#embarrassing writer speaks
pens-swords-stuff · 1 year
It makes me so sad when fanfiction writers come to me for writing advice, and they say something along the lines of "I write fanfic (and I'm trying to get into real writing too)", "I'm a fanfiction writer and I plan to write original fiction someday but now is just not the right time for me", or "I'm not a real writer but I write fanfic"
babes you don't have to justify writing fanfiction to me. you also don't need to tell me your plans to eventually write original fiction to be worthy of asking for writing advice.
Writing original fiction is not inherently better than writing fanfiction. Writing fanfiction is real writing. If you want to write original fiction too, great! If writing fanfiction is all you want to do, that is wonderful as well.
Do what makes you happy and be proud in the knowledge that writing isn't easy, and you're actually doing it!
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rosiesfandomblog · 2 months
A Huskerdust headcanon that just popped into my head is that Husker doesn't like talking about how many languages he speaks, so Angel goes around saying the FILTHIEST of dirty talk around Husker in Italian, NOT KNOWING HUSKER SPEAKS ITALIAN AS WELL I want to cry thinking about how the fuck this cat is gonna break the news to his lover
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sciderman · 1 month
I give you one better, I invite you to avoid the negativity and tell us. What would be the perfect DP/SP cannon comic for you? Like that topics and motivations and even silly jokes would make you fill with joy and happiness and fun reading it?
Also if you could choose any writer to do it, who would it be?
for real the spideypool book of all time is avenging spider-man #12-#13, for wade and peter's ridiculous dynamic where - unlike most of deadpool and spider-man's team-ups, spider-man is honestly in good spirits and good humour, and is rolling with the punches.
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i think that's the big reason why i love this particular team-up so much - it's not as mean-spirited as literally every other spider-man and deadpool routine, where spider-man is kind of excessively mean to deadpool. like sure, wade and peter aren't friends, exactly, but peter's not excessively mean, and they just have this delightful little dynamic where - like, peter's disappointed, but i don't know, it doesn't feel belittling to me. even when peter's disappointed.
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it's the most likeable peter's ever been in any spider-man and deadpool team-up. he really really has a likability issue in every single spider-man/deadpool team-up. in every single one, save for this one, peter is just... really unlikeable in the spider-man/deadpool dynamic. he's always holier-than-thou, and i really can't stand it.
so if there were a spider-man and deadpool book i'd want to read - it would have to have wade and peter on equal footing. none of this holier-than-thou stuff - peter doesn't see himself as superior. he probably will still see deadpool as a nuisance, but he doesn't think he's better than wade. i'd want it to stay street-level. i'd want a lot of opportunities for each of them to surprise each other with their abilities - i'd want wade to constantly be taken aback by peter's brilliance, and i'd want peter to be taken aback by how sharp wade is. i'd want that respect between them to grow, over time. equal footing. a balance of powers. i really don't think it's fair that, kind of consistently, peter's always held the power in the dynamic and wade's kind of always a bit of a doormat with peter. so - i want them to dismantle that hero-worship dynamic, and put them on equal footing.
god. and the series has to be funny. dear god let it be funny. the sm/dp series was just - not funny. i can't remember a single joke that landed, for me. if there's anything a spider-man and deadpool book has to be, it's funny. please. deeeeaaaar god please.
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writerfae · 2 days
The Knights of the Alder couples as lyrics from my favorite Oonagh album (Märchen Enden Gut)
Henry and Callan
“Einstmals traf ein Junge tief im Wald, traf die Liebste dort […]
Nur für Stunden stahl er sich davon, viele Jahre lang. Und im Walde kamen sie zusammen, zur Nachtigall Gesang.”
Milan and Ranva
“Ein Mädchen war dem falschen Mann versprochen.
Liebt einen Anderen, Digedingdang, das Mädchen liebt einen Anderen, digedingdangdong.
[…] Das Mädchen hat des Vaters Eid gebrochen, lief zu dem Anderen, Digedingdang, das Mädchen lief zu dem Anderen, digedingdangdong.”
Callan’s parents
“Wir sehen uns wieder, gewiss irgendwann. In meinen Träumen sind wir zusammen.
Und eines Tages folge ich dir. Wir sehen uns wieder, weit weg von hier. Wir sehen uns wieder, ich folge dir.”
Aiden and Talon
“Zeig dich, zeig dein Gesicht.
In meiner Seele kenne ich dich.”
Talon’s parents
“Sing mir deine Lieder, sing mir deine Lieder, sing für mich ein Leben lang.
Wenn mein Herz auch bricht, komm und sing für mich. Ach, wie rührt mich dein Gesang.”
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 3 months
Desperately yearning for the days back when if 15 people read and liked your fic, you would get 15 comments.
These days, if 200 people read and like your fic, you are lucky to get 5 or 10 comments. And that just seems so off.
I hate to say it, but back when fanfiction communities were smaller, they were a lot kinder.
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blkgirl-writing · 6 months
Be honest guys should I actually transfer my pics over to Ao3? I know it’s like a bigger site for fanfics nowadays but man it hates my computer.
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boxwinebaddie · 2 months
i'm sorry, this has nothing to do with sp or my fics, but i just need y'all to know that i accidentally liked too many posts about death note on here bc i was rewatching it and now my tumblr dash is all fucked up
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goldenhypen · 4 months
i was today years old when i found out “portrayal” had 2 ‘r’s instead of 1 🙂
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ghouljams · 11 months
Will we be getting more fae!price on Wednesday? I love how witch darling handles him 🖤 you’re amazing
You'll be getting more fae!Price later tonight. Don't have any theme days planned for this week, especially since my queue is empty for the first time in like a month
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sev-on-kamino · 1 year
200 Follower Celebration 🍾🥳
*Goofy voice* awwww shucks! I am so stoked to get to share my writing (and ramblings and rants) with such amazing people! Some of you I am still too damn shy to talk to, so even if we haven’t interacted yet, I appreciate you too 🥰 This community is stellar, and I’m grateful to be apart of it!
Like before, please feel free to send something in even if we’ve never chatted or even if we’re not moots. I’m an excited clone-loving nerd, and I wanna share that with everyone 💙💙
Minors DNI as always this is an 18+ space.
I’ve got hella WIPs (when do I not???), so we’re keeping it chill, but fun. Please choose from the following:
💭 headcanons or a “how would _____ react to _____”
🎶 playlist for a character -or- songs I think they’d like (5 song max)
🎬 + a character, and I’ll tell you what I think their fave movie or show is, and why
🎮 for a game: send 2 characters and make me choose one, 3 characters for FMP, ask for my top 5 based on any criteria you choose, kinda go wild with this one!
🧐 + series + scenario: and I’ll write a ficlet/drabble based in one of my series’ timelines. For example: you might wanna know how Hunter figured out that you were attracted to them in “Absence//Fonder” (the poly batch fic) or maybe you wanna know more about your friendship with the 501st in “In Pieces” (the Rex, Cody, Wolffe & Fox fic). You can be as vague or as specific as you want. Just have fun!
You can also just ask random questions about whatever you want because anon is on, and I am not the boss of you 😌
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high-metafive · 5 months
one thing about me is that i am literally always thinking about smtiv. the other thing about me is that i am literally always thinking about smtiv and actually smt in general im just always thinking bout it
w. would anyone like to be friends about this subject ,or..
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dont-offend-the-bees · 2 months
Bout to sit down to watch DW with the folks already internally cringing bc I saw it this morning and they are gonna haaate it
#I'm not even sure I liked it!#i like bits of it#but it's definitely upped the Silly Factor in ways that often feel more clunky and cringey than fun and camp idk#I feel like I'm being the fun police but is it too much to ask that my silly campy spacetime fun also be good???#i feel like it used to be#it was stupid and we had farting aliens and shit but like#very little 'oh i am actually kind of embarrassed to be seen watching this'#believe me i do not WANT to ve cringing about it I'm all for 'cringe is dead'#but I just think there's a difference between low budget surreal but grounded and deceptively well-made/written silly TV#and high budget cgi saturated awkward dialogue fest that barely hangs together and keeps making me wince#it's like I'm getting the wincing feeling from that one awful clunky 'like some kind of volcano' line from fires of pompeii#but ten times an episode minimum#i want to like it!!! i want it to be good i want ncuti to have an absolutely killer era!!#and it defo has its moments!#but bro....... so much tv is just. Bad now.#and it's probably a mix if factors#effects of writers strikes and producer meddling and whatever else#but I'm sick of tuning in to watch a new thing and finding them all riddled with the same brand of very fixable clunkiness#things that could have been fixed with very minor revisions more often than not!!#anyway not posting this in the tag bc i do NOT wanna be a hater or start fucking discourse about this#I just miss feeling excited about tv#i miss having some flimsy sense of trust that things might feel well put together even if i disagree with how they take the story#mr. bees speaks
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astermath · 1 year
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milestone / meet the writer! *:・゚✧ || face reveal
gee whiz guys, 300 followers already? thank you so much for all the support; all the reblogs, likes, and especially the sweet comments and requests! it’s been so nice writing on tumblr again, especially getting inspiration from all the other amazing writers on here.
it’s not a huge milestone so I figured I’d do something simple like a “meet the writer” post! if you have any more (respectful) questions for me, feel free to ask!
my name is aster, I’m 20 years old, and I’m a leo! I am currently a history major, but that’s probably still subject to change lol,, my favorite colors are soft pink and dark red, I’m an enfp and I have a soft spot for my cat darwin ʕ·ᴥ·˵ ʔ
likes <3 -- tattoos, undertale, cats, fashion history / analysis, writing (duh), scott pilgrim vs the world, oversized shirts and sweaters, strawberries, vivienne westwood, dark red, heart shapes, my fictional partners
dislikes </3 -- mansplaining, the heat, colors clashing, overwhelming smells, willful ignorance, math, angst without a happy ending (I am emotional), most bugs
favorite artists: freddie dredd, destroy boys, peach pit, lana del rey, juno, childish gambino, sir chloe, arctic monkeys...
current favorite songs:
garbage truck by sex bob-omb
autotheist and cannibal girlfriend by baby bugs,
speak up by freddie dredd, 
million dollar man by lana del rey,
change (in the house of flies) by deftones
obsessed by juno
crème brûlée by spilltab
alrighty aphrodite by peach pit
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littlegildedswallow · 10 months
I need to stop getting so offended everytime a fictional serial killer is obviously (poorly) modeled after hannibal.
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writerfae · 12 days
Hi! How was your vacation? I'm sorry that it's over, but I'm happy that you're back! I missed you!
Onto our regularly scheduled silliness:
Question to Aiden and Henry: who can make their bf/ husband blush faster?
*nervous Talon and Callan noises*
Hi! My vacation was really nice, but wayyy too short. I missed talking to you too, though!
Henry: oh please, I was making Callan blush even before Aiden was born
Aiden: that may be, but watch this *walks over to Talon, stands on tiptoes and kisses his nose*
Talon: *blushes immediately*
Aiden: see?
Henry: …
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victimized-martyr · 2 years
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Why. Why is Cartman like this. Someone shut him up. It’s embarrassing, the way he talks. I’m cringing out of this plane of existence
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