cringelordofchaos · 29 days
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thecultoflove · 3 months
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stop mucking around!
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ascii-malware · 5 months
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magicmarkerz · 18 days
"i hate [drama teacher] with a passion, hell no."
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squeakytoybrain · 24 days
punks kiss
punks hold hands punks love openly punks will adopt you punks will stay true punks will stay vigilant (duh)
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stupidscav · 4 months
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i didnt answer but i saw this ask when i was like having a mental breakdown and it really made me pause and calm down a bit/pos
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 1 year
time to play do i kin this character or is he Blorbo
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the1sammie · 7 months
what do yall do when you accidentally cut one part of your hair too short so it looks obviously and annoyingly asymmetric to the other side, even if it's just a few small strands, but you're simultaneously trying to grow out your hair so you don't want to cut anymore hair just to even it out but it's also really annoying you
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rextile · 1 year
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cringelordofchaos · 9 months
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erika-xero · 1 year
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bizlybebo · 11 months
i have an entire weeks worth of course work due in 6 and a half hours ^_^
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tilthedayidice · 2 years
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werebutch · 1 year
Help I’m at my moms and me and my sister share a bed here AND SHE WONT STOP SNORINGGGGG
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pankjwimbleton · 2 years
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lifeofresulullah · 2 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad: The Battle of Khandaq and Afterwards
The Battle of Khandaq: Part 1
(5th year of the Migration 29 Shawwal / January 627)
The Battle of Khandaq, which took place two years after the Battle of Uhud, is one of the important battles that had an important role in eliminating the barriers blocking the development of Islam.  
Ahzab is another name for the Battle of Khandaq, which was given this name due to the trenches (khandaqs) dug around Madinah upon the order of the Messenger of God in order to stop the attack of the enemy easily. The name Ahzab (groups) was given to the battle because along with he Qurayshi polytheists, Jews, Ghatafans and many other Arab tribes and groups came together in order to attack Madinah.
As it can be remembered, the Messenger of God had expelled Sons of Nadr, one of the Jewish tribes, from Madinah. They had gone to the north and settled in important places like Khaybar, Damascus and Wadi’l-Qura.
They wanted to relieve their suffering they felt because of being expelled from Madinah by talking against the Prophet and Islam wherever they went and by provoking people against Muslims.
One of the incidents that Sons of Nadr Jews caused to happen through their provocation, encouragement and leading is the Battle fo Khandaq.
The inauspicious idea, ‘walking all together against Madinah and eliminating the Messenger of God and Muslims’ was put forward by those Jews. Besides, the Qurayshi polytheists were always thinking of something like that and were always ready for such an attempt. They were aware of the fact that they could not stop the Islamic development, could not prevent Muslims from increasing day by day and could not stop the Messenger of God from enlarging his area of influence although they had won the Battle of Uhud. Almost all of the routes for their trade caravans had been closed. They did not want to be a mere spectator to this situation, which could destroy them economically. They wanted to weaken the influence of the Islamic state in Madinah in order to act easily.
The offer to walk against Madinah all together and to eliminate the movement of belief and Islam that was led by the Messenger of God in its own place was made by the leaders of Sons of Nadr Jews.
Abu Sufyan, the leader of polytheists said, “Are you sincere about this issue?”
The deceitful Jews said, “Yes. We came here to make a treaty with you about fighting Muhammad!”
Abu Sufyan was glad to hear it. He said,
“Then, welcome among us! Those who help us in enmity to Muhammad are the most beloved and acceptable ones for us!”
Then, he made the following offer in order to test their sincerity:
“However, we cannot trust you unless you worship our gods!”
The Jewish delegate, who could do all kinds of meanness for their evil intentions prostrated before the idols at once.
Thus, they agreed to walk against Madinah and to eliminate the movement of belief and Islam that was led by the Messenger of God in its own place.
Jews Hide the Truth Deliberately
The delegate that came to Makkah consisted of Jewish scholars. The polytheists wanted to learn something from them since they were there. They said to one another, “Those who have come here are scholars and from the People of the Book. Let us ask them whether we are Muhammad is on the right way or.”
Thereupon, Abu Sufyan said to them, “O Congregation of Jews! You are the first people to whom the first heavenly book was sent. Explain the issues that we cannot settle with Muhammad. Is our way or his religion better?”
Jews who always concealed the truths that were against them did not hesitate to say, “By God, you are nearer to the truth than him.”
Those words naturally rejoiced polytheists. They started to make preparations to realize their decision.
The Verses that were Revealed
What the Jews told the polytheists was not true; they concealed the truth deliberately. Thereupon, the following verses were sent down:
“Hast thou not turned thy thought to those who were given a portion of the Book? They believe in sorcery and Evil and say to the Unbelievers that they are better guided in the (right) way than the Believers!
They are (men) whom God hath cursed: and those whom God hath cursed, thou wilt find, have no one to help.”
“Some of them believed and some of them averted their faces from him: and enough is Hell for a burning fire.”
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