#efteling humanized
After i humanized Baron 1898 (whom i headcanon as a she/her/they woman), i thought it was time for Python to be humanized! :>
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So here is Python! Her actual name is Petra Velden and shes half human, half python. Her tail is droopy because it's magical. She and Byron (Baron 1898) are besties!
I decided to give her a pixie cut and a tomboy femme outfit. Yes, shes black because i said so. Plus, shes a bisexual kenyan dutch woman.
I made this with the monster girl creator by @Waffalet♡ so credits to them!
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rosie-love98 · 4 months
Recently Discovered Pardoes:
So, thanks to TVTropes, I have recently came across the Efteling amusement park that features the interesting mascot, Pardoes. To my surprise, this guy's got a full out lore about him and his castmates:
There was even a TV series too! You can find the full series on YouTube...but...there are no English subtitles...Still interesting though:
@bunnycakez-xoxo @fragglesesamemuppetz2
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transfem-edward · 1 year
so a bit ago I had the silly idea of the Efteling engines somehow being dragged to sodor for a good ol little narrow gauge hangout [ft the culdee fell, cuz my gf loves them] so here's some random shenanigans from that scenario cuz its entertaining to me -since the concept of mountains and hills are not a thing here, I think the Efteling group would be absolutely starstruck at the idea of going up and down hills. -also also, them being baffled that the culdee group can CLIMB hills [aagje firmly believes this is magic] -since irl neefje can't actually drive, he's carried around on a wagon by the others so he doesn't miss out -the older engines hang out while culdee gets stuck with the younger ones -rheneas and moortje r gay now no one can stop me -the ghost engine trio is watching this go on in pure confusion -dieseltje and rusty, diesel solidarity -culdee got stuck babysitting all the non-grandpa engines [he suffers] -moortje is just complimenting everyone for their paint colours -while TATMR is not canon in this au, I find the idea of agape rambling about magic funny cuz I just imagine the sodor crew looking back at eachother like ''…..oh she doesn't know'' -then again, they don't think like wizard magic is real[there's a certain limit] but moortje tells them to play along cuz it stresses aagje out.
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jarhara · 1 year
As teased a few weeks (?!) ago, a few additions to my "coasterverse":
The Alton towers inspired "Secret Weapons Special Strike Force" is part of the larger "Watchtower Society", a multi national secret organization with many departments that don't necessarily know what most of the others are doing. For example, the existence of other super powerd (roller coaster inspired) team that even Hex as part of SW administration didn't know about. This is the efteling team.
Much like my secret weapons and defunct holiday park team, was founded by a Vekoma, an older cousin of the Corkscrews twins,who is still the leader of the team (Python). Much like my other two Vekoma OCs, she's a slender and very swift female but to represent the phytons re-track, her right arm is robotic.
Another one that mirrors the SWs team, Baron 1898, is Orson's "twin" (I will not stop being cryptic about Orson's origin) with a different set of powers (I am strongly considering that he can turn incorporeal and fly, much like the white women in the rides story). He's much more confident and controlled then Orson but doesn't know about their origin either.
I don't have a lot more on the efteling inspired team yet other then them being much more of a coherent team as opposed to the thrown together bunch of crazies that's the secret weapons 😅
To finish things off, some thoughts on the remaining efteling coasters:
Max & Moritz will definitely not be included in this. I liked the coasters but I know the story it's themed after just too well...
Joris/George and the Dragon might not be included for a similar reason. Considering that the coasters are two dragons, making the character a dragon trainer seems a little too OP for my taste.
Vogel Rok has me stumped on character ideas so far, maybe I'll come up with something at some point but it's not likely.
The flying Dutchman is one I'd love to include but I am still lacking character ideas.. Ghost pirate would be much to obvious but maybe I'll go for water or weather powers (inspired by the 2nd and 3rd dark ride scenes of the coaster)
Bonus: after how important Hex became as a handler and administrator of the secret weapons and how much I loved Villa Volta, I might try to include them in a similar capacity, I just might not take much from the rides story (it's really not for me)
Anyway, ramble is over. I'm open for questions and inspirations, be it for Alton, Efteling or my overarching themepark inspired super hero universe
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vogelmeister · 1 year
things that didn’t happen in goud: covid
things that did happen in goud: mark rutte, apparently
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germanicseidr · 4 years
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Mannetje van Willemstad
Last year I wrote a post about the belief in gnomes. Gnomes are an important aspect of Germanic spirituality. They are found all over Europe, in all the Germanic countries and in other cultures like the Celtic and Slavic culture. Gnomes are believed to be tiny beings who like to live close to humans, preferably inside a human's home.
Gnomes in most traditions act like guardian spirits who protect your house or family if you act kindly towards these guardian spirits. They can however also be quite malicious in some traditions. The Scandinavians know them as: the Nisse, Jólasveinar, Húsvaettir. The Dutch know them as: Kobolds, Dwergen, Aardmannetjes, Alvermannen, Aardgeesten and Kabouters, derived from the proto-Germanic words kubô-Walda meaning house/shed ruler/friend.
The English people have many names for different kinds of gnomes like the Hobs. The Hob is the main inspiration of the house elves you find in the Harry Potter books. To get rid of a Hob in your home, you had to present a piece of clothing to it, just like in the Harry Potter books. (I had to mention this as a huge Harry Potter nerd)
The German people know them as Kobolds, Kaukis and the Heinzelmännchen. Like the Dutch counterparts, these beings are helpful and sensitive but will leave you forever if you look for them. The Slavs know them as the: Šotek, Domovoj and Kikimora. The Kikimora can be spotted in the Witcher 3 game.
The Irish people know them as Leprechauns, Greeks as the Kallikantzaros, The Swiss as the Barbegazi, the French as the Nain Rouge and the Spanish/Portuguese know them as the Duende. As you can see, the belief in these little household guardians is widespread. In my previous post I made the suggestion that the belief in gnomes was brought to Europe by the Proto-indo European people but there is possible evidence that gnomes were already known by the ancient European people because of the 'Mannetje van Willemstad'.
Gnomes are especially important creatures in Dutch mythology. The belief in these little guys has been woven strongly into local folklore and every modern day Dutch person knows the Kabouter Spillebeen song. (the age of this song is unknown but it has been passed on by oral tradition so it could very well be a Pre-Christian song) During the construction of the Deltawerken, an important Dutch defense line against the sea, a construction worker found a very special little wooden man on 21st April 1966.
8 meters below sealevel, a little wooden statue was found which was deliberately placed between the roots of an oak tree. The little statue is about 12,5 centimeters tall. Its age was determined to be around 7500 years old with the help of c-14 dating. This makes the statue very unique.
Some historians believe that this little statue could be a portrayal of a gnome. The fact that it was deliberately placed between the roots of an oak tree suggests this was no mere toy but an object most likely used by a shaman or priest in a shamanic ritual. Keep in mind that this statue was buried around the year 5400BC, centuries before polytheistic religions were introduced in western Europe.
We know that hunter-and-gatherer tribes in Western and Northern Europe used rituals to bury their dead and that they had shamans who used objects like this little statue to keep in contact with the spirit world. If this statue is really a portrayal of a gnome, then the belief in gnomes is much older than previously believed. This statue was buried 2500 years before the arrival of the Proto-Indo-Europeans.
If you follow the continental Germanic pagan path, or basically any other European pagan path, don't just worship the Gods and your ancestors. Keep in mind that these little beings still guard your homes after thousands of years and you could try to show them your appreciation by giving them an offering like a small dish of milk.
You can visit the statue of Willemstad in the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden, the Netherlands.
Here are pictures of: Mannetje van Willemstad,  Kabouter Spillebeen painting, Gnomes in the Efteling, the Netherlands, picture taken by me,
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So my friends decided to make a bucket list and they made the mistake of letting me join so welcome to me making my friends lose hope
Bucket list summer 2020
Make a campfire
make a song
make a movie
break into an abandoned building
party on a rooftop
go to the beach
Make outfits for each other and actually wear them
Join anonymous
Murder trump
Travel without destination
Swimming somewhere random
Sleepover under the stars
Land van ooit (abandoned moviepark)
Go to a concert from a random band
Go to a museum nobody knows of
Rent a boat and go full pirate
Get tattooed
Become eco fascist
Commit genocide
Watch the sunrise
Make icecream from the fruits you picked yourself
Watch the stars and make up constellations ourselves with backstories
Buy cheap cd’s of which we don’t know the artists and either make HELLA fun of it or find new bops
Buy cheap old books and do the same thing
Get lost and find your way home without maps
Gay bar :)
Make a giant worm on a string with furby head
Make letters to each other about the vacation so we’ll never forget or like keep a diary type thing and make it pretty with dried flowers
Make a time travel box thing u know the thing
Become ducks
Steal a cow lol ok please from a slautherhouse then
Make icecreams with random ingredients and dont tell the other that you did or what it is
Tame crows, they’re cool and they’ll follow us
Steal a baby
Make a crown out of tiny babies
Kill the patriarchy
End humanity
Gib tedt all the power
Take the president hostage
Make orange flavored toothpaste and watch the world burn
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The 30th fairytale in Fairytale Forest, Efteling, is "The Six Swans".
A King gets lost in a forest, and an old woman helps him, on the condition that he marry her beautiful daughter. The King has a bad feeling about this but accepts anyway. He has six sons and a daughter from his first marriage, however, and fears that the children will be targeted by his new wife; so he sends them away and visits them in secret.
The new queen and now stepmother, who has learned witchcraft from her mother, finds out about her six stepsons and decides to get them out of her way. She sews six magical shirts and goes to the hidden castle where the children are hidden for safety, then tosses the shirts over the boys and transforms them into swans.
The brothers can only take their human forms for fifteen minutes every evening. They tell their still human younger sister that they have heard of a way to break such curses: she must make six shirts out of asters (or nettles, depending on the retelling) and can't make a sound or shed a tear for six years or the spell will never be broken. The girl agrees to do this, dedicating herself solely to gathering the asters and sewing in silence.
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yourlocaleftelinghoe · 3 months
So, i have people seeing turning Alton Towers coasters into humans, so i thought: "Why not me turning EFTELING coasters into humans?" So i did! :D
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Ladies and Gentleman, meet Baron 1898! She is themed after a haunted victorian goldmine. Her human name is Byron Hooghmoed. She is pansexual, aromantic and is 25 years old.
This is created by https://www.dolldivine.com/female-dandy-fashion by Pichichama cuz i suck at digital art.
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jarhara · 1 year
On one hand, I am trying to distance my secret weapon OCs from Alton Towers itself (going from "humanized coasters" to "inspired by rollercoasters") but on the other hand, I really want to do a bit more work on my extended "coaster verse" like more background on the SWs, their missions, their foundation, the sorry of the failed team created by Super Whirl... And maybe also add a certain other park... Because I've recently been to Efteling and WOW
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mearlinknows · 8 years
A Tag of Things
I was tagged by @sepp-graywolf to do a tag thingie yay! Thanks for tagging me I love doing these~!
Relationship status: Single pringle, though I am trying, and failing, to date myself. What can I say, I’m not the easiest to love.
Favorite color: Green, and I must say I really like deep rich purples and pastel lilacs as well.
Lipstick or chapstick: Isn’t lipstick just chapstick but with color? I don’t really use either, but if I’d had to choose I think lipstick.
Last song I listened to: I haven’t listened to anything in a while, but the song that’s currently stuck in my head is Si Veriash la Rana by Yasmin Levy, a song we use during bellydancing.
Last movie I watched: The Craft, I liked it. I don’t want to talk about the last movie I saw in the cinema though. It was horrible, not a bad movie, and not badly written, but it was just... Infuriating.
Top 3 TV shows: Ohboy, I have watched so many but not a lot of them stuck out to me to be honest. I guess I really liked Penny Dreadful, Misfits and Parks and Rec. Oh and if Cartoons count it’s definitely Steven Universe, Gravity Falls and Rick and Morty!
Top 3 characters: Papa Emeritus III, Robbie Rotten and Spike from Buffy the Vampire slayer. And because this is a male dominated list I’m also making a top 3 for women: Peridot from Steven Universe, Mabel Pines and Lucy from Dracula.
Top 3 ships: Mabel and Mermando, Ruby and Sapphire, Kael’thas and "<insert instance name> was merely a setback”.
Books I’m currently reading: Desolation from Stephen King, I started reading the EDDA ages ago and forgot completely about it and that’s about it I think?
5 things in my bag: An empty laptop bag (because I’m writing this on said laptop), My sketchbook with a comic/childrens book that I need to work out because people keep tellling me I should publish it, study books for the lifeguard (swimming pool) course that I’m following, another notepad, a pen, Information booklets about the swimming pool where I get to do my internship, weed lollipops from that trip to Amsterdam I did a while ago, a weird cardboard cat/lion maw that you can stick on your nose and lastly, a powerbank and a small bottle of lemonade for on the go. Whoops that’s more than 5 I can’t count for shit.
5 things in my room: Okay I will stick to 5 I promise. Lots and lots of Fairylights, Lot’s and lots of empty flowerpots I want to fill with witchy herbs, My baby shaman drum, a game of Cards Against Humanity and a couch that can be turned into a bed covered in pillows so I can have people for sleepovers and make pillow forts in my own room.
5 things on my to-do list: I could do my today’s list but that’s boring and very short since I don’t have any obligations. So let’s do my life’s to do list, which is: take as many people as I can that haven’t been there yet to the Efteling, See Ghost live, make lot’s of costumes and dress up in them, go backpacking with friends and travel a lot and last but not least, build my own tiny house on wheels.
5 things I’m currently into: Bellydancing, the band Ghost, making costumes for conventions that are coming up, learning to rescue swim and I have started playing World of Warcraft again which I’m not sure if it’s a good or a bad thing.
Aaaaaannd I will tag @drjohnwatson @jolinepien @0nionring @indescribablenoise and anyone else that likes doing these tags!
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7 Best Places to Visit in Amsterdam
The capital city of The Netherlands, Amsterdam, is a fascinating spot to visit in Europe.
For a solitary city, the assortment of places to visit in Amsterdam is fascinating, and will not wind up uneventful for any voyager.
With a lofty engineering background, a vibrant creative heritage, a glad history, and an energetic touristic scene, Amsterdam is a highpoint of European cosmopolitanism.
This magnificent city offers a vast assortment of entertainments to the excited voyagers, from touring to social submersions, ensuring that no snapshot of your excursion passes uneventfully.
Craftsmanship and design lie at the very center of Amsterdam’s personality.
Probably the best specialists and planners have lived and created extraordinary works under the tops of Amsterdam, and their outpourings are esteemed and safeguarded with consideration by their relatives.
Visiting Amsterdam and appreciating this legacy is one of the most important things you can do in the city.
Cruising along its incredible channels and admiring the town is another mystical experience.
Furthermore, when in Amsterdam, you can’t yet appreciate the enticing bistros and upscale cafés that line its streets. There are numerous awesome activities in Amsterdam and many bright spots to visit.
This complete rundown of the 12 best places to visit in Amsterdam will kick you off on your way and help you plan a brilliant Amsterdam trip, so proceed and bookmark it.
Top Places to Visit in Amsterdam
#1 Rijks Art Museum
One of the essential national historical centers in the Netherlands, the Rijks Art Museum is well known for its enormous accumulation of significant works of art archiving the significance of Dutch culture.
The historical center’s houses work by specialists like Vermeer, Rembrandt, Frans Hals, and Jacob van Ruisdael among others.
#2 Anne Frank House
The Anne Frank house is the correct house in which Anne Frank and her family covered up during the long periods of the Jewish mistreatment which at last prompted their pulverization.
The house is available to people in general and a historical center devoted to the memory of Anne Frank works inside.
 #3 Efteling Park
A wonderfully themed entertainment mecca which contains attractions impacted by antiquated fantasies and legends, romances, tales, and fables, Efteling Park is one of the most supernatural spots to visit in the perfect Amsterdam.
#4 Van Gogh Museum
A fantastic exhibition hall committed to the life and work of the post-Impressionist painter, Vincent Van Gogh, who was one of the preeminent painters of the nineteenth century, this historical center is an absolute necessity visit when you’re in Amsterdam.
#5 The ice rink in front of I Amsterdam Letters
Located before I Amsterdam Letter, this outdoor ice skating arena is a superb open fascination in Amsterdam.
Of a frigid end of the week, the stadium is loaded up with individuals moving around on the ice, skating, falling, giggling, and having a great deal of fun. In case you’re in for the winters, a stop at this arena is an absolute necessity. It is one of the best places to visit in Amsterdam.
#6 The Amstel River
The Amstel River is a delightful stream coursing through Amsterdam which makes for a picturesque spot to have a good time close.
You can walk around the banks of the stream, cycle nearby it, or sit relaxed on the seats peppered close by the waterway and make the most of its smooth flow.
#7 Body Worlds Museum
Body Worlds is a renowned worldwide fascination which features genuine plastinated bodies which are utilized to guide individuals through the human life structures. It is one of the most sought after places to visit in Amsterdam.
The educators at the gallery make investigating social science a great experience, making a visit here a flat out must.
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So, yesterday i made Python as a human, no it's Vliegende Hollander's turn!
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This is Vliegende Hollander, or in english, the Flying Dutchman! Her actual name is Violet Haag and she is Byron's (Baron 1898) mother, which means Gustave Hooghmoed is Baron's father. Violet is a tomboy pirate who likes to sword fight. Ayo, did you know that this pirate is a straight ally? :0
I made this with a dress up game made by RinmaruGames, cuz ya girl can't draw shit.
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