#em is neg
portpebble · 2 years
Okay all "this is so bad omg" memes aside the Velma show is very upsetting to me as someone who cares a lot about Scooby Doo :( Like the second live action movie was my favorite as a little kid with only low price stuff to watch. And I remember me and my little sibling bonding over how much we loved Mystery Incoperated. I care about this franchise and Velma in particular is a character that means a lot to me. She was one of my first crushes as a little baby lesbian, and her being a lesbian herself is really important to me. It's really disheartening to see a show in her name be so awful. That is NOT my beloved.
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ajwalkerartblog · 3 months
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them!!! they!!!!!
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teaboot · 8 months
Did you know. That you can just. Buy arthritic compression gloves. For joint pain
My hands feel so fucking nice right now
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yardsards · 1 year
hot take but you all NEED to stop telling people to kill themselves.
yes, even *those* people. i don't care if you're talking to some monster who puts live puppies into a wood chipper for fun, don't say that shit.
because mx. puppychipper isn't gonna be affected by your words.
but you know who might be affected? some innocent third party reading the words you said on a public website.
because telling people to kill themselves says "suicide is a punishment for being a bad person. bad people, upon realizing they're bad, should simply commit suicide instead of working to atone for their actions."
and that is NOT a message you wanna be normalizing to anyone, but ESPECIALLY people with depression (who, let's be real, make up a higher than average chunk of this site's userbase). whose mental illness is already telling them that 1: they're an inherently terrible worthless person no matter what they do 2: death is an appealing option.
is reading "kill yourself" once or twice gonna make them do it? nah, probably not. but reading it multiple times a day every day is gonna make their mental health worse. it's probably not good for your mental health to be saying that kind of thing, either.
just knock that shit off. the world is already so hostile to people with mental illness, and managing mental illness and unlearning unhealthy thought patterns is already so difficult. you don't need to be out here making it worse.
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darkopsiian · 8 months
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thumbnail for the Siren video.
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absolutelyzoned · 6 months
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(institute + t-60 blinkies by @sillylittlereptileguy !!)
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basic info and stuff:
► my name is crimson 🫡 if i were held at gunpoint and forced to explain my gender id say "guy but in the way a t-60 power armor suit feels. or v2 ultrakill."
► i am a minor. i say really sexual shit. i do not care what you say to me, just don't be creepy.
► i just. say stuff. none of this should be taken seriously. im too committed to the bit.
► i don't really have a tagging system but uh. wheatley thirst posts are tagged with "i am normal and can be trusted around robots (lie)"
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► music. i like femtanyl, crim3s, msi, KMFDM, and videogame soundtracks.. i do like other bands btw.!
► videogames. in the moment im insane about ULTRAKILL and cod. mw2 (2009) specifically but i do fw some of the other games 🗣️ i just don't have the time or money to play them yet LMFAO
► i am (unfortunately.) a nerd. 👎
► other shit i like: fight club, team fortress two, re-animator, gotham, the arkham games, pokemon (fave is ruby.), portal 1 and 2, postal, the boys, invincible, fallout.., ..i like a LOT of things. will probably (definitely) add more later.
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other notable things:
► i am autistic (clearly lmfao), and probably (definitely) have. multiple undiagnosed issues. tone tags are appreciated!!
► @red-thrill @valfuckingvelocity @v2ultrakillreal sideblogs
► feel free to tag me in anything. send asks any time, and mutuals can dm. i am not great at responding to things but i will do my best 🫡
► i love you @lipgloss3ater i wanna 69 you and your art 🤤🤤 (SLASG JAY THIS IS FOR THE BIT)
basic DNI stuff + zionists fuck off and die
more blinkies:
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thefruitonyourfly · 1 year
Just read a comment under a magireco Madoka's magical girl sequence that said "now Madoka is a badass" and I was like HUH
Like did some of you watched episode 12 blindfolded and with ear plugs? Because I don't think you guys truly grasp the scope of what Madoka did that episode: The Incubator has been on earth for a MILLENNIUM, meaning that has been thousand of girls before Madoka who have tried to outsmart his system and met a terrible fate for their attempts, but only Madoka has been able to beat him, do you guys understand that? The smartest and strongest girls have tried, but something always thwarted their plans—be it their potential not being that high or Kyuubey twisting their words so it would be in his favor instead—But Madoka had something they didn't and it was her circumstances (Homura and the timeloops), Madoka knew her wish would come at a great sacrifice, but just like Homura said in Rebellion "She rose to the occasion" because she knew it was something only she could do; No one would ever have the perfect circumstances to make that wish like Madoka. So, she did it.
When Madoka made her wish and Kyuubey hesitated for the first time in the series because he understood the implication of it, Madoka said to him: "Now, grant my wish, Incubator." When Kriemhild Gretchen was born and Kyuubey thought he had the advantage back again because this witch could literally swallow a planet and Madoka killed her with one shot. Madoka won, essentially. Like her system isn't perfect, Kyuubey isn't dead, and there's still suffering, but it was the best wish for the magical girl kind as a whole, and all improvements are only possible by what Madoka did here. She played within the Incubator's system and rewrote it. She is the most powerful character in the whole franchise and arguably one of the most powerful characters in anime. "But didn't Homucifer defeated Madokami?" Well, sort of. Homura's win is, ironically, also due to extreme circumstances, only Homura could've done that and only within this one scenario: and even when she won it's heavily implied that if Madoka even has a slightly moment of deja vu it's over for her, she can't win against Madoka on fair terms so even Homura herself can't achieve that feat again. That's just how powerful Madoka is.
Do you guys understand that?
And here's the thing: my problem with that statement isn't even that I don't think magireco Madoka isn't as cool as Madokami, I think she's badass too. Is just like, I thought we all thought Madoka was cool as herself?? Like even without being a magical girl or a fucking godess, Madoka was cool as shit. When Madoka risked her own life to save the lives of her friends and strangers at the warehouse? She had no powers, no backup, and had just watched Mami die to a witch and yet she still followed Hitomi. But people only want to see Madoka's character as what the witch showed her afterwards, her own survivors guilt and perceived weakness and cowardice over wanting to live and not be a magical girl despite what she promised Mami, and yet the scene prior to this conflicts with this idea. Madoka not only can risk her life for others and save them when the need arises, but she already has. Even without being a magical girl. It's just who she is. This, to me, is one Madoka Magica's core strenght as a show that Madoka spent the majority of it being the most "powerless" in almost every scenario and yet she still tried her best to overcome things, even when it didn't work It was never worthless, if anything it proved her own strenght of character and without it she would've never gotten as powerful how she is today.
If Madoka hadn't been kind to Homura on her first day of school, if she hadn't done the simple act of reaching out to someone she thought was kind shy, none of this would've have happened. Her kindness did this, not any other power.
My favorite thing about Madoka's character arc is that Madoka starts as a very naive opmitimisc girl and with a somewhat sheltered view of of the world, then she goes throught horrors few can understand and while she could (understably) become bitter with the world and grow to despise it, Madoka comes of it realizing...she was right. Madoka has felt the pain the world could give her in her own skin, has literally died, and she now thinks Hope is needed more than ever. And it saddens me a lot when people don't understand how strong and cool she is because of that, to be hurt and choose to be kinder and more understanding to yourself and the world in return, because the world can be better we just can't give up...
Basically what I'm saying with this that if you don't like Kaname Madoka, fuck you—
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pixiatn · 2 years
When fics try to portray Dick as a horrible sibling to Tim but make Tim have a good relationship with Jason yet they constantly bring up Jason beating the shit out of and almost killing Tim
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theanoninyourinbox · 11 days
Sparkpelt and alderheart as feathertail and bramblestar's kits?
For an au uwu
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synthshenanigans · 9 months
new jash twitter photo :0
[photo for ones who do not have the app]
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brown-spider · 28 days
I heard that andrew garfield’s spiderman is closest to the Ultimate Spider-Man comics so im trying to read them but GOD the art style is so fucking ugly 😭😭
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the badly drawn faces make it genuinely difficult to interpret the mood of the scenes and their characterization. like what the fuck is that last face. how am i supposed to interpret that other than that he had a fucking stroke
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portpebble · 2 years
Mommm, people are being weird about the teenage mutant ninja turtles on the internet againnnn
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miss-rum-hee · 2 months
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I fucking hate credit card companies I swear to fuck. Hope the idiots running these companies finally croak & die. The world doesn't revolve around some old fuck's arbitrary "moral standards". Fiction is fiction, goddamnit!
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sanjisblackasswife · 9 months
idk if this is a hot take??
but i think it’s important to realize it’s ok to get rid of friends (or even family) that mentally drain you.
not worth the hassle
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girlyliondragon · 1 year
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Here's a Suselle Pride Month pic! This actually started out as something I did as a spite reaction to the hate this ship gets and it's still getting it because people don't know how to look at characters as any sort of 2-dimensional except me (jk I've seen a lot more folks thankfully) SO IT'S STILL SPITE LOL. It was only when I realized that June was coming when I lined it at the tail-end of April that I held onto this and slowly worked over it in the month of May. So it wasn't originally for now. Funny that tbh.
This was also me fucking around and finding out with Sai 2's scatter brushes now at my disposal :D I love the sorta blatant Fire and Ice thing with them still. I won't lie in the slightest it was greatly inspired by Lynxgriffin's piece of them. Other than that I draw everything from scratch and my hands were screaming for a while (If tumblr isn't still fucky with links I'd do that but until then aaaaa..)
Art: Mine
Do not steal/crop/edit/etc. Do not tag as kin/me ty! Suselle haters DNI :U
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shoezuki · 1 month
earlier some chick came into the store n was like call 911 theres a man in the alley hes unresponsive n so like i did i went n found him n called. but the assistant manager comes out w me when the ambulance is showin up n shes like 'you should have gotten me to do it' like hello????? im sorry ill tell this guy to put his overdosing on hold for a few minutes while i go interrupt ur tea time in the back
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