Blu Brick Arlo Sammy Artie Finn Stein Aleksandr Vora Olive Luna Nyx Cyrus Qrow Orian Cello Onyx Skye Grim Opal Dawn Azure Fish Bones Poppy Bronze Eggs Sparky Specs Snickers Trout Navi Bingo Chili Bandit Stripe Busker Socks Brandy Frisky Winston Lucky Chucky Bently Judo Rusty Max Honey Indie Calypso Striker Merle Moxxie Vex Ant Bugger Bee Spider Tails Hook Indigo Amber Coco Coral Scarlet Ivory Jade Ruby Emerald Chuck Loden Copper Hamelin Neo Shepard Cinnamon Visor Macalister Soul Hack Hiccup Flynn Rider Astrid Jay Raven Robyn Bolt Dagger Viper Tracer Cornwall Flock Sapphire Crystal Ghost Mochi Trick Catra Rose Raven Flip Chani Racket Red Crimson Dragon Runt Scotch Tellie Gator Croc Crow Goat Duck Creeper Kuma Jet Jeep Draco Poppy Sombra Raine Squish Spike Blaze Ender Drake Sandy MK PJ DJ CJ MJ King Creak Shadow Clay Dusty Miles Dart Willow Antonius Husk Moth Cypher Jin Yin Yang Daisy Gray / Grey Alistair Halo Angel Cake Fennec Fox Null Lull Bastion Lucky Sun Star Cosmo Tweety Vox Nerys Sonic Bark Birch Oak Cherry Blossom Peaches Velvet Shell Coffee Valley Fang Moot Redpath Pudding X V Jr Ether Fig Trunk Joy Frogger Snowflake Snowball Snow Jumper Racket Flare Vendetta Loonie Coin Six Eleven Tropica Stelina Mojave Ink Sud Fender Zero Pollen Wysteria Page Ozias Rex Tortch Buck Nickel Stripe Lynch Tramp Wolf Pup Tank Jhariah Kharma Zenith Sparrow Prism Lemon Mune Lamb Pyke Diamond Parker Graves Fizz Nugget Melody Tink Blight Fangless Ambress Vulture Eclipse Luka Bangle Constance Constantine Sommar Babble Clank Bobble Chipper Aidan Slate Tin Twire Zephyr Silver Misty Faunus Atlas Birdie Brook Cedar Chip Coal Daisy Ember Faye Fate Fern Flint Harmony Helios Ivy Junx Kit Lyria Phoebe Piper Lady Beacon Elos Rumble Ida Cross Zed Scootie Smidge Clauger Happy Sonny Hath Soldier River Song Clawtor Videl Legen Onen Chunk Reid Pop Cobra Cash Clover Saris Volante Donna Belladonna Gale Chopper Morphias Vidia Loft Kape Levi Licker Howl Dustin Newt Creek Breezy Polaris Blight Archer Sirius Warren Dream Goon Cookie Ranger Amity Jericho Viggo Besko Asra Alice Olaf Mossfeld Issic Missy Rascal Creasy Nonya Hex Pita Miguel Manuel Rayburn Daisy Dash Lucky Becky Steele Cylo Featherstone Kingston Netherfield Reacher Saltburn Quick Rubble Dust Brimstone Humble Ado Grover Norvanos Leshy Blade Cooper Calcium
Pierre Rosemary
Kikos Wathel
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
230 - Cole Cassidy
Pairing - Cole Cassidy x reader
Warnings - none!! (cole cassidy being SUPER FLIPPIN HOT) also not proofread lmao so if there is a mistake... that's too bad ig lolol
Word Count - 1,478
Notes - this cowboy has my heart frfr. lately been having a brainrot. this took me too long to write tho omg. but i feel like im getting a better writing style and i worked really hard on it and my motivation is back!!! <3 i hope you all enjoy and have a lovely day! dont forget to stay hydrated lovlies!!
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“Winston!!” You exclaimed, running over to your old friend. The last thing you were expecting was to get a message from him letting you know that he wanted to get Overwatch back together. It had been over two years since you had seen him last.
“y/n!” Winston quickly pulled you into his furry arms, welcoming the tight embrace you put him in. “My, is it good to see you.” He smiled softly, adjusting his glasses as you pulled away from the hug.
“It’s good to see you too, Winston. You look as adorable as ever.” You ruffled the top of his head with a chuckle.
Winston giggled and shrugged your sweet comment off as you heard a sound that you knew had to be only one thing.
Tracer had phased into the room with a huge smile on her freckled face. “y/n?! Is that really you, luv?” She ran up to you and grabbed you by the shoulders, studying every inch of your face without losing her big smile once. “It is! Oh my goodness, y/n! It's so wonderful to see you! I'm so glad you decided to come back!”
You quickly pulled Tracer in for a hug, holding her close. “It's so amazing to see you, Tracer.”
You and Tracer used to work side by side all the time. Getting every mission you were assigned done, quickly and efficiently. She didn't seem to change one bit.
“I can't believe we get to work together again!! I sure did miss working with you, partner.” Tracer winked and nudged you a bit with a giggle. “Oh! And you might get to meet Emily!”
“Emily?” You tilted your head.
“My girlfriend!”
God, you missed a lot.
“Hallo zusammen!!” You jumped hearing the booming, but loving voice of Reinhardt.
“Reinhardt!!” You ran to him, throwing yourself into his giant arms.
You promised yourself that you wouldn't cry, but god it was difficult to hold back the tears. These were the people who you loved, the people you were willing to work with for the rest of your life, the people you wanted to make a difference with.
“Howdy everyone, sorry I'm late.” You froze hearing that familiar southern accent that made your whole system stop.
Yes, you wanted to make a difference with this whole team of people you loved a lot, but this one… this one was an exception.
You turned around and saw… him walk in, the rest of Overwatch flowing in shortly behind him.
“Jesse McCree.” Your teeth were clenched and your mood now ruined.
“Actually,” he put his hand on your shoulder, apparently able to hear your voice that was in a pissed off whisper. “It's Cassidy, pumpkin. Cole Cassidy.”
“Since when?” You didn't even try to hide your frustration as you pulled away from him, trying to walk to the other crew. Cassidy though wouldn't stop following. Just like always.
“Since forever,” he sped up to be walking with you side by side. “So forget Jesse and call me Cole.”
“Yeah, whatever.” You tried to get yourself lost in the crowd, but felt a hand slap onto your shoulder. A metal hand? It was Cole’s… but you don't remember his arm being metal. “H-How…”
“That’s a story for another time,” he removed his hand from your shoulder softly as opposed to how rough he just handled you a second ago, hiding it behind his back. “But what’s your problem?”
“What’s my problem?!” You twisted around, your face only inches away from his. “Do you really have the audacity to ask me that, Cassidy?! Are you acting like nothing happened back then?!” You knew that Overwatch was a place for peace and resolving problems, but Cassidy brought nothing but problems for you. He was the only face you didn't want to see.
“You, little miss thing, were the one who hated me. I never had shit against you.” He smirked and walked all nonchalantly towards the rest of the group, but you grabbed the back of that stupid shawl over his shoulders and flipped him over, gripping his shirt, your face inches away from his.
“Don't act like shit didn't happen.” You whispered through clenched teeth.
“Don't act like we ain't nothin’ sweetheart.” Cassidy smirked at you and you quickly pushed him away, feeling your face heat up.
You hate that cowboy.
“Why are you all the way over there, love?” You perked up hearing Tracer’s voice as she booped over to you with a bright smile. “And why’s your face so red? Are you running a fever?” She cupped your face and you knew you were blushing harder than earlier. That stupid cowboy. He definitely did it on purpose.
“I'm fine, Tracer,” you giggled nervously. “Really. Let’s get back to the rest of the crew.”
“Okay?” Tracer gave you a sidewards glance, but walked with you anyway to the rest of the group, who were all pulling each other into hugs and telling jokes.
It was just like old times. You used to be a group that would try to save the world during harsh times. You would joke around, but also allow yourself to cry on each other’s shoulders. You would walk away from explosions like badasses and go home to stuff your face with pizza.
But all of that just vanished one day. You were alone, trying to help others in your own way. A little lost, sure, but still trying.
Thank god Winston called this meeting. If he didn't, you don't know how the rest of your life would be.
And sure, maybe seeing Cassidy was worth it, even if you wanted to sock him in the nose.
Speaking of him, you and Cole were always at each other’s throats. Was there ever a reason why? No. Not really. You would compete and see who could take out the most enemies and you ended off in a draw. A DRAW. That pissed both of you off, but you didn't know that it would be the last time seeing each other for two whole years.
So you were stuck with a chalkboard in your room. 230-230. That awful number staring at you every morning. You were about to end that streak.
“Wanna drink, pumpkin?” You were pulled out of your thoughts with a jump, seeing Cassidy in front of you, holding a coffee.
You took it with a smile and Cassidy sat next to you, both of you looking out at the happy crowd in front of you.
“What was it? Uh… 205?” Cassidy turned to you with a cocky smile and you just laughed it off taking a sip of your coffee. It was delicious.
“230 actually.”
“230,” Cassidy let out a long whistle. “Damn.”
“I know. I still wanna beat your ass.”
Cassidy looked at you, but your eyes were still glued to the rest of Overwatch. “Do you now?”
You nodded, your eyes finally meeting with Cole’s chestnut ones. “I do.”
“That’s too bad.” Cassidy casually put his hands behind his head, leaning back onto his chair. “Because I wanna do the same.”
“Huh. That sucks.”
Cole laughed out loud, a smile plastering onto his face. “You know, even after how much we show that we hate each other, I am so glad we’re back here together.”
You sighed, placing your coffee down. “Me too.”
“I'm just really thankful that we-”
“Okay. That’s too much. Don't get sappy on me. We hate each other, remember?”
“Oh, that’s right,” Cole grabbed your hand, kissing your knuckles. “We do.”
“It's gonna be nice to compete again.” You stood up, your hand still locked to Cassidy’s.
“Tell me about it.” Cole took it as a sign to stand up as well and you walked in front of him, outstretching your arms.
He tilted his head and you pointed with your head to his arms. He smiled softly and knew what to do next.
He leaned down, wrapping his arms around your waist as you wrapped yours around the back of his neck. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, breathing him in. He smells the same as always. Like nice cologne and burning wood.
You held him tightly, strangely, not wanting to let go.
“I know I should hate you,” your voice was soft, almost a whisper. “But I don't want to.”
“Then don't.” Cassidy’s booming voice was vibrating his chest that you were pressed against.
“But I still wanna beat your ass.”
“Then do it darlin’. But don't expect me to just let you.”
You laughed, picking a fuzz off of his shawl before holding him tighter.
He pressed a small kiss onto your forehead and grabbed both of your hands. “It's so nice to see you again.”
“Tell me about it.”
Even though you were supposed to hate him. You sure did love that stupid cowboy.
overwatch masterlist --- pinned post
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wildissylupus · 1 year
My favourite OW ships (not in any order)
Bapssidy/Cowboy Medic - Baptiste x Cassidy
Cashe - Cassidy x Ashe
Yeehan - Cassidy x Hanzo
Spuriken - Genji x Cassidy
Liassidy - Cassidy x Mina Liao
Reaper76 - Reaper x Solider 76
Anahardt - Ana x Reinhardt
Widowtracerly - Widow x Tracer x Emily
Tracily - Tracer x Emily
Raptoramaker/PharahMaker - Pharah x Widowmaker
Mercymaker - Widowmaker x Mercy
Spiderbyte - Widowmaker x Sombra
Jethack/SecurityBreach - Sombra x Pharah
Meihem - Mei x Junkrat
Symbra - Symmetra x Sombra
Symarah - Symmetra x Pharah
Gency - Genji x Mercy
Symrat/Junkmetra - Junkrat x Symmetra
Sneaker GFs/PharahKiri - Kiriko x Pharah
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