#elemental altar
freyja-lestrange · 4 months
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Candle Color Correspondences from Wicca Wicks Storefront - https://www.amazon.com/stores/WiccaWicks/Homepage/page/8C2DBB99-E443-49CF-84A2-A2E359778B07?ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_ast_store_VNGDJVC31BEW62V3H7K5&store_ref=bl_ast_dp_brandLogo_sto
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ministarfruit · 9 months
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ice king vs fire prince
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the-clumsywitch · 2 years
Elemental Travel Altars
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Credit: norindoeswitchcraft
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enchantedwitchling · 1 year
Setting Up Your Magical Space: Tips for Creating an Altar
Your magical journey begins with creating a sacred space—an altar that serves as a focal point for your intentions, spells, and connection with the divine. Whether you're a seasoned witch or just starting, setting up your magical space is an enchanting and personal process that reflects your unique path.
In this blog post, I'll share some valuable tips to guide you as you embark on the magical adventure of creating your very own altar.
Follow Your Intuition 🌌🔮
There's no right or wrong way to create an altar; trust your intuition and let your heart guide you. You can choose a dedicated table or a simple shelf—anything that resonates with you and feels like a sacred space where you can connect with your craft.
Select Meaningful Items 🌙💎
Your altar is a reflection of your spiritual journey. Choose items that hold personal significance and symbolize the energies you wish to invoke. Crystals, candles, herbs, deity statues, tarot cards, or any other magical tools can find a place on your altar.
Work with the Elements 🌊🔥💨🌍
Incorporate the four elements—earth, air, fire, and water—into your altar. Represent each element with items that embody their essence, such as a small bowl of water, a feather or incense for air, a candle for fire, and crystals or a potted plant for earth.
Keep it Clean and Tidy 🧹🌸
Maintain your altar space with love and care. Regularly cleanse and dust the area, ensuring that it remains a clean and sacred space for your practice. A clean altar invites positive energies and enhances your focus during rituals.
Recharge and Rearrange 🌈🔍
Your spiritual journey is ever-evolving, and so should your altar. Don't be afraid to rearrange items or add new ones as you grow and discover new aspects of your craft. Periodically recharge your altar with fresh energies and intentions.
Your altar is a canvas upon which you paint the colors of your magic. It's a place of empowerment, healing, and divine connection. Take the time to set up your magical space with intention and love, for it will be a sanctuary that nurtures and supports you on your spiritual path.
May your altar be a beacon of light, a wellspring of energy, and a reflection of the beautiful soul that dances in the realm of magic.
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andromedasdomain · 1 year
Element: Water. ✦════ ⋆★⋆ ════✦
✦Direction: West ✦Substance: Rain, tsunami, ocean waves, dew drops, rivers, creeks, ponds, lakes, waterfalls. ✦Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio ✦Planets: Moon, Venus ✦Water Magical Properties: purification, emotions, intuition, dreams, love, rebirth/renewal, understanding, harmony, friendship, connection to the dead/ancestors/spirit realm ✦Water Animals: seagulls, seabirds, sea turtles, fish, sharks, whales, dolphins, crabs, starfish, seahorses, otters, seals, walrus, penguins, octopus, squid, barracuda, frogs ✦Colors: blue, teal/green, silver, white ✦Magical Tools: chalice, cauldron, bowl, scrying mirror ✦Magical Creatures with water magical properties: selkie, Chinese dragon, undine, mermaid, kelpie, siren, sea serpent ✦Plants with Water Magical Properties: lettuce, blue lotus, water lily, bella donna, burdock, spearmint, periwinkle, watermelon, lobelia, aloe vera, fern, seaweed, alga ✦Sea Witch Spell Ingredients: Seashells, Ocean water, sand, driftwood, sea salt, seagull feathers
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bijoumikhawal · 7 months
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Another cherub drawing
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I think I’m finally ready to talk about this altar! as I’ve mentioned in a couple of other posts, I’ve felt a little bit disconnected from spirituality in the past quarter of a year or so, mostly due to general life stress. I don’t really talk about this much on here, but I am about to finish an MA degree that was originally supposed to be a PhD. I’m leaving early for both health reasons, and more general personal reasons, but the process of getting to the point where I’m able to graduate has been stressful. Within the past few weeks though, something has felt different, probably because of the arrival of warmer spring weather. I had put together a general fall/nature altar last fall, and I suddenly felt the urge to change it over a couple of weeks ago. I wouldn’t say this is really a spring altar; rather, I would say this is more a general Pisces/working altar. I am a Pisces and my birthday was at the beginning of this month, so it kind of coincided with that period I didn’t really have a plan for this altar, I mostly just used things that I was drawn to. I have several tarot cards and prayer cards up, some of which represent me, some represent deities that I work with or honor, and some represent messages that I need to internalize for the next few months. I also have a few working tools, including a candle, an oil, a crystal grid, several wands, and a poppet representing myself. I have representations of who I would call my two primary deities, as well as a candle of Aphrodite, since I’ve been needing more of her essence lately. I also have several other small things that are meaningful to me, including a river rock, a Percy Jackson book, several gifts from friends and family members, a Pisces spell jar, and my dad‘s class ring that I intend to wear at my upcoming graduation. I also felt called to add the elements to this altar in the form of various crystals, which isn’t really something that I’ve had up before, but it just feels right at the moment. Finally, I have a small spell bowl going; while I won’t disclose the meaning of it right now, it wasn’t something I had intended to do, but rather something that popped into my head that felt like it would be both meaningful and beautiful for this altar. Though I wasn’t planning on creating it, this altar brings me joy, peace, and a connection that I’ve been missing for the past few months 🩵💚
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nehalenniaspeil · 9 months
An altar for Aphrodite (Venus) 🦪
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[ picrew link ]
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natureselements · 3 months
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✨Amexus and Galadriel✨ clay, acrylic paint, and uv resin for protection - something about these two together is giving powerful energies🌿 shop here
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witch--tips · 7 months
If you like to keep feathers on an altar, but are annoyed at how easily they move around and fall off (bc theyre so light), or if a pet keeps knocking them off and playing with them, you can get a small vase to keep them in
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dark-corner-cunning · 8 months
The Significance of Breath: Uniting Generations through Ancestral Connection
During the Winter Season, I usually focus my studying on working with the air element. Yesterday, I conducted the funeral for my mother-in-law, who was like a second Mother to me. Today, I placed her picture on my Ancestor altar alongside those of my Gran and Mother. And as I lit incense for them, I reflected on how I could integrate the air element into my practice of honoring my ancestors.
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In every breath we take, we carry the essence of our ancestors – a timeless connection that transcends generations. Our breath, the life force that sustains us, holds within it the memories, prayers, and chants of those who came before us. As it passes through the blood within our lungs, it becomes a conduit to our ancestral lineage, connecting us to the very marrow of our bone memory.
The profound significance of breath as the carrier of ancestral heritage is undeniable. In the act of speech, we invoke the memories of our forebears, drawing from the deep reservoir of wisdom and experience that they imparted. Our breath becomes the vessel through which we honor and perpetuate the legacy of our ancestors, weaving their stories and traditions into the fabric of our lives.
Furthermore, our breath serves as a medium for the transmission of ancestral prayers and chants, resonating with the spiritual resonance of those who have gone before us. Through this sacred exchange, we express gratitude, seek guidance, and pay homage to the timeless wisdom encapsulated in the collective consciousness of our lineage.
At a physiological level, the intimate connection between breath and blood underscores the inseparable bond between our present existence and the ancient wisdom encoded within our very being. The breath that passes through our lungs infuses our blood with the essence of our ancestry, fostering a profound and enduring link to the origins of our existence.
By recognizing the ancestral significance of breath, we acknowledge that we are not merely solitary beings but inheritors of a rich tapestry of cultural, spiritual, and historical heritage. Our breath becomes a bridge that allows the wisdom, resilience, and spirit of our ancestors to rise within us, empowering us to draw strength from their legacy and to navigate the complexities of modern life with a profound sense of rootedness and purpose.
In essence, the breath is the conduit through which we commune with our ancestors, perpetuating their legacy and embodying the timeless wisdom that resides within the marrow of our bone memory. As we inhale and exhale, we embrace the profound interconnectedness of past, present, and future, honoring the enduring legacy of those who have paved the way for our existence.
In conclusion, the recognition of breath as the life force that unites us with our ancestors is a testament to the enduring legacy that transcends time and space. Through the sacred exchange of breath, we honor and perpetuate the wisdom, resilience, and spirit of those who came before us, forging an unbreakable bond that transcends generations. It is through our breath that we immerse ourselves in the essence of our ancestry, embodying the timeless connection that defines our collective identity and shapes our shared destiny.
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bl00dforthought · 1 year
Sometimes you don't need to do a full blown ritual every other day, sometimes you just want to pour a glass of wine into a special goblet atop a sigil of protection and harmony, whisper a few words of affirmation and thanks, burn the sigil and carry on with your night of unwinding and reading Memnoch the Devil
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Record of Practice: Fire, Spirit(Akasha), and Moon.
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Original photography by https://www.instagram.com/daryavaseum/
We are back! and I apologize for not keeping a strict log on the elemental log and I always seem to miss/not properly write for Fire and Spirit in most of my work haha. Anyway what I would say about the Fire, Spirit , and Moon which seems like the moon is the biggest "photo" or player here haha. To Summarize it to the best of my ability it would be:
Fire clarify, banishes illusions, brighten your awareness, and bring you to true reality.
Spirit is both the start, middle, and end of Practice. The space between stimulus and response, the silence between every sounds/thoughts, and the source of it all.
Moon is the combination of the four elements and enliven the four elements. Through it we get Nourishment. Reflectivenesss, Psychological Projection, and many other attributes are part of the moon both personally, inter-personally, and in the real world.
Let me get more into it:
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You will remain eternally pure, and will not be reduced to someone who eats all promiscuously. Only the flame from your viler parts of the body will be a consumer of all things. Everything burnt by your flames will become pure. Brahma to Agni ( Source: Mbh Adi Parva, Chapters 5 to 7 )
The first you can imagine with fire is that it "lights up" literally physically, astrally, mentally, and on all levels. You hit the flint, strike the match and then what? "And said God let there be light, and there was light" That's the Light. Fire is in front of you right now, you're reading these words in the form of Fire(Sight). At least I think most people would prefer to hear my thoughts and actual ideas on it instead of just rehashing the usual. Simply without Fire, most of the practical work we do magically would be aimless, unguided and without direction. If we ourselves don't put the correct lighting, candle, lamps in our communication then the messages comes out weird both ways. Imagine the lighting during dinner, during lunch, during a spooky night time story, or the lighting in places like during sunset. The Light/Fire sets the tone for how stuff are clarified, Yes fire is ever expanding based on the fuel that you gives it. Fire will keep expanding but what's left from the fire would be Ash. What's ash except the purified state of Earth, The water and air get moved out of it through Fire and we come back to...
Akasha: As Ash..
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Once a block of earth is enlivened by water and nourished by Air, burned by Fire we get Ashes. Space is created again and all the elements that were once coagulated are now dissolved, solve et coagula. That's in a sense what Spirit give us, the space to both create and dissolve, the space to actually know what we are doing, the space to stop and start anew. Akasha is deep sleep, it is the darkness behind the eyes, akasha is all of this an none of that because once you grasp it then it's not "it" anymore. In a way this is what make akasha as a necessary step because without it we can't really start anything new or stop anything old. Momentum doesn't go endlessly, and if you don't take the time to breath then you can't keep going forever, it's a marathon not a sprint and do you really rush yourself when you go traveling or go on a holiday? same idea. Are there spirits in akasha(?) maybe but I don't know how to contact them haha. Akasha is the rest and the new start, take some akashapill. Between Akasha and the Moon is something related to Merkavah literature and sadly I don't know if I am in the right place to disclose this or talk about it.
Moon: Nourishment, Reflection of Truth, and Misinformation.
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The Moon is a lot more subtle and serious this time. If last year the general theme of the Moon was cleansing then this year it would be Nourishment and by that I mean the spiritual nourishment. We need to stop to see if the materials and stuff we are consuming in media, in literature, in practice, and in real life are nourishing us or just "filler" food? Bad food is harder to purge out of our bodies. I definitely encourage the reader to look more into this topic here , but overall? The Moon is seen as this deceptive planet but it is only as deceptive as we are deceptive to ourselves, we have to know where we stand and not to ask excessively. The Moon is part of the "veil" but also part of the whole world, if everything considered psychic or mediumship is under the moon then the moon is where it is at to start the process properly. I did take longer than a week, with the moon because I lacked astral Nourishment and by that it is lacking the "juice" or water to make the whole "thing" work. A Machine would break and crash without grease, and this grease is through the moon. If that analogy makes sense, consciously consuming our mental, astral, and physical world is something we should pay attention and heed it. In the end We can see how the Fire(Screen) Display information/reflections(Moon) and we have to take the akashic space/moment where we can process what we are seeing or consuming "mentally"/"astrally" as we look at it. Until next time :) take care.
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sappy-witch · 1 year
Midsummer Magic 🌞✨
Hello darlings 🥰
As the sun reaches its peak and the days grow longer, we find ourselves in the enchanting embrace of midsummer. June is a month filled with vibrant energy, abundant blessings, and the perfect opportunity to immerse ourselves in the magic of this season. Here are some ways to celebrate and honor the essence of summer during the month of June:
🔥 Welcome the Solstice: On the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, create a sacred ritual to honor the sun's power and embrace the abundant energy of this season. Light a bonfire, dance in its flames, and offer gratitude for the warmth and illumination it brings.
🌸 Connect with Nature: Take advantage of the blooming beauty of the natural world during this time. Spend time outdoors, stroll through lush gardens, or embark on a nature hike to connect with the vibrant energy of the earth. Collect flowers, herbs, or seashells to infuse your practice with the essence of summer.
🍓 Harvest and Abundance: June is a bountiful month filled with fresh fruits and vegetables. Visit local farmers' markets or grow your own herbs and produce to incorporate into your meals and magical concoctions. Give thanks for the abundance that nature provides and celebrate the nourishment it brings to your life.
🌻 Sun Magic: The sun is a radiant source of power and vitality. Harness its energy by performing sun salutations, practicing sun gazing, or creating a sun-infused oil to use in your rituals. Bask in the golden rays, allowing the warmth to revitalize your spirit and ignite your passions.
💦 Water Blessings: In the heat of summer, water becomes a precious gift. Seek solace near bodies of water, whether it's a lake, ocean, or a simple backyard pool. Take cleansing baths, go for a swim, or collect water from a natural source to use in your spells and rituals, invoking the element of water's healing and purifying properties.
🌺 Summer Altar: Create a vibrant summer-themed altar in your sacred space. Adorn it with flowers, seashells, feathers, and symbols of the sun to honor the season's energy. Add citrine, carnelian, or sunstone crystals to amplify the warmth, joy, and abundance of this time.
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Every moment of the summer holds its own unique magic. Embrace the warmth, joy, and abundance that this season brings. Allow yourself to be present in the beauty that surrounds you and open your heart to the transformative energy of midsummer ☀️
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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hyerpwr · 26 days
Water Practice
One essential element included in any ritual/practice or altar set up is water. A lot of people feel it to be necessary to use naturally sourced water when including it in their craft, however the source of the water used doesn't matter as much as it's perceived to. Although it's better to use naturally sourced water, it isn't required for a ritual or practice to be affective. Depicted here is a way to prepare non-naturally sourced water to be used in one's craft.
Required Supplies:
storage vessel, ideally something not made of plastic
something to cleanse with (smoke or sound preferred)
clear quartz shards
river quartz shards
clear quartz freeform
anything you feel called to incorporate into your vessel
Before collecting water, cleanse the vessel you will be using with your preferred method as you visualize bad energy being removed from the vessel (I typically visualize darkness being chased away by the light of the method of cleansing I use). Using the same method of cleansing, rid your crystals of negative energy if you wish to include them before adding water to the vessel. After cleansing and adding your desired components to the vessel, collect your water and incorporate it into your vessel.
Water can be used in many different ways, but it is typically used to cleanse objects to be used in rituals/practices, channel and conjure energy, and represent the element in altars and sacred spaces. However, the use of water in a given craft is entirely up to the craft of the person who wishes to use it; there is no rule or guideline to be followed in relation to how water can and should be used, because it's decided by the user.
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wizardsaur · 1 year
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I got a cool idea last night for Elemental Markers. My altar already faces North, but these are just little canvases propped up on thumbtacks.
I took them down, plopped tealights on each, and had cool tools with which to call the Elements in my group Circle today.
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