#eleventh x clara
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pizzacade · 3 months ago
In an added scene in The Day of The Doctor's novelization, the Eleventh Doctor gets bored and calls Clara's work as if he were calling her parents for a playdate, with the school knowing who he is because of Ian and Barbara.
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dearemma · 9 months ago
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walmart-the-official · 2 months ago
*trips and spills these out of my pocket*
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ethan-nestor-owns-my-heart · 9 months ago
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spaceships-and-salty-air · 1 year ago
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Doctor Who + Reductress Headlines (10/?)
I am not ready for the 60th! Have some reductress headlines I made to cope.
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mulderscully · 1 year ago
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DOCTOR WHO — “The Snowmen” (2012)
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writings-of-a-demigod · 8 months ago
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“Doctor I think there’s someone following us” Clara said in a hushed voice while grabbing the Doctor’s arm to get him closer so he could hear her.
“Yeah I’ve noticed it too” he turned a little bit to take a look then kept on walking, trying to figure out a plan.
You on the other hand was enjoying some alien ice cream walking ahead of Clara and the Doctor, not a care in the world. The Doctor agreed on you tagging along because Clara kind of made him say yes, with her deadly look she gave him and he folded. So, there you were walking around the market taking everything in and talking with strangers.
 Clara was keeping an eye on you being friendly with strangers and she’s doing it out of love for you because as much as you are friendly you are also little naïve and just didn’t understand when people’s overstep their boundaries with you just because you’re friendly and think you’re in to them.
She grabbed you from you arm and pulled you a little so you walk with her “Come on Y/n, we need to keep moving”
You looked at her frowning “Why what’s wrong?”
“It’s just there’s someone following us and we can’t stop” You looked behind you trying to see when she pulled in to the left “Don’t look the Doctor is figuring out a plan.”
While she was dragging you both looked behind you after the second turn and slam into something or more into someone, you looked up and the two of you had a different reaction. Clara push you behind her to protect you and you on the other hand just looked at him and smiled.
“Oh hi” you waved.
“Back off” Clara said at the same time.
You both looked at each other wearing the same confused look, that’s when the Doctor appeared behind the alien threaten him.
“Did you just say hi?” Clara asking you.
“Yeah, I met him before.” You explained.
That’s when the Doctor looked at you “I’m sorry did you just say ‘you met him before’?”
“Yeah when we first landed here” you smiled at them.
That’s when the alien opened his hand to show all what he’s holding, it was your bracelet apparently it has fallen from your wrist while you were looking around and didn’t notice it.
“He said that’s yours and he wanted to give it back” the Doctor explained.
You smiled at him and took it back “Oh thank you so much.”
On the way to the TARDIS Clara was complaining to the Doctor “That was unbelievable, I thought he was going to hurt them or something”
The Doctor gave her a look “You see why I said ‘no’ the first time you ask for them to come along”
She rolled her eyes at him.
*gif not mine*
A/n: This was requested by an anonymous. Thank you my angel! You can imagine any doctor you want for this imagines
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wibblyrlin · 2 years ago
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Matt Smith at Middle East Film and Comic Con 2023
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flaignhan · 2 months ago
Just had the most diabolical thought about Eleven and Clara.
If Clara is scattered across his timeline and he spends hundreds of years on Trenzalore, does that mean once every eighty or so years a new Clara is born who grows up to fight that war with him and grow old with him? Does he grieve her death a dozen times before she’s even finished with Christmas? Does he live all those lifetimes with her to the point that four billion years will later feel like nothing in comparison to all those years he spent with her in a battlefield?
Is that why he regenerates into an older man devastated by war? Because that’s who he was on Trenzalore and each Clara loved him just as much as the first, the last, and the next?
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queenofthekings · 2 months ago
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Marina song edits (4/?) Superstar - Clara & Eleven All of the days that we spend apart My love is a planet revolving your heart
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danseuse-de-ballet · 10 months ago
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Eleven x Twelve x Clara + Fifteen ways to stay alive by Daphne Gottlieb
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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deeneedsaname · 1 year ago
Doctor Who: Theater and Musical Headcanons
Ten cries to ‘Tomorrow’ from Annie every time, without fail. He refuses to listen to it at a certain point.
Eleven cries to it too, but he also loves it. He sees it often, but loves to see it especially with the Ponds, River, or, on one memorable occasions, Stormageddon on a babysitting stint.
Right before they passed, the Doctor managed to take each Queen into the future to watch Six the musical, so that they could see how they would be remembered and respected.
Nine’s favorite musical is Phantom of the Opera. He admits this to no one (Rose knows)
Most of the Doctors can remember lines in a play perfectly. Thirteen forgets her character’s name
Twelve auditioned for the role of Hamlet several times, in several countries, and got rejected every time. Clara thinks this is hilarious.
Twelve and Missy ran into each other at a Hamilton production three times. The first time they ignored each other, second time they sat together, and the third time they actually went together on purpose.
River’s favorite musical is Beauty and the Beast. The Doctor gets her a replica of the dress and watches it with her every year.
Twelve and Clara make it a mission to see every musical production on Broadway ever. They don’t complete it due to tears and exhaustion, but Twelve gets her autographs of anyone she wants anyway
Donna and Ten go to see Much Ado About Nothing. That was a weird day.
The Doctor loves The Nightmare before Christmas. Then he loses Donna and doesn’t watch it for a while. He watches it while trying food with a little Pond girl and it feels alright again. he watches it with that same red headed Pond and then he loses her too and decides he won’t watch that musical movie anymore.
Bill is SUCH a fun person to see musicals with, but she makes the doctor take nardole too, which drastically reduces his enjoyment. Ten tried to take Martha to a musical after she stopped traveling with him. She said no but took the tickets and saw it with Donna while the doctor had to sit and wait outside
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dearemma · 1 month ago
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christophernolan · 2 years ago
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DOCTOR WHO The Snowmen | Robot of Sherwood
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comicaloverachiever · 9 months ago
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Doctor Who | The Eleventh Hour / Last Christmas
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proxy-alpha · 8 months ago
11 and Clara had more time together than you think.
This is not an 11 vs 12 thing, I'm way past that.
In terms of episode number, Clara had 2 series with 12 compared to the half-series Clara had with 11. But there is this that I would love to mention that 11 and Clara, technically had 3 years together, from Clara's POV. and there's canonical evidence for this due to perhaps a mistake Moffat made by accidentally making a retcon he didn't know he was making.
Point 1: Clara's (Then) age.
In the Bells of Saint John, after laying Clara down in bed the Doctor was looking around and found upon Clara's 101 Places to See book which was given to her from her mother and had written down her age throughout the year, there is only two years missing and it was 16, maybe connected with implication of her grief to her mother, 23 is also missing but Clara may have forgotten to put it. But the latest was 24. Implying that Clara is 24 by the time of the Bells of Saint John. The episode taking place in 2013, which implies that Clara (before then) was younger than Jenna who was 26 at the time of filming (Fall of 2012).
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Point 2: The Accidental Retcon.
In Deep Breath which takes place immediately after Time of the Doctor (Christmas 2013), Strax who was examining Clara mentions she was 27. Jenna's actual age during filming (January 2014) and with that, here it comes; Clara had spent 3 years of her life with the Eleventh Doctor. With this accidental retcon by Moffat which he forgot to address Clara's age as seen in Bell's with the marking down on her book by putting down Jenna's actual age.
Point 3: The Time between The Name and Day of the Doctor.
The Name of the Doctor, ended with the reveal of the War Doctor with the Doctor, carrying an unconscious Clara, out of his time stream. With this, the next episode/special: The Day of the Doctor. Clara was no longer working as a nanny from the previous series but now as a teacher in Coal Hill, a call and message sent her to where the Doctor was, after a bike ride and entering the TARDIS, both entailed a huge hug together and from the dialogue, which implied it has been months since the last time they travelled together. (presumably the Doctor giving her space to adjust her new job as a teacher.) It's likely that before Clara got to her job, both her and the Doctor had travels that lasted in her 25th and 26th years. Considering Clara was 27 in Time and Deep Breath, there may have been more travelling before Time of the Doctor took place.
From the points I mentioned, the first time Clara met the 11th was when she was 24 and during then she had 3 years with him until he regenerated as the 12th by the time she was 27.
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