#translation error
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royalarchivist · 1 year ago
Pepito: armas asi komo asi? :0
Foolish: "Armas" Weapons... uh. [Taps the sign for a TTS translation]
TTS: Armas breast milk como breast milk. Zero.
Foolish: Well that can't be right. [Laughs]
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runawaydr3amerao3 · 1 month ago
Today on ✨Translation Error or Parody✨
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The one you spot first says a lot about you.
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sojourner-between-worlds · 2 months ago
How can a single of line of text/ dialog be translated [for subtitling] to mean two entirely different things and reference two entirely different characters in the process?
I asked a friend of mine about this, who has experience with French translation, and she was also completely baffled about how something like this could happen, so now I'm yelling it into the tumblr void and hoping someone yells back.
Like, I completely understand that certain things like idioms, puns, and slang terms get a little lost in translation and have to attempt to have an equivalent replacement found, but this... is not that. I also understand that since this is a Japanese anime from 2008 that older translations can be a bit... off in places, I guess, since they were more often than not subbed by fans. (And, since they're old, unless they are super popular, the less-than-legal sites often never get updated to official subs.) In this case, there was also a DVD release that is no longer available for purchase in the US (except off Ebay and shipped from overseas). I have no way of verifying if the same subtitles appear on the DVDs as appear when streaming on Crunchyroll. So the discrepancy is between the "official" Crunchyroll subs and either the DVD release or fansubs. But either option still makes this...weird. Even if the DVDs are older, there shouldn't be this big of a discrepancy. But I also can't blame it solely on "bad fansubs" because in all my years of watching this with varying subs across varying less-than-legal platforms, I have never had anything that has stuck out to me like this exchange this does. Difference in word choice, sure, that's basically inevitable; but I've never seen a conversation where the words spoken are about two entirely different characters.
For greater context, here are the two different ways the dialog in question is presented:
Source 1:
N: He's even stronger than before. Y: His opponent was weak, right? B: Yeah, he was completely played by Jack. Y: He's bored.
Source 2:
N: He's getting even stronger. Y: Was he facing a wimp? B: Yeah, Jack completely toyed around with him. Y: He was probably no big deal then...
So as you can see, this exchange is mostly the same. The baffling part is that last line. In the first one, Y is making a personal observation about someone he knows; in the second, he's making an impersonal observation about someone he doesn't know. The difference is getting information about a character (both the one spoken about and the one speaking) and just being a throw away line that doesn't mean anything at all.
This has been driving me nuts for literal years at this point, as to how this big of a difference in translation could happen. Again, it could have been a whoopsie on the part of a fansubber but everything else largely lines up between the two (as far as I can tell), and you'd think it would at least still be referring to the same character, which just makes it Weird to me.
So if anyone can actually explain how this happened, I would love you forever, haha.
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presaly · 3 months ago
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So I was trying to read some of the WTP children's books by searching deeply on the internet, because in my country (or in my situation) it is too difficult to find a book and not fucked up old shi.
Many times people publish things on their own pages, and those images somehow end up on Google. It's like trash, and as the saying goes, "Someone's trash is someone else's treasure."
I went down and down for many hours in the Google images section, until I hit the target with apparently pages of Chinese books separated and scattered randomly.
However, my curiosity was greater and I used the "image translator" to decipher any useless stupidity that was said there.
I have as little context as you guys have. What the hell does Tigger mean BY COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET?...RABBIT IN THE CLOSET?! AND TIGGER KNOWS THAT?!?! This has a completely absurd amount of potential
There is no way this is real, I deeply believe that the image translator made a mistake... but it is a very funny mistake, so I decided to share it here.
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Here it is translated into English for those who don't know Spanish (so they can understand what the hell I'm talking about).
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solemn-siren · 1 year ago
Molly saying “Hi I would like to go to jail” in Episode 1 of Epithet Erased gives me the same vibes as this hilarious translation error my mom sent me
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The correct translation is roughly among the lines of “Stealing is illegal, We will immediately call the police if we find you stealing”
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pr0cyonid · 1 day ago
Learning to utilize Miku's JP voicebank because it has better options. Wanted to make her say "Cannibal" so I thought, I'll just translate this phonetically to hiragana and it should work, right?
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badani-studios · 3 months ago
I found this Russian gaming website and just wow,
Recently, I showed my friend this gaming website on a school computer, and they showed it to our Russian half of the mix of 4 (2 Russian, 2 American). They sent a screen recording of it and...
there was their voice playing back. recording. muffled. without consent.
They logged off, but I was playing Baby Hazel (I LOVE BABY HAZEL BECAUSE SHE IS SO DIVA), so I kept going. I eventually got bored and found "Cat Mario." It was a Japanese game translated to Russian and then English. A translation error was bound to happen, and it did.
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usagisbunspace · 29 days ago
Soooo guys....im dumb. . .
I corrected this info and yet did it wrong whilst sharing about Yang.
So her name as (a Google translate translation) is supposed to mean Art queen but when you add huwang it means "Art tiger queen"
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So here:
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The correct writing is Yìshù Nǚwáng , even though most often I'll refer to her as 'Yang'
I just wanted to make this clear.
Working on the WIP for the Muse x Artist drawing still! And of course remember the Q&A is open!
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mymangamemes · 10 months ago
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When you want to gossip with friends but you’re all super drunk
From The Villainess Tames the Beast by singaSong, NDduck, Seol Young, and HI (fan translation)
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salvadorbonaparte · 10 months ago
Translation faux pas: Audible just suggested me the third installment of the "Ten Realms" series by Michael Chatfield. Unfortunately, the German translation of this title is "The Third Reich".
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nickioeste · 2 months ago
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And this, kids, is why you can't always trust Google Translate.
If you're not in on the joke, pavo is the Spanish word for turkey, as in poultry. The country is called Turquía.
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royalarchivist · 1 year ago
Phil: I swear to god, the translator is so fcking funny. Baghera: Oh ye- oh no [dissolves into laughter] NOOOOOO TODAY'S AWFUL.
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gailyinthedark · 1 year ago
Grammar rant time.
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I see this construction somewhat regularly and it drives me crazy. Say is intransitive. Whom isn't the object of anything, it's the subject of its own clause and should therefore be who. Probably it's done in imitation of sentences like this:
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But the sense is completely different. (Made is transitive with whom as object; they're both part of the same clause.)
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livingfictionsystem · 7 months ago
During one of my birthdays, Kaspar made a celebratory comment about how it's excited for me to join the "27 club."
Didn't understand that didn't just reference what age you are.
"Oh yes we're all so titillated over your ascension into the illustrious 27 club. :3"
Me: "-choking on my wine- ARE you???"
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newera-interactiveif · 2 years ago
I not sure if this was a mistake or not but...
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I believe "voce" left a "voce" untranslated here on the 3th option. Kkkkkkkkkkkk um gringo confundira um você com um que nesse caso? Voice? "Voice sighs and walks to class" voice seria o nome da pessoa? Kkk seria legal.
Eita 😅misericórdia, não tinha percebido isso ai. I'll check that and correct it, thank you for letting me know 😁
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sunstormbudgie · 9 months ago
Sometimes Youtube will offer to translate people's comments if it detects that they're using a language that isn't the one you've set it to. However, it tends to be a bit overly enthusiastic about detecting non-English words. Occasionally, this can have some… amusing results.
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