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teeng1rl · 1 year ago
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us foreal ✧
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furkancankurt · 25 days ago
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voom81 · 22 days ago
Sketch of what I saw driving home from work, which is actually Oscar and I driving to a bubble tea shop.
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sketchesinstillness · 2 years ago
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colorfulartherapy · 16 days ago
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💛Lucy Lou wants too help me draw my bffs valentines card 💕✨@bbgirl-aesthetic20 ✨
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wolfjessedragon · 2 years ago
Based on @liliacamethyst Webs of series
Webs of What if Part 2- Webs of Friendship
A few days later…
Sunny: So I took your advice.
Peter BP: And? How’d it go?
Sunny: He wants to be in the picture, even asked me to move in with him.
Peter BP: That’s great! So when am I gonna get to meet this baby daddy?
Sunny: *chuckles* Actually you know him already
Peter BP: Wait… is he another spider?
Sunny: Yes
Peter BP: Wow, oof that’s gonna be a toughie to explain to Miguel if he ever finds out.
Sunny: Well… about that..
Peter BP: No way!
Sunny: Yeah
Peter BP: You and Miguel?! Shut the front door!
Sunny: *chuckles*
Peter BP: Sunny! Girl! I want the deets, I mean how? You're like this embodiment of warmth and kindness and he’s… he’s…
Sunny: Finish your sentence
Peter BP: Kinda the complete opposite, so how?
Sunny: *sighs* Sure most of the time Miguel can be-
Peter BP: A serious stick in the mud and oftentimes downright terrifying.
Sunny: I was gonna say guarded, but I guess yours works okay. But during those times when it was just the two of us, he was sweet, gentle, vulnerable, like him being with me gave him that freedom to take his armor off and be him. That’s as best as I can describe it.
Peter BP: Wow just wow. How long has this been going on?
Sunny: Well at first he made it clear it was just a sex thing, hooking up for the sake of hooking up, stress relief he had called it.
Peter BP: *clenches his fist and teeth* What?
Sunny: Easy brother from another mother, it’s no longer like that now.
Peter BP: Phew thank goodness because if it still was I would have-
Sunny: Gotten annihilated
Peter BP: Hey!
Sunny: *chuckles then alarm goes off* Oh snap, sorry Peter I gotta bounce. *opens portal back to Earth 586*
Peter BP: We’re talking more about this!
Sunny: *leaves through portal*
Peter BP: Sunny and Miguel… I did not see that coming
Somewhere in Nea Yorkey…
Sunny: *sits in a cafe waiting* C'mon dude, where are you?
*A disheveled woman comes in and sits across from Sunny.*
Sunny: You’re late
???: Sorry Spider Sun
Sunny: You’re fine Veronica, is everything okay? Are you taking your medications?
Veronica: Yes ma’am, I’m being sure to stay on top of my medications. Still having trouble finding a place to live though.
Sunny: That’s actually what I’m hoping to talk to you about. *places a large envelope on the table*
Veronica: What is that?
Sunny: The keys to my apartment, some money, and some other documents. They're for you.
Veronica: What?
Sunny: They’re for you.
Veronica: W-W-Why?
Sunny: Let’s just say I’m moving away. I’m not gonna be in Nea Yorkey as often anymore because of personal stuff. The city is going to need a new protector.
Veronica: No it can’t be me, I nearly destroyed this city, everyone hates me.
Sunny: That was the old you, before you got help. Since then you’ve helped me save this city more times than I can count and more than redeemed yourself in the eyes of the citizens. You’re the best person to take the mantle. Besides, you'll have Venom and Eddie backing you up.
Veronica: I don’t know what to say.
Sunny: Say you’ll try.
Veronica: Okay, I’ll try.
Sunny: Thank you, Vulture.
A couple days later on top of Sunny’s apartment building….
Miguel: *exits the portal and is shocked to see Peter B. Parker and his daughter Mayday, he groans*
Peter BP: Well *groan* to you to
Miguel: What are you doing here?
Peter BP: Waiting with Mayday
Miguel: Is Spider Sun here?
Peter BP: If she was I wouldn’t be out here waiting with Mayday. Also no need for the formalities, I know you and Sunny are a thing and you’re her Baby Daddy.
Miguel: I’ll ask again, what are you doing here?
Peter BP: I’m waiting with Mayday for Sunny so I can help her move to your place.
Miguel: Well your assistance is no longer required so you can-
Peter BP: Yeah I ain’t going anywhere. *glares*
Miguel: *a little taken aback, glares back*
*A tense atmosphere surrounded the two men as they glared each other down like two gunslingers at high noon.*
Sunny: *swings in and sees them* Hey guys *dissipating the tension*
Peter BP: Sunny *high fives*
Sunny: Peter, Mayday *tickles making Mayday giggle then steps to Miguel*
Miguel: *smirks* Soleada *kisses Sunny’s lips softly*
Peter BP: *jokingly gags and covers Mayday’s eyes*
In Sunny’s apartment…
Sunny: *Keeps Mayday busy while Miguel and Peter move the few boxes Sunny has back and forth through the portal. There wasn’t much as Sunny was leaving most of the furniture to Veronica since they take up too much space in Miguel’s place. What was in those boxes were… irreplaceable.*
Miguel: *picks up one of the boxes when something falls out, he goes to put it back when he sees it’s a video and photo camera*
Peter BP: Oh no way *web grabs the camera and starts looking* Sunny look what Miguel found
Sunny: *looks at what Peter is holding and blushes beet red* You wouldn’t dare
Peter BP: *grins mischievously* Miguel check it *shows him a video, in which a much younger Sunny costume’s zipper breaks and she’s frantically trying to get out, then laughs his ass off* It’s like one of those dog paper bag vids *continues laughing*
Sunny: *glares at Peter BP* Oh like you haven’t had wardrobe malfunctions before
Miguel: *somewhat curious briefly scrolls through the other pictures and videos, getting an array of reactions from Sunny*
Sunny: That’s when I first met Venom and Eddie, that’s when Veronica got out of the institution, and- *stops as she sees the picture of a giant bridge*
Miguel: *notices* Estás bien amor?
Sunny: *on the verge of tears* Yeah I’m fine just memories and hormones
Miguel: *just hugs Sunny*
Peter BP: *Pats her back* Tell ya what Sunny, how about one last hurrah?
Sunny: Pardon?
Peter BP: How about the four- I mean five of us go down for dinner to that shindig down the street. Ugh I always forget the name.
Sunny: The Milano?
Peter BP: Yeah that’s it!
Sunny: *looks up at Miguel who just nods* Okay..
A while later at The Milano…
*After a very pleasant meal they’re about to pick up the check when “The Dog Days are Over” by Florence + the Machine comes on the radio.*
Sunny: *pauses and grins*
Peter BP: Uh oh
Miguel: What?
Sunny: *gets up from table and holds out hands* Peter, my tiny partner.
Peter BP: Alright *Hands Mayday to Sunny* Don’t go nuts
Sunny: No promises! *chuckles and starts dancing with Mayday in arms*
Miguel: *just watches her wide eyed, seeing her like this is… woah*
Peter BP: *watches* I might be biased because she’s my best friend but that kid the two of you are having is gonna have an awesome pair of parents.
Miguel: …… thank you and thank you.
Peter BP: Miguel, we may never be buddies but we have got to change our attitudes about each other. Because like it or not we’re gonna be more involved in one another’s lives. If not for each others sakes then for the sake of our families. Can we agree on that? *goes for a handshake*
Miguel: *sighs and shakes Peter’s hand*
Peter BP: Oh and uh one more thing
Miguel: Wha- ow!
Peter BP: *squeezes Miguel’s hand hard* Break Sunny’s heart and I will break every bone in your body.
Miguel: *pulls his hand away* Anotado. Maldito sea, que apretón vicioso tienes.
Peter BP: *chuckles*
Miguel: *watches Sunny dancing with Mayday, finishes his drink, gets up, and walks towards them*
Sunny: *notices Miguel approaching*
Miguel: *bends down to Mayday’s level* Disculpe, señorita Mayday, mind if I steal your dance partner?
Mayday: *squeals excitedly and starts waddling back to her daddy*
Miguel: Now fair warning I got two left feet
Sunny: *giggles and takes Miguel’s hands as they “dance” to the second chorus while Peter BP watches with Mayday in the background.*
Later in Miguel’s apartment…
Sunny: *waves bye at Mayday as Peter holds her while going through the portal*
Miguel: *walks up to her and puts a hand along her waist* Had fun?
Sunny: Yeah, thank you by the way.
Miguel: For what?
Sunny: For a lot of things but to keep it simple just… thank you. *her head leans on his shoulder*
Miguel: Well I have to admit I had fun too. *Looks and grins a little flirtatiously*
Sunny: *bites her lip and blushes*
Miguel: *gives her a peck on the lips then crouches down and kisses her abdomen as he wraps his arms around her* Hey baby, fair warning, your mom is salvaje.
Sunny: *scoffs and playfully hits him*
Miguel: *chuckles* But to be fair, so is your dad.
Sunny: *smirks*
Miguel: One more thing baby, cover your ears. *Suddenly picks her up.*
Sunny: *Yelps then giggles as Miguel carries her to the bedroom.*
{Authors Note: Taking a bit of a creative liberty, I decided to make Earth 586’s Vulture a villain turned hero. (In Veronica’s case here’s the summary she was a homeless girl with serious mental issues taken advantage of by 586’s Doc Oc. Doc Oc performed inhumane experiments on Veronica turning her into a harpy like beast that would be known as Vulture. Fast forward a bit and after a particularly fight where Sunny had found out Vulture’s history as Veronica. How like the vultures, everyone had treated her like pest, Sunny chooses to do what few have done for Veronica. Treat her like a person in need of help. In the aftermath of the fight Sunny got most of the charges on Veronica waved and instead of jail got her put in a good rehabilitation center where she also learned how shift between human and harpy forms. Time passes and there were several times when Sunny was in a bind only for Veronica to come bail her out. And when Sunny started working for the Spider Society, Veronica had occasionally taken her place. (Cause TBH one of the things that kinda bugged me about the Spider Society is that the Spiders would leave their native realities for noticeable amounts of time.) Sunny, now moving in with Miguel, is giving the resources she’ll need to be the full time protector.) Taking further liberties I decided to make some other changes that I will happily answer in the comments and in future posts.}
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wormfood2001 · 1 year ago
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girls meet up and girls sweep up ^_^
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septaylorsversion · 1 year ago
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✨my girls✨
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confettigirll · 17 days ago
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my bebichhichi hiding👀
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fangirl-paba · 2 years ago
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Most Favourite Best Friends. Always and forever!❤️😭
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corvidaemnit · 2 years ago
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I have turned my bestie and I into kittyblobs . this all started because we both agree we are the black cat x orange cat duo literally ever .. I am the black cat btw
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here are some misc doodles in remembrance of that one time we did a haunted mansion escape room
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+ misc extra
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exhaustedshithead · 2 years ago
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mauyatz · 1 year ago
Y tú tienes?...🐰🥕💜
#ConeHolmes 152 #ConeyZeta #paciencia #ejemplo #predicarconelejemplo #hacer #decir #frases #bff #motivacion #MovimientoMarciano 👽
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ekstasybabe · 2 years ago
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me and @openmyeyes420 AF
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certifiedlovergal5 · 2 years ago
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thinking bout getting matching tattoos 🦋
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inverts-in-a-skirt · 2 years ago
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