#eidolon alt
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wizardwithnogoodspells · 7 months ago
Since the latest chapter of JOJOLands i’ve been conceptualizing more Eidolons similar to Usagi’s THE MATTEKUDASAI. Like a power that has potentially unlimited applications, but it’s use is restrained by being dependent on others being involved.
My first Idea was [I Think I’m A Clone Now]. An alchemist that can transform anyone’s request for an item it touches into a replica of that item.
This one is definitely just trying to mimic Usagi’s stand, but it’s missing some elements. The other playbook I though would work is the Conductor with “my eidolon warps reality around me by transforming into objects that are requested”. I think that the Conductor is less effective in replicating this power, especially with choices for moves.
The first Idea that isn’t a clone of a Jojo stand( and is my favorite idea so far) is [ And Now For The Watchamacallit] (Album by the Psychedelic Porn Crumpets)
This one is a Virtuoso which is a real, physical device, and through it I can push my mastery of Inventing beyond physical limits, allowing me to make this device do whatever anyone thinks it can do.
I really like the concept of this power, but I think it suffers a bit from longevity (though maybe that’s good). It would be interesting to play out because it’s power is reliant on no one knowing how it works! I can already foresee moments of trying to convince enemies of what the eidolon is capable of, as well as trying to use it around the other pc’s that might already be clued into what it’s power is.
Hopefully I can play this at some point! I might be able to squeeze in playing the virtuoso in Eidolon Alt, but that’s entirely dependent on what happens to my character in that! Also I have another Gorillaz-themed Wildcard with it’s own powers I could play, which is more likely to happen.
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theophiivs · 7 months ago
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a little late for summertime dont you think
just some post-talia bummery from these two i love them to the point that i have to remind myself that one isnt even canon like this is torture.
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I dont have much to say for this post as ive said pretty much everything about post-talia them posts prior, I DO however, have a lot of talia rambling to do- which will be saved when i doodle enough stuff for it
They still have that little bickering and bantering thing going on, passive aggressiveness with one another and being the one who gets the other into silly troubles despite both being elites. Like how Jade said Topaz and Aventurine bickers like kids, these two however, bicker like those alt older brothers in coming of age movies and his bromantic bro bestfriend (ive said this before so manu times but i cant find a better way to describe them)
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mayeb something like todd and wallace but theyre vashwood if you get what i mean - i’ve also been subconsciously projecting vashwood onto these two considering fenrir calls aventurine “vasha/vash/vashu” while aventurine calls fenrir “that wolf/wolfy/dumb dog” and ive yet to realize that until very recently when i was writing something for fenrir that goes like “he valued life as others and he also bets it on me.” and i get reminded of “he feared death twice as others” and it just hits “ive been projecting vashwood onto these two oh my god”
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fenrir cares for aventurine more than he wants to, but he does regardless.
"You should never ask anyone for anything. Never- and especially from those who are more powerful than yourself. They will make the offer and give it of their own accord."
It’s something that Fenrir live by, is that genuine help would come without the need for obligations afterwards. During Talia, Fenrir actively create scenarios around him that make people that he’s dependent on rely on him, out of obligations or respect. So whatever help Fenrir gives, he calculated them all so that they’d be beneficial “technically” to him.
Yet for certain individuals, those he love dearly such as Hermia, Boothill and Aventurine- He was willing to suffer a loss for them, which, for a person all for survival like Fenrir, is a tough decision to take. He broke his own ideals and virtues so that he could protect and satisfy these people, his family and he hates whenever he does that because it showed him that someone is having control over him and he’s at their mercy, which means they could just leave him and he’s very vulnerable to them. To put trust in these people so much that he’d voluntarily help them is like to trust them with his life.
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i also like the concept of Talia recycling everything, even people considering some people would see that they’ve been “used” beyond so they were given a chance again. that’s why i felt like aventurine was suitable for this considering his past and his potential inferiority complex there.
the foundation between aventurine and fenrir relies on a lot of trust, and gamble as they could not read one another. it connects back to aventurine’s eidolons being game theories and avidity’s being about desires and non-co-operative game theories (one wins at expense of another while game theory is both party wins through trust and cooperation). fenrir’s eidolons are still in writing, but i want it to be based on 7 deadly sins or something, he does have a lot of religious references for the new lore rework.
fenrir was created before i know of aventurine, but i did tweaked a lot of things about him when aventurine came out. though the fundamentals still stayed, they were just made for each other rurururouuouogugh….
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rewuyuu · 11 months ago
Hi!! Oh my god im literally shaking rn-
On my alt account, I got yanqing at 27 pity!! (Fun fact I have never won a single 50 50 in any of my hsr accs) And then. And then. Literally 8 pity. He came home!!!!! Aventurine my love!!!
Haha sorry if this was really random just wanted to share! I think your art is lovely and so are you!! :3
Have a nice day!!
hello! congrats, that's actually some great pulls, 35 pity total... honestly i'd rather lose the 50/50 early and then get the 5 star early (rather than win the 50/50 after the same amount of pulls), there's some standard 5 star eidolons that i'd really want
thank you very much, hope you have a nice day too!
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jackfromthefairytale · 9 months ago
Erra recommendations or music recommendations in general?
I get to go off about erra!
id say that cure (the most recent album) is a good starting point, it's got ambience, breakdowns, a beautiful vocal balance and a healthy amount of erra-typical riffage and structure-fuck. i honestly couldn't give you individual song recs because they're all so different and all have a highlight. i do know that you'll probably like slow sour bleed seeing as you liked anything > human (and I think you also like nine inch nails?)
next, the 2021 self-titled, which is outright some of the best stuff in modern metal. snowblood is very metalcore, gungrave features the riff of all time, shadow autonomous is a complex, weirdly calming masterpiece, electric twilight is weird, eidolon is separately beautifully tranquil and crushingly heavy, vanish canvas is the prettiest heavy song ever written (and the deluxe includes the reissue featuring courtney laplante on guest vocals!), and i'll also mention remnant, lunar halo, divisionary, scorpion hymn and nigh to silence. and memory fiction which isn't a metal song but is one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written
they also released two standalone singles - eye of god (2019) and pull from the ghost (2022) which are some of the band's best work and serve as a kind of bridge between albums
of their previous stuff, it's not as polished as their current stuff but is also pretty mind blowing. drift (2016) is melodic and pretty and neon (2018) is a darker, heavier follow on from that. my favourites from those include luminesce, drift, breach, ghost of nothing, safehaven, sleeper, unify, irreversible, skyline, hyperreality, expiate
their first two albums are a bit different, with the band having a mostly different lineup - the screamer and second guitarist left at the end of 2013 - but they've been considered some of the best in metalcore (with too many fans being unable to move on). i'd say pattern interrupt, the architect, heart, and white noise off impulse (2011) and pulse, hybrid earth, ultraviolet and augment/dementia off augment (2013) (i personally consider dementia to be one of the best songs ever written...) (I also don't really listen to their older stuff as much as their newer releases)
for other recs, staying within this vein of progressive metalcore i'd suggest invent animate - they're also very technically minded and are "sad boi metalcore". they're also a band that erra take on tour a lot and jesse co-produced some of their stuff and featured on their song naturehold.
another band are red handed denial. again, they're progressive metalcore but are really good at the pop blend without sacrificing the heavy. lauren babic is one of the best combined sing/scream vocalists in the game and one of my personal inspirations, and their 2024 album "a journey through virtual dystopia" is one of my albums of the year.
and obviously, as this is an erra post, i can't go without recommending jesse's alt rock solo project ghost atlas. dust of the human shape is one of the albums of the year, and other standout tracks include cry wolf, legs, sacred organs, sleep therapy, vertigo, mirror room, and elixir of life
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cyborg-hydra-girl-thing · 2 years ago
I love Warframe, so much.
The super fluid, only touch the ground to start another parkour sequence, the floor is lava, bouncing off walls and flying across rooms and down hallways style of movement.
The >utterly overwhelming< number of weapons available. Primaries range from bows (Paris, Dread) to rocket launchers (ogris) grenade launchers (penta, tonkor), a handheld laser cannon (opticor), spicy bows (Lenz and Bramma are both rocket launchers cosplaying as bows), an 18th century naval cannon (zarr), machine guns with a 200 round magazine (soma prime) and machine guns that get more accurate the longer you fire (Tenora my beloved), innately suppressed smg (baza). You want a chaining lightning gun that will kill the guy you’re aiming at, and the next two rooms of people via daisy chains? Amprex. if you need a tactical weapon for grouping enemies the Mutalist cernos shoots an arrow full of grabby tentacles that brings enemies together for group hugs. Do you need a rifle to hunt cthulu T-Rexes (eidolons)? Rubico (Prime) or, my favorite, Kuva Chakkhurr - a black powder musket that shoots moderately slow projectiles, high skill high reward, you land a shot, it’s gonna feel it. Here’s a goody - Tigris (Prime) - it’s a double barreled shotgun, with a duplex trigger - you squeeze the trigger, it fires one round, you release the trigger, it fires the second! really interesting to play with, though with the changes to shotgun status a few years ago it’s no longer the powerhouse it was, though quite potent. Phenmor is also one of my favorites, a precision semi auto rifle, land a couple headshots to charge it, and it evolves into an archgun (gun for mecha or exosuits, bigger, and badder) that’s basically a minigun. Corinth (prime) is cool, primary fire is crit based shotgun, alt fire shoots an air burst grenade you can manually detonate over enemies heads (prime version, regular corinth is locked at 20m detonation). Kohm is an auto shotgun that spoils up like a minigun, the higher the spool the more pellets it shoots, very ammo hungry, but man if it isn’t satisfying to point down a hallway and watch it fill with red mist. Astilla is a shotgun that shoots glass slugs that explode on impact. Arcs Plasmor shoots solid walls of energy. like straight up, point down hallway, and you shoot a bright blue (ur energy color) brick wall of plasma. you can’t miss. Simulor is a gun that shoots miniature black holes. Trumna charges it’s alt fire with the literal souls of the enemies you kill. Shedu and Bubonico are the weapon arm cannons of sentient (enemy robot faction) that we ripped off and stole.
secondaries are have a bit less variety, but we’ve still got oodles of goodies
Pandero, a pocket sniper rifle, this lil handcannon is hella accurate for reaching out to touch someone, and alt fire dumps the entire magazine in an automatic burst. Laetum is the cooler pandero, land a few headshots and it evolves into an automatic assault rifle. Lex (Prime) was my starchart clearing gun, back in the day. space deagle. Nukor (and it’s cooler older sister Kuva Nukor (Kukor)) are similar to the amprex in that they chain to enemies, however they also have the quirk of having the highest critical damage in the game, with the lowest critical chance. (there’s shenanigans you can do to force them to crit, making them devestating). Pyrana (Prime) is an auto shotgun, it’s got high spread and high rate of fire, but get in their face and drop mag and see the magic. Zakti (Prime) shoots small needles that explode in clouds of aoe gas after a moment, really good for priming status effects and swapping to melee or primary to take advantage of. Euphona Prime - look, i love it, it’s not great, you gotta build it exclusively for the slug firemode or for the shotgun fire mode. it’s really cool, you should try it if you can, but it’s solidly just okay. Sepulcrum feeds on the souls of its victims to power its alt fire, and it’s just a massive beefy fuckin pistol straight out of 40K. Tenet Spirex force procs impact, and with the hemorrhage mod you can guarantee you turn some of those impact procs into bleed procs for DOT damage. Athodai is straight up like retro sci-fi laser pistol, it shoots beams, and alt fire has a big burst of energy aoe in front of you. Twin Kohmak are like the kohm, but smaller, and akimbo, for pocket dakka. Twin Grakata MOAR DAKKA. A beloved meme gun in the warframe community. just two fuckin bullet hoses that will eat your ammo faster than you can find it. truly one of the guns of all time, and a joy to fire.
and don’t think for a moment i’m going to forget about melees lmao.
we got Nikanas (space katana - nikana (prime) , skiajati ), we got greatswords(Gram (prime), Galatine (prime)), we got throwing glaives(Glaive(prime) Xoris), we got gun blades (like think those bizarre renaissance era swords with guns built into the hilts? got it? yeah, those, but space-y. redeemer (prime), sarpa), we have claws (venka) , we have sword & board (silva & aegis) scythes (reaper prime), hammers (heliocor, jat kittag), dual blades up the wazoo, single daggers, dual daggers, fist weapons, fist and feet weapons, war fans (quassus, arum spinosa), staves (Bo, pupacyst), tonfa (kronen), a gigantic saw (ghoulsaw), rapiers (endura, ), blade & whips (atterax, lacera)
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txttletale · 2 years ago
I've been listening to Eidolon Playtest because of you (nearing the end of s2), so thank you cause there's a lot of it and it fucking rules! Who are your favorite Pop/Rock characters? I've found that I like the main/original cast of Rock the best, but the s2 supporting/alt-selves cast of Pop the best. Anyone Maxie, Crystal, and Ty play always end up particularly hilarious, but there are lots of golden moments from everyone and it's been a real fun time
hell yes my makign peole listen to eidolon playtest agenda advances. my favourite player characters in no particular order are probably chili, harvey, quentin, jawbreaker bart, henry, sloane, jenny, killer virginia, & alexis--but i like pretty much every character on the shows a lot, the cast interactions are absolutely stellar across both shows. the npcs/minor pcs are also really stellar across both seasons of course. president dracula, president stoker, the paulies, sabrina, mary... so many good fucking characters on that show. listen to eidolon playtest
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maxknightley · 1 year ago
What would Harvey and Solo's styles be if they made music?
as befitting his taste in eidolons, I think Harvey would make alt-rock / power pop kind of stuff. since he's from the american southwest I imagine he might pull from some country and/or latin inspirations as well, if only for some of his songs. (this is all assuming he's operating a solo artist, of course; obviously if he did a project with christina or virginia or sabrina or whoever that'll shift the vibe in a different direction.)
solaris would be really into worldbeat. I imagine her as the kind of person who's more interested in weird, experimental instrumentation than the tune or the lyrics. give them five years and they'll be doing a project where they try to create "electric" versions of every instrument they can get their hands on
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jils-things · 4 months ago
haii :D out of curiousity if irene was a canon survivor what other skins would she have? which of the survivors (or even hunters if she has a connection to them) would she match with? O:
HELLO!!!! EEEEEE IDV QUESTIONS MY BELOVED YEYSYEYWES TY FOR COMING 💚💚💚💚 im gonna answer the lore related question first and then answer the skin question behind readmore (its very long. i like Talking.)
OKAAAAY so so ngl... i actually thought that having nort.on, irene, na.ib and emma in one manor game group is really plausible cuz they're part of my fo list (and are very much included in lore) but omg i cant handle the heartbreak naur i don't wANT THEM TO FIGHT AJWKWKENDJSJSKS🥹🥹🥹 TO BE HONEST... i can kinda see her being associated with the da ca.po group (nor.ton, me.lly, orp.heus, alice and frederick) because irene actually is connected to nor.ton and orp.heus (she does not like him). and i think the drama would be so fuckin insane here lets be real
in that same train of thought - i think that would mean she would also have to fare off against foo.ls gold and nightmare (MORE DRAMA) and that is gonna be so fucking sick . also they look like this to me i don't care (ignore the ship mention wkwkwkwkwkw) LMFAOOAOWUSHRK
ok so, irene's skins are meant to match with nort.ons skins and like 90% of my artwork consists of just them in those costumes tbh HAHAHA BUT ID BE HAPPY TO SHOWCASE THEM HERE EEEE
so i don't really care about her skins being classified as a tier, b tier etc etc, dont matter as long as shes matchy matchy with him HEHEHE
let's go off with my most recent art of it:
1) this is eidolon! she is paired with soul catcher. she's a half alive (undead?) and half dead (ghost). she appears alive in the daylight and appears dead in the nighttime :3 the drawing in the middle is my best depiction of both mixed!
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2) I don't have a name for this (help me /hj), but this is meant to pair with his troubadour skin! this to me is their peak of "good life" era :3 (together and married)
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3) again i dont have a good name for this either EKWKEKEKEJ but this one's meant for an alternative universe called the constantine siblings au where irene and naib are adoptive siblings (and uses the spring hand skin) and she is also paired with mr. mole! (emma also appears here, in her boudoir dream skin)
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4) this one's a current work in progress but this one's meant for ronal.d of nice! ive currently settled on calling her "dame of gold", its not final but its a decent placeholder name :]
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5) lastly, this one's definitely a c tier kinda skin and its meant to match his cordierite skin. fun fact, this color scheme of hers was actually her original color palette but i changed it to green and made this an alt skin~ i named it royal blue!
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and that's it! i plan to do more in the future (like black tulip, cornerstone and maybe some outfits based off merchandise hehe)
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walcutt · 9 months ago
milf hunter extraordinaire patience "eidolon alt" mirai has struck out again
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tjemegames · 10 months ago
HSR: 56K Stellar Jade Warp Session
Hello, hi! Yesterday was a very eventful day for my standard + (free) Ratio alt account. I’m honestly still not over the high of how these pulls went. I’ll show y’all what I mean shortly, but first some backstory:
I’ve been sporadically playing on this account since October of ‘23 and, up until 15 hours ago, I had not spent a single one of my stellar jades or any of the accumulated undying starlight from using the standard passes obtained through my gameplay. It’s been an excellent exercise of self control; if you haven’t hoarded more than a couple thousand jades before, give it a try and tell me if your fingers start to get itchy after surpassing 14,400 (90 warps).
The first and last set of pulls that I did before this were in February when 2.0 went live. I had 160 standard passes saved up at the time and got a very lackluster roster to work with. It really wasn’t all too much to write home about. This time, however, was an entirely different experience; 350 pulls, a small discord audience, and a bit of delusional dreaming made all the difference for me. I recorded most of the footage but I really did not feel like editing it so here we are in full text format instead.
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Yesterday’s warps were wild, as you can see. I got seven, I repeat, seven 5 stars in 350 pulls. Six of those being brand new additions to my account as well. The luck was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Two back to backs too. Like what??? I’ll gladly take it any day.
Let’s take a more in depth breakdown of everything I got under the cut, shall we?
This is a long list so bear with me:
2 x March 7th (e3)
1 x Pela (new)
1 x Planetary Rendezvous (new)
1 x Eyes of Prey (s4)
3 x Luka (e3)
1 x Subscribe for More! (new)
2 x Xueyi (new, e1)
2 x Sampo (new, e1)
2 x Trend of the Universal Market (new, s2)
1 x Herta (e6)
1 x Welt (new)
1 x Memories of the Past (new)
1 x Gallagher (new)
1 x Post-Op Conversation (s2)
2 x Asta (e2)
3 x Geniuses’ Repose (new, s3)
2 x Indelible Promise (new, s2)
1 x Night on the Milky Way (new)
4 x Hook (e5)
1 x Sushang (new)
1 x Bailu (new)
2 x Swordplay (s3)
1 x Clara (e1)
1 x Qingque (e1)
2 x Good Night and Sleep Well (new, s2)
1 x Guinaifen (e2)
2 x A Secret Vow (s3)
1 x Landau’s Choice (new)
1 x Himeko (new)
1 x Dan Heng (e2)
1 x Shared Feeling (new)
1 x Under the Blue Sky (s2)
1 x Sleep Like the Dead (new)
1 x Arlan (new)
1 x Time Waits for No One (new)
The grand total being equivalent to seven 5*s; 3 new characters, 1 eidolon, 3 new light cones and forty-four 4*s; 6 new characters, 17 eidolons, 9 new light cones, 12 superimpositions. This averages out to be 50 pity per 5* (quite lucky) and 8 pity per 4* (not very lucky but still better than the expectation).
So much stuff, and most of it being new and extremely useful is such a huge bonus. My roster got so much nicer after this session. I’m both very excited and a little bit dreadful for the building process I’m about to go through with everyone. I already started leveling up the characters I plan to play with but the relic and trace grinds are going to be an uphill battle. Hopefully the rng isn’t too punishing after all of this… but I may have already used up all of my luck — I don’t think I’ll be over these pulls for a quite while.
The only downside is that I didn’t pull Bronya or Gepard so I have to make the very crucial decision of choosing one of them from the 300 warp selector reward. I’m torn because I so very badly want to play an optimal Yanqing team but I also know how much of a difference Bronya makes overall. I’m going to have to think on it for a while longer before I make my choice... Oh well, you can’t win them all.
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general9chaos · 1 month ago
The other bit is that everyone who didn't just give up was trying a fuckton of things, from opening the Birdcage, to super-charging Eidolon and throwing him and Glaistig Uaine at Scion, to recruiting the goddamn Endbringers, to jailbreaking Taylor. They were well into the point of trying anything that seemed like it had any chance of success and a bunch of things that didn't, and so it's basically guaranteed that at least some of what they were trying was unnecessary in the end.
On the other hand, they didn't know what would work. And figuring that out required a bunch of miracles to happen one after another, none of which would have been enough to end Scion on its own. If they hadn't been throwing everything at the wall and seeing what stuck, they wouldn't have stumbled on the actual solution:
So the solution to Scion, it turns out, is to have someone who can play 5D Chess while simultaneously winning a game of Miracle Bingo. Because Taylor does a good job, a great job, a phenomenal job as the commander of an army fighting a guy they can't hurt who can wipe them out at will and instantly win at anything he chooses, which is to say only a small number of people die during a relatively prolonged battle. But even doing all that, the key to winning turns out to be figuring out that Foil is the key, while using her as little as possible because Scion will kill her and/or you if you do; realizing that his vulnerability is attacking him emotionally and coordinating well enough to, uh, survive while doing so; figuring out that certain Changers are a key element in this and bringing them into play in the right time and place, with the understanding that these guys literally can't do a thing to Scion except emotionally and probably know that; have a weapon on hand that can destroy a continent because Foil's Sting doesn't actually do anything to Scion himself, per se, it just opens the portal to his real body so you can follow up with something if you have it on hand, which is something literally no one knew until it happened with only occurred because of the prior points; see all this and keep your army alive and be able to bring the right pieces into play at the right times, ideally through stuff like portals; and also, make sure Glaistig Uaine doesn't fuck it up at the last second. And if you're missing any of these things? Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars.
This was taken from Ryuugi's big essay about Gold Morning. It's a good read. It goes over a bunch of crazy shit people pulled to oppose Scion, and how pretty much all of it failed.
Anyway, yeah, any alt-version of Worm that we'd actually read would still have turned out with the Entities losing because otherwise it's not much of a story, but in this particular version of Worm, appeals to "well half of that was completely unnecessary" get answered with a resounding "they sure didn't know what would work and were desperate enough to try anything and everything!"
I think I’ve come to a revelation when it comes to cauldron discourse.
The people saying cauldron deserves some w’s for some of their plots are consequentialists. The consequences of cauldrons actions saved the world.
The people pointing out cauldron deserves none of that because, by utilitarian calculation, it’s sheer accident some chick glitched herself into a position to traumatize god into suicide.
And then they point out that the parts of the equation they can be credited with (preserving capes, slightly less crapsack world) are tasks they auto succeeded because one of them had a fragment of divinity shoved in their head.
I think it’s pretty hard to argue consequentialist ethics for a story, because the consequences are rigged. If cauldron failed there wouldn’t be a story, so “but it worked out!” Is kind of a poisoned well for justification and moral reasoning.
I would only seriously contest your last point- part of the point of interlude 29 is that if Cauldron failed there would have been a story, and from the glimpses we get, potentially a very interesting one! There's no guarantee that, for example, nobody in the alternate timeline wouldn't have lucked into a way to break Eden and Scion's long con, maybe via Abbadon's meddling, which is the intuitive story arc from the premise as presented. (Much lower likelyhood of that given the central conceit, but still.) One thing I like about the ending of Worm is how in a lot of ways it's playing with the uncertainty surrounding whether any given thing that was done was the only thing that could have been done- you just can't know! You'd "do things differently," but who knows what that would actually entail?!1
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wizardwithnogoodspells · 10 months ago
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I made a quick MSpaint doodle of an different Eidolon concept for a character I played. My friend ran an Alternative-themed Eidolon campaign where I played a Wildcard with an Eidolon named after the Gorillaz song [New Gold]. I had other Ideas for the name and one that really stuck was [Stylo]. It's head is one of those plastic disco balls with a light in the center, and whenever a playbook was chosen all of the lights would turn a certain color to initiate the transformation.
Naturally I started writing a bunch of other playbook Ideas for this character design, which will more than likely just be reused for this character if we ever go back and continue playing in this setting.
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katelynnwrites · 4 years ago
pairing: Julian Blackthorn x Emma Carstairs
warnings: mentions of blood and injury
summary: alternate chain of events where Malcolm Fade gets what he wants to raise Annabel.
word count: 533
A/N: set during Lady Midnight
Febuwhump Prompt: ‘Hostage Situation’ (Alt 5)
‘Jules don’t. Don’t give him what he wants. Julian-’ Emma was cut off by Malcolm pressing his knife hard against her throat.
Despite the brave front she put on, he could see the fear in her eyes as beads of blood blossomed around the knife.
‘If you hurt her, Raziel himself won’t be able to stop me from what I will do to you.’ Julian threatened, tightening his grip on his seraph blade.
Malcolm chuckled darkly and Julian’s knuckles turned white with the force of his grip as he frantically contemplated his next move.
It was just supposed to be a regular night of patrol. Kill a few demons tops. They did exactly that, slaying a bunch of Eidolon demons with no difficulty. On the drive home, they had let their guard down and had driven right into Malcolm’s trap.
Somehow the warlock had used a spell to flip their car off the road. The last thing he remembered was Emma’s scream as the windshield shattered.
He must have been knocked unconscious because when he woke up, Malcolm had already dragged Emma out the wrecked car. As far as he could tell, neither of them had been seriously injured.
He snapped back to the present as Malcolm warned, ‘Blackthorn. My patience wears thin.’
Blood was running down Emma’s throat as she breathed shakily.
‘Your blood or your parabatai dies.’ To emphasize his point, he yanked her blonde hair back to expose her throat. Involuntarily, she whimpered and Julian felt a surge of terror through their parabatai bond.
Julian’s mind whirled. As much as he wanted to, he could not see any possibility of a good outcome. An outcome where Malcolm didn’t get exactly what he wanted.
‘Emma. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.’ He exhaled, lowering his seraph blade. He would do anything for Emma. His Emma. This was the only way to make sure she was safe. That the children were safe.
A tear slid down her face as Emma’s brown eyes met Julian’s verdigris ones. She knew what he was going to do. It was such a Julian thing to do. It was what she loved the most about him. That he would do anything to protect those he loved.
‘Excellent.’ Malcolm’s voice was smug as he watched Julian lay down his weapons.
‘Take care of the children for me. Tell them I love them. I love you Em.’ Julian’s voice shook slightly as he took one last look at the girl he loved. His best friend and his first love. His only love. Tears were flowing down her face now as she struggled futilely against the knife.
Emma’s sorrow was palpable as it filled their bond. Through it, he could sense her helplessness and anger. Anger because she couldn’t do anything. Malcolm laughed coldly, bringing the hilt of the knife down hard on Emma’s head. She crumpled immediately, causing Julian to shout in anger.
Malcolm ignored him and with a flick of his fingers, opened a Portal.
Through it, Julian could see Annabelle’s lifeless body laying on a stone table at what he recognized to be the convergence site.
Holding his head high, he stepped into the chaos of the Portal.
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zizbombs · 3 months ago
i'll do it too cause why not
Russian Caravan
Indisputably the best wormfic i've read. i haven't read anything that matches it's length, quality or originality and i've read quite a lot of wormfic in my estimation, so yeah. pretty good.
2. Tilt (interchangeable with 3)
oh tilt how i love you. rarely does a fic demonstrate such a complete mastery of the setting and characters that it's genuinely impressive, but tilt does it effortlessly and with style. hands down best taylor no powers AU and seamlessly weaves drama and top notch action while staying true to all characters. author has a fucking gift for action scenes, last arc has some of the most spectacular fights on par with number 5 and 3.
3. The Great Escape (interchangeable with 2)
it's an eidolon fic, so im already tripping over myself to give it 5 stars, but also masterfully written and other stuff too but i was too busy soyfacing at eidolon being awesome
4.) The Postdiluvian Road
It aint perfect, but it's one of my favorites. The AU is genuinely fascinating, and the duo of taylor and lisa was highly entertaining. i still look longingly at the collection in bookmarks hoping for the sequel.
5. Weaver Nine
One of my favorite AU's, however the story element is just a tad lacking compared to the previous contestants, but is on #5 just for the sheer soyface factor. has to be one of the best endbringer fights i've ever read, and respects each and every participant in the battle, leviathan included.
Honorable mentions, in no particular order.
anything by WhyWhyNot. some of the most impactful writing, despite the unique style. I love all of they're stuff, but they didn't quite have 1 work that beat out all the competitors.
R3N's works. same deal with the above, true quality but everything else was just giving 1% more. Riley, Alone genuinely made me nauseous and I couldn't finish it cause of how good it was and Desperate Times is highly entertaining.
Henghost: peak
ghstsnflwrs' archives, or the smugbug angst equivalent of a WMD. beautiful writing. i cry with envy at their prose.
JinglyJangles' stuff. While for the most part TINO, their writing has this certain cozy quality that I truly do love.
OxfordOctopus, just pure consistency. peak all around
ManMag: Literally just wildbow's alt account. im not even kidding like its just him. Writes a ton of wildbow verse crossovers, and every single one is so much fun it's insane.
TSK or smugbug guy. peak smugbug. nuff said. Our Private Crises could honestly be interchangeable with 4 and 5 its so good.
A daring Synthesis (explicitly part 2 only.) Housekeeping matters: Yes, i'm deadass. Yes, it's a gregfic. yes, greg does partake in 4chan language (slurs). Yes, part 2 is celestial forge while the first part is a gamerfic. yes, it's entirely unrecommendable due to the first part having the hard r every five seconds and the first part being story relevant to the second part. While there are some parts of part 1 that are worth merit, generally it is not worth it. I look at ADS as a deconstruction of the popular wormfic troupes that populate SB, like gregfics, gamerfics, celestial forge ect. greg is some golden retriever twink with a heart of gold? no, he's a fat autistic weeb incel that browses 4chan. gamerfics tending to snowball and have the protagonist become extremely OP with little to no work? nope, greg only ever really gets to be around armsmaster level for the first part, and while that is still strong it's a step back from what's usually shown in those types of gamerfics. then the forge, or the most hair clenchingly horrifying thing to ever come from the bowls of SB, which literally rewards bloating the story and spinning your wheels for nothing. While part 2 is genuinely good writing, I can only rec it in good conscious if you've seen the troupes it's built from and want to see them deconstructed or hate BCF. if not? god don't read it. I do love it for dunking on BCF though, it's great. For a more in depth look at BCF vs ADS and a general look at ADS itself, check out this post.
Secret otherverse fic: In This Economy... by sunlit_skycat. this, while not finished, is the type of stuff the otherverse power system was practically begging for. witty social commentary.
VICE: World's Worst Harem this one deserves it's own post
what are your guys top 5 fav wormfics of all time? with a bit of explanation if you don't mind.
doesn't need to be in any particular order, just curious what wormblrians have read and enjoyed and also maybe get some recs out of it
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spcllbounded · 4 years ago
Hmmmgh. FFIX and Smash in one night got me thinking dumbass on main. Final Fantasy is affiliated to Smash verse so it’s free real estate. FFIX as spirits in Smash. More under the read more!
Zidane: Honestly debated with this one. Was at first considering Link because the hairstyle, but honestly? Pit. His weapon acts not only a lot like Zidane’s daggers, but can be slapped together and look like his thief swords as well! Also hm hm hm. Angel of death comparison. :’ ) After fighting enough in battle, Pit would turn gold, paralleling his trance.
Dagger: Zelda because....well magic princess. Yay for creativity fwebfgiuwebgwyeru Battle would be on Midgar with the miscellaneous summons, paralleling the eidolons she can have by her side in battle! An Ike will be battling alongside her. Also has the same “Trance” mechanic when she takes enough damage.
Vivi: Lucas. No. Not because he’s slipping all the time. What are you talking about. Magic boy. Will also be armed with the star rod. Gets a Majora’s Mask moon assist trophy to parallel the spell Doomsday. Also has the trance mechanic (You know what. Assume everyone here has the trance mechanics when they get enough damage pfffft).
Steiner: Gosh. This one was super tricky to figure out tbh. The closest I got is Ike because Steiner is often seen wielding a double handed sword as his weapon and is often treated as a tank. Battle will take place on Castle Siege. 
Freya: Female Corrin. I just....Dragon. It’s perfect for her dragon abilities. ;v; Her side B also is similar to her jump ability with the way it functions! Her aerial attacks would have increased damage outputs.
Quina: I mean...take a wild guess. Giant Kirby that’s easily distracted by items and the item type is food. Gets stronger after eating and uses Neutral B the most, paralleling to Quina’s Blu Magic mechanic and how they can use a monster’s ability after eating them.
Eiko: A villager and a JigglyPuff (representing Mog!). Villager is the main fighter to defeat to win the match. If the Jigglypuff is ko’ed, a giant Incineroar spawns in place of it (Played FFIX enough and you know exactly why :’ ) )
Amarant: Ganondorf. That one very blue Ganondorf alt fgbeuwgbwerug Often uses Neutral B, paralleling his ability “No Mercy.” Has increased speed and an increased damage output on Neutral B. 
Beatrix: Lucina, wielding the killing edge, paralleling her weapon, Save the Queen. That’s uh...that’s as far as I got for her. Whoops. ;v;
With all these ideas, would I give Freya and Quina a smash verse if I had the time...hee hee hoo hoo mayhaps. 
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fluffyxai · 5 years ago
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Made a set of chibi headshots for my group's *other* game that I'm in, after the last set for the Brill Team were so well received. Featuring, from left to right, Taeryn Solara Luciene Sylvii, Elf Summoner (My character) Shashoon, Tiefling Bard Vanetia Amaris, Tiefling Cleric Jean Luis, Half-elf Rogue Madame Pearleye (Grandma), Lizardfolk Druid Grimpin, Orc Dhampir Sorcerer Annnd bonus: Nimbleright (NPC from the Waterdeep story) Caprii (Taeryn's eidolon) And here's a bonus Alt of Taeryn https://sta.sh/02509p2rrsvk
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