#elon musk trump
instantpatrolpeace · 1 month
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Musk hosts friendly chat with Trump on X after tech delays
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Elon’s being weird again. Threatening everyone on twitter for calling his weird friends weird.
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animentality · 2 months
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EDIT: This post is gaining traction, so I think it's important to show you this:
Please go check your voter's registration and tell everyone you know to do the same! I've heard some states are purging voter's regitration, so please go check!
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ankle-beez · 2 months
hoping kamala harris wins specifically so that elon musk finally kills himself
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sher-ee · 2 months
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Rise up people! Vote BLUE.
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creelarke · 2 months
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How is this the official account of the president of the United States lol had to double check to make sure it wasn’t a gimmick account.
Like… which intern runs his twitter and why are they running it like a marketing team of a Marvel movie promoting their upcoming Avengers film I’m crying😭
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odinsblog · 2 months
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The website says it will help the viewer register to vote. But once a user clicks “Register to Vote,” the experience he or she will have can be very different, depending on where they live.
If a user lives in a state that is not considered competitive in the presidential election, like California or Wyoming for example, they'll be prompted to enter their email addresses and ZIP code and then directed quickly to a voter registration page for their state, or back to the original sign-up section.
But for users who enter a ZIP code that indicates they live in a battleground state, like Pennsylvania or Georgia, the process is very different.
Rather than be directed to their state’s voter registration page, they instead are directed to a highly detailed personal information form, prompted to enter their address, cellphone number and age.
If they agree to submit all that, the system still does not steer them to a voter registration page. Instead, it shows them a “thank you” page.
So that person who wanted help registering to vote? In the end, they got no help at all registering. But they did hand over priceless personal data to a political operation.
Specifically, a political action committee created by Tesla
CEO Elon Musk, one aimed at giving the Republican presidential nominee Trump an advantage in his campaign against Vice President Kamala Harris, the de facto Democratic nominee.
“I have created a PAC, or a super PAC ... the America PAC,” Musk said in a recent interview.
(continue reading)
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ecrivainsolitaire · 2 years
Fantastic Beasts is suspended indefinitely.
Musk is begging for cash because he made the stupidest purchase in internet history.
Zucky Wucky is hemorrhaging cash because the Metaverse goal of becoming the NFT successor of real estate speculation was met with the deserved mockery at how stupid it was.
Trump is finally being properly prosecuted for crimes he unquestionably and very inconspicuously committed.
Alex Jones owes a billion dollars to Sandy Hook victims.
The Tories are imploding in a schism that might actually result in the collapse of the British empire.
Putin has ran out of army and crawled pathetically to the corner a tiny insurgent army pushed him towards, decades of military propaganda burnt away in months.
Prime Minister Shinzō Abe died with no glory.
The GOP is so confused after the Trump era they don't even know how to run their grifts anymore.
Rings of Power was such a mediocre release Amazon could potentially drop Prime Video altogether.
Turns out 2022 was really the "find out" year. It took a while but I'm loving this season finale so far.
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freepaleatine95 · 1 month
Please stop and help me save my family
In light of the harsh war and the lack of all life forces
Even more difficult is providing basic life necessities such as drinking water and washing
Food and treatment for my parents who suffer from diseases
Your help and contribution may restore life to my family and provide the minimum necessities of normal life
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Any small donation or share of the post helps me save them
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gayteensupreme · 2 years
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wilwheaton · 22 days
"Musk/X has slapped a spam/dangerous content warning on this NPR link," wrote Tom Watson, a professor at the Columbia University School of Professional Studies. "This shows just how damaging this explosive story is to Trump. Let's get it wide, folks." "Marking US public broadcaster content as 'unsafe' is the sort of revenge move the KGB has fantasized about for decades — and it tells you everything about what Musk and X actually are," wrote journalist Dave Troy. "Twitter/X is now running a warning that NPR's story about Trump's TikTok video at Arlington National Cemetery is a malicious link," wrote CityLab editor Kriston Capps. "I've never seen this once in the thousands of years I've spent on this site."
X's move on cemetery news shows 'how damaging this explosive story is to Trump': experts
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markfaustus · 30 days
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animentality · 2 months
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strawlessandbraless · 2 months
It’s always those who complain loudest about election interference that end up causing it
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He is pretending to register people to vote and then stealing their info. This is 100% illegal and in violation of FEC laws.
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