#elemental anacondrai
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miqotepotatoe · 10 months ago
I like putting Cole through various scinareos
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breif explaination bellow
Crystal King - Overlord uses Cole as its vessel in Crystalized because Harumi has a sick sense of vengence. What better way to get back at the guy who nearly unknowingly ruined your whole plan by having him be a vessel to the embodiment of darkness, evil and chaos
Source Dragon - The Source Dragon of Strength chooses to live among humans by fusing its soul with a newborn baby. Cole is unaware of his true nature until Dragons Rising when Ras captures him and unleashes the Source Dragon within him
Traveller - Cole leaves the ninja after DoTD thinking they don't need him anymore (still hurt from being forgotten). He does his own vigilantie thing until SoG where he learns of the SoG's plan and steals the Mask of Hatred from both the SoG & the Ninja. To make sure no one will ever get their hands on it, he travels to the other realms with help from Mystake
My Nonexistant Friend - DoTD bad end, Yang returns to life, Cole is stuck at the temple forgotten by everyone. Until 300 years later where the current Master of Earth finds and befriends him. I have a fic written and completed, give it a read if you wish
Elemental Anacondrai - Chen is a bitch. Chen brands all the loosers of the Tournament of Elements as his slaves, meaning they also get snaked in the last few episodes of the season
First Realm - Cole is from the First Realm and lives among the dragons. The ninja meet him when they're stranded and he helps them out by taking them to Firstborne. He ends up in Ninjago in March of the Oni when the First Realm is destroyed so tbe ninja adopt the feral elemental master into the found family
Oni - Omega's a bitch. The Oni find Cole on deaths door after The Fall and turn him into an oni both to save his life and add him to their army. It doesn't work Cole just goes back to help the ninja, now a demon cat
Master & Student - Yang's a bitch. Yang wipes Cole's memory and treats him a like a student, all in a way to manipulate him and make him more willing to take on the temple's curse so Yang can be free. Yang is like a mix of both Mother Gothel & Pink Diamond
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sharkphobicz · 12 days ago
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ninjakitty6252 · 2 months ago
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For the discord server I’m In January’s theme was serpentine! I wanted to draw Pixal and ended up creating an au! Feel free to ask me about it so together we can build on it!
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illusion-of-sea-axes · 2 years ago
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rewatched the Tournament of Elements and had the thought of what if Kai got a Mark of Anacondrai to ‘prove’ his loyalty to Chen?
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rosewalkersjayaforever · 5 months ago
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sepublic · 1 year ago
Before S4 aired and all we had to go off of were the sets, I ended up having this theory that the cultists we saw were being possessed by the spirits of the Anacondrai through their remains. It was my explanation for why these humans were sometimes referred to as Anacondrai in set descriptions, as well as Kapau and Chope apparently becoming actual Serpentine named Kapau'rai and Chop'rai, respectively.
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With the prominent bone motif and Pythor's presence in one of the sets, I speculated that Pythor went back to the Anacondrai Tomb and gathered the remains of his tribe, who were haunting their corpses and could possess anyone who wore their bones (In this case, humans that Pythor kidnapped).
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The Anacondrai Blades would've been carved from the spines of dead Anacondrai, and a lot of the bones used in the vehicles could've been Anacondrai; Either they were leftover bits, or you had Anacondrai ghosts possessing machines. Some Anacondrai used multiple bones to possess a human, others used only one, possibly due to incomplete remains. Pythor's plan was to resurrect his tribe fully, possibly by fusing the living human hosts with the Anacondrai bones to create new Anacondrai bodies (although the presence of human DNA led to these newly-reincarnated Anacondrai lacking the usual markings). Kapau and Chope weren’t humans, they were Anacondrai ghosts possessing humans through their skulls and other bones wielded as weapons;
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In the end, Anacondrai remains DID factor into the plot via the Jadeblades, as well as Pythor's essence being necessary for the spell. Humans became Anacondrai. Not to mention Anacondrai ghosts being an actual thing, which would set up an entire season around ghosts and possession before we got the summer leaks! So I was pretty off the mark, but also not? In hindsight, I wonder if the writers brought back Pythor in S3 just to set up the Anacondrai storyline of S4, and if Pythor was originally supposed to be the mastermind behind the plot, as some speculated, and/or working alongside Chen. I guess all of this could make for a fun AU where the Anacondrai themselves have agency as villains, rather than allies; Or I could salvage this idea for my own original story.
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emerald-cloud23 · 7 months ago
Genuinely hate what they did with the Serpentine Lore in s4 if I can be honest and ramble my frustrations here? (I go and talk about other Serpentine too)
The Anacondrai, both the dead tribe and the cultists, have very obviously a different shade of purple scales and a severe lack of black/yellow markings and crystals that Pythor has as well as the very different neck and head shape which are all very valid reasons to be disappointed in their designs, I am too. But it gets worse.
S1 shows us how Scales became the Hypnobrai general- he got different markings, got a tail and was the only one who held the staff. There was a second in command (which was Scales' previous rank in the tribe) and each member of the tribe that wasn't the general had legs. Plus, there's about four to five different designs per tribe (depends if you count the leader/general with their clearly shown special markings and tail). There is only one general per tribe.
The s4 Anacondrai lack all of that. All of them have a tail, even Garmadon and Skylor recieve snake tails despite clearly not being the Anacondrai general. This season mentions there's multiple generals in the Anacondrai tribe, yet we're only shown Anacondrai with the tail. Not a single one with legs or distinct designs. The lack of a resemblance to Pythor's markings, colors and head/neck shape is enraging enough but the absolute lack of diversity in their designs is so painful to watch as someone who literally has a degree in media design. They make it look like Pythor, even pre-bleach, like a completely different type of Serpentine while all the others are the same bland carbon copies of each other. They're literally my least favorite tribe because of this and I don't even have any Serpentine minifigures yet (except Crystalized Aspheera, but I'm getting to her later anyway) but even if I did, I wouldn't want to display them. I'd willingly display any Serpentine tribe except the Anacondrai. And that's saying something for someone who finds the designs of the Vermillion reminiscent of guts and thus dislikes them.
On the topic of the Vermillion, why not briefly discuss why there's not a single one of those with a Serpentine tail? Easy: they're the tiny baby snakes that just somehow through Ninjago logic can form human-sized Serpentine that can talk and do everything perfectly. They're basically just the little baby snakes though, and last I checked babies can't take over leadership positions.
Now, a brief look at Aspheera because people don't like that she has the ghost tail in sets instead of the Serpentine tail. And that's also really easy to answer: she's not a general, she's a sorceress. Not a general. Yes, she has a tail in the show but she has a completely different rank from the other Hypnobrai of her time that we know of (btw, I love that Char is in the flashbacks with her (except when she frees Wu and Garmadon), that's so cute imo). Speaking of Hypnobrai, did you pay attention to her in the flashbacks vs. her when she's released from the pyramid? When she's young she has Hypnobrai markings on her head but when she is free she doesn't. Why? I'd say it's like the earlier mention of markings, like how the general has their own distinct markings for whoever takes that spot & that exiled Serpentine (remember, she was to be magically entombed for her crime of overthrowing the king) just lose their markings altogether so you can easier identify those that are no longer a part of the tribe. There, problem solved. And for the question on how she could absorb fire and crystal powers? Simple: sorceress. She ccould've probably used Nya's water in crystalized too, if not for the New Ninja and police coming to lock the ninja up.
Also.. The pyro vipers? They're mummies. I assume they've been long dead even before Aspheera and the pyramids lava 'ignited'/revived them. I've no guess what tribe they could've been from but I definitely doubt that it would be a fire-related one. However, the Hypnobrai evolved physically and changed into the type that we've known since 2012 some time after Aspheera got locked in the pyramid. I also like that we got to see the Hypnobrai no longer being purely blue/grey with some yellow but that there's also some pink and purple ones now. That is, what I would say, a result of the four Serpentine tribes being locked under Ninjago city and uniting in more ways than just "we're all friends now".
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the-ninjago-historian · 1 year ago
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Does this count as a Zane Fact? I don't know. Still cool though!
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toastingpencils37 · 7 months ago
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So depending on whether or not we count the non-elementals (Garmadon, Wu, Misako, & Nya) in the Samurai X Cave at the time of Zane's statement, Chen's army is supposedly somewhere from 1060 to 1311 men in size.
(Rounded the calculations to get whole numbers)
Without the non-elementals (only 17 members):
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With the non-elementals (21 members):
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I mean we're obviously not shown anywhere near these numbers at any time during Season 4, but I guess this was how many there were supposed to be?
Or they just threw out a random number from Zane's mouth for shits and giggles
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crying-over-cartoons · 1 year ago
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The Elemental Serpentine AU!
In this AU, each Serpentine species is getting reworked! They're all getting new, more varied designs, and I'll be making a lot of new species to align with each elemental power in the show!
I'm also reworking much of the lore surrounding Serpentine, since what we are given is inconsistent, and quite vague.
As of now, I have new designs for each of the Serpentine species that appear in the show! Designs for new species to go with the missing elements will come later.
Please note that this AU is a work in progress; the designs I have here are subject to change!
Details about each species are included under the cut~~~
I decided that I want all of my Serpentine to have tails, instead of just the generals. If they have legs, they end up looking more like anthro lizards than anthro snakes. I'll let them keep the arms, though.
In the show, the Serpentine are covered in intricate details. As nice as these details are, they make it difficult to draw Serpentine in 2D. So, more for my own sanity than anything else, the patterns are getting toned down.
I genuinely hate a lot of aspects of the canon design for the Constrictai. Their non-existent necks and random spikes make them look more like horrible little dinosaur gnomes than snakes. For my design, I let them keep the spikes, but moved them so they weren't sticking straight up out of their head. Most important of all, I gave them necks.
Inspiration: Boa constrictor
In spite of how it may seem, I did not remove this species' hood! Real snakes with hoods only 'hood up' as a threat display. I decided to incorporate this into my AU. It's not visible here, but my design has false eyes on the back of the hood. I noticed that the original design has snakes in the patterns, so I've incorporated that in a few places. I think I may have gone too far with simplifying their design, so we'll see how it changes as I continue to iterate.
Inspiration: Spectacled cobra
This one has received some of the biggest changes in the AU. I felt the Venomari's extra eyes looked quite out of place in my new lineup, since it would be the only one out of a now larger number of species to have four eyes, so I lowered the number to two. I don't like the original colour scheme all that much, so I decided to take a page out of the poison dart frog book and make them bright and varied in colour. They can have a variety of colours and patterns. Like the Hypnobrai, the Venomari have a hood that can't be seen in this image.
Inspiration: African bush viper
I changed the shape of the head pretty drastically, but the colours are the same, even if the pattern is different.
Inspiration: Coral snake
The colour-changing ability of the Anacondrai is so underutilized that I literally forgot about it until I started rewatching the show with my brother, so I've decided to make it more prominent. In this AU, Anacondrai change colour as a method of communication and expression. They can also change their colour to disappear, just like in the show.
Inspiration: Green anaconda, RainWings from the book series Wings of Fire
Each of the Serpentine are born or hatched without visible limbs, appearing as ordinary snakes to the untrained eye. While most species undergo a metamorphosis at a young age, emerging with two limbs, Vermillion do not, and remain in a larval state for their entire lives.
Inspiration: Garter snake, axolotl
According to the fan wiki for Ninjago, these guys are supposed to be eels, but I thought they were Serpentine when watching the show, and they have the same head model as some of Aspheera's lackeys, so I've made the executive decision to make them Serpentine in this AU.
Inspiration: Yellow-lipped sea krait
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miqotepotatoe · 1 year ago
All of my Ninjago AUs because I am insane & autistic + it's fun
(disclaimer, a vast majority of these focus on cole brookstone because favouritism bias)
My Nonexistant Friend - Ghost!Cole AU where Day of the Departed...did not end so well. He's trapped in the Airjitzu Temple and is effectivly erased from existance. He suffers in nonexistant puragtory for 300 years until Lloyd's future students move in and the Master of Earth of this new era befriends the ghost. Fluff, feels & the power of friendship ensue
Perma Ghost - Ninjago but Cole remains a ghost. To prevent him from fading he anchors himself to friendship bracelets all the ninja + Wu & Pixal wear. He can't stray to far from anyone wearing a friendship bracelet but he doesn't mind he's always with a friend.
Curseworlds - Possession bad end, heavily inspired by The Star from Fionna & Cake. The Preeminent has won and has cursed all the realms and ghosts torment the remaining living souls. A small faction of survivors is fighting to take out the Queen of the Cursed, but it's very difficult with her two princes causing havoc. Anyone order evil Sandstorm?
Reverse - An alt Ninjago where Wu was bit by the Great Devourer instead of Garmadon. Wu becomes an evil dictator, Ninjago is in a lawless era, the og ninja are all traumatised child soldiers made to do Wu's bidding, Garmadon and a few familiar faces are fighting back.
Genderswap - As it says, everyone is genderswapped. But it's like Fionna & Cake where some stuff is different because of the swapped genders.
Elemental Anacondrai - Chen decides to be extra twisted and mark all the loosers of the Tournament with the Anacondrai Mark as a sign of ownership. When the cult is transformed into Anacondrai, they too. So for the last two episodes of ToE, Skylor, Karlof, Gravis, Bolobo, Ash, Cole, Jacob, Chamile & Tox are turned into Anacondrai.
Constrictai!Cole - Cole isn't dehypnotised at the end of Home and is taken prisoner by the Hypnobrai. When the Fangpyre are free and team up with the Hypnobrai, Skales has them turn Cole into a Serpentine. He ends up a Constrictai. The ninja end up rescueing him durring Can of Worms, remove the hypnotism with some anti-venom tea, and now Cole must adjust to his new reptilian body. Lots of Glacier
Lost But Never Found - AU where Cole ends up in the Land of Lost things after running away from his school. He becomes a Finder and is living his best life with his new found family. Sora also ends up there after running away and Cole adopts her
Vampire!Cole - Cole ends up becoming a vampire after getting attacked by one. Lots of hyjinks & vampire hunting (hunting other vampires, not Cole)
Wu Adopts Cole - Wu finds Cole a lot earlier then canon, at 10 years old. He's an orphan, his mum passed from illness and his dad drank himself to death. Wu raises Cole, trains him in his Elemental Power, very wholesome Dad Wu stuff.
Amphibijago - Ninjago + Amphibia crossover. Cole, Kai and Jay take the places of the Calamity Girls and end up in Amphibia. Cole ends up with the frogs, Kai ends up with the toads, Jay ends up with the newts. What could go wrong
The Oni House - Ninjago + The Owl House, basically the Owl House but with Ninjago characters. Cole is a troubled teen about to be sent off to a performing arts boarding school when he ends up in a realm of witches, demons and magic after wandering through a portal. There he meets Lord Garmadon, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles and his baby dragon demon Rocky. Lava time
Ninja in Eorzea - Ninjago + FFXIV. The ninja play the criticly acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV with an extended free trail with unlimited playtime that allows them to play the award winning expansions Heavensward and Stormblood, and they get suckef in...litterally like Prime Empire.
Miraculous: Tales of Firefly & Charcole Cat - Ninjago + Miraculous. Ninjago City is being ravaged by supervillains created by someone known as the Dark Lord. But new heros have arisen, known as Firefly & Charcole Cat, ready to protect the city from the Dark Lord while trying to balance school & dating. HONEYCOMB MY OTP
Age of Elements - My original Ninjago story set 300 years after canon. Lloyd is training 7 new ninja, the Elemental Masters of Fire, Earth, Wind, Nature, Water, Lightning and Ice to protect the world because a prophetic vision of the furure said so. He's trying his best to make sure they aren't super traumatised by having them keep their ninja identity a secret, not keeping secrets about the FSM family lore, having them go to school, but trauma as a Ninja is a canon event. Got 18 seasons planned and counting
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spinjitzufam · 1 year ago
Ninjago Anacondrai War I
I always felt like the Anacondrai War was one of the deepest points in the Ninjago lore b/c of how the serpentine are portrayed.
At first, it looks like the Serpentine attacked out of a superstition of the Golden Master (which, they were kinda right j wrong interpretation) to which escalated to fighting for the realm.
But we learn that in season 4, Chen acc exacerbated that conflict by double-crossing both sides. (which first off, f u broski)
It makes me realize just how the war was fought on both sides. Like don't get me wrong both sides must have done incredible damage to the cities and towns, but the elemental masters thought they fought on the side of good.
didn't the serpentine think the same way?
p.s. I am well aware of the flashback that showed General Arcturus being all villainous & such but that guy looked remorseful when being banished (I feel like he may not have been such a bad leader & certainly didn't want his tribe to go extinct).
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lapjastrzebia · 2 years ago
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My nameless oc villain, inspired by anacondrai guys from s4 and because their color scheme fits with the purple oni mask I thought it would be fun to make him a sorcerer of despair or something along those lines.
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illusion-of-sea-axes · 2 years ago
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Felt like mashing my Slither Pit tattoo HC with the idea of Kai getting an Anacondrai tattoo.
(the idea behind the tattoo being that it identifies Kai as a pit fighter without actually having to identify himself)
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pillowmints4lloyd · 1 year ago
Dad Pythor AU
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This is a good-ish Pythor AU. What if Pythor had a child? A son, who died in the tomb after the Anacondrai were locked away by the elemental alliance? His son was the only one who melted his shielded heart, the only thing Pythor ever truly loved besides battle.
"I’ll give you all the candy you can imagine." Pythor promised what would never come true.
The child giggled softly, laughter a bright thing in this everlasting darkness. Pythor's heart warmed. The small Anacondrai yawned, head sleepily nodding against his chest. "Thanks, Dad. Love you."
"I love you as well." He murmured, his voice full of honesty. Pythor pressed a gentle nudge to the young serpentine's forehead, "Rest, little one."
His son's eyes closed.
The next day, they do not open.
When he's found by Lloyd, he should hate the child. But.
Pythor should look at Lloyd, and see his features overlap with his past enemy. He should want to avenge his withered tribe by using Lloyd and betraying him. Maybe even lock him up in a cage and hang him over hot lava for leverage.
Except when he saw Lloyd, Pythor could only see the mirror images of a young mischievous serpent.
Lloyd giggled. "Thanks for stealing candy with me, Pythor!"
"You're welcome...little one."
Aka, local snake dude adopts the son of his former enemy, a candy obsessed child who may or may not remind him of his dead son.
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spinchip · 4 months ago
Oooh in the find your way home au does Wu start searching for the ninja there as well?? How would the serpentine/great devourer be doing here too?? :oo??
in the world of Find Your Way Home Wu, and everyone who knows of the prophecy, is under the impression its years away. Wu and Misako know Lloyd is the green ninja, but the original literature surrounding the prophecy equates true potential with maturity, implying Lloyd would need to be an adult before he would face his father and fulfill the prophecy. He's still a child.
Wu and Misako are both more focused on discovering a way to change destiny and prevent Lloyds battle against his father than gathering the other elemental masters and preparing them for a fight. they're not NOT looking, but they aren't searching for them because there should still be plenty of time. and if all goes well, that battle should never come to pass. hopefully.
Find your way home is split into two seasons initially, the Tournament of Elements (part 1) and the Search for the Serpentine (part 2)
Just like in canon, Chen needs the essence of a true anacondrai to make the snake spell permanent, which means finding the anacondrai tomb. this sets off a race betrween chen's forces and the elemental masters to get to the anacondrai tomb first, freeing the other serpentine along the way yaaay
the Great devourer is like, a season 3 or 4 bad guy i think. Not in these seasons!
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